Oriental Theatre HABS &O, 0RE~55 828 SE Grand
Oriental Theatre HABS &o, 0RE~55: 828 S.E. Grand Avenue } r Portland . i\Ay / L:; Multnomah County .'.'''. *;"/[' Oregon jO-Kl:'.- ^'/■'\:i^^0^ff&/^^t^xcm Buildings:; Survey .-;./•• ;Qf f i c^'W" /#-qhe.0logy ■" j&rct ""His. t ori c" VEr es&rvat i.ott - -;; ■.-./; . >"'. :"-^ • :-.;;;^ "•.' : :\;;i;'::";''- '■ V: Itepjartriettt.". oif /interior; .-.y .'.->" v-.'./ ; .''';':;.'; =•"..'■.. ";" Washington, i). :C." 202*1-0\ /","' HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY HABS No. ORE-55 THE ORIENTAL THEATRE Location: 828 S. E. Grand Avenue, between Morrison and Belmont Streets, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. USGS Portland Quadrangle, Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinates: 10.525525•5039725. Present Owner. W. E. and R. H. Roberts, Morgan Building, 720 S. W. Washington Street, Portland, Oregon. Present Use: Last used as a first- and second-run movie house in 1968, the Theatre was demolished in February, 1970. Statement of The Oriental Theatre, the second largest moving Significance: picture theatre built in Oregon, was erected in conjunction with an office building and contained notable examples of thematic decor derived from an exotic culture. The Portland architectural firm of Thomas and Mercier engaged a then internation- ally known local sculptor, Adrien Voisin, to design interior sculpture in the manner of Khmer sculpture at Angkor Wat. The theatre sign and marquee made • remarkably early extensive use of neon lighting. PART I. HISTORICAL INFORMATION A. Physical History: 1. Date of erection: March-December 1927. 2. Original and subsequent owners: 1927 George Warren Weatherly, a prominent East Portland business man, had the 12-story Weatherly Building, the first "skyscraper" in East Portland, and the adjacent Oriental Theatre built. The dual complex was also known during construction as the Crystal Ice & Storage Co.
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