Oxford St Manchester: Tel 0161 238 7071 TravelWatch Email:
[email protected] Website: www.travelwatch-northwest.org.uk Correspondence address 11 Harvelin NORTHWEST Park, Todmorden, OL14 6HX promoting quality public transport.......... THE NORTH WESTs WEAKEST LINK RAIL STATIONS Building on the governments stations champions report: TravelWatch NorthWests investigations & recommendations Editor: LILLIAN BURNS FeBruary 2010 North West Public Transport Users Forum Community Interest Company trading as TravelWatch NorthWest Company No. 6181713 Registered Office: 2 Park House Drive, Heversham, Cumbria LA7 7EG The North Wests Weakest Link major rail stations: TW NWs investigations & recommendations TRAVELWATCH NORTHWEST MISSION STATEMENT AND AIMS TravelWatch NorthWests mission statement is as follows: Facilitating an integrated and seamless quality public transport network for North West England The vision of TravelWatch NorthWest (TW NW) is to champion the interests of public transport users in the North West so that the network can become: x Accessible to everyone x Affordable and socially inclusive x Available where and when it is needed x Acceptable to all x Attractive to users Key objectives are: 1 To give users a platform to express their concerns and needs 2 To contribute to the development of regional transport strategies 3 To produce influential best practice reports based on evidence 2 The North Wests Weakest Link major rail stations: TW NWs investigations & recommendations CONTENTS Page Paras Foreword 4 - 5 1.0 - 1.4 Extract/ key recommendations from Better Stations report 6 2.0 - 2.5 Introduction 7 3.0 - 3.4 Recommendations of TravelWatch NorthWest 8 4.0 - 4.6 Individual assessments of the Weakest Link stations: The Station Champions priorities for investment in the N.W.