Alumni Register

Alumni Register

ALUMNI REGISTER CLASS OF 1860 I. Sarah M. Dunn (Mrs. Strickler), 5117 Marion St., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. T. h. s., Peoria, I yr.; same, Bloomington, I~ yrs.; private sch., Peoria, 2~ yrs. Married Walter Coffin Strickler, Aug. 19, 1862. 2. Elizabeth J. Mitchell (Mrs.. Christian), 509 E. Front St., Bloom­ ington. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 2 yrs.; same, Decatur, 2~ yl·s. Married Matthew L. Christian. Nov. 21, 1865. *3. Frances A. Peterson (Mrs. Gastman), died Feb. 27, 1863. T., 1. S. N . U., 2 yrs.; h. 5., Decatur, 6 mos. Married Enoch A. Gastman (See NO.5), July 25, 1862. *4- Mary. Frances Washburn (Mrs. Hull), died Aug. 19, 1882. T., Model Sch., LS.N.U., 1860-61. Married John Hull (See NO.9), April 3, 1862. 5. Enoch A. Gastman, supt pub. sch., Decatur. T. elem. sch., De­ catur, 1860-61'; prin. h. s., same, 1862-70; supt. pub. sch., same, 1862-1907; pres. Bd. of Man. James Millikin Univ., Decatur, 1906-07; member Bd. of Educ., 1. S. N . U., 1871-; pres., same, 1881-8g, 1902-. -Married Frances A. Peterson (See NO.3), July 25, 1862; m. Caroline S. Sargent, Aug. 24. 1864; m. Belle Hobbs (See No. 356), Dec. 25, 1905. *6. Peter Harper, died May 30, 1887. T. rural sch., I yr.; U. S. Army, 4 yrs.; member Louisiana Legislature and parish ju51ge. *7 Silas Hayes, died Feb. 3, 1907, 717 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal. T. pub. sch., EIPaso, 1 yr.; same, Fairview, I yr.; rural sch., 8 yrs. Mar­ ried Jane M. Cone, Nov. 14, 1861. *8. Joseph Gideon Howell, killed at fort Donelson, Feb. IS, 1862. T., Model Sch., I.S.N.U., 1 yr. ' 9. John Hull, 2009 State St, Milwaukee, Wis. Ill. Wesleyan Univ., A.M., 1876; prin. pub. sch., Salem, 1860-61; acting prof. math., 1. S. N . U., 1861-62; prin. h. s., Bloomington, 1862-64; member Bd. of Educ., Bloom­ ington,I866-6g; supt sch., McLean Co., 186g-75; prof. math., S.LS.N.U., Carbondale, 1875-83; supt, training dept., same, 1883-93; pres., same, 1892-93; pres. State Normal Sch., River Falls, Wis., 1893':94; founded The Schoolmaster, 1868. Married Mary Frances Washburn (See NO.4), April 3, 1862; m. Ann Catherine Anderson, June 14, 1895, who died Nov. 3, 1903. *10. Edwin Philbrook, died Feb. 4. 1890. Served in U.S. Army, 1861-65. T. sch. southern Ill;, :186g; same, Maroa, 186g-72; same, Sa­ betha, Kan., 1872-79; same, h. 5., Decatur, 1879-85. Married Ellen C. Pillsbury, May 9, 1871. CLASS OF 1861 *11. Sophie (Christ) Gill, died Nov., 1863. T. pub. sch., Greenview, I~ yrs. *12. Amanda A. Noyes, died Feb. 7, 1864. T. pub. sch., Jackson­ ville, 2 yrs. 252 SEMI-CEN'l'ENNIAL HIS'l'ORY 13. John Howard Burnham, contractor, Bloomington. Acting prin. Model Sch., I.'S. N . U., summer, 1861; 2 winters, Barrington; 1st Lt., Co. A, 33rd I ..V. Inf.; supt. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1863-64; editor, Bloomington Daily Pantagraph, 1865-67; director State Historical Society since organization, ISg9; pub. Hist. of Bloomington and Normal, 1879. Married Almira S. Ives, Jan. 23, 1866. 