/Tenth Series, Vol. VI, Second Session, 1991/1913 (Saka)]

No. 3, Monday, November 2 5 ,1991/Agrahayana 4,1913 (Saka)


Members Sworn 1

Obituary Reference 1-2

Oral Answers to Questions: 2-36

‘ Starred Question Nos. 41 to 45

Written Answers to Questions: 37-655

Starred Question Nos. 46 to 60 37-70

Unstarred Question Nos. 432 to 502, 70-644 504 to 596, 598 to 660

Papers Laid on the Table 655

Calling Attention to matter of 655-688 urgent Public Importance

Strike by Service Doctors

Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri 655-656


Shri M.L. Fotedar 656-667

Shri Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri 673-674

Shri Dilip Singh Bhuria 674-675

Shri R. Surender Reddy 675-676

Shri Madan Lai Khurana 676-679

Statement by Minister 668-695

Cauvery Water Dispute

*The sign -i- marked above the name of a Member Indicates that the questnn was actually asked on the fkwr of the House by that Member. (»)


Matters Under Rule 377 695-700

(i) Need to diagnose causes of falling 695-696 oil production in the country and take remedial measures to step up its production

Shri Gopi Nath Gajapathi

(It) Need to review the decision of 696-697 Government to deduct income- tax at source on interest of Rs. 2500/- and above

Shri A. Charles

(lii) Need to ensure adequate and 697 timely supply of LPG in hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh

Shri Balraj Passi

(iv) Need for dredging of Vatrak and 697-698 Shedhi rivers of Kaira district of Gujarat to avoid fk>od situation created by these rivers

Dr. K.D. Jeswani

(v) Need to early constructbn of proposed 698-099 bridge on river Yamuna in Allahabad

Shrimaii Saroj Dut>ey

(vi) Need to provide LPG deatorship to 699-700 co-operative Consumers* Society Ltd., Jaipaiguri

Shri Jitendra Nalh Das

Need to reconsider proposal to 700 deliver letters in mail boxes located on ground floors akme in high rise buydings in Bombay

Shri Shmad Dighe

(VM) Heed fm^ide r^ief to peoph 700 affected by fioodt tn TamH Nadu and Andtira Pradesh (iii)


3b), 1991-92 Confd 701-758

Shri Hari Kishore Singh 701-707

Shri Sharad Dighe 707-710

Shri Indrajit Qupta 710-716

Shri Ajoy MiAhopadhyay 716-721

Prof. Prem Dhumai 721-729

Shri Oharampal Singh Malik 729-738

Shri Chitia Basu 736-741

Shri Ram Naiit 741-742

Shri Sribaliav Panigrahi 743-749

Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 749-752

Shri Basu Deb Acharia 752-754

Shri MuttuI Balkrishna Wasnik 754-758


LOK SABHA ades forthe welfare and upliftment of weaker sectk}ns of the society.

Shri Parmai Lai passed away on 12 Monday November 25, 1991/4 Agrahay- November. 1991 at New Delhi. ana, 1913 (Saka) We deeply mourn the kiss of this friend and I am sure the House will join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved The Lok Sabha met at family. Eleven of the Clock The House may now stand in silence for (MR. SPEAKER in the Chaii] a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased.

MEMBER SWORN ( The Members then stood in silence for a short while.) Ra jasek ha r ReddyShri Y .S . Rajasekhar ReddyShri (Cuddapah). 11.03 hrs 11.01 hrs ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English] [English] OBITUARY REFERENCE Power Projects In Madhya Pradesh MR.SPEAKER: Honourable Members, I have to inform the House of th»ead demise •41. SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH of one of our former colleagues, Shri Parmai THAKUR; Will the Minister of POWER Lai. AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: Shri Parmai Lai was a Member of Sixth Lok Sabha during 1977-79 from Hardoi (a) the number of power projects ap­ constituency of Uttar Pradesh. In 1989 gen­ proved during the last three years in the eral Elections, he was simultaneously elected country; both to the Ninth Lok Sabha and the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly from Hardoi (b) whether the projects in Madhya district. He, however, chose to retain the Pradesh have been given priority whfo Assembly seat and resigned from the according approval; and membership of Lok Sabha. Earlier also he had been a Member of Uttar Pradesh Legis­ (c) if so, the details thereof? lative Assembly during 1962-67 and 1969- 74. [Translation]

Shri Parmai Lai ably served on the State THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Council of Ministers. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON­ VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHW An active social and political worker, he KALP NATH RAI) (a) to (c). A sttdemeni hi worked vigorously for more than two dec­ laM on the Table of the House. STATEMENT to projects submitted by a particular State. The schemes submitted by States are ex­ (a) During the last three years viz. 1988- amined and approved by the Central Gov­ 89.1989-90 and 1990-91.36 powerprojects ernment on their techno-economic merits. in the country have been accorded Govern­ ment sanction. The details of projects sanctioned for (b) and (c). The Central Government Madhya Pradesh during the last three years does not accord any preferential treatment and during 1991-92 are as under:-

* S.No. Name of Project Capacity (MW)

1. Sanjay Gandhi Extn. Unit-3 & 4 2X210

2. Pench Unit-1 « 2 2X210

3. Korba West UnH-5 & 6 2X210

Mr. Speaker, Sir, it has been said during as you have asked it, I would like to submit the last three years viz. 1988-89, 1989-90 that during 1988-89, 89-90^90-91 hydel and 1990-91^36 power projects have been projects of 4, 289 MW. 2327 MW. 14. 789 cleared and granted approval. This approval MW and 1240 MW capacity respectively is accorded after techno-economic daar- were approved. During the last three years ance is given by Central Electricity Authority 36 projects were accorded sanctions and through Planning Commission, hto discrimi­ among those 36 projects, three projects of nation is done to any state. Power projects 1260 MW capadty each were for Madhya can b* set up in those places where water, Pradesh k>ut due to financial constraints coal and other inputs are easfly available. implementatton of these projects couM not The Slate Governments are competent to be started. The Sanjay Gandhi expansion accord approval to the small projects involv- project of 2X210 M. Watts capacity Pench k\g expenditure upto Rs. 25 crore and the unit of 2X 210 Megawatt capacity and Korba Central Government approves the big proj­ west Unit of 2 X 210 Megawatts capacity are ects involving more than Rs. 25 crores. under consUeration in Madhya Pradesh but these schemes are lying pending due to SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH financial constraints. THAKUR; Mr. Speaker, Sir, as per my infor­ mation nearly 14 projects are pending with SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH the SUtte GovL I would like to know form the T>IAKUR: Sir. the hon. Minister is requested hon. Minister wtiether they are adequate in to inform us about the time by whk;h the view of the population and area of Madhya remaining 14 projects will be completed. Pr»tosh and also whether any project is pending with the states Govt, and also the names of the projects which would be com­ SHRI KALPNATH RAI: Mr Speaker. Sir. pleted in 1992, the investment proposed to some schemes are implemented by the state be made on them and the action proposed to Governments and some projects are in the be taken on the pending power projects, Central Sector and for exension of those projects Central Government is responsble. SHRI KALPNATH RAI; Mr. Speaker. As such it is the responsibility of the State Sir, I have afreac^r^>lied to his question, but Government to compete the projects in their Ora! Answ&rs AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Oral Answers 6

respective states after sanction has been [English] accorded to them. Varadan Committee on Electronic DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: Mr. Media Speaker, Sir, the Hon Minister as has told that the three projects of Madhya Pradesh *42. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: are pending due to financial constraints. I SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: would like to know whether there is any proposal to provkie financial aki to the State Willthe Minister of INFORMATION AND by the Centra! Government and if so, the BROADCASTING be pleased to state: amount and time whk:h it will be made available. Is it afact that the Gk>vemment has (a) whether the Vardan Committee on approved a Gas based power project at electronic media has submitted its report to Bhander (Madhya Pradesh) and if so, the the Government; and latest position of this project? (b) if so. the main reoommendatk>ns of the Committee and the reaction of the Gov> SHRI KALPNATH RAI: Mr. speaker, emment thereto? Sir, some projects are entrusted to the Central sector and some to the State sector. Owing TH E D EPUTY MINISTER IN TH E to financial constraints the Private Sector MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND partfcipation had to be albwed and pench BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): Projects is under private sector .The second (a) Yes. Sir. issue is regarding the Bhander Gas projects whk:h is still under conskieratbn of the (b) The main recommendatbns of the Government but it has not been accorded Committee are given in the Statement at­ techrK>-economk: clearance and Planning tached. The Report is being examined by Commission has also not cleared it because Government. of non-availability of fuel linkage. STATEMENT

SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Mr. Speaker. Main Recommendations of the Inter- Sir, I woukj like to know the quantum of Departmental Committee on Introducing shortage of electrcity in Madhya Pradesh Competition in the Electronic media and about remaining three power projects. Apart from the project that has been given to The Com mittee acknowledges the need the private sector. I would to know the for introducing competitbn in the etectronk: time by whfch funds will be provWed to the media. remaining two projects. These two projects are the responsibility of State Government 2. The Committee has feted out the or Central Government or only Central various optk>ns available to the government Government and would you kindly teW us for introducing competitbn, rar^king them in aboirt the time by whic^ funds will be pro- the foflowing order of prbrity: vWed for the completbn of these projects.

(a) Setting of new TV/ SHRI KALPNATH RAI: Mr. Spea^er.Sir. Radk> channels ^ re­ these two projects are under conskieration gional broadcast maybe of State Government and since the State allowed in the dtfferent Government has to finance the entire proj­ parts of the country sut>- ect. only they can throw some l^ht on this ject to viability d opera­ subject. tions including suitat>le linkage for inter-regional monopoly over information sources sug­ network. gested.

(b) Second channel of Door- 6. Preference may be given to public darshan in the four metro­ bodies like Universities, cooperative insti- politan cities and addi­ tutk>ns, etc. in the matter of grant of Ibence tional radio channels in­ in their area of operation. cluding FM stations wher­ ever available may also 7. Guidelines for programmes spelt out. simultaneously be leased e.g. advertisements to conform to the ad­ out to suitable licensees vertisement code of AIR/Doordarshan, no after passage of suitable programme to offend the religious senti­ legislatbn. ments of any group, be prejudicial to the sovereignty and integrity of , etc. or infringe the provisions of the Copyright Act. (c) Permission may be given to one agency or consor­ 8. System of quality rating and proce­ tium to set up a series of dure for redressal of complaints suggested. transmitters in the coun­ try (This option will rank 9. he Broadcasting Council of India be only next to the optbn at vested, through suitable legislation, with (a) above). the functions of licensing, monitoring of programmes, quality rating and redressal (d) Leasing out a particular of complaints. time chunk form existing TV/Radb channels is not 10. New legislatbn to govern the setting recommended. up and operation of additional broadcast channels be enacted. (e) Option of licensees leas­ ing a transponder on a SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: Mr. Speaker. satellite is appropriate for Sir, I am disappointed with the last sen­ developmental or educa­ tence of the reply given by the Minister, viz. tional telecast and may Th e Report is being examined by Govern- beconsklered by Govern­ ment*. The House has expect^ a well- ment when spare seg­ thought-out plan of actbn today and not an ment on satellite becomes answer merely saying that the report is availabte. being examined. I say this because this is a matter in whbh time is the essence. Al­ 3. Selectbn of agencies for grant of ready, the media is under considerable licence should be done by an independent assault from the skies, by the CNN, by the agency which couW be called Broadcasting Star TV and through the Star TV. by the Coundl and be comprised of eminent pub­ BBC. Unless we take immediate actbn, we lic men with unimpeachable probity. will be at a very great disadvantage and Doordarshan will become totally irrelevant. The Doordarshan will become to tally irrele­ 4. Organisatk>ns eligible to receive li­ vant. cences shouW be public limited companies w^h major interest groups concerned with My first questbn is. m the government broadcasnng represented in management determined to bring necessary legblatbn and with open access to shareholding. in this Sessbn itself or are we going to repeat what we did about pirated vedb 5. Cross Media restrictions to avoki cassettes when we brought in tegislatbn Ora! Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 10

three years late and as a result lakhs of THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE pirated cassettes were available all over MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND the country. My first questbn is about the BROADCASTING (SHRI AJfT KUMAR timing of the Government plan of action. PANJA): Sir, there has not been any inordi­ nate delay on the part of the Government, KUMARIGIRUA VYAS: Sir. I must admit h assumed power on 24th June. Immedi­ that the legislation should not be brought in ately, what has happened to the Prasar haste because this is not a simple issue. Bharati Act was kx>ked into. It was found Regarding other question, is it possible for that although the bill was passed by this us to bring legislation in this Session itself, House the notificatbn was not issued by I wish to submit that things have changed the previous Government. There was no now. Unfortunately or fortunately the CLN politrcal directbn in respect of that but the has come up. We are preparing for Prasar departmental officers continued to on it. In Bharati also. We belive that all the things the mean time certain other things like the should come with a reasonable thinking. Cable TV, public corporation, use of trans­ ponder by foregin television as rightly stated Sir, I should admit that this is the issue by the senbr hon. Member came in. which pertains to everybody in this country. So, I may assure the House that we will sit So, on 3rd September, Vardan Commit­ with the leaders of all the parties before we tee was formed. This inter-ministerial eight come up with that legislation. members Committee submitted a report on 24th October, 1991. The department of SHRILAL K. AD VAN I: Mr. Speaker, Sir. Information and broadcasting after exam­ this Committee was appointed because of ining this Committee’s Report sent it to the the urgency of the matter. It was appointed Prime Minster’s Office on the 4th Novem­ specifically to see that this Government ber, 1991. The Prime Minister‘s offbe has does not tx)lt the Cable doors only after the suggested that we must take up Prasar House has bolted it. But exactly it is going Bharati to CCPA. Regarding these four to do the same thing. Reply given by the aspects-the prasar Bharati Cable TV. Pubib Minister tells us very frankly that the Gov­ Corporation and use of transponder for ernment is totally at a loss as to how to face foreign programmes - which have come in, this kind of situation. I am of the view that we have prepared a compact note. There both on the one hand competitbn should be has not been a moment’s delay. The Vara- permitted and on the other hand regulatory dan Committee went around all over India, measures also should be undertaken. This h talked with the persons who shouki their kind of total freedom that is given to this intentbns or who wished to partbipate in media is going to play havoc with our own publb corporatbns. The experts who gave social structure, social norms and social their thoughts or articles were also given a values. Therefore, Joshi Committee’s rec­ full hearing. We thought that we will be able ommendations, whrch were made in re­ to bring something in this Sessbn. In fact spect of soft wares for TV also should not be eight Departments of the Government of regarded as irrelevant. India are involved for making h a compad package. I wouki assure this House that we My corresponding question is what does are examining this matter. Honestly, I woub the Government propose to do about the say that we have done a bt of work within Prasar Bharati Act whk:h also has been this perbd. We will also be consulting the pending for nearly a year now. We passed Leaders of the Opposition and other Par­ it unanimously here in which Congress ties and thereafter we will come forward Party was also the party. So. I would like to with a legislatbn in this regard. know what does the Government propose to do about that and also about the Broad* PROF, K.V. THOMAS: Sir. the hon. casting Council. Minister was in Kerala in connectbn with 11 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Oral Answers 12

the Children's Rim Festival at Trivandrum. (c) whether the Government prc^^ose to The Kerala Government and other organi­ give compensatbn to the next of the kin of sations in Kerala have requested the hon. the deceased and whether any actbn has Miniver to make avaMable the Second been taken against the manufacturers of Channel when ft becx>mes operatbnal for •Sura’; TV telecast in Kerala. (d) if so, the details thereof; MR. SPEAKER: Does it come out of this question? (e) whether any demand has been made for a judicial inquiry into the incident and if PROF. KV. THOMAS: No, Sir. The so, the reactbn of the Government thereto; Varadan Committee had recommended that and when the Second Channel becomes op- eratfonal for the regbnal telecast, prefer­ (f) the steps taken or proposed to be ence should be given to States which are taken to avoid recurrence such inci­ far off. dents?

S H R IA JIT KUMAR PANJA: Sir. a rep- THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE resentatbn was made about the Second MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AF­ Channel. But. as the hon. Members of the FAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE House know that the conceptbn of Second MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS ( SHRI Channel was to cover only the metropolitan M.M. JACOB): (a) to (f). A statement is lab dties. on the Table of the House.

SofarasTrivandrumisconcemed, Local STATEMENT channel can be consk:lered and through the F ^ b n a l Channel, 70 per cent of Kerala Reports were received that several hd& already been covered. It b not through persons have been admitted to a hospital SaleWiXe but through Mbro-Wave System. in Delhi for treatment for unkrK>wn poison. Inquiries revealed that dl of them had Therefore, the questx>n of Second consumed an Ayurvedb medbine called” Channel to Kerala is already within the Karpoor Asav’. Inquiries by Delhi Police poficy i»d down by the Government showed that this drug was manufactured by M ia , Of course, there is a beat channel a firm called Karnal Pharmacy wfuch hsKi its swaite^. we shaH certainly examine that. unit at Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh. The factory was seabd by Delhi Polbe on Deaths in Delhi After Consuming * Sura* 7.11.91 with the assistance of the kx:al Police and all tts stocks seized. Immedi- *43. SHRI TARACHAND KHAN- atoly the Delhi Polbe impounded all beetles DELWAL: of ‘ Sura’ in the market SHRI K,H. MUNIYAPPA:

Wilt the K/Rnister d HOME AFFAIRS be 2. Samples of the suprbus dmg were pleased to state: analysed and found to contain methyl abo- hol. Three of the proprietors erf the firm have been an'ested abngwith the main distribu­ (a) whether a large number of persons tors and one of the proprietors is abscond­ died and many were taken serbus^ ill in ing. A case under sectbns 284/304IPC has D ^ i recently after cor^uming *Sura’ botttod been registered against the manufaK:tur- by Karpoor Asav Ptiarmacy, Karnal; ers. 93 persons have been arrested so far in the extensive rabs carried out in Delhi (b) if so, the number thereof; 337 criminal cases have been registered. 13 Orat Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 14

13 shops of Ayurvedic medidnd have been with the Instructbns issued by the Health sealed. Ministry. The Delhi Administratbn has also get up a Committee to folbw-up the rakJs 3. So far 199 persons have died and 63 conducted by the Delhi Polbe and the Delhi are presently admitted In hospitals. 77 Excise Department andthe Drug Controller persons were discharged after treatment of Delhi. and 6 who were admitted in the hospital had left on their own against medical advice. [Translation]

4. Inquiries revealed that the delinquent SHRI TARACHAND KHANDELWAL: unit. M/s. Kama! Pharmacy, had earlier Mr. Speaker, Sir, the reply given by the hon. t)een given a manufacturing licence by the Minister is not satisfactory and has not Directorate of Ayurvedic and Unani Medi­ given full facts. In his reply he has sab that cines of the Government of Uttar Pradesh. 199 persons have bst their lives in the Further inquiries showed that the licence of liquor tragedy but according to the authen- theunitwasnotrenewedafter31.12.1988. tb report available with us the liquor trag­ edy has claimed 243 lives and 56 persons 5. An ex-gratia assistance of Rs. 10,000/ have become blind. 30 persons left the - to the next-of-kin of each deceased and hospital without permissbn of the hospital Rs. 5,000/- to each person rendered blind authorities but you have told that the figure by the consumption of this spurious drug is only seven. However. I welcome the One has been sanctioned by the Delhi Admini­ -Man Commissbn of Inquiry set up t>y the stration. Govemment. I regret to say that the hon. Minister has not mentioned the time by 6. The Delhi Administration has set up a whbh the aforesab commissbn woub one-Man Commtssbn of Inquiry under the sutxnit it’s report. The newspapers reported Commission of Inquiry Act. 1952, to inquire that the commissbn has to sut>mit Its report Into various aspects of the incident. in two months. But we are yet to hear from hon. Minfeter. I want to point out that» the 7. The Unbn Ministry of Health has Commissbn takes two months for pubTtsh- issued instructtens on 14.11.1991 to all Ing to report then the tragb aspect of tWs state Drugs Controllers to ensure that gruesome tragedy wBI subsbe. This Is what manufacture of Ayurvedic. Siddha and I wish to say. Unani drug conform to the laid down specl- ficattons and the Drug Inspectors must carry MR. SPEAKER: You please ask ques­ out indepth inspection of all manufacturing tions relevant to the informatbn that is firms. Instructions have also been issued to given to you. the Delhi Administration and to the Govern­ ment of Uttar Pradesh that manufacturers/ stockists and vendors of spurbus drugs SHRI TARACHAND KHANDELWAL: manufsK^jred and sold under the label of An ex-gratia assistance of Rs. 10.000A to Ayurvedic drugs should be prosecuted the next of Wn of each deceased has been vigorously; Instructions have also been announced. Dose theGovemmentthink that bsued to all State Governments that recti­ human life is worth 10,000/- only, b this fied spirit may not be albwed to be used as amount adequate?Those who became blind a substitute for *Prasanna\ which is one of for their whole live by this spurbus lk|uor the ingredients of 'Karpoor Asav*. are to be given Rs. 5,000/-. This ex-gratia payment anrK)unced is inadequate. As such 8. The Government is making every does the hon. Minister propose to enharice endeavour to vigorously pursue the inves- this amount? tigalton of the cases registered against the persons responsible for the manufacture [English] and sale of the spurious drug. Delhi Admini- stratbn has been alerted to strbtty comply SHRI M.M. JACOB: Siir, the hon. 15 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Oral Answers 16

Member has made two or three points. points connected with this and we have not Accordfng to the Reports available with us, got a specifk: reply about this. Even this the number of people who died is 1991 . It is morning our office contacted the Special also a fact that a few people are even now Home Secretary but he was not there. We in the hospital. That is also given in my are awaiting their report. statement. Some people really went out of the hospital even without informing the SHRI K.H. MUNIYYAPPA: Has the hopital authorities. Gk)vernment taken serbus steps regarding this? What action has been taken against Some of them did not want to reveal those who manufactured sura; if not , their identity that they had taken illicit poi­ whether the Government proposes to take sonous liquor. So. I don’t think that the the drastic steps against them; if not the figure mentioned by the hon. Member is Government has to give an assurance to also correct. Anyway. I will make an attempt the House that they would take drastic to find out if there are any other people who steps against them ? were affected by this tragedy other then what I have already stated in my statement. SHRI M.M. JACOB: The government has already sealed 13 Ayurvedic shop s Another point which the hon. Member and also arrested 93 people who were has mentk)ned is alx>ut the compensation. supposed to be connected with this; and Rs. 10,000 is given to the next of kin of each also there are four people who are con­ deceased and Rs. 5000 to each person cerned to be in the manufacturer of this who were rendered blind by the consump­ Sura; out of them three people have been tion of liquor and also some money to those arrested and one is abscanding. who had been injured. Some other facilities are also given. ITranstation]

The hon. Member has correctly said SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Mr. that the time given for the inquiry commis­ Speaker,. Sir, I want to know whether the sion is two months. This thing has hap­ Act. in force under whbh these arrests pened in afactory tocated in the U.P. State. have been made provides imprisonment PrdMibly. speedy efforts can be made. We maximum for six months and whether the will see that the commissbn completes Government, through and ordinance or by their work speedily. But I cannot promise at bringing forward very soon an amendment this stage. Bill in this House, will make provisbn for sever punishment including death sentence [Translathn] instead of imprisonment lor 6 months to these dealh merchants. Secondly, the SHRI TARA CHAND KHANDELWAL: I postmortem examinatbn of several dead wouki like to ask the hon. Miniver who is bodies was deliberately not candied out so holding an inquiry into the Sura incident in that the gravity of the matter Is not high­ Uttar Pradesh, whether he kr\ows the lighted in the public. However it is in the number of deaths caused by it there. Actu­ Government record that these deaths took ally, this ;matter is nfK>re related to Delhi place as resutt of this Sura-incberrts. Even than Uttar Pradesh because thm incident then compensatbn is beir^ pab only in especially has ta^en place in Delhi. case of vbtims whose postmortem was conducted. Why compensatbn is not being lEngrmtii pab to all when death was caused by this Sura in all cases? I woub Kke to know SHRI M. M. JACX>B: We have communi­ whether compensatbn would be pab in all cated to the U.P. Government to give us cases. Each death irrespective of the fact partculars not only this but only several tttat post-mortem was nc^ oonducted in 17 Ora! Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Oral Answers 18

certain cases was caused due to the Sura given by the Govemment machinery .(/n- incident. terruptions) lEnglbh ] SHRI SURYA NARAYAN YADAV: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to know from the SHRI M.M. JACOB: Actualfy, cases are hon. Minister whether there is any alterna­ charged under Sections 284,304 and 308. tive to Sura? If so. will the Government Under section 308, it is not imprisonment enact a stringent law so as to ban the sale for two nfKjnths; it is imprisonment for seven of Sura and Abohal whbh cause death to years of fine or both. so many people or to cancel their lienees?

SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE; He MR SPEAKER: This has already been wants to inform the Minister; he wants to asked by Shri Khurana. educate the Minister. {Interruptions) SHRI M.M. JACX)B Actually, this is a matter purely forthe Health Ministry and the [English] directions are given from the Health Minis­ try. Because it happened in Delhi and SHRI M.M. JACOB: Any other step because it is connected with the death of other than what is already announced by the many people the Home ministry took the Home Ministry can be taken only after the responsibility . The Commission of Inquiry inquiry report is received. has to ascertain the numberof persons who died or were disabled. Alt those details are THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS also given. The Health Ministry, I am told, (SHRI S. B. CHAVAN): May I clarify this? has sent a circular to all the concerned on Actually, the licence is not given for the 14.11.1991 prohibiting all such sales. manufacture of Sura It is methyl akx>fiol whch has been added to it. No Hcenc^ Is One thing the hon. Members must given. This is all illegal. understand. The whole incident happened when a Ghaztabad-b€»ed unit in Uttar The question of issukig a licence does ncA Pradesh State manufacturedthis liquor and arise. from Information available with us it ap­ pears that the licence of the unit was re­ [Translation] newed after 3M2*88. And stlN they were ghfen a licence for AOOO Rtres of potable SHRI MAOAN LAL KHURANA: What I abohoi. That was given by the excise wanted to say » that there » a provtsbn of 6epm\mw\t Unfortunately, I cannot cx>ntrol only 6 months Imprisonment for Uie people the factory in the U.P. State. It a matter for who indulge In adufteratbn. (ktterrupniorm) the State Government. I am waiting for a reply from the U.P. government. MR. SPEAKER: No. it w ncrt so. The provlstons I.P..C are also apptol k\ such I fiWtmtmfOfq cases. I win tell you. Please sit d o ^ .

SHRI MAOAN LAL KHURANA: This {Intenupthmii nuMar dOM not ooncsm U P . only but Dslhi ■too whww mow than 200 p « c ^ have SHRI B.L SHARMA PREM: Mr. diMi. Speaker. S ir.» many « 233 peof^ hmm died k} my constlluency afone. I w o i^ Mceto SHRI SHANKERSINH VAGHELA: Prior know whether any action has so far been to tW«. thak party was in powar tor 4 yaars. taken against arvf Poioe on Administrative m d Hoanca te manufadura Sura is also Officer in this regH»tf? 19 Oral An$¥i^rs NOVEMBERS. 1991 Oral Answers 20

lEngftsh] SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: The questk>n is very valkJ. It is true that It is the Controller of SHRI M.M. JACOB: I do not think that Drugs in Uttar Pradesh who mainly re- there is any role played by police officers in spons%>le and the Drug Inspectors who this. should have gone there and seen that ac­ cording to the terms of the licence things are [Trarmlsdhn] being manufactured. We have been trying our level best to get the informatbn from the SHRI B .L SHARMA PREM: The Beat UP Government. But somehow or the c^her Constabte posted in the mea is supposed to we have not succeeded so far... (tntenvfh know the activities going on in his area. So. tk>ns) After 1988 the Ibence was not re­ please state whether any action has been newed. In spite of that, potable alcohol was taken against any Police O ffb ^ or any other also being issued to this company. The en­ off«er of the area? {\nt&nvf^k>ns) tire thing is going to be enquired into by the Commission. After the Commission gives its lEr^Ssh] findings, necessary action v^ll be taken.

MR. SPEAKER: Let us not shift the SHRI SHARAD DIGHE: A Comm»sk>n responsib^ from tt^ real culprits. of Inquiry has been appointed. Over the years a number of establishments in North (Interruptions) India have been manufacturing this sort of a medbine and people die. So this » rK>t an M R SPEAKER: This is not correct. Two isolated incidertf. hundred people have died. Let us fbc the responsft)^ on the real culprits. In September last year also 11 persons in Rishikesh died after consuming a poison M a SPEAKER: Let us not do \he that called Sanjivni Sura. So the Delhi Polbe was 200 people have died. Let us fix the respon- also aware of the distribution of such medi­ sftMlity on the proper person. cines in Delhi. Therefore, my question is whettier any departmental enquiry is going SHRI M.M. JACOB: The o r ^ thing that to be hekJ as to why nopreventbn shouki be has been done s that the SHO of the area adopted by the Delhi Polbe abo asf ar as the has been suspended. distributkKi the ayuivedb madkdnes are concerned.

SHRI CHANDRAJIT YADAV: You have SHRI M.M. JACO B: k is primarily the rightly made anobservalonthal this » avery duty of the Drug ln^>ectors and Drug Con- senous alter in whk:h more tfian200persons trc^rs to implement these oondttions. It is have died. The answer shows th ^ tfiis ftrm u (!^ them to see to it dki not renew its manuf du rin g Ik^erKe alter 1988. It is the Drug Coftrotter of Uttar Pradesh AttrodUM on SCe/STe and Drug Inspectors in Uttar Pri^lesh whose main responsibilfty is U> see that the proper * 44. SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR thing for which the licetK^e has been given, is PATEL: manufactured. They have totally failed in SHRI V.S. VUAYA their duty. Has the Central Govemment taken RAGWAV/U^: up tNs matter w ^ the Uttar Pradesh Gov- emmerrt that those offk^rs r^ponsible i.e. Win the M incer of W ELFARE ba Drug Dvec^ate and Drug kmpaciiors, are pleased state: a b o p u r^e d because tr^w eequallygiay for the kitting of t h ^ peopto? Has m f (a) tha measures (ttscuMKl ^nthafm actbn been taken in this r e g ^ ? day CNef M lrtfs^ o(Himanoa h M te l 21 Oral Ansvrnrs AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Oral Answers 22

month in New Delhi to prevent attrocities on 5. The house being buitt for the Scheduled Castes/Schedutod Tribes; S C V S T s are inadequate. They should be enlarged with higher (b) whether any State Government has outlay. It is necessary to improve tal

(c) if so, the details thereof? 6. The StateGovernments will iden­ tify areas where incidern^ ol THE MINISTER C5F WELFARE (SHRI atrocities has been found to be SITARAM KESRI): (a) to (c). The decision high and which are more ten- taken at the meeting of Chief Ministers, held sbn-prorte. These will have on 4-5th October, 1991 at New Delhi are laid special provisions and adminis­ on the Table of the House in the from of trative measures to counter the Statement attached. These decisbns have atrocities, as detailed below. been communicated to all the State Govern­ ments and U.T. Administrations for action. 7. Since land b one of the main causes of tension, distributbn of STATEMENT surplus land under the Land Celling laws should be completed Conferanc* of Chief Ministers to by 31st March, 1992. Discuss Prevention of Atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 8. The Conference noted that Spe­ TrttMS- New Delhi, 4-4 Oct 1951 cial Courts have been specified/ set up in different States and General Decisions Unbn Territories under the Scheduled Ca^es and Sched­ 1. The Conference agreed that this uled Trtoes (Prevention of Atroci­ is a national question and cuts ties) Act of 1989. The Govern­ across poiticat persuasion. It ment of India will ensure that the needs. thsreMra, be addressed provisions of the Act regarding as such, on the t>asis of national the setting up spedfying the consensus. special Courts will be complied with in all the States and Union 2. it was suggasted that the State Territories. Chief Ministers shoi4d there selves iiaap in direct touch with 9. The following recommendation this matter in an ir ^ a t e manner made by the Sub-C

3. In the posting of officars to im- (i) Prima ^ciethe provisions of the portartt positions, those belong­ Scheduied C a^es and S c o ­ ing to SC/ST should receive uted Tribes (Prevention of Atrod- adequate attention. tkis) Act, 1989. were ^equate as Section 4 provides for imprb- 4. UnRlad quotas of appointment onmern kwr a W m ncH less than to tha reserved SC/ST posts six months k n neglect of ahoM be cwnpieted at the ear- di4ies by a public seivant Th b la M . at ttie latest within 31st Ai^ NkI tom# M ito^ect only in M vcti, 1902. 1990 9m4 modiRe«lions there^ 23 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Oral Answers 24

can be considered after some the foltow-up action thereon, a time in the light of experience vigilance and Monitoring Com­ gained of its implementatbns. mittee comprising Distract Mag­ istrate as Chairman, and Super­ (ii) Wherever considered necessary, intendent of Police, District Wel­ the work pertaining to Sched­ fare Officer and other concerned uled Tribes may be entrusted to District offk^er, as also five a separate administrative set up. members of the public as mem­ bers, should be appointed. Of (ill) In sensitive districts which have these the majority should be of past history of large scale atroci­ Scheduled Castes/Scheduled ties against Scheduled Castes/ Tribes. Additional DistrictMagis- Scheduled Tribes, an existing trate (Scheduled Caste/Sched­ post of additional District Magis­ uled T ribe), wherever designated trate may be designated as ex­ or appointed, should be the clusively in charge of matters Member-Secretary of the Com­ pertaining to Scheduled Castes/ mittee. This Committee would Tribes. In suitable cases, even a have the responsibility to see full time post of additbnal District that the cases of atrocities against Magistrate may be created. He Scheduled Castes/Scheduled would be responsible for over­ Tribes are pursued vigorously seeing the schemes and pro­ and brought up before the Court. grammes for the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Sched­ (vi) To ensure speedy investigatbn uled Trbes as also for taking into the cases involving atroci­ sudi actbns fc^ protecting the ties against Scheduled Castes/ interests of the weaker sections Scheduled Tribes, partk:ularly in of society. He may be assisted in sensitive distrkrts, special inves­ the task of folbw up action such tigation ceils may be created at as ffTvestigatbn of offences and the circle/district level. atrocities against Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes by (vii) Govemment should pursue the appropriate level offk^ers headed cases in the Courts diligently and an additional si^>erintendent every effort shoukJ be made to of Polhe. have these cases heard by the Courts on a day-to day basis as (IV) Whenever an Inckient of atrod- k! Sessk)n trials to ensure that Ues agamst Scheduled Casts/ such cases are di^x>sed of Scheduled Tribes takes place, qufckly. the k>cal officers must be made responsible to visit the place of (viii) Several atroctties against Sched­ crime at the eariiest and start the uled Castes and Scheduled legal process expedttk)usly. Trit>e8 arise from larni dispute. Senbr (dicers such as Deputy Methods must, tfierefore, be Si^rintendent of Polfce shouW kHind for securing speedy dis* also personaNy pay visits in cases posal of land casm. Simiiarty, of senous atrocities within 24 cases pertakiing to land dispute hours to 48 hours of the occur­ pencttng in variousoourts shouk^ rence. be fdbwed up expecfttbusly.

(V) To ensure greater Uansparency (ix) Qeneratty, tfie rei^xmi^lMy tor in the irwestigi^onsd cases and kivestigaton d case of atrodty 25 Ora! Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 26

should vest in the normal police Minister in this regard. It was deckJed therein machinery and should be closely that all the Chief Ministers should exercise supervised by the Vigilance and the special powers vested in them in their Monitoring Committee, underthe respective States and check the atrocities chairmanship of District Magis- on Harijans. Adivasis and Women, by 31 trate. March, 1992.

(x) In suitable cases, the Com mittee lEng//sh] should have the authority to rec­ ommend proceeding against a SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR PATEL: Sir. I public servant for wilful neglect wanted to know about more stringent penal of his duties as prescribed under provisions. the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of MR SPEAKER: As far as the law is Atrocities) Act, 1989. In such concerned, we have a different procedure to cases in particular, the investi­ follow. We do not put it in the Questbn Hour. gation of the case may been entrusted to an investigating [Trans/atfon] agency, other than the district police, such as vigilance Bureau, SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr. Anti-Corruptbn Branch, State Speaker, Sir, as a follow up of the 16 hour CIL etc. so as to inspire confi­ discussion heki here and in pursuance of the dence that the quality shall not assurance given by the hon. Prime Minister be shielded. in this regard, the Chief Minister’s confer­ ence was convened so as to take actk>n to (xi) A separate penal of prosecutors stop such atrocities with a special reference may be appointed by the State to Tsunder incklent. The above 16 hour Government for prosecuting such discussbn was allowed particularly for the cases. Tsundur incklent. The Government had sakJ categorrcally that orders had been ssued to SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR PATEL: constitute special courts in the State. It had Mostly it has been noticed that atrocities also been saki that the special courts were against SC and S T are essentially directed functioning there. The hon. Minister a ^ against women involving sex crimes, for said in his reply that special courts wouki be Instance, the recently committed atrocities in constituted under the provisions of the Pre- Hoshingabad District of Madhya Pradesh. ventbn of Atrocities Act, 1989.1 wouki I9(e to May I know whether the Government are know from him whether special courts whch taking steps to make the penal laws more is said to have already been constituted rigorous and deterrent particularly when it there are functioning? If so. what © their Involves crimes against innocent women progress? and when the perpetrators of crime are people betonglng to the Government, particularty SHRI RAM KESRI: it is not the the Police Department and the Forest De­ Tsundur IrrckJent abne whch has been in­ partment officials. cluded. There are other incklents of atroci­ ties also and this Conference was convened [Tmnsla^nJ to check all these Inck^ents. His questbn is correct. In the conference it was deckled that SHRI SITA RAM KESRI: Sir. so far as wherever such inckients of brutal murders or the question of atrocities committed on the atrocities on Adivasis. Harijans or weaker scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Is sectbns take place, stem actbn wouM be concerned, the hon. Prime Minister had taken under provisbns of the Preventbn of cortvened a ooaference of AM-State Chief Atrocities Act, 1 ^ 9 . and In order to k)tens% 27 Ond Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Orai Answers 28 tfiis rm>ve we have instructed all the Chief dedston to this effect has alre^Kiy been taken A^nisters to established Special Courts In and we are competent to implement that their respective Stales. So far as I know, the dedsbn. we will ask the State Governments Andhra Pradesh government has set up to give us a report about the functbning of special courts. I will give you its progress the courts. If we find from the report that the report after collecting the same from the courts are not working, then we may further State Government. ask the corrcerned States to take actbn to implement the decisbn taken in the confer­ SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr. ence, immediately. V rK>thing is done even Speaker , Sir. I seek your protection. My after this, we shall see later as to what coukf q u ^ b n is very short The inckJent took be done. place on 6th Ai^ust and we resK^hed there on 7th October. Shri V.P. Sif^h had also [EngBsh] gone there. Till that date no special court had been set up there. Only they cm say what do SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA WASNIK: they mean by speciat court. If there is no Sir, VI the reply given by the hon. Minister, It d^ererx^e between a general court and a has been categorically stated that the un­ spedstf court, then ft is meaningless. It woiMd filled quota of reserved posts in the Central not s^ve any purpose. Moreover, there is a Government and State Government serv­ great difference between the act and facte. ices would be completed by 31st march, No ckn^. several laws have been enacted 1992. May I, therefore, know from the Hon. for piotecting ^ Scheduled Castes and Minister the latest figures of backlog in the otfier weaker sectbns but what has been Central and State Government services done for their knpiementatbn and to what which the Government propose to fill by the extert ther kiterests have been protected? ft 31 St March, 1992? Secondly, the Govern­ is a matter of assessment only. The hon. ment has also stated that section 4 of the Horr^ l^nister is fN'esent here, i he does not Sch«iuled Castes and Scheduled Trft>es have the figures with lum. let hkn obtain it (Prevention of Atrocfties) Act, 1989 is ade­ ftom h « officers and sM e whether special quate enough to take action against those courts are functbning there or not? I wmikl officets who have wiKully neglected their See to tel the hon. I% i^ e r that no spedai duly to protect the Scheduled Castas and ccHirt bfunctbn^^ there and r i ^ £^ven by Scheduled TrOies. This Act is under imple­ him to tfiis House Is not correct. If any such mentation since 1990.1 woukJ H(e to know spedai court might be func^km^. i is In hts how many officers have been prosecuted offceonly. So, heisreque^dtofMoutttie under this Act in these two years.

MR. SPEAKEa- This involves statisti­ MR. SPEAKER: Not Uke this He has cal inlonnation. If the Minister has the infor­ replied. There is no need to repeal the same. mation, he may give K.

{kn^nvpihns) [Transktioti

SHRI SITA RAM KESRI: We are h m to serve tfiem only, tt wodd nc^ be proper if we SHRI SITA RAM KESRI: Sir, It has c»wiot give a proper reply here. It will also been decided in th ^ conference that back- not be a good message tor them. I m togwoutdbeoompleledbySI March, 1996. Investigato krto ^ matter as he Is saying I woukl H u to infomi tf>e hon. Members that that no ^>ectal court has ym been e s ti^ in the Chief Minister's conference a sub- WmkJ there. Seconcfly. even if tfiere is no commiltee was constituted. The Chief Minis- such court or It is nc^ function^ there, then V m o ia tm . Madhya Pradesh. loo i does noi matter because in the OM and otheis are there in the subcommittee. M Uite^s Gorrference heki on Sth Odober a We w i hnre to rely on to dedsion. 29 Orai Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Ora! Answers 30

SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Let us served people? During the course of the last know what is their decision and that of the sessbn you had said that you wouki enact a Central Government? legislatbn.

SHRI SITA RAM KESRI: Their decision [English] is the decisbn of the Central Government also. The decision of completing it by 31 SHRIMATIMALINI BHATTACHARYA: March 1992 taken in the Chief Minister’s Sir. recently the report of the special Com- conference under the chairmanship of the missbn on the Ujan Maban incbent in Prime Minister is equally applicable to all. So Tripura, of 1988, has come out. The allega­ it will be completed by 31 March. 1992. tion of certain women’s organisatbns that Adivasi women of Ujan Maban were raped SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: How will it by Jawans of Assam Rifles has been proved be completed when the hon. Minister does to be true. I want to know from the Govern­ not know how much is the backlog. ment whether this subject came up for dis- cussbn at the Chief Ministers’ Conference SHRI SITA RAM KESRI: I know it. I can and whether it has been decided as to what say it just now. {Inten^uptions)...... Please do actbn will be taken against the culprits? not create confusbn through your interrup­ tions on such an important issue. Through SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: If not the hon. Speaker, I would like to say that ail discussed, why was it not discussed? (inter­ the backbg will be completed by 31 March, ruptions) 1992. [Translation] SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr. Speaker, Sir, you are the judge. Please tell SHRI SITARAM KESRI: This entire us how can it be completed by 31 March, matter was raised in the Chief Minister's 1992 when more than 1 lakh posts are va> conference. There was no irniivbual case. cant? How will t h ^ fill them suddenly? As such we want to pint out that no partbuiar Recruitment to these posts will be made only case came up but if you inform us we wiN take alter inserting advertisements, is there a actbn accordingly. magb bf which all the posts wilt t>e filed in within a nrK>ment? [English]

SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Sir. it is some SHRIMATI MALINI BHATTACHARYA: mage. You will have to wait till 31st March Iwoub request the Minister and the Govern­ 1992. M 9T 31st March 1992 you may ask ment to take actbn in this regard. that the Government had made many prom> ises but the Chief Minister did not fulfil them. [Transla^n] You are certainly going to say ihm. Sir, through you. I want to pass this mess£^e ateo. The provisbns of 1989 describes the SHRI NANDI YALEYA: Just now. our persons who are to be punbhed under the hon. Minister has informed us that a Chief taw. The hon. Member asked whether any Minister’s Conference was called recently in officer has been punished till date. I win connectbn with tfie preventbn of atrocfties defhltely give the informatbn In this regard; on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. but i wouki Kke to point out that, if necessary, I would like to know from the hon. Minister by making an amerniment m it. atrocities can about the suggestbns given m tfie C h ^ be contained. Minister’s Conference e to curb atnoc^es beir^ committed ki every state. SHRI RAM VHAS PASWAN: What about the legisiatk>n in respect of the re­ SHRI SITARAM KESRI: Whoever 31 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Oral Answers 32

dedsbn was taken in the Chief Minister’s whenever there is any possibility of such Ck)nference is before you. inckJents immediate precaution may be ensured. I am not claiming that the collec­ [English] tors, S.P. or a II Government empbyees posted in these places are not secular. Such SHR IBUTA SINGH: Sir, first of all I want offbers as are free from religious fundamen­ to congratulate the Government, and par­ talism or social affiliations should be re­ ticularly the Hon. Prime Minister, for having cruited so that they can take the right action. foltow^ the memorandum which was sub­ This is a clear provisbn under the rulers. mitted to the Government through the Rash- Wherever such incidents take place, the trapatiji. About 106 Members of Parliament bcal Government takes necessary action in had signed the memorandum and the Gov­ the matter. ernment had taken it up with all serk)usness. The Chief Ministers’ Conference was held (Interruptions) and very important decisbns were taken. The House was also assured by the hon. SHRI SITARAM KESRI: What has the Prime Minister that the National Integration Government done about the backk>g. Coundl will also conskier this Issue. Unfortu­ nately that issue has not been discussed in SHRI SITARAM KESRI: ...(Interrup­ the Natk>nal Integratbn Council. As and tions).,. I assure you that no backlog shall when the next meeting takes place... {inter­ remain and if necessary, a legislation will be ruptions) brought to clear this backlog... (Inten’uptbns)...\ do not have the figures I am coming to that. I am sure that as with me right now but I shall send the same and when the next meeting takes place this later on. issue conceming the atrocities on harijans, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe, will [English] also be taken up. In this connectbn I want to ask a spedfb questbn. The hon. Minister SHRI BUTA SINGH: Sir, we do not want has ^st now Informed the House that by to have a d ^a te on this issue. We are sure, March, 1992 the backbg in the quota will be we are confbent, and we have every hope fulfiied and ateo strbt applbatbn of the that the hon Minister will succeed. But I Atrocities Act of 1989 will be macto. May 1 wanted to know from the hon. Minister the request the hon. Minister to enlighten the concrete steps taken by the Government of House as to what metho(k>k>gy that has India to w ^ out the backbg by the year been actopted by the GovemnnefTt and upto 199Z what extent actbn has already been taken by the Govo'nment? Will he enlighten the [Translation] House that such arni six^h steps have been taken in this regard? SHRI SITARAM KESRI: The Prime Miniver's conference with the Chief minister [Translathn] b an evkience as to how serbus the Central Government is to ctearthe backbg. This is a SHRI SITARAM KESRI: I have been dear evkience.. form ed by the State Governmerrts tfiat wherever these inckients of massacre took [EngHsh] ptece, they have t ^ n stern actbn in the matter. According to the new schemes, a SHRI BUTA SINGH Sir. with foklad Committee oonsfeting of Di^rid Mag^rate. hands I want to seek your proteclbn. (Inter- S.P. or Inchargeof Welfareof the area woukJ njption^. My queMbn is very differert. My beoonstttuted in sensitive areas where siK:h questbn Is that the Government of India Is type of Incidents are llcefy to occur, so that ttie biggest e m i^ e r ; what s t ^ have the 33 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1913 (SAKA) Oral Answers 34

Government of India taken themselves for­ (c) the steps taken or proposed to be get— about the State Governments, we know taken by the Union Govemment for protec­ you will pull them up, but, sir, what steps has tion of the Masjid structure and to solve the the Government of India taken to wipe out Babri Masjb-Ram Janambhoomi issue the backk>g? ambably?

[Translation] THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) to (c). According MR. SPEAKER: Buta Singhji he has to informatbn available with the Home Min­ pointed out at it will be dealt on the Prime istry, on 31.10.1991 some persons going for Minister’s level. ‘ darshan* of the deities caused some dam­ age to the outsbe of the outer wall of the SHRI CH AND RAJIT YADAV: Mr. Ram Janam Bhoomi-Babri Masjb structure. speaker. Sir, I respect the sentiments and The damages were reported be done through intentbns of the hon. Ministr. But the ques> Trishuls’ carried by these persons. Follow­ tion is that despite having good sentiments ing this incbent, the State Government t’ght- and excellent intentbns, the vacant posts ened the security regulatory measures. The are not being filled. The former Prime Minis­ Central Govemment’s concem regarding the ter late Shri Rajiv Gandhi had identified protectbn of the disputed structure has been before 1989, that 76 thousand posts re­ brought to the notbe of the State Govem­ served for SC/S.Ts had not been filled. He ment with the request that suitable arrange­ had said that he wanted to fill the vacant ments be made for its safety. This matter posts but the same has not been fulfilled till was also discussed at length in the meeting date. I would like to know from the Govern­ of the National Integration Council heb on ment whether it will make necessary recruit­ 2.11.1991. The Chief Minister of Uttar ments and issue necessary instructions to Pradesh gave a categorical assurance to the the State Governments to make special Council that the State Govemment woub recruitments of these categories. It cannot hob itself fully responsble for the protectbn be implemented in three to four months of the Ram Janma Bhoomi-Babri Masjb through normal procedure. structure.

SHRI SUARAM KESRI: I have made rt SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Sir. the party of clear in the House that time limit has been the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister openly fixed upto 31st Mach and by that time if it is declared during the by-electbns that they not completed we can also think of brining a woub construct the temple In place of the resolutbn to dear the backbg. Masjb. even after the assurance of the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. The structure can­ BabrI MasJId and Ram JanambhoomI not be maintained as such when temple is Issue constructed. I would to know from the hon. Home Minister as to what SKrtbn the •45. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: government proposes to take if this assur­ SHRI RABI RAY: ance Is not adhered to.

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: Sir. what the hon. pleased to state: Chief Minister of Uttar Prabesh had sab during the ebctbn speeches, the Govem­ (a) Whether the structure of Babri MasjkJ ment is not aware of the ft is n(^ only to m Ayodhya was damaged on 30 October. the Natbnal Integratbn Coundi tNs a s ^ r- 199t by some persons; ance was given by the Chief Miryster of Uttar Pradesh, but e v ^ the affba^ filed by the (b) if $0, the details of the Incklertt; Uttar Pradesh Government in the St^>reme and Court a to oortf farms posftbn. That is why 35 Oral Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Oral Answers 36

I do not think that this question would lEngl/sh] arise. SHRI S.B. CHAVAN : Sir. this is the SHRI P.C. THOMAS: Sir, there are positk>n whrch the U.P. Government has glaring example of practice of secularism in taken as per affkjavit filed in the Supreme India. For example, in Kerala in Erimeli this Court. is the time when lakhs of people go to Sabari- mala. These pilgrims first go to the Mosque SHRI B. AHAMED: We have no faith in and pay their respects before they go to it U.P. Government fbuted directives of Sabarimala. (Interruptions) So, will the Courts. Government give adequate publbity to this glaring example of practfce of secularism SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: It is not the ques­ when our people are fighting for Ram janma tion of your having faith or my faith in it. After Bhoomi? having filed the affidavit in the Supreme Court they are bound by it. I do not think that MR. SPEAKER: Of course the Govern­ we can proceed on the basis of of certain ment will do that. assumptbns that this is not going to happen... (Interruptions) SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: Sir. my colleague, the hwi. Minister for information and Broad­ [Translation] c a s t ^ is s ^ n g here and I am sure he will take note of it SHRI RABI RAY: Mr. Speaker. Sir I have asked a very clear questbn that in view [T/ans/athn] of the statement of the Law Minister of the Uttar Pradesh Government. WiH the hon. SHRI RABt RAY: Mr. Speaker. Sir. it is Minister. Cofistitutbnal oWigatk>n of the Central Government to protect the mosque. The [EngBsh] hon. Minister b amwre of the fact th€ft the outer railing ol the mosque was damaged MR. SPEAKER: They are relying upon last year. The Court had issued order for its what b stated in the N.i.C. repair but the G o v e m m ^ have not yet repaved it Just now the hon. Minister has [Translation\ saki about the damage of outer waU but according U> our inlmrmatbn to)ner part d ^ SHRI RABi RAY: I woukJ \^e to know structure has aiso been damaged. The Law the reactbn of the hon. Minster. He is refer­ Mir»ster of the Uttar Pradesh Governniefit ring to .„(interruf4ions) ...I woukJ like to visited the site and sakI that draw the attenibn of the Ikxi. Minister to­ ward the statement of the Law Minister of the (Eng^hJ Government of Uttar Pradesh Shri Om Pradcash. (kitenvfHion^ If necessary, the bgislatk>n to that ef­ fect will be brought by the Government SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: In spite the i^atment of the law Minbteri^ the Govern^ [Tmnslatk>nJ ment of Uttar Pradesh, they have filed an affdavit in the Supreme Court. He m ig h t He has also saki about the oonstructbn hav® given the statement from pubttdty point of te m f ^ o n th e d ^ e d site. I wouW Nketo d view, but we ar bound by the affbavit. The know from the hoa Minister wheth^ he Government o4 kniia believes that the Gov­ m wM give assurance that in spile of the ernment of Pradesh will stand by the s ta le m ^ of law Keister of IMtm Pradesh aHkiavtt Govemmer^ damage wil be diMie to tTM mosque. 37 Wrkten Answers AGR AH AYAN A4.1913 (S>IK4) \Nrkten Answers 38

WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI HARI KEWAL PRASAD: [English] Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- Terrorist Men Ace in Terai Region of CONVENTKDNAL ENERGY SOURCES be U.P. pleased to state: *46. SHRI SHANKERSINH VAGHELA: (a) the number of villages electrified and SHRI ATAL BIHARI those yet to be electrified in Uttar Pradesh, VAJPAYEE: district*wise;

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (b) the names of place in these districts pleased to state: where **Kuteer Jyoti Yojana” has been imple­ mented; and (a) whether the Government have made any assessment of the growing terrorist (c) the names of villages in the said menace In the Terai region of Uttar Pradesh; districts where this scheme is proposed to be implemented in future? (b) rf so, whether any Action-Plan has been prepared in consultation with the Government of Uttar Pradesh to meet the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE situation; and MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIONAL ENETOY SOURCE (SHRI (c) if so. the details thereof? KALP NATH RAI): (a) A statentent Indicating the district-wise numt)er of villages electri­ THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS fied and yet to be electrified in Uttar Pradesh (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) Yes. Sir. as on 31.3.91 as furnished by the Uttar Pradesh State Electricity Board is enclosed (b) and (c). The Government d Uttar as Annexure-I. Pradesh are iak\r\g action such as strength­ ening of police and intelligence net-work and of patrolling in the affected areas to combat (b) and (c). U n d ^ the Kutoer Jyoli the terrorist menace. The Government of Scheme*, wNch was financed from Centnl India is maintaining a close contact with the grant during 1988-89 and 1989-90, ihm task State Government and all possible help is of identifying the beneficiaries was left to the being ^ v id e d . State Govemmer^ concerned. So far as Uttar Practesh is concerrted, tf^ Stale Elec> [TranslaHon] tridty Board has reported release of 2.17 lakhs str^le point connections under the Kuieer Jyotl Yojana scheme, spread aH over the State. The said scheme has nc^ been continued after •47. SHRI ARJUN SINGH 31.3.1991. YADAV: 39 Wrkten Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 40

f2 CO

o> O o o s g 8 r>*

?: 2 «o I oj h^ » sCO ^N* "t- CO in

CVI 41 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S^/C4) Written Answers 42

O IT) CM C3> 00 CO _ m CO CM o) in CO s i § CSJ CM to CO CO CO

S 53 S O CD o>CD !? fS f2 S CO CM CX) CO CO in 00 CM P ) CO - t - CM CM §

c3> CO CO ▼- in S R S 9 CO 0 0 O - r - g 5 I g I S cvj CM 1“ CO CM

CM fO x : o

CO U ) CO 0 0 O I CM IQ 43 Written Answeis NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 44

5 ^ S ^ CD CM CO CO

CO CO ^ CO o 00 CM ^ -t- m CO O ^ CM CM CO $ T- r>. CO CM m CO lO lO 1^ o

00 h- 0 > CO CM o> U> CD -r- m h - CO CM - r - ^

CM 45 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S/^KA) Written Answers 46

C\J O CM CO Tj- O O CJ) CD CO * s s CO s ^ § s s §

to cr» lo in o) lA CO t— CO i n CO Oi O) CNj -r- in CO CO CM

in C3> O T- O) CO 00 CJ> o> 2 S 5 S CO 0 0 (O 00 ^ CM -r- <•- CM

CM I i ^ CO O) 47 Writt0n AnswQrs NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 48

O T - CO 58 00 O i 05 o CM ^g CMf2

CM o in O) 5 s § CM CO iO CM O) lo - 8 T - CM CM T- S R1 CO

CM in c7) CO § CMI i^

CM .9^ •g ns I I CO 49 Wrmon Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S/4/C4) Written Answers 50

|> i 5 I § I § !S

CO CsJ :§


& Ui c CO I « 0 £l l i ^ ■>I ■§

8 o «0 o 3 TO ^ « *> .Q ■8 .S2 cvi 1iS a ^ S3 ICO "§ 3 % .2» COa s 51 Written Ansmrs NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 52

[English] Level Committee of Experts and examining further literature and reference including Tehrl Dam Project latest intemational findings on advances In earthquake engineering, he concurred with •48. DR. LAXMINARAYAN the conclusbn of the High Level Committee PANDEYA: of Experts and recommended that:- SHRI PIUS TIRKEY: "Since conservatism has entered Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- at almost every step of decision CC^VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be making, the overall factor of safety pleased to state: of the dam is high enough to elimi­ nate any risk from earthquakes of (a) whether the Government have re­ the future." examined the safety aspects of the Tehri Dam Project in view of the recent devastat­ **1 have no hesitatbn in recommend­ ing earthquake in the Garhwal ; ing that the proposed dam sectbn for the Tehri Project is safe from the (b) If so, the conclusion an^ived at; and point of view of seismfcity of the region." (c) the further steps proposed to be taken in light thereof? The Department of Mines constituted an Expert Group under Director General, THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Geobgbal Survey of India to conskier the MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- matter further and carry out critbal appraisal VENTK3NAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI of the safety aspects taking into £«xx>unt KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). In view of the various misgivings being expressed. The views expressed in vark>us quarters about Group found the design of the Dam to be the safety of the Tehri Dam vis-a-vis the safe from the point of view of the seismb seismicity of the area, various studies have potential of the regbn. The oonclusbn of the been corxlucted and safety of the Tehri Dam Group were accepied by Department d examined by a High Level Committee of Mines. Experts constituted by the Ck)vernment in March, 1990. The Committee, which included specialist scientists and er^ineers in the The earthquake whbh occurred on related fieki, had after carefully ^in g into the 20.10.1991 intheGariiwal Hill measured 6.1 matter and after assuming the worst earth­ on the Rbhter Scato, white the proposed quake scenarb of M^nltude 8 /i' on the Tehri Dam s designed to withstand an earth­ RVchiet ScaVe. and with a probable source of quake of Magnitude on the Rbhter Scale. such an earthquaO^e at a depth ot 15 Kms. The present earthquake has caused no bebw the Dam site, concluded that Tehri damage to constructed structures of Tehri Dam Project as proposed would be safe. Dam i.e. head wee tunnels, diversion tun­ They also concluded that ail dangers arising nels and dam foundatbn. out of seismb potential of the site had been taken note of and taken care of in the plan­ ning and designing of the Tehri Dam Project. Since the design of the dam has been The matter was again referred to an inde­ found to be safe fe>r the Intensity d earth­ pendent seismological expert of internatbnal quake expected m the regbn, re-examlna- repute. After examir^ the report of the High tbn of tts safety aspects does not arise. 53 WrktenAnswBrs AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S/UOl) Written Answers 54

Inquiry Into the Assassination of Rajiv paragraph mentioned above. The present Gandhi term of the Commission is upto 31 st Decem­ ber. 1991. *49. SHRI HANNAN M O llA H : Will the Minister of HOI^E AFFAIRS be pleased to 2. On 24th June, 1991, a notification state: under sub-clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 of the Commission of Inquiry (Central) (a) whether there is any progress in the Rules, 1972, was Issued by the Commis- enquiry regarding the assassinatbn of Shri sbn. Simultaneously, notices under sub­ Rajiv Gandhi; clause (a) of sub-rule (2) of rule 5 ibid were also issued to certain individuals. On 12th (b) if so, the details thereof; and August, 1991, the Commissbn notified its Regulations of Procedure called the Verma (c) what further steps are proposed to Commission of inquiry (Regulatbns of Pro­ be taken to find out the culprits and the cedure) Order, 1991. Thereafter the affida­ conspiracy if any, behind the assassination? vits received in the Commission were exam­ ined/processed. THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHIR SB. CHAVAN): (a) to (c). A Commis­ 3. Preliminary hearing of the Commis­ sion of inquiry was set up on 27th May, 1991 sbn was held on 7th Octd>er, 1991. There­ consisting of Justice J.S. Verma, a sitting after, three more hearings of the Commis­ Judge of the Supreme Court of India vide sbn were held on 28th October, 1991,11 th S.O. No. 356(E) dated 27th May. 1991. The November, 1991 and 16th November, 1991. terms of reference of the Commission are as The Commissbn has fixed 2nd December. under> 1991 onwards for recording evidence of witnesses. (a) whether the assasskiation of Shri Rajiv Gandhi could 4. Another Commissbn of Inquiry con­ have been averted and sisting of Mr. Justbe M.C. Jain, retired Chiel whetherthere were lapses Justbe d the High Court of Delhi, was ap­ or dereliction of duty in pointed vide notificatbn S.O. No. 545(E) this regard on the part of dated 23rd August, 1991. The terms d refer­ any of the individuals ence of the Commission are as folbws:- responsible for his secu­ rity; (a) the sequence of events leading to, and all facts and circumstances lead­ (b) the deficbnc^s, if any. in ing to, the assassinatbn of Shri Rajiv the security system and Gandhi at sr^rumbudur (other than arrangements as pre- the matters coverd by the terms of scrft>ed or operated in reference for the Commission of In­ pr»:tlce which might have quiry hesKled by Mr. Justice J.S. contributed to the assas- Verma) sinatkjn.

The Commissbn may also recommend (b) whether any person or persons or the corrective remedies and measures that agencbs were responsble for con­ need to be taicen for the future with respect ceiving. pre-paring and planning the to the matters specified in clause (b) of the assassinatbn and whether ther6 was 55 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 56

any conspiracy in this behalf and, if [Eng/ish] so. all Its remiflcations. Kidnappings in Delhi 5. The Commission shall make its re­ port to the Central Government as soon as *51. DR. A.K. PATEL: possible but not later than six months. SHRI ANAND RATNA MAURYA: 6. The Commission has published a Notification on 12th November, 1991 under Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be rule 5(2) (b) of the Commission of Inquiry pleased to state; (Central) Rules, 1972 inviting thereby Indi­ vidual, associations, organisations, institu­ (a) the number of cases of kidnappings tions, authorities and all other persons ac­ that took place in Delhi during the last six quainted with the subject matter of the in­ months; quiry to fumish to the Commission, a state­ ment of facts/affidavits on or before 12th (b) the details thereof; December, 1991 relating to the matters specified in the Notification. Individual no­ (c) the number out of these cases that tices to prominent persons, officials. Gov­ have been solved; ernment agencies, etc. under 5(2) (a) of the Rules are being Issued shortly. (d) the number of kidnappers arrested and the victims rescued; [Translation] (e) the number of cases where ransom Supply of Explosives to Assam Extrem­ had to be paid by the relatives of the kid­ ists napped persons and the amount so paid in each case; *50. SHRI KAMLA MISHRA MADHUKAR: Will the Minister of HOME (f) the number of case where the kkj- AFFAIRS be pleased to state: nappers have not been caught;

(a) whether It has come to the notice of (g) the reasons therefor; and the Government that explosives are being su p p ly to the Assam extremists from the (h) the measures taken by the Govern­ coal fields of ; and ment to check such cases In future?

(b) if so, the steps taken by the Govern­ THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS ment in the matter? (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) to (d). During the last six months (from 1st May, 1991 to 31st THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS October, 1991) 327 cases of kkJnapping (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) and (b). Two took place in Delhi. Out of these, 68 cases parcel o# gunny bags containing detonators were cancelled and 10 filed as untraced, were recovered by R.P.F. Guwahati. The leaving229cases for investigatbn. Of these, offence is under investigatbn. The State invest^ation has i>een finalised in 38 cases, Government with the aki of the army and the which have been submitted in the Courts. central para^mi^ary organisaibns h engaged The Police has solved 126 cases so far and in controilif^ such acliv^es. arrested 165 persons. 57 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 58

(e) The Delhi Police has reported that of advertisements of different items on Radb/ only in one case ransom amounting to Rs. 2 Doordarshan; lakh was paid. (b) if so, the details thereof; and (f) and (g). In 131 cases, kidnappers could not be arrested despite all-out efforts. (c) whetherthe Government propose to ban such advertisements as have an ad­ (h) Among the measures taken are verse effect on children? increased patrolling, close watch over the criminals, proper investigation of reported THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE cases and selective offer of rewards. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): New Telecom Policy (a) to (c). Yes, Srr, there are commercial code. The relevant portions relating to chil­ *52. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: dren which have built-in safeguards to deal Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be with such advertisements are shown in the pleased to state; statement attached.

(a) the action proposed to be taken on STATEMENT the Athreya Committee Report; and All India Radio Code (b) the steps the Government propose to take on the reports submitted by six panel Advertising & Children appointed to look into the question of formu­ lating a new telecom policy? 18. No advertisement for a product or servbe shall be accepted if it suggests in any THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE way that unless the children themselves buy MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI or encourage other people to buy the prod­ RAJESH PILOT): (a) Sir, the Athreya Com^ ucts or services, they will be failing in their mittee’s Report is under active conskleratbn duty or lacking in loyalty to any person or of the Government. organisation.

(bXThe new Telecom PoFicy is being 19. No advertisement shall be accepted formulated separately. No formal panels have whbh leads children to believe that if they do been constituted for the same. not own or use the product advertised they will be inferk>r In some way to other chikiren [Tra/fsMon] or that they are liable to be condemned or ridteuled for not owning or using h. Rules and Regulations to Broadcast/ Telecast Advertisements Doordarshan Code

Advertising & Children *53. SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR GANG- WAR: Will the Minister of INFORMATION 22. No advertisement for a product or AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: service shall be accepted if it suggests in any way that unless the children themselves buy (a) whether there are any rules and or encourage other people to buy the prod­ regulatbns regarding the broadcast/telecast ucts or services, they will be failing in their 59 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25, t99t Wr^en Answers 60

duty or lacking In loyafty to any person or by the Government and it has not been found organissrtion. feasMe to accept it.

23. No advertisement shall be accepted Power Generation which leads children to believe that if they do not own or use the product advertised they *55. SHRIMATIVASUNDHARA RAJE: will be inferior in some way to other children Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- or that they are liable to be condemned or CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be ridiculed for not owning or using It. pleased to state:

24. Any advertisement which endan­ (a) ttte quantum of power generated at gers ^ safety of the children or creates in present in the country from all sources, State- them any interest in unhealthy practices, wise and Union Ten'itory-wise; shall not be accepted, eg. playing in the middle of the road, leaning dangerously out (b) whether the Government propose to of a window, playing with match boxes and set up new Power Plants in order to raise other goods which can cause accidents. power output during the Eighth Five Year Plan; and 25. Children shall not be shown begging or in an undignified or indecent manner. (c) if so, the States and Union Territories where such Power plants are going to t>e set lEngKstH up?

Motor Car Advance to llP s THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON -CON­ *54. SHRI BHAGWAN SHANKAR VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI RAWAT; WHI the Minister of PARLIAMEN­ KALP NATH RAI): (a) Statement showing TARY AFFAIRS t)e pleased to state: the State-wise/Union Territory-wise/System- wise energy generation Programme vis-a- (a)whetheranydecisbnhasbeentaken vis actual generation during April, 1991 - by the Government on the question o» raising October, 1991 is given in the Annexure at­ the monetary limit for grant of Motor Car tached. Advance to the Members d Parfiament; and (b) and (c). Eighth Plan has not been (b) if so.finalised the details so thereof? far by the Planning Commistion. However, according to the Report the *Gioup THE MINIS7EROP PARLIAMENTARY on Power*, it is proposed toadd3664S.7MW AFFAIRS (SHRI GHULAM NABIAZAD); (a) capady during the EigMh Plan period l.e. and (b). The proposal has been considered 1992-97.



