The Oxford Democrat.


almost as m wniuuL inure is few or do live nun in and in that INFLUENCE OF FOOD ON MILK. THE TYRANT OF THE HOUSE. exactly Anci this te the reason elected to succeed 1874, It vm Ion# eu|«posed thorniercane course a to vowel, hut Beeches" AMONG THE FARMERS. PEARL "OF THE PACIFIC. of syllable every «re lout in an ordinary eruption. One 18tfl be diod And gave place to Liliuoka- was proof against all blights, but of lato "The While in and tlie can walk to the end of the lani. a new a· it were, lute at- ▲ HRITI3II DAIRYMAN'S COXCLISIOKS.— baby deep* ordinary rapid pronunciation np advanced years worm, We cannot Jump or de not· or rin(, effect is the same as in German a little of it on an irun Now, the ulύ··. The flour Sjwniah—that is, rod, press it into any now sugar planters AC. DKXSRP MILK rACTORIRS RE DUCK SIR- To nmki might creak Hawaii Is Richly Endowed With HANITARIU Uww«Be»ito»c« on ow. aa in "uow." without and this Bill and Kalakaua, though of ancient renew few free, TιΓ. wnit-l (or UU department to Hull D. Hat Beauty. uearly though cylinder royal years, Kiiiindi it* Kt-4 Cure Tenu* rv*»i.n»t>)* L**rt ««< aboukl w«li»· the little of ,i ,i. ■o!»d. A«rt« uitunU Editor Oxford Umoeru, chap. more "tuny" to pronounce these ♦.wo die· feet thick. Tho second fact that aston- there was tMvessarily βοηι© lowering for H«1 of the Canada VMre*· l*r C. Γ. HAMMOND. u nun··· a ley'a plan (Mting Parte. M·. A *lilet wall 1 way ν kct*i« Ai me was of the crater. the and lessening of the as a l\of. P. J. Lloyd, consulting chemist While baby alveptt! tinctly separate. ie, eimilarly, pro ished the location royal dignity thistle, "Cultivate it garden plant, ιω a con of the British tanners' association, like i in line and Loa is the mountain and Kilam ;i And liberal some or other will bo y ,.,ΚΙΙ liLMIU, dairy A LAND OF LUXÏÏBY AHD ΙΑΖΠΓΕ8& nounced exactly long Manna royal prer»native. and denu-d bug COUNTRY LIFE. read a before that When baby wak»n, aa ee in u aa had beeu and a ( I recently paper organi- prime; e aa a in fate, i feel, is the crater, and Kilanea is not reaJly etitntion adopted govern sure to come along and eat it." sation on a teed on But Utile gratitude h«· »howa on the iuflueoceof cow's 00 in coo ami all other letters as in Euglish. on Mauna Loa— that not on of it ment establish">d somewliat the Knu' m but a few on Counsellor at Law, When other people w ent to rtoM. is, top Wheat grows places LNJIST CRITICISMS BT BB1IIND TIMKS her milk In which he said: In every ud Observations «I An first 1 ia lish there in uo chant;» At night, when folk* have gone to bed, fil· Eipcrlcitm When ii follow a vowel, the It is indeed but one-third as high, aud, model, really the island·, little valleys in the elevated MK-»Rl> KAI.L9, MAINS. milking cow two tendencies are at work. mas* of the in Kl WRITERS. He rouw* them all up inatend Aniertcan Traraltr la the Saadalrh Is- sounded with that vowel and the second so far us era level is concerned, no higher perceptible to the people As tu moisture, tho climate The oue is to convert the nourishment on Ma the I'lateaus. Tu wait htm. liitht» lamp is ac- so to a iwuii -IHKN\ land·—The l'i «git·» of Civilisation and alone. Thne Hawaii Hah-wy-ee, than Salt Lake City. It is, speak, adopting provisional government cannot bo described in general terms. supplied by the food into milk; the And warm» milk fur the little· urainp. the round of duties cented on the second a boil on the flauk of llauna Loa, and in tone. in a that Notwithstanding second to store up that nourishment In I*a walk» him np and down the floor, Cbrtatiaaltjr- The Katlra Uapaf· aad syllable. republican Old residents my jocular way ou the fttrm as the saisons come and m a ko all this while Attorney A Counselor, go, the animal there Sotixtinu·» two hour· and *nnrtinien raore, It is the consonants which the the crater itself does not overflow. And through century, in one distrni the rainfall is 17 feet a body. In every milking R»» I Igloo—Queer Habit· aad Customs. yet and what may sometimes seen like And nunc wibmi running. in a »tuw, that the lias becomes too civilization wan and a S.'BWAT. MAINS. is a constant struggle between the two troublo. To say language When the lava pressure rapidly progressing year, in another 17 inches, and in third humdrum" work on the ret there To see what *h< for him can do. An Opera llouffe Kingdom—Th· Tra(ril) farm, a no would bo scarce- be it breaks out somo· later while was !**<·< lining saw temieucks. Sometimes comparatively the coustant consonants great to restrained, Christianity M7thof an inch. I places whichcer· Κ.»ιΛ IMMtif· are in but few in this And Will and Harry, at row, *Vorl«l'· reality occupations or the ni Captai· Cook—Th· Grande·I are al- the Kanakas were slight simple cause may upset Oill. "What'· the matter with him nowt" au exaggeration. The vowels where down the mountain sale. dominant, fading away tainlv looked as if rain had nev» r fallen country that have been to greater ly away Ji !\KU>W, subject balance. An cold night And I'm waked up at all the clatter Volcano. and tho "rock it will at a rate tance the tender l*»st lands than farm life. It U true that exceptionally ways pronounced clearly strongly, By and bv. «harpe" Hay, unprecedented oh them In the sugar irriga- changes will cause a m in the milk wund'T what on earth'» the matter. I irked decline TV) cases with a real then we natives of the West Indies die·I off under of these have been neces in many lingering burst out away off shore, and ti; IFIKLD, demand animal or if in<*l of thetu have been made hi* own Bo, if asleep awake. omit the consonants a native fact to was that the nearer but of these war» was ending there came nt<* k is vi and by exercised a more π»*- lo my eight Yee, literally "rœe,*" entirely, indeed me, which the native ry hardy being having powerful Tin· hoUw exi<.t* but for hi» mtki·, Une reduced I'XKK. volition and for the purpose of would understand him one to the vulcano the more heath· a mysterious pestilence which It to have been a cano I I' bettering influence than that of milk production. And *ucli ι» tiny fellow he for we had gotten close in dtring the gem-rally get» ca|«able. appears his condition ; aud if the results of these to be- the one-fourth or more ^ The character of the food supplied to To U' btuw ul thl* family I The sky wae not clear must listen carefully distinguish enihb the natives arc. This little fact population by of "survival «>f the tittot." All the ten- have not at ex- night perfectly change· all times met his her — Lurett in tween r and between t and k. and so as at Diseases introduced profligate nail were at start Li t*n*ed Auctioneer, an animal may affect vit tendency. Independent. till just at daylight, and there wae no I, '*tunii« uiy philosophy," they say by der on«* run to death the pectation*. they have In the main afford- in the older on* doubtless some destruction, Λ cow fed with an excess of starchy dawn a* in the far north of many other doubles, and Harvard, hut it certainly is a fact. In wrought and the toughest man's left posterity. MAINS. ed him a fair measure of satisfaction and iiugering only r\KI9, it η for one the names not so much as has been re- food, hiving used all that quires THE FUTURE OF THE MIDDLE WEST. onr made ont works on the islands finds the islands of Kauai, Oahn and Maui 1 but nearly After the of the in- made him a broader minded and more Scarcely had «trained eyes all. great prodiM M in \«C. be left with a or caine rather χ, milk production, will still The of