I. Sarah M. Dunn (Mrs. Strickler), 5117 Marion St., Germantown, , Pa. T. h. s., Peoria, I yr.; same, Bloomington, I~ yrs.; private sch., Peoria, 2~ yrs. Married Walter Coffin Strickler, Aug. 19, 1862. 2. Elizabeth J. Mitchell (Mrs.. Christian), 509 E. Front St., Bloom­ ington. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 2 yrs.; same, Decatur, 2~ yl·s. Married Matthew L. Christian. Nov. 21, 1865. *3. Frances A. Peterson (Mrs. Gastman), died Feb. 27, 1863. T., 1. S. N . U., 2 yrs.; h. 5., Decatur, 6 mos. Married Enoch A. Gastman (See NO.5), July 25, 1862. *4- Mary. Frances Washburn (Mrs. Hull), died Aug. 19, 1882. T., Model Sch., LS.N.U., 1860-61. Married John Hull (See NO.9), April 3, 1862. . 5. Enoch A. Gastman, supt pub. sch., Decatur. T. elem. sch., De­ catur, 1860-61'; prin. h. s., same, 1862-70; supt. pub. sch., same, 1862-1907; pres. Bd. of Man. James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 1906-07; member Bd. of Educ., 1. S. N . U., 1871-; pres., same, 1881-8g, 1902-. -Married Frances A. Peterson (See NO.3), July 25, 1862; m. Caroline S. Sargent, Aug. 24. 1864; m. Belle Hobbs (See No. 356), Dec. 25, 1905. . *6. Peter Harper, died May 30, 1887. T. rural sch., I yr.; U. S. Army, 4 yrs.; member Louisiana Legislature and parish ju51ge. *7 Silas Hayes, died Feb. 3, 1907, 717 E. 27th St., , Cal. T. pub. sch., EIPaso, 1 yr.; same, Fairview, I yr.; rural sch., 8 yrs. Mar­ ried Jane M. Cone, Nov. 14, 1861. *8. Joseph Gideon Howell, killed at fort Donelson, Feb. IS, 1862. T., Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1 yr. ' 9. John Hull, 2009 State St, Milwaukee, Wis. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., A.M., 1876; prin. pub. sch., Salem, 1860-61; acting prof. math., 1. S. N . U., 1861-62; prin. h. s., Bloomington, 1862-64; member Bd. of Educ., Bloom­ ington,I866-6g; supt sch., McLean Co., 186g-75; prof. math., S.LS.N.U., Carbondale, 1875-83; supt, training dept., same, 1883-93; pres., same, 1892-93; pres. State Normal Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1893':94; founded The Schoolmaster, 1868. Married Mary Frances Washburn (See NO.4), April 3, 1862; m. Ann Catherine Anderson, June 14, 1895, who died Nov. 3, 1903. *10. Edwin Philbrook, died Feb. 4. 1890. Served in U.S. Army, 1861-65. T. sch. southern Ill;, :186g; same, Maroa, 186g-72; same, Sa­ betha, Kan., 1872-79; same, h. 5., Decatur, 1879-85. Married Ellen C. Pillsbury, May 9, 1871. .

CLASS OF 1861 *11. Sophie (Christ) Gill, died Nov., 1863. T. pub. sch., Greenview, I~ yrs. *12. Amanda A. Noyes, died Feb. 7, 1864. T. pub. sch., Jackson­ ville, 2 yrs. 252 SEMI-CEN'l'ENNIAL HIS'l'ORY

13. John Howard Burnham, contractor, Bloomington. Acting prin. Model Sch., I.'S. N . U., summer, 1861; 2 winters, Barrington; 1st Lt., Co. A, 33rd I ..V. Inf.; supt. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1863-64; editor, Bloomington Daily Pantagraph, 1865-67; director State Historical Society since organization, ISg9; pub. Hist. of Bloomington and Normal, 1879. Married Almira S. Ives, Jan. 23, 1866. 14- Harvey J. Dutton, grocer, 800 South St., Springfield, Mo. T., pub. sch., Cedar Co., Mo., 9 yrs; contrib. one chap. to Hist. of 33rd Ill. Vol. Inf., in which regiment he served 4 yrs, 3t mos. Married Louise V. Brinsden, Aug. 29, 1866. " IS. Aaron Gove, Denver, Colo. Adjutant 33rd 1. V. Inf.; prin. pub. sch., Rutland, 2 yrs.; same, Normal, 5 yrs.; supt. pub. sch., Denver, Colo., 1874-1904; edit. Ill. Teacher, *16. Moses I. Morgan, died, Cleveland, 0., April 10, ISg5. Enlisted 1861-63; prin. 3rd Ward Sch., Peoria, 1863-64; in army again, 1864-66. *17. Henry B. Norton, died June 22, 1885. T. Model Sch., I term; Warsaw, 1862-63; supt. sch., Ogle Co., 1864-65; State Normal Sch., Em­ poria, Kan., 1865-70, 1873-75; San Jose, Cat, Normal, 1876. 18. Peleg Remington Walker, supt. pub. sch., 716 N. Church St., Rockford. Served in army, 1862-65, promote4 from private to 1st Lt. and in command of company for more than a year; t. pub. sch., Creston, 1861- 62; prin., same, 1865-72; same, Rochelle, 1872-84; supt. pub. sch., Rock­ ford, 1884-; member Bd. of Educ., I. S. N . U., 1883-. Married Martha E. Webb, Aug. 16, 1865. Cr.ASS OF 1862 ! *19. Sarah E. Beers, died Oct. 6, 1900. T. Normal Center, 4 yrs.; h. s., Canton, 1866; private sch., same, 1868-83- 20. _Elizabeth Carleton, Home for Aged Women, 3200 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. . Asst. h. s., Griggsville, 10 yrs.; prin. colored sch., Hannibal, Mo., 1872; elem. and h. s., same, 10 yrs; Matron, Anna Brown Home for the Aged, Quincy, 8 yrs. 21. Helen Frances Grennell (Mrs. Guild), at home with daughter, Mrs. Oscar L. Pond,2204 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Second asst. h. s., Peoria, 1862-64; 1st asst.. same, 1864-72; asst h. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1872- 74- Married Albert D. Guild, of Chicago, May 13, 1874 who died Ft.Wayne, Ind., Nov. 5, 1904. 22. Esther Maria Sprague (Mrs. Legg) T. Foster sch., 666 Washing­ ton Blvd., Chicago. Prin. intermed. dept., 4th Ward Sch., Peoria, 4' yrs.; prin. Model Sch., Normal Sch., Platteville, Wis., 1866-67; head asst., Kin­ zie Sch., Chicago, 6 yrs.; prin. Lincoln St. Sch., Chicago, 7 yrs.; present position, 1881-. 23. Emma M. Trimble (Mrs. Bangs), Donnellson. T. pub. sch., York, 1862-63; Washington, 1863-64; Lacon, 1864-65; Sparland, 1865-66; Lacon, 1866-67; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1885-87; prin., Fillmore, 1887-88 ; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1888-90; Donnellson, ISgo-; post­ mistress, Hillsboro, 1877-81. Married Charles Lyman Bangs, Aug. II, 1862. t24-- Lorenzo Dow Bovee, farmer, Pagosa Springs, Kan. Enlisted 100th Ill. VoL Inf.,'1862; t. pub. sch., I yr. 25. James Frederick Ridlon, farmer and stock raiser, R. R. No.2, Gardner, Kan. Abingdon, Ill., 12 yrs.; lecturer to Bellflower Grange I I yrs.; Abingdon, 1802-63; Henderson, 1864; Monmouth, 1865-66; Law­ rence, Kan., 1866-67; 'Lanesville, Kan., I~; Kansas legislature. 186g- 70; De Soto Schools, 1871; taught winters tIll 1878; served in Ills. reg. during civil war. Married Mrs. Rachel Easdale, April, 1870. *26. Logan Holt Roots, died at Little Rock, Ark., May 30, ISg3. En­ listed, 1862; t. I yr. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 253

CLASS OF 1863 *27. Mary Augusta Fuller, died April, 1881. T., Decatur, 7 yrs.; Magnolia, 3 yrs. 28. Sarah Jane Frances Gove (Mrs. Eugene Baldwin), Peoria. T., Granville, I yr.; Peoria, 2 yrs. 29. Abbie Ripley Reynolds (Mrs. Wilcox), Flora Home, Florida. St. Kindergarten Training Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1881-82; prim. grades, Bloomington, 1863. Married Charles E. Wilcox, June 16, 1864. *30. Sarah Ann Hackett Stevenson, died, 1904- T. Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Mt. Morris; Sterling; physician, Woman's College, Chicago. t31. William Dennis Hall, 435 Oakley Ave., Chicago. T. Peoria, I yr.; Elmwood, I yr.; Clinton, 5 yrs.; LaSalle, 3 yrs.; Cent~alia, 2 yrs.; Farmer City, I yr. 32. Ebenezer Delon Harris, farmer, Lincoln, Neb. Cotn:er Christian Univ., near Lincoln, Neb., B. S., ISgI, M. S., ISg2; t. pub. sch., 1863-66; Nebraska, 1879-Sg; prin. prep. dept., Christian Univ., 1S8g-g4; enlisted U. S. Army, 1861. Married Sarah E. Worden, Normal, Dec. 24, 1865. *33. John Henry Thompson, died, 1869. T. EIPaso, 1 yr.; Charles­ ton, I yr.; Kansas, 1~ yrs. CLASS OF 1864 34 .. Harriet E. Dunn, sec. of faculty, State Normal Sch., Los An­ geles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1864-72; h. s., Carrollton, 1872-73; h. s., Bloomington, 1873-75; prin., same, 1875-83; same, Nevada City, Cal., 1883-84; present position, 1884-. *35. Anna P. Grennell (Mrs. William Hatfield), died, Feb. 14, 1902. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, I yr.; Peoria, 2 yrs. 36. Edith Theodosia Johnson (Mrs. Morley), Springfield, Vt. T. h. s., Aurora, 1864-65; supt. prim. Model Sch., 1. S. N . U ., 1865-68; Bon­ ham's Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1868-70. Married Rev. John H. Morley, LL.D., Oct. 12, 1871. . *37. Isabella Moore, died Jan. 14, 1888. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Cairo, I yr.; rural sch., 3 yrs.; Perry, 2 yrs. t38. Harriet E. Stewart. Address unknown. T39. George W. Colvin, Los Angeles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Atlanta, 2 yrs.; Pontiac, 2 yrs; Pekin, 12 yrs. 40. Lyman B. Kellogg, lawyer, Emporia, Kan. Pres. Kan. State Normal Sch., 7 yrs. *41. Philo A. Marsh, died April 5, 1887. T. Magnolia, I yr.

CLASS OF 1865 42. Olinda M. Johnson (Mrs. Nichols), 19B Walnut St., Aurora. T. West Aurora, 1865-68. Married Newell F. Nichols, Feb. 4, 1869. 43. Almenia C. Jones, Canton. T. pub. sch., Pekin, 2 yrs.; Lewis­ town, 2 yrs.; Canton, 15 yrs.; clerk and bookkeeper, 22 yrs. *44- Lucinda J. Stannard (Mrs. A. O. Johnson), died Feb. 20, 1902. T. pub. sch., Centralia, I yr.; Chartest~n, 3 yrs.; St. Cloud, Minn., I yr.; Ft. Smith, Ark., 4 yrs. . . 45. Bandusia Wakefield, Point Loma, Cal. Asst. in Model Sch., 1.S.N.U., 1864-71; prin. h. s., Winterset, Ia., 1871-73; prin. h. s., Em­ poria, Kan., 1873-74; same, Farmington, 1874; h. s., Bloomingt60, 1875; gram. and arith., 1. S. N . U., 1875-81. 254 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

46. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, vice-pres. and prof. of botany, Univ. of IlL, Urbana. St. Northwestern Univ., A. M., 1876; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1882; Northwestern, LL. D., ISg3; supt. pub. 5ch., Urbana, 1805- 68; Univ. of Ill., 1868-date. Married Sarah Helen Alexander, Seneca Falls, N. Y., July 22, 1868. 47. John Williston Cook, pres. N.1.S.N.S., DeKalb, Degrees A. M., Knox College; LL. D., Blackburn Univ.; LL. D., Univ. of Ill.; prin. Brimfield, 1865-66; prin. gram. dept., 1. S. N . U., 1866-68; acting prof. of history and geog., same, 1868-6g; prof. of reading and elocution, same 1869-76; prof. of math. and physics, same, 1876-90; president, same, ISgo- 99 ; pres. N. 1. S. N . S ., 18gg--; editor and pub. of Ill. School , ournai, 1884-88; pub. series of arithmetics with N. Cropsey; educational lec­ turer, 1870-. Married Lydia F. _Spofford, Aug. :26, 1867. 48. William Florin, druggist, Altamont. T. Lebanon, 1865-66; prin, Highland, 1866-68 ; same, Lebanon, 1868-72; Highland, 1872-73 ; prin. gram. sch., Belleville, 1873-75; asst. h. s., same, 1875-76; prin., Edwards­ ville, 1876-77; prin., Sf. Jacobs, 1877-79; druggist, Altamont, 1879-. 49. David M. Fulwiler, 404 Normal Ave., Chicago. T. Lexington, 1 yr.; Hillsboro, 4 yrs. . 50. Oscar Francis McKim, farmer, Oskaloosa, Ia. Asst. Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1865-66; prin., Ward Sch., Decatur, 1866-70; supt. sch., Ma­ con Co., 186g-73; prin. h. s., 1873-74; Oxford, Kan., 1875-76; Wellington, Kan., 1.876-77; supt: sch., Wichit!l, Kan., 1877-79; . prin., Dallas City, 1879- 80 ; pnn., LaHarpe, 1880-81; prm. h. s., Ft. MadIson, Ia., 1 yr. Married Sarah E. Nelson, Oskaloosa, Ia., 1866. *51. Adolph A. Suppiger, died at Edwardsville, Sept. 6, 1904. Taught at Marine, Highland, North Alton, and Edwardsville; supt. of schools, Madi~on county, 1873-77, and again, 1886-ISgO. Married Leah P. Baer, of Highland, in 1870. *52. Melancthon Wakefield, died at Cherokee, Sept. 22, 1900. St. Ill. Wesleyan Law School, 1867-69; 1. S. N. U., 1865-66; prin. Buda, 1 yr.; Carrollton, 1 yr.; Cherokee, Ia., 2 yrs.; mayor of Cherokee, 7 yrs.; county atty., 8 yrs. Married Ellen Neighbor, of Chicago, 188:2.

HIGH SCHOOL 1865 I. Gertrude Case (Mrs. Wesley Young), Santa Barbara, Cal. Pitts­ field, 1 yr.; Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Normal,:2 yrs.; I.S.N. U.,:2 yrs. . 2. Clara V. Fell (Mrs. Fyffe), Wyoming Pl., Milwaukee, Wis. Mar­ ried James Fyffe, May 6, 186g. 3. Charles L. Capen, lawyer, Bloomington. St. Harvard, 1865-69; member Bd. of Educ. 1. S. N. U., 1891-date. Married Ella E. Briggs, Oct. 27, 1875. *4 Howard C. Crist, physician. Died 1883. 5. Hosea Howar4, accountant, auditor's office, Wabash R. R., 1201 Lincoln Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. 6. William McCambridge, Confidential Secretary Interstate Com­ merce Commission, Washington, D. C. Agent C. & A. R. R. 6 yrs.; ed. Bloomington Daily Pantograph, 26 yrs; asst. postmaster, 3 yrs; present position, 6 yrs. . 7. Robert McCart, lawyer, Ft. Worth, Tex.

CI,ASS OF 1866 53. Harriet M. Case (Mrs. Andrew T. Morrow), 1615 Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Richmond, Ind., h. s., 1 yr.; Ottawa, 4 yrs.; Leavenworth, ILLINOIS STAT~ NORMAL UNIV~RSITY. 255

Kan., h. s., 2 yrs.; I.S.N.U.,4% yrs.; N. A. Normal Sch., Buenos A-yres, S. A., 3 yrs. Married Andrew T. Morrow, Feb. 7, 1878. t54. Martha Foster, Minneapolis, Kan. Model Sch., I yr.; Yates City, 2 yrs; country schools, 2 yrs; Boone, Ia., I yr.; Lindsey, Kan., I yr.; Dexter, Ia., 5 yrs.; Ottawa, Kan., I yr.; II yrs. at other places. 55. Harriet A. Fyffe, Fairfield, . St.! Pharmacy School, Chicago; North Sangamon Acad., 2 yrs.; Normal, 2 yrs; prin. Magnolia, 2 yrs.; country sch., 2 yrs; managed prescription drug store, 12 yrs. 56.. Margaret McCambridge (Mrs. Hurd), 1420 Pearl St., Denver, Col. Cairo, I yr. Married Charles R. Hurd, Sept. 18, 1867. 57.. Mary E. Pierce, Qrange grower, 130 E. Olive Ave., Redlands, Cal. 'Carrollton, I yr.; Shelby, I yr.; Lexington, 6 yrs.; Normal pub. sch., 2 yrs.; EIPaso, I yr.; other points, 6 yrs; mission sch., several yrs.; city missionary, Buffalo, N. Y., 8 yrs. 58. Alice B. Piper (Mrs. Blackburn), Ventura, Cal. Grammar sch., 1866-68; h. s. Macomb, 1868-72. -Married David S. Blackburn, Dec. 26, 1872. tS9. Helen M. Plato (Mrs. Wilbur), Geneva. Kaneville, I yr.; El­ gin, I yr.; Chicago, 12 yrs. 60. Sarah E. Raymond (Mrs. Fitzwilliam), 4824 Vincennes Ave., Chicago. Taught Fowler Inst., Newark, 1866-68; Bloomington, 1868-6g; prin. gram. sch., Bloomington, 1869-73; 1st asst. h. s. same, Apr.-June, 1873; prin. h. s., same, 1873-74; supt. city schools, same, 1874-92; pres. Woman's State Teachers' Assn., 2 yrs.; pres. School Mistresses' Club, 2 yrs.; secy. State Teachers' Assn., 2 yrs; pub. numerous articles for press; International Delegate to World's Congress of Associated Chari­ ties at Columbian Exposition, 1893. Married Capt. Francis Julius Fitz­ william, , ·Mass., June 23, 18g6. t61. Olive A. Rider (Mrs. Dr. Alfred Cotton), woman's dept. of state penitentiary, 1900 Collins St., Joliet. 62. Julia E: Stanard (Mrs. Rufus H. Frost), 1200 Dewey Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Charleston, I yr.; White Hall, I yr.; Otterville, I yr.; Ottawa, I yr.;' Atlanta, 3 yrs.; Atlantic, Ia., 8 yrs.; county normal schools, Iowa, 4 summers. Married July 4. 1867, to Rufus H. Frost, who died April 28, 1904. 63. Nelson F. Case, lawyer, Oswego, Kan. St. law dept. Univ. of Mich., 1867-69; prin. Tolono, I yr.; member Oswego bd. of education, 15 yrs.; regent Kan. State Normal, 1889-95; trustee Lobette Co. h. s., 1893-18gB; trustee Baker Univ., 1883; pres. bd. of trustees, 1897-date; probate judge, Lobette Co., Kan., 1880-85; pub. History of Lobette County, Kan.,· European Constitutional History, Constitutional History 'of the . Married, Feb. 22, 1872, Mary E. Claypool,- who died Feb. I, 1892; m. Georgiana Reed, May 30, 1900. 64 Philo Asbern Clark, periodical writer and correspondent, Monroe, Wis. Prin. Chillicothe, 1866-1867; Neponset, 1870-1871; Yorksville, 1871; Davenport, I yr.; Kendall county, I yr.; county surveyor, Madison, Neb., 3 yrs.; police judge, 4 yrs.; has contributed articles to agricultural maga- zines and has delivered lectures on stock raising. . t65. John Ellis, real estate, 425 N. 4th St., Beatrice, Neb. Prin. schools, Naples, 3 yrs.; EIPaso, 3 yrs.; prin. Beatrice, Neb., I yr. *66 Joseph Hunter, died April 17,1880. Prin. Pontiac, 1866-7; taught in Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo. *67. Richard Porter, died March, 1903. Perry, I yr.; Rantoul, I yr.; Monticello, I yr.; country schools, 3 yrs. 256 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

CLASS OF 1867 68. Emily Caroline Chandler (Mrs. Cyrus W. Hodgin), Richinond, Ind. Completed 4 yrs' chautauqua course 1881-1885 j st. biblical dept. Earlham College, 1891-92: prin. ward sch., Richmond, Ind., 1867-68; pri­ vate school Marion, Ind. Married Cyrus W. Hodgin (See No. 78), Aug. 22, 1867. 69. Emily H. Cotton (Mrs. William H. Collins), 1400 Vermont St., Quincy. Taught 9 yrs. in Griggsville, Cairo, Decatur, and Bloomington. Married, Sept. 28, 1876. t70. Nellie Forman. West Bridgeport, Mass., I~ yrs.; Lynn, Mass., 3 yrs.; Hampton Institute, I~ yrs.; Virginia, 1881. ' 71. Mary W. French, teaching, 312 W. William St., Decatur. Cairo, 1867-69; math. in h. s., Decatur, 186g-. t72. Eurania G. Gorton (Mrs. John R. Hanna), Aurora. Rock Is­ land, 2 yrs.: Peru h. s., 2 yrs.; Aurora preparatory, I yr.; asst. Aurora h. 5., 2 yrs. *73. Mary G. Gorton, died November 15, 1878. Rock Island h. 5., I yr.; Cook County Normal, 3 yrs.; Normal Dept. Arkansas State Normal; asst. in Peabody Branch h. 5., St. Louis, till 1878. 74 Mary Pennell (Mrs. Albert H. Barber), 22 Bryant Ave., Chi­ cago. Taught, Peoria County Normal: h. 5., Polo; h. s., Normal pub. sch.: h. s., Tuscola. 75. Onias c.. Barber, bookseller and stationer, Effingham. Prin. in Ill., I. yr.; prin. and asst. prin. in Miss., 2 yrs. *76. John R. Edwards, died April, 1871. Prin. Hyde Park sch., 1 yr.; prin. Evanston schools, 1868: elected prin. Third Ward sch., Peoria, 186g. t77. George E. Hinman, farmer, Clearwater, Cal. Taught 5 yrs. in Illinois, Colorado, and . 78. Cyrus Wilburn Hodgin,- teaching, Richmond, Ind. St Univ. of Chicago, 18g2-18g3 j prin. Hadley's Acad., Richmond, Ind., 1867-1868, prin. h. s., Richmond, Ind., 186&:186g; prin. twp. graded school, Dublin, Ind., 186g-1872; teacher of l1istory, Ind. State Normal Sch., 1872-1881 j supt. Rushville, Ind., 1882-1883; prin. Richmond Normal Sch., 1883-1887 j prof. of history and political scicence, Earlham Col., Richmond, Ind., 1887-date; pub. and the Nation, a text-book on the civil gov't. of Ind., and a large number of articles on historical and educational sub­ jects. Married Emily Caroline Chandler (See No. 68), Aug. 22, 1867. *79. Fred J. Seybold, lawyer. Deceased. So. James S. Stevenson, teaching, 3127 Sheridan Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Sparta, 1867-186g; asst. Academic Dept. Washington Univ., St. Louis, 186g-1870; prin. Collinsville, 1870-1872; prin. pub. sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1872-date. Married Margaret Speer.'

CLASS OF 1868 81. Ruth E. Barker (Mrs. Hargrove), traveling in Europe. Taught 4 yrs. -Married Dr. Nathan Scarritt, Kansas City, Mo., deceased: m. Bishop Robt. K;. Hargrove, Nashville, Tenn., now deceased. 82. Ann Eliza Bullock, Normal. Tonica rural sch., 1870-71; asst. h. 5., 1871-72; grammar sch., 1874-1876; grades Bloomington, 1872-73. 83. Jemima S. Burson, Pasadena, Cal. Primary teacher, Richmond, Ind., 186g-1872; teacher in private acad., Spiceland, Ind., 1872-1874. B4. Lydia A. Burson, Pasadena, Cal. Prin. Carthage, Ind., 1868-69; prin. private school, Richmond, Ind., 186g-1872; Spiceland, Ind., Academy, 1873-1874; grammar grade teacher, Pasadena, Cal., 188g-18g8.. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 257

85. Etta S. Dunbar (Mrs. Kelso), teaching literature, music, and painting, Longmont, Colo. Prin. Elburn, 1868-1870; prin. DeKalb, 1870-74; completed and published article, "Government Analyzed," at request of husband. Married, Sept. 5, 1885, to Col. John R. Kelso, a teacher and author, who died January, 1901. 86. Anna C. Gates, 2129 Oregon Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tolono, Ill., 1868-1869; assistant St. Louis, 186g-1870; prin. St. Louis, 1870-1872; head asst. St. ~ouis, Mo., Jan., 1872- June, 1872; prin. various St. Louis schools, 1872-1906. 87. Grace S. Hurwood, Geyserville, Cal. Alton h. s., 2 yrs.; prin. rural or small towns, 13 yrs.; Franklin School, Oakland, CaL, 12 yrs. 88. Lucia Kingsley (Mrs. George G. Manning), Anderson, Ind. 1.S.N. U. Model Sch., 3 yrs.; Peru, Ind., h. s., 1871-1876. Married George G. Manning, Aug. 24, 1871 (See No. lIS). 89. Eliza A. Pratt (Mrs. Kean), Buchanan, Mich. Taught Bloom­ ington h. 5., 186g-1872. Married David W. Kean, Chicago, June 10, 1872. 90. Emma T. Robinson (Mrs. Kleckner), 1632 Pearl St., City, Ia.; h. 5., Normal pub. schools, 1868-70; prin. elem. S., Freeport, 2 mos.; pub. In the Realm of Fable and Women of the Mayflower. Married Isaac F. Kleckner, July 28, 1870 (See No. II4). 91. Mary J. Sinith (Mrs. Stephen J. Bogardus), Clinton. Ma- rengo, I yr. *92. Cornelia Valentine, died June 20, 1877. Earlham College, Rich­ mond, Ind., I yr.; Rushville, h. S., 2 yrs.; Rock Island h. S., I yr.; Au­ rora h. S., 5 months; Ill. Female College, I yr.; Rock Islan~, h. S., 3 yrs. t93. Elma Valentine. *94. Clara E. Watts, died June 4, 1884- Matron Soldiers' Orphans' Home, I yr.; teacher Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal, 2 yrs.; Normal public school, I yr. . *95. Stephen Bogardus, died at Clinton, Sept. 9, 1904. Taught 33 yrs. ; prin. Marengo, 2 yrs.; prof. in Springfield Bus. CoIl.; prin. Edwards School, Springfield. Married, Mary J. Smith (See No. 91). *96. William A. McBane, died Sept. 2, 1902. Cairo, I yr.; Metropo­ lis, 2 yrs.; vice pres .. National Bank, Metropolis; editor and publisher of Metropolis Democrat, 1870-71. Married M. C. Bramer, July 12, 1883. 97. Henry McCormick, vice pres. and prof. of hist, 1. S . N . U . De­ grees, A. M. and LL. D. from Ill. Wesleyan Univ.; prin. pub. sch., Nor­ mal, 1868-69; prof. of geog., 1.S.N.U., 186g-1901; prof. of hist., same, 1876-; vice-pres., same, 1891-; pub. Practical Work in Geography; Sug­ gestions on Teaching Geography. *98. Jacob R. Rightsell, died Little Rock, Ark, Aug., 1905. County supt. of Pulaski county, Ark, 1 yr.; prin. of elem. s. and supt. of schools, Little Rock, Ark., 33 yrs. 99. William Russell, merchant, notary public, and farmer, Southland, Ark St. Earlham College,I887-88; New Garden, 1868-6g; supt. Marion, Ind., 1870-73; model dept Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind., I yr.; supt. Salem, 1874-77; supt. Marion, Ind., 1879-80; prin. twp. sch., same; South­ land College, Ark, prin. 189Q-gI; pres. same, 18g1-97; notary public, 12 yrs. Married Ruth Sabina Hinshaw, Aug. 13, 1868.

HIGH SCHOOL 1868 8. Anna M. Edwards (Mrs. N. C. Dougherty), Peoria. Seminary at St. Louis, 6 mo.; h. S., Princeton, I yr. 9. R. Arthur Edwards (See No. 137). 258 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

CLASS OF 1869 100. Lizzie S. Alden, 214 Harrison St., Newton, Kan. Grad. from State Normal Sch., Emporia, Kan., 18g7; prin. sch., Caledonia, 1869-70 ; asst. h. s. Lena, 1870-71; rural sch.; near Brimfield, 1871-74; prin. Burrton, Kan., 1875-77; primary tea. Newton, Kan.; 1877-80; primary tea. Sedg­ wick, Kan., 1880-94; same in Baptist mission sch., Atoka, Ind. Ter., 18g7- 1900; private sch., Newton, Kan., 1900-03. 10!. Melissa Benton (Mrs. Overman), 391 West End Ave., . T. Geneseo, 1869-71; h. 5., Dixon, 1871, 3 mos.; h. s., Free­ port, 1872-73. Married A. H. Overman, Dec., 1873. *102. Ella Kimball Briggs, died March 27, 1906. Logan county, I yr.; Lincoln, 2 yrs.; Delavan, I.yr.; Jerseyville, I yr.; Cream Ridge, 2 yrs.; Freeport, - yrs. *103. Lucretia Davis (Mrs. Ramsey), died Yates Center, Kan., June 27, 1887. Quincy Coil., I yr.; Rushville, I yr. Married William Ramsey, Rushville, June, 1871. 104- Jane E. Pennell (Mrs. Carter), 836 W. Church St., Champaign. Normal pub. sch., I yr.; Model Sch., I.S.N.U., I yr.; h. 5., Peru, 2 yrs.;­ rural schools, II mo.; Peru, I yr.; pres. Illinois Assn. of Domestic Sci­ ence, 7 yrs. Married Joseph Carter-(See No. 134), June 23, 1870. t105. Maria L. Sikes (Mrs. Nichols). Geneseo, 2 yrs.; Kewanee, 1 yr.; prin. Wyoming, la., 4 yrs. tl06. Helen M. Wadleigh (Mrs. Willis). Near Rutledge, I yr.; in Missouri, 2 yrs. 107. Ben C. Allensworth, insurance, Pekin. Supt. Elmwood, 1869- 72; Minier, 2 yrs; county supt. of schools, Tazewell county, 1877-86; member of bd. of educ., Pekin, 7 yrs.; postmaster, Pekin, 1894-98; pub. History of Tazewell County; editor of Pekin Times, 1886-94. Married Charity A. Turner, Oct. 7, 1875. loS. Alfred Cleveland Cotton, physician to diseases of children, I4B5 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. St. Rush Med. ColI., 1876-78; med. sch. in Philadelphia and N. Y., 1883; Vienna, Berlin, and , 1897; prin. Richview, 1869-70; prin. Buckley, 1870-71; prin. Gilman, 1871-73; supt. Grand Tower, 1873-74; supt. Griggsville, 1874:"76; lecturer and prof. of diseases of children, Rush Med. College, 1881-; city physician of Chi­ cago, 1891-93, and 18g5-97; lecturer to Ill. training sch. for nurses and the Presbyterian training sch.; pub. Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene of Infancy and Childhood, The Medical Diseases of Infancy and Child­ hood, and other articles; private Co. F, I37th Regt. Ill. Vol. Inft., 1864-65; prisoner of war, Aug. 21, 1864-April, 65. Married Olive A. Rider, 1880; m. Nettie M. MacDonald, r8g3. 109. Charles H. Crandell, teaching, 806 Main St., Wheaton. Prin. sch., DeKalb, 2a- yrs.; supt. Petersburg, 1 yr.; prin. elem. sch., Troy, N. Y., 5 yrs.; prin. sch., vVorthington, 0., 2 yrs.; prin. sch., St. Charles, 2 yrs.; supt. Sterling, 2 yrs.; supt. Hinsdale, 5 yrs.; supt. Vol est Batavia, 2 yrs.; other positions, 4 yrs. Married Almira A. Davis, Dec. 26, 1876. tIlO. Hugh R. Edwards, manf. hardware, Whitcomb', Wis. Prin. e1em. sch., Peoria, 2 yrs.; Sterling, 1 yr.; Byron, 1 yr.; prin. Edwards Seminary, Sterling, 3 yrs.; Peoria, 8 yrs. III. William R. Edwards, editor and postmaster, Tracy, Minn. Taught IS yrs. as prin. and supt., Faribault, Minn.; New Hampton and Osage, la.; county supt. Lyon Co., Minn. Married Josephine E. Bigelow, July 19, 1870. II2. James W. Hays, 70S University Ave., Urbana. Prin. e1em. S., Paris, 1869-70; supt. Paris, 1870-71; supt. Urbana, 1871-75, 1876-1906; pres. state teachers' association, 18g7. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL VNIVERSI'fY. 259

tU3. Charles Howard. Address unknown. *II4. Isaac F. Kleckner, died March 4, ISgI. Supt. Stephenson county, 4 yrs. Married Emma T. Robinson (See No. go). 115. George Grant Manning, pres. and mgr. Crystal Ice and Cold Storage Co., Anderson, Ind. Prin. Fulton, 186g; Jacksonville, 1870; supt. Peru, Ind., 1871-92. Married Lucia Kingsley (See No. 88), Aug., 1871. *II6. George W. Mason, physician, died Oct. 8, 1887. Taught, Little Rock, Ark., Pekin, and Hannibal, 8 yrs. 117. Charles W. Moore, ins. agt., Storm Lake, la. Private sch., Tremont, 1869-71; prin. Tremont, 1871-72; prin. Ridott, 1872-74; Cedar­ ville, 1874-75; Lena, 1875-76; rural school, 1876-77; prin. Storm Lake, la., 1880-81; rural schools in Iowa, 1885-89; county and other official posi­ tions in Iowa, 188g-. Married Emma A. Dean, Nov. 3Q, ISg1. tll8. Christopher D. Mowry, surgeon, Aurora. Prin. Pecatonica, 3 yrs.; Anamosa, la., 2 yrs. .

HIGH SCHOOL 186g *10. Gratiot Washburn, died, 1886.

CLASS OF 1870 tII9. Louisa C. Allen (Mrs. John M. Gregory), The ('Qncord, Wash­ ington, D. C. Alton h. s., I yr.; Peoria Normal, 2 yrs.; University of Illinois, 6 yrs. 120. Barbara Denning, housekeeper, Normal. Sh!lwneetown, 1870- 1872; LaSalle, 1872-1873; missionary teacher Argentine Republic, S. A., 1874-ISgO. *121. Alice Emmons, died Qctober 2, 1871. Taught 2 months. t122. Clara E. Higby, Chicago. Taught 27 yrs. in Chicago schools. t123. Emma A. Howard (Mrs. Gardner), Orange, Cal., 4 yrs. 124- Margaret E. Hunter (Mrs. Levi T. Regan), 60g W. 66th St., Chicago. Taught Mississippi State Normal Sch., 1871-74- Married Levi T. Regan (See No. 143), 1874- t125. Maria L. Kimberley (Mrs. Perry), 164 Canfield St., Detroit, Mich. Warrensburg, Mo., 2 yrs.; Fort Smith, Ark., J yr. 126. Mary D. LeBaron, Oneida. Taught 14 yrs., mostly in elem. sch., Chicago. *127. Letitia A. Mason (Mrs. Willam E. Quine), died June 14, 1903. Taught I yr. 128. Adelia Nance (Mrs. C. A. Shilton), 218 S. Elm St., Kewanee. Prin. h. s., Weathersfield, 1870-71; prin. Galva, 1872-73; Moline, 1873-75. Married May 28, 1879. 129. Adelaide V. Rutherford, Box 376, Girard. St. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1873-74; same, 188o-Apr., 1882; Ill. sch., 3 yrs.; Mo. sch., I yr.; Kan. sch., I yr.; Texas' sch., I yr.; pub. magazine articles on various subjects. 130. Frances A. Smith (Mrs. Frances A. Cole), Berkeley, Cal. Prin. prep. dept. Woman's Coll., Evanston, Ill., I yr.; South Side Select Sch., Chicago, 2 yrs.; Bryant & Stratton Bus. Call., Chicago, 3 yrs.; prac. dept., Alabama State Normal, I yr.; Elgin pub. sch., 2 yrs. 131. Armada S. Thomas (Mrs. Bevan), Atlanta. Lincoln, 1870-73; Jerseyville, 1873-74; h. s. Delavan, 1874-76; h. s., Atlanta, 1876-77. Mar­ ried John L. Bevan, 1877. t132. Marian E. Weed (Mrs. Martin), 723 Orchard St., Chicago. Loda, I yr.; Lacon, I yr. 260 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

133. Benjamin Webb Baker, pastor M. E. church, DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Received degrees, M.A. and Ph.D. at Wesleyan Univ.; rural sch., Coles Co., 3 yrs.; prin. grammar dept. Model Sch. I. S. N. U ., 3 yrs.; agent for Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 4 yrs.; pres. Chaddock College, Quincy, 5 yrs.; pres. Missouri Wesleyan College, Cameron, Mo., 7% yrs. Married Martha Frances Henry, Dec. 14, 1871. 134- Joseph Carter, farmer, 836 W. Church St., Champaign. Supt. Normal pub. sch., 1874-78; supt. Peru, 1878-85; supt. Danville, 18g2-96; supt. Champaign, 1896-1906; member State Board of Education, 1873-79. Married Jane E. Pennell (See No. 104), June 23, 1870. 135. Robert A. Childs, Hinsdale. Prin. Amboy schools, 3 yrs; ad­ mitted to bar in 1873; lawyer in Chicago. *136. James W. Dewell, died September 3, 1903. Two yrs. near Carrollton; I yr., Barry; I yr., Elm Grove; 2 yrs., Kane; 16 yrs. 137. R. Arthur Edwards, banker, Peru, Ind. St. Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., 1872-1873; Princeton -Univ., 1874-1876; instructor in Latin and Greek, Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris, 1873-74 and 1876- 78 ; prof. English Lit. and Belles Lettres, Knox ColI., Galesburg, 1878- 1881. -Married Mary Alice Shirk. t138. Samuel W. Garman, curator, Agassiz Museum, Cambridge, Mass., since 1873. Principal of Miss. State Normal School, Holly Springs, I year; Lake Forest Seminary 2 yrs. 139. John W. Gibson, died Naperville, Aug. 6, 1906. Adeline, 2 yrs.; Belvidere, 9 yrs.; Whitewater, Wis., I yr.; Normal, I yr.; Decatur, 5 yrs.; Oregon, 3 yrs.; Naperville, 4 yrs.; pub. Chart History of the Civil War, a United States History For Schools, and an article 011 Social Purity. Married Alice I. Blair, Aug. 19, 1873. t140. Benjamin Hunter, Mt. Vernon, Ind. Oneida, 5 years. t141. John W. Lummis, 566 11th St., Oakland, Cal. Clayton, I yr.; Elm Grove, I yr. tl42. John H. Parr, prop. Summer Hotel, Castle Park, Mich. Cedar­ ville, 4 yrs.; Morris Seminary, 2 yrs.; ministry, I yr.; Chicago Prep. Sch., 5 yrs. 143. Levi T. Regan, teaching, 60g W. 66th St., Chicago. County supt. schools, Logan county, 1870-1873; supt. sch. Lincoln, 1873-75; Am­ boy, 1875-78; Morris, 1878-8g; prin. Sherman Sch., Chicago, I 889-date. Married Margaret E. Hunter (See No. 124), 1874 . 144 Wade Hampton Richardson, real estate, 264 Pleasant St., Mil­ waukee, Wis. Prin. St. Paul's Sch., Kankakee, 1870 to Jan., 1871; prin. Rantoul, Jan., 1871, June, 1872; prin. ward schools, Milkaukee, Wis., 1872- 76, 1877-1882, and 1884-85; pub. Graded Language Exercises, 1881, and How I Reached the Union Lines-personal reminiscences, 18g6 and 1905. Married, Aug. 10, 1870, Lydia Corbett, who died in 1878; m. Mary Aurelia Hawle:y (See No. 205), Aug. 5, 1880. t145. John W. Smith, with Industrial B. & L. Ass'n, 1604 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. Prin. school Pontiac, 5 yrs.; Cal., I yr; prin. Odell, I yr.; State Reform sch., 4 yrs; prin. Denver, Colo, 6 yrs.

HIGH SCHOOL 1870 tIl. Almira A. Bacon. 12. Ellen Hinsdale Galusha (Mrs. Smith), 2039 Knoxville Ave., Peoria. Granville, 1870-71; pub. How to Shade Embroidered Flowers and Leaves. Married William Hawley Smith (See H. S. No. 15), July 19. 1870. tI3. William Burry, lawyer, 925 Woman's Temple, Chicago. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 261

14. William Duff Haynie, lawyer, Commercial Nat'l Bank Bldg., Chi­ cago. St. Harvard College, 1870-74; law sch. Wesleyan Univ., Blooming­ ton, 187S-76; chief elk. to 1st asst. postmaster general, Washington, D. c., 1885-89. Married Ella R. Thomas, Washington, D. c., Jan. 30, 1889· 15. William Hawley Smith, lecturer and writer, 2039 Knoxville Ave., Peoria. Granville, 1870-71; Tonica, 1871-73; Farmer City, 1874-7S; county supt. of schools, McLean Co., 187S-82; pub. Evolution of Dodd, Walks and Talks, The New Hamlet, The Promoters, All the Children of All the People. Married Nellie H. Galusha (See H. S. No. 12), July 19, 1870 .

CLASS OF 1871 146. Charlotte C. Blake (Mrs. Edward Myers), 31S S. Vermilion St., Streator. Carbondale, 1871-72; DeKalb, 1872-74; Metamora, 1874-76; Normal, 1876-79; prin. elem. s. Streator, 1879-81; h. s. teacher, Morris, 1881-82. Married June 22, 1882. t147. Isabella S. Houston (Mrs. Rev. Manly Tabor), Hornellsville, N. Y., I yr.; Atlanta, 1 yr.; Lincoln, 1 yr.; Springfield, 3 yrs. *148. ' Julia E. Kennedy. Deceased. Prin. of ward sch. in St. Louis; teacher of rhetoric in State Normal Sch. at Cape Girardeau; primary training teacher 1. S. N . U ., 1879-88; supt. of schools, Seattle, Wash., 3 yrs. ; prin. of schools, Douglas, . 149. Harriet E. Kern (Mrs. Walker), Glen Oaks, Des Moines, Ia. Bloomington,S yrs. Married Theo. M. Walker, May 30, 1877. *ISO. Celestia M. Mann, died 1887. Taught 3 yrs. tlSI. Frances 1. Moroney, Minneapolis, Minn. Taught 19 yrs. in Bloomington and Minneapolis. *152. Frances L. Rawlings (Mrs. Dr. T. N. Cunningham), died at Princeton, spring of 1899. Centralia, I yr.; Pekin, I yr.; Soldiers' Or­ phans' Home, Normal, 2 yrs.; Topeka, I yr. IS3. Isabel S. Rugg (Mrs. N. H. Reed), 314 Micheltorena St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Asst. in h. s. Odell, I yr.; asst. h. s., Pontiac, 2 yrs.; pub. Santa Barbara Scenes and Scenery, a booklet descriptive of Santa Bar­ baril. Married Norman H. Reed, April 30, 1873. tl54 Frances E. Shaver (Mrs. J. T. Thompson), 3733 Vincennes Ave., Chicago, 3 yrs. tISS. Emma G. Strain, 418 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. Blooming­ ton, 7 yrs.; Louisville, 4 yrs. *156. Frances J. Weyand (Mrs. Latham), died November 19, 1899. Taught 1% yrs. *IS7. William C. Griffith, died January 13, 1892. Taught Taylorville, 5 yrs. *IS8. Henry F. Holcomb, died, Oct., 1871. t1S9. Andrew T. Lewis, lawyer, 720 E. Salmon St., Portland. Ore. Clerk U. S. Dist. Court, Alaska, 3 years. tl60. Tillghman A. H. Norman, farmer, Marshall. Taught 15 yrs. 16I. Edgar D. Plummer, 1304 N. Main St., Dec;atur. *162. James Oscar Polhemus, died August 15, 1877. Taught 6 yrs. in Illinois schools. _ t163. James R. Richardson, Tonti. Armington, I yr.; Woodson, 2 yrs.; Franklin, 2-3 yr.; Stanford, I yr.; Morton, 2 yrs.; Marseilles, 2 yrs.; Blue Rapids, Kan., I yr.; Sparta, I yr. *164. R. Morris Waterman, died October, 1871. 262 SEMI-CENTENNIAl. HISTORY

*165. John X. 'Wilson, died at Austin, Minn., December 3, 1897. Taught, Peoria, 13 yrs. . > *166. John P. Yoder, died at Needy, Ore., June I, 1904. Blue Is­ land, 1 yr.; McLean county, I yr.; Danvers, 6 yrs.; Bushnell, 14 yrs.