Statement showing the State-wiseAJnhn Territoiy-¥ri»e/^ttem-wke eneij^y generation target vi$-a-vis Actual generation during April. 1991-October. 1991. 61 WrktBn Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Wrmrni Answ rs 62


Name of the State/U. TsJSystem PeriodApri, 1991 ■ October,. 1991

Target Actual generation

B.B. M.B. 7132 8530

Delhi 3749 3631

Jammu & Kashmir 2182 2152

Himachal Pratfssh 1568 1427

Haryana 1823 1881

Rajasthan 3509 4445

punjab 6249 5564

Uttar Pradesh 23574 25076

Gujarat 11110 11399

Maharashtra 23479 23092

Madhya Pradesh 18477 17896

Andhra Pradesh 16597 16590

Karnataka 7214 6929

Kerala 3000 3135

TamH Nadu 13478 13761

Bihar 2192 1478

Orissa 3459 3703

West Bengal 7657 7 9 ^

D.V.C. 3808 2828

SMdm 32 21

Assam 795 631

Meghalaya 723 798 63 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 64

{Figures in MU)

Name of the State/U. Ts./System Period April, 1991 - October, 1991

Target Actual generation

Tripura 103 72

Manipur 249 261

Kidnapping by the militants in J & K, during the above period; Punjab and Assam (c) the terms and condittons on which *56. SHRI MORESHWAR each hostage still was released; SAVE: SHRI R. SURENDER (d) the number and name of hostages REDDY: still under their captivity; and

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (e) the steps taken by the Government pleased to state: to get the rest of the hostages released from the militants as also for the security of Gov­ (a) the number of persons kidnapped by ernment employees posted in the sensitive militants in J and K, Punjab and Assam areas? respectively during the last three years and upto October, 1991, State-wise and year- THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS wise; (SHRI SB. CHAVAN):(a) and (b). According to the information received from the respec­ (b) the number of hostages released/ tive state Government, the number of per­ killed by them year>wise and State-wise sons abducted are as under:

Assam Jammu & Kashmir Punjab

1989 13 2 59

1990 105 169 411

1991 (Upto 95 256 304 Oct. ’91)

Of the abducted persons, 33 persons In ers; suspected informers, sectbn of the Assam. 112 persons in J&K and 107 per­ populatbn attempting to defy the drctates of sons in Punjab were killed by the terrorists. the militants and also for extortk>n/ransom money, tt is also done toaeatepank:amongst (c) to (e). Abductbns have been gener­ public at large or at the behest of their ally carried out by the terrorists outfits to mentors across thejtx)rder. intimkJate specific groups like intelligence personnel, para-military forces including 2. Whereas the Government Polkry is to Police personnel. Polftk:al activists and lead­ deal with !he terrorists firmly and not to 65 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S>4K>A) Written Answers 66 succumb to the pressure, a flexible approach ix) Khurshid Ahmed Beg of Srinagar has so far been adopted. The Government has mounted pressure on terrorists. In a X) Javed Ahmed Shalla, Vice-Presi- recent operation, the Army has successlully dent of lUM rescued Smt. Khemlata Wakhloo and her husband from the clutches of terrorist outfit. xi) Altaf Khan, Publicity Chief, ‘Ikhwan- Further, it has been reported that due to the ul-Muslimen’(IUM) pressure mounted by the security forces and in some cases by bcal population, some of xii) Ghulam Mohd. Mi, Area Com­ the abductees were freed by the terrorist mander, Baramulla. outfits, without insisting on acceptance of their demand. xiii) Mohd. Altaf Bhat, Gr. Commander, Gazigund. Adequate security arrangements have been made for the safety of Government xiv) Mohd. Ashraf Hava employees and buildings by posting Police Force In uniforms and with plain clothes and XV) Pir Zaffar Ahmed r/o Nawagam also instructed the Armed Guard to keep watch and surveillance so as to ensure the xvi) Nissar Ahmed Jogi security of the staff posted in the State. Assam A list of 22 persons released in ex­ change of hostages and also the list of i) S/Shri Boili Maut prominent hostages in captivity of the terror­ ists in Assam and Jammu & Kashmir are ») Gobin Hazarika attached as Statement 1 and II. iii) Madhab Dutta STATEMENT X iv) Hemanta Gogoi List of Militants Released in Exchange of

Kidnapping V) Sailendra Kumar Dutta

Jammu & Kashmir Vi) M.M. Rahman.

i) S/Shri Abdul Hamid Sheikh STATEMENT - li) Sher Khan List of Prominent Hostages in Captivity of ill) Javed Ahmed Sargar the Terrorists

iv) Noor Mohd. Kalwal Jammu & Kashmir

v) Mohd. Altaf Butt. 1) Mr. Silva Antonie, French National

vi) Muhtaq Ahmed Khan of Anantnag 2) Sh. K.C. Gupta

vii) Mohd. Ayub Khan of Srinagar. 3) Sh. Tassad Hussain Dev

vili) Javed Ahmed Beg of Srinagar 4) Sh. Puran Anand Sharma 67 kWttM) Ans¥m s NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 68

5) Sh.Safild Shaft (a) whether Government propose to set up a devek>pment tx>ard to remove regkinal 6) Mir Nasarullah Lasjan imbalances in the country;

Assam (b) if so, the details thereof; and

1) Sh.S.K.Thi»ari (c) if not, the reasons Uierefor and the other measures Government propose to take 2) Sh. Ljohit Das in this regard.

3) Sh. Ranjani Das THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) to (c). Artfcie 4) Sh. C.R. Mohanty 371 (2) of the Constitutk>n envisages special responsibifity of the Governor for the estab­ 5) Sh. Krishan Lai lishment of separate development boards for Vklharbha, Marathwada and the rest of 6) Sh.ShM)k Gupta Maharashtra, and Saurashtra, Kutch and the rest of Gujarat. No devetopment boards IT m n s M o ri have been set up so far. The proposals sent by the Government of Maharashtra are under Atrecllto* on Backward and Minority examinatbn. Communltias lEngMshJ *57. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: tha Minister of WEU^ARE be pleased to Power Crisis stale: *59. SHRI GOPI NATH GAJAPATHI: (a) whatharthe incUents of atrodties on W il the Minister of POWER AND NON- tMdcward and minority communities are on CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be the incraase in the country during the last pleased to state: five months; and (a) whether it is fact that the country is (b) I so, the steps taiten by the Govern­ facing an acute power crisis; ment to check such incktonts? (b) i so, the step proposed to be taken THE MINISTER OF WEUARE (SHRI to increase power generatnn to meM the SITARAM KESRI): (a) and (b). Uw and demand of different states. State-wise; Order is a State siA>jecL Offences under the law are investigated, tried and punishments (c) the plandrawn upforthe eighth Plan; amuded. No date is maintained of such offences, community wise, in the Ministry of (d) whether any k>ng term strategies are Welfare. proposed to be adopted keeping in view of the growing need of power in the countiy; Setting Development Board to and Remove Regional Imbalances (e) if so, detail thereof? *58. SHRI RA.£NDRA AGNIHOTRI: Win the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE pleased to state; MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON* 69 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>4/CA) Written An$¥ifers 70

VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS KALP NATH RAI): (a) During the period April (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): (a) As per informa- . 1991 - October, 1991. the energy deficit in tbn available, 45 persons were kiHed and the country was of the order of 8.0%. 183 injured in the bomb blasts in Rudrapur.

(b) Various measures being taken to (b) No, Sir. improve the generation in the country in­ clude renovation and modernisation of old (c) As per information furnished by the units, assistance to Electricity Boards in State Government, various measures have undertaking plant betterment programme, been taken to tackle the situatton such as supply of requisite quantity and quality of strengthening of intelligence machinery, Coal, training of Operatton and Maintenance deptoyment of Central Forces/P.A.C. in the personnel and strengthening of Transmis- affected areas, improvement of communtoa- ston and Distributton System. tion systems, provkiing extra vehicles, es­ tablishment of bomb disposal squads etc. (c) The Eighth Plan has not been final­ The Central Govt, is in constant touch with ised so far by the Planning Commisston. the State Govt, and is provkiing alt possble assistance to the State Govt, as and when (d) and (e). The bng terms strategies for required. power devetopment are (i) Accelerated devetopment of Hydro Potential, (ii) Strength­ [Translation] ening of Transmisston and Distribution Sys­ tems. (iii) Adoptton of Coal beneficiation technology, (iv) Diversiftoation of modes of Recruitment at B.S.F. Center, Hazar- coal transportatton, (v) Private Sector Par- ibagh tk^ipatton in Power Sector, etc.

432. SHRI BHUBANESHWAR Bomb blast at Rudrapur PRASAD MEHTA: Wlllthe Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to stale:

*60. SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD (a) whether there exists a Border Secu­ SINGH rity Force Centre in village Meru, district SHRI M.V. CHAN- Hazarft)agh of Bihar, ORASHEKARA MURTHY: (b) whether recruitment of jawans for WiM the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Border Security Force is m^^ie every month pleased to state: in this centre and there is a fixed quota for each State; (a) the number of persons killed and injured in the bomb blaste at Rudrapur in (c) whether the bcals as well as the Uttar Pradesh; migrants are recruited on Class IV posts; and (b) whether the Govemment have made any an^ests In this connectton; and (d) whether the rules governing reouH- ment of jawans and Class-IV emptoyees ki (c) the steps taken by the Government B.S.F. have t>een adhered to. not. the to safeguard this regton? reasons therefor? 71 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 72

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE enforcement of the substantive Criminal Law. MINISTRY OF PARLAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ According to the Vllth Schedule to the TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Cosnstitution of India, the subject 'Public JACOB): (a) Yes, Sir. Order’ and ’Police’ are included in the state List. The registration, Investigation, detec­ (b) and (c). Recruitment of jawans for tion and prevention of crime is the responsi­ Border Security Force is made by Training bility of the State Governments/ Union Terri­ Centre and School, Hazaribagh as and when tory Administrations. The State Governments vacancies are allotted to this Centre for have to take action to register cases, under recruitment. take investigatbn, apprehend culprits and file cases in the Courts of Law according to There is no fixed quota of vacancies for the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code. each State/UT. But vacancies are allotted to There is no information collected by Central each StateAJnion Territory on the basis of agencies regarding cases of violation of population of the State/UT. This procedure varbus Sections of Criminal Procedure Code. ensures fair representatbn of each State/UT in the BSF and meets the interests of the Pending Telephone Connections In local and displaced persons. Ranchi

(d) Rules and instructions governing 434. SHRI GOVINDA CHANDRA these recruitments are adhered to. MUNDA: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ TIONS be pleaded state; [English] (a) the number of applbations for tele­ Violation of Criminal Procedure Act phone connectbns pending in Ranchi, Bihar;

433. SHRIMATIGEETA MUKHERJEE: (b) the actbn being taken to expedite Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be the albtment of telephone connections; pleased to state: (c) the details or telephone connections (a) the number of cases registered with albtted in Ranchi on out of turn basis during poRce for vfolating different sectbns of the the last three years; and Criminal Procedure Act in each state during the last three years; and (d) the details of the temporary tele­ phone connectbns sanctbned during the (b) the number of cases where posecu- same period? tion took place and the accused punished/ released without punishment and how many THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE cases are still under trial. State-wise? MINITRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) 3862 applba­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tions for telephone connections are pending MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS in Ranchi. Bihar. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. (b) As per the draft eighth plan, ft i JACOB): (a) and (b). The Criminal Proce­ proposed to provbe telephone connectbns dure Code, 1973 is a procedural law which with the objective to contain the waiting lays down the process of administration and period to maximum of two years by the erwi 73 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 74 of the 8th Plan in large systenfis in urban countant on 4.4.1991 for a period of 3 nrwnths. areas and practically on demand in rural The deposit was renewed for a period of 3 areas. months under order of the Com missbner on 4.7.1991. The investment was renewed for a (c) 54 telephone connections have been further period of 3 months under orders of allotted in Ranchi on out of turn basis since the Commissbner on 4.10.1991 in the same 1.4.1988. bank. The then Chief Accountant claimed that the amount was being kept by the State (d) 182 temporary telephone connec­ Bank in a subsidiary company. This claim tions have been sanctioned since 1.4.1988. was refuted by the bank whbh confirmed in writing that the deposits were kept in the Irregularities Regarding Deposit from State Bank of India, Chandni Chowk branch. Municipal Corporation Fund No irregularity was committed in depositing the fund in State Bank of India. 435. SHRIVUOY KUMAR YADAV: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased (c) No, Sir. to state: (d) Does not arise. (a) whether Chief Accountant of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi had pointed Replacement of Minorities Commission out irregularities regarding deposit of Rs. 24 by Human Rights Commission crores from Municipal Corporation’s funds in a subsidiary of the State Bank of India; 436. SHRI RAM NAIK: Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof; (a) whether Government are aware that (c) whether this was done in violation of there is a demand to replace Minorities the MCD resolution of 1970 that “The surplus Commission by Human Rights Commissbn; money standing at the credit of any of the and accounts of the Municipal funds etc. be deposited in equal share in nationalised bank (b) if so, whether this demand is under only”; and consideration of Unbn Government and the time bound programme to an'ive at a deci­ (d) if so, the details thereof and the sion? reasons therefor? THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SITARAM KESRI): (a) Yes. Sir. MINITRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ (b) No Sir. it Is proposed to give statu­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. tory status to the Minorities Commissbn. JACOB): (a) and (b). Municipal Corporation of Delhi has reported that a sum of Rs. 20.26 crore was deposited in the State Bank of News Item Captioned ''Bankon Mein India, Chandni Chowk Branch by the Munici­ Herapherl Karne Wale Glroh Ka Pardah pal Corporation with the approval of the Phas, Ek Pakra” Commissioner on 4.4.1990 from the G.P. Funds for a perbd of one year. On maturity, 437. SHRI RAJNATH SONKAR SHAS- the sum of Rs. 23 crore was reinvested in the TRI: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be same bank under orders of the Chief Ac­ pleased to state: 75 Wrkten Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wr^0n Answers 76

(a) whether attention of the Govern­ THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI ment has been drawn to the news-item SITARAM KESRI): (a) No Sir. captioned *Bankon mein herapheri karne wale giroh ka pardah phas, ek pakra” ap­ (b) Does not arise. pearing in the Janasatta dated October 14, 1991 wherein it has been stated that Kirti (c) The Socto-economic conditton of a Nagar, New Delhi Police have brought into community varies from State to State. A their net a gang doing hanky panky in the caste or community can not be categorised banks and post offices; as a Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Trhes on all India basis. (b) if so, the details of the hanky panky of the gang and the actbn taken against Construction work of Studio of Port them; Blair

(c) the details of other police stations 439. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: which have similariy brought into their net WiH the Minister of INFORMATION & such elements; and BROADCASTING be pleased to state:

(d) the steps taken to further tighten the (a) whether the construction work of the net brhg into the net more such person who studb producing T.V. programmes at Port are engaged in cheating the pubik; in one Biair Center has been undertaken; and way or the other? (b) if so, when the work was undertaken THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE and the target date fixed for its completton MINITRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS and the expenditure incurred thereon? AND MWISTER OF STATE IN TH E MINIS­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE JACOB): (a) to (d). The informatbn is t>eing MINISTRY OF INFORMAITON AND coHected and will be laid on the Table of the BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): House. (a) Yes. Sir.

(b) Civil works pertaining to Programme RecognMon of Castes as SC 9 /ST9 bi Generating Facility Centre at Port Blair were States taken up in early 1988 and are now at final stages of completk>n. The Project is envis­ 438. SHRI DHARMABHIKSHAM: Will aged to t>e completed by March, 19®^. An the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to amount of Rs. 196.95 lakhs has so far t>een st2to: incun'ed on the Project

(a) whether the Government propose to Villagss In Karnataka Electrified amend the Constrtutbn for recognition of during 1991-92 SCs and STs recognised in a particular State, to aN over India; 440. SHRI RAMACHANDRA VEER- APPA: Win the Miniver of POWER AND (b) if 80, wfmn such a bill is licely to be NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY Produced; and SOURCES be ^ a s e d to stale:

(c) H not, reasons therefor? (a) the number olsiectrtfied and unelec- 77 Wmen Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>UCA) Wmen Answers 78 trifled villages in Karnataka, district-wise; electrification, were electrified by the end of March, 1989. thereby, the Karnataka State (b) the number of villages in Karnataka Electrbity Board declaring that the State had electrified during 1990-91; reached cent percent electrif icatbn. A state­ ment indicating the district-wise number of (c) whether the Government have con­ electriTied and un-electrified vills^es in the ducted any survey for the rural electrification State is encbsed. in the Bkiar Parliamentary Constituency of Kamataka; and (b) In view of (a) above, no additional villages were electrified in Karnataka during (d) if so. the detail thereof? 1990-91.

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (c) and (d). As per available information, MINISTRY O F POWER AND NON-CX>N- out of 1903 villages in BWar and Gutoarga VENTKDNAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI districts (falling in BkJar Pariiamentary Con­ KALP NATH RAI): (a) Out of a total of 27.024 stituency). 1891 village stand electrified by villages in Kamataka. all Inhabited villages the end d March, 1989. The remaining 12 numbering 26.483. whbh are feas'^le for vills^s are not feasible for electrificatk)n. 79 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers SO

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U) 83 Wr^en Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 84

[Transiatk>n] of telephone exchange in Rsyasthan as on 30.9.1991 is 889. Conversion of Telephone Exchanges into Electronic Exchanges in The number of electronic exchanges as on 30.9.1991 in Rajasthan is 262 441. SHRIDAU DAYAL JOSHI: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATION S be pleased The list of exchanges is encbsed as to state: statement.

(a) the present number of telephone The exchanges were opened at mini­ exchanges functioning in Rajasthan mum demand of 10 telephone connection abngwilh the locatbns thereof; since when and were expanded as demand was built up these are functbning and the number of In the past. Small & medium size exchanges electronic exchanges out of them; abng with main size exchanges were com* missbned at various places subsequently (b) whether Government propose to as demand grew up. convert the remaining telephone exchanges into electronb exchange during the current year; and (b) and (c). No, sir. Conversbn of elec­ tromechanical exchanges to Electronb ex­ (c) so, the details thereof? changes is carried out as and when they t>ecome life expired. All the manual ex­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE changes ail over the country are proposed to MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI be converted to automatb exchange by P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The number March, 1994.


List of Telephone Exchange

No. Nanje of Exchange District Tehsif

1 2 3 4

1. Aau Jodhpur Phabdi

2. Abu Mount S^ohi

3. Abu Ro ad Abu Road

4. Achrol J a i^ r Jamwa Ramgarh

5. Adsar Chum Taran^ar

6. Ahore Jabre Ahore

7. Ajarka Alwar Mandawar

8. ^eet Barmer 85 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (5>4/C4) Written Answers 86

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

9. Ajeetgarh Sikar Sri Madhopur

10. Ajmer Ajmer Ajmer

11. Akbarpur Alwar Aswar

12. Aklera Jhalawar Aklera

13. Akola Chhtorgarh kapasan

14. Alwada Alwar Ramgarh

15. AHanagar Bundi Bundi

16. Aligarh Tonk Uniara

17. Alooda Dausa Dausa

18. Alsisar Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

19. Alwar Alwar Alwar

20. Anadra SIrohi

21. Anandpuri Banswara BagkJora

22. Anandpurkaloo Pali Jaitaran

23. Antah Baran Mangrol

24. Antrl Dungarpur Dungarpur

25. Aniipgarh Sriganganagar Anupgarh

26. Arain Ajmer K^hangarh

27. Arjunsar Sriganganagar Suratgarh

28. Amod Chhtorgarh Pratapgarh

29. Aithoona Banswara Garty

30. Asara Barmer Pachpadra 87 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 88

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

31. Asind Bhiiwara Asind

32. Asnawar Jhalawar Jhalawar

33. Asop Jodhpur Bilara

34. Aspur Dungarpur Aspur

35. Aipara paii Ojat

36. Atru baran Atru

37. Auwa Pali Marwar Junctbn

38. Avikan^ar Tonk Malpura

39. Babi Jhunghunu Khetari

40. Babaicha Ajmer Ajmer

41. babaiwara udaipur Udaipur

42. Babra Pali Raipur

43. Badhai Jaipur Phulera

44. Badi Khatu Nagaur Jayal

45. Badiyai Kalan Dausa Bawa

46. Badoo Nagaur Parbatsar

47. Baggm Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

48. Baghera Ajmer Kekri

49. B^gidora Banswara Bagkk)ra

50. Bagol Pali Desuii

51. Bagora Jabre Bhinmal

52, Bagra Jabre Jabre 89 WrntM Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(&4/C4) Writen Answers 90

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

53. Bagri Nagar Pall Raipur

54. Bogru Jaipur Sanganar

55. Bahadurpur Atwar Alwar

56. Bahrawaoakhurd Sawai Madhopur KharKiar

57. Bain Chuai Taranagar

58. Balkx) Barmor Barmer

59. Bakani Jhaiawar Jhaiawar

60. Bakara Road Jak)re Jabre

61. Balaheri Sawai Madhopur Mahuwa

62. Baiangdri Sirohl Sirohi

63. Balaran Sslkar Ls^mangarh

64. Balarwa Jodhpur Ostar)

65. Balesar Jodhpur Shergarh

66. Bali Pali Bail

67. Babtra Barmer P»:hpadra

68. Bakm Pali Pay

69. Balwara Jabre Jabre

70. Bamanwas Sawai Madhopur Bamanwas

71. Bambc^ Udaipur Girwa

72 B«nar Jodhpur Jodl^>yr

73. Bansthafi Tonk Newai

74. Bandanwara Kakri 91 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 92

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

75. Bandikui Dausa Baswa

76. Banera Bhiwara Banera

77. Baneti Jaipur Kotputli

78. Bangothri Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

79. Bankli Pall Bali

80. Bankora Dungarpur Aspur

81. Bansi Bohera Chittorgarh Vallabhnagar

82. Banskho Jaipur Bassi

83. Bansur Alwar Bansur

84. Banswara Banswara Banswara

85. Banta Pali

86. Banwali Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

87. Baori Jodhpur Osian

88. Bap Jodhpur Phalodi

89. Bar Pali Raipur

90. Baragaon Jhunjhunu Udaipun^ati

91. Baran Baran Baran

92. Baravarda Chittorgarh Partapgarh

93. Bardod Afwar Bhfor

94. Bargaon Jabre Bhinma)

95. Bari Dholpur Bari

97. Barmer Barmer Barmar 93 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 94

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

98. Barna Ajmer Kishangarh

99. Barodakan Alwar Lachmangarh

100. Barodemeo Alwar Lachmangarh

101. Barodiya Banswara Bagidora

102. Basai Nawab Dholpur Dholpur

103. Basawa Jhunjhunu Nawalgarh

104. Banseri Dholpur Banseri

105. Bansri Nagur Nagur

106. Basnidadwaria Pali Raipur

107. Bassi Chittorgarh gangrar

108. Bassi Jaipur Bassi

109. Baswa Dausa Baswa

110. Bayana Bharatpur Bayana

111. Beawar Ajmer Beawar

112. Beelawas Pali Sojat

113. Birani Pali Bali

114. Beesaipur Pali Bali

115. Begas Jaipur Jaipur

116. Begun Chittorgarh Begun

117. Behror Alwar Behror

118. Betwa Jodhpur Shergarh

119. Bera Pali Bali 95 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Ans¥¥ers 96

No. Name of Exchange D^trict Tebsit

1 2 3 4

120. Beri S'ikar Sikar

121. Berkalan Pali Jiitaran

122. Berkeda Bharatpur Bayana

123. Besroli Ns^aur Parbatsar

124. Bhadear Chittorgarh Bhadear

125. Bhadoon Ajmer Kishangarh

126. Bhadra Sriganganagar Bhadra

127. Bhadwa Jaipur Phuiera

128. Bhadwsffii Nagaifl^ Nagaur

129. Bhaguri Ajmer Ajmer

130. Bhagwatgarh Swai MsKihopur Swai Madhopur

131. Bhaisoda Chittorgarh Bhadesar

132, bhanakPura Swai Modhopur Tcxia Bhim

133. Bhandaraj Dausa Dausa

134. Bhandarsindi Ajmer Kishangarh

135. Bhanokar Atwar Laxmangarh

136. Bhanpura Udaipur Gogunda

137. Bhanwargarh Baran Kishanganj

138. B hanv^ Ajmer Ajmer

139. Bharatpur Bharatpur Bharatpur

140. Bharja S ^ h i

141. Bharoonda Pafi Bafi 97 V r n t a n A r m ^ A G R A H A YA N A 4 .1913 (5>U0I) Wrkten Answers 98

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

142. Bharoti Swai Madhopur Bonli

143. Bhatyani Ajmer Ajmer

144. Bhatoond Pall Ball

145. Bhawani Mandi Jhalawar pachpahar

146. Bhilwara Bhilwara Pachpahar

147. Bhim Rajasamand Bhim

148. Bhimpur Banswara Garhi

149. Bhimsar Jhunjhunu JHUNJHUNU

150. Bhiney Ajmer Kekri

151. Bhinder Udaipur Vallabhnagar

152. Bhindsur Alwar Tijara

153. Bhinmai Jabre Bhinmai

154. Bhiwadi Alwar Tijara

155. Bhomtawara Udaipur Kherwara

156. Bhoopaisagar Chlttorgarh Kapasan

157. Bhopaigarh Jodhpur Bilara

158. Bhusawar Bharatpur Weir

159. Bhute Kavarda Jabre Ahore

160. Bibirani Alwar Kishangarhba

161. Bichgaon Alwar Laxmangarh

162. Bichhlwara Dungarpur Dur^erpur

163. Bichoon Jaipur Dudu 99 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 100

No. Name of Exchange District TehsU

1 2 3 4

164. Bidasar Churu Sujangarh

165. Bidiyad Nagaur Parbatsar

166. Bidsu Nagaur Parbatsar

167. Bigod Bhilwara Mandalgarh

168. Bijoliyankalan Bhillwara Mandalgarh

169. Bikaner Bikaner Bikaber

170. bllara Jodhpur Bilara

171. Binjhhayla Sriganganagar Padampur

172. Binjusar Jhunjhunu Jhunjhuna

173. Binol Rajsamand Rajsamand

174. Bisaipur Jodhpur Jodhpur

175. Bishangarh Jalore Jalore

176. Bissau Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

177. Bonli Swai Madhopur bonli

178. Bo raj jaipur Dudu

179. Boranada Jodhpur Bilara

180. Boroonda Jodhpur Bilara

181. Bundf Bundi Bundi

182. Burja Alwar Alwar

183. C C Head Sriganganagar Sriganganagc

184. Chachori Pali paii

185. Chak 12 G Sriganganagar Nohar 101 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 102

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

186. Chak 3 O Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

187. Chak Maharajka Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

188. Chaksu Jaipur Chaksu

189. Chandan Jaisalmer Jaisalmer

190. Chandawal Pali Sojat City

191. Chandesara Udaipur Mawli

192. Chandoll Alwar Alwar

193. Chandrol Jaiore Ahore

194. Chanodll Pali Bali

195. CharBhuja Rd. (Amet) Rajasamand Amet

196. Char Bhujaji Rajsamand Kumbalgarh

197. Chaumehia Jlialawar Gangdhar

198. Chautha Ka Barwara Swai Madhopur Swai Madhopur

199. Chawand Udaipur Sarda

200. Chechar Kota Kota

201. Chhabra Baran Chhabra

202. Chhan Tonk Tonk

203. Chhapar Churu Sujangarh

204. Chharda Dausa Pausa

205. Chhatragarh Bikaner Bik-;nar

206. Chhipa Barod Baran Chhipa Barod

207. Chhokarwara Bharatpur 103 Wr^en Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 WrmenAns¥¥0rs 104

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

208. Chhota Dungra Banswara Banswara

209. Chhota Dungra Banswar Deedwana

210. Chhoti Sadri Chittorgarh Chooti Sadri

211. Chtklf dungarpur Sagwara

212. Chirana Jhunjhunu Chirawa

213. Chirawa Jhunjhunu Chirawa

214. Chittora Renwai Jaipur Phagi

215. chittorgarh Chittorgarh Chittorgarh

216. Chohatan Barmer Chohtan

217. Chomu Jaipur Anfiber

218. Choukha Jodhpur Jodhpur

219. Chunawad Kothi Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

220. Dabi Bundi Bundi

221. Churu Churu Churu

222. Dabla SIkar Neemka Thana

223. Dabll Sriganganagar Hanumangarh

224. Dabok Udaipur Mavii

225. Dag Jhalawar Gangdhar

226. Dah Nagaur Nagaur

227. Daftra Bikaner Sriganganagar

228. Danta Ramgarh Sikar Denta Ramgarh 105 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>WC4) Written Answers 106

‘ No, Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

229. Dantri Sirohi Reodar

230. Darah Kota Atru

231. Daspan Jalore Bhinmal

232. Dauiatpura Dausa Dausa

233. Dauiatpura Sikar Sikar

234. Dauiatpura Srigangarragar Tibi

235. Dausa Dausa Dausa

236. Dawer Rajsamand Bhim

237. Dayalpura Nagaur Deedwana

238. Deedwana Magaur Deedwana

239. Deeg Dharatpur Deeg

240. Deendwara Ajmer Kishangarh

241. Degana Naguar Degana

242. Dei Bunid Nainwa

243. Detwara Rajsamand Nathdwara

244. Deogarh Rajasamand Deogarh

245. Deon Tonk Deoli

246. Deoil Auwa Pali Raipur

247. Deoli Kalan Pali Raipur

248. Deoli Pabuji Pali

249. Deshnok Bikaner Blkanw

250. Desuri Patb Desuri 107 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 108

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

251. Dhamli Pali Marwar Junction

252. Dhandhora Jodhpur Jodhpur

253. Dhankiya Jaipur Jamwa Ramgarh

254. Dhania Pali Marwar

255. Dhancori Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

256. Dhariwad Udaipur Dhariwad

257. Dhod Sikar Sikar

258. Dhollpal Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

259. Dholpur Dholpur Dholpur

260. Barmer Barmer

261. Digawar Alwar Alwar

262. Diggi Tonk Malpura

263. Dindoli Chiltorgarh Rashmi

264. Doodwakhara Churu Churu

265. Dooni Tonk Deoli

266. Dudu Jaipur Dudu

267. Dujana Pali Pali

268. Dungarpur Dungarpur Dungarpur

269. Dungla Chittorgarh Dungla

270. Dustau Nagaur Nagaur

271. Fatehnagar Udaipur Mavli 109 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 110

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

272. Fatehpur Sikar Fatehpur

273. Fatuhi Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

274. Gachhipura Nagaur Parbatear

275. Gadiyali Bikaner Srikila Yatji

276. Gadra Road Barmer Bheoganj

277. Gajner Bikaner Srikila

278. Gajsinghpur Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

279. Gajsinghpur Jodhpur Osian

280. Galiyakot Dungarpur Sagwara

281. Galwa Rajsamand Amet

282. Gandaia Alwar Behror

283. Gandheli Sriganganagar nohar

284. Ganeshgarh Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

285. Gangapru Bhilwar Shahpur

286. Gangapur city Sawai Madhopur Gangapur City

287. Gangrar Chittorgarh Gangrar

288. Ganguwala Sriganganagar Padampur

289. Hsonhuths Rajsamand Nathdwara

290. Geejgarh Dausa Sikandra

291. Ghanerao Pali Desuri

292. Ghangoo Churu Churu 111 Writtm Answors NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 112

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

293. Ghari Sawairam Atwar Rajgarh

294. Gharsana Sriganganagar Anupgarh

295. Ghasa Jdalpur Mavii

296. Ghata Rajsemend Kumbalgarh

297. Ghatol Benswara Ghatol

298. Ghenri Pali Desuri

299. Ghewra Jodhpur Osian

300. Ghooghra Ajmer Ajmer

301. Ghosunda Chittorgarh Chittorgarh

302. Gogalav Nagaur Naguar

303. Gogunda Udaipur Gogunda

304. Goiuwala Sriganganagar Suratgarh

305. Gonera Jaipur Kotputli

306. Gothan nagaur Meta City

307. Guthra Alwar Tijara

308. Govindgarh Ajmer Ajmer

309. Govindgarh Alwar Laxmangarh

310. Govindgarh Jaipur Amber

311. Guda Matani Bamer Barner

312. Gudha Gorjika Jhunjhunu UdaipUHA^ati

313. Gudhiya Dausa Baswa 113 WrktenAnswws AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S4K4) Written Answers 114

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

314. Gudna Salt Nagaur Nawa

315. Guhala Sikar Neemka Thana

316. Gulabewala Sriganganagar Srikaranpur

317. Gutabpura Bliitwara Asind

318. Gundoj Pali Pali

319. Gurha Vishanoyan Jodhpur Jodhpur

320. Gurhababtan Jabre Ahore

321. Gurhaendia Pali paU

322. Hadecha Jabre Sanchore

323. Hatona Bharatpur Weir

324. Hameergarh BhOwara Bhitwara

325. Hamirpur Alwar Bansur

326. Hanumangarh Jn. Sriganganagar Hanumangarh

327. hanumangarh Town Sriganganagar hanumangarh

328. Harmara Ajmer Kishangarh

329. Hamawada Jhaiawar Akiera

330. HersoR Alwar Kishangarhbas

331. Harsor Nagaur Degana

332. Harsora Alwar Bensura

333. Himatsar Bicaner Nokha

334. Hindaun City Sawai Madhopur hindaun 115 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 116

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

335. Hindoli Bundi Hindoli

336. Hindumalkot Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

337. Hingoniya Jaipur Phulera

338. idwa Nagaur Degana

339. Islampur Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

340. Ismailpur Alwar Kihangarhbas

341. ttawa Kota Pipar City

342. J.K. Puram Sirohi Pindwara

343. Jadan Pali Marwar Junction

344. Jahata Jaipur Sanganer

345. Jahazpur Bhilwara Jahazpur

346. Jaipur “6" Unit & Jaipur Jaipur

347. Jaipur “7* unit Jaipur Jaipur

348. Jaipur Amber JaipUt Amber

349. Jaipur B. Nagar (RLU) Jaipur Sanganer

350. Jaipur Durgapura Jaipur Jaipur

351. Jaipur Jhotwara Jaipur Jaipur

352. ^laipur MIL Road (RLU) Jaipur Sanganer

353. Jaipur Mansarover Jaipur Sanganer

354. Jaipur SG'I Jaipur Jaipur

355. Jaipur SG'II Jaipur Jaipur 117 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 ( SAKA) Written Answers 118

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

356. Jaipur Vishwakarma Jaipur Jaipur

357. Jaiselmer Jaiselmer Jaiselmer

358. Jaitaran Pall Jaitaran

359. Jaitpura Jaipur Amber

360. Jakhai Jhun>hi>nu Nawaigarh

361. Jalore Jalore Jalore

362. Janwther Bharatpur bharatpur

363. Jasnagar Nagaur Merta City

364. Jasrasar Bikaner Nokha

365. Jaswantpur Jabre Bhinmai

366. Jatbehror Alwar Mandawar

367. Jatwara Dausa Dausa

368. Jawaja Ajmer Beawar

369. Sirohi Sirohi

370. Jawaia Nagaur Degana

371. Jawali Pali Desuri

372. Jawar Mines Udaipur Girwa

373. Jayal Nagaur Jayal

374. Jeendoli Alwar Mandawar

375. Jeerahera Bharatpur Kama

376. Jeewana Jalore Jabre 119 Written Answois NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 120

No. Name of Exchange District TehsU

1 2 3 4

377. Jejusar Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

378. Jellu Gagari Jodhpur Jodhpur

379. Jatsar Sriganganagar Anupgarh

380. Jetsar Far Sriganganagar Anupgarh

381. Jhab Jabre Sanchore

382. Jhadol P. Udaipur Sarada

383. Jhadol S. Udaipur Jhadot

384. Jhag Jaipur Dudu

385. Jhajhu Bikaner Srikolayatji

386. Jhalawar Jhalawar Jhalawar

387. Jhalrapatan Jhaiawar Jhalawar

388. Jhanwar Jodhpur Jodhpur

389. Jharii Sikar Srimadhopur

390. Jhirana Tonk Tonk

391. Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

392. Jobner Ja^ur PhuJora

393. Jodhivasi Nagaur Nagaur

394. Jodhpur Jodhpur Jodhpur

395. Jodhpur Jodhpur Jodhpur

396. Jodhpur Basni Jodhpur Jodhpur

397. Jodhpur Majtka Katta Jodhpur Jodhpur 121 WriUBH Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(5/4M) Written Answers 122

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsif

1 2 3 4

398. Joiawar Pali Marwar Junction

399. Jolana Banswara Garhi

400. Junia Ajmer kekri

401. Kachhola Bhilwara Mandaigarh

402. Kachwa Skar Laxmangarh

403. Kadel Ajmer Ajmer

404. Kadera Ajmer Kekri

405. Kallash Nagar Sirohi

406. Kaithoon Kota Ladpura

407. Kakor Tonk uniara

408. Kaladera Ja^ur Amber

409. katandri Sirohi Sirohi

410. kaiinjara Banswara Bagklora

411. Kakx> Blianer Lurdcaransar

412. Kalwad Jaipur JamwarBungarh

413. Kalyanpura Barmer Pachpadra

414. Kaman Bharatpur Kaman

415. Kanana Barmer Pachpadra

416. Kanera Chfttorgarh Nimbahera

417. Kankroi Rajsamand RajsaniarKJ

418. Kanod Udaipur VaMavhnagar Written Ansvmrs 124 123 Written ^sw ers NOVEMBER 25,1991

No. Name of Exchange District TehsU

1 2 3 4

419. Kanota Jaipur Bassi

420. Kanvas Kota Sangod

421. Kanwat Sikar Sri Madhopur

422. kapasan Chittorgarh Kapasan

423. Kaprain Bundi Kehoraipatan

424. Karansar Jaipur Phulera

425. KarauK Sawai Madhopur Karauli

426. Hariri Gazipur Savai Madhopur Tota Bhim

427. Karkedi Ajmer Kishangarh

428. Kathumar Atwar Laxmangarh

429. Kawas Barmer Pachpadra

430. Kekri Ajmer Kekri

431. Kela Devi Sawai Madhopur Karauli

432. Keiwa Rajsamand Kumbalgarh

433. Kelwara Baran Shahbad

434. Keiwara Rajsamand Kumbalgarh

435. Keru Jodhpur Jodhpur

436. Kehoraipatan Bundi Keshoraipatan

437. Kesrisinghpur Sriganganagar Srikaranpur

438. Khabrakhurd Jodhpur Osian

439. KKachariyawas Danta Ramgarh 125 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S/WC4) W i^ n Answers 126

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

440, Khairthal Alwar Kishangarhbas

441. Khajuwala Bikaner Bikaner

442. Khamnor Rajsamand Nathdwara

443. Khandap Barmer Siwana

444. Khandar Sawai Madhopur Khandar

445. Khandela Sikar Sri Madhopur

446. Khanpur Jhalawar Khanpur

M l. Khanpur Ahore Alwar Alwar

448. Khanpur Mewan Alwar Mandawar

449. Khara Bisal Jaipur Jamwarangarh

450. Khargda Dungarpur Sagwara

451. Khariya Khangar Jodhpur Bilara

452. Khariya Meethapur Jodhpur Btlara

453. Kharwa Ajmer Beawar

454. Khatu Shyamji Sikar Danta Ramgarh

455. Kheenwsar Nagaur Nagaur

456. Khejroli Jaipur Amber

457. Kherela Sawai Madhopur Mahuwa

458. Kherii Alwar laxmangarh

459. Kheroda Udaipur Vallabhanagar

460. Kherwa Pali PaH 127 WMUuiAnswws NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrmen Answers 128

No. Name Exchange Dbtrid Tehsil

1 2 3 4

461. Kherwara Udaipur Khervira

462. Khetri Nagar Jhunjhunu Khetri

463. KhetriTo\¥n Jhimjhunu Khetri

464. Khiwara PaM Desurl

465. Khod Pali Pall

466. Khoh Alwar Laxmangarh

467. Khunkhuna Nagaur Deedwana

468. Kishanganj Baran Kishanganj

469. Kishangarhbas A ktar Kishangarhbs

470. Kolya Nagaur Deedwana

471. Koodan Sicar Sicar

472. Koseiao Pai Pay

473. KoshHhal Bhiwara Shahpur

474. Kota Kota Ladpura

475. Kolkasim Alwar Kishar>garhb8

476. Kotputn Jaipur Kotputti

477. Kotra Udaipur Kotra

4 m KbtH Bhiwara Kotri

479. Krl8hiUp84MandlUP UdaipiflT Gvwa

480. Kuamal Ri^asamand Deogarh

481. KuchamanCiiy Nagaur Parbatsar 129 mrnmtAmwms AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (SMX) mitten Aimnan 130

No, Name of Exchange Distfht Tehsil

1 2 3 4

482. Kuchaman Road Nagaur Parbatsar

483. Kuchera Nagaur Nagaur

484. Kukas Jaipur Sanganer

485. Kulchandra Sriganganagar Ttoi

486. Kumher Bharatpur Bharatpur

487. Kun Udaipur Dhariawad

488. Kundera Sawai Madhopur Sawai Madhopur

489. Kurgaon Sawai Madhopur Sapotra

490. Kushalgarh Banswara Kushalgarh

491. Kushalpura Pali Raipur

492. Kutliwas Dausa Dausa

493. Lachhmangarh Sikar Lachmangarh

494. ladaiiya Nagaur Deedwana

495. Ladnun Nfi^aur Ladnun

498. Lakhanpuri Bharatpur Nadbai

497. Lakhen Bundi Kdshoraipatan

498. Lalgarh Churu Sujangarh

499. Lalgarh Jatan Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

500. Lalsot Dausa Laisot

501. tamba Harishing Tonk Malpura

502. Lambori rajsamand Kumbaigarh 131 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 132

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

503. Lacxxi Pali Bali

504. Liada Pali Bali

505. Lat Jaisalmer Pokaran

506. Lawar Jaisaimer Malpua

507. Lawa Sardargarh Rajsamand Amet

508. Lawan Dausa Dausa

509. Laxmangarh Alwar Laxmangarh

510. Loharrya Banswara Garhi

511. Lohawat Jodhpur Phalodi

512. Loonwa nagaur parbatsar

513. Losal Sikar Danta Ramgarh

514. Lunawa Pali Bali

515. Luni Jodhpur Jodhpur

516. Lunkaransar Bikaner Lunkaransar

517. MIAAiway Alwar Alwar

518. Machari Alwar Rajgarh

519. Machlnda Rajsamand Nathdwara

520. Madanganj Anker Kishangarh

521. Madhoraj PuraJa^ur Phagi

522. Mahajan Bikaner Lunkaransar

523. Mahapura Jaipur Sanganar 133 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S>4KA) Written Answers 134

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

524. Mahendragarh Bhilwara Shahpura

525. Mahianwaii Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

526. Mahlan Jaipur Dudu

527. Mahuwa Bhilwara Mandalgarh

528. mahuwa Sawai Madhopur Mahuwa

529. Mahuwa Road Sawai Madhopur Mahuwa

530 Majai Barmer Sfwana

531. Makrana Nagaur Parbatsar

532. Maiakhera Alwar Alwar

533. Malarnadoongar Sawai Madhopur Bonli

534. Malpura Tonk Malpuara

535. Malsisar Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

536. Matwara Jabre Bhinnfial

537. Manai Jodhpur Osian

538. Mandal Bhilwara Mandalgarh

539. Mandatgarh bhilwara Mandalgarh

540. Mandanwala Jabre Jabre

541. Mandar Sirohi Reodar

542. Mandawa Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

543. Mandawar Alwar Mandawar

544. Mandawari Dausa Lalsot 135 W M ^A n s w e rs NOVEMBER 25.1991 W ritan Answora 136

Alb. Narm o i Exchange District Tahsii

1 2 3 4

545. Mandha Slkar Danta Ramgarh

546. Mandha Bhimsingh Jaipur Phulera

547. mandhan Alwar Bohror

548. Mandriya Chittorgarh Bhadesar

549. MarKireUa Jhunjhunu Chirawa

550. Mandwa Udaipur Kotra

551. Mangalwar Chittorgarh Dungia

552. Mangatwas Ajmer Ajmer

553. Iteigeat Baran Mangroi

554. Mangrop ^hitwara Bhtlwara

555. Maniyam Dho^ur Dho^ur

556. Maooharpuf^ Jaipur Viratnagar

557. Manoharthana Jhalawar Aktera

558. Maroth Nagaur Part>atsar

559. Marwar Jn. Pali Marwar Junct

560. Marwar Mathania Jodhpur Oslan

561. Masooda Ajmer BBBmar

562. MauzamabsKi J a ^ r Dudu

Mavli Jrt. Uda^ur Mavli

564. Meethri Hagaur Parbatsar

5ffi. MertaCity Nagatir MertaCity 137 WHtt0nAnsw»rs AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SA/C4) Wrkten Answers 138

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsif

1 2 3 4

566. Merta Road Naguar merta City

567. Mirzawata Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

568. Mithari Nagaur Nagaur

569. Mohangarh Jaisalmmer Jaisaimer

570. Mohi Rajsamand Rajsamand

571. Mohrai Pali Jaitaran

572. Mokalsar Barmer Siwana

573. Molasar Nagaur Deedwana

574. Moieia Rajsamand Nathdwara

575. Momasar Churu Sridungerga

576. Morak Kota Ramganj Mar

577. Moundwas ikar Danta Ramganj

578. Mukandgarh Jhunjhunu Udaipurwat

579. Mundra Pali Raipur

580. Mumiwa Marwar Nagaur Nagaur

581. Nachna Jaisaimer Pokaran

582. Nadauti Sawai Madhopur Nadauti

583. Nadbai Bharatpur Nadbai

584. Nadol Pali Desun

585. Nagar Bharatpur Nagar

586. Nagar Fort Tonk Deoli 139 Wi^en Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 140

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

587. Nagaur Nagaur Nagaur

588. Nagatab Ajmer ^m er

589. Nai Udaipur Girwa

590. Nainwa Bundi Nainwa

591. Nana Pali Bail

592. Nandeshama Udaipur Gogunda

593. Nandkabas Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

594. Nangalbari Churu Rajgarh

595. Napasar Bikaner Bikaner

596. Naraina Jaipur Phulera

597. Narainpur Alwarcazi Thanagazi

598. Narainpura Nagaur Parbatsar

599. Nareda Jaipur Kotputli

600. Narhar Jhunjhunu Chirawa

601. Narotidag Sawai Madhopur Saportra

602. Naslrabad Ajmer Ajmer

603. Nathdwara Rajsamand Nathdwara

604. Nawagaon Udaipur Kherwara

605. Nawa^arh Jhunjhunu Udaipurwati

606. Nayala Jaipur Jamwaramgarh

607. Nechwa Sikar Laxmangrh 141 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4 .1913 (S/»/CA) Written Answers 142

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

608. Neebaj Sirohi Reodar

609 Neemka Thana Sikar Neemka Thana

610. Netawala Siiganganagar Sriganganagar

611. Newai Tonk Newai

612. Nikoo Chhtorgarh Nimbahera

613. Nimaj Pali Jaitaran

614. Nimbahera Chlttorgarh Nimbahera

615. Nimbod Nagaur Deedwana

616. Nogaon Alwar Ramgarh

617. Nohar Sriganganagar Nohar

618. Nokha Bikaner Nokha

619. Nokha Chandawatan Nagaur Merta City

620. Nowi Pali Bali

621. Nua Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

622. Osian Jodhpur Osian

623. Pacca Saharana Sriganganagar Hanumangarh

624. Pachewar Tonk Malpura

625. Pachpadra Barmer Pachpadra

^ 6 . Padampur Sriganganagar padampur

e27. Padeev Sirohi Sirohi

628. Padli (Gantri) Dungarpur Dungerpur 143 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers -144

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

629. Padroo Barmer Siwana

630. Pahaii Bharatpur Kama

631. Pal Deval Oungarpur Dungarpur

632. Pali Pali Pall

633. Palodra Udaipur Sarada

634. Pairi Pali Pali

635. Palsana Sa^ar Danta Ramgarh

636. Panchwa Nagaur Nawan

637. Paota Jaipur Kotputli

638. Paota Sawai Madhopur Mahuwa

639. Paparda Dausa Dausa

640.4 Parasli Rajsamand Rajsamarid

641. Parasoli Bhilwara Asind

642. Parassrampur Jhunjhunu Uda^urwati

643. Parbatsr Nagaur Parbatsar

644. Parihara Churu Ratangarh

645. Parsad Uda^ur Sarada

646. Parsola Uda^r Dharimad

647. Partapgarh Alwar Thanaghazi

648. Partapur Banswara Garhi

649. Patan Saiar NedmkaThana 145 WMUonAnswrns AGRAHAYANA4,1913(&4K») Writton Answers 146

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

650. Patodi Barmer Pachpadra

651. Peeh Nagaur Parbatsar

652. Peepalda Sewai Madhopur Bonti

653. Peepaliya Kalan Pan Raipur

654. Peepioo Tonk Tonk

655. Peer Kamria Srigangansgar Tibi

656. Peerawa Jhalawar Peerawa

657. Phagi Jaipur PhagI

658. Phaiasiya Udaipur Jhadot

659. Phalna Pail Bafi

660. Phakxli Jodhpur Phabdi

661. Pliaioz Dungarpur Dungarpur

662. Phaisoond Jaisakner Pokaran

663. Phephana Sriganganagar Nohar

Phuiera Jaipur Phuiera

665. PBani Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

666. Ptfbanga Sriganganagar Suratgarh

667. P ^ Alwar Rajgaiti

668. Pindwara Skohl Bindwara

669. PiparCity Biara -----M 670. r'fMliaH Sicar Sicar 147 Wr^en Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 148

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

671. Plsagaon Ajmer Ajmer

672. Pukaran Jaisalmer Pokaran

673. Ponkh Jhunjhunu Udaipurwati

674. Posaliyan Ssirohi Sheoganj

675. Posand Jaiore Jaiore

676. Potlan Bhiiwara Shahpur

677. Pratapgarh Chittorgarh Pratapgarh

678. Pulasar Churu Sardarshah

679.* Puskar Ajmer Ajmer

680. Rail Magra Rajsamand Rail Magra

681. Raipur Bhiiwara Raipur

682. Raipur Jhalawar Peerawa

683. Raipur Pali Raipur

684. Raisinghnagar Sriganganagar Raisinghna

685. Raja Khera Dholpur Raja Khera

686. Rajaji Kakrera Bhiiwara Mandalgarh

687. Rajakiesar Churu Ratangarh

688. Rajgarh Ajmer Ajmer

689. Ragarh Alwar Rajgarh

690. Rajisar Sriganganagar Suratgarh

691. Rajiawas Ajmer Beawar 149 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S4/C4) Written Answers 150

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4.

692. Rajnota Jaipur Kotputli

693. Rajpur Alwar Rajgarh

694. Rajpura Dariba Rajasanand Rail Marg

695. Rajwada Alwar Rajgarh

696. Rakhi Barmer Siwana

697. Rama Jalure Ahore

698. Rama Udaipur Girwa

699. Ramdeora Jaisalmer Pokaran

700. Ramganjmandi Kota Ramganj M

701. Ramgarh Alwar Ramgarh

702. Ramgarh Sikar Fatehpur

703. Ramgarh Pachwara Dausa Lalsot

704. Ramgarh Ujlawas Sriganganagar Nohar

705. Rampur (Kasba) Alwar Bansur

706. Rampura Jaipur Ganganer

707. Ramsar Ajmer Ajmer

708. Ramseen Jalore Binmal

709. Ramslnghpur Sriganganagar Anupgarh

710. Ranawas Pali Marwar

711. Rar>i Khurd pall Desuri

712. Raniwara Jabre Binnal 151 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrlttmi Answers 152

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

713. Ransigaon Jodhpur Bilara

714. Rashidpura Sikar Sikar

715. Rashmi Chhtorgarh Rashmi

716. Rasiya Bharatpur Nagar

717. Ratan Nagar Churu Churu

718. Ratangarh Churu Ratangarh

719. Rawatbhata Chittorgarh Begun

720. Rawatsar Sriganganagar Nohar

721. Rawla Mandi Sriganganagar Anupgarh

722. Rayiaroad Bhiiwara Banera

723. Reechher Rajsamand Kumbaigarh

724. Reengus Sikar Sri Madhppur

725. Ren Nagaur Merta City

726. Reni Alwar Rajgarh

727. Renwal Jaipur Phulera

728. Reodar Sirohi Reodar

729. Ridmalsar Sriganganagar Padampur

730. Richabdeo Udaipur Kherwara

731. RiyanBari Nagaur MeretaCity

732. Rohira Sirohi PM w ara

733. Roht Pali Pal 153 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S/^/C4) Written Answers 154

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

734. Rol Nagaur Jayal

735. Roneeja Than Alwar Kishangarh

736. Roopaheli Bhilwara Hurda

737. Roopangarh Ajmer Kishangarh

738. Roopawas Pali Pali

739. Rudawal Bharatpur Ruphas

740. Rundera Udaipur Vallabhnagar

741. Rungtapuram Jaipur Kotputli

742. Ruphas Bharatpur Ruphas

743. Sabla Dungarpur Aspur

744. Sadoli Alwar Ramgarh

745. Sadri Pali Desrri

746. Sadulpur Churu Rajgarh

747. Sadulshahar Sriganganagar Sadulshahar

748. sagwara Dungarpur Sagwara

749. Sahwa Churu Taranagar

750. Sainthal Dausa Dausa

751. Sajjangarh Banswara Banswara

752. Salassar Churu unangarh

753. Saiawas Jodhpur Jodhpur

754. Salemabad Ajmer Ntshangstt’h 155 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 156

No. A/ame of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

755. Sabre Rajsamand Bathdwara

756. Saipura Baran Atru

757. Saiumbar Udaipur Saiumbar

758. Samad Udaipur Girwa

759. Sambhariake Jaipur Amber

760. Samdhari Barmer Siwana

761. Samod Ja^ur Amber

762. Sanchore Jabre Sanchore

763. Sanderao Pali Bali

764. Sangaria Sriganganagar Sangaria

765. Sangod Kota Sangod

766. Sangrana Sriganganagar Raisinghnagar

767. Sapotra Sawai Madhpour Sapotra

768. Saradhana Ajmer Ajmer

769. Sardarshahar Churu Sardarshahar

770. Sanska AMrar Alwar

771. Sarmathuia O h o ^ r Baseri

772. SarolaKaian Jhafawar Jhaiawar

773. Sarwar A ^ e r Sarwar

774. Sawa Chittorgarh Chittorgarh

775. Sawai Macftiopur Sawai Madhpopuf Sawat Madhopur 157 Written Anstmrs AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S4K4) Writtan Answers 158

No, Name of Exchange District Tehsif

1 2 3 4

776. Sawai Madhopur City Sawai Madhopur Sawai Madhopur

777. Sawar Ajmer Kekri

778. Sayia Jalore Jabre

779. Seegoli Bhilwara Mandalgarh

780. SeekrI Bharatpur Nagpur

781. Seemalwara Dngarpur Dungerpur

782. Seeswali Barain Mangrol

783. Serna Rajsamand Nathdwara

784. Semal Rajsamand Nathdwara

785. Sehdra Pali Raipur

786. Senwasa Banswara Ghatol

787. Setrawa Jodhpur Shergarh

788. Sewari Pali Bali

789. Shahbad Baran Baran

790. Shahjahanpur Ahvar Behror

791. Shahjahanpur Alwar Behror

792. Shahpura Jaipur Viratnagar

793. Shambhoopura Chittorgarh Gangrar

794. Shamboogarh BhHwara Asind

795. Bheigarh Parmer Sheoganj

796. Shergarh Jodhpur Shergarh 59 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Ansvfers 160

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

797. Shishda Rajsamand Nathawara

798. Shishu (RanoK) Sikar Danta Ramga

799. Shivdespura Jaipur Chaksu

800. Shiwar Sawai Madhopur Sawai Madhopur

801. Shribalaji Nagaur Nagaur

802. Sidhmukh Churu Rajgarh

803. Sihot Chholi Sikar Sikar

804. Sikandra Dausa Sikandra

805. Sikar Sikar Sikar

806. Sikrai Dausa Sikandra

807. Sildar Sirohi Sirohi

808. Barmer Barmer

809. Singhpur Chittorgarh Begun

810. Siriyasar Kaian Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

811. SIrodi Sirohi Reodar

812. Sirohi Sirohi Sirohi

813. Siwana barmer Siwana

814. Siyana Jatore Jabre

815. Sodawas Atwar Mandawar

816. SojatCHy Pali SojatCity

817. SojatBoad Pal SojatCity 161 WrMen Answers AG R AH AYAN A4.1913 (S>t/04) Written Answers 162

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

818. Somesar pall Desuri

819. Sooroth Sawai Madhopur Hindaun

820. Soorwal Sawai Madhopur Sawai Madhopur

821. Sri Madhopur Sikar Sri Madhopur

823. Sridungargarh Churu Sridungargarh

824. Sriganganagar Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

825. Srikaranpur Sriganganagar Srikaranpur

826. Srikolayatji Bikaner Kulaya:ji

827. Srinagar Ajmer Ajmer

828. Srivijainagar Sriganganagar Amupgarh

829. Sudsar Churu Sridunger

830. Sujangarh Churu Sujangarh

831. Suket Kota Kamganj M

832. Sultana Jhunjhunuj Chirawa

833. Suttanpur Kota Digod

834. Sumerganj Mandi Kota Piper City

835. Sumerpur Pali Bali

836. Sundarka Dhada Jaipur Kotputii

837. Sunel Jhalawar Peerawa

838. Surajgarh Jhunjhunu Chirawa

839. Suratgarh Srignaganagar Suratgarh 163 Written Anstnrers NOVEMBER 25.1991 WrklBn Answers 164

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsif

1 2 3 4

840. Sursura Ajmer Kishangarh

841. Slrdhi Abu Road

842. Tahia Alwar Rajgarh

843. Takhatgarh Pali Bali

844. Talera Bundi Bundi

845. Talwara Banswara Banswara

846. Talwara Jheel Siiganganagar Tibi

847. Tamkor Jhunjhunu Jhunjhunu

848. TantoU Ajmer Sarwar

849. Tapukara Aiwar Tijara

850. Tarangar Churu Taranagar

Tasaamo Dholpur Dholpur

852. Tatarpur Alwar Mandawar

853. Tawab Jakm Bhffimal

854. Thalarka Srlganganagar Nohar

855. Thamk Rajsamand Bhrm

856. Thanagazi Alwar Thanagazi

857. Thanwta Nagat^ Degana

858. Theekarwas Rajsamand Bhim

859. TW Shganganagar Ttol

860. Tvara Alwar Tqara 16S WnttenAnswets AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S4KX) WManAnsnmrs 166

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsi!

1 2 3 4

861. Tikawara Ajmer Kishangarh

862. Tiloda Jabre Jabre

863. Tinwarl Jodhpur Csian

864. Toda Bhim Awai Madhopur Toda Bim

865. Toda Raisingh Tonk Toda Raising

866. Todgarh Ajmer Beawar

867. Tonk Tonk Tonk

868. Toonga Jaipur Bassi

869. Unchchain Bharatpur Rupbas

870. Udaipur Udaipur Girwa

871. Udaipurwati Jhunjhunu Udaipurwati

872. Udramsar Bikaner Bikaner

873. Udyogbihar Sriganganagar Sriganganagar

874. Ummedabad Jabre Jabre

875. Umram Alwar Ahvar

876. Uniara Tonk Uniara

877. Vatiabhnagar Udaipur Vallabhanagar

878. Vijaynagar Ajmer Beawar

879. Neemrana Jaipur Viratnagar

880. Wana Udaipur Vatiabhnagar

881. Sirohi Sirohi 167 Wir^en Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 168

No. Name of Exchange District Tehsil

1 2 3 4

882. Was Udaipur Kotrra

883. Watika Jaipur Sanyamer

884. Wazeerpur Sawai Madhopur Gangapur City

885. Weir Bharatpur Wir

886. Jamwa Ramgarh Jairpur Jamwa Ramgarh

887. Neemrana Alwar Behror

888. Dulania Jhunjhunu Pilani

889. JIHya Nagaur Nawa

[English] THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS K^rder of Elderly Couples in Delhi AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHIR M.M. 442. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: JACO B): (a) to (e). The information is being Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be collected and will be laid on the Table of the pleased to state: House.

[Translation] (a) the number of elderly couple mur­ dered in Delhi during the period from July to Upgradatlon of post offices of Bihar October, 1991; 443. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Will the (b) the number of such cases solved; Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (c) the motive behind the kilijng of elderly people; (a) whether a proposal for upgradation of post offices in Barah, Simri, parsoni, Katya In Madhubani division and Bishfi under Division of Bihar has been re­ (d) whether the .old couples face un­ ceived by Director General posts certain security in Delhi because of total (Muzzafarpur region) and is pending; failure of law and order; and (b) if so, the time by which the upgrada­ (e) the steps being taken to improve law tion of these post offices is likely to and order situation in this regard? be made; 169 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S>UC4) Written Answers 170

(c) whether a proposal to open branches (a) the names of voluntary organisa­ of post offices in Bankataudeh, Hapoli, Jhitki, tions in the country whose registration for Makya etc. In Madhubani Postal divisbn in receiving foreign contributbns has been Beriahl. Chahunta, Shakarpur. Kher villages cancelled during the year 1990-91 for their in Darbhanga divisbn has also been re­ involvement in unlawful or illegal activities; ceived; and

(b) the other actbn taken by the Gov- (d) if so. the time by whbh these emment against such voluntary organisa­ branches are likely to be opened; and tions?

(e) the time by which the telephone THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE facilities are likely to be made available in MINISTRY PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Ghorbanbki, Belhabar, Uttara, Hisar, Khirhar. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ Jhonki, Paroni and Barah post office in TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Madhubani division? JACOB): (a) and (b). There is no provisbn in the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) A c t, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 1976 for cancellation of registratbn but MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SKRI Central Government has power under Sec­ P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Proposals for tion 10 (a) of the Act to prohibit any associa­ upgradation of Barah, Simri, Parsoni, Kataya tion or person from accepting foreign contrl- & Bishfi were examined but not found justi­ butbn. During 1990-91 only one Associalbn fied. has been prohibited under this provisbn in public interest. (b) Question does not arise in view of (a) above. Aid to the SCs/STs Vtetinn of Atrocities

(c) and (d). The proposals for opening a 445. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will branch post off ice in Bankata Uden is under the Minister of W ELFARE be pleased to examination. The proposal for opening post refer to the reply goven to the Unstarred offbe at Makya & Chahunta was examined Questbn No. 837on July 29,1991 and state: and found not justified. The proposals for opening a post office at Hapoli Jhitki in (a) the expenditure incun^ed by the Unbn Madhubani postal divisbn and Jhakarpur Government during 1990-91 and albcated Khera and and Detiahi in Dharbanga have for 1991 -92 on implementatbn of the Sched­ not been received uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Preven­ tion of Atrocities) Act. 1989; and (e) Information is being collected and will bd» laid on the table of the House. (b) the detail of expenditure and afbca- tion by State Government/Unbn Territory [Engltsh] Administratbn for this purpose?

Cancellation of f)eglstratlon of Volun­ THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI tary organisation for Recehfing Foreign SITARAM KESRI): (a) Under the Centrally Contributions Sponsored Scheme out of a total allocation of Rs. 5 Crores during 1990-91 for imple­ 444. SHRI PRAKASH V. PATIL: Will the mentation of the scheduled Castes and the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Scheduled Tribes (Preventbn of Atrocities) state: Act. 1989 and the Protectbn of Civil Rights 171 Writt0n Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 172

Act. 1955 ihe following expenditure were type bibgas plants under NPBD has been incurred. fixed for 1991 -92 for the Govt, of Maharash­ tra, t)esides KVIC who are assigned a na­ I. SC/ST (Prevention of Atrocities -tional target and would also be setting up a Rs.1.94 crores subtsantial number of plants in the State during the year. No State-wise targets are M. PCR Act. 1955 - Rs.2.29 crores fixed for the installation of community and institutional biogas plartts. A total amount of Rs. 5.50 crores has been allocated during 1991 >92 for imple> However, it is estimated that about 20 mentation of the Protection of Civil Rights such plants would be commissbned in the Act. 1955 and the Scheduled Castes and the State during 1991-92. Scheduled Trtoes (Preventbn of Atrocities) Act. 1989. (c) and (d). Financial assistance under NPBD is provided to the States/implement­ (b) The information is being collected. ing agenciesonlhebasisolthe actual nurrtber of plants/implementing agencieson the basis Bio-Gas Plants in Maharashtra of the actual numt>er of plants ^stalled. On an average basis, for a target of 25000 446. SHRI VUAY NAVAL PATIL: Wifi plants, about Rs. 7.0 crores are expected to the Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- be released to the Govt, of Maharashtra VEN TIO N AL EN ER G Y S O U R C ES be during 1991-92. pleased to state: For the Research & Development prc^ (a) tfie number of bio-gas plants in ects in t»ogas financial assistance is pro­ Maharashtra as on 30th June, 1991; vided to the R&D institutions and Universi­ ties. (b) the number of bio-gas plants to be installed durir^ 1991-92 in M aha^htra; C o n ^ n s a tlo n to VIctinns of Communal Rfots (c) whether thereis any proposal to give Urn futsmdsd assistance to Government of 447. SHRI P.M, SAYEED: W » the Maharashtra for the developm ^ of bio-gas Ministerof HOME A F FA tf^ be^Measedto ptafils and for research work; and state:

(d) if so. the d e t ^ tfiereof? (a) the number of connmunal riots which took place during the last three months; THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- (b) the main reasons therefor; send VENTK>NAL ENETOlY SOURCES (SHRI iCALPNATH RAI): (a) About 4.24 lakh family (c) tl le amount of compensation p M to type biogas plants under the National Proj­ the fsunHies of the killed and to be victims ect on Biogas Development (NPBD) and who sustained injuries? 130 commi^ity/lnstitutlonal Biogas plants TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E (CBP/®P) have been set up in Maharsl^ra MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 1^30.6.1^1. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y O F HOME A F F A ^ (SHRI M.M. A target of setting up 25000 f amfly JACO B): (a) to (c). On the basis of available 173 WattenAnsw0is AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (5>4K>I) Wrkten Answers 174 tfiformation the paiticutars of major commu- 1991 to 31st October. 1991 are given be- nal riots that took place in the country during bw:> the last three months i.e. from 1st August,

Name of the place with date Main reasons

1. ANDHRA PRADESH HYDERABAD (Sept. 22-28.1991) Stone pelting on the Ganesh immersbn processbn by anti­ social elements bebnging to another community.

2. BIHAR: CHAKRADHARPUR (Distrbt-Singhbhun) Alleged rape (Aug. 8.1991) of a trR>al girl by a Muslim.

PubUc order being a State subject, it is diture to be incurred for the above Festival; for the State Government to take dedsbns regarcfing grant of ex-gratia to the next of kin (c) how many partcipant are expected of tfie victims of the communal vk>lence. The to partkapate in the proposal Festival; guidelines issued by the Central Govem- ment on this sut^ect propose an ex-gratia (d) the names of the countries likely to refief of Rs.50,00Q/- in case of death. partcipate the Film Festiva); and

TheGovemment of BSiar have informed (e) the amount to be shared by tfie ttiat ex-gratia relef @ Rs. one lakh each to Kamatadui Government for the above Festi­ ttie famiies of the vwtkns of the communal val? violenoevvas announced by the CNof Kin- ktm, of whk:h R8.10»00C/- each has THE DEPUTY MINITER W THE MINIS­ aSready t>een paid. The infbmiatbn regard­ TRY OF ^FORMATION AND BROADCA- ing Andhra Pradesh is not available. SfTNG (KUMARI GIRUA VYAS): (a) Yes. Sir. 23rd MematkNial Film Festival of India (b) An expenditure of Rs. 90 lakhs has 448. SHRIG. MADE GOW DA: Will the been estimated to be incurred by the Gov­ M irier of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ ernment of India. CASTING be pleased to ^ate: (c) About 115 foreign and Indian film (a) whether 23rd Internationai Rim makers, artists, producers etc., are expected Festival India will be heki at Bangabre; In to participate as guests of the festival. In Jamiary. 1992; additbn. about 3,000 delegates repres 0nt- ing Indian film industry and film organisa- if so, the estimated amount of expen> tbns and about 400 film journalists, photog­ 175 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 176 raphers etc.. are expected to be accredited (a) the amount of foreign exchange to the festival. involved in telecasting the Sharja Cup of Australia through satellite; (d) Invitations have been extended to ail countries with whom India is having dipb> (b) the percentage of viewers of this malic relatbns. tt is expected that most of the game in the country; film producing countries will participate in the festival. (c) the revenue collected through spon­ sorships of the matches; and (e) The Govemment of Karnataka will meet expenditure on providing certain in­ (d) the revenue collected through vari­ frastructural facilities for organising the fes­ ous advertisements during the telecast of tival. the matches?