settlement in the Middle thus as taro did net see a in the common life of Then the leprosy (or is the t.iro from which ia progr s«lve man than before. period the bold promontory of Diamond head silled indifferently, sign ported. lands root, poi of nutriment In the blood. This in never to return. or more com a time threat· iud a su-plus West gone The time art· Kilauea or Tiram-a, that thero had ever been idol- it and for It wherever the soil is « W ith (so I wae because there kalo, tho developed) made. grows ■ X the advancement lu the condi- called. told, people kept > ITU, will be utilized the of the will not be now is a tions b> tendeucy of extravagance repeated, Kirauea, Pele, Tele or Kele. etc. but with mile's travel general destruction. Even it water and in matted of f^rm life the past gener- an no stone* in the islands) when uionly atry there, every thoroughly soaked, during cow to fatten. In a similar manner for it* lessons were burned Into the precious as at ation, with the intelli- deep first lessons were in the "Hook of toward the volcano 1 saw more signs great curse, but not so destructive bunches much like the calamus <«r Attorney Law, greater general excess of food—which, how- hearts of all. It left behind broken suddenly the grand sweep of mountains My very that nitrogenous local mentor a mis from forest on Mat# *. MAINS gence prevails among farmer·, and a caino into and then, as if a tint in Mormon." my being till, an we emerged the the formerly. :weet Hag of the middle Western x (iW\T, ever, is far more rare—will produce tormenting debt», ruinel homes, view, with the better home», dres». culture and hopes, of that and this our native at- all the*· known censes, how- οΓ^τΟυ·· » a had hack ami disclosed a siotiary {>ersuaeion, rock near tho hotel, Beyond ι» like a (to t ·ρ<<-1»1ντ. I tendency 10 make flesh. blighted ambitions. lite propbecle* theater slid Hie rjol something long t, rertju ment that art· nt among them unlike loses in trans- themselves ever, there are caused not undersold prexaU The ultimate result of a food excess- which It was based can re- scene, Honolnln n*e book, most, uothitig tendant* showed regularPelo and when Naled ami mashed the is in all of the | mi upon again gorgeous troj.ical pulp parts country, surpris- not The of the nal could tho A too civilization is often fatal to \ .. Κ" Κ HOLT, rich in nutriment is to increase ceive no credence from those who saw was a lation spirit orig fanatics. Even "Old Aiitouy," guide, rapid at later ed that ively to si,'ht It perfectly delightful -a whit ) yellow lwtter first, writers upon farm life aud farm it. as Max Muller it, lo- races. The sudden inflow of poi the milk yield, but to diminish the wreckage of the financial a thousand mile* not evaporate, put* recommended to us for his primitive M'ur houiio- will draw the stme kind of receding surprise worth coming especially a sort of [«ante. It operates A Counselor, topics to-day The to fol- the book is de- new lui on nerve A'tornnv tendency produce milk, wave. Without extravigance there I* to see calise in English aptly Christian character, "backslid" when he pressions unprepared vj to that is. it build* α γκν ηαι κ κ out the law wear- Opatliicclly, speak- \ MAINS. lowing of natur*. whereby little of Sho-t as in hmted that it centers breaks tbeui down. The ;>* \T. danger great depression. There wae the usual in scribed "chloroform print"—hop* naw the smoke and might a constitution a more delay getting op dilapidated surprising- i>r illustration of a farmer as the maintenance of is may, and doubtless will, come; Nevertheless the Mormons to some berries to offer of clothes seemed for a time to make Γ· » k. MeJm thirty offspring crops close in we had time t·» kvsly dull l»e as well gather ing if exclusive of other Η r. ufluence than and scarcely ly, but used any years ago, and bring powerful self-preserva- prices may fluctuate and localities have a wonderful work on the is- the uative wouien barren, as thereby disrepute view the the when we have done as a sacrifice This comical retrogres- they paid it the health. There is no and ridicule farm life. It be is, as a rule, than the tend- their rise and but with laid city by mey light food injur·*» ^ upon may tion, stronger fall; plans lie one of th< ir no to the rules for f .1 ΓΑΚΚ, toward the lands. and this would sion in faith with in attention ordinary or true that there are have to the food stored In on and the motto «aw many |>eople rnuuiug eqnally progression of any American farmers who ency preserve up conservative lines, converts had their raiment in healthful con- particular danger J J to me that did strongest outposts if their altitude reminded ine of tho formula in keepiug the native <>f it made little or no for a the Hence, the « fleet on the milk as made the Mich It seemed tboy I Englishman using style at Law, progress genera- body. 4*Pay you go" underlying off ho dition. Another cause has been Attorneys Kamaku fashion, died rapidly use in Tenu» when I was there in 1NJ7· lately is tion. and w ho are in old ruts, of a of nutriment in tbe food of the business deal- not even clieek their nt the water's not, to excess. f< r it emphatically nasty. working deficiency principle people's spe<*] of mains. will can«w>* In Utah is an extensive family Nebe· "There ia no west of the but they are exception*, aud It i« unjust is for some time very slight, but it ings, widespread or loug-continued back· «Ijj»). but jumped into their Sunday Trinity, Decently pr« par· d. however, it is quito P*r» the HrrrVfc. SllerrC to on the of the animal and there kers. cousins, I believe, of present no law west of the Brazoe and uo Uod bold them up to the public as examples tell body slidlngs will be Impossible. which moved off at one*·, and in n few inin palatable. Local statisticians say that be a of is States treasurer. One of th«-.*e •f farmers of the present time. Instead will gradual loss weight. The period on which the West enter- ntes the Kanakas were about United west of the Colorado." oue acre of it will furnish bread A M.. M D-, ■warming yearly WihiDHUST. •f to The state of our as of one of did so a work in Kauai that his that the is the going the "back places" and draw- prest-ut knowledge ing gives promise being jier- the Ntiip or climbing on deck Our ladv go**l They say topography for 5.0U0 men a pleasing statement on name. ing i»en pictures or making caricatures regards the t fleet of food on milk pro- manent prosperity : it is based tho»e nnwt talented couvert* took his cause of this local hacknliding. & 8urgeon, puascugers. having heard 'dreadful Maybe which. I regret to «av. I do not Iteliove. r.7f*ician •f this class of farmers, who are duction, be summarized as which are not influenced serious- return to Salt Lake I to rough may briifly things were to blush accord After my City so, hut it is almost impossihlo de- is said to be the corrective MAINS. The things." prewired Fish proper I P\R1\ η and manuer. and in follows : ly climatic vagaries. hot wind* one of these Kanaka Nebekers de- a speech untidy by anil the m<>re among the heard scribe the topography, in truth, very to tak·' with and fish also are abun- 'W·" R'ork Ut Ml·! e»«n a cow will come, bat the Kitllr corn and cane uigly roguish [ poi, <'J*n heir persona! appearance, why not go "When fed dairy may an there in his native a Wecl».TorUan!. properly some but liver address of Hawaii consists of high visitors the Kanakas l· I'm I>»t* ud :o some uor lose in live aud «ill wave banners. The rain» gentlemen anticipated fun, large