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6 Anexos ingles ES07:00 Med. en cifrasgraf 13/9/07 11:19 Página 337 Chronologies Chronology of events: Israel-Palestine 2006 is a year of legislative elections end to the political and financial crisis. January 2006 in Israel and the occupied Palestinian Despite the implicit recognition of the territories. Hamas wins an absolute existence of Israel by Hamas in June Israel Appendices majority at the elections for the Pales- and the start of talks in August to cre- tinian Legislative Council in January ate a government of national unity, • On 4th January, Prime Minister Ariel and forms a government in March. The which promises to be a difficult task, Sharon suffers a severe stroke and goes new Palestinian National Authority, re- internal Palestinian confrontations con- into a coma. On the following day, Ehud fusing to give up violence and recog- tinue through to the year’s end, killing Olmert, Deputy Prime Minister and Min- nise the State of Israel as well as the more than 300 people. On 16th De- ister of Finance, is appointed as acting 2007 agreements signed earlier between the cember, Mahmoud Abbas calls early Prime Minister. On 16th January, Kadi- Palestinian Authority and Israel – three elections to resolve the situation in ma, Sharon’s political party, appoints Med. prerequisites for recognising the Hamas Palestine. Olmert as interim party president. administration imposed by the Quartet The internal problems in the occupied • On 11th January, 3 Ministers of the on the Middle East – faces interna- territories notwithstanding, violence Likud party resign from government. On tional diplomatic isolation, a suspension between Israel and the Palestinian fac- 13th January, the last Likud minister re- of international aid and the freezing of tions intensifies over the course of maining in the government, Silvan the transfer of taxes and customs du- 2006. In early April, in response to the Shalom, Minister of Foreign Affairs, re- 337 ties by Israel, plunging the Palestin- frequent rocket attacks by Palestinian signs in his turn. The leader of Likud, ian territories into a serious financial terrorist groups, Israel launches the Benjamin Netanyahu, had resigned in and humanitarian crisis, despite the largest military operation against the August 2005. Quartet’s creation of a “temporary in- Gaza Strip since the evacuation of ternational mechanism” in May. In Is- Jewish settlers in 2005. In late May, Is- Palestine rael, elections to the Knesset mark the raeli troops enter the Gaza Strip for victory of Kadima and its leader, Ehud the first time since their retreat in 2005. • On 10th January, Israel announces Olmert, who plans to establish the de- The Israeli offensive against the Gaza that a limited number of Palestinians of finitive borders of Israel, unilaterally if Strip gains in intensity with the ab- East Jerusalem will be allowed to par- necessary, by 2010. duction of an Israeli soldier by sever- ticipate in legislative elections and that The financial and humanitarian crisis in al Palestinian groups on 25th June. In candidates, except for members of the Palestinian territories is aggravat- response, Israel launches “operation Hamas, are authorised to run for elec- ed by a political crisis engendered by summer rain” and arrests dozens of tions in East Jerusalem. deadly internal struggles among Pales- Palestinian representatives of Hamas, • On 25th January, the Islamist group tinians in the Gaza Strip beginning in 9 of them Ministers, in June and the Hamas wins an absolute majority in leg- April, namely between the advocates President of the Palestinian Legislative islative elections to the Palestinian Leg- of the Hamas government and the fol- Council in August. On 26th November, islative Council, gaining 74 seats out of lowers of Fatah, the party led by Pales- a cease-fire begins between Israel and 132, as compared to the 45 seats go- tinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The Palestinian militants and the Israeli ing to Fatah, President Mahmoud Abbas’ non-payment of the salaries of civil Armed Forces withdraw from the Gaza party. Over 900 international observers servants for a number of months due Strip. On 23rd December, a glimmer of supervise the elections. The Islamic Ji- to the international financial embargo hope emerges with the first official had had refused to participate in the heightens the internal tensions in meeting between the Palestinian Pres- elections and had called on its follow- Palestine. In May, Abbas announces ident, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Is- ers to abstain from voting. There was a that, in the absence of an agreement raeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, since turnout of 74.6% of the electorate. On between Fatah and Hamas, he will the election of Hamas in January, the 26th January, the government of Prime hold a referendum on the issue of meeting aiming to renew the peace Minister Ahmed Qurie, predominantly recognising Israel in order to put an process in the Middle East. belonging to the Fatah party, resigns. 