748CL Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop – Land Decontamination and A

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748CL Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop – Land Decontamination and A LC Paper No. PWSC166/17-18(01) 發 展 局 Planning and Lands Branch 規 劃 地 政 科 Development Bureau 17/F, West Wing 香港添馬添美道二號 Central Government Offices 政府總部西翼十七樓 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar Hong Kong 本局檔號 Our Ref. 電話 Tel.: 來函檔號 Your Ref. 傳真 Fax : 11 April 2018 Clerk to Public Works Subcommittee Legislative Council Secretariat Legislative Council Complex 1 Legislative Council Road, Central Hong Kong (Attn: Ms Doris LO) Dear Ms LO, Public Works Subcommittee Follow-up Actions for Meeting on 28 March 2018 The supplementary information regarding PWSC(2017-18)34 (“748CL Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop – land decontamination and advance engineering works” and “760CL – Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop – Main Works Package 1”) as requested by Members at the captioned meeting, and the responses to the written questions submitted to the Public Works Subcommittee by Hon. WU Chi-wai and Hon. CHU Hoi-dick respectively on 28 March 2018, are attached as Annexes 1 to 3 for members reference. Yours sincerely, (original signed) (Ivan CHUNG) for Secretary for Development c.c. (with Annexes) Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Attn: Ms Margaret HSIA) Secretary for Innovation and Technology (Attn: Mr. Ricky KM CHONG) Commissioner for Innovation and Technology (Attn: Ms. Annie SH CHOI) Director of Civil Engineering & Development (Attn: Mr. LAM Sai-hung) Director of Planning (Attn: Ms. Maggie MY CHIN & Ms. Winnie BY LAU) Annex 1 Administration’s responses to PWSC Members’ requests for supplementary information at the meeting on 28 March 2018 (English translation of Administration’s responses) 1. At the request of Hon. AU Nok-hin, the Administration shall provide supplementary information on the land decontamination method and expenditure for the Lok Ma Chau Loop. Reply: For the land decontamination works to be carried out for the Lok Ma Chau Loop area (the Loop), we will adopt the ‘Solidification/Stabilisation’ method to treat the contaminated soil. Under the process of ‘Solidification/Stabilisation’, we will firstly excavate the contaminated soil, and then mix them thoroughly with solidification/stabilisation agents (such as cement) in large mixer within the site. All the treated soil will be back-filled within the Loop and will not be delivered to landfill or other places. The estimated cost of land decontamination is $58.9 million. Based on the estimated quantity of 57,000 cubic metres of contaminated soils requiring treatment, the unit cost of treating contaminated soil is approximately $1,000 per cubic metre. As the Advance Works is at the tender stage, it is not desirable to disclose the detailed breakdown of land decontamination cost at this stage. 2. At the request of Hon. KWONG Chun-yu, the Administration shall provide supplementary information on the illegal pond-filling acitivties in the surrounding areas of the Loop and the enforcement actions taken by the Government. Reply: The Planning Department (PlanD) is currently processing four enforcement cases under the Town Planning Ordinance involving unauthorized filling of pond near Tai Law Hau and Lo Ma Chau Control Point in the vicinity of the Loop. The Planning Authority (PA) has issued “Enforcement Notice” (EN) and “Reinstatement Notice” (RN) to the respective land owners of these cases. Compliance periods of three RN cases had expired between 1 January and February this year. PlanD is gathering information for taking further enforcement and prosecution actions. The notice recipient of the other case was already convicted with a fine of $24,400 by the Court in December 2017 for not complying with the RN requirements. In the past three years, the PA has successfully prosecuted another five unauthorized pond filling cases with fines between $30,000 and $200,000. The concerned ponds have also been reinstated to their original state. 3. At the request of Hon. CHU Hoi-dick, the Administration shall provide the following supplementary information on: (a) the list of projects and their locations, development proposals and latest progress in relation to the land reserves of 200 hectares for innovation and technology development within the New Development Areas and Industrial Estates, and whether the Administration will release the land reserves for other developments; and (b) whether Shenzhen Metro has reserved any area at Fulin Station for future connection with the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (“the Park”) in the Loop. Reply: The Government has been actively identifying land to dovetail with the development of innovation and technology (“I&T”) in order to provide the necessary operating space for the development of the sector. The Government will examine the most suitable use for each site having regard to the latest situation as appropriate. Last year, in the light of the latest situation including the development of the Loop, the Innovation and Technology Bureau and the Development Bureau reviewed the various sites reserved for I&T development and decided to release a total of 84.8 ha of reserved land, including 74 ha at Lung Kwu Tan and 10.8 ha at Tuen Mun Area 38. The Government will continue to review from time to time the demand for I&T land so as to dovetail with the development of relevant industries. Information on the sites currently reserved for I&T uses are set out in the table below. 