[Translation] THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND Persons Arrested under National BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUAVYAS): Security Act (a) No foreign exchange was spent by Door- darshan on the coverage of the Sharjah Cup 449. SHRI VISHWANATH SHASTRI: cricket matches. Win the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) According to Doordarshan, the view- ership of the telecast of these matches var­ (a) the tc^al number of persons arrested ied between 16-40%. under national Security Act and varbus other Acts during the period from July 1991 to 31 (c) and (d). The net earnigs to Door­ October. 1991; and darshan from the coverage of this tourna­ ment amourrted to Rs. 52.55 lakhs. (b) the number of former and present Members of Pariiament and Legislatures [Translation] among the persons an^ested underthe afore­ said Acts, separately? Opression of Weaker Section of Society

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 451. SHRI ARVIND TRIVEDI: Will the MINISTRYOF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Minister of W ELFARE be pleased to state: AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MIN- ITRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI. M.M. (a) whether the Government have ap­ JACX36): (a) and (b). The information is pointed any Committee to check oppression being collected and wrN be laid on the table of weaker sectbns of society; of the House. (b) if so, whether the Committee has [EngSsh] made some recorr.mendatbns to stop op- pressbn of weaker sectbns; and TtiecasI of Sharja Cup of Australia through Satellite (c) if so. the details thereof and by when its recommendations are likely to be imple­ 450.SI«JGANGADHARASANIPALLI: mented? WiM ttie linisler of INFORMATION AND THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI BFK>ADCASTING be pleased to state: SITARAM KESRI): (a) No. Sir. 177 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 178

(b) and (c). Question does not arise. Electrified Village of Orissa

[English] 453. SHRI K. PRADHANI: Will the Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN­ Modernisation of Telephone Exchanges TION AL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to in Alleppey in Kerala state:

(a) the number of villages electrified 452. SHRITHAYIL JOHN ANJALOSE: during the Seventh Plan period in the State Will the Minister of COMMUNICATION S be of Orissa; pleased to state; (b) the number of villages yet to be (a) whether Government propose to electrified; and expand and modernise telephone exchanges in Alleppey district of Kerala; and (c) the number of villages likely to be electrified during the current year? (b) if so, the details thereof? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. sir. KALP NATH RAI): (a) As per available information,during the Seventh Five Year (b) The details areas under: Plan, 6,324 village have been electrified in Orissa. (i) Out of total 38 telephone exchanges, 4 have already been replaced by Electronic Exchanges of suitable capacity. 4 numbers (b) As on 31.10.1991, 14,864 village of small capacity Electronic Exchanges have remain to be electrified in Orissa. been planned for expansion during 1991 -92. (c) During the current year, 1000 vil­ (ii) 14 Electro-mechanical exchanges lages are programmed for electrification in have been planned for replacement by Elec­ Orissa. tronic Exchanges of suitable capacity and 2 such exchanges have been planned for Increase in the Energy Generation expansion during 1991-92.

(iii) One cross-bar exchange of 3000 454. SHRI B. DEVARAJAN: Will the lines capacity has been planned for installa­ Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- tion at Alleppey to replace the existing ex­ TIONAL EN ER GY SO URCES be pleased to change during 1991-92. state:

(iv) The remaining 15 Electro-mechani- (a) whether there has been an increase cal Exchanges have been proposed for in the energy generation this year in compar- replacement by modem Electronic Ex­ isbn to that during the last year; changes progressively during the 8th Five Year Plan. (b) if so, the details thereof; 179 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written A n ^ r s 180

(c) whether generation of the energy TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE O F TH E still falls short of the fixed target; and MINISTRY O F POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (d). The requisite in- (d) if so, the details thereof? formation is as under: 181 Written Anamofs AGRA.MAYANA 4. 1913 (S4KA) Writtan Answers 182

CM O 0 > CD 5 8 g II o g S SS

o> iZ lO

o o>

h- in - IO CO 0 0 li

eg CO s 2 5 CM CO CO CO CO J I £ h * T - Oi co in tn E CM e CM CO 2

OL 183 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wr^en Answers 184

Plan to Set up Electronic Switching (b) if so. the reasons for enhanced bills Factories In the Country of property tax partfeularly for the self­ occupied properties? 455. SHRI PARASRAM BHARDWAJ; Willthe Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E pleased to state: MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ (a) whether Government have drawn up TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. any plan to set up more electronic switch JACO B): (a) and (b). The Municipal Corpo­ factories in the country to meet the target of ration of Delhi has reported that is has issued providing a public telephone in every village nottees proposing revised enhanced rate­ by the year 2000 A.D., able values wherever the properties required such a revision consequent to the amend­ (b) if so. the details thereof with the ment in the Delhi Rent Control Act. The tax productbn targets; payers/property owners have been requested to file their objections. (c) whether Government are going ahead with the proposed project for manu* Telephone Adalats fs«:turing cellular of car telephone; and 457. SHRI CHANDRESH PATEL: Will (d) if so, the details thereof? the Minister of COM MUNICATIONS be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. (a) the rules, regulatbns and procedure RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. for hoWing. conducting and disposing of the cases in the Telephone Adalats; (b) A number of Electronic Switching factories have been set up with a total (b) how many Telephone Lok Adalats production capacity of 24.8 lakh lines per have been held in the different districts of annum of various types of Exchanges from Gujarat as well as in Delhi and other parts of small to large capacity. the country during January 11.1990 to Oc­ tober 31. 1991; (c) and (d). As per the New Industrial Policy announced by the Government of (c) the number of cases received and India no licence/permission is required for disposed of in each of the Adalats during the the manufacture of these items. above perbd;

(d) the reactbn of the Government, press bicreased House Tax Bills and publb on the working of such Adalats; and 456. SHRI MANORANJAN SUR: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased (e) the numt>er of such Adalats pro­ to state: posed to be conducted in tf^ distrkrts of Gujarat during December 1,1991 to 1994? (a) whether the house>tax bills on en­ hanced rates have been sent by Municipal DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MW4IS- Corporatbn of Delhi and asked the owners TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. to fOe ot^ectbns, H any, and RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) to (e). Relevant 185 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 186 information is being collected from the 7. Special Central Assis­ concerned units and will be placed on ttie tance to Tribal Sub-Plan. Table of the House. 8. Tribal Cooperative mar­ Welfare Schemes for Harijans in Tribals keting Devebpment Fed­ In Karnataka eration of India ltd.

458. SHRIMATIBASAVARAJESWARI: 9. Boys Hostel for SCs/STs Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to (New scheme) state: 10. Devebpment of Oil Seeds (a) whether Union Government bad and oil of tree orgin in prepared some scheme for the welfare of tribal areas. SCs and STs in Karnataka; 11, Aki to Voluntary Organi- (b) if so, the details thereof; satbns for SCs and STs.

(c) whether these scheme will be he^ul 12. Research and Training. to SCs/Sts of those areas; and 13. Pre-matrb Scholarships (d) if so. the details thereof? for the chiWren of those engaged in unclean oc- THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI cupatbns. SITARAM KESRI): (a) to (d). The foltowing schemes of the Union Govt, for the welfare of 14. Schemes under Proviso Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes of to Artbis 275(1) of the the various States and UTs including Kama- Constitutbn. taka and being implemented. 15. Equity partidpatbn in the 1. Special Central Assis­ State level SC Finance tance to Special Compo­ and Devebpment Corpo- nent Plan. ratbn.

2. Post Matric Scholarship 16. National Scheduled for SCs and STs. Castes and Scheduled Tribes Finance and De­ 3. Coaching and Allied vebpment Corporation. Scheme. 17. Price Support to Tribal 4. Book Banks for SCs and Cooperative Marketing STs. Devebpment Federatbn of India Limited. 5. PCR Acts and Libera­ tion of Scavengers. 18. Grant-ln-aid to Tribal Cooperative Marketing 6. Girls Hosteis for SCs and Devebpment Federatbn STs. of India Ud. 187 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 188

19. Ashram Schools in Tribal RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Waiting list cate­ Sub-Plan. gory-wise as on 31.10.1991 in Maharashtra is as under: [Tfansila<»n] CYT 43232

Fixation of House tax in Lawrence Special 13357 Road, New Delhi. General 393631 459. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Total 450220 state; (b) As per drirft 8th Plan proposals (a) whether complaints have been expansion programmes are being drawn received regarding arbitrary fixation of house with on ot^ective to provide by the end of the tax in the residential colony Lawrence Road, 8th Plan. New Delhi; and i) telephones practically on (b) if so, the reasonsfor fixing house tax demand in the rural ar­ at different rates for the identical structures? eas; and

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE H) to reduce the waiting pe­ MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS riod to within two years in AND MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E MINIS­ large systems. TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Accordingly, the above waiting list will JACO B); (a) The Municipal Corporation of be cleared progressively during the 8th plan Delhi has reported that no such complaint period. has been received. [Transtation] (b) Does not arise. Bill Re: Filling up of Reserved (^ o ta for lEngBsh] SCs/STs

Waiting list for Tetophon* Connections *461. SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: WiH In Maiwrashtra. the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: 460. SHRI ASKIOK ANANDRAO DESHMUKH: WiN the Minister of COMMU­ (a) whether the Government propose to NICATIONS be pleased to state; introduce a Bill during the current session of parliament for filling up the outstanding (a) the total number of persons on wait­ quota reservedfor Scheduled Castes/Trtoes; ing list for telephone connections category -wise, in Maharashtra; and (b) if so, the details thereof; and

(b) by when ttie waiting fist is iiitely to be (c) H not, the reasons therefor? cleared? THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI THE DEPUTYMINISTER IN THE MIN- SITARAM KESRI); (a) to (c). The matter is ISTRYOF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. under examination. 189 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 190

Subjects Discussed in Meeting of Minister who is the ex-offbb Chairman of National Integration Council the Council.

462. PROF. RASA SINGH RAWAT: 2. During the last three years, the NIC Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be has met three times and 111,80 and 121 pleased to state: members attended these meetings, k>esbes some special invitees. In the meetings on (a) the number of times National Inte- 11.4.90 and 22.9.90, Assam, Punjab, Ka­ gratfon Council has been reconstituted dur­ shmir, Ram-Janam Bhoomi-Babri Masjid ing the last three years; Issues and the general communal situatbn in the country were discussed and appropri­ (b) the criteria adopted for the constitu­ ate Resolutbns were passed, in the recent tion of National Integration Council and the meeting held on 2.11.91, Communal Har­ terms of members of the Council; mony with reference to Ram-Janam Bhoomi - Babri Masjb issue was discussed and a (c) the number of meetings of National Resolutbn was passed. Integration Council held during the last three years and the number of members partici­ 3. In the meeting on 11.4.90 it was also pated in each meeting; decided to set up three Committees relating respectively to Castes and Communal Har­ (d) the issues discussed in the Council mony, Education and Media. In the recent meeting during the last three years and meeting on 2.11.91 it was decbed that a important decisions taken therein; and Standing Committee woub be set up.

(e) the steps taken by the Government 4. Decisbns taken in the Natbnal Inte­ to comply with the decisbns taken in the gratbn Council meetings are forwarded to meeting of Natbnal Integratbn Council? the State Governments and concerned Ministries for implementing the same. The THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE matter relating to Ram-Janma Bhoomi - Babri MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS masjb is subjudbe. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. [English] JACOB): (a) to (e). During the last three years the Natbnal Integratbn Council has been constituted twbe. There is no set Pakistani Intruders criteria for the constitution of the Natbnal Integratbn Council. However, k>eskies cer­ 463. SHRI JEEW AN SHARMA: WH tain Central Ministers, Chief Ministers of all the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (leased States and UTS having legislative Assem­ to state: blies, leaders of Natbnal Political parties and leaders d Regbnal political parties (a) whether Pak^ani army regulars In recognised by the Electbn Commissbn and civilian grab were anested d e ^ inskie the having atteast one elected member in either Kashmir valley recently; House of parliament, who are ex-officb members of ^ e NIC. some other eminent 9>) if so, the details thereof; and persons from varbus fiebs e.g. Business. Industry. Trade Unbns, Media are also (c) the actbn taken by the Government nominated as members of NIC by the prime In this regard? 191 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 192

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Government, the Prime Minister made an MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS appeal tothe Chief Ministers that there should AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- be a voluntary cut of atleast 10% in the TR Y O F HOMe AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. salaries of all hokjers of politk:al offices in the JACOB): (a) to (c). There are unconfirmed country. This appeal of the Prime Minister reports that some Pakistani army personnel was approved by the conference, this has have sneaked Into the Valley but none have been brought to the notrce of the Chief Min­ so far been apprehended. The Government isters of all states and Unbn Territory of has already stepped vioil on the border to Pondrcherry, Governors of States under ctieck infiltration. The Government of Jammu preskient’s rule and Lt. Governors/Adminis­ and kashmir has intensified indentified vul­ trators of other Unbn Territories and also all nerable pockets and active gangs for gear­ Unk)n Ministers for taking necessary actbn. ing up anti-terrorist operation., organising Naka ambushes and effective deployment No information has been received re­ of para-Military forces in the affected/sensi­ garding implementatbn of this appeal for tive pod^ets. day and night patrolling in voluntary cut and no cafoulation of savings is vulnerable areas, raids on hkJeouts of terror­ available. ists and extortionists have been intensified. Intelligence, has also been strengthened. Branch Post Offices in Orissa

Cut in Emoluments of Political Appoint­ 465. SHRI ARJUN CHARAN SETHI: ment Will the Minister of COMMUNICATION S/be pleased to refer to the reply given to Unstar­ 464. SHRI CHETAN P.S. CHAUHAN: red Ouestbn No. 359 on July 18,1991. and KUMARI DIPIKA CHIKHLIA: state:

Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (a) the name of the places and distrbts pleased to state: in Orissa where 88 Branch Post Offices and 7 Departmental Sub post Offbes were (a) whether the Conference of the Chief opened during the year 1990-91; and Ministers hekJ during October, 1991 recom­ mended for 10 per cent cut in empbyments (b) vifhether any decisbn has been taken of all politbal appointments; for the year 1991-92 for 100 Branch Post Offbes and 10 Departmental Sub Post Of­ (b) if so, the details thereof; fices where to open, if so, the details thereof?

(c) by when the proposal is likely to be THE DEPUTY MINISTER INTHEMIN- implemented; and ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The information is (d) the yearly saving as a result thereof; given in Statement 'A*

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) Yes, Sir. A target for opening of 100 MINISTRY OF PARLIAMEENTARY AF- extra departmental branch post offbes and FARIRS ANDMINISTEROFSTATE IN THE 10 departmental sub-post offbes for the M INISTRYOFHOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. year 1991-92 has been fixed. The details JACOB): (a) to (d). In the meeting of the regarding branch post offbes are given in Chief Ministers hekJ in New Delhi on 4-5th the statement ‘B’ proposals regarding de­ Octd>er, 1991, while discussing on Agenda partmental sub-post offbes are at formula- item concerning counting expenditure of the tbn stage 193 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 194


District Wise Detailed of Places where 88 Branch Post Offices and 7 Departmental Sub-post Offices were Opened During the year 1990-91 in Orissa Circle.

District Bolangir District Baiasore Name of EDBOs

1. Mundmerhul 1. Bita

2. Ankriaedar 2. Govlndpur

3. Mandhaanjhula 3. Barsar

4. Siragur 4. Rudsand

5. Srigdal

6. Sirul

7. Chalki

8. Salandi

Distrht Cuttack District Dehnkanal

1. Lemdo 1. Jamuduli

2. Kusumbi 2. Raieala

3. Bhagdanpur 3. Bankual

4. Kanso 4. Khajuria

5. Dasarthipur 5. Kahnapur

6. Tentuligaree 6. Kudagaon

7. Rarunei

8. Babapokhri

9. Masulia

10. Pudasahi

District Ganjam District Kalahandi

1. Kosuru 1. Jaugsaipatna 195 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 196

District Ganjam District Kalahandi

2. Jagnathpur 2. Lakhbahal

3. Badpaii 3. Pandapadar

4. Bhaleaswar

5. Rinja

6. Phatakamal

7. Bargan

8. Godsulia

9. Tarlakhamal

10. Kundabandsa

11. Bangakarlaksamel

12. Tunangbhada

13. Gudeiguda

14. Ektara

District Keonjhar District Koraput

1. Dhanurjaypur 1. Laxmipurgumda

2. Bargoda 2. Tubelguda

3. Kusakala 3. Raleguda

4. Mukpapur 4. Khaira

5. Banakan

.6. Bolliguma

5. Dibrimunda 7. Perutanga

6. Kaurikala. 8. Badpankla

7. San^ri 9. Kaital

8. Khajuiibani 10. Duburanaii 197 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>UC4) Written Answers 198

District Keonjhar District Koraput

11. Bhapaltur

12. Mundakate

13. Metakal.

District Mayurbhanj Dirtrict Phulbani

1. Paramara 1. Dalakia

2. Bahalab


1. Ramieika 1. Jamjhori

2. Kridasur 2. Malibada

3. Mordabadi 3. Bhaisbara

4. chhamondpalli 4. Sharikala

5. Kaiabiiaspur 6. Rautbah

7. Sargibihi

8. Gandbahal

9. Ainiapaii

10. Masdiangkudar

11. Mahulpati

12. Niiesooar

13. Tampargarh

District Sundergarh

1. Badalki

Ddpartmental Sub Offies

Distnct Balasore Distnct Puri

1. Utterbasini 1. ChandttrShokharPur Houskig Board Cotony 199 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 1 Written A

District Koraput 15. Kalangiri

1. Matiuda 16. Gopinathpur

2. Bariniput 17. Ukundra

3. Negalbase sunabeda 18. Jharkata

District Bhubnsbwar 19. Bazpura

1. I.R.C. Village 20. Khiro

Dmtrict Sambalpur 21. Sasnsailo

1. Orient Collery 22. Kantag Brajarajnagar. 23. Tatranga [M a ib of Post Offices Proposed to be Opened in Orissa Circh During Annual 24. Rekapidazar Plan 1991-91, Subject to Justification, 25. Patpur 1. Dadhichamnur 26. Dandhagaon 2. Jasaeara 27. Jajang 3. Alla 28. Tauntara 4. Garajang

5. Shankarpur 29. Ramakrishna pur

6. Nakhai 30. Purunapanlamam

7. Anyanoru 2. Puri District

8. Darkanda 1. Nuapada

9. Jasnaeafi Z Napghnpur

10. Ntisaon 3. Ola

11. Nadhtur 4. Mabllsar

12. Mangalpur 5. Ambtara

13. Medua kul 6. Duddhindura

14. Pdhatada 7. Bharatpur 201 Written Answers AGRAH AYAN A 4,1913 {SAKA) Written >

8. Onandadat 9. Ainii

9. Ardipaii 10 Udesurande

10. Bhatabutpur 6. Baiasore District

11. Tarsampur 1. Kandinith

12. Goda 7. Dhenl

3. Balangir District 1. Para

1. Ghanbabaii 8. Ganjam District

2. Ampali 1. Zaligoda

3. Basandsa 2. Jagiiipodore

4. Udiadaeii 3. Pallipadnavtur

4. Phulbani District 4. Dengtadar

1. Pudchapapalii 9. Korapur District

2. Barapadar 1. Penukinda

3. Benegaon 2. Paputor

4. Sutiaia 3. Bamuguda

5. Kalahandi District 4. Damgarpausi

1. Kankuturu 5. Ombrangi

2. Kunjar 6. Tribil

3. Roiurattalidi 7. DLeduI.uda

4. Nagiguda 8. Panchali

5. Gondampur 9. Pujarlguda

6. Barapujarigarh 10. Renta

7 Amguda 11. Bhabasuri

8. Koitgaon 12. Ziliunda 203 Written Ans¥(^fs NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Ans\¥ers 204

13, Sazaridanga 5. Sabunga

14. Kodarguluma 6. Pilliebuni

15. Nasdaon Plan For J & K

16. Pujariguda 466. SHRI DILEEP SINGH BHU- RIA: 10. Keonzar District SHRI CHITTA BASU:

1. Tandra Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: 2. Sasanga

11. Sundergarii District (a) whether the Government have evolved any plan to meet the challenges 1. Kiakacaar posed to law and order in Jammu & Kashmir by secessionists and infiltrators from across 2. Talendisi the border; and

3. Klanda (b) if so, the details thereof?

12. Mayurbhanja District THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 1. Paikbara AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. 2. Boudruma JACOB): (a) and (b). The Govt, have planned to tackle the situation by adopting most 3. Ksudabal stringent measures against terrorism and infiltration from across the border, to take 4. Basabill care of the genuine grievances of the people and taking their co-operation in tackling the 5. Jessdisa terrorist violence, and creatbn of a strong opink>n against Pakistan’s support to inter- 6. Jaganatspur natbnal terrorism and wanton interference in our intemal affairs. 7. Badkaranjia Meeting of Sub Connmittee of Inter- 13. Samba^ur District State Council to Review Concurrent List 1. Ghulguti 467. SHRIDHARMANNAMONDAYYA 2. Bisipaiii SADUL: Wilithe Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: 3. Khatiapatli (a) whether the first meeting of the Sub- 4. Chichinda Committee of Inter - State Council, set up on 205 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 206 the basis of Sarkaria Commission’s alia TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. discussed the matter in regard to review of JACOB): (a) No, Sir. concurrent list and bringing a Central Legis* lation in consultation with State Govern­ (b) The security of foreign misstons and ment; and ambassadors will be looked after by the newly created "Security Diviston" In the (b) If so, details thereof? Minister of Home Affairs.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (c) No, Sir. MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF S TA TE IN TH E MINIS­ Harljans Converted Into Christianity TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB); (a) and (b). In the first meeting of 469. SHRI DATTATRAYABANDARU: the Sub-Committee of the Inter-state Coun­ Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to cil constituted for examining the recommen­ state: dations of the Sarkaria Commission held in New Delhi on 26th September, 1991. recom- (a) whether the Harijans converted into mendatbns of the Sarkaria Commission Christianity and other religbns are enjoying relating to Legislative Relations between the to benefits of th Scheduled Castes; Centre and the State was discussed. (b) if so, is there any proposal before the The Sub-Committee, inter alia, dis­ Government to evolve a system to detect cussed recommendations relating to legisla­ and prevent such cases; tion on Subjects in the Concurrent List and the issue of review of the Concurrent List. (c) if so, the details thereof; and

V.V.LP. Security (d) if not, the reasons therefor?

468. SHRI PRITHVIRAJ D. CHAVAN: THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be SITARAM KESRI): (a) to (c). No. Sir. pleased to state: (d) According to 3 of the Constitutton (a) whether the Government have set (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 amended up a new department to look after W IP up-to-date “No person who professes a re­ security; ligion different from the Hindu or the Sikh or the Buddhist religbn shall be deemed to be (b) whether security of foreign missions, a member of a Scheduled Caste”. dipk>mats and politbal kidnapping are likely to be boked after by it; and Naxaitte Acth^itles in States

(c) whether N.S.Gs, whrch tooks after 470. SHRI RABI RAY: Will the Minister the security of the Prime Minister and his of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: family, is working under the newly formed department? (a) whetherthe Government have taken any steps to contain the naxallte activities in THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE varbus State; MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ (b) if so, whether the Govennment have 207 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 208

made Hyderabad the head-quarter of coor­ THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI dinating the Governmental activities in this SITARAM KESRI): (a) and (b). VkJe O.M. regard; and dated 13th August, 1990 Issued by the Ministry of Personnel. Public Grievances & (c) if so, the details thereof? Pensions (Deptt. of Personnel & Training), 27% of vacandes in civil servrces/posts of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the Govemment of India to be filled through MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS direct recruitment have been reserved for AND MINISTER O F STATE IN TH E MINIS­ Socially & Educatbnally Backward Classes TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. whbh wouki include some Socially & Educa­ JACOB): (a) Yes. Sir. tionally backward Classes muslims and Christians also. The sakJ O.M. has been (b) and (c). A meeting was taken by the amended on 25th September, 1991 to pro­ Home Minister recently in which the Chief vide for additk>nal reservatbn of 10% of Ministers of Andhra Pradesh, Madhya vacancies in civil services/posts under the Pradesh. Maharashtra, Bihar and Orissa Govemment of India to be filled through took part. In the discussbns that folbwed it direct recruitment for the Other Economi­ was Inter alia agreed that the State Govern­ cally backward Sectbns. This would also ments would prepare Actbn Plans incorpo­ cover some sectbns of muslims and Chris­ rating maintenance of law and order and tian who satisfy the economic criteria to be also developmental measures which are lakJ down by the Government in this regard. necessary to tackle the root cause of the problem. The consensus that emerged was The entire question of reservations for that the Ministry of Home Affairs woukJ act as the Socially & Educatbnally Backward the nodal agency in this regard. The Home Classes and Economically Backward Sec­ Minister assured ail help to the State Gov- tions of citizens is subjudbe before a Consti- emments in the matter. A foltow up meeting tutbn Bench of the Supreme Court. at the official level was hekj in Hyderabad on 31st October, 1991 in which various admin­ Refusal off World Bank for Financial istrative and other measures were discussed. Assistance to Power Projects

Deniand of Separate Job GKiota for 472. SHRI CH ITTA BASU: Will the l^silm s and Christians Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- TKDN AL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to 471. SHRI SHARAD DIGHE: state: SHRI RAM NAIK: (a) whether the World Bank has refused Will the Minister of WELFARE be to grant any financial assistance for power pleased to state: projects of India;

(a) whether there is demand by Muslims (b) If so, the reasons therefor; arKi Christians to recognise these communi­ ties as educationally and socially backward (c) whether the Worid Bank have sug­ class and to provide them with separate job gested some corrective measures for the quc^ in accordance with their population Improvement of power situatbn; and ratbn; and (d) if so, details thereof and reactbn of (b) if so. the coming decision thereon? the Union Government thereto? 209 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 210

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE a 300 line expansion of electromechanrcal MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- exchange was planned against which 1200 VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI lines were commissbned on 9.3.1991. KALP NATH RAI): (a) No. Sir. [Translation] (b) Does not arise. S.T.D. Facility at Haldwanl/Bajpur (c) and (d). The World Bank had submit­ ted a report in November. 1989 entitled 474. SHRI BALRAJ PASSl: Will the “Power Sector Efficiency Review", wherein Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased several suggestions were made for im­ to state: provement in the power situation. The main recommendations of the Banks covered (a) whether the Government had granted restructuring of the State Electricity Boards, approval to provide S.T.D. facility at Haldwani the Regional Electricity Boards and the and Bajpur; Central Electricity Authority, improvement in system operating practices and the coal (b) if so, whether this facility has since quality etc. In 1990 and 1991 the Bank been provided to the residents of these areas; undertook a comprehensive study on “Long Term Issues in the Power Sector”. The Bank’s (c) if not, the reasons therefor; and report is awaited. (d) the time by which this facility is Electronic Exchange in Bareilly. proposed to be provided?

473. SHRI RAJVEER SINGH: Will the DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ Minister in COMMUNICATIONS be pleased TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. to refer to the reply given to Starred Ques­ RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. tion No. 522 on April 19. 1990 and state: (b) No. Sir. (a) the reasons for not commissioning Electronic Exchange at Bareilly; and (c) Due to the non automatisatbn of Haldwani exchange and also non availability (b) the time by which it is likely to be of transmission media for Bajpur. Commissioned? (d) By March, 1993. DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. Electronic Exchanges in Bihar RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). A 4000 line electronic exchange (Remote Line Unit) 475. SHRI RAM TA H A L CH- along with 1000 line digital trunk automatic OUDHARY: Will the Minister of COMMUNI- exchange (E 10 B) has been allotted to CATIONS be pleased to state: Bareilly. It is proposed to commission this electronic exchange at Bareilly during 1993- (a) the total number of electronk: ex­ 94. There has not been any change in the changes in Bihar and the distfict-wise names commissbning programme. This electronic of the system to whom these exchanges are exchange did not form part of the 50000 lines attached; commisstoning programme (actualcommis­ sioning 58170 (Net) lines) of 1990-91. Only (b) the number of telephone exchanges 211 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 212 which have been converted intoelectronlcor hundred eighteen (118). District-wise details C-Dot during last two years and the details of switchings systems are as per Statement thereof; and -I.

(c) the number of old telephone ex­ (b) Ninety seven electromechanical/ changes which are likely to be converted into manual exchanges have been converted electronic telephone exchanges during into electronic exchanges during last two Eighth Five Year Plan and the position of years. Details are in Statement-2. Ranchi district in Bihar in this regard? (c) Two hundred sixty six electrome­ DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS­ chanical/manual exchanges are likely to be TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. converted into electrons exchanges during RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The total number the 8th Five Year Plan including seven ex­ of electronic exchanges in Bihar are one changes in Ranchi distrtet. 213 Written Answors AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SA/CA) Written Answers 214

O I I I I I I i I I I I Ql

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00 CM CM s 8 219 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 220

Details of Electro Mechanical/Manual Council that all efforts wouki be made to find exchanges Converted into Electronic Ex­ an ambable resolutbn of the issue, the changes Government of Uttar Pradesh would hold itself fully responsible for the protectbn of 1. StrowgerMaxi 2 the Ram Janma Bhoomi- Babri Masjid struc­ ture. and the orders of the Court in regard to 2. Strowger max 11 3 the land acquisition proceedings wouki be fully implemented. 3. Strowger max III 70 lEng/ish] 4. Manual Exchanges - 22 Issuance of Entry Passes into Central Total 97 Govemment Buildings

Acquiring of Disputed Land in Ayodhya 477. SHRI CHHITUBHAIGAMIT: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased 476. SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: to state: Win the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (a) the guidelines issued by the Govem­ ment for issuance of entry passes Into Cen­ (a) whether the Government have re­ tral Government buiWings, on permanent ceived any representation seeking its inter- basis to non-offbials, businessmen/lndustri- ventbn to undo the steps taken by the alists etc.; Government of Uttar pradesh to acquire the deputed land concerning Babri Masjid- Ram (b) whether permanent passes have Janam Bhumi In Ayodhya; been issued to certain business persons etc. notwithstanding, the guidelines of the (b) if so, the details thereof; and Government;

(c) the steps taken by the Government (c) if so. the names of persons who have in this regard? been issued such passes over past one year; and TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E MINIS- TRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND (d) the reasons for issuance of such MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY entry passes to these persons? O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) to (c). After the issue of notifications by THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE the State Government of Uttar pradesh for MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS the acquisitbn of land in the Ram Janma AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ BhoomI - Babri Masjid complex at Ayodhya. TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS n Council heW on the 2nd firms etc. Who are required to visit a specif b November. 1991. The Chief Minister of Uttar Ministry or Ministries frequently in connec­ Pradesh gave acategorical assurance to the tion with their work subject to the fulfilment of 221 Wi^on Answers AGR AHAYAN A4,1913 (S/4/C4) Writton Answers 222 certain conditions. A Statement of such passes issued during last one year is at­ S.No tached. S/Shri STATEMENT 13. Abgonso Mejia, Principal Rnan- cial Analyst, World Bank. List of Non-Officials who have been Issued Non-Off idal pass by Ministry of Home 14. LokendraSingh,Vce-Preskjent,AII Affairs India Small Scale Pharmaceutical Manufactures Assodatton, New S.No Delhi.

S/Shri 15. Dr. Neelkantha Kalyani, Chainnan 1. B.N.Saxens, Chief Resident-cum- & M.O., Bharat Forge Ltd. Ex-Consultant, Birla Group of Industries, Gwalior. 16. Rajesh Bhargava, Paper Lamina- tor, Bharat Straw Board & paper 2. C J . Perry, Senior Economist, World Mills Pvt. Ltd. Bank. 17. R.P. Billimoria, Chairman & M. 3. Mark D. Tomlison, Economist, Billimoria, Consultant (P) Ltd. WorM bank. 18. Mrs.NeeraShastri,Oricer(Admn.). 4. Raman S. palomarnis, Irrigaton TISCO. Economist, WorkJ Bank. 19. Suresh Vasudeva, Director, India 5. Kaushik Kotadia, Social Worker. Polyfirbres Ltd.

6. Mani Narayan Swami, president, 20. R.P. Goenka, Chairman, Ceat Ltd. U.B. Group of Industries, New Delhi. 21. S.S. Varma, Retd. Secretary, MA> 7. N. Rajagopalan, Chairman, Sowar Welfare. pvt. Ltd, O Geosource Ltd. 22. J.R. Desai, Chairman & M.D., 8. Adml. M.M. Chopra, Social Worker, KeMnator India Ltd. attached with Mother Teresa. 23. B.K. Banerjee, General Secretaiy, 9. Mrs. Roma Choper, Social Worker. DA> Posts (Trade Unk>n Leader).

10. C. De Los Rtos, Chairman & M.D., 24. G.K. Padmanabhan, Secretaiy, 0/ Nestle India Ltd. o posts (Trade Union Leader)

11. Kovichi Morizone, Chief Represen­ 25. LA . Prasad. Secretary General, 0/ tative, World Bank. o Posts (Trade Unk>n Leader)

12. Kaoru Hayashi, Sr. Representa­ 26. Dr. Gauri Hari Singhania. Chair­ tive, WorM Bank. man, J.K. Synthetics Ltd. 223 W ^ an Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Writton Answers 224

S.No S.No

S/Shri S/Shri 27. Baljit Singh WaHa, Manager, Shaw 42. Rahul Bajaj, Chairman & M.D. Bajaj Wallace & Co. Ltd. Auto Ltd.

28. Srinivasan Ramesh, M.D., R.C & 43. Nusli N. Wadia, Chairman, Bom­ Tech. Fin. Corpn. Ltd. bay Dyeing & manufacturing Co. Ud. 29. RussiModi,Chairman&M.D.,Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. 44. Mrs. Manjali Saxena. General Secretary, Indian Committee of 30. VijayMallya, Chairman, U.B. Group non- Governmental Of United Na­ of Industries, New Delhi tions.

31. Tarun Das, D.G., Federation of 45. Dr. S.S. Radakrishnan Nair, G.M., Engineering Industries. Risk Capital Tech. Fin. Ltd., New Delhi 32. P.M. Raje, Consuftant, Industrial Oxygen & SMS Udyog. 46. J.S.Kochhar, Social Worker, Presi­ dent. All India Small Scale Phar­ 33. leC. Johrey, Chairman, Eco, Dev. maceutical Association. New Delhi. Group, New Delhi 47. Shekhar Datta, M.D. & Preskient, 34. Rav! Wahi, Manager, Nestle India Greaves & Cotton Pvt Ltd. Ltd. 48. S.H. Syed Yusuf, M.D. M/s KPV 35. S.D. Bhambrl & M .. The Tribune Rowther & Co. Trust 49. inderShanna,Chrirman.SitaWorid 36. SatishGinotra.Wt)ole Time Direc­ Travels Pvt. Ltd. tor. Oswal Agro Miiis. 50. Arun Kumar Bagri, National Man­ 37. Anand Vardhan. Consultar«. Ob- ager, The Gramophone Co. of India. server lr>dia Ltd. 51. K.R. Chhabarfeu M.D., Shaw Wal­ 38. Raghu Pati Singhania, M.D., J.K. lace & Co. Ud. Industries Ltd. 52. John Mkfdieton. Sr. Operating Offi­ 39. J.K. Giqjta. Vice-President, J.K. cer, The Wbrtd Bank. Industrtes Lhl. 53. Don Chandra Godavitame, Sr. 40. H.S. Singhania. President. J.K. Operating OfTicer. The Worid Bank. Industries Ltd.

41. M .I. Bagri, Advisor, B o n ^ y Co- 54. M.R.Chhabria, Chairman, Shaw Operativa Industries of Estates Ltd. Wallace & Co.Ud. 225 Wr^ten Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>VC4) Written Answers 226

ning to have car telephone system in the S./Vo country;

S/Shri (b) if so, whether any experiment has 55. Sujit Gupta, Director, Tata Iron & been made in this direction; Steel Co. Ltd. (c) whether any subscribers have been 56. Rattan Tata, Chairman, M/s Tata identified as ready client; Sons Ltd. (d) whether the facility would be pro­ 57. Rajeev Dubey, Chief Res. Execu­ vided against foreign exchange payment; tive, The Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. and

58. Krishnan Veerappan, Corporates (e) if so, the details thereof? Res. Mgr., M/s MRF Ltd. TH E DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MIN­ 59. Sanjay Malhotra, Marketting Man­ ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. ager, Sower Pvt. Ltd. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The proposal Is under examination. 60. R.P. Sharma, Vice-President, Bharat Forge Ltd. (b) Yes, Sir. An experiment was con­ ducted in 1985 for providing car telephones 61. Sri Nath. M.D., Nath Bros. Exim in Delhi and the same system is working Internatbnal Ltd. since 1986.

62. Ramu S. Deora, PresidenU Fed- (c) No, Sir. eratbn of Indian Export Organisa­ tions. (d) and (e). This is under examination.

63. R.R. Kidwai, Resident Mgr., Spar- Extension of Second T.V.Channel In tek Cerambs Industries Ltd. Vishakhapatnam/Arnfhra Pradesh

64. Shashi Bhushan, General Secre­ 479. SHRI M.V.V.S.MURTHY: Will the tary, All India Freedom Fighters Minister of INFORMATION & BROADCAST­ Organisatbn & Social Worker (Ex- ING be pleased to state: M.P.). (a) whether there is any proposal to 65. Oktay Yenal, Chief Of Missbn. The extend the second channel T. V. facility to the Worki Bank. Visakhapatnam vis-a-vis to Andhra Pradesh;

(b) if so, the details thereof; and Car Telephone System in Country (c) if not, the reasons thereof? 478. SHRI GEORGE FERNANDES: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS ^ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ pleased to state: ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) No, (a) whether the Government are plan­ Sir. 227 Wrkten Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Ans¥ms 228

(b) Does not arise. (a) the details of procedure folbwed In the selection of serials by Doordarshan and (c) Second Channel TV service has the number of cases from January, 1991 till been introduced in the metropolitan cities of date in whrch the said procedure has not Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras, pri­ been followed and the number of cases marily to cater to the varied requirements of pending with the Government for selection the population in these cities in view of their of serials; cosmopolitan character. Introduction of similar facilities to other centres would (b) the reasons for not telecasting the depend upon availability of resources for the film on corruption 'Adm Aadmi Aur Bharash- purpose. tachar* on Doordarshan; and

Establlshnnent of A.T.V. Programme (c) the time by which it is likely to be Generation Centre at Chandigarh telecast?

480. SHRi PAWAN KUMAR BANSAL: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ BROADCASTING be pleased to state: CASTING (KUMARI GIRUA VYAS): (a) Proposals for T.V. serials under different (a) whether the Govemment had de­ schemes are received and approved by cided to establish a TV Programme Genera­ various Doordarshan Kendras for telecast tion Centre at Chandigarh some time back; from the concerned Kendra. These propos­ als are examined at different levels and (b) If so, the progress made in the mat­ finally by a duly constituted Committee. No ter; and centralised list of serials approved and tele­ cast is maintained. (c) when the Centre Is likely to be completed and become functional? (b) and (c). The programme ‘Corruptton and Common Man’ as submitted by the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- Producer has not been found suitable for ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ telecast. Therefore, the Questton of tele­ CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) Yes. casting it does not arise. Sir. [English] (b) Site for the propose Programme Generation Fadfity centre at Chandigarh Thermal, Hydel Power Units has been taken over and major equipment procured. 482. SHRI VILASRAONAGNATHRAO GUNDEWAR: Will the Minister of POWER (c) As per present indtealtons, the Centre AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY be is expected to be commissfonedduring 1994- 95. pleased to state:

[Translatiorii (a) the steps taken to set up and financ­ ing the Thermal. Hydel and power units in Seie^tofi Procedure of Serials. Maharashtra;

481. S m iS N ^ N M A R A N D I: Will the (b) the details d the amount aHocated r n t ^ m of m f O R W ( n w and broad- by Unfon Government, state Govemment CASTN4G be pieced to state: Intemattonal assistance andthe amountfrom 229 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>4/C4) Written Answers 230 private sectortowardsf inancing these power Coverage of Konlcan Region By projects in Maharashtra; and Doordarshan

(c) the details of power available at 484. SHRI RAM KAPSE: Will the present in the country and the extent short­ Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ age against estimated demand? CASTING be Pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether the Government are aware MINISTRY OF POWER NON-CONVEN- that vast tracks of areas in Konkan regton TIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI KALP are not covered either by the Bombay NATH RAI): (a) to (c). Information is being Doordarshan; and collected and will be laid on the Table of the House. (b) if so, the reaction oHhe Govemment in this regard? Building for Circle Office of Orissa Telecom. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ 483. DR. KARTIKESWAR CASTING (KUMARIGIRIJAVYAS): (a) Yes, PATRA: Sir. SHRI ANADI CHARAN DAS: (b) a low power TV transmitter is envisaged Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS to be set up at Kankauli in Sindhudurg dis­ be pleased to state: trict, as part of Doordarshan’s* Annual Plan 19912-92. Further improvement of TV serv- (a) whether the Circle Office of Orissa k:e in Konkan region wouki depend upon Telecom. Circle is not having its own office future availability of resources for the pur­ building; and pose.

If so. the details of efforts made so far [Translation] to secure a building/pbt from the local administration/housing body so far? Bihar State Electricity Board to Raise Power production THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- ISTRYOFCOMMUNICATKDNS (SHRI RAN- 485. SHRI CHHEDIPASW AN: Will the GAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). No, Sir. Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- TIONAL ENERGY be pleased to state: The Circle office of Orissa Telecom Circle b now functioning in a departmental (a) whether Bihar State Electrbity Board building which is a joint property of Postal has not got the approval to raise power and Telecom Circle. generatbn in Bihar during Eighth Five Year Plan; However, in view of insufficient acco­ modation. the Orissa State Government (b) if so, the details thereof; and Authority has been requested for allotment of Government Land nearer to the existing (c) If not, the reasons therefor? Circle Office to construct an additional acco­ modation for future requirement. The case THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE has not yet been finalised. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- 231 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 232

VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI pers after one year of their publication; KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). No such ap­ proval is necessary. Bihar Stale Electricity (b) if so. the reasons therefor and the Board is expected to ensure that power time by which it is likely to be implemented; generation in its statbns is mexmised. (c) whether small newspapers having [Engiish] less resources will face problems in publish­ ing newspapers; and Meetings of Regional Film Certification Board (d) if so, the manner in which Govern­ ment propose to help such small newspa­ 486. SHRIMATI MALINI BHAT- pers? TACHARYA: Will the Minister of INFORMA­ TION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to THE DEPUTYMINISTER IN THE MIN- refer to the Unstarred Question No. 5620 on ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ September 4.1991 and state: CASTING (KUMARI GIRUA VYAS): (a) Yes. Sir. (a) the number of times invitations were sent for viewing to the 28 members out of 37 (b) The decision has been taken in order of Eastern Regbnal Film Certification Board, to check demand for newsprint towards ini­ who have attended less than 20 viewings; tial quota to fresh applicants and it is effec­ tive from the date of notification on 4.10.91. (b) how many meetings of the RFCB were held during the last two years; and (c) and (d). The Newsprint Altocation Policy is determined keeping the view free­ (c) whether the Government propose to dom of press, healthy growth of press, con­ investigate the f unctbning of Eastern RFCB straints of foreign exchange and checking In view of less viewings by Members? of misuse of newsprint This is applbable to all category of newspapers including small THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ ones. ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) and [Eng//s/i] (b). Infonmation is being collected. Relay of News In Regional Languages (c) A view will be taken only on receipt of Through Satellite the above information. 488. PROF. UMMAREDDY VE- [Transkiihn] NKATESWARLU: Will the Minister of IN­ FORMATION AND BROADCASTING be Allotment of Newsprint Quota to pleased to state: Nswsfiapers

487. SHRI PANKAJ CHOWDHARY: (a) whether the Government propose to Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND relay the news in all regbnal languages on a BROADCASTING be pleased to state: Doordarshan by a separate channel through satellite; (a) whether the Government have de­ ckled to alkX newsprint quota to newspa­ (b) if so, whether the Government has 233 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S>^/C4) Written Answers 234 finalised modalities to implement the same; allowed the filling of the review petition in and C A T Guwahati bench. The same has been filed on 4.11.91. The matter is thus sub- (c) if so, the details therefor? judice.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ [Trans/at/on] ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD­ CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA W AS): (a) No. Welfare Scheme Sir. 490. SHRI KASHIRAM RANA: Will (b) and (c). Do not arise. the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: S.D.A. to Postal Employees of North East Region. (a) names of various Welfare Schemes sponsored by the Government; 489. SHRI DWARAKA NATH DAS: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be (b) the district-wise target fixed for pleased to state: Welfare Schemes for Gujarat in the Five Year Plan and district-wise echievements (a) whether the Special Duty Allowance thereof; and is not being paid to Group ‘C’ and Group *D’ postal employees of North East Region; (c) the amount spent on various Welfare Scheme during the last three years State- (b) whether it has been sanctioned to wise? Group 'C’ and ‘D’ employees of Telecom Department in North East Region; and THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI SITARAM KESRI): (a) This Information Is (c) if so, the reasons for the discrimina­ available in the Budget documents. tion and the time by which the postal em- pbyees shall be paid the Special Duty Allow­ (b) This Information would be available ance? in State Plan Documents of the Govt, of Gujarat. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. (c) This Informatbn for schemes imple­ RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. mented under State Plan would be available with the State Governments. (b) Yes, Sir. They are being paid on ‘Provisional’ basis following judgement of Rural Electrification In Cuttack, Orissa Central Administrative Tribunal Guwahati. A Review petition has been filed before the Hon’ble CAT. Guwahati on 1.11.91 praying 491. SHRI SRIKANTA JENA: Will the for review of their order and staying their Minister of POWER be pleased to state: order pending disposal of the Review Peti­ tion. (a) the Number of villages eiectrMied and yet to be electrifted in Cuttack district of (c) In respect of Department of Posts, Orissa; the Hon’bfe Supreme Court has stayed the judgement of CAT, Guwahati Bench and (b)the names of places in these dlstrlds 235 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 236 where * Kuteer Jyoti Yojana* has been imple­ ITrans/at/on] mented; and Urja Gram Yojana (c) the names of villages in the said districts where this scheme is proposed to be 493. SHRI RAM LAKHAN SINGH Implemented in future? YADAV: Will the Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SOURCES be pleased to state: MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTK3NAL ENERGY SOURCE (SHRI (a) the date on whfch ‘UrjaGram Yojana* KALP NATH RAI): (a) As per available was launched by the Govemment and the information.as on 30th September, 1991 salient features thereof; there are 5,209 electrified and 818 unelectri­ fied villages in Cuttak district of Orissa. (b) the State-wise target of the 'Urja Gram Yojana’ fixed for the last year and the (b) and (c). The Orissa State Electricity extent to which these targets were achieved; Board has report release of 78, 905 single point light connections in the entire State (c) whether the Government have in­ under the 'Kuteer Jyoti Scheme*. Under the cluded Patna Rohtas and Bhojpur districts of Scheme, which was financed from Central Bihar under ‘Urja Gram Yojana*; and Grat during 1988-89 and 1989-90, the task of Identifying the k)eneficiaries was left to the (d) if so, the details thereof? State Govt. The said scheme has not been continued after 31.3.1991. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS lEnglish] AND MINISTER O F STA TE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Recommendation of National Commis­ JACOB): (a) The Energy or Urja gram Pro­ sion on Urbanisation gramme was initiated in the Seventh Plan. Under this programme, demonstration urja- 492. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: gram projects, which are based on a combi­ Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be nation of various non-conventional energy pleased to state: devices and systems, are taken up in vil­ lages klentified through energy surveys. (a) the recommendations made by the National Commissfon on Urbanisatbn per- tainir^ to the Munteipal Corporation of Delhi (b) No State-wise targets are fixed under and New Delhi Munidpal Committee; and this demonstration Programme. During 1990- 91, against 25 urjagram projects proposed (b) the details of actbn taken thereon? to be taken 33 were actually completed in different States. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ (c) and (d). Though projects in all dis- TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. trk:ts can be considered under Urjagram JACOB): (a) and (b). Information is being Programme, however, proposals for these collected and will be lakJ on the Table of the distrcts have so far not been received from House. the nodal agency for Bihar. 237 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S>\/C4) Written Answers 238

[Engr^h] Power Corporation (NTPC) to various State Electricity Boards, is given in Statement-1 Rate of Power Supplied by N.T.P.C. attached.

494. SHRIRAMESH CHAND TOMAR: (b) The rates is which power is being Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- supplied during the last three years, are CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be given in Statement-ll attached. The rate are pleased to state: more or less the same, except for the changes due to operation & maintenance escalation (a) the present rate at which power is of 0.5 paise/Kwh in case of Northern and being supplied by the National Thermal Eastern Regtons and additbn to transmis­ Power Corporatton to the State Electricity sion charges due to additions in the capacity Boards. of the various regions. There is no operation and maintenance sscalation in Southern and (b) the rates at which power was being Western Regtons. supplied from time to time during the last three years; (c) The present cost of generation of powerperunit atoperatingstattonsof NTPC, (c) the present cost of generation of is given in Statement-Ill attached. power per unit at each of the power stations operated by the N.T.P.C., and (d) The main dispute between the State Electricity Boards and the N.T.P.C. relates (d) whether there is any dispute regard­ to the fixation of vartous norms and norma­ ing the tariff for supplying^ power to state tive para-meters for fixation of tariff. These electricity boards, if so, the details thereof? have since been looked into by a Committee headed by Shri K.P Rao fomner Member THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (E&C), Central Electricity Authority. The MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- recommendations of the Committee have VENTHDNAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI since been accepted by the Govemment KALP NATH RAI): (a) The present rate of and the concept of two part tariff has been power being supplied by Natbnal Thermal made effective w.e.f. 1.4.1991. 239 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 240

■g 'w <3 s .2 x> I TJi C "S I I 3 II c C 0 §> JZ o 1c 1 .S2 B o c e | f 0 II E 1 1 s «»§ 1 ■5^ o jz 2 J5 (u IT) C\J • CO f c & 03 00^ o> . CO tn _i c/> sz Q . DC ; = Q - dE-l OC C L CC O

5 •52

O o 8 O S o ■§ d •SJ Sfc « ~ S "> I (2 9^ I

£ : C x : .£ Ii“ I IISa 5 If

r— <0 CO CO 241 m m n Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(Si4/C4) Wrhten Answers 242

i* S .& a > o 5

£ I 2 (/> s 5 S’ I

x: I

Q-CO 00 3 0- R o

CD •g

« .2

5 s 3 243 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 244

“ ■ CO • i s o> ;§ ■> § ~ I 08 2 O CO a « |2 I t .a ^ g 55 i . g « Pli 1 ? S | = S J >

5 9 5 I t': r>:


O § §

Mil o o o

£«.& i f 2 H i 111 S

fO T- £t 245 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (SAKiA) Written Answers 246

> o

g* . « c ? c S l i I* p>} 5 » oj;; 2 .52 § 2 8 S « « g s _ w o « O “ § 2 i ® i ^ <£ £ J2 « e -o • )« z ^ c3 u > r » so K §g> ®. «• l(£<2l

o o fSSiQ 2 § § CM CM CM CD -r^ CM CM CM CM U ) < 0 CO CO CO croccx;CO CO CO*

GO GO (X) lo lo in 0\ Oi cvi CO CO o s s lA in in

E O ) O -r - o p 9 9

CM CO CO 247 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25 J 991 Written Answers 248


Annexure-lil Referred to in Reply to part (C) pf Unstarred Question No. 494 to be Answered in Lok Sabha on 25.11.91

Cost of Generation of Various NTPC Statbn

Station Generation Transmission P/KWH P/KWH

Singrauli STPS 48.22 4.32

Korba STPS 54.06 4.31

Ramagundam STPS 60.79 5.70

Farakka STPS 82.01 5.30

Vindhyachal STPS 81.16 10.87

Rihand STPS 69.66 9.66

Anta GPS 105.73 8.36

Auraiya GPS 108.22 9.79

NOTE: The figures are besed on the latest costs and correspond to base bad operation of the plant.

TV Coverage to Rajapur and Ratnagfri (d) whether the Low Power Transmitter Districts in Maharashtra at Ratnagiri would be relocated to provide additional cover; and 495. SHRISUDHIRSAW ANT: Will the Minister of INFORMATiONS & BROAD­ (e) if so, by when? CASTING be pleased to state: DEPUTY MINISTR IN THE MINISTRY (a) whether no TV coverage exists for OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING Rajapur Constituency including Talukas of (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) No. Sir. Parts and Talukas of Ratnagiri of the Rajapur constituency including parts District in Maharashtra; of Sindhudurg & Ratnagiri distrbts receivs TV servbe from the high power (10 KW) TV (b) the number of Low Power Transmit­ transmitter and the low power (100W) TV ters required to provide coverage for the transmitter functbning at Panaji and Ratnagiri entire area; respectively.

(c) number of Low Power Transmitters (b) A number of transmitters/transpcers planned for the year 1991-92 and 1992-93; of varying powers woub be required to 249 Written Ansm rs AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (S>4K4) Written Answers 250 ooverthe entire Parliamentary Constituency [Translation] of Rajapur keeping in view the terrain con^ Expansion of Telephone Exchanges in ditbns. Khagria, Bihar

+496. SHRI RAM SHARAN YADAV: (c) A low power TV transmitter is envis­ Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: aged to be set up at Kankauli in Sindhudurg distrbt of Maharashtra as part of Door> (a) whether Govemment propose to darshan's Annual Plan 1991-92. Locatbns expand various telephone exchanges in for establishment of similar transmitters Khagria district of Bihar and provide STD facility there; and under Doordarshan’s Annual Plan for the year 1992-92 have not been finalised. (b) if so, the details thereof?

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (d) No, Sir. There is no such proposal at P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. present (b) The details are given in Statement (e) Does not arise.


Details of the Planned expansbns of telephone exchanges In Khagria district and provisbn of STD facility.

Name of Exchange Expansion of exchange STD planned planned

Khagria 1994-95 Available

Mansi 1995-96 Available

Muskipur 1991-92 1991-92

Maheshkhund 1993-94 1993-94

Chauthan 1993-94 1993-94

Part>atta 1993-94 1993-94

Telephone Instruments by Multinational telephone Instruments; and Companies (b) if so. the details thereof? 497. SHRI SUMITRA MAHAJAN : Will the Minister of COMMUNCATIONS be THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MIN­ pleased to state: ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). As perthe (a) whether Govemment have alk)wed new Industrial Policy Resolution no indus­ multinatk>nal companies to manufacture trial Licence is requved from Goverrvnertf of 251 Written/^nswers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 252

India for manufacture of Telephone Instru­ to be Increased and the time by which this ments upto 51 foreign equity. is likely to be increased?

Capacity of Telephone Exchanges in THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Trans-Yamuna Area, Delhi MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The number 498. SHRIB.LSHARMAPREMiWill of Telephone Exchanges existing at present the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be alogwith the capacity and their utilisation in pleased to state: Trans-Yamuna Area of Delhi are indicated in Statement attached. (a)the number of Telephone Exchanges in the trans-Yamuna area and capacity (b) The capacity of Shahdara Exchange thereof and the extent to which this capacity is being increased by 2000 lines by the end is being utilised; and of December 1991. a new 4000 lines ex­ change called Yamuna Vihar is likely to be commissioned by June 1992. Further ex­ (b) the action being taken o increase pansion of the exchanges in this area by the capacity of these Telephone Exchanges about 46,000 lines is planned for 1992.95 and the extent of capacity of each Exchange period subject to availability of equipment. 253 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (S4/M) Written Artswers 254

Os h§ - T-

O in I t CO C <0 § & o o

8 8 8

COS of ” s

Q> UJ^ ,3 •S


e 11 (0 •s c 3 5- CO z

CNJ 255 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 256

Station DIrwtor as Officor-in-Cliarga of MIcrovvave System In U.P. AIR StaUoiw of th« Capital In Stataa 501. SHRI BHUWAN CHANDRA 499. SW)IGIRDHARI LAL BHARGAVA: KHANDURI: Will the Minister of COMMUNI­ WII the Minster of INFORMATION AND CATIONS be pleased to state: BROADCASTING be pleased to state: (a) the names of the places where small (a) wtiether the Government have is­ and big telephone exchanges are function­ sued directives that the Station-DirectorwiB ing in Paurt. Chamoii and Dehradun districts be the Officer-in-Charge at all AIR Stations of Uttar Pradesh; of the capitals of the States; (b) the number of exchanges out of (b) whether the said direction is not these which are connected with microwave folknvedatAIR Station, Jaipur; and system;

(c) if so. the reasons therefor? (c) whether the Government have re­ ceived proposals to connect some other THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE exchanges including kanskhet also with this MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND system; and BROADCASTMG (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) to (c). As per normal practice folbwed by (d) if so. the names of the exchanges for the Diractorate-General of All India Radio. which proposals have t>een received and the Station Directors of AH India Radio Stations action Ekely to be taken by the Government in capitals of States and Union Territories in this regard? are declared as ‘Head of Office’. However.

(a)whetherthe enquiry report has since 1. Pauri been received from the State Government; 2. Lansdown

3. Kotdwar

(b) if so. the d ^ l s thereof? 4. Gopeshwar

MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI Of these, Pauri. Lansdown and Gope­ SITARAM KESRI): (a) No. Sir. shwar have already been connected. Kotdwar wll be covered this year. Kanshket (b) Does not arise. isnollnciuded. 257 Wrkton Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S4/C4) WHttanAnmmn 258


(a) DbtrictPauri: (c) District Detira Dun.

Agrora Chakrta

Burwakhal Cleman Town

Dogadda Dak Palhar

Kanskhet Dehra Dun

Kol Doiwala

Kotdwar Gujrara

Lansdwon HGrbertpur

Naogaon Khal Kalsi

Pabu Koti

Pauri Lakhwar

Chamoli Lalkapur

Satpuli Mussoorie

Srinagar Nathuwala

Syonshi Prem Nagar

(b) District ChamoS: Raipur

Ai^ust Muni Raiwata

Badrinath Rapur

Chamoli Rani Pokhri

Gairsain Rishicesh

Gauchar Sahaspur

Ghat Sahya

Gupikashi SeikiM

JoM M ath Shy am Pur 259 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 260

District Chamoli District Dehradun

Karan Pryag Vikas Nagar

Nand Pryag

Pipal Koth

Pokhri Nag Nath




Rudra Pryag


Narain Bazar

Air Station, Hamirpur (Himachal tion and maintenance is actually in positbn. Pradesh) (c) The delay in construction of the 502. PROF. PREM DHUMAL: Will the Station is attributed to the time Involved in Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ taking over the site from the State Govern­ CASTING be pleased to state: ment, settlement of price thereof, construc­ tion of approach Road, and problem in the (a) whether the Government propose to awarding of contract. inaugurate the AIR Station under construc- tbn Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh); lEnglish]

if so, by when; and Arrest of ULFA Militants

(c) the reasons for delay in constructing 504. SHRI LAETA UMBREY: Will the the saki AIR Station? Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND (a) the number of ULFA mll'itants ar­ BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): rested after the Army have been called under (a) Yes, Sir. Operatbn Rhino;

(b) The Radb Statbn at Hamirpur In (b) the quantity of arms and ammunitton Kfonachsd Pradesh is likely to be technkally and the value of such seizuers; leady by the end of 1992. Thereafter, the Station can be commissioned, only when the (c) the number of ULFA militanis ar-* minlfnum essential staff required for opera­ rested from the neighbouring States; and 261 Written Answers AGR AHAYAN A4.1913 (Si4/C4) Wrktmt Answers 262

(d) whether it has been alleged that the cerned persons in this regard? innocent people are also harassed in the operation; and DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS­ TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. (e) if so. the action taken by the Govern­ RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) to (c). On the basis ment in this regard? of the report of the Vigilance Branch, the matter has been handed overtothe C.B.I. for THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE detailed investigation. MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER O F S TA TE IN THE MINIS­ [Englisfi] TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) 2533 ULFA activists have been Civil Defence Training In Orissa apprehended by the Army in Operation Rhino. 506. SHRI ANADICHARAN DAS: Will the Ministerof HOME AFFAIRS be pleased (b) 662 weapons have been recovered. to state: It is not possible to assess the value of these weapons. (a) whether the Government provides Civil Defence Training facilities at (i) Na­ (c) So 35 ULFA activists have been tional level, (ii) State lev^l; and (iii) a local/ apprehended by the Army from the nigh- town level and also provide training on Dis­ bouring States; aster Relief Management;

(d) and (e). Some allegations regarding (b) If so, the details thereof alongwrth harassment by the army have been re­ the number of persons provided such train­ ceived. These are being investigated. All ing during the last two years, years-wise and efforts are being made to ensure that inno­ district-wise in Orissa; cent people are not harassed. (c) whether the Government have taken/ [Translation] propose to take into account the necessities of disanster/natural calamity prone States Out of Turn Allotment of Telephone like Orissa and train more persons in Civil Connections Defence Disaster Relief Management; and

, 505. SHRI MRUTYUNJAYA NAYAK: (d) the strength of Civil Defence volun­ Will \hB Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be teers district wise in Orissa as on 31.7.91 ? pleased to refer to the reply given to Unstar­ red Question No. 1304 on 1-8-1991 and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE state: MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ (a) whether Government have received TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. the report of the inquiry held by vigilance JACOB): (a) The Government provkies Civil branch regarding out of turn altotment of Defence Training facilities at (i) Nationai telephone connections; level (ii) State level and (m) at ChHI Defence town level. Thou|^ iNi EXsaster Relief (b) if tie details ^ r e o f ; and Management Is not w W ^ ^ p u rv ie w the Civil Defence Act. 1968. however, elemen­ (c) the action taken against the con­ tary training of the si^jfect Is befrig knparted 263 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Writton Answers 264 at national level at National Civil Defence been replaced by mod­ College. Nagpur. em eiectronic exchange of suitable capacity. (b) Civil Defence training is not con­ ducted District-wise but it is imparted to Civil Remaining 8 telephone Defence volunteers only is categorised Civil exchanges have been Defence towns. Number of persons pro­ planned for replacement vided Civil Defence training in 6 categorised by modern electronic Civil Defence town in Orissa during 1989 is exchanges progressively 3002 and during 1990 is 3942. during 1991 -92 and 1992- 93. (c) Disaster/Natural calamity does not fall under the purview of Civil Defence Act, «) STD facility from Chattar- 1968. “Civil Defence" includes any meas­ pur DHQ has been ures not amounting to actual combat against planned during 1991-92 hostile enemy actbn only. and from other places progressively during 8th (d) As per (b) above. Civil Defence Five Year Plan measures are adopted only in categorised Civil Defence towns. The raised strength of Teekamgarh District: Civil Defence volunteers in six categorised towns as on 30.6.1991 is 5456. i) 6 out of 14 telephone exchanges have already S.T.D. Facilities In Teekamgarh/Chattar- been replaced by modern pur electronic exchanges of suitable capacity. 507. KUMARI UMA BHARTI: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased The remaining 8 tele­ to state; phone exchanges have been plannedforreplace- (a) whether Government propose to ment by electronic ex­ expand, modernise and provide the S.T.D. changes of suitable ca­ iacitty ki the various telephone exchanges pacity progressively dur­ in the districts of Teekamgarh and Chattar- ing 1991-92.1992-93 and pur;and 1993-94.

(b) if so. the steps taken by the Govern­ ii) STD facility from ment bthis regard? Teekamgarh DHQ has been planned during DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ 1991-92 and from other TRY OF COMPLICATIONS (SHRIP.V. places progressively dur­ RANGAYYA NAIDU); (a) Yes. Sir. ing 8th Five Year Plan.

$}) Details are as under: Power projects In India

ChattwjHif Dmtrict 508. SHRIK.P. UNNIKRISHNAN:Will the Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- 9 out of 17 telephone VENTK3NAL ENERGY SOURCES be exchanges have already pleased to state: 265 VMttenAnswars AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 266

(a) the total installed capacity of power tations have been received from the mi­ projects in India and power generated for per grants for enhancement in the cash assis­ KW of Installed capacity (KWH) 1989 and tance being provided to them besides other 1990; items of relief. Effective 1st November. 91, the Government has enhanced the cash (b) per capita consumption during these assistance to the migrants of Jammu and years; kashmir in Delhi not staying in the Delhi Administratbn camps, from Rs. 200/- per (c) per capita consumption as com­ person per month subject to a maximum of pared to USA, UK, France, FRG, Sweden, Rs. 800/- per month per family to Rs. 250/- Switzerland, Japan and USSR for the cor­ per person per month subject to a amaxi- responding period. mum of Rs. 1000/- per month per family.

(d) plans for power generation in million 2. The Government of Jammu & Ka­ KWH for 1991 and projects for Eighth plan shmir and Delhi Administratfon have issued and investment proposed; and instructions for re-imbursement of education fee to the Government Schools in respect of (e) proposals if any, for fuller utilisation the children of the migrants staying in these of the existing power capacity? schools. Improvement in sanitation, medical and other facilities in the camps have been THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE undertaken. In Jammu and Delhi Senior MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- Officers regularly meet the Representatives VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI of the migrants partfcularly from the camps KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (e). The informa­ to discuss and sort-out the problems being tions is being collected and will be laid on the faced by them An Offfcial group under the Table of the House. Chairmanship of Addl. Chief Secretary, Government of Jammu & Kashmir with other Representations from J & K and Punjab concerned Senbr Offk:ers as memt>ers has Migrants Re.inadequate Compensation. been constituted to oversee the implemen- tatbn of the decisbns taken In regard to 509. SHRI therelief to the migrants. Similarly the relief SHARMA; Will the Minister of HOME AF­ measures are being regularly reviewed in FAIRS be pleased to state: Delhi at Senior level.

(a) the number of representatk>ns re­ Guidelines for Manufacturing Pistols ceived by the Government from migrants of Etc. J & K and Punjab, during the last six months regarding inadequate payment of compen- 510. SHRI SOBHANADREESWARA satk>n and relief to them; RAO VADDE: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) the actbn taken by the Government to provkie reasonable facilities to them? (a) whether the Government have laki THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE down any procedure or guidelines for open­ MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS ing factories for manufacturing pistob, re­ AND MINISTER O F STATE IN TH E MINIS­ volvers or guns etc; and TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) and (b). A number of represen­ (b) if so. the dataOs thereof? 267 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Artswers 268

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Project (817 MW) will be 75 MW. MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ The foltowing project proposals have TR Y OF H O M f ' AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. been received from NTPC for implementa­ JACOB): (a) and (b). The manufacture of tion in the Northern Region: - pistols, revolvers and rifles and their ammu- nitbn in the private sector is not permitted. (i) Rihand Stage - II (2x500MW). U.P. The private sector gun manufacturing units in existence at the time of declaratbn of the (ii) Yamunanagar Thermal Power Proj­ Industrial policy Resolution 1956 of the ect (4 X 210 MW). Haryana, Gk)vernment of India are allowed to continue the manufacture of ML/BL guns and their (iii) Faridabad Gas Power Project-! (800 ammunition. MW) Haryana.

Power Shortage In Rajasthan (iv) Anta - II (430 MW), Rajasthan.

511. SHRI GUM ANM ALLODHA: Will (V) Dadri - II (400 MW), Delhi. the Minister of POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIOANAL ENERGY SOURCES be (vi) Farukhabad Gas Power Project (800 pleased to state: MW). U.P.

