ROUTE OF THE The allure of overseas adventure captivated INDIANOS IN some of the inhabitants of the small town ABOUT US of Calonge i Sant Antoni in the Baix Empordà, drawn by hopes of economic CALONGE AND The Network of Indiano Municipalities was prosperity. After Josep de Vila i Mir, the town’s c/ Bonaventura Carreras, 11 created to research, identify and publicise the first recorded emigrant to America, went to material and immaterial heritage of the Indianos in Venezuela in 1799 and all through the 19th 17255 Begur (Girona) SANT ANTONI Catalonia. With this aim, we oer a range of routes century, a succession of young people from 615 13 54 43 you can follow in all of the municipalities that Calonge, some still adolescents, set o on comprise this body. journeys, to Cuba in particular. Some fulfilled
[email protected] their dream like Joan Pallimonjo, one of the We also aim to develop a common project to make it founders of the city of Cárdenas, or the Molla i possible to create instruments that foster Presas brothers, fitting the pattern of the knowledge of the history and culture shared Indiano as a self-made man of humble origins. by the municipalities and by the Americas. This The case of Artur Mundet who was from a project will also help contribute to the recuperation, family from Sant Antoni that was already conservation and dissemination of the Indiano legacy wealthy, is dierent. His many charitable in the municipalities that comprise the network. works in Calonge and Barcelona made him the most philanthropic of Calonge’s Americans.