Autumn Newsletter 2014
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AUTUMN NEWSLETTER 2014 Issue No. 169 INSIDE Future 4 Simon Says! Stale Fuel 5 Clare Hay 6 Gregor Rusden 7 Some Thoughts on 30-98 Vauxhall v 3 Litre 10 New Regulations for Historic Club Permeits in 12 In 15 The Wonders of Modern 16 The Bentley from 18 Chassis 246 Sentimental “Reunion” 22 The Bentley Drivers Club of Australia Inc. founded in 1956 Autumn Newsletter 2014 From the Secretary My thanks go to our contributors to this issue, especially John Lawson for his great report on the Gregor Rusden Run, to Simon Elliott for his technical titbits, to Peter Crauford who is in the very fortunate Founded in 1956 position of owning both a 3 litre Bentley and a 30/98 Vauxhall, and to the Editor of The Automobile for the article by Dennis Harrison on the Committee 2014/2015 ex-Rainsford 6 ½ litre. President: Barry Batagol Photos were generously supplied by Karen Holland, Wayne (03) 8663 7555 (BH) Fitzgerald, Elizabeth Crauford, Christine and Tony Johns, Michael Hood, [email protected] Darryl Stanisich, John Lackey and Ian Bruce. We would have a slim issue Secretary: Phil Schudmak without them! 0412 560 563 [email protected] Rod Amos of the VSCC has been doing a wonderful job trying to get the new technical regulations sorted for the cars on the Victorian Club Treasurer: Tony Johns Permit scheme. This has been a very long and difficult task and we hope it 0419 009 898 will come to a successful conclusion very soon. We all owe Rod our thanks [email protected] for his time, skill and persistence. I’ve given a report on where we thought Newsletter Editor: Vacant we were a month or so ago, but we are still awaiting an official go-ahead from Vicroads. Webmaster: Wayne Fitzgerald 0419 774 949 I have given an up-date on The Book on page 6. Clare Hay and Bob ZD\QHBÀW]#ELJSRQGFRP Watson have now largely completed writing the text for their contributions &OXE3HUPLW2IÀFHU 3KLO6FKXGPDN on the history and Clare did further research during her recent visit. She 0412 560 563 has an enormous capacity for hard work and is blessed with a photographic memory. She can tell you the history, chassis and engine number of almost Tony Johns any vintage Bentley from 20 paces. Quite remarkable. Progress has slowed 0419 009 898 a little recently while Tony Johns, our joint chief co-ordinator, is absent on Commitee Members: Des Dillon a prolonged European jaunt. Much work still has to be done in identifying John McQuay and cataloguing hundreds of photos, as well as getting everything prepared Gary McMillan sorted for pre-publication, which could still be a year away. Simon Elliott Wayne Fitzgerald Happy motoring, Rod Hanson Darryl Stanisich Website: Address: 52 Kenmare Street Mont Albert Victoria, 3129 2014 AUTUMN NEWSLETTER Founded in 1956 Issue No. 169 ,QFRUSRUDWLRQ1R$$ Phil Schudmak - Secretary 4 ...................... FrontFr Cover: 5 .............. INSIDE rning. Future Events.............................. Simon Says! Stale Fuel Wa Clare Hay 6 15 Gregor Rusden 7 Some Thoughts on 30-98 Vauxhall v 3 Litre 10 18 GreatG Bentley driving in western Gippsland on the .......... 22 New Regulations for Historic Club Permeits in 12 In Remembrance........................................................... The Wonders of Modern 16 The Bentley from Bhavnagar roadr to Jinks Creek (photo: Wayne Fitzgerald) Chassis 246 Sentimental “Reunion”................... Autumn Newsletter 2014 The Bentley Drivers Club of Australia Inc. founded in 1956 2 %HQWOH\'ULYHUV&OXERI$XVWUDOLD$XWXPQ A note from the president his 4 ½ to other members and last year lent his gearbox to John McQuay who was heading off to the UK for an extended tour. John could not get his gearbox repaired in time, so Clive’s 4 ½ sat in his garage immobile for many months until John returned it, (apparently after a bit of TLC to return it to “as new” condition). As Clive Smith could not attend at Jinks Creek, we had a good excuse to arrange a run to Mt Macedon the following month for a drink at Clive and Carolyn’s house followed by lunch at the Mt Macedon pub. This was an enjoyable drive with a slow foggy drive across the mountain in an atmosphere that could have very well been in the UK. Thank you John McQuay for the organization, and especially to Clive and Carolyn for their generous hospitality. During Clare Hay’s visit in April to further work on “our Book” we arranged a very pleasant dinner and chat session in Carlton and it was a rare privilege to have someone of such international stature available