(a) whetherthe National Thermal Power Rajasthan is entitled to allocation of Corporatbn has formulated any scheme to power from these projects as per Central remove power shortage in Western Rajast­ formula for allocatbn of power from central han in the year 1991 onwards: sector thermal power projects.

(b) whether any scheme is under con­ (b) and (c). In of Rajasthan, sideration of Government for electrification there are 818 villages. As on 31st March, of Pali District Rajasthan; 1991, all these villages have been electri­ fied. (c) the time by which is under rural electrification will be completed; and (d) A proposal to set up a 30 MW Solar Thermal Power project at villages Mathenia (d) whether there is any scheme to near Jodhpur in West Rajasthan has been generate power through solar energy in received from the Department of Non-Con- Western Rajasthan in the year 1991? ventional Energy Sources by the Central Electrbity Authority for techno-economic THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE clearance. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI [Translation] KALPA NATH RAI): (a) Out of National Thermal Power Corporatbn (NTPC)’s power stations in the Northern "Region viz: Sin- Major Power Projects (2000MW). Riiand (1000MW), Anta (413 and Auraiya (652 MW) Rajasthan 51Z SHRI KRISHNA DUTT SUL- has been aOocated a total share of 535 MW JA H Pim i: Wifl the Minister of POWER AND as per the Central formula; Rajasthan’s alb- NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY cation from the forth coming Dadri Gas Power SOURCES be pleased to state: 269 Writton Answers AGR AH AYAN A4.1913 (S>i/C4) Written Answers 270

(a) the names and details of the major TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E power projects submitted by Himachal MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Pradesh Government to Union Government AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ for approval during the last one and a half TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. year; and JACOB): (a) The steps taken in this direction include strengthening of coastal patrolling, (b) the amount allocated by the Union searches and seizures for recovery of arms Government to State Government for those and contrabands and arrests of persons projects? involved in these activities.;

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (b) The information is being obtained MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- from the State Government and will l^e laid VENTKDNAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI on the Table of the House. KALP NATH RAI): (a) and (b). In the last one and a half years only one major power [Translation] project viz: the Dhamwari Sunda Hydro Electric Project (2*35 MW) in Himachal Closing of LT.L In Rae-Bareilly Pradesh was received in the Central Elec­ tricity Authority (CEA) and has been found to 514. SHRI RAM SAGAR: Will the be in order from techno-economic angle by Ministerof COMMUNICATIONS be pleased CEA in October, 1991. The formal clearance to state: to the project would be issued only after clearances from Environment and Forest (a) whether there is any proposal to (Conservation) Act angles are available and cbse down the Indian Telephone Industry after compliance with Section 29 of Electric­ (ITI) kxiated in Rae-Bareilly; ity (Supply) Act, 1948. Central Water Com­ mission is also yet to carry out further inves- (b) if so, the details thereof; and tigalfon which requires studies to be carried out by the project authorities at the detailed (c) the scheme formulated for the em- design stage. The question of allocation of ptoyees who are likely to be retrenched? founds at this stage would not arise. DEPUTY MINISTER FOR COMMUNI­ [EngKsh] CATIONS (SHRI P, V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No. Sir. Arms and Contrabands Seized from LTTE (b) and (c). Does not arise.

513. PROF. K.V. THOMAS: Will the [Englishi] Miruster of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Supply of Sophisticated Weapons to Haryana Police (a) the steps taken to prevent the carry­ ing of arms and contraband by LTTE to Tam il 515. SHRI NARAIN SINGH CHAUDHRI: Nadu; and Win the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (b) the qtianllly ol arms and ammuni­ tions seized from L TTE during the last one (a) whether the Union Govennment year? propose to provide sophisticate weapons to 271 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 272 the Haryana Police as per the demand of in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Haryana Government from time to time, to Pradesh. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and curb terrorist activities in the State; and Maharashtra. Over 40.000 migrant families in Jammu and 18,000 families in Delhi have (b) if so, by when? t>een registered.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 2. The permanent rehabilitation of these MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS migrants outside the Valley has not been AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ contemplated. The Government is providing TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. relief including cash assistance to the mi­ JACOB): (a) and (b). Sophisticated weap­ grants. Respective State Govemments have ons are being provided to the Haryana issued instructions regarding relief to mi­ Police keeping in view the availability of such grants in those States. weapons and the requirement of the other State/UTs and the Central Police/Para-Mili­ 3. The Government of Jammu & Ka­ tary organisatbns. shmir is keeping a general watch on the premises of the migrants In the valley within [translation] the available resources. The State Govern­ ment has also undertaken assessment of Migration of Kashmiri Hindus bsses to the properties of the migrants whereverfeasible. Some houses, abandoned 516. SHRISUSHILCHANDRA VERMA: by the migrants, were found to have been will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be occupied by the militants during combing pleased to state: operations.

(a) the number of Kashmiri Hindus who Telecast of Programnnes on Delhi have migrated from Kashmir Valley and the Doordarshan places to which they have migrated; 517. SHRISURYANARAYAN YADAV: (b) the places where their f amUies have wilUhe Ministerof lNFORMATK)N& BROAD­ t>een rehabilitated; CASTING be pleased to state:

(c) whether any survey has been con­ (a) whether the programmes telecast ducted by the State Administration to ensure on channel I of Delhi Doordarshan are more that the house of Kashmiri Pandits are safe clearly visible than the programmes of chan­ in the valley; and nel II; and

(d) the number of houses of Kashmiri (b) if so, the reasons for telecasting Hindus which have been forcibly occupied ‘News* on both the channels simultaneously by militants? wheres this was not the practice sometime back? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AMD TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS); JACOB): (a) to (d). The Kashmiri migrants (a) No, Sur. Both are clearly visible. have migrated from the Valley mostly to Jammu and C^lhi and some to other places (b) With a view to intrDduoe new pro­ 273 WrmenAnswms AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>UC4) Written Answers 274 gramme fomiats, Doordarshan discontin­ because of the adverse ecological impact of ued relay to National news bulletins In the project and drying up of Adirapally Falls. Channel II for aome time. However, it was MOEF is reviewing the environment clear­ suk>sequently restored keeping in view the ance based on a revised proposal received from KSEB for construction of another power viewers demand. house (2x7.5MW) unstream of Adirapally Fails to ensure water releases for the falls. [EngOsh] The Kuttiyadi Extension H.E Scheme (1x50 MW) was accorded techno-economic ap­ Hydro-Electric Project In Kerala proval by CEA during August, 91 and Deptt of Power has recommended the project for 518 SHRI RAMESH CHENNITHALA: investment approval to Planning Commis- Will the Minister of POWER AND NON> sbn. CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: The following six hydro electric schemes of Kerala with total installed capacity of 273 (a) whetherthe Unbn Govemment have MW are at present under examinatton in received any proposal for new Hydro-Elec- CEA/CWC:- tric Project from Kerala; i) Bothathankettu (3x10>30 MW) (b) if so, the details thereof ; and ii) Pallivasal Rehabilitation (c) the number of projects awaiting the Scheme (3x20«60 MW) Union Government*s sanction in Kerala? Chembukkadavu St.ll (3x3-9 THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE ill) MW) MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTK)NAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI iv) Adirapally Upper Power House KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes Sir. (2x7.5-15 MW) (b) and (c) ,The project report of Adira- v) Kerala Bhavani (3x50-150 paHy H.E. Project (2x80 MW) was found to MW) be techno-economically in order by CEA in June 1989. The formal clearance of CEA Vi) Barapole (2x3+2x1.5-9 MW) would t>e considered after disposal of the representations received by the project au­ thorities under Sectbn 29of Electricity Supply In addition to the above, the foltowing Act, 1948 regarding the maintanance of five hydro electric schemes with total instal- beauty of Adirapally falls and clearance of latbn capacity of 424 MW have been re­ the project from Environment and Forest turned to the State Authorities due to inade­ angles. The scheme was rejected from quate details environment angle by MOEF in October, 90

S./Va Scheme Inst Capacity Date of (MW) return

1. t^andiar Punnapuzha 2x35-70 April 84

2. Kuttiyadi Augmentatbn - July 82

3. Mananthawady MPP 4x60-240 July 80

4. Pambar 2x15-30 March 90

5. Karappara Kuriarkutty MPP 2x12+3x20-84 May 91 275 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 276

Damage to Telephone Booths 1989 and Supplementary directory was In Kerala supplied in August 1990. In Bombay, last main directory was supplied in August 1988 519. SHRI PALA KM. MATHEW: Will followed by Number Change Supplement in the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be January 1989. Thereafter, Alphabetical pleased to state: Supplement updated upto 1.5.89 was dis­ tributed in November 1989 folbwed by Al­ (a) whether the Government have re­ phabetical Supplement No. 11 updated upto ceived reports of gross abuse and damage 10th December 1990 in March 1991. to publictelephone booths, coin boxes etc. in Kerala; (b) The main reason for delay is the failure of the contractor for supply of directo­ (b) if so, the detsyte thereof; and ries. According to him, the Company has suffered heavy tosses on account of price (c) the steps taken or proposed by the rise in paper and other materials and labour. Government in this regards? (c) The Contract is being revived to Tte DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ bring out the main Directory for Bombay and TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. Delhi within the next six months. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No. Sir. [Trans/ation] (b) Does not arise.

(c) Does not arise. Prompt action is Land Acquired for B.S.F. of Tre in taken by the departmer^ to rectify any dam­ Hazarlbagh age to PCO equipments, as and when nec­ essary. 521. SHRI BHUBANESHWAR PRASAD MEHTA: Willthe Ministerof HOME New Telephone Directories In Metro- AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Cities (a) the acreage of land acquired for 520. SHRI ANNA JOSHI: Border Security Force Meru in district Hazar- SHRI RAMCHANDRA ibagh, Bihar; VEERAPPA: (b) the add it tonal area of land proposed to be acquired by the Government for the Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS expanston of the said Border Security Force; be pleased to state: and

(a) whether the Telephone Directories (c) whether compensation has been have not been supplied to the subscribers by paid for the land acquired so far? the MTNL for the last two years in Metro- cities; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF S TA TE IN TH E MINIS­ (b) if so, the reasons therefor; and TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M M JACOB): (a) The details are given in the (c) the steps taken or proposed to be Annexure. taken to supply the latest directory? (b) A proposal to acquire additional land D EPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS- measuring 61.72 acres at Hazaribagh is being considered by the BSF. TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No. Sir. In Delhi, (c) The details are given in the state­ last main directory was supplied in August, ment. 277 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S/»K14) Written Answers 278

§ {/) 8 g 8 CO ■5 co“s ^ s CO 8 & 8 QC •s •5 a> <0

I §

C3> CO 00 CD S L i. 11. 2 -2 V) ® o> . m •9 I u. •i C § fife z a ■g 2 II ?fc: s<0 CO I I 0 g* s i> S CD . 5 =» o It 8 -0 ra T3 1 1 CO ® -I 2 J5 CO ^ > s CQ 1 ^ szCO a> w II (0 >s . J5it Q -s S - c 00 L L

CO I CO CO CO at t o CO <30 CM o> ir> CO 06 5 CM 8 o ^ s

J 279 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 280

[EngSst^ (d) thedetailsof steps taken by M .T.N.L to issue O.B. immediately to the subscrtt>- T.V. Station at Vashim in Aliola District, ers? Maharashtra DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS­ 522. SHRI RAM NAIK: Will the Minister TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. of INFORMATION & BROADCASTING be RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a)and (b).No. Sir. pleased to state: The O.Bs. are issued immediately after the receipt of approval of the Minister except in (a) whether Government have received some cases due to the reasons menttoned a request to start a T.V. Centre at Vashim in below. of Maharashtra; (i) The applicants to whom the (b) whether Government are aware that telephones have been sanc­ Vs^him, Risod and Malegaon Tehsils in Akola tioned by the Minister have District of Maharashtra are deprived of the not furnished their registra­ T.V. Centre services; and tion number;

(c) if so. by when a T.V. Centre at (ii) the address at which the Vashim in Akola District is likely to start telephone is to be installed functioning? does not tally with the ad­ dress given in the original THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE application; MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (iii) the area where the phone is (a) and (b).Yes, sir. required is techntoally non- feasible. (c) A tow power TV transmitter is. at present, functtoning at Akola. Another tow (c) 290 cases in M.T.N.L. Delhi Unit and power TV transmitter is envisaged to be set 47 cases in M.T.N.L Bombay Unit are pend­ up at Akot in Akola district as part of Door- ing for issue of O. Bs. darshan*s Annua! Pain 1990-91. Further expanston of TV service in Akola distrtot (d) The foltowing steps have been taken woukl depend upon future availability of to dear the above pending cases. resources for the purpose. (1) Letters have been written to the [Translation] parties to whom the telephones

Issue of O.Bs. have been sancttoned requesting them to indicate the Registratton 523. SHRI RAMCHANDRA VEER- Number and address for new tele­ APPA: Will the Minister of COMMUNICA­ phone. TIONS be pleased to state:

(a) whether M .T.N.L takes two-three (2) Plans are underway to expand or months pertod to issue O.B. in spite of the open new Remote Line Units approval by the Minister as a result of whtoh (RLUs). st^3scril)ers are facing great difficulty;

P>) if so, the reasons therefor (3) Provtoing Pair Gain systems wher­ ever cases are techntosdly non- (c) the number of appltoattons pending with M .T.N.L so far for Issuing O.B.; and feasft>le for want of cable pairs. 281 Writton Answers AGR AHAYAN A4,1913 (S-4/C4) Written Answers 282

Doordarshan Coverage in Karnataka [English]

524. SHRI RAMCHANDRA VEER- Policemen Killed by Punjab Terrorists APPA: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 525. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to (a) whether all the districts in Karnataka state: have been covered by the Doordarshan; (a) whether the polrcemen have be­ (b) if not, the names of the districts yet to come the latest targets of Punjab terrorists; be covered by doordarshan; (b) if so, the reasons therefor? (c) whether the process of linking these districts with nnicro-wave system has been (c) the number of policemen and their started; and relatives gunned down by terrorists in Punjab since September, 1991; and (d) the time by which transmission of Doordarshan programmes would be avail­ (d) the security provided to the polfce- able in these districts? men in Punjab?

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUAVYAS): AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ (a) and (b),Yes, Sir. All the districts of TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI M.M. Karnataka are presently covered by TV JACOB): (a) and (b),The terrorists have servk:e either wholly or partially. been targetting the security forces and their relatives with a view to cause desertion and (c) Instead of microwave mode of link­ to demoralise the forces. age, satellite mode of linkage has been adopted fortelecast of regional servtee pro­ (c) According to informatbn available grammes In the State of Karnataka and all 92 poibemen and 86 relatives of police the TV transmitters in the State are presently personnel were killed during September, linked to doordarshan Kendra. Bangalore for 1991 and October, 1991. the purpose. (d) A number of steps have been taken (d) TV servfce in the districts of Dhar- by the State Government to ensure the pro­ wad, Shimoga, Belgaum, Uttar-kannad. tection of life and property of the polteemen and to deal with the terrorists threats effec­ chlkmagalur and Chitradurga is expected to tively. improve with the commissioning of the high power TV transmitters under implementa­ [Translation] tion at Dharwad and Shimoga subject to Akashwani Transmisston Kendra, tocal terrain conditions. TV servtee in the Mitlilla (Darbhanga) State will be further strengthened on the completion of TV transmitters under imple- 526. SHRI BHOGENDRA JHA: Will the mentatbn at Nandya and Gangavati, as also Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ CASTING bQ pleased to refer to the r^ ly on Implementation of TV transmitters envis­ given to Unstarred Questbn No.496 on aged to be established at Bagaikot. Pava- July,1991 and state: gada, Rarchur and Mysore, subject to actual availability of resources. (a) when the Akashwani transmission 283 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 284

Kendra at Mithila (Darbhanga) was commis- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE sbned; MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): (b) the number of transmission centres (a) The existing 10 KW MW broadcasting commissioned in the country since then and transmitter at Darbhanga was commissioned the range thereof and the reasons for which on 2.2.1976. the range of Darbhanga centre has not been increased; (b) The details regarding the number of transmitters commissbned after 2.2.76 In (c) whether the majority of the maithili the country are given in the statement at­ speaking persons living in terai areas are tached as statement. At present the 10 KW unable to listen the programmes of MW transmitter at Darbhanga provides sat­ Darbhanga Centre due to the low range of isfactory service to the intended areas. the centre; (c) Terai areas in Bihar are being well served by radk) statbns at Darbhanga and (d) whether Government propose to Patna. reconsider their decisbn and take steps to increase the transmission range of (d) There is no proposal at present to Darbhanga Centre and to start the broad­ increase the capacity of Darbhanga Station cast of news-bulletins in ; or to start broadcast of news bulletins in and Maithili language.

(e) by when these objectives are likely to be achieved? (e) Does not arise. 285 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (Si4/0<) Written Answers 286

o a> C E E . o .S o .§ .1 s s BS I#/ g . < 0 CO CO CO I O o o o O o O o . 9 ■ « *§ i§ oc cc O Q> $ 3s

sp ^ s Sp ^ ^ S fS P: F: F: o> o> o> &Oi i0> o> o> cy> o> O) O)

CO ir- T - § g g s a 2

CM in CO CM m CD CO 00 CNI CM o CO in d csi CVt 4 m CO 8 § 8i I I


o o CM O 888^^ ^^88888


-r- CM CO m CO CM CO « o 287 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 288

0> E c E E j= c 3-S 3 3 I I

CM CD 00 00 00 s s s 00 00 CO h- O)O)O) I 0 ) 0 0) O) O) o> O) o> T— T— T— csi d d CM O) O ^ CO T - 0> T- T— s s o o o -r- O >r-

CO CO <3> o C3> CO 00 O) CO CO ir> (d CO i^‘ CO 1^ CO d d c\i CO cvi CO in siCO O)5i! o 8

I 8 S S 8 8 8 8 8 8 ^ CM

* f I I, I 2 S C C : £ « « I O x: < ^ O O I I 1 CO 289 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S>»KA) Writtan Answers 290

0> a> o>

CD CD h - CD 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0> <7> ^ 0> CD C5> C3> CJ) CJ> § C3> I 00 o e C7) cvi ^ E , i 5 i i i o 8 in CD ScS CM O 8

CM CD lO in CD LOCDcor^mr^cDcD CM cvi in CO CM CM CM CO CD -r- T - T - CO

1 i i I

o o o o 8 ^ 8 8 8 § 8 S § T - CM CO CO CM

- 2 « 2 3

o> h - 00 CM CO CO 291 Writt0n Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 292

0 0 9 9 O E® E c g St .2 .S B w w ^ s ^ s 5 <0 CO .9 s s s % s s O .2 1a a S fi -5 S -5 1 ^ 1 ^ 5 I (T S I I I I I I I I 3

O) o> 0> Ok O) O) O) GO 00 a Oi 0> I S s s s s s yr- h- o s s O o> 00 (0 CM O Si

o o> O T - 00 in CM rs. rs. o> iri K (d ca CO K 8 CM s 8 : : o> CO £!

o »K/») Written Answers 294

c c c C .2 O .2 .2 •2 S s s CO <0 CO CO CO I 0 .2 .1 .9 .2 o o .2 O <0 *6 •O *8 IS “§ <0 ■§ (0 a: C£ - I cr OL cc $ s 2 1 0) Q> Z2 ) z I 2 2

o 0 ) 0 0 s s cn o> s cn s s O) C7> O i cn o> 'f— f— •r— I o> o 00 o s o O) O T - o o s 8 i S oi «r-‘ CNJ 1^ CM O s CM 8 o CVl

CM CM T - in 00 CO CM -r-* 1^ LO S pi


fO 8> 3 C E ■8 E E (0

o 00

c c c c c .1 O .9 .9 .9 .9 .9 o 0 .i .1 s T5 5 c5 (Q « (/) <0 CO CO o5 1 1 1 o .2 o o .9 .9 .9 .9 o .9 o o ~ o ■o "D *§ ‘“S '■§ (Q ■§ cn CC CC QC CE CC £ I 0) 1 1 1

o> Oi 5 5 5 s 5 o> S o> cn O) Oi O) CJ^ s o> o> 1 T— T~ T“ y— T*~ o> i U) tr> in IT) in ir> in to CD aS o o o o O o o o o O o •*— S<3 § 8 o s 8 S s gj s

m CO

:e :e 2 ::s 2 2 LL u . U. LL 11. U - u . u . u . L L 1 1 I


CO E> ■g - E 1 § S. 2 ■§ 1 c S I 3 s s x : flj jC (0 (0 x: § c CD (/) o X c/) z <

!C fS S 00 297 Written AnswersAGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA} Written Answers 298

a> o e E a> c a> .S s CO O ■D ■« IJO I I I I z

o> O) CD O) o> o> o> o>

CO GO O) o o o

:e u . lo­ u . ti. L i. u . 1 CO co CD COCOCO


1 , 2 © s 0 g X Z Z CD 1

CO o £ 0 0 o5 s s o> 299 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 300

[English] captbned ‘‘NDMC not keeping property files: CAG" appearing in the Hindustan Times Newsitem Captioned "Illegal Construc­ dated September 28,1991; tion In C.R. Park-Sho Pulled up for Supporting Builders” (b) if so, the details of the actbn taken by the Government to met the objection raised 527. SHRIARJUN SINGH YADAV: Will by the Comptroller and Auditor General; the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: (c) the reasons for not maintaining the property registers as per the law in force; (a) whether attention of the government has been drawn to the news-item captioned (d) the reasons for not-albtment of shops •Illegal constmction in chrttaranjan Park-SHO in Pal’ika Bhawan Palika Place; and pulled up for supporting buHders” appearing in the Indian Express dated September 27. (e) the details of the shops laying vacant 1991 wherein it has been stated that the and the teps taken to albt the vacant shops High Court of Delhi has rapped the SHO of to unemployed graduates? C.R.Park, New Delhi for trying to mediate between the residents and the builders; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (b) if so, the actbn taken by the Govern­ AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ ment on the Court s obsen/ations about the TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI M.M. concerned offk:er; JACOB): (a) to (e). Informatbn is being collected and will be lab on the Table of the (c) the other salient points brought out in House. the news report and the action taken thereon; and Modernisation of Telegraph Offices in Maharashtra (d) the number of polk:e cops adversely commented upon by the Courts during the 529. SHRI PRAKASHV. PATIL: Willthe last 12 months abngwith the details there of Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased and actbn taken on each of the case so testate: commented upon adversely by the Courts In Delhi? (a) wvhether efforts are t>ebg made by the Government for operNng of new tele­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE graph offbes and also to modernise the MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS telegraph offbes already set up in the past; AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI M.M. (b) H so, the steps taken in that regard in JACOB): (a) \o (d).The informatbn is being Maharashtra during the Seventh Plan pe­ collected and will k>e lab on the Table of the House. riod;

Newsitem CaptionMl *NDMC not (c) the number of telegraph offbes pro­ KMping Propwty Files: CAG” posed to be opened in Maharashtra in Eighth 528. SHRI ARJUN S WGH YADAV: WW Plan; and the ^nisterof H O I^ AFFAIRS be phased testate: (d) the number and the detalb of tele­

(a) whether attentbn the Govern- graph offices indentifled in that State for mer^ has been drawn to the news item modemisatbn in Eighth Plan? 301 Wrkton Answers AGR AHAYANA4.1913 (S>A/C4) Written Answers 302

DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS­ Message Concentrators and One Phonogram TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. Concentrator were in­ RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes Sir. stalled and Commis- sbned. Bureaufax Facil­ (b) (i) 300 New Telegraph Of­ ity has been introduced in fices were opened and 22 12 Telegraph Offices. Telegraph Offices were upgraded during the Sev­ (c) 200 Telegraph Offices are proposed enth Plan period. to be opened in Maharashtra during Eighth Plan.

(ii) Under the modernisation (d) 650 T e l^ r ^ h Offices are indenti- Programme, micro proc­ fied for modernisation in the Eighth Five essor based one Store Year Plan. Details of Modernisation in Ma­ and Forward Message harashtra in Eighth Plan is given in State­ Switching System. Two ment attached


Detaib of Modernisation proposed in Maharashtra, in the Eighth Plan Period.

(a) Micro-Processor based Store and Forward Telegraph Message Switching Systems, are proposed to be installed at Nagpur, , Kolhapur, Solapur and Aurangabad.

(b) 650 Telegraph Offices will be modemised by installation of Electronic Key Boards and 72 Electronic Key Board Concentrators detailed as below:-

Name of the Number of Electronic Number of message System Key Board Concentric- Telegraph ators proposed to be Offcesto linked to the Telegr­ be moder­ aph Network. nised, (provisi onal)

Bombay A5 135

Nagpur 16 144

Pune 6 56

Solapur 13 117

Kolhapur 7 63

Aurangabad 15 135 303 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 304

(c) Bureau Fax Service will be sioning. The station is envisaged to be provided in 52 Telegraph commissioned into service once the mini­ Offices. mum essential staff required for operation and maintenance of the station is actually in (d) Message and Phonogram position. Concentrators have already been commissioned in Pune, Problems of Minorities Nagpur and Nasik during 89- 90 and 90-91 531. SHRI GOPINATH GAJAPATHI: Will the Minister of WELFARE be pleased to Radio Station, Hazarlbagh state:

530. SHRI BHUBANESHWAR (a) whether the Government are aware of the problems of minorities In the country; PRASAD MEHTA: Will the Minister of IN­ FORMATION AND BROADCASTING be (b) if so, the details thereof; pleased to state: (c) the steps taken by the Government (a) whether a radio station is ready for for the solution of their problems; and commission in Hazaribagh district headquar­ ter but has not started functioning because it (d) what are the welfare measures has not been inaugurated; and adopted and proposed to be adopted for minority in the country? (b) if so, the time by which the Govern­ ment propose to commission the same? THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI SITARAM KESRI): (a) Yes, Sir.

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) to (d). The 15 point programme is MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND being implemented for the Welfare of Minori­ BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): ties. (a) and (b). The Local Radio Station at Hazaribagh is technically ready for commis­ A statement is attached. 305 WrHten Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 306

CO UJ b cc .± —“ O s - .S c S § c CO s i ­ ||8 I S 3 1 O 3 's:-s ■ e, « ® ® V.- UJ Ui ® t Q 3 CE c 3 « c ^ 5 <0 w .S (0 2 .2 1 ri i E E ® = ^1 ® ^ 3 " m i (0 f l UJ w 2 c JoTO iS ^ 3-J iS Q •e; ^ ^ x: <0 § CC g l x : o CO O 2 m UJ

oc 2 UJ

8 .1 CE i/i Q. . ® i2 C\I 2 =3 c o Q. o o ^ ® c > E* S lO 8 ^ 1 *? y «, > © 5 J5 •= ■? 2 g CO tg ^ • s l a W ® « : S CO < QC o>2

CO I m

i s 0 CO 5§ o>s. 1 i s ■Sss IICO c ^?i ta ■g o H fl < 2 & i OT B 307 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 308

0 i 5 ® 1 | S < *

I o> g T I o ® ^ o £ ® • .!S c c « o S | i i , ^ g i cc O ^

o *? • o o S g E o lo d So®o>i25« I CM ®i2£.£9 o = § « S £-Q «• o - .agPragmOCcOj s i * i S f

CD S 2 S .£ g

I o

5 .2 . Z B «> 1 9>| £ UJ > 8. 309 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 310

«5 c*> I I



S. 1-^ I CM ■S"•i s S' I SI i E I 1 £ £ II £ II 311 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 312

ca a> I s f o O) ■s a jQ CD a CO i||£ = .«21” CO O > ® 5 S’

CVJ I ' i s s l 2 .E = g r «

CM 313 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 Written Answers 314

■§ * § 2 8 J sto <2I .*D i W 3 (tj s W CO (5 .<2 !3 . f I (0 I ^ .E c .2 CO ill CO ' L_C r i i l l « B I i s CD = CO £ I i l l _ CO 0> o CO O Q . 8 2 .c £ CO O X


1<0 U. 8 S's. 315 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 316

c S S S « m u


• 2 | | | = 1

0 II 3 8 ? S. II 2

^ 1 p I I

£ 317 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S-4M) Written Answers 318

= 6 2 g , < - ■D ■§ CO .<2» .o? "g S (0 . be: <5 O) 6 . .e ti •- B . Hill « ® l i i l i s i .i (0 x: p) S ® O - ^ J C I 111 -= S - - ° ® -S g « t j O 5 H n m i Hi?I 8 2 >N W > s ^ CD

5 5 8* ® i s CM

?^ 'i ^ | ^ *o i Q E 2 *2 c c ■^1 S ® •« S j = CO - ill CL O li l i l'i CO E ^

m i 1 £ 319 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 320

Violence in Cinema graph Act, 1952 and the guidelines issued thereunder. According to these guidelines, 532. SHRI VUAY NAVAL PATIL: Will while examining films for certification, the the Mlnisterof INFORMATION AND BROAD­ Board ensures Inter Alia that anti-social CASTING be pleased to state: activities such as violence are not glorified or justified and that pointless or avoidable (a) whether the Censor Board Concen­ scenes of violence, cruetly and horror are trates nfiore on removing the obscene scene not shown. Films that meet these criteria but and pays very less attention on impact of are considered unsuitable for exhibition to violence in Cinema over young mind; non-adults are granted ‘A’ Certificates.

(b) whether opinion survey was con­ (b) and (c). In the 1970s the Indian ducted by the Government or by any other Institute of Mass Communication conducted agency in this regard; a survey on film censorship and viewers reaction which included the impact of vio­ (c) if so, the details of the findings; and lence on the audience. The details of find­ ings in so far as the impact of violence is (d) the steps the Government propose concerned are given in enclosed statement. to take to curb the exhibition of violence in Cinema? (d) Guidelines already exist regarding THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE elimination of scenes of unmitigated v‘io- MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND lence as mentioned in reply to part (a) above, BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): instructions have recently been issued to all (a) No, Sir. All films ar examined by the the Regional Officers of the Central Board of Central Board of Film Certification in accor­ Film Certification to ensure that the guide­ dance with the provisions of the Cinemato­ lines are strictly adhered to. 321 Writtep Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4.1913 (S-AKiA) ^ Written^swors 322

cn i s . § - - 1 - . . ”0 1. ^ c w “ £«e s g c ® ^ ~ 8 . 8 - S . ^ S 8 to , c o ® « ® | 2®1=§ m l ^ S . £ - S 2? ® (0 "S "o ^ JO •§ 8 S S

"O , c/) (tf -c "D ® § .i £ -Q -o 5 . .<§ a - "S ■“ « £ 5> S

•sl5‘i: lo CO -c : to Qc *®ft! i I - Ci. s i l l H t i o.3>3^32'c3® i a: ^ iP >


O cb --N 1 CO >

5 o I -I'S B «2 w ® fp l * 0 ^ 0 i l l l l Io e <0 = O CO

*011 c ^g§ CM % o Ifil

COsi 323 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 324

^ 2 > - ^ o C c O CO c3 c .^ 'O -C 0)

c •a I w }5 it S ^ ^ ? 0 VO to I C 0) —* c to o iQ.d:«-§5-g-2§|§IS? s'f I'l iSI < N

<0 « 2 O) III c c - l i 2§ O B | g , 2 | | l s £ a ^ O S to c • t o «-|l 5 c ^ c — .O £ 2 e > ® ^ 5 ^ o o (0 a i « .£

, o CO '.O I s T3 Q l § c C 0 l i j9> <0 ♦= JC CX) (~ o I o 5c ®>? > *5 i : i “g 1 I -i O 5 I 8 > S - E ^ 52® .S 2 8 i 1 1 i

o ^ C\J S S


CO :§ 325 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 326

Setting up of Women Cells in Police (c) if not, the reasons there for? Stations THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 533. SHRIM ATIGEETA MUKHERJEE: MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ pleased to state: TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M.JACOB): (a) No, Sir. (a) Whether the State Governments were asked to set up women cells In Police (b) Does not arise. Stations to deal with the grievances pertain­ ing to women; and (c) Eligibility criteria for grant of pension from Central Revenues is different from that (b) if so how many States have set up of the State Government. such cells and at what level? Reservations of Jobs for Handicapped THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 535. SHRI M O R E SH W A R AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ SAVE: TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI SHRI SYED SHAHABUD- M .M JACOB): (a) and (b). The National DIN: Perspective Plan for Women (1988-2000 A.D.) prepared by a Core Group set up by the Will the minister of WELFARE be Ministry of Human Resource Development, pleased to refer to the reply to starred ques­ Department of Women & Child Develop­ tion No. 457 dated August 19, 1991 and ment had recommended that a large number state: of Women Police Stations or Women’s Cells in Police Stations should be set up and wider (a) the estimated number of handi­ recruitment of women police officers includ­ capped persons in the country as on April, ing constables made. 1991;

As the subject ‘Police’ is in the State list (b) the total number of handicapped of Vlllth Schedule to the Constitutbn of persons registered with special employment India, the above recommendation was re­ exchanges, special cells and vocational ferred to the State Government/ Union Ter­ rehabilitation centres as on April 1.1990 and ritory Administrations for appropriate action. April, 1991;

[Translation] (c) the number of handicapped persons who found placements during 1990-91; Provision of Pension to Freedom Fighters (d) the number of reserved posts under the Governments of India in Group ‘C ’ and 534. SHRI HARIKEWAL PRASAD: Will 'D*. separately, as on April 1,1990 and 1991; the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased and to state: (e) the number of posts filled up by (a) Whether the Union Government handicapped persons as on March 31,1990 propose to provide pension to all the Free­ and 1991? dom fighters, on the same basis on which pension is being provided by the State THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI Governments to them; SITARAM KESRI):(a) Precise information about handicapped population in the country (b) if so the details thereof; and as on 1.4.1991 is not available. During 1981 327 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 328 the National Sample Survey Organisation the live Register and placed in gainful em­ conducted a country wide sample survey of ployment through Special Employment disabled persons. According to this survey,it Exchanges, Employment Exchanges includ­ was estimated that there were 12 million ing Special Cells in Normal Empbyment physically handicapped persons. Exchanges and Vocational Rehabilitation Centres as on 31-12-1989 and 31-12-1990 (b) to (e). The handicapped persons on are as under;- 329 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S/IKA) Written Answers 330

S'S- CO CM I ® o ® 8 ® c CO c O CN| 1 CD t— ctT irT co" •S'sll O ^ E Z C L I. O 0)

CO c:^ o CO h- CO o CO s C3^ § C\J

<3>c 3 o O) 0 C7) CO 01 CO 00 §

•C Q. <

c .9 I x; Q. 0 < CE o !S c o I

JC H 331 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 332

Government of India have reserved 3% publication and circulation number of said of vacancies against handicapped posts in newspapers; and Group ‘C ’ and Group ‘D’ for physically handi­ capped perons. The categories of handi­ (b) the details of the complaints re­ capped persons covered by this Scheme are ceived against these newspapers during last the Blind, the deaf and the orthopaedically three years? handicapped, each category has 1% reser­ vation in Central Government Services. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND [ Translation] BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) There were 257 monthlies. 589 fortnight- Newspapers published from Rajasthan lies and 677 weeklies published from Rajast­ han as on 31 -12-1990. Their names, places 536. SHRIDAU DAYAL JOSHI: Will the of publication and circulation are given in the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ Statement attached. CASTING be pleased to state: (b) Office of Registrar of Newspapers for India received complaints against news­ (a) the number of monthly, fortnightly papers and on the basis of these complaints, and weekly newspapers being published circulation check in case of five fo them was from Rajasthan and the names, places of done. STATEMENT

English Rajasthan Monthlies

Si. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

1. All India Tax Tribunal Jodhpur — Judgement

2. Bible Reminder (The) Kota —

3. Bulletin of the Association Jaipur — of Kingticists of India Jaipur

4. Current Rajasthan Taxation Ajmer — Manual

5. Current Tax Reporter Jodhpur -

6. Criminal Law Reporter Jodhpur —

7. Dairy Darpan Jaipur —

8. G.N.P Jaipur —

9. Pink City Investor’s Bulletin Jaipur —

10. Risalat Ajmer — 333 WfUlen Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S4K4) Written Answers 334

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulatbn Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

11. Sales Tax Literature Jodhpur —

12. Unreported Rajasthan Jaipur — Revenue Cases

13. Rajasthan Criminal Cases Jaipur —

14. Mineral and Mining World Jaipur —

15. The Tax Referencer Jodhpur


16. Aasangini Banswara —

17. Aghdoot Jaipur -

Udaipur 18. Agra Pragati -

Jaipur 19. Agra Jeevan -

20. Agra Santati Alwar -

Udaipur 21. Agrantya Rajput Samachar -

22. Anushan Times Beawar —

23. Agrodak Jaipur 1925

24. Anant Mangal Jaipur -

Jaipur 25. Anima -

Jaipur 26. Antarman -

Jaipur 27. Anaup Charika -

28. Apka Priwar Jaipur

Udaipur 29. Apna Patra -

Jodhpur 30. Arihant -

Jaipur 31. Arth Satta -

32. Arthik Krishi Karyakaram Ajmer 335 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 336

SI No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

33. Atmit Jagriti Ajmer

34. Atma Dharma Jaipur —

35. Bhartiya Rajput Jaipur — 36. Bhrigu Mitra Jaipur —

37. Ayurved Martand Sri Ganganagar —

38. Baat to Chubhegit Jaipur — 39. Bahubali Sandesh Nasirabad _

40. Bajra Prahar Dholpur —

41. Bhartiya Samaj * Ladanu -

42. Bhavishya Prakash Ajmer —

43. Boite Kagat Jaipur — 44. Brij Sushma Bharatpur —

45. Chhaklyari Bikaner —

46. Chitanya Bharat Jaipur — 47. Chetan Prahari Barmer _

48. Chetan Prahari Barmer _

49. Chidambra Masik Kota —

50. Dadhich Diwakar Nagaur 450

51. Commercial Taxes News Jodhpur —

52. Chhora Samaj Kota —

S3. Commercial Taxes View Barmer

54. Dalit Kaiyan Barmer —

55. Dairy Darpan Jaipur -

56. Dak Shekhawati Se Sikar 337 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S/IKA) Written Answers 338

S/. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

57. Darti Dhorari Ajmer _

58. Deslhi Se Masko Jaipur —

59. Dhauns Kota _

60. Filmodya Sri Ganganagar —

61. Furqaan Ajmer —

62. Garjati Awaz Udaipur _

63. Harit Rishi Vani Jaipur __

64. Health Adviser Jaipur _

65. Gyan VIgyan Deepak Branampuri —

66. Gyan Kutir Jaipur _

67. Jagmagdeep Jyoti Alwer"' —

68. Gokul Jaipur —

69. Gurjan Dholpur _

70. Isthiti Sikar _

71 Jal Shring Kota _

72. Jai Bhairaw Bharatpur —

73. Jaipur Prasarika Jaipur _

74. Jharta Karuna Sarot Jaipur —

75. Kaaived ^ Kota

76. Jan Sakha Sri Ganganagar —

77. Jan Swasthay Shikshak Jaipur —

78. Jaya Gunjar Jodhpur —

79. JInwani Jaipur _

80. Kala Shrinkaia Udaipur 339 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1991 Written Answers 340

SI. No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

81. Kaipna Pushp Alwar — 82. Karam Veena Jaipur —

83. Karamchari Darshan Bikaner

84. Kathat Sandesh Beawar

85. Katharaj Churu — 86. Kavimanch Jaipur _

87. Khadi Shramik Jaipur _

88. Khel Roma Hanumangarh — 89. Lakhara Sandesh Pali _

90. Khandan Jodhpur _ 91. Kridanchal Bikaner _

92. Krishi Kalpana Udaipur —

93. Knshibk Jodhpur 8250

94. Lahar Ajmer —

95. Lok Vigyan Udaipur — 96. Lok Janvad Jaipur —

97. Maqhumati Udaipur 1265

98. Madhu Pram Uda’^ur —

99. Mali Bandhu Kota —

100. MangaJ Marg Bikaner — 101. ManavChhra Nirbhaydasa —

102. Manvodaya Chittorgarh -

103. Mehgveer Bikaner —

104. Maruti Hanumangarh 341 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S/1/C4) Written Answers 342

SL No, Name of the News P/ace of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

105. Mathur Vaishya Darshan Jaipur —

106. Milawati Jaipur —

107. Mogara Ajmer

108. Mool Prashan Udaipur —

109. Nandavana Samachar Jaipur

110. Nirog Sukh Jaipur —

111. Pan Sandesh Udaipur —

112. Narl Mangal Jaipur —

113. Nispakash Chetna Bikaner —

114. Paliwal Bhaskar Udaipur

115. Pardiwar Tikon Bikaner

116. Paropakari Ajmer 1437

117, Pashupalan Nav Chetna Jatore —

118. Parchya Gyan Daipan Adarshnagar 815 churu

119. Pushkarnendu Bikaner

120. Piara Bulbut Ja^ur —

121. Partiyogita Sandesh Jaipur

122. Preksha Dhyan Ladanu 3250

123. Parinay Sandesh Sri Ganganagar —

124. Punargathan Chouru —

125. Pustak Vigyan Bikaner —

Rajasthan Dandik Nirnay Jaipur 126. - PatrSia

127. Rajasthan Grameen Darpan Jaipur 343 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 344

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

128. Rajasthan Guidance Bikaner - Newsletter

129. Rajasthan Ka Sandesh Jaipur —

130. Rajasthan Krisni Samachar Jaipur —

131. Rajasthan Sikshak Jodhpur —

132. Rajasthan Pratiyogita Bikaner - Pradarsak

133. Rajasthan Vidhi Patrika Jaipur _

134. Rajasthan Vikas Jaipur —

Jaipur 135. Rajasthan Vyapar Udyog - Parrlka

136. Rajasthani Sunahari Sardarpura - Kahaneya Road

137. Raigar Pragtisheel Patrika Jaipur -

138. Railway Sentinal Ajmer —

139. Raj Udhit Jyoti Pali —

140. Rozgar Lekh Sikar —

141. Ramsha Sandesh Pushkar _

142. Rangayan Udaipur —

143. Rashtra Bhasha Chakra Bikaner —

144. Sainik Aur Samaj Bikaner —

145. Saini Mitra Sangam Alwar —

146. Sans Ki Awaz Jaipur —

147. Sanwad Ruta Samachar Jaipur —

148. Sanatan Satya Suratgarh —

149. Sansthan Rajasthan 345 V m tM Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKX) Writton Answors 346

SLNo, Name of the News Placeof Ckculathn Papers PubrK^athn

1 2 3 4

150. Saraswat Jagat Sriganganagar 7504

151. Sarva Bhashya J a '^ r -

152. Satyug Ki Vapasi Aiwar -

153. Sex Education Ajmer —

154. Sewa Sandeepan Udaipur —

155. Shekhawati Mangat Sikar —

156. Dhsk Dwipiya Barhmin Ajmer - Bandhu

157. Shiksha Times Jaipur _

158. Shtisak Doot Udaipur __

159. Shivira Patrfka Bikaner _

160. Sak Dwipiya Jagriti Barmer

161. Shram Ekta Japur —

162. Shram Shakti J a ^ r —

163. Sirat— E— Mustkeem Uda^ur —

164. Shree Peepa Prarash Jodhpur —

165. Shuchi BScaner

166. Skih Makar Dwaj Sri Ganganagar —

167. Shnehil Sandesh Sri Ganganagar 1500

168. Sukhwal Sangam Udipur

169. Swaran Prabha Jodhpur —

170. Swatanter Jain Chintan Ajmer 1500

171. Swasthya Ajmer —

172. Trivani J a ^ r 347 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 348

SI. No, Name of the News Ptace of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

173. Tarianni Udaipur —

174. Tahun Vishwakarma Jaipur —

175. TehsiWar Sewa Samachar Bikaner

176. Tex Field Kota _

177. Uljhan Jaipur -

178. Urmul Samachar Bikaner _

179. Vaidya Doot Sadul Shahr —

180. Vallabh Sandesh Jaipur —

181. Vanar Jaipur —

182. Varun Pravah Jaipur —

Ajmer 183. Vardayi -

184. Ved Savita Ajmer —

Bikaner 185. Vatayan -

186. Veer Rawat Ajmer —

Jodhpur 187. Veer Upasika —

Jaipur 188. Veetrag Vigyan —

Vkjyarthi Junkar Jaipur 189. -

190. Vrichhawali Jaipur —

Jaipur 191. Vkjyut Sar^desh —

192. Vijaya Tej Sriganga Nagar -

193. VWangKiAwaj Jaipur —

194. Vishva Hiteshi Sandesh Jaipur —

195. Vtshveshwar Mahavir Jodhpur —

196. Vrvek Vikas Jaipur 349 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>UC4) Written Answers 350

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

197. Yaseen Kota _

198, Udik Jhunjhunu —

199. Yaga Jyotl Jaipur —

200. Vatayat Samachar Jaipur —

201. Yug Sadhana Kota

202. Yuva Drisrti Ladanu _


203. Anil Sriganganagar _


204. Bharati Jaipur _

205. Ahinsa Vihangam Jodhpur —


206. Phulnari Ajmer _

207. Afkare Jadeed Udaipur —

208. Payami Salamati Jaipur —

209. Risalat Ajmer _


210. Amity International Jaipur —

211. Audichya Sandesh Kota

212. Bijee Vyavsaya Jaipur —

213. Book Advise Jaipur __

214. Brahm Khatri Sandesh Jaipur —

215. Charitra Aur Vyam Ajmer —

216. Christian Rail Roader Jaipur 351 Wiitten Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 3S2

S LN o Name of the Ne¥vs Place of CiraMaUon Papers PubPcathn

1 2 3 4

217. Gem Worid Jaipur

218. Latest Happy News Alwar —

219. Go Vikas Jaipur —

220. Homobo Savak Jaipur —

221. Jeevandam Jaipur —

222. Khadi Worker Jaipur _

223. Kia News Kota —

224. Krishi Vikas Jaipur —

225. Mere Garib Nawab Ajmer —

226. Lekha Vigya Jaipur —

227. Manga! Kamaha Jodhpur —

228. Management Book Kota —

229. Pardmandal Sandesh Jaipur —

230. Parivahan Sampda Jaipur —

231. Prabudh Ambedkar Ajmer —

232. Sangathan Ki Awaj Ja^ur -

233. R.M.S. Sentinal Ajmer —

234. Rajasthan Degdarshan Jaipur -

235. Rajasthan Khadya Padarth Ja^ur - Vyapar Patrica

236. Rajasthan State Curent Jodhpur - Statutes

237. SacNwalaya Sandesh Jaipur —

238. Sarvadharma Satsangh Udaipur —

239. Shatohait U d a ^ 1408 353 Vmten Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S>UCA) Wr»ten Answers 354

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

240. Shiksha Me Karanti Jodhpur _

241. Shiksha Times Jaipur _ 242. Simco Patrika Jhunjhunu _

243. Vklyut Karmachari Ekta Jaipur —


244. Atma Darshan Ajmer

245. Gulshan— E— Vishwa Ajmer —

246. Ayurved Prahari Jaipur — 247. Brahma Sanbandh Nathwara —

248. Holi Saint of India (The) Ajmer _

249. Jina Pratibha Jodhpur — 250. Khawa^an Ajmer _

251. Mahran Jaipur —

252. Samyak Dristi Ajmer 1985

253. Sultan— UJ— Hind Ajmer

254. Ziarte Khwaja Ajmer _


255. Jagti Jot Bikaner —

256. Manak Jodhpur 40,622

257. Oimon Ratangarh 355 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Witten Answers 356

Rajasthan Fortnightlies

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4


1. Complete Companion Jaipur - News Views (the)

2. Hot Dot Udaipur —

3. I.1.B (Industrial Jaipur - Information Bureau)

4. Indian Life Style Jaipur —

5. Monday Mail Jaipur —

6. Rajsthan Ballad (The) Ganganagar —

7. Times Express Jaipur —

8. Unreported Judgements Jodhpur - (The) HINDI

9. Aarthik Samchar Jodhpur —

. 10 Aajka Dahej Jaipur —

11. Aadhunik Samvad Jaipur —

12. Agvani Bikaner 1481

13. Aajka Bharat Bikaner —

14. Abhidev Jaipur —

15. Agent Rajasthan Jaipur 2495

16. Agra Prenna Jaipur -

17. Akshar Jyoti Sriganganagar —

18. Akhor— E— Msoom Jaipur -

19. Akash Deept Jaipur -

20. Akshar Ki Aanch Kota 2050 357 WrHten Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S/1/C4) Writton AnswBis 358

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

21. Atwar Samrat Alwar —

22. Amar Bhoomi Jaipur —

23. Amar India Madhopur —

24. Amar Times Jaipur —

25. Anang Doot Kota 1634

26. Anndata Kisan Jaipur _

27. Antriksh Express Udaipur —

28. Action Bikaner __

29. Adim Lok KhenA^ara __

30. Akhand Bashtra Jyoti Bhilwara __

31. Akhari Rasta Udaipur _

32. Andolan Ke Garv Se Sawaknadhopur —

33. Ankit Times Jaipur fOOO

34. Arjan Saran Pratapnagar —

35. Antodaya yojna Ganganagar

36. Alwar Times Al«var

37. Anupam Gyan Vigyan Srigangofiaoar

38. Arawaii Chetna M wm

39. Aru Bharu Bfcaner

40. Arya Jai Ghosh Sadiilpur

41. Arya Martand J a ^

42. Arya Punargathan Ajmer

43. Arya Sanghthan Churw

44. Arun Pravah Jaipur 359 Wfit^Answws NOVEMBER 25.1991 WrittmAnsytms 360

SlAlb. Nameof the News P la c e a f Ckculation Papers P M h a U o n

1 2 3 4

45. Asank Aiwar 1100

46. Ashwath Pali

47. Avinash Jyoti Bikaner

48. Ayurved Sambad Jaipur

49. Atlkraman Jodhpur 1745

50. Audyogic Kr^hi Kota 1200

51. Awasan Darptan Jaipur

52. Badalti Dunia Udaipur —

53. Badhte Charan Jodhpur -

54. Bafal Express Jocftipur —

55. Baaz Express Bicaner -

56. Baverwal Kesari Ajmer 1902

57. BaiHans Jaipur 5185

58. BalKiAwaz Alwar 1750

59. BalSaIN Jaipur —

60. BnasPrahari Tonk —

61. Bank Karamchari LaHoau^ Jaipur —

62. Banas Kl Laheren Beawar —

63. BedhactekKalam Jaipur —

64. Benet J a ^ r —

65. A ^ e r 2500

66. BhnsM Bdhm Se Savdhan A ^ e r —

67. Stidh Bheem Sandesh Dholpur

68. Bharat Ke Badhte Qudam Jaipur 361 VMttenAnawets AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>VC4) Written Answers 362

St. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Pubiication

1 2 3 4

69. Bhawani Express Jaipur _

70. Bikaner Samvad Bikaner 1537

71. Bharat Bhai Udaipur —

72. Bigul Sandesh Bikaner

73. Bikaner Kesari Bikaner —

74. Bikaner Manch Bikaner —

75. Bikaner Jan Jan Bikaner —

76. Brij Seema Bharatpur _

77. Bundi Sandesh Bundi 2500

78. Bodh Saurabh Jaipur 2350

79. Chaia Mora Bicaner __

80. Chambal Sandesh Kota _

81. Chan^>aiSetu Kota 1400

82. Charmanvati Kota __

83. Chetak Sandesh Ja'^ur

84. ChopatVarta Bikaner —

85. Chittor Sangram Gangashahr —

86. Churu Express Churu —

87. Churu Charcha Churu —

88. Churu Samachar Churu —

89. Churu Samachar Churu —

Dalit Himayati Bikaner

91. Dadheech Varta Jaipur

92. Cine Patra Ajmer 363 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25. 1991 Written Answers 364

SLNo. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

93. Contributbn Suratgarch _

94. Current Jyoti PhalodI

95. Dalit Bodh Churu _

96. Dalit Ke Dahar Tonk _

97. Dalit Warg Sandesh Bikaner _

98. Darpan Jyoti Sriganganagar —

99. Dehati Rakhwala Sriganganagar —

100. Dalit Jyoti Jhunjhunu —

101. Dard Ki Awaz Jaipur —

102. Dawanal Kota —

103. Jeewan Mohan Ajmer —

104. Dehat Kesari Goiuwala _

105. Dehat Bharti Alwar —

106. Desh Videsh Doot Jaipur _

107. Devendra Shiran Bikaner _

108. Dhundhar Ki Awaz Dhansa 2000

109. Deoli Tinfies Deoli —

110. Deshaton Alwar —

111. Dharam Charcha Sriganganagar —

112. Dhrishtikon Udaipur —

113. Dictator Beawar —

114. Disha Bodh Bharatpur —

115. Disha Kalap Bikaner 2000

116. Do Rifle Bharatpur 365 Wrkten Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S>4/C4) Written Answers 366

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

117. Dosti Ka Sandesh Ajmer 2181

118. Durgami Darpan Jaipur —

119. Dutt Bandhu Bharatpur —

120. Economic Beauty Udaipur —

121. Fauladi Ekta Mwaimadhopur —

122. Fatehpur Ki Awaz Fatehpur —

123. Galta Ki Goonj Jaipur 2500

124. Galta Ki Ghathi Jaipur 2345

125. Gaon Ri Khfran Fatehnagar —

126. Gaon ki Shbha Jaipur 2300

127. Gautam Jyoti Bikaner —

128. Ganganagar Aur Desh Sriganganagar 1782

129. Golden City Doot Jaisalmer —

130. Ganger Jaipur —

131. Ganganagar Aur Desh Sriganganagar 1782

132. Gangapur Darpan Swaimadhopur •—

133. Gayatri Ashish Jaipur 1900

134. Ghar Baithe Sandesh Jasanpur 2000

135. Gram Gadar Jaipur —

136. Grameen Jan Chetna Jodhpur —

137. Grameen Sangathan Jaipur 2988

138. Goluwala Kesari Sriganganagar —

139. Grameen Doot Jaipur —

140. Grameen Phulwari Kotputli — 367 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Wr^en Answers 368

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

141. Gautam Doot Nagarur 1993

142. Gora Badal Udaiur —

143. Grameen Kota 6450

144. Greatest tndia Bikaner —

145. Gulabi Awaz Jaipur —

146. Gulabi Jagat Samachar Jaipur 1750

147. Great Rajsthan Jaipur — -

148. Gujarish Kota 1310

149. Gule Rajasthan Jaipur —

150. Gupt Doot Jaipur 2500

151. Gyan P'^asu Kekri —

152. Haicara Pafi —

153. HaaiChaal Jaipur —

154. Hameer Ctietna Swaknadhopur —

155. Hamari TaK)at Jaipur —

156. Haqdar Bikaner 1903

157. Hara Bhara R a^h ta n Srtganganagar —

158. Marit Kranti Jaipur 2500

159. HarotiKaOeepak Kota —

160. Haroti Express Kota —

161. Haroti Ki Dharti Kota —

162. HafotiJag UthI Kota —

163. HafotiKesari Dhaulpur —

164. Hafolf Saintk Kota — 369 Vmten Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(5/UC4) Wrkten Answers 370

SL No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

165. Helen News Sriganganagar —

166. Hello Suno Kisan Ro Ajmer —

167. Hind Salaam Jaipur —

168. Headache Hindon City —

169. Hello Times Jaipur —

170. Hind Deep Pali —

171 Hinaun City Digdarshan Hindon City —

172. Hua Sabera Jaipur —

173. Indra Swaroop Bharatpur —

174. Jaipur Crown Jaipur —

175. Indra Bulletin Jaipur —

176. Interview «lodhpur —

177. Janbaj Bikaner —

178. Janam Data Badmer 1105

179. Jantantr ki Kalam Beawar —

180. Jhonpari Ki Awaz Bikaner 1800

181. Jaipur Samrat Jaipur —

182. Jaipur Chakshu Jaipur —

183. Jaipur Dairy Jaipur 1852

184. Jhalawar Times Jhalawar —

185. Js^roti Ke Anchal Se Hindaun City — ,

186. Js^atVallabh Udaipur —

187. Jaipur Congress Patrika J a ^ r —

188. Ja|MirKe8«ri Jaipur — 371 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Wr^en Answers 372

SL No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

189. Jain Path Pradarshak Jaipur —

190. Janch Aur Khoj Jaipur —

191. Jai Kranti Jaipur —

192. Jangjoo Chittorgarh 1700

193. Jan Jan Bikaner —

194. Jaisai Vant Jaisalmer —

195. Jan Patwar Binaner —

196. Jan Path Kota —

197. Jaipur Kikana Bikaner —

198. Jan Sutra Jodhpur 3500

199. Jansakha Sriganganagar —

200. Jhunjhunu ki Dhartj Jaipur —

201. Jai Jwala Churu —

202. Jain Tirthankar Barmer 10292

203. Jatore Ke Dharti Jaipur —

204. Jainti Janta Ajmer 1650

205. Jugai Band! Seekar —

206. Jinendu Jaipur —

207. Jugal Kr'^a Jaipur 1992

208. Jodhpur Samachar Jodhpur 1700

209. Jyotish Pradeep Jaipur —

210. Jay Mangalam Samvad Jaipur —

211. Jwaia Sandesh Singhpur —

212. Jyoti Kunj Ja^ur — 373 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>^) Written Ansvmrs 374

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

213. Joshli Awaz Jaipur —

214. Kadvasach Bikaner —

215. Kam Dhenu Bikaner 1995

216. Kalam Master Jaipur —

217. Kaise Kaise Log Jaipur —

218. Kagad Sriganganagar —

219. Karam Jyotl Jaipur 2800

220. Karamohri SathI Jaipur —

221. Karam Chintan Jaipur —

222. Kami Udai Bikaner —

223. Karoli Times Karoli —

224. Kesariya Bana Bundi —

225. Kesari Kunj Jaipur —

226. Khadi Aradhana Jaipur —

227. Kheenchtaan Tonk —

228. Khooni Kaiam Swammadhopur —

229. Kiran Kosh Ajmer —

230. Kiraydar Ki Pukar Jaipur —

231. Kirti Samachar Alwar —

232. Kisan Dham Ajmer 1749

233. Khushaal Bharat Jodhpur —

234. King Bharatpur —

235. Kishangarh Times Alwar —

2 ^ . Kisan Rakshak Nohar _ 375 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 376

SI. No. Name of the News Place of CirciMathn Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

237. Kisan Path Sriganganagar 6613

238. Komal Times J a ^ r —

239. Kohinoor Bflcaner 2000

240. Kota Observer Kota 1355

241. Kramsha Jodhpur —

242. Kranti Dharmi Jaipur —

243. Kranti Ratan Dugarpur —

244. Krishak Sandesh Sriganganagar 7160

245. Kshetriya VIkash Sriganganagar — Patrika

246. Krishi Vipanan Jaipur 1541 Karamchari Saathi

247. Kumar Sambhav Jaipur —

248. Ladnun Ladnun 1900

249. Labour Movement Ajmer —

250. Kyamat Jodhpur —

251. Lalsot Samachar Jaipur 1550

252. Kutubnuma Alwar —

253. Ladnun Samachar Dkiwana —

254. Lam Lot Alwer —

255. Lakenc Chittorgarh —

256. Laxman Shila Patrika Laxmangarh —

257. Lithal Jaipur —

258. Lok Janak Udaipur —

259. Lok Shakti Jaipur — 377 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 373

S/. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

260. Madak Padarth Virodh Jaipur —

261. Mahak Doot Jodhpur 1830

262. Lok Mashiha Jaipur —

263. Lok Nirmata Churu —

264. Lok Manch Samachar Churu —

265. Lok Shlkshak Jaipur —

266. Look Weel Jaipur —

267. Mahesh Jyoti Nagaur —

268. Madan Times Jaipur _

269. Mansarovar Sandesh Jaipur _

270. Mangliyavaas Times Ajmer 1961

271. Maru Nayak Bikaner

272. Maru Chakra Jodhpur 24091

273. Magh Sandesh Jabre —

274. Mahila Today Alwar 1500

275. Magra Bikaner —

276. Marudhar Jyoti Nagaur —

277. Mein Kya Kahun Alwar —

278. Meera Doot Nagaur —

279. Mai Pan! Patrika Jaipur —

280. Monday Express Jaipur —

281. Man Darshi Jodhpur —

282. Mandi Chetna Jaipur —

283. Mandi Express Jaipur — 379 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 380,

SL No. Name of the News Placeof Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

284. Manava Pariwar Sikar —

285. Mangai Dhavani Jhunjhunu —

286. Maojer-86 Kota —

287. Maru Mahima Jaisalmer —

288. Marudhar Shekhar Ajmer —

289. Manaw Aur Nyay Bhadra —

290. Manohar Times Jaipur —

291. Maru Gunjar Ladanu —

292. Marwari Digest Padihara —

293. Marvan Jaipur —

294. Marmik Dhara Ja^ur 1816

295. Matsaya Doot Alwar —

296. Mewar Hak:hai Baigun 1500

297. Mewar Malwa KIran Chittorgarh • —

298. Marudhar Darshan Jaisalmer —

299. Mat Sammat Afwar —

300. Mazdoor Driver Marwar —

361. Mahagyan BO^aner —

302. Mera Sahar Ja'^ur —

303. Mewar Sandesh Udaipur —

304. MuchkurKJ Dhauipur —

305. Mewar Samachar Alwar —

306. Mulzim Pall —

307. Mukti SaiKlarbh JafMir — 381 Written Answers AGFWiAYANA4,1913 (SX/C4) VMttenArtswwa 382

S/. No, Name of the News Place of Ckculathn Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

308. Nadbai Bullet Nadhbai —

309. Nagawaz Jaipur —

310. Nagrik Praharl Jhunjhunu —

311. Naya Aman Khilata Jaipur — Chaman

312. Naya Yug Purash Ajmer 2193

313. NetaJi Ki Masha! Ajmer 1605

314. Nari Prati Vena Jaipur 1870

315. Narender Ki Pukar Ajmer 1250

316. Nav Surya Jaipur —

317. Nav Yuvak Times Kota —

318. News King Ja^ur —

319. Jiraia Alwar Alwar 1800

320. Nirala Samaj Jaipur —

321. Nirali Vijay Jaipur 1640

322. Nirman Sandesh Suratgarh —

323. Nirman Shakti Udaipur —

324. Nirvivad Kota —

325. Niwai Gareeb Niwa —

ass. Nirvifodh Srigangans^ar —

327. Niwal Times Ntwa 1624

328. Nootan Nok Alwar 1500

329. Nrbingh Nyay J a ^ r —

330. Nutan Prdkash Alwar 383 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 384

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

331. Nya Yatantra Ratangarh 3200

332. Panchtanter Sandesh Karauli —

333. Parivahan Jaipur —

334. Payam-E-Shanti Jaipur —

335. Panchayat Prabhat Nagaur 2755

336. Pai Rol Jaipur —

337. Pali Samachar Pali —

338. Pasina Bhilwara —

339. Pashan Yug Karauli —

340. PIchhola Undaipur —

341. Pichhra Rajasthan Alwar —

342. Prchhara Paksh Jaipur —

343. Parvana Sandesh Jaipur —

344. Parde Ke Par Bikaner 1500

345. Pink City Varta Jaipur —

346. Pradushan Samachar Kota 1654

347. PilanlKlJanta PMani —

348. Pink News Jaipur 2100

349. Polk» Espress Tonk —

350. Prabhu Satta Bharatpur —

351. Prfd>hdda Aavahan Nathdwara —

352. Pragvat Bhilwara -

353. PrajaBandhu Jaipur —

354. Prakhar Jawala Ja'^ur 385 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S/)/C4) Written Ansvmrs 386

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

355. Pragyan Bharti Jaipur 3000

356. Prakash Stambh Jaipur _

357. Pramana^ Alwar 1500

358. Praja Palak Sikar —

359. Prapali Bikaner —

360. Prescriber Jaipur —

361. Pushkar Kesarl Ajmer —

362. Press Jagat Jaipur —

363. Prodh Shala Bharatpur _

364. Pushiraj Bhiiwara —

365. pursharthi Jyoti Jaipur —

366. Rajase Swaraj Ajmer 1522

367. Jaipur Rajihani Chhr —

368. Rajasthan Dris Ajmer 1944

369. Railway Worker Bikaner _

370. Raj Leader Pali __

371. Rajasthan Kayam Risala Churu —

372. Rajasthan BhoomI Jaipur —

373. Rajasthan Chatra Sandesh Jaipur

374. Rajasthan Chetna Jaipur -

375. Rajasthan Maru Vikas Jaipur 2425

376. Rajasthan Prakash Ki Awaz Jaipur —

377. Rajasthan Mitra Jaipur 2269

378. Rajasthan Paflka Darpan Jaipur 387 WHlten Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 WrHten Answers 388

SLNo. NamBoftheNews PtacBof Circulation PubBcathn

1 2 3 4

379. Rajasthan Sahityakar Bhilwara

380. Rajasthan Kisan Samachar Jaipur —

381. Rajasthan Sahkar Times Bicaner —

382. Rcjniti Ke Roop Jaipur

383. Rajasthan Samachar Jaipur 1850 Darpan

384. Rajasthan Darpan Jaipur —

385. Rajasthan Sujhav Jaipur —

386. Rajgari Patrica Sadulpur —

387. Rajasthan Yuwa Samachar Jaipur —

388. Rajasthan Starniard Bi(aner 1749

389. Rakshak HiRakshak Jaipur —

390. Rashtra Prem Lata J a ^ r —

391. Ratangarh Kesari Churu —

392. Rangile Phool BScaner 1577

393. Rang Jyoti Bicaner —

394. Rang Chhavi Jaipur -

395. RanTilak Bicaner —

396. Rajaswa Karamchari J a ^ r Sandesh

397. Ranakpur Sandesh Pal —

398. RastraPuja Ratangarh -

dM . R a g ls t e iV ^ J a i ^ —

4oa RogistitfiKe^ Bicaner —

401. R i^ i^ ia n Kachhi BastI 389 WrMten Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (S/VC4) WrUen Answers 390

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circuledion Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

402. Registan Kesari Sriganganagar ,,,

403. Rebotlonary Jaipur —

404. Registan Gram Patrika Jaipur 1000

405. Rajasthan Samachar Jaipur 2043

406. Reality Bikaner _

407. Retilaa Rajasthan Suratgarh —

408. Roop Times Sojat 1000

409. Rishton Ka Khajana Jaipur _

410. Roadways Times Kota —

411. Rojgar Ki Awaj Jaipur —

412. Roshan Kirdar Jaipur _

413. Roti Aur Azadi Bharatpur _ 414. Sacha Bharat Pali _

415. Samachar Samooh Churu __

416. Samachar Samrat Sriganganagar 2993

417. Samaj Filter Jaipur —

418. Sach Much Doot Jaipur _

419. Sakhar Chetna Jaipur 2500

420. Sahkar Vikas Jaipur _

421. Sakshya Tonk —

422. Samaj Doot Jaipur —

423. Samajwad Prahri Jaipur 3533

424. Samay Kon Jaipur 2999

425. Samajwadi Sanket Sriganganagar 3 n Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 392

SL No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

426. Samajwad Ki awaz Churu

427. Samanvya Ki Bhavana Jaipur —

428. Samanvay Vani Jaipur 1978

429. Samata Manch Churu «_

430. Saima Times Jaipur

431. Samachar Samrat Jaipur 1609

432. Samyak Vani Jaipur —

433. Sajag Sipahi Kota 1250

434. Sajag Shakti Churu

435. Sandeep Sagar Bikaner

436. Sankhyakee Samnk Jaipur —

437. Sanchar Samachar Darpan Sikar _

438. Sandesh Ek Panchhi Ka Jaipur —

439. Sansar Chakar Bhilwara _

440. SankalpDeep Muchmancity —

441. Saini Daud Jaipur 2200

442. Sanyukta Sangharsh Shree Dungarpur —

443. Sardarshahr Chetna Churu —

444. Sardar Shahr Samachar Sardarshahr __

445. Sardarshahr Prabhat Sardarshahr _

446. Sarerah Ajmer 3160

447. Sashakt Pukar Jodhpur —

M8. Sarswati Prem Ajmer —

Seeda Jawab Beawar 393 Written Answers AQRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 394

