as of April 5, 2005

Approved by NCC Executive Committee January 27, 2005 Amendments approved by NCC Executive Committee April 5, 2005

NATIONAL CHICKEN COUNCIL 1015 15TH Street NW Suite 930 Washington DC 20005 phone (202) 296-2622 fax (202) 293-4005


• NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines (Reflecting changes through April 5, 2005)

• NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist (Reflecting changes through April 5, 2005)

• Guidance for Conducting Audits Under NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines

• Standard Contract for Audits Under NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines

• NCC Animal Welfare Scientific Advisory Committee (Members of this committee are available to conduct audits under the NCC program)


The National Chicken Council (NCC) is the association representing vertically integrated broiler producer-processors. NCC recommends the following guidelines to its members to assure the humane treatment of animals and to promote the production of quality products.


Domestic animals are adaptable to a variety of conditions. Today’s chicken has been purposefully selected to thrive under modern management. We believe current good management practices that avoid destructive behavior, prevent disease, and promote good health and production, are consistent with the generally accepted criteria of humane treatment. The specific applications of these criteria are spelled out in the NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist, which should be used to assess compliance with these Guidelines.

Those integrated chicken producer-processors endorsing these Guidelines should designate a management person or group within the company responsible for promoting adherence to the Guidelines.

Practices that promote good health and welfare of broilers are categorized as follows:

-- Education, training and planning -- operations -- Proper nutrition and feeding -- Appropriate comfort and shelter -- Health care (prevention of disease, or rapid diagnosis and treatment) -- Ability to move about and display most normal patterns of behavior -- Best practices on the farm -- Catching and transportation -- Processing -- Breeder operations (if the subject operation includes breeders)

NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 2

I. General Conditions and Practices Applicable to All Segments

A. Education, training and planning

1). Every company that adopts these Guidelines should have a person or a management group in charge of promoting adherence to the Guidelines. 2). Each company must have a documented training program for all employees involved in handling live animals. All employees involved in handling live birds must receive training in the appropriate section(s) of these Guidelines to allow them to do their jobs in accordance with the Guidelines. 3). Each company and each producer should have a written plan for disaster response and recovery, including, but not limited to, structural damage and water, feed and electrical outages. Producers should have current contact information for local emergency services, and each company must provide each producer with a “telephone tree” of emergency contacts at the company.

B. Hatchery operations

1). Conditions that optimize hatchability and minimize early mortality are also favorable to good welfare of hatching birds. Control of climate and sanitation from the hatching process through delivery should be monitored to assure maximum protection of newly hatched birds. The company must have a temperature range goal for the holding room in the hatchery (a minimum of 72 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended) and must have a working thermostat to ensure that the target temperature range is maintained. The company should also have an alarm system or regular monitoring system in use to alert hatchery personnel to failure of critical systems (heat, electricity). 2). Both manual and automated processing systems should be designed, maintained, and operated in a manner that prevents injuries to the chicks. 3). Each hatchery shall have employees who are charged with recording and reporting chick injuries to the management so that corrective action can be taken to avoid preventable injuries. Corrective action should be recorded. Injuries should be rare. 4). Chicks judged as unlikely to thrive should be removed and euthanized prior to disposal, and “pipped” eggs should be properly culled and destroyed. All handling of chicks, including vaccination, sexing, and delivery, should be done to avoid injuries. 5). Recommended Practice: Euthanasia of pips and culls is best accomplished by instantaneous mechanical destruction (maceration). Culls may be destroyed with a properly designed and operated carbon dioxide system precharged with 90% of NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 3

CO2 in the chamber in which birds are kept until irreversible loss of consciousness occurs. Other euthanasia systems must be validated for humaneness. 6). Beak trimming is not allowed in broilers.

C. Proper Nutrition and Feeding

1). Diets should be formulated and fed to prevent all signs of nutritional deficiency and to promote good health and normal maintenance and production (weight gain, egg production). 2). Recommended Practices: Feed composition must be research-based to meet nutritional needs of the animals. Companies should consider the recommendations of the National Research Council and utilize current research to ensure that the diet is adequate to the needs of the broilers. 3). Feed and watering systems should provide adequate access for all birds. Signs of unequal access should result in a change in feed presentation or special provisions for birds denied access. 4). Generally speaking, commercial breeders and broilers should not lose weight. Decisions to modify the rate of weight gain (for production or health related reasons) are acceptable. 5). Water should be made available in adequate quantities for normal hydration, health, and productivity. 6). Feed mills should meet good manufacturing practices.

