CITY OF REDMOND 716 SW Evergreen, Redmond OR 97756 Community Development Department 541-923-7721 Fax: (541) 548-0706 HUwww.ci.redmond.or.usU REDMOND HISTORIC LANDMARKS COMMISSION UCity Hall 716 SW Evergreen Avenue Conference Room A January 19, 2017 10:00am – 11:00am (Note Different Time) Agenda Review Exterior Alterations Request for New Redmond City Hall at 437 SW 9th RHLC Street MEETING MEETING MEMBERS 0B OBJECTIVES 2B TIME 3BITEM Judy Fessler, 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER / INTRODUCTIONS Chair 10:05 AM CITIZEN COMMENTS/SWEAR IN NEW MEMBERS Trish Pinkerton, ACTION ITEMS Vice Chair 10:10 AM A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. None AGENDA Tonia th Cain B. (New) Redmond City Hall (437 SW 9 Street) – Exterior Alteration Request to a Landmark Structure to Leaha add exterior signage (Exhibit 1) Moon 10:45 AM COMMISSIONER COMMENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Shannon Farnsworth 10:55 AM STAFF COMMENTS Rose 11:00 AM ADJOURN Charles Rucker Karla Mora Youth Ex- Officio *Please note that these documents are also available on the City’s website HU www.ci.redmond.or.usUH; click on City Government, hover on Commissions and Committees, click on Redmond Historic Landmarks Commission. You may also request a copy at City Hall from Scott Woodford at 541-923-7758 or Jackie Abslag at 923-7763. Anyone needing accommodation to participate in the meeting must notify ADA Coordinator, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 541-504-3036, or through the Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) which enables people who have difficulty hearing or speaking in the telephone to communicate to standard voice telephone users. If anyone needs Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) or Speech To Speech (STS) assistance, please use one of the following TRS numbers: 1-800-735-2900 (voice or text), 1-877-735-7525 (STS English) or 1-800-735-3896 (STS Spanish). The City of Redmond does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in, its programs or activities. EXHIBIT 1 CITY OF REDMOND 716 SW Evergreen Avenue Community Development Department Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 923-7721 Fax: (541) 548-0706 www.ci.redmond.or.us REDMOND PLANNING STAFF FINDINGS AND DECISION Exterior Alteration 711-17-003-HLS Redmond Union High School/New City Hall DATE: January 19, 2017 APPLICANT: City of Redmond 716 SW Evergreen Avenue Redmond, OR 97756 OWNER: City of Redmond 716 SW Evergreen Redmond, Oregon 97756 STAFF: Scott Woodford, Senior Planner REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for Exterior Alterations to the Main Building of the Redmond Union High School to add signage. The building is on the Redmond Inventory of Historic Buildings. LOCATION: 431 9th Street in Redmond, Oregon. The subject property is also identified as 15- 13-16AB TL 12700 of the Deschutes County Tax Assessor’s Map. Aerial Photograph 2 Summary: The City of Redmond is requesting approval to add exterior, identification signage to the front and rear façades of the main building, which is currently being remodeled into the new city hall for Redmond. The proposed signage, site plan, and building elevations are provided in Exhibit B. According to information submitted with the application, the proposed signage is designed to be compatible with other signage being used around the city, such as the Flag City USA monument, entry signage to downtown and the existing City Hall. Signage to be used on the rear façade is being repurposed from the existing City Hall. The purpose of the placement of the signage is to provide adequate visibility to visitors, residents, and be large enough to be visible to users of the existing and expanded Centennial Park. Signage will be illuminated with internal LED lights for Halo Illumination (similar to the Flag City USA monument signage). Background: The Redmond Union High School was constructed in 1922 and added onto in 1949 and an annex building was constructed in 1952. The gymnasium was built in 1944. The site operated as a high school until the early 1970’s at which time it became a middle school and later an elementary school called Evergreen Elementary. It operated as a school until 2010 when the elementary school was moved into a new building. The City of Redmond purchased the site and its structures soon after. The main building was designated a local Historic Landmark Building by the Redmond City Council on August 13, 1991 after a recommendation from the Deschutes County Historic Landmarks Commission, which reviewed local landmark designation requests prior to the formation of the Redmond Historic Landmarks Commission in 2011. On November 13, 2015, the Historic Landmarks Commission approved minor alterations to the building and site plan to accommodate the New City Hall. Style: Designed by Bend architect Lee Arden Thomas, the building is an example of Renaissance Revival style brick structure with cast concrete detailing. The rear of the building is brick with a stucco finish. According to Wikipedia, Renaissance Revival architecture is an “all-encompassing designation that covers many 19th century architectural revival styles