
Description Australian are mostly white with black feathers along their back, tail and wings. They are large and males are bigger than females. They have a long bill with a big throat pouch. Fast Facts Diet Australian Pelicans are carnivores. They eat mainly fish but they also eat other that live in the water like turtles, and other waterbirds. Their highly sensitive bill helps locate fish, snapping around the prey when they sense movement. Their throat pouch can hold up to 13 litres of water. It is used like a net, collecting any prey that is inside. The pelican then empties the water Scientific Name: Pelecanus conspicillatus and swallows the prey whole.

Conservation Status: Least Concern In the wild Extinct Threatened Least Concern Pelicans can fly for extended periods, gliding on the air to reach higher altitudes. They can travel long distances without much effort. EX EW CR EN VU NT LC Pelicans go through an extended courtship ritual where males follow a female around. During this time the males swing their open bills to get the female’s Body Length: 1.6–1.9 m attention, fight each other and ripple their throat pouches. One by one the males drop away until only one is left and they mate. Weight: 4–8 kg Threats Incubation: 35 days Pelicans can become tangled in discarded fishing line or choke on plastic bags Number of eggs: 1–3 and other litter thrown in waterways. If you go fishing, make sure you take all your rubbish with you. Habitat: Freshwater, estuarine and marine wetlands and waterways At Perth Zoo Perth Zoo’s pelicans can be seen on the Main Lake. They are often fed between Distribution: , Papua , 2 pm and 2:30 pm every day.

DID YOU KNOW? During the breeding season, the pelican’s bill and pouch change colour. Part of the pouch turns pink while the other part turns yellow. Parts of the bill turn blue. The change lasts for a short period of time.