D. Appropriate Comfort and Shelter

1). Housing should be adequate to protect the birds from anticipated environmental conditions, including normally expected levels of heat, cold, and precipitation, as well as from predatory animals such as hawks and foxes. 2). Premises should be maintained in a clean and orderly fashion. 3). Vermin should be controlled through the use of bait stations, traps and other appropriate and effective measures. 4). Biosecurity procedures, such as bactericidal footbaths for visitors, should be in place. 5). Ventilation systems should be of adequate design and should be maintained and operated in such a manner to provide quality air at all times, including the provision of oxygen, removal of carbon dioxide and noxious gases, and reasonable control of humidity. Each facility should have a written protocol for minimum ventilation requirements, including temperature and dust control; heating program; and static NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 4

pressure (when applicable). 6). Ammonia in the atmosphere should not exceed 25 parts per million; 10 parts per million should be the goal. 7). Moisture in litter should not exceed 35 percent (loosely compacted when squeezed in the hand); litter, ventilation, drinking systems and feed formulation should be managed to minimize foot problems. Visible cracks and ulcers on feet should be avoided. Where used, slats and wire floors should be well maintained, and animal waste removed on a regular program. 8). A reliable system or safety devices should be in place to alert caretakers to power failures or ventilation system failures; emergency procedures should be in place to provide adequate ventilation in the event of a power failure.

E. Health Care: Prevention of Disease, or Rapid Diagnosis and Treatment

1). Qualified veterinary care must be available. 2). Each company must have a written health plan developed in consultation with a veterinarian to include at a minimum: vaccinations; daily checks on bird condition; mortality/morbidity monitoring; identify signs/behaviors triggering vet call; measures taken to prevent transmission of disease among flocks and to control avian pathogens in light of health status of the previous flock. 3). A layout period of 10 to 14 days between flocks is recommended but may be modified based on health status of the flock, weather emergencies, litter replacement, total cleanout, and/or utilization of practices and technologies that lower the health risk to the birds. Approval of the veterinarian is required before the layout period is shortened. 4). Companies must monitor feed intake, bird health including eye and leg health, and lameness. 5). Chicks should be vaccinated against common diseases.

F. Ability to Display Most Normal Behavior

1). Birds should be allowed to roam freely throughout the growing area. Bird welfare at different stocking densities will depend on access to feeders and drinkers, lighting program, type of housing, ventilation system, feeder/drinker equipment, litter management, and husbandry, but density shall not exceed the following limits:

NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 5

Maximum Bird Weight Range Maximum Stocking Density

Below 4.5 lbs liveweight 6.5 pounds per square foot 4.5 to 5.5 lbs liveweight 7.5 pounds per square foot More than 5.5 pounds liveweight 8.5 pounds per square foot

2). Birds that exhibit stunted growth and obvious gait defects that limit an individual bird’s ability to move about or access feed and water for normal growth and development (stage 4 or 5 on the modified Kestin gait score*) should be humanely euthanized. 3). The use of a lighting program is recommended to help manage growth and weight gain in broilers. Lighting programs of increasing or decreasing intensities and periods are utilized to slow early growth in broilers. When continuous or near- continuous lighting is used, lighting should be subdued for most of the period in which the lights are on. Except for the first week and the last two weeks of growout, the flock should be provided with at least four hours of darkness in every 24, in which illumination at bird level does not exceed 50 percent of the light level in the remaining hours; the four hours of darkness may be provided in increments of one, two or four hours.

* Garner et al 2002 (Stage 4: “Bird remains squatting when approached or nudged . . . the bird can walk when picked up by the observer and placed in a standing position, but squats immediately following one or two steps . . .” Stage 5: “The bird cannot walk . . . it may attempt to stand when approached but is unable to do so, and when placed on its feet is unable to complete a step with one or both legs.”)