6 Anexos ingles ES07:00 Med. en cifrasgraf 13/9/07 11:19 Página 338 Israel declares that it will not negotiate Palestine Nablus. On 26th February, Israel kills two with a Palestinian government comprised Palestinians, whom according to Israel by an armed terrorist organisation ad- • On 1st February, the Chief of the were setting bombs along the border be- vocating the destruction of Israel. On Egyptian Intelligence Service and en- tween Israel and the Gaza Strip. One of 26th January, US President George Bush voy for Palestinian affairs, Omar these two Palestinians is Zayan Dukhan, likewise declares that he will not nego- Suleiman, calls on Hamas to relinquish one of the sons of Abdel Fattah Dukhan, tiate with Hamas, which is on the US violence, recognise the agreements a Hamas member of the PLC. list of terrorist groups, insofar as it ad- signed by the preceding government vocates the destruction of Israel. On under Fatah and recognise Israel. On 9th 30th January, the Quartet meets in Lon- February, Russia becomes the first mem- March 2006 don and calls for Hamas to recognise Is- ber of the Quartet to establish contact rael, relinquish violence and recognise all with Hamas, inviting its representative to Israel previous agreements, as, for instance, Moscow in order to discuss the Middle the Road Map for Peace, and adds that East peace process. On 10th Febru- • On 9th March, Acting Prime Minis- all financial aid to the new government ary, France expresses circumspect sup- ter Ehud Olmert declares in an inter- will depend on Hamas’ acceptance of port for Russian President Vladimir view to the Jerusalem Post that if Kadi- Appendices these conditions. Putin’s offer. On 18th February, the new ma wins the elections, the party commits Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), to establish the definitive borders of Is- Conflicts between the Parties dominated by the Islamist group, Hamas, rael by 2010 and that the border will fol- is sworn in. On 19th February Hamas ap- low, either exactly or generally, the line • On 19th January, in a suicide attack, points Ismail Haniyeh as Prime Minister of the West Bank security barrier. Olmert a Palestinian detonates a bomb in a of a predominantly-Hamas coalition gov- adds that he will expand the largest set- 2007 restaurant in Tel Aviv, wounding at ernment. On 19th February, in response tlement of Maale Adumim to reach East least 22 people. Authorship for this to the formation of a Hamas-dominated Jerusalem. The Palestinians and the Unit- Med. suicide bombing is claimed by the Is- government, the Israeli government de- ed States reject this expansion plan, lamic Jihad, which states it is in retal- cides to immediately freeze the transfer known by the name of E-1 Develop- iation for Israeli military action in the of tax proceeds and customs duties to ment Plan. On 28th March, Kadima, the Gaza Strip. the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). new party of Ariel Sharon led by Ehud Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert qual- Olmert since Sharon entered a coma, ifies the PNA as a “terrorist authority.” Is- wins the greatest number of seats (29) 338 February 2006 rael likewise calls on international donors at the elections to the Knesset (uni- to suspend their aid to the PNA and an- cameral legislative body with 120 seats). Israel nounces an embargo on the transfer of Kadima starts negotiations to form a arms and military material to the PNA se- coalition with the Labour Party (holding • On 1st February, confrontations take curity forces. Moreover, Hamas repre- 19 seats) and other minor parties. Likud place between settlers and Israeli po- sentatives on the PLC are refused the only wins 12 seats whereas sectarian lice and soldiers in charge of evacu- privilege of travelling between the Gaza parties and those advocating specific in- ating and destroying an illegal colony Strip and the West Bank normally grant- terests take a third of the seats in the in Amona, in the heart of the West ed to Palestinian officials. On 20th Feb- Knesset. Olmert qualifies the elections Bank. Over 200 settlers and 65 police ruary, the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt as a referendum demonstrating support officers and military personnel are launches an international campaign to of his plan for unilaterally establishing the wounded and 16 settlers are arrested. raise funds for the PNA. On 22nd Feb- definitive borders of Israel by 2010. • On 7th February, Acting Prime Min- ruary, the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme ister Ehud Olmert declares on Chan- National Security Council, Ali Larijani, Palestine nel 2 TV that if Kadima wins the elec- announces that Iran will provide sup- tions, Israel will continue to pull out of port to the PNA so it can “withstand • In early March, a Hamas delegation the West Bank while retaining control US cruelty.” led by Khaled Mashal, Chairman of the over the large settlements of Maale Hamas Political Bureau based in Syria, Adumin, Ariel and Gush Etzion, as well Conflicts between the Parties travels to Moscow upon invitation by as over smaller settlements in the Jor- President Vladimir Putin.