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

450. Seedha Rasta Jaipur __

451. Shahilon Ki Yaad Bharatpur —

452. Sinohai Shramik Patrika Jaipur _

453. Shahjada Sriganganagar —

454. Shakti Dhwaj Jaipur _

455. Shahi Raj Mahal Alwar _

456. Shakti Sagar Bikaner _

457. Shekhawati Sansar Times Jhunjhunu _

458. Shivkesari Suratgarh 1860

459. Shiipkar Sandesh Bikaner 1946

460. Shesh Vishesh Sandesh Jaipur —

461. Shiv Samadhi Jaipur 1800

462. Shram Sheelta Bhilwara 2948

463. Shekhawati Darbar Pilani _

464. Shiksha Jagat Ki Awaz Alwar —

465. Shekhawati Gandh Naralgarh —

466. Shekhawati Jan Pravah Shekhawati —

467. Shramik Rajasthan Jaipur —

468. Shramik Sandesh Bikaner

469. Shri Naval Jyoti Sandesh Jaipur —

470. Shyam Gram Sandesh Sikar —

471. Simant Karamchari Sriganganagar —

472. Shramik Vikas Jaipur _

473. Shikshak Jawala Jaipur 395 Writtan Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Ansm rs 396

St, No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers PubUcathn

1 2 3 4

474. Sri Bijey Nagar Patrika Sriganganagar _

Shoshit Samaj Sriganganagar 475. —

476. Shramik Andoian Jaipur _

477. Shri Jammeshwar Patrika Malarampura —

478. Shyam Anugrah Sikar 1750

479. Sironava Ki Debar Serohi _

480. Spasht Mat Jodhpur —

481. Spartara Sandesh Sawaimadhopur —

482. Suman Pali —

483. Suman Star Bikaner

484. Sudhifka Ran Jodhpur _

Churu 485. Sujan Garh Express —

486. Suratgarh Times Sriganganagar —

487. Sur Vihar Jaipur 1700

488. Sujia Express Churu —

489. Swabhimani Rajasthan Jaipur

490. Swayat Darpan Jaipur -

491. Swastik Vetas Jaipur 2058

492. Swatantra Yug Ki Jaipur - Pukar

493. Takr^D arshan Jaipur _

494. Tark Sangat Sandesh J a ^ r 1950

4 ^ . TdxtHe Sandesh Bhilwara

496. Tamra Shramik Vedna Jhunjhunu 1325 397 Writan Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S/t/CA) Written Answers 398

SLNo. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

497. Taihati Ke Anchal Se Swaimadhopur 2845

498. Tapti Ret Bikaner _

499. Thdr Deep Bikaner —

500. Thar Ke Khetl Hanumangarh —

501. Thar Sandesh Jaipur _

502. Tcx)fan Kaiam Jaipur —

503. Triveni Varta Jaipur _

504. Thunth Sriganganagar —

505. Toba Toba Jaipur 2000

506. Tonk Prahari Tonk _

507. Tonk Times Tonk _

508. Torawati Samachar Jaipur 2600

509. Tutthi Hui Janjhir B^aner —

510. Ulta Putta Udaipur 1950

511. Udta Teer Tonk _

512. Upbhogata HitaishI Tonk —

513. Tycord Mangarl Kota —

514. Ujas Surajgarh —

Upermai Sandesh 515. Mandalgarh —

516. Usha Gulabi Nagar Me Jaipur __

517. Uthtti Hui Jan Pi^ar Swaimadhopur 2316

518. Utho Kisano Jago Churu - KAazdooron

519. Va^yanik Kranti Kota 399 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 400

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

520. Pukar Dungarpur

521. Vam Dharmi Bikaner _

522. Vani Kota __

523. Vaiiyata Jaipur —

524. Vayapar Raj Jaipur 2500

525. Veer Prabhu Churu —

526. Veer Vani Jaipur _

527. Venda Vihin Ajmer 1450

528. Vijaygarh Sandesh Bharatpur —

Jaipur 529. Vimal Dharam - Akhayaiyak

530. Viklang Chetna Jaipur —

531. Vijay Kl Awaj Nohar —

532. Vikas Sheel Rajasthan Jaipur —

533. Viklang Manch Jaipur 1274

534. Vinayak Sandesh Sriganganagar 1499

535. Vivek Bhav Jaipur 1650

536. Vishwa Lalit Sikar —

537. Vishwa Vanijya Jaipur 1892

538. Voltage Sriganganagar -

539. Yashvardhan Times Jaipur 1800

540. \Tfvek Kesari Karauli —

541. Vishwa Vijay Alwar -

542. Vbhwa Niti Jaipur 401 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S»/C4) Written Answers 4J2

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

543. Vrind Jyoti Merta City —

544. Yamdoot Jaipur 1900

545. Yogya Kota 1860

Kota 546. Vug Darpan —

547. Yuvak Churu Churu —

Udaipur 548. Yug Kee Mang —

549. Yuva Sandhya Jaipur —


550. Asha Rani Ajnfier —

551. Jai Jhuielal Jodhpur 1350

552. Sahyog Ajmer 1528


553. Basharat Jaipur —

554. Hamari Taquat Jaipur 2100

555. Nadeem Tonk _


556. Adhlkarm Jaipur —

Ajmer 557. Amar Vijay —

558. Banka Vok:e Jaipur

559. Bharat Lottery Jaipur —

560. Bharashtachar Door Karo Ajmer _

Ajmer 561. Charita Aur Vyayam -

562. Cheel Jodhpur —

563. Dharti Aur insaan Faina 403 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 404

SI. No. Name of the News Placeof Ckcufathn Papers Publhathn

1 2 3 4

564. Jai Amarial Jodhpur 1400

565. Gaieecha Jaipur

566. HaHaGulla Alwar _

567. Jamane Ki Awaz Bikaner —

568. Joshi Times Jodhpur 1800

569. Kanoon Service Jodhpur _

570. Nyaya Ki Pukar Ajmer —

571. Parivahan Dhyotak Jaipur —

572. Payam-E-Sukun Udaipur —

573. Postmartem Udaipur —

574. Pratigya Sandesh Jaipur -

575, Rajasthan Chamber Jaipur - Sandesh

576. Rajasthan Steel Express Jaipur —

577. Rajasthan Sankhiyki Jaipur 1037

578. Rashtriya Ekta Beawar —

579. Sanskritak Chetna Ja^ur 2500

580. Shaheedoke Sapne Hindon City —

581. Shakeel Bikaner —

582. Shikshak Sandesh Udaipur —

583. Shree Nimbark Salemabad —

584. Shramik Nyay J a '^ r

585. Sthi^agya Chittorgarh -

586. Young Age Ja^Hir 405 Wrmen Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>VC4) Written Answers 406

Si. No, Name of the News Place of Circulatbn Papers Pubficatior)

1 2 3 4


587. Hind Medico Udaipur —


588. Bagatri Baat Ajmer —

589. Haroti Hunkar Kota -

Rajasthan Weeklies

SI. No. Name of the News Papers Place of Circulatbn Publication

1 2 3 4


1. Indian Judicial Reporters Jodhpur -

Rajasthan Chronicle Jaipur 2. —

Jaipur 3. Rajasthan Echo —

4. Yug Ki Awaz Jaipur —


5. Aam Khayal Jaipur 5150

6. Aaj Ka Alwar Alwar —

7. App Ki Adaiat Jaipur —

8. Abhay Ooot Jodhpur 6296

9. Abhay Ghose Ajmer —

10. Abhlyachika Dhaulpur —

11. Abhyudaya Jaipur —

12. AdivasI Jagriti Ajmer 3800

13. Adunic Bharat Ka Samachar Ajmer 407 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 408

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 S 4

14. Adwala Udaipur __

15. Agni Priksha Jaipur 2000

16. Aine Ke Samane Jaipur 1800

17. Agriculture Leader Jaipur —

18. Ajaymeru Ajmer —

19. Ajmer Kesari Ajmer 1500

20. Ajmer Doot Ajmer 1601

21. Ajai Pal Ajmer —

22. Ajmer Dristi Ajmer —

23. Aandhi Jhalawar _

24. Alwar Crown Alwar _

25. Alwar Current Alwar —

26. Alwar Ki Ankhe Alwar

27. Alwar Patrika Alwar 1560

28. Angad Bundi —

29. Aman Deep Dausa —

30. Amar Jyoti Jaipur 3466

31. Amar Lai Ajmer —

32. Amar Nad Alwar —

33. AmarwanI Pali —

34. AnamSca Jyoti Blcaner —

35. Antes Chetna Ja^u r 6000

36. Amrit Times Jaipur 3499

37. Anidra Ja^u r 409 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S4M) Writtan Answers 410

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

38. Anokha Sawera Bhrlwara

39. Antar Awaz Jaipur _

40. Antrlkash Srlganganagar —

41. Antodya Kiran Saptahik Jaipur —

42. Anubomb Tonk _

Anupam Jyoti Jaipur 43. —

44. Anushashrt Vani Bikaner _

45. Anushasit Samaj Sriganganagar —

46. Anuvtkshak Bikaner —

Tonk 47. Appok) —

48. Arauaii Darpan Band^ur 1900

49. Arauali Prabha Alwar 1700

50. Arauaii Udipur —

51. Aitnaad Jaipur —

52. Aravali Ki Goonj Alwar —

53. Ashant Kesari Sriganganagar —

54. Ashwasan Udaipur _

55. Asian Standard Ja^ur _

Bicaner 56. Avinash Jyoti —

57. Asll Nyaya Sriganganagar —

58. Asli Rajasthan Sadul Sahar 3662

59. Atam Lochan Banswara —

60. Augst KrantI Jaipur —

61. Azdd Ajmor 10329 411 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 412

SI, No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

63. Babtra Sandesh Barmer _

64. Azad Sandesh Jaipur —

65. Badalta Hindustan Jaipur —

66. Badatta Jamana Jaipur —

Udaipur 67. Badalta Rajasthan —

68. Badte Kadam Ajmer —

69. Bajrang Ban Jaipur -

70. Barmer Express Barmer —

71. BanvaVi Patrika Sriganganagar —

72. Bandhan Todo Udaipur —

73. Banswara Express Banswara —

74. Besharak Kisan Jaipur —

75. Besharak Awaz Jaipur 13194

Bhitwara 76. Bapu Nagar —

77. Be Nakab Jaipur —

Jaipur 78. Bhartiya Pratikirya —

79. Bharatpur Crown Bharatpur -

80. Besharak Prahar Jaipur 2658

81. Bharat Dinesh Bharatpur 4800

82. Bharat Gannayak Sriganganagar —

83. Bharatpur Leader Bharatpur -

84. Bharat Rakshak Sriganganagar —

85. Bharatpur Reporter Bharatpur —

86. Bharat Jan Suratgarh 11603 413 Writtan Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (54/C4) Wr'Man Answers 414

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

87. Bhiiwara Leader Bhiiwara _

88. Bharat Me RajanaitH^ Sardarshahr - Partiyon Ka Bikharawa

89. Bhiiwara Samachar Bhiiwara _

90. Bhiiwara Samrat Bhiiwara —

91. Bhiiwara Sandesh Bhiiwara —

92. Bikaner Ki Awaz Bikaner —

93. Bhiiwara Sangram Bhiiwara —

94. Bhinmal Times Jubre —

95. Bhrastachar Ke Stambh Jaipur —

96. Bikaner Jyotl Bikaner

97. Bikaner Express Bikaner 4000

98. Bikana Sandesh Bikaner 1930

99. Blast Darshan Jodhpur —

100. Bundi Express Bundi —

101. Cartridge Jaipur 1925

102. Bnas Times Tonk —

103. Bikaner Samachar Bikaner —

104. Brij Mewat Times Bharatpur — V

105. Chambal Awahan Madhopur —

106. Chambal Kesari Dholpur —

107. Chambal Kota 1800

108. Charon DIsha Alwar 1800

109. Dhuri Udaipur 3551 415 Ans¥fers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrmen Answers 416

SJLAto. Name of the News Placeof CkculaHon Papers PubBcathn

/ 2 3 4

110. Chamchamate Hue Men Jaipur - AwazSuno

111. Chat Pate Samachar Ajmer __

112. Jaipur 2852

113. Chhatra Sawvk HIndon __

114. Chetan Dhara Joshpur —

115. Chikitsa Jagat Jaipur —

116. Chittor Express Chittorgarh 3175

117. ChithI Nawa^arh __

118. Chittor Samachar Chittorgarh —

119. C h to r Sandesh Chittorgarh __

120. Churu-Express Churu _

121. ChuruKesan Churu 2999

122. Cine Leader Sriganganagar _

123. Cofitrbner Jo(ttipur 2400

124. Cun'ent Rajasthan Sriganganagar —

125. Daas Sriganganagar —

126. Daical Bundi __

127. DaHtPukar Ajmer

128. Dait>ar Ajmer 3642

129. D M pu r Chftran D h o ^ r 2000

130. Oholpur Leader D h o ^

131. Oehat Digdarshan Jaipur

132. DeoH Express DeoH 417 WrMen Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S4KX) WritenAnmms 418

SLNo. Name of tho News Placeof Ckculation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

133. Der Mat Kar Beiawar 6156

134. Dhaakar Samachar Jaipur 2300

135. Dhanuradhar Banswara —

136. Dhak Kota —

137. Dhora Dhargi Badmer _

138. Dinkar Sandesh Bhiiwara _

139. Director Ajmer _

140. Diwana Udaipur _

141. Dora Chittorgarh —

142. Double Jodi Sandesh Churu

143. Divya Prasu Jaipur —

144. Divya Pari Mala Ajmer —

145. Dungarpur Express Dungarpur —

146. Durga Laxmi Sarswati Ja^ur

147. Durgamy Soch Jaipur —

148. Dwarpal SRiar —

149. Fanoos Jaipur 1950

150. Ekatm Kota __

151. Ek Tara Bola Jaipur __

152. Falvradhika Phakxii __

153. Faster (The) Ja^ur

154. Filmbala Jaipur 1.

155. Fbotrath Udaipur —

156. Forward Times J o d t ^ r 419 Writton Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 420

SL No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

157. Ganarajya Bikaner _

158. Ganganagar Gazette Sriganganagar —

159. Ganganagar Kesari Sriganganagar —

160. Ganganagar Times Sriganganagar — 161. Gand Arbh Doot Bikaner —

162. Ganimat Bharatpur —

163. Garibisathi Jodhpur 1600

164. Gatl Ke Sath Jodhpur —

165. Gaur Kesari Sadulshahar —

166. Gauranvit Jaipur —

167. Ghata Top Bundi —

168. Gramin Patrakar Sriganganagar —

169. Ghumakkar Jaipur 1375

170. Godwad Sandesh Jodhpur —

171. Ghumta Aina Jaipur —

173. Gram Raj Jaipur —

174. Gram Samaj Bhilwara

175. Greatest Kranti Bikaner —

176. Gulabi Current Jaipur —

177. Guiabi Nagar Jaipur —

178. Hakihar Ki Ulkar Jaipur —

179. HakJi Chati Beawar —

180. Hadotl Manav Kota —

181. Hadooti Reporter Kota 421 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(5XK>«) Written Answers 422

S/. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

182. Hamara Hindustan Udaipur

183. Hamara Watan Jaipur —

184. Hamare Sutra Jaipur _

185. Hamari Matra Bhoomi Udaipur 2596

186. Hamari Zindagi Jaipur 1800

Jaipur 187. Hind Jayate —

188. Hind Ratan Samachar Jaipur —

189. Ajmer _

190. Hanu Hunkar Dholpur —

191. Hawamahal Express Jaipur —

192. Hind Jyoti Suratgarh —

193. Hind Mail Jaipur

194. Hindu Sandesh Jodhpur 2330

195. Hindustani Karamchari Jaipur —

196. Hiridai Desh Baiotara 1700

197. Hum Sub Rajasthani Jaipur —

Bharatpur 198. Hunter —

199. Indian Doot Jodhpur

200. Iron Cross Suratgarh —

201. Industrial Information Jaipur - Bureau

202. Iron and Steel Jaipur

203. Itwarl Patrika Jaipur 24365

204. Ikbal Bharatpur 423 Written Ansvmrs NOVEMBER 25,1991 Writton Answers 424

S/. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publicatson

1 2 3 4

205. J.S.M. Parlka Jaipur

206. Jag Utha Marudhar Sardarshahr _

207. Jagran Path Bikaner

208. Jagriti Express Sringanganagar —

209. Jai Amarlal Jodhpur —

210. Jai Kanthai Pratapgarh —

211. Jaipur Kl Galiya Jaipur —

212. Jalti Aag Alwar —

213. Jalim Ajmer —

214. Jaipur Express Kota —

215. Jan Sadhyay Jaipur —

216. Jantakan Akhbar Kota —

217. Jaipur Chronicle Jaipur —

218. Jaipur Samajvadi Chandpote —

219. Jaisal times Jaisaimer __

220. Jaisal Deep Jaisalmer —

221. Jabre Ki Awaz Jabre —

222. Jabre Kl Mamta Jabre —

Alwar 223. Jalti Jot Ki Lapten -

224. Jang Ke Khilaf Jang Jaipur —

225. Jan Heera Jaipur —

226. Jan Dhama+ Kota 1500

Kota 227. Janbaaj Patrika —

228. Jan Shlcava Jaipur 425 WrktonAnswors A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S/VCA) Written Answers 426

SLNo. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4 229. Jan Bal Jaipur _

230. Jan Prahari Weekly Jodhpur —

231. Jan Utkarsh Jaipur —

232. Janmagal Udipur 2150

233. Janpad Jaipur —

234. Janta Aur Desh Sriganganagar

235. Janata Kl Ankh Ghantaghar —

236. Janta Gazette Alwar _

237. Janta Ki Kranti Jodhpur —

238. Janta Ki Maang Jaipur —

239. Jawab Talab Ajmer —

240. Jay Somnath Jalore —

241. Jhanhhawat Bhiiwar 2126

242. Jodhana Rapat Jodhpur —

Jodhpur 243. Jodhpur Kesari —

244. Julam Ke Virudh Jodhpur —

Jhunjhunu 245. Jhunjhunu KI Janta -

Jhunjhunu 246. Jhunjhunu Samachar -

Jodhpur 247. Jodhpur Time -

Jaipur 248. JorkJaar —

Jaipur 249. Joshifa Watan —

250. Jwala Jaipur —

251. Kala Triveni Times Jaipur —

252. Kanteeley Phool Sriganganagar 1720 427 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 428

S/. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

253. Kalaptas Beawar _

254. Kal Dharma Jaipur _

255. Kamar Tor Alwar _

256. Kapi Dhwaj Nagaur

257. Karya Karta Churu —

258. Kesar Kiran Tonk 4964

259. Kassar Kota __

260. Khabarnawees Jaipur —

261. Khartar Sandesh Barmer _

262. Kayam Khani Jung Sikar —

263. Kaumi Ekta Jhalwar —

264. Kesriya Sambad Jaipur - 265. Khamosh Tonk — 266. Khoj Doot Sikar — 267. Khoon Aur Pasina Udaipur _

268. Khrosh Jaipur

269. Khubi Sikar —

270. Khula Raj Jaipur -

271. Khuli Awaj Jaipur 1950

272. Kirzn Jagat Hanumangarh —

273. KIssan Ki Dharh Tonk —

274. Kisan Pariwar Gangapur city —

275. Kisan Sangharsh Rai Singh Nagar —

276. Kota Tiger . Kota 429 Wr»tenAnswors AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>UCA) Wrkten Answers 430

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

277. Kishangarh Express Kisiiangarh __

278. Kisan Sandesh Kota 1800

279. Koiahai Udaipur _

280. Kolayat Express Bikaner —

281. Kota Yuddh Jaipur —

282. Kota Samachar Kota —

283. Kranti Bigul Bikaner 2703

284. Krantimarch Bhiiwara —

285. Krantisheel Jaipur 2437

286. Krishi Vikas Jaipur —

287. Krishi Vyawastha Jaipur —

288. Kronch Jaipur 5583

289. Kuchaman Bharati Kuchaman City _

Dliolpur 290. Kuchakra —

291. Lakeer Jodhpur —

292. Labour Views Jaipur —

Ajmer 293. Lai Angara -

294. Lai Qalam Ajmer 2100

295. Lahron Ki Barkha Ajmer —

296. Lai Kranti Ajmer —

297. Lake City Express Udaipur -

298. Lai Risgnee Ajmer 1785

299. Lai Pukar Bharatpur —

300. Lalkar Jodhpur 431 Writton Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Writton Anm mn 432

St No. Name of the News Place of Cka^athn Papers Pubncathn

1 2 3 4

301. Lalkar Chittorgarh 1987

302. LekhanI Express Sriganganagar —

303. Lohagarh Ka Surajmal Bharatpur 1800

304. Ateesak Jaipur

305. Lens Bharatpur —

306. Loh Durg Bharatpur —

307. Lohagarh Ki Awaz Bharatpur —

308. Loha Vyapar Udyog Jaipur 2946

309. Lohyug Jaipur

310. Lok Front Jaipur __

311. Lok Jeevan Jodhpur 2300

312. Lok Chetna Jaipur __

313. Lok Raj Ka Naya Morcha Kota 1550

314. LokJiwan Bhilwara

315. Lok Jyotishi Jodhpur —

316. Lokmat Bikaner 12000

317. Madhya Saptah Jaipur —

318. Maahi Bajaj Banswara ___

319. Lok Prabhat Aiwar __

320. Lok Sankalp Jaipur —

321. Madhur Sandesh Jaipur —

322. Maha Vijay Bharatpur —

323. MalanI Times Banner —

324. Mansarovar Reporter J a ^ r 433 m »l0n Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (5>VCA) WrUten Answ»m 434

SLNo, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

325. Man Mohan Patrika Jaipur _

326. Marshal Udaipur _ 327. Maru Deep Bikaner _

328. Maru Dhara Sikar _

329. Marudhar Ki Saraswati Nagore —

330. Maru Senani Jaipur _

331. Maru Rajasthan Jaipur —

332. Marwar Jyoti Pali —

333. Maruganga Sriganganagar —

334. Maru Vedna Jhunjhunu —

335. Maru Vikas Jodhpur —

336. Marwar Express Pali

337. Matram Sandesh Jaipur —

338. Matri Chhaya Jaipur —

339. Matri Jagriti Barmer —

340. Maru Prahar Ajnter 2079

341. Marusuchna Ajmer 1450

342. Mazddor Ka Shanknaad Kota —

343. Nay ur Times Jaipur —

344. Mazddor Chetna Kota 2900

345. Mazdoor LaScar Nagaur 1995

346. Mathadish Bikaner _

347. Matri Doot Kota —

348. Mayur Ajmer 435 1Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 436

Si. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

349, Meena Kshetriya Kisan Patrika Udaipur

350. Meen Mekh Jodhpur —

351. Mewar Maryada Udaipur —

352. Meera Express Nagore —

353. Meghdhara Jaipur —

354. Menat Bhilwara _

355. Mere Dhore Jaipur _

356. Men* Dhati Junctbn _

357. Merudand Jhaiawar _

358. Mewar Prahari Chhitorgar —

359. Mewat Vikas Bharatpur —

360. Mukt Kaiam Jaipur _

361. Mewar Ki Anghal Dausa —

362. Mewar Mitra Udaipur —

363. Mewar Jan Udaipur —

364. Mewar Sabha Manch Bharatpur _

Jaipur 365. Monotone —

Bundi 366. Munchanga —

367. Muni Ghosh Sadri _

368. Muskaratey Phooi Udaipur —

369. Mukandra Kota —

Nagaur Express Nagaur 370. -

371. Naag Awaz Jaipur —

372. Nagaur Prahari Jaipur 437 Writton Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S/4/C4) Writton Answers 438

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers PubVtcatiori

1 2 3 4

373. Namanbutietin Jaipur _

374. Narayan Samvad Jaipur — 375. Nav Surya Jaipur —

376. Namami Jaipur —

377. Nari Ke Pratibha Jaipur 1800

378. Nav Yatna Jaipur 3050

379. Navyug Sandesh Bharatpur 2300

380. Naya Rajasthan Jaipur 2099

381. Nayaya Aur Adalat Sriganganagar —

382. Nee! Kamal Express Jaipur — 383. Naya Samajvad Bharatpur —

384. Neta Udaipur —

385. Nagarjun Times Jaipur —

386. Neeti Parayan Jaipur —

387. New Tim es Beawar

388. Nidhi League Jodhpur —

389. Nivida Doot Jaipur _

390. Nirbhay Prahar Jaipur — 391. Niyojan Bharati Jaipur — 392. Nirantar Beawar _

393. Nirbhay Swar Jaipur _

394. Nav Vanijya Doot Jaipur —

395. Nirala Rajasthan Jaipur 12036

396. New Pink City Samadiar Jaipur 439 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 440

SL No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

397. Nand Gagan Bhedi Samachar Jaipur —

398. Nirman Mazdoor Jaipur —

399. Nirupan pratapgarh

400. Nayaya Ki Tula Udaipur —

401. Nohar Keshri Sriganganagar —

402. Nutton Dunitya Bhilwara 3200

403. Obtect Sardarshahr 1440

404. Parbo Gazette Tonk 4555

405. Pahia Rajasthan Jaipur —

406. Pakshi Ka Sandesh Jaipur 2000

407. Partap Bhoomi Bhilwara —

408. Pashchmi Samachar Jodhpur —

409. Pashupat Jaipur -

410. Pasina Jaipur —

411. Suryadwij Samaj Jaipur —

Sriganganagar 412. Pilibanga Kesari —

413. Police Express Tonk —

414. Payasa Bhilwara Bhilwara —

415. Paysvini Tonk -

Jaipur 416. Philosopher -

417. Pinks Weekly Jaipur —

Sriganganagar 418. Pirty Darshooka —

419. Post Standard Jaipur —

420. Praja Sandesh Jaipur _ 441 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S>4/C4) Written Answers 442

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

421. Prachaya Gyan Darpan Ratangarh

422. Prabhu Rastra Bikaner —

423. Pragati Udaipur 2500

424. Pragati Sheel Sandesh Nohar —

Sriganganagar 425. Pragati Express —

426. Pranaam Deshri Sriganganagar

427. Pratap Bhoomi Bhiiwara 9037

428. Prajivan Jodhpur —

429. Praja Sevak Gangapur City 6425

430. Prajayug Jaipur _

431. Praneel Bhart Dholpur _

432. Prant Doot Bikaner _

433. Pratap Ki shan Sriganganagar 1811

434. Prem Kesari Sriganganagar —

435. Prem Ka Prakash Pall _

436. Pukar Sacchai Udiapur —

Jaipur 437. Progressive Woman —

438. Pralaya Deep Jodhpur —

439. Pratap Kesari Sriganganagar —

440. Prem Gulab Kota _

441. Press Jagat Nagaur _

442. Punya Salii Bundi 2466

443. Purawat Bhiiwara

444. Pushkaran Pakhayan Bikaner - 443 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 444

SLNo. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Pubrication

1 2 3 4

445. Pushp Varsha Sriganganagar _

446. Purvodaya Jaipur 2756

447. Puskhar Teerth Pushkar 1795

448. Rahi Lalkar Nagaur —

449. Pukar Udaipur _

450. Raftar'I-Zamana Banswara —

Railwayman Ajmer 451. -

Rajasthan Deep Nagaur 452. —

453. Rajasthan Jagat Kesari Jaipur —

454. Railway Wan'ant Jaipur —

Chittorgarh 455. Rajasthan —

Barmer 456. Rajasthani Pukar —

457. Rajasthani Kehri Jaipur 2350

458. Rajasthan Chakshu Jaipur 3550

Nasrabad 459. Rajasthani KamaJ —

460. Rajasthan Kiran Chittorgarh —

Jaipur 461. Rajasthan Patrakar Sandesh —

462. Rajasthan Ka Farishta Jaipur —

463. Rajasthan News Jaipur —

Jaipur 464. Rajasthan Reformer —

Jaipur 465. Rajasthan Reporter -

466. Rajasthan Samrat Jaipur —

467. Rajasthan Statement Jaipur 15839

468. RajGanga Jaipur 445 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S/UC4) Written Answers 446

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

469. Raj Ki Pukar Jaipur _

470. Raj Manthan Jaipur _

471. Rajnitik Manthan Jaipur 39959

472. Rajasthan Varta Jaipur 1900

473. Rajlok Jaipur _

474. Raj Mandir Atwar

475. Raj Marg Bundi _

476. Raj News Jaipur —

477. Rajmalav Kiran Chittorgarh —

478. Rakesh Doot Jaipur 1650

479. Rajputana Express Alwar —

4S0. Rajya Desh Ajmer —

481. Ram Rahim Akbar Ajmer 1959

482. Rashtra Doot Bikaner 35671

483. Rashtra Doot Jaipur 30444

484. Rashtra Doot Kota 33035

485. Rashtra Premi Jaipur _

486. Rashtra Pataka Jodhpur _

487. Rashtra Path Pradarhak Jaipur

488. Rashtra Ravi Jaipur

489. Rashtra Vani Ajmer —

490. Rashtra Chetna Jaipur 3033

491. Rashtriya Mang Kota —

492. Ravi Sandhaya Jaipur 447 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 448

SI. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

493. Red Scretch Jaipur __

494. Ratan Kala Jaipur 1900

495. Roopana Times Sriganganagar 1446

496. Ratangarh Samachar Churu —

497. Ravish Ajmer —

498. Rimzim Ajmer —

499. Ros-Han Sandesh Jhalawar _

Jaipur 500. Rojgar Samrat -

501. Sabai Jagdoot Jaipur 1200

502. Sabal Rashtra Bharatpur —

503. Sk Samachar Madhopur _

504. Sachi Kalam Jaipur 6250

505. Sadut Kesaii Sadulshahr 1858

506. Sacha Nayay Pali —

Sadutpur Times Sadulshahr 507. —

508. Sahkar Darshak Jaipur —

509. Sahi Disha Karauli 600

510. Samrat Prithviraj Ajmer 1989

511. Sahmat Jalora —

512. Sajag Pratinidhi Ja ^u r —

513. Saiimber Sandesh Salumber —

Sriganganagar 514. Samaj Rakshak —

Jhalarapatan City 515. Sanjaya —

516. Sanjay Samriti Bharatpur 449 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (SXKA) Written Ans¥ifers 450

SLNo, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers PubFtcation

1 2 3 4

517. Sangram Doot Sriganganagar

518. Sanjay Bulletin Ajmer —

519. Sanchar Samachar Darpan Jaipur —

520. Sar Shobha Rajasthani Jaipur —

521. Sardar Shahr Express Sardarshahr

522. Saptahant Bikaner —

523. Saptahik Anand Bharat Patrika Ja^ur —

524. Saptahik Antarjattya Parivar Ja^ur —

525. Saptahik Transport Express Ajmer —

526. Saral Sandesh Sriganganagar —

527. Sardlya Chhoti Sadri _

528. Sarvhara Samachar Jaipur _

529. Sattarurh Jaipur —

530. Sarojani Times Jaipur —

531. Satyapur Times Jak>re —

532. Sardar Sharh Times Churu _

533. Sarhadi Awaz Jaisalmer __

534. Sarhadi Jawan Barmer __

535. Sarv Samat Jaipur 1100

536. Scorpium Sriganganagar —

537. Saptahik Dhuri Bikar 1012

538. Satya Shakti BS^aner 1515

539. Seema Ki Lalkar Sriganganagar 300

540. Shekhawati Dinman Sikar 451 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Ans¥^r$ 45j t

Si. No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

541. Seedhi Takkar Pali

542. Seema Saput Joshpur —

543. Seemant Times 1103

544. Senani Bikaner 5000

545. Seven Star Sikar —

546. Shekhawati Express Chirawa __

547. Shaheedon Ki Yad Bharatpur

548. Shanti Doot Jaipur —

549. Shekhavati Pravashi Jaipur

550. Shaktishali Awaz Aiwar —

551. Shashwat Satya Sriganganagar —

552. Sher-E-Mewar Udaipur —

553. Shram Aradhana Jaipur _

554. Shfkva Jaipur —

555. Shimla Kesari Sriganganagar —

Sriganganagar 556. Seema Vikas -

Jaipur 557. Shisha>i*Rajasthan -

558. Shreyans Kishangarh 4233

559. Sirohi Express Sirohi —

Sriganganagar 560. Shyam Ki Awaz -

561. Sikar Sandesh Sikar —

562. Sindhi Prakashak Pali —

563. Sirohi Vani Jabre —

564. Sirohi Doot Jaipur 453 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S/UC4) Written Answers 454

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

565. Son of India Madhopur _

566. Sufi Sandesh Jaipur —

567. Suibh Samachar Tonk __

568. Special Reporter Jaipur —

569. Sonag Bhoomi Jabre —

570. Sukhey Ghirg Sikar —

571. Sumatl Jaipur _

572. Sumati Churu _

573. Surya Bazar Patrlka Sriganganagar

574. Surat Shabad Yog Sikar _

575. Suratgarh Kesari Suratgarh —

576. Surya Mukhi Jodhpur

577. Swaitnaad Madhopur —

578. Swai Madhopur Desari Swaimadhopur —

579. Swantantra Times Jaipur

580. Swarankar Samachar Jaipur

581. Swayat Sandesh Jaipur —

582. Taj Bharti Tonk _

583. Taal Gazette Jhunjhunu —

584. Takaniki Samachar Kota

585. Taposthali Jaipur 3550

586. Tarun Pradeep Jaipur —

587. Taskaron Ka Safaya Jaipur 2000

588. Teekha Teer Jaipur 2455 455 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrkten Answers 456

SLNo. Name Of the News PJaceof Cifct^athn Papers PiMication

1 2 3 4

589. Tej Weekly Jhunjhunu

590. Time and Tide Dungarpur 1987

591. Times Express Jaipur —

592. Times of Rajasthan Bikaner 2000

593. Times of Aravali PaH —

594. Tonk Sandesh Tonk —

595. Toofan Mail Pali _

596. Tukj-E-Subah Jodhpur —

597. Toofani Daur Sriganganagar —

Sriganganagar 598. Trass —

Jaipur 599. Ubalta Rajasthan —

Sriganganagar 600. Uchit Disha —

601. Udaipur SaptaNk Udaipur 3000

602. UdtaTeer Sriganganagar

Bharatpur 603. Upbhokata Darshan -

Vagar Satta Dungarpur 604. -

Chittorgarh 605. UjaleKiAur -

Jaipur 606. Ulahna —

Sagwara 607. Vagar Chetna -

Dungarpur 608. Vagar Doot -

Dungarpur 609. Vagar VO(as -

610. Valge Churu

611. VeerReidmal BItaner —

612. Vafapat Hindon City _ 457 v m tm Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (S>VC4) Wrkten Answers 458

SLNo. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers PubScation

1 2 3 4

613. Vartman Bikaner 2000

614. Varg Chetna Ke Adhaar Par Jagrit Jaipur - Aur Sangthh Kisan

615. Veeron Kl Pukar Jaipur 2700

616. Veer Bhoomi Chhtorgarh Chittorgarh — 617. Veer Rajasthan Ajmer -

618. Veer Shaittan Ja^ur —

619. Vijay Parv Sriganganagar —

620. Vijay Sandesh Gangapur City —

621. Vikash Sheel Rajasthan Jodhpur — 622. Viksft Rajasthan Bdcaner —

623. Viran-Re-Bol Gangapur City —

624. Vishwa Shemi Ajmer 1862

625. Vikas Today Ja^ur 5950

626. Vishwamaan J a ^ r 4800

627. Virat R^yasthan Kota — 628. Vividha Main Ekta Chittorgarh —

629. Vypar Heera Jaipur —

630. Waqt Tonk —

631. Waqt India Jaipur —

632. Yaadgar Jaipur •3100

633. Yatayat Chakara Chandpole 2000

634. Yatayat Sandesh Jaipur -

635. Young Doot Ja^ur _ 459 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 460

Si. No, Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

636. Yatayat Dcx)t Jaipur 2500

637. Young Power Udaipur —

638. Young Times Tonk _

639. Yug Pradhan Churu __

640. Yug Samachar Bharatpur —

641. Yug Yuddh Bikaner 3579

Jaipur 642. Youth Rajasthan —

643. Yuva Prerna Jaipur —

Sriganganagar 644. Yuva Satya Shakti —

645. Yuva Toofan Udaipur —

646. Yuvak Churu 1994

647. Yuvkon Ka Satambh Jaipur


648. Bharat Desh Mahan Ajmer

649. Hindu Bhoomi Ajmer 1750

650. Jai Hind Ajmer 1800

651. Sant Sadhu Vaswani Ajmer —

652. Sant Kanwar Ram Ajmer 9648

653. Sant Hathi Ram Ajmer —

654. Veer Vijay Ajmer 1410


Ajmer 655. NWa-E-Ajmer —

656. Roshan Kirdar Ja ^u r —

657. Rajasthan Leader Jaipur 461 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 Written Answers 462

SL No. Name of the News Place of Circulation Papers Publication

1 2 3 4

658. Yug Ki Awaz Jaipur _


659. Be Khof Jodhpur _

660. Buy From Here Jaipur _

661. Economic Fun Jaipur —

662. Barmer Times Barmer 1300

663. Ganga Nagar Jyoti Jaipur —

664. Jangan Jodhpur —

665. Kanoon Saptahik Ajmer

666. Kirdar Jaipur _

667. Nasirabad Tjmes Nasirabad __

668. Rajasthan Swayatta Shasan Jaipur —

669. Sacha Doot Bharatpur —

670. Shoshit Sandesh Ajmer

671. Udaipur Times Udaipur —

672. Vigatwar Pali

673. Young Youdh Jaipur _


674. Ata-E-Rasool Ajmer

675. Khwaja Ajmeri Ajmer —


676. Avkash Patrika Jaipur _

677, Aagi Vaah Jodhpur - 463 Written Ans¥vers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 464

[English] cilities existing between India and other countries need improvement;and Nomination of State Police Service Officers to IPS. (b) if so, the steps taken or proposed to be taken by the Government in that direc­ 537. SHRi MOHAN SiNGH: Will the tion? Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ (a) the percentage of officers of various TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. State Police Services in the country pro­ RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). Yes. moted to the cadre of i.P.S.; sir.During the last 5 years a numt>er of steps have been taken to improve intematk>nal (b) whether the aforesaid percentage of teIecommunicatk>n facilities between India promotbns is met well in time every year; and other countries. These are: and 1. Four digital electronk: gateway (c) whether officers t>eionging to vari­ exchanges have been installed- ous State Police Services* cadre have sub­ mitted any representatbn to the Union one each at Bombay. Delhi, Ma­ Government to enhance this percentage and dras and Cabutta during 1990-91 if so. the steps l^eing taken by the Govern­ and 1991-92. ment to enhance this percentage? 2. New Satellite Earth Statbns (F.2 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE type) have been installed at Bom­ MINiSTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS bay and Cabutta. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. 3. The capacities of the oki satellite JACX>B): (a) The quota fixed for promotion of earth statbns at Arvi (near Poona) State Police Service Officers to the Indian and Dehradun have been ex­ Police Service is 33.33% of the authorised panded. strength of Senior Duty Posts and Central Deputation Reserve in the respective cadres except in the case of Jammu & Kashmir 4. Gateway packet Switch has been where the promotion quota is 50% at present installed at Bombay for provkiing vifhich is valid upto 30.4.92. internatbnal data servbe.

(b) The promotion quota is generally 5. A number of new servbes like 0) utilised fully. Electronb Mail, (ii) Store and For­ ward FAX. (iii) Home Country Di­ (c) The Union Government have so far rect Servbe have been introduced. not received any representation from any member of the State Police Service to en­ At present ISD (Intematbnal Subscriber hance this percentage. Dialling) servbe is available from more than Telecom Facilities Between India and 1200 cities in India to destinatbn in 210 other Countries foreign countries. Internatbnal Telex facility is also available for 214 countries to all the 538. SHRI GOPI NATH GAJAPATHI: telex subscribers In the country. Wm the Minister of Communications t>e pleased to state: Improvement of Telecom.servbes Is a continuing process. During the 8th plan, it Is (a) whether the telecommunication fa­ proposed to further suitably augment the 465 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4.1913 (S/\/CA) Written Answers 466 capacity of the digital gateway exchanges THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE and increase the number of international MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROD- circuits to meet the growing demand of traf­ CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) The fic. editor of the Hindi daily Janpath Samachar has reportedly been arrested recently in [Translation] Siliguri.

Abolition of House Tax (b) Press Council of India has not taken any actbn in the matter as Section 14 (3) of 539. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA:the Press Council Act, 1978 debars it from Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be hokJing an inquiry into any matter in respect pleased to state: of whk:h, any proceeding is pending in a Court of Law. The Press Council of India has (a) whether Government propose to noted that the supreme Court is seized of abolish house tax on Janata fiats allotted this matter. under new pattern scheme, 1979; Caste Based Reservation Policy (b) if so. the details thereof; and 541. SHRI SHRAVAN KUMAR PATEL: (c) if not, the reasons therefor? Will the Minister of W ELFARE pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (a) whether a delegatbn of Teachers AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ led by the former president of Delhi Univer­ TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS: (SHRI M.M. sity Teachers* Association Dr. S.S. Rathi, JACO B): (a) to (c). Residential properties called on him on October 9,1991 urging on upto the rateable value of Rs. 1, 000/- are him to refrain from Caste-based reservation exempt from payment of property taxes. At Policy and to take steps to evolve a consen­ present there is no proposal to abolish prop­ sus policy on social justice through a na­ erty tax on Janata Flats with rateable values tional debate; and above Rs. 1, 000/-. (b) if so, reaction of the Unbn govern­ [English] ment thereto?

Kidnapping of the Editor of **Janpath THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI Samachar” SITARAM KESRI): (a) No record is available of any such meeting.

540. SHRI GOVIND CHANDRA (b) Government believe that social jus­ MUNDA: Will the Minister of Information and tice has to be promoted in an atmosphere of Broadcasting be pleased to state: social harmony and peace. The OM dated 25.9. 91 amending the earlier OM. of 13.8. (a) v^hether the editor of the Hindi daily 90.provkles preference to poorer secttons Janpath Samachar has been kidnapped among the SEBCs and additbnal reserva­ recently in Siliguri; and tion of 10% in civil servbes and posts under the Government of India for the other Eco- (b) if so, the action taken by the Press nomrcally backward Sectbns of the People Council of India in the matter? who are not covered by ary existing scheme 467 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 468 of resdrvation, was issued after consultation (c) whether the rate of newsprint now with political parties at the Center. Further imported is cheaper than the newsprint consultations with the Chief Ministers of State imported previously; Governments leaders of poiitical parties would be held to evolve, if possible, a con­ (d) whether it is sufficient to meet the sensus on the question of determining the demand during the current financial year; economic criteria referred to in the OM of and 25.9.91. (e) if not, the precautionary measures Badhu Power Station In Rajasthan taken by the Government in the matter?

542. SHRIDAU DAYAL JOSHI: Will the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND TIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): state: (a) and (b). according to the information furnished by State Trading Corporatk>n, they (a) since when the work for setting up had contracted for 29,000 MTs of glazed Badhu power station has been in progress in newsprint for the year 1991-92 out of which Rajasthan and the tocatbn thereof; contract for 10,000 Mts has been cancelled.

(b) the target date fixed for starting (c) yes. Sir. power generatton as per the original plan and the time by which the power generation (d) and (e). The requirement of glazed is likely to commence and the reasons for newsprint is met subject to availability of delay in this regard; and foreign exchange.

(c) the details of expenditure proposed Fencing of Indo-Pak and fndo Bangla­ to be incurred and likely to be incurred on desh Border these power statbns? 544. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will the THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be please to MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- state: VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI KALPNATHRAI): (a)to(c).Theinformatbn (a) whether work of fencing on the Indo- is being collected and will be laid on the table pak border from Punjab to Gujarat has been of the House. completed;

Import of Newsprint. (b) if not. the hurdles being faced in completing this work and the actbn being 543. SHRI RAM ASH.RAY PRASAD taken to remove the hurdles; SINGH: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: (c) whether there is a comprehensive plan of fencing the entire Indo-Bangladesh (a) whether the S TC has imported 29. borders; and DOG metrfc tonnes of glazed newsprint; (d) if so, the time by which the Plan Is (b) if so. the details thereof; likely to be complied? 469 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>^/CA) Written Answers 470

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE various newspapers; MINISTRY OF PARLAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTEROF STATE THE MINISTRY (b) if so, the reasons therefor and the O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): steps being taken by the Government to fultil (a) and (b). The task of fencing on the Indo- the domestic demand; and Pak border has been initially taken up on certain pre>seiected sensitive stretches in (c) the total quantity of newsprint im­ Punjab and Rajasthan. There is no proposal ported for the year 1991-92? at present to fence the entire border. Work on this is continuing without any hurdles. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFPORMATION AND (c) and (d). Presently only sensitive BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): stretches are being taken up for fencing. (a) No, Sir.

[Translation] (b) Does not arise.

Benefit of Development to Weaker (c) State Trading Corporatbn has in­ Sections formed that they have contracted a quantity of 1.61 lakh MTs of newsprint during the *545. SHRI ARVIND TRIVEDI: Will the year, in additbnto brought forward contracts Minister of WELFARE be pleased to state: of the order of 0.62 lakh MTs.

(a) whether the benefits of development [Eng/is/7] are not percolating to weaker sectbns; Villages Electrified in Madhya Pradesh (b) if so, whether the Government pro­ pose to take some concrete measures so 547. SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR that benefits of devebpment percolate to SINGH THAKUR: weaker sections; and SHRIMATI SUMITRA MAHAJAN: (c) if so. the detail thereof? Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- THE MINISTER OF WELFARE(SHRI CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be SITARAM KESRI) (a) to (c). Benefits of pleased to state: development are made available to the weaker secttons under Central and Centrally (a) the number of viHages electrified in sponsored Schemes of the Government oif Madhya Pradesh; India and state Plan Schemes. (b) the time by which the rest of the Reduction in Quota of imported News­ villages are likely to be electrified; and print. (c) the details of the allocat'ions likely to 546. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: be made during the Eighth five year plan? will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- (a) whether the government propose to VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI reduce the quota of Imported news print for KALP NATH RAI): (a) As per available infor- 471 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 472

malbn, out of 71352 villages in Madhya thefts since January to October, 1991; Pradesh, 63405 villages have been electri- fied by the end of September, 1991. (c) the details of losses incurred; and

(b) and (c),the completbn of electrifica­ (d) the steps Gk)vernment proposed to tion of the remaining villages will depend on be taken in this regard? the plan allocation to be made by the plan­ ning Commission from year to year. The DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ Plan allocattons for the eighth Five Year Plan TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. are yet to be finalised. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) There have been many Incidents of cable thefts in the capital during the last one year. Information whether The Fts of Telephone Cable In Delhi organised gangs of telephone cable thieves are operating is being called for from the Delhi Police authorities and will be furnished 548. SHRI TARA CH AND KH AN- on receipt. DELWAL: SHRI M.V. CHAN- DRASHEKARA MURTHY: (b) and (c). The information is given in SHRI V. SREENIVASA Statement attached PRASAD: (d) In aditbn to close coordination with Will the Ministerof COMMUNICATIONS the Delhi Police, who are taking action to be pleased to state: apprehend the culprits, measures likedouble kxjking of manhole covers on ducted routes, (a) whether organised gangs of tele­ laying of cables in concrete on open culverts phone cable thieves are active in the capital and external chain and tock arrangements for the last one year; for PCM repeater Cabinets have been un­ dertaken by Mahanagar Telephone Nigam (b) if so, the details of telephone cable (MTNL).


Total number of cable thefts and telephones affected in Delhi Telephones Network together with bss incurred.

Month Cable No, of Telephones Approx. loss affected on account of material cost (RS,)

Jan. 1991 15 5104 S ^ T ?

Feb. 1991 17 4756 • 72276

Mardi’ 91 12 4484 51702

ApnT91 12 7618 84882 473 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 474

Month Cable No, of Telephones Approx. loss affected on account of material cost (RS.)

May 1991 8 2697 23889

June 1991 11 1273 24372

July 1991 8 532 31080

Aug. 1991 11 7500 32160

Sept. 1991 5 3014 38472

Oct. 1991 11 1770 38400

Nov. 1991 2 880 48000

(till 20. 11.91)

Power Protects In Kerala Thermal Power Plant at Trikkaripur as well as for ‘Fuel Linkage’ in the State; and 549. SHRI V.S. VIJAYARAGHAVAN: Win the Minister of POWER AND NON- (c) if so, the decision taken by the Unk>n CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be government thereon? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) the details of the Hydro Electric MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- projects in Kerala approved by the Union VENTKDNAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI Government during the last five years; KALP NATH RAI): (a) the following Hydro­ electric projects of Kerala have been ap­ (b) whether Government of Kerala has proved by the Planning Commissbn during submitted any proposal for establishing a the last five years:

S/.A/0. Name of Scheme Date of approval

1. Malankara (6MW) 8/86

2. Chimoni (2.5 MW) 8/86

3. Peppara (3MW) 8/86

4. Puyankutty St.l (2 X120MW) 8/86 subject to forest clearance.

5. Poringalkuthu LBank Extn. (16 Mw) 5/89 475 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 ym^Ansvifers 476

SLNO. Name of Scheme Date of approvai

6. KuttiadiTailrace(2.5MW) 5/89

7. Vazhikkadavu diversbn Augmentation 5/89

8. Annakayam HEP(8MW ) 2/91

(b) and (c). A project Feasibility Report (b) the time by which these projects are m regard to the instaliation of Thrikarikpur likely to be completed; Thermal Power Statbn (2x21 OMW) at North Malabar Region was received In the Central (c) .whether there is any kind of mass Electrblty Authority in November, 1987from awakening against these projects by envi­ the Kerala State electrbity Board. The CEA ronmentalists in the State; and had advised KSEB in may, 1988 to relocate the site and revise the feasibility report as the (d) if so. the details thereof? proposed site was in close proximity to the Naval academy project site at Ezhimala In THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE S ^ e r r ^ r . 1989, the KSEB submitted to MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- the CEA a revised feasl>il*tty report without VENTK)NAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI the clearance of the Southern Naval Com­ KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (d). The Ankkayyam mand, Cochin. The CEA accordingly ad­ Small Hydfo-electnc project (2X4 MW) has vised the KSEB to obtain the clearance from been sancUoned by Planning Commissk>n sotAhem Naval Command. Cochin before on 26th February, 1991. The project has the scheme is processed for techno-eco- been given clearance from environment angle nomic clearance by the CEA. The scheme is bf MOEF In August. 1990. The project Is not in a state of reainess for techno-ecnomic presently under executbn and is expected apprabaL The question regarding fuel link­ to be commissbned during the year 1997- age couki be taken up with the planning 98. Commlssk>n/Department of Coal after the feasMfty of the site in questbn has been The project report of Adirapally Hydro- established. eiectrk: project (2 X80 MW) was conskJered by CEA and Found to be techno-economi- Hydro Electric Projects bi Kerala caRy in order during June, 1989. during the exammatton of the project report by CEA, 550. SHRI V.S. VUAYARAGHAVAN: Kerala State Electrk% Board intimated that Win the Minister of POWER AND NON- in response to piM^lk::atbn of the notificatbn CONVENTK)NAL ENERGY SOURCES be in the State Gazette and bcal newspapers pleased to state: under sectbn 29 (2) of Electricity (supply) Act. 1948. bcal people and organisatbns (a) the progress made so far in the have represented that scenic k>eauty of the construction of the proposed "Anakayam” Adirapally Falls shoub not be destroyed by and ^AlhirapaHy * hydro-electrc projects in ^plementing the AdirapaVy project The Kerala; formal clearance for this project by CEA 477 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(SA/C4) Written Answers 478 would be considered after disposal of the Government propose to get financial assis­ above referred representatbns. and clear­ tance for this project? ance of the project from environment and forest angles. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- This scheme was rejected from envi­ VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI ronment angle by Ministry of Environment KALP NATH RAI): (a) The proposal for set­ and forests in October, 1990, Because of the ting up of 2 X 210 MW thermal power project adverse ecological impact of the project and at Kayamkulam, Kerala requires clearances drying up of the natural Adirapally Falls. from Ministry of Environment and Forests Ministry of Environment and Forests is re­ from environment and forest angle with considering the project from environment specific reference to major issues like fly ash angle based on the Kerala State Electricity utilisation, Rehabilitatbn and Resettlement Boards proposal for construction of another Plan and ash disposal plan. power house, viz. Adirapally Upper power House (2 X 7.5 MW) upstream of Adirapally (b) the States of Southem regbn viz Falls to ensure water releases for the Falls. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh Karna­ taka, Pondrchary and Goa are entitled to Thermal Power Plant at Kayamkulam, allocation of power from this project, as per Kerala Central formula for alk)catbn of power from central power statbns. 551. SHRI P.O. THOMAS: PROF. K.V. THOMAS: (c) A credit agreement has been sing- SHRI THAYIL JOHN ANJA- ned Natbnal Themial Power Corporation LOSE: with the Soviet side in September by Na­ SHRI RAMESH CHENNI- tional Thermal power Corporatbn with the THALA: Soviet side in September, 1989 for credit of SHRI PALLA K.M. Rbis 600 million which covers Kayamkulam MATHEW: and Mangabre projects of NIPCand Malthor SHRIMATI SUSEELA Power projects of D VC for supply Mangabre GOPALAN: projects of NIPC and maithon power proj­ Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- ects of DVC for supply nd servbes from CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be UDDR and Rbts. 170 millbn for bcal costs. pleased to state: (d) Does not arise.

(a) the time by which Kayamkulam ther­ Electronic Exchanges In Kerala mal Power Plant in Kerala is likely to be installed and commissioned; 552. SHRI P.C. THOMAS: WiH the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased (b) the names of States which are IB

(b) whether building for the above ex­ in these exchanges for connections? changes are available; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (c) when facilities like STD and group MINISTRYOFCOMMUNICATIOINS (SHRI dialling are likely to be made available in the P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU) : (a) to (c). The above exchanges; details in respect of these sub-divisbnal Head Quarters is given in Statement at­ (d) the details of the existing exchanges tached in the above sub-divisions, when these were set up and what is the scope for their devel­ (d) and (e). the details of other Tele­ opment; and phone Exchanges in these Sub-divisbns are being collected and will be place on the (e) the number of persons on waiting list Table of the House. 481 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 482

0>fS! f2 Oi Oi S 0> f2 O) S? Cfi CO 3



o ho P h^ - CO CO 'r- O)

Q < LU X

CO c\j in o to O ) 0 > CM CO 0 5 r - O CD C7> CO T- l l 8 CVJ T f T - > 9 CD Z> CO X (/) o o o o o o Q o o o o o o ho O O O CO CO UJ ^ CO T- n- -I-

I'LU GC tXJ Q o .H ’ g CO 2 X X X 3 S. .a-5 < < l^ ljj Uj CO LU O



tii E Jto (0 CO c\j a (0 CO E (0 ¥ J oi nj 0.

CO in CD 483 VMrittefiXnswws NOVEMBERS, 1991 WrittrniAmwan 484

'S . i ft l i tij CO 8 Z I Z O l z z II i . ocI t - S I Si CO m Si § o o o> o f a ® 6 2 <0 3 Q w O -D ~ o LU . UJ O S O u> ^ : 5 l S §1 □ ■g > : § 8 . ^ i I g 9 ^ = S in CO cb C\i ^ Q. 3 O)

€0 O Ui z

£ 9 ® O 5CO 1• i I I I CO UJ II

lij z s& s 3 <

CM to 485 Written Ans¥i^rs AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (S>UC4) W r^^Answm s 486

National Security A c t 1980 and Kashmir Criminal Law (Amendment) Act. 1983 are the other State Laws In force 553. SHRI SH AN K ER SIN H for maintenance of law and order In the VAGHELA: State. DR. A.K. PATEL: [Translation] Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Telephone Exchanges in Uttar Pradesh:

(a) whether the National Security Act, *554. SHRI ARJUN SINGH YADAV: 1980 applies to the State of Jammu and Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be Kashmir; and pleased to state:

(b) if so, the statutory provisbn in force (a) the total number of telephone Ex­ in Jammu and Kashmir for preventive deten­ changes functioning in Ghazipur, Jaunpur. tion and for maintenance of law and order? Bhadohi and Mizapur districts;

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (b) the total number of telephone con­ MINISTRYOF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS nections functioning in each of the above- AND MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E MINIS­ mentioned districts; and TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS:(SHRI M.M.JACOB):(a) The National Security act (c) the reasons for not setting up tele­ is not applicable to the state of Jammu and phone divisbn in Jaunpur for improving tele­ Kashmir phone services in Ghazipur and Jaunpur

(b) The Jammu and Kashmir public DEPUTY MINISTER IN TH E MINIS­ Safety Act. 1978 and the Terrorist and Dis­ TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. ruptive Activities (prevention) Act. 1987 are RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). The relevant preventive detention laws in force in number of telephone exchanges and tele­ the State of Jammu and Kashmir. The Jammu phone connections functioning in Ghazipur, and Kashmir Ranbir Penal Code correspond­ Jaunpur. Bhadohi and Mirzapur districts as ing to the Indian Penal Code and the Jammu on 31.3.91 are as under-

NamedDistt/ Ate. of No.of Exchangg Exchanges walking connecOon

1. Ghazipur Distt. 22 120

2. Jaunpur Distt. 23 1 ^ 6

3. Mirzapur Distt. 16 1893

4. Bhadohi Exchange 1 772

(c) As per norms of the Departmem. is now being looked after by the Telecom Jaunpur revenue district does not qualify for District Engineer, BaNia. thefonmationof telephone division. Ghazjpur 487 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 488

Schemes for All India Radio and (d) the details of the proposals under Doordarshan In Uttar Pradesh and those scheme submitted by the Govern­ Gujarat ments of Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat?

555. SHRI A R JU N SING H THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE YADAV: MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND SHRI KASHIRAM RANA: BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) to (c). Details of Seventh Plan Schemes Willthe Minister of INFORMATION AND of All India Radio and Dooradarshan In the BRODCASTING be pleased to state: States of Uttar pradesh and Gujarat, their financial outlays and present status are indi­ (a) the details of the allocation made in cated in the statements attached as I & II. the Seventh five Year Plan for the schemes for All India Radio and Dooradarshan in Uttar (d) While requests from the State Gov­ Pradesh and Gujarat; ernments are received from time to time for extension of Radio/TV coverage in their (b) the areas in respect of which these respective States, no detailed proposals are schemes were formulated; called for from the State Governments for formulation of Five year Plans of AIR/Door- (c) the present phase of the scheme; darshan. and 489 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S-AM) Written Answers 490

(D o 0 O S’ 55 w 5c 0 1 Q> C E c8 S § 8 § 8 § ■■» « i f 1 i Q. 5| E E E ■o c a Q

O II CVi CO s s §

2 LL §=g ^5 5

fO •« .2 c (0 x: II S' cn o W (0 c <0 5 % *5 N I tsto CO ^ (5 (0 O Qu 3 5 ® 5c CD I 8 ^ f 2 cc J2 ^ -c ® $ S tw 0) 2 3 Z h- O > 491 Written Ansu/efs NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Ara¥im9 492

■5 o 9 (D S I S’ I "S I TJ (D 0> C O l i c -2 E I § 1 § 1 5 I % n 2 E o o o o Q O T 3 C 3= 1. i - II It 3

§ !S Si d 00 CM Si CO to

■ <0

O) iio

111 III

u> 493 Written Answws AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written A n tw tn 494

CO s> c -D 0> . I 2 l l e I 8l !1 i.i II Io 2 S II CO CO CO h -

o O)Sf CVJ s CVJ 8 CsJ CO

c ?o

fll.Q CO ^ o p in « 2 S i ^f2 •B | i OT l l i 12 «® b 1 £ I 3- ■g ; s 2 1^ 1

ID CM CO 495 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 496



S.No. Scheme Outlay Status (in lakhs)

1. Studio, Allahabad — Scheme yet to be approved.

2. High Power Transmitter with Programme Generation Facility 630.24 Under at BareiiK Implementation

3. Low power Transmitter, 64.60 Since Haridwar commissioned

4. LPT. Banda 22.15 -do-

5. LPT. Balia 22.15 -do-

6. LPT, Lakhimpur 22.15 -do-

7. LPT. Oral 35.60 -do-

8. LPT. Lalitpur 22.15 -do-

9. LPT. Tanakpur 22.15 -do-

10. LPT, Puranpur 36.52 -do-

11. LPT.Sitapur 64.65 -do-

12. LPT, Gauriganj 56.58 -do-

13. LPT. Hardoi 35.60 -do-

14. LPT, Azamgarh 60.90 -do-

15. LPT. Budaum 44.54 -do-

16. LPT. Gonda 44.54 -do-

17. LPT. Jagdishpur 44.54 -do-

18. LPT.Kashipur 44.54 -do-

19. LPT. Mathura 60.90 -do- 497 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 498

S.No. Scheme Outlay Status (in lakhs)

20. LPT. Obra 54.00 -do-

21. LPT.Tirwa 44.54 -do-

22. LPT. Mau 60.90 -do-

23. LPT, Fatehpur 60.90 Since commissioned

24. LPT. Basti 60.90 -do-

25. LPT. Balrampur 44.54 -do-

26. LPT. Galganj 44.54 -do-

27. LPT. Akbarpur 44.54 -do-

28. LPT. Pillbhit 60.90 -do-

29. Very Low Power Transmitter 19.95 -do- (VIPT). Ranikhet

30. VLPT.AImore 19.95 -do-

31. VLPT. Dharchila 41.90 -do-

32. VLPT.Gopeshwar 19.95 -do-

33. VLPT. HaWwani 19.95 -do-

34. VLPT.Kasauni 19.95 -do-

35. VLPT.Uttarkashi 19.95 -do-

36. VPLT.Bhatiari 19.95 -do-

37. VLPT, Munsiari 54.00 -do-

38. Transposer.Mussoorie 30.85 Under implementation

39. Transposor. Srinagar 30.85 Since commissioned

40. Transposer. New Tehri 30.85 -do- 499 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 500

S.No. Scheme Outlay Status (in lakhs)

41. Transposer, Churk 30.85 -do-

42. Continuing Studb, Lucknow 561.75 -do-

43. O.B Van at Doordarshan Kendra(DDK),Lucknow 224.00 -do-

44. EFC Van at DDK, Lucknow 130.40 -do-

45. Post productbn facility 176.60 Under at DDK, Lucknow impleneatbn 46. Staff Training Institute, 1813.70 Instead of Lucknow Centralised Training Institute, 4,Regfonal Training Institute are envisaged to be established.

SNo. Scheme Outlay Status

2. G U JA R A T

1. Studk), Rajkot 1513.10 Under implementatk>n

2. High Power Transmitter, 331.60 Under Bhuj implementation

3. Low Power Transmitter. 23.79 Since Ahwa commissbned

4. LPT, Amreli 23.79 -do-

5. LPT.Godhra 27.52 -do-

6. LPT, Jamnagar 63.90 -do-

7. LPT, Junagarh 36.52 -do- 501 Vmten Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S4/C4) Written Answers 502

SNo. Scheme Outlay Status

8. LPT. Palanpur 25.02 -do-

9. LPT. Porbander 30.35 -do-

10. LPT. Surendranagar 22.05 -do-

11. LPT. Valsad 36.52 -do-

12. LPT. Veravel 23.79 -do-

13. LPT, Dhorajee 44.54 -do-

14. LPT. Dohad 44.54 -do-

15. LPT, Mehsana 44.54 -do-

16. LPT. Songarh 44.54 -do-

17. LPT. Bhabbar 44.54 -do-

18. LPT, Ambaji 44.54 -do-

19. LPT. Thard 44.54 -do-

20. LPT. Dedirpada 44.54 -do-

21. LPT.Chotta-Uda^ur 44.54 -do-

22. LPT. Kosamba 46.25 -do-

23. Very Low Power Transmitter. Kakrapar 41.50 -do-

24. Earth Statbn. 219.70 Under implementatbn

25. Post Produdbn facilities 80.20 Since at Ahmedabad commissioned

26. C.B. Van at Doordarshan 224.00 Under Ahmedabad implementatton 503 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 504

[English] [Translation]

Bakreshwar Thermal Project Abduction of Dlanfiond Merchants

556. SHRI HANNAN MOL- LAH: 557. SHRI SANTOSH KUMAR SHRI SANAT KUMAR GANGWAR: MANDAL: SHRIJEEWAN SHARMA: SHRI AMAR SHRI HARI KISHORE ROYPRADHAN: SINGH: SHRI CHITTA BASU: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- pleased to state: CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: (a) whether four Bombay based dia­ mond merchants were abducted in Delhi (a) whether the government have recently; received any new proposals from the Government of West Bengal regarding the (b) if so, the details of the incident; financing of the Bakreshwar Thermal Project; (c) whether a huge amount was pakJ as ransom by the sakJ merchants; (b) if so, the details thereof; and (d) if so, the details thereof; and (c) the steps proposed to be taken to complete the Bakreshwar Thermal Proj­ (e) the actton being taken to prevent ect? recurrence of such incidents?

THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). The Bakresh­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. war Thermal Project (3 X 210 MW) was JACOB): (a), some Bombay based diamond posed for availing Soviet assistance on the merchants were abducted in Delhi recently. request of the Government of West Bengal. The Government of West Bengal have re­ (b) Six persons had been missing - one cently proposed, that the project be delinked from 14-9-1991 and five from 15-9-1991. All from Soviet assistance in view of prevailing these persons surfaced from 1561, Sukhdev sHuatbn in USSR and assistance from OECF Vihar, New Delhi on 3rd October, 1991. be availed for the implementatbn of the Bakreshwar Project. In view of difficulties being experienced in securing fresh bilateral (c) to (e). The Central Bureau of Inves­ assistance forthe power sector, the Govern­ tigation who have been entrusted with the ment is keen to utilise Soviet assistance for investigation of the case have been reported the Bakreshwar Project as in the case of that the case is at a crucial stage and disck>- other power projects for which Soviet assis­ sure of details would have an adverse im­ tance is committed. pact on the investigation. 505 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 Written Answers 506

[English] S.No Location of the Project Expansion of T.V. and Air in Border Areas 3. Kargil (Jammu and Ka­ shmir) 558. SHRIMATIVASUDNHARA RAJE: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND 4. Poonch (Jammu & BROOCASTING be pleased to state: Kashmir)

(a) whether the Government have a 5. Churachandpur (Manipur) proposal to give special attention to the expansion of T.V. and A.I.R. in the border 6. Barmer (Rajasthan) areas; 7. Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) (b) if so. the steps taken in this regard so far and the present position of T.V. and A. 1. 8. Tuticorin (Tamil Nadu) R. in different borders. 9. Kailashahar (Tripura)

(c) the steps taken to expand T.V. and 10. Belonia (Tripura) A. I.R. net work in Rajasthan and the border areas in other States; and 11. Chamoli (Uttar Pradesh)

(d) the details thereof? 12. Pauri/Srinagar (Uttar Pradesh) THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND 13. Pithoragarh (Uttar BROADCASTING(KUMARI GIRUA VYAS): Pradesh) (a) and (b). Yes, sir. High priority has been given to the extension of Radio and TV 14. Uttarkashi (Uttar services in the border areas of the country. In Pradesh) the case of All India Radio, emphasis was laki to strengthen radio coverage inthe border 15. Lungleh (Mizoram) areas rightfrom the 6th Plan onwards. Under the scheme of border coverage. 20 radb 16. Simla (Himachal transmitters and 96 TV transmitters are Pradesh) functioning. 17. Imphal (Manipur) (c) and (d). The details of various Ail India Radio ana TV scheme which are under implementation are given in the statement 18. Kohima (Nagaland) attached.

STATEMENT 19. Jaipur (Rajasthan)

A. Anindia Radio 20. Bikaner(Rajasthan) S.No Location of the Project 21. Gangtok (Silckim) 1. Dhubri (Assam) 22. Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh) 2. Kinnaur (Himachal Pradesh) 23. Cak^utta (West Bengal) 507 W r i^ Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrtltm Answers 508

T*tephon*s to Panchayat Headquarter* S.No Location of tha Project bi Rajasthan

24. Kurseong (West Bengal) 559. SHRIMATIVASUNDHARA RAJE: WiH the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be 25. ttanagar (Arunachal pleased to stale: Pradesh) (50KW SW ) (a) whether there was a proposal to constitute a task force to provide public tele­ 26. hanagar (Arunachal phones to all the panchayat headquarts in Rajasthan; Pradesh) (lOOKW M W ) (b) if so, when the task force was consti- B. Doordarshan tuted;

S.Ato. Location oftha Project (c) the target set for providing pubfic telephones to all the panchayats; and 1. Barmer (Rajasthan) (d) the progress made so far to achieve 2. Jaisalmer (Rajasthan) the target?