G. On-Farm Best Practices

1). Flocks should be inspected at least twice a day. 2). The light level should be adequate for inspection, and the caretaker should pass close enough to the birds to observe them. 3). Any dead birds should be removed; and all feeding, drinking, and ventilation systems checked for proper operation on a daily basis. 4). The following are acceptable methods of on-farm euthanasia: a) Rapid decapitation. b) Rapid cervical disarticulation. c) Displacement of oxygen with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or other approved gas. d) Any other American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or American Humane Association (AHA) approved method.

NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 6

H. Catching and Transportation

1). Whenever birds are handled for any reason, including vaccinations, treatments, and movement to new facilities or to processing, handling should be accomplished in such a manner as to avoid injuries. Abuse of the animals should not be tolerated under any circumstances. 2). Supervisors of catching crews have the responsibility for training crew members in handling of birds so as to minimize injury to the birds. The company should have a system in place to ensure that this responsibility is being met. 3). The company should also have an incentive or recognition program in place to encourage humane handling of birds by crew members and discourage inappropriate handling. 4). The number of birds in the catcher’s hand depends on the size of the bird and should not cause injury to the birds. For birds weighing more than four pounds, the maximum number of birds per hand is five. 5). Catchers may not catch or carry birds by the wings or necks. 6). The company should monitor birds for field-caused leg damage and internal injuries. 7). Transport coops should be appropriately sized and should be in good repair so that birds cannot escape during transit. 8). Density in the coops should permit the birds to sit during transport without being on top of one another (in a single layer). 9). During transport and holding, birds should be protected from extremes of heat and cold and should be provided with adequate ventilation. 10). Holding times should be kept to the minimum consistent with good processing practices. 11). The number of animals dead on arrival (DOA) at the plant should be minimized. 12). Any company that employs mechanical catching systems should develop protocols to ensure humane handling of birds. Goal is to ensure that mechanical catching is at least equal to hand-catching in terms of bruises, injuries, and DOA’s.

I. Processing

1). Withdrawal of feed and water is necessary for sanitary processing procedures and food safety. Feed and water withdrawal should be kept to the minimum level consistent with good processing practices. 2). Properly designed and maintained facilities should be provided for bird delivery to NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 7

the processing plant. Best management technology, such as adjustment of light levels, should be in use to help keep birds calm. Personnel should be carefully trained in proper delivery and handling techniques. 3). Holding areas should be equipped with an adequate number of fans to ensure proper ventilation for birds. 4). Stunning and killing equipment should be constantly monitored to insure proper functioning for humane processing. Birds should be insensible to pain when killed. A post-stun posture that includes arched neck and wings tucked in is visual evidence of an effective stun. Backup personnel should be employed at the killing station to euthanize manually any bird not properly killed by the equipment. 5). All birds should be dead before entering the scalder. An uncut “red bird” after the picker is a sign of system malfunction. 6). Personnel and equipment should handle birds in a manner that minimizes broken legs and wings. Broken or dislocated wings should not exceed five percent of wings, calculated as specified in the NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist. 7). Any live birds culled at the plant must be handled by: a. Rapid decapitation. b. Rapid cervical disarticulation. c. Displacement of oxygen with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or other approved gas. d. Any other American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or American Humane Association (AHA) approved method. 8). Abuse of the animals will not be tolerated under any circumstances. 9). The processing plant shall have a plan for emergency operations that addresses animal welfare in the event of a line shutdown caused by a power failure, or other extended line stoppage.

II. Special Considerations for Specific Classes Of Meat-Type Poultry

A. Breeder Pullets and Cockerels

Breeder pullets and cockerels are younger females and males, respectively, in flocks used to produce the eggs that become broilers (young meat ). Breeders have special requirements that must be met in a humane manner. These include:

1). Feed. Adequate access to feed and water must be provided. Because modern meat-type chickens grow rapidly, obesity can be a serious health and welfare NCC Animal Welfare Guidelines Version of February 1, 2005 Page 8

problem in breeders. Moderation of feed intake to maintain frame size and body weight consistent with good health and production are acceptable management practices promoting good welfare. 2). Water. Moderated feeding programs may result in over-consumption of water, which can adversely impact welfare. Restrictions on excessive water intake on off- feed days, usually by limiting water availability to certain times of the day, with due consideration to environmental conditions, promotes overall welfare and is an acceptable practice. 3). Housing. Breeder male natural behavior has necessitated practices such as the gradual introduction of males to breeder houses and subsequent addition of fresh males, in order to maintain productivity and promote welfare. Provision for separate male housing for these extra males is therefore necessary. These facilities should be managed in such a way that social groups are small and stable. 4). Management. Any company that practices the gradual introduction of males into the breeder house will have a plan to do so in a manner that promotes overall flock well-being. Adequate space in nest boxes must be provided for hens. 5). Handling. Certain procedures that may cause short-term stress are necessary for the long-term welfare of the flock. Most of these procedures are to reduce injuries among birds. The following are examples of acceptable management practices promoting long-term welfare. Other similar practices may be acceptable, and the following is not intended to be a definitive list of acceptable practices. a). Precision beak trimming. b). Clipping the inside toe(s) of cockerels. c). Dubbing the combs of cockerels

These practices should be accomplished to minimize stress and should be performed by well-trained personnel using properly designed and maintained equipment. Beak trimming, where performed, should be performed with a heated blade or laser, should be conducted at 10 days of age or less, and should remove no more than the tip of the beak.



National Chicken Council Animal Welfare Audit Checklist As amended February 1, 2005

The following checklist is provided to assist chicken companies in complying with the Animal Welfare Guidelines recommended by the National Chicken Council and voluntarily adopted by this company. This audit checklist should be used in conjunction with the Guidelines.

This audit applies to the following company, complex or facility:


Company and Plant:______Est. No.:______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______Date: ______

Accompanied by: ______

Title ______

Summary: Area Maximum Score Maximum Facility Score Available Score* Education, training and 100 planning Hatchery 175 Nutrition and Feeding 150 Comfort & Shelter 200 Health Care 100 Normal Behavior 100 On-Farm Best Practices 100 Catching and Transportation 300 Processing 250 Subtotal, Broilers 1,475 Breeder Pullets & Cockerels 175 TOTAL 1,650 * Enter Maximum Available Score for each category by omitting scores for systems not in use, e.g., mechanical catching. Possible omissions are indicated by parentheses around maximum score below, e.g., (25) for mechanical catching. If mechanical catching is not in use, Maximum Available Score for Catching and Transportation is 275.

NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 1

Education and 100 training Designated Designated person or Identify designated person or 50 management management group in management group. charge of animal welfare practices. Required training Personnel involved in Verify that the company or 25 handling live animals producer being audited has a should receive sufficient training program and that the training. training program has been completed by personnel involved in handling live animals. Emergency planning Emergency response and Verify company has plan and 25 recovery plan on hand. producer has contact information. Hatchery 175 Target temperature Must have temperature Verify range goal and 25 range goal in holding thermostat. room. Alarm system Alarm system or regular Verify system in place. 25 monitoring in place to protect against critical systems failure Reporting system System in place to Verify system in place. 25 record and report injuries and take corrective action. Culling Chicks unlikely to thrive Culls euthanized with 25 should be euthanized. instantaneous mechanical destruction (maceration) or CO2 systems. Pipped eggs Pipped eggs must be No live pipped eggs (or culled 25 culled. chicks) in hatchery waste.

Euthanasia system Macerator or CO2 Verify working macerator or 25 system in place as precharged CO2 system specified or other system validated for humaneness. NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 2

Beak trimming Not permitted in Verify no beak trimming in 25 broilers. broilers Nutrition and 150 Feeding Adequate diet and Formulated and fed to Verify that feed formulation is 25 nutrition prevent all signs of research-based. nutritional deficiency and to promote good health and normal maintenance and production. Adequate water Permit normal hydration. Minimum one nipple per 20 25 supply birds or as specified by equipment manufacturer. Access to water Adequate access for all Birds should not have to travel 25 birds. more than 15 feet to reach drinker. Access to feed Adequate access for all Number of feeders at least one 25 birds. per 65 birds (in house at full capacity) or at least as specified by manufacturer. Access to feed Birds should not have to travel 25 more than 15 feet to reach feeder. Feed mill Meet good Feed mill must have current 25 manufacturing practices. FDA registration. Comfort & Shelter 200 Housing condition Protects birds from Facility in good repair. 25 anticipated environmental conditions. Vermin control Rodent control program Verify rodent control. 25 should be in place. Biosecurity Biosecurity measures in Verify biosecurity measures. 25 place. NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 3