part dant. Early say representative gathering of neither gain weight, green a were The native men tongue which returned missionary tableland inclosed in a sort of triangle ate them raw and at the soon· farmers like a under such eruditions will the be far between, but Ihe milk-cart both disappointed. formerly country produce may and no means an three mountain : ΓΙ ► Π «M». Μ I»·. milk which h»-r Its to the were drmsed so-so for boatmen translated, though by between the great [waku cat moment after killing them. ο κ an·, κ itcmc maximum quantity of will continue Journey creamery. quite possible in Kanaka I understood enough of Mauna Loa, Mauna K»»a and Mauna physical conformation permit·, and th»t Hall may fall, but the cattle on the lev· I and thongh the few women who cam*· expert Indeed it was thought a luxury to liegin >r at the meeting of the state grange or to realize that that was a phe- and this is a dreadful uiiik will have its maximum reaches will not be hurt. Diversified near wore «wh a garment interpreter Huahilai, plateau to gnaw on tho tail before the head waa it quality; single they the home* of the average farmers of a brilliant liar. vines and South I'-iris, Maine. I. e there will be a maximum epithelial agriculture will provide for failure in manage·! it with womanly skill In nomenally wilderness of tropical giant dea·I. At any rate the hungry native ilmost any section of the country, and of others. The American missionaries reached and im- growth. single crop by giving yields tmth one may see much more reckless : trei-s. growing among hiding took the fish as it came from the water, lraw truthful of what are there na- * \ -ΐιαΓίΜ IT« I»rue "*t.,re. pictures •'The food which such re- will lend its aid in the islands in 1820 and soou liad the mouse and with here and produces Irrigation opportune at any bathing reeort. It was ! rocks crevices, run a knife from gill to t.»il. ieeu'r From the very nature of their the In exposure hastily sults Is an ideal milk ration, and to insure bountiful garden·. tive h reduced to a written lan a field of lava or wear a places later aud in the iuterior--but 1 ant ici spee< there ban* spliutered out the entrails and at once feli to eat- usines*, farmers do not always man to make nearest to it which pos- short, the West is settling down Now adult Kaua'ca can more a fertile »· \KK \ I'KK. A. S, M D. sundered shirt with collar and cuffs. approach guago every loose ashy stuff, and rarely and there in a tliat when Mio * The moment resource· which it pate ing, story asses Is good pasture. the most of the read aud write. Some 3oO books have In this the cattle Γ Λ hen engaged in their farm work they The rising sun now sent its brilliant little valley region first Kanakas were taken to Is· [«resented irtlficul feediug commences the condi- possesses, and has ceased worrying the Ires* snd convenience. It us- been in the language, and introduced have left a ν- .an and Surgeon. for comfort an excess nutri- oossesse· not. In th%t npon Honolulu and showed published by early voyagers to the king of they behaved tions are altered. If of about those it glare υΐι<· « not the custom, as is some times stated, Kanaka journals are read by every as wild as any huffalo of tho saw some tixb ment be given, the tendency to fatten lies the secret of its future, and so gen- what? Wae it a child's toy village sud progeny quite handsomely till they or to at lin- »u rules above mom this class of farmers ap|»ear that or a transformation scene Bearing mind the given olden time and much dangerous. a m the -I TH ΓΑ KlMAINS «ill gradually outstrip the tendency for erally is this recognized the prairies denly enlarged in little a<|iianum royal a[«art- kable with clothes and uncombed reauler will see that Oahu is the of the the dirty milk production. If a deficiency of ought to be taken out of the "doubtrul in a fairy pantomime? There were the easily But along borders island, inent. Their api*-tite overcame them. >ir. nor is profanity a prevailing vice of Oah-hoo; Maui, Mow-ee: north are some nutriment be given, the body suffers first, list" and placed with those portions plnmed cocoanut trees and curious pronounced especially, wonderfully Men and women alike fell on the finny Ι* Λ.η·1», imong them. It has been my pleasure can Liliuokalani. I >ubs< the quality of the milk, the nation of which certain results banks of flowers in one Kilauea, Kee-Iow-a-ah; tore and devoured it with the savage ο quently palms great Emm*. prey, have seen thousands of farm homes In These where ad- and so on of all Lllinokalanl. Quern »nd the quantity. results be and unvarying a in an Leedee-oo-oh ka-la-nee, and de- dl of the and to have lastly predicted, place and regular English sward Kalakaoa. yuui-yum of ap}» aecd hun^ r, parts country be most marked when there Is vances follow the seasons round. This The main is K*n)fh»ii>»-hH L Lanalila C Kctfineer and Surveyor, will and hot look- other and persons in Kanaka that it wastheir isited many of them In every other, trailing vines bare, place* clared choice nearly an abundant of is the ideal of the West; for this It Is a name to the whole Hawaiian mon a urns. duiulUneously supply and here and there of huid gives group meal" since left Hono- 0 -W » > \ M AINE tate In the I uion. and while in all in- ing placée, patch»·* first "square they 1.I->. water. If now the food be changed, working, and over the threshold of of Nei a won! were not ideal homes, which looked and with the addition (Nav-ee), i.·» a stances they yet there will be a in an Its believe It neglected land, dry in thiae word*: "Hawaii hUu. r .) il nu» l« rate ··*»!■ corresponding change such experience people or the hence applied η a of them were evi- of the union whole; hard **>nes like tins when w&ule-t. large majority of arid It was evident at first view signifying land—a lan I hut it will not be immediate. Kxperi- houws that the old still struggling urious, voluptuous laud—and the «I·*- «boot the former Hawaiians, •erinement as is found in a of PERHAPS SOME OTHER LADY HAD. is Hawaii-Net majority menu have been made for me under the with tho new. for regular New England from in saw nothing of the kind 1 will coutume as as all prt>jj>un satiety correspondingly he homes in towns and cities. Among Fond Mother car with Hawaii is twice larg·· was latter conditions. The result was that (in passeuger with green blinde and stone nearly is no wt in lif··. to are uot true. If it true, cottages but ι >ahn is great. There purpose hope they Till MANY AC.EXCIE4 to re- her scared me when the other islands together, the animals first utilized tbe food children)—"It just structures were mingled with mere huts and r»*olve, and no when as the first Visitors κ.ιϊ«1. that the |»;ir«-i»te Surgeon Dentist, flowers no firm hiph h-àt have been u*ed to forward ttie their emaciated bodies. The I read—Johnny! Stop pulling build- the most important, having twoor pu»h plenish of straw anil tolerably solid adobe politically comes it kills." killed all their children above three; M AIN Κ for off the bonnet—when I read In the and far the best harb>r in melancholy ; ι· \ki>\ » heels of progress among farmer», I milk remained practically unaffected lady's like those I had become accustomed the capital by tluit methodsof "check" were u.v-d which ! You ings N'o other man di*·* m> easily and gently u»ow of noue that have been so effective from four to six weeks. Theu the food papers—Klchard just keep your the islands, and Kauai is rather the most — at Salt Lake Citv dmiq fatal to half the women; « Vk w-trr&at»!. other that to as a true Kanaka. He can lie down and as led told. 1 his fact one source head In—the papers the day 1 did not know provid u their work the grange. It has emphasizes on the advanced in agriculture. m< n were kill··*! in the If hand· My first impression entering die whim»ver the notion takes him, and that theuaainli» of he farmer into new fields of of error in feeding experiments—they George! you put your sticky of this till I found it out. and !