2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 First Quarter


1. The fourth section of this novel involves the desertion of its protagonist in Mexico City by a man who represents Neal Cassady. That man romances Inez, Camille, and Mary Lou. This novel’s protagonist meets Old Bull Lee and Carlo Marx, who represent William Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg. In this novel, Dean Moriarty travels across the country with a character who represents the author, Sal Paradise. For 10 points, identify this Beat Generation novel by Jack Kerouac. ANSWER: On the Road 117-12-66-05101 2. Roger Cotes wrote the preface to this scientist's most famous piece of writing. He expounded upon the nature of colored light in his Opticks. This man related the heat loss for a body to the difference in the temperatures of the body and the surroundings in his Law of Cooling, and he created an inverse square law for universal gravitation. This man, who is the namesake of the SI unit for force. For 10 points, identify this British physicist who was allegedly inspired by a falling apple. ANSWER: Sir Isaac Newton 189-12-66-05102 3. This Russian was declared the “Organizer of Victory” by Karl Radek, and he was sent to Belarus to negotiate the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. A promoter of “permanent revolution,” this man led the Red Army during the Russian Civil War. Lazaro Cardenas welcomed this man to Mexico, where he was assassinated by Ramon Mercador with an ice-pick. For 10 points, name this Russian revolutionary who feuded with Stalin after Lenin’s death. ANSWER: Leon Trotsky 149-12-66-05103 4. One member of this family instituted the Feast of the Transfiguration and proclaimed the innocence of Joan of Arc. That man’s nephew from this family established the center of the University of Rome and commissioned the plans for St. Peter’s Basilica. Those members of this family were Calixtus III and Alexander VI. Another of them had the motto “Caesar or nothing,” and was the basis for Machiavelli’s The Prince. For 10 points, name this Italian family that included Cesare and Lucrezia. ANSWER: Borgia 030-12-66-05104 5. Louis Brandeis advocated for this state’s labor laws with the first "Brandeis Brief" in the Supreme Court case of Muller v. this state. The first permanent European settlement in this state was the fur trading post Fort Astoria. This state was the site of the boundary dispute which led to slogans like “fifty-four forty or fight!” A historical trail to this state begins in Independence, Missouri and ends in the Willamette Valley. For 10 points, identify this Pacific Northwest state with capital at Salem. ANSWER: Oregon 126-12-66-05105

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 1 of 10 6. The Rio Protocol governed the border between this country and neighboring Peru, which started a conflict with this country in 1995 over the disputed Condor Cordillera. This country was liberated from Spanish rule at the Battle of Pichincha. This country contains a highland region called La Sierra, which is the location of its highest point, Chimborazo. For 10 points, name this country, the home of Mount Cotapaxi, which also claims the Galapagos islands. ANSWER: Ecuador 194-12-66-05106 7. One schism in this faith was caused by Elias Hicks, who claimed that scripture was subordinate to the "inner light" of God. One leader of this faith signed a peace treaty with the Delaware Indians in his namesake colony in 1683. Other members of this faith include the suffragettes Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony. They are best known for their refusal to swear oaths and principle of non-violence. For 10 points, name this sect of Christianity followed by William Penn. ANSWER: Quakers [or Quakerism; or Religious Society of Friends] 005-12-66-05107 8. Harry Beck created a simplified version of one of these objects for the London Underground. The “T and O” style was common in these during the Middle Ages. Arno Peters criticized another type as promoting Eurocentrism. Martin Waldseemuller produced a famous example that popularized the term “America,” about fifty years before one allowing navigators to plot bearings as straight lines was developed by Gerardus Mercator. For 10 points, name these flat representations of boundaries or routes. ANSWER: maps 121-12-66-05108 9. In this movie, a man named Ugarte carries documents used to escape to Lisbon. A group of Germans in this film singing "Die (VAHKT) Wacht am Rhein" is drowned out by the concurrent singing of "La Marseillaise" ordered by Victor Laszlo. At the end of this movie, Ilsa departs on a plane after provocations from Rick Blaine, who tells Louis that he believes they will have a beautiful friendship. For 10 points, name this film starring Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart, who meet again in a Moroccan city. ANSWER: Casablanca 192-12-66-05109 10. In the Reagan administration, the holder of this position divided the electorate into "liberals and Americans" and stated his job didn't matter because the Second Coming was at hand. Besides James Watt, its occupants have included Richard Ballinger, who feuded with Gifford Pinchot, and Albert Fall, who was implicated in the Teapot Dome Scandal. For 10 points, name this Cabinet position held in Obama's first term by Ken Salazar, who oversees the Bureau of Land Management and the National Park Service. ANSWER: Secretary of the Interior 080-12-66-05110