Ventilation Each facility should have Verify ventilation protocol. 25 a written protocol for minimum ventilation requirements, including temperature and dust control; heating program; and static pressure (when applicable). Ammonia Ammonia in atmosphere Verify ammonia in atmosphere 25 not to exceed 25 ppm. 25 ppm or less. Litter condition Moisture not excessive. Moisture in litter not to exceed 25 35 percent. Litter condition and Litter should promote In random sample of birds, no 25 foot health good foot and skin more than 30% should have health. cracks or ulcers on feet. Emergency Emergency system or Verify system to provide 25 ventilation procedure to provide emergency ventilation. adequate ventilation in the event of a power failure. Health Care 100 Veterinary care Qualified veterinary care Identify veterinarian. 25 must be available. Health plan Must have written health Verify written health plan with 25 plan to include layout layout period. period. Health monitoring Monitor feed intake, bird Verify system for health 25 health including eye and monitoring. leg health, and lameness. Vaccination Vaccinate chicks against Verify vaccination program. 25 common poultry diseases. Normal Behavior 100 Roaming space Birds free to roam Verify free to roam. 25 throughout growing area. NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 4

Stocking density Stocking density Verify estimated weight of 25 (pounds liveweight per birds divided by square footage square foot) not to of house does not exceed limit. exceed limits shown in Note 1 (end of document).

Ambulation Birds able to walk. Verify that birds at stage 4 or 5 25 on modified Kestin score are euthanized. Lighting When continuous or Except for the first week and 25 near-continuous lighting the last two weeks of growout, is used, lighting should the flock should be provided be subdued for most of with at least four hours of the period in which the darkness in every 24, in which lights are on. illumination at bird level does not exceed 50 percent of the light level in the remaining hours; the four hours of darkness may be provided in increments of one, two or four hours.. On-Farm Best 100 Practices Flock Inspection Inspect flocks minimum Verify mortality records exist; 25 twice per day. inspect house for validity of mortality records. If daily mortality exceeds three per thousand placed, corrective action should be taken. Light Adequate light for Adequate light available: 25 inspection. Yes/no. Equipment The grower should check Verify inspection records. 25 inspection the feed, water and ventilation systems for proper operation on a daily basis.

NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 5

On-farm euthanasia Birds unlikely to thrive Use approved humane method 25 or unable to reach food (see note at end for list). and water due to leg or other chronic problems should be euthanized.

Catching and 300 Transportation Catching Handle in humane For birds more than 4 pounds, 25 manner. no more than 5 birds per hand Catching crews Appropriate handling. Verify existence of incentive or 25 recognition program to encourage proper handling. Catching crews Appropriate handling Confirm company has system 25 to ensure crew supervisor provides training to crews and that training is provided Catching No catching by wing or Confirm that crews do not catch 25 neck by wing or neck Transport Equipment and cages in Yes/no. 25 good repair. Transport Coop density. Density in coops permits 25 chickens to sit in single layer. Bird comfort Minimize cold weather Verify covers if needed. 25 impact with side panels or other covers. Bird comfort Minimize hot weather Verify spacing if needed, or 25 impact with additional other measures spacing on trucks as needed, or other measures. Yard holding times Minimum consistent Average yard holding time not 25 with good slaughter to exceed six hours. practice. DOAs Hold DOA’s to a Confirm that DOA’s at plant do 25 minimum. not exceed six-tenths of one percent per day; if level is exceeded, confirm that corrective action is taken NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 6

Bird Monitoring Company should Verify that company has 25 Program monitor for field-caused program in place to monitor leg damage and internal birds for field-caused internal injuries injuries and leg damage. Mechanical catching Any company that If mechanical catching is in (25) employs mechanical use, verify humane protocols. catching systems must develop protocols to ensure humane handling of birds. Processing 250

