and Town Council Monthly Meeting Wednesday 18 th January 2017

Present: Councillor John James () Councillors Geraint Davies, Ken Edwards, Stephen James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Mrs Susan Northam, David Owens, Andrew Phillips, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Mrs Mary Wenman and County Councillor Hugh Shepardson

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Lee Fox (Technical Services Officer) and Alan Howells (RFO)

(Former OAP Hall 7.00pm – 9.15pm)

118. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by the Mayor, Cllr John James.

119 Personal matters

Apologies were received from Cllrs Malcolm Davies, Mrs Pat Jones and Hefin Williams.

120. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

The Mayor, Cllr John James and Cllr Geraint Davies declared an interest in relation to item number 15 on the agenda, as a result of their positions within local sporting organisations who would be affected by the proposed asset transfers.

The Mayor, Cllr John James requested Councillors to consider suspending Standing Orders to change the order of the agenda items. Due to the presence of a considerable number of members of the public, he proposed that consideration of item number 15 on the agenda be bought forward, which was unanimously APPROVED .

121. To consider recommendations from the Facilities Management Committee meeting of 4 th January 2017 in relation to the potential transfer of assets from

Due to the Mayor, Cllr John James having declared an interest, he stepped down as the Chair for consideration of the item, and both he and Cllr Geraint Davies joined members of the public who were in attendance, during the discussions taking place. The Deputy Mayor, Cllr David Owens chaired this part of the meeting.

The Clerk referred to the potential asset transfers having been considered once more at the recent Facilities Management Committee meeting held on 4 th January 2017. As a result, the Committee had formulated recommendations, which had been circulated to all members with the agenda for this meeting. However, the Clerk outlined that since the Facilities Management Committee meeting of 4 th January 2017, there had been further meetings/discussions with County Council Officers. As the County Council has only 92 previously provided a drainage report dating back to 2004 upon the Memorial Park, it had been agreed that an up to date report should be prepared, although it was presently unknown as to who would be funding this cost. However, the report would be essential to establish what remedial work is required and the cost of doing so. The Clerk also highlighted that funding possibilities had been discussed with County Council Officers.

The Clerk recommended to members that in light of the further information, the recommendations from the Facilities Management Committee should not be considered at this stage. The Council would be in a position to make an informed decision once further information was available.

Given the attendance of members of the public and particularly, members of the various sporting organisations, it was proposed and APPROVED that Standing Orders be suspended once more, to allow the representatives to briefly address the Council. Cllr David Owens therefore invited the representatives to comment and he indicated that they could ask questions, although the Council would not be in a position to answer any questions that evening.

Representations were made on behalf of the Burry Port Memorial Park Bowling Club. It was indicated that the Club aims to get people active and out of their homes and tends to cater for middle age to elderly persons. It was emphasised that the drainage problem does not affect the Bowls Club. Furthermore, it was again emphasised that the Bowls Club wishes the Town Council to take over the lease, as a safeguard, although the Club will run itself and undertake some routine maintenance work.

On behalf of Burry Port Rugby Club, it was commented that clarification of the drainage problems was required. It was further indicated that the Rugby Club commissioned its own report for the playing fields (not the surrounding areas), through the Welsh . Following a query as to whether this report could be made available to the Clerk, it was indicated that this would need to be checked with the Committee.

Members were informed that the Football Club had asked the Football Association of for a survey of the pitch but this had not occurred and the Club is unable to afford it itself. It was indicated that the Football Club would like the Town Council to take on the lease of the Memorial Park. Although the Club would be happy to undertake maintenance of the pitch, they would request assistance from the Town Council with maintenance of the changing rooms.

Following the sporting organisations having the opportunity to make representations, a proposal was made by Cllr Ken Edwards and seconded by Cllr John Hedley Jones as follows: “That the Town Council in light of the new information on asset transfer from Carmarthenshire County Council and the views expressed here by the local organisations, refer this item on the agenda back to the Facilities Management Committee for further consideration”. It was further proposed that the meeting of the Committee take place as soon as practicable, with the Clerk circulating the date to all Council members, to enable them to attend. These motions were unanimously RESOLVED .

Cllr Michael Theodoulou, as Chair of the Facilities Management Committee, emphasised the need for the Council to have the full facts prior to being in a position to make a decision, and this could take some time. He referred to the current deadline of 31 st March 2017 for receipt of the maximum maintenance grant upon transfer of assets. Given the potential for the 93 sporting clubs to financially suffer if the Town Council did not proceed with the transfers prior to 31 st March, Cllr Michael Theodoulou proposed that a formal approach be immediately made to the County Council by the Clerk, to seek an extension of the deadline for the sporting organisations, as well as the Town Council. This was unanimously RESOLVED .

It was further APPROVED that when communicating with Carmarthenshire County Council, the Clerk requests the County Council to pay the cost of the up to date drainage survey and report. As this report is deemed essential in enabling the Town Council to make an informed decision, the Clerk sought clarification on the Town Council’s stance in the event that the County Council would not fund the report. It was therefore RESOLVED that in this instance, the Clerk was authorised to incur the cost on behalf of the Town Council, to enable the report to be commissioned and obtained at the earliest opportunity.

122. Police Business

There was no attendance by the police at the meeting but the Clerk had been provided with the police report in advance and she therefore outlined this to members, as set out below:


Overall and positively, crime continues to be on the decrease in Burry Port and Pembrey.

Crime in November 2016

During the month of November 2016, the following crimes were recorded for the Burry Port Section: Burry Port – 21, Pembrey – 1.

Crime in December 2016

Burry Port – 28, Pembrey – 4

The month showed a small increase in criminal damage offences where local youths have been identified and are in the process of being dealt with by the youth offending team. Although slightly higher in that there were 32 crimes, this was still lower than the monthly rolling average.

Volume calls in November and December

The section had 145 incident volume calls over the November period and 200 in December with average rolling being 174.

Anti-social behaviour in November and December

There were 13 calls in November and 17 in December for Burry Port whilst there were 10 calls in Pembrey in November and 9 in December. This is well below the rolling average for the month and no trends have been identified.



The Inspector has spoken to the PCC in relation to CCTV and it is anticipated that there should be some news in March regarding the situation.


There has been no hold ups in the new Station and at present it is still on time to be completed in March.

Cllr Bob John commented that it would be helpful to ascertain how many regular police officers are at Burry Port and Pembrey at any one time, taking into account sickness, training or secondment elsewhere.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou commented that he did not find the monthly statistics which are provided particularly helpful and would like more detailed information and possibly an annual report. Cllr Stephen James informed members that he believed that some other Councils receive annual reports.

Cllrs Andrew Phillips and Mrs Mary Wenman referred to some local issues which they were aware of. Cllr Andrew Phillips indicated that more regular police patrols were required, particularly in Seaview Terrace, Burry Port, to deter speeding vehicles. The Mayor, Cllr John James advised that this issue could be raised at the PACT meeting. Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman referred to an increase in fly tipping and she was aware of a particular incident earlier that day. The Mayor, Cllr John James urged that these matters should be reported to the police.

123. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 16 th November 2016

The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Wednesday 16 th November 2016 were accepted and approved as a true record.

124. Information from the aforesaid minutes

There were no matters arising.

125. Technical Services Officer’s Report

The TSO referred to his report, which had been circulated in advance to members with the agenda, as set out below and invited observations.

1.Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of November 2016 there have been the following: 1 Opening of grave. 1 Burial of ashes 2 Scattering of Ashes 1 Construction of Monument.

1.Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of December 2016 there have been the following: 1 Scattering of Ashes 1 Construction of Monument 95

1.2 Foot Paths

The following areas have undergone strategic maintenance:

Footpaths: Brynteg. T&L . Replacement of damaged trees by 57-47 Penllwynuchaf.

1.3 Maintenance

The Memorial Gardens: Complete cleansing and removal of fungicide on monument. Repair and repaint all chain links surrounding the monument. Gardens cleared of all debris and fallen leaves in preparation of Remembrance Sunday.

Removal of bedding plants in the surrounding areas as the flowers diminish in quality. Bedding areas have been prepared for plantation ahead of the Wales in Bloom project.

Preparation for locations for housing Christmas displays in Pembrey and Burry Port. A new designated area was constructed on land adjacent to the Neptune for housing of the Christmas tree. New electrical connections were installed in the location for power to the Christmas tree lights.

New Time Clocks were fitted by Carmarthenshire County Council on street sign located outside the Co-op. This connection was to ensure supply for the lower end of Station Road. New connections were made to the boulevard adjacent to the harbour with new time clocks. The harbour received additional lighting for this year’s festive period.

Various quotations have been received for Pembrey Memorial Hall, Burry Port Memorial Hall, Institute, OAP Hall and the Chapel of Rest. The quotations cover total repair and upgrades for the future and identify key areas and causes for concern. The information will be passed to the Facilities Management Committee in January for review.

Repairs have been carried out to the Memorial Park and also MUGA Park. On inspection various bolts had been removed from the park and have now been replaced. Carmarthenshire County Council have provided a full inspection on the both parks.

2. IT Infrastructure.

The TSO has attended a meeting with Lyn from Carmarthenshire County Council and Ian Davies. Ian has been allocated as our data storage task manager to ensure the best secure transfer method for our files when upgrading. The team will work on our storage to cloud and integrate our system files.

Costings for new systems and a 3 year plan are available for the IT structure.

We have added an additional email set up for [email protected] on our email client Zimbra. This email is to be used for private matters and personnel issues that are addressed to the Town Clerk only.


4. Copperworks School

P4.1 Welsh water actioned a late request from last year to cut the supply to the Copperworks School. There was no warning of the actual cut off date. On speaking to Welsh Water an email was forwarded with actual confirmation. This information was due to the fact that there was a large under floor leak and the property was to be demolished.

Approval was authorised for the sub-contractors to install the first stage of connection as specified by Welsh Water. The work carried out was inspected and was passed ready for connection. We will await a connection date as supplied by Welsh Water.

5. Health / Safety & Hygiene

The Town Council Health & Safety Manual has been reviewed and new units have been submitted for review.

The TSO has arranged meetings with various organisations over the festive period and updated the Fire Evacuation process.

A meeting date was arranged for 6th December with Carmarthenshire County Council’s Eddie Cummings (Learning and Development Advisor). Mr Cummings was asked to provide a health and safety presentation to members of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee and also the Facilities Management Committee. Further to the meeting relevant training courses have been set up and Iwan Richards will visit the TSO on the 16 th January 2017. Additional training will commence on March 23 rd 2017.

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman referred to the new bench and bins, which had been installed at the Toddler Park and which are greatly appreciated.

Following a query from Cllr Robert John, the TSO advised that a connection date for the water supply to the Band Room had now been received from Welsh Water. This is to take place in the second week of February and the delay has resulted from a road closure being required for this.

Lastly, the Mayor, Cllr John James referred to the very positive comments which had been received from the local in relation to the Christmas lighting and he thanked the TSO and other members/staff who had been involved in this project.

126. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meetings held on Wednesday 2 nd November and Wednesday 7 th December 2016

The minutes of the meetings held on 2nd November 2016 and 7 th December 20016 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

2nd November 2016


There were no matters arising.

7th December 2016

P1 (4) Matters arising (Update on issues relating to the Copperworks site)

Cllr Ken Edwards updated members that a meeting had taken place with MP and AM on Friday 13 th January. Cllr Michael Theodoulou added that the meeting had enabled the opportunity for the Town Council’s position to be communicated in detail. Also, it had been possible to share the Council’s view that the intervention by Lee Waters AM in relation to the planning application had resulted in a greater impact than he had expected. Accordingly, Lee Waters AM had agreed to write a further letter to try to rebalance the position. Therefore, the application will be proceeded with, supported by a written statement, setting out the Council’s position.

127. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Thursday 3rd November, Thursday 17 th November 2016 (Special meeting) and Thursday 1 st December 2016 (draft)

The minutes of the meeting held on 3rd November 2016 and the Special meeting of 17 th November had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record. The draft minutes of the meeting of 1 st December 2016 had also been circulated, for information purposes.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising in relation to the minutes of the meetings of 3 rd November 2016 and 17 th November 2016.

128. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer, to include budget setting for the 2017/18 financial year

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at Balanc e at Unpresented Council 31st December 2016 :- bank cheques cash book balance £ £ £

Business Instant Access account 269,538.76 269,538.76 Community Account 59,435.95 25,226.11 34,209.84 Imprest account 16,999.20 16,999.20 £345,973.91 £25,226.11 £320,747.80

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st November to 31st December 2016 98

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Lesar Admin - ID cards 69.00 13.80 82.80 CCC Admin - Dictation equipment 299.99 60.00 359.99 Water Charges - Pembrey Memorial Dwr Cymru Hall 357.43 357.43 Water Charges - Burry Port Memorial Dwr Cymru Hall 497.73 497.73 Dwr Cymru Water Charges - Institute 77.93 77.93 Xerox Finance Admin - photocopier charges 143.09 28.62 171.71 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 170.80 34.16 204.96 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 22.89 4.57 27.46 Pembrey Memorial Hall - NJ Landscapes maintenance 900.00 180.00 1080.00 Powercut Cemetery - New Equipment 430.00 86.00 516.00 Dwr Cymru Copperworks - Water connections 1610.00 192.00 1802.00 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 354.83 70.96 425.79 British Gas Copperworks - electricity 13.79 0.68 14.47 British Gas Institute - Electricity 235.82 47.16 282.98 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 276.99 55.39 332.38 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 88.61 4.43 93.04 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 30.99 1.54 32.53 British Gas Pembrey Memorial Hall - Electricity 74.05 3.70 77.75 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 156.32 31.27 187.59 Consortium Cleaning materials - toilets 86.97 17.40 104.37 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 119.24 23.85 143.09 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 102.41 20.48 122.89 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 22.41 4.48 26.89 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 21.82 4.36 26.18 Greenwell Power Tools Cemetery - Equipment maintenance 16.66 3.33 19.99 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 8.90 1.78 10.68 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Tradepoint Maintenance 94.93 19.01 113.94 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Tradepoint Maintenance -13.33 -2.67 -16.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Tradepoint Maintenance -11.51 -2.29 -13.80 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Tradepoint Maintenance 1.08 0.22 1.30 Mike Clarke Printing Admin - Stationery 38.00 7.60 45.60 BT Admin - Telephone 20.00 4.00 24.00 Plusnet Admin 15.00 3.00 18.00 Lloyds Bank Service Charges 5.00 5.00 ATECH MUGA - Maintenance 90.00 18.00 108.00 AT-Photography Admin - Civic Expenditure 80.00 80.00 Tradepoint Memorial Garden - maintenance 15.27 3.05 18.32 Tradepoint Cemetery - maintenance 7.50 1.50 9.00 Tradepoint Cemetery - maintenance 21.21 4.25 25.46 Tradepoint Burry Port Memorial Hall - Repairs 16.44 3.30 19.74 ICCM Admin - Training 330.00 66.00 396.00


Friendship Square clock Smith of Derby maintenance 222.00 44.40 266.40 HF James Cemetery - sub contractor 384.00 76.80 460.80 Toppers Cemetery - equipment 48.38 48.38 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Water Coolers Direct Maintenance 77.93 15.59 93.52 Lee Fox - reimbursement Admin - Stationery 14.23 2.85 17.08 Plusnet Admin 15.50 3.10 18.60 Plusnet Admin 17.00 3.40 20.40 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 108.53 21.71 130.24 Tradepoint Cemetery - maintenance 50.53 10.09 60.62 BT Admin - Telephone 197.31 39.46 236.77 Blachere Xmas lighting 6879.75 1375.95 8255.70 Zurich Insurance Admin - Insurance 72.29 72.29 Miles Hire Christmas Lighting - fencing 64.00 12.80 76.80 Wrenvale Nurseries and Landscapes Christmas Lighting - Tree 700.00 140.00 840.00 Parker Plant Hire Copperworks - Maintenance 9.04 1.81 10.85 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 48.48 9.70 58.18 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Cathedral leasing Maintenance 64.98 13.00 77.98 Greenwell Power Tools Cemetery - maintenance 30.00 6.00 36.00 CCC Admin - Licence fee 180.00 180.00 BT Admin - Telephone 20.00 4.00 24.00 Pembrey FC Special - Donations 1000.00 1000.00 St Mary's Church Special - Events 200.00 200.00 St Illtyd's Church Special - Events 350.00 350.00 Ramblers Festival of Walks Special - Events 100.00 100.00 Royal British Legion Civic Expenditure 78.00 78.00 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 768.95 153.79 922.74 British Gas Copperworks - electricity 20.53 1.02 21.55 British Gas Institute - Electricity 338.73 67.74 406.47 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 303.14 60.62 363.76 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 181.88 9.09 190.97 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 29.07 1.45 30.52 Excel Electrics Christmas Lighting Installation 7935.00 1587.00 9522.00 Civic Expenditure - Senior citizens S&J Catering lunch 605.00 605.00 Plusnet Admin 15.00 3.00 18.00 Brightwash Civic Expenditure - Xmas Window display Laundrette competition 100.00 100.00 Civic Expenditure - Xmas Window display WD Sewards & sons competition 75.00 75.00 HN James - Adeline Civic Expenditure - Xmas Window display Guest House competition 50.00 50.00 28252.51 4679.30 32931.81


3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1st November to 31st December 2016

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Post Office Postage 3 5.10 5.10 Post Office Postage 3 14.28 14.28 Post Office Postage 3 64.00 64.00 Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Chivers Corner Garage Phone - top up 3 10.00 10.00 Burry bargains Locks 3 4.40 4.40 Burry bargains Tool 3 1.59 1.59 Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Poinsettias etc (Christmas Tesco lunch) 9 38.50 38.50 Currys Printer ink 3 23.99 23.99 B&M Sweets etc (Christmas lunch) 9 24.36 24.36 Chivers Corner Garage Phone - top up 3 10.00 10.00 Burry Stores Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 3 0.75 0.75 Total payments made from petty cash £201.47 £0.00 £201.47

The RFO highlighted the bank balances. He also referred to the significant number of payments, as these related to a two month period. He specifically highlighted a payment to Dwr Cymru, which related to the water connection for the Band Room. He further highlighted significant payments which related to the Christmas lighting and their installation.

4. Budget Monitoring

The Budget monitoring report for the period 1st April to 31st December 2016 has been circulated to Members.

The RFO advised that this report had already been considered at recent meetings of the Finance Committee and the Facilities Management Committee. At this point in the financial year, income and expenditure should be around 75% of the budget and therefore, with net expenditure at 68.32% it is within budget.

Cllr Stephen James queried the overspend on floral displays under the Regeneration and Community Services Committee’s budget. The RFO advised that there had been contributions received of £1,250, which would go towards offsetting this. Also, some additional money had been received at the end of the previous financial year which had been 101 placed into reserves, which should be within the budget of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee. The RFO also referred to the fact that Committees are all being requested to consider internal virements and that this process had been working well.

Cllr Ken Edwards referred to a previous request which he had made for the separation of the figures in relation to the Copperworks site, so that the costs for the empty building can be clearly identified. He further indicated that it is actually the Band Room which is the old Copperworks School, and the empty building is the annexe. Accordingly the empty building has no historical significance.

Draft budget report

The draft budget report for the 2017/18 financial year had been circulated to members with the agenda, for their consideration. The RFO also confirmed that it had been circulated to the Committees.

The RFO outlined the basis for the preparation of the budget, as set out in the summary which he had prepared. The RFO advised that there is a proposed increase in the budget of £16,000 for the 2017/18 financial year. If this is to be funded from the precept, it would equate to an increase of £0.09 per week (£4.93 per year) for a band D property. Following a query from Cllr Stephen James, the RFO advised that this is a 5% increase.

Cllr Stephen James referred to previous discussions in relation to potential upgrading of the Town Council’s website. He also referred to work required on the IT system, following difficulties encountered last year. The TSO advised that Carmarthenshire County Council would be upgrading the Town Council’s IT system in two weeks’ time and there would be no cost incurred for this. Cllr Stephen James further queried where funds could be obtained for the website. The RFO advised that under the administration budget heading, there is a figure of £7,659 which would normally cover the website. However, there is also a marketing budget within the Regeneration and Community Services Committee’s budget which has been increased from £5,500 to £10,000 and therefore, this could also be potentially used.

Following a query from Cllr Michael Theodoulou, the RFO advised that the proposed budget did not include a separate budget to market the Council’s halls and facilities. Cllr Michael Theodoulou commented that the Facilities Management Committee could not be expected to market the halls if there was no budget to do so and he referred to the fact that he had previously raised this. However, Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews queried whether the promotion of the halls should come within the remit of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee. In light of these comments, Cllr Ken Edwards suggested that there should be a further meeting of the four chairpersons of the committees to consider this and any other issues/crossovers between committees.

In considering the proposed budgets for the individual committees, the following was outlined by the RFO and discussed:

Finance Committee

The RFO advised that there is no proposed increase in the budget of the Finance Committee.


Facilities Management Committee

The RFO advised that the TSO had reported on essential work which was required and as a result, the Facilities Management Committee had recommended that a loan be taken out to cover this expenditure. Therefore, proposed loan repayments are included within the draft budget.

Civic Governance and Personnel Committee

The RFO advised that the main increase in this Committee’s budget relates to election costs, for which a figure of £5,500 has been included. The RFO advised that the last by-election had cost the Council approximately £6,000. This figure had been queried with the County Council, who had advised of the increase in postal votes resulting in greater costs. The RFO further advised that having checked figures for the last joint elections with the County Council, it appears that there was a sharing of costs.

Following a query regarding the proposed Mayoral allowance, the RFO advised that there had been a recommendation from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee to split the expenditure into two headings. The Clerk further advised that it had been agreed that it would be preferable for ticket costs for the Mayor attending events to be paid for through the office and therefore a reduced allowance would be paid to the Mayor for incidental expenditure.

Regeneration and Community Services Committee

The RFO referred to the increase in projected income for this Committee and advised that work has already commenced between the Chairperson and Clerk in order to generate this increased income. In relation to expenditure, the Committee had proposed holding two events. However, the Finance Committee was proposing that this be reduced to just one event with a reduced budget and it would then be up to the Committee how it spends it. Additionally, the budget for Special Development Projects had been reduced, on the basis that intended work would be commencing at a later date.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou referred to the increase in the budget for the Christmas lighting. He queried the reason for this, as he had believed that the costs would be lower for this coming Christmas. There was also a brief discussion in relation to the increase in the budgets for the floral displays. Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews emphasised that steps are being taken to increase sustainable planting. Also, self-watering flower baskets are to be obtained and therefore, maintenance will be much less labour intensive. Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews also emphasised the intentions to fund raise more widely.

The TSO commented that an online survey had recently been circulated and 44 responses had already been received, all of which had been very positive in relation to the floral displays. The Clerk explained that this survey had been undertaken to gauge local opinion as part of the Town Council’s entry to the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice National Awards Scheme under the Best Tourism Initiative.

Following the discussions, it was proposed and unanimously APPROVED that the draft budget be accepted. 103

129. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meetings held on Tuesday 8 th November and Tuesday 13 th December 2016

The minutes of the meetings held on 8th November 2016 and 13 th December 2016 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

8th November 2016

There were no matters arising

13 th December 2016

P1 (4) Matters arising – Pembrey Memorial Hall

Following a query, the Clerk confirmed that there was no further progress in relation to the lease on Pembrey Memorial Hall and other issues relating to this premises.

130. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/34812 Head of Leisure Erection of a new 227 sq m single storey Carmarthenshire County Council amenity block for the existing caravan park. There would be a rear fenced yard for LPG tanks S/34877 Mark Galbraith Demolition of existing garage and 5 Maenor Helyg construction of a single storey detached Pembrey double garage with home gym S/34886 Peter Jones Proposed residential development of a Braunton, The Links dormer bungalow Pembrey S/34928 Stuart Denman Rear double storey extension 89 Gwscwm Road Burry Port

The Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that approval of all applications was recommended. Members therefore agreed that there be a recommendation for approval of these applications.

131. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor Hugh Shepardson advised that work is continuing in relation to Pembrey Country Park. There are plans to refurbish the restaurant and also to create an all weather 104 facility. In relation to the canal, he informed members that he and County Councillor Mrs Shirley Matthews had met further with County Council officers and it looks likely that it will be drained within the next couple of months. County Councillor Hugh Shepardson also advised that a report will be considered by the Scrutiny Committee on 20 th January in relation to Burry Port Harbour and hopefully, this will be approved.

County Councillor John James reiterated that he was also hopeful for the meeting taking place in relating to Burry Port Harbour, and he hopes that he will be able to speak at this meeting. Members were informed that there is a comprehensive report on the dredging of the harbour. Also, the maintenance of the harbour walls will be considered. The issue will be considered by the Executive Board of Carmarthenshire County Council on 6 th February 2017, following discussions at the Scrutiny Committee meeting.

County Councillor John James also referred to issues with dog fouling and a recent incident on the rugby pitch. He advised that there are dog orders in place, which means that the police and PCSOs have the power to issue notices. County Councillor John James confirmed that he had spoken with the relevant Executive Board member, County Councillor Jim Jones and they are looking to target areas and also at additional signage being erected, to address the problems. Additionally, County Councillor Jim Jones and the County Council leader intend meeting with the Chief Constable in order to ensure police support.

132. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that he had attended many events over the festive period in carrying out his civic duties. He also commented how well the festive season had gone within Pembrey and Burry Port.

133. To consider the approval of an amendment to Standing Orders in relation to dealings with the press/media as recommended by the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 9 th January 2017

The Clerk outlined the background to this agenda item. There had been a discussion at the October Town Council meeting regarding the provision of press releases relating to Council decisions, following which, the matter had been referred back to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, for further consideration. The Clerk advised that following discussion by the Committee, she had prepared an amendment to the section within the current standing orders which relates to dealings with the press/media. The amendment had been considered at the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 9 th January 2017 and the Committee was recommending the amendment (as highlighted in red in the extract circulated to members) to the Town Council for approval.

There was discussion as to whether there was sufficient clarity that the wording only relates to protocol on statements being provided to the press/media when the official position of the Council is being represented. Cllr Michael Theodoulou emphasised the point that if a member is requested to provide an individual opinion, then he or she should still be allowed to do so, irrespective of whether a Council statement has been given. Also, Cllr Stephen James indicated that if a resolution is made which is contrary to a member’s view and how he or she voted, then that person should still be allowed to speak out on their individual views.

The Clerk advised members that at the recent Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting, members had discussed the rules for Councillors, as contained with the Good 105

Councillor’s Guide, where there is reference to abiding by majority decisions. This was also emphasised by Cllr Ken Edwards, although he acknowledged that a member cannot be prevented from making known his or her own views, providing that it is made clear that it is the individual’s views. Furthermore, Cllr Ken Edwards commented that in such a situation, the Clerk would make a response, to emphasise that it is not the Council’s position.

Following the discussion, members were of the view that the amendment clearly set out the Council’s stance. However, it was agreed that the wording ‘or appropriate committee’ should be added in at the end of paragraph b, so that a Committee could potentially authorise an individual Councillor to make a statement, as well as the Town Council doing so. Subject to this, the amendment to the Standing Orders was APPROVED.

134. To consider suggestions from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee (meeting of 9 th January 2017) for an appropriate tribute to Immediate Past Mayor Cllr Mrs Jean Hire

The Clerk outlined that following discussions at a meeting of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee on 9 th January 2017, three suggestions were being put forward as an appropriate tribute to Immediate Past Mayor, Cllr Mrs Jean Hire, which she detailed, as set out below:

• Naming the meeting room in the Memorial Hall in her memory as the “Jean Hire Room”. • The planting of a tree in the Memorial Gardens, with a suitable plaque. • The purchase of a memorial bench, again with an appropriate plaque. It was suggested that this could be placed either in the Memorial Gardens or in the sustainable garden opposite the old Burry Port Junior School

Members were of the view that it would be preferable for any tribute to be visible to members of the community. It was therefore proposed and RESOLVED that a bench be purchased in memory of Cllr Mrs Jean Hire and this be placed on the former cinema site (the sustainable garden opposite the old junior school).

135. To consider a potential consultation on safety issues leading into Parkes Street, Burry Port.

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that he had been approached in relation to this issue and had therefore wished it to be placed on the agenda. He indicated that the County Council would like to see the Town Council supporting a consultation, to ascertain local views. The Mayor, Cllr John James advised that there had been a number of incidents along this street, including houses having been hit.

It was therefore proposed and RESOLVED that the Town Council would support such a consultation.

136. To consider a request from the Heritage Trail Group in relation to maintenance and insurance of the heritage boards

The Clerk outlined details of communications received by email from the Coordinator of the Heritage Trail Group regarding the Town Council being responsible for maintenance and

106 insurance of the heritage boards over the next five years and in turn, it retaining the sum of £1,500 of the Council’s match funding for the overall project.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou suggested that the Council should have sight of the Heritage Group’s accounts, so that it can satisfy itself that the grant has been properly used. Members were however reminded that the Council’s RFO has the available information, as he has been administering the funds and making payment of the various invoices throughout the duration of the project.

Following the discussions, it was therefore proposed and APPROVED that the Clerk could provide written confirmation to the Heritage Group that it would be responsible for maintenance/insurance of the boards on the basis requested, so that this information could be passed onto the Heritage Lottery Fund. It was further confirmed that the RFO would be able to provide financial information on the project to a future Town Council meeting.

137. To consider communications received

1. Email from One Voice Wales on 18 th November 2016, forwarding a copy of Carmarthenshire Citizens Advice “Councillors Newsletter”. ( copy attached ) Noted.

2. Email from One Voice Wales on 24 th November 2016, forwarding details from the Local Government Finance Policy Division of the on a consultation upon The Draft Account and Audit (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2016. The consultation launched on 24 th November 2016 and seeks views on draft regulations which will form part of the amendments to the Account and Audit Regulations 2014. The consultation is on proposed regulations which:

• bring forward the timetable for preparing publishing statements of Local Government bodies • remove the requirement for pension amendment to be included in the administering bodies’ accounts • remove the requirement for local Government bodies to publish local notices in local newspapers. The consultation ends on 6 th February 2017. Noted.

3. Email from One Voice Wales on 29 th November 2016 forwarding information from the Welsh Government. This advises that the Landfill Disposals Tax (Wales) Bill has been introduced into the National Assembly for Wales by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Mark Drakeford AM. The bill introduces a tax on disposals on landfill in Wales, landfill disposal tax, to replace landfill tax from April 2018. A fact sheet is available at LDT-leaflet-en.pdf . Noted.

4. Email from One Voice Wales on 2 nd December 2016, forwarding information from the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner. This advises that since the Well- being of Future Generations Act came into place, the Future Generations Commissioner has made it an early priority to visit each of the 44 public bodies in Wales to learn more about the issues and challenges they face. The Commissioner has also held a series of stakeholder sessions across Wales and has attended more than 100 107

events to build awareness of the Act and to listen to the wide range of views. Following the early engagement, there has been publication of the “Talking Future Generations” report, which refers to the issues raised to date and provides an overview of some of the priority areas which the Commissioner is seeking to focus upon, based upon views received to date. The Commissioner’s aim is to develop these priorities into a longer term plan, which will frame the support provided to public bodies. The Commissioner intends to continue to engage through ongoing dialogue with persons from all sectors and communities. Noted.

5. Email from One Voice Wales on 6 th December 2016 forwarding information from the Wales Audit Office on their report entitled “Preparations for the implementation of fiscal devolution in Wales”. A summary report is attached . Noted.

6. Email from One Voice Wales on 8 th December 2016 forwarding information from the Welsh Government on a consultation. This advises that the Welsh Government has commenced work on the preparation of the National Development Framework (NFD). The NDF will be a national land use development plan and will replace the existing Wales Spatial Plan. It will set out the 20 year spatial framework for land use in Wales, providing a context for the provision of new infrastructure and growth and setting out how the Government’s land use objectives will be taken forward at national, regional and local levels. There is a Call for Evidence and Projects, which invites people to submit evidence which can help form the development of the NDF and details of projects which are of national importance and can help Wales achieve its objectives. The call for evidence and projects will be open until 7 th March 2017. Noted.

7. Email from One Voice Wales on 8 th December 2016 forwarding information from the National Assembly for Wales on a consultation. The consultation relates to changing the name of the National Assembly and is open until 3 rd March 2017. A copy letter relating to this is attached. Noted .

8. Email from One Voice Wales on 9 th December 2016 forwarding information from the Department for Economy and Infrastructure of the Welsh Government on a consultation on the Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance 2017. A copy letter from Ken Skates AM, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure is attached . Noted.

9. Letter of thanks from the Festival Secretary of Llanelli Ramblers dated 18 th December 2016 for the recent donation made towards the Festival of Walks 2017. In connection with item number 6, a subsequent email has been received from One Voice Wales on 12 th December 2016 in relation to engagement events for the preparation of the National Development Framework. Events with Welsh Government Planning Officials are to be held, to provide information about the timetable for the NDF and to obtain information about engagement in the process. The nearest event will be held at Parc y Scarletts, Llanelli on 31 st January 2017 between 10.30am and 12.30pm, with places limited to two persons from each organisation.



10. Email from the Local Government and Democracy Division of the Welsh Government on 19 th December 2016 attaching an invitation from the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales to attend a roundtable discussion event on its remuneration framework for Community and Town Councils. The event will enable the Panel to ensure its remuneration framework suits the needs of Community and Town Councillors, particularly at a time when there are many changes affecting the sector more widely and Community and Town Councils are faced with taking on more responsibilities. There are a number of regional meetings. The Regional meeting is to be held in on 2 nd February 2017 from 10.30am until 12.30pm and the Regional meeting is to be held at Abergaveny on 15 th February 2017 between the same times. Up to two representatives from each Council are invited. Noted.