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 2 of 10 2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Second Quarter

1. This non-American political figure proposed the Clean Air Act to address the Kyoto Protocol and withdrew his country from that agreement in late 2011. In the May 2011 federal election, his Conservative party won a majority, while Michael Ignatieff's Liberal party won only 34 seats. For 10 points, name this political figure who has served as Canada's prime minister since the 2006 election. ANSWER: Stephen Harper [10] This party, which finished second in 2011 federal election voting, was led by Jack Layton until his August 2011 death. ANSWER: New Democratic Party [or NDP; or Nouveau Parti democratique] 194-12-66-05101 2. This leader was victorious over Baibars at Damietta. This ruler was captured at the Battle of Fariskur while attempting to conquer Egypt, and another of his campaigns took place in Tunis, where he died from typhoid fever. This man was the brother of Robert of Artois, and he led the Seventh and Eighth Crusades. For 10 points, identify this man who ruled from 1226 to 1270, the only French king to be canonized. ANSWER: Louis IX [or Saint Louis; prompt on Louis] BONUS. What granddaughter of Eleanor of Aquitaine negotiated an end to the Albigensian Crusade and ruled France as regent during the absences of her son Louis IX? ANSWER: Blanche of Castile 189-12-66-05102 3. Daniel Chester French's statue of Lincoln in the Lincoln Memorial includes this symbol in the arms of Lincoln's chair. These objects were carried by lictors, who accompanied praetors and consuls. Consisting of a bundle of sticks with an axehead tied in, they symbolized imperium in ancient Rome. For 10 points, name this symbol of power that lent its name to an authoritarian philosophy espoused by Benito Mussolini. ANSWER: the fasces BONUS. What other Roman office was charged with representing the common people, and had extensive powers to veto or to physically obstruct Senate meetings? ANSWER: plebeian tribune [or tribunus plebis] 080-12-66-05103 4. After losing his virginity to a prostitute, this man purportedly said that his chosen game was more fun. This man defeated Donald Byrne at age 13 in the "game of the century." In 1972, this man defeated Boris Spassky in Reykjavik; he got into trouble later for rematching Spassky in Yugoslavia and for proclaiming "It's time to start randomly killing Jews." For 10 points, name this legendary American chess player. ANSWER: Robert James "Bobby" Fischer BONUS: What Russian grandmaster lost to IBM's computer Deep Blue in 1997? ANSWER: Garry Kasparov 080-12-66-05104

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 3 of 10 5. Frank Hamer pursued these people after they attacked Texas's Eastham prison to free their compatriots Raymond Hamilton and Henry Methvin. Photos that this pair left behind in Joplin, Missouri captured the public imagination and led police to accuse one of being a “cigar-smoking gun moll.” In May 1934, they were killed in a shootout with police in Louisiana. For 10 points, name this male-female duo that went on a Depression-era crime spree. ANSWER: Bonnie and Clyde [or Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow; order of names is not important, but do not accept or prompt on the name of only one of the pair] BONUS. Another popular criminal of the era was this man, known as “public enemy number one,” who was killed by FBI agents at the Biograph Theater in Chicago in 1934. ANSWER: John Herbert Dillinger, Jr. 019-12-66-05105 6. This ruler died during the Siege of Szigetvar (SIG-et-vahr), and his conflicts with ultimately led to the Peace of . This ruler supported John Zapolya's ascendancy to the Hungarian throne, and this man defeated Louis II at the Battle of (MO-hotch) Mohacs. This man tried and failed twice in besieging Vienna, and he was the son of Selim the Grim. For 10 points, identify this Ottoman sultan whose epithet is indicative of his great status. ANSWER: [prompt on just Suleiman; accept Suleiman I; or Suleiman the Lawgiver; or Suleiman Kaanooni] BONUS: This Ottoman military force was originally composed of Christian youths who had been captured. They were originally formed by Murad I and disbanded in the Auspicious Incident. ANSWER: janissaries [or janissary force] 189-12-66-05106 7. This academic figure was the subject of a controversial Gary Larson cartoon that called her a “tramp”. This author’s book In the Shadow of Man describes her early years at Gombe Stream Reserve after being chosen to study alongside Louis Leakey. For 10 points, name this conservationist, known as the world’s foremost expert on chimpanzees. ANSWER: Dame Jane Morris Goodall BONUS: Gombe Stream Reserve is located in this nation, which contains the Olduvai Gorge and most of Serengeti National Park. ANSWER: Tanzania 117-12-66-05107 8. The losing vice presidential candidate in this election was Charles C. Pinckney. By noting the eventual winner was “by far not so dangerous a man” as another, Alexander Hamilton convinced the House of Representatives to vote against Aaron Burr to break the tie in this election. For 10 points, name this election in which Thomas Jefferson defeated incumbent John Adams. ANSWER: Election of 1800 BONUS: During the XYZ Affair, what future Supreme Court justice joined Pinckney and Elbridge Gerry as special commissioners to France? ANSWER: John Marshall