· l"Nr> Λ *»N. thought wae that all the true natives had the reason a kind's death. and a are not for a on that dress again I'll thrash place with no disease. This happens saturnalia following I itid action, it ha* given him broader conducted sufficiently long lady's was in the of ap|Kireut woman went for we at first 1 *»s, hnt with none thousands nind. and wider experience. given period." you—the out at in Hawaii It was •ιηοης many Don't dare none but Chinese and other finding it Hilo, the so nu and that de- you slap encountered so often opnlation get large? Dentiste, ι courage, confidence, crs/y—Richard! I was 1 Captain CANADIAN FARMERS PROSPERING.! I read that a then a lovely day. and wntinK arm toe jvanasas navo when of self-esteem that was needed to that little girl—when apparently Asiatic people, and perfectly fertile littie tracts, their number at 400,000, and it Why so much greater than now, cree turns when there came gnewed V .M \Y. MALM. Hu«ine*s ha* been with the woman went from the dis- a few and lounging by there mar are done? I cannot u*ke him a man among men, and be*t very good crazy just Portuguese. Frenchmen and Eng- ! hero and cultivated patches luive been half tiiat In 1·?-'- the none of the·*· thiugs season. start inkstand danced may his out of Canadian farmer this To comforts of the—.Johnny! Stop punch- a strange quiver; my the when* the lav* seems to that has U·» η ex- M .\!t H. >f all. it ha* brought family mountains, help suspecting there with the land worked In the that the in a like a .he semi-isolation of farm life, and Is nicely ing gentleman—of iourney over the table quicksilvered toy have cooled l-at yeetenlay. not more than she had aggeration of social lift* spring. In tn»ny places railroad train. I wonder if 1 felt a sudden nausea, there was a NK>. tiding them the enjoyments man, ! Wc took what ie called the new n-nte There is peace and tr-od fellowship in half the labor was required to put it in children with her V sensation in the ind th« ir rightful |>osition society.— grinding very light to visit Keal.keakna l«av, where ( now Th re are -..cial ment ^ saine as a It was a some other "aptain enough enjoy A Machinist, ν lecturer National condition year ago. I*dv (quietly)—'"Perhaps aud Smith frame walls, "subsequent proceed- ! Cook wu and of that I ease· >s and common to hear a farmer that worn* η killed, tragedy and and joyonsn» feasting thing say had."—New York Weekly. me no more" in tliat ru I* A RI 9, MAINR Grange. ings interested π«Ηνη1 α rurione eoconnt fr».m » now. this 1* true. hi» crop never went In »o easy befon*. very enough Everywhere en was the middle of the mvMtifn, »U-%rr room for I in an who the general CONDENSED MILK. and have done well BlrtW m Surgeon·. Mr Bronghton, aged Briton, but in Honolulu There β». an 1 tool·. Crops pastures oiner u especially M»fry street with iewnii p»n»pèe as a MO. ma«le *β·1 h milk in rain now. reached the island* eiiilor in slant Chinaman and the darker -» » t»j« M«« U'I 'IiIIm very condensed manufactory though needing badly Some observations made VI κw OF ΙΙΟΧΟΙ,Π.Γ eyed iutcrestiug was over in a minnte. Then xi ! threshing wa its 5 Pasture» are to look every II»· had it direct from two Kanakas the fair dark mowing ihe country has increased output beginning brown, ou tn-atiw at bat ag»-d Malay, very Englishman, CCB». | by M. Fatio the surgical lish and American·, before reaching ant! out that even |MMb ptfc r cerit this and is «old up to the but this will affect but little the wise body laughed pointed who witnesM-d the It seem* that and m«*dinm American the aauiring damages. port tropics Kauai, and will do in Maui and r \r : ChemlrAl·, Toile· barely that TAIN CtKdi'tf DEATH. of in the Uuited States During my stay in the «ections the of above the average, though shorter than and feathers it makes a very creditable common of rover» of ull •man," such being the meaning of dairy consumption renting place but uot in Hawaii of tu> in been more rain. Fall wheat Molokai, The there King Hill was even as one accurately «ompoua»! ι-ondeused milk has very largely increas- if there had ami lut* even been kuown to nation· wonl The argument as reported bore missionaries it at 14J.OOO. reacrlptiuM drc*sim; Tho is, to my mind, very placed at »·: a the fresh be a all round. explanation tn an excursion, and i.36β, anil then the title turned and jxwyee but I fear will be large dressing com]*»-*! down many shades color and ever)* stage with tome small men said, Rod. more generally used. Inuring hot all looking well, short, chain Islands, de- back" and wearing the monster " (if and from the new vindictive and The other said, The Kanakas, it ii true, have style, V **», without ice, sndlose ow to the weather. other jiarts the body securely of dn*ss and civilization, as ilie moved southeast- greedy." pure y weather it will keep ing dry rocky jieaks; and hall which were the fashion Ί0 is and the de- tued to the blood. arrival from the monutain highland.·* "You cannot tell bow a god will ac4. creased a little, bnt foreigners chignotis none of it» good ijualities or flavor. Tills I.ive stock promising body by coauulatMl ward she built up successively larger is- re in created ami here years ago is takeu out of with mand is better than in former years. Twice he h.ul with interwoven clad so tar as absolute decency is at it—intends to and perhaps" breed* have rapidly, and Surveyor. milk competition snipe ouiy lands, and she still all our excursion* those to Engineer demand in wan the familiar Are official*. taken two Of pleasure rh«»se who are making butter, and the Cows have been in at exceeding- feathers «m to the site of a to the cultured gentleman "rock till she It tonne, n«ht in the lust strapped quired keep at it, the shar]w" say. the Waikiki beach for bathing moon- l o.k Boa 171. to ail of the have sold vest immacn and wron« absolute, and in the moral by is shipped parts ly good figures. Yearlings fracture of oue or other limb The most blue coat white and truly a continent. While year* ago: product makes real island Females. Total. were the most and the Mai» is no healthier or more than ever before, a great number recess on as ou mortals. light pleasant, world. There higher woe that of a suipe late linen At every convenient an island it is of course law obligatory Deity ΙΡ,»Σ» ranches in the states. Λ interacting example she is building Pure il·»· ailan in costume \\t re much the oM Aam article of food available to the going to the was a ol the Edwards bo to I.Mi 4,> tfte ut palatable both of whose legs he had uufortuuately in the side of the street group and uncer- Well, i>arty, speak, Mix.d Hawaiian ·οϋ«-!