HIGH SCHOOL 1871 tI6. Alice C. Chase. CLASS OF 1872 tI67. Anna G. Bowen, 955 S. Trumbull Ave., Chicago. Taught 6 yrs. 168. Martha A. Fleming, teacher School of Education, Univ. of Chi­ cago. St. Paris Conservatoire, and University of Chicago; articles in The Elementary School Teacher. 169. Lenora Franklin, teacher, 6124 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Taught 13 yrs. in h. s. in Illinois and Colorado; 17 yrs. head asst. in a Chicago grammar school. 170. Mary C. Furry (Mrs. O1iver C. Talbott), Polo, Ill. Teacher, Normal, 1872-75, private sch. 1876; Sterling, 4 yrs.; Whiteside Co., 12 yrs. Married September 9, 1888. - 171. Clara Shaw Gaston (Mrs. Stephen A. Forbes), Urbana. Teacher, h. s. Laporte, Ind., I yr. Married Stephen A. Forbes, 1873. *172. Anna M. Gladding, died March, 1882. Taught 4 yrs. 173. Rachel Hickey (Mrs. Thomas Carr), physician and surgeon, 100 State St., Chicago. St. Illinois Training School for Nurses, Women's Medical Sch. of Northwestern Univ., interne Cook Co. hospital; taught Ramsey, I yr.; DeKalb, 1 yr.; teacher of English, Mrs. Sewall's Classical Sch., Indianapolis, 7 yrs; Blomington, 1 yr.;' head nurse Presbyterian hospital, Chicago; prof. histology and operative surgery, Woman's Med­ ical College, Northwestern Univ., 23 yrs.; instructor in surgery, Physi­ cians' and Surgeons' College of the Univ. of III.; medical dire~tor People's Life Ins. Co. -Married Thomas Carr. ' 174 Sarah C. Hunter, head asst. Henry Clay Sch., 615 W. 66th St., Chicago. Elem. sch., Chicago, 1872-, excepting few months spent in &ro~ . 175. Alza A. Karr (Mrs. George Blount), Phoenix, Ariz. Asst. prin., Atlanta, 1872-74; Forreston, 1875-76; Scottsdale, Ariz., 1895-g6, 1903-04. Married Normal, August 18, 1874. 176. Martha G. Knight (Mrs. John B. Adam), Normal. Teacher Bloomington, 4 yrs.; prill. village sch., 2 yrs; country sch., 3 yrs.; asst. teacher, 1. S. N . U ., 2 terms; h. s. prin., Corning, Ia., 4 yrs. Married Feb .18, 1892. *177. Julia F. Mason (Mrs. Parkinson), died San Jose, Cal., Aug. 6, 1879. Taught Winchester, 1 yr.; Lincoln, 1 yr.; S. 1. S. N. S., as prin. of training sch., 2 yrs. Married Daniel B. Parkinson, Dec. 28, 1876. 178. Emma A. Monroe (Mrs. Robert W. McCracken), 6400 Emerald. Ave., Chicago. Teacher, Virginia, 1873; Bloomington, 1874-78; h. s. Pine Bluff, Ark., 1879; h. s. Macon, 1880; Chicago, 1885-1893; poems, humorous articles, and short stories. Married Aug. 10, 1893. *179. Julia M. Moore (Mrs. Byerly), died at Urbana, March 13, 18gB. Taught, 1 yr. tI80. Mary V. Osborn, 5861 Ridge Ave., St. Louis. H. s., St. Louis, Mo., 33 yrs. 181. Flora Pennell (Mrs. John H. Parr), Castle Park, Mich. St. Vassar, 1873-74; teacher, cOll,ntry sch., 1872-73; first asst. Elgin h. s., ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 263

1874-77; preceptress I. S. N . U., 1877-90; teacher in county institutes during connection with I. S . N . U . Married Dec. 24. 1890. 182. Alice B. Phillips, asst. man. of poultry farm, Houston, Del. Nor­ mal pub. sch., 3 yrs.; asst. postmaster, Corbett, Pa., 3 yrs.; reports of grange meetings in Milford Chronicle. 183. R. Louisa Ray, lawyer, 449 3d St., Portland, Ore. Teacher, Soldiers' Orphans' Home, Normal, 1869-70; h. s. St. Joseph, Mo., 1872-73; preceptress Peoria Co. Normal Sch., 1874-79; h. s., Chicago, 1881-84; ad­ mitted to bar, Oregon, 1902. 184. Alpha Stuart, teacher, 55 S. Ada St., Chicago. Country sch., 1872-79.; prin. grammar sch., Normal, 1879-81; asst. prin., Atlanta h. s., 1881 -83 ; Bloomington, 1883-92; prin. Bloomington, 1892-04; Chicago, 1904-0 7. *185. Gertrude M. Town (Mrs. Robert H. Beggs), died May IS, 1888. Taught II yrs. t186. Edith Z. Ward (Mrs. Roach), Watson Valley, Cal. Elgin, 1 . yr.; Hyde Park, 2 yrs; , 1 yr. 187. Edwin Faxon Bacon, prof. modern languages, Oneonta State Normal, Oneonta, N. Y. St. Sheffield Scientific Sch., 1868-71; prin., Nor­ walk, Conn., 1866-68; teacher modern languages, Hasbrouck Institute, Jersey City, N. J., 1878-89; lecturer in English, Institute Polyglott, Paris, 1882-83; prof. modern languages, Oneonta State Normal, 1889-date; Leitfaden, 1882; New French Course, 1897; New German Course, 1906; History of Otsego Co., N. Y., lQ02. 188. Robert H. Beggs, prin. Whittier Sch., Denver, Col., res. Univer­ sity Park, Col. Prin. Virginia, 1869-75; prin. Wilmington, 1875-80; prin. Denver, Colo., since 1880. Married Gertrude M. Town, 1875; m. Clara M. Beardsley, 1890. 189. George Blount, supt. h. s., Phoenix, Ariz. Supt. in Illinois, 1872- 96; supt. h. s., Phoenix, Ariz., 1896-date; member of board of school ex­ aminers for Arizona for several years; member of the territorial board of education; former pres. of territorial teachers' association of Arizona. Married Alza A. Karr, Normal, 1874- *190. James M. Greeley, died 1883. Taught 2 yrs. 191. Frank W. Hullinger, clergyman, Colorado City, Colo. St. Ober­ lin, 1874-75; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1878-79; prin. Chicago Heights, 1872-74: Homewood Academy, 1874; supt. Worcester Acad., Vinita, Ind., 1883-86. Married Ella Jean Caldwell, 1873, died 1889; m. Linnie Keiser, 1892. 192. Elisha W. Livingston, justice of peace, Caproit. St. Beloit, 1873; prin., Poplar Grove, 1874-75; prin. Durand, Rockton, Caledoniaj Married Mary A. Hanson, 1862. V *193. Thomas L. McGrath, died 1888. Tfught 6 years. t194- Charles D. Mariner, Woonsocket, p. D. Taught 22 yrs. *195. Samuel W. Paisley, died FebruaI'Y) 3, 1878. Watseka, 4 yrs. 196. Frank E. Richey, lawyer, Oriel Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Teacher of math. ill Milwaukee Acad., Milwaukee, Wis., 1872-74; pub. The Auto­ biography of a $IOO Bill, The Law of Mechanic's Liens and misc. Mag. articles. Married Fannie Lippman, Dec. 25, 1879. t197. Espy L. Smith, M. D., 974 W. Polk St., Chicago. Granville, I yr.; Camp Point, I yr.; Wenona, I yr.; Minonk, 4 yrs. 19B. John H. Stickney, farmer, Vancouver, Wash., R.F.D. I. Prin. Al­ tona, 1872-77, 80-83; St. Charles, 1877-80; Knoxville, 1883-90; prin. Tou­ lon, 1890-99. Married Hattie D. Abernethy, 1876, d. Apr.; 1883; m. Mrs. Eloise Huggins, 1884. 264 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

*199. William R Wallace, died 1876. Taught 2 yrs. *200. James M. Wilson, deceased. Bloomington, Ind., 3 yrs.; prof. of math., Terre Haute Normal Sch., 6 yrs.; Berkeley, 6 yrs.

HIGH SCHOOL 1872 t17. Chalmers Rayburn, stock raiser, Eldorado. T. 14 yrs. t18. Newton B. Reed, attorney, Woonsocket, S. Dak. County judge, Sanborn Co. CLASS OF 1873 201. Lura Minerva Bullock (Mrs. Charles G. Elliott), The Ashley, 'Washington Heights, Washington, D. C. St. I. S. N. U., 1876-77; t. and prin., Tonica, 1874-76; priti. h. s., Macomb, 1877-78. Married, Charles G. Elliott, C. E., now chief of land drainage, U. S. Exp. Stations, 1879. 202. Mary M. Cox, Florence, Italy, traveling on leave of absence from sch. work. St. in Germany and , 5 yrs.; teacher in grades, 1873-78, Lowell h. s., San Francisco, 1878-1907, except 5 yrs; teacher of modern languages, 1906-date. 203. Ellen S. Edwards, 1401 Park St., Bloomington. St. Boston Univ. School of Oratory, 1877-78; Henry Cohn's Sch. of Languages, Boston; h. s. asst., Lexington, 1873-74;' Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 1875; I. S. N . U. 1875-7; Colorado College, Colorado Springs, 1882; Stories for Students' Series of Readers, Congregational "Home Mission­ ary," and Chicago "Advance." 204. Ida L. Foss, bookkeeper, Y.W.C.A., 288 Michigan Ave., Chi­ cago. Asst. h. s., Homer, 1873-74; Rossville, 1874-77; Rushville, 1877-83; Decatur 1883-84; Rushville 1886-Sg; bookkeeper and cashier Chicago. 205. Mary Aurelia Hawley (Mrs. Wade H. Richardson), 264 Pleas­ ant St., Milwaukee, Wis. T. Naples, 1874; Beardstown, 1874-75; Mil­ waukee, Wis., 1875-80; specialized in botany, plants of Milwaukee Co. Married, 1880 (See No. 144). 206. H. Amelia Kellogg (Mrs. Fred L. Bryant), 163 E. 36th St., Chicago. St. Ziirich, 1886; teacher, Chicago, 1873-92; prin. Riverdale Sch., Chicago, ISg2-95; teacher psychology, Chicago Training Sch., 1895- 6; prin. W. C. Goudy Sch., Chicago, 1896-99. Married July 16, 1896. 207. Lizzie Effie Peter, bookkeeper, 2041 Ogden St., Denver, Col. Teacher country school, North San Juan, Cal., 1874; asst. prin., Mason City, 1875-77; prin. h. s., Lincoln, 1877-79; grammar sch., Larned, Kan., 1880-81; Cimarron, Kan., 1881-82; h. 5., Larned, Kan., 1882-83; Jewell, Kan., 1884-8g; Salina, Kan., 1889-90; Oakland, Kan., ISgI-97; Denver, Col., 18g8-99. *208. Anna V. Sutherland (Mrs. Allen Brown), died July 25, ISg4. Mt. Prospect, 2 yrs.; Bloomington, I yr.; Heyworth, I yr.; Leroy, 2 yrs. 209. May I. Thomas, Atlanta, Ill. St. Armour Institute, I yr.; teacher Atlanta, 1873-86; stenographer in American Baptist Home Mission Office, Chicago, 5 yrs.; member D.A.R. 210. Emma W. Warne (Mrs. Elry Hall), Sycamore. Prin. h. s. De­ Kalb, 1873-74; prin. h. s. Elburn, 1874-75; prin. DeKalb; 1876. Married Oct. 3, 1877. *2II Putnam L. Brigham, died February, 18g2, in Manning, la. Taught 6 yrs. 212. Charles DeGarmo, prof. Science and Art of Education, Cornell Univ., 809 E. State St., Ithaca, N. Y. Principal Naples, 1873-76; asst. prin. grammar sch., I. S . N. U., 1876-83; prof. mod. languages, I. S . N . U ., 1886-90; prof. psychology and pedagogy, Univ. of Ill., 1890-91; pres. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 265

Swarthmore CoIl., Pa., 1891-98; prof. science and art of educatiori Cor­ nell Univ., 18gS-date; pres. National Herbart Society, 18gz-97; pres. National Council of Education, 1897-gS; System of Dictionary Work for Common Schools (with Thos. Metcalf), 1879; Essentials of Method, 1889; translation Lindner's Empirical Psychology, 188g; Tales of Troy, 1891; edited Lange's Apperception, 1893; Ufer's Pedagogics of Her­ bart, 1894; H erbart and the H erbartians, 18g6; Language Lessons (2 books), 1897; -annotated Herbart's Outlines of Educational Doctrine, 19o1; Interest and Education, 1902; Principles of Secondary Educa­ tion, 1907; Contributions to educational reviews, 1886-97; founded with E. J. James, Illinois School Journal, 1881. Married Ida Witbeck, 1875; two sons and a daughter. 213. Jasper F. Hays, truck and berry grower, Pasadena, Harris Co., Tex. Prin. of schools in Whiteside and Lee counties, 6 yrs; pub. schools of Kansas, 4 yrs. Married Rosalia Robertson, Dec., 1875· 214. Ernies E. R. Kimbrough, circuit judge, 5th judicial circuit, Dan­ ville. Supt., Golconda, 1873-74; member board of education, Danville, 1880-89; member thirty-third and thirty-fourth General Assemblies, 1883-85; mayor of Danville, 1897-99; circuit judge, 1903-date. Married Julia C. Tincher, Danville, 1876; member demo nat. convention 1888, 1892; gold demo nat. convention, 18g6; revised Ill. sch. law, 1889; member State Board of Education since 1893. 215. George M. LeCrol)e, newspape1r editor and proprietor, Effing­ ham. Teacher Moccasin, I yr.; prin., Effingham, 1 yr.; alderman, mem­ ber board of education of Effingham, member Illinois legislature. Married Frances K. Nitcher, March 19, 1879. t216. Walter C. Lockwood. Paid tuition in full after graduation. 217. Dewitt Clinton Roberts, fruit farmer, Ordway, Col. Supt. Beardstown, 1873-76 j S. E. Mo. State Normal, 1876-19 j prin. Arapahoe St. h. 5., Denver, Col., 1879-85; mining, 1885-90; horticulturist, 18g0- 19o7. Married Fannie B. Pace, July, 1875. 218. Arthur Shores, general counsel for the Amalgamated Copper Company, Butte, Mont. Teacher Glencoe, Mimi., 3 months; Taylor's Falls, 9 months; Tazewell Co., 6 months. 219. John B. Stoutemeyer, farming, Mammoth Spring, Ark. St. Mich. Univ.; Illinois Wesleyan Univ. Taught 3 yrs. Married Virginia M. Craft, Little Rock, Ark., Feb., 1894. 220. Felix B. Tait, manf., Decatur. Prin. Todd's Seminary, Wood­ stock, 1873-74; pres. Decatur Chamber of Commerce; pres. F. B. Tait Manf. Co. Married Mary E. Boyer, 1883. 221. J. Lawson Wright, Vineland, Cal. Taught nine years in Ill.; nine years in Cal., five in Ariz. Married Rosannah Clarridge, 1871. 223. Lida A. Brown (Mrs. William P. McMurry), teacher, DeKalb. Teacher Sublette, 1874-76; Arcola., 1876-77; Clear Creek; 1877-78;' Nor­ mal pub. sch., 1884-9lj I.S.N.U., 1891-1900; N.I.S.N.S., Igoo-date;

HIGH SCHOOL 1873 tI9. M. Louisa Abraham, Sulphur, Indian Ty. Taught 9 years. ) zo. Edmund Janes James, Pres. Univ. of Ill., Urbana. St. North­ western Univ., 1873-74, Harvard 1874-75, Halle 1875-77; prin. h. S. Evan­ ston, 1878-79; prin. h. 5., I.S.N.U., 1879-83; Univ. of Pa., 1883-96; Univ. of Chicago, 18g6-02; pres. Northwestern. Univ., 1902-04; pres. Uni. of Ill., 1904-date. Married Anna Margarethe Lange, Aug. 22, 1879. 21. James Dickey Templeton, asst. cashier First Nat. Bank, Bloom­ ington, Ill. State Museum, Normal, I yr.; wholesale grocery, Blooming­ ton, I yr.; Home Bank, Bloomington, 2 yrs.; First Nat. Bank, Bloom­ ington, z8 yrs. 266 SEMI-CENTENNIAl, HISTORY

CLASS OF 1874 t222. Emily A Alden, Fontanelle, Ia. Taught 15 yrs. 223. Lida A Brown (Mrs. WilliamP. McMurry), teacher, DeKalb. teacher Sublette, 1874-76; Arcola, 1876-77; Clear Creek, 1877-78; N or­ mal public sch., 1884-91; LS.N.U., 1891-1900; N.LS.N.S., 1900-date; pub. Classic Stories tor Little Otles, Robinson Crusoe, Songs of Mother and Child, Songs of Treetops and Meadows, Nature Study for Primary Grades, Our Language, Book I. Married July 7, 1878. 224 Eunice Corwine, editor book catalogs and bulletins for A C. McClurg Co., Chicago. Teacher in Logan county and at Lincoln, 1874- gB; removed to Chicago, 1900; present position since 19o1. 225. S. Alice Judd, teacher, Jefferson h. s., 2787 N. 47th Court, Chi­ cago. Decatur h. s., 1874-84; Jefferson township h. s., 1884-86; Ottawa township h. s., 1887-91; Jefferson h. s., Chicago, 1891-date. *226. Sarah M. Littlefield (Mrs. D. L. M. Sims), died at Kalama, Wash., April 3, 1906. 227. Mary E. McWilliams (Mrs. William T. Burford), 806 W. Green St., Urbana. Taught 2 yrs. in a country school and 2 yrs. ill gradt:d school at Farmer City. Married September 16, 1879. 228. M. Ella Morgan, 1207 L Street N. W., Washington, D. C. Has taught continuously in Washington since her graduation. *229. Elizabeth W. Peers (Mrs. Walter C. Lockwood), deceased. *230. Emma V. Stewart (Mrs.!. Eddy Brown), died August I, 1880. Taught in Rochelle, 1874-5; in Peru, Ind., 1875-6; in Wichita, Kan., 1876-8· 231. Margaret L. Woodruff (Mrs. William A. Evans), Leavenworth, Kan. Teacher, Savannah, 1874-6. Author of numerous children's stories. Married July 12, 1876. 232. I. Eddy Brown, state sec. Ill. Y.M.C.A., 476 N. Grove St., Oak Park. Knox CoIl., AB., 1892; A.M., 18g6 (non-resident study); prin. Decatur h. s., 1874-80; state sec. Ill. Y. M. C. A. 25 yrs; pres. Sec­ retarial Institute and Training Sch. Y.M.C.A., 1890-1903; numerous contributions to Y.M.C.A. periodicals and pamphlets. Married Emma V. Stewart, class of 1874, Aug. 9, 1878, d. Aug. I, 1880; m. Mary John­ son, Decatur, Dec. 28, 1881. 233. Francis W. Conrad, city supt., San Bernardino, Cal. Teacher State Normal Sch., Castrine, Me., 1874-75; Carpinteria, Ca1., 1875-77; prin. Montecito, CaL, 1877-85; supt., Santa Barbara, 1885-91; prin. Rialto, Ca1., 1891-95; prin. San Bernardino, 1895-1903; supt. San Bernardino, 1903-date. Member county board of education, San Bernardino county for 10 yrs.; Geography of San Bernardino County. Married Sarah W. Adams, 1884 234- John N. Dewell, Children's Aid Society, White Hall. Prin. Barry, 1874-75; prin. Litchfield, 1875-78; prin. Hillsboro, 1878-81. 235. David S. Elliott, Asst. Co. Supt. of Schools, Belleville. Prin. Caseyville, 1 yr.; Centralia, 3 yrs.; supt. Albion, I yr.; Belleville, 15 yrs.; supt. Marissa. I year; supt. Red Bud, 4 yrs. i prin. Blue Mound, I year; prin. Westpoint, 2 yrs. Married Emily A Muilberger, Sept. 14, 1876. 236. William A Evans, state agent for Welch School Supply Co., Leavenworth, Kan. St. Harvard Summer School, 1886 and 1891; Supt. Metamora, 1875-76; asst. prin. Leavenworth h. s., Kan., 18go-1906. Mar­ ried Margaret Woodruff, class '74 1876. T237 .. Thomas E. Jones. Taught in Troy, Kan., 1874-6; prin. at Mt. Pleasant, Mo., 1876-8; at Hillsdale, Kan., 1878-9,- and 1880-1. Il.l.INOIS STATE NORMAl. UNIVERSITy. 261

238. William P. McMurry, farmer, Garden City, Kan. St. Illinois Wesleyan Law School; teacher in country and private schools, 2 yrs. Married Lida Brown (See No. 223). 239. Elinzer M. Prindle, farmer, Roodhouse. Teacper, Centerville, 2 years; prin. Whitehall, 4 yrs.; prin. Larned, Kan., I yr.; Grainfield~ Kan., I yr.; asst. prin. Larned, Kan., I yr.; first county clerk of Hodge­ man county, Kan., manager of newspaper and bank at Grainfield, Kan., returned to Illinois, 1891. Married Katherine Bowman, 1876. t240. Carlton H. Rew, M. D., Dublin, Tex. Principal Pontiac, 1874- 7; Fairbury, 1877-9; in 1880 taught at Wilmington. 241. William J. Simpson, 521 S. Normal Parkway, Chicago. Teacher Oak Ridge Academy, 1874-75; Franklin, 1875-76; Dry Grove, 1876-77; Cumberland county, 1877-78; Stewardson, 1879-80; Shelby county, 1880- 81. Married Alice Buchanan, I.S.N.U., Neoga, 1874, d. 1877. Married Victoria A. Penn, Sigel, 1880, d. 1903. 242. Harry A. Smith, business, 390 Center street, Pasadena, Cal. Prin. Lena, 1874-5; Rock Falls, 1876-8; pastor Baptjst churches in Illinois, Iowa, , and Michigan, 1878-1899. Married Marietta E. Hays, Dec. 26, 1881, d. Jan. I, 1885; m. Mrs. Mary L. Wood, Jan. 9,1888. 243. Jasper N. Wilkinson, banker, MUSKogee, Okla. St Harvara Summer School, 1887; prin. Buda, 1874-79; Peoria, 1879-80; h. s., De­ catur, 1880-84; training department, State Normal, Emporia, Kan., 1884- 01; pres. State Normal, Emporia, 1901-06; treasurer National Educational Association; School Management, Orthoepy. Married Nellie B. Reynolds. HIGH SCHOOl, 1874 22. Florence Adele Cook (Mrs. Alfred Sample), 1401 N. Main St., Bloomington. Married Sept. 9, 1874. 23. 1. Eddy Brown. (See No. 232.)

CLASS OF 1875 2# Margarita McCullough (Mrs. Frank Sanders), 228 Guthrie St.,. Ottawa. Asst. h. s., Edinburg, Ind., 1875-76; Evanston, 1876-83. Mar­ ried, Oct I, 1885. t245. Josephine M. McHugh, 312 N. 21st St., Omaha, Neb. Grammar school grades 18 yrs; h. s., 2 yrs. t246. Florence Ohr, Burkmere, S. Dakota. S. O. Home, 5 yrs; prin. Bluff, Ark., 2 yrs; -Peoria and Eureka h. 5., 3 yrs.; Chicago, 5 yrs.; S. Dakota, 5 yrs. '247. Henrietta A. Watkins, 102 W. Cherry St., Normal. Taught in country schools 4 yrs. : *248. Mary A. Watkins, died Aug. 12, 1903. Taught 1 yr. _ 249. David Ayres, coal dealer, 4638 Emerald Ave., office 738 W. 43a St., Chicago. Teacher country schools, 2 yrs.; prin. Sweetwater, 3 yrs.; member board of education Town of Lake, 2 yrs. Married Anna L. Mar­ tin, class '77, 1881. 250. Robert L. Barton, 5595 Pebanne Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Rossville, 1878-81; supt. Galena, 1881-84; Peru, 1885-90; Champaign, 1891-93; Chippewa Falls, Wis.; 1893-99; Eliot School, StLouis, Mo., 1899- 02; Emerson Sch., 1902-date; dSSOC. editor Western Teacher alld Ameri­ can lour. of Education. Married -Mary Fielding, 1885. t251. Albert D. Beckhart, clergyman, Atlanta, Ga. Taught 4 yrs. t252. Lewis O. Bryan, real estate, Van Buren, Ark. Taught 4 or- 5 yrs. 268 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

*253. William T. Crow, died Jan., 1907, Kansas City, Kan. Taught II yrs. 254. James Ellis, rice planter, Welsh, La. Prin. Winnebago, 1875- 79; Leroy, 1879-80; Sharon, Wis., 1880-82; Welsh, La., 18g0; land in­ spector for timber company, 9 yrs; manager of Orange Land Co., 5 yrs. Married Susan L. Bowman, Octo. II, 1870. t255. Judd M. Fisk, bookkeeper, San Antonio, Tex. Taught 7 yrs. district school; Armington, 1875-6; Naples, 2 yrs; Ridott, 1880-81. 256. Justin L. Hartwell, nurseryman and fruit grower, Dixon. Supt. N. Dixon, 1875-78; Odell, 1878-80; Barry, 1880-82; Washington, 1884- 89; pres. N. Ill. Hort. Soc., pres. Co. Farmers' Institute, member State Hort. Board; numerous articles for agric. and hort. periodicals; State Farmers' Institute lecturer. Married Lucy Walker. 257. Josiah P. Hodge, attorney, judge municipal court. Pana: Prin., Golconda, 1 yr.; summer normals, etc., 1 yr. Married May Clanahan, Aug. 12, 1875. *25R U. Clay McHugh, died July II, 1878. Taught I~ yrs. 259. William Stowell Mills, prin. grammar sch., 352 Clifton Place, , N. Y. St. Columbia "1880-82; prin. grammar dept. I.S.N.U., 1875-76; West Joliet, 1876-80; law dept. U. S. Customs Service, 1882- 87; Brooklyn, 1887-date; Aid to Diction, History of the Western Reserve of Connecticut, Foundations of Gellealogy; pres. and founder, "League of the Red, White and Blue." Married Ida A. Branch, Aug. r4, r878. t260. James N. Mosher, Athol, Kan. Taught 18 yrs.; near Odell; at Watson, Mo.; at Van Buren, Ark.; at Watson, and at Edwardsville, Kan. t26r. John L. Shearer, Napa, Cal. Country schools 2 yrs; prin. town schools, 28 yrs; county supt., 4 yrs. 262. Benjamin F. Stocks, lawyer, Garden City, Kan. Supt. Sullivan, 1878-80; Virden, 1883-85; Cerro Gordo, 1881-83; county attorney at Garden City, 2 yrs; pres. board of education, Garden City, 6 yrs. Mar- ried M. A. Pargeon, 1875. I HIGH SCHOOL 1875

t24- Ann S. Wheaton, San Diego, Cal. Taught II yrs. 25. Nicholas T. Edwards, minister, Whittier, Cal. St. Knox College, 1875-78; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1880-82; Yale Divinity Sch., r883; prin. Dover Academy, pastor Congregational Churches, Wyanet, Amboy, Kewanee, Bloomington, Los Angeles, Cal., Escondido, Cat, Whittier, Cal. Married Blanche E. Fisher, Sept. 19, 1883. 26. Frank W. Gove, with Peoria Star, Peoria. Grad. Dartmouth Col­ lege, degree A. M., 1878; prof. math. Univ. of Colorado, 1878-79; U. S. surveyor and mining engineer, Colorado, 1879-84; real estate and mining, Denver, Colo., 1886-93; banking southern Cal., 1893-94; real estate, Den­ ver, Col., 1895-1900. *27. Emrick B. Hewett, died March, 1879.

CLASS OF 1876 263. Mary L. Bass (Mrs. Rev. Robert Wallace), Utica, Ill. Teacher Oakland School, Chicago, 1876-85. Married, June 25, 1885. *264. Louisa C. Larrick, died, 1885. Taught 6 yrs. t265· Mrs. Amanda M. Pusey, Seattle, Wash. Taught 19 years, Champaign, Ottawa, Kan., and at Neosho, Mo. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 269

266. George H. Beatty, farmer, Taylorville, R. F. D. NO.3. Teacher, Clinton, I yr.; Midland City, I yr.; Clinton, 2 yrs.; prin. Heyworth, 1879-82 ; Maroa, 1882-86; Greenfield, Ia., 1886-88 ; business, 3 yrs.; traveling salesman, 6 yrs; farmer, 9 yrs. Married Rosalie A. Morris, 1879· t267. Daniel S. Buterbaugh, Black Diamond, Cal. Money Creek, I yr. ; Camargo, I yr.; Pesotum, I yr.; Clinton, I yr.; Danvers, 2 yrs.; Black Diamond, Cal., 25 yrs. 268. William Harvey Chamberlin, prin., 6036 Ingleside Ave., Chi­ cago. St. extension courses, etc., University of Chicago, IBg5-o4; inst. in science teachers' institutes, 1876-96; prin. Ridge Farm, 1876-81; Ross­ ville, 1881-84; Leroy, 1884-87; Supt. Pontiac, 1887-90; inst. in science, South Division h. s., Chicago, IBgo-04; inst. in physiography, Wendell Phillips h. 5., 1904-06; prin. Cyrus H. McCormick sch., 1906-date. Mar­ ried Lizzie Hodges, 1874, d. 1876;· m. Viola Thompson, 1882. t26g. Asbury M. Crawford, Billings, Mont. Mechanicsville, 2 yrs.; nurseryman. *270. George W. Dinsmore, died 1882. Shelbyville, Tenn., I yr.; in Illinois, I yr. 271. Lewis C. Dougherty, prin., II38 Sec. Ave., Rock Island. Supt. Lacon, 1876-77; teacher, Rising, Neb., I yr.; supt. Minonk, 7 years.; prin. Preparatory Wesleyan Univ., 3 yrs.; prin. Hawthorne School, Rock Island, 18 yrs.; served in 59th III. Inf., 1861-75. Married Olive E. Trench, 1879· 272. John Calvin Hanna, prin., Oak Park. St. Wooster, 1878-81; teacher Central h. s., Columbus, 0., 1881-95; prin. E. h. 5., Columbus, 0., IBg5-98; prin. Oak Park h. s., 18gB-date; gen. sec. of Beta Theta Pi fraternity, 1884-99; pres. of Beta Theta Pi fraternity 19oo-03. Married Kittie A. Parsons, 1884. *273. Benjamin S. Hedges, died, 1876. *274. Charles L. Howard, died March 21, 1902. Farmington, I yr.; Centralia, I yr.; Shelbyville, 2 yrs.; supt. Ogden, Utah, 2 yrs.; Helena, Mont., 3 yrs.; prin. Madison sch., St. Louis, Mo., 17 yrs. 275. John Thompson Johnston, real estate and insurance, Santa Bar­ bara, Cal. Teacher in country schools, I yr.; prin. Millersburg, 2 yrs.; New Boston, I yr.; Peoria, 6 yrs.; sch. trustee, 6 yrs. Married Florence J. Case, of Normal. 276. Claudius Bligh Kinyon, physician and surgeon and teacher in Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1876-77; Chicago Homeopathic Med. ColI., 1877-78; prof. in U. of Mich., IBg7-; pub. in book form over 200 articles for med. journals and 100 addresses before medical and other scientific bodies. Married Maria Waldron, April 25. 277. Joseph F. Lyon, Supt. schools, Williamsburg, Kan. Greenup, Ill.; Altomont, Ill.; Odell; Buda; prin. Whitewater, Walton, Fulton, Un­ iontown, Kan.; prin. Anthony, Williamsburg, Kan. Married Elizabeth S. Numer, April 6, 1875. 278. Truman B. Mosher, prin., 619 S. Harvey St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Prin. Emington, 1876-78; Grouse, 1878-So; supt. Cherryvale, Kan., 1880-83; prin. Rosedale, Kan., 1883-84; supt. Cherokee, Kan., 1884-91; county supt. Crawford Co., Kan., IBgI-95; supt. Galena, Kan., IBg5-99; prin. Walnut, IBgg-03; supt. Baxter Springs, Kan., 1903-04; supt. Scam­ mon, Kan., 1904-06; prin. Garfield School, Oklahoma City, 1906-date; city clerk, Cherokee, 6 yrs. Married Ida M. Pearson, 1883. t279. DeWitt C. Tyler, physician, Clifton, Kan. Dunlap, I yr.; New Windsor, I yr.; Millersburg, 2 yrs. t280. Leroy B. Wood, 1818 Elliott Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 270 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

HIGH SCHOOL 1876 28. John Calvin Hanna (See No. 272). T29. Arabella D. Loer, , Mo. 30. Charles Alexander McMurry, acting prin. of Southwestern State Normal, Californa, Pa. St. Univ. of Mich., 2 yrs.; Univ. of Halle, Ger­ many, 3 yrs.; Univ. of Jena, Germany, I yr.; supt. of model sch., Winona Normal Sch., Minn., 3 yrs; supt. of practice dept. I. S. N . U., 7 yrs.; prin. training sch., DeKalb, 3 yrs.;· pub. General M etlzod, M etlzod of Reci­ tation, 7 vols. of SPecial Method, 2 vols. of Type Studies in Geog., 3 vols. of Pioneer History Stories. Married Emily K LeCrone, 1888.

CLASS OF 1877 281. Mary Alma Anderson, 608 Broadway, Quincy. Teacher, Bloom­ ington h. s., 1877-83; .Springfield h. s., 1883-86; Central h. s., St. Paul, Minn, 1886-g6. 282. Agnes E. B.all (Mrs. Lewis H. Thomas), Thomasville, III. Teacher Virden, 3 yrs.; Washington Sch., Chicago, 7 yrs.; school direc­ tor, 12 yrs. Married Oct. 3, 1889. 283. Emma Ernestine Corbett (Mrs. Parmele), dressmaker, Normal. Taught 6th and 7th grades, Mitchell Sch., Milwaukee, Wis., 1877-1888; prin. h. s., Normal, 1888-89. Married Dr. Gilbert H. Parmele, June 5, 1889, who died Aug. 9, 1897. t284. Nettie V. Cox (Mrs. Smith). Last address, Marion, Iowa. Taught Hudson, 1878-79; near Hudson, 1879-81. 285. Mary Adeline Goodrich (Mrs. Soule), physician, 3027 E 27th St., Kansas City, Mo. St. Hahnemann Med. CoIl., Chicago, 1888-90; Chicago and Homeopathic Med. CoIl., 1892. Married Dr. Isaac Clark Soule, July 2, 1890. 286. Anna Louise Martin (Mrs. Ayers), 4638 Emerald Ave., Chi­ cago. Rural sch. near Washburn, 1878-79; pub. sch., Normal, 1879-81. Married David Ayers, Nov. 29, 188r. 287. Selina M. Regan (Mrs. Daniel G. Hunter), Frankfort, III. St. . Baptist Missionary Training Sch., 1883; prin. graded sch., 1878-83. Mar­ ried Feb. 19, 1884- 288. Laura A. Varner, II36 De la Vina St., Santa Barbara, .Cal. Prin. Santa Barbara, Cal., 15 yrs; prin. Marissa and Mascoutah, III., 13 yrs. T28g. Wilmas E. Varner (Mrs. Joseph E. Metzger), Geyserville, Cal. Grammar grades of Illinois and California, 10 yrs. 290. Emily Wing, 2156 West Adams St., Los Angeles, Cal. Collins­ ville, I yr.; French Acad., Jacksonville,I yr. T29I. Levi D. Berkstresser, last address, 3II 35th St., Chicago. *292. W. Irving Berkstresser, deceased. Taught in Bryant's Com- mercial College, Chicago; became a preacher. T293. Richard G. Bevan, Atlanta. District sch., 4% yrs. t294 Edwin R. Faulkner, supt. schools, Texarkana, 20 yrs. 295. Hiram R. Fowler, attorney at law, Elizabethtown. St. Ulliv. of Mich., LL.B., 1885; prin. Cave-in-Rock, 1878-83; Elizabethtown, 1886- 88; state's attorney of Hardin county, 1888-92'; member lower house of general assembly, 1892-94; member of state senate of Illinois from 1900- 04. Married Mary E. Griffith. 2g6. Frank B. Harcourt, clerk probate court, Springfield. Taught 3 yrs. ILLINOIS S'tA'tE NORMAL UNIVERSI'tY. 271

t297. George L. Hoffman, lawyer, Mt. Carroll, paid tuition. 298. Albert Snare, prin., Beaver Crossing, Neb. St. Univ. of Ne­ braska summer school, 1897-98; teacher, Toulon, 1 yr.; prin., Wyoming, 2 yrs.; prin., Castleton, 2 yrs; Co. supt., Buffalo Co., Neb., 2 yrs; prin. Kearney, Neb., 4 yrs.; Cozad, Neb., I yr.; Milford, Neb., 5 yrs.; Beaver Crossing, Neb., 5 yrs. Married Lillie F. Walters, 1879. t299. Levi J. Spencer, address unknown. Taught, 16 yrs. t300. Edward R. Swett, proprietor Lake Harbor Hotel, 54th and Broadway, New York City. Attorney at law, 15 yrs.

HIGH SCHOOr. 1877 31. Sarah Locke Coolidge (Mrs. A. B. Hoblitt), 315 E. Chestnut St., Bloomington. St. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, 1889-90; substitute for period of years in Bloomington; cor. sec. Women's Baptist Foreign Miss. Soc., headquarters Chicago, 1890-92; contributions to religious periodi­ cals. Married 1892. *32. Anna Jeanette Kingsley, died, Denver, Col., Nov. 1879. Taught 2 yrs. t33. Sabina Frances Mills (Mrs. Dickey), Tulare, Cal. Taught 8 yrs. 34- Laura Sudduth, Normal. t35. Fremont Charles Blandin, druggist, Rutland. 36. George Alexander Franklin, supt. schools, Austin, Minn. Prin. Butler, 1877-79; h. 5., Rockford, 1882; prin. Mitchell, Ia., 1887-88; supt. Delavan, 1888-94; supt. Faribault, Minn., 1894-1906; present position, 1900-; summer sessions State Normal, Mankato, Minn., 2 yrs.; co. supt. Winnebago county, Iowa, 1885-87. Married Emma Jenkins, Butler, Feb. 28, 1884; deceased; June 26, 18g6. Married Anni Willson, Rochester, Minn., Aug. 15, 1900. t37. Theodore Thomas Hewett, banker, Freeport.

Cuss OF 1878 t301. Mary M. Baird (Mrs. Burger), 8Il E. 5th St., Pueblo, Col. Taught 9 yrs. t302. P. Evangeline Caudy (Mrs. Mitchell), Arcola. Chestnut, I yr. 303. Jessie Ann Dexter (Mrs. Wilder), Ionia, Mich. Asst. in h. s., Lexington, 1878-79. Married W. A. Wilder, July 31, 1879. 304. Eugenia Faulkner (Mrs. Williams), 704 N. Ninth St., Kansas City, Kan. Frankfort, Kan., 10 yrs.; Marysville, Kan., 1880-81; matron of School for Blind, Kansas City, Kan., 10 yrs. Married Lapier Wil­ liams, 1886. *305. Flora M. Fuller (Mrs. Boyd), died at Highland, Cal., Nov. 17, I9or: *306. Sarah C. Martin, died at Evanston, March 7, 1890. Wash­ burn, 2 yrs. *307. Ida L. Philbrick (Mrs. Frank Gaston), died July 2, 1888 *308. Frances Preston, died May 3, 1882. Centralia, 1 yr.; Men­ dota, I yr. *309. Florence A. Richardson, died May 5, 1882. Millersburg, 1 yr.; Bloomington, 3 yrs. 310. Helen L. Wyckoff, prin. ward sch., 324 S. 26th St., Omaha, Neb. Grade positions in Illinois and Nebraska, 1878-90; Bloomington h. s, 1890-92; training teacher Omaha Training Sch., 1892-96; prin. ward sch., Omaha, Neb., 18g6-. 272 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

3Il. Osci J. Bainum, supt. schools, Paxton. Prin. Calhoun, 1878-9; Parkersburg, 1879-80; Olney, 1880-85; Supt. Olney, 1885-97; Paxton, r897-date. Sec. library board, Olney, 1887-97; pres. Carnegie library board, Paxton. Married Ida E. Cliffe, 1881. 312. John T. Bowl~s, insurance and real estate, DeKalb. Prin. Grid­ ley, I yr.; prin. Naples, 2 yrs.; supt. Metropolis, 3 yrs.; prin. Decatur, 4 yrs.; supt. city schools DeKalb, 8 yrs. Married Cara A. Webster (See No. 363). *313. Oliver P. Burger, died June 10, 1889. EIPaso, 1 yr.; Critten­ den, 1 yr.; Maroa, 1 yr.; Secor, 1 yr. 314- Gilbert A. Burgess, associate editor Piatt Co. Republican, Mon­ ticello. Prin. h. s., Monticello, 1878-79; supt. Monticello, 1879-81; supt. sch. Piatt county, 1881-1886; editor, 1886-. Married Jane Conaway, June 18, 1874. 315. Arthur C. Butler, supt. schools, Abingdon. Virginia, 2 yrs.; Beardstown, 9 yrs.; h. s. Taylorville, 3 yrs.; Kewanee, 10 yrs.; present position, 1902-. ... t316. Andrew W. Elder, principal Longfellow Sch., Denver, Col., New Boston, 1 yr; Centralia, 1 yr.; Denver, 24 yrs. *317. Willis C. Glidden, physician, died at DeKalb, July IS, 1906. t318. Charles Guy Laybourn, lawyer, Minneapolis, Minn. Prin. Markham Acad., Milwaukee, Wis., 2 yrs. 319. Edwin H. Rishel, Oklahoma City, Okla., R. F. D. Nc>_ 9. Prin. Adeline, 1878-79; asst. in Alabama Normal and Theological Sch., Selma, Ala., 1879-84; supt. Tullehassee Manual Training Sch., Muskogee, I. T., 1887-91; prin. Atoka Baptist Acad., Ind. Ter., 1891-1903; gen. mgr. Mur­ row Indian Orphans' Home, Atoka,!' T., 1903-1907. Married Ella ~ S. Middlekauff, Aug. 31, 1880 . . t320. William N. Spencer, Yorba, Cal. Taught II yrs. 321. George I. Talbott, real estate and ins., 223 N. Fourth St., De­ Kalb. Teacher, DeKalb Co., 1878-79; Shabbona, 1879-81; county supt., DeKalb county, 1881-90; member board of education, notary public. Mar­ ried Lucy E. Maxwell, 1879.

RIGH SCHOOl, 1878 38. Rachel M. FeU (Mrs. A. F. Treakle), 500 Illinois Ave., Peoria, Ill. Teacher public sch., Normal, 2 yrs.; microscopist for S. A. Forbes, 3 yrs. 39. Frances Preston. (See No. 308). *40. Anna I. Sudduth (Mrs. Dr. Hopper). Died at Galesburg, Sep­ tember, 1893. 41. Willis C. Glidden. (See No. 317.) 42. Dorus Reuben Hatch, Hyde Park Sch., Denver. S1:. Univ. of Penn, 1881-82; Univ. of Chicago, 1893; supt. Industrial Sch., Golden, Col., 188g-g3 j Georgetown, Col., 1894-1900; prin. Hyde Park Sch., Den­ ver, 1901-date j pub. Civil Government of Col. Married Agnes Ryan, 1891. 43. Charles Guy Laybourn (See No. 318). 44 Theodore W~ng Peer.s, physician and surgeo.n, 1324 :ropeka Ave., Topeka, Kan. St. UUlV. of MIch., 1879-83; Ph.B., Umv. of MIchIgan, 1883- 85; M. D., Philadelphia Polyclinic, 1885-86; N. Y. Polyclinic, 1886; Chi­ cago Polyclinic, 1904; teacher, Collinsville, 1878-9; prof. of diseases of children, Kansas Medical College, 1893-07. Married Stella A. Wagner, Nov. 24, 1886. ILLINOIS STATt NORMAL UNIVtRSITY. 273

Cuss OF 1879 322. Sarah Annette Bowman, prin. public sch., Gem, Idaho. Asst. prin. Rock Island, 4 yrs.; teacher of drawing, I.S.N.U., 5 yrs.; super­ visor of drawing, Tacoma, Wash., 2 yrs.; teacher of drawing, Univ. of Idaho, 8 yrs. t323. Amanda M. Crawford, The Marlborough, corner Allen and Marriner Sts., Buffalo, N. Y. Principal h. s. Macomb, 2 yrs.; Buffalo Cen­ tral h. s., since 1891. 324. Mary S. Cummings (Mrs. Mary S.Kirk), Decatur. Taught 2 yrs. *325. Daisy A. Hubbard (Mrs. Carlock) (Mrs. Pollit), died Novem­ ber 27, ISgg. Roodhouse, I yr.; Morris, I yr.; Berea ColI., 8 yrs. 326. Harriet Ellen Morse, vice-prin. Rockford h. 5., 319 S. 2nd St., Rockford. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1903-04; Pekin, 1879-80; prin. h. s. Oregon, 1880-87; h. 5., Rockford, 1887.-; charter member of Nor­ mal Univ. Y.W.C.A. *327. Nettie B. Porter (Mrs. Horace E. Powers)J died July 21, ISg7· Taught 6U yrs. 328. Elizabeth Ross (Mrs. W. A. Cook), 143 Racine Ave., Chicago. Taught Pekin, 1879-82; h. s. Shelbyville, 1882-85. Married Dec. 24, 1885. 329. Julia Scott (Mrs. Hunting), teaching, East Northfield, Mass. Taught in Berea College, , 16 yrs.; now teaching in Northfield Seminary. 330. Emily A. Sherman (Mrs. Boyer), 636 W. 61st St., Chicago. Astoria, 1879-80; Normal, 1880-81. Married Emanuel R. Boyer (See No. 332), Normal, June 29, 1882. ' _ *331. Jennie L. Wood (Mrs. Holmes), died December 5, ISgI. Taught 9 yrs. ~- *332. Emanuel R. Boyer, died Feb. 24, 1900. St. Harvard Univ., 1888-90, M. S. degree. Supt. of schools, Fulton county, 4 yrs.; biology in h. s., Englewood; prin. South Div. h. 5., and director of the Chicago Institute, 1890-1900; pub. Boyer's Elemmtary Biology and a series of science tablets. Married Emily Sherman (See No. 330), June 29, 1882. *333. Charles R. Cross, died at Leland, 1902. Taught 19 yrs. 334. Silas Y. Gillan, lecturer and editor, 141 Wisconsin St., Mil­ waukee, Wis. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., A.M., 1886; supt. Galena, 2 yrs.; prin. h. s., Danville, 5 yrs.; prof, of civics and sch. economy, State Normal School, Milwaukee, 7 yrs.; instructor German American Normal School, Milwaukee~ 3 yrs.; iristitute instr. and lecturer many years; pub. Lessons in-Mathematical Geography, Arithmetic in the Common Schools, and other school books and aids. Married Elizabeth K. Harned, Aug. 24, 1880, who died Jan. 30, 1905. 335. Horace E. Powers, representing Midland Lyceum Bureau, Shab­ bona. St. Univ. of Mich., 1879-81; prin. Scranton, Ia., 1900-02. Married Nettie B. Porter, July 22, 1881, who died July 21, 1897. 336. William C. Ramsey, 303 W. Flora St., Stockton, Cal. Stockton, CaI., 4 yrs.; Galt, Ca1., 1 yr.; Elliott, Ca1., 1 yr.; prin. Stockton Business College, 1886-1906; pub. a speller, a commercial grammar, and a commer­ ciallaw. Married Catherine M. Grupe, Aug. 22, 1886. I

HIGH SCHOOl. 1879 45. Fannie C. Fell, Norma1. 46. Hattie Follett (Mrs. Rev. Frank R. McNamar), Antioch. Married Nov. 10, 1885. 47. Mary Sudduth (Mrs. N. K. McCormick), Norma1. St. Vassar College, 1879-83. Married Nov. 6, 1889. 274 S~MI-C~NT~NNIAr, HISTORY

48. Silas Y. Gillan (See No. 334). 49. Frank B. Harcourt (See No. 2g6). 50. Nelson K. McCormick, physician, Normal. st. III. Wesleyan, 1879-81; Chicago Medical College, 1883-86. Married Mary Sudduth, Nov. 6, 188g. _ 51. Frank M. McMurry, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., New York City. St. Univ. of Mich., 1881-82; Univ. of Halle and Jena, 1886- 8g; degree of Ph. D. from J ena; student in Geneva and Paris, 18g2-93; prin. schools in Illinois, 1883-86; prin. elem. s., Chicago, 188g-go; prof. of pedagogy and training teacher, 1. S. N . U ., 1891-92; prof. of pedagogy. Univ. of III., 1893-94; prin. Franklin School, Buffalo, N. Y., 18g4-9S; dean and prof. of pedagogy, Teachers' College, Univ. of Buffalo, 18gS-gS; prof. elem. education, Teachers' College, and supervisor of Speyer Sch., N. Y. City,18g8-; joint author of The Method of the Recitation; joint author of the Tarr and McMurry Series of Common School Geographies. Married Elizabeth Lindley, Dec. 20, 1894. tS2. Oscar Lincoln McMurry, 6414 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Public schools of Illinois 5 yrs.; manual training dept. Chicago schools, 2 yrs.; supervisor manual training Chicago Normal Sch., 4 yrs. 53. Thomas Williams, real estate agt., Herington, Kan.

