MARCH 2021 Adar -Nisan 5781 1011 N. Market Street Frederick, MD 21701 Volume 22 301-663-3437 Issue 8
[email protected] PASSOVER 2021/5781 BEGINS IN THE EVENING OF SATURDAY, MARCH 27 AND ENDS IN THE EVENING OF SUNDAY, APRIL 4 Chag Sameach Rabbinic Reflections - The Seder Offers a True Conversation RABBI JORDAN HERSH |
[email protected] Pesach is a time to which I look for- night: “The Hebrew word for Egypt, Mitzrayim, literally means ward each year. As for many of us, ‘narrow places.’ In what way(s) have you experienced freedom this this holiday is filled with emotional year or in your life from your own mitzrayim, narrow/restrictive reverberations from my child- places?” Make some time for each person to share his or her own hood, as I recall my father leading personal journey of freedom. Allow this to become a conversation our family seder which was held in about the nature of freedom and how we can best actualize it in a room whose walls were almost our lives. How does the story of the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt bursting with family and friends. allow us to better understand our own stories? Perhaps equaled only by Thanksgiv- ing, this is a holiday that seems to necessitate familial proximity if This year, in particular, we can relate so deeply to our ancestors’ it is to feel at all like Pesach. need to escape their restrictive places. For me, ending the seder with the words, “Next Year in Jerusalem,” will be an expression We have learned over this past year however, to find a semblance of hope for the ability to travel, to Israel or elsewhere, and for the of normalcy in the ability to gather virtually.