ν number of farmers have sold all 'powerful uneasy mighty born. a,.ViU T.ilti same as at Brunch. Back in tho «··■! ·Β·! correepoB-lenœ :raveler, or to the resident of tropical great was not the carnal the and it was decided that Foreign Hawaiian Long broken a misdirected nh< >t. He only native women, but there but when she has finished it it day, l;tn »k"« l.'Cu a article of their young stock; this will make cattle by tain," Aintricana. districts, however, the natives land·!. It is regular supply scarce- the Lono shonld be to uni S») |„n<) secluded and in for recovered it ou the following; «lay, when «une variety iu their dress With down to a Hence supported put Brltieh :o hunter and the out, and scarce for next year fact settles quiet maturity. MJ |sft T'«i of both sexes took to the water without the camper wore a sort ul the test. A blow—not mortal—was German* to come. We can see the he found that the wouuded bird had an each of and U"> «ki !ί|ιι a in their cuisiue no other can several years ly exception the steadiness Oahu Scandinavians of on 'suits." tills place comparative the and blood 50 31 ;j the formality puttiug I.L, effect as calves are for contrived to and a Hurt Mother Hubbard** of blue cloth. ami of Hawaii. strni k; captain groaned French All as well. already selling apply drvssiup» Kauai; hence the instability ,|*> it, they butter ing able to use its dawn to get rid of rather, for it is a female.) F«>r many islands aud a cent In The number of hogs is In- added Mr. "when residence anions 'many lu- l'TrwIh- Promptly t»ot»e. :ity as fourteen quarter per England. them the creature was aluioot dead noted among those in the boats the whole island shook •And," Bronghton, C>f these al*>ut 2-,000 live in Honolulu is also a each as farmers find them pour days together ne»ia). and therefore swimming is about last There year, — ns this the tears stood less than year. creasing when found. Public The streets are of fair width, and in fit. the old men told which id the Paria of the uorth Pacific < can raise. from hunger like a in an ague The propri- to them as to us. falling off in Boston. hicago and the most profitable stock they giant for were the as natural walking ■light seemed to me whiter th;:n was Kilanea crater in their eyes, they anion,?; All the allurements of life abouud Π liY. is to ex- One offset to the for stock Opiniou. places etor of tho hotel at the told me just before I Philadelphia. This contrary good prices As i.« few who continued to believe that Cook the Bngham Young and rather dusty there a to the Houolulu Adver Hard work in left to the Chinese for •«Liil 'wry an>l l»ally Paper·. all amund. l*lainl> there is of all kinds Is the fact that the price of agreeable said in letter left Salt Lake City that they were like pectations breeze at M-a t« i was a god. or at least a supenc'· being. buaùn*s to other ,·. Βιι «st'i Γ*>»ι». MaWI made this sum- feed has been ; but even this Tliβ Jewel·. nearly always enough tiser that "Pele sent a Hodman 20-inch most part, and active of not being so much butter away up ride thence to the American Indians—descendants will out the farmer who has coarse refresh one. I felt at hrst bj tluit it struck With the horseback With at least fialf tho popa mer as a In the dairy sections help exclaimed Cornelia, as has oppr»·**·*! shot with such precision foreigners. Israelites who had "back- year ago. "Then»'," to the descent into the crater the ancieut ri f t: «fort. Mate·. the attention of farm» rs to sell. The dairy business has the dead calm in the air. and retiring within an inch of bed. 1 Kiianeaand lation social life is the only life. Re- ^f the fir West grain ofteu Ijeen related, "are my the ground my slidden" and been curs4il and tum«d irif \η·1υ*βτ an«l Rum ever. jewel*!" was all readers are familiar. Pon I. been turned more to the assumed larger proportions than the of the hotel just say general Every- tens and cltih meetings, polit- has productiou Now. the father of the l»racchi was a courtyard ran and did not return." all tho ceptions. dark If so, have slid- Κ a -> l»»ÎU- l.tae. I ο < are into to Nearly knows the devil of accordingly they '«tarfe >f and the of beef. lotario farmers going it was hotter than 1 had been led body how Pele, goddess ical demonstrations, visits to tho popu- grain growing rapidly man, much inclined ing in Hilo were shaken a deal further than the and Fruit as a plain, unassuming stone buildings court λ den back great they Maine, large sales of cows have kept dairving bog raising. expect when I felt a strong, cool breeze the Kanakas, used to hold her Aery lace and to vessels in the harl»or, riu< fall- will be a medium to man. in brief, who cut down. The missionaries record with a are ever likely to slide forward r.*nn. aumber down. As a result of the whole crop; apples simplicity—a three minutes at the furthest the in the lake; how tho filaments and |»ar al (n sk) flaming and drives, poi suppers bathing Attorney l-»w, of butter, the Trees in most sections look well, more wikkI than ice. sort of humor that their bookcase* .I..IIΝ F. VViii'i <<;r.v. ing < rt' in the make price light. was overcast and almost black; in It' grim of lava, like glassblowere' "thread, in the and BviumiD, M* the ties, chattiijg groves loung- one to two cents a in some places caterpillar "An n't a trifle loud, my were and the l>ooks went tumbling Fias ranged pound although they just more the rain was i upset thrown off the waves, were be- Iraiir». «ml l lit lr Ηαιιι. no minutes pouring by fiery aud smoking in the gardens—such a The outlook was very bad. There is appearance dear?" he oui* ventured to over the house. Trees ewaved and fell, ing νΚΠκ,ΙΙΛΜ. higher than year ago. protêt as seemed to tue lieved to be her hair; how the natives, was there are so volumes, which, it was life in Honolulu while I The French pajsrs busily c^ill·,·*·!- business is for the of scab as yef, that fruit growers may when the were as new. stone fences went down, and va*t moun- at U», for the dairy bright jewels yet quite I when warned well known that been consider Attorvy as out of their orchards as if threatened to wash the town away. by signs and I cannot learn that there bus instances of what they M* of the season. make much masses rolled into the s»-a. One ing Bl-CRraU». remainder —Detroit Journal. tain an was uear, threw tat were a heavier Plums are a naturally supposed that open air sight eruption many American unfriendliness toward , they crop. adds, so that we any change. w has that but missionary gravely bo« and other articles of value into the th»ir "f MVT, the ratio between the number of very heavy crop. The curcullo seeing was done with for day. in order to liulster up campaign That must not suspect him of a joke, that Princess A LAND OF QUEER THINGS. Haïr I>re«er. hands and the taken a few but there will still be plenty local mentor, to whom I had brought lake, and finally how the brave again.-t the . ;attle in growers' people my with unnsnal fervor and hostility BrCRFIRUD. Mit can be left.—New Homestead. they prayed to convince her that the >f the country is widening there England letters from Salt Lake City, laughingly Kauikulani, people The Island· Seem Designed Kor World'· The Figaro recently publislnd tieorgu CMc Gored. the are not so cat- Dyspepsia a wee are not in old sang— was foolish, descended into I'leasurv KrwrL η to U >· no There many "Wait You idolatry Bancroft's letter of cmigratulati· i\, question. FARM FAGOTS. replied; On JenUa's stormy bunks we .stand. as while the popu- nor in Utah." crater without the usual ceremonies and to sum on Ha of th·· Franco* l'rUK*. M«lldMt, lie several years *go England now, yet And PH»t a wishful eye. If I should attempt np Bismarck on tlu> result on There to her amazed Bt'CRTtRLU. MR lation goes steadily increasing. In an hour the sky was bright uud returned unhurt people, waii-Nei in one sentence. I would say Prussian war, and follows it up with he one result from this—a It Is much to be regretted that the in missiou .