BARNSLEY AND DISTRICT U3A Internet: Barnsley U3A / Charity no. 1077654 Send info. and photos to:
[email protected] 1 Well, this is not the message that I expected to be writing for this Summer Buzz. It was going to be full of my enthusing over the arrangements for our part in the National U3A Day due to take place on 3rd June, but as we all know, the Coronavirus outbreak has put paid to all that and just about everything else U3A related for the time being at least. As I write this message, we have no idea when things might get back to normal and when some or all of our activities might be able to start up safely again. These decisions will have to be judged as the present restrictions are relaxed and, for insurance purposes, we will await advice from our National colleagues on our options. In the meantime, I hope that all our members are coping with the social-distancing and potential isolation that the Government rules require of our age group. If there is any positive coming from all this, it has to be the way that many of our members and groups are rallying round and keeping the interaction going. Many have found new ways of talking to each other, either individually or in groups, with a good number now using the range of video conferencing options which most of us didn’t know existed before the close-down. I have been heartened by the examples shown of groups meeting regularly by video on ‘Zoom’, ‘Messenger’ and ‘WhatsApp’.