Feed withdrawal Minimum consistent Feed withdrawal not to exceed 25 with good processing 24 hours before processing. practice. Water withdrawal Minimum consistent Water withdrawal not to exceed 25 with good processing two hours before start of practice. catching. Bird handling Best Management Verify BMT in use. 25 Technology in use, such as adjustment of light levels in live hang area to keep birds calm. Ventilation in Sufficient number of Verify fans. 25 holding area fans to ensure ventilation. Effectiveness of stun Birds should be Stunning should be effective at 25 insensible to pain when minimum of 98 percent of birds killed. Post-stun posture in 500-bird sample. of arched neck and wings tucked in is evidence of stun. Effectiveness of kill Equipment should No more than 2 percent of birds 25 efficiently cut blood in 500-bird sample need to be vessels to induce killed by backup personnel. bleedout. Cadavers Birds should be dead One uncut “red bird” after 25 before entering scalder. picker in sample of 200 is evidence of system malfunction. NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 7

Broken legs and Birds should be handled While stationed at a point just 25 wings to minimize broken legs after birds exit the stunner, the and wings. auditor should watch for signs of broken or dislocated wings; broken wings are indicated by protruding bones, dislocated wings by the wing hanging straight down. In an observation of 1,000 wings (500 birds), the number of broken or dislocated wings should not exceed 50 (five percent of wings). Record number and percentage of broken or dislocated wings.

Plant Culling Any plant culling done Verify that culling is in 25 in approved manner. accordance with Note 2. Emergency plan Plant to have emergency Verify plan 25 plan that addresses bird welfare in event of power failure leading to line shutdown, or other extended line stoppage

Subtotal, Broilers 1,475 NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 8

Breeders 175 Beak trimming Preventative beak Verify personnel training and (25) trimming, when used to proper equipment and minimize injury to birds, procedure. to be accomplished to minimize stress and be performed by well- trained personnel using properly designed and maintained equipment. The procedure should use a heated blade or laser; should be conducted at 10 days of age or less; and should remove no more than the tip of the beak. Toe clipping Toe clipping, when used Verify personnel training and (25) to minimize injury to proper equipment. birds, to be accomplished to minimize stress and be performed by well- trained personnel using properly designed and maintained equipment. Dubbing Comb dubbing, when Verify age of bird and extent of (25) done to minimize injury dubbing. among male birds, should be done at an early age (preferably one day) and should involve no more than ¼ to ½ of the comb. 25

Feed Manage feed intake to Verify feeding program. maintain frame size and body weight consistent with good health and NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist Page 9

production. Nest boxes Maximum 7 hens per nest 25 Feeder space Minimum 3 inches per bird 25 Water Minimum 1 bell-type waterer 25 per 100 birds Subtotal, Breeders 175 Grand Total 1,650

SEE NOTES ON FOLLOWING PAGE NCC Animal Welfare Audit Checklist

Note 1


Maximum Bird Weight Range Maximum Stocking Density

Below 4.5 lbs live weight 6.5 pounds per square foot 4.5 to 5.5 lbs live weight 7.5 pounds per square foot More than 5.5 pounds live weight 8.5 pounds per square foot

Note 2

EUTHANASIA AND IN-PLANT CULLING: The following are acceptable methods of on-farm euthanasia and in-plant culling:

• Rapid decapitation. • Rapid cervical disarticulation. • Displacement of oxygen with nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or other approved gas. • Any other American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) or American Humane Association (AHA) approved method.

Guidance for Conducting Audits Under National Chicken Council Animal Welfare Guidelines

1). Facilities to be Audited. The Company may choose to audit all of its operations or only a subset of its operations, depending on its needs with respect to its customers. The audit applies only to facilities or complexes named on the checklist.

2). Audit of a Complex. If asked to verify compliance for an entire complex, the Auditor should expect to visit a hatchery, a processing plant, and a sample of the farms associated with that plant. At least three growout houses on different farms should be audited in connection with each complex. These farms should be chosen by the Auditor from a list presented by the Company. At least 10 farms should be on the list presented by the Company.

3). Audit of a Company. If a company-wide audit is desired, the Company may elect to contract with more than one auditor in the interest of getting the audits done in a timely manner. The company may also choose to audit only those facilities that serve a particular customer.

4). Written Report. The Animal Welfare Checklist prepared by the National Chicken Council as adopted or amended by the Company is the only authorized basis for an audit. If, however, the company desires additional information from the auditor, it may elect to ask you to prepare a report on your observations and recommendations in addition to the checklist; but in all cases the checklist must be completed.

