Doc 9332-AN/909 MANUAL ON THE ICAO BIRD STRIKE INFORMATlON SYSTEM (IBIS) THIRD EDITION - 1989 Approved by flae Secretov Geaerwl arid published under his authoritv INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION Pitblished in separate English, Arnbic, Chinese, Freack, Russian and Spanish editions by the lnternulionat Civil Aviatiow Orgnrlizntiorl. All correspondence, P-wept orders and xubscriprions, shodd be addressed to the Secretuiy General. Orders shouId be sent to une of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance (by bank draft, cheque or mosey order) in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed. Credit card orders (Amel-ican Express, Mastercard and Visa) arc: acc~paclat ICAO He~idqurrrtcrs. lniernnrionrll Civil A viution Organiiafion.Attention: Document Sales Unit 999 Urril~ersityS~FW, Montreal, Qwbec, Canad3 H3C 5H7 Telephone: +I (5 14) 954-8022; Facsimile: +I (5 14) 954-6769: Sitatex: YULADYA: E-mail:
[email protected] Egypr. ICAO Regional Director, Middle &st Office. Egyptian Civil Aviation Complex, Cairo Airport Road, Heliopolis, Cairo 11776 Telephonc: +20 (2)267-4840; Facsimile: +20 (7)267-4843; Sitatex: CAICAYA France. DIrecteur rdgional cle I'OACI, Bureau Europe el Atlantique Nord, 3 bis, villa mile-~ergerat, 92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine (Cedex) TdCphone: +33 (1) 46 41. 85 85; Ttlicopieur: +33 (1) 46 41 g5 00; Sitatex: PAREUYA i~di~i.Oxford Book and Stationery Co.+Scindia House, New Delhi 1 10001 or 17 Park Street, Calcutta 700016 Telephone: i-9 1 (1 i) 33 1-5896, Facsimile: +9 1 (1 1) 331-2639 J~pnr~.Japan Civil Aviation Promotion Foundation.