District of Columbia
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROPOSED BUS SERVICE CHANGES FISCAL YEAR 2011 WISCONSIN AVENUE LINE, ROUTE 31 SERVICE AREA Friendship Heights, Tenleytown, Georgetown, Foggy Bottom, Potomac Park, State Department HEADWAY CHANGE / TRIP ELIMINATION Discontinue weekday trips leaving Friendship Heights at 5:25, 5:55, 6:20, and 6:35 a.m. and leaving Potomac Park at 5:59, 6:29, 6:41, 6:54, 7:09, and 7:20 a.m. Discontinue Saturday trips leaving Friendship Heights at 5:51 and 6:21 a.m. and leaving Potomac Park at 6:39 and 7:09 a.m. ALTERNATIVE SERVICE AVAILABLE Routes 32 and 36 between Friendship Heights and Washington Circle. Route L1 between Washington Circle and Potomac Park. Page 2 of 5 MOUNT PLEASANT LINE, ROUTE 42 ONLY SERVICE AREA Mount Pleasant, Adams Morgan, Dupont Circle, Farragut Square, McPherson Square, Metro Center ROUTE / SEGMENT ELIMINATION Shorten Route 42 to operate between Mount Pleasant and Franklin Square via the current route from Mount Pleasant to the intersection of H Street & New York Avenue NW, then via New York Avenue, 13th Street, and I (Eye) Street to the new terminal on the north side of I (Eye) Street between 13th and 14th Streets. The portion of Route 42 between Franklin Square and 9th & G Streets NW would be discontinued. There would be no change in the frequency or span of service. ALTERNATIVE SERVICE AVAILABLE Route 42 passengers who use stops east of 13th Street could transfer to Routes 54, 80, G8, and X2. Mount Pleasant Line lnr rouu- anu srhedule mfnmlJlIOn •,. Note. :...... ,~ \..- ... ~. t<CUl(- ~~, O'~';.;lF"' v'''' .n lJUPOr-.:', Avl''''~ "''''Jf'r~",'!J~ ..r: ~;<JLJ(''":' CIRCLf STATIOI\ fARRAGUT NORTH STATION 151 , McPHERSO:'-! SC) • STAno" !;' s GALLERY PL CHINATOWI\ STATI01\ W'F 'J'"").,'dI<t M~0P,i~'v Met'i)l"i3I!lc~ \.~: ...., t"'l:'.it~.
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