11. Letter dated 5 th January 2017 from the Secretary of St Illtyd’s Church, Pembrey, expressing appreciation for the Council’s financial donation towards the purchase of tree stands for the Christmas tree festival. The letter also advised that the festival was deemed to be a huge success in that it brought together members of various organisations in the village and attracted members of the public who did not ordinarily visit the church. Noted.

12. Email from One Voice Wales on 10 th January 2017, attaching a letter from its Chief Executive regarding training opportunities. ( copy attached ). Noted.

138. Reports by elected members

Cllr Stephen James informed members that concern had been expressed by some residents of New Street that the footway from Burry Port Memorial Park to New Street continues to be used as a roadway. He declared his own interest, as a resident of New Street but was bringing the issue to the attention of the Town Council due to the serious safety implications. Cllr Stephen James advised that there had been some serious incidents where collisions had almost occurred. It was therefore proposed and APPROVED that the County member should liaise with the County Council on this issue.

139. To consider the report of the Clerk on Matters of Administration

1. Letter dated 13 th January 2017 from the Chairman of Pembrey AFC, thanking the Council for the grant funding. The letter advised that without this assistance, the club would have been unable to fence the football pitch, to prevent the badgers destroying the playing surface. Noted.

2. Email on 16 th January 2017 from Cymdeithas Cymru. This advises that the next Tynged yr Iaith Sir Gar (Fate of the Language in Carmarthenshire) Forum will be held on 28 th January 2017 at Library, the theme of which will be “Planning the Future of our Communities”. At this meeting, there will be an opportunity to discuss the effect of the housing market and developments on 109

communities with representatives from the Advisory Panel. The email also refers to a substantial review of Carmarthenshire County Council’s Local Development Plan during 2018 and emphasises that people’s experiences will be important to ensure that the review has the future of our communities at its heart. The meeting will be held in Welsh, but translation facilities can be provided. Several representatives from Carmarthenshire County Council will also be in attendance, including Llinos Quelch (Head of Planning). The email requests that notification of attendance be provided by 25 th January. Noted.

3. Letter received on 17 th January 2017 from the Chair of Carmarthenshire County Council. This advises that following on from its success in 2016, a St David’s Parade will be held on Saturday 25 th February at 11am in Carmarthen, to which an invitation is extended to all members. The parade will commence from Carmarthen Park and travel through the town, accompanied by bands and choirs, ending at Guildhall Square. Chains of office are to be worn and everyone is encouraged to bring a , St David’s or Owain Glyndwr flags. There will be free parking in all Council car parks on this day. Noted, save that it was agreed that the Regeneration and Community Services Committee be requested to consider a similar parade taking place in Burry Port in the future.

4. Email on 17 th January 2017 from the Coordinator of Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage Project. This extends an invitation to all Councillors to attend the official launch of the project on Friday 10 th February 2017 at 7pm at Burry Port Memorial Hall. A reception will be held on this day and it will also provide an opportunity to learn more about the project, meet the project team and view the materials. The email requests that notification be provided of intended attendance. Noted.

5. It was APPROVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Confidential minute of the Town Council meeting of Wednesday 16 th November 2016.

Minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of Monday 10 th November 2016.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council DRAFT - Monthly Meeting Wednesday 15th February 2017

Present: Councillor John James (Mayor) Councillors Malcolm Davies, Ken Edwards, Stephen James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Mrs Susan Northam, David Owens, Michael Theodoulou and Mrs Moira Thomas

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Lee Fox (Technical Services Officer) and Alan Howells (RFO)

(Former OAP Hall 7.00pm – 9.25pm)

140. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by the Mayor, Cllr John James.

141 Personal matters

Apologies were received from Cllrs Geraint Davies, Mrs Pat Jones, Mrs Mary Wenman, Andrew Phillips, Hefin Williams and County Councillor Hugh Shepardson.

142. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

Cllrs John Hedley Jones, Mrs Lisa Mitchell and Mrs Shirley Matthews, as well as the TSO declared an interest in planning application number S/35075 under item number 12 on the agenda, due to their involvement with the RNLI.

143. Police Business

Inspector Christopher Reynolds and Sergeant Ian Francis were in attendance. Inspector Reynolds presented the police report, as follows:




Overall, crime in Pembrey & Burry Port continues to be on level with the rolling average of 34 for both Pembrey and Burry Port.

Crime in January 2017

During the month of January 2017, the following crimes were recorded for the Burry Port Section - Burry Port – 31 Pembrey – 3

The month showed no particular trends and was well below the monthly rolling average (34).

Burry Port

18 offences in crime category of violence against the person which includes assault, threats, harassment & cruelty. Of these 6 were where the victim did not wish to support police action.



1 offence of under criminal responsibility & 1 offence where they did not support the police

Volume calls in January

Burry Port has had 92 calls whilst Pembrey 79 over the January period with a total of 171, which is slightly lower than the rolling average (182).

Anti-Social Behaviour in January

24 calls in total, 14 in Burry Port and 10 in Pembrey


I have spoken to the Inspector running the new CCTV project which will be overseen by the PCC. There will be a requirement for justification of the CCTV and there is the potential where they will concentrate on the main towns. Of note is that they will be required to send in a letter to the PCC’s office asking to become involved in the scheme as a community partner.


There has been no hold ups in the new Station and at present it still appears to be ready on time according to estates department.

Inspector Reynolds emphasised the project being put together by the Police and Crime Commissioner in relation to CCTV, as referred to above. He advised that in relation to this, the Council would need to make an application to justify the need for CCTV in the area. It was agreed that it is essential that there be CCTV in the area and accordingly, it was APPROVED that a strongly worded letter should be sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner in support of this. It was further agreed that Cllr Robert John should liaise with the Clerk in relation to this.

Inspector Reynolds confirmed that the work being carried out upon the Police Station extension was still proceeding well and should be completed by the end of March 2017.


Following a query, the Inspector advised that to his knowledge, it would be police officers and PCSOs based at the Police Station.

A query was raised in relation to a series of thefts at the Ashburnham Golf Club, where batteries had been stolen from golf buggies. The Inspector confirmed that in light of these the following month’s statistics would not be as pleasing. However, he confirmed that there had been arrests and that prosecutions were proceeding through the judicial system.

A query was also raised in relation to anti-social behaviour in Burry Port Town Centre, involving a group of young children. The Inspector emphasised the need for any incidents to be reported, so that PCSOs can be directed to attend, where required. The Inspector was informed that for incidents occurring in Parc y Minos Street, the Council may be able to provide assistance in identifying culprits, as a result of its own CCTV.

Reference was made to a discussion at a previous meeting regarding an incident when tractor tyres had been pushed along the railway platform. Sergeant Ian Francis confirmed that the gentlemen who owned the tyres had been spoken to and as a result they had been chained up to secure them.

Lastly, Inspector Reynolds informed members that it would be the last Town Council meeting attended by Sergeant Ian Francis, due to him shortly retiring. Best wishes were conveyed to Sergeant Francis by the Mayor, Cllr John James. Following Inspector Reynolds and Sergeant Francis leaving the meeting, it was APPROVED that a letter be sent to Sergeant Francis, recording the Council’s gratitude for his many years of service within the local area.

144. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18th January 2017

Cllr Ken Edwards referred to the penultimate paragraph on page 93. He indicated that he had made the proposal regarding the agenda item being referred back to the Facilities Management Committee for further consideration and this had been seconded by Cllr John Hedley Jones. He therefore requested that his name as proposer and that of Cllr John Hedley Jones as seconder be added into the minutes. Cllr Ken Edwards also indicated that the wording of the minutes was not exactly the same as the proposal which he had read out. The Clerk indicated that proposals were not usually recorded verbatim in the minutes, although on this occasion, she had used the wording provided on a typed note from Cllr David Owens, who chaired this item on the agenda.

It was recalled that some time ago, there had been a policy whereby Councillors’ names were not included within the minutes, so far as was possible, although this seemed to have changed over the years. Following discussion, it was APPROVED that the minutes be amended to include the names of Cllrs Ken Edwards and John Hedley Jones, together with the exact wording of the proposal of Cllr Ken Edwards, which he provided to the Clerk in writing at the meeting. However, it was further agreed that the issue be referred to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, to consider a policy on the preparation of future minutes.

In relation to the consideration of the draft budget report specifically relating to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee (page 103), Cllr Michael Theodoulou indicated that he had made specific reference to the cost of the Christmas lighting increasing for the forthcoming year and had queried why this was the case, as he had believed that it would be cheaper. It was therefore APPROVED that Cllr Michael Theodoulou’s specific comment be added into the minutes. 114

Subject to the foregoing amendments, the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Wednesday 18th January 2017 were accepted and APPROVED as a true record.

145. Information from the aforesaid minutes

P96 (125) Technical Services Officer’s Report (1.3 Maintenance)

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that he had been approached by some local residents requesting that the Council consider placing plants or growing its own Christmas tree on the site where the Christmas tree was this year. It was therefore APPROVED that consideration of this issue be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

P98 (126) To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meetings held on Wednesday 2nd November and Wednesday 7th December 2016

Following a query, the Clerk confirmed that the written statement in support of the Town Council’s application for outline planning consent on the Copperworks Site had been submitted.

P101 (128) To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer, to include budget setting for the 2017/18 financial year

Cllr Robert John informed members that Burry Port Town Band was extremely pleased that the water supply to the band room had been reconnected.

P103 (128) Draft budget report (Regeneration and Community Services Committee)

Cllr Michael Theodoulou emphasised that he was awaiting information on his query concerning the increase in the Christmas lighting budget.

146. To consider the Technical Services Officer’s Report

The TSO referred to his report, which had been circulated in advance to members with the agenda, as set out below and he invited observations.

1. Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of January 2017 there have been the following: 3 Opening of graves. 5 Burial of ashes 1 Scattering of Ashes

2 Maintenance

The following areas have undergone strategic maintenance:

Installation of two character bins in the Memorial Park. Installation of new park bench in the Memorial Park. Removal and relocation of two rubbish bins to the MUGA Park. 115

Preparation and painting of the new bar facility in the Memorial Hall Installation of new bar work top in the Memorial Hall. Removal of Christmas displays in Pembrey and Burry Port. Installation of a new LED Flood Light in Pembrey Hall.

Various quotations have been received for Repair and maintenance for Pembrey Memorial Hall, Burry Port Memorial Hall, Institute, OAP Hall and the Chapel of Rest. The quotations cover total repair and upgrades for the future and identify key areas and causes for concern. The information will be passed to the Facilities Management Committee in January for review.

Carmarthenshire County Council has provided a full inspection on all parks for proposal of asset transfers. The reports have been analysed and information will be provided back to the relevant committee.

3. IT Infrastructure.

Please see information from Lyn Price Carmarthenshire County Council’s IT Department below.

IT is in a position to move you to a cloud solution. There has been slight change in direction with regards to Office 365. The Council is planning to move to Office 365 as a corporate solution within the next 18 months to achieve this staff are to be fully trained in the deployment of the 365. The Council has an in house cloud solution that is operational and has fully trained staff that maintain this, therefore the plan is to move all external organisation to this in-house solution as an interim measure, until we have the skill set for 365 and then to move externals to the 365 cloud.

I have a meeting on the 7th February to cover the detail of the work and will be in a position to give you a timetable to action the plan. LP.

4. Copperworks School

P4.1 Welsh water actioned a late request from last year to cut the supply to the Copperworks School. There was no warning of the actual cut of date. On speaking to Welsh Water an email was forwarded with actual confirmation. This information was due to the fact that there was a large under floor leak and the property was to be demolished.

Approval was authorised for the sub-contractors to install the first stage of connection as specified by Welsh Water. The work carried was inspected and was passed ready for connection. We have received a connection date from the subcontractor for the 7th February.

5. Health / Safety & Hygiene

New training courses were attended on the 16th January 2017. All relevant grounds maintenance staff have received additional training on roadside working, signage and operating machinery safely. Carmarthenshire County Council’s Iwan Richards attended the test site set up by the TSO and Cemetery Superintendent. The training officer issued safety flash cards which can be used on a daily basis. The cards minimise the risks when working on highways or footpaths. 116

5.1 Additional training booked

We have arranged the following training for the Grounds Maintenance team. First Aid (CCC)

5.2 Cemetery Training Services

New training for all grounds maintenance staff has been booked for Risk Assessment and hazard spotting, formulating safe systems at work and method statements, PPE, Risk Assessment, Health & Safety, Duty of Care, Legal responsibilities, marking of a new section, Burial Procedure, setting out grave size (coffin, tappered and casket), turf protection, memorial protection, grave location, setting out grave size depending on shoring used, installation of soil box & walk boards, correct method of excavating (hand and machine), soil types, correct installation of the following, hydraulic grave shoring, telescopic grave shoring, timber grave shoring, panel and jack grave shoring, grave dressing, burial protocol.

In relation to paragraph 4 (Copperworks School), the TSO updated members that as anticipated, the water supply had now been reconnected to the band room.

Following a query, the Clerk confirmed that at present there was no further information in relation to the Council’s application for outline planning consent on the annexe building on the Copperworks site.

147. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Wednesday 4th January 2017 (draft)

The draft minutes of the meeting held on 4th January 2017 had been circulated with the agenda for information purposes.

Matters arising

P1 (4) Matters arising

Members were updated that phase 1 of the work to the bar facility had been completed and had been carried out in a manner which is sympathetic to the Memorial Hall building.

148. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Thursday 1st December 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2016 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

There were no matters arising.

149. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.


1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at Balance at Unpresente Council 31st January 2017 :- bank d cheques cash book balance £ £ £

Business Instant Access account 269,538.76 269,538.76 Community Account 65,150.69 35,089.91 30,060.78 Imprest account 17,835.49 17,243.96 591.53 £352,524.94 £52,333.87 £300,191.0 7

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 31st January 2017 :-

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost RHS - Wales in Bloom event Wales in Bloom 9 50.00 50.00 Steam Ahead - K. Nicolson BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning 3 40.00 40.00 Myrddin Garden Machinery Cemetery - New Equipment 4 208.33 41.67 250.00 Alarms Cemetery - Maintenance 4 190.00 38.00 228.00 British Gas Pembrey Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 100.59 5.03 105.62 Parker Plant Hire Floral Displays - hire of equipment 9 45.00 9.00 54.00 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 242.50 12.13 254.63 Toppers BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning materials 3 72.84 14.57 87.41 Toppers BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning materials 3 51.37 10.27 61.64 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 8.90 1.78 10.68 Smith of Derby BP Institute - Clock Maintenance 3 194.00 38.80 232.80 British Gas Copperworks - electricity 3 16.69 0.83 17.52 British Gas Institute - Electricity 3 363.44 72.68 436.12 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 333.08 66.61 399.69 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 4 214.49 42.89 257.38 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 3 27.66 1.38 29.04 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 CCC Christmas Lighting Installation 9 1073.50 214.70 1288.20 CCC Christmas Lighting Installation 9 175.00 35.00 210.00 Glasdon MUGA/Play area - Equipment 9 1009.07 201.81 1210.88 Mike Clarke Printing Admin - Stationery 1 127.00 25.40 152.40 Travis Perkins Cemetery - Maintenance 4 25.76 5.15 30.91 BT Admin - Telephone 1 176.89 35.37 212.26 Wrenvale Nurseries Pembrey Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 25.00 5.00 30.00 Wales Audit Office External Audit 15/16 1 231.75 231.75 Miles Hire Christmas Lighting fencing 9 66.00 13.20 79.20 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 149.05 29.81 178.86 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 3 124.88 24.98 149.86 Greenwell Power Tools Cemetery - Equipment maintenance 4 16.66 3.33 19.99 Consortium BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning materials 3 136.29 27.28 163.57 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 255.65 12.78 268.43 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 3 863.62 172.72 1036.34 118

Linc - Weld Industrial Supplies Cemetery - Protective Clothing 4 206.60 41.32 247.92 Linc - Weld Industrial Supplies Cemetery - Protective Clothing 4 91.82 18.36 110.18 Linc - Weld Industrial Supplies Cemetery - Protective Clothing 4 50.46 10.08 60.54 BP Memorial Hall/Institute - Tradepoint Maintenance 3 109.83 22.00 131.83 Tradepoint BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 25.41 5.09 30.50 Tradepoint BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 26.04 5.22 31.26 Tradepoint Floral display - Pembrey Square 9 16.05 3.21 19.26 RHS - Wales in Bloom event Wales in Bloom 9 25.00 25.00 BT Admin - Telephone 1 166.20 33.24 199.44 British Gas Pembrey Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 92.20 4.61 96.81 Tradepoint MUGA/Play area 9 4.32 0.86 5.18 Rees Sound Systems BP Memorial Hall - Equipment 3 353.40 70.68 424.08 Excel Electrics OAP Hall - Maintenance 3 30.00 6.00 36.00 The Ticket Hut Britain in Bloom - travel costs 9 236.40 236.40 Memorial Hall Refurbishments - Colin Cole Serving Hatch 3 750.00 750.00 Toppers BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning materials 3 33.80 6.76 40.56 Travis Perkins MUGA/Park maintenance 9 44.40 8.87 53.27 Travis Perkins MUGA/Park maintenance 9 12.69 2.54 15.23 Celtic Industrial Fasteners MUGA/Park maintenance 9 14.99 3.00 17.99 BP Memorial Hall/Institute - Tradepoint Maintenance 3 28.14 5.62 33.76 PC World Admin - Equipment 1 45.83 9.17 55.00 Xerox Finance Photocopier costs 1 143.09 28.62 171.71 9141.68 1451.42 10593.10

3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1st to 31st January 2017

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost J Romero / Keys 3 29.00 29.00 Burry bargains - cleaning materials 3 1.40 1.40 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Burry bargains - cleaning materials 3 2.50 2.50 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 J Romero / Keys 3 49.50 49.50 Postage 1 55.00 55.00 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Burry bargains - cleaning materials 3 1.30 1.30 Total payments made from petty cash £140.95 £0.00 £140.95

The RFO highlighted the bank balances, as well as some specific payments which had been made, including Britain in Bloom (wrongly stated as Wales in Bloom), expenditure to


Carmarthenshire County Council for Christmas lighting installations and also the Wales Audit Office for last year’s external audit.

4. Budget Monitoring

The Budget monitoring report for the period 1st April 2016 to 31st January 2017 has been circulated to Members.

The RFO highlighted that to be on budget, income and expenditure should be around 83% at this point in the financial year.

In relation to the budget for the Facilities Management Committee, the RFO highlighted virements which had either been actioned or were required. In relation to income, he confirmed that the invoices for the SLAs had been sent out and these should be paid during the course of the month. It was commented that income from hall rental and the cemetery is doing well. It was confirmed that there are increased bookings for the Memorial Hall and additionally, bookings for birthday parties in Burry Port and Pembrey are popular. It was commented that the new system of delegating budgets to the Committees is working well, as is the other Committees’ relationships with the Finance Committee.

The RFO highlighted that as previously requested, he had separated the expenditure on the Copperworks site to reflect the two buildings.

In relation to the budget for the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, this is within budget overall. It was again confirmed that there are some headings where there will be no expenditure during this financial year.

In referring to the budget for the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, the RFO advised that a number of payments have been received by way of donations. In relation to this, it was raised that there had previously been discussions regarding the Regeneration and Community Services Committee identifying several projects, so that individuals or businesses had a choice in what to donate to. It was confirmed that in relation to this year’s Wales in Bloom/Britain in Bloom campaigns, letters had been sent out in which options had been given for the level of donation, although it was commented that advertising within the one project is not actually giving a choice. Following discussion, it was therefore RESOLVED that the issue be referred back to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, to identify several projects for the new financial year in relation to which donations could be invited.

The RFO again highlighted virements which were required within the budget of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee. It was agreed that the various committees in taking responsibility for their individual budgets have been looking to make internal virements.

Net expenditure overall is 74.62% and is therefore within budget.

150. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.


Matters arising

P2 (6) Budget monitoring

Members were updated that in relation to footway lighting charges, the TSO had received a maintenance plan from Carmarthenshire County Council, which he will be able to start assessing shortly.

151. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/35044 Mr Thomas Downey Add one storey to the existing single 142 Stepney Road storey flat roof extension (onto existing Burry Port footprint), creating a new bedroom and bathroom. S/35075 RNLI The works include the erection of a new Burry Port two storey lifeboat station to replace the existing station located to the north of the site. A concrete apron to the front of the building together with associated external works and drainage installations, the works also include a new flagpole, associated signage and the demolition of the existing harbour masters accommodation and the RNLI boat store located to the north east of the site.

The Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that approval of the two applications was recommended and it was particularly pleasing to recommend approval of the application relating to the new lifeboat station. It was also commented that members who had attended the recent presentation regarding the new lifeboat station had been impressed with the plans. Members therefore agreed that there be a recommendation for approval of the two applications.

152. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor Mrs Shirley Matthews advised that there was little available information to report, due to discussions on the new financial year’s budget having been concentrated on in recent weeks.

County Councillor John James added that the capital investment on the harbour will be included in the budget the following week.

County Councillor John James also referred to a meeting which he had attended with County Councillor Mrs Shirley Matthews the previous day where they had been gently reminded by Glan y Mor School about a previous commitment by the Town Council to assist with banners. The school wishes the banners to be positioned in strategic places.

Following this report, it was APPROVED that a letter be sent to Carmarthenshire County Council to thank and congratulate the Council for the decision relating to Burry Port Harbour. 121

Also, as Glan y Mor School and the three primary schools in the area, namely Pembrey, Parc y and Burry Port Community schools have all achieved the highest classification of green status, it was APPROVED that letters of congratulation should be sent to them. It was highlighted that there are very few areas in Wales where all local schools have achieved green status.

153. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that in terms of engagements, it had been quite quiet recently, although he was aware of a number of forthcoming civic events.

154. Consideration of the intended closure of the Burry Port branch of Lloyds Bank

There was discussion in relation to the letter received from Lloyds Bank, which had been copied to members with the agenda. It was discussed that the bank appears to be prioritising profit above people and is having no regard for the needs of the local community. It was emphasised that the bank appears to be ignoring the fact that not everyone uses the internet and not everyone drives. Also, many people prefer to carry out transactions face to face, especially those who are more elderly. It was emphasised that there is a large population of elderly people locally and potentially, this change in banking services would expose them to online and telephone fraud.

Despite the decision having been taken to close the Burry Port branch of Lloyds Bank and scepticism being expressed as to whether it would now be possible to change this, members agreed that the Council should make a concerted effort to challenge this. Different suggestions were discussed as to what action should be taken, following which it was APPROVED that various letters in opposition of the closure be sent, to include directly to the bank and also seeking support from the local MP and AM.

155. Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council, following discussions and agreed actions at the Town Council meeting of 18th January 2017

At the outset, the Mayor, Cllr John James emphasised that this item was on the agenda purely for the purposes of an update being provided to members. It was also indicated that there had been quite a lengthy discussion at the Finance Committee meeting the previous day.

The Clerk outlined to members the sequence of events since the last Town Council meeting. Immediately following the previous meeting, the Clerk had written to Mr Jonathan Fearn at Carmarthenshire County Council regarding two issues, as follows:

• To seek an extension of the deadline of 31st March, both for the Town Council and the sporting organisations, for the completion of the asset transfers, in order to secure the maximum maintenance grant.

• To request the County Council to fund the cost of the up to date drainage survey and report on Burry Port Memorial Park.

Subsequently, an emailed response was received dated 24th January 2017, responding to the issues raised as follows:


• The reply advised that the Executive Board had set the 31st March 2017 deadline and that there would only be flexibility if there was a delay on the part of the County Council being able to deal with the lease, such as issues with the title.

• The response suggested that it may be possible for the survey to be funded from Section 106 money, but it made it clear that the County Council would not fund condition reports and that facilities are to be transferred in their current condition.

Following receipt of this response, a Special Facilities Management Committee meeting was convened on 30th January. At this meeting, it was agreed that the Clerk revert to Carmarthenshire County Council by sending a letter to Cllrs Meryl Gravell and David Jenkins, as well as the Chief Executive, again urging an extension of the deadline for three months and outlining why this was necessary. The Clerk was also instructed to update the various sporting organisations.

The Clerk confirmed to members that a very detailed letter had been sent to the County Council on 1st February, setting out all of the background information and requesting an extension of the deadline for three months. Also, detailed letters were sent to all of the sporting organisations, informing them of the developments since the last Town Council meeting and as agreed, at the Special Facilities Management Committee meeting, also urging them to seriously consider their positions regarding taking on an individual lease.

The Clerk confirmed that no formal response had as yet been received from Carmarthenshire County Council but merely an acknowledgement of receipt of the letter sent.

The Clerk also informed members that she had been notified that the Bowls Club is looking into taking on its own lease.

The Clerk further informed members that the interim summary report following the drainage survey had been received late the previous day and this will need to be considered by the Facilities Management Committee in due course. Furthermore, the full report is awaited in several weeks’ time.

There was some discussion as to steps to be taken. It was emphasised that in discussing the issue the previous day, the Finance Committee was not comfortable with being pressurised into utilising Section 106 money to address the drainage remedial works. It was agreed that when the Facilities Management Committee is in a position to consider the full report, all Councillors should again be made aware of this, to enable them to have the opportunity of attending.

156. To consider communications received

1. Letter from Kidney Wales dated 19th January 2017 regarding this year’s planned Walk for Life which is to take place on Sunday 23rd April. It advises that 2017 will mark Kidney Wales’ 50th year and to celebrate this, they would like to make this year their biggest Walk for Life series yet. The Walk for Life is one of the charity’s longest running events and is a key fundraiser, allowing the charity to continue its work supporting families and changing lives throughout Wales, including being pivotal the introduction of the change in organ donor legislation, funding professional support for kidney patients and providing new equipment and facilities for renal wards. The letter invites the Council to consider organising a Walk for Life event once more. 123

It was agreed that the Town Council should once again support the Walk for Life and there was a discussion regarding a potential different route this year. It was APPROVED that a decision upon the route be delegated to the Mayor and the Clerk.

2. Email on 23rd January 2017 from Welsh Hearts, the leading heart charity in Wales for placing defibrillators in communities and delivering CPR and defibrillator training across the country. The letter seeks the Council’s support, (copy attached). Noted.

3. Email on 27th January 2017 from One Voice Wales forwarding a press release from the Auditor General for Wales entitled ‘Investment in third sector services increasing but local authorities in Wales not making best use of the third sector’ (copy attached). Noted.

4. Email on 27th January 2017 from One Voice Wales. This advises that the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, has launched Programme 2017 to mark the centenary of the First World War. This is the latest in the Government series of annual Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914 to 1918 brochures, which highlights events and projects taking place in Wales and further afield during 2017. Further details are available at programme-of-events-to-mark-centenary-of-first-world-war/

It was agreed that this matter be referred for further consideration to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

5. Email on 31st January 2017 from One Voice Wales forwarding a press release from the Auditor General for Wales entitled ‘Community Councils need to improve financial management and governance’ (copy attached). Noted.

6. Letter from One Voice Wales dated 2nd February 2017, inviting the Council to renew its membership of One Voice Wales for 2017/18 (copy letter attached).

It was APPROVED that the Town Council renew its membership of One Voice Wales for 2017/18, with 11 members voting in favour of this and one against.

7. Email from One Voice Wales on 2nd February 2017, forwarding a letter from Mark Drakeford AM, Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government regarding a White Paper consultation, (copy letter attached). Noted.

8. Email from the Environment Department of Carmarthenshire County Council on 6th February 2017 regarding a request which has been received to place a Prohibition of Waiting at any time near the access/tactile paving leading to the cycle path near Chandlers Way. It is hoped that by placing the restriction, it will aid visibility and improve road safety for the cycle path users and pedestrians. The location falls in a 30mph speed limit and has on and off street parking nearby. Observations are requested by Friday 24th February 2017 (copy plan attached).


Members were in favour of this, although it was suggested that County Council members could consider making a recommendation for a reduction in the speed limit to 20mph.

157. Reports by elected members

Cllr Michael Theodoulou informed members that he had attended the recent One Voice Wales Area Committee meeting and he outlined what had been discussed at this in a brief report, which was circulated to members, as set out below.

One Voice Wales – Carmarthenshire Area Committee meeting – Wednesday 8th February 2017

Report from Cllr Mike Theodoulou who attended the meeting on behalf of the Town Council.

1. Unfortunately Cllr Ken Edwards could not attend and sent his apologies.

2. Training

Three new modules have been prepared covering Induction, Finance and Community Planning. Details will be sent to the Clerk

3. Japanese Knotweed

It was reported that this is a huge problem in the County and community councils are urged to be vigilant and to report any identified area to the County Council or the Police. The committee is preparing a standard letter for community councils to issue to owners of sites attacked by the weed. I have given a Welsh Government information sheet to the Clerk and any member can see it.

4. Welsh Language

Community Councils are urged to ensure that they are keeping to the law and regulations regarding their Welsh Language obligations although when I asked a question about what those obligations, confusion took over.

5. Public Services Board

The fact that Community Councils do not have any representation on the PSB at a time that more and more is being asked of them was discussed. I moved that we make a strong request that the PSB reconsidered this as other PSBs have given Community Councils a seat at the table. This was unanimously agreed.

6. Affordable Housing

The major item on the agenda was a presentation by Johnathan , Housing Services Manager of Carmarthenshire County Council. I have given the Clerk a copy of the hand-out of his presentation but the main points where; • The housing stock in the County is approx... 170,000 homes. • The Council owns around 9,000 homes. • The average rent for a private rented home is £98 PW 125

• The average Council rent is £75 PW • There are as many (if not a little more) private rented homes as Council rented homes in the County. • A needs assessment was carried out recently with over 800 public responses to a questionnaire. The main results included priority for local people especially the elderly, families and the disabled. Rural needs where underestimated. The Council to release more land for housing and the Council needed to be more creative. • There are over 2500 empty properties in the County but the Council accounts for under 40 of them. • The County have made a commitment to affordable homes adopted by the Council in November 2015. The Council policy includes, A) That council rents and housing association rents to be similar over a period of time B) The council will provide an additional 1000 homes over the next 5 years C) To drive to bring empty homes back into use D) The council to buy back property from the private sector E) More Housing Association partnerships F) More section 106 agreements with planners G) The council to deliver a new build programme starting with 4 sites in the county one of which is in Pembrey. • Finally the County Council is looking at the potential of a Local Housing Company as it can access funding that the Council cannot

In relation to item number 3, Cllr David Owens highlighted that Japanese knotweed is a problem in Pembrey.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou advised that most of the meeting had focused on the topic of affordable housing, as detailed in number 6 above. In relation to this, Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews reminded members of the new properties which are to be built in Garreglwyd, Pembrey. Although it had initially been intended to build 12 properties, 14 houses are now going to be built, 4 of which are 4 bedroom properties and the others being 2 bedroom properties.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas updated members that the 9 heritage boards have now been erected in the area and the launch event had gone well on Friday 10th February, at which some Councillors had been in attendance. An open day is to be held on Saturday 19th March, which will involve talks and tours. Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas expressed disappointment that despite a press release having been submitted and a Llanelli Star photographer being present at the event, no article had been printed in the newspaper that day.

Cllr Stephen James informed members that at a meeting of the Historical Society the previous evening, there had been a discussion regarding the Spanish Civil War Memorial, which is located in the Memorial Institute building. It had been commented that no one from Burry Port had lost their life in this war and it had been suggested that the memorial possibly be re- located in Llanelli. It was discussed that at the time of the unveiling of the memorial, there was someone residing in Burry Port who had taken part in the war but it was also suggested that there was some political influence regarding the location of the memorial, with there being no direct links to Burry Port or Pembrey. It was therefore APPROVED that there be further consideration of this issue, with the matter being placed on the agenda for the next Town Council meeting.


158. To consider the report of the Clerk on Matters of Administration

1. Correspondence has been received from the Social Research and Information Division of the Welsh Government, inviting the Town Council to complete a survey as a basis for research into the services provided and assets managed by Town and Community Councils. The survey aims to find out more about the services and assets which Councils are currently responsible for, whether consideration is being given to taking on more responsibility for services and assets, and how the Welsh Government could best support this. The survey is issued by the Welsh Government and supported by One Voice Wales and SLCC. The correspondence indicates that the survey responses will be helpful to the Welsh Government, One Voice Wales, SLCC and others in gaining a full understanding of service provision and asset management, as well as enabling the Welsh Government to understand how best to provide support. The survey will be live from 23rd January until 30th March 2017.

It was APPROVED that consideration of this survey be referred to the Facilities Management Committee.

2. Notification has been received that Carmarthenshire Public Services Board (PSB) has launched a consultation on its Carmarthenshire Well-being Assessment Report 2016/17 on 6th February 2017. The report has been developed using findings from a series of data analysis and extensive engagement and consultation, which the PSB has used to gain a better understanding of what well-being looks like for people and communities of Carmarthenshire. The PSB will use findings from the Carmarthenshire Well-being Assessment Report alongside other existing information to develop a plan for improving social, economic, cultural and environmental well-being in Carmarthenshire both now and for future generations. The PSB wants to know if there is agreement with its assessment of well-being and invites observations from 6th February to 3rd March 2017 via its new website at

It was APPROVED that consideration of this consultation be referred to the Well-being and Future Generations Sub Committee.

