AT FAU's '9--Fr"4( NIGHT RANGER CONCERT!! the SG Program
OPINION FEATUREs ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS What is A true story Best Seller See NBA SGPB?, about El Salvador, movie review. at FAU, page 6,7 page 8 page 14 page 20 Vol. 64 No. 10 Atlantic Sun Qdobc"r 28. 1987 The weekly student publication 0/ florida Atlantic University hiefhbooked Profs English under review ST£VE SPENC£ faculty "",mben who have pr0 " mceunR lhis sununer. sa>d G<tR STAFF WRITER blems.·· S'-'p alIid. Hull-Ryd<:. the FSA'$ V;CCUII'-C ··Eval".""., (of spoken direuor. on c arges An a<lnuniotnl>on tqJOr1 on the En&li$h) is suppmcd 10 be .. poi" "TIIey fell thou th<: rules requlr stat<: law requiring inslru<:oors '" IU KkETSCIIMAR s.eahng book. from Ihe WI< eval.... he ,ng English pro.",iency we..,n·1 speak undensandable En,:li,h of annual ';O":· .,.1.fT WRITER hbraty personal boob. Lasl said. bein.. carried ...... 10 llw leu.....:' ....kI be senl 10 lb<: vi.e<: ~. Sundaly n,ghl (Ocl. II) be S1ale Hun·Ryde saKi. Do.tamous Iibnry boolo: lhic:f denl of academic .ffa,n Ih.. Accord',,&10 ,he "p«!lJl£n., if more bookJ and ., 10'30 a.m. the..., ;$ any doubl "bout an in· Earlier this ~... Mudenl &o;aI1) been appod"'",dcd week•• member of lhIo ad hoe FAU pobce atTeSICd Mich;lcI Monday momma he wu al lhe suuctor'$ ablilly 10 be undcl'$lClOd go..ernrroenos ,",,<0$1 lbe Male commntoe in......ullaf". the pr0 .-and chJITg<'d bini ......h ~.., ........'na '0 sell them pba:d a,:I>'<:ftiso<:~in Umver_ blem said.
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