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O2/A5 Final Release All Content Project title: Free Open Source Software for SMEs Project activity: O2/A5 Final Release All content The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorse- ment of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held re- sponsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. CONTEXT Grant agreement 2017-1-EL01-KA202-036112 Programme Erasmus+ Key action Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Strategic Partnerships Project acronym FOSS4SMEs Project title Free Open Source Software for SMEs Project starting date 01/10/2017 Project duration 24 months Project end date 30/09/2019 Project Activity (A) Intellectual Output (IO) Multiplier Event (E) O2/A5 Final Release Short-term joint staff training events (C) Document title O2/A5 Final Release Nature of document Service Dissemination level PUBLIC Due date of document M21 Produced All partners . 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1: INTRODUCING FOSS ....................................................................................................... 5 . Lesson 1.1: Defining FOSS and the difference with proprietary software ......................... 7 . U1.L1. Part 1 - A historical background .......................................................................... 8 . U1.L1. Part 2 - Guiding principles: The four freedoms ................................................... 9 . U1.L1. Part 3 - The definition of FOSS .......................................................................... 10 . U1.L1. Part 4 - Main differences between FOSS and proprietary software ................. 11 . U1.L1. Part 5 - Key players at international level ......................................................... 12 . Lesson 1.2: FOSS myths and types of freedom ................................................................ 14 . U1.L2. Part 1 –Telling apart myths from facts .............................................................. 15 . U1.L2. Part 2 – Great reasons for using FOSS tools ...................................................... 16 . U1.L2. Part 3 – Are there any disadvantages? ............................................................. 17 . Lesson 1.3: Rights, licensing and responsibilities ............................................................. 19 . U1.L3 Part 1 - Issues related to user rights .................................................................. 20 . U1.L3 Part 2 - Ownership and licencing ....................................................................... 21 . U1.L3 Part 3 – Responsibilities of FOSS users .............................................................. 22 . Lesson 1.4: FOSS communities and their ways of collaboration ...................................... 24 . U1.L4 Part 1 – Finding a FOSS community ................................................................... 25 . U1.L4 Part 2 - Large FOSS communities in international level ..................................... 26 . U1.L4 Part 3 - How members of FOSS communities communicate and collaborate ... 27 Unit 2: Why FOSS in business................................................................................................... 30 . Lesson Title: 2.1 Business models for FOSS...................................................................... 30 . Lesson Title: 2.2 FOSS providers and commercial purposes ............................................ 41 . Lesson Title: 2.3 Benefits/risks for adopting FOSS in business ......................................... 47 . Lesson Title: 2.4 The feedback loop between FOSS and business ................................... 53 Unit 3 WHAT KIND OF FOSS IS AVAILABLE? ............................................................................. 57 . Lesson Title: 3.1 Operating Systems ................................................................................ 57 . Lesson Title: 3.2 Cloud Services ....................................................................................... 62 . Lesson Title: 3.3 Security Solutions .................................................................................. 68 . Lesson Title: 3.4 Project Management Tools ................................................................... 74 . Lesson Title: 3.5 Office Productivity Suites ...................................................................... 79 Unit 4: Adopting FOSS in your business ................................................................................... 84 . 3 . Lesson Title: 4.1 An incremental approach ...................................................................... 85 . Lesson Title: 4.2 The right FOSS for my business ............................................................. 90 . Lesson Title: 4.3 Interoperability with proprietary software and customisation ............. 94 . Lesson Title: 4.4 Finding support ................................................................................... 101 Unit 5: Migration to FOSS ...................................................................................................... 109 . Lesson Title: 5.1 Understanding software migrations and its implications .................... 110 . Lesson Title: 5.2 Preparing the move to FOSS................................................................ 115 . Lesson Title: 5.3 Executing the FOSS implementation in your business ........................ 120 . Lesson Title: 5.4 Becoming part of a community ........................................................... 123 . 4 Unit 1: INTRODUCING FOSS Within Unit 1, we will explore the following: - in Lesson 1 the definition of ‘Free and Open Source Software’ (FOSS) and the main differences from proprietary software; - in Lesson 2 the types of freedom related to FOSS, discerning between facts and myths related to FOSS theory and applications; - in Lesson 3 the issues related to licensing, user rights, ownership and responsibilities of FOSS users; - in Lesson 4 the ways to find relevant FOSS communities, the main communities in the world as well as their ways of collaboration. Versio 2.0, 04.09.2019. Author: Katerina Tsinari, CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) Bibliography relevant for Unit 1: FSFE (2019a): Free Software. URL: https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/summary.en.html . FSF (2018a): What is free software? URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free- sw.html . FSF (2018b): About the GNU Operating System. URL: https://www.gnu.org/gnu/about-gnu.html . FSF (1986): GNU'S BULLETIN Volume 1, No.1. URL: https://www.gnu.org/bulletins/bull1.txt . FSFE (2019b): Public Money – Public Code, Modernising Public Infrastructure with Free Software. FSFE: Berlin. URL: https://download.fsfe.org/campaigns/pmpc/PMPC- Modernising-with-Free-Software.pdf . González-Barahona, J. (2004): Quo vadis, libre software? v0.8.1, work in progress, 14 September. URL: https://archive.li/MgicZ (accessed 7 December, 2018) . Björn Schießle (2012): Free Software, Open Source, FOSS, FLOSS - same same but different. URL: https://fsfe.org/freesoftware/basics/comparison.html . Karl Fogel (2005-2017): Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project, O'Reilly Media. Richard Stallman (2016): FLOSS and FOSS. URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/floss-and-foss.html . Wikipedia (2018a): Free Software Foundation Europe. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Software_Foundation_Europe . 5 . Richard Stallman (2018a): Free Software Is Even More Important Now. URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-even-more-important.en.html . David Crooke (2018): Open Source vs. Proprietary Software. URL: https://www.greennet.org.uk/support/open-source-vs-proprietary-software . The Free Software Directory: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/Main_Page . Benjamin Mako Hill (2011): When Free Software Isn't (Practically) Superior. URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/when-free-software-isnt-practically-superior.html . Ben Bromhead (2017): 10 advantages of open source for the enterprise. URL: https://opensource.com/article/17/8/enterprise-open-source-advantages . Rachel Bridge (2018): Open source software: Advantages & disadvantages. URL: . https://entrepreneurhandbook.co.uk/open-source-software/ . Wikipedia (2018b): Software license. URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_license . Richard Stallman (2018b): The Free Software Community After 20 Years: With great but incomplete success, what now? (Originally published on Newsforge.) URL: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/use-free-software.en.html . The Linux Foundation (2019): Participating in Open Source Communities. URL: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/resources/open-source-guides/participating-open-source- communities/ . Brian Gentile (2011): The responsibility in open source. URL: https://opensource.com/business/11/7/responsibility-open-source . Elizabeth Tatham (2013): Roles in open source projects. URL: http://oss- watch.ac.uk/resources/rolesinopensource . CeBIT Australia (2018): 3 open source communities with the most active user participation. URL: http://blog.cebit.com.au/open-source-communities . Jenni McKinnon (2017): A Citizen’s Guide to Open Source Communities. URL: https://pagely.com/blog/citizen-guide-open-source-community/ Jonathan Corbet (2016): How to Participate in the Linux Community. https://www.linux.com/publications/how-participate-linux-community . Video: What's In It for Me? Benefits from Open Sourcing Code - Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series: Ben Collins-Sussman and Brian Fitzpatrick, 25.10.2007.
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