CLASS OF 1880 *337. Elizabeth Baumgardner, died June 17, 18gS. Taught 16 yrs. in Springfield, the last 2 yrs. was prin. of teachers' training sch. 338. Helen Maria Baxter (Mrs. Henry C. Brakefield), teaching, Nathaniel Pope Sch., Chicago. Griggsville, 1880-83; elem. sch., Chicago, 19os-date. Married June, 1883. 339. Lillian M. Brown (Mrs. Eugene P. Fairchild), Rutherford, N. J. Mendota, 1 yr.; Berea College, Ky., 1885-1894. Married JUly 29, 1882. 340. May Hewett (Mrs. Rudolph R. Reeder), Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Oak Park, 1881-82; talks on work of N. Y. Orphanage. Married June 20, 1883. t341. Helen F. Moore (Mrs. Sanders), last address Albuquerque, N. M. Taught 4 yrs. 342. Isabel Overman (Mrs. B. W. Diehl), 1645 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gardner, J880-81; near Farmer City, 1881-82; Chicago elem. s. spring, 1882; Gardner, 1882-86; Los Angeles, Cal., 1887-91. Mar­ ried March 17, 1891. 343. Mary E. Parker (Mrs. H. H. Bixby), McPherson, Kan. Gard­ ner, I yr.; McPherson, Kan., 1 yr.; Eskridge, Kan., I yr. Married Henry H. Bixby, Aug. 29, 1883. 344. Grace N. Weeks, housekeeper, Eatonville, Fla. Asst. h. s., Odell, 1880-81; ungraded schools Fla., 1882-84. 345. James W. Adams, fruit grower, Normal. St. Univ. of Mich., B.L. degree, 188g;' Halle and Berlin,' 188g-go; Cornell Univ., 18g7-gS; taught Illinois schools, 18go-92; prof. of English, Univ. of Neb., 1892-97. Married Carrie B. Goode (See No. 520), July II, 1889. t346. -Andrew L. Anderson, farmer, Virginia. Chandlerville, 9 yrs. 347. Alpheus A. Dillon, prin. West Side Sch., N ormaf. Rural s. 2 yrs.; prin. Hudson, Weston, Deer Creek, I yr. each; prin. West Side sch., Normal,s yrs. 348. James M. Harper, banker, Conway Springs, Kan. Prin. Gard­ ner, 1880-82; Milford, 1882-83; supt. Pontiac, 1883-84; pres. school board Conway Springs, 18g3-date. Married Minerva Strain, Sept. 30, 1884. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 275

349. Woodman R. Marriet, physician, Capron. St. and grad. at Rush Medical ColI., 1886; prin. Port Byron, 2 yrs.; mayor of Capron, I term; vice-pres. Capron State Bank. Married Annie R. Speer, Hennepin, Dec. 8, 1886. 350. Eugene Charleton Webster, 4738 Evans St., Chicago. Asst. twp. h. s., Ottawa, 2 yrs.; supt. Dixon, 9 yrs.; supt. Rochelle, 2 yr5.; prin. Kershaw sch., Chicago, ISg2-date. 351. Edgar Wyatt, prin. sch., Buhl, Idaho. Grad. Kansas State Nor­ mal sch., Emporia, 18()6; prin. Chapin, 1880-81; prin. Strong, Kan., 1895- gB; prin. Elmdale, Kan., 1899-1900; prin. Scott Co., Kan., h. s., 1902-04; prin. Steamboat Springs, Col., 1904-1907; pr1ent position, 1907-. Mar- ried, Alice McEwers, 188r. \

HIGH SCHOOL 1880 54 Helen M. Baxter (Mrs. H. C. Brakefield) (See No. 338). 55. May Hewett (Mrs. R. R. Reeder). (See No 340.) 56. Alice C. McCormick (Mrs. O. R. Trowbridge). (See No. 407.) 57. Frances D. Ohr, teacher, St. Paul, Minn. Gardner, 2 yrs.; Cen­ tralia, I yr.; Peoria, 2' yrs.; St. Paul, IS yrs.; now prin. Cushman K. Davis School. 58. Frank Nathaniel Lufkin, with United Fruit Co., San Jose, Costa Rica, Cent. Am. Grad. Ann Arbor Univ.-, lit. dept. 1884; law dept., 1886. 59. Herbert McNulta, chief engineer, Cincinnati Traction Co., Trac­ tion Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. St. U. S. Naval Acad., 1880-84 Married Elizabeth Presly Marchand. 60. George Kimball Smith, lumberman, Victoria Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Elem. s., Maroa, 1880; dir. Am. Forestry Assn. Married Lora E. Allen, 1885.

CLASS OF 1881 352. Sarah A. Anderson, Central Insane Hospital, Jacksonville. Prin. 3 yrs.; gram. grade, I U yrs.; h. s. asst., I yr.; 5th grade, I yr.; parochial sch., 1~ yrs.; rural 5ch., 7! yrs. 353· Mary Ross Gaston (Mrs. John H. Tear), 846 Walnut St., Chi­ cago. St. Chicago Kindergarten College, ISg5-96; elem. s., 1881-83; prin. Astoria 1883-84 ; elem. s. Chicago, 18g7-date. Married Aug., 1884, to John H. Tear (See No. 372). 354. Addie Gillan (Mrs. Estee), 139 State St. Montpelier, Vt. Ha­ vana h. s., 1881-82; h. s. East Champaign, 1882-83. Married James B. Estee (See No. 367), Aug. 16, 1883. 355. Mary J. Gillan (Mrs. C. S. Eastman), Pontiac, Mich. St.1.S. N . U ., 1888-Sg; h. s., Danville, 1882-88; prin. h. s., Waukesha, Wis., 188g- 90; 'Plainfield, Wis" 189<>-91; elem. s. Milwaukee, Wis., 189i-92; prin. h. s., Menominee, Mich., 1892-95; pub. Eastman System of S.S. Records. Married Oct., ISg5. , 356. Belle W. Hobbs (Mrs. E. A. Gastrnan), 464 W. North St., De­ catur._ St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901; Metropolis City, 1881-B4; Decatur, 1884-91; elem. s. DeKalb, ISgI-19OO; N.1.S.N.S., 1900-1905. Married December 25, 1905. 357. Anna P. Knight, Normal. Rural schools, McLean Co., 3 yrs.; graded sch., I yr. t358. Helen Middlekauff, Laramie, Wyo. Prin. h. s., Marshalltown; Ia., 4 yrs.; prin. h. s., Cheyenne, Wyo., 5 yrs.; h. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1 yr.; prof. of English and prin. of practice dept. Wyoming University. 276 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

359 Celia S. Mills, farming, Gage, Okla. Mendota, 1881-82; Lex­ ington, 1887-88; rural schools, 10 yrs.; nurse in Chicago, 1888-92. 360. Carrie G. Rich, teaching, 706 Clement Pl., Alton. Shawneetown, 1881 -83; priri. h. s., Metropolis, 1883-84; same Macomb, 1885-86; 1st asst. in h. s., Alton, 1886-. T361. Mary A. Springer, address unknown. Taught 1% yrs. 362. Lizzie Phebe Swan, librarian and proprietor of a private refer­ ence library, Beloit, Wis. St. Library dept. of Armour Institute, 1893-94 j h. s., Chenoa, 3 yrs.; asst. 1. S. N . U., 1886-92; librarian Univ. of Wis., 1894-1902; librarian Gleaners' Library, Beloit, Wis., 1902-. 363. Cara A. Webster, 121 Park Ave., DeKalb. Metropolis, 3 yrs.; Decatur primary, 3% yrs.; prin. ward sch., Decatur, % yr.; h. s. and grades in DeKalb, also substitute teacher and attendance officer, DeKalb, 19 yrs. Married John T. Bowles (See No. 312). t364. William H. Bean, Blue Mound, Ill., farmer. Taught I yr.; president Blue Mound Coal Co.; sec. Mut. Ins. Co.; pres. Farmers' Inst. 365. Isaac L. Betzer, real estate and loan business, Topeka, Kan. Prin. E. Champaign sch., 1881-83; prin. E. Matton, sch., 1883-86. Mar­ ried Mary E. Robinson, March IS, 1882. 366. Elmer Ellsworth Brown, Comr. of Education, Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-89, Univ. of Halle, I88g-9O; prin. Belvidere, 1881- 84; prin. h. s. Jackson, Mich., 18g0-9I; Univ. of Mich, 1891-92; Univ. of Cal., I892-1gOO; pres. National Council of Educ., 1905-07; pub. The Making of Our Middle Schools, 1903. Married Fanny F. Eddy, June 29,I88g. 367. James B. Estee, life insurance, 139 State St., Montpelier, Vt. Supt. Woodstock, 1881-82; U. S. Court Comr.; Pres. Citizens' Bank; 2nd V.-Pres. National Life Ins. Co. Married Addie Gillan (See No. 354), Colfax, Aug., 1883. 368. George Frank Miner, gen. mngr. Century Coal Co., Tower Hill. Prin. Hennepin, I yr.; HeyWorth, I yr.; Nokomis, 2 yrs.; supt. Ed­ wardsville, 8 yrs.; sec. State Board of Charities, 4 yrs. t36g. Wendell F. Puckett, real estate, Wichita, Kan. t370. Edward Shannon, attorney at law, 234% N. 6th St., Quincy, Ill. Prin. Payson sch., 8 yrs. *371. Elmer E. Shinkle. Died August, 1881. *372. John H. Tear, died Feb. IS, 1897. Taught 16 yrs. 373· Nathan Thomas Veatch, supt. city schools, Atchison, Kan. St. 1.S.N.U., 1883, (spring), and 1900 (summer); prin. Butler, 1881-83; Little Rock, Ark., 1885-87 ; supt. and prin. Rushville, 1887-1901; supt. Atchison, Kan., 190I-date; county examiner, Pulaski Co., Ark., 2% yrs.; pub. Cabinet of Curiosities. Married Lizzie Montgomery, Rushville, June 20, 1883. t374. Charles B. Walter, New York City. Taught IO yrs.

HIGH SCHOOL 1881 61. Elmer E. Brown (See No. 366). 62. John H. Tear (See No. 372).

(" CUSS OF 1882 375. Mattie V. Bean (Mrs. Mattie B. Garwood), farming, Blue Mound. Taught 3 yrs. *376. Matilda Glanville, died 1883. Taught I yr. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 277

377. Camilla Jenkins, Butler. Butler, 2 yrs.; prin. h. s. Hillsboro, 6 yrs. t378. Lida A. Kelly (Mrs'. Charles G. Bragg), 619 So. loth St., St. Joseph, Mo. Normal h. s., 1 yr.; h. s., Astoria, 1 yr.; h. s., Dwight, 4 yrs.; Omaha, Neb., City Schools, 1 yr. t379. Cora A. Lurton (Mrs. Warwick), Nurnburg, Germany. Stu­ benstrasse 71. Taught 3 yrs. 380. Mattie B. Maxwell (Mrs. A. W. McPherson), 423 Park St., Rockford. Grade teacher, Plainfield, 1882-84; prin. h. s., Lockport, 1884- 86; prin. h. s., Perry, la.; 1887-88; asst. prin. county h. s., Panora, la., 1888-95. Married June 28, 1888. 381. Lillian W. Pillsbury (Mrs. Dr. William S. Gates), 2725 N. Lin­ coln St., Chicago. Belvidere, 1882-84; Normal pub. sch., 1884-86. Mar­ ried Dr. W. S. Gates, 1886. t382. Mattie L. Powell, prin. Walnut Hill Sch., 9 The Winona, Omaha, Neb. Rochelle, 3 yrs.; Omaha since 1885. 383. Florence Hubbard Reid (Mrs. Edwin A. Leavenworth), 1935 N. 3rd St., Harrisburg, Pa. Elem. sch. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1882-83; elem. sch., Omaha, Neb., 1883-87; normal instruction, Allentown, Pa., 1897. Married July 24, 1887. 384 Louisa M. Scott (Mrs. Donald K. Campbell), Ottawa. Elem. sch., Magnolia, 1882-84; Tonica, 1884-85; Mendota, 1885-92; Evanston, 1892-99. Married, 1899, to Rev. D. K. Campbell. f385. Lettie J. Smiley (Mrs. Charles E. Fraser), Plainfield. Gard­ ner, 1 yr.; Plainfield, 2 yrs. 386. Charles Fordyce, prof. physiology and dean of College of Lib­ eral Arts, University Place, Neb.; supt. McLean, 2 yrs.; Lena, I yr.; Brownsville, Neb., 2 yrs.; Auburn, Neb., 6 yrs.; prof. biology, Nebraska Wesleyan Univ., 1894-. 387. Jesse F. Hannah, interior decorator, 407 Allen St., Belvidere. Supt., Adeline, 1 yr.; prin. h. S., Peru, 2 yrs. Married Jennie L. Hun- toon, June 10, 1886. _ t388. James V. McHugh, grain dealer, 31 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn. Centralia h. s., 1 yr.; 1. S. N . U ., I yr.; supt., N or­ mal pub. sch., 1 yr.; Minneapolis h. S., 2 yrs. 389. Murray McCheyne Morrison, bookseller and stationer, Vinton, la. Prin. Adeline, 1882-83; Franklin Grove, 1884-87; Whipple Acad., Jacksonville, 1887-88 ; head of private sch., 1888-89. Married Kate Leach, 1889. t390. George W. Reeder, mining, Cripple Creek, Col. Taught, II yrs. 391. Milton R. Regan, physician, Eureka Springs, Ark. St. Rush Med. College; 1887-88; Chicago Homeopathic Med. ColI., 1888-89; prin., Auburn, 1882-83; Plainfield, 1883-84 ; Wayne, Neb., 1884-86. Married Elizabeth J. Iles, July 2, 1884. *392. Edwin E. Rosenberry, died, Aug. 30, 1890. Taught 8 yrs. Mar- ried Flora A. Lewis (See No. 406), Aug. 25, 1885. f393. Charles N. Smith, physician, 509 Buchanan St., Belleville. t394. William J. Smith, address unkno.wn. Taught r yr. 395. Evans Whitmere Thomas, banker and broker, Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia, res. 305 Columbia St., Goldfield. Prin. Normal Sch. and prof. in State Univ., Boulder, Col. Married Helen E. Lucas. 396. Frank L. Williams, lawyer, Clay Center, Kan. St. Law School, Columbia College, New York City, 1884-85; prin. Loda, 1882-83; prin., Hinsdale sch., Pueblo, Col., 1883-84; private sec. to Gov. Edward W. Hoch, of Kansas. Married Clara Davis, , Ohio. 278 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

HIGH SCHOOL 1882 63. Bronson Bayliss Beecher, cotton buyer, Memphis, Tenn. Married Fanny Ewing, Bloomington, Dec., 1893.

CLASS OF 1883 397. Lou M. Allen, prin. Glidden Sch., DeKalb. Elem. sch., DeKalh, 5 yrs.; Colorado Springs, Col., 7 yrs.; critic teacher, N. 1. S . N . S ., I yr.; prin., DeKalb, 4 yrs.; county supt. Colorado, 2 yrs. 3gB. Mrs. Lincoln Isabel Dickson Burr (Mrs. Frank Burr), Geyser ville, Cal. Hawaiian Islands, 1883-86; prin. grammar schools in Califor­ nia, 1887-1897. Married, April I, 1883. 399. Mae Frances powney (Mrs. Herbert M. Cox), Hudson. Prin. Tiskilwa, 1883-85. Married Oct., 1885. 400. Sarah Elizabeth Glanville (Mrs. Houston), Polo. Sparta h. s, 1883-84; primary, Grand Island, Neb., 1885-87. Married Dr. S. D. Hous­ ton, Feb. 28, 1894. 401. Nannie R. Gray, teacher German, State Normal Sch., Stevens Point, Wis. St. in Germany, 1895-96 and in 1906; Gardner, 1883·84; Mattoon, 1884-86; h. 5., Barry, 1886-87; h. s., Decatur, 1887-91; Monte Vista, Col., 1891-94; present position, 1896-. 402. Mary Hubbard (Mrs. William R. Heath), 60 Soldiers' Place, Buffalo, N. Y. H. s., Gardner, 2 yrs.; h. 5., Morris, 2 yrs.; prin. Hudson, I yr.; Chicago night sch., I yr. Married Sept., 1888 ( See No. 451). 403. Caroline A. Humphrey (Mrs. David W. Reid), Jacksonville. Married, Dec. 25, 1883, to David W. Reid (See No. 429). 404 Lucy Johnson, instructor in history, Kalamazoo College, Kala­ mazoo, Mich. Ph.B., Univ. of Mich., 1893; A.M., Radcliff, 1901; elem. sch., Rossville, 1883-84; h. s., LeRoy, 1884-87; elem. sch., Austin, 1888-90; Kalamazoo College 1893-date. 405. Mary E. Kuhn (Mrs. A. B. Kipp) , Minonk. Shawneetown, 1883.:.s6; h. s., Polo, 1886-87; h. s., Minonk, 1887-93. Married, June, 1893. 406. Flora A. Lewis (Mrs. Rosenberry), teaching, Normal. Franklin Grove, 1883-85; h. 5., Mt. Sterling, Feb. to .May, 1888; second primary, Normal, 1894-96; rural sch., 1906-date. Married Edwin E. Rosenberry (See No. 392), Aug. 25, 1885. 407. Alice C. McCormick (Mrs. Oliver Trowbridge), NormaL Naples, 1880-81; h. s., asst. I. S. N . U., 1883, Dec., 1885. Married O. R. Trowbridge (See No. 482), Dec. 29, 1885. ' t408. Martha G. Martin (Mrs. B. O. Skewis), Marcus, la. Asst. h. s., Shullsburg, I yr.; ninth grade, Moline, 2 yrs. 409. Hattie Paddock (Mrs. Wm. A. Smith), Westlake, Idaho. Grad. from Cook Co. Normal, 1888; Blue Island, 3 yrs.; elem. 5., Chicago, 14 yrs. Married, Nov. 13, 1902. 410. Ada L. Parsons, Woodstock. H. s., Woodstock, 2 yrs.; h. s., Marengo, 2 yrs.; h. 5., Polo, 2 yrs.; h. s., Chester, I yr.; h. s, Dixon, I yr. 4II. May M. Parsons (Mrs. J. H. Glotfelter), 1025 State St., Em­ poria, Kan. Hanover, 2 yrs.; Bloomington, 6 mos.; Little Rock, Ark., 4 yrs. (See No. 475). 412. Ida 111. Porter, concert soprano, Hampton, Ia. 413. Augusta Eleanor Root, writer and illustrator, 121 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. St. Harvard summer school, 18g8; Eric Pape School of Art, Boston, 18g9-1902; h. s., Shawneetown, 1883-85; Peoria, 1885-86; h. 5., Bedford, la., 1886-87; Topeka, Kan., 1887-88; Los Angeles, CaI., 1888-93; Galesburg, 18g3-94; pub. numerous articles and stories in New· ILLINOIS STATE: NORMAL UN!VE:RSITY. 279

York Independent, Interior, St. Nicholas, and various other magazines and papers. t 414- Harriet Scott, Seward. Taught 4 yrs. 415. Carrie E. Smith (Mrs. Charles H. Turner), Mt. Sterling. Pueblo, Col., 1883-85; asst. h. s., Mt. Sterling, 1885-87. Married May 8, 1888, to Charles H. Turner, who died Dec. 10, 1905. . t416. S. Elouise Smith (Mrs. Crawford), 197 Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. Gram. grade, Gibson City, I yr. Married William A. Crawford (See H. S. No. 69). -*417. Mary C. Spottswood, died July 30, 1902. Metropolis, I yr.; prin. Lincoln sch., Rockford, 18 yrs. 418. Walter T. Blake, city editor, 1617 State St., San Diego, Cal. 419. Frank Burr, farmer, Geyserville, Cal. Prin. gov't sch., Sand­ wich Islands, 1883-1886; prin. grammar sch. in Cal., I yr. Married, L. Isabel Dickson (See No. 398), April I, 1883. 420. Andrew Engel, farmer. So. Holland, Cook Co., R. F. D. No. I. S. Englewood, 1883-89; elem. sch., Chicago, 1889-1902. Married Hulda Trautwein, 1886. 421. John L. Hall, civil engineer, 78 Fifth Ave., New York City, N. Y. Taught Bryant and Stratton Business CoIl., Y; yr.; Shipman, 1~ yrs.; Y.M.C.A. classes, Chicago, "'" yrs.; pub. Tables of Squares and Struc­ tllral Slide Rule Manual, 1900-and 1906. Manied Lillian Liggitt, 1894 422. George Howell, institute instructor, 175 So. Bromley Ave., Scran­ ton, Pa. Loda, 2 yrs.; Lena, I yr.; Minonk, 2 yrs.; Scranton h. s., 8 yrs.; supt. Scranton, Pa., 8 yrs. 423. ]. Montgomery Humer, prin. Dubois Sch., 319 S. Lincoln Ave., Springfield. St. Illinois College, 1895; prin. Danville, 2 yrs.; prin. Lov­ ington, I yr.; rural sch., I yr.; prin. Waverly, 6 yrs.; prin. Pawnee, 6 yrs.; Springfield, 2 yrs. Married Emma ]. Bowdle, 1878. t424. John S. Ketterman, contractor and builder, Ida Grove, Ia., Taught 3 yrs. 425. William M. Lewis, gen. mngr. of The Commonwealth Mining and Milling Co., Cripple Creek, Col. Married Marie Z. Fleming, Dec. 20, 1893. 426. Cornelius Luther Perry, agt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 701 N. Fell Ave., Normal. Correspondence course in Sheldon Sch. of Scien­ tific Salesmanship; tutor Bloomington, 1883-86; supt. Soldiers' Orphans' Home School, Normal, 1886-87; prin. elem. sch., Rock Island, 1887-89; prin. West Side Sch., Normal, 1892-93. Married Ida B. Lytle, July I, 1879. 427. Eug-ene W. Pinkley, horticulture Kingsburg, Cal. Elem. sch., Fresno Co., Cal., 13 yrs.; county judge, Fresno Co., ISgg-date. Married Ida E. Scovell, 1883. - 428. Rudolph R. Reeder, Supt. N. Y. Orphanage, Hastings-on-Hud­ son, N. Y. St. Columbia Univ., 1898-1900; Ph.D. and diploma from Teachers' College, 1900; prin. grammar sch., 1.S.N.U., 1883-1890; read­ ing and pedagogy 1.S.N. U., 1890, Dec., 1893; instructor Teachers' ColI., N. Y. City, 1899-1900; pres. N. Y. Society of Charity Workers, 1906-07; pub. 12 articles on Education of Orphan Children; lecturer and institute worker. ·Married May Hewett, June 20, 1883. 429. David W. Reid, physician, Jacksonville. St. Chicago Med. CoIl., 1887-88; . Chicago Homeopathic Med. CoIl., 1888-89; prin.. E. Champaign, I yr.; pnn. Normal h. s., 1 yr.; Rock Island, 2 yrs. Marned Caroline A. Humphrey (See No. 403), 1883. 430. Edward Ransom Ristine, teacher, Mount Vernon, Ia. St. Cor­ nell College, Ia.; Univ. of Chicago; prin. h. s., 1883-88; Gem City Bus. .. 280 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

CoIl., Quincy, 1890-91; prin. commercial dept., Cornell College, la., ISgI­ date; received degrees B.S. and M.S. from Cornell College. Married Mrs. Laura F. Fraser. *431. Fred W. Smedley, died, 1904- Taught EI Paso, 2 yrs.; Gol­ conda, I yr. j Peru, 5 yrs.; prin. and head of dept. of Child Study, Chi­ cago schools, during latter part of his life. t432. Charles H. Tallmadge, accountant, 83 Warren Ave., Chicago. 433. John N. Wayman, teaching, 549 West 61st St., Chicago. St. at Univ. of Chicago; prin. Gardner, 2 yrs. j prin. Yorkville, 6 yrs. j teacher in h. s., Chicago, 8 yrs. j teacher of manual training and drawing in Chi­ cago sch., ISg9-date. Married Catherine F. Bowen, 1873.

HIGH SCHOOL 1883 t64. Mary L. Beecher (Mrs. Ensley), Memphis, Tenn. Taught 3 yrs. 65. Flora A. Lewis (Mrs. Rosenberry) (See No. 406). 66. Dolly A. McGowan (Mrs. Charles A. C. Garst), deputy co. supt. of schools, Riverside, Cal. St. Lombard College, ISg0-91; School of Art and Design, Glasgow, Scotland, ISg2-93; elem. sch., Stanford, 1883-89; Riverside, Cal., 1897-date. Married, 188g. 67. Ida M. Porter (See 412). 68. Lillie M. Walker (Mrs. Lillie Walker Smith), Minier. Taught I yr. Married Mr. Smith, now deceased. t69. \Villiam A. Crawford, 197 Norwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y., doctor of osteopathy. Married S. Elouise Smith (See No. 416). 70. Isaac B. Hammers, lawyer, EI Paso. Elem. sch., 1883-85; rep­ resentative in 39th and 40th General Assemblies. Married Jessie H. Ray, Dec., 1894- 71. 'William Herbert Higby, insurance and real estate, Ottawa. St. Northwestern Univ., dept. of Pharmacy, 1887; Capt. Co. A, 3rd Ill. Inft., during Spanish-American War. Married Phebe A. Finley, Grand Ridge, ISgO. 72. Edward F. Parr, municipal and corporation bonds, First Nat­ ional Bank Bldg., Chicago. 73. Frank Hall Thorp, Mass. Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass. St. Mass. Institute of Technology, 1883-86, and 88-Sg; Univ. of Heidel­ berg, ISg1-93; Mass. Inst. Tech., 1889-81, and 1894-date; pub. Inorganic Chemical Preparation, ISg6, 'outlines I1tdustrial Chemistry, 18g8. Married Kate G. Lunger (See No. 443), 1891.

CLA?S OF 1884 434- Mary Emma Biggs, teacher, 633 N. Park Ave., Chicago. St. in summer schools at Chautauqua, N. Y., Martha's Vineyard, N. Y. Univ.; Lena, 1884-85; Pekin, 1885-86; prin. Tremont, 1886-87; prin. Lake Ben­ ton, Minn., 1887-88; Nebraska, 1888-90; Cook Co., ISg0-9I; Maywood, ISgI-!}2; Tilton sch., Chicago, 1892-95; Richard Yates Sch., Chicago, ISg5-date; state life certificate, 1884- *435. Zella Campbell, died Feb. 23, 18g2. 436. Ella J. Caughey, teaching, 1819' 13th Ave., Seattle, Wash. Dixon, 1884-1885; h. s., Dixon, 1885-88 j h. s., Seattle, 1888-date. *437. Carrie A. Dillon (Mrs. Milliken), died, Dec. 28, 1892. Fern­ wood,2 yrs. Marl'ied Orris J. Millikin (See No. 453), Dec., 1884. 438. Oarissa E. Ela, art dept., 1. S. N. U., 309 E. Locust St., Bloom­ ington. Grad. Mass. Normal Art Sch., Boston, Mass., 1888; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1884-86; present position, 1888-. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 281

439. Carrie Myrtle Fuller (Mrs. Asa Giles Judd), 40 E. South St., Warren, Ohio. H. s., North Dixon, 1884-85; h. s., South Dixon, 1885-87; h. s., Ottawa, 1887-88. Married, 1888. 440. Carrie A. Gifford (Mrs. Harvey), Ypsilanti, Mich. Dixon, 1884- 87; substitute in h. s., Morris, 1887-88. Married, Nathan A. Harvey, 1888. (See No. 450.) 441. Mary Martine Hall (Mrs. Frederick A. Husted), 703 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. Elem. sch., Bloomington, 1884-1888; critic teacher, I.S.N.U., "1888-92; pub. Stories of Indian Children, other books and pamphlets. Married, 18g2. 442. Annie Hendron (Mrs. Frederick S. Smith), Mt. Carroll. Wash­ burn, I yr.; Wenona, I yr.; Bloomington, I yr.; Delavan, I yr.; Mt. Carroll, 2 yrs.; deputy county clerk, I yr.; stenographer, law office, 4 yrs. 443. Kate G. Lunger (Mrs. Frank H. Thorp)' 200 Mt. Vernon St., West Roxbury, Mass. H. 5., Washington, 1885-87; h. 5., Dixon, 1887-89; Palatine, 1889-90; Austin, 18g0-gr. Married, 1891. " 444. Harriet M. Montgomery (Mrs. Herman W. McClure), Atlanta. Elem. sch., Dixon, I yr.; prin. h. s., Atlanta, 9 yrs. Married, Oct., 1895. 445. Cora J. Walker, stenographer, Keeley Co., Dwight. Taught 3 yrs. 446. Clara A. Whitcomb (Mrs. Seabery F. Leaf), farming, Garden City, Mo. Elem. sch., California, Mo., 1884-86; Polo, r886-87; Bloom­ ington, 1888-89; Astor, Kan., 1891-93; Lebanon, Kan., 1896-97. Married, June, 188g. 447. Edward Aldrich, Rosemond, Ill. Taught 1~ yrs. 448. David H. Chaplin, printing and pub. business, 123-125 Temple St., Los Angeles, Cal. Prin. East Side 5ch., EIPaso, 1884-86; prin. gram. sch., California, 1891-95; supervising prin., Long Beach, California, 18g5- 97; prin. elem. sch., San Diego, Cal., 1901-02. 'Married Grace Darnall, Nov. I, 1887. 449. William D. Edmunds, Toulon, Ill. Hennepin, I yr.; Yorkville, 2 yrs.; Lockport, 3 yrs.; Tiskilwa, I yr.; Bradford, 3 yrs. - 450. Nathan A. Harvey, prof. of pedagogy, Mich. State Normal Col­ lege, Ypsilanti, Mich. St. Univ. of Ill., 188g-1890; h. s., Carrollton, 1885- 86; prin. Waverly, 1886-87; supt. Pittsfield, 1887-89; tea~her zoology, h. s., Kansas City, Mo., 1890-96; head science dept., Wisconsin State Normal, Superior, Wis., 18g6-19OO; vice prin. Chicago Normal Sch., 19oo-04; pres­ ent -position, 19o4-; pub. Introduction to the Study of Zoology, 1900; Pedagogical Content of Zoology, N.E.A. report, 1899; Pedagogical Train­ ing of Teachers of Science, N.E.A. report, 19o1; The Training of a Science Teacher, N. Y. Science Teachers' Ass'n., 1902. Married Carrie A. Gif­ ford, 1888 (See No. 440). 451. William R. Heath, vice-pres. and mngr. Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. St. Northwestern Univ.; h. 5., Peru, 1884-85; h. 5., Gardner, 1885- 86; Kent College of Law, 2 yrs. Married Mary E. Hubbard (See No. 402). 452. Leander Messick, cashier, Graham County Nat'l Bank, Hill City, Kan. Prin. Carlyle, 1884-86; prin., Hays City, Kan., 1886-87. Married, Jessie L. Cook, Carlyle, Ill., Jan. 3, 188g. 453. Orris J. Milliken, prin. Dore sch., Chicago, res. 401 Seventh Ave., LaGrange. Prin. Chicago pub. sch., 1885-1903; supt. Jewish Train­ ing ISch., 1903-07; prin. Dore Sch., Chicago, March I, IgD7-date; supt. Chicago vacation sch., 1897-98; founder and trustee Chicago Penny Sav­ ings Society. Married Carrie A. Dillon, deceased, (See No. 437); m. Hattie Fagersten, 1893. 454- Austin C. Rishel, teaching, 542 Berenice Ave., Chicago. Prin. Paxton, 2 yrs.; prin. Gibson, 4 yrs.; science dept., h. 5., Lake View, 5~ yrs.; prin. Ogden sch., Chicago, 6~ yrs.; prin. Audubon sch., Chicago, 3~ yrs. 282 SEMX-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

455. Orville T. Rogers, minister, Lake Arthur, Now Mexico. Elem. sch., 1882-83; h. s., Paxton, 1885-86; prin. Hopedale, 1886-87. Married Adda Short, Heyworth, 1884. *456. 'Monroe W. Utz, died 1893. Taught' 3i yrs. 457. James c. Wood, farming, Secor. Rural sch., 3 yrs.; rural sch., state of Wyoming, 5 mos. HIGH SCHOOL 1884 74. Edward Aldrich (See No. 447). 75· Leander Messick (Sec No. 452). 76. Murray M. Morrison (See No. 38g).

CLASS OF 1885 458. Mary Joice Adams, teaching, 854 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. St. Univ. of Mich., 188g-go, 1894-97, Univ. of Chicago, Ig05-06; DeKalb, 1885-86; h. s., Lacon, 1886-88; Harvard, 1888-8g; prin. h. 5., Peru, 1890- gl; Cherokee, la., 1893; Dixon, 1893-94; asst. in h. s., Bloomington, 1897-1904j Joseph Medill h. s., Chicago, 1904-date; pub. History of Suf­ frage ilt Michigan. 45g. Sue P. Adams, 854 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. DeKalb, 1885-87: Normal, 1888-89; in Cook county, 1900-03; Bloomington, 1904-05. 460. Eva M. Blanchard (Mrs. Lewis W. Snedaker), 74 W. Phillips St., Pomona, Cal. Rural sch. near Mason City, 1 yr.; rural sch. near Tonica, 1 term. Married, September 3, 1886. 461. Helen Antionette Dewey, prin. Lowell sch., Grand Junction, Col. Grad. from California Sch. of Methods, San Jose, Ca!., 1893; training teacher, Wis. State Normal, Platteville, 3 yrs.; Colorado Springs, Col., 5 yrs.; Grand Junction, Col., 12 yrs. t462. Agnes Elliott (Mrs. Johnson), Douglas, Wyo. Formerly mis­ sionary, Schowfu, China, 5 yrs. t463. Maggie J. Grand (Mrs. Alexander E. Montgomery), Moline. Rural sch., 3 yrs.; Dixon, I yr.; Waukegan, 1 yr.; prin. village sch., 3 yrs. 464. Ruby C. Gray (Mrs. Charles Jordan), Riverside. St. Univ. of Chicago, Ig02-04; Washington, 1885-86; Pekin, 1886-88; Decatur, 1888- 89. Married, Aug. 28, 188g. 465. Olive B. Hubbard (Mrs. Charles W. Partridge), 123 S. 32d Ave., Omaha, Neb. Elem. sch., Omaha, 7 yrs. Married, 1892. 466. Luella McVay (Mrs. Stafford), farming, Maroa. Lexington, I yr.; Pontiac, 1 yr.; Normal, It yrs. Married Joseph H. Stafford, Oct. 5, 18g3. 467. Anna Reid, 731 S. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal., 12 yrs. *468. Katie Saltsman (Mrs. Collins), died March 30, 18g8. Taught 6 yrs. - 46g. Helen E. Savage (Mrs. Frank A. Rowley), Lockport, R. F. D. NO.1 .. Rural schools, 4 yrs. Married, Sept. 5, 188g. t470. Lucy E. Stewart (Mrs. Brown), 604 W. Green St., Urbana, Ill. 4 yrs. 471. Emma Werley (Mrs. Haiising), University Park, Denver, Col. Asst. h. s. prin., Peru, 1885-1890; h. s. prin., LaSalle, 18g0-94; Latin and English classics in h. s., Calumet, Mich., 1894-95. Married Otto A. Haiis­ ing, April 22, 1895. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 283

472. Alexander Cation, proprietor Walla Walla Lumber Co., Walla Walla, Wash. St. Cornell Univ., N. Y., 1885-86; prin. pub. sch., I yr.; prin. Bus. ColI., 4 yrs. Married, Nannie E. Cornwell, Sept 21, 1892. *473 Thornton R. Fraser, drowned while in charge of Golconda pub­ lic schools, 188S. *474- Louis H. Galbreath, died in New York, Aug. 14, 11399. Grad. at Cornell Univ.; fellow in Columbia, Univ., 1898-99; prof. of pedagogy in 1. S. N. U., 1896-97; prof. of ped. Buffalo School of Pedagogy, 1897-98; elected supt. of practice, E. 1. S. N . S., Charleston, 1899. 47S. John Hamlin Glotfelter, prin. training dept., Kansas State Nor­ mal Sch., Emporia, Kan. Supt. Normal, 1886-87; prin. Little Rock, Ark, 1887-90; \>rin. Ft. Steele, Ark., 1890-91; supt. Atchison, Kan., 1891-01; prin. traimng dept. K.S.N.S., 190I-date, and vice-pres. since 1906. Mar­ ried May M. Parsons (See No. 4II), Aug. IS, 1883. 476. Charles L. Howard, pharmacist, Towanda. Taught, Benson, h. s. Saybrook, and Oakley, 8 yrs. Married Anna L. Pape. 477. Lyon Karr, banker, Eureka. Loda, 3 yrs.; Minonk, I yr.; co. supt. Woodford Co., 1889-1904; treas. Woodford Co., 1898-1902. Mar­ ried, Emma Dillon, June 26, 1890. t478. John R. Kellogg, Woodstock. Taught II yrs. 479. Thomas B. McMurray, farming, Divernon. Prin. Williamsville, I yr.; rural schools, 9 yrs. Married Fannie E. Haire, Aug. 3, 1892. 480. John Crittenden Mountjoy, pub. 'and dealer in school supplies, 378 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Woodland ColI., Independence, Mo., 3 yrs.; prin., Cayuga, I yr.; supt. Forrest, I yr.; supt. Gilman, I yr.; supt. La­ con, 2 yrs.; pub. Historia, a high school play; The American Bird atlli Nature Study Chart; compiled several library catalogues. Married Mary E. Houser, 1889; m. Nellie M. Thompson, 1905. t48l. Cornelius S. Tarbox, teacher in Nixon Sch., 1315 N. 71st St., Chicago. Taught 17 yrs. Married Lydia Merrill (See No. S50). 482. Oliver R. Trowbridge, literary work in economics and philoso­ phy, Normal. St. Chicago College of Law, 1888-1890; prin. Lacon Union Schools, 3 yrs.; Chicago pub. schools, 2 yrs.; pub. two books-Illinois and the Nation; How They are Governed, 1887, Bi-socialism; The Reign of the Man at the Margin (1903). Married Alice C. McCormick (See No· 407), Dec. 29, 188S. 483. John J. Wilkinson, prof. of English, Elmhurst College, Elm­ hurst. St. Univ. of J ena, of Berlin, 'and of Leipsig, Germany-degree of Ph.D. from last 18g8; post graduate work in Univ. of Chicago; prin. Lovington, 1886-89; prin. North Springfield sch., 188g-90; prin. Lincoln sch., Springfield, 18g0-g3; prof. theory and practice of teaching, Paterson City Training Sch., Paterson, N. J., 1898-99; supervisor practice school, I. S. N . U., 1899-1900; supt. schools, Mattoon, 1900-02. Married Ada Ashworth, Sullivan, Ill., 1899. 484. Thomas Elmer Will, sec. American Forestry Association, 13II G Street, Northwest, Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Mich .. and of Har­ vard, 3 yrs.; Lacon, ~ yr.; prin. Golconda, ~ yr.; prin. Edwards sch., Springfield, 2 yrs.; prof. of history and polito science, Lawrence Univ., Appleton, Wis., 2 yrs.; prof. economics, Kansas State Agricultural Col­ lege, 3 yrs.; pres. same, 2 yrs.; prof of sociology, Ruskin College, Tren­ ton, Mo., 2~ yrs.; lecturer and writer, 4~ yrs.; present position, 1905-. 48S. Isaac H. Yoder, teaching, Normal. . Prin. Chenoa, 2 yrs.; same, Piper City, 3 yrs.; same, Loda, 3 yrs.; rural school, 7 yrs.; prin. Welling­ ton, 4 yrs.; prin. Carlock, 1 yr. Married Anna McGavack, April 8, 187S. 284 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

HIGH SCHOOL 1885 77. Mary Joice Adams (See No. 458). 78. Robert H. Elder, lawyer, 256 Broadway, Borough of. Manhattan, N. Y. City. First asst. district atty. of county of Kings, N. Y. *79. Harry M. Loehr, died Sept. 17, 1902.

CLASS OF 1886 486. Septina Baker, prin. private sch., 554-14th St., Oakland, Cal._ Grade teacher, 1886-96; present position, 18g6-date. *487. Lutie A. Bush (Mrs. Saltonstall), died Jan. 9, 1889. Taught 1 yr. 488. Theodora Gildemeister, training teacher, State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn. M.A., Clarksburg, 1900; B.S., Columbia, 1906; h. s., Dixon, 1886-88; h. s., Hillsboro, 1888-92; S. 1. S. N. U., Carbondale, 1893- 97; State Normal School, Winona, 18g8-05, and 1906-date; pub. Bulletin on Primary Reading and numerous articles for educational magazines. *489. Cora Glidden (Mrs. Prof. Switzer), died at DeKalb, 1903. Taught 6 yrs. t49O. Lucy D. Gray (Mrs. Gridley), Huntington, Ark. Taught 3 yrs. 491. Saidee John Gray (Mrs. Farrin), teaching, Cairo. St. Univ. of Chicago; 8th grade and asst. in h. s., Mt. Vernon, I yr.; h. s., Rapid City, S. Da., 1 yr.; teacher of Latin in h. s., Cairo, 18g0-. Married T. B. Farrin, June 14, 1899 . 492. Marion B. Kelley (Mrs. Bowles), physician and surgeon, Joliet. St. Woman's Med. Sch., Northwestern Univ., 1890-94; clinical asst. in same, 1894-96; lecturer to Silver Cross Hospital, 8 yrs.; member of staff of Woman's Med. Journal; active in Ill. State Federation of Women's Clubs. Married Hon. William A. Bowles, Dec. 29, 1893. - 493. Mary Louise Kimball, 507 W. Locust St., Bloomington. Elem. sch., Rockford, 1886-90; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1890-94, and h. s., 1894- 96; private school work, 1897-99. - 494- Margaret H. J. Lampe, Bloomington, R. F. D. No.1.. A.B. Univ. of Ill., 1897; A.M., same, 1900; h. s., Bloomington, 1886-89; h. s., Rushville, 18Bg-9O; Riverside, Cal., 18g0-94; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1900-01; Spearfish, S. D., and Atchinson, Kan., 1901-D2; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1902- 03; same, Dwight, 1903-04; same, Pittsfield, 1904-05; . same, Lovington, 1905-06; pub. Latin alld German Drill Books,' articles in School and Home Education. 495. Florence McVay (Mrs. Frank W. Custer), Momence. Elem. sch., Centralia, 1886-87; Maroa, 1887-88; Pontiac,. 1888-93. Married, Nov., 1893 .. *496. Hattie A. Mills, died July 15, 1890. Taught 4 yrs. 497. Mary Piper (Mrs. Anderson), 1060 7th St., Charleston. H. s., Charleston, I yr.; 1st primary, same, 6 yrs.; same, Des Moines, Ia., 2 yrs. 'Married Sumner S. Anderson, June 27, 1895. *498. Alma E. Ross (Mrs. Belsley), 4ied Oct. 6, 1895. Taught IU yrs. 499. Olive Sattley, teacher in h. 5,. 530 S. Second St., Springfield. Taylorville h. s., 1886-87; h. s., DeKalb, 1887-88; h. s., Lena, 1888-94; h. s., Edinburg, 1894-97; present position, 18g7-. 500. May Shinn (Mrs. Giddings), Cornell. Asst. prin. h. s., Wash­ ington, I yr.; same, LeRoy, I yr.; same, Normal pub. sch., y,; term; same, Lewistown, I term. Married Rev. Frederick J. Giddi~gs, Nov. 12, 1891. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 285

501. Eva G. Telford (Mrs. McClurken), Ashville, N. C. Gallatin, Mo., I yr.; Sparta, Ill., 2 yrs.; Fulton, Ill., I yr.; Little Rock, Ark., 2 yrs.; Rico, Col., 1 yr.; elem. sch., North Carolina, 8 yrs.; now in Ash­ ville pub. schools. Married James L. McClurken, Dec. 12, IBg3. 502. Juliet A. Wallace (Mrs. W. I. Hitt), 7004 Princeton Ave., Chi­ cago. Chicago elem. sch., 6 yrs. t503. David W. Creekmur, lawyer, 1407 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Taught II yrs. 504. Levi R. Fitzer, farming, Garden Prairie. Taught 6 yrs.; county supt. Boone Co., 1884-1902. 505: John H. Fleming, lawyer, St. Ignace, Mich. E. Prin. Pueblo, Col., 1887-88; supt. Elsinore, Cal., 1888-Bg; prin. Benson and Humboldt, Ia., 1889-90; supt. Mandan, N. D .. 1890-92; prin. Pleasant Hill, IBg4-96; Indian sch. in U. P. of Mich., 18g6-1900; supt. St. Ignace, Mich., 1903-06. Married Lottie M. Rose, Normal, Aug., 1902. 506. Charles W. Hart, supt. St. Charles Sch., St. Charles. St. Univ. of Chicago; prin. Algonquin, 1886-89; supt. Marengo, 1889-g6; supt. Woodstock, IBg6-I906; supt. St. Charles School, 1906-date. Married Myr­ tella M. McKee, June 18, IBgO. 507. Robert Enoch Hieronymus, pres. Eureka College, Eureka. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-88; Eureka College, 1888-89; Univ. of Chicago, IBg,3.; prin. h. s., Carrollton, 1886-87; prof. of English Lang. and Lit., Eureka College, IBg0-97; English and history, State Normal, Los Angeles, Cal., 1897-98; supt. Univ. extension work, Southern Cat, 18g8-99; present po­ sition, 1900-; pub. articles on educational subjects in the Standard, Cen­ tury, and other magazines; pres. or sec. of various associations of teach­ ers and of ministers. Married Minnie D. Frantz, Wellington, Kan., June 26, IBgo--deceased; m. Lois Campbell, LaHarpe, Aug. 31, 19oD. 508. Martin L. McIntyre, real estate and mercantile stocks, Seneca, Kan. Prin. east sch., EIPaso, 1886-89; supt. Nokomis, IBgI-98; editor of Seneca Courier Democrat, 18g8-1903. Married Millie Haller, of No­ komis, Aug. 23, IBg3. 509. Samuel D. Magers, professor of physiology, Mich State Normal College, Ypsilanti, Mich. B.S. Univ. of Mich., IBg4, M.S. Univ. of Chi­ cago, 1901; h. 5., Fayetteville, Ark., 1886-88; prin. Hamilton School, Houston, Tex., 1888-91 and 94-95; prin. h. s., Houston, IBg5-00; Mich. State Normal College, 19o1-date; pub. Educational Value of History and other magazine articles. Married Ella E. Kirtland, deceased, IBg5. 510. Thomas O. Moore, teacher, Ottawa. St. I term at Business Coli.; I term, Lake Forest; prin. village sch., 1 yr.; math. in twp. h. s., Ottawa, 1888-. t5II. Clarence H. Watt, 309 E. 41st St., Chicago. Prin. Sparland, 6 yrs.; supt. Dundee, 2 yrs. . 512. Walter J. Watts, lawyer, 728 Reaper Block, 95 Clark St., Chi­ cago. St. Union College of Law, 1887; Chicago evening schools, 1887-95.

