Quadrangle 1977
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B 3 . I rU7 q 1977 The Quadrangle - 1977 \IcPherson College McPherson, Kansas Steve ,Jackson, Editor Volume 60 ~ CoNTENTS STUDENT LIFE .•••f §PORT§... :za p kab£mi~s. ..... H .. .52. ~ ... ... 80 Students ... ...... lOO Aauertisements .. J~ .........lf' McPh r fTwo named All-conferencel liUskers t k Harriers qualify for NAIA a e challlpio 'Other p eople deser ved it, too ... ' Ikenberry selected 'Professor ( Ho m e for 1 . I Kline H II h Dtsco a s uts doors •• for fad C • 1 • h sweeps apita punis tne ~ nation Hoffman's in ~ I oclt ~e$~, copV marks • o~$1\ o\ \:hooseS (11"o~P ~ ~ ~ Mohle r u nd er seige... & ~ · ~ FLA issues """ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \._Y Victorious with 20-po Amnesty: ~· ~ ? ~ ~ ~ Women Yes ~ ~ ~ or ~ -; ~ 'Dogs sk No? ~\~finish wi Increase in dorm hours approved Public eye scans Carter, Ford 'hip as Nov. 2 deadline approaches the Year' Carter puts America holidays ... irst time in nine years on l t: Is it right or wrong? 11gurat1on• Choir sings way ' ew beginning across st of demands Germany danas. and ~'aha or other "'"do" obstructinv • "" naargin Golf ends third in KCAC _n KCAC meet Tours, speeches, Templeton Hall rtk Tabor, 36-0, demonstrations 1 winning slate to be dedicated OUR OWN FUN "Nothing to do" This statement was commonly heard around the McPher.on College campus. However that was before the '"FALL FOLLIES" arrived. ew and returning students were greeted with a noon meal at the park on a warm Saturday afternoon. After lunch, e\·eryone enjoyed some games and contests which included canoe races, tug-of-wars, bubblegum blowing, egg throwing, and sack races. The tug-of-war contest was one of the more ex citing events as the different dorm floors competed against each other. The muddy waters of the la goon claimed more than one victim as the games wore on. All in all everyone had a good time and the FOLLIES were termed a success. Students J'tn,J,, 1~\, and \~Rot./ At Dotzours ~~M:~ •~r Thos year Ootzour Hall (wath aid from 1\1-Ciub. Socaal Committee, and F C.A.l again sponsored the McPheN>n Collegl' all night endurance test Stu ~~ dt>nts swam. atl', rollt>rskated, danced, and bowled •:f. • from 9 p.m. Saturday April 2. until 6 a m. Sundav t -~·.~-. ~ mnrning. ' • a W The \'igil started out with owamming at the . YMCA for an hour and a half. Next students wert> treated to " \Vhats lip l>or?" in Brown Auditorium. From l:l.'i to:l:lf> A.M. students danced and played -~~~- games in tht> Studt>nt llnion. The fun was just bt>ginning howt>ver. because bowling and rollers kuling were on the agt>nda at :l::lO a.m. Then a \lark \"rrdt ..huh rharttlltr:11'11, und c.r.mri (hh.•kllra .. hont ll•r quick breakfast and a mornang worship at tht> sta thf· hi .. tnlu· dium. All in all tht>rt> were about nine hours of togetherness for the studt>nts at l\lac A break from the Status-Quo that was welcome by all. Rtlavs <Af'tf' pHrt c•l the "'tmmtnt artt\lll~ of thf' all n•Jehl part\ lltrf" thtt ;lttrb •h(•"' tht tr •tuff ~ thru Jl&ttntr-. 8\\811 t\H>ptnc KOrt at I a n• m &hf' mnrm"-4t ... u·t '-t'r\ t>a... ,, a~ .hm Str\f'n.. pt'ncif'l"' O\'ff tht' numlr« r ul pan .. - II Ch.ult>S Slutmtc•n, nncl St~tru·Ul l'.ttt~ ht lp Parh (Jiht>t II dw fluc•r- a.~ tht-\ .tl1t>mpl I" tJ\\ nn tht1r k.lh U~pl\t" a (oUt and nutchff', Fmmltt <aniJt-ld hn.,.,li hts .. Oiu• !'\p1r tt at huYolme Student Council must have been looking into a the game between Mac and Kansas Wesleyan. Pri crystal ball when they picked the theme for Home or to the kickoff, the Mac cross-country team ran coming as all the dreams came true. It all started against the alumni team and completely dominat Friday evening, Oct 15, as the cheerleaders and pep ed the race, finishing all together in a tie for first band sponsored a pep rally for the football team. place. The Bulldog football team didn't end the Bed races were also held, but were shortened when dream of the alumni, parents, and students, as they the wheels were burned off one of the beds. The romped to a 35-7 win over KWU. Halftime fea annual Trivia Bowl kicked off at 7 p.m. as 16 teams tured Mary Grove being crowned as 1976 Home participated in the bowl and an wered