3. Notification has been received from Western Power Distribution of a temporary footpath closure. Western Power needs to carry out modification work on the existing overhead electricity lines and on the electricity towers in the reserve, near Burry Port, as part of the Forest Wind Farm Connection Project. Due to the nature of the work and for health and safety reasons, there will be a temporary closure on a section of the footpath which forms part of the round trip along Ash Pit Pond Millennium Coastal Path Nature Reserve, near to the Dyfatty Park Industrial Estate. This is in place from 13th February to 1st May 2017 and has been agreed with Carmarthenshire County Council. Access to Ash Pit Pond remains open in all other areas of the Millennium Coastal Path Nature Reserve. Noted.

4. Members are asked to note that the Town Council will be holding its annual Cawl Cennin event for local senior citizens on Wednesday 1st March 2017 at 1pm. 127

Councillors are urged to support this event both on the day and in preparing for it, together with the donation of a raffle prize. Noted, but members were also informed that the Council would not be engaging caterers for the event and therefore, assistance will additionally be required to serve the Senior Citizens on the day.

5. It was RESOLVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Confidential minute of the Town Council meeting of 18th January 2017.

Minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of Monday 9th January 2017


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 15 th March 2017

Present: Councillor John James (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Ken Edwards, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, David Owens, Andrew Phillips, Michael Theodoulou and Mrs Moira Thomas

In attendance: Alan Howells (RFO), Lee Fox (TSO)

Minute taker: Alan Howells (RFO)

(Former OAP Hall 7.00pm – 8.50pm)

159. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by the Mayor, Cllr John James.

160. Personal matters

Apologies were received from Cllrs Malcolm Davies, Stephen James, Mrs Pat Jones, Mrs Susan Northam, Mrs Mary Wenman, Hefin Williams as well as Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk).

161. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

No declarations of interest were made in respect of the business to be transacted.

162. Police Business

Sergeant Dominic Jones was in attendance and presented the police report, as follows:


During the month of February 2017, 72 crimes were recorded for AZB section which is an increase from January’s 34 recorded crimes.


Crime in February 2017

During the month of February 2017, the following crimes were recorded for: Burry Port: 34 Pembrey: 38

Burry Port – 10 offences recorded for Burry Port actually relate to The Ash Golf Club which is Pembrey. Of the remaining 24 offences 4 relate to assaults on police officers, 1 burglary offence (charged as per below). Nothing of concern.

Pembrey - High level of crimes for Pembrey February 2017. This is due to 27 theft, 2 criminal damage and 1 TWOC at the Ashburnham golf club (40 in total when considering the AB thefts).

3 males have been arrested. 2 have been charged with 11 offences and one remains on police bail with conditions.

Other 7 offences consist of 2 criminal damages to the Country Park, 3 thefts from vehicles, 1 criminal damage to a vehicle, 1 dangerous dog crime, 1 breach of RSO requirement,



Road Traffic Collisions

There were 11 Road traffic collisions in the Burry Port and surrounding areas.

163. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 15th February 2017

The minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th February 2017 were accepted and APPROVED as a true record.

164. Information from the aforesaid minutes

P113 (143) Police Business (CCTV)

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that a letter had not yet been sent to the PCC’s office requesting involvement in the CCTV project as a community partner. Cllr. Robert John advised that he would be willing to assist in formulating a letter to the PCC.

P122 (154) Consideration of the intended closure of the Burry Port branch of Lloyds Bank.

Cllr Ken Edwards noted that an article on the proposed branch closure had been published in the Llanelli Star. He also queried whether letters of opposition had been sent to the bank and other organisations, as requested in the previous meeting, and whether there had been any response to these.

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that as the Clerk was not in attendance at the meeting these queries would be referred to her on her return.

P126 (157) Reports by Elected Members.

Further to her report on the heritage boards at the last meeting, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas reminded members of the open day to be held on 19 th March 2017, which would be held from 10am – 1pm and would involve tours, talks and activities.


165. To consider the Technical Services Officer’s Report

The TSO referred to his report, which had been circulated in advance to members with the agenda, as set out below and invited observations.

During the month of February 2017 there have been the following:

1 Burial of ashes. 1 Scattering of Ashes. 1 Construction of headstone.

2. Paths/Grass Cutting

Carmel 57/73, Carmel 57/74, Harbour Roundabout, Pembrey Community centre.

3 Maintenance

The following areas have undergone strategic maintenance: Gerrans Gym ceiling required repair due to broken plaster. The ceiling has been repaired and painted. The rear wall to the gym has been stripped, sealed and repainted.

Pembrey Memorial Hall has had emergency exit stairs repaired. The current steps had collapsed and needed re-concreting. The Memorial Hall has also received a remote access CCTV system. Signs have been also placed around the hall. All clubs have been visited and notified of the new system.

3.1 Memorial Park

The TSO attended a meeting with PSD Agronomy on 13/02/17 and the aim of the meeting was to arrange a full inspection of the whole drainage system at the park. There will be an interim report produced before Town Council on the 15 th February. PSD agronomy will then submit a final report within 6 weeks.

4. IT Infrastructure.

The details for the IT procedure will be discussed in the next Facilities Management Committee meeting. Costings have been received for each individual.

5. Copperworks School

P4.1 Welsh water actioned a late request from last year to cut the supply to the Copperworks School. There was no warning of the actual cut of date. On speaking to Welsh Water an email was forwarded with actual confirmation. This information was due to the fact that there was a large under floor leak and the property was to be demolished.

The sub-contractors connection as specified by Welsh Water was completed on the 7 th February 2017.

5.1 Carmarthenshire County Councils abandoned vehicle enforcement team have given notice to a vehicle situated on the Copperworks Site. The vehicle owner was notified on a couple of

132 occasions by the Town Council and support was given to enable more time to make the vehicle road worthy for removal.

6. Health / Safety & Hygiene

We have received quotations produced by CSA hygiene for deep cleaning of all premises. The quotations will be reviewed once received on the 28 th February.

6.1 Additional training booked

We have arranged the following training for the Ground Maintenance team. First Aid (CCC) on 23/03/17

7 Cemetery

A new software system has been sourced for the cemetery and awaits confirmation for ordering. The Clear skies software is ICCM approved and will be an asset to our administration duties. Martin Claxton will provide the TSO with an in depth demonstration on 2nd March 2017.

8 Wales/Britain In Bloom update.

Britain in bloom 2017 Pembrey and Burry Port Finalists

During the visit to Nottingham on the 2 nd February we were asked to attend a selection of courses.

The courses were made up of the following:

Route planning & Itineraries We provided our route plan via presentation to an audience of over 50 members out of around 180. During our presentation we were questioned on how we funded certain projects and how we engaged with our local schools, clubs and organisations. The members were really interested in raising additional funds and loved the idea of our local boot sale and were overwhelmed that the volunteers carried this out from April until October voluntarily. The members also were very interested in changing areas that appear grey in our communities like the land opposite The Engine Inn. The idea of the community growing their own Vegetables and eating them then replacing is amazing.

Judging. We were asked to actually judge our surroundings and preparation ahead of the competition. On doing so it was clear that the community engagement is a key focus to our success for Britain bloom. Focusing on Insects and biodiversity. I marked our papers as they currently stand and we managed 168 out of 200 which would put us as a Gold award.

Portfolio Submissions On submitting a portfolio we were given the chance to show off Pembrey and Burry Port and sell our town and village focusing on the harbour, , airport, and most of all the flowers, projects and new ideas ready for hosting Wales in Bloom as well as entering Britain in Bloom 2017. 133

Press and Social Media There was detailed information on press releases with word formatting that suggested that all entrants were to use. We were ahead for social media and out website as we provided up to date news and bulletins covering both town and villages. It was also noted that clubs needed additional support in and around the social media aspect as many were weary but had actually been online.

Photography The photography session was quite simple explaining the basics without any need of professional equipment and handling of equipment in basic ways.

Following a query on progress with the Council’s application for outline planning consent on the annexe building on the Copperworks site, the TSO updated members that there was no further information in relation to this. It was also agreed that all references to the building subject to the outline planning consent should be referred to as the “annexe” building, not the Copperworks School.

Following a query whether the Cemetery new software system had been ordered, the TSO confirmed that the order had been placed.

166. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Wednesday 4 th January 2017 and the Special Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Monday 30 th January 2017

The minutes of the meetings held on 4th January 2017 and the Special meeting held on 30 th January 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

There were no matters arising.

167. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Tuesday 31 st January 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising.

P3 (10) Matters arising.

Cllr Ken Edwards extended thanks to Cllrs Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Moira Thomas, Cllr John Hedley Jones and the Town Council staff for their efforts in organising and supporting the recent Cawl Cennin event. The Mayor, Cllr John James reiterated these sentiments and stated that it had been a successful event.

The TSO reported that there had been 1,300 “hits” on the Town Council’s website in relation to the event.


168 To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The RFO referred to his report, which had been circulated in advance to Members with the agenda, as set out below and he invited observations.

1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 28th February 2017 :-

Balance at Unpresented Council bank cheques cash book balance £ £ £

Business Instant Access account 254,907.78 254,907.78 Community Account 34,606.14 7,768.78 26,837.36 Imprest account 586.48 586.48 290,100.40 7,768.78 282,331.62

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 28th February 2017 :-

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Cemetery - Equipment Crane Aid maintenance 4 80.00 16.00 96.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Excel Electrics Maintenance 3 85.00 17.00 102.00 BP Memorial Hall/Institute - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 56.54 11.31 67.85 Travis Perkins MUGA - Maintenance 3 18.53 3.70 22.23 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 12.43 2.49 14.92 British Gas Copperworks - electricity 3 16.92 0.84 17.76 British Gas Institute - Electricity 3 236.41 47.28 283.69 BP Memorial Hall - British Gas Electricity 3 177.38 8.86 186.24 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 4 171.55 8.57 180.12 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 3 24.37 1.21 25.58 Greenwell Power Tools Cemetery - Equipment 4 15.00 3.00 18.00 BP Memorial Hall/Institute - Action Surveillance + CCTV Maintenance 3 330.00 66.00 396.00 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 3 119.24 23.85 143.09 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 102.41 20.48 122.89 Lyreco Admin - stationary 1 49.84 9.97 59.81 Miles Hire Christmas Lighting fencing 9 73.00 14.60 87.60 Lee Fox - Britain in Bloom Britain in Bloom - reimbursement accommodation costs 9 161.37 161.37 Plusnet Admin 1 25.00 5.00 30.00 Lloyds Bank Service Charges 1 5.00 5.00 CCC Training - H+S 1 139.40 27.88 167.28 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 516.00 25.80 541.80 Burry Port Male Choir Special - Donations 9 100.00 100.00 135

Pembrey Mountain Trust Special - Donations 9 500.00 500.00 Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club Special - Donations 9 500.00 500.00 HF James Cemetery - maintenance 4 368.00 73.60 441.60 Teleshore UK Ltd Training - H+S 1 1210.00 242.00 1452.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - British Gas Electricity 3 78.10 3.90 82.00 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 3 1008.14 201.62 1209.76 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 417.08 83.42 500.50 Memorial Hall Refurbishments - Serving Auto-Dor Hatch 3 604.17 120.83 725.00 BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning Toppers materials 3 33.80 6.76 40.56 Memorial Hall Refurbishments - Serving Colin Cole Hatch 3 480.00 480.00 Maintenance - Burry Port Action Surveillance + CCTV Memorial Hall 3 190.00 38.00 228.00 Currys PC World Admin - stationary 1 61.24 12.25 73.49 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 Maintenance - Burry Port Travis Perkins Memorial Hall 3 14.01 2.80 16.81 Maintenance - Burry Port Walker Fire (UK) Ltd Memorial Hall 3 111.25 22.25 133.50 Maintenance - Pembrey Walker Fire (UK) Ltd Memorial Hall 3 52.05 10.41 62.46 Walker Fire (UK) Ltd Maintenance - Cemetery 4 37.00 7.40 44.40 Plusnet Admin 1 15.50 3.10 18.60 8215.73 1146.18 9361.91

3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1st to 28th February 2017 Supplier Details Ref Cost ex Vat VAT Total £ cost Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Phone - top up 1 20.00 20.00 J Romero / Keys 3 9.00 9.00 Batteries 1 1.85 1.85 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 J Romero / Keys 3 24.00 24.00 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Steaming ahead - laundry 3 13.50 13.50 Home bargains - Cawl Cennin 9 19.98 19.98 Total payments made from petty cash £91.33 £0.00 £91.33

4. Budget Monitoring

The budget monitoring report for the period 1st April 2016 to 28th February 2017 had been circulated to Members. 136

The RFO highlighted that to be on budget, income and expenditure should be around 92% at this point in the financial year.

In relation to the budget for the Finance Committee the RFO noted that the additional income was due to income from recycling facilities in the building car parks.

In relation to the budget for the Facilities Management Committee, the RFO highlighted virements which had either been actioned or were required. In relation to income, he confirmed that the income for the SLAs would be paid during the course of the month. It was commented that income from hall rental and the cemetery is doing well. It was again commented that the new system of delegating budgets to the Committees is working well, as is the other Committees’ relationships with the Finance Committee.

The RFO highlighted that as previously requested, he had separated the expenditure on the Copperworks site to reflect the two buildings.

In relation to the budget for the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, this is within budget overall.

In referring to the budget for the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, it was again noted that additional income had been received by way of donations for floral displays. The RFO noted that this would be included within an earmarked reserve at year end.

The RFO again highlighted virements which were required within the budget of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee. Cllr Michael Theodoulou noted that these had been agreed by the Committee, but had not been actioned yet. The RFO noted that he would refer to the Clerk and action.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou also queried the additional expenditure on the Christmas Lighting. The TSO would review the costs and report back to the next meeting.

Net expenditure overall is 82.43% and is therefore within budget.

169. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 th February 2017 (draft)

The draft minutes of the meeting held on 14 th February 2017 had been circulated with the agenda for information purposes. Members were informed that the minutes had been considered and approved by the Finance Committee the previous day. It was therefore RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

P2 (8) Matters arising.

Cllr Ken Edwards referred to a recent article in the Llanelli Star in which the OAP Hall had been referred to as the “annexe”. It was proposed and AGREED that the building be publicised as the “Senior Citizens Hall” in future.


The Mayor, Cllr John James proposed and it was AGREED that the TSO arrange for a name plaque to be fitted to the building.

170. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/35165 Mr Gary Morgan Proposed 2 storey side extension to 21 Dyffryn existing dwelling Burry Port S/35195 Mike Jones Outline Land to the front of Residential building plot 21 Ar y Bryn, Pembrey S/35254 Sustrains Cymru – Andy Rowe Sustrains, along with Carmarthenshire Cycle Path County Council propose to put an Route of dismantled railway information board on the verge of the Off Randell Square, Pembrey cycle and walking path. This will show details of the new path and of local businesses. The proposed site is adjacent to the lower end of the access path that runs from the B4311 down to the main route.

The Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that as only two applications had been received prior to the Committee meeting, the Committee had not met this month. She advised that these applications, and a further one, which had been received today had been considered prior to the Town Council meeting and approval of the three applications was recommended.

Cllr David Owens advised that there may be an issue with application number S/35195, as this is a private road. The TSO advised that he would discuss this matter with the relevant Planning officer.

Members therefore agreed that, subject to the TSO’s discussion with the Planning Officer, there be a recommendation for approval of the three applications.

171. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor Hugh Shepardson reported that the County Council had approved £500k investment for a cycle track within Pembrey County Park.

Cllr Ken Edwards enquired why this project had not been reported previously and who would be responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the cycle track at a time of budget cuts. County Councillor Hugh Shepardson advised that the County Council had only recently approved the budget for this project and that it would be constructed in conjunction with Cycle Wales, who would be maintaining it.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou expressed his concern that the County Council was spending £500k on a cycle track whilst it was struggling to maintain playgrounds.


Cllr Robert John queried whether this investment would be in addition to the cycle track investment in Carmarthen Park.

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews advised that it would be an additional project and that the cycle track would increase income for Pembrey County Park, which would boost the local economy.

County Councillor Hugh Shepardson acknowledged the comments made by all members, but was pleased with the investment within the Town Council area.

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews also reported that the County Council had approved a £1.5 million investment for housing in Garreglwyd.

172 To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that the County Council had approved a budget for the repair and maintenance of the harbour walls, with work commencing soon on this.

He also reported that the County Council had approved a motion which would allow police officers and PCSOs to issue tickets in relation to enforcement issues. Further initiatives would also be rolled out in conjunction with the police in the near future in relation to enforcement and anti-social behaviour.

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that other County Council issues such as the “pinch point” at Seaview Terrace and graffiti on the lighthouse had been raised with CCC staff and were being dealt with.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou requested an update on the recent court case regarding a former member of staff from Pembrey Country Park.

The Mayor, Cllr John James responded that operational issues were being monitored by the Audit Committee and that a new manager had been appointed to the Country Park.

173 To further consider the proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council, to include the recommendations of the Facilities Management Committee meeting of 7 th March 2017

Cllr Michael Theodoulou advised that the Town Council had not received the report from the Consultant on the Memorial Park’s pitches.

In response to a query on progress with the smaller play areas, the TSO reported that he had only recently received the inspection reports.

It was noted that the Facilities Management Committee had discussed and recommended that the Town Council take over two smaller parks, one in Pembrey (Waun Sidan) and one in Burry Port (Burrows Terrace) from the County Council.

Following discussion on this it was agreed that the Facilities Management Committee recommendation be APPROVED .


County Councillor Hugh Shepardson also advised that the County Council had S.106 monies specifically for maintenance of some small parks in the Town Council area.

The Mayor, Cllr. John James noted that he would pursue this issue with the County Council.

With regards to the maintenance of grassed areas Cllr David Owens noted that the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee had considered this and had agreed that their preference would be to outsource the work rather than employ further staff for this work.

174. To consider the potential re-location of the Spanish Civil War Memorial currently positioned in Burry Port Memorial Institute (referral from Town Council meeting of 15 th February 2017)

Further to the discussion on this item at the last Town Council meeting, Cllr Michael Theodoulou noted a request from Cllr Stephen James that the item be deferred to a future meeting so that further research can be undertaken on this. This was AGREED .

175. Reports by elected members

There were no reports from elected members.

176. To consider communications received and the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

Due to the Clerk’s absence, there were no reports to consider.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 19th April 2017

Present: Councillor John James (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, David Owens, Andrew Phillips, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas and County Councillor Hugh Shepardson

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO), Lee Fox (TSO)

Minute taker: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe

(Former OAP Hall 7.00pm – 9.05pm)

177. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by the Mayor, Cllr John James.

178. Personal matters

Apologies were received from Cllrs Malcolm Davies, Ken Edwards, Stephen James, Mrs Pat Jones, Mrs Susan Northam, Mrs Mary Wenman and Hefin Williams

179. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

No declarations of interest were made in respect of the business to be transacted.

180. To receive a donation cheque presented to the Town Council by Welsh Water

Ms Rebecca Jones (RainScape Community Communications Officer) of Welsh Water was welcomed to the meeting. She presented the Mayor with a cheque for £5,000 by way of a donation from Welsh Water towards the hosting of Wales in Bloom. The Mayor thanked Ms Jones for attending to make this donation and extended the Council’s gratitude to Welsh Water. Following the presentation, Ms Jones left the meeting.

181. Police Business

Sergeant Dominic Jones was in attendance at the meeting and presented the police report, as follows:


During the month of March 2017, 31 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which is the low compared to same point last year of 46 crimes.


Crime in March 2017

During the month of March 2017, the following crimes were recorded for;

Burry Port: 23 Pembrey: 8

There are no trends in relation to any crime type.



17 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for March 2017, which is a reduction on the rolling average, and a reduction compared to same point last year (26 incidents).

Results of note

• The 2 youths sent to court for the offences at the Ash Golf Club were given 8 month referral orders.

Questions from last meeting

• Mobile phone tickets – In summary; there has been a reduction in tickets issued since the change in legislation.

Campaign Figures

Jan 2017 – Force – 131 offences (pre change) March 2017 – Force – 68 offences (post change) (There is no quantitive data for ticket processs for Burry Port and Pembrey).

Following the presentation of the report, members’ questions and observations were invited. Reference was made to a current problem in Y Rhodfa, Burry Port, which had been reported at Police Station by a member. Sergeant Dominic Jones confirmed that he was aware of this report and that he had spoken to the Territorial Drugs Unit and action will be taken.

Another member reported that a complaint had been received from a resident regarding the behaviour of young people on Pinged Road in relation to their erratic driving and possible drug abuse.

It was also raised that there are problems with the behaviour of young persons around both sides of the harbour at night time, with them driving at excessive speed and playing loud music. Sergeant Dominic Jones confirmed that this area is to be targeted, as reports of anti- social behaviour have been received and these are being looked into. He advised that a warning could be issued under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 and although this is a rare power, it can be used where there are particular troublesome areas. Sergeant Dominic Jones informed members that there are similar problematic issues at Pembrey Country Park.


Finally, following a query regarding the re-opening of Burry Port Police Station, Sergeant Dominic Jones advised that there is no specific date as yet. Presently, they are awaiting for the IT lines to be installed.

182. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2017

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Wednesday 15th March 2017 be accepted and APPROVED as a true record of proceedings.

183. Information from the aforesaid minutes

There were no matters arising.

184. To consider the Technical Services Officer’s Report

The TSO referred to his report, which had been circulated in advance to members with the agenda, as set out below and invited questions or observations.

1.Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of March 2017 there have been the following:

6 Burial of ashes. 2 Scattering of Ashes. 4 Opening of graves.

2. Paths/Grass Cutting

Elkington/Stepney Road, Engine Inn, Moreb/Harbour/Clwb Bach Roundabouts. Stepney Road School (opp) Burry Port Park, Pembrey Hall.

3 Maintenance

Cleaning of Mugga Play Park and inspection. Tarmac laid after completion and settled drainage at the Copperworks School. New lock fitted to external door in Pembrey Memorial Hall. Pesticide applied to Harbour area, Copperworks and Furnace Road path. Decorate the cemetery office through painting and installation of new blinds and flooring. Additional furniture is due for delivery on 18 th April 2017. Completion of fence repair to the Mugga play park. Installation of sleepers opposite the Engine Inn Station Road for the shared community garden supporting Wales in bloom.

3.1 Street Lights

The TSO and Councillor John Hedley Jones have completed a review of footway lighting. Carmarthenshire County Council’s Arwel Thomas from the street lighting team has been sent an email with a full breakdown and detailed proposals. There are currently 112 questionable lights that need a review as they are not the responsibility of the Town Council. 49 lights we have actual confirmation for. Mr Thomas has mentioned due to the nature of the report that this will take some time and he will aim to get back to us within three weeks. He has also 144 mentioned some historic evidence such as emails and letters regarding responsibility for the lights from previous Clerks and Councillors. Copies will be provided in due course. A copy of lights in question can be obtained if requested from the TSO.

4 Memorial Park

PSD Agronomy has provided a full report on conditions of the Memorial Park playing fields as instructed. The report is to be analysed and passed onto the Facilities Management Committee on 2 nd March 2017.

5. IT Infrastructure

The IT team scheduled for a site visit Wednesday 12th . During this visit we will check the specification of all PC’s and look how to transfer all the current information safely and securely. Work will not commence until Finance agree on the costings which will be presented at a meeting on 11/04/2017.

We have requested to purchase an additional laptop and screen projector for rental and office use. This has been passed to finance for approval on the 11/04/2017.

6. Copperworks School

There are a few planning issues to address over the status of the Copperworks School. There has been confusion over the second phase of planning and to what building was the actual annex. This impacts our planning proposal and a future meeting is to be set up by the Town Council with the planning officer and architect.

7. Health / Safety & Hygiene

We have reviewed quotations produced by CSA hygiene for deep cleaning of all premises. It has been passed on to the Facilities Management Committee to request authorisation for the deep clean of the commercial kitchen only.

All facilities in Pembrey and Burry Port have undergone a fire inspection equipment check. This included the Memorial Institute, Burry Port Memorial Hall, OAP Hall, Cemetery Chapel of rest, Cemetery office and workshop also Pembrey Memorial Hall.

7.1 Additional training booked

We have re-arranged the following training for the Ground Maintenance team and TSO. First Aid (CCC) on 04/04/17.

8 Cemetery

A new software system has been installed for the cemetery on the 27 th March 2017. The TSO and Administration Assistant have received training for the use of the software.

9 Wales/Britain in Bloom update

We have completed a review of the necessary transport for the tour and arrival of our guests in September. We have decided a route for our visitors and judging panel. A Welsh themed 145 menu has been constructed with the help of Mr Stuart Williams head Development Chef of Castell Howell Foods and the Wales in Bloom team. The two menus have been decided and now await a quotation for the complete catering service.

A diary has been created with photographic evidence ensuring a record of advent is captured during the competition.

On the 8 th of April the TSO, Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews and Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas attended the opening of Wales in Bloom at Newport. The team visited and met with members of Newport Council and RHS Judges during an opening presentation to the 2017 awards.

Following a query from a member as to how he prioritises his work, the TSO indicated that this is done in conjunction with the Cemetery Superintendent. Following a further query from the member, the TSO indicated that the Clerk was not involved in this process.

The TSO also referred to the recent successful Eco day held at Pembrey School. Following a query, he confirmed that all Wales in Bloom Committee members had been invited to attend this.

185. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday 7 th March

The minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

186. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Thursday 2 nd March 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

P3 (9) Update on sponsorship and fundraising for Wales in Bloom/Britain in Bloom

Reference was made to the suggestion which had been discussed at the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting to consider hosting a One Voice Wales Committee meeting around the time of the Wales in Bloom campaign. This was formally proposed by Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews and seconded by Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas. This was unanimously RESOLVED, with the Clerk being authorised to communicate with One Voice Wales to offer the Town Council’s facilities.

P4 (14) To consider any referred matters from the other committees

Following a query as to whether there was an update regarding dog fouling issues, Cllr John James advised that the County Council is looking into changing regulations where dogs can be taken to. 146

P4 (15) Any other business

Following a query, members APPROVED that Cllr Michael Theodoulou could attend meetings of the Carmarthenshire Branch of the Federation of Small Businesses, on behalf of the Town Council.

187. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The RFO circulated his report to members. He advised that this did not include a budget monitoring report, due to the fact that he is now preparing the end of year figures, which he hopes he will have available for the May Town Council meeting.

1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at Balance at Unpresented Council 31st March 2017 :- bank cheques cash book balance £ £ £

Business Instant Access account 207,986.75 207,986.75 Community Account 34,983.33 25,851.07 9,132.26 Imprest account 701.37 701.37 £243,671.45 £25,851.07 £217,820.38

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 31st March 2017 :-

Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Plusnet Admin 1 17.00 3.40 20.40 Greenwell Power Tools Maintenance - Cemetery 4 16.60 3.32 19.92 CCC Payroll SLA 1 950.00 190.00 1140.00 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 3 119.24 23.85 143.09 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 101.20 20.24 121.44 One Voice Wales Member training 1 35.00 35.00 Toppers BP Memorial Hall - Equipment 3 17.59 3.52 21.11 CCC Footway Lighting charges 16-17 3 8635.92 1727.18 10363.10 Travis Perkins Gerrans Gym/Institute - Maintenance 3 41.39 8.28 49.67 Travis Perkins Copperworks - Maintenance 3 10.30 2.06 12.36 Travis Perkins Copperworks - Maintenance 3 12.60 2.52 15.12 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 50.36 10.07 60.43 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 37.93 7.59 45.52 Travis Perkins Copperworks - Maintenance 3 22.42 4.48 26.90 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 13.28 2.65 15.93 Travis Perkins Cemetery - Equipment/Tools 4 19.91 3.98 23.89 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 31.74 6.35 38.09 Travis Perkins Copperworks - Maintenance 3 11.98 2.40 14.38 Travis Perkins Gerrans Gym/Institute - Maintenance 3 5.05 1.01 6.06


BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning Consortium Materials 3 207.62 41.56 249.18 Dwr Cymru Cemetery - Water Charges 4 408.78 408.78 Travis Perkins Cemetery - Equipment/Tools 4 13.35 2.67 16.02 Professional Sports Turf Design Special - Memorial Park Survey 9 2215.00 443.00 2658.00 BT Admin - Telephone 1 198.67 39.73 238.40 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 151.79 30.36 182.15 Lyreco Admin - Stationary 1 7.07 1.41 8.48 Lyreco Admin - Stationary 1 145.18 29.04 174.22 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 DND Welding MUGA - Maintenance 3 250.00 50.00 300.00 British Gas Pembrey Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 153.57 7.68 161.25 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 3 753.43 150.68 904.11 British Gas Copperworks - Electricity 3 17.12 0.85 17.97 British Gas Institute - Electricity 3 313.20 62.64 375.84 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 280.32 56.06 336.38 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 4 248.57 49.71 298.28 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 3 35.72 1.78 37.50 Post Office Ltd Cemetery - Van tax CV05 ZTE 4 230.00 230.00 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Cathedral Leasing Maintenance 3 64.98 13.00 77.98 Toppers Cemetery - Equipment 4 14.95 2.99 17.94 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 228.83 45.77 274.60 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 4.23 0.85 5.08 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 3.44 0.69 4.13 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 26.76 5.35 32.11 Tradepoint Copperworks - Maintenance 3 10.50 2.10 12.60 Pembrey & Burry Port Gardening Club Special - Local Organisation Grant 9 250.00 250.00 Cefn Sidan U3A (BP) Special - Local Organisation Grant 9 450.00 450.00 BT Admin - Telephones 1 200.38 40.07 240.45 One Voice Wales Admin - Subscriptions 1 1187.00 1187.00 Xerox Admin - Photocopiers costs 1 57.50 11.50 69.00 Burry Port Memorial Hall/Institute - Tradepoint Maintenance 3 19.25 3.85 23.10 Burry Port Memorial Hall/Institute - Tradepoint Maintenance 3 35.14 7.04 42.18 Mike Rickwood Carpets Cemetery - Equipment 4 729.17 145.83 875.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Fire Protection Services Maintenance 3 786.00 157.20 943.20 19867.03 3430.31 23297.34

3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1st to 31st March 2017 Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Postage 1 64.00 64.00 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 148

Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Burry Bargains - door stop 3 1.29 1.29 Postage - large letters 1 5.88 5.88 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Total payments made from petty cash £74.92 £0.00 £74.92

The RFO highlighted some of the more unusual payments which had been made. These included payments to Carmarthenshire County Council for payroll administration and also footway lighting charges. Following a query on the footway lighting charges being looked into, the TSO advised that a County Council Officer has indicated that there are historical letters regarding why certain lights remain on. He further indicated that the information was being collated by the officer concerned and should be received by 8 th May 2017.

The RFO also highlighted a payment to Professional Sports Turf Design, which related to the drainage survey on Burry Port Memorial Park. Although a payment had been made to One Voice Wales, the RFO advised that this will go into the next financial year, as it relates to the annual subscription for 2017/18.

Lastly, the RFO referred to a payment to Mike Rickwood Carpets, which related to expenditure to improve the office building at the cemetery.

188. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 th March 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 14 th March 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

There were no matters arising.

189. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/35264 Mrs Hayley Whayman Proposed temporary siting of a log cabin Land at Parc Gwledig Pen Bre for an 18 month period for use as a Factory Road, Pembrey catering unit along with associated decking area and mobile catering. S/35363 Mr Mario Pedicini Stable block (retrospective) Salt Rock Farm, Pembrey S/35344 Mrs S Knight Proposed rear single storey kitchen 59 New Street, Burry Port extension S/35324 Mr H C and Mrs M Morse Outline Land adjacent to Brynheulog Detached dwelling house The Graig, Burry Port


S/35403 Carmarthenshire County Council Outline application for residential Mr Jason Jones development Land adjacent to 32 Erw Terrace Burry Port

The Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that approval was recommended in relation to application number S/35344 for a proposed rear single storey kitchen extension.

In relation to application number S/35264, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that it is believed that the log cabin is in poor condition. With regard to application number S/35363, this is a retrospective application for a stable block, which has been refused planning permission previously. Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas also advised that there was concern in relation to application number S/35324, due to its position, being The Graig, Burry Port.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas therefore informed members that the recommendation for these other three applications was for site visits to be undertaken. Members AGREED the recommendation for approval of application number S/35344 and for site visits for the other three applications.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas also informed members that notification of an additional application had been received that morning (number S/35403 referred to above). There had been parking on this area for the last 50 years and therefore, the recommendation was for refusal. Save for one abstention, all other members were in agreement with this recommendation.

190. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillors Mrs Shirley Matthews, Hugh Shepardson and John James reported that it had been a quiet month, with no County Council meetings taking place. Therefore, only individual concerns had been addressed.

191. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that he had attended a number of engagements during the last month.

192. To further consider the proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council, to include the recommendations of the Facilities Management Committee meeting of 6 th April 2017

The Mayor, Cllr John James declared his interest, due to his involvement with Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club. Likewise, Cllr Geraint Davies declared his interest due to his involvement with Burry Port Rugby Club. Both members therefore left the room during discussion of this agenda item. In the absence of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor Cllr David Owens chaired the discussions upon this agenda item.

The Clerk referred to the summary which she had prepared and circulated with the agenda, setting out the recommendations of the recent Facilities Management Committee meeting held on 6 th April 2017. The Clerk outlined the background to the recommendations, together with highlighting what the recommendations were, as set out below:


• The Committee recommends that the Town Council supports the transfer of £50,000 from Section 106 money to Burry Port AFC, to enable the club to take on the transfer of pitches and changing rooms. This £50,000 includes revenue funding for the running costs of the changing rooms for the next 10 years.

