2/5/17 The European Union: History, Structure, Future Senior Scholars Spring 2017 Prof. Kenneth F. Ledford
[email protected] 368-4144 DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY Frank-Walter Steinmeier “But among most U.S. allies, Trump’s attitudes ‘caused astonishment and excitement, not just in Brussels,’ German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told reporters Monday in Brussels. Coming directly from a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Steinmeier said NATO had listened to Trump’s comments ‘with concern.’” DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY The European Union Sigmar Gabriel “’Those were highly nationalistic • “Talking Shop” sounds,’ he said to ZDF about the – Quasselbude inaugural address. ‘The only things missing were concepts such as calling • “System Parties” the parliament a ‘talking shop,’ or – Systemparteien talking about the ‘system parties.’ • “Lying Press” Then you would reach the political rhetoric of the Conservatives and – Lügenpresse Reactionaries of the twenties in the • Goebbels and Hitler in the 1920s twentieth century. He really means it • Rhetoric every German knows; now used by neo-Nazis in the seriously, and I think that we need to get ready for a rough ride.’” NPD and in the United States DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY 1 2/5/17 The European Union The European Union • New York Times, Sunday, • New York Times, Sunday, January 27, 2017, page A6 January 29, page A6 – Will “Brexit” cause instability? – Will Turkey turn away from Europe? – Can Greece find relief? – Can Italy’s banks stay afloat? – Will Catalonia leave Spain? – Will the United States stand with Europe? – Will nationalists triumph elsewhere? DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY The European Union The European Union • First five weeks, January 31-February 28 • Reference works: – Survey of current EU, its evolution, chronology to present – John Pinder and Simon Usherwood, The European Union: A Very Short rd • Two weeks off Introduction, 3 ed.