14- Harvey J. Dutton, grocer, 800 South St., Springfield, Mo. T., pub. sch., Cedar Co., Mo., 9 yrs; contrib. one chap. to Hist. of 33rd Ill. Vol. Inf., in which regiment he served 4 yrs, 3t mos. Married Louise V. Brinsden, Aug. 29, 1866. " IS. Aaron Gove, Denver, Colo. Adjutant 33rd 1. V. Inf.; prin. pub. sch., Rutland, 2 yrs.; same, Normal, 5 yrs.; supt. pub. sch., Denver, Colo., 1874-1904; edit. Ill. Teacher, *16. Moses I. Morgan, died, Cleveland, 0., April 10, ISg5. Enlisted 1861-63; prin. 3rd Ward Sch., Peoria, 1863-64; in army again, 1864-66. *17. Henry B. Norton, died June 22, 1885. T. Model Sch., I term; Warsaw, 1862-63; supt. sch., Ogle Co., 1864-65; State Normal Sch., Em­ poria, Kan., 1865-70, 1873-75; San Jose, Cat, Normal, 1876. 18. Peleg Remington Walker, supt. pub. sch., 716 N. Church St., Rockford. Served in army, 1862-65, promote4 from private to 1st Lt. and in command of company for more than a year; t. pub. sch., Creston, 1861- 62; prin., same, 1865-72; same, Rochelle, 1872-84; supt. pub. sch., Rock­ ford, 1884-; member Bd. of Educ., I. S. N . U., 1883-. Married Martha E. Webb, Aug. 16, 1865. Cr.ASS OF 1862 ! *19. Sarah E. Beers, died Oct. 6, 1900. T. Normal Center, 4 yrs.; h. s., Canton, 1866; private sch., same, 1868-83- 20. _Elizabeth Carleton, Home for Aged Women, 3200 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Asst. h. s., Griggsville, 10 yrs.; prin. colored sch., Hannibal, Mo., 1872; elem. and h. s., same, 10 yrs; Matron, Anna Brown Home for the Aged, Quincy, 8 yrs. 21. Helen Frances Grennell (Mrs. Guild), at home with daughter, Mrs. Oscar L. Pond,2204 Park Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Second asst. h. s., Peoria, 1862-64; 1st asst.. same, 1864-72; asst h. s., St. Louis, Mo., 1872- 74- Married Albert D. Guild, of Chicago, May 13, 1874 who died Ft.Wayne, Ind., Nov. 5, 1904. 22. Esther Maria Sprague (Mrs. Legg) T. Foster sch., 666 Washing­ ton Blvd., Chicago. Prin. intermed. dept., 4th Ward Sch., Peoria, 4' yrs.; prin. Model Sch., Normal Sch., Platteville, Wis., 1866-67; head asst., Kin­ zie Sch., Chicago, 6 yrs.; prin. Lincoln St. Sch., Chicago, 7 yrs.; present position, 1881-. 23. Emma M. Trimble (Mrs. Bangs), Donnellson. T. pub. sch., York, 1862-63; Washington, 1863-64; Lacon, 1864-65; Sparland, 1865-66; Lacon, 1866-67; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1885-87; prin., Fillmore, 1887-88 ; rural sch., Montgomery Co., 1888-90; Donnellson, ISgo-; post­ mistress, Hillsboro, 1877-81. Married Charles Lyman Bangs, Aug. II, 1862. t24-- Lorenzo Dow Bovee, farmer, Pagosa Springs, Kan. Enlisted 100th Ill. VoL Inf.,'1862; t. pub. sch., I yr. 25. James Frederick Ridlon, farmer and stock raiser, R. R. No.2, Gardner, Kan. Abingdon, Ill., 12 yrs.; lecturer to Bellflower Grange I I yrs.; Abingdon, 1802-63; Henderson, 1864; Monmouth, 1865-66; Law­ rence, Kan., 1866-67; 'Lanesville, Kan., I~; Kansas legislature. 186g- 70; De Soto Schools, 1871; taught winters tIll 1878; served in Ills. reg. during civil war. Married Mrs. Rachel Easdale, April, 1870. *26. Logan Holt Roots, died at Little Rock, Ark., May 30, ISg3. En­ listed, 1862; t. I yr. ILLINOIS STATE NORMAL UNIVERSITY. 