2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 4 of 10 2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Third Quarter

SEVENTEENTH CENTURY NEW ENGLAND The Massachusetts Bay Colony... 1. was founded with the landing at what famous rock? ANSWER: Plymouth Rock 2. Banished Anne Hutchinson, who then went on to help found what colony with Roger Williams? ANSWER: Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 3. Consisted mostly of what religious group that tried to reform the Church of England from within? ANSWER: Puritans [do not accept "separating Puritans"; do not accept "Separatists"] 4. Was envisioned as a "city upon a hill" by what governor? ANSWER: John Winthrop 5. Was subject to what revolt by Metacomet, who was killed by Benjamin Church? ANSWER: King Philip's War 6. Executed Margaret Jones for what crime? ANSWER: witchcraft 7. Was involved in the Pequot War, during which John Mason burned six hundred Pequots in what massacre? ANSWER: Mystic Massacre [or Misistuck Massacre] 8. Hung Mary Dyer and the other Boston martyrs for repeatedly defying the ban on what religious group? ANSWER: Quakers [or the Religious Society of Friends; or Friends Church] 066-12-66-0510-1

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 5 of 10 RICHARD J. DALEY Richard J. Daley... 1. Was mayor of what Illinois city? ANSWER: Chicago 2. Was a member of what political party? ANSWER: Democratic Party 3. Helped whom carry Illinois and win the 1960 Presidential election? ANSWER: John Fitzgerald Kennedy 4. Expanded what airport for commercial flights? ANSWER: O'Hare International Airport [or ORD] 5. Served as Secretary of Finance for what Illinois governor and two-time opponent of Dwight Eisenhower? ANSWER: Adlai Ewing Stevenson II 6. Was accused of using "Gestapo tactics" at what meeting? ANSWER: 1968 Democratic National Convention [or 1968 DNC; prompt on partial answer] 7. Was the chairman of the party organization of what Illinois county? ANSWER: Cook County 8. Hired Orlando Wilson to head what city department after eight members were found to be part of a burglary ring? ANSWER: Chicago Police Department [or CPD] 121-12-66-0510-1

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 6 of 10 POST-WORLD WAR II AMERICA Following World War II, which…... 1. Asian nation was in poor shape after being bombed at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? ANSWER: Japan [or Nihon-koku; or Nippon-koku] 2. 33rd American President and Vice President to FDR was in power? ANSWER: Harry S. Truman 3. Company made the top-selling Chevrolet and Cadillac lines of cars? ANSWER: GM [or General Motors] 4. Wisconsin Senator led "witch-hunts" against potential Communists? ANSWER: Joseph Raymond McCarthy 5. Organization was formed as a successor to the Office of Strategic Services? ANSWER: CIA [or Central Intelligence Agency] 6. Secretary of State was the namesake of a financial plan to aid European nations? ANSWER: George Catlett Marshall 7. Piece of legislation amended the Wagner Act over the President's veto? ANSWER: Taft-Hartley Act [or Taft-Hartley Bill] 8. Tennessee Senator led hearings against the Mafia and comic books? ANSWER: Estes Kefauver 189-12-66-0510-1

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 7 of 10 2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Fourth Quarter