HIGH SCHOOr. 1886 So. Jessie M. Dillon (See No. goo). 81. Saidee J. Gray (See No. 491). 82. Mary L. Kimball (See No. 493). 83. Cora Maria Rowell (Mrs. Olney), 463 Nielsen Ave., Fresno, Cal. St. Univ. of Mich., 1886-IBgO; Univ. of California, summer, IBgg; elem. sch., Fresno, Cal., IBgI-95; history in h. S., same, IBg5-1902. Mar­ ried Albert Clyde Olney, June 30, 1902. 286 SJ<:MI-CJ<:NTJ<:NNIAL HISTORY

84. Olive Sattley (See No. 499). 85. May Shinn (Mrs. F. J. Giddings) (See No. 500). 86. Juliet A. Wallace (See No. 502). 87. Lee O'Neil Browne, senior member of law firm of Browne & Wiley, Ottawa. St. Illinois Wesleyan College of Law, 1886-88; member of state legislature, 1900-. *88. Jesse Hammers, died December 2, ISgO. Sg. Frederick Edwards Jenkins, teaching, Faribault, Minn. St. Univ. of Minn.; prin. Cedar Rapids, Neb., 1886-88; supt. Albion, Neb., 1888-93; prin. prep. dept., Shattuck sch., 1894-1901; prin. Lower Sch., Shattuck,-­ Faribault, Minn., 1901-; admitted to bar in Neb., 1887; in Kansas, 1893. Married Ella Gregoire, July 26, 1888. 90. Harrie H. Town, loans and insurance, Earlville.

CLASS OF 1887 513. Jennie Armstrong (Mrs. Jennie A. Manning), Harrisburg, O. Prin. h. s., Washington, 1887-1890; asst. prin. same, ISgI -93; asst. h. 5., Columbia, Tenn., ISg3-94. Married May 29, ISg5, to Henry Manning, who died May 29, 1904- t514- Mary E. Coffey (Mrs. Doren), 923 Prospect Ave., Toledo, O. Taught 12 yrs. *515. Rosalia Colburn (Mrs. Melton), died Feb. 10, 1899. *516. Anna L. Colson, died, ISg9. Taught 7% yrs. *517. Martha Crist (Mrs. Kasbeer), died Jan. 30, 1891. Taught 1 yr. t518. Carrie Crum (Mrs. R. H. Russell), Genesee, rd. Diamond, I yr.; Chenoa, 3 yrs.; Colfax, Wash., I yr.; Pullman, Wash., 2 yrs.; Gen­ esee, Id., I yr.; Lewiston, Id., 2 years. *519. Laura L. Furman, died at Normal, Sept. 16, 1888. 520. Carrie B. Goode (Mrs. Adams), Normal. Taught Aledo, 1887- 88; Oak Park, 1888-89. Married James W. Adams (See No. 345), July II, 188g. 521. E. Margaret Hursey, 204 E. 4th St., Normal. Rural sch., 2% yrs. 522. Cynthia A. Rutledge, sten., 4571 Oakenwold Ave., Chicago. 523. Flora B. Smith, primary supervisor, 657 W. Main St., Decatur. St. Chicago Normal; Chicago Kindergarten College; Havana h. s., 1887- 89; Decatur, 188g-date. *524- Mary J. Watt, died, ISg5. Taught Griggsville h. s., 7 yrs. 525. Josepha H. E. Witte, Oceanside, Cal. Taught 8 yrs. 526. Jacob S. Cline, wholesale board and paper business, 135 Adams St., Chicago. Prin. h. s., Kankakee; I yr., pres. Fleischer Paper Box Co., Chicago. Married Ellen B. Bonfield;: June 23, ISgI. 527. Edwin S. Coombs, lawyer, Carthage. St. Univ. of Mich .. Ann Arbor, 1894-96; prin., EIPaso, 1887-8; prin., LaHarpe, 1888-90; supt., Carthage, ISgo-g3; co. supt. Hancock Co., ISg0; supt. Pontiac, 1893-94. Married Luella L. Worrell, Oct. 7, 1903. 528. John W. Creekmur, lawyer, 1402 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. Prin. Camp Point, 2 yrs.; prin. Rice Lake, Wis., I yr. -Married, ISgI. 529. John Henry Gray, prof. political and social science, 1827 Or­ rington Ave., Evanston. St. Harvard, 1883-87; grad. student, Harvard, 1887-88; Halle, Ger., 188g-90; Paris, France, and Vienna, Aus., 1890-91; Berlin, ISgI-2; Ph.D., Halle, 1892; instructor in political economy, Har­ vard, 1888-Sg; prof. political and social science, Northwestern Univ., 1892- date; represented U. ·S. at International Congress, Dusseldorf, Ger., June, ILLINOIS STAT~ NORMAL UNIV~RSITY. 287

1902; also at International Congress at Ostend, Belgium, Aug., 1902; at the International Co-operative Congress, Manchester, Eng., July, 1902; pub. articles and editorials to the number of 281. Mar~ied Helen Roch­ well Bliss, New Haven, Conn., June 14, ISg4. t530. George M. Holferty, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago. Taught 8 yrs. 531. Joab R. Kasbeer, real estate, 305 Commonwealth Bldg., Denver, Col. Prin. Saybrook, 2 yrs.; supt., Aledo, 2 yrs. 532. Thomas M. Kilbride, teaching, Springfield. St. Univ. of Mich., 1890-93; prin~ San Jose, 1887-88; prin. Minier, 1888-ISgO ; prin. Stuart sch., Springfield, ISg3-date; pub. Oral Arithmetic for Seventh and Eighth Grades. Married Estella L. Moore. 533. William J. Rowson, prin. S. Holland Schools, Cook Co., 72 N. Garfield St., Hinsdale. Taught in business college, Chicago, 9~ yrs.; pub. schools, IO~ yrs. Married Susan M. Hubbell, Dec. 25, ISg4. 534. Adna F. Smith, optician, 208 Lake St., Oak Park. Prin. prep. dept., Eureka College, 1893-97. Married Ada A. Jones, May 27, ISgO. 535. Almeron Warren Smith, prin. gram. sch., 534 W. 124th St., New York City. St. Univ. of Mich.; Columbia Univ, New York City; prin. Morrisonville, 1887-Sg; prin. gram. sch., Salt Lake City, Utah, ISgI-93; h. s., Salt Lake City, 1894-98; Hyde Park h. s., Chicago, 18gB-I9OI; De­ Witt Clinton h. s., New York City, 1901-02; High School of Commerce, New York City, 1902-05; prin. gram. sch., 32 Brooklyn, 1905-date. Mar­ ried Olive A. Lister, 18gB. t536. Amos Watkins, rector Trinity Church, Bay City, Mich. Prin. h. s., Pueblo, Col., 2 yrs. HIGH SCHOOL 1887 91. Lucy Coolidge (Mrs. Hamsher), 5204a Morgan St., St. Louis, Mo. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-ISgI; Univ. of Chicago Graduate Sch., 1894- Married Frank Hamsher, June, 19oO. 92. Martha Crist (Mrs. Kasbeer) (See No. 517). 93. Bertha M. Glidden (Mrs. Bradt), DeKalb. St. U. of C. Exten­ sion Courses, 18g6-gB, 19o5-06; vice-pres. Illinois Congress of Mothers. Married Samuel E. Bradt. 94- Alice Freeman Tryner (Mrs. Evans), 1412 N. Main St. Bloom­ ington. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887-88; Smith College, 1888-90. Married, Oct. 9, ISg4, to Rowland Watkin Evans. 95· Jacob A. Bohrer, postmaster, Bloomington. St. Williams Col­ lege; LS.N.U., 4 yrs.; asst. state's attorney, 5 yrs.; postmaster, 1901-. tg6. Alexander H. Cunningham, missionary, Pekin, China. 97. J. Robert Effinger, Jr., asst. prof. of French, Univ. of Mich., Ann Arbor, -Mich. Asst. prin. Manistee, Mich., 1 yr.; Univ. of Mich., ISg4-. 98. Walter H. Green, cashier life insurance co., 445 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. 99· Charles B. Harrison, merchant, Manhattan, Kan. roo. Joab R. Kasbeer (See No. 531). tIOI. Edward Manley, Quadrangle Club, 5801, Lexington Ave., Chi­ cago! 102. George M. Peairs, physician and surgeon, Joliet. Grad. Rush Medical College; taught 2 yrs.; at present surgeon for Ill. Steel Co., Joliet. 103. Harty J. Peairs, teller Second Nat. Bank, Pittsburg. Pa. Taught 2 yrs. *104. Leonard M. Prince, died Nov. I, 1895. 288 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

I05. William F. Ryburn, dentist, Milford. St. Univ. of Mich., 1887- 88; Univ. of Iowa, 1889-91. 106. John Adams-Scott, head professor of Greek, Northwestern Univ., Evanston. St. Northwestern Univ., A.B., ISgI; Johns Hopkins Uniy., Ph.D., 1897; Univ. of Gottingen, Ger.; fellow in Johns Hopkins Univ., 1895-g6; dept. of Greek, Northwestern Uniy., ISg7-date; contributor to Eng. Classical Review, Amer. Journal of Philology, and Classical Phil­ ology. Married Matilda J. Spring, Sept. I, ISg3.

CLASS OF 1888 537. Maude 1. Abbott, saleswoman, Read & Whit'e, 406 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught 5 yrs. t538. Louise L. Babcock (Mrs. Arenschield), Elden, la. Taught 3 yrs. 539. M. Sophie Barry, member of Barry Bros. Dry Goods Co., Ga­ lena. St. Univ. of Mich., 1889-90; degree of A.B.; prin. h. s., Charles­ ton, 1888-89; h. s., Leavenworth, Kan., 1Sg1-92; received life state cer­ tificate, 1888; in Europe in 1900. 540. Mary E. Corson (Mrs. Brown), 501 Evans St., Springfield, Mo. Asst. h. s. Sparta, 1888-89; prin. h. s., Sterling, 1889-1893; asst. h. s., Danville, 1893-97. Married Sept., 1897, to William M. Brown. 541. Sarah G. Corson (Mrs. Laird), Sunnyside, Wash. Taught 5 yrs· 542. Ida Estelle Crouch (Mrs. Ida Crouch Hazlett), editor Mon­ tana News, Helena, Mont. St., Chicago College of Music; Stanford Univ.; h. s., Paxton, 1 yr.; h. 5. Elmwood, I yr.; primary teacher, Rica, Col., 5 yrs. Married N. Hazlett, now deceased. 543. Ida L. Elkins (Mrs. C. D. Stillwell), teaching, 1707 Deming Place, Chicago. Sixth grade, Oregon, 1888-89; seventh grade, Pekin, 1889-92; asst. prin. h. 5., Wyoming, 1892-96; eighth grade, Chicago, 1896- date. Married Chicago, April 26, 1897. t544. Ella M. Ferris (Mrs. Harry Kitfield), 408 Magazine St., Cam­ bridge, Mass. Taught 3 yrs. 545. Florence M. Gaston (Mrs. Edmund B. Smith), 5474 Greenwood AYe., Chicago. Ass't. North Dixon h. 5., 1888-8g; prin. Normal h. s., 1889-90. Married, 18g0. tS46. Hattie M. Hedges (Mrs. Patton), Goldhill, Col. Taught 2 yrs. t547. Nettie S. Hunter (Mrs. Andrew Chapman), Stonington. Taught, 9 yrs. 548. Hulda Myrtle Koester (Mrs: Ferris), 2838 Franklin St., Den­ ver, Col. T. Lee's Siding, Col., I yr.; Prospect Valley, Col., 3 yrs.; 7th grade, Wyman Sch., Denver, Col., I yr. Married Wm. H. Ferris, Sept. I, 1896. *549. Emma Lisk (Mrs. Guthrie), died Oct. 4, ISgI. Taught I yr. 550. Lydia Merrill (Mrs. Tarbox), 1315 N. 71st St., Chicago. Taught 6 yrs. Married Cornelius S. Tarbox (See No. 481). 551. Emma H. Parker, teaching, Stockton. Primary teacner, Los­ tant, 1888-92; Sycamore, 1892-93; Athens, 1893-95; fourth and fifth grades, Stockton, 18gB-date. SS2. Ellen Reid (Mrs. Byers), 2100 E. Galer St., Seattle, Wash. Taught.9 yrs. Married Ovid A. Byers. 553. Anna Martha Smith (Mrs. Brown), Divernon. Maroa, 1888-89; EIPaso, 1890-94. Married John Harvey Brown, July 31, 1895. ILLINOIS STAT~ NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 289

554. Carrie Virginia Smith (Mrs. Charles M. Stebbins), 763 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Univ. of Mich., ISg3-95; prin. h. 5., Mor­ ris, 1888-g0; prin. h. 5., Peru, ISgI-93; teacher of English and mathe­ matics, h. 5., Salt Lake City, Utah, ISg5-96. Married, June 24, 18g6. 555. Jessie E. Sumner (Mrs. C. V. McReynolds), Chico, Cal., R.F.D. NO.3. Anchor, 1888-89; Peotone, 188g-91; Naples, 1892-93. Married Charles V. McReynolds (See No. 624), July 17, 1890. 556. Mina M. Watson, teaching, 1513 N. Troy St., Keokuk, Ia. St. in Univ. Ex. classes; Danville, 1888-90; elem. sch., Chicago, ISgo-; head asst. James Monroe Sch., Chicago, 1904-date; pub. Trip to Hawaii-a magazine article. 557. Fred Barton, farmer, Rich Hill, Mo., R.F.D. NO.7. Rural sch., near Saybrook, 1888-89; prin. Odell, 1889-91; rural sch. near Pleas­ ant Hill, ISgI-93. Married Mrs. Satie R. Burris, Aug., 188g, who died in 18gB; m. Anna Huffman, ISgg. 558. Howard Stidham Brode, prof. of biology, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. St. Univ. of Chi., ISg3-96; h. s., Ottawa, 1888-89; asst. in biology, Univ. of Ill., 188g-93; fellow in Zoology, U. of C., 1894-96; instructor in science, Beloit College Acad., 18g6-99; present positionz 1899- date; pub. article on Morphology in Journal of Morphology. Marned M. Kate Bigham (See No. 573), Aug. 30, ISg3. 559. William Norval Broun, teaching. Summer sch., Peoria. St. Wesleyan Law Sch., Bloomington, 1888-90; non-resident course Wes­ leyan Univ., completed 18gB; prin. h. s., Roseville, 1890-92; prin., gram. dept., Normal sch., Platteville, Wis., 1892-93; prin. gram. sch., Keokuk, Iowa, ISg3-95; prin. Township h. s., Roseville, 1897-1900; prin. Sumner sch., Peoria, 1900-date. Married Kate Taliaferro, 1893. 560. Edward I. Manley, Englewood h. s., 5801 Lexington Ave., Chi­ cago. Prin. h. s., Bloomington; asst. h. s., LS.N. U., 1888-91; New Trier twp. h. s., Wilmette. ts61. Hanan McCarrel, dairyman, Kinderhook. Prin. Heyworth, 1 yr.; prin. Winchester, 2 yrs.; Waverly, 1 yr.; supt. Barry, 2 yrs.; supt. Griggsville, 7 yrs.; prin. and supt., Pana, 2 yrs. 562. Anthony Middleton, supt. schools, Dwight. St. Univ. of Ill., IgDo-OI; asst. h. s., Attica, Ind., 1888-89; prin. h. s., Robinson, 188g-go; supt. Brown's Valley, Minn., 1890-91; supt. EIPaso, 1891-93; supt. Nio­ braca, Neb., 1893-94; supt. Chenoa, 1894-1900; supt. Atlanta, 1901-06; supt. Dwight, 1906-date. Married Nettie P. Tuckey, Aug. 20, 1891. 563. William Miner, teaching, Pana. St. Valparaiso, summer terms, ISg2-93; Dixon College, 1894; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 18g6; Charles­ ton Normal, summer, 1904; Univ. of Ill., summers, 1905-06; prin. Greenup, 1890-91; Mt. Pulaski, 1892-96; supt. Pana, 18g6-date. _ Married Eleanor B. Houtchin, Stewardson, May 23, 1881. 564. William J. Morrison, teacher of history and principles of edu­ cation, 319 Stratford Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. St. Swarthmore ~ollege, ISg3-g6; Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1903; pub. sch., Will Co., 1888-89; prin. EIPaso, 188g-93; teacher of history of education and arith., New Jersey State Nonnal, ISg6-1902; Brooklyn Training School, 1903-date. Married Margaret Estelle Chapman, EIPaso, 18gB. 565. Elijah Needham, postmaster, Virginia. Rural schools, 188g-92; supt' Ashland, 1892-96. Married Kate M. Behler. 566. Edmond C. Parker, railway mail service, 440 Menominee St., Oak Park. Prin. Ramsey, I yr.; Stockton, 2 yrs.; railway mail service, 14 yrs.; at present with Chi. and No. Western Ry. t567. Charles F. Philbrook, supt. schools, Bisbee, Ariz. Prin. Lena, 4 yrs.; supt. Rochelle, II yrs.; supt. Williams, Ariz., 1 yr.; supt. Bisbee, Ariz., 1904-. 290 SEMI-CENTENNIAI., HISTORY

568. Francis M. Richardson, supt. of schools, Chicago Heights. St. Univ. of Ill., 1900-01; summer terms, 1894, 18g6; prin. Brownsvalley, Minn., 1888-g0; prin. Chenoa, 18g0-94; supt. Fairbury, ISg4-97; supt. Lincoln, 1~7-1900; supt. Chicago Heights, 1901-date; pub. A Thesis on Science in the Elementary and Grammar Schools. Married Stella Wilson, Sept. I, ISg2. 569. Lewis Rhoton, attorney at law, rooms 12-16 Kahn Bldg., Little Rock, Ark St. Univ. of Ark, ISg3-94; Univ. of Virginia, 18g6; prin. EIPaso, 2 yrs.; prin. ward sch., Little Rock, 3 yrs.; prin. h. s., Little Rock, 2 yrs.; prosecuting attorney, 6th judicial circuit, Ark.; pub. Ar­ kansas and the Nation. Married Bessie Riffel, June 18, 18g6. 570. Edmund B. Smith, teacher of mathematics, 5474 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. St. University of Chicago, ISg7-98; prin. Heyworth, 1886-87; prin. Shawneetown, 1888-91; supt. Normal, 11391-96; Hyde Park h. s., 18g8-date. Married Florence M. Gaston (See No. 545), 1890. 571. James William Tavener, poultry raiser, Normal. Prin. Wil­ liamsville, 2 yrs.; supt. LeRoy, 2 yrs.; prin. ward sch., Bloomington 2 yrs.; supt. Chillicothe, 2J yrs. Married Ida Mary Booth, Feb. 20, 1876. 572. Washington Wilson, head of dept. of education, Bellingham, Wash. St. Clark Univ., summer ISg7. Univ. of Cal., 18g8-19OO; prin. Coronado, Cal., 1888-90; head of training School, State Normal, Chico, Cal., ISgo-91; asst. in science, Chico, ISgI-93; department of education, Chico, 1893-97; head of department of education, State Normal, Belling­ ham, Wash., 1900-date. Married Margaret H. Chaplin, March, 1880.

HIGH SCHOOL 1888 107. M. Sophie Barry (See No. 539). *108. Fannie B. Cheney. Deceased. 109. Laura McCurdy, 414 E. Grove St., Bloomington. tIlO. Josie L. Roberts (Mrs. Harry A. Bent), Oglesby, Battle Creek, Mich., h. s., I yr. *III. Clarence C. Carroll, died, 1902. I12. Dexter W. Fales, physician, 78 T St., N.W., Washington, D. C. Grad. Medical Sch. of Geo. Washington Univ.; asst. prin. Chenoa h. s., 18g0-g2; Commanding Officer of Ambulance Corps of National Guard, D. c., 1:0 yrs. Married Dr. Ella R. House. - I13. Hanan McCarrel (See No. 561). 114. Walter G. Porter, Onawa, Iowa.

CLASS OF 188g 573. M. Kate Bigham (Mrs. Howard S. Brode), 433 E. Alder St., Walla Walla, Wash. Seattle, Wash., 188g-93. Married H. S. Brode (See No. 558), Aug. 30, 1893· *574 Anna M. Brisbane, died Aug., ISgI. Taught 2 yrs. 575. Margaret H. Brown (Mrs. William Aldrich), 519 High St., Keokuk, Ia. Asst. h. s. Kansas, 1889-92; Athens, 1892-94 Married, July 14 ISgI. (See No. 584) . 576. Margaret Bums (Mrs. William H. Shry), Porterville, Cal. De­ Kalb, I yr., and in California schools, 2 yrs. Married, Dec. 30, ISgI . . 577. Luella M. Denman (Mrs. Albert S. Hanna), Sagamore Ave., Hollis, L. I., N. Y. St. Smith College, 188g-91; Univ. of Mich., 1892-93; prin., h. s., Hillsboro, ISgI-92; English in Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1893-98. Married Nov. 24, 18g8. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 291

t578. Florence Guthrie (Mrs. James Hutchings), 596 ,C St., San Bernardino, Cal. DeKalb, 1 yr.; Cajon, Cal., 3 yrs.; San Bernardino, Cal., 3 yrs. 579. Estelle L. Hurd (Mrs. Melville A. Adams), EIPaso. Grammar sch., EIPaso, 1889-93. Married, Dec. 26, 1893. 580. Elizabeth K. McElroy (Mrs. Rishel), teaching, Velarde, N. M. St. Summer sch., Las Vegas, N." M., 1900; taught, Harvard, 188g-90; Rankin, 1890-91; Towanda, 1891-92; Normal, 1892-93; Marengo, 1893- 95; Velarde, N. M., 1895-; pub. articles in-Scnool and Home Education and missionary periodicals. Married Warren H. Rishel (See No. SSg), Aug. 7, 1890. 581. Cora F. Philbrook, Normal. Lostant, 1 yr.; Normal, 4 yrs. 582. Sarah L. Saltsman (Mrs. Wallace Bright Rhea), IIIO N. Ev­ ans St., Bloomington. ' tS83. Minnie E. Wilson, missionary in China, 3~ yrs. 584. William Aldrich, supt. schools, 424 N. 6th St., Keokuk, la. St. Univ. of Mich., I yr.; summers, Univ. of Chicago; prin. Kansas, 3 yrs.; Athens, 2 yrs.; prin. Keokuk, la" 9 yrs.; supt. Keokuk, la., 19o4-date. Married Margaret H. Brown (See No. 575), July, 1891. 585. Sherman Cass, supt., Tolono. 'St. Univ. of Ill., 3 yrs.; prin. h. 5., Hoopeston, I yr.; supt~ Homer, 4 yrs.; Kirkwood, 3 yrs.; prin. twp. h. 5., Nauvoo, 4 yrs.; science h. 5., Urbana, I yr.; secured life cer­ tificate, 1894. Married Maude Evans, July 8, 1898. 586. Charles M. Fleming, county supt., Shelby Co., Shelbyville. Prin. Cawen, I yr.; prin. Moweaqua, 1 yr.; Robinson h. s., I yr.; Lakewood, 2 yrs. ; Stewardson, 6 yrs; co. supt." 19Q2-date. Married Anna M., Ruch, 1885. 587. Enoch A. Fritter, pres. Univ. of Middle Tennessee, Tullahoma, Tenn. Findlay College, 1890-93; Univ. of Chicago, 1897; Univ. of Ill., 1902-05; supt. Assumption, 1885-87 ; Warren, 1887-90; prin. Normal dept., Findlay College, J890-2; supt. Monticello, J893-96; supt. Normal, 18g6- 1906; pres. Univ. Middle Tenn., 1906-date; pub. Literature of the Nine­ teenth Centur;v, A Trip Down the Sangamon River, The Bible Among Books. MarrIed Margaret Addie Mauzey, 1877. 588. William J. Galbraith, lawyer, Calumet, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1890-94; prin. h. 5., Gardner, 188g-91; prin. elem. sch., Little Rock, Ark., 1894-"95; English in Wisconsin State Normal, J895-98; rep. Jst Dist. Houghton Co., Mich., 6 yrs.; pub. Civil Govt of Arkansas and Nation, 18g6. Married Kate S. Parker, 18go. 589. Richard Heyward, supt. city sch., Langdon, N. Dak. Leland Stanford Univ., 1894-5; Univ. of Chicago, summer, J897; Univ. of Wis., 1898-J9OO; prin. Creston, J88g-94; prin. Yorkville, 1895-g8; supt. Lang­ don, N. Dak., 19oo-date. Married Mary M. Griggs, June 29> 1892. 590. Albert E.' Jones, teacher in University, Lansing, Mich. Taught 9 yrs. 59J. George A. Weldon, special examiner, Bureau of Pensions, 2732 12th St. N. E., Washington, D. C. St. Univ. of Chicago, Igor. National Law Sch., Washington, D. C., 1902-1905; L.L. B. and L.L M.; prin. Gol­ conda, 1889-1891; Shawneetown, 1891-93; supt. Pontiac, 1894-1899; clem. 5ch. teacher, Chicago, 1899-1go2. Married Maud McKibben, 1895. 592. Frank L. Young, lawyer, 934-938 Tremont Bldg., Boston, Mass. St. Harvard College, JSSg-93; grad. Harvard Law Sch., J8g6. 292 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

HIGH SCHOOL 1889 II5. Luella M. Denman (Mrs. Hanna) (See No. 577). II6. Sarah L. Saltsman (Mrs. Rhea) (See No. 582). II7. Lemuel F. Buck, dentist, 1220 Masonic Temple, Chicago; home, La Grange. St.. Chicago College of Dental Surgery, ISg1-92; taught, Mo­ weaqua, 188g-91. Married Sadie A. Cottrell, Sycamore, 1893 . . II8. Clifford H. Coolidge, proprietor of Leader .Laundry, Bloom­ ington. Married Frances Josephine Smith, May 6, 1906. II9. G. Francis Dullam, lawyer, Bismarck, N. D. Grad. Univ. of Minn., 1893. Married Edna W. Dennis, Oct. 5, 1905. 120. Lucien H. Gilmore, prof. of physics and electrical engineering, 33 ·N. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, Cal. St. Rose Polytechnic Institute, 18go-l; Leland Stanford Univ., 1Sg1-4; Univ. of Chicago, lSg8-9; asst. in physics Leland Stanford Univ., 1894-5; prof. Throop Polytechnic Institute, rSg5- date. Married Edith Richards Williams, Oakland, Cat, March 28, 1905. 121. Theodore L. Harley, teacher, Chicago. Grad. Dartmouth Col­ lege, ISg3; received degree of A.M. from Harvard Univ.; prin. h. s. Olney, ISg4-96; Bloomington h. s. instructor, 1896-gB; instructor in Eng­ lish in Hyde Park h. s., 1898-date. Married Margaret Norris, 1897. 122. Joseph Manley, instructor in Greek, Marietta, O. Grad. Har­ vard College, ISg3; instructor in Greek, Marietta College, 1893-date. Mar­ ried Florence Lane, 1901. 123. Edmund B. McCormick, professor of m'chanical engineering and supt. of shops, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. St. Mass. Inst. of Technology, ISg3-97; asst. mechan. engineer, Montana Agricultural College, ISg8-19OO; present position 19oo-date; federal gov't road expert, Kansas. Married Jeannette Maxey, 1899. 124. Brainard Lee Spence, real estate broker, 467 Ninth St., Oakland, Cal. Married Ida B. Smith, Aug. 30, ISg2. 125. Harry Weber, lawyer, 1500 Chicago Title and Trust Bldg., Chicago. .

Cr.ASS OF ISg0 593. Julia M. Case (Mrs. Barth), Paw Paw, R. F. D. NO.2. Rural sch., 3 yrs.; second primary, 1 yr. Married Christopher Barth, 1904. 594. Mary Rice Cleveland, teacher, 2520 N. 42 Court, Irving Park, Chicago. Greenview, 2 yrs.; Irving Park Sch., Chicago, II yrs. *595. Alfaretta Fisher, died, 1902. Taught 8 yrs. 596. Nancy Lee Foley (Mrs. Luce) , 308 Maple Ave., Oak Park. Grade teacher, Oak Park, 5 yrs.; treas. of Ladies' Board of Managers of Central Baptist Orphanage, 10 yrs. Married Frederick A. Luce, Oct. 17, 1895· 597.. Minnie L. Gay (Mrs. Jesse P. Osborne), 1434 Euclid Ave., Santa Barbara, Cal. Country sch. McLean Co., ISg0-91; Tazewell Co., ISg1 -93; prin. h. s., LeRoy, 1893-94; prin. training sch., Southland Col­ lege and Normal Sch., Southland, Ark., 1894-96; prin. Mission Sch., Mo­ roni, Utah, 1902-03. Married, May 31, 1904. 5gB. Honor Hubbard (Mrs.-Louis B. Easton), 540 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadena, Cal. St. Univ. of Ill., ISg7-8; Chautauqua Univ.; prin. Morris h. s., 18go-1; teacher of literature and history, Berea Gollege, Ky., 1891- 93; Woodstock h. s., ISg3-5. Married,ISg3 (See No. 6ra). 599. Rose W. Humphrey, Normal. St. Pratt Art I~stitute, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890-92; prin. h. s., Crystal Lake, 2 yrs.; superVisor of drawing, Maquoketa, Iowa, 1902-03;. LaGrange, r903-4; Neenah, Wis., 4 yrs. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 293

tbOO. Hattie H. Lischnewski, address unknown. 601. Alice J. Patterson, teaching, Normal. St. Univ. of Chicago. 1896-97; summers, 1898, 99, 1901; Wheaton h. s., 1890-94; prin. Fair­ bury h. s., 1895-96; science .teacher, Normal h. s., 1897-1905; teacher of nature study, 1.S.N.U., 1906-date; -pub. The Spinner Family. t602. Thirza ·M. Pierce, missionary, Kiukiang, China. Taught 2 yrs. 603. Cora M. Porterfield, teaching, 510 N. Sixth St., Maywood. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1893-97; same, 1902-03; Bryn Mawr College, 1900-01; resigned fellowship in Latin, same, 1902; teacher of languages, Rice Col­ legiate Inst., 1890-93; Latin and Greek, same, 1898-99; Latin and Greek, Chicago Prep. Sch., 1893-5, and 1898; same, Milwaukee-Downer College, 1901-02; Latin and Eng. in twp. h. 5., Biggsville, 1906-; pub.articles in The Classical Review and The Classical J ollrnal. 604. Margaret C. Power, science teacher, Pontiac. St. Univ. of III and Univ. of Chicago, during summers; prin. h. s., Odell, 4 yrs.; prin. h. s., Chester, I yr.; teacher twp. h. ~., Pontiac, 1895-. 605. Annie Laurie Renshaw (Mrs. Jesse Frazeur), teaching, Green Hall Univ. of Chicago. St. Tufts College, Mass., 1892-4; Univ. of Chi­ cago, 1901; Hinsdale h. 5., 1894-5; Hillside Home Sch., Wis., 1895-98; Aurora h. s., 1898-19°5; Lake View h. s., Chicago, 1905-date. Married July, 1890 (See H. S. No. 132). 606. Lavina E. Roberts, farming, Pearl. Business manager and con­ trolling editor of populist newspaper; public speaker on socialistic ques­ tion. t607. Belle C. Robinson, Mont Clair. Taught 1% yrs. 608. Alice E. Smart (Mrs Simcox), Warren. Prin. Scales Mound, 2 mos., 1891. Married Charles R. Simcox, April 5, 1900. t609. Maggie L. Smith (Mrs. Harris L. Latham), 1371 W. Wood St., Decatur. Formerly a missionary at Yamada, Japan. 610. Cora E. Snider (Mrs. Irwin), 1003 Franklin Ave., Normal. Mar­ ried Samuel Pashley Irwin, Nov., 1891. 6II. Maud Valentine, teaching, The University Sch. for Boys, Dear­ borne Ave. and Elm St., Chicago. St. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., N. Y., 1900-01; training teacher, 1. S. N. U., 1894-1900; Univ. sch. for boys, Chicago, 1901-04; Flexner Sch., Louisville, Ky., 1904-05; supervisor of primary dept., Univ. Sch. for Boys, Chicago, 1905-. *612. Nellie M. Wheeler, died, March 25, ISgI. 613. Mary Lou Whitney, teaching, 5500 Washington Blvd., Austin Stafion, Chicago. St. Chicago Univ. Ex. Work, 1900-03; Central Insti­ tute, 1902-05; Bradley Polytechnic, Peoria, summer, 1908; Marseilles, 1891-92; Peoria, 1892-96; elem. sch., Austin, Chicago, 1896-date. 6I4. Ida Woods, teaching, American Mission, Cairo, Egypt. St. in Paris, Hanover, and Heidelberg, 1896-97. Univ. of Chicago, spring and summer, 1898; rural sch., 1891-95; h. s., Paola, Kan., 1898-99; teacher of German and French, Tarkio, College, Tarkio, Mo., 1900-05; teacher in Girls' Boarding Sch., Cairo, Egypt, 1905-date. 615. Emily Catherine Zigler (Mrs. James J. Coats), Sterling, Ill. Country sch., 1890-91; grammar sch., Sterling, 1891-93; country sch., 1893-98. Married June 9, 18gB. • 616. Rudolph H. H. Blome, teaching, Tempe, Ariz. St. Univ. of Jena, 1897-1900; supt. Wyoming, 1890-91; prin. Rice Collegiate Institute, Pax­ ton, 1892-97; teacher of psychology and pedagogy, Normal school, Tempe, Ariz., 1900-date. Married Mary Jane Pierce, 1882. 617. Lyman W. Childs, physician, 420 Rose Buildg, Cleveland, O. St. Western Reserve Medical College, 1891-94; Univ. of Vienna, 1899- 294 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

1900; prin. h. s., Galva, 189<>-91; Medical Inspe~tor Cleveland pub. sch.; pub. numerous articles on medical subjects. Married Colene Hogg, Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada, 1902. 618. Louis B. Easton, architect, 540 S. Marengo Ave., Pasadema, Cal. St Univ. of IlL, IB97-99; supt. Barrington, 189o-g2; Lamont, 1892-93; Woodstock, ISg4-96; teacher of physics and chemistry, Austin h. s., 1899- 1904- Married Honor Hubbard (See No. 598), IB93. 619. Emil R. Greabeiel, teaching, Naper, Neb. Prin. Elm Creek, Neb., 3 yrs.; Miller, Neb., 2 yrs.; prin. Stratton, Neb., 3 yrs.; prin. South Wilmington, 2 yrs.; prin. Naper, Neb., at present. 620. John William Hall, prof. of elem. education, Univ. of Cincin­ nati. St. Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1901-02; Univ. of Jena, 1892-95; prin. gram. grades, Normal, IB90-92; assistant prin., Franklin sch., Buffalo, N. Y., ISg5-97; supt. training dept. Colorado State Normal 1898-1900; fellow, Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1900-or; instructor in psychology, N. Y. Training Sch., 1901..()5; prof. of elem. education, Univ. of Cincinnati, 1905-date Married Cornelia Thomas, Aug 15, 18gB. 621. Lincoln E. Harriss, elk. in Bureau of Census, Washington, D. C. Prin. Moline, :2 yrs.; supt. Oregon, 3 yrs.; prin. h. s., Manitou, Col., :2 yrs.; prin. Austin~ I yr.; prin. h. s., Rochelle, I yr. Married Margaret E. Clancy, May 6, 1901. 622. Dudley G. Hays, teaching, 807 Estes Ave., Rogers Park, Chi­ cago. Univ. of Chicago, ISg2-96; Lake Forest Univ., dept. of Law, ISg7- 99; Ill. College of Law, 1902-03; asst. science teacher, 1. S. N. U. 1890-91; Englewood h. s., 1891-96; asst. science teacher, Chicago Normal, IBg6- 1900; prin. Arnold Sch., Chicago, 1901-02; prin. Kershaw Sch., 1902-06; prin. Eugene Field Sch., 1906-date; pub. Laboratory Physics, Nature Study Suggestions for the Grades. E~perimentaZ Study of the Atmos­ phere, E~perimental Study of Heat. Married Emma Adams, Dec. 24. 1891. 623. Frank E. King, teaching, Rt. I, Geneva, O. Prin. Normal dept., New Orleans Univ., 2 yrs.; prin. Kingston and Loda, 2 yrs.; taught in Michigan state, 14 mos.; twp. h. s., Geneva, 0., 1905-. 624- Charles Vernon McReynolds, farming, Chico, Cal., R. F. D. No. 3. Prin. Peotone, 189o-g1; prin. Naples, 1891-93; prin. Maroa, 1893-95; supt. Virginia, ISg5-97; supt. Effingham, 1897-99; merchant in Bloom­ ington 1899-1906. Married Jessie Edna Sumner (See No. 555), July 17, 1890. 625. Harry C. Metcalf, teaching, Tufts College, Mass. Harvard Univ., 1890-94; Berlin Univ., ISg4-97; prof. of political science, Tufts College, ISgB-date. 626. Charles Alonzo Perkins teaching, 1417 E. Tenth Ave., Spokane, Wash. Baptist Theological Semmary,l Louisville, Ky., 1891-2; Univ. of Chicago, 1894-5; Mission, Indian Territory, 1 yr.; sUQt. Indian sch., I.T., 2 yrs.; Bloomington, I yr.; Pullman, Wash., 2 yrs.; prin. McKinley Sch.~ Spokane, Wash., 1899-date. Married Lottie McMurry, Aug. 6, ISg0. t627. K Girard Whittaker, insurance and real estate, E. St. Louis. Taught 7 yrs. 628. Albert Norval Young, co. supt., Rockmont, Wis. Univ. of Chi­ cago, 18g6-19OO; prin. Assumption, 2 yrs.; prin. Rentand, 3 yrs.; instruc­ tor in biology and agriculture, Superior Normal Sch., 3 yrs.; co. supt. of schools, Douglas Co., Wis., 2 yrs.; pub. Regeneration of Appen.dages in Nymphs of Agrionidae, 1903. Married Bessie Curtis (See No. 632).

HIGH SCHOOr. 1890 126. Iva May Durham (Mrs. Thomas Vennard), prin. Epworth Evan­ gelistic Institute, 3019 Bell Ave., St. Louis, Mo: Wellesley College, 1892- 93; grammar ~rade, EIPaso, 1890-91; prin. Morris, 1891-92; h. s., Tus- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITy. 295 tin, Cal., 1893; _ Epworth Evangelistic Institute, 1902-date; pub. -Heart Purity, editor Inasmuch. Married June 8, 1904- 127. Annie L. Glidden, DeKalb. Prin. h. 5., Dundee, 1 yr.; prin. h. s. Dwight, 1 yr.; proofreader Rand, McNally, Chicago, 3 yrs.; teacher in Miss Talbot's School, Chicago, 2 yrs. 128., Clara B. James (Mrs'. C. A. Herrick), 214 E. Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Geneva, , 1891-92; Univ. of Leip­ zig, Germany, 1892-93; Univ. of Zurich, Switzerland, 1893; Friends' Sch., Wel't Chester, Pa., 1893-95; head of dept. German and French, h. s., Holyoke, Mass., 1895-97. Married June 29, 1897. 129. Cora M. Porterfield (See No. 603). 130. May Skinner (Mrs. Parker), Julesburg, Col. Teacher Illinois Wesleyan College of Music, 4 yrs. Married Bertrand D. Parker (See No. 656) , June 30, 1897. - 131. Kittie D. Wright (Mrs. William Stillhamer), Ridgeville, N. J. t132. Jesse L. Frazeur, Texas. Address unknown. 133. Frank E. King (See No. 623). 134 Silas Ropp, real estate, Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington, home ad­ dress, 3052 N. 40th Ave., Chicago. Married Alice Spikings, Chicago, Jan. 30, 1902. t135. James F. Wilson, Stuyvesant H. S., New York City. Academy, Knoxville, I yr.; h. 5., Durango, Col., 2 yrs.; h. s., penver, Col., 1 yr.; DeWitt Clinton h. s., N. Y. City, 5 yrs.; h. s. of Commerce, N. Y. City, I yr.; present position, 1904-.

Cuss OF 1891 t629. Trophie J. Amerman (Mrs. Martin T. Snyder), Flora. Le­ Roy, I yr.; Flora, I yr. 630. Clara Belle Bishop, Piper City. Asst. prin. Harvard, 1 yr.; eighth grade, Clinton, 1 yr.; country sch., Piper City, 5 yrs.; asst. prin., Piper City, 1 yr. 631. Kate E. Conover (Mrs. Fred W. Heidel), Valley City, N. D. Normal pub. sch., 1 yr.; Bloomington, I yr.; West Port, Mo., 2 yrs.; Peculiar, Mo., 2 yrs.; Valley City State Normal, I yr. Married July 14, 18g8. _ 632. Bessie Curtis (Mrs. A. N. Young), Rockmont, Wis. Normal pub. sch., 2 yrs.; Rutland, 3 yrs.; Chicago city schools, 3 yrs. Married, June 7, 1893 (See No. 628). 633· Carrie Elizabeth Flinn (Mrs. Carrie F. Moreland), teaching, 126 E. 12th St." North, Portland, Ore. Asst. h. s., Pana, 2 yrs.; h., 5., No­ komis, 2 yrs.; twp: h. s., Litchfield, ~ yr.; elem. sch., Portland, Ore., 3~ yrs. _ Married Nov. 2, 1897, to Wm. H. Moreland (now deceased). 634· Rebecca A. Foley (Mrs. Keith), Normal. T. Rushville, 2 yrs.; Austin, 4 yrs. Married John A. H. Keith (See No. 755), June 7, 1900. 635. Emma Hill (Mrs. Frank W. Lundy), Stonington. Rural ·sch., 4 yrs.; Edinburg, 1~ yrs.; West Point, Miss., 1897-98, ISgg-1901. Mar­ ried, Sept. 8, 18gS. 636. Grace. Hite (~rs. Edward J. :Wallis), French Village, RF.D. NO.1. St. Umv. of ChIcagO, 18g6; Umv. of Ill., 1902; h. s., Decatur, 1891-93; head of English dept., h. 5., East St. Louis, 1893-1902. Married, 1902· ' 637. Anna M. Kienzle (Mrs. Fred M. Wheeler), 933 Maple Ave., Evanston. Taught 1891-1894. Married, 1894. 296 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

638. Bessie A. McCann (Mrs. Worcester), Columbus, Ohio. St. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1893; Joliet, 1894-g6; Normal pub. sch., -ISg6-99; Ot­ tawa, ISgg-I900. Married Wolsey G. Worcester, Oct. 24, 1900. 639. Sarah Ann McGill (Mrs. Frank Hennen), teaching, 17 Campbell Park, Chicago. Yorkville, 4 yrs.; Austin, 3 yrs.; e1em. sch., Chicago, 5 yrs. Married, July 17, 1899. 640. Edna Mettler (Mrs. A. D. Stowell), St. Mary's Ave., Hannibal, Mo. Degree of Ph.B., from Univ. of Mich., ISg5; Oak Park, ISgI-92; h. s., Oconto, Wis., 1895-96. Married, Aug., 1896. . 641. Alice Louise Raymond (Mrs. Frederick H. Clark), 2405 Pros­ pect St., Berkeley, Cal. Vacaville, Cal., ISg1-921; Mt. Eden, Cal., 1892-93; Berkley, CaL, ISg3-g6. Married, July 10, 1896. t642. Maud M. Root, State St., Marinette, Wis. Hinsdale, 5 yrs.; Champion, Mich., I yr.; Marinette, Wis., 4 yrs. , 643. Katherine G. Spear (Mrs. Harry S. Hadfield), 4 St. James Court, Milwaukee, Wis. Critic teacher, Normal sch., Whitewater, Wis., 1891-93. Married June 28, ISg3. 644. Emma Spurgeon (Mrs. Dixon), 5637 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. Knox College and Univ. of Chicago; rural sch., 2 yrs. Married Joseph A. Dixon, Nov. 28, ISg5 (See No. 719). . 645. Lillian Thompson (Mrs. Tucker), Warrensburg. Rural sch. near Warrensburg, 1891-92; Mechanicsburg, ISg2-94 Married Cyrus J. Tucker, June 4, 18g6. 646. Lucy E. Wallace (Mrs. G. W. Toren), 131 Clark Ave., Chicago. Belvidere, I yr.; Chicago, 8 yrs. t647. Charles A. Armstrong, Hartsburg. Taught 14 yrs. 648. John H. Cox, prof. of Eng. philology, Morgantown, W. Va. St. Brown Univ., 1893-97; Harvard Univ., 1899-1901; prin. Western Springs, ISgI-93; head of depts. (If Eng. and bookkeeping, evening h. s., Provi­ dence, R. 1., 1894-97; educational director, 23rd St. Branch Y.M.C.A., New York City, 1897-99; prof. Eng. lit. Univ. of N. D., 1901-02; present position, 1902-date. Married Mrs. Annie Bush-Long, June 28, 1904. 649. William S. Dewhirst, clerk treas. dept., 1825 First St. N. \V., Washington, D. C. Married Susie L. Hodgkins, Oct. :20, r897. 650. Philip H. Erbes, biologist, physiologist, 622 N. Rockwell St., Chicago. Pub. Cranio-Muscular Origins of Brain and Mind; invented "Fairy" Fireless Cooker. Married Kathryn O. Dickhut, ISg2. 651. James J. Ferguson, teaching, Wellington. St. Univ. of Ill., sum­ mer, 1901; prin. Normal dept. Grand Prairie Seminary, 1891-97; prin. Chebanse, 1897-1900; supt. Sheldon, 1900-06; prin. Wellington, 1906-date. Married, Kate C. Freeman, Dec. 25, ISgI. 652. Casper G. Hanawalt, physician, 1421 N. Clark St., Chicago. De­ gree of A.B. from Taylor Univ., ISg7.; M. D., from Rush Med. CoIl., 1897; -AI0el o2eJ!q::> as.mOJ 'pel2 lSO~ ~~o61 ':llUlpAl0el :.i\ 'N aSlnOJ 'pel2 ~sod clinic, 1903; prin. Mazon, ISgI-94. Married Myrtle Small, 1893. t653. William D. Hawk, teacher German "Natural Method," Colfax. Asst. prin. Rockford, 1 yr.; prin. h. s, Freeport, I yr. 654. Grant Karr, teacher of principles o( education, New York Train­ ing Sch. for Teachers, Manhattan, 1I9th St. and 2nd Ave., New York City. St. in summer schools and at the Univ. of Jena, Germany, ISg4-99; prin. Monte Vista, Col., ISgI-94; teacher of general method, State Nor­ mal Sch., Oswego, N. Y.; supt. practice sch., same, 1899-1906; present position, 19OO-; pub. The Aim of Education, The COIwse of Study, The Main Sftbject if I the Course of Study, and Journal of Pedagogy. ILLINOIS S'l'A'l'~ NORMAL UNIV~RSI'l'Y. 297

t655. William H. Kring, lawyer, 206 W. Ave., Highland Park, Los An­ geles, Ca1. 656. Bertrand DeRalph Parker, Jr., real estate, Julesburg, Col. St. Univ. of Pa., 1893-95; Univ. of Chicago, one term, 1899; prin. Rankin, 1889-90; prin. elem. sch., Springfield, 1891-93; prin. h. s. Rockford, 1895- 1904; prin. New Trier twp. h. s., Kenilworth, 1904-05. Married May Skinner (See H. S. No. 130), June 30, 1897. 657. James B. Pollock, teaching, 308 S. 4th Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Wis., 1891-94 Univ. of Mich., 1895-97; Univ. Leipzig, Ger., 1897-98; teacher of biology Austin h. s., 1891-5; instructor in botany, Univ. of Mich., 1898-1906; asst. prof. in botany Univ. of Mich., 1906-date; pres. Mich. Academy Sci., 1906-7; pub. numerous articles on botanical subjects. Married Ida B. Allen, Ann Arbor, Mich., June 24 1902. 658. George W. Reid, supt. sch., Monroe, La. Prin. Tonica, 2 yrs.; supt. Wenona, 7 yrs.; supt. Homer, La., 3 yrs.; supt. Monroe, La., 1904-. 659 James J. Sheppard, prin. h. s. of Commerce, 155 W. 65th St., N. Y. City. St. Harvard, 1891-94; Columbia, 1897-1900; N. Y. Univ., 1901-02; prin. h. s., Decatpr, 1894-97; head of history dept., DeWitt Clin­ ton H. S., N. Y. City, 19

HIGH SCHoor. 1891

136. Mellie E. Bishop, critic teacher, E'; I. S. N. S., Charleston. N or­ mal, I yr.; h. s. Lacon, I yr.; h. s. Oregon, I yr.; State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Ore., I yr.; private sch., Buffalo, N. Y., 6 yrs; summer sch., Charleston, 6 wks.; present position, 1905-. 137· Grace Cheney (Mrs. John F. Wight), 404 E. Washington St., Bloomington. Married Oct. 19, 1899. 138. Agnes Spofford Cook (Mrs. Gale), Univ. of Chicago. St. Wellesley College, 1891-93; Univ. of Chicago, 1893-96, graduate; asst. in dept. of English, Univ. of Ill., 1896-98; pub. The Story of Ulysses; The Story of Achilles and Hector; edited Sesame and Lilies, and Last of the Mohicans; joint editor with Lida B. McMurry of several books of poems. Married Henry Gordon Gale, Jan. 5, 1901. - 139. Rachel Crothers, playwright, 550 Park Ave., New York City. St. Wheatcroft Dramatic Sch., N. Y. City; teacher of dramatic art in Wheat­ croft Sch. of Acting, N. Y. City, 4 yrs.; first play "Three of Us" pro­ duced in N. Y. Oct. 17, 1906, with great success. 140. Edna Mettler (·Mrs. Stowell) (See No. 640). 141. Louise M. Vickroy (Mrs. Rosesteel), 2402 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Cal. Married J. A. Rosesteel, March 5, 1901. 142. George P. Burns, teaching, University of Mich., Ann Arbor. St. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., Delaware, Ohio, 1896-98; Univ. of Munich, Munich, Ger., 18g8-1901; prin. New Berlin, 1891-93; prin. Williamsville, 1893-95' instructor in botany, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1896; pub. numerous botan: ical articles. Married Nettie May Hollington, June 30, 1898. 143. Cary R. Colburn (See No. 684). 144. Philip H. Erbes (See No. 650). 298 SEMI-CENTENNIAI. HISTORY

145. Charles Wilson Mills, member of Clark & Mills Electric Co., 1444 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, Mass. St. Lawrence Scientific sch., of Har­ vard Univ.; teacher of physics in h. s., Decatur, 1895-96. Married Florence Naomi McNeil, May, 21, 1902. 146. William B. Moulton, lawyer, 549 Marquette Bldg., Chicago. St. Stanford Univ., ISg1-93; Harvard College, 1893-95; Harvard Law Sch., 18g6 j pres. Illinois Civil Service Commission. 147. Bertrand D. Parker (See No. 656). 148.1 James B. Pollock (See No. 657). 149. James J. Sheppard (See No. 659). 150. Charles C. Wilson (See No. 660).