5. Churachandpur (Manipur) (b) September 1991.

6. Lungleh (Mizoram) (c)31slMan^1995.

7. Leh (Jammu & Kashmir) (d) Out of a t(^al of 7353 panchayat VMages 2592 have been covered with tele­ 8. Sankoo (Jammu & phone facSity as on 31.10.1991. Kashmir) Hydal Projects During Eighth Fhn Year 9. Dras (Jammu & Kashmir) Plan

10. Timsogam (Jammu & 560. SHRIMATI VASUNDHARA RAJE: Kastoir) W il the Mnister of POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be 11. Nagfota (Jammu & pleased to state: Kashmn^) (a) whether the Government proposeto 12. Gangtoi((Sikklm) give top priority to the implementatton of 13. Rameshwaram (Tamil hydel projects during the Eighth Five Year Nadu) Plan; 14. Phak(Nagatand) (b) if 80. the number of proposals for 15. Bongaigaon (Assam) hydsl pR^ects submitted by the state Gov- 509 Wrhton Answers AG R AH AYAN A4.1913 (S4/C4) Written Answers 510 emment for inclusbn in tho Eighth Plan; tentative programme for the Eighth Plan period (1992-97), additional power genera­ (c) the number of such projects which tion capacity of 36645 MW has been pro­ are expected to be implemented during the posed. Of this 9396.9 MW would be hydro; Eighth Plan Period; and 26073.& MW thermal and 1175 MW Nu­ clear. The hydro capacity addition during (d) if so, the details thereof? Eighth Plan would be about 25.6% of total capacity addition. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI (b) to (d). Tentatively, 76 Hydro-electric KALP NATH RAI): (a) The working Group on schemes are likely to be included in tfie power for Eighth Plan (1990-95) in its report Eighth Plan. These will provide additional dated December, 1989 has recommended Hydro-electric capacity of 9396 MW. The that emphasis may be given to the hydro region-wise details of the capacity additons electric development in the plans. As per the are as under: 511 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 512

i s Q, le Q> s *o § - g 00 00 5 eg o lo E CO CM p


<0 13

GO O ir> o S' in CM (X> CO 2 § > JCro <0 ® s

JZ »o CO I



■g m CO I

CO CM I J E UJ I I I I CM CO II) 513 Written Answers AGR AH AYAN A4.1913 (S>^/CA) Written Answers 514

Modernisation of Telecommunication Waiting Lists for Telephone Con­ System nections

561 .SHRIMATi VASUNDHARA RAJE: 562. SHRI MORESHWAR SAVE: Will Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: pleased to state:

(a) whether the Union Government (a) the number of applicants on the propose to nfiodernise country’s telecommu­ waiting lists for telephone connectbns for nication system; residential and commercial purposes, sepa­ rately in the district of Aurangabad (Mahar­ (b) if so, the details thereof; and ashtra);

(c) the time by which it is likely to be (b) the number of applicants on the achieved? waiting lists for the last three years; and

DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ (c) the time by which the warting lists are TR Y OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. likely to be cleared? RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN­ (b) To modernise the telecommunica­ ISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. tion services in the country, the draft 8th Plan RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Waiting lists are proposals include:- not maintained separately for residential and commercial demands. Total waiting list as Full automatisation of network by on 31.10.1991 in Aurangabad revenue dis­ March 1994. trict is 10928.

ReplacementAJpgradation of life expired and worn-out equipment. (b) Total waiting list pending for more than three years in above district is 5734. Provision of additional 3000 Rkms of ducts for underground cables. (c) As per draft 8th Plan proposals expansion programmes are being drawn Practically all new equipment with an objective to provide by the end of the proposed for induction during the 8th Plan. 8th Plan perbd to be of digital type. i) telephones practically on demand in Further computerisation of tele­ the rural areas; and communication services such as directory enquiry, billing, manual trunk servtee. etc. ii) to reduce the waiting perbd to within two years in large systems. Use of improved computerised network management Accordingly, the above waiting lists will (c) Progressively by the end of the 8th be cleared progressively during the 8th Plan five year Plar7. period. 515 Wr^en Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 516

[TransMon] Madhya Pradesh. In addition, the State wlil also get its due share from the Central Sec­ P o vm Projects In Madhya Pradesh tor Statbns being set up in Western Region.

563. SHRI PHOOL CHAND VERMA: Power Production In Uttar Pradesh WiU the Minister of POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be 564. SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI: pleased to state: Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be (a) the total quantum of power produced pleased to state: by the Madhya Pradesh Electricity Board during the years 1990-91 and 1991-92; (a) whether the Govemment have re­ cently considered the various measures to (b) the power generating capacity of increase the power production in the State of various projects in Madhya Pradesh; Uttar Pradesh;

(c) whether the generation of power in (b) if so, the details thereof; and Madhya Pradesh is less than the demand; (c) whether it is proposed to take the (d) if so, whether the Government pro­ assistance of private sector for inaeasing pose to start a new project to increase the power production? power generating capacity in Madhya Pradesh; and THE MINISTER OF STARTE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- (e) if so, the details thereof? CENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI KALP NATH RAI): (a) and (b). It Is pro­ THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE grammed to add 182 Mega Watts capacity in MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- Uttar Pradesh during 1991-92. In additbn, VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI this State will also get its due share from the KALP NATH RAI): (a) The total energy Central Sector Statbns whbh are being set generation in Madhya Pradesh during 1990- up in the Northern Region. Various other 91 and 1991-92 (^il-O cto b e M 991) was measures taken to improve the energy 13526 milibn units and 7140 million units, generatbn in the country and in Uttar Pradesh respectiveiy. include Renovatbn and Modemisatbn of ob units, assistance to State Electricity (b) The generating capacity of vartous Boards in undertaking plant betterment pro­ power projects in Madhya Pradesh is 6582.5 gramme, supply of requisite quality and Mega Watts (including 3390 MW capacity of quantity of coal, training of personnel, and Central sector Power Stations). improvement in transmissbn net woric

(c) During the period April, 1991 to (c) Yes Sir. October, 1991 the energy requirement in Madhya Pradesh was 11050 million units Conversion of Telephone Exchanges against which the availability was of the Into Electronic exchanges In U.P. Older of 10637 million units. 565. SHRI RAJENDRA AGNIHOTRI: (d) and (e). It is programmed to add 125 Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be Mega Watts capacity durbg 1991-92 in pleased to state: 517 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>4/C4) Written Ansvms 518

(a) whether there is any proposal to [EngSsh] convert telephone exchanges of Lalitpur, Jhansi, Jalaun, Hamlrpur and Vaha in Uttar Communal Clashes Pradesh into electronic exchanges; and

(b) if so, the time by which the said work 566. SHRI RAMASHRAY PRASAD is likely to be started? SINGH: Will the Minister of HOME AF­ FAIRS be pleased to state: DEPUTY MINISTER O F TH E MINIS­ TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. (a) the names of the places where RAGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. communal clashes took place during the last three years; and (b) The details are as under: (b) the remedial measures the Union (i) Lalltpur, Jalaun and Hamirpur tele­ Government have advised to the State phone exchanges have already been con­ Governments in this regard? verted into electronic exchanges. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (ii) Jhansi is likely to be converted into MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS electronic exchange by 31.3.1992. AND MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E MINIS­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. (iii) There is no telephone exchange JACOB): (a) and (b). On the basis of avail­ named as Vaha. able information, a statement is annexed.


P A R T (A) Name of the place ¥^ere m s^r oommunai clashes tool( place:


(From 1 November to 31 December. 1988)


BIHAR: 1. Hazartoagh

2. Sasaram

3. Satbarwa (District Palamu)

4. SHamarhi


6. 519 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 520

P A R T (A) Name of the place where major communal clashes took place:


1. Godhra (District Panchmahal)


1. Khargone

2. Indore


1. Kota

2. Jaipur

3. Ladnu


1. Badaun

2. Varanasi

Name of the Place where major communal clashes took place



1. Hyderabad city


ASSAM: 1. Hailakandi.

BIHAR: 1. BariGulani (Districrt Nawada)

2. Jamshedpur

3. Patna 521 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 522

P A R T (A) Name of the place where major communal clashes took place:


1. Patna (District Mehsana)

2. Anand

3. Ahmedabad


1. Ramanagaram

2. Chennapatanam

3. Kolar


1. Bombay


1. Jaipur

2. Jodhpur

Name of the Place where major communal clashes took place


1. Denakanikottai (District Dharmapuri)


1. Kanpur

2. Bijnore

3. ColonGlganj(District Gonda) S23 Wr^en Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wr^en Answers 524

P A R T (A) Name of the place where major communal clashes took place:

4. Etah

5. Aligarh

6. Meerut

7. Jahangirpur (District Bulandshahar)

8. Khurja (District Bulandshahar)



1. Hyderabad.


1. Golemuri (District Jamshedpur)

2. Chakradarpur (District Singhbhum)


1. Ahmedabad

2. Ankleshwar (District Broach)

3. Broach

4. Broach

5. Jambusar (District Broach)

6. Surat


1. Gogsn^an (District Khargone) 52S Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(5/)/C4) Written Ans¥mrs 526

P A R T (A) Name of the place where major communal clashes took place:


1. Jogeshwari (Bombay)

Name of the place where ms^or communal clashes took places


1. Bhadrak (District Baiasore)

2. Soro Town (District Baiasore)


1. Lucknow city.

2. Ghaziabad

3. Khurja

4. Sharanpur

5. Varanasi

6. Kanpur

7. Meerut

8. SPcandrabad (District Bulandshahar)


1. Village Jitkipota (Nadia Distrk:!)

2. Asansol


Public Order being a State subject, the State Governments have to tackle the pfobtem and take remedial measures. The Central Governments assists the States in terms of additkmal force when requested to do so. We have also given some suggestion to the Stale to curb such developments which tend to vitiate the communal atmosphere in the country. 527 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 528

2. Keeping in mind the need to foster communal harmony and prevent the occurrence of communal riots in the country, guidelines were issued to StatesAJTs detailing measures in this behalf. A set of suggestions have also been sent to States/UTs in August, 1990, about the curbing of inflammatory speeches, writingsetc., which tend to vitiate the communal atmosphere in the country.

3. The Ministry of Home Affairs is also monitoring some aspects of the 15-point programme for minorities welfare. These include setting up of Special Courts and relief to riot victims etc.

Organisation Receiving foreign contri­ (a) whether in accordance with the butions Central guidelines issued by the Govern­ ment, the Government of Karnataka has 567. SHRISYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will repaired 127 mosques and Durgahas at the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased Government cost which were damaged to state: during riots in October December, 1990;

( a) the names and address as of indi­ (b) the number of places of religious viduals, organisations and institution which importance destroyed/damaged in the dis­ received more that rupees one lakh as for­ turbances during 1990-91, State-wise and eign contribution during 1988,1990; and place-wise; and

(b) the details of the amount received by (c) the number of such damaged and them during the above period and the details destroyed place which have been renovated/ of the activities on which the same was repaired by the State Governments? spent? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ MiNISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS TR Y O F HOME AFAIRS (SHRI M.M. AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ JACOB): (a) to (c). The information is being TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. collected and will be laid on the table of the JACOB): (a) and (b). Approximately 15838 House. associations have reported receipt of FC of rupees one lakh and above during the years Policy for Punjab 19988,1989 and 1990.23 purposes are laid down under the rules on which FC received 569. SHRI D ILEEP SING H is k>roadly spent. In view of the voluminous BHURIA: nature of the informatbn, it is not feasible to SHRI PAWAN KUMAR furnish the details, if information regarding BANSAL: any particular associatbn or associations is SHRI AM AR required the same can be furnished. ROYPRADHAN:

Repairs of Damaged Mosques and Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Durgahas pleased to state:

568. SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN: Will (a) whether the government have the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased evolved any policy to meet the challenges to state: posed by the detenorating law and order 529 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 530 situation in Punjab by terrorists and seces­ THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI sionists; and SITARAM KESRI): (a) The O.M. of 13th August, 1990 providing for 27% reservation (b) if so, the details thereof and results for the Socially and Educationally Backward achieved by that policy? Classes against vacancies in civil services/ posts under the govt, of India to be filled THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE through direct recruitment was amended on MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 25th September, 1991 .A statment of the AND MINISER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ copy of the Amending order Is attached TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. herewith. JACOB): (a) and (b). The Government will continue to deal firmly with terrorism and (b) and (c). Government intends to lay secessionism. Several measures have been down criteria for determining the poorer adopted for the purpose. Increasing coop- sections among SEBCS and other economi­ eratbn from the people and their determina­ cally backward sections not covered by any tion to fight the terrorists are becoming evi­ existing schemes of reservation through a dent. process of consultation for which steps have been initiated. Package Formula on Job Reservations submitted to Supreme Court by the STATEMENT Government Government of India Ministry of Per­ 570. SHRI D ILEEP SINGH sonnel, Public Grievances and Pen­ BHURIA: sions (Department of Personnel and SHRI DHARMANNA MON- Training) DAYYA SADUL SHRI SARAD DIGHE: New Delhi, the 25th Sept. 1991.

Will the Minister of WELFARE be Office Memorandum pleased to state: Subject:Recommendatton of the Second (a) the package formula submitted by Backward Classes Commis­ the Government to Supreme Court on Job sion (mandal Report)- Reser­ reservation issue in Government services vatbn for Socially and /Educa­ envisaging reservatbn for economically tionally Backward Classes in weaker sectbns of the forward classes in servbe underthe Govemment addition to 22.5 and 27 percent quota for SC/ of India. ST, socially and economically backward classes, respectively; The undersigned is directed to invite the attentbn to O.M. of even number dated the 13th August, 1990, on the above mentbned (b) what criteria has been fixed to define suii^ect and to say that in order to enable the economically weaker section of the fonyard poorer sections of the SEBCs to receive the classes and socially and economically back­ benef its of reservatbn on a preferential basis ward classes; and and to provbe reservatbn for other eco- nombally backward *^ections of the people (c) the machinery contemplated to de­ not covered by any of the existing scheme of fine such classes? resen^ation, Government have decided of 531 Wrkton Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 532 amend the said Memorandum with immedi­ National Integration Council Meeting ate effect as follows;- 571. SHRI D ILEE P SIN G H 2. (i) Within the 27% of the vacan­ BHURIA: cies in dvil posts and services SHRI SYED SHAHABUDDIN under the Govemment of In­ SHRI K.P. UNNIKRISH- dia reserved forSEBCs, pref­ NAN; erence shall t>e given to candi­ dates belonging to the poorer Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be sections of the SEBCs. Incase pleased to state: sufficient number of such candidates are not available, (a) the subjects discussed at the recent unfilled vacancies shall be filled meeting of the National Integration Council; by the otherSEBC candidates. and

(ii) 10% of the vacancies in dvy (b) the decisbns taken at the meeting, posts and sen^ices under the particularly in relation to to be Babri Maspd- Gtovemment of India shall be Ramjanma Bhoomi issue? resen/ed for other economi­ cally backward sections of the TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E people who are not covered by MINISTOYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS any of the existing Schemes of AND MINISTER IF STATE IN THE MINIS­ reservation. TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB); (a) Communal Harmony: (iii) Thecriteriafordeterminingthe Ramjanma Bhoomi-Babri Masjid Issue. poorer sections of the SEBCs or the other economically (b) A statement of the enctosed resolu- backward sections of the tk>n was passed. It was also agreed that a people who are not covered by standing committee of the National Integra- any of the existing schemes of tk>n Council will be set up. reservations are being issued separately STATEMENT

3. The O.M. of even number Resolution Adopted by the National darf« the 13th August, 1990, integration Council at Ha lyieetlng Hakf shall be deemed to have on 2nd Novembar, 1991 at new Delhi amended to the extent speci­ fied above. The National Integration Council views the deep concern the deterfciratbn in the Sd/- communal situation In the country during the (A.K. HARIT) last two years, which have witnessed in­ DEPUTY SECRETARY T O TH E GOV­ creasing communal tenskm and serious In ERNM ENT O F INDIA incklents of vblence leading to heavy toss of IHe and property. Along wRh the continuing To activities of tenxMists and mllllanto In certabi parts of the countiy, communal anknosXy A l mlnistries/Department of Govt of can seriously undermme the national unity, India the Council reaffirms the resolvaafthe people 533 WrktM Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 534 to resolutely meet any challenge to the manner that will pronrtote harmony and good country’s and Integrity and its secular demo­ will between all communities. Everyone must cratic polity. make efforts to desist from words or deeds that are likely to inflame communal passions The Council noted that one of the fac­ or give encouragement to disruptive forces. tors which has added immensely to the build­ Indian society is traditionally marked l^y a up of communal tensbn is the Ram Janma spirit of tolerance and respect for each Bhumi - Babri Masjid dispute, the Council other’s faith. This spirit shouki continue to expressed its concern at the recent happen­ gukie our thoughts and actbns. The Council ings in Ayodhya and hoped that such situ­ appeals to all people to maintain peace and ations will not occur. tranquility and create an atmosphere condu­ cive to the satisfactory settlement of the l^am The Ram Janma Bhumi-Babri Masjid Janma Bhumi-Babri Masjki dispute. dispute has continued to evade satisfactory solution. The Coundl appeals to ail con- Dual Citizenship to Non-Resident cemed parties an organisations to work Indians towards and amicable, negotiated solution of the dispute in a spirit of cooperation and 572. SHRi DHARMANNA mutual understanding. MONNDAYYA SADUL: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: The council noted following assurances given t>y the Chief Minister of Utter Pradesh: (a) whether Government propose to grant dual citizenship to Non-ReskJent Indi­ 1) All efforts will be made to find an ans inorder to attract their investments in the amicable resolution of the issue; economic devebpment of the country in near future; and 2) Pending a final solution, the Govern­ ment of Uttar Pradesh will hold itself fully (b) if so. the details thereof? responsible for the protectbn of the Ram Janma Bhumi-Babri Masjid structure; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINiSTRYOFPARLiAMENTARY AFFAIRS 3) Orders of the Court in regard to the AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ land acuisftion proceedings will be fully TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS(SHRI M.M. implemented; and JACOB): (a) No. Sir.

4) Judgement of the Allahaband High (b) does not arise. Court In the cases pending before it will not be violated. Participatton of Prh/aie sector in Power

The Council welcomed the invitation 573. SHRi DHARMANNA MON- given to it by the Chief Minister of Uttar DAYYA SADUL: Pradesh to visit Ayodhya on any suitable SHRI VUAY NAVAL PATIL: date. SHRI ViSHWANATH SHASTRI: The Na&>nal Integration Council calls SHRiSOMJIBHAIDAMOR: upon ail concerned, including the politicat Win the lyfinisterof POWER AND NON- parties reHgkxis leaders, the media and other CONVENTIONAL ENETOY SOURCES be organisations, to act with restraint and in a pleased to state: 535 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 536

(a) whether the government have re­ (c) if so, the details thereof? cently set up a high level committee to invite the participation of private sector in the DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ generation of power; TRY OF COMMUNlCATiONS(SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No. Sir. (b) if so. the details thereof; (b) and (c)^Proposal to set up a compre­ (c) the norms to be followed by private hensive vigilance organisatbn for the De­ sector for entering into power generation; partment is under contemplation. and Payment of Interest for New Telephone (d) the assessment made by the Gov­ connections ernment in regard to actual production of power both in public and private sectors 575. SHRI PRITHVIRAJ D. CHAVAN: within the next two years? Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- (a) whether Telecom Commissbn has VENTIONAL ENERGY S0URCES(SHR1 recently decided to pay interest on the de­ KALP NATH RAI): (a) Yes, Sir. posits accepted from the public for giving new telephone connections; (b) and (c). The details In respect of High powered Board and the norms to be (b) if so, the details thereof; and followed by the Private Sector for entering into electricity generation, supply and distri­ (c) the number or persons to whom the bution have been notified through resolu­ interest has been paid in the country so far? tions published in the gazette dated 22nd October, 1991, copies of which are enctosed DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ herewith. TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS(SHRI P.V.RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) to (c). As per (d) The Eighth Five Year Plan in re­ the existing instructbns, every application spect of the Power generatbn has not yet for a telephone connection shall be accom­ been finalised. panied with an amount of deposit prescribed for each category. This amount caries inter­ Setting up of New Intelligence and est from the date of deposit till the date of Vigilance Organisation installation of telephone connection at the Bank rate prevailing from time to time. Inter­ 574. SHRI PRITHVIRAJ D. CHAVAN: est is fc>eing paid to all the applicants who Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be have registered their demands. pleased to state:

(a) whether the present arrangements for vigilance and internal intelligence in the Over-Staying of Foreign Nationals In telecom sector are adequate; Hyderabad.

(b) if not, whether the Ministry proposes to set up a new intelligence and vigilance 576. SHRI DATTATRAYA BANDARU: organisation to check corrupt practices in Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be the telecommunk^atbns department; and pleased to state: 537 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913(S>A/C4) Wrhten Answers 538

(a) the number of foreign nationals who TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. are over-staying in the country State-wise; JACOB): (a) On the basis of the informailon available, a statement Is attached. (b) whether about 25, 000 foreign na­ tionals are over-staying in Hyderabad alone; (b) No such Informatbn Is available to and substantiates the figure.

(c) if so, the action Union Government have taken to deport the over-staying for- (c) Instructions have been issued to the eign nationals? State Governments and Union Territory Administrations that whenever any foreigner TH E MINISTER O F STA TE IN TH E is detected for over-staying in India, action MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS should be taken for his deportatbn under the AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS- Foreigners Act. 1946.


State-wise informatbn available with the Ministry of Home Affairs on the basis of reports received from State Govts./ U, T. Administration in respect if foreigners overstaying in India. s. No. Name of the State GovtJ No. O l Foreigners U.T. Administration. overstaying India

1. Assam 2

2. Andhra Pradesh 45

3. Bihar 130

4. Delhi 161

5. Gujarat 1104

6. Haryana 98

7. Jammu & Ki^m ir 110

Karnataka 317

9. Kerala 545

10. Madhya Pradesh 1227

11. Maharashtra 2366

12. Orissa 51 539 ¥Mt0nAnsw&fs HOS/EMBm m 1301 M ^ n A n§w M 540

U T . Adminlsi^^iQn. overstaying India

13. Punjab 228

14. Rajasthan 2710

is: Tamil Nadu 1141

16. Utter Pracfesh 1347

17. West Bengal 617

18. Chandigarh 42

1 C Pondicherry 68

1. Information is respect of remaining States is nil.

2. No authentic information tn raspect of Bangfadesfr nationafs is available. The abovi figures do not, therefore, include Bangladesh fictional.

Declsfons Talcen at Regional Confer­ number of issues of inter-State relevance ence of^hief Ministers of Eastern were discussed. The proceedings of the India. meeting would t>e placed in the parliament Library for perusal byihe Hon’ble Members 577. SHRIRABI RAY: Wil( the Minister of parliament of finalisation after connects of HOME A^^AIRS be pleased to state: on the same are receiv^ from thi con­ cerned States. (a) wh^i^ier the regional conference of Chief Ministers of Eastern India took place at National Commission for SCs/STs Bhubanesh^kr recently; 578. SHRI SHARAD DK3HE: Will the (b) if sSfthe details thereof; and Minister of WELFARe '«s |tlbased to itate;

(c) the l^idctsions taken at the said con­ (a) Ssth Constitution ference? Amendment Act, 1990 which confess Constitutbnal s t a M '^ ifte N ational^m - TH E MINMISTER OF S TA TE IN TH E mission lor S.C. and S.T. has tieen brouoht MINISTRY^ABLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS into force; and AND MINISTER F STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y O F H 6 m E AFFAIRS(SHRI M.M. JA CO B ): (a} to (c). the last (18th) meeting of (b) U so, whether mles have been framed the Eastertfib^i Council was held at Bhu­ under Act qualiflbkion baneshwar on the 21st September, 1991. A for the commission members and alM pre- AGRAt^VYANA4,19|l?,(S^/CA) VMtea4nswBm. 542; saitiirig f§r^SA^Won qi such AN&MiNISTER 0 F 3 T A T E IN TH E MINIS­ rn^mbe^? TR Y QF NOME AFFAJBS (SHRI M.M. JACOB); (^) to ip), Thd^yaiiability ol com- THE MINISTER OF WELFARE(SHRI mwication ^uipmeat vwthtliateTOrists was SITARAMK63R4);.(9)tNo, Sir. rev^aied wHh the seizure of arms and ammunftion and equipment from the terror­ ists in the Valiey, The Gove^/iroenthas taken steps for iocation and tackling such trans- VM #a4p6 land Sex in FUme missior^.

579: SHRIi SHARAO OJOHE: WiU the Nflw Newsprint Policy Miniver of. INFORMATION AND BROAD* CASTING be pleased to state: 581. SHRISHRAVAN KUMAR PATEL: Will the Minister of INFROMATION AND (a) whptherthe Government propose to BROADCASTING be pleased to state: issue fresh gukletir^ to deal wfth more effective woien^e WTd sex in films; and (a) whether is the Government have announced a new Newsprint Policy; (b )J qo^lhecdetails thereof? {b) details of the newpolicy and THE PEIBUTYi MINISTER IN THE in what respect, it ^prese^s change or MINISTRY cOE INFORMATION AND modification over the earlier policy; ^nd BROADCASTU^G^KUMARiGlRklAVYAS): (a> Y e ^ Sif^ ^>tha reactiongf t ^ nevi(spaper indus;^ try in this regard? (b) Details are being worked out. THE DEPUTY MINISTER; IN THE Wii^Mss Stations^ by MINISTRYOF INFR0MATi0N>4^3R0D- m \ m i& CASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS);(a) Yes, Sir, The Newsprint .^o p a ^g o iiQ f;. 1991 3 580. 92has t^fnannpMflQBd 91^ ^ 10.4 .^1 . Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be p\&$sem9d^9tmB • ^aU^e% ot^^ fii|iN Policy apd so

bn£ (b) if so, the precise Government’s in- formation initftBcwgsirjJfi#nd print Allocation Policy 1SI9%^ as compand

„ „ i$t)a»wk%awnnipp(t^rfwq<«inei^ u>prearimjm^P^PIf-\r\c by tMarfifiidAntifyMig fwd ^ t iO R ^ Newsprint will be allocated to the nfllirspflpfo

pers for India and have been in regu­ (a) the number of Kashmir and Sikh lar publicatbn for atleast one year. Militants so far trained in the training camps Earlier a newspaper became entitled in Pakistan; to newsprint from day one, even be­ fore it was registered with the RNI (b) the number of them that have so far returned to India and how many are still in 2. Bi-weeklies and tri-weeklies will not Pakistan or Pak-occupied Kashmir; and be eligible for Glazed newsprint. The minimum regularity norm for them is (c) whether the matter relating to train­ now 90 per cent as in the case of ing of militants in Kashmir was discussed dailies hitherto. Earliertheir regularity during the recent visit of India’s Foreign norms were the same as prescribed Secretary to Islamabad, if so, the outcome for periodicals. thereof?

3. Unfike in the past, the consumption of THE MINISTER OF STA TE IN THE WPP or any other paper consumed MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS by the newspapers outside the RNI AND MINISTER OF S TATE IN THE MINIS­ allocation will not be taken into ac­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. count while determining the entitle­ JACOB); (a) and (b). As per the available ment of a newspaper for the alloca­ information over, 20,000 Kashmir and Sikh tion of newsprint for the year 1991- terrorists have been trained by Pakistan, 92. though all of them may not be active. It is estimated that over 4000 trained terrorists 4. The newspaper establishments have are still waiting to cross the border from already been allowed to lift their in­ Pakistan. digenous quota of newsprint from any scheduled miH (s) of their choice, w.e.f. (c) Yes Sir, Despite overwhelming evi­ 1.4.1991. dence to the contrary, the Government of Pakistan continues to claim that it is not 5. To the newspapers with annual enti­ supporting terrorism and subversfon in tlement of more than 200 MT indige­ Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir. nous newsprint will be allocated on tiaH yearly basis while imported Development Corporation for CFCs newsprint wHI be released quarterly. Barfier, indigenous newsprint was also 583. SHRI CHITTA BASU: Will the albcated on quarterly basis to this Minister of W ELFARE be pleased to state: category of newspapers. fa) whether the Government propose to set up a Development Corporatfon for Other Training of J & K and Sildi Militants Backward Classes; and

582. SHRISHRAVAN KUMAR (b) if so. the details thereof? PATEL: SHRI PAWAN KUMAR THE MINISTER OF WELFARS {SHRI BANSAL: SITARAM KESRI): (a) The Government of India have decided to set up a Natbnal WM the Miiitster of flOME MINISTER Backward Classes Finance and Devetop- be^^oasadtostato: ment Corporatbn with an authorised capital 545 Wfkt»n Answers AGRAHAYANA 4 .1913 (S>^/CA) Written Answers 546 of Rs. 200 crores to be registered as a vii) to assist the State level organi­ company under the Companies Act, 1956. sations to deal with the devel­ opment of backward classes (b) Its objectives are reproduced be- by way of providing financial tow:- assistance and in obtaining commercial funding by way of i) to promote economic and refinancing; developmental activities for the benefit of Backward Classes; viii) to work as an apex institution for coordination and monitor­ ii) to assist, subject to such in­ ing the work of all Corpora- come and/or economic criteria tbns/Boards set up by the as may be prescribed by the State GovernmentAJT Admini- Government from time to time, strattons for SC/ST, Backward individuals or groups of indi­ Classes and Minorities in so viduals belonging to Backward far as it relates to the ecx)- Classes by way of loans and nomic development of the advances for econom ically and backward classes. financially viable schemes and projects. ix) to help in furthering the Gov­ ernment policies and pro­ iii) to promote self-employment grammes for the development and other ventures for the of the backward classes. benefit of Backward Classes; Fake Passports iv) to grant concessional finances in selected cases for persons 584. SHRI RAJVEER SINGH: Will the belonging to Backward Minister of HOME AAFFAIRS be pleased to Classes below the poverty line state: in the country in collaboration with the Government/Minis­ (a) the number of persons apprehended tries/Departments at the Na­ for sending persons abroad through fake tional and State level to the passports during 19989-90 and 1990-91. extent o 1 the budgetarv ass\s- tance granted by the govern­ (b) the quantity and types of artcles/ ment of India to the Company; goods seized from them; and

v) to extend bans for pursuing (c) the aclfon taken against the quality general/professional/lechnical persons? education or training at gradu­ ate and higher levels; THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTERY OF PARLIAMENTARY AF­ vi) to assist in the upgradation of FAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE technrcal and enter entrepre­ MIN ISTRYOF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. neurial skills of Backward JACOB): (a) to (c). the registration, Investi- Classes for proper and effi­ gatbn, detectbn and preventbn of crimes is cient management of produc­ the responsibiiity of the State Govemments/ tion units; Unbn Territory Administrations. They are S47 WMWirtlf'Arwiwefs wvrniVrr'nff5W9n}t A I., 9^9HAA

1er «

Terrorist Activities in Utter Pradesh (ay^eiher*ne(»s$ary^formaiities have been Gompklted 'lor^^^e^^ up tele­ phone exchange at Yamuna Vihar, Delhi; 585 SHB< RAJVEER SINGH; SH3I SANTOSH KUMAR (b) whetherltifenac^iontias been taken GANQWAR: CK^Iy he paperar^i^

Wllfthe l(«r(isterof HOME AFFAIRS be (c) # mt* the d e t ^ of progress made pteasW to slate: for s e ^ % up le^(>h 6 r»e exchange and the lime by which this telefatoi^ exchange wou kJ (a) whether Govefnmeflt are aware of ^ f i iimcxk>nU^? the growing terrorist activities in Uttar 1*tti(tesh: DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINIS­ TRY OF COMMUNICATION(SHRI P.V. (b)if sb. the numtjerbfdestrucfs in U P . RANGAVYA MAIDU)-(a) Yefe, Sir. identified as ierrtjrist ridden areas; and (b) No. Sir. (c) t h e i ^ ^ t ^ ^ by the Government to combat the tenorist activities and to re- ^c) The project is Iniatc^ancedstage and - ib re peace in the region? possession of the of land for the tele­ phone eicchangenat yamorta Vihar has al- n»ady been ti^en from Delhi Devebpment THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE AtAhoi% ^ 2nd August,1991. Further, ten- MUNtSTRVOFPARLlAk^NTTARYAFFAIRS fonhe oor^trudfion of the telephone MIMlSTCR OF STATE IN TH E MIMIS- ^change bu»dl^g 1i«^tf also been ftoated T f t= / W +K5ME AFFAIRS fSHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) to (c). As per report furnished by skM^tiiyJbne. 19^; government of Utter Pradesh. 9 districts in the Bta[te are affected by t^orlst Adtlvitte#4n Delhi violence. The State Government have taken imiiasfuipes to tackf the sftuation such S87i^HRi RAJVeeRcSINGH: Will the as strengthening of intelligence machmery, Mlnleterof tO M E A f^ A lF ^ be pleased to deptoymerrt of central forces/P.A.C. in ter stale: e imprdv^ment of com providing extra vehbles (a) the number of cases of kidnapping. - yitiS liftA im of bomb dispos^f squade etc ai*son and other se tb ^^cr^e s committed bytertorists In De^i duHn^^tthree months; Stale Government and is providing ^ ift as^Manoe to the State Govern- (b) trie n e c e is a ^ »l^ s taken by the When required. ^ GoverrM^m to sude»»c(lv^ies and the num- v m o n M s w e rs AGRAHA¥ANA4.1S13^/CA) mHI»n Answers 5SQ ber of oeoDie aoorehended in this regard; money orders has been Increased from one and to two and#!© rRimber of

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE STATMENT MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARYAFFARIS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E MINIS­ Name and location of 56 post offices likely TRY OF HOME AFAIRS(SHRI M.M. to be set up in Ahdt)ra Pradesh during JACX)B): (a) to (c). The information is being 1991-92 subject to iustificaiion. collected and will be faid on the Table of the House. SLNO. Name of the place

New Post Offices in Andhra Pradesh 1. Yerravaram-25

588. SHRIR. SURENDER REDDY: Will 2. Donkada the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: 3. Peddakothuru

(a) whether to e)^and the rural postal 4. Yerrasamanthavalasa network in the country, Government pro­ pose to open new post offices in Andhra 5. Arnada Pradesh during 1991-92; 6 . Andrangi (b) if so, the number of new post offices likely to be set up with locations in Andhra 7. Cheduvada Pradesh; and 8. Lakshmi Narasapuram (c) the steps taken by the Government to improve the delivery of the mails? 9. Komarlatada


(b) the number of post offK:es fikely to be 12. Rayalasihna set in AmJhra Prs^esh is 56 jiybjed to justification. The locatTons where these post 13. Kakavidu qffk;a$ are proposed to be opened are given in the staternent ai^ch 14. Kunamaraju Palem

(c) the system of delivery of mails in 15. Nallassslngayagaripale^ urban post offices has been re^ructured witha vi^wto imprbvtng the perforrhahce. As 16. Akuthota Pani resuft the number of delivery of a ^ u n t - able mails lice roistered letters, parcels. 17. LingadarlapalB 551 Wrkten Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 W rm nAnsfm rs SSZ

S/.A/0. Name of the place SLNO. Name of the place

18. Chinnagoliapaiii 40. B L L: Bhanur

19. Alywn Nagar 41. K. Samudrapugattu

20. P.G. Centre 42. Veerabhadrapuram

21. Nadireddygaripalle 43. Kammavaripalem

22. C.Polimerapalli 44. lllupurru

23. Rasimatta 45. Uttamamellore

24. Gurajala 46. Lingguden

25. Venkatapur 47. Ballikuruva

26. Morrigudam 48. Pathavaram

27. Gandhi Nagar 49. Pathadevarayapalli

28. Seripuram 50. Irukupalli

29. Karlkonda 51. Rovooru

30. Thimmapur 52. Sajjapuram

31. Nakalpetta 53. Eiurivariaplame

32. SSR Govt. Polytechnic 54. Pullayagudem college. 55. Pathadindi Palem 33. Gundalapaili 56. Adavi 34. Kothulanduma

35. Peddagudem Infiitration of Ultras fn Kashnnir

36. Timmaipalli 589. SHRIR. SURENDER REDDY: will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased 37. hikepalli to state:

38. Chintur Khammam (a) whether h has been reported In the third week of September that insprte of tight 39. Thripuraram security measures 300 ultras sneaked Into 5 ^ WmttmAnswers AGRAHAYAMA4.1913(5>^/C4) Written Ans¥ifBfs 554

Kashmir Valley after receiving arms training (a) the time by which the Tanakpur In F a k ls ^ occupied Kashmir; Power Project is likely to be completed abngwith ns gener^bn capacity and the (b) If so, what were the main reasons for extent of power to be supplied to Uttar failure of the security forces to check their Pradesh from this project; entry; (b) whether the people of hilly areas are (c) the total number of Pakistan infiltra­ to be benefited from this project as It is b e ^ tors operating in valley upto now; and set up in hilly areas; and

(d) the steps being taken to check their (c) if not. the reasons therefor? entry in the State? THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTRY AFFAIRS VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES(SHRI AND MINISTER O F STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ KALP NATH RAI):(a) The Tanakpur hydro­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. electric project (3 X 40 MW) is likely to be JACX)B): (a) to (d). Reports of some trained completed by March, 1992. Its annual en­ terrorists sneaking into the Valley from across ergy generatbn capacity is 460 million units. the border have been received. Complete sealing of border and making it totally imper­ Extent of Power to be supplied to U.P. meable is difficult despite stepped up vigil and deployment of additional forces because Out of total energy generated, 12% of very vast frontages, numerous routes and would be supplied free of charge to U.P. 15% rugged terrain. is kept in the Central reserve for discretion­ ary allocatbn. The balance is distributed However, the security forces who have among the States of the Northern Regbn. taken most stringent measures including U.P. would get its share, based on central dusk to dawn curfew in border areas, stepped plan assistance and consumptbn of electric­ up vigil and intelligence operations and ity in the lastf ive years, from this portion also. deployment of addltbnal forces for checking infiltration in depth, have achieved notable (b) and (c). The power drawn from successes againsttheterrorists and incheck­ Tanakpur power Station by Uttar Pradesh in ing Inflltratton/exfiltration, which has gone accordance with the above formula wHI be down considerbly due to the same. supplied by the State Government to varbus parts of the State according to the require­ It is estimated that a total of bout 10.000 ments as assessed by the State Govern­ trained terrorists are in the Valley, of whom ment. all on them may not be active.

[Translation] Scheme For Rudrapur Bomb Blast Victims Tanakpur Power Project in U.P. 591. SHRI BALRAJ PASSI: Will the 590. SHRI BALRAJ PASSI: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- state: TIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: (a) whether any scheme has been 5 ^ WrinmAimwrs ^0\04BE«55.1091 SSB

boif^bla^in Rudrjuxsr: iwing ts^en by theG ov» 3»n^in thisd^- tion. The Central Govt ia rerKtemg a H i^ ' if so/tbd dstatts thcffdof; and sible assistance to the affected States in the fomi of additionai pa^a^ Hilary foEC4^;provi- (c) If not, theti» 95or»#iereffor^ ^ n of training lacities to the personnel, improved communicatton |acili- m E m m f m o f s t a t e m th e ties etc. M»4ISTWOf^RAi^lAIWENTARy^«=^ AND MINISTER 0 P S TA T€ 4 N TH E MIMiS- TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS(SHRI M.M. Villages Electrified in Ranchi JACXDB): (#10 3(c). republic O fd ^r being State subject, it is for State Governments to *593. SHRI RAM TAHAL CH- OUDHARY: Will the Minister of POWER devise varbiis ^ethctds and lake ieohcrete AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY ^ep 8 improve lavtfiand order stu^bn at^d SOURCES be pleased to state: ^e n e ver tiebdssary tranttelidi amd 6 r|^n> fse other i^ablltortbfi measures iniresi^ (a) the nun^er of viifages rn Rancfti, df pBTson^ aff0isMi(by :^w and order distur­ Sihar electrified during last three ydars bances. The O ^ f a l tSov^rnroent J^enders alongwrth the number of villages yet to t)e ail possii^ a^lstartceslall^ S t ^ Govern- eledrified; ments whenever required this regard. (b) the amount alk>ciaed for the saki Assistance to State to Check Terrorist viUages during the last three years abngwith acli¥ltiea and the amount increased thereon; and

(c) the names of the on-going schemes 5 ^ . SHRI BALRAJ FASSI: AAtili the under which electrif icatbn facilities are being iMmster of HOME MFJVf RS be pleased to provided in the villages? stale: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a)thes^38lakoo by th»govemmentto M»itSTRY OF POWER AND tlON-©ON- chedderrorist activities; VENTKDNAL ENERGY SOltftGES

Hnoi^smtsmcei3^9eafth»res^ffts tbj and {^ . The ^ ritie s therefor? im^aliocatbns ate finafi^ed^ 6 ri?^rtfrifetlb^ by the State Authorities 6 # iffe THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE State's total targets and albcatbns fixed by the Planning Commissbn. AND MINISTER QFm MTE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. lE n g m r

o6f sftyaNba J^cdarstuiA ments in some parts of the country mid h determ'med to ensure that a durable climate Sm iRAM TAH AL C H O U O ^ of peace, «tatelity 9 nd ppog^ess fSBvails Will the Minister of INFORMATTDN throughout the country. Various steps are BROADCASTING be pleased to state: m y W m h A n a w ^ AGPtf^/V>TANAi.i9i3iSAKA) WiiltBh Answers 558

(a) whether Doordarshan Kendra at (b) the objectives of regional publicity Ranchi in Bihar is functioning in a garage; directorate set for Bihar;

(b)'dso^ theprogress made so far forthe (c) the extent to which these objectives construction of a new building for Door­ have since been achieved; darshan; and : (d) whether Government propose to set (c) the aroa of preset i)oordarshan ^p more regional pubHdty d'rectorates jn office and number of rooms therein? Bihar; and

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (e) the reaction of the people of Bihar in MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND regard to information circulated by this or­ BROADCASTING (KUMAR! GIRUA VYAS): ganisation on Bihar? (a) Yes. Sir^ This is a maKe ahitt arrange­ ment. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND (b) As it has been tentatively decided to BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): reduce the size of the proje^ lor the estab- (a) A statement showing the amount s p ^t lishment of Studio Centre at Ranchi, the by Directorate of Field Publicity (not Re­ interim arrangement is epytsaged to be gional Publicity Directorate) for the last three shifted to a nearby location in the same years, regionwise, Is given in the statement complex for providing better l^ilities. attached. Some regions cover more than one State/Union Territory. (c) Present Doordarshan made shift studio set up is housed in 50 sq. mtrs. area. (b) and (c). The Directorate of Field Another 50 sq. mtrs. floor ar^a supports Publicity has no specific objectives or pro­ productbn staff, suitably partitioned at the grammes for Bihar^or any other State. The site. programmes of the Directorate have na­ tional rather than regional themes though [Trans/at/on] sometimes campaigns are ijndertakerx in response to specific needs of a particular Amount Spent on Reglq«!i?l:PubUclty area or subject. In Bihs^ su<^ campaigns Directorate have been undertaken on subjects such as 'Kala Azar\ 'Dlarrohea' Hmmunisatbn' and 595. SHRIRAMTAHALCHOUDHARY: 'Adult Eduction’ during the last three years, Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: (d) No, Sir. r.': . • aOc (e) The reactions of the people of Bihar (a) the State-wise amount spent in re­ to Directorate of Field Publicity programmes gional publicHy directorate, dggng the last ^ f varies depending onthefiatype, content ^ind three years; publicity format of a programmes. STAtiwiiNT

Aniount%ient on Regl^Ml PMbllcit^ Directorate

(Rs. in thousands)

S/.A/o. Region t: Andhra Pradesh 5317 2725 2900

2. 2335 3271 559 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Arisifms 560

(Bs. in thousands)

St. No. Region 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91

3. Bihar (Patna) 2263 2573 2888

4. Bihar (Ranchi) 1647 1937 1918

5. Gujarat 2085 2270 2493

6. J & K 2578 2588 2922

7. Karnataka 2125 2526 2535

8. Kerala 2261 2528 2747

9. Maharashtra 2492 2857 3011

10. MP (Bhopal) 1748 2039 2157

11. MP (Raipur) 1751 2007 2167

12 . Nagaland 2148 2340 2554

13 NE Shillong 2073 2308 2460

14. NE Guwahati 2304 2635 3155

15. NW Chandigarh 3311 3515 3515

16. Orissa 2070 2549 2663

17. Rajasthan 2478 2757 2896

18. Tamil Nadu 2133 2635 2652

19. U.P. Lucknow 3037 3061 3301

20. U.P. Dehradun 2392 2707 3089

21 . W.B Calcutta 2296 2496 2623

22. W.B Siligurl 1544 1785 1836

49388 55382 59753

Modernisation of Telephone System In (a) whether the Government are con­ Devariya/Balla, U.P. sidering to expand and modernise the tele­ phone system in Devariyaand Balia districts 596. SHRI HARf KEWAL PRASAD:of Uttar Pradesh; and Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof? 561 Vmten Answern AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SiA/CA) WrktenAnswrns 562

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Doordarshan so as to sustsun the interest of MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI its viewers. Arrangements have been made P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. for receplbn of Doordarshan programmes outside India in the neighbouring countries (b) Details are us under: with a dish antenna. Discusston and study are continuing to further extent the area of Ballia District transmission of India programmes.

All the 20 Telephone exchanges have Persons Killed by Militants in Uttar been replaced by modern Electronic Ex­ Pradesh changes of suitable capacity. 599. SHRI HARI KEWAL PRASAD: Devariya District Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: Out of 26 total Telephone Exchanges, 7 have already been replaced by modern (a) the total number of persons killed by Electronic Exchanges of suitable capacity. militants in Uttar Pradesh during the period Sixteen Telephone Exchanges have been from June to October, 1991. planned for modernisation and expansion during 1992-93 and remaining 3 in 1993-94. (b) the number of militants killed as a result of police action during the said perkxJ; [English] and

International Electronic Media in the (c) the total amount provided 4>y the Country Govemment as conrpensatbn to the fami­ lies of the people killed by the nfulitants? 598. SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: Will the Minister of INFORMATIONA AND THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE BROADCASTING be pleased to state: MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ (a) whether several international elec­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. tronic media have been 'invading* Indian JACOB): (a) to (c). The information is being skies of late; collected and will be laW on the Table of the House. (b) if so, the steps taken by the Govern­ ment to project Doordarshan to meet this Telephone ConneeliDns In Bangalore challenge; and 600. SHRI K.H. MUNIYAPPA: (c) the time by which the Government SHRJ P.C. MUDALA GJRI- proposes to take concrete steps in this re­ YAPPA: gard? Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE be pleased to state: MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUAVYAS): (a) the number telephone connec­ (a) Reception of Foreign T V programmes tions sanctbned during the months January through satellites is available in varbus parts and February 1991, m Bangabre; of the country. (b) whether telephoneconneclbns have (b) and (c). Constant efforts continue to been provided; be made to brir^ about 9 qualitative Im- prpyement in the programme format of (c) if so, the details thereof; 563 Answers WOVB48ER2S^mi W im m Anm m 564

scribers. (b) rwh#tlw is w y policy ©f too tif iN ^ s p r^ t one iPubll* Government to establish such centres; cafkmtd Other

■ n(q)|sQ i^ d^?ufe Ih^rec^ €01v SHRI GHHJTU6HA1 GAMIT: 0^. (d) whether there is any proposal to SHRI DIGVIJAYA esteWfehj at m m v - years; and

BRQAD0ASTt4G1>#:p|ea^ to state; ^e)^jf .4hetbiw^? 0^

(a) whether any group of newspapers THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN c l^ eafOrtn^tertbiestotted newapri^fro^ one MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND publication to the other;

(biif^ol, wh£^ ryedoesKoontr^ene; The,d^aU& are oivendnilie^ttaGhedcStatet (c) wfwther m m , ceived any complaints regarding the trans- fefcof neiifaprinti y?ars; (b) and (c). Locatbns for establishing Vf\ddh the (d) if so. the details thereof; and

(e) action taken by the Government 56S Wfm»nAnswefs AGR /^AYAN A4,4913 (S4/C4) WrimffiAnswem 566

jt0V©(lu#. It also d ^ n d s oil thfe


VIvidh Bharat! Cum Commercial Centre

S.No. Stat&AJnhn Territory Nos.

1. Jammu & Kashmir 1

2. Punjab 1

3. Rajasthan 2

4. Uttar Pradesh 3

5. Bihar 2

6 . Orissa 1

7. West Bengal 1

8. Goa 1

9. Gujarat 3.

10. Madhya Pradesh 2

11. Maharashtra 3

12. Andhra Pradesh 2

13. Kamataka 2

14. Kerala 2

15. Tamil Nadu 2

16. Delhi 1

17. Chandigarh 1

Total: 30

New Teleplione Exchanges in Andhra (a) whether Government propose to Pradesh open new telephone exchanges and up­ grade the existing ones in the year 1991 in 603. SHRI M.V.V.S. MURTHI: Will the Visakhapatnam. Vizianagaram and Sri- Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased kakulam distrwts in Andhra Pradesh; to state: and 567 V m m A n s m rs NOVEMBER 25, t991 V m m Answers 568

(b)«so,thedfitaiisofthenewtelaphone MINISTRY OF COMMUNICA'nONS (SHRI exdnmges likely to be opened in 1991-92 in P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU); (a) Yes, Sir. the dbove districts? (b) The details are give in the Statement THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE attached. 569 Written Answets AGRAHAYANA4.1913 (SVC4) Written Answers 570

lO i CM I E E 11 OJ (0 •SQ 1 . •5 i Q I 2 « ■■S s . « l | |i:-. ■o *0 « i 2 5 E 2 | | f § « : .N e I X Q . a . c a a : go Z 0.

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5 ijj

CD 571 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 572

Grant of Pension to Freedom Fighters Will the Minister of POW ER AND NON- by Chandigarh Administration CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: 604. SHRI PAWAN KUMAR BANSAL: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (a) the State identified by Government pleased to state: in the matter of Power shortage;

(a) whether besides the Freedom Fight­ (b) the reasons thereof. State-wise; and ers Pension Scheme granted by the Central Government, the state of Punjab and Har­ (c) the steps taken by the Government yana also grant a pension to the freedom to supplement the power supply, State-wise? fighters; and THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (b) if so, what are the reasons for non­ MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- grant of such pension be Chandigarh Ad­ VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI ministration to those freedom fighters who KALP NATH RAI): (a) State-wise power are settled in the Unbn Territory and are not supply position during April, 91-Oct., 91 is getting the same from Punjab or Haryana? given in the Statement attached.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (b) The main reason for power shortage AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ in the country was demand outstripping the TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. availability of power. JACOB): (a) Yes. Sir.

(b) The proposal received from the (c) Various measures being taken to Chandigarh Administration for grant of Free­ improve the availability of power include dom Fighters pension on the pattern of Delhi expediting commissioning of new generat­ Administration is under consideration of this ing capacity, implementation of short gesta­ Ministry. tion projects, improving the performance of existing power statbns, reductbn of T&D Power Shortage bsses, implementation of demand manage­ ment and energy consen^ation measures, 605. SHRI VUAY NAVAL PATIL: and arranging transfer of energy from sur-- SHRI K. PRADHANl: plus to defrcit areas. 573 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4,1913{S>4/CA) Written Answers 574

ss ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CD CD 00 CD CM d CO N.* d d in CO

a i I® O) ' 00 o ins i 5 S' ^ C O OU^O^COOCM'^CslOCOOOOCM CJ>'r-ir) fJJ CO It ^18g®!:^gSS CO

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I t 2 Q. m 06 2 1 =? 3 E ^CO .£I X X 5 ^ Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answata 576

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CO U) O r - »- eo '•- r- m 00 5 -0 S 8 ®-S I S 5 5

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CO 1 0> I CO a. S I g I 1 I l| I I § :H- K UJI CD o I 577 VmtenAnswgfS AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SMKM) Written/tiisvmrs $78

I • §s> SI


IS i’- 58 i li

^ g ^ lO U>


2! S §il "t -o

S £5 Si I 8 * ^ 8

1 I S' i S I I ± < 579 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 WrHten Answers 580

Delay In Implementing the Prasar (c) the criteria adopted for supplying Bharati Act. newsprint to the newspaper industries; and

606. SHRI VISHWANATH SHAS- (d) the names of the states in which the TRI: criteria is being followed from January, 1991 SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: till date? SHRIMATIGEETA MUKHER- JEE: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE SHRI RAJENDRA KUMAR MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND SHARMA: BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) Yes, Sir. WlllthG Minister of INFORMATION ADN BROADCASTING t>e pleased to state: (b) So far as the hike in prbes of im­ ported newsprint on account of rolling of (a) whether there has t}een inordinate credits by State Trading Corporation and delay in implementing the Prasar Bharati devaluation is concerned, the matter has Act, 1990; and been resolved and decisfon in this regard was announced in Lok Sabha on 20.8.1991. (b) if so, the reasons for delay and steps There is, at pxesent, no statutory control over being taken for its implementation? the prices of indigenous newsprint which are determined by commercial market factors THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE whereas prices of imported newsprint de­ MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND pend on procurement price contracted by BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): State Trading Corporation. (a) and (b). Many essential formalities need to b« completed and varbus steps taken (c) Newsprint is allocated by the Regis­ before the Prasar Bharati can be estab­ trar of Newspapers for India to the newspa­ lished. Ministry is seized of the issue and the pers as per Newsprint Allocation PoPicy Government remains committed for the announced by Government from time to same. time. Thereafter the supplies are made by indigenous newsprint mills and State Trad­ [Translation] ing Corporation accordingly.

Demand to Withdraw Hike in Prices of (d) The Newsprint Allocatbn Polby Imported Paper. applies to all newspapers published in the country, irrespective of State or Unbn Terri­ 607. SHRI SIMON MARANDI: tory. SHRIPRAKASHV. PATIL: Deployment of Army in Assam WilltheMinisterof INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 608. SHRI SIMON MARANDI: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to (a) whether representatives of various state: Newspaper Organisattons have demanded the withdrawal of the hike made in the prbes (a) whether Government havedepbyed of imported and indigenous newsprint; army in several districts of Assam for control­ ling the activities of United Liberatbn Front (b) if so, the act'ion taken by Govern- of Assam (ULFA); ment so far with regard to withdrawal of the hice in prices of the imported and indigenous (b) if so. the names of such districts and newsprint; since when army has been depk>yed therein; 581 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S4/CA) Written Answers 582

(c) the details of monthly e;lpenditure facility? incurr^ on it so far; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (d) the steps taken by the Government MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI for the permanent solution of ULFA problem P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No, Sir. and the result thereof; and (b) By March, 1992. (e) the details of number of persons killed, injured seriously and kkinapping done [English] by ULFA since U u ly , 1991? Pension to Freedom Fighters of Gujarat THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS 610. SHRI CHANDRESH PATEL: Will AND MINISTER OF STA TE IN TH E MINIS­ the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. to state: JACOB): (a) and (b). The entire State of Assam stands declared as ‘Distursed Area’ (a) whether some applications for grant under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) of pensbn to Freedom Fighters received Act, 1958. At the request of the State Gov­ during January 1,1989 to October 31,1991 ernment, the Army has been depbyed in from Jamnagar and other districts of Gujarat Assam in aid of the Civil Authority. were rejected;

(c) The monthly expenditure on deploy­ (b) if so, the details thereof and the ment of the Army in Assam is Rs. 6.3. crores reasons therefor; and approximately. (c) the details of such freedom fighters (d) The State Government has time and of district Jamnagar who are getting pen­ again asked the ULFA to abjure violence, sion? accept the Constitution of India, release the hostages and come to the negotiating table. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE To create a congenial atmosphere the State MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Government also released about 500 ULFA AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ detenus. TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) During the period only nine (e) ULFA has been responsible for 142 applications from the State of Gujarat includ­ vblent incidents resulting in the death of 53 ing Jamnagar District have been rejected. persons and injuries to 41 others, since 1 st July, 1991. This includes 65 incidents of (b) These did not fulfill the eligtoHity kkJnapping in which 81 persons were kid­ criteria laid down in the Central Pension napped of whom 17 were killed. Scheme.

S.T.D. in Headquarters of Maharashtra (c) As no applbatbn from freedom fight­ and Madhya Pradesh ers of Jamnagar District has been received during the period the questbn of grant of 609. SHRI VILASRAO N AGN ATHRAOpension to them does not arise. GUNDEWAR: Will the Minister of COMMU­ NICATIONS be pleased to state: [TransJation]

(a) whether all the district headquarters Telephone Connections In Delhi in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh have been linked with S.T.D. facility; and 611. SHRI ARVIND NETAM: Will the (b) if not, the time by which all the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased distrbts are likely to be provided S.T.D. to state: 583 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 584

(a) whether complaints have been re­ gory whk;(h is a pnontycategpry for alk)tment ceived regarding not issuing telephone of telephone connectbns. connection to the public for several months evenaftertheissuanceofO.B.inthe Rohini, Faulty Telephones of Journalists Raja Garden, Janak Puri, Shahdadra and Laxmi Nagar Telephone exchanges of 613. SHRI ARVINDNETAM : Will the Mahanagar telephone Nigam Limited; Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (b) if so, the details thereof; and (a) whether any special arrangements (c) the action taken by the Government have t^en made by Delhi Telephone for in this regard? Journalists for lodging their complaints re­ garding telephone faults; THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (b) if so, the reasons for not removing P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. the telephone faults in time; and

(b) Whereas in Rohini Exchange there (c) the steps taken by the Govemment b no spare capacity available at present, in in this regard? Rajouri Garden, Janak Puri. Shahdara and Laxmi Nagar Exchange areas, some pock­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ets are technicaliy non-feasible due to non- MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI avalabilrty of cable pairs. P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. such an arrangement exists for accredited Jour­ (c) A new telephone exchange in Sec- nalists. tor-IX of Rohini is under installatton and is likely to be commissioned by end of Decem­ (b) Telephones of the accredited jour­ ber, 1991. As regards Rajouri Garden, Janak nalists reported faulty are promptly attended Puri, Shahdara and Laxmi Nagar Exchange to; but these faulty due to break down of Areas, actk>n has been taken to augument under-ground cable or its theft, however, the cable network by laying new cables as takes a little tonger. also with the he^ of pair gain systems. All these pending cases are expected to be (c) Immediate actbn is taken to attend cleared by 31.3.1992. the fault as: and when reported. The dis­ posal of these complaints is cbsely super­ Norms for Telephones to Journalists vised by the concerned offk:ers and moni­ tored at the level of Area Manager/ Area 612. SHRI ARVINDNETAM : Will theGeneral Manager. Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: [English]

(a) whether any norms have been fixed Security for Diplomatic Missions for giving telephone connections to the jour­ nalists on priority basis; and 614. SH R I M.V. C H A N - DRASHEKARA MURTHY: (b) if so. the details thereof? SHRI V. SREENIVASAN PRASAD: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATKDNS (SHRI Win the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). Ac- pleased to stale: cradfted journaltsts ar entitleid to register themselves under Non^YT-Special cate­ (a) whether the view of recent kidnap­ 585 Wrmen Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (5>4K>%) Written Answers 586 ping of Romanian d ^ m a t at New Delhi, the (c) whether the miritants have been Government propose to provide additional asking for the release of several harckx>re security to dipbmatic missions In New Delhi; militants in exchange of abducted diplomat; and (b) if so. the details of diplomatic mis­ sions in New Delhi who have asked for (d) if so. the reaction of the Government additional security recently; and thereto and efforts being made for safe re­ lease of the Romanian dipbmat? (c) the other steps the Government propose to take to provide foolproof security THE MINISTERY OF STATE IN THE to dipbmatic missbns in New Delhi ? MINISTRYOF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ THE MINISTERY OF STATE IN THE TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS JACOB): (a) to (d). The Charge d’Affairs of AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ the Romanian Embassy in New Delhi was TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. abduted on 9th October. 1991. Intensive JACO B): (a) After the kbnapping of the operatbns were launched to search for the Romanian dipbmat in New Delhi Security abducted dipbmat. arrangements of the dipbmatb missbns in Delhi were reviewed and strengthened Militants of several organisatbns have wherever consbered necessary. issued statements in the Press claiming the responsibility for this ^ u c t b n and Lacera­ (b) The dipbmatb missbns of the United tion Tiger Force of Khalistan is one of them. States of America, Canada. France, Leba­ Release of several hard core militants has non, Romania, U.S.S.R., Egypt, Tunisia, also been sought in exchange. Netherlands, Yugoslavia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Kuwait, Denmark and Thailand have Every effort is being made by the Gov­ asked for additbnal security. ernment to bcate and secure safe return of the dipbmat and to bring the culprits to book. (c) The security arrangements for dipb­ matic missions are reviewed period bally and Rise In Crime Graph strengthened wherever necessary. 616. SHRI M.V. CHANDRASH6 Abduction of Romanian Diplomat KARA MURTHY: SHRI PANKAJ CHO- 615. SHRI M.V. CHANDRASH- WDHARY: KARA MURTHY: SHRI V. SREENIVASA SHRI V.SREENIVASA PRASAD: PRASAD: DR. C. SILVERA: DR. C. SILVERA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be be pleased to state: pleased to state: (a) whether the attentbn of the Govem- (a) whether the Liberatbn Tiger Force ment has been drawn to newsHem cap­ of Khalistan has claimed responsibility for tioned "steep rise in crime graph” as reported the akxJuctbn of the Romanian Charge d’Af­ in the Hindustan Time dated October 30. fairs in New Delhi recently; 1991;

(b) whether the Government have failed (b) whether the Government has re- to get free the Romanian Charge d’ Affairs cemfy reviewed the overaHfunctbnIng ol the from the clutches of the militants; Delhi Polbe Force; 587 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 588

(c) whether the Government propose to (b) The conventbn was attended by revamp the up of the Delhi Police Force in Postmaster General, Bombay Region, Di­ view of rise in crime graph; and rector of Postal Services, Bombay Region and Director of Postal Services Bombay (d) if so, the details thereof? (City) Regbn.

THE MINISTERY OF STATE IN THE (c) Yes, Sir. MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ (d) A statement of Summary of Resolu­ TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. tion moved on Monday 21 October, 1991 is JACOB): (a) Yes, Sir. A newsitem captioned enclosed. "steep rise in crime graph” appeared in the Hindustan Times In its issue t>f October 30, STATMENT 19S1. Summary (b) to (d). The overall functioning of Delhi Police is being regularly reviewed. The Caretaker Government of Shri Recently, review meetings were held at the Chandra Shekhar issued a statutory order level of Minister of State and the Home on 29 May 1991 stopping door to door deliv­ Minister. Certain measures to improve the ery in multi-storeyed buildings except on functioning and the efficiency of the Delhi ground floor. The detailed orders were is­ Police have been initiated. sued on 18th July, 1991. The Postmaster General, Maharashtra has implemented this Convention in for Stopping in Bombay. The conventbn condemned the Door Delivery of Postal Articles decisbn to implement the Government order from 1 St November, 1991. It was pointed out 617. SHRI RAM NAIK: Will the Minis­that some old buildings in Bombay may not ter of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to have enough space at the ground fbor. The state: Resolution further state that the order should be withdrawn. It also calls upon the consum­ (a) whether Govemment are aware of ers to unite against the order. convention held in Mumbai on 21 October 1991 to protest against the Postal Depart­ Allowances to Postal Employees of ment decision to stop door delivery of unreg­ istered postal articles in muhistoreyed build­ ings; 618. SHRI RAM KAPSE: Will the Min­ ister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to (b) if so, the details of the Departmental state: officers who attended this convention; (a) whether the Government are aware (c) whether any resolution was passed of the fact that the postal employees of by the conventbn; and Bhayander, Mira and Uttam (District-Thane, Maharashtra) are not getting House Rent (d) if so, the details thereof? Allowance and City Compensatory Albw- ance at par with the postal employees of the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE city (i.e.Bombay); MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes. Sir. A (b) if so, the reasons of this disparity; convention was held in Bombay on October 21, 1991 by the Bhartiya Janata Party to (c) the steps proposed to rectify this protest against the Mail Delivery Order, 1991. discrim inatbn so far? 589 WrittBn Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (5>4/C4) Written Answers 590

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (a)the numberofcasesdetectedbythe MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI Government regarding corruption and em- P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. bazzlement in New Delhi Municipal Commit­ tee dijring the last three years; (b) Since Bhayander. Mira and Uttan (the correct name) are themselves munici­ (b) the total number of offfcers and pal areas, the postal employees working there are not eligible for grant of House Rent empbyees found guilty in these cases; and Allowance at Bombay City rates in terms of the extant orders of the Ministry of Finance. (c) the efforts being made by the Gov­ They are also not eligible for grant of City ernment to check corruptbn prevailing In Compensatory Allowance. New Delhi Municipal Committee?

(c) Does not arise in view of reply given THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE at (b) above. MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ [Translation] TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Expenditure Incurred on Power Houses JACOB): (a) to (c). Information Is l>eing col­ lected and will be laid on the Table of the 619. SHRI CHHEDIPASWAN: House. SHRI SRIKANTAJENA: Programmes Relating Bihar Performed Will the Minister of POWER AND NON- by Directorate of Regional Publicity CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: 621. SHRI CHHEDI PASWAN: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD­ (a) the State-wise total expenditure CASTING be pleased to state: incurred by the Government on the opera­ tion and transmission and distribution of (a) the details of the programmes relat­ losses of Power House during the last three ing to Bihar targetted to be performed by the years; and Directorate of Regional Publicity during the (b) the steps taken by the Government last three years; and in this regard in Bihar and Orissa for the last three years; and (b) to what extent the targets have been achieved? (c)the details of the work done in each THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE year? MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUAVYAS): THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE (a) and (b). The programmes of Directorate MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- of Field Publicity are not generally targetted VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI to any state but awareness about themes KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). The information is being collected and will be laid on the such as National integratbn, Communal Table of the House. Harmony, Family Welfare, Adult Education etc., are sought to be inculcated among the Steps to Check Corruption and Embez­ people through the means of Film Shows. zlement in N.D.M.C. Live Programmes, Photo Exhibitbns etc. A statement showing the programmes pre­ 620. SHRI CHHEDi PASWAN: Will the sented in Bihar during last three years is Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to attached. state: 591 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 692

Gi o> CM ^ (g ®

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CM s s 1 o> o>

IT- CM CO SI »«• 593 Wrkten Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(S>4/C4) Written Answers 594

[English] (c) the steps being taken to check such incidents in future? Smuggling of Afms from Indo-Pak Border THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 622. SHRI CHHEDIPASWAN: Will the MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ state; TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. JACOB): (a) It is true that attempts have (a) whether huge quantity of arms and been made to smuggle arms and ammuni­ ammunitions are being smuggled in India tion in India from Pakistan on Indo-Pak bor­ from Pakistan at Indo-Pak border of Ganga der of Ganganagar District. Nagar distnct;

(b) if so. the number of persons ar­ (b) The number of persons arrested rested during last three months and the during the last three months and the quanJty quantity of arms seized from them; and arms seized from them is as under:-

Number of persons arrested 100

Quantity of Arms seized i) AK-56 Rifles 34 Nos. ii) Magazine assorted : 142 Nos. m Pistol 06 Nos. iv) Greriade launcher 01 No.