2 Land Reserved for I&T Development Approximate site Site area planned for Latest position I&T uses Sites already granted to the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (“HKSTPC”), or to be granted to HKSTPC with development concepts (about 97.8 hectares in total) 1. Remaining sites 10.5 hectares The sites will be developed by within the (excluding 3 the HKSTPC according to the Industrial Estates hectares of land re-industrialisation policy. in Tseung Kwan O, reserved for data Yuen Long and Tai centre development Po in Tseung Kwan O Area 85) 2. Government land 0.28 hectares HKSTPC will construct an at the junction of InnoCell to provide residential Chong San Road units with flexible design and and Science Park ancillary facilities for leasing to Road, Pak Shek the tenants and incubatees of Kok, Tai Po Hong Kong Science Park for their principals, employees or visiting researchers from the Mainland or overseas. The project is expected to be completed in 2021. 3. Lok Ma Chau 87 hectares Subject to funding approval of Loop the Legislative Council in the first half of 2018, the Advance Works and detailed design of the Main Works Package 1 will commence in mid-2018. If the works progress smoothly, it is expected that the first batch of land parcels can be made available to the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited (a subsidiary company wholly owned by HKSTPC) by 2021 for the construction of the superstructure and related facilities. 3 Approximate site Site area planned for Latest position I&T uses Sites approved for I&T uses under Outline Zoning Plans (OZPs) (about 26.5 hectares in total) 4. Kwu Tung North 17.5 hectares The sites are zoned “Other New Development Specified Uses” annotated Area “Research and Development” (5.8 hectares) or “Business and Technology Park” (11.7 hectares) on the OZP. 5. Hung Shui Kiu 9 hectares Sites are reserved for I&T New Development related development on the Area OZP. Sites subject to further study (about 105 hectares in total) 6. Yuen Long 15 hectares According to the planning and Industrial Estate (subject to further engineering study completed by Extension at Wang study) HKSTPC in February 2014, the Chau site is technically feasible for the development of the industrial estate expansion. 7. Site near Liantang 56 hectares According to the preliminary / Heung Yuen Wai (subject to further planning study commissioned Boundary Control study) by HKSTPC, the site is Point technically feasible for the development of science park and industrial estates. 8. New Territories 34 hectares In the Preliminary Feasibility North (NTN) (subject to further Study on Developing the NTN, study) several sites located within the Potential Development Areas in NTN have been identified as having potential for I&T-related development. Detailed development plans for the identified sites are subject to further study. In the Planning and Engineering Study on Development of Lok Ma Chau Loop completed in 2014, it is recommended to consider providing a pedestrian link and associated boundary crossing facilities within the Loop for a direct connection with Shenzhen in the long term (indicative location 4 of the possible link is in vicinity of Fulin Station of Shenzhen Metro Line 7). The proposal is subject to further study. In the context of the Loop development, there is currently no liaison between Hong Kong side and Shenzhen side on the possible link with Shenzhen with boundary crossing facilities. 5 Annex 2 Administration’s responses to the letter of 28 March 2018 submitted by Hon. WU Chi-wai (Note: The exact wording of the questions is set out in Hon. WU Chi-wai’s letter (Chinese version only)) (English translation of Administration’s responses) 1. About the master planning study and business strategy and model study to be commissioned by the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited for the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park: Reply: At present, the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park Limited (“HSITPL”) is conducting the Master Planning Study and Business Model and Business Planning Study for the development of the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park (“the Park”). The former aims to study the appropriate land uses, built form, place making themes, development parameters and technical feasibility of the Park taking into account the requirements of the “Lok Ma Chau Loop Outline Zoning Plan” and the Environment Permit issued by the Environmental Protection Department, while the latter aims to recommend proposals for the strategic positioning, detailed businesses, facility requirements and business model of the Park, which will also include the study of measures and plans for attracting the presence of relevant companies and talents.
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