CLASS OF 1892 661. Ella M. Andrew, teacher 630 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago and grad. from Soper Sch. of Oratory 18g6; Maywood, I yr. j Oak Park, I yr. j Motley 5ch., Chicago, 1894-. 662. Ruth C. BaUer (Mrs. Mueller), 506 E. Chestnut St., Blooming­ ton. T. in schs. of Bloomington IO~ yrs.; Evanston, 1~ yrs. Married Rev. John H. Mueller, 1903. 663. Alma Boyer (Mrs. Hatch), DeKalb. St. Columbia Univ.; Teachers' ColI., 1905-1906; substitute in Oak Park, 1894-18g5. Married Luther A. Hatch (See No. 689), June 8, 1893. 664- Etta Brewer, teaching, Sandwich. St. Univ. of Chicago, su~­ mer, 1905; rural schs., 5 yrs.; grammar grades, 4 yrs.; prin. village sch., I yr.; h. s. asst., I yr. t665. Mrs. Caroline M. Butterfield (Mrs. R. O. Butterfield), III2 Og­ den Ave., Denver, Colo. Taught 2 yes. 666. Florence). Clark, teacher, 2II N. Fourth St., DeKalb. Primary critic, N.I.S.N.S., 3 yrs., same, Rochester Normal Train. Sch., I~ yrs., prin. North Sch., DeKalb, 1902-date. t667. Ellen R. Connett (Mrs. Detwiler), Omaha, Neb. Taught, 2 yrs. 668. Bella L. Cook (Mrs. Ambrose), "Belrose Grove," Alhambra, Cal. Sterling, 1892-93; Saybrook, 1893-94; Agassiz Sch., Chicago, 1894- 1901. Married James Clement Ambrose, August 22, 1901. 669. Etta Fordyce (,Mrs. Brent), 408 S. 5th St., Monmouth. Prin. ~. s. Edwardsville, 1892-96; h. s., Monmouth, 18g6-g8 j same, 1902-03. Married W~ W. Brent, June 29, 1898. 670. Belinda Ellen Garrison, teaching, Granite City. St. Univ. of Ill.; taught gram. sch., White Hall; h. s., Rossville; h. s., Granite City. Married Adolphus Miller, 1894- *671. Hattie J. Gaston, died in Chicago, Nov. 3, 1897. St. Med. Dept. of Northwestern Univ., 18g4 to time of death. 672. Cora Laign (Mrs. Rigby), teaching, 109 So. Central Ave., Chi­ cago, Austin Station; Oak Park, 1892-94; Hinsdale, 1902-03 j Evanston, 1903-05; Chicago elem. sch., 1905-07. Married James R. Rigby, 1894- 673. Katherine E. McGorray, teacher, 955 Lincoln Ave., Decatur. St. New York Univ., 1905; Rushville h. s., 1892-95; Decatur h. s., 1895- date. . 674- Mary E. McGinnis, teacher, llIO Armida Ave., Morgan Park. Savanna, I yr., Evanston, 2 yrs., Morgan Park, 9 yrs. 675. Mary Neff/ Cookman ~nstitute, Jacksonvi!le, Fla. Grad. -qniv. of Ill. 1902; asst. prm. h. s. LeXIngton, 18g2-94; prm. h. s. Tracy, Mmn., ISg5-1900; prin. h. s., Atlanta, 1902-04; teacher of Eng. and sec. of faculty Cookman Institute, Jacksonville, Fla., 1904-date. il Il,l,INOIS STATE NORMAl, UNIVERSITY. 299 I~ 676. Jessie Peasley, Gen. Sec. Y. W.', C. A, Bay City, Mich. Cort­ land primary grade, 1892-93; primary, Bloomington, ISg3-:190I!; gen. sec. Y.W.C.A., 5~ yrs.· i 677. Phebe R. Vail (Mrs. English), JiIenry. Rock Rapids, Ia., I yr.; Rochelle, 2 yrs.; rural sch., Bureau Co., 3 mo. Married Chas. N. Eng­ lish, Oct. 8, 1902. 678. Minnie Whitham, prin. Wm. Beye Sch., Oak Park Taught grades Oak Park, 4 yrs.; prin. Oak Park, IO yrs. 679. James Eli Ament, prin. State Normal Sch., Indiana, Pa. St. at different times in Chicago, N ew York City and Ann Arbor; received LL.D. from Univ. of Ky., June 14, 1906; prin. North Bend, Neb., ISg2-93; supt. Carroll, Ia., 1893-95; supt. Rock Island, 1895-96; pres. State Normal Sch., Alva, Okla., ISg7-1902; pres. State Normal Sch., Warrensburg, Mo., 1904-06; as above 1906--date; pub. short stories not under own name, The Fourth Profession in Southern Educational Review. Married Teresa Catherine Welch, March 3, 188g. 680. Francis G. Blair, State Supt. of Public Instruction, Springfield. St. SwarthrilOre College, Penn.; Sch. of Pedagogy, Buffalo, N. Y.; supt. LeRoy, ISg2-95; prin. Franklin sch., Buffalo, N. Y., ISg7-99; sup. of train­ ing dept., E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, 1899-1906; as above, IgOO-; pub. Monograph on Method and various educational articles. Married Lillian Caton, LeRoy, June, 1898. 681. Edwin L. Boyer, prin. h. s., Bloomington. Asst. h. s., Bloom­ ington, 4 yrs.; prin. same, 18g6-date. t682. R. Olin Butterfield, physician and surgeon, lII2 Ogden Ave. Denver, Colo. Taught 6 yrs. 683. Elmer Warren Cavins, teacher I.S.N.U., Normal. St. Ill. Wes­ leyan Univ., 1894-95; Univ. of Chicago, 18g6-g7; teacher of Eng., ] ohn Parr Sch., Chicago, ISg6-97; instructor I.S.N.U., 13 yrs.; sec'y. of I.S.N.U.; pub. two works on penmanship, one on orthography, reg. contributor to School News, 5 yrs. Married Gertrude Cartmell, ISg5. - 684- Cary Richard Colburn, teaching, Dairoku Kotogakko, Okayama, Japan. Degree of AB. from Harvard Col. ISg5; LL.B. from Harvard Law Sch., ISg9; Monroe Inst., Monroe City, Mo., ISgI-92; prin. h. s., West Superior, Wis., ISg5-96; Eureka Col., 1900-03; asst. in dept. of education, Univ. of Cal., 1904; English in Osaka Col. of Commerce, Japan, 1904-06; Latin and English in Sixth Imperial Higher Sch., Okayama, Japan, 1906- date. Married Martha Dunton, Sept. 13, 1905. 685. Lewis William Colwell, prin. Linne Sch., 1661 North Troy St., Chicago. Teacher and head asst., Avondale Sch., Chicago, 1892-95, pres­ ent position Jan., ISgS-date; pub. a series of articles on Speer's Arith­ metic in Primary Education, ISg7. Married Grace A Stryker, ISg4- 686. Stephen A Douglas Faris, supt. schs., Augusta. Prin. h. s., o Williamsfield, 1892-94; prin. Perry, ISg4-97: supt. Augusta, 1897-. Married Minnie V. Thomas, Dec., 1902. 687. William C. Fulton, farmer, Winfield, Kan. Taught Cazenovia, I yr.; EIPaso, I yr.; Roanoke, I yr. Married Adelaide Yo'ekey, Feb.,I906. 688. G. Charles Griffiths, prin. Motley Sch., 5715 Midway Park, Aus­ tin Sta., Chicago. St. Illinois Col. of Law; supt. Metamora, 1892-93; prin. Robert Emmet Sch., Chicago, ISg3-1903, as above 1903-date. Mar­ ried Mary E. W'Ood, Dec. 25, 1905. 68g. Luther A Hatch, prin. training sch., N.I.S.N.S., DeKalb. St. Teachers' ColI., Columbia Univ., 1906-07; prin. No.2 sch., -Moline, 1892- 94: prin. South sch., Oak Park, ISg4-19OO: prin. as above, 1900-date, ex­ c'ept 1 yr.: married Alma Boyer (See No. 663), June 8, 1893. 6g0. Charles C. Herren, farmer, Yorkville, R. F. D. NO.3, Prin. Kirkland, ISg2-93, same, Bristol, ISg4-96. Married Lillie V. Cornell. 300 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

t691. Morris E. !GUam, Tower Hill. - 6g2. Mack M. Lane, prin. Paul Revere Sch., 63S1 Lexington Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, I~ yrs.; grade teacher Chicago, 2~ yrs.; prin. elem. sch., Chicago, 18g6-. Married Cora Bell Barr, March 29, 1893. t6g3. John B. Moulton, teaching, Monroe Sch., 2971 Grand Ave., Chicago. Chicago elem. sch. 189S--. 694 Swen Franklin Parson, teacher, DeKalb. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898-99; prin. grammar sch., I.S.N. U., 1892-94; prin. h. s. DeKalb, 1897-g8; prof. math. N.I.S.N.S., 1899-date. Married Lulu Bradt, Jan. 31, 189S. 69S. Royal W. Sanders, with H. M. Johns-Manville Asbestos Co.,' New Orleans, La. Grad. IlJ. Wesleyan Law Sch., 1902. St. Baker's Bus. Coil., Bloomington, 1894; rural sch., Will Co., 1892 (2 mos.) j Homer, 1893 (S mos.); Bloomington, Jan., 18gs-June, 18g6; Bloomington h. s., 18g6- Feb., 1907 Married Della Soverns, Sept. 2, 1897. . 6g6. William J. Sutherland, teaching W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 18g6; Univ. of Wis., 1899-1900; Ph.B. from same, 1902; prin. h. s., Yorkville, 18g2-189S; supt. Oregon, 18gS-I901; supt. Charleston, 1901-1902; dept. of geography and geology, W.I.S.N.S., 1902-date; contributed to Journal Geography, Educational Outlook, School and Home Education. Married Vinnie M. Robbins, Creston, July 18, 189S. 697. Benjamin F. Vaughn, pastor Christian church, Ninnekah, Okla. Prin. pub. sch., Eureka, I yr.; same, Marksville, Kas., I yr.; same, Gurda Springs, Kas., I yr.; minister, 18g6-date; pub. short articles on social and religious subjects. Married Mary E. O'Brien, Eureka, Aug. 30, 1893. 6g8. Charles F. Watt, dentist, Armington. St. Chicago ColI. of Dent. Surg, 18g8-lgol; prin. h. s., Loda, 18g2-94; prin. h. s., Pawnee, 189S-18g8; Eng. in a Bus. CoIl., 18g4-18gS. Married Sallie Dills, April 3, 1889.

HIGH SCHOOL 1892. lSI. Grace E. Chandler, music teacher, 375 W. 8th Ave., Columbus, O. 152. Lura M. Eyestone, student, Teachers' Call., Columbia Univ., New York City. St. Normal dept. I.S.N.D., 1892-93; Chicago Normal Sch., summer 1896; Columbia Univ. summer 1905; Teachers' Call., same 1906-date; teacher, rural sch., 18g3-94; Normal pub. sch., 1894-1901; training teacher I.S.N.U., 1901-06. trS3. Enid Gibson (Mrs. Hillegas), with Denver Dry Goods Co., Denver, Colo. 154 Anna Gilborne (Mrs. Martin D. Leopold), teaching, Clay Cen­ ter, Neb. Manteno, 18g2-93; prin. at North Kankakee, 18g3-94; rural schs., 1894-99; Fairbury, 1899-1900; rural sch., 1900-01; St. Anne, 1901-1902; Cabery, 1902-1904; rural sch., Neb., 1904-06; Verona, Neb., ·1906-date. Married Martin D. Leopold, July 12, 1904. 155. Asenath Elliott Grier, teacher. Red Bluff, Cal. St. Univ. of Chi­ cago, 189S-96; Camp Point h. s., 18g2-94; teacher of Latin and Greek, Lid­ enwood, ColI., St. Charles, Mo., 18g4-95; Hayward, Wis. h. s., 1897-99; Red Bluff grades and h. s., 1902-date. t1S6. Metta Huling, Eureka Springs, Ark. 157. Walter H. Baird, teacher, loB E. Charles St., Springfield. St. Univ. of Ill., 1903; summer sessions same, 1901-190S; LeRoy, 4 yrs.; prin. Auburn 4 yrs,; instructor in math. Springfield h. s., S yrs. Married Es- tella Smith, LeRoy, April 30, 18g6. . 158. Arthur Bassett, director Bloomington Conservatory of Music, Normal. Grad. from Chicago Conservatory 18g7; post-grad. work in Chi- cago, Paris, and London. . ILLINOIS S'I'A'I':E NORMAL UNIV:ERSI'I'Y. 301

159. George W. Bishop, teacher, Kankakee. Grad. from Univ. of Ill., 1905; Lacon, ISg2-93; twp. h. s., Streator, ISg3-95; biology, h. s., Bloom­ ington, ISg6-1899; English in Monmouth State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Ore., 1900-02; sciences in Southern Oregon State Normal Sch., Ashland, 1902-03; prin. h. s, Mt. Vernon, Ind., 1903-04; h. s. Superior, Wis., 1904- 05; supt. Peotone, 1905-06; head of science dept., Kankakee, 1906-date. 160. Edgar Blackburn, wholesale brokerage, Baker City, Ore. Mar­ ried Bettie Breck, Richmond, Ky., June, 1905. _ 16i. John B. Cleveland, teacher of mathematics, State Normal Sch., Los Angeles, Calif. Taught Kendall, 1 yr.; Sheffield, 6 yrs.; Kewanee, 2 yrs.; present position, - yrs. 162. Herbert Stephen Hicks, lawyer, cor. State and Main Sts., Rock­ ford. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., Palo Alto, Cal, ISg2-96. Married Florence Gantz, March 10, 1904. 163. Samuel Holder, hardware merchant, Bloomington. 164. Frank E. King (See No. 623). 165. Weldon E. Porter, farmer, Hampton, la. 166. George WlaShington Riley, osteopathist, 43 W. 32d St., New York City. St. Univ. of Penn. Ph.B., 1893-96; Law Sch. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 18g6 and 1897; American Sch. of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1902- 04; supt. Tiskilwa, 1892-93. Married Mrs. Chloe C. Carlock, June 29, 1904- 167. Walter Dill Scott, teacher, 2036 Orrington Ave., Evanston. St. Northwestern Univ., ISgI-95; McCormick Theological Seminary, 1895- gB; Leipsig Univ./ 18gB-1900; rural sch. LeRoy, 188g; asst. prof. of psychology and dIrector of the psychological laboratory Northwestern Univ., _190I-date; pub. Die Psychologie der Triebe, Halle, 1900, Theory of Advertising, Cambridge, 1903, Psychology of Public Speaking, Phila., 1907, about 50 magazine articles on psychology. Married Anna Marcy Miller, 1898.

CLASS OF ISg3 699. Jennie Bailey (Mrs. J. R. Metzler), Orion, R.F.D. No.2. Mo­ line, 1894-Feb., 1902. Married Jesse Rolland Metzler, Feb. 26, 1902. 700. Mae Cook, Marinette, Wis. Taught, 10 yrs. 701. Jessie Helene Cunningham (Mrs. Charles W. Whitten), De­ Kalb. Yorkville, 1893-95; Richmond, Ind., 1895-99; Norma!, ISgg-19011; critic teacher, I.S.N.U., 1901-1904. Married Charles W. Whitten, (see No. 1097), June 7, 1904- 702. Nettie Theodosia Dahl (Mrs. Charles R. Conklin), Clifton. Peru h. s., ISg3-94; Sterling, ISg4-95; Granville, 1895-99. Married July 30, 1899. 703. Jude Everette Davis, teaching, 42 Loomis St., Chicago. St. Martha's Vinyard Institute, Boston, ISg5; Univ. of Chicago; Evanston, 18g4-97; Decatur, 18g7-99; Wilmette, 189g-1904; Francis Scott Key Sch., Chicago, 1904-date. 704. Margaretta Hart, teacher, 417 N. 7th Ave., Maywood. Mag­ nolia, 1893-94; D. R. Cameron Sch., Chicago, 1894-1905; Julia Ward Howe Sch., 1905-date. 705. Carrie Putnam Herndon, asst. in history, Miami Univ., Ox­ ford, O. St. Univ. of Chicago, 18gB-190I, Ph.B., 1905-06 Ph.M.; Morgan Park, 1893-96; prin. Morgan Park, 18g6-g8; prof. of history, South­ western, Winfield, Kan., 1902-05; present position, 1906-date. 706. Lizzie Irene Hilton, teaching, 419 So. 8th Ave., Maywood. Prophetstown, ISg3-95; Downer's Grove, 1895-96; Maywood, 1896-1900; Oak Park, 1900-date. 302 S~MI-C~NT~NNIAL HISTORY

707. Georgia Jackman Kimball (Mrs. William C. Windle), II2 Guil­ ford St., Huntington, Ind. Mt. Vernon, 1893-94; Huntington, Ind., 1894- 96. Married William C. Windle, July 21; 1896. 708. Marguerite McElroy (Mrs. William H. Westbrook), Paxton. Paxton, 1893-95. Married October 23, 1895. 709. Sarah Caroline Parker, Steward. Downer's Grove, 1893-95. 710. Edith Sylvia Patten, teacher, DeKalb. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1897 (summer' term), Univ. of Wis., 1899-1901, Ph.B.-190I; prin. Cortland, 1893-95; Austin, 1895-99; prin. Glidden Sch. and critic teacher, N.I.S.N.S., 1901-date; asst. in history dept., N.I.S.N.S, summers 1906 and 1907. 7II. Mary WIeber (Mrs. John W. Malone), teacher English, Wendell Phillips H. S" Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1897-1900; h. s., LaSalle, 1893-97; asst. prin. h. s., Chicago Heights, 1900-03; present position, 1903- date. Married June 25, 1905. 712. Minnie Sarepta Whitaker, Oak Park. Taught, 14 yrs. 713. Mrs. Kate White (Mrs. Dr. James O. White), Brocton. Rural sch., 1893-95; prin. 'Brocton, 1895-96; rural sch., 1896-98; primary, Broc­ ton, 1900-1903. Married while in I.S.N.U. 714- Mary Lucena Wilcox (Mrs. John Henry), Aldine, Tex. Near Barclay, ~ yr, Edinburg, I yr. t715. Jennie Ruhama Wright (Mrs. Farnsworth), 217 Glorieta Colon, City of Mexico. Taught, 4 years. 716. Archibald John Alcorn, physician and surgeon, 1145 Tripp Ave., • Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago and Jenner Med. ColI., 1896 and 97; Jenner Med. ColI., 1897, '98, '99; College of Physicians and Surgeons, U. of Ill., 1899 and 1900; prin. Tonica, 1893-94; prin. Washburn, 1894-96'; head sur­ geon for several Chicago corporations. Married Jessie E. Wells, Dec. 26, 1893. t717. Edward Carl Backer, 2763 N. Paulina St., Chicago. H. S., Carrollton, 1 yr.; Ravenswood sch., II yrs. . t718. Herman Thomas Backer, furniture and undertaking, Eureka. Jerseyville, 1 yr.; elem. sch., Chicago, 4 yrs. 719. Joseph Almond Dixon, teacher, 5637 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1896-98 j prin. Roseville, 1893-96; teacher math. in Wendell Phillips H. 5., Chicago, 18gB-date. Married Emma Spurgeon (see No. 644), Nov. 28, 1895. 720. William Burgess Elliott, farmer, Williamsfield. Saybrook, 1893- 94; prin. Wyoming, 1894-95; prin. Altona, 1895-96; sch. director, 10 yrs. Married Jennette Armstrong, Nov. 14, 1888. 721. Geor~e Horace Gaston, teaching, 425 E. 42nd St., Chicago. St. Univ. of Ill., IM94-g6; grad. U. of Chicago, 1897; prin. Heyworth, 1893-94; elem. sch., Chicago, 18gB-1902; Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, 1902-date. Married Mary Wetmore, 1898. ' 722. William Luther Goble prin. h. s., Elgin. Grad. from Univ. of Chicago, 1901; prin. Gardner, 1893-94; prin. Kansas, 1895-97; prin. h. 5., Paris, 1897-99; h. 5., Elgin, 1901-05; prin. h. 5., Elgin, 1905-date. Mar­ ried Angie May '\Bradfield, Aug. II, 18gB. 723. Walter Scott Goode, minister, Youngstown, Ohio. S1. Univ. of Chicago, 18g8-1900; rural sch., 1891-92; prill. Palestine, 1893-98. 724- Paul Ernest Grabow, physician and surgeon, 1I00 N. Halsted· St., Chicago. St. Col. Phys. ana Surgeons, 18g8-1902; prin. Malta, 1893- 98; prof. Therapeutics Dearborn Med. Sch.; house phys. Children's Me­ morial Hospital. Married Kittie B. Stephens, Nov. 25, 1893. 725. James Alexander Hodge, teacher Hermann Raster Sch" 70th and Wood Sts., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago summers of 1~9 and 1900; ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 303

h. 5., Jerseyville, 1 yr.; prin. Maroa, 1 yr.; Cherry Point, 4 yrs.; Ells­ worth, 1 yr; Chicago,s yrs. Married Angie Carpenter, Jan. 6, 1897. 726. Warren Jones, supt. schs., Elourn. St. Univ. of Ill., 19o0-1902; degree AB.; prin. Divernon, 1893-94; New Canton, 1894-95; Time, 1895- 96; Lovington, 18g6-g8; prin. h. s., White Hall, 1899; head of dept. of English, West H. 5., Aurora, 19o2-05; supt. Elburn, 190,5-date. Married Anna W. Gehring, Nov. 25, 1896. *727. John Philip Merker, died April 6, 1900. Taught in h. s., Belle- ville, 6 yrs. - 728. John Delmar Murphy, pastor Presbyterian church, Waynesville. 729. William Sherman Pierce, prin. of Bay View Bus. ColI., 358 Park Pl., Milwaukee, Wis. A:urora h. 5., 3 yrs.; Steinman lnst., Dixon, 1 yr.; prin. Glen Ellyn, 4 yrs.; Bus. CoIl. work in Chicago and Hammond, Ind., 2 yrs.; pub. Spellers That Teach to Spell and an arithmetic. Married Melissa E. Foulke, July 22, 1896. " 730. William Donaldson Scott, teaching, Buckley. St. I.S.N.U. sum­ mer 1895; Univ. of Ill., summer 1906; prin. Grand Ridge, 2 yrs.; Leland, 4 yrs.; LaMoille, 1 yr.; Milledgeville, 1 yr.; Buckley, 4 yrs. Married Kate E. Speechley, Aug. 6, 1893. 731. Herbert Clark Waddle~ physician and surgeon, Elgin. St. Coli. of Phys. and Surgeons, Chicago, 1899-19o3 ; supt. Marseilles, 1893-95 ; supt. Vinton, la., 1895-99; member of board of education and city phy­ sician, Elgin. ;Married Alchee Amret Case, Aug. 16, 1894. 732. William Samuel Wallace, asst. bank cashier, Savanna. St. Ar­ mour lnst., 1903; supt. Henry, 1893-97; supt. Savanna, 1897-1902; prin. twp. h. 5., Savanna, 19o2-06. Married Elizabeth Horning, June 20, 1894- 733. Henry Dray Willard, book dealer, Carbondale: Prin. h. s., Beardstown, 1 yr.; Los Angeles, Cal., 2 yrs.; supt. Fairfield, 3 yrs.; supt. Winchester, 3 yrs. Married Bessie Morris, July, 1900.

HIGH SCHOOL 1893 168. Grace D. Aldrich (:Mrs. W. H. Moore), 602 Bradley Ave., Pe­ oria. ";St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95; sec. training inst. Y.W.C.A, Chicago, 1904; I gen. ,sec. Y.W.C.A, -Charlotte, N. C., 1904-06. Married W. H. Moore, Aug. 22, 1906 tl6g. Nellie J. Benson, 802 W~ Mill St., Bloomington, 170. Sara Hall Clark, Latin teacher, 309 E. Locust St., Bloomington. St. summer term I.S.N. U., 1895; same Univ. of Chicago, 1902, '03, and '05; h. s., Bloomington, II yrs. *171. Katie Pearl. Evans, died July 10, 1903 172. Junia M. Foster (Mrs. Barber), Normal. 5t. Emerson Coli. of _ Oratory, Boston, 1895-98; Univ. of Wis., 1899-lgoo; asst. prin. elem. sch., Tustin, Calif., 1894-95; private and institute teacher of oratory and phy­ sical culture in Colorado, 18g8-99. Married Frederic D. Barber, Aug. 27, 1900 (See No. 748). 173. Mrs. Jesse Frazeur (See No. 60S). 174. Nellie I. Kofoid (Mrs. Dillon), 249 N. Forest Ave., River For­ est. Teacher science h. s., DeKalb, I yr. Married William W. Dillon, 19o1. 175. L. May Leaton (Mrs. Rodman), 587 E. 50th St., Chicago. Bloomington private sch., 3 yrs. Married Arthur Rodman, June 25, 18g6. *176. Alice Patten, died September II, 1904- Taught in h. s., Bloom­ ington, 2 yrs.; Latin in State Normal 5ch., DeKalb, 5 yrs. 177. Bertha Rutledge, teacher, LeRoy. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1 sum­ mer term; grad. from Univ. of Ill., 1906; rural schools, 1893-96; prin. LeRoy h. s., 1896-99; Harvey, 1899-1904; prin. LeRoy h. s., 1906-date. 304; SEM!-CEN'l'ENN!AL HIstORY

178. Grace A. Sealey, Normal. St. Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington, 1893-94; Univ: of Chicago, A.B., 1894-951; 1898-1900; English in h. s., Bloomington, ] an., 1897-June, 18gB. 179. Ethel L. Tryner, ~412 North Main St., Bloomington. St. Illi­ nois Wesleyan Univ., Sept., 1893-March, 94; Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97; Smith College, 1897-1900. - lBo. William Henderson Arbogast, clergyman, Sherrard. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-97; Moody Bible lnst., 1897-99; rural sch., 1893-94 Mar­ ried Alta M. Biehl, Decatur, June 17, 1903. 181. James H. Forrester, attorney, Taylorville. St. Univ. of PennsyI- - vania, Ph.B., 1893-95; county judge Christian Co., 1902-06. 182. John Philip Merker (See No. 727). 183. Cuthbert F. Parker, stock raising and real estate, Julesburg, Colo. Co. supt. of schs., Sedgwick Co., Colo., Jan., 18g6-] an., 1905; mem­ ber Colorado state legislature at present time. Married Maud E. Mills, March 13, 1901. 184. Thomas L. Pollock, attorney for the south, for the Ocean Ac­ cident and Guarantee Corporation, 717 Macheca Bldg., New Orleans, La. St. Univ. of Mich.; grad. from law dept. of Ill. Wesleyan Univ.; pres- ent position, 1901-. _ 185. Elmer I. Rowell, real estate, Berkeley, Cal. St. Univ. of Ca1., 1893-97; private sch., Sonoma Valley, 1897-99;; h. s., same, Jan.-June, 1900; h. s., Eureka, 1900-01; prin. h. s., Martinez, 1901-02; Lowell H. S., San. Francisco, 1902-07. Married Della Clayton Pauli, July 2, 1902. 186. Frank Howard Wescott, Lander, Wyo. St. Univ. of Chicago, 18g4-97, 1900-06; supt. Lacon, 1897-1900; instructor in physics, Armour lnst., 1902-03; instructor in physics in the University H. S., Chicago, 1903-05. '

CLASS OF 1894 734. Isabella Anderson, teacher, W}.ite Hall. St. I.S.N.U., 1902-04; asst. h. 5., McLean, 1894-99; prin. h s., White Hall, 1904-date. t735. Cora Belle Barney (Mrs. John Austin Bellows), 1130 Judson Ave., Evanston. Taught h. 5., Yorkville, 1 yr. t736. Willie Belle Butler (Mrs. Francis), Joliet. Taught 3 yrs. 737. Augusta Elizabeth Corbin, Elwood. Rural sch., I yr., Oglesby, I yr., Crete, 1 yr. 738. Anna Ethelyn Gaylord, teacher, 6441 Harvard Ave., Chicago. Rushville, 1894-95, Plymouth, 1895-99; elem. sch., Chicago, 18g9-date. 739. Eleanor Hampton, teacher, 4 Elm St., Oshkosh, Wis. St. Western Reserve Univ., 18gB, Univ. of Chicago summers, 1899-1902, cor­ respondence work U. of C, 1905-06; Austin, 18g4-97; LaGrange, 18gB (6 rn~.); private sch. and Normal class in CoIl. for Women, Cleveland, 0.,18gB-99; River Forest, 1899-1900, critic teacher, LS.N.U., 1900-04; dept. teacher intermediate grades, State Normal, Oshkosh, 1905-date. 740. Eva Belle Houser, Randolph. St. Col. Parker's Sch., Chicago, Jan.-April, 1901; Atlanta, 1894-96; Bloomington, 1896-99. t74I. Marty Josephine McCafferty (Mrs. Grove), Gridley. Taught 2 yrs. 742. Lillian Semantha Nelson (Mrs. James S. Conard), Dewey, R F.D. 33; Mackinaw, 1894-1900. Marriea Jan. I, 1901. 743. Evelyn Peltier, teacher Blaine Sch., 2155 Clarendon Ave., Chi­ cago. St. Univ. of Chicago summer 1900; teachers' Col!., Univ. and Nor­ mal extension work; teacher in elem. sch., Chicago, 18g4-date. 744. Pauline Marie Rosalie Schneider, governess, Bluffs. Taught 13 yrs. ILLINOIS STATE: NORMAL UN!VE;RSITy. 305

745. Charlotte May Slocum (Mrs. George C. Ashman), 129 Elmwood Ave., Peoria. St. Harvard summer sch., 1901; Evanston, 1894-99; primary critic, E.I.S.N.S., Charleston, 1899-1905. Married Sept. 12, 1905. 746. Lida Jane Smith, Cooksville. Asst. prin. Lexington, 1895-97; prin. Cooksville, 18g8-1903; asst. prin. Colfax, 1904-I906. 747. Rosa Waugh, teaching, Naperville. St. Univ. of Chicago sum­ mers 1900, 1904, 1905, and 1906; first asst. h. s., Dixon, 1894-97; prin. h. 5., New Harmony Ind., 18g8-1900;_asst. in h. 5., Cobden, 19°0-011; asst. in Union Acad., Anna, 1901-02; prin. Ellaworth H. S., Naperville, 1902-date. 748. Frederick DeLos Barber, instructor I.S.N.U., 309 Florence Ave., Normal. St. Swarthmore CoIl., Pa., 18g5-97; Univ. of Chicago, 18g7-98; science teacher, h. s., Whitewater, Wis., I yr.; teacher of physics and chemistry LS.N.U., 18gB-date; Physical Science as Applied in Home, School, and Farm in press. Married Junia M. Foster (see H. S. N'o. 172), Aug. 27, 1900. , 749. Herbert Bassett, supt. pub. sch., Normal. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 18gB; Univ. of Ill., B. S., 1900-02; Armour Inst., spec. work in man. tr. and mech. -drwg., 1904-05-; Univ. of Wis., summer, 1905; t. pub. sch., Normal, 1894-95; EI Paso, 1895-98; Yorkville, 18g8-1900; Wilmette, 1903-06; present position, 1906-; phys. and chem., I.S.N. U., 1st summer terms, 1902, 1903. Married Blanche Worley, 18gB. 750. Joseph Grant Brown, teacher, 1013 Ramona St., Palo Alto, Cal. St. Stanford Univ., 18g8-1903, receiving degrees of A.B. and A.M.; teacher of physics and chem., LS.N.U., 18g4-98; asst. in physics, Stanford Univ., 1901-02; instructor in physics, Stanford Univ., 1902-date. Married Grace Nims, June 30, 1903. *751. Charles Dayton Coley, died July 9, 1906. Prin. Neoga, 1 yr.; prin. Oneida, 2 yrs.; prin. twp. h. s., Edinburg, 2 yrs.; prin. Redmon, I yr.; asst. h. 5., Pana, I yr.; prin, Penfield, I year. 752. Thomas -Higdon Gentle, director of training sch., state normal, Platteville, Wis. St. Univ. of Jena, Germany, 18g4-97; pedagogy and psychology, 2 yrs., and present position, 7 yrs, Platteville, Wis., state Nor- mal. Married Carrie M. Kessler, Oct. IS. 1892. . 753. Edward Clement <;iraybill, merchant, Clarksburg. Grad. Austin College, 1900, and holds both 5 yr. and life state certificate; Milmine, I yr.; prin. DeLand, 2 yrs; prin. Windsor, 2 yrs; Findley, I yr.; Strasburg, I yr.; Stewardson, 4 yrs; pub. 20fh Century Optimism and Pessimism. Married Agnes Harrington, Stewardson, Ill., 1905. 754- Albert Smith Hanna, teacher, Sagamore Ave., Hollis, N. Y. St. Lawrence Scientific Sch. of Harvard Univ., 1894-98; prin. elem. sch., Springfield, Mass., 18gB-19~; teacher of Eng. in Boston Central evening h. s:,. 2~ yrs.; biol.ogy in oys h. 5., Brooklyn, ~. Y., 4Y2 yrs.; present -posItIon; pub. articles on nature study. Married Luella M. Denman (See No. 577), Nov. 24, I . 755. John Alexander Hull Keith, head of training dept. J.S.N.U., Normal. St. Harvard Univ., 1896-99; prim. gram. sch., I.S.N.U. train. sch., 18g4-g6; prof. in pedagogy and asst. in psychology, N.I.S.N.S., 18gg- 1906, present position, 1906-date; .pub: Elementary Education-Its Pro­ cesses and problems, 1905. Married Rebecca A. Foley (See No. 634), June 7, 1900. *756. Wilson Klingler, drowned while a student, Cornell Univ., Dec. 18, 18gB. 757. Mason E. Knapp, mgr. Loveland Planing Mill, Loveland, Colo. Supt. and prin. Braidwood, 18g4-96'; prin. Remington Sch., Fort Collins, Colo., 18g7-99; U. S. Forest Service, 1905. Married Florence A. White, June 27, 18g5. 306 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

758. Benjamin Clay Moore, supt. sch., McLean Co., Bloomington. St. Univ. of I., summer ISgg, Harvard Univ., summer 1903; supt. Macki­ naw, 1894-96; supt. LeRoy, 18!)6-1900; supt. Lewiston, 1900-05; supt. Lex­ ington, 1905-Dec., 1906; I.S.N.U. summer school; co. supt. sch. McLean Co., 1906-date; pub. many articles in School News. Married Myrtle N. Search, June 25, 1896. 759. Frederick Gilbert Mutterer, prof. Indiana State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind. St. Univ. of Chicago, 18g6-1901; Univ. of Berlin, 1903- 04; prin. h. s., Galena, 1894-g6; Latin and German Elgin Acad., Elgin, 18g8-1902; Latin and German Indiana State Normal Sch., Terre Haute, Ind., 1902-date. *760. Curtis Findley Pike, melter, U. S. Assay Office, Boise, Idaho. Prin. sch., 7 yrs. I 761. Jacob W. Rausch, lawyer, Morris. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1905 and 1906; prin. Mazon, 18g4-96; city atty., Morris. Married Colette Bea­ trice McCambridge, Nov. 6, 1902. 762. William Thomas Skinner, teacher, Crescent City. St. Univ. of Ill., 1900-01; prin. McLean, 1894-96; asst. h. s., Paxton, 18g6-97; prin. Loda, 1897-1900; supt. Milford, 1901-03"; prin. Crescent City, 1904-date. Married Carrie Gray, Dec. 25, 1899. 763. William Wesley White, farming, Apple River. Village sch. in Wisconsin, winter 1894 and '95. Married Addie Nickols, Platteville, Wis., March 16, 18g9.


187. Effie Pence Allspaugh (Mr~. James E. Wyckoff), Saybrook. Married May 18, ISgg. 188. Mrs. R. O. Butterfield (See No. 665). 189. Charlotte Briggs Capen (Mrs. Percy B. Eckhart), Kenilworth. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-gS. Married June 6, 1903. 190. Stella Rennie Eldred, teaching, 1104 N. Park St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95; Smith ColI., 1897-1900, degree of B.L.; primary sch., Joliet, 1895-96; h. s., Sheffield, 18g6-97; h. s., Harvey, 1900- 02; h. s., Bloomington, 1902-; I.S.N.U. 2nd summer term, 1906. 191. Neffa N. Emerson (Mrs. Dr. Irving Newcomer), Petersburg. Married 18g9. 192. Florence B. Evans, 4II E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-95. 193. Nellie F. Goodwin (Mrs. Silas H. Reid), 205 N. Evans St., EI Reno, Okla. St. Ill. Wesleyan ColI. of Music and Bloomington ColI. of Music, 18g5-99. Married Jan. 2, 1901. 194. Ruth E. Moore, teaching, 508 W. Washington St., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1894-96, 1901-02; h. s., Farmer City, 1896-gS; English in h. s., Bloomington, 18gB-190I, 1902-date. 195. Herma L. Mabel Porterfield (Mrs. Arthur H. Merrill), 510 N. 6th Ave., Maywood. Asst. prin. h. s., Wenona, Dec.-, June, 18gB; Ish- peming, Mich., 1898-99; Maywood, 1899-1902. Married July, 1902. ' 196. Eunice Farrar Sater (Mrs. Stephen A. D. Harry), Hoopeston. St. Ill. Woman's ColI., 1894-95; Sinclair, I yr.; Meredosia, I yr.; Atlanta, 2 yrs.; h. s., Atlanta, 3 yrs.; h. s., Hoopeston, I yr.. Married July 14, 1904. 197. Rosa Waugh (See No. 747). 19B. Frank Puterbaugh Bachman, teacher, Athens, O. A.B. degree from Univ. of Chicago, 1896'; Univ. of Marburg, 1896-97; Columbia Univ. 19OO-02,-degree Ph.D.; h. s. Decatur, 1897-98; supr. of practice s. Valley City, S.D., State Normal Sch., 18gS-19OO; prof. of hist. and principles of ed- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITy. 307 ucation, Normal ColI., Univ. of Ohio, Athens, 0., 19o2-date; pub. Princi­ ples of Educati01t and numerous articles on educational topics. Married Jessie G. Harris, 19o4- 199. Burl P. B""ker, manufacturer's agent, 404 Granite Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Prin. Pittsfield H. S., 1894-95; prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1895-97; supt. Clyde, 1897-98. \Married Mary Hetfield, 1894- 200. G. Gordon Burnside, lawyer and master in chancery, Vandalia. Rural 5ch., 1894-95; prin. elem. s., Vandalia, 1895-96; h. s., Mt. Vernon, 1896-97; prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1897-99; admitted to the bar, June, 1901. Married Jessie Hiclonan, April 19, 1903. 201. Alfred Curtis LeSourd, chief draftsman Big Four R. R, Mt. Carmel, home address, Topeka. St. Univ. of Ill., 1899-1903; rural schs., 1894-1899. 202. Bert H. McCann, lawyer, Bloomington. St. Ill. Wes. Univ., Bloomington, law dept., 1892-94, degree LL.B.; clerk, house of rep., Springfield. Married Laura Seibel, Bloomington, Dec. 26, 1900. 203. Harry C. McCart, lawyer, Fort Worth, Tex. St. Univ. of Mich., 1894-95. Married Rose Margaret Ellis, May 17, 1903. 204. Charles C. Miller, Ill. salesman for Robeson Cutlery Co. and Rochester Stamping Co. of Rochester, N. Y., 1004 W. Wood St., Decatur. Married Mary L. Lewis, Dec. IS, 18gB. 205. Frederick G. Mutterer (See No. 759). 206. Ora M. Rhodes, physician and surgeon, Corn Belt Bank Bldg., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Ill., 1894-gS, College of Physicians and Sur­ geons, Chicago, 18gS-1gol. Married Myrtie ]. Downs, May 8, 1902. 207. Harvey S. Smith, physician, 206 St. Clair Ave., East St. Louis. St. Medical CoIl., St. Louis, Mo., 3 yrs.; I yr. as interne City Hospital, St. Luis, Mo.; h. s., Paxton, I yr.; prin. Tonica" I yr. Married Lucy Clana an (See No. 803), June II, 190:2. 2 Harry R Spickerman, physician and surgeon, Muncie, Ind. St. med. de t. Univ. of Ill., 1894-gS. Married Lela Faye Ogle, Dec. 24, 1900. t209. . William Taylor, merchant, Williamsfield. 210. Daniel Webster Thompson, farmer and lawyer, Randolph. Grad. Ill. Wes. Univ., Bloomington, J8g6; Pleasant Hill, I yr. Married Ella Dillon, June 5, 1900. :2II. Theodore Thompson, physician and surgeon, Shelbyville. St. Rush Med. ColI., Chicago, 1894-97. Married Harriet L. Carnahan, Chi­ cago, Sept. 18, r895. 212. Ernest Algier Thornhill (See No. 851).

