Elements of Historical (2nd grade)

Drago Rotar & Taja Kramberger Spring Semester 2007/2008 (13 courses + final discussion, 90 min; 14 seminars, 180 min)

Lectures: Tue, 19.10–20.40: LEVANT 4 Seminar: Wed, 15.00–18.15: LEVANT2

I. Lectures will be divided in 4 thematic units: 1. Introduction to (4 lectures in March)

2. Social extensions of and epistemic grounds of (3 lectures in April)

3. Social representations in the frames of national history and in the frames of historical anthropology: A. representations of nation B. representations of others C. religious representations of the world (3 lectures in April and May)

4. Slovene history, historiography and historical anthropology: a critical regard (3 lectures in May + final discussion at the beginning of June)

II. Research seminar work will be entirely dedicated to investigation of the Dreyfus Affair (=DA) in French, European, Slovene and Triestine contexts.


LECTURES SEMINARS INVESTIGATION OF THE DREYFUS AFFAIR (DA) Terms Theme of Presentation texts Terms First 60-minutes Then follows lecture to be chosen by will be assigned 120 minutes of (60 minutes) students (15 to the reporting about minutes + presentation of students’ discussion) selected research work chapters of (every group has about 20 minutes +

French history final discussion) 4 March 5/3 1. Introduction to Introductory lecture (presentation of course the DA (ppt) and seminar, demands, distribution of texts See the Term plan etc.)

(1) 11 What is historical Braco Rotar, »Marginalija 12/3 2. A. From history of Evening anthropology and k razpravi o razmerju med the and projection zgodovinopisjem in Judaism, appearance (20h) in the what are its Foresteria: groundings etnologijo«. V: Razmerja of anti-Judaism and Movie med etnologijo in its transformation to JFK II. (John (problems, th

zgodovino, , anti-Semitism in 19 Hankey, 1:28) ) notions, 1986, str. 51–62. (Copy is Century See the Term plan Discussion about concepts)? in the library.) looking and B. Commune searching under

the superficial Its limitation Braco Rotar, »Alberto and other social ectures l un-coherent from political and Tenenti in nova conflicts in the surface of the zgodovina«. V: A. Tenenti, 1870s (ppt) (4 (4 events and their teleological “generally history of events Občutje smrti in ljubezni accepted” do življenja v renesansi, representations (histoire SH, Ljubljana, 1987, str. will follow. événmentielle) 509–518. (Copy is in the library.) (2) 18 Divergence in the Taja Kramberger, 19/3 3. Circumstances in »Kompleksna divergenca: the French Third

of razsvetljenska univerzalna Republic 1: Lumières/Enlight zgodovina in historistična (Boulangist ARCH th nacionalno-politična movement, Panama

M enment (18 zgodovina (poglavje iz scandal, “golden Century) and knjige Historiografska age” of mass media, Historism/Nation- divergenca, Založba secularization, building Annales, , 2007). reforms) (ppt) Romanticism (Copy is in the library.) (19th Century) Anton Tomaž Linhart, See the Term plan First delimitations »Predgovor«, v: Poskus zgodovine Kranjske in ntroduction to historical anthropology anthropology historical to ntroduction from ethnocentric I ostalih dežel južnih

: : historistic making Slovanov, Slovenska 1 of history: in

e matica, Ljubljana, 1981, France (Michelet, str. 5–11 [nem. orig.

polemics Simiand 1788]. hem

T and Durkheim (Copy is in the library.) against & traditionalistic Leopold Von Ranke, »Predgovor k prvi izdaji historians of "Zgodovin romanskih in events), in germanskih ljudstev od Germany (Karl 1494 do 1514"«, v: Lamprecht), in Monitor ZSA, vol. VI, no. the USA 1–2, str. 112–117 [nem.

(congress in St. orig. 1824]. Louis) (Copy is in the library.)

Marec (3) 2 25 University in Lucette Valensi in 26/3 4. Circumstances in Strasbourg, Nathan Wachtel, the French Third journal Annales, »Zgodovinska Republic 2: EPHE (6th antropologija«, v: Monitor (reorganization of See the Term plan ISH, vol. III, no. 1-2, str. the army, identity Section), EHESS, 155-172. (Journal is in the crisis etc.) (ppt) new history faculty library.) (nouvelle histoire), Stuart Clark, »The historical Annales Historians«. V: anthropology Quentin Skinner, The (anthropologie Return of Grand Theory in historique) the Human , Cambridge, Canto, 1985, str. 177–198. (4) (Copy is in the library.)