(c) With a view to prevent smuggling, pleased to state: EX>rderforoes have been strengthened both in force, and in equipment and weaponary. (a) whether the Government propose to Border fencing and flood-lighting is being provkle telephone services on high priority jone in specified areas. The intelligence set to Gram Panchayats of the most backward jpof theborderforces have been geared up distrrcts like Maharajganj, Gorakhpur etc; md further strengthened for keeping cbse and surveillance on the border. (b) if so. when and if not, the reasons Translatton] therefor?

releptionesto Panchayats in Backward THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Districts of U.P. MINISTRY OF CX)MMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) yes. Sir. 623. SHRIPANKAJ CHOWDHARY: fVill the Minister of CX^MMUNICATIONS be (b) The details are as under:- 595 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 596

Stats As on 31-10-1991

Gorakhpur Maharajganj District District

No. of Telephone Exchanges working 15 11 as on 31-3-1991

No. of Panchayat Villages covered 74 63 with telephone facility during 1991-92

The remaining Panchyat Villages in U.P. In the matter of opening of Post Oftees, these Districts have been planned to be it is, however, proposed to open the foltow- covered with telephone facility by 31 st March, ing number post offices at Maharajganj, 1995. Gorakhpur, Deoria and Gonda during the current year 1991 -92. Post Offices in Panchayats in the Country Maharajganj 6

624. SHRI PANKAJ CHOWDHARY:Gorakhpur 9 Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: Deoria 20

(a) whether Government have decided Gonda 14 to open post offices in various panchayats in the country; Terrorist Activities in Foothiiis Areas of Uttar Pradesh (b) whether Government propose to give priority to the districts of Eastern Uttar 625. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will the Pradesh i.e. Maharajganj, Gorakhpur, Deo> Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to riya, Gonda, etc; and state:

(c) if so, when and if not, the reasons (a) whether Uttar Pradesh Government therdor? had asked for Central Security forces from centre to combat the increasing terrorist THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE activities in the foothill areas of Uttar Pradesh; MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU>: (a) Post offices (b) if so, the extent pf security forces in rural areas are opened keeping in view sought by the Government of Uttar Pradesh financial, distance and populatbn norms and when these were asked for; prescribed for the purpose. Panchayat Headquarters are given preference for (c) the number of groups of para-mili- opening of post offices subject to fulfilment tary forces sent by the Unfon Government; of these norms. and

(b) and (c). While no priority as such is (d) whether the State Government have being accorded to the Districts of Eastern sent any other scheme to tire centre to 597 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>1/C4) Written Answers 598

combat the increasing terrorist activities and (1) Population:- if so, the difficulties faced by the Union Government in approving the said scheme? (a) In normal areas : 3000 population in a group of THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE villages (including the MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS PRO village) AND MINISTER OF S TA TE IN TH E MINIS­ TR Y O F HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. (b) In Hilly. Tribal, Desert and JACOB): (a) Yes, Sir. Inaccessible areas:

(b) and (c). Request was received from 500 population in an indi­ the State Government of Uttar Pradesh in vidual village or 1000 October, 1991, for despatch of 76 coys, of populatbn in a group of Para-military forces for law and order duties. villages. Taking Into account various factors such as availability of the forces etc. additional coys, (2) Distance:- to the extent possible were provided to the State Government. (a) In normal areas: The minimum distance from (d) No, Sir. the nearest post office will be 3 kms. Post Offices In Rural Areas and to Nayaya Panchayats In Country (b) In Hilly, Tribal, Desert and Inaccessible ares:- 626. SHRI MOHAN SINGH: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased The distance limit will be to state: the same as above ex­ cept that In hilly areas, the (a) whether there is any scheme to minimum distance limit provide post offices in ail the rural areas and can be relaxed by the Nayaya Panchayats in the country; and Directorate in cases where such relaxatbn is (b) if so, whether the post offices would wan'anted by special cir­ be opened in all the villages having popula­ cumstances whk:h should tion of more than five thousand? be clearly explained while submitting a proposal. THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (3) Antk:ipated income:- P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No. Sir.

(b) Post offices in rural areas are opened (a) In normal areas:- The keeping in view financial, distance and minimum anticipated populatbn norms prescribed for the pur­ revenue will be 33 1/3% pose. Panchayat Headquarters are given of cost. preference for opening of post offices sub­ ject to fulfilment of these norms. The norms (b) In Hilly, Tribal, desert and for opening of a post office in rural areas are lnaccessft>le areas: The give as under:- minimum antbipated in- 599 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 600

come will be 15% of the contemplating to run separate Air Services cost. for speedy postal service;

[English] (b) if so, the details thereof including the financial implications involved inthese sepa­ Booster at Mangalagiri in Guntur rate air services; and District, Andhra Pradesh (c) the details of cities which will be 627. PROF. UMMAREDDY VE- connected in the first phase by such serv­ NKATESWARLU: Will the Minister of IN­ ices? FORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (a) whether the Televisbn sets located P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) No, Sir. in Sixth Battalion and surrounding areas in Mangalagiri, Guntur District Andhra Pradesh (b) &(c). Does not arise. abetting the IHilis are not receiving the pro* grammes relayed by Kondapalli T.V. Sta­ Courier Service in Public Sector tion. 629. PROF. UMMAREDDY VE- (b) if so, whether there are any propos­ NKATESWARLU: Will the Minister of COM­ als to arrange booster at Mangalagiri for the MUNICATIONS be pleased to ^ t e : convenience of the T.V. users at Mangalagiri town; and (a) whether the Government are aware that separate postal service namely Courier (c) if so. the details thereof? Service is in operation between several important towns and cities; THE .DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINtSTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI (b) whether this service is being oper­ P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) to (c). Guntur ated in private sector or public sector; district including Mangalagiri lies well within the coverage areaof the high power (1 0 KW) (c) whether the sen^ice in private sector TV transmitter fun<^ioning at Vijayawada is being operated with the Government (Kondapalli Hill). However, certain shadow approval and whether the Government are areas are formed due to terrain coriditbns responsible for Security of ail the articles around Mangalagiri. Provisbn of TV service sent through this service; and to these shadow areas would depend upon future availability resources for the pur­ (d) whether the Government propose to pose. privatise the postal services?

Separate Air Services for Speedy THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Postal Service MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). Yes, 628. PROF. UMMAREDDY VE- Sir. A large number of Courier services are NKATESWARLU: Wi« the Minister of COM­ operating m the country, in Private Sector. MUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (c) No, Sir. None of them has any ap­ (a) whether the postal Department is proval from the Department of Post. G o v m - 601 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S>^K4) Written Answers 602 ment is not responsible for the security of power from Central thermal power station. articles sent through them. lEng/lsh] (d) No. Sir. Rationalisation Boundary of Chandi­ [Trans/ation] garh with Punjab

Super Thernnal Power Station in Hazar- 631. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: ibagh, Bihar SHRI RAJENDER KUMAR SHARMA: 630. SHRi BHUBANESHWAR PRASAD MEHTA: Will the Minister of Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be POWER AND NON-CONVENTIONAL pleased to state: ENERGY SOURES be pleased to state: (a) whether there is a proposal under (a) whether the Government propose to consideration of the Government for retion- set up a Super Thermal Power Station in alisation of boundary of Chandigarh with district Hazaribagh, Bihar; Punjab; and

(b) whether the power crisis of Bihar is (b) if so, the details thereof and reasons likely to be solved after setting the aforesaid therefor? power station and the new industries likely to be set up in that regbn would also get THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE suffrcient electrfcity; and MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS AND MINISTER OF STATE IN TH E MINIS­ (c) whether the Unbn Government TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. contemplete to start and complete construc­ JACOB): (a) and (b). Presently, there Is no tion work on Super Thermal power station such proposal under consideration. during Eighth Five Year Plan keeping in view the situatbn of power crisis in Bihar? Foreign Missionaries In Madhya Pradesh THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- 632. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: Will the VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). Yes. Sir. A state: proposal has been received from Natbnal Thermal Power Corporatton for setting up of (a) whether Foreign missfonarles work­ the North Karanpura Super Thermal Power ing In Madhya Pradesh have l>een asked to Project Stage-I (2x500 MW) In distrrct Haz­ leave the country; aribagh. The proposal has been techno- economlcally cleared by the Central Elec­ (b) if so. the reasons therefor; and tricity Authority subject to certain conditfons including clearance from environmental (c) since when these missfonalres have angle, confirmation of water availability etc. been working in the country? The project will require Investment approval after these issues are settled. Bihar is en­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE titled to allocatbn of power from these proj­ MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS ects as per Central formula for albcation of AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- 603 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 604

TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS {SHRI M.M. JACO B): (a) Yes, Sir, three have been served (a) whether the Government have re­ with notices to leave the country. ceived the progress made in regard to the construction of power station is Gujarat, (b) They had come to adverse notice for Bihar to ascertain whether or not the work is going on in a planned manner; vblating laws relating to foreigners. (b) the number of projects where the (c) They have been working in the work is not progressing in a planned manner; country for more than 30 years. and

S.T.D. Facilities for M.Ps. (c) if so, the action taken by the Govern­ ment in this regard? 633. SHRI GURUDAS KAMAT: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATION be pleased THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE to state: MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI (a) whether Government proposes to KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). The information provide S.T.D. facility for M. Ps. in the is being collected and will be laid on the Parliament House; Table of the House.

(b) if so, whether the facility would also Modernisation of Telephone Exchanges be given to Ex-M.Ps. of Surat/Badodra

(c) whether the money would be paid by 635. SHRI KASHIRAMRANA: Will the the Government; and Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (d) if so, the estimated expenditure on this facility annually? (a) whether Government propose to expand and modernise the telephone ex­ THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE changes of Surat and Badodra of Gujarat; MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI and P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. (b) if so, the details thereof? (b) No, Sir. The facility is provided only for the use of sitting M. Ps. in the Inner THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE ^ Lobbies of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) Yes, Sir. (c) and (d). The question as to who should meet the charges is under considera' tk>n of the Ministry of Communications in (b) It is planned to commission 10000 oonsultatbn with the Ministry of Parliamen* lines of E -10 B typ>e electronic exchange at tary Affairs. Surat Textile Market in 91-92 out of which 4000 lines have already been commissioned. [Transiation] 1000 lines electronic exchange at Rander- pole (Majura) is also planned for commis­ Power Stations in Bihar and Gujarat sioning in 91-92.

634. SHRI KASHIRAMRANA: Will the It is planned to commission 14000 lines l^nister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- of electronic exchange in Vadodara in 91 -92 TION AL EN ER GY SOURCES be pleased to with foltowing details; state: 605 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 606

S.No. Name Capacity

1. City Exchange 5000 lines

2. Alkapuri 5000 lines

3. Makarpura 2000 lines Replacing 1800 Lines MAX-ll

4. Koyali 2000 lines Replacing 1400 lines MAX-ll

Electrification of Villages in Gujarat expenditure incurred thereon; and

636. SHRIKASHIRAMRANA: Will the (c) the ongoing schemes on Govern­ Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- ment to provide electricity to the villages? TIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- VENTKDNAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRi (a) the number of villages in Gujarat KALP NATH RAI): (a) to (c). The Gujarat electrified during the last three years, dis­ State Electricity Board has reported electri­ trict-wise; fication of 30 villages during the last three years at an estimated expenditure of ap­ (b) the amount allocated to these vil­ proximately Rs. 45 lakhs. The district-wise lages during the last three years and the break up of villages electrified Is as under:-

Distrbt 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91

Kutch 5

Junagarh 15

Dang 5


With the electrification of the above, the (a) the details of post offk^es, telegraph entire State, except for a few non-feasible offtees and telephone exchanges in Orbsa villages, has been declared as having t>een at present, district-wise; hundred per cent electrified, by the Gujarat State Electrteity Board. (b) whether their number is in commen­ surate with the present populatbn; Post Offices, Telegraph Offices and Telephone Exchanges In Orissa. (c) if so. the steps taken by the Govem- ment during the last two years to increase 637. SHRI SRIKANTA JENA: Will thetheir number; and Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: (d) the details of the steps to be taken 607 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 608 to increase their numbers? network in this State was carried out result­ ing in additbn of 20949 lines of net switching THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE capacity and 17461 new telephone connec­ MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI tions. As per the draft 8th Five Year Plan of P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU: (a) The informa­ Telecom Department, our objective is to: tion Is furnished in the enclosed statement. — Provide telephone practteally on (b) Post Offices:- The post offices are demand in rural and tribal area; and opened keeping in view population, dis­ tance and income norms prescribed for the — Waiting period for telephone connec­ purpose. Basic postal facilties are however tions not to exceed two years in larger sys­ available irrespective of the fact whether a tems. post office exists or not at a particular loca­ tion. The average population served per Post Offices:- post offfce in districts of Orissa excepting in the case of Bolangir district is in line with all (c) & (d). During the year 1990 and India average population served per post 1991,166 branch post off bes were opened office which is 4607 as on 31.3.91. in Orissa. It is further proposed to open 100 extra departmental branch post offices and (b) Telegraph offices:- The number of 10 departmental sub post offices subject to Telegraph offices per lakh of population in justification in Orissa during 1991-92. Orissa is 6.7 as against the national average of 4.9 offtees and is much higher than Telegraph Offices:- natbnal level. c) During the last two years 442 Tele­ Telephone Exchanges:- graph offbes were opened in Orissa.

(b), (c) &(d). During the last two years d) It is proposed to open 200 new Tele­ (1989-90,1990-91) expansbn of telephone graph offices during the Year 1991-92.


Distria-wise details of post Offices, telegraph offices and telephone exchanges in Orissa,

SL District Post Telegraph Telephone No. Offices Offices Exchanges

1. Cuttack 1147 264 86

2. Puri 775 166 55

3. Ganjam 816 160 57

4. Phulbani 369 95 15

5. Balangir 343 145 26

6 . Koraput 665 265 34

7. Kalahandi 387 135 17

8. S a m b a ^ r 606 222 48 609 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4. 1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 610

SI. District Post Telegraph Telephone No. Offices Offices Exchanges

9. Sundergarh 393 127 31

10. Koenjhar 421 170 24

11. Mayurbhanj 686 149 23

12. Balasore 807 165 32

13. Dhankenal 455 174 31

Speed Post Facility In Orissa Hi. Balasore

638. SHRI SRIKANTA JENA: Will the iv. Puri Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: V. Berhampur

(a) the number of cities in Orissa where vi. Balangir speed post facility is available and number of those where such facility is not available; vii. Sambalpur

(b) the number of cities in addition to viii. Paradeep. existing one where speed post facility is likely to be started in the coming years; and The facility does not exist in other cities of Orissa. (c) the reasons for not starting speed post service in other cities? (b) There is no proposal for the present to introduce speed post service in any other THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE city/town in Orissa. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The Speed (c) Non availability of suitable transmis­ Post facility is available in the following sion network and traffic viability are the rea­ cities/towns in Orissa. sons for not starting speed post servfce in other cities.

Under Speed Post national new work as Telephone Network in Cuttack well as point to point speed post service 639. SHRI SHRIKANTA JENA: Will 1. Bhubneshwar the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: ii. Cuttack (a) whether the telephone network In Under Point to Point Speed Post Cuttak distrk:t of Orissa is not functk)ning Service properly;

i. Rourkela (b) if not, the capacity utilisatbn of the telephone exchange functioning there at ii. Baripada present; 611 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 612

(c)the number of complaints received in tone up the working style of the Delhi Poltee? regard to this telephone network during last two years; and THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRYOFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (d) the efforts made by the Government AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ for ensuring the proper functioning of tele­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. phones in said district and the details thereof? JACOB): (a) to (e). The information is being collected and will be laid on the Table of the THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE House. MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). The Notification Postponing Elections In telephone network in Cuttack district is Delhi functioning properly. Utilisation of exchange capacities is 84%. 641. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be (c) Total number of complaints 1327 pleased to state: receiv^ during last two years. (a) when the last elections for Delhi (d) Efforts are made by constant moni­ ^1etrop>olitan Council and Municipal Corpo­ toring from Circle Headquarter and periodi­ ration were held and the tenure thereof; cal review by telecom, district head/sub- divisbnal heads for proper functioning of (b) the number of times notification was telephone network in Cuttak district. Present issued by the Government for postponing performance is satisfactory. elections for these bodies;

[English] (c) the reasons for postponing the elec­ tions for the local bodies of Delhi time and Crime Graph In Delhi again; and

640. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: (d) the time by which elections for these Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be bodies are likely to be held? pleased to state: THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE (a) whether there has been an alarming MINISTRYOF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS increase in the crime graph in Delhi in the AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ recent past Including increase in the cases TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. of dowry deaths, bride burning, kidnapping JACOB): (a)to (d). The last elections to the etc; Metropolitan Council were held on 5. 2. 1983. The term of the Council was to expire (b) if so, the reasons thereof; on 16.3.1988. On 24.12.1987. the term of the Council was extended for a peric d of one (c) the number of such cases registered year on the ground that the reorganisation of by Delhi Police during the period from July to Delhi set-up was under consideration. The October. 1991 and how does the same period was further extended by one year on compare with the cases registered during 9.1.1989 on the same ground. On the basis the same period in the last two years; of a report from the Administrator. Delhi, the Preskient suspended for a perbd of 4 months (d) how many of the registered cases from 13.1.1990 the operation of certain pro- are pending and reasons therefor; and visbns of the Delhi Administration Act. 1966 and dissolved the Metropolitan Council of (e) the steps taken to check the in­ Delhi. The period of suspension of the crease in the crimes against women and to operation of these provisions of the Delhi 613 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4, 1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 614

Administration Act, 1966 has been extended injured in these incidents; and five times and the extended period of to expire on 12.12.1991. (e) the number of persons arrested in connection with these incidents? The elections to the Municipal Corpora­ tion of Delhi (MCD) were last held in Febru­ THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE ary, 1983. The four year term of the MCD MINISTRYOF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS was to expire on 7.2.1987. On 2.1.1987, the AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ term of the MCD was extended by one year TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. on the ground that the elections to the JACOB): (a) to (e). The information is being Metropolitan Council Delhi and the MCD obtained from the State Government/Union should be held simultaneously. This period Territory Administrations and will be laid on was further extended on 24.12.1987 till the Table of the House. 7.2.1989. On 9.1.1989 the term was further extended by one year on the ground that the [£ng//s/i] question of reorganisation of Delhi set-up was under consideration. On 6.1.1990, the Recommendations of Sarkaria Commis­ MCD was superseded for a period of 4 sion months on the ground that the MCD had presistently made defaults in the perform­ 643. SHRI MADAL LAL KHURANA: ance of the duties imposed under the Delhi SHRI DIGVUAYA SINGH: Municipal Corporation Act, 1957. This pe­ riod of supersession has been extended five Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be times and the extended period of superses­ pleased to state: sion is to expire on 5.12.1991. (a) whether the Government had consti­ No decision has been taken to hold tuted 'Sarkaria Comrrwssion’ to recommend elections to these two bodies. the future administrative set up of Delhi;

[Translation] (b) if so. when the commission submit­ ted its report and the main recommenda­ Bomb Explosions During October- tions made therein and the recommenda­ November, 1991 tions accepted by the Government;

642. SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: (c) the Government view point aboutthe Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be future set up of Delhi; and pleased to state: (d) by what time the new administrative (a) the number of incidents of bomb set up is likely to be introduced in Delhi? explosions that took place in various parts of the country during the festival seasons of THE MINISTER O F S TA TE IN TH E Ramlila Dusshera, and Diwali i.e from Octo­ MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS ber to November 1991; AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ TR Y OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. (b) the details of such incidents, JACOB): (a) to (d). A Committee on Reor­ State wise; and ganisation of Delhi Set-up was constituted on 24. 12. 1987 under the Chairmanship of (c) the number of such incidents district- Justice R.S. Sarkaria. The Committee sub­ wise in which involvement of terrorists is mitted its report on 14th December, 1989. suspected; After considering the report of the Commit­ tee, the Constitution (72nd Amendment ) (d) the number of persons killed and Bill, 1990 was introduced in the Lok Sabha 615 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 616 on 31.5.1990. According to the Bill, the Un­ 2. M/s. Jamghat Sanskriti Sanstha, ion territory of Delhi was to be converted into Madhubani. a State known as the **Capital State of Delhi”. The Bill was moved for consideration on 3. M/s. Swar Sangam, Darbhanga. 6.9.1990. With the dissolution of the Lok Sabha, the Bill lapsed. There is no immedi> 4. M/s. Lok Kala Kunj. Champaran. ate proposal to reintroduce the Bill. 5. M/s. Swar Sangam, Muzaffar- [Translation] pur.

Registered Troupes of Bihar with Song 6 . M/s. Bajrang Sanskritik Dal. and Drama Division Darbhanga.

644. SHRI RAM LAKHAN SINGH 7. M/s. Krishna Lok Sangeet Party, YADAV: Will the Minister of INFORMATION Madhubani. AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 8. M/s. Aamrapali Kala Sangam. (a) the names of the registered troupes Hazipur. of Bihar with the Songs and Drama Division of AIR; and 9. M/s. Ismile and Party, Bhojpur.

(b) the details of the programmes pre­ 10. M/s. Santhali Sankritik Mandli, sented by these troupes during the last two Dumke. years? 11. M/s. Noor Mohammad and Party, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Vaishali. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): 12. M/s. Pushpanjali, Patna. (a) A list of names of registered troupes of Bihar with the Song & Drama Division is 13. M/s. Bharti Oawaal and Party. given in the statement attached, it is clarified Bhagalpur. that Song and Drama Divisbn is a separate organisation in the Ministry and is not a part 14. M/s. Vaishali Kala Kendra. of All India Radio. Vaishali (Hazipur).

(b) In the last two years (1989 and 1990) 15. M/s. Surangan Artist. Patna. there was 23 and 37 registered troupes in Bihar which presented 1010 and 2177 pro­ 16. M/s. Natya Shree, Patna. grammes respectively during the last two years. These programmes were presented 17. M/s. Prayas Cultural Troupe, both in urban and rural areas covering fairs, Patna. festivals and other important events through folk plays, puppet shows, dramas, ballets, 18. M/s. Mishra Bandhu Sanskritik harikathas and the sound and light pro­ Dal, Madhubani. grammes.

STATEMENT 19. M/s. Shree Bam Nandan Mishra, Madhubani. (Bhagwat Kala Ust of Names of Registered Troupes of Gayan). Bffiar Under Song and Drama Division.

1. M/s. Sapt Kala Niketan. 20. M/s. Nritya Kala Sangam. Darbhanga. Hazipur. 617 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>^/C4) Written Answers 618

21. M/s. Sat Sangeet Party, Correspondents in AIR and Door- Darbhanga. darshan Preparing Hindi News

22. M/s. Warsi Brothers Qawal Party. 645. SHRI RAM LAKHAN SINGH Mazatfarpur. YADAV: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 23. M/s. Surya Narain Thakur, Bhajnopeshk, Bahera, (a) the number of full time Correspon­ Darbhanga. dents in All India Radb and Doordarshan Kendra collecting and preparing Hindi news; 24. M/s. Jag rati, Jamshedpur. (b) the number of full time Corresporv 25. M/s. Mashuk Ahmed Shoj Qawal dents in each All India Radio Statbn and & Party, Madhubanl. Doordarshan Kendra, and the languages used by them; and 26. M/s. Radhe Madhav Mandalj, Jagatpur, Madhubani. (c) the efforts being made by the Gov­ ernment for increasing the number of Corre­ 27. M/s. Hindustan MItra Mandal spondents collecting and preparing informa­ Natya Samlti, Jamshedpur. tions in Hindi?

28. M/s. Kanhaiya Lai Yadav & Party, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE Hajarlbagh. MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUM ARl GIRUA VYAS): 29. M/s. Sarswali Sangeet Mandli, (a) to (c). There are at present 151 full time Munger. corespondents in All India Radk) and Door­ darshan. These correspondents were not 30. M/s. Prayas Drama Troup, Patna recruited for any spedfic language. At pres­ ent, 26 correspondents of All India Radb are 31. M/s. Radha Mohan Sanskritik filing their reports In Hindi. All India Radk^/ Dal, Madhubanl. Doordarshan have no plans, at present, to recruit more correspondents. 32. M/s. Munda Sanskrit! Vikas Samlti, Ranchi. Information Officer Preparing Hindi release In Press Information Bureau. 33. M/s. Santhali Kabigan Mandali, 646. SHRI. RAM LAKHAN SINGH Dumka, Bihar. YADAV: Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state: 34. M/s. Adivasi Lok Nritya Mandli, Lumbai, Bihar. (a) whether there is no Informatbn Offi­ cer in Press Informatton Bureau; for prepar­ 35. M/s. Oran Sanskritik Sangh, ing Hindi release; Ranchi. (b) if so, the steps taken by the Govern­ ment to appoint Information Offteer for issu­ ing Hindi press release; 36. M/s. Adivasi Kala Kendra, Hatea, Bihar. (c) the number of Hindi press releases Issued during the last one year; and 37, M/s. Kumrnand Nut Party, Bas- tar, Bihar. (d) whether Hindi press releases are 619 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 620 issued only after getting these translated? (i) promote good socio-cultural values;

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (ii) seek to inculcate in the viewers equal MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND respect for different religions, languages, BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): schools of thought, cultures etc,; promote (a) Press Information Bureau has a well- national integration and uphold the values established Hindi Unit manned by Informa­ enshrined in the Constitution of India; tion Officers and Assitant Information Offi­ cers. (iii) project fairly, the rich cultural diver­ sity of the country; (b) Does not arise. (iv) promote the welfare of the weaker (c) About 72% of the total releases i.e., sections of the society and reflect the life of about 2,500. the people of rural India;

(d) Most of the Hindi releases are trans- (v) promote healthy respect for the place Irted from releases originally issued in of women in our society and highlight the English. But Hindi Unit also issues original aspirations and problems of youth; and releases and special articles in Hindi. (vi) seek to promote a scientific temper Criteria for Approving Programmes on amongst the viewers. Doordarshan (b) According to Doordarshan, they 647. SHRI RAM LAKHAN SINGH received, in all, 3545 proposals for spon­ YADAV: sored programmes against their invitation of SHRI ASHOK ANANDRAO October, 1990. DESHMUKH: (c) The delay is mainly on account of the Willthe Minister of INFORMATION AND large number of proposals received and the BROACASTING be pleased to state: time taken to evaluate them in a comprehen­ sive and equitable manner. (a) the criteria for approving pro­ grammes under sponsored programmes on lEnglish] Doordarshan; Electronic Exchanges In Maharashtra (b) the number of T.V. serials received for approval by the Government during the 648. SHRI SUDHIRSAW ANT: Will the last two year under sponsored programmes; Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be pleased and to state:

(c) the reasons for delay in approving / (a) the plan for installation of S.T.D. and rejecting these programmes? electronic exchanges in Sindhudurg and Ratnagiri Districts and Maharashtra along THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE with the details of equipment released as per MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND plan; BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) Doordarshan endeavours to approve (b) whether Very High Frequency facil­ programmes which propagate high social ity is being installed along with the electronk; values combined with whole-some enter­ exchanges; and tainment. particular preference is given to programmes which. (c) if not. the reasons therefor? 621 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 622

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE of 8th Five year Plan objectives all electronic MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI exchanges will be provided STD facility and P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) STD facility is necessary equipment will be made available presently available from Kudal (District for this purpose. Headquarter of Sindhudurg) and Ratnagiri (District Headquarter of of (b) No, Sir. Maharashtra). Details of other exchanges in Sindhudurg District and Ratnagiri District (c) Very High Frequency equipment is are given in the Statement attached. As part not suitable for this application.



Exchanges already Exchanges propo- Exchanges Prop- converted into sed to be converted osedXo be con­ Electronic Exchanges. Into Electronic verted Into ele­ exchanges during ctronic exchan­ 91-92. ges during 8th Five Year Plan.

1. Phondaght 1. Deogad 1. Mithbav

2. Mangaon 2. Vijaydurg 2. Mond

3. Bhedshi 3. Kankavali 3. Shirgaon

4. Talwada 4. Achara 4. Talebazar

5. Wada 5. Malvan 5. Kasarda

6 . Maapen 6 . Banda 6 . Kharepatan

7. Katta 7. Sawantwadi 7. Nandgaon

8. Redi 8. Shiroda 8. Sangave

9. Vengurla 9. Kadwal

10. Kaswal

11. Kudal

12. Parula

13. Masure

14. Ansoli

15. Aronda

16. Aros 623 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 624

Exchanges already Exchanges propo­ Exchanges Prop- converted into sed to be converted osed to be con­ Electronic Exchanges. into Electronic verted into ele­ exchanges during ctronic exchan­ 91-92. ges during 8th Five Year Plan.

17. Dodamarg

18. Kanaiveer

19. Satarda

20. Vaibhavwadi


Exchanges already Exchanges proposed Exchages pr­ converted into to be converted into oposed to be Electronic Exchan- Electronic Exchanges converted ges. during 1991-92. into Electro­ nic Exchang- es during 8th Five Year Plan

1. Genekhadpoli 1. Alore 1. Ghiplun

2. Dabhol 2. Maldoii 2. Margtamhane

3. Pachal 3. Savarda 3. Burandi

4. Muhbake 4. Dapoli 4. Dabhil

5. Jakadevi 5. Guhagar 5. Harnai

6 . Shrungar Tali 6 . Jamge

7. Furus 7. Abloli

8. Khed 8. Hedvi

9. Khopi 9. Palshet

10. Lote 10. Talavali

11. Lanja 11. Lavel

12. Mandangad 12. Posare

13. Rajapur 13. Savanas 625 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 626

Exchanges already Exchanges proposed Exchages pr­ converted into to be converted into oposed to be Efectronic Exchan­ Electronic Exchanges converted ges, during 1991-92. into Electro­ nic Exchang­ es during 8th Five Year Plan 14. Malgund 14. Bhambed

15. Pali 15. Satauali

16. Pawas 16. Bankot

17. Devrukh 17. Latwan

18. Sangameshwar 18. Mhapara)

19. Pandheri

20. Adiware

21. Jaitapur

22. Naoa

23. Oni

24. Sagave

25. Basani

26. Harcheri

27. Hatkhamba

28. Jaigad

29. Karanjari


31. Neware

32. Pumagad

33. Ratnagirl

34. Saltwada

35. Ambed

36. Kadvai

37. Makhjan

38. Nayri

39. Sakharpa 627 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 628

Non-Conventional Energy Sources plants in Vengurala taluka is completed. Projects in Rajapur Constituency Construction of one night soil based biogas plant is in progress. 649. SHRISUDHIR SAWANT: Will the Minister of POWER AND NON-CONVEN- Improved Chulhas TIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: n ) 300 Nos. of fixed improved chulha have been installed and distribution of 500 (a) the names of the existing projects Vanjyoti Shegdi and 500 Grih Lakshmi and those being planned to develop non- Chulhas is in progress IREP Blocks. conventional energy sources In Rajapur Constituency (Sindhury District and 3 Tehslls Urjagram etc. of Ratnagiri District) in Maharashtra; and v) An energy park is established at the (b) the reasons for delay of wind energy Rani Janki Bai Maternity Home and Nursing project at Vijaydurg? College for demonstration of energy de­ vices. THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON- vi) Three urjagram projects at Zarye, VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHRI Karul and Ovaliye have been completed. KALPNATH RAI): (a) The programmes of the Department of Non-conventional Energy Wind Sources that are be«ng implemented in the State of Maharashtra, including the Rajapur vii) A 1.1 MW wind farm project has Constituency consist broadly of the installa­ been established at Deogad. Another 1.5 tion of biogas plants and improved chulhas, MW project for Vijaydurg has been sanc­ exploitation of solar thermal, photovoltalcs tioned. and wind energy and setting up of Urja- grams. (b) The Vijaydurg wind farm project is to be completed by June, 1992. According to The following ONES projects/pro­ the State Nodal Agency Maharashtra En­ grammes being implemented in Rajapur ergy Development Agency, there Is no delay Constituency are worth a mention in this in the implementation of the project. regard. [ [ ranslation] Solar Thermal Setting up of fuii Fledged Doordarshan i) 390 Solar Cookers have been distrib­ Kendra at Khagadia, Bihar uted in the constituency. A total of 1100 1 pd solar water heating systems have been in­ 650. SHRI RAM SHARANYADAV: Will stalled in the Constituency. the Minister of INFORMATION AB R O A D - CASTING be pleased to state: Solar Photovoltaics (a) whether there is any proposal for ii) 18 solar lanterns have been distrib­ setting up a full fledged Doordarshan Ken­ uted in the different taluka of said Constitu­ dra at Khagadia district in Bihar; ency. 10 solar street lights, 2 Nos of SPV pumps, 2 Nos. of 5 HP gasifiers pumps are (b) whether any action has been taken also installed in the Constituency. by the Government in this regard so far;

Biogas (c) if so, the details thereof; and

iii) Installation of 940 family size biogas (d) if not, the reasons therefor? 629 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 630

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE various States during the current year; MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND and BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS): (a) to (c). Whereas a low power TV transmit­ (e) if so, the details thereof? ter is functioning at , there is no proposal, at present, to set up Programme THE DEPUTY MINISTER FOR COM­ Production Facility there. MUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). Yes, Sir. It is proposed (d) Establishment of Programme Pro­ to commission about 48000 lins of gross duction Facility at Khagaria would depend switching capacity and provide about 22000 upon future availability of resources for the telephone connections in Bihar during 1991 - purpose. 92.

Paradub of Films Into other Languages (c) The list is given in Statement at­ tached. 651. SHRI RAM SHARANYADAV: Will the Ministerof INFORMATION AND BROAD­ (d) and (e)^The names of stations in CASTING be pleased to state: Bihar where STD facility is proposed to be provided in this year are as follows:- (a) whether the Government propose to paradub films of Indian languages intoother 1. Bagha languages for promotion of national integra­ tion; and 2. Bermo

(b) if so, the details thereof? 3. Kahalgaon

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 4. Lakhisarai MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUMARI GIRUA VYAS); 5. Pakur (a) No, Sir. 6 . Ramgarh (Hazaribagh) and (b) Does not arise. 7. . Expansion of Communication Facilities in Bihar During the year 1991 -92 we propose to provide STD facility at 385 stations in various 652. SHRI RAM SHARAN YADAV: states of the country. Will the Ministerof COMMUNICATIONS be pleased to state: STATMENT

(a) whether there is any proposal for the S.T.D. Stations In Bihar Telecommuni­ expansbn of communications facilities in cations Circle as on 18.11.1991. Bihar; S. No. Exchange (b) If so, the details thereof; 1. Araria (c) the names of the places where Subscribers Trunk Dialling facility has since 2. been provided; 3. Aurangabad (d) whether there is any proposal to provide this facility in some more areas of 4. Banka 631 Writton Answers NOVEMBER 25.1|991 Written Answers 632

S.No. Exchange S.A/o. Exchange

5. Bangaon 30. Dumka

6 . Banmankhi 31. Dhaka

7. 32. Dholi

8. Barauni 33. Fatwa

9. Banipatti 34. Forbesganj

10. Bettiah 35. Gharkha

11. Bhagalpur 36. Gaya

12. Biharsharif 37. Giridih

13. Bihat (Begusarai) 38. Godda

14. Bokaro 39. Gopalganj

15. Bhagwanpur 40.

16. Bariarpur 41. Gomia

17. Barh 42. Gumia

18. Boadhgaya 43. Gurubazar

19. Chalbasa 44.

20. Chapra 45. Hatpuraini

21. Chas 46. Hazar%>agh

22. Chirkunda 47. Hathidah

23. Chanpatia 48. Jamhore

24. Chakand 49. Jamshedpur

25. Dalmlanagar 50. Janakpur Road

26. Dattonganj 51. Jasidih

27. Darbhanga 52. Jehanabad

28. Oeoghar 53.

29. Dhanbad 54. Jhumritllalya 633 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S/4/C4) Written Answers 634

S.No, Exchange S.No. Exchange

55. Jogbani 79. Panchagachhia

56. Kamtaul 80. Purnea

57. Kanke 81. Mohrajganj

58. 82. Pusa

59. Khagaria 83. Pirpainti

60. KIshanganj 84.

61. Kodarma 85. Ramgarh (Sahbad)

62. Kanti 86 . Ranchi

63. Kasba 87. Rajdhanwar

64. Lohardaga 88.

65. Madhepura 89. Rajnagar

66 . MadhubanI 90. Raxaul

67. Mahua 91. Runisaidpur

68 . Marjauara 92. Saharasha

69. Motihaii 93. Sahebganj

70. Munger 94. Sakari (Madhubani)

71. 95.

72. Mansi 96. Sasa Ram

73. Murltganj 97. Saurbazar

74. Nawadah 98. Sindri

75. Nalanda 99. Singeswarsthan

76. Nirmali lOO.Sita Marhi

77. Parsudth 101. Siwan

78. Patna 102. Sonpur (Haj'^Dur) 635 Wmton Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Wrttton Answars 636

missioned at following S.A/0. Exctmngo places:-

1. Goracharma 2. Wimberli- 103. Sara! ganj 3. Nancowry 4. Brichganj 5. Mayat>ander 104. Sonbarsaraj 6 . Campbel Bay 7. Digli- pore 8. Lapathy 10S, Simribakhtiarpur (b) Long Distance Public 106. Tantisilwai Telephone have been provided to the following 107. Thakurganj areas:

108. Baraunit Oil Refinary. Port Blair as base Station

109. Jamtara 1. Bambooflat 2. Chouldari 3. Kaiikut4. Namunaghar 110. Mokamah 5. Shippyghat 6 . Tushna- t>ad 7. Bathubasti 111. OBRA Noncowry as base Sta­ 112. Maner tion

113. Bthta 1. Champin 2. KatchaL

[EngKsm (c) Satellite Earth Station is operational to provide Tctocommunlcatlons Programm* In Long Distance Trunl( Andaman and NIcobar Sen/ices at the following stations: 653. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA; WM th« Minister of COMMUNICATIONS bo 1. Port Blab- 2. Car Nicobar piMsad to stata: 3. Mayabander 4. Digli- pore 5. Campbel Bay. (a) whether the Union Government are contemplating a comprehensive tele-com­ Fufture Programme with target munication programme for the Unfon Terri­ dates: tory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands as per the decision and recommend^ions of the (a) Following Exchanges Island Development Authority; and have been planrwd for commissbning during the (b) if so, the present progress and future cun-ent financial yean programme with target dates in details? 1. Lapathy 2. Hutbay 3. THE DEPUTYMINISTR IN THE MINIS­ Rangat 4. Katchal 5. Per- TRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI P.V. rargunj RANGAYYA NAHDU);

At Rangat and Hutbay, AND MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS­ circuits will be commis­ TRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. sioned during 1992-93. JACOB ): (a) to (c). Considering the trend indicating a steady increase in the value of (c) Electronic Telex Ex­ land in the recent past, both in the urban and change of 40 Line is likely rural areas; scarcity of land available In the to be commissbned dur­ Islands vis-a-vis tremendous pressure on ing 1991 -92 at Port Blair. land due to abnormal increase In populatbn and the consequential increase in the ex­ Premium Against Allotment of House penditure on providing civic amenities in the Sites In Daman and NIcobar Island residential areas, the Andaman & Nioot>ar lslan(|| Administration, in exercise of pow­ 654. SHRI MANORANJAN BHAKTA: ers available with the Administration under Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be Andaman & Nicobar Islands Land Revenue pleased to state: and Land Reforms Rules, 1968, has revised the rates of premium for land of house sites (a) whether Andaman and Nicobar Is­ to non-poor vide their notification dated 19th lands Pradesh Council unanimously recom­ August. 1991. While conveying the advice to mended revision of premium for the aWcA- the Unbn Territory Administratbn on revi­ ment of House Sites which was turned down sion of rates, the QovL of India had ateo by the Union Government and at higher indicated to the Unbn Territory Administra­ rates were fixed; tion that in case of poor albttees of house sites under 20-Point Programme, no Ibence (b) if so, the old and revised rates and fee would be charged. reasons therefor; and

(c) whether the new rates are applbable The new rates of premium have been with retrospective effect arKi whether this given effect w.e.f. the date of issue of Nottfi- has been given effect? catbn i.e. 19.8.91 only.

THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE The old rates ci premium and the re­ MINISTRY OFPARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS vised rates are as unden-


A. Port Blair Rs. 5/-per square mtr. Rs. 100 per Municipal Area square mtr.

B. Semi-Urfoan Areas. Rs. 51- per Square mtr. Rs. 50/* Per Square mtr.

C. Rural Areas Rs. 1.20 per Square mtr Rs.25/-per Square mtr.

[Translation] aged through the character of *Chanakya’ in the televisbn serial *Chanakya’; Encouragement to Casteism In T.V. Serial *Chanakya* (b) whether Government would con- 655. SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Willsiderthe detotbn of caste symbolising words the Ministerof INFORMATION AND BROAD­ from the serial; and CASTING be pleased to state:

(a) whether casteism is being encour- (c) tf not. the reasons therefor? 639 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written Answers 640

THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE (b) if so, the present position of this MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND proposal; and BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): (a) No, Sir. (c) when this centre is likely to start functioning? (b) and (c). Do not arise, THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE inclusion of Buddhist In the S/C list MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (KUM ARI GIRU A VYAS): 656. SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Will(a) to (c). The fulif ledged TV Studio Centre at the Minister of W ELFARE be pleased to Bhopal is technically ready and would be state: commissioned as soon as the requisite manpower becomes available. (a) whether the legislation regarding the inclusion of Buddhist into the Scheduled Telephone Connections in Trans- Castes List has still not been implemented Yamuna Area, Delhi despite of its having been aporoved by the Parliament; and '658. SHRI B.L SHARMA PREM: Will the Minister of COMMUNICATIONS be (b) If so, the reasons therefor? pleased to state:

THE MINISTER OF WELFARE (SHRI (a) the number of persons registered in SITARAM KESHRI): (a) and (b). The Consti­ trans-yamuna area in Delhi for getting tele­ tution (Scheduled Casts) Orders (Amend­ phone connections, category-wise and since ment) Act, 1990 came into effect from 4th when; and June, 1990. (b) the time by which these persons are Proposal to Set Up Regional Centre of likely to get telephone connections? Doordarshan, Bhopal THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE 657. SHRIMATISUMITRAMAHAJAN: MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) The details BROADCASTING be pleased to state: are furnished in the Statement attached-A.

(a) whether a proposal to set up a re­ (b) Most of the applicants registered till gional centre of D<^rdarshan at Bhopal is date in Trans-Yamuna area are expected to under the conskJeratbn of the Govern­ get telephone connections by 31st March, ment; 1995. 641 Written Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4,1913 (S>\/C4) Written Answers 642


I a

ii lf> 15 § K s .

c '^ "S s s ( S a i8 cvi d 00* CD* CD 00 CM

h- o S2CO 00 CJ> CO CD CM

c/> CO s a o i s § - i'8 CD CO CD d s 3 5 is d d CO CO §

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C3> CM o 5 in

h- i p 0 > (0 cx> C3> G QC «B CO iD CO os ^ « d d d CO CO CO CO (0

e ii 1o S5 JZ CO I CO T3 II

1 00 CM CM CM CM 643 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Written An$¥^rs 644

[English] JA C O B ): (a) to (c). Kidnappings by ten'orist groups for ransom or securing release of Radius for Telephone Subscribers an'ested associates and cadres have in* creased recently, which is causing concern. 659. SHRI DHARI^BHIKSHAM : Will This trend is noticeable In respect of many the Minister of COI^MUNICATIONS be terrorists movements in the country. It has, pieased to state: therefore, been conskiered necessary to evolve a comprehensive strategy to deal (a) whether the Government propose to with the problem. The matter is under exami­ remove to restriction of 20 Kms to 25 Kms nation at this stage. radius for Telephone subscribers to provide the facility to the metropolitan and other cities adjacent to villages; and 12.00 hrs.

(b) if so, since when and the exchange [Translation] centres affected by this action with the last and places of the exchanges in the States? SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay, North): Mr. Speaker, sir, on 22nd November a serious THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE tragedy took place in Manor in Thane distrfct MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (SHRI on Bombay-Ahmedabad highway near my P.V. RANGAYYA NAIDU): (a) and (b). No. constituency in which seventy one Adivasis Sir. There is no such proposal. tost their lives and 55 AdK^asi are struggling against death. I am raising this matter here Policy of Exchange of Detained Mili­ because the Central Government is con­ tants for Abducted Persons nected with this incident.

660 KUM ARI ViM ALA This incident took place i^ecause tlie VERMA: necessacry precautions were not taken while SHRI B. DEVARAJAN: toading the natural gas by Bharat Petroleum. Bharat Petroleum dkJ not care to foltow the Will the Ministerof HOME AFFAIRS be prescrft>ed rules regarding 1 oading of highly pieased to state: inflammable liquid. Secondly, the standards or norms set by the internattonal Society for (a) whether the Government have chemtoal and petroleum {Intenvptbns). were evolved a national policy to end exchange of also not followed while hading the natural detained militants for abducted persons to gas. curb the increasing trend of kidnappings and abductbns resorted for frequently by mili­ To conducde, I would like to say that it tants to secure release of their companions; was a case of criminal negligence. The place where this accident took place is an accident (b) if so, the broad features thereof; and prone area. The Central Government has agreed to make the highway between Bom* (c) the steps taken to enforce the same? bay and Manor - a four lane highway but the same has not been implemented so far. That THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE is why accklent take place there too fre­ MWISTRY OFPARUAMENTARY AFFAIRS quently. HD MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINIS- RY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI M.M. Adivasis tost their lives in this acckient. 645 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA4.1913(5/UC4) WrHten Ans¥i^fB 646

They rushed to the spot of accident thinking also cause a great damage to the country that they might get kerosene from there as because they have a feeling that the Govern­ there is always scarcity of kerosene in this ment’s economb policies and their approach Adivasi area and ail this led to the tragedy to pubib undertakings is anti-people and ...... (Interruptbns) ...... Mr. Speaker, Sir. i anti-working dass. urge upon the Central Government and the prime Minister to make a statement on it and I want to bring to the notice of this inform the House about the action proposed House and the Govemment that he Govenn- to be taken by the Government in this regard, ment must initiate talks with the major trade i also demand that Central Government unbns to save the situatbn. Govemment should give compensation to the next kin of should also try to take certain remedial the persons killed in the tragedy. measures in consultatbn with the trade un­ ions so that such a situatbn does not arise. [English] I want to know whether the Govemment SHRISHARAD DIGHE (Bombay North is taking notbe of this serbus situatbn. Central): Mr. Speaker. Sir, I also woukJ like to draw the attention of the House to the same The Prime Minister has already sab in incident to which Mr. Ram Naik has referred the House that he woub not like this dts-' to. Sixty one people have been charred to torted view to prevail in the country that death because of this turning of this truck. I Government is taking anti-public sector atti­ wouki urge upon the Central Government in tude. The Prime Minister himself sab that he this respect to reconsider the Motor Vehrcles wants a f ullf ledged discussbn in this house. Act and to amend it in such a manner that But to make such a general statement on the stern actbn can be taken against such own­ floor of the House is not enough if the trade ers of the truck who allow the drivers who are unbns are not being contacted and if certain illiterate and who are not conversant with concrete initiatives are not taken. these facts or who do not have special expe> Hence as far as carrying of such inflammable I wouW like to know whrther the Gov­ liquids are concerned. ernment Is observing the situatbn and ii going to take any initiative on that Therefore it is necessary to look into the Motor Vehicles Act promptly and to bring SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE fonfvard necessary amendments so that stem (Bolpur): This is a very vital issue concerning actbn can be taken in this respect. the very future of thfe country and its Indus­ trial and economb polbies. We have found that even before coming to parliament arid SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV even without taking the parliament and the (Azamgarh): I want to draw the attention of people into confbence, important changes the House and also the Government that the have been made in our industrial and eco­ major trade unions of our country have nomb polbies, thus completely giving a go- deckied to go on All-lndia strike on 29th bye to the natbnal commitment to pubIb November. 1991. The trade unk>ns of alt sector. Public undertakings, airlines undertakings, insurance companies and all malor trade We now understand that ban has been unbns have decided to join hands to give a taken from IMF. We do not know the partbu- calf for All India strike on 29th November. lars tW today. We are yet to know the tm m This will paralyse the entire industry and w i and conditions. 647 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25.1991 Written Answers 648

So far as the change in the industrial back a devastating fire broke out In the policy is concerned, the change has been Gandhar Oil Field. There Is always a possi­ made and some discussbn has taken place bility of fire breaking but in places where oil now after the event has happened. Policy and natural gas are available. The saying "to changes have been made. Mere discussion dig a well when fire breaks out’ applies cent Is not enough . The Government must de­ percent on O. N.G. C. We have not succeeded clare here and now that they will not pursue in controlling the fire so far. Today, the entire further the anti-national and anti-people machinery is now engaged on constructing a policies about which the whole country is in water tank O.N.G.C. dkJ not have sufffeient the dark and this is nothing but a sell-out and means to put out the fire. Army was called surrender of our economic interests to those and the value was removed with the help of multi-natbnals and WorkJ Bank and IMF. I an Army Tank. But the fire coukJ not be am sure many many national, hon. Members controlled. It is continuing even today. on the other skie are also perturbed about it. What the trade unions can do? Important Mr. Speaker, Sir, the fire mishaps have policy decisfons are taken and changes are become a routine feature there. Fire breaks effected by which thousands and thousands out due to pilferage. It had happened earlier of workers will be directly affected and they also. The O.N.G.C officers connive to bring are already affected. They are not taken into down the level of production and offteers confidence before these decisions were holding top ranking offbe such as General taken. Therefore, it is essential that the Manager etc. quit O.N.G.C. and go to Mus­ Government should immediately put a halt cat. The work is left to be done by juntor to the change of the policies and then have off icers so it becomes diff bult to control the a realty meaningful discussion. Mere Prime fire. Our hon. Minister Shri Shankaranand Minister’s offer to have a three hour discus- met me. He has visited that place and as stonontheftoorof the House is not sufficient. such he should tell his experience to the That is why, to register their protest, the entire House. In the event of such fires, lates union and the workers ill go on strike. The fire extinguishing equipments shouki be strike will take place. There is no doubt about made available so the the fire is controlled at it and it will be a successful strike. INTUC the eariiest. Nearly a month has gone but the and BMS have combined. This will be a fire has not been controlled. It has cased successful strike. tremendous bss to the country and the people. The hon. Minister shouki make a Therefore, I request the Government to statem ent on it and efforts should be made to seriously ponder over this. Do not make it a ensure that fire mishaps do not take place In prestige issue. Please declare that this has future and if at all they take place these may to be put a halt to and no further action will be be controlled at the earliest. taken. Then only the situation can be altered and property considered. SHRI LAL KRISHNA ADVANI (Gandhi­ nagar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would urge the SHRIBASU DEB ACHARIA (Bankura): hon. Minister to give a detailed statement on Leader of the House is here . He should it because he has personally visited the site. respond. I had sent three legislators of my party to the site and they have reported that a constable [Translation] Is carrying out the investigatfon. There Is another report whbh suggests that it may be SHRL SHANKERSINH VAGHELA a case of Sabotage. But it cannot be saki (Godhra): Mr. Speaker, Sir, about a month with certainty whether it was an aockient or 649 Written Answers AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Written Answers 650 a case of salx>tage. I would urge the hon. quake had disturbed most of these Minister to take this House into confidence water channels...’ and apprise this august House of the steps taken by O.N.G.C. to contain this fire. [Translatbn]

SHRI RABI RAY (Kendrapara): Mr. Mr. Speaker, Sir. these are two recom­ Speaker, Sir, I wish to raise a very important mendations which have been made by the matter before you. (Intenruptions) I thank research scientists of Indian Agrbultural you for expressing grief and sorrow for the Research Institute. As such I want to draw vrctims of UttarKashi on the very first day of the attention of the entire House towards this sessbn. With a deep sense of remorse, I aspect that a special kind of houses are would like to point out that the Government constructed in the earthquake prone hilly, has not taken the Uttar Kashi and Garhwal areas and the specialist in the construction earthquake as seriously as it should have of houses in hilly areas is Lorry Baker who been taken. When on earthquake rocked stayed there. Through you I want to tell the Bihar in 1934 stalwarts like Mahatma Gandhi Government that Lorry Baker is at present and Rajendra Prasad worked for the earth­ staying in Trivendrum. I want to submit that quake victims. Mr. Speaker. Sir, a team of in view of the difficulties being faced in the Scientists of Indian Agricultural Research agricultural work, the Government should institute had visited that area and I wish to pay attention to it and utilize the expertise draw the attention of the House and yours Larry Baker for constracting special houses. towards their report which was published in I request Shri Arjun Singh to assure this the newspaper. Shri Arjun Sing is present in House that this work will be undertaken this House and the report given by the agri­ because it is a work of public importance. cultural scientists who had visited the earth­ quake site is as follows: SHRI SUKDEO PASWAN (Araria): Mr. Speaker, Sir, wheat sowing season is going [English] on in Bihar and fertilizers and other imports are very much needed during sowing sea­ “In the report submitted to the Agri­ son. Without fertilizers and seeds cultivation culture Ministry, these teams have of wheat cannot be done on one hand certi­ pointed out that the farmers in these fied seeds are not made easily available to areas urgently needed financial and the farmers, on the other the crisis of fertilizer material help to repair and recon­ is so acute that it seems that wheat cannot struct their fields (terraces) and be grown in Bihar in this season. As such. I water channels. They also need urge the Government to make available seed and other inputs to grow crops adequate quantity of fertilizers and seeds to in the coming season, the time for Bihar. the Rabi planting having already run out..." [English]

SHRI P.G.NARAYANAN (Gobtehettlpa- "The UttarKashi region is dotted layam): The Supreme Court has struck down with natural water channels. This the Karnataka ordinance and upheki the water is used also for irrigating crops Tribunal’s Interim award. The verdict of the by carrying it to the fields through Court is unamb^uous and clear. However, diversion channels. The movement the Karnataka Government has chosen to of bou Wers In the wake of the earth­ file a review petitk>n which is against the 651 Written Answers NOVEMBER 25,1991 Wr^en Answers 652 harmonious existence of States under a ment to deny the water. Now the Suprenne federal structure. Our Chief Minister always Court has albwed it. I request the wants to maintain coordiai relationship with hon.Government to react immediate^ and Karnataka. When the Kamataka Govern­ see that justice is given to Tamil Nadu. ment asked Tamil Nadu Government to cooperate in tracking down Shn Veerappan, SHRIMATI BASAVA RAJESWARI the Sandalwood smuggler, though he shot (Bellary): Mr.Speaker, Sir. I woukJ like to dead a DFO d Karnataka Government, we raise a matter of great importance about the readily assisted the Karnataka Government decisbn of the Supreme Court regard to with all possible assistance. We had sent Cauvery Water Dispute. high level off k:ials of Forest. Poltee and other departments to assist the Karnataka Gov* As you know the decisbn of the Su­ emment. From our skie, we wish to be preme Court will create tensbn and confron­ cordial towards Karnataka. The Karnataka tation in both the States and may lead to a Government on the other hand defies the worse situate whbh is not good for the people Centre, defies the Supreme Court. To up- of both the States. In view of the present hokJ the federal structure of the Constitution situatbn, I humbly appeal to the Central and to maintain harmony among States, the Government, partbulariy the Prime Minister, Centre must immediately gazette the interim to call a meeting of both the Chief Ministers Award without waiting for the disposal of the and urge upon them to have an amicable review petitfon. The Chief Minister of Tamil settlement. Nadu Puratchi Thalaivi Jayalalitha is also arriving In Delhi with an all-party delegation In the meantime. I woukJ impress upon to request the Prime Minister to notify the the Central Government not to publish the Award without any further delay, after the Interim Order as passed by the Tribunal until retum of the Prime Minister from abroad. the final judgement is pronounced.

SHRI B.AKBER PASHA (Vellore): Once again, I humbly appeal to both the Mr.Speaker, Sir. this is with respect to the Chief Ministers urging them for an amicable Cauvery Water Dispute. Though the settlement immediately for the sake of the hon.Minister is going to Speak about it, I concerned States and to maintain the fed­ woukJ \ike to make a point. Water is a basb eral structure of the country. (Interruptions) thing and the Tamil Nadu people are suffer­ ing without the drinking water. Just because SHRI G.MADE GOWDA (Mandya): I of the geographbal conditbns, the Karna­ also want to speak. taka Government is not alfowing adequate water to Tamil Nadu and people there are M R.SPEAKER: I have not altowed you. suffering without drinking water. SHRI G.MADE GOWDA: Why? When I had been there for election campaigning. I coukf see that each tap had MR.SPEAKER; You cannot ask me 100 vessals waiting for the water. All that *why’. ttiey wanted was only the drinking water. They did not want big things like the forma- {Inten^^ns) tk>n of an industry* getting a college and ^ings Ace that AN that they wanted was the SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR drinking water faciUes. And ft is unchari- (Mangabre): Now In the Cauvery Water taNe on the part of the Karnataka Govern­ Dhipute. the advbe of the Supreme Court is 653 V m tM Answers A G R A H A YA N A 4.1913 (S>UC4) Written Answers 654 bofore us. In fact, what i would like to say is with so many problems if the Govemment Is we are realty happy that the concerned forced to implement the interim order as It is. Minister Shri Vidya Charan Shuklaji is going So, earnest request to the Government is to to make a statement before this House in the intervene in the matter and settle the dispute post lunch sessbn. Now, the ball is in the amicably. court of Central Government. As has al* ready been made out, this problem has got MR.SPEAKER: I am told that the Min­ two or three aspects. The Government of ister is going to make a statement on this. Karnataka has already decided to file a re­ view petitbn before the very Tribunal and it SHRI G.MADE GOW DA (Mandya): Sir, will oppose the verdtot of the Supreme Court. please allow me a minute. The second point is that even to fix the modalities for sharing the water as per the MR.SPEAKER: You have already en­ Interim order of the Tribunal, a Commission dorsed what Madam has sab. The very fact will have to be constituted by the Central that you are standing up shows that you care Govemment. The modalities that are to be for this problem. You may meet me in the folbwed by that Commissbn will have to be Chamber later and I will tell you how to go placed before boththe Houses of Parliament about it. and they will have to be discussed. There is every likelihood that both the Houses of SHRIE. AHAMED(Manjeri):Sir, Iwoub Parliament may ultimately reject the pro­ like to bring to the notice of the hon. Minister posal pertaining to the modalities for sharing for External Affairs through you a matter of of water that are made before it. So, at least grave concern to the people of Malabar at this juncture, the Central Government will region in Kerala. The entire Malabar regbn have to fonfnulate a National Water Policy. is depending on the Regional Passport Of­ Therefore,my earnest request to the Gov­ fice, Calbut for the issue of passports. emment of India before the Minister makes Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that there and statement is that the Government must are more than one lakh applbations pending come out with a Natfonal Water Policy to for disposal for want of staff, the External settle this dispute once for all. Affairs Ministry has not done anything for helping the passport offbials there. Many My friend has already said that the people are anxbusly awaiting for the pass­ Government of Tamilnadu is prepared for an port and everyday there will be not less than ambable settlement. It is a welcome ges­ 5,000 people surrounding the passport of­ ture. The Govemment of Karnataka Is also fice for clearance of their passports. Many of prepared for an ambabte settlement. Now them also anxiously waiting to get their the Central Government will have to take the empbyment visas and jobs but the pass­ Initiative tocalltheChlef Minister of both the ports are not beinig given. Even now only States and let the Prime Minister make both about hundred passports are not being given. the Chief Ministers sit together and ambably Even now only about hundred passports are settle the disputeonce for all. Even If the being cleared a day but more than one lakh matter la pending before the Tribunal or at applications are pending before them. It is a the Supreme Court, nothing prevents the very serious situatbn and I request the Gov­ Central Govemment from arriving a negoti­ emment, especially the Leader of the House ated settlement. My humble request to the to take up the matter with the other con­ Government is to intervene In the matter and seettiat a negotiate settlement Is arrived at. cerned Ministers and get the things done and to redress the grievances of the people The people of Kam at^a will be iaced of Malabar regbn. 655 Calling Attentbn stnke NOVEMBER 25,1991 by Service Doctor 656

[Translation] of Health and Family Welfare to the following matter of urgent public importance and re> SHRI BRISHEN PATEL (Siwan): Mr. quest that he may make a statement thereon:- Speaker, Sir, there was a proposal to pro­ vide S.T.D facility to Maharajganj and Maira- wan is of Bihar last year. S.T.D. facility was provided to Maharajgary T h e situation arising out of the strike by but it was not commissioned in Mairwan. the servtee doctors all over the country Please make immediate arrangements to for and the steps taken by the Government provkJing this facility. in that regard." [English]

MR. SPEAKER: Papers to be laid on the 12.29 hrs Table. [SHRI SHARAD DIGHE in the Chaii] {Intenruptions)

THE MINISTER OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE (SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR): 12.241/2 hrs Sir, the Government fully shares the concern of the inconvenience caused to patients all PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE over the country due to the indefinite strike by a section of service doctors with effect Statement correcting reply given on 21 from the midnight of 11 -12 November, 1991. August, 1991 to USQ N0.3686 Re: Publication of weeklies, periodicals This strike is in response to a call given and dailies in Kerala. by the joint Action Council of the Servrce [Engr^h] Doctors Organisations (JACSDO). The Government had signed a Memorandum of THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE settlement (MOS) with JACSD O on 21-8- MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND 1989 in full and final settlement of all de­ BROADCASTING (KUMARIGIRUA VYAS):I beg to lay on the Table a Statement (Hindi mands of the service doctors as on date. and English versfons) (I) con'ecting the reply One of the clauses of this MOS related to the given on the 21 st August, 1991 or Unstarred appointment of a High Power Committee to Questbn No.3686 by Shri Kodikkunnil bok into the various aspects of the structure Suresh, regarding publicatfon of Weeklies, of the Central Health Service, career devel­ periodk^ls and Daily Newspapers In Ker> opment of doctors and other related matters. ala, and (ii) the reasons for delay in In pursuance of this agreement, the Govern­ correcting the reply. [Placed in Library See, ment constituted a committee under the No. LT— 757/91] Chairmanship of Shri R.K. Tikku, Secretary (Coordination) in the Cabinet Secretariat on 12.25 hrs 3rd May, 1990. The Committee gave its report on 1-11-1990. The JA CSD O has CALLING ATTENTK)N TO MATTER OF been pressing the Government for early URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE STRIKE BY SERVICE DOCTORS Implementation of the recommendatbns of this Committee. They had also filed a peti­ [Eng^h] tion in the Supreme Court for the same purpose. The Supreme Court on the 3rd SHRI RAJNATH SONKAR SHASTRI September. 1991, allowed the Government (Sakipur): I call the attentbn of the Minister two month’s time to take decisions on the 657 CalUng Attention strike AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) by Service Doctor 658

rGcommendations of this Committee. Soon Lohia Hospital, Lady Hardings Medical Col­ after, on 16-9-1991, the JACSDO gave a lage and associate hospitals, Maulana Azad notice of indefinite strike with effect from the Medical College and associate hospitals. midnight of 11-12 November, 1991, if the University College of Medical Sciences and recommendations of the Tikku Committee Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital and Jawahar- were not implemented by the Government in lal Nehru Institute of Medbal Education and toto. However, on 7-10-1991, the JACSDO Research, Pondbherry remain virtually informed the Government that they would unaffected by the strike and are functfoning proceed on indefinite lightening strike within normally. However, certain Delhi Admini­ 72 hours if the Government in any way stration hospital which have large compo­ diluted or modified the recommendations of nent of GDMOs like Hindu Rao Hospital and the Tikku Committee. When the matter Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Hospital have been came up before the Supreme Court on 11th partially affected. The major impact of the November, 1991, the Court was informed strike has been on dispensaries not only of that all the recommendations of the Tikku the CGHS but also of Delhi Administration, Committee had been duly considered and MCD and NDMC. The medbal institutbns of appropriate decisions taken by the Govern­ the Railways, and Empbyes State Insur­ ment. However,the Court was requested to ance Corporatbn have also been affected permit withholding of the announcement of by the strike. With regard to CGHS, arrange­ these decisions as the Government would ments have been made to run the dispensa­ not like to grant any concessbns under the ries in Delhi at least for one shift and instruc­ threat of a strike. The Supreme Court, while tions have been issued to facilitate dispens­ disapproving the conduct of the JACSDO, ing of medbines to minimise the inconven­ directed the Government to place the deci- ience to the beneficiaries. In this context, it is sfons taken on the Tikku Committee report a matter of deep gratificatbn that medbal before the Court prior to the next date of teachers, specialists, resbent doctors, hearing on 18-11-1991. in compliance of physicians of traditbnal systems of medi­ this directive of the Court, the Government cine and those GDMDOs who have not announced its decisbns on 14-11-1991, pined the strike, have risen to the occasion whrch are contained in the Office Memoran­ to shouber the additbnal burden ungrudingly dum that date, a copy of which is attached by rendering invaluable service to the suffer­ (Annexure). ing humanity and have thus displayed exem­ plary devotion to duty in keeping with the Despite the Court’s observattons, the highest traditbns of this noble profession. JACSDO implemented their call for indefi­ nite strafe from the midnight on 11-12 No­ The main demand of the striking doc­ vember, 1991. Although the JACSDO claims tors is the acceptance of the recommenda­ to represent all sectbns of the doctors, the tions of the Tikku Committee in toto. Hon’ble specialist, medbal collage teachers and Members will appreciate that Government reskJents doctors did not join the strike. cannot abdbate its right to examine and However, a large majority of the General make appropriate judgements on each rec- Duty Medical Offteers (GDMOs) of the Cen­ ommendatbn, irrespective of the nature and tral Health Service as well as those in MCD. level of the committee appointed by it. The NDMC, ESIC, and the Railways have re­ acceptance of ail recommendations in toto is sponded to the strike call. The major Central also not possible for obvbus reasons. Firstly, Government/Delhi Administratton Institutbns there are considerable differences of per- viz. Safdarjung Hospital. Dr. Ram Manohar ceptbn amongst the varbus sectbns of doctors themselves about certain aspects of 659 CaUmg Attention str3<0 NOVEMBER 25.1991 bySonHceDoc^ 660

[Sh. M .L FotedarJ the larger interests of the community and put an end to this meedless Inconvenience to the report Secondly, while considering the peopb. Improvement in the service conditbns of doctors, Government cannot accept any I take this opportunity of appealing to compromise in quality of patient care. And, the entire House to send a dear and un­ finally, the Government has to take into equivocal message transcending House to consideration the impllcatbns of these rec­ send a dear and unequivocal message tran­ ommendations and their repercussbns on scending party aff illatbns, that not with stand­ other services before taking a final decision. ing the nature of the grievances, any attempt to distrupt functbning of medical services Is not acceptable. This House represents the Any attempt to disrupt the working of will of the natbn and the message it conveys medbal institutbns can never be justified. cannot go unheeded by any sectbn of our Moreover, In the present case, the strike is sodety. I am confbent that this Hon’k>le most unfortunate and ilt-ad\Hsed as this was House agrees with me that It Is not possible resorted to In total disregard of the observe* to bargain with human suffering tk>ns of the Supreme Court, even before the Govemment announced Its declsbns on the ANNEXURE recommendatbns of the Vkku Committee. No A45013/13/90-CHS-V This strike Is not an Isolated Instance. Attempts to paralyse the functbning of GOVERNM ENT O F INDIA medbal Instftutbns for meeting sectbnal demands has unfortunately become endemb MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY In our society. The cost In terms of human WELFARE suffering as a result d such disruptbns Is invaluabie and no responsible Government NEW DELHI, dated the November 14th, can remain a sHent spectator to a sectbn of 1991 empbyees hokling the entire community to ransom for pursuing their narrow personal OFFICE MEMORANDUM ends. While we are prepared to consber all leglttmate grievances of our empbyees, we Subject:- Recommendatbnsof the High cannot overbok our responsibility towards Power Committee (TSduj Committee) on the people, whbh must be the foremost servbe doctors - Declsbns thereon. concern of any democratb Govemment.

