
(economic policy) colonists provide Great Britain with raw materials (cotton, wood, etc.) and Great Britain would manufacture (make) the products (clothes) and ship them to the colonies for sale. Colonists could only trade with Britain and NOT the French, Spanish, or Dutch. an example of Mercantilism French and Indian War (1763)

British, colonists, and some Native Americans vs. French and some Native Americans. The British won and gained control of trade in the English colonies and parts of Canada. French and Indian War (1763) Economic Policies after the French and Indian War In order to pay off war debt Britain taxed the colonists. After the French & Indian War


Battle cry of the colonists because they were taxed by Parliament but did not have a representative in Parliament. “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” Parliament British government that makes laws for Great Britain and the 13 colonies. Proclamation of 1763 Colonists cannot move west of the Appalachian Mountains. of 1764

Tax passed by Parliament on all products containing sugar. Quartering Act Colonists were forced to house British soldiers. That meant the colonists had to house and feed them. Stamp Act

Tax from Parliament on all legal and commercial documents. Ex: newspapers, cards, etc. Samuel Adams

Founder of the Sons of Liberty and organized the . Sons of Liberty Group organized by Samuel Adams that took violent action against the British. Ex: they feathered soldiers. Boston Massacre of 1770 5 colonists were shot and killed by British soldiers. Townsend Acts

Taxes by Parliament on glass, paper, lead, and tea. These acts allowed soldiers to search colonial homes with a (writ of assistance) in order to find smuggled goods.

Parliament says all tea must be purchased from Great Britain. Boston Tea Party (1773) Colonists dressed as Indians dumped British tea into the ocean. (1774)

British response to the Boston Tea Party. They blocked off the Boston harbor until all the tea from tea party was paid for. 1st Continental Congress Group of colonists who joined together and banned all trade with England. They also urged the colonies to organize militias.