EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 8261 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS OUR CHOICE: NATIONAL POWER in Lebanon in 1958, and Off Cuba in 1962, Once Decimated, Is Building Anew
April 5, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 8261 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS OUR CHOICE: NATIONAL POWER In Lebanon in 1958, and off Cuba in 1962, once decimated, is building anew. Our econ OR PARALYSIS we had the will power to stand tough. omy is improving, and people are going back Proper use of diplomacy, fused with mili to work. But most importantly, Americans tary power, stemmed each crisis. But would are again feeling good about themselves and HON. FLOYD SPENCE a belligerent Nation believe us today? Could this great Nation. OF SOUTH CAROLINA we take quick action and keep peace? Some Still, some symptoms of that era of defeat IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES students of Government sincerely doubt it. remain, causing us to falter a bit as we step They say-at best, any similar action by a forward. I see some symptoms remaining in Thursday, April 5, 1984 President today would cause full-scale areas close to my daily experience, as uni e Mr. SPENCE. Mr. Speaker, last debate, not only in Congress, but by arm formed head of our Navy, and member of week, on Wednesday, March 28, the chair strategists as well, thereby dulling our the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Chief of Naval Operations, Adm. reaction ti.me. Our resolve would be doubt Case in point-recently in Lebanon, we ex ed. Or at worst, we would fail to use military ecuted a mission called "Presence." Pres Jam.es D. Watkins, delivered a memo power effectively to carry out a mission of ence is supposed to signal our interest in an rable address to the Baltimore Council great urgency.
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