•an only clear as ever In another the street» THE WORLD'S GRANDEC7 VOLCANO le it not all written reports is a where scvui* to other incidents of a like nature, of the breeders of Shorthorns in Maine have al- It land everything aeveral V. ► KINlv* and certain strengthening and next and school books? a \LL gridual so we were in coudition. Sunday be else. There is riotou» among which iahoul·! B«. value of cattle price were I then soon n»r on to this now have but two or three families. morning they dusty again abundance of nseful vegetation, yet gram of congratulation to the einj* M» 1'hit -«lock farmer who catches Thereabout*. THE OPERA BOUFFE KINGDOM. •I A Κ··ΚΗΚΑ. ΓΑΚΙ». which me on to this was the deservedly popu- learned three things surprised or late a blight conies almost every- of in 1*70, and the fact tliat fact and shapes his efforts correspond Formerly i have no spite against the reader of Germany 1:> I H M to the lar breed of the noted alike for much: That at least one-fourth of •uch Hawa»l-Nrl Hu Been Since Kmme- There is a variety of refused to receive him on RR1LL, will be in the swim, all ready reap state, very this I shall therefore not add thing. greater Victor Hugo article. 1>1«hI Out. l·'· Line fiuits than in any other land I know, accouut of it during his visit to Paris advantages population one to the 200 and odd descriptions of BCCRFIRLP. broad of the Herefords has that the rests So have interested learn fruit square, tvpe dora live in Honolulu: city many little things so far as I could every several yuars later. of in Kilatiea now extant. As the raw attor- yet is a difference opinion lost us the qualities great rock of the islands or me that I almost Bill. He a and the st-^k There great miiking not on the true tell- forgot King degenerates in few years, Λ -Π» U.K. the value of havloeders. But measure, but for oxen and beef those re- ney who began his tnaiden speech by regarding volcanic but on a sort of Hat had ascended the throne (figuratively must be renewed. The climate is al Paris and Marseille* are connected by I'kv», ao«i ^utlonery, find have decided merit, not deposits, what the common law is vas direct- the naaj irity of large haymakers maining though built the coral insect, and that ing two months or » measles, lines entirely underb uild. BCCRVIBLD. ME outflr.— this up by assume that this ■peaking) only most perfection, yet smallpox telegraph them a necessarv part of their so popular as the Herefords. Why ed by the judge "to **VT® three-fourths of the Hawaiian» of all my arrival. King Lot having died with- affections of the heart are are in iroupipesand buriod should be 90 cannot be for court and not lx> so ar- and peculiarly They placed • 1 e. τ. a. explained, knows something till Ι·Η |»enil*t. races live in very narrow belts around out issue. William Lunahlo was his The mountains look as if fixed in four feet beneath the surface, with man- of constitution, feed- so ehall assume fatal. ruggednetts great ew· rogantly instructive," 1 Sri;C a Tœuj. #5 » A SeA the islands. The interior of Hawaii roval naine. I believe, but he was gener- for all and the more solid holes 3Î000 feet ujiart. It cist nearly abilities, and excellent beef quali- that the reader lias read the old Fifth place eternity, Bu nniLP, M». ing waste. ties to the Shorthorns. The is an almost untrodden ally called King Bill for short, and he and a mountain looks the more £1.500.000 to Imrv rhe wires. belong pecially Header, ami the usual Sunday school rugged well be d basis of Honolulu is so was the first monarch of Hawaii-Nei not more to Fever □umber of these may multiple Tho coralline work of certain it is to quake and likely I h ■:.< kkk. After Scarlet books, and at leaat one general At the rate of times on the farms of Maine. of tho Kameliameha stock. The natives are all well edu- present increase the many at least one history split open. The M; :nery an·: Fan<*y UoodA travel, and that he takes of the earth Was Left Weak and Deli· The raiser who his of that line is as as any in and all population will double Ma Uttle toy sheep puts depend- in which case be fascinating cated nearly thoughtless. They Bccr»i*u>. In the good weekly paper, itself in 2t. Neck--Moo J'a Sarsaparilla produca that of the I have had its own king, and is but vague many on His mutton carcass and a fleece of I will only say many « of Al! Kln-lA ble good arose the Kanaka will tell a lie when the liepalr* m since the islands that of one. but about a century ago common and Made M Strong. Is sure to come out on the 4W FTER suffering for nearly thirty yean read leaving MkM (k< f*o4 par·, Bicahald, Ma Cured wool. pretty a series or I tetter serve bis Rayai me the Kamehameha, and in truth would purisme. was 18 months side. aid is not the rl from dyspepsia, Μη. Π. E. Dugdale, Mark Twain seems to best, and great wholteo·! 4ttt€ltei· "When my little boy right Legislative them all Life aud are as safe as a farmer to base hit wife of a business man of on to a few wonderful campaigns reduced property any M ΙΊ which left him safest thing for prominent then go mention i»ointe POLIT, he had scarlet fever, j on earth, the laws are not old Wanav, Ν. Y., writes: "For 18 yean, I was me and are not under his rnle. where though •tv "herifT an" ï iJiNti, Bu, iiWi't. Me-, of his age.'* ful harvest. Strawberries have been The first task for me, pursuant my interior bursts up through this, reign. They bananaa, strawberries and Mass. Br. Miles' Resediea and he had the as- Umes, melons, Gro. Chestnut Street, Lynn, are that on the was to learn a and this is many improvements, R. Cotlr. Proprietor. 552 Farmers finding are sold all bnsinem islands, outflow cools again, repeated more. Peaches are on plentiful. by drwg- some them to hi. wars. many produced err » »o all train* sure to Hood*» because In cultivated strawberries deserves a a stream ot lav» sistance £r of Connecta·!. Arrlaf· Be get there is money under a little of the language, which so often that moderate bat the affects them gists positive 6*· > of the islands, blight Butter sells at 16 to 1* et», per lb., eggs or a* assumes of m He was succeeded by guarantee, list bottle paragraph two, especially many often the appearance great more and than any and nam· asktogj a but quickly certainly J K 10 eta. dozen. New cabbage or names in the re- Even blood, who took hi. title, PU ixs, per rnoMV native must appear cylinder slowly creeping down. other fruit, the form * are Into market. frequently taking ;U ■··>.< locà·, BVycle«aml Sportia»ttooito. vegetables coming mainder of this article. I found it when the outride seems *££.. or white- quite comparatively of a black scale or Aim. The couoannt Blood Purifier. have tote to Κ intuitu Κ alls. Ma Hood'sbest-rnfact theOn Tree Many farmers painted and an enormous Lot Is the of word cool the is 2^j22rdkrf in*!»»,and 1m The easy -acquirement Every thing really Mena to be indigenous, and therefore «nom KMHi mrm yom. all 91; six for φλ washed their buildings. thrifty ■em oo., Soki by drugjrtsts. in word ends with tube, down the interior of which the hot «ην nth**- nr-xbtct. » neat and at- •very syllabi· every BabU to bli»*ht than Α. W.XRR1X A firmer keeps things snug, SOS. ft town, and every rowel la pronounced and pastv lava to slowly farcin* its war. 1Un***. t Arrtaee*. Siel**·. BeAw, Hood's Pills tractive.—Hoeeatead. ANDOVER. 8UCKFIELD. THE FRVEBURG CHAUTAUQUA. ESTABLISH!!» 