c~ h' ( c\ '.\.\.\.. ( ~A { I , .f \,.' I f ;' \ . \ J University of Minnesota IJ • COMMENCEMENT CONVOCATION WINTER QUARTER 1940 NORTHROP MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM Thursday, March 21, 1940, Eleven O'Clock I I , ~ \ ' ,i ii, iii, ;, ' PROGRAM PRESIDENT GUY STANTON FORD, Presiding PROCESSIONAL-Finale from the Fourth Symphony Widor ARTHUR B. JENNINGS University Organist HYMN-"America" My country I 'tis of thee, Our fathers' God I to Thee, Sweet land of liberty, Author of Liberty, Of thee I sing; To Thee we sing; Land where our fathers died I Long may our land be bright Land of the Pilgrims' pride, With freedom's holy light; From every mountain side Protect us by Thy might Let freedom ring. Great God, our King I COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS- "Of Human Intercourse" HENRY NOBLE MACCRACKEN, Ph.D., LL.D., L.H.D. President, Vassar College CONFERRING OF DEGREES GUY STANTON FORD, Ph.D., LL.D., Litt.D., L.H.D. President of the University 2 ',' J I SONG-"Hail, Minnesota!" Minnesota, hail to thee I Like the stream that bends to sea, Hail to thee, our College dear I Like the pine that seeks the blue I Thy light shall ever be Minnesota, still for thee, A beacon bright and clear; Thy sons are strong and true. Thy sons and daughters true From thy woods and waters fair, Will proclaim thee near and far; From thy prairies waving far, They will guard thy fame At thy call they throng, And adore thy name; With their shout and song, Thou shalt be their Northern Star. Hailing thee their Northern Star.
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