ISLP Newsletter Vol 3.2 December 2010.Pdf
1 ISLP Newsletter 2(3) December 2010 in brief... World Statistics Day was celebrated! Please look at the list of country World Statistics Day (WSD) was celebrated on 20th October 2010 in coordinators on World Statistics Day initiatives many countries. The focus for this in ISLP Newsletter is on activities on nz/~iase/islp/people WSD as reported by ISLP country Burundi, Australia, Estonia, representatives. If your country is missing, Finland, Bulgaria, Canada, consider if you are interested in Iran, India, Pakistan, Agentina, It was fantastic to note that this a leadership role for the ISLP. If New Zealand, Portugal, special day was celebrated so your country is already listed widely. Senegal but you are interested in the ISLP, don´t hesitate to give your contact information to the ISLP The ISLP poster competition is in Making data Meaninfgful Director Reija Helenius (email: progress. We already have participants from 11 countries and 29 countries have informed us that ‘Statistics are they´ll market the competition in Thank you all for the past year Important!’ their country. Follow the link and best wishes for a successful a new learning cooperation again in 2011. Let´s resources website se/islp/competition promote statistical literacy from Statistics Canada together all over the world! to get the up-to-date situation on registration. Seasonal greetings, Also visit the ISLP Competition EarlyStatistics Comenius Facebook page at Reija, Sharleen and Pedro Course ISLP Executive php?#!/pages/International- Statistical-Literacy- 2011 Census video for the Competition/149816448366974 Deaf The call for International Statistical Women in Statistics Literacy Project (ISLP) country Conference coordinators to promote and implement project activities continues.
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