
Hands up, who ever played a Game where you could change your ? Grand Theft Auto, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Final Fantasy etc. the list goes on. You can visit the in game and turn your short buzzcut into the longest possible. Don’t like it? No worries! Just change it into another haircut instantly. Oh if this would only be possible in real life right?

Tired of ? Try out a new crew cut, but if you don’t like it you can instantly restore your long hair. The dream! Well due to biologically reasons this is obviously not possible...but is it?

Let me guys tell you a story about Lyle Avett, an avid gamer and streamer, with a conventional Caeser hair cut, decided he wanted a new style. So he went to his local barber shop, scrolled through the books of different the barber had in his waiting room and requested one of the following styles: The Blonde , The Shaggy Dog or long Hair number 3.

Now the problem is Avett had as mentioned above so the barber politely told him that he wouldn’t be able to give him one of these haircuts. This is when Avett lost his plot. He called the hairstylist names and questioned the capability of her skills.

After arguing for a while the hairstylist convinced him to get a buzzcut which ultimately he didn't liked that much after being the cut on him and so he asked for his old haircut to be restored. Oh lordy.

So maybe we shouldn’t worry to much about video games turning our kids into serial killers but more so worried about the fact that they think a haircut is only a button press away and you can change it into everything you want.

Anyway I hope you didn’t mind this little bit of an ice breaker for this article, let’s have a look at Gamers that actually understood the hairdressing game and what haircut they sport. 1. Tfue https://secure-mediaproxy.kicker.de/v3/image/mediadb.kicker.de/IdentityFilter/quality85/news/ 1000/1020/10005/10071/artikel04/1049898/vertragtfue_800x600-1558530747.jpg

Chances are high you know about Tfue even if you’re not that much into gaming. He is arguably one of the most famous streamer out there and is therefore a self made millionaire. You can also see that despite being a full-time gamer he still rocks a decent looking haircut that doesn't really fit into the greasy sweaty gamer cliche.

2. Cizzorz https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1142522594865766402/7FqNciQt_400x400.jpg

Cizzorz is another twitch streamer who rose to mainstream fame thanks to the popular game . He sports a bit of a longer heavier haircut. Fashionable and stylish aswell as easy to maintain the perfect stretch between gaming all night and still be able to go outside and look great!

3. Nickmercs https://www.metaramafestival.com/wp-www-metaramafestival-com/wp/wp-content/uploads/ 2019/06/nickmercs-4660ec1b.jpg

Nickmercs sports a great looking buzzcut that makes him look a bit of a bad boy. He also plays aggressively so that kinda fits his gaming style aswell! 4. Aydan https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0012/6333/7530/files/Fortnite-Headshots_Aydan_1000x.png? v=1541106640

Aydan is one of the few controller pro Fortnite gamers and rose to fame because of that. He also rocks a decent haircut that could also be worn by any none gamer related person. Who said again that gamers all look like they never see the sun light?

5. Ninja https://image.redbull.com/rbcom/052/2018-06-18/ cae41691-8bcb-4d6d-8c0e-43310f90dba9/0012/0/188/0/1628/3200/2600/1/fortnite-battle-royale- ninja-blevins.jpg

Be real here, you know who this guy is. He is a multimillionaire, loved by millions of people, the face of a whole generation, his mercy gets sold in Walmart and he regularly plays with Star Dj Marshmello. His name is Tyler Bevins and he is a self-made millionaire gamer. His haircut is a bit out of the norm but inspired so many young children to also rock colored hair that it is almost mainstream again. 6. Shroud

https://scontent-dus1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/ t31.0-8/12377999_602651286578698_3983251290447123143_o.jpg? _nc_cat=105&_nc_oc=AQkO7f4ZKlJ3RFdLlcnegd6iSS6KhDRVKDQUlAoLGf376RFVvBwcq- mCu1haoiwZpFyq-RqnaMyGsncY5wa40g1K&_nc_ht=scontent- dus1-1.xx&oh=5bc6f78128ca6049cee0733ee32cdd08&oe=5DA0645B

Shroud won over 226 thousand doller in prize money for his gaming efforts but his actual net worth i way higher due to partnerships and twitch donations aswell as youtube ad revenue. He likes to keep his hairstyle simply with a french top with faded sides. Stylish yet simple.

7. Sodapoppin http://storage.googleapis.com/wcd-craft/assets/img/poster/thomas_sodapoppin_morris. 1440601335.wvideo_preview.jpg

Sodapoppin is mostly known for his World of Warcraft streams that attract thousands of viewers per stream. As for his haircut he likes to keep it simple by rocking an easy to do mop cut.