1st April What is Drago Rotar, »O 2/4 5. Literary field in episteme, historiografiji« the Third Republic what (separat s. d.) (Copy is in (literary cafés, ? the library.) feuilletons, naturalism, Zola’s Georges Canguilhem, engagements) (ppt) »Vloga epistemologije v Differences sodobnem zgodovinopisju«, between V: Filozofski vestnik, letn.

philosophy of XXVI, št. 1, 2005, str. 107–

) history, 121. (Copy is in the library.) See the Term plan

history of historiography Gaston Bachelard, »Predgovor« (str. 5–11),

and ectures

APRIL »Pojem epistemološke

l xtensions of history and and history of xtensions of historical anthropology anthropology historical of epistemologic e ovire« (str. 13–22), »Primer

(3 ally sensitive verbalne ovire: goba. history Zlorabno razširjanje

ocial ocial domačih podob« (str. 75– S

: : (5) 84) in odlomek iz spremne 2

besede Vojislava Likarja, ki e pojasnjuje pojem »epistemologija« (str. 259-

hem 261), Studia humanitatis, T Ljubljana, 1998. (Lend a epistemic grounds grounds epistemic book from the faculty library or copy from it.)

3 8 Durkheim and Emile Durkheim, »Šta je to 9/4 6. Field of figurative history: društvena činjenica? [v slov. and other fields

= »družbeno dejstvo«] (1. of artistic production Social facts poglavje, str. 21–30)« in in the Third Republic »Zaključak« (str. 124–128). (ppt) and social ties V: Emil Dirkem, Pravila sociološke metode, Production of Savremena škola, Beograd, social 1963.

cohesion, (Copy is in the library.) models for See the Term plan making a , community »Kolektivna memorija in individualna memorija« in »Predgovor« J. Duvignauda Social in »Uvod« J.-M- Alexandra. anomies and V : Maurice Halbwachs, manifestations Kolektivna memorija (objavljeno z napačnim Halbwachs: naslovom Kolektivni collective spomin), Studia memory humanitatis, Ljubljana, 2001. (Copy is in the library.) (6)

15 History as an 16/4 7. Birth of a public analytical and , (critical) intellectual relational »Zgodovina in resnica«. V: social Znanost o znanosti in Elements of anti- refleksivnost, Liberalna Intellectualism (ppt) akademija, Ljubljana, 2004, Place of str. 118–133. critical (Copy is in the library.) reflection in See the Term plan history as a Loïc Wacquant, »Habitus« (str. 125–131). V: Pierre (science Bourdieu in Loïc Wacquant, sociale, Načela za refleksivno družbeno znanost in kritično Sozialwissensc preučevanje simbolnih haft) dominacij (urednika Taja Kramberger in Drago Braco Scientific/anal Rotar), Založba Annales, ytical habitus Koper, 2006. and practical (Copy is in the library.) sense (Bourdieu)


4 22 What are social Serge Moscovici, odlomki o 23/4 8. Construction representations družbenih reprezentacijah iz of the French and what do članka »The phenomenon of nation they mean in social representations«, str. 16– 45. Social representations Places of history and (uredila Robert M. Farr in Serge memory historiography? Moscovici), Cambridge University (ppt) Press & MSH, London, Pariz, New See the Term plan Representations York idr., 1984. of “nation” (1) (Copy is in the library.)


Anne-Marie Thiesse, Krajine.


) Monitor ZSA, vol. VI, no. 3-4, 2004, str. 97–100. (Journal is in the faculty library.)


