Design Guidelines Grand Avenue Historic Design Zone
ADOPTED DESIGN GUIDELINES EAST PORTLANDI GRAND AVENUE HISTORIC DESIGN ZONE A NATIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT • July 1994 z Bureau of Planning Portland, Oregon To help ensure equal access to information, the City of Portland Planning Bureau offers the following services to disabled citizens; • Interpreter (two working days notice required); • Accessible meeting places; • Audio Loop equipped hearing rooms in City Hall and the Portland Building; and • Planning documents printed in large type sizes for the visually impaired (two working days notice required). Printed on recycled paper. ADOPTED GUIDELINES FOR PORTLAND'S EAST PORTLAND/GRAND AVENUE HISTORIC DESIGN ZONE A NATIONAL HISTORIC DISTRICT Adopted by the Historical Landmarks Commission, and the Portland City Council Ordinance No. 167732, June 1, 1994 Prepared by the Historic District Guideline Committee, Central Eastside Industrial Council William Wright, Chair Martha Peck-Andrews Cathy Galbraith Harold Hartfeil Jim Kelly Kevin Kraus Stuart Shleifer Ken SwanIJudith Rees Staff to the Committee Peter F. Fry, AICP Erin E. Hoover History, Character and Context Statement Karen Zisman Melissa Darby Elizabeth O'Brian Kimberly Poe Peter F. Fry, AICP PORTLAND CITY COUNCIL Vera Katz, Mayor Gretchen Kafoury, Commissioner of Public Affairs Earl Blumenauer, Commissioner of Public Works Charlie Hales, Commissioner of Public Safety Mike Lindberg, Commissioner of Public Utilities PORTLAND HISTORICAL LANDMARKS COMMISSION Deborah Gruenfeld, Chair Steve Abel Barbara Abrams Sharr Prohaska Richard Ritz Mary Sauter Paul Schuback George Sheldon Portland Bureau of Planning Charlie Hales, Commissioner of Public Safety David C. Knowles, Interim Planning Director Project Staff Michael S. Harrison, AICP, Chief Planner Jerry Brock, Ph.D., AlA, AICP, City Planner Susan Gregory, Word Processing Operator Richard Bellinger, Graphic Illustrator Photography and Drawings Oregon Historical Society Peter F.
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