for our questions and discussions. Clare’s knowledge about WO’s is unequalled in it detail and breadth and everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable and informative evening, Thank you Wayne Fitzgerald for the organising. Greetings all, Several members are overseas currently with their WO’s Well the year is already almost half done and I hope you including the Johns, McMillan’s, Peter Graham and Jenny have all been enjoying your WO in a way that gives pleasure Lebens. We look forward to hearing all about the “Europe to you and yours which should not be a difficult task. by Bentley Rally” on their return. I certainly have been getting more than my fair share of A future special event is the Graeme Miller Trophy award enjoyment in our Speed Six. My personal highlight was to be presented at Jimmy Watson’s on July 10, which is a the privilege of being invited to run the car at this year’s most appropriate venue as Graeme was an enthusiastic and Australian Grand Prix Historic Demonstration held at the regular patron. challenging and exciting Albert Park circuit. The Speed Six A Technical Workshop will be held at the Derby Works was certainly the largest car on the track but she was not with a BBQ lunch on June 14 which is a new type of the slowest. There was a great deal of interest shown by the event for us and will hopefully follow the successful UK public in the car at the Historic Demonstration garages examples. Thank you Simon and to Gary McMillan, who where it was one of the most popular attractions, no has promised to man the BBQ. doubt because of its sheer size compared to the other more modern race cars. Plans are well under way with the route planning for both the BDC of WA “Great Drive” to Port Douglas during We have had some interesting events in Victoria which April/May 2015 and the National Rally to Albany in have been well supported. WA on 16 Oct to 3 Nov this year. The National Rally is It was our turn to organize the annual Gregor Rusden being well supported by our members many of whom are event which is run in conjunction with the Delage Club. returning to the east via the Nullarbor, which I think is We managed to find some wonderfully uncrowded roads in quite impressive. South Gippsland, which were new to many of the entrants, all of whom enjoyed a casual drink and lunch at the Jinks Finally the Newsletter is being again managed by Phil Creek Winery destination. Schudmak who would welcome articles and photos of interest from our members, so please don’t be shy. Thank The Gregor Rusden Trophy is awarded to a club member you Phil who performs an act of generosity or “clubmanship” and was awarded this year to Clive Smith. Clive has often lent Hope to see you on the road in your WO. Barry Batagol %HQWOH\'ULYHUV&OXERI$XVWUDOLD$XWXPQ3 FUTURE EVENTS 2014 Saturday, June 14th 7HFKZRUNVKRSDQG%%4DW7KH'HUE\:RUNV Thursday, July 10th *UDHPH0LOOHU$ZDUGSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGGLQQHUDW-LPP\:DWVRQ·V Carlton. Sunday, August 17th VSCC Rob Roy Hillclimb and breakfast Sunday, September 7th Annual General Meeting and lunch September, 19th to 24th *HRUJH*UHHQDQG96&&$OSLQH5DOOLHV :DJJD October 21st to November National Bentley Rally, Perth and SW of Western Australia, 11th and return via the Nullarbor. Sunday, November 16th 3XU6DQJ5XQ WREHFRQÀUPHG 2015 April 18th - May 12th “The Great Aussie Bentley Drive”: Melbourne to Port Douglas, Queensland – organised by the BDCWA. 28 days, 5400km. Contact Michael Hood. Phone (08) 9386 2999, or [email protected]. Some years ago the BDC in the UK New Bentley Blazers supplied special fabric in traditional club colours to be made into rather smart blazers by your favourite tailor. This material has been out of stock for some years and we are told they do not have any plans for it to be remade. Our friends in the BDC of WA (many of whom are also members of ours) managed to buy the last bolt of this fabric from the UK and had it made up into blazers and waistcoats. However, this has also been sold out for some years and they are looking to have some more made to special order. They will need to know how much to order. If you are at all interested, please contact Michael Hood, the Secretary of the BDC of WA at 08 9386 2999 or at michael@ He will be happy to give you an estimate of costings and all the other details. %HQWOH\'ULYHUV&OXERI$XVWUDOLD$XWXPQ SIMON SAYS! Stale fuel warning: green and had also hampered the 91 octane) fouling the plugs without float needle and seat operation whilst any visible evidence.