3 29 Representation 30/4 9. Formation of ( of the Other (a , »The Political public different One Use of History in and universities by , Along the Italo-Slovene Border«. (and some Monitor ZSA, vol. VI, no. 1–2, str. other race, number – 71–75. engagements of minorities) (Journal is in the faculty library.) dreyfusards)

(ppt) See the Term plan

Y What is a Alenka Janko Spreizer, “difference”? »Konstrukcija Drugega: rasne the frames of national history national of frames the ideologije, interpretacija romske Delimitation kulture in sedentarizem«, str. 247–286. Vedel sem, da sem

APRIL, MA APRIL, from and

historical anthropology historical Cigan – rodil sem se kot Rom,

representation ISH, Ljubljana, 2002. (Copy is in of the Other (a the library.) different one)

(2) esentations in in esentations

r p (9)

the frames of frames the


i 6 Belief systems 7/5 10. Separation ocial re ocial Gaston Bachelard, »Enovito in of Church and

S May of historical

: : explanation pragmatično spoznanje kot ovira State (1905) 3

za znanstveno spoznanje« (str. and laic school

e and analytical 85–98) in »Substancialistična (école laïque), demands of ovira« (str. 99–131), Studia French

hem social sciences humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1998. secularism T (Journal is in the faculty library.) (laïcité) Religious (ppt) See the Term plan representations Drago Rotar, »Urbanizem in of the world (3) gospostvo reda« (str. 21–27) in »Mesto in podeželje: mesto in (10) narava« (28–37) in (str. 167– 182). Pomeni prostora. Ideologije v urbanizmu in arhitekturi. DE Ljubljana, 1981. (Copy is in the library.)

5 13 History and 14/5 11. Feuilleton historiographic Fran Zwitter, »Sociologija in and its al methods in zgodovina«. Akademska založba v mental topology Ljubljani, 1938, str. 1–16. (Najprej ) the Slovenian objavljeno v reviji Sodobnost.) Exclusion space (Copy is in the library.) strategies and (comparative anti-Semitism in

ectures unfolding from Bogo Grafenauer, »Problemi in discursive l first articles of naloge slovenskega zgodovinopisja v practices (ppt) See the Term plan

(3 F. Zwitter till našem času«. V: Zgodovinski today) časopis,letnik 1, št. 1–4, 1947, str. 11– & »Historizem«, geslo v Enciklopediji Slovenije, 4. del: Hac–Kare, (11) Mladinska knjiga Ljubljana, 1990, str. 30–31. (Copy is in the library.)

critical regard regard critical a a

Compare: – Taja Kramberger, geslo »Historizem« iz knjige Historiografska divergenca… (2007) 20 Representatio 21/5 12. National- ns of Vormärz Peter Vodopivec, »Splošne kulturne State (État- in the frames razmere v predmarčni dobi« (str. 38– Nation): French of Slovene 45), »Slovenska narodna zavest in consecrated narodno gibanje« (str. 46–50) in places of memory (ethnocentric) »Revolucija leta 1848 in Zedinjena identity and

history and Slovenija« (str. 51–62). Od nationalism

AY historical Pohlinove slovnice do samostojne

M anthropology države. Slovenska zgodovina od Postulates of the See the Term plan konca 18. stoletja do konca 20. Republic (12) stoletja, Založba Modrijan, Ljubljana, (ppt) 2006. (Copy is in the library.)

Drago Rotar, »Časi zgodovine in čas kontinuitete«, poglavje iz knjige Odbiranje iz preteklosti: okviri, mreže, orientirji, časi kulturnega življenja v južnih provincah avstrijskega cesarstva v dolgem 19. stoletju. Koper, Založba Annales, 2007. (Copy is in the library.) 27 Sorting/selecti 28/5 13. ng from the Taja Kramberger, »Anton Tomaž Exclusion/inclusi past Lihart in spoznavni okviri on: on the (strategies of razsvetljenstva na Kranjskem« margins of the (poglavje iz knjige Historiografska republic memory and divergenca, Založba Annales, Koper, (anarchism, oblivion) 2007). women, Jews

Slovene history, historiography and historical anthropology anthropology historical and historiography history, Slovene (Copy is in the library.) etc.) (ppt) : :

4 (13) See the Term plan

e Peter Štih, »Linhart kot zgodovinar«, str. 291–309. Anton


h Tomaž Linhart. Jubilejna monografija T ob 250-letnici rojstva. Slovenski gledališki muzej in Muzeji občine Radovljica, Ljubljana 2005/2006. (Copy is in the library.) 3 June General 4/6 summary/reca pitulation of 14. We’ll watch the documentary movie about the themes, Dreyfus Affair: Final discussion Comme un juif en France notions and (Affaire Dreyfus, Pétain, Vichy) France 3 concepts + discussion, conclusion remarks, criticism, reflection on our research seminar work (14)