questions coming Queen. ""The Madwomen of Chaillot"", a dealing with What else? TRIVIA! production by the McPherson Drama department, Along with Saturday's perfect weather, the entertained the homecon:ing guests Saturday even weekend of dreams continued. The McPherson ing. Following the play a Victory Dance brought to College band led the parade into the stadium a close the perfect weekend of Homecoming 1976. bringing a multitude of Bulldogs with them to see ' .., .. - tl fJLLUE f?EGISTRRTION ~ 11RM LIF£; ~SSLE */;; t-ksL£"'2 ' ,.. ; \ Performing daily chores is a way of hfe m the dorms. Beck\' Robenson makes up her bed and prepareR for another day of classes. Larry Bender and Norma Gauby appear lObe bored and tired as they attempt to figure out class schedules 1l Usang coolers to pro vtde 1 rdretther, long lines of paltent stu denta etther visat With the1r re!!.pecltve ad'\·1 aon concerning class tnrnllment or awatt proces!Jang. It was hot! Humid 90 degree weather invaded the old gym turning it into a sweltering oven for students, faculty, and administration Long lines of confused students stood and wondered what they had done to deserve this treatment. Freshmen could be easily spotted wandering aim lessly about, looks of frustration on their faces. Up perclassmen, being cool, strolling about hoping for someone to help them get out of this mess. Profs sitting in their chairs at their respective stations won dering what kind of radicals they were going to face in their classes this year. Some snatches of conversation heard around the gym served to prove how delightful registration can really be: Couldn't they just squeeze me into that class? After all I'm only one person But sir, How does Camping and Recreation help me with my Psych maJor? I think I'll just quit school! Now for hassle #2. Ah yes, Dorm life. Sharing a room with a total stranger. Trying to study with the rest of the Ooor trying to have a party. Attempting to climb to third Ooor after a rough aturday night. All this and more are part of living in the dorm. What more can be said? \.fale atudenta at McPher~m Cnllttct pro"·•de thear o-. n enter tamment u they unltftth IICOIIIll on Out10ur The btg hAn)· ape didn't harm anyone but pro"''ded all "Atth 1 btg lau1h. 1) • OUR OWN TJMES FOil lJS TO REJUEMSEJ2 f\tr\ \t'tr .r th "" " It·'"' rt- ar I r1 lf•)(IJ d bf.«m to hr~~t•m Pf'•Pif" 1111r.Uh c (t.U\ Mn at \kPMr •n Thaa htt l" 1nla t'\ rnt t5 annual happt-mnt Mt \1 ~~ and h:l\ hl C' Ut-;r \nd :O..jlnntt ~1m~:: rradth tltnt,.;. h' JU 1 th.tt br ont> ,I( thr Crdtzlt t thlnt- th~t t.ht' atudent do. Th.-~ a<-tu:aJ Fn.. t •hf' uut(niM p ru tlh: rut tM tdt'a thdt tht"\ C"OUld pl... " ~ t1f thf'ar (1"'" lru• Vt,JJI, d•mh uul tml a_. tl mf'r a harrdl I az,,,, t 111 Sf..\S(l,FI) t.-am conststm, t 1 J,t(·ult\: and arlmam!ll "'ltt-r an1l hrg tu br knocL.t'd m l'h• ~tnl) haU¥..1\ ~nr pet: pi• tratte1n .\nd to add InJUn to tru;uJt thM hut the panu •II ol ~ (1\t't Rnd bt:u llJI 54Jmt- old Junke-r "'ah pack§ .:tnd an.n. th.- \t'l Thf" C'arnrul rtoalh lhn14t"d that •Jmng "'.'IS t.>IIJnalh ht-rt· ul 'I htn .tltt r a lu"'"'""" Jilt me m tht JNirk 14ht·n t'H·n •nt' !WI \1tl'ht·r~~n ('ullt-t:t, Knct that 11 atud~"nl JH.)JliiiH•un "II" trll .uuund md .. tull.-d tht'tr IMMI t mthtC'. tht> mrn1\.-l rulh-d rr.tl\ Tamm\ La\\ prt-part-~ f •r a m~ht\ ""mg at tht- bull. hut •ht" onh g t a•r f'oCir lnmm\ l'tru(k uut thrf"ft tlmt-s m a rn" OaH• RurKt~ prt•JIRrt>tl tu t.tkt- a .. hurt h.uh u 1 1 trtmnl (Mrtu·1pant makt>" a 11lr1ll' un tht- dunk tllnk t.tr~t-1 "BREAK A LEG'' Drama Under the guiding hand of Director Linda Seger, the McPherson Drama Department put together two major productions this year. The first production, "The Madwoman of Chail lot" used experienced player. who all turned in excellent performances. Joan Cunnick, who starred as the madwoman, and Stephen Newcomer as the prospector turned in outstanding performances. Ken Frantz gave a creditable performance as the ragpicker, adding even more madness to the play. Mlle. Gabrielle (Candi Witmer) delighted the audi ence with her antics which included a bird and cat among other imaginary visitor.. All in all it was felt the productiOn was a success. The Countell, (,Joan Cunmdd and thfl Ragpicker.