5). “Free To Roam.” The Animal Welfare Guidelines state: “Birds should be allowed to roam freely throughout the growing area.” The growing area is defined as either the entire house or a subdivision thereof if dividers are used during brooding or other stage of growout.

6). Point Score. A total of 1,650 points are theoretically available. In practice, however, not all these points will be available in any given audit. Please be sure to calculate the “available score” so that the company can use that in reporting its “facility score” to the customer.

Standard Contract for Audits Under National Chicken Council Animal Welfare Guidelines

This AGREEMENT was made on [date]______between [Company] ______and [Contractor] ______

1). Services To Be Performed. Contractor agrees to perform Animal Welfare audit(s) of Company facilities for purposes of verifying the facilities’ compliance with the Animal Welfare Guidelines of the National Chicken Council, as adopted or amended by the Company.

2). Time For Performance. Contractor agrees to complete the performance of these services on or before [date] ______.

3). Estimated Time Required. The Company estimates that Contractor will require ____ day(s) on site to complete the proposed audit. Any days, or portions thereof, in excess of this estimate are subject to prior approval by the Company.

4). Payment. In consideration of Contractor's performance in full of these services, Client agrees to pay Contractor as follows: $____ per day on site or in travel to and from site.

5). Out of Pocket Expenses. Actual, reasonable expenses related to the contractor’s work, including meals, long distance telephone charges, travel, hotel, fax transmission, copying, postage and shipping will be reimbursed by the Company.

6). Invoices. Contractor will submit invoices for all services performed and attach receipts for all actual expenses.

7). Basis of Audit. Contractor agrees that the Animal Welfare Audit Checklist, as prepared by the National Chicken Council and adopted or amended by the Company, shall be the basis for the Contractor’s audit of the Company’s facilities. Company shall provide Contractor with sufficient copies of the checklist for the facilities to be audited.

8). Work Product. The desired work product consists of complete checklists for each facility audited. No other report will be provided by Contractor, unless specifically requested by the Company. It is agreed and understood that the completed checklists are the property of Company, and that Company regards such checklists as confidential proprietary business information. Contractor agrees not to release the checklists, or

copies thereof, to third parties without the express written permission of Company.

9). Other Clients. Contractor retains the right to perform services for other clients.

10). Independent Contractor. For purposes of this agreement, Contractor is an independent contractor, and, under no circumstances, shall be considered or treated as an employee of Company. This agreement creates no partnership or any kind of joint undertaking or venture between Contractor and Company.

11). Entire Agreement. This agreement represents the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and supersedes all prior written and oral negotiations. This agreement may not be amended or modified, except in writing signed by both parties.




NCC Animal Welfare Scientific Advisory Committee

Mr. Don Bell e-mail: [email protected] Poultry Specialist Emeritus University of California at Riverside Dr. Immaculada Estevez 5918 Intervale Drive University of Maryland Riverside, CA 92506 Department of Animal and Avian Sci. Tel: (909) 787-4555 1413 Animal Sciences Center e-mail: [email protected] College Park, MD 20742 Tel: (301) 405-5779 Dr. Sacit F. Bilgili, CHAIRMAN Fax: (301) 314-9059 Auburn University e-mail: [email protected] Department of Poultry Science Upchurch Animal Science Building Dr. R. Michael Hulet Auburn University, AL 30249 Penn State University Tel: (334) 844-2612 Department of Poultry Science Fax: (334) 844-2641 222 Henning Building e-mail: [email protected] University Park, PA 16802 Tel: (814) 863-8934 Dr. John B. Carey Fax: (814) 865-5691 Texas A&M University e-mail: [email protected] Department of Poultry Science College Station, TX 77843 Tel: (979) 845-4319 Fax: (979) 845-1921 e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. Dan Cunningham Professor University of Georgia 226 Poultry Science Building Athens, GA 30602 Tel: (706) 542-1325 Fax: (706) 542-8383 e-mail: [email protected]

Dr. James H. Denton University of Arkansas Center of Excellence for Poultry Science Fayetteville, AR 72701 Tel: (479) 575-4952 Fax: (479) 575-3026