Skaraborg Sweden - Bioenergy As Key Driver in Agricultural and Green Business Development

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Skaraborg Sweden - Bioenergy As Key Driver in Agricultural and Green Business Development Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden Bioenergy Promotion Demo Region: Skaraborg Sweden - Bioenergy as key driver in agricultural and green business development Renewable energy from forest, land, wind and cattle is important in Skaraborg. Photo: Mats Johanson 1 Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden Bioenergy Promotion Project Within the Bioenergy Promotion project 7 demo-regions utilise the results and experiences gained to improve the strategy development and implementation on local and regional scale. The demo-regions will serve as good examples for others throughout the Baltic Sea Region. The Demo Regions Demo Regions and their themes • Sweden- Skaraborg Västra Götaland: Bioenergy as key driver in agricultural and green business development • Denmark- Kalundborg (region Zealand): Greening the industrial symbiosis • Poland – Gdynia- Pomerania Region: Integrated use of biodegradable waste and other types of biomass for fuel production • Germany – Rotenburg: Use of landscape protection and maintenance material • Finland – North Karelia: Creation of jobs and local prosperity with wood chip district heating plant, lowering dependence of external energy sources • Latvia- Region Tukums: Promotion of new small scale wood boiler technology and national support instruments for replacement • Lithuania – Kaunas: Encouraging the elaboration of local RES Energy Plans 2 Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden About Skaraborg Description of the region Skaraborg is the traditional name of the eastern parts of Västra Götaland. The area is situated between Sweden’s two major lakes- Lake Vänern and Lake Vättern. Skaraborg, a sub-region of Region Västra Götaland, consists of 15 municipalities and in total about 260 000 inhabitants. Skaraborg has a strong industrial tradition which is experiencing dynamic development. Established industries such as agriculture, food, furniture and vehicle production are combined with the regeneration of the corporate structure and a growing number of employees within service and knowledge-based companies. The region is home to a loyal, skilled workforce with a lively entrepreneurial spirit which ensures that large corporations are complemented by strong small business. An active network between the business community, authorities and people lays solid foundations for co-operation, development and fresh thinking. In addition, its favourable geographical location and infrastructure make Skaraborg an attractive location for companies to set up business. The region is strategically located between Sweden’s largest cities, Stockholm and Göteborg, while important markets such as Oslo, Copenhagen and the Baltic region are also within easy reach. Many initiatieves for supporting sustianbel development has been initiated through local energy and climate plans and investments as well as commercial and non-public networks. One of these are the “Energy Farm” which coordinates actions for the agricultural area in developing new business models, technology applications and increasing capability and Regional profila data knowledge of key stakeholders. Area siZe: ~500 000 Ha No of inhabitants: 260 000 Main towns/cities: Skövde, Lidköping, Falköping and Mariestad Arable land: 270 000 Ha ( 60 %) Forest land: 128 000 Ha (29 %) Regional energy use and supply The annual energy use is about 10 TWh of which industry use 27%, transport 28%, households 23%, public 6%, agriculture 5% and others 11%. Electricity is the main energy carrier (~40%) and oil products for transports and the industry. All municipalitieshas district heating fueled with bioenergy. Skaraborg is one of Map of Skaraborg. the leading wind energy producing areas in Sweden and there is continuous development of biogas production for vehicles. 3 Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden Adminstrative structures and bioenergy strategy All municipalities has an energy plan and climate strategy addressing key objectives and actions to fulfil local and national targets for sustaianability and energy supply and use. The municipalities work with implementation of energy actions within their own organisations and facilitation of actions of other parties. The Association of Local Authorities in Skaraborg is stimulating growth, development and the competitiveness of agricultural and cleantech businesses through its Programme for Growth. The project Business-driven Environmental Development serves as a regional and neutral platform for the various stakeholders. Key bjectives and actions are: Increasing the knowledge amongst civil servants and politicians regarding the public sector’s importance for the creation and stimulation of a market for the green industry and environmental technology and bioenergy within Skaraborg Support and coordinate actions that has a value for Skaraborg through part finacing, project development and capacilty building and development Enhance the profile of Skaraborg compence within green industry, bioenergy and environmental technology Increase the regional, national and international cooperatin Promoting increased equality within the green industry, bioenergy and environmental technology Development of platforms for transfer of knowledge between the green industry and research and educational sector. Support programmes and market situation for bioenergy Skaraborg is a European focus point for farm-scale production of biogas. Farmers are constantly building new plants and the municipalities are in the forefront in the world. The first large-scale plant for liquid biomethane in the world is recently being built in the city of Lidköping. It is a public- private partnership. In addition there is a deployed market for utilisation of bioenergy for heating and electricity. All major towns have district heating fuelled with bioenergy and there is a substantial amount of smaller units in villages or for single buildings. Läckö Castle, Lake Vänern. Photo: Mats Johansson 4 Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden Regional bioenergy actors More information - web The bioenergy development in Skaraborg involves many actors links throughout the value chain. From farmers and forest owners, municipalities, technology and competence suppliers to end consumers. Municipalities: Skaraborgs kommunalförbund (the Association of Local Authorities in Skaraborg) is stimulating growth, development and the competitiveness of agricultural and cleantech businesses through its Programme for Growth. The project Business-driven Environmental Development serves as a regional and neutral platform for the various stakeholders. www.skara Skaraborg was awarded The Climate Star in 2009, the European award for local climate protection initiatives. Municipalities Since the early 1970íes Swedish municipalities has by law worked with local energy planning. Today the planning activities are more strategic than spatial and incorporates both the municipalities own operations as well as citiZens and businesses. The energy planning has lead to indepth knowledge of the energy situation in terms of use and resources. Most municipalities have participation as a key element in developing of the energy plans to both identify measures and Utilities and suppliers to mobilise the stakeholders and interested parties. Municipalities also actively work with public procurement to address sustainable development. An exemple is the procurement of biogas vehicles which has been implemented jointly by most municipalities in Skaraborg. All municipalities has an energy coordinator for internal operations and an energy advisor for the public. Utilities In Sweden many of the municipalities owns and operates their own local utilities. All major towns have district heating fuelled with bioenergy and there is a substantial amount of smaller units in villages. In addition there is a deployed market for utilisation of bioenergy for heating and electricity. A relative large scale bioenergy user they play a key role of integration new, local and sustainable biomass resources in their operations. Some of them actively work to find alternative suppliers but main parts are procured from large forest owners or logistic corporations. However the tendency is leaning towards a differented supply and new biomass resurces from land and forest residues. Experts/consultants There is a range of experts that support the development with both technical, organsiational and business support.Many of them are specialised in a specific part of the value chain or a technology area. 5 Final Report for Demo Regions Skaraborg, Sweden Regional bioenergy actors More information - web Farmers and forest owners are links working togehter to develop renewable energy in general Facilitators/networks and bioenergy especially within the framework of EnergiGården (the Energy Farm). EnergiGården started as a project about 10 years ago
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