which were neither Grecian nor Gothic, but which instead drew inspiration from a wide range of classicizing Italian modes.” Comments: Public notice of the neighbors is not required in Section 8.0855 of the Redmond Development Code (Exterior Alteration and New Construction), therefore no public comments from noticed neighbors were solicited or received by the Planning Department. Exhibits: The following exhibits are on-file and make up the record in this matter: 1. Application, site plan, building elevations and other miscellaneous information. Attachments: Attachment A – Staff Findings Attachment B – Proposed Signage, Site Plan and Building Elevations Attachment C – Oregon Historic Site Form for 437 SW 9th Street Building 3 Attachment A – Staff Findings For exterior alterations of structures and/or buildings in a historic district or a designated historic structure and/or building, the criteria to be used by the Landmarks Commission in reaching its decision on the certificate of approval shall include the following: A. Provisions of the Redmond Urban Area Comprehensive Plan. Staff Finding: The applicable portions of the Comprehensive Plan are found in Chapter 5 – Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources, Historical and Cultural section, as follows: 34. The City shall foster and encourage the preservation, management and enhancement of buildings, structures, objects, sites and/or districts that are of historic or cultural significance. 35. Emphasis shall be placed on the preservation of the site and/or exterior appearance of historic and cultural resources. Site and exterior changes proposed for designated historical landmarks shall be approved by the Deschutes County Historical Landmarks Commission prior to the commencement of any work. 36. The City shall protect all historic and cultural resources of statewide significance through preservation regulations, regardless of whether those resources are designated as local landmarks. 37. Areas of high archeological site potential shall be appropriately examined prior to ground disturbing activities or the designation for other uses. 38. The City shall ensure the preservation of designated historic and cultural resources through the land use process. 39. The City should encourage public knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of the City’s past. 40. The City shall foster community pride and a sense of identity based on the recognition and use of City owned historic and cultural resources. 41. The exterior of historic buildings in the core area should be rehabilitated to their original, architectural quality with careful application of design standards relating to signage, architectural detail and ornamentation. 42. The City shall encourage compatible exterior architectural designs of new structures within the downtown core. 43. Through the land use process, the City should inform property owners of potential historical importance and encourage them to maintain the existing exterior appearance of historical structures. 44. The Deschutes County Historical Landmarks Commission, with City representation, shall oversee the preservation, rehabilitation and restoration of historic and cultural resources within the City. The policies above encourage the preservation of significant historic resources and to ensure compatible exterior architectural designs. According to photo records, there was not any signage on the building when it operated as a high school from 1922-1970. When it was used for Evergreen Elementary, there was signage on the left side of the front façade in addition to a small monument sign in the grounds in front of the building (see photo below). According to the 2015 Intensive Level Survey conducted by Preservation Solutions, Inc., the architectural style of the school if Renaissance Revival. The style of the proposed lettering appears to be more similar to Art Deco lettering. 4 The Commission should weigh whether the proposed style of signage is appropriate for the building and whether introducing signage to the portions of the building that have never had signage negatively impacts the architectural character. B. The reasonableness of the proposed alteration and the relationship to public interest in the structure's and/or building's preservation or renovation. Staff Finding: The proposed alterations to provide identification signage to the building are reasonable and in the public interest to allow easy identification of the building and to facilitate City business. In making its decision, the Commission should weigh whether signage on the building representing a different architectural style from the building itself is reasonable and in the public interest. C. The value and significance of the structure and/or building. Staff Finding: The value and significance of the main school building and gymnasium is of high importance in the community. It has served as a significant institutional presence for nearly 100 years and many residents have experience with the buildings either as students or in some other capacity, such as admiring the beauty of the building while driving or walking by.
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