• The Committee recommends that there be detailed discussions with Burry Port Rugby Club and Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club on how Section 106 money can be used to assist these clubs also.

• The Committee has concluded that it requires further detailed information on a number of key aspects before it can make a clear recommendation to the Town Council on whether to proceed with the transfer of the head lease of Burry Port Memorial Park. The Committee therefore strongly recommends that the Town Council proceeds to engage in early detailed discussion with relevant County Council Officers, so that the required information is obtained, to enable an informed decision to be made. In principle, the Committee is committed to working with the County Council to achieve the right solution for the local community.

The Chair of the Facilities Management Committee, Cllr Michael Theodoulou expressed his disappointment with how the County Council has dealt with these proposed asset transfers. He referred to the fact that there had been delays in the provision of information and also relevant information has been withheld until a late stage, such as in relation to the maintenance of gulleys. He emphasised that there was no fault on the part of the Town Council’s Officers.

Clarification was sought as to how a figure of £50,000 had been decided upon in relation to the recommendation. Cllr Michael Theodoulou indicated that this was based upon the lower figure which had been provided via the County Council for addressing the pitch drainage problem (£45,000), together with £5,000 for ten years’ running costs of the changing rooms.

In discussing the recommendations, it was agreed that the first and second recommendations should be looked at together, as the Town Council wished to show support for all of the sporting organisations. Accordingly, Cllr Michael Theodoulou formally proposed that the Town Council supports the transfer of £50,000 from Section 106 money to Burry Port AFC, to enable the club to take on the transfer of pitches and changing rooms. Also, that there be detailed discussions with Burry Port Rugby Club and Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club on how Section 106 money can be used to assist these clubs. The foregoing was seconded by Cllr Robert John, and was APPROVED (9 members voted in favour and 1 member voted against).

Cllr Michael Theodoulou also formally proposed the third recommendation as fully set out above, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED . The Clerk was therefore authorised to communicate with the County Council, to advise of the Town Council’s support regarding the use of Section 106 funding for Burry Port AFC and indicating its support for the other two organisations, although more detailed information will need to be provided, following discussions with these.

Following the conclusion of discussions on this agenda item, the Mayor, Cllr John James returned to the meeting room and continued to Chair the remainder of the agenda items.


193. To consider whether the Standing Committees should meet on their usual meeting dates in May, having regard to the elections on 4 th May 2017

The Clerk outlined that this matter had been briefly discussed at the various recent committee meetings. It had first been discussed at the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting, as the May meeting for this committee would be due to be held on Thursday 4 th May, being the date of the elections. Furthermore, the Facilities Management Committee meeting would be due to be held the day prior to the elections, with the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting and the Finance Committee meeting ordinarily taking place on the Monday and Tuesday following the elections.

Given that a new Council will be formed and the composition of the committees would need to be established, it was RESOLVED that the standing committees should not meet on their usual meeting dates at the beginning of May.

194. To consider whether the Burial Committee should be a Standing Committee, rather than a Sub- Committee of the Facilities Management Committee (referral from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 10/04/17)

The Chair of the Facilities Management Committee, Cllr Michael Theodoulou indicated that he was not opposed to the Burial Committee being a stand alone committee but he felt that this issue should be properly considered, to decide whether this is necessary. He expressed the view that the Facilities Management Committee, the Burial Sub Committee and the Fees and Charges Sub Committee have coordinated quite well. Nevertheless, he indicated that he was mindful of the need to adhere to regulations. Accordingly, he would prefer the matter to be more fully considered by the Facilities Management Committee, prior to reverting to the Town Council. Cllr Michael Theodoulou therefore put forward a proposal that this issue be referred to the Facilities Management Committee for full consideration, prior to reverting to the Town Council. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Andrew Philips and was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED .

195. To receive nominations for the appointment of the Town Mayor Elect for 2017/18

Upon the proposition of Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews and seconded by Cllr John Hedley Jones, it was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Cllr David Owens be appointed as the Town Mayor Elect for 2017/18.

196. To consider the date for the Annual Meeting to be held in May, to include the recommendation from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee that it takes place on Monday 15 th May for the election/appointment of the Mayor/Deputy Mayor and the presentation of medallions and that thereafter, the meeting be adjourned until Wednesday 17 th May for the transaction of the remainder of the business.

The Clerk outlined that this issue had been considered in some detail at the recent Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting, which had made a recommendation for the Annual Meeting to take place on Monday 15 th May for the appointment of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, together with the presentation of medallions. Thereafter, the Committee was recommending that the Annual Meeting be adjourned with the remainder of the business being carried out on the day of the normal Town Council meeting, being Wednesday 17 th May. This proposal was formally put forward by Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews, with it being

152 seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou. The proposal was UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED .

197. To consider communications received

1. Copy received of a letter sent by a local resident of Gors Road, Burry Port to the Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire County Council regarding progress on the derelict Windsor Harbour View Public House, ( copy attached). Noted, save that the Mayor, Cllr John James informed members that the owner had indicated that he would be carrying out the work shortly.

2. Email received from the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, providing an update on her work. This includes information regarding an online survey ( copy attached ). Noted.

3. Letter from the Headteacher of Glan y Mor School, requesting advice and support from the Town Council in relation to a proposed project ( copy attached ). Cllr Michael Theodoulou declared an interest, as a Governor at the school. Members agreed that the Council should in principle provide support and further approved to refer the matter to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee once more information was available.

4. Email from One Voice Wales advising that the Innovative Practice Awards Conference would not be taking place on 23 rd March 2017 as planned. This was due to insufficient funding being sourced from sponsor organisations and also a low number of entries. Accordingly, the Awards Scheme will now be incorporated into the Larger Councils Conference to be held in July 2017. The email also expressed gratitude from the National Executive Members and staff for the Town Council’s support in submitting an application. The email further confirms that One Voice Wales will be in contact in the coming weeks to explain the next steps. Noted.

5. Letters of thanks received from Burry Port Male Choir and Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club for recent financial assistance provided by the Town Council. Noted.

6. Email from Cymdeithas yr Iaith on 17 th March 2017. This advises of an event being held at Carmarthen Library at 10am on 29 th April. At this event, there will be discussion regarding people’s experiences of Welsh medium healthcare. The meeting will be held in Welsh but translation facilities can be provided. Noted.

7. Letter dated 27 th March 2017 from the Department for Education and Children, Carmarthenshire County Council. This advises that there is a vacancy for one Minor Authority representative on the Governing Body of Burry Port Community Primary School and the Town Council is requested to consider filling the vacancy. On making further enquiries following receipt of this email, the Clerk has been advised that Cllr Robert John’s term of office does not end until 31 st August 2017. It was APPROVED that the matter be considered at the next Town Council meeting, following the formation of the new Council.


8. Letter received from Lloyds Bank dated 28 th March 2017, following correspondence sent by the Clerk regarding the planned closure of the Burry Port branch and also a telephone conversation between the Clerk and a complaints manager at Lloyds Bank (copy attached ). Noted.

9. Copy received of a letter sent to Lee Waters AM by Lloyds Bank. This letter was sent in response to correspondence forwarded by Mr Waters, following a request from the Clerk, in support of opposition to the planned branch closure in Burry Port ( copy attached ). Noted.

10. Letter received dated 5 th April 2017 from the Returning Officer at Carmarthenshire County Council. This encloses the Result of Uncontested Election in the Pembrey Ward, which is now being displayed in the Town Council’s noticeboards ( copy attached ). Noted.

11. Email forwarded from the National Association of Local Councils by One Voice Wales on 6 th April 2017. This advises that more than 70 organisations, including the Woodland Trust, have partnered to help launch a new Charter for Trees, Woods and People on 6 th November 2017. The new Tree Charter will set out how local communities and trees can best benefit one another. It will serve as a resource which community and Town Councils can use in support of their efforts to look after the trees in their area. To become involved with the Tree Charter, the Town Council can become a Charter Branch, for which there is no charge. The Council can determine its own level of involvement, which can range from simply signing up to receive free copies of the Charter’s newspaper “Leaf!”, to helping gather signatures of support, to more imaginative projects and activities around trees. Additionally, help or advice can be provided to the Council regarding trees, where required. It was agreed that this matter be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

12. Email forwarded from Welsh Water by One Voice Wales on 6 th April 2017. This advises of a workshop taking place at the Principality Stadium, on 2 nd May between 9.45am and 4.15pm to discuss Welsh Water 2050. Welsh Water is looking to develop its long term vision and acknowledges the challenges, from climate and demographic change to the pace of technological change and increasing customer expectations. Welsh Water 2050 sets out current thinking on how these challenges can be responded to. It was APPROVED that Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell attend this event on behalf of the Town Council.

13. Email from the Pageant Master, Bruno Peek on 7 th April 2017. This thanks the Council for committing to take part in A Nation’s Tribute and World War I Beacons of Light on 11 th November 2018. It advises that to date, more than 800 Beacons of Light have been confirmed throughout the , Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK overseas territories. The official Guide to Taking Part is now available, in which the Town Council is acknowledged as a participant. It was discussed that presently, the Town Council only has one beacon and it was suggested that consideration be given to obtaining another one, so that there is one 154

both for Burry Port and Pembrey. The Clerk had previously obtained the beacon from the Pageant Master at no cost to the Council. It was agreed that the Clerk make enquiries regarding the cost of obtaining a second beacon and that this be referred to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee.

198. Reports by elected members

Cllr Michael Theodoulou informed members that he had attended two recent events of One Voice Wales, in relation to which One Voice Wales should be forwarding information to the Clerk in due course. At one of the meetings, the focus was on climate change. There had also been some discussion in relation to One Voice Wales’ AGM. Furthermore, there had been discussion regarding Town Councils being excluded from the Public Services Boards and it is intended that some action be taken upon this.

At the other meeting, being the Carmarthenshire Area meeting, much time had been taken up with a presentation from the Police and Crime Commissioner. Cllr Michael Theodoulou therefore suggested that consideration should be given to extending an early invitation to the Police and Crime Commissioner to meet, following the formation of the new Council. Cllr John James advised that he and Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews have met with the Police and Crime Commissioner and indicated that he may be invited to formally re-open the refurbished Burry Port Police Station.

Cllr David Owens referred to the need for the composition of the Council’s committees to be considered, following the forthcoming local election. Accordingly, he referred to the possibility of him and the Mayor, Cllr John James canvassing the views of new members, to ascertain what they are interested in and they would revert with suggestions. Cllr David Owens confirmed that he would communicate with independent members, whilst Cllr John James would communicate with Labour Party members. All members were in agreement with this course of action.

Lastly, Cllr Michael Theodoulou referred to the fact that there are a number of Councillors who are retiring from the Town Council, especially Cllr Mrs Pat Jones. The Council’s gratitude was expressed to these councillors, some of whom have served on the Town Council for many years.

199. To consider the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

1. The Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales has published its annual report for 2017/18. Section 13 specifically relates to Community and Town Councils ( copy attached ). The Clerk suggests that full consideration of the relevant section of the report be placed on the agenda for a future Town Council meeting, following the election of a new Council. It was APPROVED that this matter be placed on a future agenda for full consideration by new Town Council members.

2. One Voice Wales has forwarded a copy of the presentation entitled the ‘Implementation of the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act’, given by Claire Germain from Welsh Government at a recent Larger Councils meeting (copy attached ). Noted. 155

3. Notification has been received from the Community Bureau of Carmarthenshire County Council that an application submitted by the Clerk to the Community Grant Fund in relation to the hosting of Wales in Bloom has been successful, with an award approved of up to the maximum of £500. Noted.

4. An updated edition of “The Good Councillor’s Guide” has recently been published by the Welsh Government. A hard copy of this has been received and is retained at the Council office. It is also available to view on the Welsh Government website and the One Voice Wales website. The Clerk suggests that printed copies be circulated to all Councillors following the formation of the new Council next month. Noted.

5. A Statement of Persons Nominated has been received from the Returning Officer at Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to the Burry Port Ward for the forthcoming election on 4 th May 2017 ( copy attached ). Noted.

6. Notification has been received from One Voice Wales of New Councillor Induction Training to be held locally. A training session will be taking place in on Thursday 25 th May and also at Carmarthen on Tuesday 6 th June. It was agreed that this training be considered following the formation of the new Council.

7. Members are reminded that the Kidney Wales “Walk for Life” is due to be held on Sunday 23 rd April 2017, commencing at 11am from Burry Port Harbour (near the Lifeboat Station). Noted.

8. It was RESOLVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of Monday 13 th March.

Confidential minute of the Town Council meeting of Wednesday 15 th March 2017.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Adjourned Annual Meeting

Wednesday 17th May 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Mrs Linda Edwards, Mrs Pam Every, Mrs Amanda Fox, Peter Freeman, John James, Stephen James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Mrs Karen Morris, Hugh Shepardson, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO), Lee Fox (TSO)

Minute taker: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe

(Former OAP Hall 6.30pm – 7.10pm)

1. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Reverend Nicholas Jones.

2. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Geraint Davies and Mrs Shirley Matthews.

3. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

No declarations of interest were made in relation to the business to be transacted.

The Clerk outlined the obligation upon members to make declarations of known interests. These should be declared at the outset of the meeting under the specific agenda item, when a member knows that he or she has an interest in an item on the agenda. Furthermore, the member should state the interest once more when the specific item in the agenda is reached. It was APPROVED that the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee should further consider the issue of ensuring that members properly make declarations of interest, where appropriate.

4. Review and adoption of Standing Orders

It was discussed that there had not been an in depth review of the Town Council’s Standing Orders since 2013. One member specifically indicated that she wished to recommend amendments to the Standing Orders. Cllr Michael Theodoulou therefore proposed that the Standing Orders be approved for the time being, but there be a referral to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee for them to be fully reviewed. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Stephen James and was unanimously RESOLVED . Members were informed that if other members had any suggested amendments to the Standing Orders, then these should be notified to the Town Clerk, to enable them to be brought to the attention of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee.


5. Review and adoption of Financial Regulations

Two minor typographical errors were identified. Save for these, members unanimously agreed that the Financial Regulations be accepted, on the basis that they be reviewed once more during the course of the forthcoming year.

6. Appointment of Standing Committees

The Clerk circulated to members details of the proposed membership of the various committees, as set out below:

Standing Committee Sub Committee

Civic Governance and Personnel Audit Sub Committee

Mrs Linda Edwards Peter Freeman Robert John Michael Theodoulou (Chair) John Hedley Jones Bob Walpole David Owens (Chair) Hugh Shepardson Mrs Moira Thomas Bob Walpole

Vice Chair to be appointed

Facilities Management Burial Sub Committee

Geraint Davies (Vice Chair) Mrs Pam Every Mrs Linda Edwards John Hedley Jones (Chair) Peter Freeman John Hedley Jones Two further members to be appointed Mrs Shirley Matthews Mrs Lisa Mitchell Fees and Charges Sub Committee Mrs Karen Francis-Morris David Owens Geraint Davies Michael Theodoulou (Chair) Michael Theodoulou Bob Walpole Two further members to be appointed

Finance Committee

Geraint Davies Cllr Mrs Pam Every Mrs Amanda Fox John James Stephen James (Vice Chair) David Owens Mrs Mary Wenman

Chair to be appointed


Regeneration and Community Services Wales in Bloom Sub Committee

Mrs Pam Every Robert John Peter Freeman Mrs Shirley Matthews (Chair) Stephen James Michel Theodoulou Robert John (Chair) Mrs Moira Thomas (Vice Chair) Mrs Shirley Matthews Mrs Lisa Mitchell (Vice Chair) Planning Sub Committee Mrs Karen Francis-Morris Michael Theodoulou Mrs Pam Every (Chair) Mrs Moira Thomas Peter Freeman Mrs Mary Wenman John Hedley Jones Mrs Moira Thomas (Vice Chair) Bob Walpole

It was discussed that some additional work is required in order to finalise the membership. Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox nominated that Cllr John James be appointed as Chair of the Finance Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Stephen James and unanimously APPROVED. Subject to this additional appointment, the proposed membership was APPROVED by members and it was agreed that the remainder of the appointments be considered within the committees.

For the benefit of the new councillors, the Clerk outlined the usual pattern of meeting dates and times and it was agreed that these continue.

Following a query, it was confirmed that Councillors were still welcome to attend meetings of a committee which they were not a member of, particularly if they had a specific interest in items being discussed. However, it was agreed that this was with the exception of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, where staffing issues are frequently discussed at this meeting.

Also, for the benefit of new councillors, it was indicated that a member could nominate a substitute to attend a meeting on his or her behalf, in the event that they are unable to attend. The Clerk should be notified, preferably in advance of the meeting.

7. Appointment of representatives on outside bodies and organisations

Members reviewed the current representatives on outside bodies and organisations. Due to changes following the recent local election, it was evident that some new representatives needed to be appointed.

Following discussions, it was APPROVED that the representation for 2017/18 be as set out below:

Outside Body Current Representative

One Voice Wales Cllr Peter Freeman Cllr Michael Theodoulou

Town and Community Councils County Cllr Robert John Liaison Forum

Friends of Burry Port Harbour Cllr Robert John 3

PACT Cllr Bob Walpole

Llanelli Shop-Mobility Cllr Mrs Pam Every

School Governing Bodies

Pembrey Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews Term 8 th June 2015 – 7th June 2019

Parc y Tywyn Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas Term 18 th June 2016 – 17 th June 2020

Burry Port Community School Cllr Robert John be reappointed for the new term commencing on 1 st September 2017


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting Wednesday 21 st June 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Mrs Linda Edwards, Mrs Pam Every, John James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Hugh Shepardson, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO)

Minute taker: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe

(Former OAP Hall 7.00pm – 10.10pm)

19. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Reverend Nicholas Jones, during which prayers were offered for victims of the recent Grenfell Tower disaster, as well as for two Town Councillors and their families who had recently suffered a bereavement. The Mayor requested members to stand for a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.

20. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Amanda Fox, Peter Freeman, Stephen James, Mrs Shirley Matthews and Mrs Karen Morris.

The Mayor offered his personal condolences to the two Councillors who had suffered a recent bereavement.

21. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

The Clerk outlined discussions which had taken place at the recent Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting in relation to the completion of a register of members’ interests. She further emphasised that at each Town Council meeting, as well as committee meetings, members should declare any interests at the outset of the meeting under the agenda item relating to declarations of interest. Furthermore, the declaration should be repeated at the appropriate place in the agenda, when a matter to which it relates is being discussed and appropriate action should be taken. The Clerk also advised that where a member declares an interest at the meeting, he or she should complete a form which the Clerk will provide, setting out details of the interest, which should then be returned to her. The Clerk further emphasised the helpfulness of the quick guide produced by Carmarthenshire County Council regarding declarations of interest, which had previously been circulated to members.

Cllrs Mrs Moira Thomas and Bob Walpole declared an interest in relation to item number 16 on the agenda, due to their involvement with the Heritage Group. Also, Cllr Mrs Lisa


Mitchell declared an interest in relation to item number 13, as the planning application relates to a property adjoining hers.

22. Police Business

PCSO Trudi Scandone was in attendance and presented the report below. She apologised for the absence of the Sergeant, due to him being on annual leave.


During the month of May 2017, 44 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which seems normal compared to the same time last year.

Crime in May 2017

During the month of May 2107, the following crimes were recorded for;

Burry Port: 29

Pembrey: 15

There are no trends in relation to any crime type.



33 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for May 2017, which is high when compared to the rolling average, but not too dissimilar to same point last year (we can expect a rise in the summer months).


Year on year the section experiences a signifigant rise in crime and ASB in line with the good weather during the summer.

Following the report, an issue was raised in relation to traffic problems whenever there is a closure on the A484, due to vehicles being unable to pass along the section of lane past Cwm Ifor Road. PCSO Trudi Scandone advised that this is an issue for Carmarthenshire County Council, and County Councillor John James confirmed that he would look into this. It was further agreed that a letter be sent to the County Council on behalf of the Town Council to reiterate the concerns and request that they be addressed.

Another member highlighted issues with vehicles travelling along Ashburnham Road at excessive speed late at night, for which he had received numerous complaints.

Another issue was raised in relation to vehicles parking on pavements, thus making it impossible to pass in a wheelchair or with a pram/pushchair. PSCO Trudi Scandone advised that frequently, the offenders are the same people. She confirmed that if a specific complaint is made, then an officer will attend to it and request the driver to move the vehicle. It was raised by another member that he would like to see a regular officer issuing fixed penalty notices to offenders.


23. To confirm the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 15 th May 2017

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on Monday 15 th May 2017 be accepted and APPROVED as a true record of proceedings.

24. To confirm the minutes of the Adjourned Annual Meeting held on 17 th May 2017

It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Adjourned Annual Meeting held on Wednesday 17 th May 2017 be accepted and APPROVED as a true record of proceedings.

Matters Arising

P1 (4) Review and adoption of Standing Orders

Members were informed that following a referral to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, a group of three members had been appointed and tasked with the review of the Standing Orders. The group had met and had discussed suggested amendments. These will be referred back to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, prior to being brought to the full Town Council.

P2 (6) Appointment of Standing Committees

Members were informed that Cllr Mrs Pam Every had tendered her resignation as a member of the Finance Committee and this will be placed on the agenda of a future meeting to consider a replacement member.

25 To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 17 th May 2017

The following mattes were raised:

P6 (7) - TSO’s report

In relation to the TSO’s report, item number 8 (Wales/Britain in Bloom) a typographical error was raised. This should read trialling the bar facilities, as opposed to ‘trailing’.

P9 (13) – County Councillors’ reports

It was agreed that an amendment be made to add in to the actions which were resolved to be taken in relation to the closure of Harbour View Surgery that the Council organise a bus to arrange transportation to the Hywel Dda Health Board meeting taking place at Penygroes on 25 th May 2017.

Subject to the foregoing amendments, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 17 th May 2017 be accepted and APPROVED as a true record of proceedings.


26. Information from the aforesaid minutes

P1 (2) – Personal matters

It was agreed that to assist the member concerned, papers be provided with immediate effect just to that member, on buff coloured paper.

P1 (2) – Personal matters

A member queried why a PR/Media Consultant had been engaged and paid £250 in relation to work carried out regarding the closure of Harbour View Surgery. This member’s view was that contact could have directly been made by the Council with the media.

P3 (4) – Police Business

It was raised that CCTV needs to be actioned around the town. The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been sent to the Police and Crime Commissioner in relation to this some time ago. Cllr John James advised that he was aware that the Commissioner is happy to meet with the Town Council once more and he therefore PROPOSED that such an invitation be extended to him. This proposal was seconded by Cllr David Owens. However, another member suggested that the proposal be amended, to include extending an invitation to the new Chief Constable to attend the meeting as well. However, Cllr John James indicated that he was aware that the Commissioner would like to bring the Chief Constable along to the meeting as well. Following discussion, the proposal to extend this invitation was RESOLVED. It was further agreed that prior to the meeting taking place, a working group comprising of Cllrs Robert John, John James, Mrs Pam Every and Mrs Lisa Mitchell meet to structure questions to be raised at the meeting. It was also agreed that it would be preferable for the questions to be forwarded to the Commissioner in advance.

P4 (6) Information from the aforesaid minutes

Copperworks School – members were informed that as yet, a suitable date to meet with the Planning Officer has not been agreed.

Proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council – members were informed that a Special Facilities Management Committee meeting is due to take place on the morning of 17 th July, which will be open to all Councillors to attend. This follows on from a productive recent meeting with County Council officers.

P9 (13) County Councillors’ reports

Following the matter being raised, there was a discussion in relation to the cancellation of the bus which was intended to transport councillors and local residents to the Hywel Dda Health Board meeting on 25 th May in Penygroes. The Mayor, Cllr David Owens, confirmed that following the statement issued by the Health Board late afternoon the day prior to the meeting, he had made the decision to cancel the bus. However, if local residents had attended the next day to travel to Penygroes, then the intention had been to transport them in cars. He confirmed that he and two other members had been present on the morning of the 25 th May to ensure that transportation could be provided.


Cllr David Owens also highlighted the fact that the Chief Executive of Hywel Dda Health Board (or another suitably senior manager) had been requested to attend the Town Council meeting that evening and the Clerk had been chasing up this request with telephone calls and emails.

The Clerk confirmed that a letter had been received by email from Hywel Dda Health Board that afternoon, which she read out to members.

In light of the letter indicating that a Drop-in Session was to be held at Burry Port Memorial Hall by the Health Board on the afternoon of 4 th July 2017, Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman PROPOSED that a request be made for the Town Council to meet with the Health Board representatives on that day, prior to the Drop-in Session. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs Pam Every and unanimously RESOLVED .

P10 (15) Annual Report for 2017/18 of the Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales

The Clerk highlighted that all members had been sent an email earlier that day in relation to members’ allowances.

P12 (17) Communications/Report of the Clerk

1. It was agreed that Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman would consider and formulate a proposed motion for the One Voice Wales AGM in relation to the replacement of trees which have been removed.

P13 (17) Communications/Report of the Clerk

6. The Clerk queried whether it was still viable for she and the five members to attend the One Voice Wales Larger Councils Conference on 5 th July 2017, in light of the judging of Wales in Bloom taking place the next day. In the absence of the Chair of the Wales in Bloom Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews, it was agreed that this be checked with her.

P14 (17) Communications/Report of the Clerk

9. The Clerk updated that as yet, it had still not been possible to agree a suitable date for One Voice Wales to deliver the New Councillor Induction training. A provisional date had previously been agreed, but could not be proceeded with as a number of new members were unavailable.

27. To consider the Technical Services Officer’s Report

1.Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of May 2017 there have been the following:

1 Opening of grave. 1 Burial of ashes.


2. Paths/Grass Cutting

Lookout. Memorial Gardens. Isgraig Path. Carmel. Brocyll. Hubert Williams. Ship Aground. Pembrey Square. Kenrhos Farm. Engine Inn. Moreb/Harbour/Clwb Bach Roundabouts. Stepney Road. Burry Port Park. Pembrey Hall. Maintain and cut Bowling Club Hedge. Pesticides applied to the Moreb Lighthouse roundabout.

3. Maintenance

New stainless-steel bolts and thread lock have been installed in the MUGA Play Park, this is to ensure that the fixings are permanent and prevent theft. This also ensures the safety of the play equipment.

General painting has been referred to facilities for action. Pillars and window sills have deteriorated and required tidying up around the Memorial Hall.

4. Street Lights

The TSO reviewed the footway lighting with Carmarthenshire County Council’s Arwel Thomas from the street lighting team on the 19 th May 2017. The TSO had provided Mr Thomas with a detailed programme kindly produced by Cllr John Hedley Jones. Mr Thomas has provided information and requests in relation to the lighting and will be referred to the next facility meeting.

5. IT Infrastructure.

Work will commence on the 07/08/2017 and be complete by the 08/06/2017. Any teething issues will be fed back to IT and ensure any corrections are followed up in urgency. It is advised that due to new layouts and packages further training may be needed.

We have had additional updates to our website. Members from the public, organisations and clubs can now input any up and coming events. This will then once authorised go live on the website and cover all social media. The event planner will ensure if used a proper indication of what is going on in and around Pembrey and Burry Port.

Another feature which we have added is that any local business can update the detail or change and again once authorised this can be quickly updated and give members of the community correct information.

6. Copperworks School

We currently await a future meeting to be set up by the Town Council with the planning officer and architect. The proposed date was cancelled due to the elections and will be rearranged by the Clerk.

7. Health / Safety & Hygiene

CSA hygiene carried out a deep clean of the kitchens in the Memorial Hall on May 30 th, 2017. We have been awarded a certification of cleanliness.


8. Training

The following members of staff have received training on the use of pesticides. Steve Williams Daniel Morgan.

9. Cemetery

The Chapel of Rest has been referred through to the Facilities Management Committee for an electrical failure. The Chapel’s supply feeds the office and tool room at the cemetery which is unsafe due to having no earth bonding. Although the tool room and office has up to date circuit breakers it does not comply to current regulations. Costings have been provided to upgrade the electrics and we currently await a decision. The building is condemned until further notice.

10.Wales/Britain in Bloom update.

All bedding flowers are in preparation and are to be planted week ending 28 th May 2017.

The Clwb Bach roundabout will be completed during the first week of June.

Appointed contractors have started work on silhouettes that will be placed in the memorial gardens.

These items are in production and will be complete 28 th June. Once received the items will be erected in the gardens.

The TSO, Cllr Moira Thomas and Cllr Shirley Matthews visited Wrenvale Nursery’s in Ammanford where the horticulturist invited the council members to see the newly grow competition bedding and hanging plants. The members received a warm welcome and a tour of the site. The site comprised of a complete poly tunnel dedicated to our chosen plants for this year’s competition for Wales in bloom 2017.

11. Pembrey Hall.

The TSO attended the Pembrey Hall and provided Actif Sirgar with a safety briefing and tour of the site. Actif Sir Gar will be using the Pembrey Site for Soft Hockey Play.

In relation to item number 4 (street lights), a query was raised as to whether the County Council’s invoice had been paid in full, which the RFO confirmed it had. The member expressed disappointment as it had been his understanding that it had not been intended to pay the invoice in full whilst there were outstanding issues. Members were informed that information had been obtained from a County Council Officer regarding street lighting, following a meeting between the officer and the TSO. This needs to be discussed with the Clerk, prior to a detailed report being provided at a future meeting.

Following the discussions, it was proposed by Cllr Michael Theodoulou that a report should be made to the Facilities Management Committee, prior to coming back to the Town Council. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards and was unanimously RESOLVED .


In relation to item number 5 (IT infrastructure), a typographical error was highlighted in relation to the starting date for upgrading of the Council’s IT system, which should read the 7th June 2017.

28. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Thursday 6 th April 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 6 th April 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

P2 (6) Consideration of applications received for financial donations

The Clerk updated members that following a letter having been sent to Glan y Mor school, she had received a telephone call from the Headteacher to discuss its contents. He had also suggested a meeting taking place and had indicated that he would send a letter to the Town Council, requesting this. It was agreed that this would be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, when received.

29. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 31st May 2017 Balance at bank :- £

Business Instant Access account 239,719.58

Community Account 62,010.82

Imprest account 23,370.23


2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 31st May 2017

Re Cost ex Supplier Details f Vat VAT Total £ cost Pembrey Memorial Hall - British Gas Electricity 3 138.77 6.94 145.71 Dwr Cymru/Welsh BP Memorial Hall - Water Water Charges 3 60.83 60.83 BT Admin - telephone 1 205.04 41.00 246.04 Consortium Admin - stationery 1 72.80 14.57 87.37


Dwr Cymru/Welsh Pembrey Memorial Hall - Water Water charges 3 414.48 414.48 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 500.00 25.00 525.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Toppers Cleaning materials 3 135.88 27.18 163.06 Toppers Cemetery - Equipment 4 40.94 40.94 R. Lloyd Davies OAP Hall - refurbishments costs 3 3500.00 3500.00 Xerox Admin - Photocopying charges 1 143.09 28.62 171.71 Dwr Cymru/Welsh BP Memorial Hall - Water Water Charges 3 1573.92 1573.92 Celtic Fasteners Special - MUGA /toddler park 3 81.47 16.29 97.76 Dementia Carers Support Group BP Memorial Hall - Maintenance 3 176.68 35.34 212.02 Currys/PC World Admin - IT equipment 1 483.31 96.66 579.97 Currys/PC World Admin - IT consumables 1 39.98 8.00 47.98 Travis Perkins Special - Wales in Bloom 9 249.55 49.91 299.46 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Travis Perkins Maintenance 3 2.82 0.56 3.38 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 21.84 4.37 26.21 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 37.93 7.59 45.52 Travis Perkins Special - Wales in Bloom 9 233.27 46.65 279.92 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 103.76 20.75 124.51 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 126.5 25.3 151.80 Travis Perkins Special - Wales in Bloom 9 49.34 9.87 59.21 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 109.87 21.97 131.84 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 11.66 2.33 13.99 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 190.28 38.06 228.34 Carms Tourism Association Admin - Subscriptions 1 91 91.00 13186.2 13186.2 Zurich Insurance Admin - Insurance 1 5 5 Excel Electrics Cemetery - maintenance 4 170 34 204.00 Excel Electrics BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 475 95 570.00 Owen Fuels Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil 3 500 25 525.00 Amberol Special - Wales in Bloom 9 3809.28 761.86 4571.14 Toppers Cemetery - Equipment 4 13.16 2.63 15.79 Wynnstay Special - Wales in Bloom 9 236.9 47.38 284.28 Cemetery - Equipment Greenwell Power Tools maintenance 4 47.45 9.49 56.94 Cemetery - Equipment Powercut maintenance 4 347.76 69.55 417.31 Clearskies software Cemetery - Software 4 3000 600 3600.00 Communicorp Admin - Subscriptions 1 12 12.00 GI Carpets Cemetery - maintenance 4 28 28.00 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 141.05 28.21 169.26 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20 4 24.00 24

Dwr Cymru/Welsh BP Memorial Hall - Water Water charges 3 16.8 16.80 British Gas Copperworks - electricity 3 16.73 0.83 17.56 British Gas Institute - Electricity 3 194.84 9.74 204.58 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 163.85 8.19 172.04 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 4 152.69 7.63 160.32 British Gas OAP building - Electricity 3 30.83 1.54 32.37 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 3 613.39 122.67 736.06 Pembrey Memorial Hall - British Gas Electricity 3 110.06 5.5 115.56 Castell Howell Civic Expenditure 9 69.46 69.46 Post Office Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 240 240.00 CJ Motors Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 280.44 0 280.44 BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning Consortium costs 3 23.66 4.73 28.39 BP Memorial Hall - OAP/Bar Tradepoint Facility 3 198.48 39.69 238.17 BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning SA1 Laundry costs 3 22.98 4.59 27.57 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 22.46 4.49 26.95 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - Bar Facility 3 14.22 2.84 17.06 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 59.48 11.89 71.37 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 67.5 13.5 81.00 Travis Perkins Special - Wales in Bloom 9 67.5 13.5 81.00 BT Admin - Telephone 1 204.23 40.84 245.07 33351.4 2496.2 35847.7 6 5 1

3. Petty Cash Payments made from 1st to 31st May 2017 Cost ex Supplier Details Ref Vat VAT Total £ cost Burry bargains Cleaning materials 3 3.20 3.20 Post office Postage 1 1.75 1.75 Post office Mobile top up 1 20.00 20.00 Burry bargains Cleaning materials 3 2.40 2.40 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Post office Postage 1 56.00 56.00 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Total payments made from petty cash £84.85 £0.00 £84.85


The RFO highlighted the current bank balances, together with a number of more unusual items of expenditure, namely the refurbishment of the Senior Citizens Hall, work on the bar facility, insurance costs for all premises and preparations for Wales in Bloom.