1SB •ETHEL. THE WEEK IN MAINE THE OXFORD BEARS. Meek to expressed for Mr. Rev. Mr. JMkaon pmchtd for Rev. Leonard Κ. Prince of New York I* ijapallj at residence and Mr*. Aille who·· little Mr. Bareatien lut Sabbath morn lag. making hie annual vlalt the NOTES rBOM Til Κ AS8KMM.Y AT «Oxford Bcmocrat, WEEK IN ALL Morgan, THE MOST IMPORTANT STATE NEWS Sh( THE OOINQS OF THE 3 of died Rev. Mr. Adam· take· a two weeka' of hl> father, Ν. K. Prince, Kfq. (iKOVK. SOMETHING «|β, Suday. MARTHA'S I SSI Κ I) TUESDAYS. daughter, yean Maaon Boston U the BRIEFLY TOLD. SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. 81m vu 1U le·· than hour*, vacation from to-day. Mix Kate of twenty-four her Mrs. Horace A. b«t care and medical «id could not There will be a game of baae ball, 2mat of slater, PARIS HILL. vs. Andover nine, ut the Irish. death of Now for 3 and 4 cts. SOITH PARIS, MAINE, AUli. », 1W. | re vent a fatal termination of the Romford FalU Since the Capt. Harriett, four The teachers attending the School of fair of the Utter dab next Sat- I. W. Shaw and are at Peaks of the First Maine have died at from ι to 8 Uni Baptist Chore*, lev. H. A. Boberta, Slitaw. ground· family private» Method* are very enthusiastic over the Print antl Percale Remnants, varying yards, M A. ■· Island for a of weeks' vacation. (*a*tor PdmUii wrt hull! U Coroner Goddard vat called to Green- urday, Aug. 13th. couple Chickamauga. unusual afforded them for AT WOOD Λ SuoiUv School atIJ M. Sabbath Ιτβ»1»| Bur Harlow of North Caro- opportunities are now sold for almost The goods l>eing from FOKBES, wood to an accidental sffslr. Born, Aug. 3d, to the wife of J. A. Mrs. Orlando their All nothing. vice ki T:(W f· l· Prayer Mmln Wwlaaaday shooting The annuiil reunion of the Fifth Milne improvement In profession. s lad of was shot a lina, formerly of BuckfHd, and sister to evening u Γ. >. Joseph Swan, 14, by Harding, «laughter. will he held at Peak· lament that ao many are Indifferent the Smiley Manufacturing Company's Wrapper factory, 1'ren.hln* Sun. lay to wife of a of the late Hiram Is Regiment Inland, rouH. InlTeraallnUhurch every •n older who haa Born, the Kd Hodsdon, Ilines, visiting thla which eaoaes M. atwoob. A. K. brother, just purcha»- Portland 10 and II. great prepare· come suitable for various uses n M 11 a. a. Suaday school at I» Μ- friends in town. Harbor, Aug. privilege, in colors and patterns ed » new revolver. In showing It to his daughter. those improving it for more effective The Methodist Circle held a lawn Mrs. Charles II. Lucas of : and once we oiler the Ι >og days weather compelled the brother it was accidentally discharged. Beverly, Kenneliec Journal Gold bricks work. The Instructors are among the any To close out at yon print» Tsmiu -«I jo ft jciftr if pakl 1b «.frfta». Post- last was the of Wm. Irish's fam- family. rtrVHly of the lawn «I the Bap- The have the of at the bonne of their pastor Mass., guest •altod mine· are old a· human gullibil- best etch branch ; OlbMnrtoe 92.00 ft year. Single copie· ♦ cestft. ponement party family deep sympathy party qualified for special at S ffntu Percales inches at to Ice cream and was for to per yard. (36 wide) tist pamonage ground* from Monday the community. Wednesday evening. ily recently. ity, hut it left Maine produce and the children who make up the prac- A DTurrannrt —All Mwfc—ί «· was town legal The condition» were A terrific shower over Bethel cake were served. Geo. M. Atwood of Paris in a salted brick. cent* three consecutive Insertion· for $1 JO per Îue»div evening. passed gold tice classes are evidently much Interest- 4 per yard. f1v«n waa A lawn on the common 2d Inst. nek a of column. coewrt* all The air The atmosphere party to-night. Tuesday, ed in the instruction. rugXh Special right Tuesday evening. Thursday evening. The Ruxton and Elollis fair is to be are fast at 0 made wttk truakit ml »»1τ«γΟ» moon shone rain Is done In town. A Mrs. Jennie Jewett Morandle, who also the LAWNS which goin^ 5 local, yearly comfortable and quiet, the seemed full of electricity; heavy Haying mostly old The regular exercises be- Remember figured «m. at was up this year. It wae a famous Assembly and the the Aboot two yield. visited friends Bath last week, are t > bright, the band played well, accompanied lightning. good and the had but gan on Wednesday, and each New patterns constantly l>cing added (wt kit· I.ots of In town now. taken and 111 and had Î;ivenair, people good time*, appoint- per yard. Jo· rmnrmio —Sew type, pwmi. ice cream was all sold and more might miles from the village the barn of Mr. company suddenly seriously ment is carried out to the pro- workmen u>l tow price· to be to it hasn't paid of late. according the assortment power, experienced have been. was and his horse snd taken the Central Maine Hospital keep large up-to-date. combine to make thl· Ml of oar buml Conroy struck, ROXBURY. gramme. Jeyaif as a at Lewleton. She is comfortable waa n«M complete nnU popular. A ride bv the young cow killed. It is a very severe loss, very The body of Fred Brookings The of musical artists from hayrack people Those who commenced haying early at advices. quartette in remains so as t »· evening, with four hone· for year ago his buildings were burned, and present found in the mill pond at Randolph Fri- Boston have two con- The Price Wrappers unchanged long Friday are now are to finish given delightful Special the usual glad. Many trying Mrs. and daughter of Wlnthrop The lad had fallen In timt this hot weatlu r team, was accompanied with be lost nearly everything. Llbby day. probably certs and will continue to aid In the present stock lasts. Why spend to the up this bad weather. were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Λ. K. Cole the before. amount of and racket. Friday afternoon the auxiliary while (hiring day future exercises. a <>r .1 joyfulne·· Potatoes a crop. this week. dresses when you can print |« There Is an unclaimed letter at the W. B. F. M. met in Garland Chapel. The promise good Mr. Fuller's Illustrated lecture on making light buy The apple crop will be very small.1 About went from this station to The Klngfleld and I>ead River Rail- office for "Mr. Falrbrother, Spool Interest of the meeting was much in- forty Cuba realized all that was and cale tor cts., $1.00, and $1.19. Same poet Blackberries will be the Wednes- road wa« sold Monday on an execution promised wrapper 75 Maine." creased an account of the mission plenty. I'nlversallst grove meeting exceeded our and Mr Manufacturer, Paris, by The rain* are for the Sherlfl' auction, at expectations, cost and two months K. Stearns of in great pastures. day. by Blake, by public $1-^5» $1.50 ago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas work done the <1ilnese Sunday of Hamilton W. Mable's address on Friday $1.19* News is a short crop just now. Fred C. Andrews, of Mechaulc Kingtloid, to Hon. Joeiah S. Maxcy i t'ambridge, Mass.. are atC. H. Thayer's. Schools In Brooklyn. Miss Isabel Shir- Esq., afternoon was very thought-insnlrlng. work Falls was In town Gardiner for $7'»00. Mrs. W. It. l.ipham and Miss Mary lev has been connected with this WEST SUMNER. Wednesday. The attendance at the Assembly for are Mr·, in and a Miss C. F. Briggs of Auburn visited The are the filters at Chick· Upharo of Augusta visiting many years Brooklyn, gave very Percy Andrews is at home from Colby hoys using those first few days Is very promising THOMAS SMILEY, Perham. account of it. friends in town this week. and hard to water l.apham's brother. Kx-Goveroor interesting I'niversity for the summer vacation. amaugua trying get The grove was never fairer, refreshed by ?