CLASS OF 1895 764. Fannie Baller (Mrs. Griggs), farming, DeWitt, Neb. Wymore, I yr.; near Barnston, Neb., 2 yrs. Married L. D. Briggs, 1897. 765. Mabel Winslow Barrett (Mrs. E. O. Grange), Wheaton. York­ ville h. s., 1 yr.; Downer's Grove, 1 yr.; Pekin,:2 yrs.; Decatur, 3 yrs.; Whiting, Ind., I yr. 766. Mary Bertha Boulter, teaching, 338 So. Hermitage Ave., Chi­ cago. LaGrange, 1895-1906; elem. s., Chicago, 1906-. 767. Martha Alice Grattan, teaching, Grand Forks, N. Dak. West Superior, Wis., I yr.; Grand Forks" 1897-. 768. Phebe Hammond (Mrs. Hubbard)), 820 Cherry St., Quincy. Dixon, :2 yrs.; rural sch., I yr. Married Samuel A. Hubbard, Oct. II, 18gB. 769. Margaret Hanna (Mrs. Haney), Moline. Primary teacher, McLean, 1895-96. Married Rev. Richard Haney, July 30, 18g6. 308 SEMI-CENTENNIAl, HISTORY

770. Mary' Emma Morgan, physician, Rock Island. Grad. ColI. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, Igoo; taught at Keithsburg, I yr. 771. Eleanor Maria Phillips (Mrs. Phelps), Enid, Okla. St. Teach­ er's Coll., Columbia, Univ., Ig02, 03; asst. in primary, I.S.N.U., 1894-95; Bloomington, 18g5-96; critic, primary dept., Colorado State Normal, Gree­ ley, Colo., 18g6-D2; same, 1903-06. Married Kenneth G. Phelps, Aug. 7, Ig05. 772. Louemma Raber, 62 Hil!h St., Freeport. Taught ISg5-1903. 773. Anna Barbara Schulte, teaching, Chester. Dixon, 2 yrs.; Ches­ ter, 18g8-. 774- Agnes Marion Smith (Mrs. Thomas A. Hillyer), Moorhead. Quaker Lane, 2 yrs.; Austin, I yr. (See No. 782.) 775. Laura Mabel Thompson (Mrs. Faulkner), Everett, Wash. 776. William Ross Cothern, physician, Gibson City. Grad. Rush Med. ColI., 1900; prin. h. s., Keithsburg, 1 yr.. Married Mamie E. Mc­ Chesney, Minonk, 18g6. 777. Frederick George Curtis, osteopathic physician, noS Maple St., Mt. Vernon. St. Amer. Sch. of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1899-1901; prin. Dolton Station, 1895-99. Married Laura Hendricks, Aug. 25, ISgI. 778. Henry Hugh Edmunds, supt. sch., Rushville. Supt. Loving­ ton, ISgS-g6l; Atlanta, ISg6-1901; Rushville, 1901-. Married Emma Washburn (See No. 880), 1900. 779. John William Fisher, supt. sch., Muskogee, Okla. St. Univ. of Ill., summer 18g6; Univ. of Ill., 18g8-19Oo-degree B.S.; prin. h. s., Peru, 2 yrs.; Hiawatha, Kas., I _yr.; prin. h. s., Carlyle, 2 yrs.; supt. Carlyle, 1903-06; present position, 1906-. Married Lula Ritzman, Ig00. 780. William E. Hedges, teacher, 6631 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 19o1 and 19o2; supt. Macon, 2 yrs.; asst. Scammon sch., Chicago, 5 yrs.. ; prin. Andrew Jackson Sch., 1903-date. Married Della Arthur, Decatur, Dec. 29, ISg7. 781. Edward Richard Hendricks, prin. Monroe Sch., 1459 Smalley Ct., Chicago. Prof. of geog., State Normal Sch., St. Cloud, Minn., 9 yrs. 782. Thomas Arthur Hillyer, supt. training dept. State Normal Sch., Moorhead, Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, 18g8-I9OO, degree Ph. B.; Har­ vard Univ., 1900-01, degree A.M.; prin. h. s., Shelbyville, 1 yr.; supt. Shelbyville, 2 yrs.; present position, 1901-. Married Agnes M. Smith (see No. 774), 18g8. 783. Samuel B. Hirsh, vice-prin. W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. Sterling (west) 188g-18g8; twp. h. s., Streator, 1899-1902; teacher of English, W.I.S.N.S., Ig02-07; acting prin. of same, 19o5-06. Married Alice S. Kent, 1884. 784- Joseph McNichols Hutchinson, teacher, Covington, Ky. Supt. Wyoming, 4 yrs.; supt. Minonk, 1 yr,,; h. s. prin., V:andalia, 1 yr.; supt., Fort Thomas, Ky., 4 yrs.; prin. 4th Dist., Covington, Ky., 1905-date. Mar­ ried Edith VanReed Aug. 3, 1899. 785. Granville Bond Jeffers, prin. teacher's training school, Schenec­ tady, N. Y. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 19o0-03; prin. elem. s., Bloom­ ington, ISg5-97; supr. intermediate grades, Bloomington, 1897-lgoo; prin. elem. s., San Diego, Cal., 1903; present position, 19o5-date. Married M. Louise Toll, Jan. 12, Ig04. 786. Frank Lindley, lawyer, Paxton. St. Ada Law Sch., summer of 18g6; Gibson City, 1895-96; prin. Buckley, 18g6-97. Married Julia B. Ball, Nov. 2, 1900. t787. Justin Jay Love, Manito. St. Univ. of Ill., 1% yrs.; prin. Kane, 2 yrs.; prin. Gays, 3 yrs.; prin. Bethany, 1 yr.; Coles county, 2 yrs. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 309

788. George Edward Marker, prof. in State Normal Sch., Cheney, Wash. St. Univ. of Ill., A.R degree, 1903; Columbia Univ., A.M. de­ gree, 1904; prin. Teachers' Train. Sch., Schenectady, N. Y., I yr.; director of train. sch. and orof. of psychology and education, present location, 1905-; pub. How to Test the Quality of Teaching, 1905, and other edu­ cational articles. Marril;d Leila Webber, 18g6. 789.' Andrew Hutton Melville, stockman and dealer in real estate, Lakefield, Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers of 18g8 and '99; prin. Riv­ erdale, I yr.; prin. grammar school, I.S.N.U., 3 yrs.; prin. practice school, N.I.S.N.S., -k yr. Married Lydia Fedder, 190r. 790. Chessley Justin Posey, prof. physical science, State Normal Sch., Mankato, Minn. Degree of RS. Univ. of Ill., 1900; M.S. from Univ. of Chicago, 1905; prin. h. s., Minier, 2 yrs.; prin. h. 5., Sugar Grove, 1 yr.; supt. LeRoy, I yr.; prof. in h. s., LaPorte; Ind., 2 yrs.; present position, 1905-. Married Gertrude Maude Johnston, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1903. 791. John, Henry Sawyer, student, Univ. of Ill., 612 W. Ill. St., Ur­ bana. T. of science, twp. h. s., Savanna, 2 yrs.; co. supt. of schs., Coles Co., 4 yrs.· Married Eva Mem, Tuscola, 1899 792. Reuben Tiffany, lawyer, 109 Lincoln Ave., Freeport. St. Chicago Law Sch., 1899-1900; prin. h. s., Neoga, 189s-96; same Hanover, 1896-98; Married Edith Joyce DeVore, Jan. I, 1903. 793. Clyde Renal Travis, prof. of math., State Normal Sch., May­ ville, N. D. Degree of Ph.R from Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1902; prin. h. s., Greenfield, 2 yrs.; prin. Manchester, 1 yr.; present position, I8g8-; has held various offices in educational associations. Married Jennie M. Spotts, Fargo, N. D., 1900. 794. Thomas Brinton Wortman, farmer and stockman, Okemah, I. T. Prin. h. s., Morris, I 1-3 yrs.; prin. Minooka, 4 yrs. Married Emma R Wilson, Shelbyville, 1889. HIGH SCHOO!" 18gS 213. Pearl L. Ballard (Mrs. George H. Frise) , Odell. Columbus Junction, Ia., 1895-96; rural sch., 1897-98; Elmhurst, 1898-99; prin. h. 5., Odell, 1899-1901; prin. h. 5., Fairbury, 1901. Married Dec. 21, 1901. 214- Jessie Jane Bullock (See No. 798). hIS. May M. Cavan, 1214 Linden Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 216. Ruah Coen (See No. 805). 217. Catherine L. Cowles, 1107 E. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught, S yrs. 218. Emma Fry (Mrs. Harry E. Gates), 2s05 Central Ave., Cheyenne, Wyo. Married Aug. 19, 1905. ' 219. Harriet R Fyffe (Mrs. Richardson), 453 Wyoming Place, Mil­ waukee, W;is. St. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1891-95. Married E. L. Richantson, Dec. 9, 1896. 220. Daisy Garver (Mrs. Baum), 5573 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Grad. Univ. of Ill., 1899. Married H. W. Baum, March 20, 1900. t22I. Lou R. Hart (Mrs. Thomas Rees), St. Nicholas hotel, Spring­ field. t222. Eleanor Keady (Mrs. John R Graham), Princeville. 223. Sallie Rhodes Marshall (Mrs. S. J. Browning), Russellville, Ky. Married Oct. 19, 1904. 224- Flora Thompson (Mrs. Manchester), Normal. Married O. L. Manchester, Dec. 25, 18g5. - 225. James D. Allen, mgr. L. C. Smith & Bros.' Typewriter Co., 215 N. 9th St., St. Louis, Mo. 310 SEMI-CENTENNIAl, HISTORY

226. Fred R. Baker, physician, 230 Central Park South, New York Cit". Grad. Williams Coli., 18g9; grad. Coli. of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., 1903; res. physician Westchester Co. Hospital, N. Y., 15 mos. Married Eugenia Graham Butler, July 6, 1904. 227. Charles M. Barton, pastor M, E. church, Waverly. H. S., Chris­ man, 18g2-93; supt. Chrismas, 18g3-95. Married Gertrude Deffenbaugh, Springfield, Aug. 28, 1901. t228. Claude Briggs, prin. h. s., 5 Oak Ave., Aurora. 7th grade, Ha­ vana; prin. Mackinaw, 2 yrs.; prin. W. Aurora h. 5., 4 yrs. 229. John Loring Cook, teacher: of music, studio 801, Steinway Hall, Chicago; home address, 2058 Magnolia Ave., Edgewater. 230. Roy H. Dillon, electrical engine~r, Normal or Milwaukee, Wis. St. Univ. of Ill., 1895-97 and ISgg-1901. 231. John Thomas Elliff, lawyer, Pekin. Minier, I yr.; deputy circuit clerk, Pekin, 4 yrs. Married Imogene Ewing, Oct. 6, 18g7. 232. George Kenyon Foster, teacher, Casselton, N. D. St. Univ. of Ill., 18g5-g6; graduate student I.S.N.U., 1897-99; A.B., Columbia Univ., 1899-1901; teacher in h. s., Casselton, N. D., 1901-02; same, Fargo, N. D., 1902-03; supt. Casselton, N. D., 1903-date. t233. William T. Kirk, 218 West 8th St., Des Moines, Ia. 234- Ferdinand C. l\1:cCormick, physician, Normal. Grad. med. dept. Northwestern Univ., 18g9; post grad. homeopathic dept. Mich. Univ., 1904. Married Estelle Katherine Baker (See no. 855), Oct., 190-1. 235. Fred Russell McMurry, with Western Tel. Co., 205th St. and Mosholu Parkway, Fordham, N. Y. City. St. Univ. of Ill., 18g6-97; grad. Columbia Univ., 18g8; post grad. work, Columbia, 1904-05; teacher rural sch., Gar<;Ien City, Kan., I yr. Married Nettie Lawrence, Oct. 14, 1905. 236. Frederick William Parker, dentist, 708 Venetian Bldg., 34 Wash­ ington St., res., 5440 Ridgewood Ct., Chicago. St. Northwestern Univ. Dent. Sch., 1895-96, 18g7-98, and 1898-99; demonstrator Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., 1899-1902; same, dental dept. Univ. of Ill., 1902-04; same, Northwestern Univ. Dent. Sch., 1904-05; pub. article on mastication in Dental Review, 1905. Married Grace Elizabeth Peabody, Sept. 23, 1903. 237. Ralph Waldo Parker, tray. salesman for W. V. B. Ames Co., 6249 Kimbark Ave., Chicago. Grad. from Northwestern Univ. Dental Sch., Chicago, 18g9; instructor in same school, 1899-1901 and 1903-04; asst. prof. Sch. of Dent., U. of Ill., 1901-03; present position on account of ill­ health, 1905-date. 238. Edward Percy Prince (See No. 847.) 239. Thomas W. Tipton, attorney, Bloomington.

CLASS OF 18g6 795. Anna Belle Arbogast (Mrs. Cass), Danvers. McLean Co., 18g5- 96, 1897-99, 1900-01. Married Dr. William A. Cass, Jan. 15, 1902. 796· Sadie Emma Arbogast (Mrs. Lawrence), Arrowsmith. Rural schs., McLean Co., 2 yrs.; Secor, 2 yrs.; Saybrook, I yr. Married Samuel E. Lawrence, Sept. 23, 1903. 797. Rose Bland, student U. of I., 904 S. 5th St., Champaign. St. Univ. of Ill., summers 1904 and 1906; same, 1906-07; Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905; Chrisman h. s., 18g6-g7; Sterling h. s., 18g7-98; Assump­ tion h. s., 18g8-99; Normal, 18gg-1901; critic teacher I.S.N.U., 1901-06. 798. Jessi~ Jane Bullock, teaching, Decatur. St. U. of 1., 1900, A.B.; 1906, A.M.; DIxon h. s., 1 yr.; Havana h. s., 1 yr.; Mattoon h. s., 1 yr.; Champaign h. s., 4 yrs.; Decatur h. 5., 1 yr.; Charleston Normal, 3 sum­ mer terms; LS.N.U., 1 summer term. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 311

799. Flora Evangeline Campbell (Mrs. Peters,) 193 Franklin ·Place, Flushing, L. I. St. Natn'l Conservatory of Dramatic Art; Gaffy's Bus. CoIl.; Campbell's Sch. of embalming; taught Forrest, 1896-97; substitute, Nyack, N. Y., I yr.; private tutor, I yr. Married Edward Volney Peters, New York City, February 27, 1907. 800. Carrie Maria Carpenter, teaching, Henry. St. in review sch., Oregon, 1898; teacher in grades and h. s., Henry II yrs. 801. Lillian Chenoweth, Osman. Cisco, I yr; Forrest, 1897-99. 802. Eva May Chisholm (Mrs. Carr), 427 N. Ave., 61, Los Angeles, Cal. St. U. of 1., summer 1900; primary teacher State Inst. for the Deaf, 18g6-1897; primary teacher, 1897-1900; asst. primary critic, Montana State Normal, 1900-1902; primary critic vVashington State Normal, 1902-1903; 3 summers' inst. work in Ill. and Mont. Married Herbert Carr, Oct. 28,1903. 803. Lucy Maud Clanahan (Mrs. Dr. Harvey S. Smith), 206 St. Clair Ave., East St. Louis; asst. in h. s., Griggsville, 18g6-18g7. Married Dr. Harvey Sydney Smith (See H. S. 207, June II, 1902. 804. Myrtle Clanahan, 912 S. Fourth St, Springfield. Pontiac, 1896- 18gB. 805. Ruah Coen, music student, Normal. *806. Daisy Delle Dickey, died in 1902. 807. Alice Irene Eldred (Mrs. Moore), II04 N. Park St., Blooming­ ton. Married W. D. Moore, 1902. 808. Jessie Agnes Grainey, teaching, Los Angeles, Cal. East St. Louis, 1896-1905; present position, 1905-. 809. Emma Flora Harpstrite, 545 West Main St., Decatur. St. James Milliken Univ., 1904-05; Decatur schs., 5 yrs. 810. Ella Mabel Harris (Mrs. Edwards), 2514 6th Ave., Moline. Moline, 18g6-1905. Married Adolph S. Edwards, June 22, 1905. 8n. Jessie May Himes, teaching, Charlevoix, Mich. St Territorial Normal Univ., Las Vegas, N. M., 1898-1900; Univ. of Chicago; graduated from ColI. of Ed., 1903; McLean, 18g6-18g7; prin. Santa Fe N. M., 1897- 18gB; model teacher in N. M. Normal Univ., Las Vegas,'I898-1902; West­ ern Springs, 1903-04; prin. county normal, Charlevoix, Mich., 1904-date; institute instructor, 1903-date. t812. Mary Florence Hobart (Mrs. G. I. Tracey), 313 Winthrop Ave., Chicago. Dixon, I yr.; Chicago Heights, 2 yrs.; Chicago, 5 yrs. 813. Laura Helen Holly (Mrs. Hanft), St. Paul, Minn. 1st primary, Maywood, I yr.; h. s., Spring Valley, I yr. Married Judge H. O. Hanft, June, 1900. 814 Charlotte Marguerite Kates (Mrs. Henry), gS21 Howard St., Chicago. Melrose Park, 1896-99. Married Hubert K Henry, Oct. 19, 1899 815. Ada Anna Kuhns (Mrs. Gernon), 608 N. ~st. St., Blooming­ ton. Minier, 1896-April, 18gB; Bloomington, April, 18gB-January, 1902. Married Dr. Talbot C. Gernon, Jan. 29, 1902. 816. Marie Electa Moulton, Ledyard, Iowa. Mt. Sterling, 1897-1898; prin. h. s., Assumption, 1899-1900. 817. Anna Caruthers Nixon (Mrs. Stevenson), Sparta. Marissa, 1898- 1901; Ava, 1903-04. Married Dr. J. B. Stevenson, June 6, 1901. 818. Pearl Myrtle Perry (Mrs. Stokes), Rochelle. Cornell (rural school), 1893-94; Forrest, 18g6-18g7; Barrington, 1897-98. Married George C. Stokes, June 29, 18gS. 819. Iva Mae Quigg (Mrs. McLaughlin), Minier. Lexington, 1896- 1898. Married Dr. S. M. McLaughlin, Oct. 22, 1901. 312 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

820. Lela Belle Reid (Mrs. Barnes), 6828 S. Park Ave., Chicago. Public sch. work, 18g6-1897. Married Joseph A. Barnes, 1897. 821. Ada ·Myrtle Ruhl, Palo Alto, Cal. 822. Mary Esther Sabin, prin. Haven Sch., 1914 Orrington Ave., Evanston. St Univ. of Chicago; Haven Sch., Evanston, 1896-date. 823. Elizabeth Taylor Schaeffer (Mrs. Bondurant), Ft. Wayne, Ind. Rural sch., 1896-1898. Married Frank L. Bondurant, Sept. 7, 1898. 824- Mary Minerva Steagall, critic teacher, Ypsilanti, Mich. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1899-1900; Univ. of Chicago and School of Ed., 1903-04; prin. of h. schs., 1896-1900; 5th grade critic teacher, M.S.N.C., 1900-03; h. s. critic, M.S.N.C., 1904-date. ' - 825. Ruby Linda Traver, teaching, Wheaton. Elem. s., Wheaton, 1896-. 826. Jesse Black, Jr., lawyer, Pekin. Rural schs., 3 yrs; Pekin h. s., I yr.; member 41st general assembly; county and probate judge of Taze­ well county, 4 yrs., now serving second term. Married Minnie Elizabeth Weyhrich, April 4, 1905. 827. Frank Smith Bogardus, teacher, Terre Haute, Ind. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1901 and 1902; Univ. of Ill., 1903-04; prin. Metamora, 1896-98; prin. Franklin sch.,--Danville, 1898-99; prin. practice sch., I.S.N.U., 1899- 1903; chair of European History, Indiana State Normal, Terre Haute, 1904-date. Married Luella Forden, June 28, 1898. 828. Elzy Cartwright Cavins, teaching, Hull. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer 1902; Univ. of III., summer 1904; prin. schools, Neoga 18g6-1900; supt. west side schs., Batavia, 1900-03; prin. twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1903-05; prin. Hull, 1905-date. 829. Albert Crouse Cohagan, supt. schs. Shelbyville. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers 1899-1902; prin. Rankin, 18g6-1897; supt. Mt. Sterling, 1897-1902; supt. Shelbyville, 1902-date. Married Helen M. Criswell, Nor­ mal, Aug., 1894. 830. Alan DeWain Cowan, lawyer, 422 Unity Bldg., Bloomington. St. law sch., Wesleyan Univ., Bloomington. 831. Harry Bert Fox, instructor in geology, Univ. of II!., Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill.; asst. h. s., Carrollton, 2 yrs. *832. Lewis Theron Gallagher, died Dec. 10, 1904- A.B., Univ. of II1., 1902; prih. Tremont, 1 yr.; h. s., Carrollton, 2 yrs.; Park City, Utah, 2 yrs.; supt. Byron; Rose City, Mich., I yr. t833. Thomas Henry Greaves, railway mail service, Neoga. Prin. Gays, 3 yrs.; Arthur, 2 yrs.; Moweaqua, 1 yr. 834- Hershel Edward Kanaga, pres. Western Bank and Trust Co., Wewoka, 1. T. Prin. h. s., EIPaso, 1893-95. Mar~ied Bernice Slaugh­ ter, Sept. 22, Ig03. 835. William Ernest Knott, freezer clerk, Swift's Plant, St. Joseph, Mo. Farmer City, 2 yrs.; prin. Atwood h. s.; prin. Gifford; tea. mathe­ matics, Asheville, -N. C. Married Bessie J innett Dawdy, April 2g, Ig06. 836. Charles Thomas Law, internal revenue service, Peoria. St. LS.N.U., summer IgOl; supt. Hennepin, 1897-1900; supt. Minier, 1900-03; Morton, 1903-05; Sheffield, 1905-06. Married Carrie Louise Fessler, Aug. 26, 1902. 837. Paul Harris Lehman, Plymouth. Sunset, I yr.; rural sch., Quincy, 1 1-3 yrs.; asst. Clayton, 1 yr.; prin. Plainview, 1 yr.; Plymouth, 3 yrs. 838. William Herman Diedrich Meier, city supt. Havana. St. Har­ vard Univ., summer 1901; prin. Ipava, 18g6-1901; supt. Griggsville, 1901- 04; supt. Havana, 1904-date; alderman Ipava for 2 terms; pub. Meier's ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 313

Herbarium and Plant Description (Ginn & Co.) Married Lizzie B. Campbell, Riggston, Oct. 30, 1890. 839. Otto Sylvester Meyer, railway postal clerk, 5612 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Prin. Lombard, 18g6-99; Elizabeth, 19oo-

CI,ASS OF 1897 854. Cora Ethel Baker, teaching, II73 West Macon St., Decatur. Si. I.S.N.U.. summer 1904; Moweaqua, 1901-02; Norma!' 1902-03: rural sch., spring 1904: Decatur elem. s., 19O5-date. 855. Estelle Katherine Baker (Mrs. McCormick), Norma!. Married Dr. Ferd McCormick, Oct., 1901. (See H. S. 234.) *856. Harriet Bland, died July 24, 1901. Colfax, 3 yrs. 857. Eva Belle Boyce, teaching, Bloomington. Bloomington, 1898-02. t858. Mabel Anna Cooper (Mrs. Joseph D. Mitchell), Pawhuska, Okla. Maywood, 2 yrs.; DeKalb Normal Practice Sch., 1 yr.; Montana State Normal Sch., Dillon, Mont., 1 yr. t859. Gertrude Darby. Address unknown. *860. Etta Melissa Fairfield, died June, 1906, Norma!. Bloomington, 4 yrs.: Colorado Springs, Colo., 2~ yrs. 861. Jessie Felton (Mrs. Brittin), 1309 N. Oak St., Bloomington. Married L. Hampton Brittin, Dec. 28, 18gB. 862. Grace Fenton, teacher, 112 N. Hazel St., Danville. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1904: primary tea., Danville, 1897-date. t863. Mary Fletcher, teaching, Milledgeville. Grade teacher, 1897- 1903; h. s. teacher, 1903-07. 864. Elizabeth Twining Hall, Downs. St. Univ. of Ill., ISgg-1901: Univ. of Chicago, summers 1905 and 1906: asst. h. S., Oregon, 2 yrs.; Eng­ lish in h. s., Everett, Wash., 4 yrs.; English instructor in Normal Sch., Pittsburg, Kas., 1 yr. 865. Emma Louise Lee, teaching, 165 N. Kedzie Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Wis., 1905; Chicago Normal Sch., 1906; Barrington, 2~ yrs.; Chicago, 1 yr.; pub. Value of Games in Schools, Games-Indoors and Out. 866. Myrtle Margaret Liggitt (Mrs. Ehlers), III N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park. Maywood, 189g-December, 1900. Married Dr. F. F. Ehlers, Dec. 25, 1900. 867. Blanche Lurton, traveling in Germany. Formerly a teacher in the Philippines. 868. Edna Bell Michaelis (Mrs. Chamberlain), 3007 Vine Grove Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Maywood, 1897-18gB; Lemont, 18g8-19OO. Married Oren P. Chamberlain, Aug. 6, 1900 869 Anna T. Mitchell, 620 W. Lawrence Ave., Springfield. Rural sch., Sangamon county, 5 yrs.; Cantrall, 2 yrs.; Springfield, I yr. 870. Edith Belle Mize, teaching, 1912 Greenwood St., Pueblo, Colo. Primary grade, Danville, 1897-1902; prim. grade, Pueblo, Colo., 1902-date. t871. Eva Mary Moon (Mrs. J. H. Sawyer), Charleston. Bloom­ ington elem. sch., 2 yrs. 872. Elsie Patterson (Mrs. Holder), 204 N. 6th St., Newark, N. J. H. 5., Downers' Grove, 1897-1903. Married Vernon M. Holder, July, 1904. 873. Alice Frances Phillips (Mrs. Osborne), Hood River, Oregon. Bluffton, Ind., 1897-99. Married John Hogarth Osborne, 2, 1902. 874- Effie Melvina Pike, teaching, 707 S. Scoville Ave., Oak Park. St. in Univ. of Chicago; prin. and teacher in Longfellow sch., Oak Park, 1902-1907; primary tea. in schs. of Oak Park, April, 118gg-date. t875. Wilhelmine Rhinesmith, teaching, 1321 Leland Ave., Chicago. Mattoon, - yrs.; Chicago, 8 yr5. t876. Laura Schlatterer, Winona, Minn. Taught, 3 yrs. *877. Amelia Alice Sikkema, died at Belleville, Sept. 14, 1902. ILLINOIS S'l'A'l'~ NORMAL UNIV~RSI'l'Y. 315.

878. Nora Mae Simmons (Mrs. Dickerson), 440 N .Lafayette -St., Macomb. Prin. h. s." Griggsville, 1897-1901; same, Carthage, 1901-02 ; same, Pana, 1902-03; same, Shelbyville, 1903-<>5. Married O. M. Dicker­ son (See No. 1002), Nov. 10, 1906. 879. Bessie Bedell Stevenson (Mrs. Bertram Robinson), Chula Vista,. Ca1. Primary tea., Bloomington, 1897-1902. Married Bertram Robinson" July 30, 1902. 880. Emma F. Washburn (Mrs. Edmunds), Rushville. Atlanta h. s." I yr. Married Henry H. Edmunds (See No. 778), June 14, 1900. t88l. Franklin Benjamin Carson. 882. John Calvin Hall, supt. city schs., Whiting, Ind. St. Univ. of Ill., A.B.! 1899-1900; V!1iv. of Chicago, 1906; asst. p.r~n. Peru h. s., 1897- 1899; prm. h. s., W11utmg, Ind., 1900-04; supt. Whltmg, Ind., 1904-date. Married Grace M. Debo, Aug. 14, 1900. 883. Joel Alva Harley, rep. D. Appleton & Co., Madison, Wis. St. Univ. of Chicago, 18g8-99; prin. McHenry, 1896; prin. and supt, Galena,_ 1897-gS; prin. h. s., Riverside, 1900-01; vice pres. Iowa School Pub. Co.,. 1906-date. Married Elizabeth Jay Gardner, June 30, 1897. 884- George Stephen Hoff, real estate ins., and farm loans, 309 Dan­ iel Bldg., Danville. Prin. ward sch., Ottawa, Ill., 2 mos. Married Carrie­ B. Vinson, Aug. 28, 1888. 885. George Warren Hunt, co. supt. and atty., Granville, Ill. Degree of L.L.B. from Univ. of Ill., 1904; prin. h. 5., Granville, 18g8-1901; co. supt. of schs./ Putnam Co., 1902-date; actice in work of consolidating­ rural schools In Illinois. 886. Riley Oren Johnson, prof. of biology, State Normal Sch., Chico, Cal. St. Univ. of Ill., 1904-06; prin. Hindsboro, 18gB-99; Chicago Vacation Schs., 1899 and 1900 (two terms); Chicago elem. s., 1899-1904; Chicago Apprentice Sch. (1 term) 1904; prof. of biology, Chico, CaI., 1906-date. 887. Fred Granville Patch, Roseville. Prin. Roseville, 1897-1905. , 888. Benjamin Perry, health inspector, 853 W. Monroe St., Chicago. Grad. pharmacy dept. of U. of C, 1899-1902; College of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 1903-06'; taught near Melvin, 1898-99. 88g. Warren Hale Rishel, supt. Echo Mission Sch., Velarde, Rio Ar­ riba Co., N. M. St. Las Vegas Normal Sch., 1900 (summer); supt. Echo­ Mission, Velarde, N. M., 1897-date. Married Elizabeth Kaven McElroy, Aug. 7, 1890. (See No. 580.) 8go. Francis Thompson, prin. schs., Lansing. St. Univ. Chicago, ISgg,. (summer term); Univ. of Ill., 1904 and 1906 (summers); prin. Davis.. 18gB-1900; prin. West Harvey, 1900-021 i prin. Wheeling, 1902-1904; prin. Lansing, 1904-date. 8gl. Martin Lewis Ullenswang, teaching, Albert Lea, Minn. B.S.,. Univ. of Ill., 1899i Stoughton Acad., 1899-1900; h. s., Webster City, Ia., IgOO-OI; Luther Acad., Albert Lea, Minn., 1901-date. Married Marie­ Jensen, 1894. 892. Winthrop Selden Welles, supt. sch., Park Ridge. B.S., Univ. of Ill., 1901; summer sch., Harvard, 1906; Gifford, 1897-gS; prin. Byron,. 1898-99; 'prin. h. s., Granville, 1901-02; present position, Ig02-. Mar-­ ried Gertrude A. Hisel, Sept. 2, 1897.

Cuss OF 18gS 893. Dorothea Katherine Beggs, prof. of German, Univ. of Denver,. University Park, Col. St. Univ. of Denver, 1898-99; A.B., 1906; Pestalozzi­ Froebel Haus, Berlin, Get., IgOO-01; Univ. of Berlin, 1905; primary tea... Ft. Collins, Colo., 1899-1900 and 1901-1902; tea. German, h. s., Ft. Collins•. 316 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

Colo., IQ02-04; asst. in Ger. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, 1905-o{j; prof. of German, Univ. of Denver, 1906-date. t894- Sada Rosanna Chicken (Mrs. Dr. Claire Willett), Pekin. 895. Elizabeth Taylor Cleveland, graduate nurse, 2520 N. 42d Court, Chicago. St. Polyclinic Training Sch., 1901-03; Sheffield, 1 yr. i Oglesby, 2 yrs. i graduate nurse Chicago, 1903-date. 896. Annetta Belle Cooper, Normal. ~ Greenview, 18gS-99; Normal, 1899-1907. 897. Mabel Ivf.aude Corson (Mrs. Burroughs), Sunnyside, Wash. Prin.. h. s., Winch~ster, 18g8-99; Normal grades, 1899-1903; prin. h. s., Sunnyside, Wash., 1903-05. Married Herbert S. Burroughs, June 14, 1905. t8gS. Bessie Abiah Cowles (Mrs. Dr. John A. Heaton), 741 E. Main St., Hoopeston. Taught, 2 yrs. 899. S. Macy Curtis (Mrs. Lee Wheeler), Muskogee, 1 T. gOD. Jessie May Dillon, training teacher, lS.N.U., Normal. Rural sch., 1892-94; primary dept. in Chicago preparatory sch., 1894-96; tea. in primary dept. in I.S.N.U., I8g6-g8; primary training tea. in State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 18gS-99; asst. prin. in training sch., Saginaw, Mich., 1899-1900; training tea. in I.S.N.U., 190D-date. 901. Georgia Elliott (Mrs. Robinson), Oklahoma City, Okla., R.F.D. No. II. Asst. prin. h. s., Genoa, 1898-99; DeKalb Normal Practice Sch., 1899-1900; River Forest, 1900-01; Dixon, 1901-19°2; Chickasha, I. T., Ig02- 03. Married Tracy L. Robinson, March 4, 1903. 902. Nellie Fincham (Mrs. Reedy), Towanda. St. Central Institute, Chicago, 190D-01 and 1902; elem. s., Chicago, 18g8-1906. Married Dr. W. H. Reedy, June 29, 1905. t903. Margaret Julia Frank, Sterling. Taught, 18g8-1905. 904- Adelaide Antoinette Grassman, Belleville. Tea. elem. s., Belle­ ville, 18g8-1904: elem. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1904-date. 905. Mrs. Ellen Turner (Reynolds), Hamblin, U. S. Indian Sch., Phoenix, Arizona. Wellington, Kan., 1899-1900; U. S. Indian Sch., Phrenix, Arizona, 4 mos., 1904. Married October 6, 18gS. 906. Annabel Humphrey, teaching, Normal. St. I.S.N.U., summer 1906: Griggsville, 5th grade, 18g8-99i Soldiers' Orphans' Home, 4 mos., 1906-07. t907. Wilhelmine Kaiser. Address unknown. Taught, 3 yrs. t90? Carrie Kerns, 324 E. 44th St., Chicago. Cleveland, 0., 2 yrs.; Boulder, Col., I yr. . ~ 909. OtilIie Lange, teaching, Belt, Mon. ~ German and Amer. Lit., h. s. Keokuk, Ia., 18g8-1905: present position, 1905-. 910. Mary Lentz, Kewaunee, Wis. St. Univ. of Cal., 1901-02; Univ. of Ill., 1902-1903; Univ. of Wis. (summer), 1904: elem. sch., LaPressa, Cal., IgDO-190I; h. s. Farmer City, 1903-05; h. s., Kewaunee, Wis., 1906- date. gIl. Josephine Lesem, 485 S. Clinton St., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chi­ cago, 1905-06, and '07; primary teacher Quincy, 1898-1901; elem. sch., Chicago, 190I-date~. 912. Marien Ida Lyons, teaching, 6338 Ellis Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago, 3 yrs.; h. s., Lincoln, 2 yrs.; teacher geog. and history, 1. S . N.U., 1902-04; teacher geog. Wendell Phillips H. S., Chicago, 1904-. 913. Grace Adela Monroe, 5445 Rice St., Chicago. St. Chicago Athe­ naeum (sten.), 1903 j h. s. tea. Milledgeville, 1898-1901: elem sch., Chi­ cago, I90I-date. ILLINOIS S'I'A'I'n NORMAL UNlvnRSI'I'Y. 317

914- Fannie Edna Morse, missionary to Chippewa Indians, Lac -du Flambeau, Wis. St. Moody Institute, Chicago, 1899 and 1900; tea. rural sch., Cook Co., 1898 and 1899; missionary to Chippewa Indians, 1901-date. 915. Henrietta Betsy Pitts (Mrs. Martin), 103 Sherman Court, Joliet. St. Univ. of Ill., 1900-lgo2; asst. prin h. s., ElPaso, 1898-1900; math. h. s. Charleston, 1902-03; math. h. s. Jacksonville, 19o3-04; math. h. s., Bloom­ ington, 1904-06. Married Robert W. Martin, June 20, 1906. 916. Eva Amanda Porter (Mrs. Marshall), 379 S. LaSalle St., Au­ rora. St. 1. S. N . U ., 18g8-g9; Bloomington Conservatory of Music; King­ ston,.,IBgg-lgo4 Married Charles J. -Marshall, Dec. 24, 19oI. t917. Mary Amelia Rickards (Mrs. Alvin H. Louis), 5656 Prairie Ave., Chicago. Centralia sch., 4 yrs. 91!l. Mrs. Lilla Delle Riggs (Mrs. John D. Riggs), 1416 N. Main St., Bloomington. 919. Silva Ross, tea., Decatur. LeRoy, ~ yr.; Rochelle, 1899-1900; Marietta St. Sch., Decatur, 1900-. 920. Addie Eliza Roziene, tea., 3655 N. 43d Ave., Chicago. St. Chicago Normal, summer, 1899; Dr. Staley's Saturday Sch., winters, 19o1 and 02; Central Inst., 1906; rural sch., I yr.; Niles Center, 1899-1902; Riverview, 19o2-o3; Maywood, 1903-date. 921. Nano Pearl Smith, teaching, Bisbee, Ariz. Rochelle, 4 yrs.; Creston, 3 mos.; asst. co. supt., Ogle Co., I~ yrs.; Bisbee, Ariz., 2 yrs. 922. Clara May Snell (Mrs. Wolfe), 272 Oak St., Oberlin, Ohio. Tea. h. s., Dundee, 1898-1899; elem. sch., Manilla, Iowa, 1899-1900; critic tea. 1.S:N7'U., 1900-01; E.1.S.N .S., 19o1-06. Married Albert Benedict Wolfe (See No. 944), Sept. 6, 19OO. 923. Emma Grace Stetzler, teaching, u06 S. Ridgeway Ave., Chicago. Rural sch., Putnam Co., 18gB-99; DeKalb, 1899-1900; Calumet, Mich., 1900-02; Berwyn, 1902-04; elem. sch., ChicagQ, 1904-date. 924. Mary Ellen Sullivan (Sister Mary Fidelis, O. S. D. ), Sacred Heart Acad., Madison, Wis. St. Univ. of Wis., summers 19o3 and 04; Clara Convent, Sinsinawa, Wis., 1901-03; elem. sch. tea., Bloomington, 18gB-lgol.; h. s. Sacred Heart Acad., 19o3-. 925. Carrie Estelle Travis (Mrs. Urban), 712 W. Elm St., Urbana. Asst. prin., EIPaso, 18gB-1900; h. s., tea., Oregon, 19oo-ol. Married Har­ vey B. Urban, July 16, 19o1. 926. Julia Buckner Williams (Mrs. Barney), R.F.D. Route 2, N. Wellsville, Mo. St. Mo. State Normal, 1899; asst. in h. s., Middletown, Mo., 1899-1900; rural sch., IgDO-lgol. Married George Barney, Feb. 5, 19o1. 927. Anna Elizabeth Wilmer, teaching, Bisbee, Ariz. St. Univ. of Cal., summer, 19o5; Kankakee, 1900-1go5; Bisbee, Ariz., 8th grade, 19o5=- 1906; biology and history h. s. Bisbee, Ariz., 1906-date. . - 928. Emilie Barrington Wright, tea., Wendell Phillips H. S., 6338 Ellis Ave., Chicago. St. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1902; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.B., 1906; t. Latin, h. s., Lincoln, 1898-99; same, State Normal Sch., West Superior, Wis., lgol-05; present position, 1906-. 929. Bruce Bright, Normal. *930. Joseph Baumgarner, died St. Louis, Mo., Oct. II, 1901. 931. Lyman H. Coleman, teaching, 3144 Dover St., Chicago. LaSalle twp. h. s., 18gB-IBgg; elem. sch., Chicago, 1899-date. Married Claudia Cook, 1885. _ 932. Hyatt Elmer Covey, farmer, LeRoy, R.F.D. NO.3. St. Univ. of Chicago, A.B., 18gB-1901; prin. h. s., Montevideo, Minn., 3 yrs. Mar­ -ried D. Lois Baldwin, June 26, 19o1. -318 SEMI-CENTENNIAr. HISTORY

933. Robert Andrew Cowles, business agent, Rooms IO~12, Durley BId., Bloomington. St. Univ. of Wis., 1898-1~9; Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1899 and 1900. Married LelIa C. Stephens, June 10, I903· 934-' William Crocker, prof. in botany, Hull Botanical Lab., Univ. of Chicago. St. Univ. of Ill., 1899-1902; A.B. and A.M., Univ. of Ill., 1902- .o3; Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1900 and '01; senior fellow in botany, Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1904-06; prin. Weathersfield Sch., Kewanee, 1898-1900; asst. in plant physiology, Univ. of c., 1900-; pub. articles on phyiosolgy and botany. 935. Herman Doud, prin. Harley Acad., Tishomingo, I. T. Prin. Troy Grove, 18g8-1903; Seneca, 1903-04; prin. gov't Indian sch., Tisho­ mingo, I. T., l906-date. Married May B. Eck, Aug. 12, 1902. 936. Byron Evans Eastwood, member of Rockford Abstract Co., 313 West State St., Rockford. Asst. prin. h. s. LeRoy, 1898-1900; admitted to bar Oct., 1903. 937. William Woodrow Martin, supervisor of training sch., State Normal, Cape Girardeau, Mo. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1898 (summer), same 1899-1900, 19°3-04, Ph. B.; prin. h. s., Peru, 1897-98; inst. State Normal, Superior, Wis., 1899; same, Platteville, Wis., 1900; supt. Whitewater, Wis., 1900-02; supervisor training sch. State Normal Sch., Natchitoches, La.,1904; State Normal Sch., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1905-date; pub. many articles on educational subjects; asst. editor of Cape Girardeau State Nor­ mal paper, the Educational Olltlook. Married Katharine Mavity, June 24, 1900. 938. Arthur Orlo Norton, asst. prof., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. St. Harvard Univ., 1894-99; instructor, Harvard Univ., 1899-1905; asst. prof., 1905-date. Married Alice Lyon, July 2,1903. 939. William Kennett Peasley, civil engr. and gen. contr., 525 Wilcox Bldg. (res. 673 S. Bonnie Brae St.), Los Angeles, Cal. Married, ·March, 1904· 940. Walter Franklin Pike, physician and surgeon, Twin Falls, Idaho. St. Denver Univ., med. and lit. depts., A.B., A.M., and M.D., 1899-1904; prin. h. 5., Edwardsville, 18g8-99; house physician, Denver, Col., City Hos­ pital, 1903-04; pres. Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce, 1907. Married Jessie C. Kunkely, June 26, 1905. 941. Ernest Arthur Scrogin, asst. U. S. attorney, Springfield. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1895-98; asst. in h. s., ·Mt. Vernon, 18gB-g9; h. s. Free­ port, 1899-1901; deputy U. S. dist. clerk, S. Dist. of Ills. 1901-04; asst. U. S. dist. atty., S. Dist. of Ill., 1904-Jan., 19°7; generai atty. for anti­ saloon league of Illinois, 1907-date. Married Nine Julia Butler, Huntley, June 27, 1900. 942. Harmon Ebert Waits, supt. schools, Petersburg. St. Univ. of Ill., summers of 18gB, 1905, and 1906; prin. EIPaso, 18g8-1904; supt. Petersburg, 1904-date. Married Zetta Mae Bozarth, Aug. 3, 1898. 943. George Shirley Wilson, teaching, Seattle, Wash. St. Univ. of Ill., 1901-03; prin. Bement h. s., 1903-Apr., 1905; tea. physics, h. s., Seattle, Wash., May, 19Os-date. 944- Albert Benedict W oIfe, prof. of Economics and Sociology, Ober­ lin College, Oberlin, Ohio. St. Harvard College, 1899-1902; Harvard Graduate Sch., 1902-04; prin. White Hall h. s., 1898-1899; inst. in history, McKinley h. 5., St. Louis, Mo., 1904-05; prof. Oberlin College, 19O5-date; pub. The Lodging-HolMe Problem in Boston, lIoughton, Mifflin & Co. Married Clara M. Snell (See No. 922), Sept. 6, 1906. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 319

CLASS OF ISgg 945. Mary Leota Adee (Mrs. Wm. Eckholm), 115 East St., Rock­ ford. Rockford sch .• 1899-1902. 946. Blanche Aldrich. Normal. St. Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1901-05. 947. Sadie Chenoweth Athons (Mrs. Atherton), Pleasant Plains. El­ Paso grades, ISg9-1901; Sycamore, 1901-02. Married E. J. Atherton, banker, June 30, 1902. 948. Clementine Maud Baird (Mrs. Percy), West Point, Miss. Ray­ mond Sch., Bloomington, 1899-1902. ·Married Ernest H. Percy, Dec. 31, 1902. 949. Olive Lillian Barton, teacher LS.N.U., Normal. Grad. from Univ. of Ill., 1905; prin. h. s., Lexington, 18gg-1902; prin. h. s., Pittsfield, 1902-04; tea. of math. in Mt. Vernon twp. h. s., 1905-06; critic tea. 1.S. N.U., 1906-date; inst. in math. summer terms, LS.N.U:, 1903-06. 950. Annie Jeanette Beattie, teaching, 3178 Dover St., Chicago, Ill. Asst. prin. h. s., Savanna, March, I goo-June, 1901; elem. sch., Chicago, 1901-1902; Houghton, Mich., 1902-03; Chicago, 1905-date; Upper Mich. Children's Home solicitor, 1903-05. 951. Kate Edna Carpenter, teacher, 319 Glen Oak Ave., Peoria. St. Univ. of Ill., summer, 1902; Brown's Bus. College, summer, 1904; t. rural sch., Peoria Co., 1899-1901; prin. Pottstown, 1901-02; Peoria, 1902-04; tea. shorthand and typewriting Brown's Bus. College, 1904-date. 952. Lydia Colby, Geneseo. Tea. rural sch. Henry Co., ISg1-95; Ke­ wanee, ISg7-1899; training sch., DeKalb, 1899-1900. 953. Catherine Louise Cowles, teacher, n07 E. Jefferson St., Bloom­ ington. Tea. in elem. sch., Bloomington, 1899-. 954. Rachel Pierson Crouch, teaching, Little York. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904 and 1905; country sch .• Kirkwood, 1900-1902; prin., Biggs­ ville, 1902-1904- 955. Bertha Lea Davenport, teacher, Monrovia, Cal. Critic tea. N . I. S. N . S., DeKalb, J899-19OO; DeKalb pub. sch., 19oo-ol; San Pedro, CaL, 1901-03; Covina, CaL, 1903-06; Monrovia, Cai.,.Ig06-date. *956. Lula Lea Davenport, died Dec. 22, 1901. Taught 1 yr. 957. Clara Dietz, teaching, Glencoe. Cisco, I yr.; Hinsdale, 4 yrs.; Glencoe, 1904-. '958. Anastacia Donohue (Mrs. Henaughan), 527 DeKalb Ave., De­ Kalb. st. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901; critic grammar grades, N.LS.N.U., ISg9-1903 and 1905-06; pub. Seventh Grade Arithmetic, a Lesson in Specific Gravity in School and Home Education, 1901. Mar­ ried M. J. Henaughan, Sept. 19, 1906. 959. Alice Wessels Drobisch, teacher, 1094 W. Wood St., Decatur. Decatur, ISgg-date. 960. Carlie Anne Edwards, teacher, Prescott, Ariz., Danville, 1899- 1900; primary grades, Prescott, Ariz., 19oo-date. g61. Winifred Grace Elliott (Mrs. Drennan), 629 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur. Yorkville, 1899-1900; Decatur, 1900-1904- Married John Pat­ ton Drennan, Sept. 6, 1905. 962. Tillie May Entler (Mrs. Tullis), 335 N. Broadway St., Decatur. Prin. Kampsville, ISg9-19OO; Decatur, 1900-03. Married Clifford E. Tul­ lis, June 16, 1903. t9Q3. Ada Esther Ewen, 214 Forest Ave., Oak Park. Taught 6 yrs. 964- Grace Fairfield, teacher, Chenoa. Cissna Park, 2 yrs.; Wat­ seka, 4 yrs.; Chenoa, 1905-date. 320 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

t96s. Sarah Louvella Flinn (Mrs. Dr. Roy Webster), ----­ Morgan Co. Pana sch., 18gg-1902. t966. Laura Ellen Hahn, Davis. Taught 6 yrs. 967. Elizabeth Clerk Haynes, teacher, Shirley. Primary tea. Bloom­ ington, 1899-date. 968. Ida Rose Hummel (Mrs. Ruddy), Wanda, Minn. Maywood) 1899-1901; rural sch., Redwood Co., Minn., 1901-02; Wanda, Minn., 1902- 04; prin. Wanda, Minn., 1904-date. Married James E. Ruddy, July 2, 1901. g6g. Ora LaRue (Mrs. Dow), Olney. Rutland, 1899-1901. Married Charles M. Dow, June 30, 1901. 970. Harriet Moulton Lovering, teacher, 1301 Grand Ave., Enid, Okla. Montpelier, Ind., 18g9-1901; Assumption, 1901-02; Enid, Okla., 1906-date. 971. Nellie Jane Lovett (Mrs. Nine), Emden. Hopedale, 18gg-March, 1902 ; Bloomington, March, 1902-04- Married Charles E. Nine, Aug. 3, 1904- 972. Mary Edith McWherter, teacher, 204 S. School St., Normal. Rossville, 18gg-1901; Danville, 1901-1902; Bloomington, 1902-date. 973. Lida Belle Mix, st.- Univ. of Chicago, 5610 Madison Ave., Chi­ cago. Tea. 8th grade, Clinton, IgDO-I9Or; Dixon, 1901-02; Dixon, 1903- 04; st., U. of c., rg06-date. , 974- Isidore Alice Nixon, teaching, 208 S. 2nd St., Maywood, May­ wood, 1899-date; asst. librarian Maywood Public Library for several years. 97.5. Blanche McCormick Oakes, cataloguer pub. library, Rockford. St. Wisconsin library sch., summers 1903 and '04; t., Oak Park sch., 1899- 1901. t976. Grace Orb, West Lafayette, Ind. Taught, 1899-. 977. Mary Delima Oxley, teacher, 434 S. Maple St., Centralia. Pri­ mary tea., Centralia, 7 yrs. 978. Cora Lorena Reno (Mrs. Sunderland), teacher, Austin. St. U. of Chicago, summers, 1899 and 1900; tea. DeKalb Normal, 6th and 8th grades, 1899-1901; Chicago elem. sch., 1901-date. Married Jesse W. Sun- derland, Dec. 27, 19O5. . 979. Louise Dora Schneider, teaching, S18 E. Locust St., Blooming­ ton. Tea. elem. sch., Bloomington, 18gg-date. gBo. Mary Lizzie Schneider, Elburn. Biggsville twp. h. s., 18gg-04- (; 98r. Grace Sitherwood (Mrs. Bent), 4201 Glen Albyn Drive, Los Angeles, Cal. Oglesby, Sept., 1899-Jan., 1901; Bloomington, Jan.-June, 1901. Married Henry Stanley Bent, July 9,,1901. 982. Mary Cline Sterrett, teaching, 717 W. Prairie Ave., Decatur. At­ WOOd,.I9OO-1901; Monticello, 1901-19OS; Decatur, IgoS-date. 983. Helen Mary Taylor, teacher, S04 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. St. U. of Ill., A.B., 1900-1902; DeKalb, IB99~19OO; h. s., DeKalb, 1902-03; rhetoric, U. of I., 1903-04; traveled in Europe, 1904-05; math. in h. S., Bloomington, 1906-date. 984. Mary Lillian Trimble, preceptress and librarian, State Manual Training Sch., Ellendale, N. D. Grad. Univ. of Ill., 1906; training sch., DeKalb, 2 yrs.; same, Moorhead, Minn. ,I yr.; Edmond, Okla., 2 yrs.; present position, 1906-date. 985. Helen Parsons Wells (Mrs. Bayliss), Ludlow, Vermont. Wash­ ington, 1899-1900; Lexington, 1900-1901; Decatur, 1902-04: Married Rev. Edward L. Bayliss, Aug. 18, 1904- g86. Mary Johnston Wells (Mrs. Stout), Genoa. EIPaso, 1899-19°3. Married Henry F. Stout, Aug. 6, 1903. (See No. 1092.) ILLINOIS S'I'A'I'~ NORMAL UNIVERSI'I'Y. 321

g87. Lucinda Hannah Westbrook (Mrs. Downey), 2718 Cicero Ave., . Clyde. Elgin, 18gg-Igoo; elem. sch., Chicago, 1900-Ig04. Married Elzy F. Downey, July 16, 1902. 988. Jean Gertrude Whigam (Mrs. Taylor), 126g N~ 42d Ave., Chi­ cago. Chicago, Feb., 1900-01; same, Oct., 1903-March, Ig05. Married Ed­ ward T. Taylor, Dec. 25, 1900. g8g. Anna Evelyn Wise, teaching, Gresham Sch., Chicago. Lemont, 3 yrs.; Chicago Heights, 2 yrs.; Joliet, 1 yr.; Chicago elem. sch., 2 yrs. *ggo. Eva Centennial Wiseman, died Feb. 24, 1902. Taught in Doug­ las county, 3 yrs. tggl. Jessie Lee Youle, Saybrook. Taught 6 yrs. 992. Grace Harriet Young, grad. nurse, 1242 Monroe St., Chicago. St. Garfield Park Training Sch. for Nurses, 1899-lgol. 993. Earl Wilder Ackert, prof. math., State Normal and Industrial Sch., Ellendale, N. D. St. Steinman College, Dixon, 1899-1g00; tea. in Steinman College, 18g9-1900; Blanchard, N. D., 1900-01; Grandin, N. D, Ig01-Jan., 1902; h. s., Oakes, N. D., 1902-lg04; supt. Oakes, 1904-lg07; present position, Ig07-. 994. Charles Henry Allen, teacher, Bloomington. Head of dept. of biology and physiography, h. s., Bloomington, 18gg-date. Married Mattie Morgan, Sept. I, 18g8. 995. Arthur Elmer Ashworth, Uvalde, Texas. Married May Lyn­ don Carter, Denison, Texas, June 27, 1906. . 996. Charles L. Beach, mus. director, 9Il Cable Bldg., Chicago. Mar­ ried Clara Murray. 997. Thomas Milton Birney, supt. Edwardsville. St. Univ. of Chicago, 19OO-lg01, and summer terms since; prin. h. s., Normal, 18g5-1900; prin. Kewanee, 1901-lg03; supt. Edwardsville, 1903-date. Married Olive Ger­ trude Thomas, June 17, 1905. 9g8. Clarence Bonnell, teaching, Harrisburg. St. Univ. of Ill., sum­ mer, 1905; prin. h. s., Metropolis, 18g9-1902; prin. h. s. Paxton, 1902-04; asst. prin. twp. h. s., Harrisburg, 1904-date; Married Docia May Turner, Taylorville, July 12, Igoo. 999. Benjamin Fletcher Brown, teaching, Ault, Col. St. Colorado State Normal, Ig07; rural graded sch., 1899-1g01; Highland Lake, 1901- 1902; prin. Ault h. s., 1902-lg04; prin. Fort Lupton, Col., Ig04-1905; prin. Ault h. s., Ig05-1907. 1000. Clyde Lewis Burtis, asst. mgr. James A. Brady Fdy. Co., 6847 Parnell Ave., Chicago. Prin. grade sch., Garden City, Kansas, 2 yrs. Married Nellie M. Haaff, Oct. II, 1906. 1001. John Mark Dewhirst, teacher, Havana. St. Biological Sta. Ind. Univ., summer, Ig02; grades, Havana, 18gg-lgcJ,;!; h. s., Havana, 1902- . date. Married Sophia A. Pfetzing, July 23, Ig03. 1002. Oliver Morton Dickerson, head inst. in history, W.I.S.N.S., Macomb. 5t. Harvard Univ. graduate sch., 1904-05; Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1903; A.M., 1904, and Ph.D., 1906; prin. Macon, 1899-1901; 1. S. N. U. summers 1903, 05, and 06; U. of I. summer, 1906; pub. Hist. of Ill. Canst. Convention of 1862. Married Nora Mae Simmons, Nov. 10, Ig06. (See No. 878.) 1003. Gerry Brown Dudley, physician, Charleston. St. College of Physicians and Surgeons of N. Y., Ig00-01; Cornell Univ. Med. ColI., 1901- 04; h. s., CharI,eston, 18g8-1900. Married Esther Wilhoit Shoot, July 27, Ig05· 1004. Francis Belmont Dwire, interne, Los Angeles Co. Hospital, Hollywood, Cal. Univ. of S. Cal., M.D., 1902-lg06; h. s., Kewanee, 1899- 1900; math. Hoitt's Acad., Menlo Park, Cal., IgOI-02. 322 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