4. Budget Monitoring report

The RFO advised that the budget monitoring report was for the period up to 31 st May 2017 and this had already been provided to some committees. At this point in the financial year, income and expenditure should be just under 17%.

Currently, net expenditure is 18.13% and is therefore slightly over budget. However, the RFO highlighted that this is attributable to a number of annual payments having been made.

5. Annual Return

The RFO circulated a copy of the Annual Return to all members. For the benefit of new members, he outlined the process of an internal audit and external audit being undertaken. The RFO advised that the Annual Return needed to be approved by the end of June and submitted to the external auditor by 17 th July.

The RFO outlined the content of the Annual Return to members. He confirmed that net expenditure was within budget overall and that it was pleasing that income had been substantially higher during that financial year. This has meant that at the end of the financial year, the sum of £23,000 had been placed in general reserves.

Following the presentation of the report, Cllr Michael Theodoulou proposed that this be approved, subject to audit. This proposal was seconded by Cllr John Hedley Jones and was unanimously RESOLVED .

30. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 11 th April 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 th April 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

Following a query from a member, the RFO advised that the outstanding invoice in relation to the Explorers was now being passed on to the Area Office, due to the group having ceased meeting at Pembrey Memorial Hall.

31. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/35559 Robert Jenkins 1st floor extension at rear of property. 119 Pencoed Road Burry Port S/35653 Jonathan Owens Proposed extension to rear of the existing 23 Church Road property and new stores/workshop. Burry Port 26

Members were informed that no meeting had taken place of the Planning Sub Committee. However, the Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Pam Every, informed members that the TSO had been in contact with the Planning Officer and there were no issues in relation to the two applications. Cllr Michael Theodoulou therefore proposed that recommendations for approval be made in relation to both applications. This was seconded by Cllr Bob John and was unanimously RESOLVED .

32. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor Hugh Shepardson advised members that he had met with the new Manager of Pembrey Country Park, who has only been in post for six weeks. He would be happy to meet with the Town Council but had indicated that it would be preferable for this to take place during the autumn. All members were in favour of this. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Mr Neil Thomas, Countryside Manager, requesting his attendance during the autumn, when he could brief the Town Council on his areas of responsibility.

33. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor informed members of a number of events which he had recently attended, namely the Civic Service for the Mayor of Kidwelly and also a ceremony held at a property in Burry Port, where Mr Arthur Perry was bestowed with the Legion d’Honneur, the highest honour that can bestow. It was agreed that a letter of congratulations be sent on behalf of the Town Council to Mr Perry.

The Mayor informed members that he had attended the Armed Forces Day Ceremony outside the Town Hall in Llanelli on Monday 19 th June. This had been attended by other local dignitaries.

The Mayor referred to the first meetings of all of the new committees having now taken place and the intention to develop action lists in relation to committee meetings. He emphasised that the Town Council has a vast amount of work to undertake in the near future and he urged everyone to continue working well together, to ensure that this work can be carried out.

34. To consider the potential transfer of ownership of the Heritage Boards to the Town Council

Cllrs Bob Walpole and Mrs Moira Thomas reiterated their interests, due to their involvement with the Heritage Group but this interest was not such that they needed to leave the meeting during the discussions.

Members were informed that following a request from the Facilities Management Committee, a meeting had taken place with representatives of the Heritage Group. The outcome of this meeting was that it was agreed that it would be preferable for the Town Council to take over ownership of the Heritage Boards and this was being strongly recommended to the Council. Cllr Michael Theodoulou therefore proposed that the Town Council take over the ownership of the Heritage Boards. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman and was unanimously RESOLVED .

The Clerk however clarified that there was a proviso in that the consent of the Heritage Lottery Fund would be required and that this was being looked into by the Heritage Group. 27

In relation to this matter, Cllr Michael Theodoulou also proposed that the RFO sign off an account in relation to the boards. This was seconded by Cllr John James and was RESOLVED . It was further confirmed that both actions could happen in parallel.

35. To consider the formation of a standing committee comprising of Chairpersons (recommendation from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 12/06/17)

Cllr Michael Theodoulou referred to the fact that when the new committee structure had been formed, a resolution was passed that the Chairpersons could meet when necessary, to consider strategic issues.

It was discussed that a long term plan for the Council would need to be formulated and the intention was that each of the committees would put forward their long term plans. These would therefore need to be coordinated and the Chairpersons’ Committee would take on this coordinating role.

It was agreed that the Mayor and Clerk should consider and arrange regular meeting dates, as opposed to meetings taking place on an ad hoc basis.

36. To consider a recommendation from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 12/06/17 (and approved by the Finance Committee on 13/06/17) to employ a part time Administrative Assistant, whose main responsibility will be minute taking but also to provide administrative support

Members were informed that due to the unsuccessful attempts to recruit a Minute Secretary, the situation had been considered once more by the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee. As a result, there is a recommendation from this committee that the Town Council should employ an Administrative Assistant to work for two hours every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning, as well as on the evening of the Town Council meetings. It is intended that this new employee’s main duty would be the preparation of minutes but would also provide additional administrative support. Members were informed that the salary for the position had not yet been decided upon but that this would be on the appropriate scale.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou proposed that an Administrative Assistant be employed on the basis recommended by the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Bob Walpole and was RESOLVED . It was further agreed that an advertisement be placed in the local newspaper.

Members were additionally informed that the matter had been referred to the Finance Committee, as this additional employee was not budgeted for. The Finance Committee had also been in favour of the recommendation.

37. To receive reports by elected members

Cllr Michael Theodoulou informed members that following on from the Grenfell Tower disaster, he has requested the Clerk to convene a meeting comprising of members who had previously considered emergency evacuation procedures, namely Cllrs John Hedley Jones, Robert John and Mrs Shirley Matthews, together with himself, the Mayor and the Clerk, as well as the appropriate County Council officer. 28

Cllr John Hedley Jones briefly advised members of previous work that had been undertaken on this issue. He advised that currently, Glan y Mor Sports Centre is the only emergency facility in Burry Port. It was agreed that once the group meets, information can be shared regarding available emergency facilities.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou also updated members regarding the AGM of One Voice Wales Carmarthenshire Area Committee which he and Cllr Peter Freeman had attended the previous evening. At this meeting, Cllr Peter Freeman was elected as a representative on the Citizens Advice Bureau, whilst Cllr Michael Theodoulou was elected as representative to the Health Board Stakeholders’ Committee and also to CAVS. Cllr Mair Stephens was elected as Chairperson and Cllr Michael Theodoulou was elected as Vice Chairperson of the Area Committee.

Members were informed that the next Area Committee meeting will take place on 4 th October and as previously agreed by the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, it will be hosted by the Town Council.

Members were informed that at the Area Committee meeting, it had been stated that shortly all Councils would need to appoint a member as a Welsh Language Champion. Guidance will be published in due course but it is for a Council to decide what it required the Welsh Language Champion to do. Cllr Michael Theodoulou emphasised the importance of the Town Council being seen to be in support and he therefore urged that a Welsh Language Champion be appointed as soon as possible. Following this, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas proposed that Cllr Peter Freeman be appointed as the Council’s Welsh Language Champion. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Pam Every and unanimously RESOLVED .

Cllr Bob Walpole advised members that he had attended the PACT meeting on 7 th June and he outlined the issues which had been discussed at this meeting. Following this, it was suggested by another member that the Town Council should be provided with information, setting out what the Police have achieved in relation to the discussed priorities. It was therefore agreed that the Clerk request that such information be included in the police report.

Cllr Mary Wenman referred to a request from the Dementia Carers Group for financial assistance with dementia training. It was APPROVED that this be referred back to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised members of the recent Arriva Trains conference which she had attended in Carmarthen with the TSO. At this, it had been stated that Pembrey and Burry Port train station is the fourth best station in Wales. Members were informed that Arriva will be undertaking some further improvements to the station.

Cllr John James referred to the recent meeting of Hywel Dda Health Board. He informed members of a question which he had submitted to the Health Board. He and some other members had attended the meeting and were allowed in, although there were unable to speak at the meeting. Nevertheless, they had been able to speak with primary care representatives outside of the meeting. Cllr John James confirmed that an answer had been provided to his question, which he outlined. Cllr John James had attended a subsequent meeting on 6 th June, when people from the Health Board were in attendance. At this meeting, it was evident that there was disparity regarding the number of patients with Harbour View Surgery, as the number provided by the retiring GP was greater than that indicated by the Health Board. As a 29 query had been raised regarding support for the dispersal of patients, the Health Board is arranging a drop in session to speak to patients. Cllr John James informed members that the Health Board had pushed the County Councillors to agree to their intentions regarding the dispersal of patients of Harbour View Surgery. However, this support was not given and the Health Board was informed that more specific information was required.

38. To consider communications received and the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

Having had sight of items contained with the communications/report of the Clerk, a number of declarations were made.

Cllrs John Hedley Jones, John James and Mrs Lisa Mitchell declared an interest in relation to the request set out at number one below, due to their involvement with the RNLI.

1. Email received on 17 th May from Craig and Isabel Goodman in relation to a charity event which they are organising. This is the Burry Port Fun Raft Race, which is to be held on Saturday 22 nd July 2017 at Burry Port Harbour, commencing at 6pm. Rafts will be launched at this time, following on from the RNLI open day. The event is being organised to raise funds for Burry Port RNLI and a children’s football academy in Gambia, with money raised being equally divided between both causes. The email invites the Town Council to sponsor one of the awards at the event, the cost of which is £300. In turn, the sponsor has its branding on the Facebook Raft Race event page, availability to have branding at the event (eg display of banners on railings), space to have a stand in the harbour area, a half page advert in the programme, complimentary entry for a raft and presentation of the sponsored award at the event. Following a brief discussion, Cllr Michael Theodoulou proposed that the Town Council sponsor this event. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Bob Walpole and unanimously RESOLVED.

2. Letter dated 25 th May 2017 from a local resident in which she requests that consideration be given to the erection of a blue plaque in memory of Guerino Mariti (known locally as Jack Mariti). The letter refers to the bridge at the harbour which is named the Mariti Bridge and also a plaque, but that these do not include his full name nor shown appreciation for the significant voluntary work carried out by this gentlemen. The letter attaches a copy of an article which was written for the Llanelli Star approximately 30 years ago, outlining this person’s many achievements ( copy attached ). It was agreed that this request be referred to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee

3. Email from the Community Operations Manager of the Royal Horticultural Society on 25 th May 2017, confirming the date when the judging of Britain in Bloom will take place in Pembrey and Burry Port. This will be held on Friday 4 th August between 8.30am and 12 noon. Noted.

4. Confirmation has also been received of the judging of Wales in Bloom within Pembrey and Burry Port. This is to take place on Thursday 6 th July between 1pm and 3.30pm, with Pembrey Primary School being separately judged earlier that day.



5. Email from One Voice Wales on 26 th May 2017, providing information on training sessions being held locally up to November 2017 ( copy attached ). Noted.

6. Letter dated 2 nd June 2017 received from the Government Business Team of the Welsh Government, in response to the Clerk’s letter of 23 rd May 2017 sent to the Cabinet Secretary for Health, Well-being and Sport regarding the closure of Harbour View Surgery ( copy attached ). Noted.

7. Email from the Membership Secretary of Workers Educational Association (WEA) Llanelli Branch on 5 th June 2017. In this, she seeks volunteers to join the organisation’s committee. The email indicates that the committee members have a specific and active role in the organisation, which has provided education for adults in Llanelli for over a century. Members were requested to contact the Clerk, if interested.

8. Letter from Carmarthenshire County Council received on 5 th June 2017, inviting applications for a Safe Routes in Communities Grant. The grant is accessed through the Welsh Government and the scheme focuses on improving walking and cycling access to schools for parents and pupils, as well as improving links within the wider community. The scheme aims to encourage people to undertake active travel (walking and cycling) by improving levels of access and road safety within the community. The Safe Routes in Communities grant relies heavily on collaboration and partnership between the schools, Town/Community Council and Carmarthenshire County Council. It is an essential requirement as part of the application process that both the schools and the local community be fully engaged and collaborate on the development and implementation of any Safe Routes in Communities Scheme. Applications are to be received no later than Friday 21 st July. It was discussed that given Safe Routes in Communities Grants which have recently been secured within Burry Port and Pembrey, the chances of obtaining further grants were low. It was indicated that the Headteacher of Burry Port Community School is looking into the possibility of making an application. It was therefore APPROVED that this matter be noted and the Town Council would offer support if Burry Port Community School does make an application.

9. Email from Carmarthenshire County Council on 6 th June 2017, attaching a copy of the Council’s notice to introduce the Carmarthenshire County Council (Off-street Parking Places) Consolidation (Amendment of Charges) Order 2017, which is effective from 3rd July 2017 ( copy attached ). Noted.

10. Letter from the Chief Executive of Hywel Dda University Health Board, received on 6th June 2017, in response to the Clerk’s letter of 22nd May 2017 regarding the closure of Harbour View Surgery ( copy attached ). Noted.

11. Email from Llanelli Community Resource team, extending an invitation to the next Time Credits Network event to be held on Monday 3 rd July between 9.30am and 12 31

noon at Trallwn Hall, Llywnhendy, Llanelli. The email advises that the Time Credits Team will be present to answer any questions and as there is a “Health and Well- being” focus for this event, there will be an opportunity to learn more about the Social Subscriber and Community Resilience Projects. The meeting is open to all, whether current members, partners or anyone interested in finding out more information. The meeting is free to attend but places need to be booked in advance. Prior to discussion of this item, Cllr Michael Theodoulou declared an interest, on the basis that he chairs the organisation’s annual event. Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell indicated that she may be available to attend this event, which was agreed.

12. Email received on 19 th June 2017 from Syria Sir Gar, extending an invitation to all Town Councillors to attend a public meeting being held on Wednesday 28 th June (copy details attached ). This organisation has been supporting families since 2016 who are being re-settled in Carmarthenshire as refugees from Syria. The email advises that a family is expected to be re-settled in Burry Port by the end of June. Noted.

13. Following on from a meeting attended by the Clerk on 6 th June 2017 with County Council officers and other Town Clerks within Carmarthenshire whose Council’s will be subject to the requirements of the Well-being of Future Generations Act, it was agreed that it would be helpful if the County Council organised a Well-Being Plan Development Session. This is to be a combined session for all Councils subject to the Act and its purpose is to consider the well-being objectives and actions. The Clerk is awaiting confirmed notification of this event but has been provisionally informed that it will take place on 4 th July between 6pm and 8pm and will be held at Tumble Hall. Once confirmed details are received, the Clerk will notify all members. Noted.

14. Following a previous email from the Clerk, members are reminded that an open day is being held at Burry Port Family Centre on 22nd June, commencing at 11am. Noted.

15. The Clerk informed members that an approach had been made by Kidwelly Town Council regarding the possibility of Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council assisting with the watering of their flowers, which is currently undertaken by volunteers. This would be on the basis of some form of Service Level Agreement. Following a brief discussion, members agreed that it was not viable to enter into such an arrangement at this time, as the Town Council needed to prioritise its own work, especially in light of its entry to Wales in Bloom and Britain in Bloom in the coming weeks.

16. It was RESOLVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

Minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of Monday 10 th April 2017.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 19 th July 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Mrs Linda Edwards, Mrs Pam Every, Mrs Amanda Fox, Peter Freeman, John James, Robert John, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Hugh Shepardson, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO)

Minute taker: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe

(Senior Citizens Hall 7.00pm – 10.55pm)

39. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Reverend Nicholas Jones. Cllr Peter Freeman thanked Reverend Jones for his kind prayers at the last Town Council meeting and also thanked members of the Council for their support.

40. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Stephen James, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Karen Morris and Michael Theodoulou.

41. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

Cllr Geraint Davies declared an interest in relation to item number 16 on the agenda (proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council), due to his involvement with Burry Port Rugby Football Club. The four County Council members also declared an interest in this agenda item.

42. Police Business

Sergeant Dominic Jones was in attendance. He provided an update on some issues which had been raised at the previous Town Council meeting. He advised that road closures are usually dealt with by the Local Authority, rather than being a police matter. In relation to obstructions caused by vehicles parking on pavements, the Sergeant advised that if it is persistent behaviour, then a notice should be issued but otherwise, the vehicle would be asked to move.

The Sergeant presented the police report, set out below:


During the month of June 2017, 40 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which is slightly lower compared to the same time last year, however, in line with the 12 month rolling average. 33

Crime in June 2017

During the month of June 2017, the following crimes were recorded for;

Burry Port: 27 Pembrey: 13

There are no trends in relation to any crime type.


25 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for June 2017, which is in line with the 12 month rolling average. I previously expected a rise in the summer months. 34

In relation to the report, the Sergeant added that the crime figures for June showed a reduction on the months of April and May. Furthermore, based on current figures, it looked as if there would be a reduction for July. He also confirmed that there would be increased staffing levels to cover the busy summer season up until the end of September, which would enable certain areas to be targeted.

Following a query, Sergeant Jones advised that there was nothing serious to report in relation to anti-social behaviour and often, it is down to perception. Again, following a query, the Sergeant advised that a Welsh Government funded project, namely the Integrated Management Intervention Scheme was possibly assisting with the reduction in crime.

Some areas of concern were highlighted to the Sergeant. He was informed that complaints had been received regarding anti-social behaviour at the Bowling Club car park. Also, last year, there were a number of instances of anti-social behaviour in Parc y Minos Street and around the Memorial Hall, involving children of approximately 11/12 years old. The Sergeant was therefore asked if the police could be vigilant in these areas.

Additionally, Sergeant Jones was informed that near the tramway, along from the Bowls Club, there had been recent issues with motorcyclists travelling at high speed along the footpath/cycle way. Again, more police presence was requested there, especially as it is not intended for any motorised traffic.

The Sergeant was thanked for the police assistance with the carnival and he confirmed that only two calls had been received that day, which was a significant reduction in police demand.

Lastly, Sergeant Jones advised that there were concerns about the condition of the Windsor Harbour View public house and presently, there is one person in custody. He also indicated that he was displeased with a response which had been received from an Officer from Carmarthenshire County Council.

43. To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 21 st June 2017

Subject to one minor addition, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 21 st June 2017 be accepted and approved as a true record of proceedings. It was agreed that in relation to page 19 (item 26 – information from the aforesaid minutes), it be added that the PR/Media Consultant had been paid £250.

44. Information from the aforesaid minutes

P15 (21) – To receive Members declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas requested to delete the word “subsequently” at the start of the second paragraph, which was agreed.

P18 (24) – Minutes of the adjourned Annual Meeting held on 17 th May 2017

Members were informed that proposed amendments to the Standing Orders had been discussed and agreed at the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting the previous week. These would be recommended for approval to the Town Council at the next meeting.


P19 (26) - Information from the aforesaid minutes – Police business

Cllr Robert John advised that a meeting of the working group had not yet met to formulate questions, until they knew who would be attending to meet along with the Police and Crime Commissioner.

P19 (26) Information from the aforesaid minutes – Copperworks School

Members were informed that a meeting had been arranged with the Planning Officer for Tuesday 25 th July.

P20 (26) Information from the aforesaid minutes – Communications/Report of the Clerk

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman informed members that she had prepared a motion but did not obtain the backing from another Council in time for this to be formally submitted.

P21 (27) TSO’s report – (4) Street lights

Following a query, members were informed that the Facilities Management Committee needed to consider the information which had been passed to the TSO and subsequently, any recommendations would need to be considered by the Town Council.

P22 (27) TSO’s report – (10) Wales/Britain in Bloom update

The Chair of the Wales in Boom Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews informed members that the judging of Wales in Bloom had taken place and she extended thanks to the Council’s workforce for their efforts in relation to this. Members also thanked the Wales in Bloom Sub Committee.

P26 (31) – Planning applications

The Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Pam Every indicated that she had not received the recent email from the TSO regarding the meeting of the Planning Sub Committee, as this had been sent to the wrong email address. The former Chair of the Planning Sub Committee, Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas advised that she used to attend at the office shortly prior to the scheduled meeting in order to decide whether it needed to proceed.

P28 (36) – To consider a recommendation from the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 12 th June 2017 to employ a part time Administrative Assistant

Following a query, members were informed that the grade/salary for this post had been agreed at the previous week’s Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting. Subsequently, an advertisement had been finalised and forwarded to One Voice Wales for circulation and it will be publicised in the Llanelli Star. The post will also be advertised on the Town Council’s website.

P28 (37) - To receive reports by elected members

Members were informed that a meeting is to be arranged of the working group to consider emergency evacuation procedures. It was commented that Burry Port Memorial Hall has adequate space and kitchen facilities in the event of an emergency and although there are no shower facilities, there are two nearby sheltered complexes. 36

Following the appointment at the last Town Council meeting as the Council’s Welsh Language Champion, Cllr Peter Freeman indicated that he required guidance from the Town Council in relation to his remit. It was suggested that as a starting point, he consider the Council’s Welsh Language Policy.

There was a brief discussion regarding the traffic problems in Elkington Park when children are being brought to school and collected. Vehicles are blocking the driveways of local residents and although the County Council is trying to address the issue, little assistance is being obtained from the school. It was discussed that there is no defence to this offence of obstruction and it requires an officer present with the power to issue fixed penalty notices. Following discussion, it was agreed that it is desirable for the County Council to carry out a site visit and to monitor the situation and revert with a solution. Cllr John James advised that he was meeting with the relevant County Council officer the following day and he would raise this issue with her.

45. To consider the Technical Services Officer’s Report

In the absence of the TSO, the Clerk referred members to the Technical Services Officer’s report, as set out below:

1.Burry Port Cemetery

During the month of June. 2017 there have been the following:

1 Burial. 1 Construction of monument.

2. Paths/Grass Cutting

Memorial Gardens. Pembrey Square, Elkington/Stepney Road, Moreb/Harbour/Clwb Bach Roundabouts, Stepney Road School (opp). Burry Port Memorial Park, Pembrey Hall, Embankment.

3. Maintenance Temporary metal plates have been placed on the fire doors exiting the Memorial Hall. Large holes had appeared underneath the fire doors through decay and needed to be sealed. Quotations for new fire doors have been obtained and await further instruction.

4. Street Lights

There will be a need to review the footway lighting. The TSO had met with Carmarthenshire County Council’s Arwel Thomas from the street lighting team on the 19 th May 2017. The TSO had provided Mr Thomas with a detailed programme kindly produced by Cllr John Hedley Jones. Mr Thomas has provided information and requests in relation to the lighting and will be referred to the next facility meeting. This is yet to be actioned by the committee.

5. IT - DSE

A review is required for all aspects of (DSE) Display Screen Equipment. The information will be passed onto the next facilities meeting.


6. Copperworks School

We still await a future meeting to be set up by the Town Council with the planning officer and architect. The proposed date was cancelled due to the elections and will be rearranged by the Clerk.

7. Health / Safety & Hygiene

We have referred the Cemetery power tools for HAVS. Hand, Arm, Vibrations to the facilities committee. Previously Carmarthenshire County Council have offered support and training in the use of the power tools and testing.

9. Cemetery

It has been agreed that the Chapel of rest has been referred through to Facilities management for an electrical failure. The Chapel’s supply feeds the office and tool room at the cemetery which is unsafe due to having no earth bonding. The building is condemned until further notice. A date has been set for the works completion.10/07/2017

10.Wales/Britain in Bloom update.

All bedding flowers are planted week ending 28 th June 2017.

Various premises were handed a disclaimer for the newly erected brackets for the new hanging baskets. Once signed all the brackets have been installed.

The Clwb Bach roundabout is complete and ready for Wales in bloom.

Silhouettes will be erected during June 28th that will be placed in the memorial gardens. The reflective statues will represent fallen soldiers in our memorial garden. These items are in production and will be complete 28 th June. Once received the items will be erected in the gardens.

On social media, we have obtained over 8059 views for Wales in bloom.

11. Pembrey Hall

Installation of fence rails and gate. Foyer and men’s toilets have been painted in the hall ready for preparation to host Wales in Bloom.

46. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances

The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 30th June 2017 Balance at bank :- Business Instant Access account 222,401.37 Community Account 49,331.58 Imprest account 18,419.75 £290,152.70


2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 30th June 2017

Supplier Details Ref Cost ex Vat VAT Total £ cost D. Owens Mayoral Allowance 9 400.00 400.00 L. Mitchell Travelling expenses 1 53.10 53.10 Hywel Girls and Boys Choirs Mayoral donations 9 25.00 25.00 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 121.88 24.38 146.26 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 3 104.87 20.97 125.84 Greenwell Power Tools Cemetery - Equipment maintenance 4 77.20 15.44 92.64 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 Mike Clarke Printing Civic Expenditure - posters 9 270.00 54.00 324.00 CJ Motors Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 12.00 12.00 British Gas Copperworks - Electricity 3 15.47 0.77 16.24 British Gas Institute - Electricity 3 225.82 45.16 270.98 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 209.38 41.87 251.25 British Gas Cemetery - Electricity 4 90.45 4.52 94.97 British Gas OAP Hall - Electricity 3 28.64 1.43 30.07 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Heating 3 271.41 54.28 325.69 Travis Perkins BP Hall - maintenance 3 17.66 3.53 21.19 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 256.07 51.21 307.28 Tradepoint Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 7.38 1.48 8.86 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 1 11.65 2.33 13.98 Biffa Hall - Refuse costs 3 121.88 24.38 146.26 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 126.36 25.27 151.63 LJ Tree Services Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 2250.00 2250.00 Xerox Admin - Photocopying 1 22.47 4.49 26.96 CSA Hygiene BP Hall - Cleaning 3 585.00 117.00 702.00 Stephen Chilvers Admin - website 1 225.00 225.00 Kidwelly Welfare Committee Mayoral donations 9 25.00 25.00 Toppers BP Hall - Equipment 3 262.24 52.45 314.69 Robert Lloyd Civic Expenditure - SOS publicity 9 250.00 250.00 Wynnstay Cemetery - Equipment 4 34.50 6.90 41.40 Tradepoint MUGGA 3 14.72 2.94 17.66 Myrddin Garden Machinery Cemetery tools 4 31.67 6.33 38.00 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 4.20 0.84 5.04 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 245.00 49.00 294.00 Powercut Cemetery - Maintenance 4 23.96 4.78 28.74 Powercut Cemetery - Equipment Maintenance 4 78.69 15.74 94.43 Tradepoint Wales in Bloom 9 32.67 6.54 39.21 Parker Plant Hire Cemetery - Maintenance 4 45.00 9.00 54.00 Burry Port Family Centre Mayoral donations 9 25.00 25.00 CCC Wales in Bloom 9 100.00 100.00 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 23.40 4.68 28.08 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 25.22 5.04 30.26 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 63.09 12.62 75.71 CJ Motors Cemetery Vehicle costs 4 283.14 283.14 Consortium Toilets - cleaning materials 3 116.53 23.31 139.84 Consortium Admin - office equipment 1 208.99 41.80 250.79 Llanelli Forge BP Hall - maintenance 3 150.00 150.00 7591.71 738.48 8330.19

3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1st to 30th June 2017 39

Supplier Details Ref Cost ex Vat VAT Total £ cost Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Burry bargains Cleaning materials 3 2.60 2.60 Burry bargains Cable ties 3 1.30 1.30 Burry bargains Tape 3 1.30 1.30 Post office Card 1 2.99 2.99 Screwfix Llanelli Star 1 3.32 0.66 3.98 Post office Postage 1 65.00 65.00 Total payments made from petty cash £77.26 £0.66 £77.92

The RFO highlighted the current bank balances, together with several more unusual items of expenditure, namely the cost of removal of trees at Pembrey Memorial Hall, the deep cleaning of the kitchens at Burry Port Memorial Hall and also some payments relating to Wales in Bloom.

4. Budget Monitoring report

The Budget monitoring report for the period 1st April 2017 to 30th June 2017 has been circulated to Members.

The RFO advised that at this point in the financial year, income and expenditure should be 25%. He highlighted relevant issues relating to the various committees, as follows:

Finance Committee

In relation to the Finance Committee, the RFO advised that although expenditure appears to be significantly over budget, this is a timing issue due to annual insurance payments having been made.

Facilities Management Committee

The RFO highlighted virements which had been actioned in relation to the purchase of the cemetery software, the bar facility within Burry Port Memorial Hall and also refurbishment costs of the Senior Citizens’ Hall.

Following a query in relation to the PWLB loans, the RFO explained that in addition to the loan currently being paid for work undertaken on the roof of the Memorial Hall, the sum of £8,000 was budgeted for the repayment of a loan of £100,000, should this be taken out for building refurbishments.

Again, following a query regarding room rental/hire income, the RFO advised that this appears high due to a large number of annual payments having been received.

Civic Governance and Personnel Committee

The RFO highlighted that this is slightly over budget, which is as a result of some amendments made during the job evaluation process. He advised that some virements needed to be actioned as additionally, a new member of staff will also be shortly recruited as a part time Administrative Assistant.


Regeneration and Community Services Committee

To date, the sum of £5,600 has been received by way of donations. There has been little expenditure at present, with the only expenditure having been in relation to the floral displays. There is further expenditure upon floral displays and details should be available at the September meeting. It was also thought that there were additional donations which had been directly paid into the Council’s bank account, which would need to be checked.

Currently, net expenditure is 23.58% and is therefore on budget overall for year to date.

47. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 13 th June 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

There were no matters arising.

48. To consider the minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Monday 12 th June 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 12 th June 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Matters arising

P4 (14) To consider the role of the Caretaker

Following it being raised that the reference to a member of staff was of a sensitive nature, it was agreed that the matter be referred back to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, to further consider the issue of the minutes of this committee being considered in the main Town Council meeting.

49. To consider any planning applications

Application Name and Address of Applicant Description of Application No. S/35779 Dr Alaa Dubaissi and Mrs Alia Al-Ka Convert first and second floors from 2 14 & 16 Station Road flats to 5 one bedroom flats Burry Port

Some concerns were expressed in relation to the potential conversion of two flats into five one bedroom flats. Concerns included lack of parking and safety issues. Cllr John James declared an interest, due to him being a member of the County Council’s Planning Committee. Due to the concerns expressed, it was agreed that a site visit should be requested.

50. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

County Councillor John James advised that recently, he had been involved with local issues and therefore he did not provide a report.


Following a query from a member regarding potential development at Pembrey Country Park, County Councillor Hugh Shepardson advised that the County Council is considering putting a tenting facility in one of the car parks and is inviting expressions of interest. He further advised that an enquiry had been made as to whether the County Council would consider a hotel/chalets at the Country Park and as a result, expressions of interest are being sought. County Councillor Hugh Shepardson also advised, in response to a query, that presently, the County Council does not know what it wishes to have at the Country Park, if anything. However, it is recognised that there is a lack of accommodation in the Pembrey and Burry Port area, which affects events being put on there.

51. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor, Cllr David Owens, outlined to members events which he had attended during the previous busy month. He had attended an open day of the Plant Dewi Family Centre, in the presence of the Bishop of St David’s, following on from new funding having been secured for the centre. The Mayor had also attended the Civic Services of Council and Llanelli Town Council. Other events attended included Pembrey and Burry Port Carnival, Code of Conduct training provided by Carmarthenshire County Council, as well as the One Voice Wales Annual Conference. The Mayor informed members that the conference had been informative and it had been interesting to learn information about other Councils. It was evident that other Councils are proceeding with asset transfers and accordingly, they are considerably increasing their precepts. Also during the conference, the Mayor had attended an informative workshop on the audit process. As the conference also incorporated the One Voice Wales Innovative Practice Awards, the Mayor had been pleased to accept an award for the Best Tourism Initiative on behalf of the Town Council.

Lastly, the Mayor referred to the judging of Wales in Bloom which had taken place earlier in the month and most recently, his Civic Service which had taken place on Sunday 16 th July. Cllr Hugh Shepardson congratulated the Mayor and the Clerk on the well organised Civic Service.

52. To consider the appointment of a new member to the Finance Committee, following the resignation of Cllr Mrs Pam Every from the Committee

The Mayor informed members that in addition to it being necessary to appoint a new member to the Finance Committee, it may also be necessary to consider changing the usual meeting date of this committee, due to its Chair having another unavoidable commitment. The Mayor therefore suggested and it was AGREED that the four Chairpersons consider the meeting dates for the various Committees and at the same time consider the appointment of a new member to the Finance Committee.