·» New York hold its annual Withereii & Doud's Uncle Tom tent not eat. Some of the fssTg* ttrisgKa.^ Mr. Albert E. l»avles of The ladies' Club will Prof. W. W. Andrews and wife of to drink and to the late rains, and every newcomer I* MAINK. ·' j s after- «how exhibited here Thursday evening. to under NORWAY, lj tioed Mrs. Davlea at Mr*. Ingraham fair and supper next Thursdsy Portland visited at Dr. Ε. H. Andrews' captains have threatened put Impressed with lis beauty. Kvery cot- "-''"'."ri."*"· to The thunder shower during the per- arrest man to use the of Mr. and Mrs. Davie· go noon and evening in (iarland Chapel. last week. any neglecting tage ha* occupante, but the limit Friday. formance was too much of a rival and a visit this »««k. article· and all things useful will filters. Is not reached. Waterville tor Fancy Henry !*roctor is maklug some repairs capacity yet - wood and are on be for sale. Ice lemonade, shortened the exhibition. Water- George M. At family cream, candy on his of the The constant residents, Messrs. Annual Mark Down buildings. W. A. of Lewiston is decorat- We don't hear much signal Semi For Governor, a to l>ixrte1d and Weld Pond. and a lirst-class An entertain- Spearln Turbo χ and Kvans, are trip supper. A ptrty of thirteen from this place but wp not that they rep- bouse, Staples, has been ment will be la the ing the new steel celling at the post ofllce corps. forgot fam- l»r A. «*. Hamlin of Bangor given evening. have on a and fish- of our beat "at home." Mr. Κ. T. Burrowesand mostly gone camping In warm and tints. When fin- resent Main·* In Cuba, fortv f<»r the t«t few dav«, working at pleasing of i'ortlnnd have taken Mr. John- her·· |· a most useful work, and ily of ing trip. ished Bucktleld will have the pleasantest boy·, doing Lots in Footwear M«»uut Mica, where a few son's and some neweoraere are Sale of Odd pockets and Nina Farwell of Head- I.. I.. Gardiner has in health alwavs where the and discomfort cottage Powers, been Misses Kva improved office of Its siie in the county. danger tourm«lines have recently opened. and to be able to walk to the post installed In others. Llewellyn ing. Mass., are visiting relatives sutliciently A slight shock of uake was felt are greatest. Mis* Phebe II. l*alroerof Bangor. Miss cartluj The former Weet Baldwin is in The latter Is a office. cottage and Mr. friends this village. post at 7 :l*> Friday morning attended with a dress uni- M. Adeiia of Gardiner was in- It is understood that the now owned the aud ha* of Houlton. IVrry trained nurse at Worcester, Mass. Both Geo. Berry, of South Sumner, of and win- by association, still continues at of are at I^eslle roaring sound, jarring doors forms of the Maine National Guard, been christened It is fitted Κ ben K. Haley Gardiner ladles. jured on a machine last Chocorua. are very accomplished yonng badly mowing dows. winter and dis- K. Newell'·. While behind which were called in last up for the School of Methods, and the Wednesday. walking the to Port- to of Port- Mrs. Klla Thorndike returned will not be but that are of For Representative Congress, Kev. and Mrs. W. M. KimmelI OXFORO. mowing machine he too near posed of, replaced, walls adorned with Illustrations for the month stepped land Thursday. the uniform will bo the branches while Mr. Stroutof land are at Mrs. Mellen's Kev. Mr. Apraham is absent on his sud his clothing caught in the gearing regular fatigue taught, used for dress instead. his fam- of August. vacation. Itev. ("has. Fisher of Mechanic drawing his leg in between the cog FRYEBURG, purposes Boston, the photographer, and Shoe Store, Nelson Jr., I.■ Hull, wife and child, of are also domiciled there, and he has Dingley, Frederick Falls will at the Congregational wheels. It took the clothing off and Walter A. Robinson of the Boston The woolen mille in Vassalboro owned ily, Smiley preach Jamaica Plain, Mass., are at Mr·. Mel- a room for the of MAINi church Sundav, Aug. 14. made a bad wound in the side of the leg. Latin School, wife and son, are at Mr. by Samuel Williams of Roston and prepared development E. N. SWETT, NORWAY, of Le*iston. l.i- work. Manager, leu's. Mrs. (ieo. Hasen, who has been sick O. Warren'·. Thomas Sampson of Wlnslow, have pu (ill** I»r. the at BROWNFIELD. Birro*»'demons?r«tl ·η I·· Mr»* Kev. Forbes occupied pulpit with is said to be Kva came from Boston shut down for an unknown ow- Mi** and diphtheria, Improving. Miss Goodwin period, ► or Senator*. the l'nlver*allst church on Sundav, is vis- Mr. and Mrs. Morrison and son of κ re given In the r»*» r of the diuiig »-»».»in. Mrs. Nellie Farris from Bangor on Monday with her sister Helen, who ing to poor markets, thereby throwing of Hiram. will ne*t Sunday at the Connecticut are friends In this until needed for the incri-.ising AI.VoN Υ··ΓΜί, preach again iting her son. visiting teaches the Chandler system of short out of employment some Γ.00 hands. rapidly A. C. THOMAS ΚΙΝβ. of Par»· usual hour of service. guests. Weather, "1'ncle Tom's Cabin" Tuesday evening village. hand at the Assembly. ; For the Warm are about at "The Mrs. Mae Krink of Portland and Mrs. One Maine man has been heard from Mrs. Abbott's live o'clock teia nun· ►'or Clerk of Court·. There thirty guests drew a large crowd. Mi·» Hattie Pike has gone to Jeffrey, Beeches" now. E. C. Davis of are visiting who has brought down the very satis- attractive a feature as last and do I I1ARLB> I » HITMAN. of Norway. Λ from the Poland Spring House Farmington Ν. for a month. year will party II., of In from the and The union Sunday School picnic at the Oxford House at .1. 1.. Krink's. and factory pile $.'10,000 gold much to promote sociality acq'iaint- for « ounty Treasurer, took supper Spring Mrs. A. F. Richardson family tie held of this week if pleas- Miss lUttle Johnson is with Klondike. This Is J. Wish, whose a net·. of Part» Thursday and returned in the evening. stopping from Castlne are their house ·»»·»···. bKoltt.K M ITWiniD, at Gibson'· grove. Erauk In this occupying brother, M. II. Na*h of Hath, has not ant. If not. Friday, Arthur Morehouse of I^ewlston is her brother vicinity. during Chautauqua. Mrs. Rolliston ►"or ounty Attorney, Team* will leave the Baptist Mr. Thorn and daughter before heard of him for over twelve Norway. here. Edgecomb W«»odbury of Woodford's Is with them. TH€ SITUATION IN THE PHILIPPINES « a. M. Free of this now of j HAILve>U, will Hampshire, stopping Methuen. Mass., is at Miss Rage's, also Saturday afternoon, July .'WHh, Mrs. ! tlou In the Philippines i« giving the ad er classe* in each school ; older ones Herbert Swan is for Por- friends in town. Shirt J HASTINGS BEAN, of Part* Mr. working .Mr. Sle»'|>er of the Bo«ton .Journal and George Swett of Springvale used kero- iuini«tration a good deal of anxiety Waists, will be to pty their fare. It is ter Farwell. Mr. Cousins has moved Into ►"or Register of l»ee-U. * «Ktern IHMrtci, expected Joseph wife. sene to start up a coal fire. The can ex- The force there under (»en. Merrltt doe* a neral in- a basket picnic, and cordial g* Mr. and Mrs. W. S Make from Aroos- the Thorn house. on and or and I' k« MM BALIARD, of Erieber*. Wallace Mason, A. M., of the High ploded, setting her clothes fire, not exceed 12,000 1:1,0»*) men, vitation i» extended to who «'oun'v are at his father's, Miss I.inna Erltik is her va- Crash everyb«>dy took vi«iting spending I/eomlnster. Ma«s., has been at «he was so burned that she died will lx> a long time before he receive Skirts, ► or County t oinmiwioncr, |«land. School, severely would like to go. Mr. lialen BUke's. cation at I