1005. Charles Herbert Elliott, prin. twp. h. s,. Centralia. Geneseo h. s., 1899-1900; prin. h. s., Centralia, 1902-03; present position, 1903-. 1006. Charles Gott, teaching, Franklin, La. Prin. h. s., Atwood, 1899- 1901; :}.sst. h .. s., Lake Charles, La., 1901-1Q02; pri? h. s., Clinton, La., 1902-1905; prm. h. s., Crowley, La., 1905-1906; prm. St. Mary Central h. s., Franklin, La., 1906-date. tl007. Joseph Wilson Green, salesman, Hoopeston. Prin. Hoopes­ ton, 1899-1904- 1008. Ardie Durward Hess, bookkeeper with Roberts, Johnson, and Rand Shjle Co., St. Louis, Mo. Taught Cantrall, 1899-1900. 1009. David Preston Hollis, Co. Supt. Pittsfield. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905; prin. Browlling, 1899-1901; Pearl, 1901-1902; Perry, 1902-1904; supt. Griggsville, 1904-06; co. supt., Pittsfield, 1906-date. Married, Min­ nie B. Fields, Meredosia, April 30, 1902. 1010. Will Harris Johnson, clerk at Read &"White's, W. Washing­ ton Road, Bloomington. Critic tea. 1. S. N. U. Model Sch., 1899-1902. lOll. Milford L. Johnston, signal service eng. with Sunset Route, Houston, Texas. Asst. librarian 1. S. N . U., :2 yrs.; Union Switch and Signal Co., 1 yr. 1012. Wallace Franklin Jones, supt. schools, Knoxville. St. Univ. of Il1., summers, A.B., 1901-06; supt. city sch., Knoxville, 1899-date. 1013. Henry Goodrich McCormick, dentist, Manhattan, Kansas. St. Univ. of Mich. lit. dept., 1899-1900; grad. U. of Mich., dental dept., 1903. 1014- Ralph Dudley MacGuffin, salesman Baker-Vawter Co., 788 Mil­ dred Ave., Chicago. Putnam Co. sch., 1899-1900; Morton Park, 1900-02. Married Charlotte H. Smith. 1015. Chester DuBois Marquis, gen. mgr. chemical works, George­ town, S. C. Grad. Princeton Univ., 1906; asst. librarian, 1. S. N . U., 1899- 1900; math. in h. 5., Charleston, 1901-02. 1016. Ora Sherman Morgan, graduate student in Cornell Agricul­ tural College, 711 E. Seneca St., Ithaca, N. Y. St. Univ. of Ill., 1903-05; Univ. of Cornell, 1906-date; prin. Ohio, 1899-1901; Hampshire, 1901-03; tea. of biology, h. 5., Burlirgton, la., 1905 (six months); prin. training sch., DeKalb, 1905-06. 1017. Archibald Carlisle Norton, asst. educational dept. Sears-Roe­ buck & Co., 474 W. North Ave., Chicago. Prin. Cornell, 2 yrs.; Table Grove, 2 yrs.; Hampshire, 2 yrs.; tea. in Harvard private sch. for boys, Chicago, I yr.; asst. in ed. dept. of S., R. &. Co., 1906-date. Married, June 12, 1902, to Blanche Nelson Haney who died, Jan. 16, 1904 . 1018.. George Merit Palmer, supt. schools, ·:Milaca, Minn. St. Univ. of Ill. summer sessions; supt. Averyville, 2 yrs.; tea. of English P. I., 3 yrs.; supt. Milaca, Minn., 3 yrs. Married Lucy May Yapp, Aug. 17,.1904. Was 1st Sergt. Co.. M,6th Ill. Vol. lnft., during Spanish-American War. *1019. George Frederick Pfingsten, died in East St. Louis, Sept., 1903. Taught 4 yrs. 1020. John Lossen Pricer, grad. st. U. of I., 908 W. Main St., Urbana. St. Univ. of Il1., 1905-07; supt. EIPaso (East Side), 189g-1905. Married Dora E. Forum, Aug. 1, 1900. 1021. William Burrell Pusey, real estate and ins., Ottawa. Fisher, 1899-1900; prin. Wedron, 1900-1901; Kangley, 1901-1903; prin. h. s. Ran­ som, 190$-1905. Married Georgia E. Murphy; Dec. 25, 1905. 1022. Jerome Edward Readhimer, soil fertility ex. sta., 'u. of Ill., Champaign. Grad. U. of I., 1904; h. 5., Champaign, 2 yrs. Married Ida Harrell, January 3, 1906. ILLINOIS S'tA't~ NORMAL UNIV~RSI'tY. 323

1023· Samuel E. Reecher, st. Northwestern Univ., 4033 Indiana Ave'l Chicago. ·St. Univ. of Chicago, 1903-OS; Northwestern Univ., 1906-07; prin. Potomac, 1899-1903; Bryant and Stratton Bus. College, Chicago, 1905-06. Married Jeannette Bach, June 26, 1901. 1024. Frank Stewart, farmer, Oblong. Married Kathryn J. Waidman, Aug. 29, 1900. 102S. John Pogue Stewart, prof. of horticulture, Penn State College. St. Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1902; Cornell, M.S.A., 1903; Cornell, 1906-07; h. s. Biggsville, 1899-1901; tea. of nature study, LS.N. U., 1903-06; pub. Na­ ture Study in its Practical Bearings-(I.S.N.U. Quarterly). 1026. Albert Emery White, supt. sch. Ill. State Reformatory, Pon­ tiac. St. Univ. of 111., summer, 1901; t. Mt. Palatine, 1899-1900; prin. Tonica, 1900-01; Strawn, 1901-0S; present position, 1905-date. 1027. John Hamilton Whitten, supt. schools Onarga. St. Univ. 111., summers, 1903-0S; prin. h. s. Golconda, 1899-1901; prin. h. s. St. Anne, 1901-03; supt. Onarga, 1903-date. ·Married Lillian Catterlin, Council Bluffs, Ia., Aug. IS, 1903. 102S. John Thomas Wilson, sten. and clerk American Telephone and Telegraph Co., Chicago. St. Univ. of Ill., fall, 1900; Brown's Bus. Coli., Champaign, 1901-02; prin. Danforth, 1899-1900; present position, 1902- date. 1029. Oliver Roland Zoll, teaching, St. Anne. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1903; prin. ward sch., Elgin, IS99-19OO; supt. Yorkville, 19oo-03~ prin. h. s., Watseka, 1903-oS; supt. St. Anne, 1905-date. Married Minnie M. Moyer, June 22, IS9S. CLASS OF 1900 1030. Mary Irene Babbs, st. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 317 North St., Nor­ mal. St. Wesleyan, 1906-07. T. rural sch. 1900-06. 1031. Bernice Alena Bright, music teacher, 202 N. Beech St., Normal. 1032. Anna Maple Broadhead, tea. science h. s., Bellingham, Washing­ ton. St. Univ. of Ill., A.B., '02; post grad., '06; Univ. of Washington, '05; t. h. s.~ Virginia, 1902-03; West Lake Girls' School, Los Angeles, Cal., 1906; h. s., Bellingham, Washington, 1907. 1033. Alma Wilhelmina Carlson, tea. Lincoln sch., Bloomington. Pres­ ent position, 1900-07. 1034. Caroline Irving Clark, teacher of English, Helena, Arkansas. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905; English and Latin, h. s., Gardner, 1900-01; Helena, Ark., 1904-07. 103S. Genevieve Louise Clarke (Mrs. Dakin), 2S0 E. 63d Pl., Chi­ cago. Critic tea. 1. S. N . U., 1900-01; elem. sch., River Forest, 1901-06. - Married Walter Dakin, April 17, 1906. 1036. Ida Helen Condren, teacher, Streator. Grades, Streator, 1900--. 1037. Stella M. Cook, teaching, II39 N. Church St., Rockford. Pri­ mary, Rochelle, 1900-03; Rockford, 1903-07. 103S. Florence May Corman, teaching Irving sch., Bloomington. Pres­ ent position, 19oo-07. 1039. Lulu Pearl Frank (Mrs. Irvine), 3072 N. Ashland Ave., Chi­ cago. Prin. Beason, I yr.; Perry Park, Col., I yr. Short articles in The Housekeeper. Married W. A. Irvine, March 20, 1902. 1040. Lois Gertrude Franklin, teaching in h. s., 212 E. Davidson St., Champaign. St. Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1902-03; asst. prin. EIPaso, 1900-02; h. s., Champaign, 1903-07. 324 SE:MI-CE:NTE:NNIAL HISTORY

1041. Anna Sabina Garwood, teacher of English h. s., 832 Chestnut Ave., Canon City, Col. English, h. s., Mattoon, Igoo-or; h. s., Elmhurst, Ig01-04; h. s., Canon City, Col., Ig05-07 . .1042. Amelia E. Gaulden, asst. in Avoyelles h. s., Marksville, La. Stud­ ied one month, summer sch., Baton Rouge, La. Taught in grades, Fulton, Igoo-ol; h. s., Osborne, Kan., 1901-02; Avoyelles h. s., 1902-07. 1043. Gertrude George (Mrs. Delano), 43SO Berkeley Ave., Chicago. Elem. sch., Port Byron, 19OD-oI; Kewanee, Igor-03. Married Edward Jewett Delano, Jan. 31, 1903. 1044. Minnie Margaret Gossman, supervisor of music, Prescott, Ariz. National Summer Sch. of Music, Chicago, Ig03-04; t. elem. sch., Cisco, I yr.; Monticello, 4 yrs. *104S. Ina Estelle Hamilton, died Sept. 10, IgOD. 1046. Frances M. Iliff (Mrs. Rice), Monmouth, Oregon. Normal h. s., 1900-03. Married Charles A. Rice, June 30, 1902. 1047. Mrs. Ella Leone Jacob (Mrs. William J. Jacob), lOIS Union Ave., N. Portland, Ore. Asst. prin. Washougal, Wash., 19oD-04j Little Falls, Wash., 1904-05. 1048. Anna Gertrude King (Mrs. Turley), Blanco, New Mexico. Pri­ mary training tea., I. S. N . U., rgoo-03; same, Idaho State Normal Sch., Lewiston, I903-0S. Married, April 16, Ig05, to Louis A. Turley. 104g. Gertrude Larison, prin. of Lincoln sch., Hoopeston. Eighth grade, Odell, 1900-01; grades, Covel, Ig01-04; 6th grade, Hoopeston, Ig04- oS; prin. Hoopeston, 190s-07. lOSO. Sara Abbie Laughlin (Mrs. Parsons), 142S Grand Ave., Mil­ waukee, Wis. Elem. sch., Pueblo, Col., 19oD-OS. Married Oliver Edwin Parsons, Sept., 1905. 1051. Helene Marie Lendman, primary teacher, Sterling. Griggsville, Ig00-01 j Sterling, Ig01-. 1052. Katherine Loretta Lucey, teaching, 202 DeSoto St., Ottawa. Sixth grade, Ottawa, 1900-07. *1053. Jessie -McDonald (Mrs. Roy Stewart), died Jan. II, 1905. T. Bloomington, 1900-03. loS4. Bernice Blackburn McKinney, Normal. St. Bloomington Con­ servatory of Music, Ig04-06; elem. sch., Beason, Ig01-03. lOSs. Maude Miller (Mrs. Folk), 31 Webb St., Hammond, Ind. T. Rankin, Igoo-o1; Bloomington, IgOI-03; Bluffs, 1903-04. Married Ray­ mond A. Folk, Oct. 22, 1904. tlOS6. Parthenia Ellen Miller (Mrs. Dr. Dugan), Lovington. Taught 3 yrs. 1057. Josephine Marie Moore, teaching, Lincoln Sch., Bloomington. Present position, 1900-. lOS8. Minnie Nuckolls (Mrs. Schumacher), 40S~ N. Prairie St., Champaign. Elem. sch., Chatham, 19°1-02; Urbana, Ig02-03. Married, H. T. Schumacher, Aug. 31, 1903. 10S9. Ida May Pearson (Mrs. Hiner), 707 W. Green St., Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1902-04- T. EIPaso, igOl-02; Household Science, U. of I., Ig05. Married George Elmer Hiner, July 26, IgoS. 1060. Helen Clifford Putnam (Mrs. Beggs), Ashland. Asst. prin. h. s., Ashland, Igoo-01. Married Charles S. Beggs, Aug. 3, 1901. 1061. Etta Grace Quigg, Minier. Prin. h. s., Mackinaw, 1900-0r. 1062. Florence Cook Sample (Mrs. Fleming), 1401 N. Main St., Bloomington. Prin. h. s. and director of music in grades, Auburn, Igoo-01. Married Harry Livingston Fleming, April 8, 1903. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 325

1063. Blanche Alberta Skinner, 90S S. University St., Normal. St. L S. N. U., summer, 1906;. elem. sch., Danvers, 1900-01; Edwards Sch., Bloomington, lW,I-07. 1064. Elizabeth Esther Sprecher, S17 Village St., Kalamazoo, Mich. Completed cotlrse in Man. Tr., Western Michigan Normal Sch.; elem. sch., Marinette, Wis., 1900-01; St. Charles, 1901-04; Batavia, 1904-oS; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1905-07. . I06S. Edith Melinda Wallace, teaching, Calhoun sch., Minneapolis, Minn. Address Holcomb Hotel. Chatsworth, 1900-01; Decatur, 1901-OS; Great Falls, Montana, 1905-06; Minneapolis, Minn., 1906-07. 1066. Adelaide Young (Mrs. Wallace), 16S4 Thorn St., Chicago Heights. Elem. sch., Hillsboro, 1900-02; Chicago Heights, 1902-03. Mar­ ried Leroy E. Wallace, Aug. 12, 1903. 1067. Anna Lou Young, teaching, IS2g Summit St., Seattle, Wash. St. Univ. of Ill., summer of 1904; LS.N.U., summer, 1905; elem. sch., Champaign, Ig02-06; Seattle, Wash., 1906-07. 1068. Wilbur F. Ament, physician and surgeon, Barnes Univ., 2g23 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo. St. summer term, Chicago Univ.; College of Medicine, Barnes Univ., 1903-06; prin. of sch., Lafayette, 1900-03. Mrs. Ament died in Lafayette, Aug. 8, 1902. 106g. James Horatio Arnett, medical st. Samaritan Hospital, Broad and Ontario Streets, Philadelphia, Penn. St. Temple College, Philadel­ phia, 1905-07. T. rural sch., Colfax, Ig00-01; prin. ward sch., Lincoln, Ig01-0S· > • 1070. Gustave Fred Baltz, cashr. of bank, Millstadt. Prin. Millstadt, 1900-03. Married Otillia Diesel, June 17, 1903. 1071. Adolph Philip Billen, postal clerk" Belleville. Taught rural sch., 19oo-03. 'Married Johanna K. Thebus, April 8, Ig04- 1072. Arthur Clinton Boggess, prof. of History and Political Econ., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Oregon. Univ. of Ill., 19oo-02; Univ. of Wis., 1902-04; Univ. of Penn., Ph.D., 1904-06. Director of Oregon His­ torical Society, 1906. 1073. Guy Seaman Burtis, treas. and gen. mgr. of Thomas A. Brady Foundry Co., 2842 Archer Ave., Chicago. T. h. 5.,. Leadville, Col., 19oo-01 ; pres. Benton Harbor Fdy. Co., Benton Harbor, Mich., 1907. Married Daisy A. Skinner (See No. 1344), Feb. 8, Ig0S· 1074- William Ferguson Cavins, real estate, Mattoon. Prin., Inclose, 1900-01; h. 5., Sullivan, 1903-04. 107S. Merton Dart Cox, insurance and real estate, S08 Main St., Me­ nominee, Mich. St. Shurtleff College, 18g8-gg; Lake Forest Univ., 189g- 1900; prin. h. 5., Menominee, Mich., 19oo-0I. Married Elizabeth Hutchin­ , son, Dec. 26, 1904. 1076. John Fay Cusick, Sec'y Saving and Loan Ass'n, Chrisman. St. Univ. of 111., 1901-03; prin., Cherry Point, 1900-01. 1077. Roscoe 'Edward Davis, teaching, Fort Scott, Kan. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1905; t. Creston, Ia.,' 1900-02; Ft. Dodge, Ia., 1902- 03; physics and chemistry, h. S. Fort Scott, Kan., 1903-. Married Frances Cole, Aug. 7, 1906. *1078. Harold James Edmunds, died Oct. 6, 19oo. 1079. James Albert Leroy Fairchild, teaching, Terre Haute, Indiana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1904-06; prin. elem. sch., Sullivan, 19oo-Ol; .English, Bustos, P. 1.'5, Bulacan Province, 19°1-03; prin. h. 5., Balinag, B. Prov­ ince, 19°3-04; prin. h. s., Urbana, 1905-06; prin. elem. sch., Terre Haute, Ind.,1906-. Married Edna Gertrude Mills (See No. IIzg), Aug. 23, 1905. 326 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

loS0. Charles Jerome Fesler, supt.,' Chandlerville. Prin. Hamilton, 1900-01; Dallas City, 1901-02; Magnolia, 1902-03; Heyworth, 1903-04; Hopedale, 1904-06; Chandlerville, 1906-. 1081. Charles Weston Greenough, county supt., Grangeville, Idaho. St. N.LS.N.S., DeKalb, 1900-01; t. Mt. Palatine, 1901-02; prin., Du- rand, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Grangeville, Idaho, 1905-06. . 1082. Charles Ellsworth Gross, farmer, Eagle Grove, Ia. Rural sch., 6 mos.; ser:!y Eagle Grove Farmers' Elevator Co. Married Verna B. Pick­ ering, March I, 1905. 1083. Henry Heer, 12 N. Fair St., Belleville. Prin. of Humboldt Sch., Belleville, 1900-. 1084. Adam Albert Hummel, st. Univ, of Ill., 926 W. Ill. St., Urbana. St. Univ. of Il1., June, 1905-; rural sch., Wanda, Minn., 1900; clem. sch., Macon, spring, 1901; prin. west side, Normal, 1901-02; instructor in biology, Galesburg h. s., 1902-05. 1085. William James Jacob, grocer, 1015 Union Ave., N. Portland, Oregon. Prin. Washougal, Wash., 1900-05; prin. Little Falls, Wash., 1905-06. 1086. Oliver Lincoln Lyon, pastor of Christian church, Newman. Sociology and economics, Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1900-05; English lit., Okla­ homa Christian Univ., Enid, Okla., fall, 1907-; pub. Practical Work on Evolution, Outlines on U. S. History, Psychology, a Basis for Pedagogy. Married Etna Place, June 26, ISg0. 1087. John R. McKinney, chief clerk to asst. engr., O.S.L. Railroad, Caldwell, Idaho. Rural sch., Cabery, 19oD-Ol; prin. Herscher, 1901-02; prin., Carbon, Wyoming, 1902-03; supt., Carbon, 1903-06. 1088. Frederick David Niedermeyer, st. Princeton Theological Sem., 39 Brown Hall, Princeton, New Jersey. St. Univ. of Ill., 1902-04; elem. sch., Eden and Middletown; prin., Potomac and Murphysboro, 1904-06. 108g. Wilson James Perry, physician and surgeon, corner of 49th Ave., and Thomas St., Chicago. St. Rush Med. College, 19o1-05; asst. prin., Gibson City, 1900-01; interne in Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, 1905-06. 1090. Charles A. Ryburn, Heyworth. Prin. of h. s., Marion, 1901-03. 1091. John Carl Stine, supt. Henry. Univ. of Ill., 1901-03; Univ. of Chicago, summer of 1906; prin. Mt. Palatine, 1900-01; Brighton, 1903- 04; Pleasant Plains, 1904-06; supt., Henry, 19OO-. IDg2. Henry Field Stout, supt. Genoa. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901; science, h. s., Sycamore, 1900-03; supt. Genoa, 1903-. Married Mary Johnston Wells (See No. g86), Aug. 6, 1903. 1093. Charles Penrose Tiley, sec'y Calhoun Brick and Clay Co., 602 Benoist Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Elem. sch., Belleville, 19oo-03. 1094. Frederic~ Marsh Trumbull, farmer, Stillman Valley. T. Rock ford, 1900-04. Marned, 1903. - 1095.. Isaac N ewto~ Warner, teaching, Normal. Prin. Ab~y C. Wing Sch., Elgm., 19oo-o3; pnn. Model Sch., I. S. N . U. 1903-06; prm. h. s. and critic tea. for 8th grade,J.S.N.U., 1906-; arithmetic, LS.N.U. sum- mer sch., 1903-<>7. Marned Eva Redmon, Dec. 30, 1894. - 1096. David Hopkins Wells, supt. East Side sch., ElPaso. St. Milli­ kin Univ., Decatur, 1904-05; Prin. h. s., Carrollton, 1900-04; supt. El~ Paso 1905-<>7. Married Martha E. Dougherty, June 18, 1903. 1097. Charles William Whitten, asst. in Natural science, N.LS.N.S., DeKalb. St. Univ. o~ Ill., A.B., 1906; asst. in science and math., 1.S. N . U ., 19oo-o3; phYSICS and geometry, acado of Univ. of Ill., 19o3-06' present position, 19OO-. Married Jessie Cunningham (See No. 701), 1904 Il,l,INOIS S'I'A'I'E NORMAl, UNIVERSI'I'Y. 327

10gB. Frank Lester Wilson, laundry, Roodhouse. St. Chicago Univ., summers of 1900 and 1901. Carrollton h. s., 1900-02; prin. Ipava, 1902-03; math., h. s., Bloomington, 1903-06.

Cuss OF 1901 1099. Grace Matilda Allen, teaching, 508 S. 4th St., Champaign. St. Univ. of Ill., 1903-05; h. s. Centralia, 1901-02; eighth grade, Dalton, 1902- 03; math. in h. s., Champaign, 1905-. IIOO. Annie Maple Brodhead (See No. 1032). IIOI. Mary Etta Calder, teaching, Pocatello, Idaho. T. elem. sch., Chatsworth, 1901-04; McCammon, Idaho, 1904-05; Pocatello, 1905-07. II02. Sophia Catherine Camenisch, teacher of history, Harris h. s., Petersburg. T . .elem. sch., EIPaso, 1901-04; h. s., Petersburg, 1904-07. II03. Nellie Gertrude Clancy, primary teacher, 402 E. Locust St., Bloomington. T. Bloomington, 1901-07. II04. Julia Coffman, teaching, 290 E. 60th St., Chicago. T. elem. sch., Danville, 1901-05; Chicago, 1905-07. *II05. Edna Leona Crawson (Mrs. Spear), died April II, 1906. Tea. rural sch., 1901-02; elem. sch., Fithian, 1902-04. Married William F. Spear, Aug. 16, 1904. u06. Lora M. Dexheimer, training teacher, 1. S. N . U. , Norma!. T. primary, Melvin, 1901-02; 1.S.N. U., 1902-07. Spent summer of 19OO in Europe. 1107. Luella'Mae Dilley (Mrs. Evelsizer), Deaconess of M. E. Ch, 61 I Vine St., Philadelphia, Pa. Finished Bible Course in Lucy Webb Hayes National Training Sch. for Deaconesses, Washington, D. c., 1904-06. T. English, EIPaso h. s., 1900-01; elem. sch., Jacksonville, 1903-04- Married Charles Henry Evelsizer, Bloomington, Aug. 26, 1902, who died Oct. 5, 1902. II08. Mertie May Dillon, 503 E. Mulberry St., Normal. St. Univ. of nl., A.B., 1901-°4; Chicago Univ., 1906. II09. Florence Frances Eldridge, 711 S. Clayton St., Bloomington. T. in Bloomington, 1900-. *1110. Ida Lena Fleischer (Mrs. George W. Egley), died at Onarga, Apri. 18, 1905. T. Onarga, 1901-02. IIII. Jennie Ford, teacher, 879 W. North St., Decatur. T. Clinton, 1901-02; Yorkville, 1902-05; Decatur, 1905-07. U12. Laura Caroline Foster (Mrs. Rathbun), tea. of English, Ade1- phian Academy, H,;olly, Mich!gan. Asst. h. s., LeRoy, 1901-04- _ Married Mr. F. O. Rathbun, Holly, -MIch., Sept. 24, 1905. II!3. CI~ra Theresa Fritter, teacher of elocution and art, Univ. of Middle Tennessee, Tullahoma, Tenn. T .elem. sch., Lovington, 1901-02; Lexington, 1902-03; Hinckley, 1903-05; Tullahoma, 1906-. 1114. Edna Elizabeth Fritter (Mrs. Bates), Kerrick. T. elem. sch., Onarga, 1901-02; supervisor of drawing, Warren pub. sch., 1902-03. Mar­ ried Roy Bates, ;Kerrick, Dec. 25, 1903. 1115· Amelia Helen Gmehlin (Mrs. Hall), 827 Twenty-third St., Cairo. T. Hawthorne sch., Bloomington, 1902-05: Married George M. Hall, October 4, 1905. 1116. Lillian Gray, asst. prin. and tea. of English) Hawk Creek twp. h. s., Gilson. T. Cisco, 1901-04; Mendon, 1904-05; present position, 1905-· 328 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

III7. Birdie Wilmah Green, teaching, 1056 N. Edward St., Decatur. St. Univ. of Ill., summer, 1906; elem. sch., Lovington, 1901-03; elem. sch., Decatur, 1903-. tIII8. Mamie Haines, Lincoln, Neb. lII9. Bessie W. Harrington, student, 1342 Volland St., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1904-; asst. prin. Jefferson Park h. s., El­ Paso, 1901-04. II20. Gertrude Viola Heller, teaching, Normal. Primary tea., Maroa, 19°1-04; elem. sch., Normal, 1906-. lI2!. Edith Marian Higgins (Mrs. Bray), 919 Fulton St., Chicago. Elem. sch., Elk Grove, 1901-03. Married Albert H. Bray, Chicago, June 25, 1903. lI22. Edith Maude Hoit, teaching, Madison sch., Quincy. Elem. sch., Quincy, 1901-. II23. Sarah Matilda Hummel, st., 926 W. Illinois St., Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1906-; t. Downs, 1902-03; Normal, 1903-05. lI24. Ida May Loring (Mrs. Walters), teacher of art, 801 E. Wood St., Decatur. St. Art Institute; Sch. of Fine Arts; Toronto Art Acad.; t. kindergarten; special drawing tea. Married F. J. Walters, Nov. 29, 1904, who died. II25. Birdie Major, student, 1313 Geddes Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich. St. Univ. of Mich., 1905-; elem. sch., Henry, 190I-03; Walnut, 1903-05. tII26. Frances Baldwin Mann (Mrs. Carl Lang), Cahoka, Mo. T. h. s., Cahoka, Mo., 4 yrs. lI27. Elvira Ellen Mark, teacher of English, State Normal School, Albion, Idaho. Studied, Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1902-04. T. Centralia h. s., 190I-02; Oxforg College, Oxford, Ohio, 1% yrs, 1904-05; Albion, Idaho, 1906-. uz8. Susie Merker, teaching, 827 W. Macon St., Decatur. Primary, Cisco, 1901-°4; Bement, 1904-05; Union, N. J., 1905-06; Decatur, 1906-. lI29. Edna Gertrude Mills (Mrs. Fairchild), 2052 N. 7th St., Terre Haute, Ind. St. Millikin Univ., one semester, 1904; Univ. of Ill., one semester, 1906. T. primary, Tuscola, 1901-02. ·Married James A. Fair­ child (See No. 1079), August 23, 1905. lI30. Daisy Alice Morris (Mrs. Rome), Fisher. T. elem. sch., Mat­ toon, 1901-03. Married Seymour Rome, Fisher, Feb. 26, 1903. lI3!. Celia Frances Munch (Mrs. Butterfield), teacher, 212 Elgin Ave., Joliet. T. rural seh., Cook Co., 1901-02; elem. sch., Harlem, 1902- 05; J.ames Otis Sch., Chicago, 1905-06. Married Eber Butterfield, Joliet, April 28, 1905. II32. Olive Estelle Peck, teaching, Wray, Col. St. Univ. of Mich., fall, 1903; t. primary, Wyanet, 1901-03; Wray, Col., 1905-. !I33. Martha Philips (Mrs. Brown), Savanna. Primary, Savana, 1901-03. Married George D. Brown, Savanna, Sept. 27, 1905. II34. Florence Elizabeth Pitts, st. Univ. of Paris, 126 rue de la Pompe, Paris, France. St. Univ. of 111., 1902-04. Prin. Griggsville h. s., 1901-02; inst. in English, Univ. of Ill., 1904-06 .. II35. Pearl Prickett (Mrs. Passmore), Huntley. Elem. sch., Hunt­ ley, 1901-04. Married Charles Lucius Passmore, April 3, 1904- lI36,. Louise Margaret Reinmiller (Mrs. Eldridge), DeKalb. Elem. seh., Odell and Joliet, 1901-02; rural sch., near Cornell, 1902-03; near Wilson, 1903-04; grades, Chatsworth, 1904-05. Married Rev. C. D. Eld­ ridge, July 25, 1905. i137. Josephine W. Serf (Mrs. Haight), 721 Stephenson St., Free­ port. Taught in grades, Freeport, 1901-03; bookkeeper, 1904-05. Mar­ ried Paul Haight, Dec. 27, 1905. Ir.r.INOIS STATE; NORMAl, UNIVE;RSITY. 329

II38. Clara Eugenia Trimble, teaching, 200 West II3th Place, Chi­ cago. St. Univ.. 01 Ill., 1901-04; critic teacher, 1.S.N.U., 1902-03; his­ tory, Urbana h. s., 1904-06; George William Curtis h. s., Chicago, 1906-. II39. Florence Lillian Uzzell (Mrs. Day), Bethalto. Tea. primary, Venice, 1901-03; grades, Bethalto, 1903-06. Married Eugene Day, Oct. 22, 1902. II40. Jennie Entriken Wells, teacher, 1592 N. Church St., Decatur. Grades, Maroa, 1901-02; EIPaso, 1902-05; Sangamon Street Sch., De­ catur, 1905-. II4I. Jessie Bell Wells, teaching, EIPaso. Primary, EIPaso, 1901-. II42. Clara Wetzel, teacher, 235 N. Soto St., Los Angeles, Cal. Elem. sch., Streator, 1901-02; Stonington, 1902-03; Los Angeles, 1904-. 1:r.43. George Lee Baker, accountant in offices of Mo. Pac. R. R., 2816 Gamble St., St. Louis, Mo. Supt. of Boys' Reformatory, Pontiac, 1901-06. II44. Samuel Brooks, farmer, Mason City, R.F.D. NO.5. Rural sch., 3 yrs.; prin. h. s., Marseilles, 1 yr. Married Carrie Wilson, Feb. 15, 1906. 1145. Clarence Edward Burt, bookkeeper, Normal. St. 1. S. N . U ., summer, 1903. Prin. Garfield Sch., Pekin, 1901-02; Plainfield, 1902-05. II46. James Russell Forden, salesman, 767 E. Salmon St., Portland, Oregon. St. Sch. of Ed., Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1901; Naas sch. of Sloyd, Naas, Sweden; Knaben-fur-Handarbeit, Leipzig, Germany, sum­ mer, 1904; Teachers' College, Columbia Univ., 1904-05; tea. man. training, Saginaw, -Mich., 1901-02; Normal Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1902-04; di­ rector-of man. tr., State Normal Sch., Dillon, Mont., 1905-06. Married Eleanor Nottingham, June 27, 1906 II47. Frank J. George, prin. Lincoln Sch., nag De La Vine St., Santa Barbara, Cal. U. S. Gov't teacher, Philippine Islands, provinces Pangasinan, Manilla, and San Fabian, 1901-05. Married Josephine E. MaraI1ville, July 26, 1905. II48. Orville James Gunnell, real estate, 4 E. Main St., Danville. Prin. Grant sch., Danville, 1901-02; Tilton, 1902-04. Married Dorothy N. Kemp; Nov. 30, 1904. II49. William Hawkes, teaching, Minonk. St. Univ. of Ill., sum­ mers, 1902, 03, and 04; prin. Ipava, 1901-02; supt. Eureka, 1902-05; supt. Minonk, 1905-. II 50. Aaron Heyward, teaching, Cavalier, N. D. St. Univ. of Wis., Ph.B., 1901-03; tea. Cavalier, N. D., 1904-. II51. Jacob Harold Heinzelman, fellow in mod. lang., U. of c., 5648 Drexel Ave., Chicago. St. ·Univ. ·of Ill., 1901-02; Univ. of Chicago, 1902- 03, 1905-.; supt. sch., Washington, 1903-05. Married Emelyne S. Voor- hees, Sept. 5, 1906. . II 52. Josiah Campbell Hoke, county supt. of schools, Sullivan. Co. supt. sch., Moultrie county, 1902-. II53. Lee I. Knight, teacher, Washington. St. Univ. of Ill., 1901-02; Univ. of Chicago, 1902-03; same, summers, 1904-5-6; prin. h. s,. Washing- ton,1905-. . II54. George Larson, salesman, Independent Harvester Co., Plano. Hudson, 1901-03; Kentland, Ind., 1903-04; Kempton, 1904-06. Married Cora Oswood, August 25, 1906. II55. James Harrison Morton, storekeeper at Northern Hospital for Insane, 750 S. State St., Elgin. St. Univ. of Ill., three summers, 1905-06; prin. Wethersfield Sch., Kewanee, 1901-03 ; Ashkum, 1903-05. Married Mary Grier, June 3, 1902. 330 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

I156. William August Otto, teaching, 343 3rd Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. St. Univ. of Ill., summers, 1903 and 04; Univ. of Mich., 1905-07; asst. prin. h. s., White Hall, 19°1-03; prin. h. s., Rochelle, 1903-04; German and English, East Division h. s., Milwaukee, Wis., 1906-. II57. Arthur Orville Rape, prin. Burke Sch.,6541 Normal Ave., Chi­ cago. Supt. Dolton, 1901':04; prin. in Chicago, 1904-07; articles on Phys­ iology, for School News, 1904-05. Married Minnie E. Wallace, July 27. 1904· II 58. William Vernon Skiles, teaching, 79 W. North Ave., Atlanta, Ga. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904-06; prin. Melvin, 1901-02; Loda, I902-04; adjunct prof. of mathematics, Georgia h. s., Technology, 1906-. Married, Ethel McWhirter, Nov. 28, Igor. II59. Harvey Benjamin Urban, student, Univ. of Ill., 712 Elm St., Urbana. Prin. Ohio, 1901-04; LaMoille, 1904-06. Married Carrie Travis (See No. 925), Normal, July 16, Igor. II60. George William Wright, publisher, 846 S. English Ave,} Spring­ field. State manager Topical Bible Publishing Co., 1901-05; vice-presi­ dent Alpha Pub. Co., 1900-. Married Bertha Bird, May 8, 1902.