253 CLASS OF 1863 *27. Mary Augusta Fuller, died April, 1881. T., Decatur, 7 yrs.; Magnolia, 3 yrs. 28. Sarah Jane Frances Gove (Mrs. Eugene Baldwin), Peoria. T., Granville, I yr.; Peoria, 2 yrs. 29. Abbie Ripley Reynolds (Mrs. Wilcox), Flora Home, Florida. St. Kindergarten Training Sch., St. Louis, Mo., 1881-82; prim. grades, Bloomington, 1863. Married Charles E. Wilcox, June 16, 1864. *30. Sarah Ann Hackett Stevenson, died, 1904- T. Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Mt. Morris; Sterling; physician, Woman's College, Chicago. t31. William Dennis Hall, 435 Oakley Ave., Chicago. T. Peoria, I yr.; Elmwood, I yr.; Clinton, 5 yrs.; LaSalle, 3 yrs.; Cent~alia, 2 yrs.; Farmer City, I yr. 32. Ebenezer Delon Harris, farmer, Lincoln, Neb. Cotn:er Christian Univ., near Lincoln, Neb., B. S., ISgI, M. S., ISg2; t. pub. sch., 1863-66; Nebraska, 1879-Sg; prin. prep. dept., Christian Univ., 1S8g-g4; enlisted U. S. Army, 1861. Married Sarah E. Worden, Normal, Dec. 24, 1865. *33. John Henry Thompson, died, 1869. T. EIPaso, 1 yr.; Charles­ ton, I yr.; Kansas, 1~ yrs. CLASS OF 1864 34 .. Harriet E. Dunn, sec. of faculty, State Normal Sch., Los An­ geles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 1864-72; h. s., Carrollton, 1872-73; h. s., Bloomington, 1873-75; prin., same, 1875-83; same, Nevada City, Cal., 1883-84; present position, 1884-. *35. Anna P. Grennell (Mrs. William Hatfield), died, Feb. 14, 1902. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, I yr.; Peoria, 2 yrs. 36. Edith Theodosia Johnson (Mrs. Morley), Springfield, Vt. T. h. s., Aurora, 1864-65; supt. prim. Model Sch., 1. S. N . U ., 1865-68; Bon­ ham's Sem., St. Louis, Mo., 1868-70. Married Rev. John H. Morley, LL.D., Oct. 12, 1871. *37. Isabella Moore, died Jan. 14, 1888. T. pub. sch., Bloomington, 4 yrs.; Cairo, I yr.; rural sch., 3 yrs.; Perry, 2 yrs. t38. Harriet E. Stewart. Address unknown. T39. George W. Colvin, Los Angeles, Cal. T. pub. sch., Atlanta, 2 yrs.; Pontiac, 2 yrs; Pekin, 12 yrs. 40. Lyman B. Kellogg, lawyer, Emporia, Kan. Pres. Kan. State Normal Sch., 7 yrs. *41. Philo A. Marsh, died April 5, 1887. T. Magnolia, I yr. CLASS OF 1865 42. Olinda M. Johnson (Mrs. Nichols), 19B Walnut St., Aurora. T. West Aurora, 1865-68. Married Newell F. Nichols, Feb. 4, 1869. 43. Almenia C. Jones, Canton. T. pub. sch., Pekin, 2 yrs.; Lewis­ town, 2 yrs.; Canton, 15 yrs.; clerk and bookkeeper, 22 yrs. *44- Lucinda J. Stannard (Mrs. A. O. Johnson), died Feb. 20, 1902. T. pub. sch., Centralia, I yr.; Chartest~n, 3 yrs.; St. Cloud, Minn., I yr.; Ft. Smith, Ark., 4 yrs. 45. Bandusia Wakefield, Point Loma, Cal. Asst. in Model Sch., 1.S.N.U., 1864-71; prin. h. s., Winterset, Ia., 1871-73; prin. h. s., Em­ poria, Kan., 1873-74; same, Farmington, 1874; h. s., Bloomingt60, 1875; gram. and arith., 1. S. N . U., 1875-81. 254 SEMI-CENTENNIAL HISTORY 46. Thomas Jonathan Burrill, vice-pres. and prof. of botany, Univ. of IlL, Urbana. St. Northwestern Univ., A. M., 1876; Univ. of Chicago, Ph.D., 1882; Northwestern, LL. D., ISg3; supt. pub. 5ch., Urbana, 1805- 68; Univ. of Ill., 1868-date. Married Sarah Helen Alexander, Seneca Falls, N.

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