53. Update on issues relating to the closure of Harbour View Surgery

The Mayor referred to the meeting which had been held between Councillors and four senior representatives of Hywel Dda Health Board in early July. At this meeting, it was evident that detailed arrangements had not been completed in relation to the transfer of patients from Harbour View Surgery.

As a result, it had been requested and agreed with the Health Board representatives that a further meeting take place before the 31 st July, being the closure date and that also, the Practice Manager of Meddygfa Tywyn Bach be in attendance.


Members were informed that attendance at the drop in session at the Memorial Hall, which immediately followed the meeting with Town Councillors, had been disappointing, with only 60 people attending between 2pm and 7pm.

Following a query, the Clerk confirmed that despite what had been indicated at the meeting with the Health Board representatives, no further date had been suggested for a follow up meeting and this would have to be pursued.

54 Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council, to include consideration of any recommendations following the Special Facilities Management Committee meeting to be held on 17 th July 2017

The Clerk circulated to members detailed recommendations being made to the Town Council, following a Special Facilities Management Committee meeting held on 17th July 2017, as set out below:

The Special Facilities Management Committee meeting was convened to specifically consider various proposed asset transfers, in light of a further meeting with County Council officers on 8th June 2017 and a site visit by members on 16 th June 2017.

1. Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews declared an interest, due to her also being a County Councillor.

At the outset of the meeting, two representatives from Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club were in attendance. Details of a cash flow projection exercise for the next five years was outlined to members, together with how this had been calculated. On the basis of this, members were informed that by the end of 2019, the Bowls Club would need a cash injection of £5,000 per year to enable it to continue in existence. Members were further informed by the Club representatives that if the annual subscriptions were increased above the current level of £100 each, then the Club would lose members. The membership currently stands at 40 members.

The representatives outlined what the Club perceived to be three available options:

• The Town Council takes on the lease now, together with the funds being made available by the County Council.

• The Bowls Club proceeds with the asset transfer, on the understanding that there is a guarantee of the Town Council taking over the lease by 2019, at which time the Club would transfer any available funds to the Town Council.

• The bowling green is handed back to the County Council.

The representatives informed members that there was an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club taking place on Wednesday 26 th July. If there has been no change regarding the lease at this stage, then it was indicated that the Club Secretary’s recommendation would be to close the Club. The Secretary also informed members that the preferred option from the Club’s perspective would be for the Town Council to sub-let the bowling green back to the Club.

Following the Bowling Club’s representatives leaving the meeting, discussions continued. Further to these, it was felt that there were two realistic options, namely that either the Town


Council takes on the lease, without limitations or that it does not get involved with the lease at all, leaving the Club to decide what it wishes to do.

As all members were unanimously in favour of taking on the lease, there was further discussion as to the timing of this.

At the conclusion of the discussions, the following proposal was unanimously APPROVED :

The Facilities Management Committee recommends to the Town Council that it takes on the lease relating to the Bowls Club and runs it as a municipal facility. Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club will still have use and be enabled to function as a Club, with details to be discussed with the Club. The Committee further recommends that the lease be proceeded with at the earliest opportunity, although ensuring that all matters are properly addressed. The Committee also recommends that a level of Section 106 funding be sought.

2. Burry Port Memorial Park

Members had regard to information provided by County Council Officers during a meeting which took place on 8 th June 2017. At this meeting, it had been indicated that the County Council would retain responsibility for underground piping. Also, the County Council officers had stated that they assumed that the County Council would retain ownership and maintenance of the sluice gate, although they would verify this with the relevant officer. The officers had further assured that there was a commitment to re-plant trees and that this would probably be undertaken in the autumn this year. This commitment would be honoured, even if a transfer to the Town Council took place. The officers advised that if the Town Council took on the lease, it would be the responsibility of the Town Council to keep the ditches clear. Also, the Town Council would be responsible for the emptying and management of bins. There are also some lighting columns within the park which would form part of the transfer and therefore the Town Council would have to pay for.

The TSO advised that he estimated the sum of £5,500 for annual maintenance costs. He felt that there may be an opportunity to further train Town Council staff to undertake certain areas of work. Members were also advised that there would be some risk in relation to potential major work on trees, as the Town Council would be responsible for maintenance of trees.

Following discussions, members present unanimously APPROVED to recommend taking on the lease of the surrounding areas of the Memorial Park from Carmarthenshire County Council, as set out on the attached plan.

3. Other parks and play areas

The TSO circulated to members a copy of an up to date report prepared in relation to other parks and play areas within Burry Port, as a basis for discussion.

• Burrows Park

Following discussion, members unanimously APPROVED to recommend that the transfer be proceeded with.


• Tyle Teg

Although this park is in a fairly poor state of repair and is not used to a great extent, it was felt that there should be a park in that area of Burry Port. Therefore, save for two abstentions, all other members APPROVED to recommend that the Council should proceed with the transfer.

• Pen y Bryn/Dolycoed

This is a large area but has very little equipment. Members therefore felt that there was potential for different usage.

Following discussion, members unanimously APPROVED to recommend that the transfer be proceeded with and that the Town Council considers the area’s potential.

• Tan y Bryn/Heol Vaughan

Following brief discussion, members unanimously APPROVED to recommend that a transfer be proceeded with.

• Maes y Capel/Cwm Eglwys – Hermon Site

It was discussed that there is a problem with flooding within this park. Therefore, following discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that the recommendation be that subject to dividing the area to exclude the flooded path, then the transfer be proceeded with.

• Trem y Mynydd/Furnace Fields

Following discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that there be a recommendation to take on a transfer of the park area but excluding the waste area at this time. It was nevertheless discussed that an assessment of the other land could be carried out at a future date.

• Waun Sidan/Maenor Helyg

Following a brief discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that there be a recommendation to proceed with a transfer.

The Clerk highlighted information which had been provided from the County Council regarding an Executive Board decision made on 26 th June 2017 regarding asset transfers of parks and playgrounds. It had been indicated that the maintenance grant would be reduced by 1/24 per month from 1 st April 2017 up to the date of transfer. Members agreed that once a decision had been made regarding the transfers, then the County Council should be notified that the Town Council’s expectation is that the maintenance grant as at the time of notification be paid, not a reduced amount as at the date of a subsequent completion. Also, the Town Council would expect a development grant of £10,000.

4. Scott’s Yard

Members were informed that the County Council has indicated that considerable interest has been generated in this land. Members considered whether it was viable for the Town Council to submit an offer for the land. They took into account income that could be generated from a new facility compared to the cost of loan repayments for purchase and construction costs.


Following discussions, save for two abstentions, all other members APPROVED to recommend that the Town Council should not put in an offer to purchase Scott’s Yard.

5. Public Conveniences

Following a brief discussion, it was unanimously AGREED that there be a recommendation for the Town Council to take over the public conveniences at the Railway Station and Burry Port Harbour (Yacht Club side). This was on the basis that their condition could be enhanced by the Town Council for the benefit of the town.

Prior to discussions taking place on these recommendations, the Clerk raised the fact that the issue of asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council was being re-considered within six months of a prior decision. However, during this time, there had been a change in circumstances, as members of the Council and the membership of its committees had changed, new site visits had taken place and also fresh information was available. In light of this, members APPROVED that they were happy to reconsider these issues.

Subsequently, members discussed each of the recommendations, as follows:

• Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club

Cllr John James declared an interest due to his involvement with the Bowls Club and left the meeting room whilst discussions were taking place.

Following the Clerk outlining the recommendations, as set out above, the Mayor advised that although there is a positive recommendation to proceed with this transfer, further consideration needs to be given to the full details surrounding this. It was AGREED that at some point, the Council would need to increase its full time staff and there needed to be a full review regarding this. It was emphasised that at previous public meetings which were held both in Pembrey and Burry Port, the public had been happy for there to be an increase in the precept in order to protect the assets in the town.

Following discussions, the Mayor, Cllr David Owens proposed the motion, as recommended by the Facilities Management Committee. This was seconded by Cllr Hugh Shepardson and unanimously APPROVED .

• Burry Port Memorial Park

There was some discussion in relation to certain reservations which have previously existed and specifically, problems with surrounding ditches which require regular clearing. However, it was discussed that at a recent meeting with County Council Officers, it had been indicated that the County Council had undertaken a considerable amount of work, especially regarding flooding issues.

Following the discussions, a slightly amended proposal was made by Cllr John James, to include a request that the County Council undertake some training of the Town Council staff in relation to the asset transfer. This proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas and was unanimously APPROVED .


• Other parks and play areas

Burrows Park

Members were reminded that the transfer of this park is linked to the development of the former Copperworks site. Cllr Hugh Shepardson proposed that this transfer be proceeded with, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell and unanimously APPROVED .

Tyle Teg

Cllr Geraint Davies proposed that this transfer be proceeded with, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs Pam Every and unanimously APPROVED .

Pen y Bryn/Dolycoed

There was a discussion regarding the lack of equipment at this park and the expense of additional equipment being provided. It was agreed that consultation should take place with local residents in relation to this large area.

Following the discussions, Cllr Hugh Shepardson proposed that the transfer of this be proceeded with, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas and unanimously APPROVED . It was further APPROVED that the Town Council consult with local residents.

Tan y Bryn/Heol Vaughan

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews that this transfer be proceeded with. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox and unanimously APPROVED .

Maes y Capel/Cwm Eglwys – Hermon Site

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas proposed that this transfer proceed, which was seconded by Cllr Mrs Pam Every. Save for one abstention, members voted to APPROVE the proposal.

Trem y Mynydd/Furnace Fields

Cllr Hugh Shepardson referred to the fact that there is in excess of £30,000 of Section 106 funding in relation to this area.

It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards that the transfer be proceeded with. This was seconded by Cllr Robert John and unanimously APPROVED .

Waun Sidan/Maenor Helyg

Cllr Robert John proposed that this be proceeded with, which was seconded by Cllr Shirley Matthews and unanimously APPROVED .

Scott’s Yard

It was discussed that the Town Council’s existing buildings require considerable expenditure in terms of maintenance. It was acknowledged that previously, two organisations who are tenants of the Town Council had been spoken to regarding a potential move involving this area and they would need to be made aware of the position. 47

Following the brief discussions, Cllr Robert John proposed that in accordance with the recommendation of the Facilities Management Committee, no offer to purchase Scott’s Yard should be made by the Town Council. This was seconded by Cllr Geraint Davies and unanimously APPROVED .

• Public Conveniences

It was discussed that it would be beneficial to the town if the public conveniences at the Railway Station and Burry Port Harbour (Yacht Club side) could be improved to a good standard if they were taken over by the Town Council. It was believed that sewerage problems had been addressed by the County Council, although there had been apparent issues during the last couple of weeks. It was therefore agreed that it would need to be checked whether all necessary works had been undertaken to resolve the sewerage issues and it was also agreed that costings for upgrading of these facilities needed to be obtained. Subject to the foregoing, Cllr Bob Walpole proposed that the Town Council take over both of these public conveniences. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards and unanimously APPROVED .

55. To receive reports by elected members

Cllr Robert John reported that he had attended a recent meeting in relation to an immigrant Syrian family coming to reside in the area. Consequent to this, he has obtained some basic Arabic translation which should be of assistance.

56. To consider communications received and the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

1. Email of 29 th June 2017 received from the Llanelli Community Resource team, advising that an Older People’s Activity Day is taking place at the Ffwrnes Theatre, Llanelli on 28 th July from 10.30am to 2.30pm. Noted.

2. Email of 5 th July 2017 received from Carmarthenshire County Council, forwarding an email from the Local Government Data Unit- Wales. This refers to the duty placed on each local authority by the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 to conduct a survey of all candidates standing for election to County and County Borough Councils, as well as Community and Town Councils. The email advises that during the recent election process, the Data Unit conducted the survey on behalf of the local authority, but that the analysis that can be undertaken is limited by the current response. The email therefore requests that all elected Councillors, both in County and Town/ Community seats, be contacted, to remind them to complete the survey. Information on the survey and a link can be found on Noted.

3. Letter from Charles & Co accountants dated 5 th July 2017. This confirms that the internal audit has been completed and that from the audit work undertaken, the Council was compliant with all relevant procedures and controls expected to be in operation during the financial year ending 31 st March 2017. Noted.


4. Email from the Future Generations Commissioner’s Team on 12 th July 2017, which provides an update on the work of the Commissioner. It confirms that 1,300 people shared their views and advice on the long term issues and challenges affecting the well-being of future generations. This information is now being collated and analysed. This process is drawing to a conclusion and the Commissioner aims to set her final priorities over the next few weeks, which will be published in her first annual report and then more widely in September. Noted.

5. Letter received from the Chief Executive of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales on 17 th July 2017. This advises that the Commission will be undertaking a review of the electoral arrangements for the Carmarthenshire area, with a view to considering and formulating proposals for future arrangements. Prior to commencement of the review, a presentation is taking place at the Council Chamber, County Hall, Carmarthen on Wednesday 20 th September at 5.30pm. The presentation will explain the review process and answer any questions raised. The letter extends an invitation to the Mayor or another representative of the Town Council to attend this presentation. Notification of attendance is to be provided by 8th September. The Clerk highlighted that the date of this presentation fell on the evening of the September Town Council meeting. It was agreed that it was important for the Mayor to be in attendance at this and accordingly, members APPROVED to change the meeting date to either Tuesday 19 th September or Thursday 21 st September, the specific date to be agreed between the Clerk and Mayor. Also, it was agreed that the Clerk make enquiries to find out if more than one representative could attend from the Town Council.

6. During the last month, the Clerk (together with some members) has attended various events/ training sessions. These include a Code of Conduct training session run by Carmarthenshire County Council on the evening of 29 th June, a Well-being of Future Generations workshop hosted by Carmarthenshire County Council on the evening of 4 th July, the One Voice Wales Larger Councils’ Conference/ Innovative Awards Ceremony in Builth Wells on 5 th July and a Time Credits workshop on 14 th July. Feedback on these events has already been or will be considered by the appropriate committees. As already indicated by email, at the Innovative Awards Ceremony held as part of the One Voice Wales Larger Councils’ Conference, Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council was the winner of the award for Best Tourism Initiative. Noted.

7. It was RESOLVED that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted:

Confidential and sensitive personnel issues


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Thursday 21st September 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Mrs Linda Edwards, Mrs Amanda Fox, Peter Freeman, John James, Stephen James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Mrs Karen Morris, Mike Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO)

Minute taker: Ed Davies (Administrative Assistant)

(Memorial Hall 7.00pm – 9.15pm)

57. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Father Dewi Davies.

58. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Pam Every and Hugh Shepardson.

On behalf of the Council, the Mayor extended a welcome to the new Administrative Assistant.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas expressed her opinion that the Jean Hire memorial seat was a fitting tribute.

She also raised the issue that a fellow Councillor had received the paperwork for the meeting on white paper, not cream paper. There followed a discussion about how this had happened, and the Clerk advised that they had been hand delivered to the Councillor’s home address in the correct format.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas referred to recent emails received from the Mayor and a claim that she had breached financial regulations. She also stated that she was not responsible for the post on social media that the Mayor had referred to. She expressed her hurt at the tone of the emails sent by the Mayor.

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews also denied responsibility for the social media post. She did however accept responsibility for the confusion surrounding the hotel booking and explained her position. She stated that at no point had she placed a financial commitment on the Council as she had made a provisional booking, and she claimed that this had been done with the knowledge of the Clerk.

Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox stated that she was responsible for the social media post. She indicated that she had sought legal advice and that she was not restricted in what she could post.


The Clerk advised that she had not been aware in advance of a booking being made but she confirmed that she had since made an appropriate booking for the Councillors attending the Britain in Bloom Awards Ceremony.

The Deputy Mayor, Cllr Robert John confirmed that he had informed the Mayor about the hotel booking being made by Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas, following Cllr Thomas indicating this to him. The Mayor emphasised that money cannot be committed by members on behalf of the Council.

During the course of the discussions Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas read out both emails that had been sent to her by the Mayor.

In relation to the success of the town in the Wales in Bloom competition, it was queried why no official statement had been put forward over social media. In response, the Mayor confirmed that a statement had been prepared and sent to the Llanelli Star but unfortunately, it had not been published.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou referred to the normal procedure that the Council tries to work to where there is a dispute is for the parties to meet and discuss issues with a view to resolving these. He therefore put forward a motion that the parties meet and discuss issues, which was seconded by Cllr Stephen James.

Cllr Bob Walpole proposed an amendment that a simple apology from the Mayor would suffice if there has been a misunderstanding. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards and APPROVED.

The Mayor expressed disappointment that these issues had been raised in this manner but indicated his apology if there had been a misunderstanding.

59. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

Cllrs Mrs Karen Francis-Morris, John James, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman declared an interest in relation to item number 61 on the agenda (item of public participation – Mr Graham Davies on behalf of Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage Group), due to their involvement or membership of said group.

Cllr John Hedley Jones declared an interest in relation to item 66 (planning application number S/36102)

60. Police Business

PCSO Trudi Scandone was in attendance. She apologised for the absence of the Inspector and Sergeant who had prior commitments. She presented the Police report, set out below:

Crime During the month of August 2017, 44 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which is higher compared to the same time last year (34 crimes), however, August 2016 did seem to be a fairly “quiet” month compared to the usual. 44 crimes is slightly high when compared to the 12 month rolling average.


Crime in August 2017 During the month of August 2017, the following crimes were recorded for; Burry Port: 30 Pembrey: 14


44 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for June 2017, which is very high when compared to the 12 month rolling average. A rise is expected over the summer months, however, this is higher than anticipated. The bulk of the rise can be attributed solely to 3 youths in the Burry Port area. We are currently dealing with all 3.


Actions from last meeting No meeting in August.

Following the report, the PCSO was thanked for her and her colleagues’ work. It was brought to the PCSO’s attention that the platforms of the train station are being used as a meeting place for young people and that concerns have been raised over safety.

61. Item of public participation – Mr Graham Davies on behalf of Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage Group

In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders, Mr Graham Davies was given five minutes to address the Council. The Mayor advised that if any matters required a reply, then information would be provided at a later date. Mr Davies read a statement on behalf of the group as follows:

“Thank you for the opportunity of speaking to you about the application to the CCC planning committee for the demolition of the Copperworks schools and the building of houses on the site. (S/34402) There has been some confusion about what this means on the part of members of the public and members of the town’s heritage group. The purpose of my being here is to seek some clarification as well as to make some comments and raise some questions about application procedure and the status of the smaller of the two buildings.


My understanding, the understanding of many members of the community, members of the Heritage Group, is that any intended demolition on the copperworks school site pertained to the larger building which was deemed by the council to be in a dangerous condition. Now it seems that the planning application included the whole site and what is now regarded as the Band Room, to the amazement and dismay of many people. I am curious to know when, how and why this change of plan took place.

The information provided to the CCC planning committee minimised and severely underestimated the historical and heritage significance of this smaller building. It was not built at the end of the 19 th century. Local historian John Nicholson is adamant that the original school was in three parts. The Infant school was an extension to the Girls’ School and formed part of the larger main building. What is now the smaller building – the “Band Room” was the Boys’ School. The log book shows the first headmaster took up his appointment in 1855. If John Nicolson is wrong we have the log books of the three schools from 1876 proving that the three schools existed then.

I have heard it suggested that some members of the town council will wish to sell on the copperworks site with the outline planning permission to a property developer. This is quite normal. It is very business-like. But in this case it would be a morally bankrupt move. Why? Because it very cleverly absolves the council of any legal or practical responsibilities and places the whole issue in the hands of another party, the property developer. The people of Burry Port will see through that. I urge the town council to step back from that temptation and recognise the possibility of respecting a huge feature of Burry Port’s heritage by continuing to maintain for community use a building that is iconic, built by George Elkington and Mason, a building on which the Heritage Group is planning to place a blue plaque in honour of the philanthropist Josiah Mason, and a building which is currently in good condition. I urge you not be tempted

53 into what will be one of the most spectacular acts of cultural barbarism from a local council. That will be your legacy.


1. Did the full council discuss and approve the planning application (S/34402) 2. Did all members of the council know that the application referred to the whole site which included the smaller building? 3. Is it the intention of this council in the short or long term to sell on the copperworks school site with the outline planning permission? 4. If the answer to question 3 is no, then does the council intend, in the short or long term, to demolish the smaller copperworks school building.”

In response, the Mayor stated that he felt the detailed questions put forward by Mr Graham Davies deserved full answers. It was agreed that these be urgently referred to the Facilities Management Committee which was next due to meet on 5 th October 2017.

62. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 19 th July 2017

The Mayor referred to discussions which had taken place at the recent Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting regarding minutes and the letter which the Clerk had sent out to members with the agenda.

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman expressed a view that she did not see the need for the extra bureaucracy that may be created with the proposed change regarding discussion of a previous meeting’s minutes.

Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards referred to two grammatical issues as set out below:

P38 (45) – TSO’s Report, number 9 (Cemetery)

An erroneous apostrophe should be removed from the second sentence of the paragraph. It should read “The Chapel’s supply feeds the office…”

P45 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council, No. 3 (other parks and play areas - Tyle Teg)

The sentence should be restructured to read “Therefore, save for two abstentions, all other members APPROVED to recommend that the Council should proceed with the transfer.”

The Mayor referred to the fact that Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards should have notified these proposed amendments in advance of the meeting. It was further confirmed that she had been present at the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting when this recommendation had been made. However, in order to progress the meeting it was APPROVED that the corrections be accepted.

It was further APPROVED that the matter be referred back to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee, for further consideration.


63. Information from the aforesaid minutes

P35 (43) – To confirm the minutes of the ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 21 st June 2017

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman expressed a view that the Mayor and Clerk are competent enough to speak on PR issues and therefore a consultant should not be engaged in future.

P36 (44) – Information from the minutes – Copperworks School

Clarification was sought about the phases set out in the planning application.

Cllrs John Hedley Jones and John James declared an interest in this matter.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou (Chair of the Facilities Management Committee) stated that although the application was in two phases, the Council had resolved to only proceed with phase 1.

In order for there to be clarity on the issue, it was AGREED that the Clerk should formally notify the planning officer that the Council only intends to proceed with phase 1.

P36 (44) – Information from the minutes – TSO’s report (Street lights)

Following a query as to any progress concerning the street lights, Cllr Michael Theodoulou advised that there had not been a meeting of the Facilities Management Committee since July due to the additional workload resulting from the hosting of Wales in Bloom.

P38 (45) – To consider the TSO’s report (9) – Cemetery

Following a query, it was confirmed that the electrical work has now been carried out.

It was discussed that there were delays in relation to the issuing of burial certificates. Cllr John Hedley Jones (Chair of the Burial Sub Committee) explained that there were two copies of the burials information, one digital and one handwritten. The handwritten records continue to exist but there have been issues with the transfer of the digital records, due to problems with the new software package.

P38 (45) – To consider the TSO’s report (10) – Wales/Britain in Bloom update

In relation to the commissioned silhouettes, they had been erected but it was queried whether backings would be commissioned. It was confirmed that this would be considered by the Facilities Management Committee at their next meeting.

P40 (46) – To consider the report of the RFO

Following a query, it was confirmed that the loan of £100,000 had not been taken out to date.

P42 (52) – To consider the appointment of a new member to the Finance Committee, following the resignation of Cllr Mr Pam Every from the Committee

It was stated that Cllr Michael Theodoulou will be put forward for consideration as the replacement for Cllr Mrs Pam Every on the Finance Committee. This will be an agenda item at the next meeting.


P43 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council

Following a query, the Clerk updated members that the Town Council is in communication with the County Council Officers who are dealing with the asset transfers. The Clerk is awaiting confirmation about the asset transfers and the request to provide staff training.

P45 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council – Trem y Mynydd/Furnace Fields

In relation to the Trem y Mynydd/Furnace Fields asset, Cllr Bob Walpole requested that the “waste area” be referred to as “waste land area” to ensure clarity.

P45 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council – Scott’s Yard

A query was raised about the sale of Scott’s Yard, but no one had any further information about whether or not the land had yet been sold.

P46 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council – Public Conveniences

Following a query on progress, the Clerk confirmed that the County Council had been informed of the Town Council’s interest in taking these over and further information is awaited.

P46 (54) – Update on proposed asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council – Burry Port Memorial Park

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman expressed her concern that in relation to the Memorial Park asset, that the area at the north of the park was not marked for development.

Cllr Geraint Davies who has ties to Burry Port RFC (who are taking on the lease) confirmed that there would be no development of this land.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou also stated that the terms of the lease would preclude construction on the site.

64. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 31st August 2017 :- Balance at bank

Business Instant Access account 276,490.70 Community Account 49,030.39 Imprest account 1,155.79 £326,676.88


2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1 st July to st 31 August 2017 Supplier Details Ref Cost ex Vat VAT Total £ cost Trade UK Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 126.42 25.28 151.70 Trade UK Wales in Bloom 9 72.14 14.43 86.57 BT Admin - Telephone 1 214.33 42.87 257.19 Steven Chilvers Admin - Web hosting 1 283.75 56.75 340.50 Boscon Copperworks - maintenance 3 400.00 80.00 480.00 Excel Electrics BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 239.75 47.95 287.70 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 18.87 3.77 22.64 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 10.13 2.03 12.16 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - Railings 3 32.98 6.60 39.58 Travis Perkins MH Wales in Bloom 9 46.40 9.28 55.68 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 6.33 1.27 7.60 Travis Perkins Muga Park 3 3.72 0.74 4.46 Travis Perkins BP - Memorial Hall 3 51.88 10.38 62.26 Travis Perkins Wales in Bloom 9 12.62 2.52 15.14 Linc - Weld Industrial Supplies Ltd Cemetery - PPE 4 69.50 13.90 83.40 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse 4 152.35 30.47 182.82 Biffa BP Memorial Hall - Refuse 3 127.83 25.57 153.40 Zurich Cemetery - Vehicle Insurance 4 897.99 179.60 1077.59 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Gas 3 182.58 36.52 219.09 BT Admin - Telephone 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 British Gas BP Memorial Hall - Electricity 3 382.02 76.40 458.42 Charles and Co Admin - Internal audit 1 350.00 70.00 420.00 Mike Clark Printing Admin - Compliment Slips 1 38.00 7.60 45.60 Mike Clark Printing Civic Expenditure - Posters 9 270.00 54.00 324.00 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 292.18 58.44 350.62 Wynnstay Cemetery - maintenance 4 42.35 8.47 50.82 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 39.37 7.87 47.24 Travis Perkins Pembrey Memorial Hall - Equipment 3 105.99 21.20 127.19 Henry Jenkins Painting - OAP and Pembrey Hall 3 750.00 150.00 900.00 Carmarthenshire County Council Vat on Planning for beach sign 9 0.00 20.00 20.00 Lee Fox Wales in Bloom 9 38.50 7.70 46.20 Atech Wales in Bloom 9 1,200.00 240.00 1440.00 Atech Wales in Bloom 9 750.00 150.00 900.00 Atech Wales in Bloom 9 1,000.00 200.00 1200.00 Carmarthenshire County Council Training 1 37.50 7.50 45.00 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 30.98 6.20 37.18 Dyfed Alarms BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 45.00 9.00 54.00 Powercut Cemetery - equipment 4 23.96 4.79 28.75 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 27.08 5.42 32.50 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 34.14 6.83 40.97 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 19.32 3.86 23.18 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 5.42 1.08 6.50 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 11.22 2.24 13.46 Mike Clark Printing Admin - Stationery 1 38.00 7.60 45.60 Pembrey AFC Special - Donations 9 200.00 200.00 Parker Plant Cemetery - equipment 4 128.33 25.67 154.00 Atech Wales in Bloom 9 800.00 160.00 960.00 Mike Clark Printing Civic expenditure 9 145.00 29.00 174.00 Four Counties OAP Hall - Equipment 3 722.00 144.40 866.40 H F James Cemetery - sub contractor 4 672.00 134.40 806.40


Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 3 904.44 180.89 1085.33 Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 3 540.58 108.12 648.70 Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 3 3,326.67 665.33 3992.00 Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 3 530.19 106.04 636.23 Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 4 1,996.00 399.20 2395.20 Carmarthenshire County Council Business Rates 3 4,366.25 873.25 5239.50 One Voice Wales Admin - subscriptions 1 250.00 50.00 300.00 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 62.50 12.50 75.00 Trade UK BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 37.76 7.55 45.31 BP Memorial Hall - cleaning Toppers materials 3 181.74 36.35 218.09 Travis Perkins BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 66.10 13.22 79.32 Xerox Finance Admin - Photocopying costs 1 143.09 28.62 171.71 BP Memorial Hall - Excel Electrics maintenance/boiler 3 1,505.00 301.00 1806.00 Burry Port Male Choir Special - Donations 9 83.33 16.67 100.00 Burry Port Opera Special - Donations 9 708.33 141.67 850.00 Trinity Mirror Publishing Limited Recruitment costs 1 561.00 112.20 673.20 Comcen Admin - Internet supplier 1 564.00 112.80 676.80 Lorne Stewart BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 110.00 22.00 132.00 Lorne Stewart BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 330.00 66.00 396.00 Lorne Stewart BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 62.00 12.40 74.40 Lorne Stewart BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 121.94 24.39 146.33 Lorne Stewart Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 77.50 15.50 93.00 Lorne Stewart BP Memorial Hall - maintenance 3 1,673.00 334.60 2007.60 British Telecom Admin - Telephone 3 214.44 42.89 257.33 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 3 270.43 54.09 324.51 Parker Plant Cemetery - equipment 4 200.00 40.00 240.00 Travis Perkins Pembrey Hall - maintenance 3 11.24 2.25 13.49 Consortium Admin - Stationery 3 138.68 27.74 166.42 British Telecom Admin - Telephone 3 20.00 4.00 24.00 Biffa Memorial Hall - Refuse costs 3 121.88 24.38 146.26 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 3 105.30 21.06 126.36 Powercut Cemetery/Footpath - Maintenance 4 39.88 7.98 47.86 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 40.85 8.17 49.02 Iona Marks Civic Events - Civic Ceremony 9 625.00 125.00 750.00 Harbour Tyres Cemetery - vehicle costs 4 90.00 18.00 108.00 Toppers Cemetery - equipment 4 109.26 21.85 131.11 Toppers Cemetery - equipment 4 44.85 8.97 53.82 Toppers Cemetery - equipment 4 72.84 14.57 87.41 Wynnstay Cemetery - maintenance 3 203.41 40.68 244.09 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - vehicle costs 4 221.68 44.34 266.02 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 1 34.66 6.93 41.59 British Gas - electric Pembrey Hall - Electricity 3 22.44 4.49 26.93 British Gas - electric Pembrey Hall - Electricity 3 0.13 0.03 0.16 British Gas - gas Memorial Hall - Gas 3 138.16 27.63 165.79 Coastal Mini Coaches Civic Expenditure 9 125.00 25.00 150.00 Moira Thomas Travel Allowance 9 58.50 58.50 RNLI Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 Burry Port Town Band Mayor's fund 9 50.00 50.00 Pembrey and Burry Port Gardening Club Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 32378.00 6423.90 38801.90


3. Petty Cash

Payments made from 1 st July to 31 st August 2017

Supplier Details Ref Cost ex Vat VAT Total £ cost Surf Bar Hywel Dda event - refreshments 9 25.00 25.00 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Jenkins Wales in Bloom 9 7.25 7.25 Tesco Civic Ceremony 9 158.20 158.20 Asda Civic Ceremony 9 5.08 5.08 Post Office Postage - recorded delivery 1 6.45 6.45 Steaming Ahead Table cloths cleaning 3 49.00 49.00 B&Q Equipment 3 13.44 13.44 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Llanelli Trailer Centre Lights 4 10.35 2.07 12.42 Burry Bargains Fuses 1 2.60 2.60 Co -op Milk 1 0.90 0.90 Post Office Postage 1 56.00 56.00 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Burry Bargains Cable ties 1 1.30 1.30 Burry Bargains Cable ties 9 1.30 1.30 Burry Bargains Batteries 9 3.90 3.90 Burry Bargains Locks 3 3.00 3.00 Burry Bargains Key tags 1 3.60 3.60 Artavia Picture frame 9 32.50 32.50 Total payments made from petty cash £382.12 £2.07 £384.19

In relation to expenditure, the RFO highlighted a number of payments that had been made in relation to Wales in Bloom and also the refurbishment of Pembrey Hall and the OAP Hall. Additionally, the payments to the County Council of business rates were increased as they had been reassessed recently.

It was noted that the travel allowance payment to Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas had related to attendance at the One Voice Wales conference and had included two passengers.

The RFO referred to the Annual Return having been presented to the last Town Council meeting. He advised that correspondence had been received earlier this week confirming that this was all approved.

4. Budget Monitoring report

The Budget monitoring report for the period 1 st April 2017 to 31st August 2017 has been circulated to Members.

Finance Committee

In relation to the Finance Committee the RFO advised that this was above budget as a number of annual payments had been made, including insurance payments. Also, there had been additional insurance for Christmas lighting as well as expenditure on IT licences.

Facilities Management Committee

The RFO highlighted that the rental incomes were above target, thus ensuring that they were close to reaching the annual targets. Also, the SLA’s from Carmarthenshire County Council had not yet been received. 59

In relation to the cemetery, expenditure is slightly over budget. A virement has been made, as previously discussed for the new software.

With regard to expenditure on Burry Port Memorial Hall and Institute the RFO highlighted that possible virements needed to be considered.

In relation to the Copperworks site, the RFO highlighted the rates paid for the two buildings. These are in excess of what was budgeted, following a re-evaluation.