CLASS OF 1902 II6r. Bernice Gertrude Beeler, teaching; 807 E. Market St., Bloom­ ington. Rural sch., 1903-04; near Hudson, 1904-05; Sheridan sch:, Bloom­ ington, 1905-07. II62. Willis Elrna Berry (Mrs. Cromwell), Nebo, Ill. Rural 8ch., Decatur, 1902-03; Pleasant Hill, 19o3-04- Married Dr. J. H. Cromwell, Nov. I, 1904. II63. Ida Wendover Bond, teabhing, 802 Harrison St., Mt. Vernon. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1903-06; tea. English, twp. h. s., Mt. Ver­ non, 1902-. II 64. Minnie Breining, teacher, Peru. St. in Augsburg summer sch. of drawing, 1905. Tea. Peru, 1902-. II65. Bessie Sarah Briggle, Rushville. Tea. St. Anne, 2 yrs. II66. Josephine Amelia Briggs (Mrs. McKnight), Lexington, Neb. T. Delavan, 1902-03; rural sch. near Delavan, 19o3-04; Delavan, 1904-05. Married Joseph McKnight, July 5, 19o5. II67. Ida May Burlingame, teaching, Stanford. Primary, Washing­ ton, 1902-05; Stanford, 1905-07. n68. Myrtle Marie Champion (Mrs. Bowles), Normal. St. Wes­ leyan Conservatory of Music, 1902-03. Married LaFoy Earle Bowles, Nor- mal, June 25, 1903. - II6g. Ada Belle Clark, teaching, Bloomington. Tea. elem. 8ch., Bloomington, 1902-. II70. Estelle Pearl Corson, primary teacher, Wapata, Wash. Pri­ mary, Gridley, 1902-04; Wapata, Wash., 1904-. II71. Virginia Frances Crouch, teaching, 355 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. St. State Univ. Berkeley, Cal., summer, 1904; tea. Kirk­ wood, 1902-04; Ventura, Cal., 1904-06; Los Angeles, 1906-. II72. Ruth Anna David, teaching, 232 W. Pine St., Canton. Tea. h. s., Canton, 1902-07. II 73. DuJa Mae Dawson, teaching, Fairbury. Primary work, Streator, 1902-03; Boulder, Col., 1903-05; fifth grade, Fairbury, 1905-. II 74. Worthy Jean De Van, teaching, 1213 N. Union St., Decatur. Mattoon, 1902-06; Decatur, 1906--. . ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 331

1175. Florence Dorothy Dixon, primary teacher, Darwin Sch., Chi­ cago. Arcola, 1902-03; Streator, 1903-04; Chicago, 1904-. 1176. Della Mae Eaton, teaching, 904.N. Edward St., Decatur. St. Millikin Univ.; t., Decatur sch., 1902-. lI77. Hattie Mae Eaton, student, 206 W. Lincoln St., Normal. St. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1905-; tea. Hopedale, 1902-04; Delavan, 1904-05. 1178. Lucy Elizabeth Edmunds, Dir. of Religious Work, Y.W.c.A." Milwaukee, Wis. St. sec'y Tr. 1nst. for Assn. Workers, Chicago, 1904-05; prin. h. s., Eureka, 1902-04; present position, 1905-. 1179.. Clara Erbes, teaching, Centralia. St. Chicago Univ., summer,. 1903; tea. h. s. and twp. h. s., Centralia, 1902-07. lI80. Lulu May Estee, teaching, Elma, Wash. Odell, 1902-03; Gib­ son City, 1903-04; Prairie City, 1904-05; Elma, 1905-. lI81. Frances Roxana Fletcher, teaching, 349 Chicago Ave., Kanka­ kee. Tea. Streator, I yr. U82. Rosilda Josephine Fontaine, teaching, 3912 Russell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tea. Craft, 1902-03; Lincoln, 1903-05; East St. Louis, 1905-06;_ St. Louis, Mo., 1906--'. II83. Anna Foreman, teaching, 16g2 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. St. Univ. of Chicago; prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights; elem. sch., Chicago, 1904-. u84. Mary Louise Gay, teaching, Riverside. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905- 06; t~a. 1:,1. s., Onarga, 1902-03; h. s., Normal, 1903-05; h. s., Riverside, 1900.-:.. lI85. Ethel Magnolia Green, teaching, Madison, \Vis. Hibbing, Minn., primary, 1902-05; Great Falls, Montana, 1905-06; primary supervisor,.. Madison, 1906-. 1186. May Gvillo (Mrs. Lebegue), Oglesby. Asst. prin., Pawnee, 1902-03. Married Julius V. Lebegue, August 5, 1903. (See No. 1234.) 1187. Minnie Julina Hallock, Bradford. T .. primary, Utica, 1902-04;' Yorkville, 1904-06. lISB. Ethel Rowena Hamilton, teaching, 712 Marinette- Ave., Marin­ ette, Wis.. Tea. Latin and Math., h. s., Arcola, 1902-03; math. h. s., Mar­ inette. Wis., 1903-07. 1189 .. Elizabeth Hitchcock, teaching, Marshall. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1906; elem. sch., Bloomington, 1902-03 j critic tea., W. I. S. N . S. ,. Macomb, 1903-06; Eng. twp. h. s., Marshall, 1906-07. IIgp. Hulda Hollstein, prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights. Prin. and grade tea., 1902-. . *1191. Daisy Bell Huntington, died May 21, 1905. Primary critic, Streator, 1902-04; State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Oregon, 1904-05. 1192. Eugenia Johnson, teaching, Sheridan Sch., 516 S. Clayton St.,. Bloomington. Tea. Danville, 1902-04. 1193. Gertrude Maude . Johnston (Mrs. Posey), 736 S. Second St., Mankato, ,Minn. St. Univ. of Chicago, 1904-05 j drawing tea., Ft. Smith,. Ark., 1902-03; primary critic State Normal Sch., Cape Girardeau, Mo., 1903-04; primary, State Normal Sch., Mankato, Minn., 1905. Married Chessley J. Posey (See No. 790), Dec. 27, 1903. lI94. Evelyn Lovenia Kinne, Asst. postmistress, Senate, Springfield. !ea. p,rimary, Bloomington, 1902-04; Los Angeles, Cal., 1904-oS; Bloom­ mgton, first semester, 1905-06. II9S. Estella May Le Stourgeon, teaching, 4II N. Walnut St., Cen­ tralia. Grammar grades, Centralia, 1902-04; departmental work, 1904-07. ug6. Lucy Lenora Lindsey, teaching, Saybrook. Primary, Green. Valley, 1902-04 j Danville, 1904-06; Saybrook, 1906-07. 332 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

II97. Sarah Ann Marks, st. Univ. of Chicago, home address, Peca­ tonica. Asst. prin. ward sch., Rockford, 1902-06. ugS. Katherine Anna Moore, teaching, Ottawa. Elem. sch., Ottawa, 1902-. u99. Clara Louise Morse, asst. in h. s., Gibson City. Univ. of Ill., summers, 1905 and 1906; tea. elem. sch., Carlyle, 1903-04; Vandalia, 1904- 05; Pana, 1905-06; Gibson City, 1906-. tl2oo. Anna Laura Odell, Cadillac, Mich. Taught 3 yrs. 1201. Elsie Paisley, teaching, 613 N. Alabama St., Indianapolis, Ind. St. Univ. of Ill., summer, 1904; rural sch., 1903; elem. sch., Charleston, 1904; Thomasville, 1904-05; Indianapolis, Ind., 1905-..:.... 1202. Clara Maude Penstone, prin. h. S., Griggsville. Asst. prin., East Side h. s., ElPaso, 1902-03; GrIggsville h. s., 1903-. 1203. Mae Evangeline Picken, teaching, Morris, ,Minn. St. Univ. of Minn., 1905; first grade Hibbin'g, Minn., 1902-05 j Morris, Minn., 1900-. 1204. Norma Anna Proctor, prin. h. s., Heyworth .. Elem. sch., East Side, -EIPaso, 1904-05; h. S., Heyworth, 1905-. 1205. Jessie Eulalia Rambo, student, 926 W. Illinois St., Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1906-; rural sch., Putnam Co., 1903-04; prin. h. s., Wenona, 1904-06· 1206. Blanche Ada Reitzell (-Mrs. Dillon), 202 W. 45th St., Los An­ geles, Cal. Tea. Juda, Wis., 1902-03. Married Frank Dillon, Aug. 16, 1903. 1207. Mary Emma Renich, teaching, Woodstock. Prin. h. 5., Griggs­ ville, !902-04; prin. h. S., Woodstock, 1904-. 1208. Elizabeth Renshaw, teaching, Farmer City. Rural sch., Men­ dota, 1902-03; same, Waverly, 1903-04; same, Randolph, 1904-06; same, Farmer City, 1906-07. 1209. Emma E. L. Robinson, literary work, Sunset Boulevard and Sutherland St., Los Angeles, Cal. 12.lQ. Minnie Louise Robinson, teaching, 14II N. Main St., Bloom­ ington. 'Silvan Springs, Ark., 1902-03; Riverside, Ca1., 1903-06; primary, Bloomington, 1900-. 12II. Margaret Wilhelmine Schilling, teaching, Freeport elem. sch. Freepq,rt, 1902-. 1212. Isabel Simeral, teaching, Bloomington. St. Univ. of Chicago; asst. h. S., Bloomington, 1904-. 1213. Jessie Josephine Simmons, teaching, Carthage, Ill. 1214. Margaret Susannah Sleeper, teaching, 417 N. 12th St., Waco, Tex. Elem. sch., Waco, Tex., 1902-. 1215. Carrie Rose Sparks, teaching, Lincoln. St. man. tr. Bradley Polytechnic, sUlpmer, 1906; elem. sch., Lincoln, 1902-04 j bookkeeper, Farmington, 1904-05; prin. Lincoln, 1905-. 1216. Bernice Ethel Stapleton (Mrs. Leach), 707 E. Walnut St., Bloomington. Elem sch., Bloomington, 1902-1906. Married William B. Leach, Dec. 19, 1906. 1217. Anna M. Stephenson (Mrs. Haney), 918 Iowa Ave., Iowa City, Ia. Elem sch., Oak Park, 1902-06. Married Lewis H. Haney, Aug. 20, 1906. 1218. M~bel Katilda Strauss, teaching, 400 N. 6th Ave., Quincy. Pri­ mary tea., QUincy, 1902--. 1219. Effie A. L. Tregellas, teaching, 358 LaSalle St., Chicago. Tea. EIPasb, 2 yrs.; Wilm'ette, I yr. 1229. Harriet Belle Vail, supr. music, Tuscan, Ariz. Elem. sch., Yorkville, 1904-05; present position, 1905-. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITy. 333

1221. Irma E. Voigt, teaching, Dixon. Asst. h. s., Lexington, 1902-03; h. s. Fulton, 1903-06; tea. Latin, h. s. Dixon, 1!)06-. 1222. Nellie Grace Webster, teaching, 1644 N. Main St, Decatur. Tea. Pawnee, 1902-04; Chenoa, 1904-06; Decatur, 1906-. 1223. Margaret Rosalind Weldon (Mrs. Kelly), Normal, R.F.D. No. 2, Box 21. Tea rural sch., 1 yr. Married Hugh L. Kelly, June 9, 1903· 1224. Bertha Gerish Wilson, student, 304 Honore St., Chicago. St. Ill. Tr. Sch. for Nurses, Chicago, 1905-; grades, Franklin Grove, 1902- 04; Berwyn, 1904-05. 1225. Thomas Morse :Barger, st., 505 E. Green St., Champaign. St. Univ. of III., 1905-07; prin. Mazon, 1902-04; twp. h. s., Mazon, 1904-05. 1226. Herman John Bassler, supt., Wenona. St. man. tr., James Millikin Univ., summer, 1905; prin. h. s., Wenona, 1902-04; supt. same, 1904-. Married Anna M. Hoge, Nov. 30, 1905. 1227. Edwin Damman, farming, Buhl, Idaho; teaching, 445 S. W. Temple St., Salt Lake City, Utah. St. one summer, Valparaiso, Ind.; prin. Mt. Palatine, 1902-03; prin. Crescent City, 1903-04; Northwestern Mil. Acad., 1904-05; asst. educational director, Y.M.C.A., San Fran­ cisco, 1905-06. 1228. Elzy Franklin Downey, prin., Clyde. St. Univ. of Chicago, summers, 1904-06; prin. Manteno, 1902-03; prin. Clyde, 1903-. Married Lucinda H. Westbrook (See No. 987), July 16, 1902. 1229. John Thomas Johnson, Instr. in biology, W. 1. S. N . S., Ma­ comb. St Univ. of Chicago, 1901; Univ. of Ill., 1904-06; instr. in nat­ ural science, academy, Univ. of Il1., 1902-06; present position, 1900-. Mar­ ried Sarah Elizabeth Haskett, April 6, 1899. 1230. Walter Royal Jones, teaching, Menominee, Mich. St. Univ. of Chicago, summer, 1904; prin. h. s., Rossville, 1902-03; Tabte Grove, 1903- 04; Champaign, ,1904-05; math. in h. s. Menominee, Mich., 1905-. 1231. John Winfred Kern, teaching, Libertyville. Supt. Mt. Sterling, 1902-04; prin. h. s., Libertyville, 1904-. Married Alice N. Newlove, 18g6. *1232. Reuben Kofoid, died July 27, 1905. Chemist, Cal. Powder Works, 2618 Etna St., Berkeley, Cal.; asst. state chemist, New York, 18 mos.; chemist, Carborundum Co., 7 mos. 1233. William ~enry Kummer, decorator, 610 W. Jefferson St., Bloomington. Taught 2 yrs. Married Maude E. Jones, Sept. 2, 1903. 1234. Julius Victor Le Begue, supt. schools, Oglesby. Prin. Kil­ bourne, 1902-04; Lostant, 1904-06; present position, 1900-. Married May Gvillo (See No. u86), Aug. 5, 1903. 1235. Ervin L. McDuffee, law and real estate, Livingston Bldg., Bloomington. Grad. Wesleyan Law Sch., 1902. Married Eva Belle Boyce (See No. 857), June, 1902. 1236. Will Johnson McFarland, student, 50S E. Green St., Cham­ paign. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905-07; h. s., Havana, 1,.902-04; prin. h. s., Car­ rollton, 1904-05. 1237. Simon Edward Naffziger, merchant and postmaster, Goodfield. St. Gem City Bus. College, Quincy, 1903; rural sch., Goodfield, 1902-03; prin. Minier, 1903-04. Married Lucy E. Myero, Feb. II, 1906. 1238. Charles Hubert Oathout, student, Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill, 1904-07; pun. Flanagan, 1902-04- Married Mildred Blanche Ruliso~, June 6, 1904. 1239. Irwin Ropp, draughtsman for Western Elec. Co., 594 Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Tea. rural 5ch., McNabb, 1902-03; prin. Carlock, 1903-05. SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

1240. Richard E. Selby, supt. of sch., Momence. st. Univ. of Ill, summers, 1902-04; supt. Onarga, 1902-03; present position, 1903-. Mar­ ried Charlotte Winifred Gaston, Dec. 28, 1887. 1241. Harry Dwight Waggoner, teaching, 2242 D. St., Granite City. St. Univ. of Ill., summers, 1902-06; prin. Findlay, 1902-03; prin. h. s., Granite City, 1903-. Married Mabel Denning, Dec. 27, 1906. 1242. Ellis Bert Wickersham, western mngr. of Amer. Man. Tr. Co., -300 Wabash Ave., Chicago. Prin. Tallula, 1902-03; supt. Villisca, la., 1903-06. Married July I, 18g8.

CLASS OF 1903 1243. Georgia Allen, keeping house for father, Carlyle. Tea. gram­ mar sch., Danvers, 1903-04; Latin and English, twp. h. s., Biggsville, 1905-06. 1244 Mary Elizabeth Allen, teacher in elem. s., 508 S. Fourth St., Champaign. St. Univ. of Ill., 1903-05; elem s., Champaign, 1905-. 1245. Carrie Louise Barber, eighth grade, Bisbee, Ariz. St. Univ. of Wisconsin, 1904-05; prin. Lindenwood, 1903-04; tea. Arizona, 1905-date. 1346. Mamie Louise Bechstein, teaching, Mokena. Asst. prin. h. s., Minonk, 1903-05; asst. in elem. sch., 1905-. 1247. Lucy Adelia Bosworth (Mrs. Stearns), librarian of Lincoln CoIL, 127 Keokuk St., Lincoln. Tea. clem. s., Brewster, Minn., 1898-99; elem. s., Waukegan, 1903-04; librarian Lincoln Col1., 1905. Married John B. Stearns, June 28, 1904- 1248. Margaret Lee Bowen, teacher, Bloomington. Tea. Clinton, 1903- 04; Bloomington, 1904. 1249. Daisy M. Burke, teacher, Edwards Sch., Bloomington. Pres­ ent position, 1903-. tr250. Ida May Cardiff, Minooka, Montana. Teacher, 2 yrs. 1251. Mary Edith Christy, prin. h. s., Winona. St. I.S.N.U., summer term, 1905; Univ. of Ill., summer term, 1906; asst. prin., Rankin, 1903-05; prin. h. s., Maroa, 1905-06; prin. h. s., Winona, 1906--. . 1252. Alice Maude Cole, teacher of music and English, twp. h. s., Princeton. St. Silver Burdette Sch. of Pub. Sch. Music, summer, 1903; Univ. of Ill., stlmnier, 1904-05-06; tea. of music and English, Plainfield, 1903-04; Hoopeston, 1904-05; Princeton, 1906--. 1253. Grace Stella Colvin, assistant prin. h. s., Earlville. St. Univ. of IlL, summer, 1904; prin. h. s., Keithsburg, 1903-05; asst. prin. Earl­ ville, 1905-. 1254- Frances Louella Dace, at home, Rushville. Fourth grade, Rushville, 1896-1900; teacher, h. s., El Paso, 1903-05; prin. h. s., Rush­ ville, 1905-06. 1255. Mary Priscilla Davis, teacher, h. s., Marseilles. St. Univ. of IlL, 1905; teacher, h. s., Pringhar, Ia., I yr.; present position, 2 yrs. ' 1256. Bertha Elizabeth Denning, prin. h. s., Atlanta. St. Univ. of Ill., summer, 1906; asst. prin. h. s., Mt. Pulaski; teacher, Latin and Ger­ man, 1904-. tI257. Dora Susanna Duncan, teaching, Bement. Tea. primary, Sea­ ton, 1 yr.; Bement, 1904-. 1258. Edith Belle Edwards, prin. Lincoln Sch., Bisbee, Ariz. St. I.S.N.U., summer, 1904; asst. prin. h. s, Mazon, 1903-04; sixth grade, Cen­ tral Sch, Bisbee, 1904-05; prin. Bisbee, 1905-. 1259. Belle Fairfield, teaching, Normal. Tea. English, h. s., Normal pub. sch., 1903- ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 335

1260. Maude Fairfield, teacher in h. s., Chenoa. Prin. h. s., Chats­ worth, 1903-04; language tea., Chenoa, 1904-. 1261. Kathryn Lorena Foster, instr. in music in the Southern Train­ ing Sch., Graysville, Tenn. Elem. s., Normal, 1903-06; present position, 1906-. tI262. May Gifford, teaching, 14723 Robey Ave., Harvey. Tea. Chi­ -cago Heights, 1903-. 1263. Anna Marion Gillan, teaching, Calumet, Mich. Tea. Watseka, 1901-04; Calumet, 1904-. 1264. Lucy Walker Gilmer, teaching in grades, Ft. Collins, Colorado. St. U. of c., summer of 1906; ·teacher, grammar grades, h. s., Averyville, 1903-06; h. s., Craig, Colorado, 1906-Jan., 1907; present position, January, 1907-· 1265. Christena Ramsey Heritage, teaching, 512 E. Mulberry St., Bloomington. Tea. Pawnee, 1903-04; present position, 1904-. 1266. Harriet Hetfield, sec. and gen. mgr. Commercial Ins. Agency, 3523 Bell Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Tea. eighth grade, Riverside, 1903-05; present position, 1905-. 1267. Mary Louise Himes, teaching, Toulon. Tea. rural sch., 1903-05; Toulon, 1905-. 1268. Julia Montrose Holder, st. Smith College, Tyler House, Northampton, Mass. St. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., 1903-05; Art Students' League, New York, part of 1905; Smith ColI., 1906-. 1269. Mary Lillian Hughes, at home, Rushville. Elem. s., Alton, 1903-04. t1270. Clara Irene Johnston, teaching, Mt. Sterling. Tea. elem. s., Tremont, 1903-04; h. s., 1904-05; Charlevoix, Mich., . 1905-06; h. s., Mt. Sterling, 1906--. 1271. Mary Kemph, teaching, EI Paso. Tea. fifth and sixth grades, 1903-05; seventh and eighth grades, 1905-. t1272. M>atilda Klotz, teaching, Pinckneyville. Tea. h. s., Pinckney­ ville, 1903-. 1273. Ada Victoria McCall, prin. h. s., Vienna. Tea. sixth grade, Oak Park, Sept., 1903-J an., 1904; asst. prin. h . .s., Vienna, 1904-06; prin., Vi­ enna, 1906-. 1274. Laura Alberta Masters, teacher, Chicago Heights, 1330 Roscoe St., Chicago. Tea. Dwight, 1903-04; Chicago Heights, 1904-. tI275. Lucy Jane Mateer, Marshall. Tea. elem. s., Decatur, 1903-04- 1276. Esther Cook Mohr, teaching, h. s., Pontiac. St. Prang's Sum­ mer Sch., 1904; Univ. 0'£ Ill., summer, 1905, and 1905-06; asst. prin. h. S., Genoa, 1903-°4; prin. h. S., Genoa, 1904-05; teacher h. s., Pontiac, 1906-. 1277. Lauretta Moynihan, substituting in city schools, 924 Jackson Bvld., Chicago. St. music, Chicago, 1904-05; teacher third and fourth grades, Dolton, 1905-06; present position, 1906-. 1278. Nell Alma Nollen, teaching science, h. s., Atlanta. St. Univ. of IIl., summers 6f 1904 and 1905; asst. prin., Astoria, 1903-04; h. s., Atlanta, 1904-. 1279. Mabel Pennoyer, teacher, third grade, 808 S .. Fifth St., Spring­ field. St. summer, LS.N.U., 1904; primary tea., Pawnee, 1903-04; third grade, Springfield, 1904-. t 1280. Mary Esther Pfeil, st. Univ. of Ill., 508 S. Fourth St., Cham­ paign. St. Univ. of Ill., summers of 1906 and 1906-07; tea. h. s., Green­ view, 1903-05. tIz3r. Caroline Beverly Service, teaching, Maywood. Tea. h. s., Dundee, 1903-05. 336 S:B;MI-C:B;NT:B;NNIAI, HISTORY

1282. Ruth Imogene Simison, teacher in Mt. Hermon Seminary, Clin­ ton, Miss., 1903-. 1283. Margaret Olivia Skaggs, teacher in grades and h. s, Linden­ wood. St. I.S.N.U., summer of 1905; Univ. of Chicago, summer of 1906; tea. rural sch., 3 weeks; Sch. of Education, Univ. of Chicago, 3 mos.; eighth grade, Rochelle, I~ yrs.; pUblic schools of Lindenwood, 1905-. 1284. Edna Mae Skinner (Mrs. Parker, Jr.), Julesburg, Col. St., summer session, I.S.N.U., 1906; tea. eighth grade, Seaton, 1903-05; asst. prin., LeRoy, 1905-07. Married Bertrand D. Parker, Jr., June 30, 1897. (See No. 656.) *1285. Eva Dorcas Smith, died at Normal, Jan. 5, 1905. Tea. Latin and physics, Carrollton, 1903-04- 1286. Marian B~rnardine Smith, student, Smith College, Lawrence House, Northampton, Mass., 1903-. 1287. Vera May Snow, Jefferson Sch., Bloomington, 1903-. 1288. Lidy Spencer (Mrs. Chambers), Solomonville, Ariz. Elem. s., Danville, 2 yrs. Married William R. Chambers, Nov. 10, 1904. 1289. Elizabeth Dominica Sullivan, teacher, second grade, 106 E. Kelley St., Bloomington; present position, 1904-. 1290. Frances Waldron, teacher in grades, 9372 Prospect Ave., Chi­ cago. Tea. elem. s., Dwight, 1903-04; prin. Washington Sch., Chicago Heights, 1904-06. tea., Chicago, 1906-. 1291. Anna Magdalene Weimar, teacher, 1052 Seminary Ave., Chi­ cago. Tea. Chicago Heights, 1903-06.; tea. Chicago, 1906-. 1292. AIda Lenore Wilcox, teacher, Franklin Sch., 1315 E. Wash­ ington St., Bloomington, 1903-. t1293. Helena Olga Woltman, teaching, 626 Washington Blvd., Chi­ cago. Tea. Loda, 1 yr.; Chicago Heights, I yr.; tea. Schiller Sch., Chi­ cago, 1906-. 1294- Lucy Worley (Mrs. Wilson), Downs. St. r.S.N.U., summers of 1903-04; tea. h. s., Gardner and supervisor of drawing, 1903-05. Mar­ ried George Wilson, March 2, 1905. 1295. Leroy J. Benson, teacher, rural sch., Cuba. Prin., Towanda H. S., 1903-05; field manager, Santa Anna Industrial Company, 1906-07. 1296. Henry Buellesfield, supt. of schs., Nokomis. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905-06, and summers of 1905 and 1906; prin. Naples, 1903-04; prin. Seneca, 1904-05; supt. Nokomis, 1905-. 1297. Lorimer Victor Cavins, head dept. of English in h. s., 618 Sum­ mit Ave., East St. Louis. ·St. Univ. of Ill., A.B., 1905-06, and 3 summer terms; prin. Hinckley, 1903-05; present position, 1906-. 12gB. Chester Arthur Conyers, medical student, Northwstern Univ., Chicago. Prin. Daum, 1903-04; tea. rural sch., Buffalo Hart, 1904-06. 1299. Russell Dawson, teacher, Congress Park. Prin. of sch., Los­ tant, 1903-04; prin. of sch., Lake Villa, 1904-05; prin. of sch., Rockefeller, 1905-06. Married Estella Rowling, Lake Villa, August 16, 1905. 1300. Charles Henry Francis, lawyer, 905 First Nat. Bank Bldg., Chicago. St. law dept. Univ. of Mich, 1903-06. Married Jennie Hilta- brand, Sept. 19,1905. ' 1301. McNeal Cole James, prin. of Consolidated Sch., McNabb. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905-06; tea. rural sch., MeNabb, 1903-05. This school is now in Consolidated School. 1302. Howard Baker Kingsbury, prin. of sch., Gardner. Prin. of sch., Frithian, 1903-06; prin. of sch., Gardner, 1906--. 1303· George Lafferty, grocer, 539 Maple Ave., Galesburg. St. Univ. of Ill., 1904-05; prin. sch., Joy, 1903-04. ILLINOIS STAT~ NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 337

1304. Guy Metcalf Lisk, supt. city schs., Alva. Okla!; present posi­ tion, 1904-. Married Sept. 15. 1904. 1305. Karl Franklin McMurry, commercial tea., h. 5., Calumet, Mich. St. Univ. of Ill., Univ. of Cal.; Commercial tea. in h. schs. of Monmouth, 1903-04; of Burlington, la., 1904-05; of Calumet, Mich., 1905-. Married Minnie A. Hiett, Monmouth, Oct. 5, 1904. 1306.. Harry Ambrose Perrin, supt. public schs., Pawnee. St. Univ. of Ill., summer session, 1906; .correspondence work, Univ. of Chicago; prin. Williamsville, 1903-05; supt. Pawnee, 1905-. 1307. Albert Conlee Stice, supt. of schs., Gillespie. Prin. Bellflower, 1903-05; supt. Gillespie, 1905-. Married Clara Samuell, Dec. 31, 1903. 1308. Walter Marion Vaughan, supt. Franklin Grove. Prin. Rut­ land, 1903-00; supt. Franklin Grove, 1906-. Married Alice Richesin, Ewing, Aug. 3, 1903. 1309. Carl Augustus Waldron, supt. Delavan. St. Univ. of Ill., sum­ mer sessions, 1905 and 1906; prin. h. 5., Mt. Pulaski, 1903-04; prin. h. 5., Delavan, 1904-05; supt. Delavan, 1906-. *1310. Edward Palmer Watrous, died July 24, 1904- 1311. Roy Franklin Webster, teacher in h. s., Elgin. St. Univ. of Ill., summers of 1904 and 1905, winter of 1905-06; prin. Mackinaw, 1903- 05; asst. in physics, I.S.N.n, summer of 1906; physics and math., h. 5., Elgin, 1906-. 1312. Noah A. Young, supt. Soudan, Minn. Prin. elem. 5., Hoopes­ ton, 18g8-99; prin. h. 5., Bement, ISgg-Jan., 1902; supt. Soudan, Minn., 1902-;' pres. Northeastern Minn. Ed. Assn., 1906. Married May Eliza­ beth Walls, July 31, 19OI.

CLASS OF 1904 1313. Josephine Rae Armstrong, teaching, 615 S. Clayton St., Bloom­ ington. Tea., Franklin Sch., Bloomington, 1904-. 1314- Fannie Bright, at home, Normal. t1315. Florence Gertrude Caughey, Seattle, Wash. Tea. Glendive, Mon.) 1904-05. t1316. Maud Evangeline Colvin, 131S State St., E. St. Louis. Pri­ mary grade, Millstadt, 1904-05. 1317. Helen Angenett Crissey, teaching, eighth grade, Momence. Tea. grammar grade, Keithsburg, 1904-05; Momence, 1905-. tI31S. Jessie Alice Damon, teaching, Colfax. Tea. elem. 5., Danville, 3 mos.; Colfax, 1906-. 1319. Maude May Daniels, teaching, Griggsville. lntr. grade, Griggs­ ville, 1904-. 1320. Helen Veronica Delaney, teaching, Seaton. lntr. grade, Sea­ ton, 1904-. 1321. Lena .Otelia Dimmitt, teaching, Rankin. Asst. prin., Lostant, 1904-1906; Rankm, 1906-. - 1322. Myrtle Disbrow (Mrs. Basil Norman Roney), 1004 North Cen­ ter St., Bloomington. Tea., Edwards Sch., 1904-. 1323· Ethel Mary Dole, teaching, second grade, Peabody Sch., 55 S. Ada St., Chicago. Chicago Heights, 1% yrs.; has served as substitute in fourteen different schools and in all grades. 1324- Bert~a Katherine Duerkop, teaching, Latin and English, h. 5., Barry. Asst. prm. Morton, 1904-05; h. s., Barry, 1905-. Sec. Teachers' Ass. of Pike, Greene, Scott and Morgan counties. 338 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

1325. Esther Browning Foster, teaching, third grade, 424 Home Ave., Oak Park. Present position, 1904-. 1326. Mrs. Eda Hunter, teaching, fifth grade, 844 West Packard St., Decatur. Asst. prin. h. s., Forrest, 1904-05; Decatur, 1905-. 1327. Olive Hunting, tacher in grades, Normal. Inter. grades, 1904- 05; eighth grade, 1906-. 1328. Beulah Valentine Johnson (Mrs. Mossman), Nampa, Idaho. Prin. h. 5., St. Ignace, Mich. Married Herbert Hugh Mossman, Boise City, Sept. 25, 1905. 1329. Mrs. Latona May Jones, teaching, Franklin Sch., Danville. Tea. elem. 5., Tremont, 1904-06; elem. 5., Danville, 1906-. 1330. Pearl Elizabeth Kindig, student U. of Ill., 904 Busey Ave., Ur­ bana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905-; elem 5., Cisco, 1904-05. 1331. Anna Maud Lantz (Mrs. Maginnis), Normal. Tea. English and history, h. s., Eureka, 1904; Chicago Heights, 6 mos.; second grade, Normal, 1905-06. Married James Maginnis, Dec., 1906. 1332. May Nevadah McGuire (Mrs. Telford), Skagway, Alaska. Tea. primary grade, Decatur, 1904-06. Married Fred Telford (see No. 1480), July 16, 1906. 1333. Mrs. Lillie Stewart McMurtry, Springfield. St. Chicago Art Institute, 2 mos., 1906; first primary, Pawnee, 1904-06. 1334- Elizabeth Izora Matheney, teaching, Dixon. St. Univ. of Chi­ cago, 1906; tea. English and history, h. 5., Delavan, 1~ yrs.; h. s., Dixon, 1906-. 1335. Dora E. Mau, at home, Walnut. Primary grade, Quincy, 1904- 1906. 1336. Edith Lena Mossman, grammar grade, Nampa, Idaho. Gram. grade, Wilmette, 1904-06; present position, 1906-. 1337. Maria Elizabeth Page, at home, Westhope, N. Dak. Eighth grade, Lincoln, 1904-05; asst. cashier, Bank of Westhope, 1905-06. 1338. ] osephine Perry, druggist, Melvin. Tea. h. s., Loda, 1904-05. 1339. Lorinda Perry, student, Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill., 1906-; tea. rural sch., Monmouth, 1904-05. 1340. Alice Pollock, teaching, sixth grade, Pittsfield. St. I.S.N.U., spring term, 1906; twp. h. s., Armington, 1904-05; Pittsfield, 1906--. 1341. Norma Anna Proctor, teaching, Heyworth. Tea. elem. s., EIPaso, 1904-05; prin. h. s., Heyworth, 1905-. 1342. Nelle Leona Rice, teaching, Seaton. Primary grades, Sea­ ton, 1904-. 1343. Helen Edna Seeley, teaching, Greenview. Tea. primary grades, Greenview, 1904-. 1344. Daisy Adelia Skinner (Mrs. Burtis), 720 Union Ave., Chicago. Married Guy Seaman Burtis (See No. 1073), Feb. 8, 1905. 1345. Mae Knight Steele, asst. prin. Emerson Sch., 205 Leland St., Bloomington. Third and fourth grades, EIPaso, 1904-05; asst. prin., Bloomington, 1905-. 1346. Gertrude Ophelia Swain (Mrs. Fitzgerrel), Benton. Fourth grade, Oak Park, 1904-05. Married W. J. Fitzgerrel, Sept. 19, 1905. 1347. Alice Symons, teaching, 822 E. Monroe St., Bloomington. Bloomington pub. schs., 1904-06; first grade, pub. sch., Normal, I!t06--. 1348. Myrtle Trowbridge, teaching, Lincoln. Tea. seventh grade, Lincoln, 1906-. 1349. Helen Tuthill (Mrs. Larison), EIPaso. Asst. prin. h. s., EIPaso, 1904-06. Married Frederick S. Larison, Nov. 29, 1906. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 339

1350. Lena Althea Walworth, teaching, Gardner. St. I.S.N.U., first summer term, 1905; tea. e1em. s., Quincy, 1904-05; h. s., Gardner, 1905-. 1351. Alice Perle Watson, student U. of Wis., 823 Irving Place, Madison, Wis. St. U. of C., I yr.; U. of Wis., 1906-07; seventh grade critic tea., Training Sch., I.S.N.U., 1904-06. 1352. Helen Angeline Wilson, teaching, Havana. Tea. Hopedale, 1904-05; fourth grade, Havana, 1905-. *1353. Clarence Roy Boslough, deceased. Prin., Ohio, 1904-05. 1354. Harry Burgess, student, 1310 Springfield Ave., Urbana. St. Univ. of Ill., engineering dept., 1906-; prin. East Lynn, 1904-06. 1355. Edward Criss, teaching, Wanda. Prin. sch., Wanda, 1904-. 1356. Ernest Edwin Edmunds, real estate and investments, 703 Gar­ rison Ave., Fort Smith, Ark. Prin. sch., Millstadt, 1904-05. 1357. Perry Huston Hiles, student, 621 LaSalle Ave., Chicago. St. law dept., Northwestern Univ., 1906-; prin., Perry, 1904-05; spent sum­ mer of 1906 in Alaska, in employ of mining company. 1358. Burley Clay Johnston, bookkeeper, Kelley Trust Co., Fort Smith, Ark. Present position, 1904-. 1359. George Brophy Kendall, prin. of Training Sch., I.S.N.U., Nor­ mal. Prin. Webster Sch., Quincy, 1904-Jan., 1907; presnt position, Jan., 1907-date. Married Erma H. Rickart, June 27, 1906. 1360. Ely Vail Laughlin, teaching, Pittsfield. Tea. h. s., Pittsfield, 1904-. Married Anna Hawker, June 6, 1905. 1361. Ira B. McMurtry, gen. mgr. of F. P. Richards Manufacturing Co., Springfield. Traveling salesman and real estate agent, Pawnee, June, 1904, to April, 1906; real estate agent, Springfield, April-November, 1906. 1,362. Abe Mark Newton, prill. h. s., Normal. St. Univ. of Ill., June­ August, 1906; prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1904-06; present position, 1906-07. 1,36,3. Thomas Patrick Sinnett, prin., Tonica. St. Univ. of Ill., 1904-05; summer terms of 1905, 1906; prin. Tonica, 1905-. . 1364. John Roscoe Steagall, prin., Manteno. St. U. of c., summers

CLASS OF 1905 1366. Anna Louise Altevogt, teaching, 903 St. Louis Ave., East St. Louis. Tea., Millstadt, 1905-06; present position, 1906-07. 1367. Ida May Anderson, teaching, Gibbonsville, Idaho. Tea. rural sch., 1905-. tI368. Carrie Kelsall Atkinson, Lexington. 1369. Sada Beadles, teaching, 1040 W. Wood St., Decatur. Tea. pri­ mary, Decatur, 1905-. 1370. Gertrude Cordelia Beedle, teaching, Joliet. Tea. rural sch., Stronghurst, 6 mos.; grammar grade, Granville, 1 yr. 137I. Nora Elizabeth Blome, teaching, Tempe, Arizona, 1904-. 1372. Florence Isabella Bond, prin. h. s., Saybrook, 1905-. 1373. Lemma C. Broadhead, tea. in grades, 444 E. Fourth St., Long Beach, Cal. St. Univ. of Ill., 1905-06; present position, 1906-. 1374. Adella M. Brock, teacher h. s., Tallula. Tea. rural sch., 1905- 06; asst. prin. h. s., Talulla, 1906-. 340 SEMI-CEN'tENNIAL HIS'tORY

1375. Altha Burtis, at home, Hudson. 1376. Jessie Christy, primary teacher, 1616 N. Main St., Decatur, 1905-· 1377. Ida Estelle Church, teacher, eighth grade, Lincoln, 1905-. 1378. Jeannette Helen Connaghan, teacher elm. s., Niantic, 1905-. 1379. Pearl Evelyn Dobson, teacher in elem. s., Dwight. Tea. rural sch., 4 mos.; tea., Dwight, January 2, 1907-. 1380. Lillian Dora Dole, convalescing after inj ury in an accident, October, 1905, Manteno. Tea. rural sch., 2 mos., McNabb. 1381. Lulu Gogin, teacher, si:le"th grade, Lincoln, 1905-. 1382. F1or~nce Matilda Hayes, teaching, Bloomington, 1905-. 1383. Clara Sophia Jacobson, teaching, Kingsburg, Cal.; home ad­ dress, Wood Lake, Wis. 1384. Livonia Lena Laubenheim, teacher, eighth grade, Mansfield, 1905-· 1385. Helen Elvira Leigh, teaching rural sch., Wenona, 1905-. 1386. Adelaide Belle Lewis, prin., ward sch., Bisbee, Ariz., 1905-. 1387. Deborah Margery Ludwig, at home, Fithian. Tea. grades, Fithian, 4 mos., 1905. 1388. Mary Winifred McDonnell, teaching, Bloomington. 1389. Sarah Veronica McDonnell, primary grade, Niantic, 1905-. 1390. Mildred McKinney (Mrs. Corrington), Assumption. Mar- ried Alfred N. Corrington, Nov. 8, 1906. 1391. Rose Anna Meyer, teaching, h. s., Centralia, 1905-. 1392. Bertha Katherine Olsen, teacher, elem. s., Riverside, 1905-. 1393. Margert Cecilia O'Rourke (Mrs. Cunningham), Normal. Tea. Merna Sch., 1905-06. Married William J. Cunningham, June 20, 1906. 1394- Gertrude Ellis Rohm (Mrs. Gibbs), 200 N. Linden, Normal. Married WJlliam H. Gibbs, July 3, 1905. 1395. Errettine Scott, teaching, Danville. - 1396. Anna Amelia Smith, teacher, fourth grade, 1826 Vine St., Quincy, 1905-. 1397. Grace Almeda Smith, at home, Cameron. 1398. Martha Grace Thomason, saleswoman in Grand Leader store, St. Louis, Mo. 1399. Katherine Twohey, teaching, Ottawa. 1400. Mrs. Laura Smits on Wilson, Penfield. 1401. Clarence Baker, student, James Millikin Univ., Decatur. Tea. mathematics and manual training, Carrollton, 1905-06. 1402. Lewis Moffitt Carpenter, prin. h. s., Metamora, 1905-. Mar­ ried Emma I. Bourne, May 19, 19<>6. 1403. George Herbert Coons, instructor in Tualatin Academy, For­ est Grove, Ore. Prin. h. s., Washington, 1905-06. 1404- Loren Orville Culp, prin. twp .. h. s., Biggsville, 1905-. 1405. 'Herbert Dixon, in sanitarium, Colorado Springs, Colo. Tea. Rochelle, 1905-06; prin. Training Sch., I.S.N. U., fall term, 1906; wrote articles on Grammar for Illinois Instructor. 1406. Orris Hayden Newman, prin. LaFayette, 1905-. Married Jen­ nie E. Watson, Aug. 9, 18g4- 1407. Henry Allen Paine, prin. TulIala. Prin. Millstadt, 1905-06; prin. Tallula, 1906-07. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITy. 341

1408. William Ruffer, prin., Waynesville, 1905-. 1409. Albert Merritt Santee, supt., Ipava, 1905-. Married Mollie Overen, June 15, 18gB. 14IO. Lou Trell Shaw, supt., Bunker Hill. 14II. Fred Theodore Ullrich, supt., Cerro Gordo, 1905-. Married Grace Amanda M. Perkins, June 16, 1903. 1412. Ira Azel Wetzel, tea. science, h. s., Sycamore, 1905-. 1413. John Byron Wright, prin., Palmyra. Prin. Dunlap, 1905-06; present position, 1906-.

CLASS OF 1906 1414 Mrs. Ella Goodner Anderson, prin. primary dept., Univ. of Middle Tenn., Tullahoma, Tenn., 1906-. 1415. Lillian Anderson, primary tea., Hopedale, 1906-. 1416. Florence May Bennett, tea., h. s., Minonk, 1906-. 1417. Clara Boyd, primary tea., Illiopolis, 1906.- 1418. Sara Hazel Brand, primary tea., Pawpaw, 1900-. 1419. Agnes Irene Bullock, prin., Little York, 1906-. 1420. Druzilla Camp, primary tea., Raymond Sch., 912 N. Madison St., Bloomington, 1906-. 142I. Marjorie Chamberlain, st., Teachers' ColI., 1230 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. 1422. 1Yfrs. Mary Bloomer Cherry, st., I.S.N.U., 815 E. Empire St., Bloomington. 1423. Jessie Mabel Cline, tea. pub. sch., Normal, 1906-. 1424 Clara Louise Coith, super. drawing, Riverside, 1900-. 1425. Edna Florence Coith, tea., h. s., Carrollton, 1906-. 1426. Mrs. Dora Edna Watson Cook, tea. pub. sch., Buckley, 1906-. 1427. Mary Alice Damman, tea. Eng. and hist., h. s., Fairbury, 1906-. 1428. Viola Davies, tea. pub. sch., E. St Louis, 1906- 1429. Georgia Viola Deane, tea. pub. sch., Lincoln, 1900-. 1430. Ruth Evans, tea. pub. sch., Danville, i906-. 1431. Mary Ferreira, tea. pub. sch., Lintner, 1906-. 1432. Nellie Bradford Fry, tea. pub. sch., Normal, 1906-. 1433. Katherine Evelyn Gingerich, at home, Normal. 1434 Margaret Esther Gregory, tea., Lincoln sch., 1404 N. Lee St., Bloomington, 1900-. 1435. Eleanor Hixon Griggs, primary t~a., Pawpaw, 1906-. 1436. Ruth Mildred Haney, primary tea., Danville, 1906-. 1437. Ida Matilda Hatcher, tea. pub. sch., Quincy, 19OO-07; same, Seattle, Wash., April, 1907-. 1438. Mina Geraldine Hendrickson, tea. pub. sch., Riverside, 1906-07; supr. primary grades, Madison, Wis., Sept., 1907-. 1439. Delphine Sarnzin Humphrey, asst. prin. h. s., Eureka, 1900-. 1440. Hilda Ella Johnson, tea. pub. sch., Hoopeston, 1900-. 1441. Ruby Jones, Latin, math. and music, h. s., Virden, 1906-. 1442. Emma Adele Kleinau, tea. pub. sch., Lexington, 1906-. 1443. Ida May Kline (Mrs. Harry Alexander Hunt~on), Ishpeming, Mich. 1444 Augusta May Krieger, tea., h. s., Carrollton" 1906-. 342 SE;MI-CE;NTE;NNIAI, HISTORY

1445. Rose Aurilla McCauley, tea., h. s., EIPaso, 1900-. 1446. Mary Marner, tea., pub. sch., Nokomis, 1906-. 1447. Ora Jessie Milliken, tea., pub. sch., Chicago H~ights, 1906-. 1448. Edna Mabel Oathout, tea., pub. sch., McNabb, 1906-. 1449. Lotta Orendorff, tea., pub. sch., Downs, 1906-. 1450. Mary Etta Pumphrey, tea., pub. sch., Gridley, 1906-. 1451. Lois Madeline Roberts, tea., E. A. Gastman Sch., Decatur, 952 N. Church St., 1906-. 1452. Jessie Leverne Rouse, tea. pub. sch., Keithsburg, 1906-. 1453. Lena Gertrude Scanlan, tea., pub. sch., Bloomington, 822 E. Washington St., 1906-. 1454- Essie May Seed, tea., pub. sch., Lexington, 1906-. 1455. Esther Beulah Seeley, Latin and Eng., h. 5., Odell, 1900-. 1456. Helen Pitner Smith, st., Smith College, II Henshaw Ave., Northampton, Mass. 1457. Mabel Claire Stark, asst. prin., h. 5., White Hall, 1906-. 1458. Mrs. Blanche Sager Stuckey, tea., pub. sch., DeLand, 1906-. 1459. Clara Elizabeth Symons, tea., Franklin Sch., 822 E. Monroe St., Bloomington. 1460. Eunice Viox, tea., pub. sch., Decatur, 1906-. 1461. Agnes May Waddington, tea., pub. sch., Watseka, 1906-. 1462. Laura Mabel Weber, tea., pub. sch., Lostant, 1900-. 1463. Lora Agnes Weir, tea., pub. sch.; Joliet, 1906-. 1464. Roy Franklin Barton, tea., pub. sch., Philippine Is., 1906-. 1465. Raymond Edgar Black, prin., pub. sch., Dana, 1906-. 1466. Charles Milburne Gash, st., Univ. of Ill., 1006 Green St., Ur­ bana. 1467. Paul Evangel Johnston, tea., pub. sch., Windsor, 1906-. 1468 Ralph Raymond Kimmell, supt. sch., Lawrence Co., Lawrence- ville, 1906-. 1469. Samuel Kline McDowell, supt. pub. sch., LeRoy, 1906-. 1470. Leonard Albert McKean, prin. h. s., Vandalia, 1906-. 1471. William Dennis McLemore, tea., manual training, pub. sch., Carrollton, 1906-. 1472. Paul Kester McWherter, math. and science, twp. h. s., Biggs- ville, 1906-. 1473. Ira Myers Ong, supt. pub. sch., Peru, 1906-. 1474. James Edward Rice, tea., pub. sch., Greenview, 1906-. 1475. Pail I McCorkle Smith, prin. pub: sch., Rankin, 1906-. 1476. Franklin Jacob Snapp, supt. pub. sch., PawPaw, 1906-. 1477. Elmer Roy Stahl, tea., pub. sch., Clarence, 1900-. 1478. Henry Sylvester Stice, science, h. s., Petersburg, 1906-. 1479. Leo Stuckey, prin. pub. sch., DeLand, 1906-. 1480. Fred Telford, prin. pub. sch., Skagway, Alaska, 1906. Mar­ ried Mae McGuire (see No. 1332), July 16, 1906. 1481. Isaac E. Wilson, prin. pub sch., Tremont, 1906-.

CLASS OF 1907 1482. Ruby Allen, Carlyle. 1483. Myrtle Angle, EIPaso. 1484. Daisy Bentley, Normal. ILLINOIS STATE: NORMAL UNIVE:RSITY. 343

148S. Anna T. Blake, Neponset. 1486. Mary Caroline Boling, Norma!' 1487. Grace M. Bookwalter, Gardner. 1488. Clara Borgelt, Havana. 1489. Anna Marie Bremer, Paxton. 1490. Leila May Brown, Bloomington. 1491. Nina Lorena Brown, tea., 8th grade, Petersburg, Sept., 1907-. 1492. Ruby Clyde Burdick, Elgin. 1493. Ethel Louise Burner, Norma1. 1494. Jennie Burroughs, Morrison. 149S. Bertha Butzow, Danvi1le. 1496. Nellie Camery, Roanoke. 1497. Edna M. CarroIl, Bloomington. 1498. Nell Churchill, Bloomington. 1499. Elsie May Clark, tea., 4th grade, Homer, Sept., 1907-. ISOO. Mildred Leann Coburn, McLean. ISOl. Eleanor Coen, Normal. IS02. Anna Draper, Divernon. Is03. Stella Agatha Elliff, Minier. 1504. Ruth Felmley, st., I.S.N.U. Is05. ~arbara Frances Glessing, El Paso. IS06. Dorothea May Glessing, EI Paso. Is07. Clara Lillian Grafton, Piper City. 1508. Edna Blackburn Gray, tea., ungraded sch., Blue Mound, Sept., 1907-· IS09. Cora Mabel Harned, Secor. IS 10. Emma Harris, Collinsville. IS II. Esther Hickey, Walnut. ISI2. Ruby Hildreth, tea., math., Latin and lit., h. s., EI Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907-. ISI3. Eva Jane Hileman, tea., mus and Latin, h. s., LeRoy, Sept., 1907-. 1514. Eleanor Hoierman, hist. and German, h. s., EI Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907-, ISIS. Bertha Josephine Holzgrafe, Havana. ISI6. Ethel Jackson, Plymouth. 1517. Nettie Grace Tencks, tea., Latin and Eng., h. s., Cerro Gordo, Sept., 1907-, IS18. Elise Beatrice Jenny, Highland. 1519. Jennie Johnston, Wanda. IS20. Frances Flower Kessler, Bloomington. IS21. Mary Frances Keys, tea., 7th grade, Lincoln, Sept., 1907-, IS22. Florenc Frances Kindt, Chicago. 1523. Alice Clare Lease, Plainville. 1524. Leona Amanda Lippert, tea., 7th and 8th grades, McKinley Sch., El Paso, Sept., 1907-. IS25. Ola Jane Litchfield, Flanagan. 1526. Esther Josephine Mansfield, Normal. 1527. Minerva Merker, Maroa. 1528. Christina Moore, Bloomington. 344 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY

1529. Lulu Oathout, Aledo.. \ 1530. Florence Armina Olson, Weldon. 1531. Lillian Pearl Parmele, Mackinaw. 1532. J essie Marie Patterson, Bloomington. 1533. Celia Anna Pepple, Mendon.- 1534. Sadie Emma Pepple, Mendon. 1535. Elizabeth Perry, Melvin. 1536. Mrs. Genevieve Anderson Pierce, Chillicothe. 1537. Elizabeth Martha Powell, tea., elem. sch., EI Paso, E. S., Sept., _1907-. 1538. Ethel Rosenberry, Normal. 1539. Margaret Salmon, Bloomington. 1540. Margaret Schaefer, Bloomington. 1541. Lillian Edgerton Schaeffer, tea., primary gr., Franklin Sch., Bloomington, Sept., 1907-. 1542. Alice Orme Smith, Normal. 1543. Sylvia Edna Smith, tea., sci. and hist., h. s., Delavan, Sept:, 1907-· 1544. Bridgie Emma Somers, Bloomington. 1545. Ethel Gertrude Stephens, Murphysboro. 1546. Jennie Katharine Stout, Englewood. 1547. Teresa Sullivan, Bloomington. 1548. Florence Eleanora Thompson, Bloomington. 1549. Margaret Triplett, Perry. 1550. Lilly Mabel Tucker, Williamsfield. 1551. Minnie Vautrin, Secor. 1552. Lucy O. Youngman, Bloomington. 1553. Harrison Monroe Anderson, Chillicothe. 1554- Oren Augustus Barr, Odin. 1555. Charles Henry Brittin, Cantrall. 1556. Albert Colvin, Normal. 1557. Osmond James Condon, El Paso. 1558 .. Edward Branson Couch, supt. Ward Sch., Taylorville, Sept., 1907-· 1559. Franklin Stephens Espy, Colfax. 1560. Elmer George, Normal. 1561. Asa P. Goddard, Oak Park. 1562. Francis Stewart Gray, Blue Mound. 1563. Gresham Griggs, Normal. 1564- Perry Henry Hellyer. Mahomet. 1565. Miguel Nicdao, Philippine Islands. 1566. Otto Edwin Reinhart, Freeburg. 1567. Luther Calvin Ringeisen, Gilman. 1568. Henry Adelbert Ritcher, Troy. 1569. Jacob Philip Scheid, Freeburg. 1570. James Henry Smith, prin. h. s., EI Paso, E. S., Sept., 1907-. 1571. George Washin!li:on Solomon, Palmyra. 1572. Leslie Opper Stansbury, Norma!' 1573. John Valentine Wi~kert, Emden. 1574- Burt Oren Wise, Moweaqua.