TWO FRENCH PLAYERS ARE ELIMINATED AT SEABRIGHT craft to lay their course to the e«»t- If Wins 130 Mile ward ilcwn Loritc Island Sound. The Results in Tennis The Istalena Leads Fleet INWOOD'S WEAKNESS Zingara rtrst le« tr>>k the yachts to <*ornfleia J Event at Light V«.ucl. Soon after the start COCHETIS BEATEN I Seabright Yacht Race for Myrick Cup Gundred took th- lead and had estab¬ < lished a good advantage when sh^ MEN S 8I.NOLES-riRST ROUND. of Yachts Into New London IS ALREADY NOTED Defeats the M. 13 rounded the light vessel early yester¬ d*r,*,ed A. Major Lady by day morning. , BY J'^J. »^0,ra Min. 26 Sec. On ti;e way home the wlnda were defeated James Davlea, tlickl.- ind llgnt, coming from every SMlchlro_^ka»hl° Carroll B. Alker, With Mrs. Alker on Board, Sails His Golf Expert Warns Open Wins Final Game for Rhode point of thf compass. Gundred reached / \a'^drUJ^VT"t,d W,"Um A New Rochelle, N. Y>. July 31..Al- the finish line at 7 :0> o'clock last tvfj- Borotra Is Even Easier for Rj. Werthelm defeated Willis Davie, T.5, Fifty Footer With Good Judgment.: Championship CdUrse of Dan¬ Island Cups by Scorc though the schooner Gundred. the prop- nlng. She took 27 hours and 51 minutes ct" frty of K. P. and E. O. Or**, was the to cover the course. Throughout tit* but Gobert Scores Robert Ktnsey defeated Henry Guild. 6.0. of 9 to 8. the Shimizu, Beats the 'Forties.' ger of its Short Holes. first across the finish line off here last night the yachta kept crossing finish Zenzo Shlmlsu defeated Carl Fischer, 6-3. Rowdy line, the last to arrive being the yrtwl With Ease. night In the 130 mile rare held under La i'ubana, which was timed at £.86 the of the New Rochelle Yacht All finished SECOND ROUND. By ARTHUR Fr. ALDRIDUE. Bl KERR ST. PETRIE. By CAPT. H. H. IIOI.MKS, auaplcRb A. M. to-day. with tbe Johnston defeated Stanley W. '"tub. It was found when the corrected exception of the yawl Sakana, which "> T'<* Ntw York ? " Now that the Inwood secretary him¬ Narragakpbtt Pier, R. I.. July 31.. | (tave up the race soon after rounding won ,rom Dean M*,h*y 8PV£l"!w D?patch was times wer« figured to-day that the win¬ London, Conn., July 31. The self has world course The final of the Rhode Islapd cups the lightship. PATTERSON ON PARADE Bb7°d«f2uifr*",lc® told the that his ner was the second W°" fr°m I stale na led the fleet of the cruise played at the Point Judith Country Club, sloop Zingara. the The summary: V,ncent Richards joint has been selected as the venue of the and resulted Dby,defaui^aVl" of the New York, Larchmont and Indian 'No Lipton Challenge,' Narragansett Pier, to-day '.raft to finish. On corrected time Clans.Course, New Rochelle to Corn¬ R'C® W°" fr0m Edwln P L»rned 1923 national open championship It Is in a victory for the representatives of field Light Vessel and Return.Distance, Harbor clubs into this harbor this Zingara was the winner of the Myrick 1.10 S to p. 'JO. "dSfauU yacht Says Belfast Official breaking no faith with the United States the Dedham Club against a Myopia side Miles.Start, M.. July Anderson* defeated J. Brooks Fenno. 13 minuten an".I, 9o.4. afternoon, winning in the flfty-foot by 9 Koala to 8. cup by Finish P. M. KIaps*d M. Oolf Association to say that the choice Boston teams, representing of July 30. time. W*,u°n Washburn defeated Harris B class by a large margin. Carroll B. July 31 (Associated These two Lady M.. the property former Com- Yacht and Owner H.M.8. H M 8. Anderson Gets Into Trou¬ r Isner, Jr., 6.I, 6.a. Presa)..With reference to re- was practically mad« during the play clubs that have maintained a rivalry for modore E. C. Myiick. donor of the Gundred, K. P. A G. Greg.. 7 f*t lift 27 .*>s 00 Kln"«y defeated Herbert L. Bow- Alker had sailed with rare good Judg¬ six other oo Hl*"rd,man, 6.4, 6.4. BELFAST.that Sir Thomas Lipton at Skokle a week or two ago Skokle a score of years, eliminated tlrae Zingara, C. W. Atwator 7 .IS 28 2* 00 ports On actual Lady M. finished <\ 3'i no ble Against Prentice. defeated Arthur V. ment and practically led all the way. the formations to qualify for tilts final prize. Lady M K Myrick 8 20 20 00 Yencken, Intends to challenge again for