A query was raised about the allocation of the costs of the re-painting of Pembrey Memorial Hall. Some members understood that the payment should be made from the Wales in Bloom budget rather than the budget of the Facilities Management Committee, which had not approved the expenditure. The RFO suggested that the budget monitoring report be considered by the relevant Committees.

Cllr Stephen James asked for clarification from the RFO on a matter. As he understood it, individual committees have responsibility for their own budget and any increases should be seen by and approved by the Finance Committee.

The RFO stated that this was correct but that some of the items that showed an increase related to expenditure that had been approved in the previous financial year but that were only coming through now.

Civic Governance and Personnel Committee

The RFO highlighted that there would be an increase to employee expenditure due to job evaluation amendments but that they were yet to be looked at by the Finance Committee. There was also an increase due to the advertising for and appointment of the new Administrative Assistant.

Regeneration and Community Services Committee

The RFO informed the Council that there was an increase in the income from contributions from external organisations to the Christmas lights and floral displays as a result of Wales in Bloom. It was requested that the Finance Committee and Regeneration and Community Services Committee be provided with a detailed breakdown of the donations received.

A query was raised as to whether the insurance for the Heritage Boards was yet in place. It was clarified that transfer of ownership needed the approval of the funding body, which had yet to come through.

It was APPROVED that letters of thanks be sent to those organisations who have made donations, and that responsibility for this be delegated to the Mayor and the Chair of the Wales in Bloom Committee.


65. To consider the minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Monday 10th July 2017

P1 (1) – Personal Matters

Cllr John James queried whether the recent events referred to related to the TSO. The Mayor indicated that any discussion relating to this issue needed to be discussed in camera, with which the Clerk agreed.

Cllr John James proposed that there was no need to exclude the public or press from this part of the meeting. He indicated that he had sought advice and that the issue could be voted upon. He also suggested that the view of the individual concerned could be sought as he was present.

Cllr Stephen James raised that Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox should already have declared an interest, following which she declared an interest and left the meeting.

Cllr John James requested an adjournment of five minutes to discuss matters arising with his group. As this was not initially agreed, Cllr John James formally PROPOSED a five minute adjournment, which was seconded by Cllr Bob Walpole and APPROVED .

The meeting was temporarily adjourned from 9.05pm until 9.10pm.

Following the adjournment, Cllr John James indicated agreement for the meeting to go into camera. However, in response to a comment referring to an individual Councillor, the Mayor PROPOSED that the meeting be suspended, which was seconded by Cllr Stephen James. Immediately prior to a vote being taken to suspend the meeting, the individual Councillor concerned confirmed that in addition to Cllr John James having taken advice, he had also done so and had been informed that he had no conflict of interest and therefore did not need to leave the meeting. A vote was taken and the suspension of the meeting was APPROVED.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 18 th October 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Mrs Linda Edwards, Peter Freeman, John James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Hugh Shepardson, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO)

Minute taker: Ed Davies (Administrative Assistant)

(Memorial Hall 7.00pm – 9.40pm)

66. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Reverend Nicholas Jones.

67. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mrs Pam Every, Mrs Amanda Fox, Mrs Shirley Matthews, and Mrs Karen Morris.

68. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

None were declared.

69. Police Business

PCSO Sarah-Louise Davies and PCSO Stephanie Maiello were in attendance. They apologised for the absence of the Inspector and Sergeant who had prior commitments. They stated that some of the figures were affected by changes in how some crimes are recorded. They presented the Police report, set out below:

Crime During the month of September 2017, 36 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which is similar when compared to the same time last year (33 crimes). 36 crimes is slightly lower than the 12 month rolling average.


Crime in September 2017

During the month of September 2017, the following crimes were recorded for; Burry Port: 17 Pembrey: 19


21 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for September 2017, which is low when compared to the 12 month rolling average. As expected, we did experience a rise over the summer months. The bulk of the rise can be attributed solely to 3 youths in the Burry Port area. Those 3 youths have now been dealt with in Court.

Actions From Last Meeting NA


Following the report, the PCSOs were thanked for theirs and their colleagues’ work. It was brought to the PCSOs attention by Cllr Hugh Shepardson that he had concerns about the actions of some service and delivery vehicles on Heol Elfed between Elkington Road and the entrance of Ysgol Glan y Môr. The section of road in question is part of a one-way system, and vehicles have been seen reversing up its length to get to the school. One vehicle had already damaged a wall and with the number of children who use that road to walk to and from Ysgol Glan y Môr, Ysgol Parc y Tywyn and Burry Port Community Primary School there are serious risks to safety. He understood that the school had spoken to the delivery companies in question to try and remedy this but some companies are continuing the practice. When the matter was reported to the police, someone had been told it was not a police matter and that the complaint should go to the County Council.

In response PCSO Stephanie Maiello stated that the complaint would have been dealt with by a call handler who may have misunderstood the complaint. However, in light of the serious issue they would look to add the road in question onto the patrol plan. They would be in contact with Ysgol Glan y Môr to liaise with them on it also.

70. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 21 st September 2017

The Mayor reminded the members that at the most recent Extraordinary meeting on 13 th October, they had voted to adopt the standing order used by Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to minutes. This would mean that only accuracy would be discussed and not matters arising.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas raised that Cllr Mrs Karen Morris had declared an interest in agenda item 61 (Item of public participation – Mr Graham Davies on behalf of Pembrey and Burry Port Heritage Group) when other members had declared an interest but it had not been recorded under item 59 (to receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted). She suggested that this may be due to her saying “and me”.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas further requested that the last paragraph of item 65 be amended to read as follows:

“Following the adjournment, Cllr John James indicated agreement for the meeting to go into camera. However, in response to a comment referring to an individual Councillor, the Mayor PROPOSED that the meeting be suspended, which was seconded by Cllr Stephen James. Immediately prior to a vote being taken to suspend the meeting, the individual Councillor concerned confirmed that in addition to Cllr John James having taken advice, he had also done so and had been informed that he had no conflict of interest and therefore did not need to leave the meeting. A vote was taken and the suspension of the meeting was APPROVED ”

Subject to these changes it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 21 st September 2017 be accepted and approved as a true record of proceedings.

71. Information from the aforesaid minutes

The Clerk stated that this agenda item had been included as the agenda had been prepared prior to the changes to the standing orders being accepted during the meeting of 13 th October. In light of that she suggested the Council should move on to item 72.


72. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer, to include Town Council’s budget strategy and build report for 2018/19

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 30th Balance at Unpresente Council cash September 2017 :- bank d cheques book balance

£ £ £

Business Instant Access account 259,224.21 259,224.21 Community Account 37,439.57 3,521.15 33,918.42 Imprest account 18,850.79 17,890.64 960.15

£315,514.57 £21,411.79 £294,102.78

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 30th September 2017 Cost ex Total Supplier Details Ref VAT Vat £ cost Pembrey Hall - security Action Surveillance system maintenance 3 1,823.00 364.60 2187.60 Consortium Institute - Cleaning materials 3 3.98 0.80 4.78 Consortium Toilets - Cleaning materials 3 102.57 20.52 123.09 Cemetery - Remembrance Ieuan Rees book inscription 4 45.00 9.00 54.00 Special - Community Afia Bunjul Football Academy donation 9 300.00 300.00 SLCC Admin - Subscription 1 177.00 177.00 Special - Wales in Bloom Travis Perkins materials 9 8.44 1.68 10.12 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Cathedral Leasing Limited Equipment leasing 3 64.98 13.00 77.98 British Telecom Admin - Telephone charges 1 213.37 42.69 256.06 Biffa Cemetery - Refuse costs 4 182.82 36.56 219.38 BP Memorial Hall - Refuse Biffa costs 3 128.26 25.65 153.91 British Gas - electric Premises - electricity 3 430.70 21.54 452.24 Travis Perkins Cemetery - materials 4 17.50 3.50 21.00 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 13.10 2.62 15.72 Streetmaster Special - memorial bench 9 958.00 191.60 1149.60 Civic Expenditure - council AT Photography photos 1 160.00 160.00 Toppers Cemetery - Equipment (PPE) 4 26.70 5.34 32.04 BP Memorial Hall - Cleaning Toppers materials 3 72.84 14.57 87.41 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Catering Equipment Solutions refurbishment 3 2,648.48 529.70 3178.18 Atech Marketing - WIB Banners 9 600.00 120.00 720.00 BT Admin - Telephone charges 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 65

Copperworks Development - Darkin Architects Architect fees 3 47.00 9.40 56.40 Admin - Subcription (PRS PRS for Music fees) 1 156.04 31.21 187.25 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - Vehicle costs 4 182.46 36.49 218.95 BP Memorial Hall - Bar B&Q refurbishment 3 76.26 15.26 91.52 BP Memorial Hall - Bar B&Q refurbishment 3 34.17 6.83 41.00 BP Memorial Hall - Bar B&Q refurbishment 3 24.84 4.98 29.82 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Travis Perkins refurbishment 3 12.77 2.55 15.32 British Gas electric Premises - electricity 3 558.94 27.93 586.87 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Atech refurbishment 3 2,000.00 400.00 2400.00 Marketing - WIB event David Owens reimbursement 9 131.10 131.10 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Cathedral Leasing Limited Equipment leasing 3 64.98 13.00 77.98 Linc - Weld Industrial Supplies Ltd Marketing - WIB event 9 596.00 119.20 715.20 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Toppers refurbishment/equipment 3 436.56 87.31 523.87 Currys Admin - Printer cartidges 1 149.98 30.00 179.98 British Gas - gas BP Memorial Hall - Heating 3 217.62 10.88 228.50 Lyreco Admin - Stationery 1 88.92 17.78 106.70 Burry Port Memorial Hall - HSL Maintenance 3 50.00 10.00 60.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - HSL Maintenance 3 50.00 10.00 60.00 Marketing - WIB event The Celebration Station reimbursement 9 53.97 53.97 Marketing - WIB event Shirley Matthews - WIB reimbursement reimbursement 9 173.03 6.38 179.41 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Toppers refurbishment 3 215.52 43.10 258.62 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Toppers cleaning materials 3 60.20 12.04 72.24 BP Memorial Hall - Bar Catering Equipment Solutions refurbishment 3 61.81 12.36 74.17 Parker Plant Cemetery - maintenance 4 8.00 1.60 9.60

Geraint Davies Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Pam Every Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Peter Freeman Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Stephen James Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Lisa Mitchell Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 David Owens Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Hugh Shepardson Members Allowance 1 150.00 150.00 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Toppers cleaning materials 3 33.80 6.76 40.56 Marketing - WIB event Shirley Matthews - WIB reimbursement (entertainment) 9 67.00 67.00 Marketing - WIB event C L Evans (Flowers) 9 140.00 140.00 66

BP Memorial Hall - Excel Electrics Maintenance 3 531.50 106.30 637.80 Comcen Admin - IT licences 1 112.80 22.56 135.36 Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 4 4.64 0.93 5.57 Travis Perkins Special - memorial bench 9 25.06 5.01 30.07 BT Admin - Telephone charges 1 262.13 52.43 314.56

15673.84 2509.66 18183.50

3. Petty Cash 4. Payments made from 1st to 30th September 2017 Cost ex Total Supplier Details Ref VAT Vat £ cost

WH Smiths Diaries 1 31.97 31.97 Sewards Lemons - WIB 9 5.00 5.00 Burry Bargains Batteries 1 2.00 2.00 Burry Bargains Drawer liners 3 3.90 3.90 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Heel bar Keys cut 3 3.00 3.00 Burry Bargains Cable ties 1 1.30 1.30 Co -op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Post Office Postage 1 65.00 65.00 Total payments made from petty cash £113.67 £0.00 £113.67

5. Budget strategy and build for 2018/2019

Copies of the report were circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

The RFO introduced the strategy clarifying its purpose as this was a new Council. Each Committee will be assessing their individual budgets themselves. The budget covers the money that can be spent other than reserves on whatever the Committees and Council chooses to.

The RFO highlighted that for the year 2017/2018 the precept had totalled £329,435. He advised that no definitive guidance is yet available from Welsh Assembly Government or One Voice Wales on expected Council Tax increase in Wales. A 1% increase would produce an increase of £3,294 to the total precept income (based in the current tax base).

In relation to the reserves the RFO elaborated that there are 2 types of reserves, earmarked reserves and general. Earmarked reserves are set aside for specific purposes and currently total £27,905. General reserves need to comply with certain standards and should amount to between three and twelve months of gross expenditure. The general reserves as of April 1 st 2017 stand at £198,273 which represents 5.8 months of the gross expenditure for 2016-2017.

In relation to income the RFO stated that fees and charges are reviewed annually. The fees and charges structure will need to be considered by the Fees and Charges Sub-Committee in due course but an interim proposed increase of 2.3% has been put forward, to be in line with inflation.


The RFO stated that due to the continued low interest rates there was limited opportunity to improve interest on the Council’s accounts, and that his recommendation is to set the budget on the current interest levels.

In relation to Grants and Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) the RFO stated that these were currently at the same funding level as in previous years but that they were always subject to change. Information about future funding implications from Carmarthenshire County Council is still awaited.

Introducing expenditure, the RFO informed the Council that the base budget will maintain the existing service provision but is to be reviewed in line with actual expenditure levels from 2017/2018. He also highlighted the process for dealing with one-off developments and new developments and priorities, stating that he recommends any Member proposals be assessed by the appropriate Committee as well as the Finance Committee during November/December.

The RFO informed the Council that no additional borrowing was anticipated for 2018/2019.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that some concern had been raised during the last meeting of the Facilities Management Committee that charges for the use of Council facilities had been set too high in some circumstances and so were under review. This would need to be considered when preparing the upcoming budget. He added that as the Council was taking on more responsibilities and staff that this growth needed to be well assessed for the budget setting and there needed to be an open mind on the level of the precept. He asked the RFO to clarify the position on potential borrowing.

The RFO responded that there were no additional proposed loans on top of the borrowing which had been previously agreed, but was yet to be implemented.

Cllr John James commended the RFO for his report. He reminded Councillors of the need to be prudent during this budget setting and he encouraged the other Committees to find the funds they needed themselves and not to regularly refer matters to the Finance Committee.

Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards stated that when setting the budget the Council should not forget that with inflation at around 3% it was putting a strain on household budgets.

In response to a query the RFO clarified there was no budget monitoring report for this meeting as it was ahead of the Committee meeting schedule as of the last report.

73. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday 11 th July 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 th July 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

There were no matters arising.

74. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Communities Services Committee meeting held on Thursday 18 th July 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 18 th July 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.


Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards enquired as to the status of the grant awarded to the Dementia Carers Group. She clarified that she had declared an interest in this matter as she volunteers her time to assist the group.

The Clerk confirmed that she would look into this matter immediately, as she believed that a cheque should already have been sent out.

75. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Tuesday 4 th July 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 13 th June 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

For clarity Cllr John James declared an interest in agenda item 11 (To consider the possibility of taking over the public conveniences at the railway station from Carmarthenshire County Council).

In relation to agenda item 6 (consideration of the Committee’s budget monitoring report) Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas asked the RFO if he could provide a detailed breakdown of the £900 cost of the work carried out at Pembrey Memorial Hall.

The RFO responded that he was still following up on the matter and expected it to be included by the next budget monitoring report. He clarified that the invoice in question contained little information and covered the costs of work carried out at Pembrey Memorial Hall and the OAP Hall in Burry Port. Further difficulty had arisen as the invoice did not contain any contact details for the builders who carried out the work.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas asked for an update on agenda item 13 (to consider the installation of the fire doors to the Memorial Institute and Senior Citizens’ Hall).

Cllr Geraint Davies responded that the fire doors to the Memorial Institute are fine and that he had inspected the door in the OAP Hall with a Fire Safety Officer who had stated that it was not a fire door and so did not need replacing. Cllr Geraint Davies advised that all of the Town Council buildings would be shortly inspected by a Fire Safety Officer.

76. To consider the minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Monday 11 th September 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 11 th September 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be signed and accepted as a true record.

Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards asked if there had been any further developments in relation to the report prepared by Mr Paul Egan of One Voice Wales.

The Mayor advised that the report had been received. He also informed the Council that Mr Paul Egan would be attending to meet with members of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee.


77. To consider the following planning applications

Application Name and Address of Description of Application No. Applicant S/36171 Mark Galbraith Demolition of existing garage and attached rear 5 Maenor Helyg shed to be replaced with the construction of a Pembrey new double garage, games room and home gym – revised scheme to that previously approved under S/34877

For clarity Cllr John James declared an interest in the matter.

In response to a query as to why this had not been looked at by the Planning Sub-Committee, the Clerk informed the Council that the Chair of that Sub-Committee had decided it was not necessary to meet to consider this one application.

No objections to the application were raised and it was AGREED for the application to be recommended for approval.

78. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

Cllr Hugh Shepardson advised that what he had to report had been covered by the meeting with the Carmarthenshire County Council Officers prior to this Council meeting.

Cllr John James raised the concerns of residents of Pen-y-Bryn Avenue and Erw Terrace had been discussed by the Planning Committee of Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to the development of two adjacent properties and confirmed the application had been refused.

He added that issues surrounding parking on Elkington Park during school drop-off and pick-up had worsened. He stated that previously having a police presence had had a noticeable positive impact on the activity and so it had been suggested at the PACT meeting to have police present during those times.

79. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor informed members of numerous events and functions he had attended since July, as follows: • Plant Dewi centre open day with Cllr John James and the Bishop of St Davids • Code of Conduct training • Llanelli Rural Council Civic Service • Llanelli Town Council Civic Service • Gardening Club show where he presented prizes • St Illtyd’s Church fete • RNLI open day and raft race • Burry Port Choir Annual Concert • Burry Port Town Band Concert • Meeting with the Bowls Club • The Wales in Bloom ceremonies • Carmarthenshire Scouts AGM • Local Democracy and Boundary Commission meeting and presentation • Tenovus concert at Bethel Chapel, Pembrey 70

• Royal British Legion service at St Mary’s Church • Wi-Fi towns meeting

The Mayor outlined some additional information in relation to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission event. This meeting had been in relation to the boundaries for the 2022 elections. He felt the Council needed to discuss the report as he and others felt the projected population figures may be inaccurate.

Cllr John James added that he was dissatisfied with the projected population figures as they were below an organic growth level and could not be accounting for the numerous building developments the Council already know are in progress or process. This matter was serious as it would affect how Pembrey and Burry Port were represented in future.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou PROPOSED that the Council instruct the Clerk to write a letter to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission asking for clarification on their calculations. The motion was AGREED with all in favour.

Cllr Robert John informed the Council that in his capacity as Deputy Mayor he had had the privilege to deputise for the Mayor on three occasions and had thoroughly enjoyed these events: • Scarecrow festival in St Mary’s Church • The Llanelli Deaf Centre • West Wales Brass Festival, at which he had the pleasure of presenting some of the prizes

80. To consider the appointment of a new member to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee following a vacancy arising through a member’s resignation

The Clerk informed the Council that Cllr Hugh Shepardson had requested to resign from the stated Committee and that it had been accepted. It was therefore necessary to appoint his replacement.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that he had spoken to an absent Councillor about this and with his approval, NOMINATED Cllr Stephen James.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas NOMINATED Cllr John James, stating that it would be beneficial for the Committee to replace one County Councillor with another. She was SECONDED by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson explained that he had been placed on the Committee as a Town Councillor not a County Councillor.

Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards wished it to be noted that Cllr Stephen James does not attend many meetings.

The Mayor moved to take a vote on the first proposal, following the nomination of Cllr Stephen James being SECONDED by Cllr Hugh Shepardson. The nomination was passed with 8 in favour and 5 against. Cllr Stephen James was APPOINTED to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee.

In addition to this the Clerk informed the Council that she had received a letter of request from Cllr Peter Freeman seeking to join the same Committee. She read the letter aloud to the Council.


In response Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards wished it to be noted that a complaint had been made against Cllr Peter Freeman.

Cllr John James queried why members had been informed of this request after the decision to appoint a replacement Committee member.

There followed a discussion about the political balance of the Committees and whether or not there was a need to increase the membership of the Committee in question.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou PROPOSED that Cllr Peter Freeman’s request be accepted, which was SECONDED by Cllr Robert John. The proposal was APPROVED , with 7 members voting in favour and 6 against.

81. To approve suggested amendments to the Council’s Standing Orders (please refer to minutes of Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting of 10/07/17) – item not considered at the Town Council meeting of 21/09/17

The Clerk outlined the various proposed amendments that members had previously received, as follows:

Standing Order 1(r) Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou. The vote was PASSED unanimously.

Standing Order 2(e) Cllr Bob Walpole PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman. The vote was PASSED unanimously

Standing Order 7(q) Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman. The vote was PASSED unanimously

Standing Order 9(a) Cllr Peter Freeman PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Hugh Shepardson. The vote was PASSED unanimously

Standing Order 10 Cllr John Hedley Jones PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards. The vote was PASSED unanimously

Standing Order 16(a)(iv) Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards PROPOSED the Council accept the amendment. Seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou. The vote was PASSED unanimously

The Mayor thanked Cllrs Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Linda Edwards for their work in preparing the amendments.

82. Update on hosting events for Wales in Bloom- item not considered at the Town Council meeting of 21/09/17 72

The Mayor was pleased to remind everyone about the success of the event and the Town in the competition.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas apologised if she had overstepped a boundary by writing the letters of thanks without the Mayor, as had been agreed at the previous meeting. She also stated that the Llanelli Star had responded to say they had not received the report and could it be sent again.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou suggested that in future, all local newspapers be provided with copies of the press release to ensure as wide a reach as possible.

83. To consider/approve the Town Council’s inclusion in the Carmarthenshire “Wi-Fi Towns” initiative

Cllr Michael Theodoulou presented to the Council a precis of the initiative, following his attendance at a meeting of the 4 Committee Chairs with the Council Officer from Carmarthenshire County Council who is leading this initiative. He explained that although the Officer had wished to give his presentation to the whole Council, there had been no available dates prior to the inclusion deadline. In summary the scheme is to provide free public wi-fi in the towns who wish to join the initiative. That access will also give wi-fi users access to local event information, local shopping offers and promotions. Eight towns in the County have been invited to participate in the pilot project and should they all accept the cost will be at the lowest end. He explained that there was a grant available that would cover the majority of the cost and therefore, the Town Council would be required to provide approximately £2,700 a year via match funding. He stated that similar initiatives across the country had had a positive impact, not only for tourism but in attracting hi-tech businesses to the area.

There was consensus that the initiative was appealing, providing that Councillors could see the presentation at some point in future and that the grant funding was guaranteed.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that the match funded grant was guaranteed as part of entry into the scheme.

The Clerk advised that the amount of match funding could vary slightly if all eight towns did not participate.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou PROPOSED that the Council agree to enter the initiative but that the County Council Officer still be requested to attend to present to the full Council. Seconded by Cllr Bob Walpole. The vote carried unanimously for the proposal.

84. To consider/approve an approach being made to Carmarthenshire County Council regarding the possibility of additional land within Burry Port being potentially transferred to the Town Council (recommendation from the Facilities Management Committee meeting of 05/10/17)

Cllr Hugh Shepardson declared an interest in this matter, being a County Councillor.

As Chair of the Facilities Committee Cllr Michael Theodoulou outlined the proposal. He stated that as far as was known, Carmarthenshire County Council were looking at the future management of the harbour, and were considering entering into a private agreement with a company to do so. In other areas it has happened that private companies running harbour facilities have looked to manage the lands around the harbour also. As there are currently asset 73 transfers taking place he suggested the Council look to include the green space to the north of the harbour and the area of land opposite the Clwb Bach to safeguard them from development.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas responded that there was no need to seek the transfer of the land as the land was transferred in 2000 as part of the Millennium Coastal.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that a sale could go through in theory with the correct permissions in place, as funders have approved change of use in the past.

There was a general agreement to the idea of preserving green space within the town, but many thought it prudent to ask the Clerk to ascertain Carmarthenshire County Council’s intentions and to qualify the legal status of the land and to bring the details back to them. This was PROPOSED by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman and seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards. The Council APPROVED the proposal unanimously. Nevertheless, Cllr John James highlighted that Pembrey and Burry Port Carnival Committee has submitted an expression of interest in relation to the land concerned.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas also PROPOSED for copies of letters requested during meetings to be sent to the proposer in question. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman. The proposal was AGREED unanimously.

85. To consider a recommendation from the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting of 04/10/17 to forward correspondence to Carmarthenshire County Council regarding the provision of free local Welsh medium places to children under the age of four years.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas stated that historically there had been assurances made that no negative effects would be felt by the Welsh Medium school in Burry Port through the creation of an English Medium school. However, with the introduction of free nursery/school places via Flying Start for those eligible at Burry Port Community Primary School there was no longer a level playing field.

Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell stated that this was affecting numbers of attendees at the Cylch Meithrin, and at Ysgol Parc y Tywyn. Parents are faced with a choice of paying for access to a Welsh education or getting free placements at an English Medium school for two to three year olds.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson stated that he had requested this issue to be discussed at the last Governors meeting of Parc y Tywyn. He stated that the Headteacher was in contact with the Flying Start Coordinator but was told the scheme did not have the capital to expand the provision. However, the Headteacher had confirmed to him that the new school site would have sufficient space to accommodate such a scheme.

Following the discussion, it was AGREED that the Clerk write a letter to Nia McIntosh (Flying Start Manager), Glynog Davies (Executive Board Member for Education and Children) and Lee Waters AM, requesting that Welsh Medium education not be disadvantaged and to put forward the proposal to including flying start places at the new Parc Y Tywyn school site.

Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell requested for all to support the Cylch Meithrin in their upcoming events also.


86. To consider the Council’s policy on financial donations, specifically in relation to application from individuals (referral from Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting of 04/10/17)

Cllr Robert John outlined the issue to the Council. A recent grant application made to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee had highlighted the problem. The young man applying had been selected to represent Wales at a martial arts competition and was seeking support to purchase the necessary equipment and clothing. The Council’s policy is to not consider applications for grants from individuals and as such the applicant was not eligible despite his evident need. He had been signposted to other local organisations that may have been able to help instead.

The RFO confirmed that the Council had taken the decision to not consider individuals previously but that it could be changed.

Cllr John James PROPOSED that considerations be given to changing to the Council’s policy to allow applications for grants from individuals to be considered by the Regeneration and Community Services Committee. Seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou. The proposal was AGREED unanimously. This will be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

87. To receive reports by elected members

Cllr Michael Theodoulou gave a report of the recent One Voice Wales Annual Conference. He had 2 highlights to mention. Firstly that the message from the Welsh Government was that in light of the reduction of available money in future budgets all Town and Community Councils would need to look to do more and accept greater responsibility. The keynote speaker, Mark Drakeford had indicated that to assist with this he has commissioned a review of local government and the Welsh Assembly is preparing legislative changes for town and community councils for next summer.

General Powers of competence will be introduced for Town Councils that meet 3 main requirements: • Two thirds of the Council members must be elected • The Council’s accounts for the last 3 years must be unqualified • The Town Clerk and senior officers are suitably qualified

Secondly the Auditor General for Wales presented his report and in it had stressed the importance of Councils undertaking well calculated risks as they had previously been too cautious. An improvement in the risk assessment abilities of the Councils was important in light of the proposed changes. The Auditor General gave advance notification of the focus for the next two audits, namely the level of reserves and the effectiveness of internal audit. The Auditor General also stated that many Councils are not registering Councillors’ interests online

Cllr Michael Theodoulou had also attended the Larger Councils Committee meeting earlier that day. At this there had been a presentation about a grant scheme that allowed for renovations to war memorials. The grant covered 70% of the costs. He recommended that the Council should look into it in preparation for the centenary of the end of the First World War.

A copy of the War Memorial grant information was given to the Clerk.


In addition, Cllr Michael Theodoulou reported that he had been elected to the One Voice Wales Committee and that Cllr Peter Freeman had been elected as Vice Chair of the Larger Councils Committee.

There followed a discussion about how the Council compared against the 3 requirements and as to when the changes would take effect. Cllr Michael Theodoulou responded by saying that the Council only had elected members and so was well placed in that respect. He also stated that the changes would take effect from July 2018.

Cllr John James requested that in future it would be beneficial if information like this could also be supplied in writing as there was so much to digest.

There was a discussion about what limitations there were for the war memorial grants, and the answer was believed to be within the booklet provided to the Clerk and online.

Cllr Bob Walpole PROPOSED that the Facilities Committee look in more detail at the grant scheme. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards. The proposal was AGREED unanimously.

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman gave a report about the Friends of Burry Port Park Halloween event which had been successful, but she was not sure about the exact figure of raised funds. She praised all who had assisted, but urged further support. She also reported having met with the Council staff at the park recently. She advised that the bolts on the equipment had been tightened and the basket swing was due to be replaced. The damage was due to general wear and tear and not vandalism. She noted that the protective wire rope and bollard screen around one of the larger play equipment was damaged and the Councils’ Maintenance Operatives had suggested they could be replaced with a plastic hoarding. The litter levels were improving but she noted that there was always significantly more after sporting events over the weekend. She also informed the Council that the MUGA had been vandalised again with the fence panels having been kicked out. The Maintenance Operatives had suggested this could be remedied by placing metal poles adjacent to the fence at the midpoint of each panel. The Friends of the Park would be seeking the extra funds to make these improvements and to add further equipment in the future.

There followed a discussion about the hall hire charges in relation to charitable groups and organisations, in which it was stated that the Council’s policy was not to waive fees for anyone but to offer grants to assist with costs.

In response Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman stated that the Friends of the Park group had been turned down for the grants it had applied for due to having too much money in their accounts, however as the equipment they wished to purchase cost so much, they had to hold a lot of money.

It was recommended for this matter to be looked at by the Fees and Charges Sub-Committee.

Cllr Robert John read aloud a personal statement that expressed his disappointment at the behaviour of the Council over the last month and particularly in relation to the last Town Council meeting and that he felt a number of incidents warranted reporting as misconduct as there may have been serious breaches of the code of conduct. He felt that these actions had brought the Council into disrepute.

He referred to the behaviour of one particular member at this said meeting and also unpleasant exchanges which had occurred at the conclusion of the meeting. 76

There was a strong response from many Councillors who were aggrieved by the statement.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that there were very strong feelings held by Councillors on these matters and called for them to be put aside to allow the Council to continue its business. He stressed there were rules and procedures which could be followed and utilised by Councillors.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson reminded everyone that this agenda item is there to discuss councillors’ reports, not to discuss confidential or personal issues.

88. To consider communications received and the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

1. There have been various communications between the Clerk and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner in relation to a request for a meeting to take place. The Commissioner’s current availability to meet with the Town Council is as follows:

Between 11am and 1 pm on 4 th December Between 10am and 12 noon on 12 th December Between 11am and 1pm on 18 th December Members indicated a preference for the 12 th of December

2. Various correspondence has been received in relation to Wales in Bloom. Of note is a letter from the Chairman of Wales in Bloom, Mr Jim Goodwin. In this, he thanks the Town Council on behalf of the Committee for the successful hosting events which it organised and reference is made to the many complimentary comments which have been received. Mr Goodwin additionally refers to the talented youngsters who provided entertainment at the events. Also of note is an email received from the Mayor of Rhuddlan. In this, he thanks the Town Council for the warm welcome received at the events by himself and his wife. He refers to these being “a fantastic experience” and that he was provided with a real insight into the Town Council and what Pembrey and Burry Port has to offer. The email also indicates that although it was his first visit to the area, he will certainly be returning. Noted

3. Email from the Asset Management Surveyor at Carmarthenshire County Council on 25 th September 2017. This indicates that enquiries would be made to ascertain if the County Council is happy to dispose of the two public conveniences, as requested by the Town Council. The email also advises that the County Council’s Grounds Maintenance Team would be happy to provide the Town Council with some training on the maintenance of the Memorial Park, as had been requested. Cllr John James declared an interest. He also requested that a decision from the County Council be chased up.

4. Letter of 28 th September 2017 from the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales. This advises that there is to be a review of electoral arrangements for Carmarthenshire County Council, with a view to considering and formulating proposals for future arrangements. The Commission would welcome any comments regarding this. The letter advises that the consultation period commenced on 5 th October 2017 and will close on 27 th December 2017. The Mayor expressed concern over the population projections given by the Local 77

Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales and felt representations needed to be made. It was AGREED that this matter be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee

5. Email from the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales of 29 th September 2017. This advises that the Commission has been requested by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government to provide updated guidance on the conduct of community reviews by principal councils, to support greater consistency in the manner in which community reviews are conducted. There is a consultation on the draft document, which commenced on 29 th September 2017 and ends on 21 st December 2017. The email indicates that in drafting the document, there are two audiences in mind. Primarily, it is a guide for principal council officers in the conduct of a review of their communities. However, it has also been drafted to inform interested parties, in particular the town and community councils of Wales, as to how the process should operate. A copy of the draft guidance document is available at the Council office. It was again AGREED that this be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee, for consideration. The Clerk had a copy of the draft guidance document and it was recommended that members of that Committee read the document prior to its discussion.

6. Email from the Welsh Government on 3 rd October 2017, forwarding information from the Independent Review Panel. This advises that the Panel has been established to consider the future role of community and town councils and that work will be undertaken over the coming year, with a view to making recommendations to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government next Autumn. The Panel is keen to hear the views of community and town councils, the communities they serve, the people they work with, as well as areas that do not have councils. As a starting point, for high level questions have been asked, which are set out on the attached information sheet. However, the email also advises that the Panel welcomes more detailed views and thoughts, which can be emailed to [email protected] . The email also indicates that the Panel will be hosting other engagement opportunities and notification will be provided of these, once arranged. Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that One Voice Wales was holding 6 free regional workshops up to December for Councillors and the details would be shared with the Clerk. He urged members to attend.