8. SypherPK https://www.famousbirthdays.com/faces/ali-sypher-image.jpg

Another famous Twitch streamer, SypherPK sports a with faded sides. 9. DrDisrespect https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/InRpzQ9UU5DcnJ6f08in6VkVw5c=/ 0x0:2048x2048/1820x1213/filters:focal(835x377:1161x703)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/ chorus_image/image/64657039/guy_beahm_dr_disrespect_1.0.jpg

Have you heard of DrDisrespect? Chances are high that you heard of his recent controversy where he filmed in an public bathroom if not don’t worry just have a look at his haircut. Who would have thought that he is a full-time gamer and streamer?

10. DrLupo https://media.comicbook.com/2019/07/drlupo-time-magazine-1179024.jpeg? auto=webp&width=696&height=390&crop=696:390,smart

DrLupo is a gamer and a dad, his haircut is more dad than gamer like don’t you agree?

11. Nate Hill https://s3.amazonaws.com/media-ima002.globaltalentsystems.com/ 3746/500/3746_889899-92746-7-19-2017-7505.jpg

Nate Hill is not only gamer but also model as you might be able to tell from this picture. 12. FaZe Tilt https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7_oJNOenxK912niN1ldiF8OIVw1GdHzGczAsw=s900-mo-c- c0xffffffff-rj-k-no

FaZe clan is an esport team like Real Madrid is a soccer club and Tilt one of their athletes sports this great haircut.

13. Nick Eh 30 https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1101608329976168448/iLX6Yv33.png

Nick is most famous for his Fortnite Streams on Youtube but has also serious skill in the game. He likes to keep his hair simply and is rocking a buzzcut for at least the last 2 years.

14. High Distortion https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/646001194687700992/T460wA1a.jpg

Jimmy or better known as High Distortion is the first player that achieved 100.000 kills in the popular game Fortnite. His shaved head compliments his face perfectly 10 out of 10 style points. 15. FaZe Avxry https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/b46c1be7a8235a22353dd42964de2b81/5DB78AC8/ t51.2885-15/e35/c34.0.1011.1011a/ s480x480/56462846_2396039997097292_380228284331095793_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent- sea1-1.cdninstagram.com

Another FaZe Clan athlete that stands out with his blond dyed top hair while the sides are in his natural brown.

16. Preston (TBNRFrags) https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/youtube/images/0/07/Preston.jpg/revision/latest? cb=20181022082618

Preston might not be that much of a pro player but he won the hearts of his millions of fans by his entertaining gameplay videos. His haircut brought him many female fans aswell.

17. Liquid Poach https://www.prosettings.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Poach-Liquid-250x350.jpg

Poach is another professional gamer who is currently on the top ranks in Fortnite. If you would see him on the street you would probably not think about him as an 24/7 gamer.

18. Liquid 72hrs https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4n98Sqo4x6g/maxresdefault.jpg

Another Fortnite professional Tom aka 72hrs is sporting and french top. Stylish. 19. Crayator https://www.instagram.com/p/BzmGb9XlFjX/

Cray an self proclaimed australian ladies men is entertainer and gamer. We can defnietly see that the ladies would like him with that impressive combined with his stylish haircut.

20. KingRichard https://www.gamelife.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/NRG-KingRichard-Apex-Legends-PC- Settings-Profile-Fortnite-Player-.jpg

KingRichard currently one of the best Apex Legends players could also be mistaken for a soccer player since they often like to sport blond colored top hair.

20. Marcel Lutz https://www.pz-news.de/cms_media/module_img/ 4739/2369935_1_articledetail_59de8a1347faa.jpg

Marcel Lutz is one of the best Fifa Players out there, with his beard stubbles and crew neck cut he could also be mistaken for actually playing soccer.

21. TSM_Bjergsen https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/TSM-bjergsen-2015Summer.jpg/ 500px-TSM-bjergsen-2015Summer.jpg

Bjergsen is one of the League Of Legends Proplayers.

Conclusion: With the gaming scene getting more and more attention in the mainstream media world I think it is safe to say that it is about time to waive the idea of the in basement sitting never sun light seeing gamers. Nowadays it is more a dream profession to become a professional gamer where you not only need gaming skills but also be active on the socials aswell as an media events therefore you will put more thoughts into your styling and so your haircut.