NOTICE OF RELEASE OF TRUSTEES. o o No. of o Debtor's Name. Debtor's Address. Debtor's Description. Court. Matter. Trustee's Name. Trustee's Address. Trustee's Description. Date ot Release. Ball, William 2, 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Tauntqn- Cab Proprietor High Court of Justice 890 William Rooke 11, Milk-street-buildings, Accountant Nov. 28, 1888 mews, Dorset-square, Middlesex in Bankruptcy of 18SG Cheapside, London Bunting, William Goggs 9, Penywern-road, Earl's Court, Fancy Box Manufac- High Court of Justice 738 Henry John Leslie ... 4, Coleman-street, Lon- Chartered Account- Nov. 29, 1888 (otherwise De Bunting, Middlesex turer in Bankruptcy of 1885 don ant H W. G.) W Rl Campbell, Percy 5, Drapers'-gardens, Throgmorton- Stockbroker High Court of Justice 492 Horace Woodburn 4, Coloman- street, Lon- Chartered Account- Nov. 29, 1888 street, London in Bankruptcy of 1885 Kirby don, E.C. ant t-i O Coulter, Thomas W. Late of 62, Carter-lane, E.C. Coulter, Charles 'A., and ... Late of 62, Carter-lane, E.C. ^ Ennery, L. D Late of 62, Carter-lane, E.G. u (trading as o Coulters and Co.) Lately trading at 62, Carter-lane, Shippers and Mer- High Court of Justice 1249 Frederick Adolphus 82, Queen-street, Cheap- Chartered Account- Nov. 29, 1888 London, and residing at 54, chants ' in Bankruptcy of 1886 Rawlings side, E.C. ant Addison-road, Kensington, Mid- dlesex • Cox, William Joseph 253, Portobello-road, Netting Hill, Upholsterer and Cabi- High Court of Justice 951 Pullam Markham 2, Gresham - buildings, Chartered Account- Nov.
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