7. Email from One Voice Wales on 4 th October 2017, forwarding information from Welsh Government. This advises that the Finance Secretary, Mr Mark Drakeford has unveiled a new budget for Wales, reflecting the Welsh Government’s new tax and borrowing powers. Alongside the draft budget 2018/19, the Finance Secretary has also published the Welsh Tax Policy Report. This sets out progress to date on the tax policy framework and proposes a short list of ideas for new taxes. The Finance Secretary has also announced the new rates and bands for Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax within the Welsh Tax Policy Report. The report is available to view on the Welsh Government website. Noted

8. Email from the Democracy, Diversity and Remuneration Department of Welsh Government on 4 th October 2017. This advises that the Independent Remuneration Panel Draft Annual Report for 2018/19 has been published for consultation and is available on its website. Section 13 relates specifically to community and town councils. Any representations on the draft report are to be made by 29 th November. ( Copy section 78

13 of report attached ) It was AGREED that the matter be referred to the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee.

9. Email of 10 th October 2017 from Cllr Peter -Griffiths, a member of the County Council’s Executive Board. In this, he introduces himself as the Ambassador and the link between Carmarthenshire County Council and town and community councils in Carmarthenshire and attaches a town and community councils newsletter. ( copy attached ). Noted

10. Email from the Corporate Policy and Partnership Manager of Carmarthenshire County Council on 12 th October 2017. This advises that the draft Carmarthenshire Well-being Plan has now been published and is now available to view on the website. A 12 week consultation period has started, which closes on 3 rd January 2018. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 places a duty on each Public Services Board to develop and publish a County Well-being Plan by May 2018. In preparing the draft plan, a detailed assessment was undertaken of the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of the County and the assessment, along with a series of engagement events have been used to identify the Carmarthenshire well-being objectives for the plan and the actions to make progress against those objectives. It was AGREED that the matter be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee

11. Email of 16 th October 2017 from the Education and Children Department of Carmarthenshire County Council. This advises that the County Council is seeking two community representatives to sit on Carmarthenshire’s Admission Forum, further details of which are set out on the attached letter. Noted

12. Letter of 16 th October 2017 from the Boundary Commission for Wales. This advises that the Commission has published its revised proposals for changes to Parliamentary constituencies in Wales and the report it available on the Commission’s website. Representations about the revised proposals are to be made by the 11 th December 2017. The letter indicates that as the proposals have been published on an all-Wales basis, representations should make it clear which area or areas they concern. Noted

13. Letters of thanks have been received from Burry Port Male Choir in relation to a financial donation and also from Burry Port Historical Society for the Council’s assistance in the provision of a storage cupboard. Furthermore, a letter of thanks has been received from Craig and Isabel Goodman in relation to the Town Council’s sponsorship of the first Burry Port Raft Race. Noted

14. Email from the Legal Services Department of Carmarthenshire County Council on 18 th October 2017, which attached a notice of the Council’s proposal to introduce a Prohibition of Driving Order in relation to St Illtyd’s Walk Burry Port to Penymynydd, Llanelli ( copy attached ). The Town Council has opposed in the past but it had been re-introduced for two wheel vehicles. It was AGREED that the Council needs to oppose it again.


Pembrey and Burry Port Town Council

Monthly Meeting

Wednesday 15th November 2017

Present: Councillor David Owens (Mayor) Councillors Geraint Davies, Mrs Linda Edwards, Mrs Amanda Fox, Peter Freeman, John James, Robert John, John Hedley Jones, Mrs Shirley Matthews, Mrs Lisa Mitchell, Mrs Karen Francis Morris, Hugh Shepardson, Michael Theodoulou, Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole and Mrs Mary Wenman

In attendance: Melanie Carroll-Cliffe (Town Clerk), Alan Howells (RFO)

Minute taker: Ed Davies (Administrative Assistant)

(Memorial Hall 7.10pm – 10.30pm)

89. Opening prayer

The opening prayer was given by Reverend Nicholas Jones.

90. Personal matters to include apologies for absence

Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs Pam Every.

91. To receive members’ declarations of interest in respect of the business to be transacted

Cllrs Mrs Mary Wenman, Mrs Moira Thomas, Hugh Shepardson and John James declared a personal interest in agenda item 102.

Cllrs Mrs Moira Thomas, Mrs Karen Francis Morris, Mrs Mary Wenman and Bob Walpole declared a personal interest in agenda item 104.

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews declared an interest in any agenda item that involved the Carnival Committee.

92. Police Business

Sgt Huw Watson (819) and PCSO Sarah-Louise Davies (8027) were in attendance. Sgt Huw Watson explained that he had only been in post in Burry Port for 3 days and was looking forward to working in the community. He highlighted the work of the PCSOs in relation to anti- social behaviour calls and informed councillors to expect a reduction over the coming months. Sgt Watson presented the Police report, set out below:

Crime During the month of October 2017, 30 crimes were recorded for Burry Port and Pembrey section which is similar when compared to the same time last year (25 crimes). 30 crimes is slightly lower than the 12 month rolling average.


Crime in October 2017 During the month of October 2017, the following crimes were recorded for; Burry Port: 20 Pembrey: 10

There are no crime trends of any type in either section. Some very positive results regarding a big reduction in arson and criminal damage offences.


17 ASB calls for Burry Port and Pembrey for June 2017, which is low when compared to the 12 month rolling average.

Actions From Last Meeting NA


Following the report, the Sergeant and PCSO were thanked for theirs and their colleagues’ work. Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas asked if they had any information about an incident that had occurred at Chivers Corner two nights previously at around 2am.

Neither the Sergeant nor PCSO had any information about the incident. However, the Sergeant added that if they had not received any notification, it was unlikely to be a serious incident.

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas asked when the next PACT meeting would be held, as there were issues in relation to Elkington Rd that needed addressing.

In response, PCSO Sarah-Louise Davies stated that due to the previous meeting coinciding with the schools’ half term week, the decision had been made to postpone the agenda until the meeting due in late-November to early December.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson referred to the concerns he had raised at a previous meeting about the reversing of delivery lorries up Heol Elfed, and advised that a meeting with the County Council on the matter was taking place on Friday 17th November. However, he enquired if the police had an update.

PCSO Sarah-Louise Davies replied that they were awaiting an update from PCSO Stephanie Maiello on the matter, and as soon as she had reported back, they would be able to share the information.

93. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 18th October 2017

Cllr John James specified that during agenda item 84 he had stated that the Carnival Committee was interested in putting in an expression of interest in the land in question, and requested for this to be included.

Subject to this amendment it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 15th October 2017 be accepted and approved as a true record of proceedings.

94. To consider the report of the Responsible Finance Officer

The report, as set out below, had been circulated to members in advance of the meeting.

1. Bank Balances The following cash balances are held with Lloyds at 31st October Balance at Unpresente Council cash 2017 :- bank d cheques book balance

£ £ £

Business Instant Access account 242,424.21 242,424.21 Community Account 37,445.86 2,530.00 34,915.86 Imprest account 17,755.15 16,713.01 1,042.14

£297,625.22 £19,243.01 £278,382.21

2. Schedule of accounts paid

The following accounts have been paid from 1st to 31st October 2017


R Cost ex Total Supplier Details e VAT Vat £ cost f Travis Perkins Cemetery - maintenance 3 22.43 4.49 26.92 Trinity Mirror Publishing Limited Employees - Recruitment costs 1 643.00 128.60 771.60 Atech Marketing - WIB event (Banners) 3 45.00 9.00 54.00

Burry Port Male Voice Choir Special - Mayor's fund 9 50.00 50.00 Carmarthenshire Area Scouts Special - Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 Friends of Pembrey Gunnery Dome Special - Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 Harbour Tyres Cemetery - vehicle costs 4 11.50 11.50 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Refuse Cwm Environmental costs 3 47.13 9.43 56.56

Burry Port Park Appeal Special - Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Catering Equipment Solutions cleaning materials 3 52.32 10.46 62.78 Mike Clark Printing Civic Expenditure - Civic Service 1 50.83 10.17 61.00 BT Admin - Telephone charges 1 20.00 4.00 24.00 Burry Port Memorial Hall - British Gas Heating 3 112.42 5.62 118.04 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Oil G E Thomas heating 3 231.88 46.37 278.25 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Electratest Maintenance 3 150.00 30.00 180.00

A T Photography Ltd Civic Expenditure - Photos 1 110.00 110.00 Civic Expenditure - One Voice One Voice Wales Wales Conference 1 180.00 180.00 Xerox Finance Admin - Photocopying costs 1 77.95 15.59 93.54 Special - Local Organisation Cylch Meithrin donation 9 1,000.00 1000.00 Special - Local Organisation Burry Port Town Band donation 9 1,000.00 1000.00 Special - Local Organisation Burry Port Bowls Club donation 9 875.00 875.00 Pembrey Community Growing Special - Local Organisation Association donation 9 200.00 200.00 Dyfed Alarms Burry Port Institute - Maintenance 3 300.00 60.00 360.00 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Dyfed Alarms Maintenance 3 100.00 20.00 120.00 Dyfed Alarms OAP Hall - Maintenance 3 300.00 60.00 360.00

Wales Audit Office Admin - External Audit fees 1 231.75 231.75 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 4,470.00 894.00 5364.00 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 1,200.00 240.00 1440.00 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 60.00 12.00 72.00 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 190.00 38.00 228.00 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 1,800.00 360.00 2160.00 Wrenvale Nurseries Special - Floral Displays 9 2,187.00 437.40 2624.40 Chivers Corner Garage Cemetery - vehicle costs 4 223.15 44.63 267.78 Burry Port Memorial Hall - British Gas Heating 3 199.88 9.99 209.87 83

British Gas Premises - electricity 3 220.85 11.04 231.89 British Gas Premises - electricity 3 697.03 34.85 731.88 British Gas Premises - electricity 3 108.43 5.42 113.85 B&Q Cemetery - maintenance 3 5.83 1.17 7.00 SWALEC MUGA - Electricity 3 276.05 13.80 289.85 Toppers Cemetery - Equipment (PPE) 3 72.84 14.57 87.41 Steven Chilvers Admin - Website hosting 1 218.75 43.75 262.50 Pembrey Memorial Hall - Consortium Cleaning materials 3 95.53 19.11 114.64

Tenovus Special - Mayor's fund 9 25.00 25.00 Special - Local Organisation Dementia Carers Support Group donation 9 725.00 725.00 Xerox Finance Admin - Photocopying costs 1 68.29 13.66 81.95 BT Admin - Telephone charges 1 227.23 45.45 272.68 Xerox Finance Admin - Photocopying costs 1 143.09 28.62 171.71 Biffa Refuse costs 3 226.75 45.35 272.10 Burry Port Memorial Hall - Toppers Materials 3 30.83 6.16 36.99

19357.74 2732.70 22090.44

3. Petty Cash Payments made from 1st to 31st October 2017 Cost ex Total Supplier Details Ref VAT Vat £ cost

Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Timpsons Keys cut 3 15.00 15.00 Post Office Postage 1 56.00 56.00 Heel bar Keys cut 3 25.75 25.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75

Total payments made from petty cash £99.00 £0.00 £99.00 Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75 Co-op Llanelli Star 1 0.75 0.75

4. The Budget Monitoring report The Budget monitoring report for the period 1st April 2017 to 30th September 2017 has been circulated to Members.

Finance Committee

The RFO stated that the income was on target, clarifying that the additional income was from the recycling bins.

In response to a query on expenditure, the RFO stated that the insurance payments provided cover for everything the Council does, hence the large budget. 84

Facilities Management Committee

The RFO advised that the income was on target and in budget. He stated that Cllr John James was assisting with talks with Carmarthenshire County Council in relation to the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the Memorial Gardens maintenance, but that the discussions were in progress.

In relation to expenditure, the RFO highlighted that the Hall and Institute was slightly over budget.

He also advised that he had been asked by the Finance Committee to appeal against the rates re- evaluations.

Under Special Projects he stated that a virement was needed to pay for the Jean Hire memorial seat.

Civic Governance and Personnel Committee

The RFO referred to expenditure being slightly over budget, which was mainly due to increased staffing/hours. He also informed the Council that a virement would be required in relation to Members’ Allowances, as there was no budget for it.

Regeneration and Community Services Committee

The RFO stated that future budget monitoring reports for this Committee would include the expanded detail requested. He advised that all contributions received were for Wales in Bloom, with no contributions for Christmas lights. Income had also been received from guests attending the Wales in Bloom Dinner.

The Marketing and Promotion budget was highlighted as being within budget. The RFO confirmed that in relation to Floral displays, further invoices were due to be paid, but that these costs were partly covered by donations.

In relation to Community Grants, the RFO informed the Council that there were additional grants that had been awarded that were yet to be included in the report.

The RFO stated that overall the whole budget should be around 50% year to date and so at present, net expenditure was slightly over budget at 51.65%.

95. To consider the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Thursday 12th October 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be taken as read and accepted.

There were no matters arising.

96. To consider the minutes of the Regeneration and Community Services Committee meeting held on Wednesday 4th October 2017


The minutes of the meeting held on 4th October 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be taken as read and accepted.

Following a query from Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards regarding a grant application made by the Dementia Carers’ Support Group, the Clerk advised that although payment of one grant had already been made, a second application would be presented to the next Regeneration and Community Services Committee.

97. To consider the minutes of the Facilities Management Committee meeting held on Thursday 5th October 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be taken as read and accepted. matters arising

P5 (8a) - Update on and further consideration of asset transfers from Carmarthenshire County Council: Burry Port Memorial Park Bowls Club

Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox stated that she had been approached by a number of Bowls Club members regarding an update on the asset transfer.

Cllr John James declared an interest in this matter due to his position on the Bowls Club Committee.

There was a brief discussion and the Clerk confirmed that she would communicate further with the County Council.

P9 (15) – Consideration of a potential fundraising appeal for renovation work at Pembrey Memorial Hall

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman expressed her opinion that the Council should prioritise seeking out grants for renovation rather than trying to raise all of the funds.

There followed a discussion where some members were in disagreement, with some feeling that current staffing resources provided a barrier to successful grant funding application, which others felt could be undertaken by Committees themselves.

The Mayor asked the RFO to give any advice he had on the matter.

The RFO agreed that grant funding applications would require greater staffing resources to be successful. He added that the Finance Committee had already considered the possibility of securing grant funding.

Cllr John James requested that the matter be placed on the agenda for the next Finance Committee meeting, for the principle to be considered, although the other Committees would need to indicate what they required funds for.

Following discussion, it was AGREED that the agendas for the next meeting of both the Regeneration and Community Services Committee and the Facilities Management Committee should address suitable projects for grant applications. Subsequently, a meeting could be


arranged with Grants Officers from Carmarthenshire County Council to discuss potential projects.

98. To consider the minutes of the Civic Governance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Monday 9th October 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 9th October 2017 had been circulated with the agenda and it was RESOLVED that these be taken as read and accepted.

matters arising

P2 (4) – To consider any matters arising from the minutes [P2 (4) – matters arising]

Cllr Mrs Linda Edwards wished to state that she had been the subject of the verbal abuse and that in her opinion it was not a perception.

P2 (7) – Update of the report being prepared by Mr Paul Egan of One Voice Wales

Following a request from Cllr John James for any update, the Mayor responded that there was additional information that would be discussed in camera later in the meeting.

In response to a query the Mayor informed members that the full report was available for them to read in the office.

99. To consider the following planning applications

Application Name and Address of Description of Application No. Applicant S/36317 Miss Karen Parkes Residential conversion of forestry building into Robins Oak rural enterprise dwelling. Temporary residential Coed Rhuyal, Pinged use of caravan on site. New livestock housing to be built to house goats, turkeys and chickens. Two polytunnels to be erected for produce, fruit, veg and herbs. Beehives in situ on land for production of honey. Conversion of solar kiln to sales shop. S/36380 Land at Garreglwyd The proposals are to construct 14no new Pembrey affordable houses on a derelict section of land at the end of the existing Garreglwyd housing estate. Most houses will be 2 bedroom 4 person houses but two houses will be 4 bedroom 7 person houses. S/36351 Mr A Marsh Proposed change of use from existing part café Harbour View back to dwelling with new balconies to front and Burry Port side and new detached rear garage. S/36388 Mrs Margaret Seddon Proposed balcony replacement and alterations to 3 St Illtyd Rise external windows and openings. Pembrey

For clarity, Cllr John James declared an interest in the matter, due to his membership of the County Council’s Planning Committee.


As a member of the Town Council’s Planning Sub-Committee Cllr Peter Freeman informed the Council that three of the applications had been recommended for approval but a decision on one, namely S/36380, had been deferred until this Town Council meeting pending further information.

Cllrs Hugh Shepardson and Mrs Shirley Matthews as County Council representatives for Pembrey were both aware of the application and confirmed their support for the development as it provided affordable housing that was desperately needed in the area. The information necessary to a decision was brought forward during the discussion, and it was AGREED for the application (S/36380) to be recommended for approval.

The Clerk informed the Council that an additional application had been received since the circulation of the agenda, as detailed below:

Application Name and Address of Description of Application No. Applicant S/36413 Davies, Bodowen, The Links, Demolition of existing single storey side and rear Pembrey, Llanelli, extensions, construction of a new single storey rear, double storey side extension and an attached garage

A brief discussion took place, during which no objections to the development were expressed.

It was therefore AGREED for the application (S/36413) to be recommended for approval.

100. To consider any County Councillors’ reports

Cllr Hugh Shepardson informed the Council, that he had met with Amanda Bebb (Electoral Services Manager for Carmarthenshire County Council) in relation to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales consultation document. He stated that he had been informed that at present, the recommendation is to amalgamate Pembrey with Burry Port and reduce the number of Councillors to three. His view was that the population level projections they have used were very poor, showing a significant reduction in the electoral register by 2022. In his opinion the opposite was true and that a population increase should be expected instead, with potential new housing being built and people moving in to the area.

Having consulted with Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews they both wished for the Council to write to the Boundary Commission seeking justification for the figures and urging that the status quo of the two county members for both Pembrey and Burry Port continues.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated that he had asked the Boundary Commission in person and had been told that the figures had been supplied by Carmarthenshire County Council, but it appears that Carmarthenshire County Council are saying that they did not. He requested that a strong response be prepared to support what Cllrs Hugh Shepardson and Mrs Shirley Matthews were saying in relation to the expected population increase.

In the following discussion, members speculated as to how the Commission had arrived at a projected population decrease, including ageing populations and shifting of ward boundaries. It was also stated that it was understood that Carmarthenshire County Council would likely be increasing its total membership by one rather than decreasing, and so it was unlikely to be in relation to that.


Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman PROPOSED that a letter be prepared and sent to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission, expressing in strong terms that the figures they were using were incorrect. The letter should be copied to Lee Waters AM, Nia Griffith MP and Amanda Bebb. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews and unanimously AGREED.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson continued his report stating that he had spoken with Cllr Glynog Davies (Executive Board Member for Education and Children) on the issue of free nursery provision through Welsh. Cllr Glynog Davies is fully in support of Flying Start provision but could not do anything until there was nursery provision in place at Ysgol Parc y Tywyn. Cllr Hugh Shepardson stated that there was currently a consultation open for comment on that proposal and once it was in place, then Cllr Glynog Davies would be able to support for the provision of the Flying Start scheme at the school site.

The Clerk added that there was some more information to follow in her report.

In response to a query, Cllr Hugh Shepardson confirmed that the provision of Flying Start at Ysgol Parc y Tywyn did not provide for the Cylch Meithrin as it was a separate provider.

Cllr Mrs Shirley Matthews stated that Cllr Hugh Shepardson had covered everything she needed to report.

Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox stated a number of residents had approached her with regard to the Old Windsor site and their concerns about the amount of rubbish tipping taking place there. She informed the Council that the site was being looked at by Carmarthenshire County Council’s Environmental Health department.

It had been brought to Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox’s attention that there were a number of missing dropped kerbs around Burry Port. She had accompanied a disabled gentleman on a tour around the town to identify where they were missing.

County Councillors had attended a site visit for the new Ysgol Parc y Tywyn site and were agreed it looked fantastic.

In response to a query from the Mayor as to the plans for the Old Windsor site, Cllr John James responded that the owner was successfully delaying Carmarthenshire County Council’s plans, but they did intend to demolish and that the pressure was growing.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou PROPOSED that a letter be sent to Carmarthenshire County Council, strongly suggesting that a Compulsory Purchase Order be placed on the Old Windsor site. This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas and unanimously AGREED.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson added further clarification that progress was slow because there was only one officer at Carmarthenshire County Council working on around 2,000 similar cases. A solution was needed, and the County Council was looking to the National Assembly for Wales to legislate.

Cllr John James stated that the Executive Board of Carmarthenshire County Council had discussed and agreed to remove the burial fees for children up to the age of 18years, including stillborn children.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou responded that this matter had been raised at the recent Facilities Management Committee meeting, where it had agreed to refer the matter to the Fees and 89

Charges Sub-Committee with that recommendation. He added that they had also requested that consideration be given to not charging for burials for serving members of the British Armed Forces killed in conflict.

There were concerns that Carmarthenshire County Council was intending to stop water quality testing in the Burry Inlet, due to the waters no longer being recognised as bathing waters, to which Cllr John James felt strongly opposed to.

101. To consider the Mayor’s report

The Mayor informed members of two events he had attended since the previous meeting. Firstly, he had attended the Burry Port Opera recital which, due to the sudden illness of the producer had had to modify the programme, but had nevertheless put on an excellent show. Secondly, he had attended the Britain in Bloom awards ceremony where Burry Port had been awarded the Silver Gilt award. He complimented the Wales in Bloom Sub-Committee for their work and everyone who supported them.

The Mayor continued that the Remembrance Day events had been well attended.

Cllr Mrs Amanda Fox brought the issue of an ex service member’s missing beret to the Council’s attention, and added that it had yet to be found.

Cllr John Hedley Jones stated that a former serviceman had spoken to him after the event and had complained that the minute’s silence was meant to be at 11 at the Cenotaph, as opposed to the Church service beginning at 11. The same serviceman had also added that he would not attend a service as he was a Catholic and therefore felt excluded, and would prefer a non-denominational service in the Memorial Hall.

Cllr John Hedley Jones suggested a service taking place at the Cenotaph at 11am, followed by a service at the Memorial Hall, which would make it accessible to all, of faith or otherwise. He subsequently PROPOSED that the arrangements for next years’ service be discussed with all of the key stakeholders on this basis to make it as accommodating as possible, which was seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou.

Cllrs John James, Mrs Mary Wenman and Mrs Lisa Mitchell declared an interest in the matter, as members of the congregation of St Mary’s Church.

Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the proposal.

The Clerk stated that similar issues had arisen before and had been met with some objections from some stakeholders.

102. To consider issues with school buses transporting local children to Ysgol y Strade

Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell stated she had requested the inclusion of this item on the agenda as there are a number of complaints constantly arising in relation to it. She added that she did not see this as a conflict of interest with Ysgol Parc y Tywyn as it was solely in relation to Ysgol y Strade. Children were being denied safe transport to school unless they have medical issues, or extenuating circumstances if their residence fell within a 3 mile radius of the school. They were not even able to pay to use the transport.


Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas suggested that representations be sent in a letter to Cllr Glynog Davies (Carmarthenshire County Council Executive Board Member for Education and Children).

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman declared an interest as her grandson was one of the children affected. For information she explained his situation, confirming Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell’s statements and added that for her grandson to use the X11 bus service would have him waiting alone for about half an hour outside of the school.

There followed a discussion where Councillors confirmed that children could not pay to use the school bus and that the bus companies were fined if caught doing so. Some were also concerned that disadvantaged children who could not rely on regular lifts from friends and family were being let down. Others emphasised the safety issues of the walking route the children would face as the A484 between Burry Port and was a fast road with no roadside protection for pedestrians.

Cllr John James stated that the three-mile limit set by Carmarthenshire County Council was a guideline figure created by the Welsh Government, which held the view that below this limit, it was the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure safe transport to the school. Having walked the route with concerned parents and County Council Officers, he felt the route was a dangerous one and supported allowing children from Burry Port to use the school bus. He felt it would be prudent to argue the case on the basis of increasing access to a Welsh language education, as the Welsh Government would soon be setting targets to increase the number of Welsh speakers.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou felt that simply protesting the situation was unlikely to resolve the issue. He proposed approaching Carmarthenshire County Council with a number of solutions to the problem, such as introducing flexibility into the school bus contracts to allow them to pick up children within the three-mile limit at their discretion, if there was capacity to do so.

Councillors discussed the points raised with many agreeing that providing access to Welsh language education was of paramount importance. It was also queried if the three-mile limit was enforced rigidly across the County where safe routes into school were restricted.

Cllr Mrs Mary Wenman stated that many of these points had been put to Cllr Glynog Davies in a letter but that the response had been disappointing.

Following lengthy discussion, Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell PROPOSED that a letter be sent to Cllr Glynog Davies to complain about the lack of safe transport or routes available to children within the three-mile limit, emphasising the dangerous walking conditions adjacent to the A484, safeguarding issues, lack of choice with regards Welsh language education and the potential improvement to Welsh language education access that a change in the policy would create.

It was also suggested that the Clerk draft a letter and then consult with Cllrs John James and Mrs Amanda Fox as Burry Port ward representatives and Cllr Mrs Lisa Mitchell as the proposer.

Councillors AGREED unanimously to the proposal.

103. To consider the Town Council’s approach to Freedom of Information requests, to include potential charges being implemented for such requests

Cllr Michael Theodoulou stated he had requested this agenda item because he was aware that Carmarthenshire County Council charged for Freedom of Information requests. Due to the 91 number of requests the Town Council had received recently, a charge may discourage some requests and would also partially cover the administration and time involved in processing requests.

There followed a discussion where it was stated that the charge might not apply to all requests made to Carmarthenshire County Council and it was acknowledged that such requests can take up a lot of staff resources. Cllr Mrs Karen Francis-Morris stated that schools charged for such requests but emphasised the charge could not be unreasonable so as not to exclude people.

The RFO suggested that Mr John Tillman, who is the Freedom of Information Officer at Carmarthenshire County Council would be able to provide advice and also, guidance can be obtained from the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Cllr Robert John continued that a booklet is issued by the Information Commissioners Office. As far as he was aware, if the information was available from the website then an organisation had no obligation to compile the information.

Cllr Hugh Shepardson PROPOSED that the Clerk and RFO contact Mr John Tillman at Carmarthenshire County Council for advice, to bring the necessary information back to the Council in due course. This was seconded by Cllr Michael Theodoulou and unanimously APPROVED.

104. To receive reports by elected members

Cllr Mrs Moira Thomas stated that she was aware that there was an outstanding Freedom of Information request from the Heritage Group and queried the position on this.

The Clerk responded that she had been in contact with the Chair of the Heritage Group the previous week in relation to this. It was agreed that the Clerk meet with the Chair to discuss the matter further and address any outstanding issues.

Cllr Michael Theodoulou suggested that a simply worded policy be prepared in relation to the process for handling Freedom of Information requests, which could be made available to the public. The RFO advised that a meeting with Mr John Tillman should cover the process.

In response to a query the Clerk confirmed that the minutes of the previous meeting are made publicly available on the website once they have been confirmed at the following meeting.

105. To consider communications received and the report of the Clerk on matters of administration

1. Email received from the Member Support Officer at Carmarthenshire County Council on 24th October 2017, forwarding a letter on behalf of Cllr Mair Stephens in relation to a Christmas Toy Box/Hamper appeal. Carmarthenshire County Council Youth Support Service is organising the scheme, for the seventh year running, to help make Christmas easier for those in difficult financial situations. A request is being made for donations of new toys for children and young people aged from birth to 16 or alternatively a monetary donation towards the toys/hamper. The nearest collection point is Carmarthenshire County Council’s offices at Ty Elwyn, the Town Hall in Llanelli and the Llanelli Star office. The latest date for donations is 6th December. Cllr Hugh Shepardson stated that if anyone was aware of children who would benefit from the scheme, then contact should be made with Cllr Mair Stephens. 92

2. Letter received on 25th October 2017 from the Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire County Council, conveying congratulations to the Town Council upon its success in the Wales in Bloom 2017 campaign. Noted

3. Email from One Voice Wales on 25th October 2017, forwarding information from the local Government Finance Policy Division of Welsh Government. This advises of a consultation relating to proposed amendments to the Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003. A copy of the consultation documents and the response form are available at capital-finance-and-accounting-wales-regulations. Responses are to be received by 12th January 2018. Noted

4. Email from One Voice Wales on 25th October 2017, forwarding information from the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee of the National Assembly for Wales. This advises that a consultation is being undertaken on the committee’s inquiry into “Local approaches to poverty reduction: the Well-being of Future Generations Act and Public Service Boards”. More information can be found on the enquiry page The terms of reference in relation to the consultation are:

To: • examine how public service boards (PSBs) are targeting improvements to public services in Wales’s most deprived communities; • assess the quality of evidence used by PSBs in the development of their local Well- Being Plans in relation to the needs and experiences of people living in poverty, including how PSBs are approaching the impending demise of Communities First; • consider how PSBs are specifically addressing rural poverty as part of the development of their Well-Being plans explore and understand the experiences of organisations (public, private and third-sector) and individuals in the development of well-being plans and the potential impact of greater regional working in the future. Noted

5. Email from One Voice Wales on 27th October 2017, forwarding information from the Welsh Government. This advises that an updated scheme, setting out the basis of a new relationship between the Welsh Government and Local Government was published on 27th October. The Local Government Scheme looks at how the Welsh Government, Local Government and the wider public service will deliver services according to the principles of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. A draft annual report on the scheme’s progress next year will be co-produced between the Welsh Government and Local Government, shared with associations representing Local Government and then considered by the Partnership Council for Wales. A copy of the written statement from the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Mark Drakeford AM on the scheme is attached. Cllr Michael Theodoulou suggested that as a general point, all digital correspondence with attached documents be forwarded to Councillors. This would include correspondence from One Voice Wales and other consultation documentation.


6. Email from One Voice Wales on 1st November 2017. This advises that following on from the inaugural One Voice Wales Innovative Practice National Awards Scheme 2017, the 2018 scheme is being launched. As previously, there are a number of award categories. The entries will be used as an evidence base to inform Welsh Government, Unitary Authorities, the Third Sector and other key partners of the good work local councils are doing in communities across Wales and how they can possibly support the work of the local council sector in the future. The closing date for entries is 25th January 2018. Following this, a judging panel will be held and the three shortlisted Councils for each category will be informed in February 2018. Each of the shortlisted Councils will be invited to take part in the Innovative Practice National Awards Conference to be held in Builth Wells on 29th March 2018, to showcase their Council’s initiative. The three nominated entries in each category will be required to give a presentation (10 minutes maximum) as part of a series of innovative practice sessions. It was AGREED that this be referred to the Regeneration and Community Services Committee

7. Letter from the Chair of Burry Port Town Band dated 1st November thanking the Council for the recent grant towards the cost of running the West Wales Festival of Brass Noted

8. Email from One Voice Wales on 2nd November 2017. This refers to the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government having recently established an Independent Review Panel to oversee the review of the Community and Town Council Sector in Wales. The review panel has issued a call for evidence and set out a four question survey for Councils and stakeholders to complete, as follows:

a) What should Community and Town Councils be responsible for? b) How should they operate? c) What’s standing in their way to deliver for the local community? d) How do Councillors ensure they best represent their local community?

In order to ensure there is a full and detailed response to the call for evidence, One Voice Wales will be running a series of consultation events across Wales. The two nearest events are as follows: Monday 4th December 2017 from 7pm until 9pm at ’ RFC, St Clears, Carmarthen and on Monday 11th December 2017 from 2pm until 4pm at Ty Newydd Community Centre, 17 West Street, . Member Councils are encouraged to send a representative to their nearest event to participate in the discussions and ensure that the fullest views from the sector are presented to the review panel in the response from One Voice Wales. One Voice Wales has requested notification of the representative attending an event. Cllrs Michael Theodoulou and Peter Freeman indicated that they would attend this event. Cllrs Mrs Moira Thomas, Bob Walpole, Mrs Karen Francis-Morris and Robert John also expressed an interest in attending.

9. Email from the Department for Education and Children at Carmarthenshire County Council on 6th November 2017. This advises that Carmarthenshire County Council has produced a document, describing its proposal to introduce nursery provision at Ysgol Parc y Tywyn. The consultation document, “Proposal to change the age range of Ysgol Parc y Tywyn from 4 - 11 to 3 -11” is available on Carmarthenshire County Council’s website at The consultation period will run from 6th November 2017 until 17th December 2017.


Cllr Hugh Shepardson proposed the Council support the changes with all members in agreement.

10. Email from One Voice Wales on 13th November 2017, forwarding the attached copy of the written statement by Kirsty Williams, Cabinet Secretary for Education in relation to the 21st Century Schools and Education Programme. Noted

11. Date of December Town Council meeting (Wednesday 20th December) and whether this should be changed. Cllr Michael Theodoulou PROPOSED for the December Town Council meeting to be cancelled, but that all Committees meet as normal during December. This was seconded by Cllr John Hedley Jones and unanimously AGREED.

12. That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted:

13. Update on the Council’s insurance position in relation to confidential correspondence previously notified to the Town Council

Confidential report