1. Early in this event, Sheriff William McCleary sent in deputies after receiving instructions from corporate attorney Philander Knox. Security personnel were brought in on barges during this event, while their enemies sent an oil-soaked raft towards the barges to try to burn them out. During this event, Alexander (+) Berkman, the lover of Emma Goldman, tried to kill an executive. Henry Clay Frick called in the (*) Pinkertons as security during it, and it failed to make Carnegie a union shop. For 10 points, name this strike which took place at the namesake steel works in Pennsylvania in 1892. ANSWER: Homestead Strike 052-12-66-05101 2. One of this empire's kings died after accidentally stabbing himself in the thigh, perhaps as divine punishment for stabbing the Apis bull. Another of its leaders has a namesake cylinder that has been interpreted an early "charter of human rights" as it shows respect for a conquered people's religion. This empire's forces defeated (+) Nabonidus at the battle of Opis, paving the way for the return of the Jews to (*) Jerusalem. It set up the Royal Road and other highways to link its regions led by satraps. For 10 points, name this empire founded by Cyrus the Great that was based in modern-day Iran. ANSWER: First Persian Empire [or Achaemenid Persian Empire] 052-12-66-05102 3. During this man's reign, the Catholic Church was given control over schooling by the (gee-ZO) Guizot law. Giuseppe Fieschi intended to kill this ruler with an (+) "infernal machine" that fired musket balls from twenty-five barrels. This ruler was portrayed as a (*) pear and as Gargantua by caricaturist Honore Daumier. This ruler twice had as his prime minister Adolphe (TEERS) Thiers. Coming to power in 1830, this successor to Charles X came from the House of Orleans. For 10 points, name this French king who ruled during the July Monarchy. ANSWER: Louis Philippe I 149-12-66-05103 4. Some historians claim that this event started as a way for the Putnam family to get revenge on their rivals, the Porters. During this event, Mary Sibly had a cake made out of rye and young girls' urine fed to a (+) dog. William Phips convoked a Court of Oyer and Terminer during it, whose victims included a slave named (*) Tituba and John Proctor. It began when Abigail Williams and Betty Parris went into fits and accused two women of being responsible. For 10 points, name this 1692 event, an outbreak of spurious accusations of black magic in colonial Massachusetts. ANSWER: the Salem Witch Trials 080-12-66-05104 5. This event was stoked by the prosecution of William Sancroft and by the issuance of the second Declaration of Indulgence. The birth of a son to Queen Mary of Modena stoked anti-(+)Catholic fears that helped fuel this event, which began with a landing at Brixham. It culminated with the (*) Convention Parliament and the adoption of the Bill of Rights. For 10 points, name this event sometimes known as the Bloodless Revolution of 1688 in which James II was deposed in favor of William of Orange and Mary II. ANSWER: Glorious Revolution [accept Bloodless Revolution before mentioned] 030-12-66-05105

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 8 of 10 6. The earliest orchestral version of this work left out "Tuileries" and several other movements. Five of its movements have the same title and feature a theme in (+) alternating 5/4 and 6/4 bars, which is quoted in "Catacombs." This work's most commonly performed orchestral arrangement uses a high muted trumpet to represent Schmuyle, and is by Maurice (*) Ravel. It is based on works of Victor Hartman, one of which was entered into an architecture competition for Alexander II. For 10 points, name this Mussorgsky work which features several Promenades and "The Great Gate of Kiev." ANSWER: Pictures at an Exhibition [or Kartinki s vystavki] 142-12-66-05106 7. In 2007, a Masjid described by this adjective was besieged by the Pakistani government. An “army faction” with this name was responsible for setting off the “German Autumn”. Another group with this adjective in its name kidnapped Prime Minister (+) Aldo Moro. Another event described by this adjective saw Joseph Welch yell “Have you no sense of (*) decency, sir?” during a series of hearings about the Army. That period also saw HUAC create a Hollywood Blacklist. For 10 points, give this color, which describes a Joseph-McCarthy-led anti-communist “Scare”. ANSWER: Red 048-12-66-05107 8. Senator Edmund G. Ross wrote a history of this event and was praised in Profiles in Courage for his conduct during it. One reason for its failure was popular reluctance to hand power over to Benjamin (+) Wade. This event occurred after one concerned party barricaded himself in his office to prevent the appointment of Lorenzo Thomas. It occurred after its target violated the (*) Tenure of Office Act by attempting to remove Edwin Stanton, defying the Radical Republicans. For 10 points, name this 1868 proceeding that sought to unseat Abraham Lincoln's successor. ANSWER: the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson 080-12-66-05108

2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Page 9 of 10 2012 NHBB Set A Bowl Round 5 Extra Questions

This leader failed to sue three journalists for libel in 1989 following his involvement with the Propaganda 2 lodge, and this leader was once found to have bribed David Mills. This major shareholder of Mediaset was accused by a woman named (+) Karima El Mahroug, also known as Ruby Rubacuori, of being involved in "bunga bunga parties" with underage girls. This politician was frequently opposed by (*) Romano Prodi, and was replaced by Mario Monti in his most famous position. For 10 points, identify this man who, between 1994 and 2011, served three times as Prime Minister of Italy. ANSWER: Silvio Berlusconi 189-12-66-0510-1 In solidarity with this city's Jews, Gentiles here wore stars reading "Zulu" or "Buddhist" and kept their heads down in public, leading to this city being nicknamed "the city that never looks at you." In 1961, Maurice Papon, the head of police in this city, crushed a pro-FLN demonstration here. Francois (+) Mitterand was succeeded by a mayor from this city, which fell to Germans in May (*) 1940, causing the capital to be moved to Vichy. For 10 points, name this city where in a famous photograph Adolf Hitler posed in front of the Eiffel Tower. ANSWER: Paris 020-12-66-0510-1

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