As regards the demands of the striking A Committee had been set up under the doctors, we have already announced our Chairmanship of Shrl R.K. Tikku, Secretary dedsbns whbh we consber to be just and (Coordlnatbn) b the Cabinet Secretarial of fair. The Supreme Court b already seized d the Government of India, to bok Into all the matter and has prom bed to bok into their aspects of career improvement and cadre grievances on merits and In accordance with restructuring of the doctors of the Central the law. Once the strike Is called off. I am Health Servbe. The Committee has since personally wnUng to consber all their legiti­ submitted Its Report. The various recom­ mate aspratbrm with an c ^ n mind. I hope mendatbns contained In the Report have the^rkkx|(k>clorswoub heed the call of the been carefuUy consbered and the Govem­ higher court oH the land to return to work In ment of India have taken the folk^wlng ded- sbns:- CaUing Attention strike A G M H AYA H A A, m 3 iSAKA) by Service Doctor 662

Grade (Rs.4500-6700) and (1) Two addhbnai posts of Functbnal Grade (Rs.4500- Additbnal Dn'ectors General 5700) will be eliminated in of Health Services (Rs.7300* the Central Health Service. 7600) shall be created by All Associate Professors in upgrading two of the exist­ Non-Functbnal Selection ing common Senior Admin­ Grade (Rs.4500-5700) shall istrative Grade posts be designated as Professors (Rs.5900-6700). Appoint­ from 1-12-1991. AM Spe­ ment to these additbnal cialists Grade 11 officers posts of Additbnal Directors (Non-teaching and Pubib General wilt be made on the Health Sub-cadres) in the same lines as the existing Non-Functbnal Selection posts of Additbnal Directors Grade (Rs.4500-5700) shall General. be designated as Special­ ists Grade T w.e.f. 1-12- (2) Four additbnal posts in the 1991. scale of Rs.7300-7600 shall be operated underRule4(9) (6) All Professors (Rs.4500- of the Central Health Serv- 5700) and Specialists Grade be Rules, 1982, by upgra- I Officers (Non-teaching and datbn of 4 posts in the Pubib Health Sii>-cadres) Supertime sale of Rs.5900- will be eligible for consid- 6700. eratbn for promotbn to the Senior Administrative Grade (3) 34 additbnal posts of Direc- level posts (Rs.5900-6700) tor-Professors (Rs.5900- subject to availability of 6700) shaO be created in the vacancies, provided they Teaching Specialists Sub­ have compteted at least 3 cadre of the Central Health years of regular service b Service by upgrading an the scale d Rs. 4500-5700 equivalent number of posts . irrespective of whether the of professors (Rs.4500- said sendee was performed 5700) on fbating basis. in the Functbnal Grade or Non-functbnal Grade of (4) 35 additional posts of Con­ Rs.4500-5700. The Associ­ sultants (Rs.5900-6700) ate prof essors and Special­ shall be created in the Non­ ists Grade II, officers pres­ teaching Specialists sub­ ently in the non-functbnal cadre of the Central Health selectbn Grade and to be Servbe by upgrading an designated as Professors equivalent number of posts and Specialists Grade I offi­ of Specialists Grade cers respectively from 1-12- (Rs.4500-5700) on fbating 1991, shall an masse be basis. placed bebw the existing Professors and Specialists (5) The distinctbn between the Grade I Officers respectively Non Functbnal Selectbn for the purpose of preparing 663 Calling Attention strike NOVEMBER 25,1991 by Sen/ice Doctor 664

eligibility lists for considera­ Rs.3700-5000, shall be tion for promotion to Senior placed in the sale of Administrative Grade level Rs.4500-5700 according to posts (5900-6700). existing guidelines (which inter-alia, provide for overall (7) As in the case of Teaching good performance and at Sub-cadre, so also in the least two *Very good" as­ sub-cadres of Non-teaching sessment during the preced­ Specialists and Public ing 5 years). On such place­ Health Specialists, the mini­ ment in the scale of Rs. mum essential qualification 4500-5700, the Associate for recruitment as Specialist Professors will stand desig­ Grade II Officers (Rs.3000- nated as Professors, and the 5000) shall, inter-alia, be a specialists Grade II officers postgraduate degree with (No-teaching and Public three years experience af­ Health) shall stand desig­ ter obtaining the postgradu­ nated as Specialists Grade I ate degree, or postgraduate officers. diploma with five years experience after obtaining (10) The Senior Medical Officers the postgraduate diploma. (Rs. 3000-4500) will be All Specialists Grade II offi­ promoted as Chief Medical cers, recruited in accor­ Officers (Rs.3700-5000) on dance with the modified completion of six years of Recruitment Rules as men­ regular service as Senior tioned above, shall be pro­ medical Off icers or on com­ moted to the scale of pletion of ten years of com­ Rs.3700-5000 on comple­ bined regular service as tion of 2 years of service in medical officers and Senior the scale of Rs. 3000-5000, Medical Officers of which at subject to seniority-cum-fit- least two years shall be as ness. Senior Medical Officers on the basis of seniority-cum- (8) Recruitment to the posts fitness subject to their betongingto Super-Speci­ clearing the bench mark of alities, for which the essen­ ‘Good* with no zone of tial minimum qualification is, selection and without link­ Inter-alia. DM or MCH or age to vacancies. The equivalent, shall be made in promotion shall be in situ the scale of Rs. 3700-5000 and personal to the officers In the Teaching/Non-teach- promoted, incidentally, this ing Specialists Sub-cadres. will provide a second time-bound promotion to (9) In all the three sub-cadres. General Duty Medial Offi­ (Teaching. Non-teaching cers, as the first time-bound and Public Health), officers promotbn from the level of with 6 years service in the Medfeal officers (Rs.2200- scale of Rs. 3700-5000, or 4000 to the level of Senior total 8 years service in the Medk^al Offk^ers (Rs.3000- scale Rs.3000 -5000 and 4500) on completion of 4 665 Calling Attention strike AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) by Sen/ice Doctor 666

years of service, on senlor- Sub-cadre, posts equal to ity-cum-fitness basis, has the number of Medical Offi­ already been implemented. cers/Senior Medical Offi­ As at present, the placement cers/Chief Medical Officers/ of Chief Medical Officers in Super Time Grade officers the Grade Rs. 4500-5700 to posts that would be con­ the extent of 15 per cent of verted into Specialists posts ail the senior duty posts of shall be abolished. The General Duty Medical Offi­ conversion of such posts of cers Sub-Cadre, on the the General Duty Medical basis of the exiting guide­ Officers Sub-cadre in the line (overall good perform­ hospitals and teaching and ance with at least two *Very other institutions to those of good’ assessment during the Specialists posts will open preceding 5 years) will con­ up opportunities for quali­ tinue. Chief medical Officer fied officers belonging to the in the scale of Rs. 4500- General Duty Medical Offi­ 5700 with 3 years service in cers Sub-cadre to enter the the scale of Rs.4500-5700, Specialists sub-cadres or total 17 years of Group A through open competitbn. service will continue to be eligible for promotion to the 12. Direct recruitment at the Senfor Administrative Grade level of Rs. 4500-5700 as level posts (Rs.5900-6700), well as Rs. 3700-5000 can subject to availability of be made depending on the vacancies. identification of the posts.

(11) All the posts occupied by 13. The benefit of added years the Medical Officers/Senior of service available under Medical Officers/Chief Rule 30 of the Central Civil Medical Officers/Supertime Sen^ice, (Pension) Rules Grade Officers of the Gen­ 1972, shall be available for eral Duty Medical Officers ail the members of the sub-cadre of the Central Central Health Service. health Service in the vari­ ous hospitals and teaching 14. The feasibility of transfer­ and other institutions, where ring any part of the work the functions to be per­ relating to Cadre Manage­ formed are predominantly of ment of the Central Health specialised nature normally Service to the Directorate required to be performed by General of Health Services Specialist doctors, shall be and providing more training converted into Specialists facilities to the Member of posts, which shall filled as the Central Health Service per the existing provisions shall be examined by the in the recruitment rules for Ministry of Health and Fam­ Spedalists. From the Gen­ ily Welfare. eral Duty Medical Officers 667 CMngMm^$tHk0 htOVEMBER2S. 1991 by $ 0tvic0 Doctor 668

15. The Ministry of Railways, Ministry d Ddence and [Translation] other organisatbns shall separately process propos­ SHRIRAJNATH SONKAR SHASTRI: als for restructuring the Mr. Chairman, Sir, I thank you for albwing a Cadre and providing greater CaRing Attentton on this matter of urgent avenues of promotion in the public importance but I woukJ like to point oat light of decisions taken for onething. Whenthehon. Minister was about the Central Health Service to complete his statement and only the last Cadre by the Government. page was to be read out I got the Hindi versbn of the reply. That is a sad state of 16. The question of increasing affairs. I wouki like to submit that Hindi the age of superannuation Versk>n shouW have been given beforehand for doctors from 58 to 60 because I was to make a speech in Hindi. is defended for more detailed examination by the Sir, the doctors woddng under the CGHS Department of Personnel are on a strike since November 12 and the and Training regarding its strice is going on without any break. The implications and repercus­ matter is getting serious with every passing sions. day. More than 9000 doctors out of 10,000 doctors engaged with CGHS have already 17. The Department of Person­ gone on strike. Consequently, 250 CGHS nel and Training (All India dispensaries and about 1000 Medk:al Services Divisbn) shall Centres have been cbsed. I woukJ like to examine, In due course, the st^H to th e hon. Minister, through you, that question of formation of an fTK>re than 300 persons have already died AH India Medical and Health untimely death in the absence of medbal Service in consultation with akJ. The medbal facilities in Safdarjung the state Government. Hospital. Dr.Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, Railway Hospi­ 2. The Government after care­ tal and other hospitals of Delhi Administra- ful consideratbn of all as­ tk>n or K/hinic^l Corporatbn have come to pects have not found it pos­ a grinding hatt. Besktes, medbal facility in sible to accept other recom­ other cities Uke Hyderabad. Bangabre and mendations of the High other parts of the country has also gone Powered Committee. Gaywlre. For want of medbines patients and tfieir family memk>er8 are In trouble. There 3. The amendments to the are dMths without any reason. Though not Central Health Service only dodors, but scientists, artists and edu- Rules, 1982, wherever nec­ caibfiists, everybody Is in a miserable con- essary, consequent upon dlton but ^ d o e rs ' strHce has worsened the above dedsbn, shaK the ^ttiatbn and this is causing grave con- issue in due course. oam among the people.

there is lackd medical equipments Sd/- ^ hoepltals and m o^ of them are rusting (S.HARIHARAN) becauke of red tapism. There b shortage of DY. SECY. TO THE GOVT.OF INDIA me^dnee, spurbus drugs are in plenty, (TeI.No. 301 4495) 669 Caaing Attention strike AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAiCA) by Service Doctor 670 doctors show carelessness but the biggest This resulted in reducing the opportunities problem today is of the doctors’ strode. Why for time-bound promotbns. are those, who are responsible for keeping us healthy, on strike today? Have they be> In 1986 the Fourth Pay Commissbn come less humane to the patients? From the recommended increase in pay scales and statement it appears that their conduct shows cadre of doctors in Govemment hospitals. I that they too are humane but they cannot would like to know from the hon. Minister always display it when they cannot maintain whether his attentbn has been drawn to a good standard of living. If the country’s these recommendations. It is was done, why doctors, scientist and artist has a good stan­ no action has been taken on it so far? dard of living, he will give a new direction to the country. Sir, once again tiiere was a strice by doctors in 1987. The then Minister of Health, Sir, the doctors have been repeatedly who is now our Prime Minister, had offered insisting on the implementation of the Tikku an attractive package to the doctors. I would Committee report as is evkient from the like to know from the hon. Minister, who is a hon.Minister’s statement also. I would come learned man and has taken keen to the report later but first I would like to ask \nl9resl..(lnterrt^tions) the hon. Minister whether a solutk>n could not be found out to the on going strike in a SHRl HARI KISHORE SINGH: When cordial atmosphere? Why? has the matter dki you come to know that? been long drawn? Dki the offk:ials of the Ministry of Health take any steps to prevent SHRl RAJNATH SONKAR SHASTRI: the doctors from going on strike? After going through thb statement, i know him otherwise also. Some steps seem to have been taken, as Is evkJent from the statement, but if we try Will the hon.Health Minister be pleased to go through the statement cbsely, we to state as to what happened to the recom- come to know that the statement is of a mendatk>ns of the Fourth Pay Commissbn? routine character. The doctors had given Dki it strike him or not? I woukJ like to know notice for strike. They had met the hon. as to why has the Govemment not adopted Minister and other offbials several time In sincere attitude in this regard, though ttcannoC this connectbn. We wouki like to know the be termed as apathetb attitude lo Had the action that was taken at that time. Govemment pakJ attention, there woukJ nc^ have any need for the Tikku Committee Sr, there has beeaatong-standing griev­ Report or for tiiat matter any other thnig. ance d the doctors that the medical services Besbes, the situatbn wouki not have wors­ have been given second rate treatment as ened to such an extent that doctors had Ip go compared to other Central services. The on strafe. same situatbn is plaguing their service conditions, pay scales, avenues of promo­ Sir, aN tiie doctors \n the country bebng tion and other ^hlevements. It 1982 an­ to tiie same professk>n. Then why there is other mess was made when the medbal such a wkie disparity in tiie pay scatee and servbes were divkled into four sub-cadres. peiks of doctors. IstheGovemmentthbikkig One was the General Duty Medk:al Offk^r In terms of formulating a uniform w ^ e polby Cadre. Second was the Teaching special- lor doctors. Just now it has been merttbned istsThIrd was the Hon - Teaching spectaKsts in tiie sts^ement that ail the reconnmenda- and fourth was Pubik: Health S ^ia iisls. tions d the TIOcu Commtttee cannot be 671 Calling Attention stnke NOVEMBER 25,1991 by Sen/ice Doctor 672

[Sh. Rajnath Sonkar Shastri] to know, through, you, from the hon. Minister of Health the reasons why the Tikku Commit­ accepted for obvious reasons, I would like to tee report is not being implemented in toto. ask whether efforts are being made to imple­ If you did not want to accept the recommen­ ment the principle of ‘equal pay for equal dations why at all was the Tikku Commission work*? constituted. If a Commission was consti­ tuted, its report should have been accepted. Sir.the hon. Minister said that an agree­ ment was signed between the *Joint Action Mr. Chairman, Sir, I came across a Council of Service Doctors Organisations’ report recently that this commission had and the then Prime Minister late Shri Rajiv made 33 recommendations out of which Gandhi and it was in pursuance of this agree­ only 17 recommendations were accepted. ment that a committee under the chairman­ The rate of them were not accepted. I want ship of R.K.Tikku was constituted. The a categorical reply why there recommenda­ committee submitted Its report in October, tions were not accepted and what are the 1990. The Committee heard the grievances difficulties. It seems the IAS lobby is working of representatives of different organisations behind this. They have always been mis­ of doctors and also the officials of the Minis­ leading the Government and that is why the try of Health. The Tikku Committee report country had to suffer such a huge loss. was welcomed by majority of doctors. Not People are suffering without medical akJ and only this, ail other sections of doctors includ­ there have been several untimely deaths. I ing Teaching, Non teaching and Public Health would like to know whether this attitude specialists were happy but why has the towards the doctors is the result of that report not been implemented sofar? Sir, had jealousy of IAS lobby. Can the doctors meet this report been implemented the social status that challenge? of doctors would have been high, there would have been parity In pay scales with Central Mr. Chairman, Sir, as you are continu­ services and new avenues of promotion ously ringing the bell, I would like to conclude woukJ have been available but this did not with a last point. The doctors fought a legal happen. Had the report been Implemented battle^ they even went to the Supreme Court. In toto a five member Board to supervise the They also met each Member of Parliament Medbal Servk:es in the pay scale of Rs. individualiy. They met the hon. Minister and 7300-8000 would have been constituted. discussed their grievances. They staged a But the Government did not ^ e p t this rec­ dharna and organised a rally at the resi­ ommendation. Sir I have gone through a dence of the Prime Minister. They went for report that states that If the Tikku Com mittee pen down strike and wore black iDadges In report is implemented, it would put an extra protest. This has been going on for quite burden of Rs.250 crore on the exchequer. I some time but In vain. Had the Minister of wouki like to know how much bss have we Health paid attention to it. things would have already suffered because of the doctors’ been different. I said just now that Is a strike. I think that we have already suffered sagactous person but It seems his sagacity a bss of more than Rs. 250 crore. Even if the Is falling him. Othen^vise he wouW have report Is not implemented now and the doc­ worked out a solution. Sir, I read recently that tors’ strfl^es continues, It Is not known as to there are 30,859 jobless doctors in the coun­ how much toss in crores of rupees in the try. In Delhi alone there are 3977 unem- coming several years the country may have ptoyed doctors, In Maharashtra there are to suffer going by the estimated loss of Rs. 3794, in Tamllnadu.3729, in West Bengal 250croreduringthecurrentyear. I wouki like 3743, in Andhra 2537, in Kerala 2179, in S73 Calling Attention s m e AGRAHAYAHA A, 19^3 {SAKA) by Sen^ice Doctor 674

Orissa 1430, in Bihar 1314 In Uttar Pradesh suffer, they should call the doctors and ac­ 1348 and in Haryana 874 unemployed doc­ cept a meeting without any pre-condition. tors. I would like to Icnow from the hon. Minister as to what steps are being taken to [Translation] provkJe employment to these unemployed doctors? I would once again request you to SHRI DILEEP SIGH BHURIA (Jhabua): come out with a categorical reply as to what Mr. Chairman. Sir, I rise to express my views action is being taken to call off the strike of with regard to the reply the hon. Minister has doctors who are on hunger strike at the Boat given in connection with the doctors’ strike. Club as a result of which medical services The doctors have demanded that the report have gone haywire and there have been of the Tikku Committee, which was set up by several untimely deaths. the Government, should be implemented. I would like to submit to the hon. Minister that [English] when the Tikku committee was set up the Government must have been aware that SHRI BHUWAN CHANDRA KHAN- whatever the committee would recomend DURI (Garhwal): Sir, I rise to express the will have to be implemented. Moreover, Shri concern of public which is suffering because Tikku is not an outsider, he is a Secretary to of the continued stalemate on the strike of the Government and thus an integral part of doctors. The Minister has explained the it. Why then the report has not been imple­ Government’s case very ably and very con­ mented and why doctors have been com­ vincingly. But I would like to suggest that the pelled to go on strike? other skJe may also have their say and the Government’s attitude of not listening to Mr. Chairman, Sir, I am unable to under­ them is not very desirable. Although I entirely stand why it took so long to finalise the agree with the Minister that the Government promotions inspite of the fact that the Gov­ should not bow before any threat - it is a ernment had got the detailed report of the correct principle - but at the same time 1 do proposed promotions. How it would do that hope that this sort of principle will be fo llowed doctors do not get even a single promotion in other cases also. However, there is a for such a long period of 26 years and difference between succumbing to pressure continue to work at the same post. The and negotiating from the point of strength. Government claim that the country is making Since the Government feel that there is a speedy development, why then the doctors strong case, I do not see any harm in Gov­ are not provided with most sophisticated ernment meeting the delegation of these equipments? Citizens of our country go people and trying to work out a via media. I abroad to get themself operated. Why doc­ feel that this Government’s obstinacy or the tors in our country not provided with these attitude that this Government has taken that instrument so that these operations can be they will not meet the doctors or their delega­ done here itself. The Government shoukJ tion tilt their strike is called off is not neces­ provide best and sophisticated medical in­ sary. tt is not desirable. Purely by meeting struments to operate so that even the VIP’s them and talking to them you are not going to do not feel it necessary to go abroad for give them anything. If there is a scope for the medteal treatment. They spend lavishly to doctors to come to terms or to negotiable or get themselves treated abroad; if they avail to call off their strike by your meeting them, medical facilities in the country itself our I think that option shouki not be closed. I money will not go outside. therefor, strongly request the Government that in order to ensure that pubik) does not Mr. Chairman, Sir, I would like to know 675 (MkigMwitkmstrke NOVEMBER 25.1991 tsfSeMo^DocM 676

[Sh. Diteep Singh Bhuna] gal): Mr. Chairman, Sir. about 90 per cent d the Doctors are on strike. It has entered the from the hon. Minister why it took so long to thirteenth day. ^ u t 250 hospitate and over implement the report and why doctors were 1000 CGHS dispensaries have been af­ compelled to go to the Supreme Court? Had fected. One hon. Member has just pointed the Gtovernment negotiated with them, they out that over 300 deaths have taken place. It would not have been compelled to go on is not good for thfe country. We cannot afford strlce. When time-bound promotions in other to have this strdce. categories take place why mprehen- and others do get time-bound promotions sive statement wherein he has explained the why not the doctors? I do have the compara­ Govemmenfs stand. My humble request to tive figures of promofions at the moment; I the Minister would be not to stand on pres­ may read out the details of how bng it takes tige. You call the doctors. After alt they are to get apromotbn in otherfiekis whereas the our people. They bebng to us. You please doctors have to work on the same post for 26 let them know you are willing to discuss with years together without getting any promo- them and settle the issue, with open mind. tk>n. in this manner, I think, injustbe is being ctone to them. People in other fields get The Tikku Committee was constituted promoted even to the level of Director Gen­ ontheSrdMay. It submitted its Report on the eral, kindly let me know how many doctors 1st Novemt>er. The Govemment had ac­ re«:hed this level and in how many years? It cepted 17 Items and six items have not been \s very unjustified that doctors do not get any accepted. After any report is submitted a pronfKJtton for such a bng perbd. The hon. time limit should be fixed to implement its* Minister shoub review the gravity of the recommendation if not refer it to a tribunal to matter, discuss tt with the doctors and thus be constituted lor specially essential serv- help them. bes. My suggestbn to the Minister woub be that this shoub be discussed. And the most Mr. Chairman. Sir, this situatbn is pre­ important thing is that, the request for crea­ vailing not only in Delhi but in other places tion of an all India Service like the IAS, IPS also. I have just returned from Raltam. etc. shoukJ be considered. RaRway doctors fhetB are also on strike. My submissbn b that the Govemment should With these few words, I thank you. implement the report of the commbsbn. As an hon. Member has pointed out that its implementatbn would cost about two and a [Transfation] half crore rupees; thfe amount can easily be recovered through fee charges on opera- SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA (South tbns. In this manner the Govemment woukJ Delhi): Mr. Chairman, Sir. in the last para easily recover the money they Invest. These the statement given by the hon. Minister of are the feW points, I wouki li^e to bring into Health, it has been stated ------the notice of the hon. Miniver and urge upon him U> convince the ckxnors to put off their lEngfishJ

Th is House represents the will of the nation and the message it conveys cannot SHRI aSURENDER REDDY (Waran- go unheeded by any section of our sodety. not even the GovwrnnenL’ B77 Catting An0nthn8tr9(0 A G W m Y M A 4,^912 {SAKA) by $9rvk» DocsU)r 67B

The Govemment want to divkie them. [Tmnstai^iii 90 per cent of them have been total^ de­ prived of any facility. Hence they have been My submission is that two out of those fighting for justice. In regard to the statemer^ five Members are from the Government side that 4^5 demands have been accepted, i and remaining three are from the opposition. wouM \JkB to k>ring to your notice. AN the five have urged upon the Government not to make it a prestige issue and hold [English] discussbn with the doctors to solve the issue....(/nrem49fibns).... In this context my Thirty-two T8dn and the commfttee wilt be Committee wouM be implemented in itHo. I asked to take actbn. Today again the Gov­ have got even letters I received from ttmm in emment expresses its willingness to discuss this connectbn. their reasonable demands. What is the meaning of all this when T0cku Committee You have stated that the GovmunefH has already given Hs report. The govern­ has a right to review any r^)orts. tkA the ment shoub accept ^ e recommendatbns report of Tikku Commtttee is not any report made by them....(Interruptk>ns).... Doctors This committee was appointed to fuffil their are not in favour of strike. They have saki justified demands. Hence tts report cannot that they have been compelled to do so. It is be termed as any report. a matter of great regret that on one hand, the Govemment express its willingness to talk to [EngSsh] the Punjab militants uno>ndftk>nally while on the other hand, they are not at all ready to *The oompositkMi of the Committee was hoW talcs with the doctors. Just now the such that it wouki take a final dedsba” Govemment claimed to have made this announcement. You know that you have [TmnslationJ provkled fadlity only to one thousand doc­ tors out ol a total of ten thousand. And the final dedsk>n has been j^ven.

13.00 firs. There has been a refmnce to Supreme Court. The hon. ^rtfster stated thitt the 679 Calling Attentton strO(e NOVEMBER 25.1991 by Service Doctor 680

[Sh. Madan Lai Khurana] SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN(Rosera): Mr. Chairman, Sir, I have a point of order. Supreme Court have ordered the doctors to Just now the hon. Minister stated that the put off their strike. They have not ordered; case in this regard is pending In court. Mr. they have just desired so in public interest. Speaker has allowed the Calling Attentton We, you and even the doctors themselves Motfon in view of the sentiments of the House. are not in favour of strike but no option has I suspect that when the Government finds, been left to them. The desire of the court has everything going against them they would try been termed as order. The Supreme Court, to suppress it in the name of Supreme Court. In the same case, passed stricture four times The case is not pending in the Supreme and charged fine twice to the Government Court. Has the Supreme Court forbidden the because the Government failed to give reply Government from holding any diabgue with in time. Fine of Rs.SOOA levelled twice has them or from taking dedsion? It woukJ be also not been paki so far. Court has stated in unjustified if the Government avokJs, it in the its order: name of Supreme CourX....(lnterruptions).„.

[English] SHRI RAJNATH SONKAR SHASTRI: There was no need to accept it for a discus- “Negotiations/dialogues should sbn when it was pending in the Supreme take place between the doctors and Court. But, when it has already been ac­ Government, but no response from cepted, it shoukJ be discussed and you shouki the Government side.” reply. It is not proper to make a reference of the Supreme Court, in this connection, now. [Translation] [English] I would urge upon the Government not to make it a prestige issue appeal to it to SHRI M .L FOTEDAR: I will read the accept their demands. The hon. Minister, in relevant portbn of the Supreme Court order his statement has stated that rt is the will of also, the order that the Supreme Court has the House. The Members of the Congress passed on the 22nd of is month. I will read Party as well as the opposition urge upon the relevant portbn. you to hold dialogue with the doctors imme­ diately and implement the report of Tikku Committee. This is my only submission. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (Bolpur): The matter is pending in the Su­ [English] preme Court, where I understand that the doctors have gone for the implementatbn of SHRI M .LFOTEDAR: I am grateful to the Tikkoo Committee report. Can such a the hon. Members who have just intervened pending proceeding pre-empt a discussbn in this debate. I would not like to go into the by the highest forum in this country? And, detaHs of what Mr. Rajnath Sonkar Shastri how can the Minister say “I shall not say has saki because the cases are pending in anything about the Tikkoo Committee report the Supreme Court and any commitment on and the Implementatbn because it is pend­ my behalf may unnecessarily prejudice the ing"? This is not in conf Ibt with the Supreme dedsbn of the court...... (Interruptions)...... Court. Supposing they accept today and if he says that he accepts the recommendatbns, [Translation] the proceedings will not be affected. Then, what is the harm? It cannot be. It will not be 681 Calling Attention strike AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) by Service Doctor 682 correct. Parliament cannot become a silent discuss with the doctors. These are the two spectator If somebody goes to the court and relevant issues and to quote the Supreme files a proceeding. Court only as an alibi, to answer our objec­ tions is not quite con'ect. SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV (Azamgarh): The Supreme Court has al­ SHRI M .L FOTEDAR: I value the sug­ ready directed the Government and asked gestions of the learned and respected Leader them that they should place the recommen­ of the Oppositbn. I do not want to say that dations of the Tikkoo Committee report be­ this House has no authority to discuss any fore the Supreme Court. The Minister him­ issue or decide any issue. But the matter is, self has announced certain things here. In I would not go into the details at this stage. I spite of the case being pending before the must confess and I am confkient that my Supreme Court, the Minister had announced approach to the problem is very humane. certain things here, that these are the things And my view on this issue are know and are whk:h he can accept and already the Mem­ very progressive. Just listen to me. bers have expressed their opinions on this issue. So, if he has got any objection, it SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH should have been taken in the very begin­ (Sheohar): You are willing to talk to the ning that this issue cannot be discussed in doctors. the House. Having discussed all these things, now he cannot take that plea. SHRI M .L FOTEDAR: Somebody has said that perhaps I have some ego or be­ SHRI LAL K. ADVANI (Gandhi Nagar): cause of some self-prestige I am not talking All these observations of our friends and to anybody. In such matters 1 have always these interventions would not have come, been pragmatic. There is no doubt it. What I has it not been for the Minister’s two re­ want to mention in the House Is that the marks. In his opening remarks he said that doctors should look to the sufferings of the he wouki not deal with all the issues raised patients and I will certainly k>ok to the prob­ by Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri because the lems of the doctors. That is the issue. I will matter was pending before the Supreme never close the doors of negotiatbns. But t\o Court. This was his first statement and the Government, no civilised Govemment and second statement was that “I will read out to no responsible Government will act and you what the Supreme Court has said". We should act either under coercbn or under have no objectbn to hear anything. But I pressure or under threat. That » the think that the discusston should be relevant \ssu6...{\nterruptions) and in order to be relevant we should not that the Supreme Court has been approached by One point that has been raised in this the doctors and for the sake of implementa­ House is, why delay. I do not think, I shouW tion of the Tikkoo Committee/eport. Whether be accused for that. The Tikku Committee gave the report on 1st of November, 1990 the Supreme Court thinks it necessary to when the Government was just on the way Intervene or not, it is a different matter. But out. On the 7th November. 1990 that nothing bars the Govemment from taking a Government went out. That Government did dedsbn; nothing bars the Government from not do anything. Then in the month of negotiating with the doctor and to say all that February another Government came. That is relevant so far as this debate is concerned, Government remained only for three months. whether the Government is willing to take a And the Minister Incharge of that dectsbn on the Tikkoo Committee report, 'nrnment was disqualified by the learned and whether the Govemment Is witiing to prc'jtjc or of this House. He 683 Caning Attention str9(9 NOVEMBER 25,1991 by S 0fvic0 Doctor 684

(Sh. M .L Fotedarl MR. CHAIRMAN: There Is no point of could not take any decision. Then this Gov­ order. (Interruptions) ernment took over only on 21 st of June. So I am responsible only from 21 st of June upto SHRI BUTA SINGH (Jabre): May I make this day. After 1 joined the Ministry I did an appeal to the hon. Health Minister? By examine the case. I talked with the doctors. now the hon.Health Minister has come to I am a person who can only be advised by the know the feelings of the House whfch are bureaucracy. I have more sympathy for the almost unanimous. As the House has come doctors. Whatever their genuine demands I to know the sympathies of the hon. Health want that I fight for them. But they must fight Minister who is totally committed and who Is for the suffering humanity. That is the only prepared to - help the doctors, let there k>e a questbn ( Interruptions) simultaneous actbn. Let them withdraw the things from the Supreme Court and let them [Translation] place the confkience in the Health Minister. Both things will be simultaneous. No condi­ SHRIMADAN LAL KHURANA: It is the tion. It is an appeal in the interest of the will of the House that you shouki invite them suffering people. The Government must for talks in the evening..... (Intenvpthns).,. acceptthe Committee's recommendations... (Interruptions). [Engrtsh] SHRI CHAIRMAN: Hon’ble Health SHRI NIRMAL KANTI CHATTERJEE Minister to reply. (Dum Dum): The father and the son is In the same scale. Their single point is promotion. SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: We The father is going to retire in 12 years appreciate the sentiments of the Hon. Health tme....{lntemptions) Minister. He has saki that he has a human approach and he wants to have an amicable MR. CHAIRMAN: I think.» you listen to settlement. Only thing is that the statement Is the Minister first, then there will be fruitful little provocative. I says that they are hokSIng discussbn and something will come out of the country to ransom and so on and soforth. \i...{lntemjptbns) The Government can never be wrong. You cannot take up that attitude. What is the SHRI SAIFUDDIN CHOUDHURY solution? Everybody is suggesting to bring (Katwa): You have just saki that you will be about a solutbn. instead of standing on conskJering the genuine demands. What in prestige. Best thing wouki be only to call your opinion, are the genuine demands? them; they will withdraw the strike and ac­ And what is your opinfon about the recom­ cept their demands. This is the t>est thing. mendation of the Tikku Committee What is the difficulty? We do not any further RBpori?,.,[intem4>tions) compilation of the issue. We are not here for the bkXKi of Shri Fotedar. We want to help SHRI A.CHARLES (Trivandrum): I am him also. on a point of order, A committee has been app&rtted to kx>k into the whole matter. They SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: Shn Buta Singh have given a report. Does it mean that has suggested something. This Is precisely whenever a committee is appointed, the what the Government today Is Insisting upon recommendations should be accepted In that they are willing to tal(, but cmly If the foto? Under what rule? Is th^e any prece- strafe b withdrawn, iwoukigoatongw^this dent? I want a ruling from the Chair. 685 Calling Attention strkB AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (SAKA) by ServicB Doctor 686 except that I would like to draw the attentbn ment should not make it a prestige issue. It to the fact that the Office Memorandum of should withdraw the memorandum issue November 14 has compHcated the situatbn. against the doctors and negotiate with them. If the Office Memorandum of November 14 We assure that the whole House will co­ operate with the Government on this was not there, perhaps, what Shri Buta Singh \ssue...{lnterruptbns)... We shall try our best has said would be easily accepted by the to see that the doctors called off their strike. doctors. But, after the Office Memorandum of November 14 has been issued and given [English] to the court, it becomes the Government dedston on the Tikoo Committee’s Report SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Sir, and which has totally distorted the whole let us see whether Shri Fotedar rises to the perspective and made the situatbn worse occasion. This is his chance. than before. So, even this proposal, I am sure, would be accepted by the doctors only SHRI CHANDRA JE E T YADAV: Sir, I if the Off ice Memorandum of November 14 is want to make a suggestbn. I think the Min­ ister is trying to find out some way. I am sure withdrawn unilaterally by the Government. that he is not making a prestige issue. Can Then, It would t>e negotiations with an open it be like this that simultaneously the doctors mind. Otherwise, it Is no negotiation. It is withdraw their strike and the Minister meets negotiations only for the sake of a farce and them with open mind? .....(Intem^ions), only in order to see that the strike is with­ drawn. I do not think that we would be able to SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: No. We advise the doctors in that respect. We would want a specific assurance that the Govern­ be able to advise them provbed the Office ment is going to withdraw the Memorandum of November 14 is withdrawn. memorandum....(/nfe/rupfbns).

SHRI BUTA SINGH: The basis of dis- MR CHAIRMAN: That b all. Mr. Minis­ cussbn should be the discussion that has ter, do you want to say anything more or have you finished?... taken place today and everything before that should go. Everything shouM be done simul> {Interri^tbns) taneously. (Interruptions). [Translation] SHRI CHANDRA JEET YADAV: The 14th November G.O. shoub not be taken as SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN: Mr. Chair­ a decisbn of the Govemment... {Intem^h man, Sir, Shri. Advani, the leader of the tions). When they go with open mind, then opposrtton saki that the Government has certainly they can reconskJer it. It fe not that worsened the situatbn further by issuing that is the final decisbn.... {Interruptions), office memorandum on 14th. It is very simple that taB^s must be heW with them. But SHRI M.L. FOTEDAR: Sir, I appredate instead of doing so, the Government has the suggestbns and the proposal given by taken a dedsbn of its own whbh has nothing Sardar Buta Singh Ji and Shri Chandra Jeet to do with the T9tku Committee Report. This Yadav. As 1 have said, I have an c ^ n mind dedsbn is against the interests of the doc­ and my approach is.... (interruptions). Please tors...... (lnterruption$Y„ The Government listen now. The Government in its wisdom, says time and again that only one sectbn of under the directbns of the Supreme Court, doctors is on strike. This time also, the issued that Order of 14th of Government has provkJed benefit to those 1, November...(/nfem/prbns). Gentlemen, you ooo doctors are alr»«Kiy the benefbiaries. are not albwing me to speak. I am not The remaining 9,000 doctors are not on their yiebing. Albwmetospeak. I am saying that fob today. Under the situatbn the Govern­ under the directbns of the Supreme Court, 687 Calling Attention strike NOVEMBER 25.1991 Statement by Minister 688 by Sen^ice Doctor Cauvery Water Dispute [Sh. M .L Fotedar] 13.24 hrs.

4he Government in its wisdom and consid­ The Lok Sabha then adjoumed for lunch ered the Report and issued that Order. till twenty minutes past Fourteen of the Maybe that is not final. But according to the Ck)ck. present stand of the Government, that is final. That is the view of the Government. The Lok Sabha re-assembled after Lunch But I am saying what Sardar Buta Singh Ji at twenty-three minutes past Fourteen of and Chandra Jeet Yadavji have said. They the Chcic are the senbr members of the House. I appreciate the sentiments of the Leader of (mR. d e p u ty s p e a k e r in tha the House, who is a very wise man, that this ChaiJ should be done simultaneously. They should withdraw the strike, look to the patients and MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now, State- I will look into their problems. That is the ment by Shri Vidyacharan Shukla. pomt..,(lnterruptions).

[Translation] 14.24 hrs SHRI MADAN LAL KHURANA: First, withdraw your order of Nov 14 and then hold STATEMENT BY MINISTER talks, (Interruptions) Cauvery Water Dispute [English] [English] MR. CHAIRMAN: That is all now... THE MINISTER OF WATER RE­ (interruptions) SOURCES (Shri Vidyacharan Shukla): As decided by the Government, a PreskJential SHRI SRIKANTA JENA: (Cuttack) We reference was made on 28th July. 1991 to are not going to cooperate on this issue. Let Supreme Court of India to render their opin­ them withdraw the G.O. first ....(Interrup­ ion on the legal questtons associated with tions), the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal’s in­ terim order of 25th June, 1991 and the Ordi­ MR. CHAIRMAN: The Calling Attention nance of the Government of Karnataka dated b over now because all the Members have 25th July. 1991 (now the Act) under clause asked their questbns and the Minister has (1) of Article 743 of the Constitutbn of India. replied.... The foltowing questions were referred to the Supreme Court of India for consideratk>n (Interruptions) and opinbn thereon, namely.

SHRI SRIKANTA JENA: No. no, we are 1) Whether the Ordinance and walking out in protest against the Govern­ the provisbns thereof are in ment’s stand...(/nferrijpfbns). accordance with the provisbns of the Constitution; SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: We walk out in protest against the Government’s stand. 2) i) Whether the Order of the Tri­ (At this stage Shri La! K. Advani and bunal constitutes a report and some other hon. Members left the House) a decisbn within the meaning of Sectbn 5 (2) of the Act; and MR. CHAIRMAN : The House stands adjourned for lunch to reassemble at 2.20 ii) Whether the Order of the Tri- p.m. 689 Statement by Minister AGRAHAYAHA 4,1913 (SAKA)Cauvery Water Dispute 690

bunal is required to be pub­ the Central Government for lished by the Central Govern­ such relief is a question whk:h ment in order to make It effec­ does not arise in the facts and tive; circumstances under whfch the reference is made. Hence we 3) Whether a Water Disputes do not deem it necessary to Tribunal constituted under the answer the same. act is competent to grant any interim relief to the parties to The Government has decided to accept the dispute. the opinion of the Supreme Court of India and initiate such action as may be neces­ The Constitution Bench of the Supreme sary. court heard the party States from 21 st Au­ gust to 27th September, 1991, in this regard SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR and gave their opinion on 22nd November, (Mangalore): Sir, one point.... (Intern^ 1991, as under: t/ons). Only one clarilicatbn. (interrup­ tions). 1. The Karnataka Cauvery Basin Irrigation Protection Ordi­ MR.DEPUTY-SPEAKER: One minute. nance, 1991, Passed by the This is a Statement made under Rule 372. Government of Karnataka on Whenever a Minister makes a statement, 25th July, 1991 (now the Act) neither there is a clariffcation nor any sup­ is beyond the legislative com­ plementary questbns be put. This is the petence of the State and is, existing rule. Therefore, I think that the hon. therefore, ultra vires the Con­ Members will not put any questions. stitution. SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR: The 2. i) TheOrder of theTribunal dated moment the Central Government deckles June 25, 1991, constitutes to implement the Supreme Court decision, report and decision within the there will be a turmoil in Karnataka. meaning of Section 5 (2) of the Inter State Water Disputes Act, MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: You can 1956; bring this subject in any other form and discuss It. There is no bar. ii) the said Order is, therefore, required to be published by SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR: My the central Government in the submissbn is that the Government of Kar­ official Gazette under Section nataka has decided to file a review petitbn 6 of the Act in order to make it before the tribunal and the matter is sub effective. Judice. And when the matter Is I want to know whether the Central Govern­ 3. i) A Water Disputes Tribunal ment is going to issue a notification in the constituted under the Act is Gazette. competent to grant any Interim relief to the parties to the dis­ SHRI D.K. NAICKAR (Dhanvad North): pute when a reference for such If the hon. Minister is willing to make a relief is made by the Central statement on this, it will be forming part of Government; his own earlier statement. {lntem4>tions).

II) Whether the Tribunal has SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR: The power to grant interim relief Government of Karr>ataka has already filed when no reference is made by areviewpetrtbnbefoi^theTrlbunal. When 691 by Minister NOVEMBER 25.1991 Cauvery Water Dispute 692

(Sh. V. Dhananjaya Kumar] Speaker, Sir, according to rules, in so far as clarif k^tions are concerned only in the other the matter is sub judice, my question is House we have a system of asking clarifica­ whether the Central Government is going tions. Here once in a while as a special case, to issue a Notification In the Gazette. where Speaker has been intimated in ad­ vance, we have albwed either one or at the MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: My request maximum two Members to ask clarifrcations. is this. There are established precedents So, allowing the clarifbattons to be asked or and rules. We have to be guided by the not, it is under the discretbn of the Speaker. rules. The whole House shall have to be (tntem^tions) guided by the rules. Whenever a mofw statement is made by the hon. Minister MR. DEPUTY SEAKER: When the hon. under Rule 372, there is no scope for either Minister had made a statement on the fbor asking for any clarification or any extra of this House on the request of Shri Ram information by virtue of the statement made Vilas Paswan and when he wanted to ask a by the hon. Minister. Therefore, if at all you clariftcatbn, the ruling given was that he was are agitated, if you want to bring this matter not entitled to ask clarifbations. When Shri and discuss this, you can bring it in any Madan Lai Khurana also wanted to ask a other form but not under Rule 372. This is clarifbatbns on some other matter, he was the limitatbn that the law has put on us. also not albwed.

{Interruf^f)s) {Interruptions)


(kiterruf^ions) SHRI V. DHANANJAYA KUMAR (Mangabre): Sir, the matter is very serbus MR. D EPUTY-^PEAKER: You just and the Govemment of Karnataka is going to kindly hear me. Mr. Devegowda, please file a reviewpetition before the Tribunal. So, have your seat. when the matter is subHudice I wouki like to know whether the Government of India is {interruptions) going to issue the notifbatbn.

M R DEPUTY SPEAKER: Whenever a MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Even though suo motu statement is made by the hon. the matter is very serbus and grave, we are Minister, darifk:atk>n8 are not albwed. bound by the rules and clarHbations are not albwed to be asked. {intem^Hions) {Intern/ptions) TH E MINISTER O F S TA TE iN THE MINISTRYC^PARLIAMENTARYAFFAIRS [TransMon] AND OF STATE IN THE MINIS- TERY OF U W , JUSTICE AND COMPANY SHRI RAM VILAS PASWAN (Rosera): AFFAIRS (SHRI RANGARAJAN Sir, we have given a notice under Rule 1 ^ KUMARAMANGALAM): Mr. Deputy in regard to the Minitler*istilement. Mmay 693 Stai0m0nt by Minister 4. m 3(SAK A)Cauvery Water Dispute 694

pleased be albwed a discussion and re­ MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: After all ferred to the Business Advisory Committee. whenever a statement is made under Rule We will consider it there. 372the rules are very clear. You can neither ask supplementaries nor seek darif cations. lEngUsh] Number two, today is not the last day. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Now the We have to sit for a bng time. Under the Minister has made a statement. Suppose rules, you can raise this issue In some other some supptementaries are asked and if some form. further ctarrfications are aslced, it is against the precedent. (Interruptions)

SHRIG. DEVRAYA NAIK (Kanara): Sir, SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM: It is the matter is very serious and so you should very obvious that it is not possible to have a atbw one or two Members to ask clarifica­ complete set of clarifications and a full dis­ tions. cussion on the matter, by way of darifba- tk>ns. MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr. Naik. I understand your feelings. The matter is The usual method Is that we take it up In extremely urgent and very senous. But with the B.A.C. Mr. Paswan has been kind enough all these qualificatbns also, under the rules to raise this objectk>n and to bring to your there Is no provision to ask clarifrcatlons. notbe. We will definitely see that it is t^ e n Today is not the last day of this Session and up in the meeting of the 6.A.C. Subject to the you have got ample opportunity. In some decisfen of the B.A.C. we see that some form or the other you can raise this issue. discussion takes place.

{Intemptlons) SHRI H.D. DEVEGOWDA: I want an assurance from the hon. Minister of Water AN HON. MEMBER: The Minister of Resources that till the matter is debated in State ior Law says that It is the discretion of the House, no further action will be taken in the chair to albw one or two questbns. the matter. If he gives that assurance, than I agree for that. Otherwise it is very diffcult MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: Kindly ex­ for us. cuse me. I beg of you that we cannot bypass the existing rules. You can take up this issue SHRI A. ASOKARAJ: How can you go in any form. The House is going to sit for a against the decision given by the Supreme pretty tong time and you can take an oppor­ Court? (Intemjptions) tunity. SHRI H.D. DEVEGOWDA; Ido not want {kiterruptions) to attr9>ute motive on the Supreme Court or anybody. I am just asking for clarificatbn. m . DEPUTY-SPEAKER: I wish to go Let the matter be debated in the House in an to next business, i.e.Matters under rule 377 appreciate manner under whatever the rule. But till then, he must give an assurance that SHRI OSCAR FERNANDES(Udupi): no further actbn will be taken in the matter tjet the Minister say that nothing will be done {Intenvptions) tiM the discussbn takes place on the f kK>r of tfie House. I do not want any molives to be attrto- uted.

SHRI A. ASOKARAJ: It cann(^ be given MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The hon. {kitempHons). Minister is on his ^ s . 695 Matters Under NOVEMBER 25,1991 Rule 377 696

SHRIVIDYACHARANSHUKLA: Iwould will fall sk:k. ONGC will not be able to request the hon. Speaker to fix an early date achieve their production target set for Eighth for discussion of this matter in the House. Plan period.

MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The matter All problems in the Bombay High and should not go for gazetting. That is their fear. Gujarat oil>fields should be identified and necessary steps must be taken to overcome SHRI VIDYACHARN SHUKLA: You these problems . The planning exercise might kindly act according to whatever is should be made more scientific and must permissible under the Rules and if early have inbuilt provision to account for the discussion is albwed, I think that will be a slippage. Planning and monitoring cells for good kiea. each project and region should be estab­ lished with participation of grass-root work­ MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you ers and production planning must be re­ for your cooperation on this sensational viewed and updated, depending upon the subject. The hon.Minister has agreed that a reservoir performance and input availability. date shoukj be fixed. The matter will come up before the Business Advisory Committee I, therefore, urge the Government to and a data will be fixed for discussions on analyse and diagnose the cause of falling oil Cauvery waters. Thankyou very much. Shri production and take remedial measures to K.H. Muniyappa, kindly have your seat. increase production.

Now we shall go for Matters Under Rule (li) Need to review the deci­ 377. sion of Government to deduct Income tax at 14.41 hrs. source on interest of Rs.2500 and above MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 SHRI A. CHARLES (Trivandrum): The recent decision of the Ministry of Finance to (i) Need to diagnose Causes deduct income-tax at source on Interest on of Fallliig Oil Production Rs.2,500/- and above has created real hard­ in the Country and take ship both to the Banking Sector and the Remedial Measures to middle-class people in view of the folbw- Step up its Production. ing:-

[English] (1) A large amount of depos­ its have already been SHRI GOPi NATH GAJAPATHI (Ber- withdrawn from the Na­ hampur): According to studies made by a tionalised Banks. task force, more than 700 oil wells in Gujarat arui Bombay H^h off-shore have fallen sick. (2) This has created addi­ The productbn in several other oil wells has tional work-bad in the declined due to the major constraint of Banks and the Bank Staff reservoir, defective operatbnal process and are u nable to cope up with Inadequate surface facilities. the increased work and thereby effecting their Oil and Natural Gas Commission have performance. made huge investments in these offshore oil wells. Unless immediate steps are taken to (3) In may cases, the com­ plug the k>opholes and revamp the existing paratively small fixed management system, several other oil wells deposits of the B9f7 M e^rs Under AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) Rui$377 696

middle-dass., especially State practically every year. The ShedhI the retired persons, have river has gone very shalbw because of ^ been hard hit and their depositbn of silt, particularly between Dakor only one source of liveli- and Umreth towns. Even with the rainfall ^ hpod is affected. It Is. about lOto tScms. atastretch.itoverfklSMm. therefore, requested that bk>cks roads and causes heavy damages to this may kindly be recon­ agriculture. It has gone shalk>w In also many sidered and the status quo other parts of Its course. As a result d restored. depositbn of silt, it changes iU stream every year causing damage to a number of vWages m Need to ensure adequate situated on the river bank. and timely supply of LPQ In hill areas of Uttar River Vatrak has also gone very shaHow Pradesh near Kheda town and changes Its stream every two years because of the deposition of [Translation] silt. It has washed away a protectfon waH, built up for the protectbn of Rabariwad and SHRI. BALRAJ PASS! (Nalnital): Mr. Bhoiwad of Kheda town. Deputy Speaker, Sir, under Rule 377,1 wouW like to bring it to the notice of the august I therefore urge upon the Government House that more than 40,000 persons are on to undertake dredging of both these nvers the waiting list for gas-connectk)ns in the (which is not done so far) and buHd some whole Kumaun region. For more than last 3 spurs at selected points to divert the stream years there is a ban on grant of gas connec­ of the rivers. tion in that area, h is causing a great loss of Forest Wealth worth crores of rupees. [Translaf/on] Besides, smoke discharged from hearths is telling upon womer)*S health of the hill areas. (V) Need for early Construo- They fall victims of T.B. and asthma. tlon of Proposed Bridge Sas-Klepots have been set up in a few on River Yam una In places. Even those places, prove useless as Allahabad they are far from the reach of general put>lic. Several depots are irt the waiting-list for last [TransisUiOiii many years. SHRIMATISAROJ DUBEVCAIIahabad): I woukj, therefore, like to request the Mr. Deputy SpeaKe . Sir. Under Rule 377,1 hon.Minister of petroleum to take effecth^e wouW like to draw your attention to a very steps for SMpp^ of LP6 In Nalnital, Almorah, Important and busy bridge on r»/er Viununa PIthoragarii etc/ in view of ^e fact that these in my constituer\cy, Allahabad, lopsded at the are ^o lu te ly hUt areas. confluence of Oanga and Yamuna, h « always been an important city frocn ^ fitjc ^ (hr) Meed dra0ng of Va- sodal and literar/ point of view. A j constructed on Yamuna river during ICal^iWslrictof Gujarat 10 British days, connects Uttar Prarfesh with Avoid Flood situation Madhya Pradesh. Bhm and We^ ^ngaf. Created by these Rivers. That bridge is on the verge oj coVapse ^ i has outlived b utility.

In the post-inctependence era, Naini a DR. K P . jpSVyANI (Kheda): Sir, the trans Yamuna area nas d f ^ l o f ^ loto Vartrilcirkf Sherfhi iwersftavebeencriatif^ important industrial area. Sever^ ^ystri<^ flood situatbn in Kaira District of Gujarat are running there and there are plans 699 Mamfs Under 700^

[Smt. Saroj Oubey] the said co-operative may get the dealer­ ship wiAout any delay. up more new industries. Industtiallms ai% not in a positbn to start more Industries in the (vil) Need to Reconsider the cHyij mainly l>ecause of the heavy traffic Proposal to Deliver Let- b l^ e d on that old and congested bridge. It tersln Mall Boxes Located is being used by thousands of persons work­ on Ground Floors Above ing in the trans Yamuna Naini industrial area. in High Rise Buildings in Many times in a day traffic is blocked on that Bombay. bridge, which causes hours of delay to aft tired'empbyees Including women employ­ SI^RL SH ARAD DIGHE(Bombay-North ees, workers farmers, students in reaching Central): It is gratifying that the hon. Minister their homes. Due to this delay many serious for Commuribations in the last week of patients and women writing In labour -pain October, 1991 postponed for two months the die on the way to the hospitals for want of implementation of the proposed system of treatment. delivering letters through the mail boxes located on the ground floors atone of high Taking into account, people’s problems rise buildings in Bombay. However, it is not the then Prime Minister had laid the founda­ sufficient merely to postpone the implement tion stone in 1990 to construct a new bridge tatton. The feasibility or otherwise of the on Yamuna river but the construction work proposal sbpuld be examined in depth has not yet been started there. prompt^ by appoi^^^ a Pariiamentary Committee ^d th e implementatton bejs^ayed So, I would like to request the Central in the meantime. The proposal, as tt is, is govemment to construct the proposed bridge impracticable and will cause hardships to on Yamuna river immediately for the public the dtizens of Bombay. welfare and industrial development of the area so that new industries may be set up n Board(V East) coiW i^ed IWIhtervfew declare these areas as areas affected Mndor on 1Z6.1990 at Siliguri, Darjeeling. A panel ^Natural Calamities' and rush aki to tamfl was also prepared where ^ e Wholesale Nadu and Mdhra Prade«h till thf np^^aby C o H ^ratlve Consumer^ Society lim ited, is restcnred^ ui^erts^ Jaljp^uri ts Inioppi^itbn. rdb reque^lhe fetfieseamaa. Govommdnt tolake n e c t a r y steps 701 DmnatKh tor Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) (Pmjab), 1991-92 702

14J3lir8. billton people, three quarters of aMhumanity, live in the devebping countries. By the year DEMANDS FOR GRANTS (PUNJAB). 2000, the proportbn will probably have risen 1991,92-Cbnfd to four fifths. Togetherthe devel^ing coim- tries ~ accounting for more than two thirds of [English] the earth’s land surface area * are often called the Third Work!. MR. DEPUTY-SPEAKER: The House shall now take up further discussbn arxi We refer to them as the South. Largely voting on the Demands for Grants for by passed by the benefits of prosperity and 1991-92 in re^>ect of Punjab. progress, they exist on the periphery d the devebped countri^ of the North. While Shri Hari Kishore Singh to continue his most of the pecple of the North are affluerrt, w e c h . most of the people of the South are poor; while the economic of the North are gener- [Transiation] ally strong and resilient, those of the South are mostly weak and defenceless; while the SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH countries in the North are, t>y and large, m (Sheohar): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, during control of their destinies, those of the South the course of a discussbn in the recent past, are very vulnerabb to external factors and I had expressed regret for creating such a lacking in functbnal sovereignty.” situation in which the valuat^e time of such a great scholar and economist like that of Shri [Translation] Manmohan Singh Is being wasted. I am refen^lng to it specially because today the Lastly, I wouki like to quote: Prime Minister of the country has left for partbipatlng in G -1 5 meeting at Caracus. It [Ef^ish] was in Caracus that the report of the South commission was presented last year before T h e primary bond that links the coun­ the world. I would like to quote from the book tries and peoples of the South is tl^ir dm re Th e changes to the South". to escape from poverty and underdevebp- ment and secure a b k ^ life for their citi* PROF. PREM DHUMAL(Hamirpur): Is zens. This shared aspiratbn ^ a foundatbn this Punjab Budget? Are you speaking on for their solbarity, expressed through such the Punjs^udget? organizations as the Gro^>o< 77 -erf whidi aU countries erf the South except China are SHRi HARI KISHOSRE SINGH: I am members - and the Non-Aligned Move­ speaking on the Punjab budget only. The ment, wtth a large and growuig nfiembereh^ book 1 have referred to has been written by from ail contin^ts in S o i^ .” I am uler- Dr. Manmohan Singh. I am not talking of ring to it because tpds^ tfie Hon. P i ^ anyone else. Whoever is conversant with K^nister abngwith several (dicers of the the name of the South Commisston and this Government of India smti theforelgnMinister book, might be knov^ng that Shri Julius has gone tc^partie^f^e m the G-15 meeting. Nyerere who received Nehru Peace Prize It was nec^safi^ bi the ^ meeting, SHi£^ G#f«9n^^thecommis8k>n. Mr. Sin^^islhe and the f o i ^ MWster, Sim ilC ai^hcf thte bookaiia SOt 1 hadpartbipated. ttls v^distresslfigtiiali to say any thlr^ifor whk:h^U|>eq|)le greet scholar like Shri Manmohan S tn ^ mudi:Car#d ttis\(y^ttton »th is b p (^: m an aulhofty S ^ D T I h i OEMifitnes in ^ m o m . gone tNriu He ji busy with the Punjab Budget. So natiraly, • A WORLD DIVIDED: Three and a half he vdll not be there on a worki platform, 703 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab). 1991-92 704

[Sh. Hari Kishore Singh] M.Ps elected from Bihar. It may be that his name may cause ever heart attack. Thus, where economic problems of the devetoping you have to arrange the doctor also. countries are slated for a discussion today, in the same context, it is also regrettable that Recently, bye-elections have been hold the present foreign Secretary, Shri at several places. A number of manipula­ Muchukund Dubey who is an experienced tions and irregularities have been commit­ officer of international repute on UNCTAD or ted. We also raised that matter in this House. any other agency of the United Nations and On 18th instant, I along with former Finance before whom many dignitaries in the devel­ Minister Prof. Madhu Dandavate and for­ oping countries become nervous has also mer Home Minister Shri Mufti Mohammad not gone with the Prime Minister's delega- sahsb went to meet the Chief Election tk>n today. Commissioner but we cculd not meet him. God knows what type of God man is he: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the reason for What is his philosophy and to whom he not hokJing electtons in Punjab is known to would meet. We used to go to Nirvachan the whole House as well as the work! at Bhawan earlier also but never had such an targe. But t would l^e to know as to by when experience. When the former Home Minis­ electkms wouW be hekJ in Punjab. I would ter and the former Finance Minister tried to Bke to ask the Government in clear terms as search him, fortunately one constable who to why ft did so when the date of elections was acquainted to Shri Mufti Saheb made had been announced and all the polling them to see Shri Bagga. At half past three an'angements had already been completed. we were toki that elections were going to be Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, you as well as we held at Gaya, RepoHing on 61 booths was to have experience of contesting elections. take place. At quarter past four, a notifica­ About 100 candkJates showed their courage tion was issued to cancel the elections of to contest the elections and were killed under Gaya. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, if you will not the present situatbn in Punjab. protect the democratic process of the Coun­ try then who will do it? It is regrettable that 15.00 hrs today....(Interruptions)

I want to know, the House wants to AN HON. MEMBER: Shri Laloo Prasad knew, the country wants to know why the will do it. efections have been postponed, at the last moment. At that time the then Hon. Prime SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: The Minister had shown his ignorance about the terror of Shri Laloo will disturb you for long. postponement of ela:tbns. Respected Don’t wonv? why are you afraid of Shri Chandrashekharji dkj not know about the Laloo. Shri Laloo had said that you shoukJ postponement of the electk>ns. it was a conduct elections with the help of military but surprising situation that the supreme ruler of should not postpone the elections. I am tt^e country was unaware of the elections sorry to say that we will shed tears like an being postjwned. We want to know when important person unless protection to the there would t>e a normal situation in Punjab. citizens of the country is given and demo­ Form whose point of view the normalcy cratic process is ensured. I mean to say that wouk^ be satisfactory? Wouki it be satisfac­ pain in the heart may bitter the tongue also tory f rc»T» the point of view of the House or the and people may be forced to take sword in Prime Minmter or Chief Election Commis- their hands. They may also take A.K.-47. I •kmer of the country? regret that I am condemning It. One hon. Member elected from Punjab was not al- Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we belong to bwed to enter the House and the Natbnal . Even the name of Chief electk>n lntegratk>n Council because he was carrying Commlisk>ner creates terror in the hearts of a bng sword with him. He coukJ not take up 705 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 (S4/C4) (Punjab), 1991-92 706 oath in the House. I want to submit humbly elections . It was not because you were that the sword was given proper concept by coward, but you wanted that the Govern­ Guru Govind Singh. He was born in Patna. ment may remain for some more time. You If you don't know, you please listen to me. wanted to be In the Government not for the As he was born in Patna. I have also some sake of power but for the requirement of the right to speak over it. Shri Guru Govind country. There is no need to protect the Singh, a great man and a great Saint who Government. It Is the requirement of the was born in Patna Sahib, had sacrificed a lot country. Think with an open mind. I want a to protect the culture and civilization of the categoncal assurance in the House as to country. It is wrong not to participate in the when the electbns in Punjab wouW be heW? democrats process of the country in the name of religion. I would appeal them that As I said the other day we are not the length of the sword will not decide the opposing the budget proposals. We doni fate of the country and the Sikh religion too, want to oppose the budget. We want the does not permit to give importance to such budget to be passed at the earliest. But what issues. is the remedy of narrow mindedness? When wouW the democratb process begin in What to talk of the Natbnal Integratbn Punjab? Will the cbministratbn of Punjab be Council? h has been constituted in a hurry. carried in the same manner as the Home With the result some persons have been left, Ministry was doing earlier? We have one who were to be included in the Council. But example of it before us. You have deputed even the Defence Minister of India has not the same persons who were posted there been included in the National Integration five years ago. Had he any achievement as Council Whom to blame? First of all, I wouW he was upgraded to Director General, request the Minister of State for Finance to C.R.P.F. a biggest organisatbn, in Delhi? reconstitute the Natbnal Integratbn Council What was the necessity of sending him arnlthe petty problemsof Maharashtra shouki back? It pains me to say that his behavbur not be brought to Delhi for solution. It has with general pubib has not been good. I never been so far. The Defence Minister of know that it make no difference to call them India has been the member of the Natbnal as alive citizens or dead citizens . His Integratbn Council since its inceptbn. Now, conduct with his colleagues, senbr offbtate why he has been excluded. Tell me. Is he has not been good. If you want to listen not competent H he is not capable of be­ more, I shall narrate more examples. But are coming a member of the council, how he you rewarding him for not treating his wouW defend the country. My hon. Col­ colleagues and senbr offbials. You have leagues will forgive me. It was appeared in created a wrong precedent by posting him the newspapers and a propaganda was made again there. Why he has been sent to In the electbns that in whbh capacity he was Punjab? Reply it. Doni enter into the contesting when he was not even a member politbs of Akal Takhat and Sikhs. of the Natbnal Integratbn Council. That is why I was stai‘mQ..,{lnten'uptions)...... It Is Indiraji was assassinated. It was wrong. very much related to Punjab because the It was very wrong and bbt The Government problem of Punjab has been created due to of this country could not protect the Prime your narrow mindedness. As bng as narrow Minister of India. At least, the then Home mindedness woukJ remain, the problem of Minister shoukJ have resigned if not the Punjab can’t be solved... {Interruptions) Do Defence Minister. You can think yourself not say that at that time it was our govern­ who was the Home Minister at that time. ment. When it was our Government, you Incidents occurred later also. These were were constantly pressurising us not to hold unhappy incidents. As per Government elections in Punjab. This thing, I want to tell statistbs, 2300 people were killed and many to the country. If it is not so, you may refute people were burnt alive. A Commissbn was it. You were not in favour of hoWing the set up but what actbn was taken? Some of 707 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab), 1991-92 708

{Sh. HariKishore Singh] they propose to do as far as the remaining months are concerned. Merely giving some the accused were appointed as Ministers. figures and departments does not throw any For the sake of Congress politics, you threw light on the real financial position of Punjab. Punjab into trouble. Later on, the AkalTakht And there cannot be a fruitful debate from was constructed in Punjab against the wishes the financial point of view. Therefore, con­ of Sikhs. The Government of India had sidering that string of the purse with this awarded acontractof e^htto eleven hundred House, we take this opportunity of discuss­ crores of rupees but later on, it was reduced ing Punjab, namely, the political situatbn in to earth, in connectbn with Punjab, late Shri Punjab. Therefore, the whole debate Is Darbara Singh had told me that the persons really speaking addressed to the Home in Delhi wouW not allow Punjab to function. Ministry and not at all to the Finance Ministry. He had mentbned the names of several I do not think that any of the points whteh we persons. In this regard. Shri Darbara Singh shall raise and which we have been raising had tokj this thing not only to me but to many are in any away appropriately replied to by other persons. He had said this to the then the Finance Ministry. It is because the Prime Minister,Smt. Indira Gandhi and we financial aspect of this Budget is not placed atang with a delegation had met her. 1 want before this House at all. to submit that the first requirement is to hold elections in Punjab . The officer which is However, coming to the political situ­ named as Genera! Dyer should be called ation In Punjab. I would say that elections in back. Give confidence to the people of Punjab have become a must now. And it is Punjab that polltk:al process will be started gratifying to note that the Home Minister, there. It matters not much that which party during the last session itself, when he moved comes to power. In many States, your party for the extensbn of President’s Rule in is in power. You are holding elections in Punjab, assured that elections would be Haryana and avokJing elections in Punjab. It held in Punjab in Februaryof next year. And is not justified. I submit not to follow the there have been frequent statements made polk:y of nan'owmindedness. Come fon^^ard by him that elections in any case woukl be in the interest of the nation. Assure this held in Punjab by the 15th of February. I Ktouse and declare the date of holding elec­ would welcome that statement because tions in Punjab. without elections, there appears to be no way out now as far as the Punjab problem is I conclude with these words. concerned. Today, Punjab is still a story of untold miseries and there is no light at the SHRI SHARAD DIGHE (Bombay-North end of this tunnel. There does not seem to Central): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, Sir, I rise to be any way out from the daily dose of mind­ support the Demands for Grants for Punjab less killings, inhuman liqukJation of families, for 1991-92. However, I am sorry to say that boting, extortion and kidnapping for ran­ really speaking from the propriety point of som. Now, It has not been restrbted only to view, there is no suffcient material placed the three border districts of Punjab but it has before this House as far as these Demands been spread over to all other areas of Punjab are concerned. I have received only one and outsbe Punjab also like the Terai area of page stating some figures and the depart­ UP, MP, Bihar, Haryana and Chandigarh, ft ments. And abng with it, we have straighta­ has even reached Maharashtra. Only a few way been supplied with the Punjab appro- days back, there was a bomb explosion in prialk>n Bill. I feel that when there is no the suburban train at near Bombay. popular Government m Punjab and when So, the militant activities have reached even Punjab is also not represented in this House, to a State like Maharashtra. Therefore, as I it is the duty of the Government to put before was saying, this problem has to be tackled us the performances, the different schemes, as early as possible and as there canrxst be the different polk;ies and the details of what negotiations with anybody, electbns are the 709 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4,1913(S>4/CA) (Punjab), 1991-92 710 only way out as far as this problem is con­ should be utilised at this stage to see that the cerned. I read a report somewhere that Pakistani training centres are abolished and Home Minister has also said that there can­ militants are not given any encouragement not be any negotiations now because there across the border. Perhaps, after this there are nearly 37 factions in Punjab itself. And would be some light as far as the Punjab we cannot hold any negotiations with any of problem is concerned. There wouW be these factbns fruitfully as there are several peaceful electbns and peace will be re­ factions existing today. Therefore, people sorted in Punjab as early as possible. When have to decide ultimately as to who should this State joins the mainstream of this coun­ represent Punjab and who should negotiate try again, there will be happiness not only in with the Centre. Therefore, the date of 15th Punjab, but in the whole country as well. February may be strictly adhered to by the Central Government. Now, for no reason, Certain measures have been taken by postponement of Punjab elections should the present Governor of Punjab and I wel­ take place; that would affect the credibility of come them. On the day of the 25th year of this government and ultimately, it will com­ the establishment of Punjab State, the pletely be a mess as far as Punjab problem Governor has announced certain benefK^ial is concerned. Therefore, I would urge upon measures such as ensuring development of the government to stick to this time limit Punjab language in the entire Punjab-speak- whteh they have announced and at any cost, ing regions, making Punjabi a second lan­ there should be electbns in Punjab. guage in the States of Haryana and Hima­ chal Pradesh, generating self-employment I was happy to note that the proposal of for 1,000 youth, establishing a Lok Vikas debarring the separatist from the elections Institute for promoting and preserving the appear to have been dropped. That would Punjabi heritage, providing 1,000 villages have created a further sense of alienation with improved sanitary environment and anK)ng these people. Therefore, there should providing safe drinking water. All such not be any separate election law as far as measures will also help to create a condu­ this State is concerned. We shall have to cive effect not only to solve the problem in take the risk and catch the bull by its horns. Punjab but also to have peaceful electbns in With whatever army that can be deployed that State. and with whatever election machinery that can be used, we must face the elections in Steps should also be taken to encour­ Punjab. Therefore, I hope that the reported age those youths who desire to retum to the news that such a Bill to debar separatist has mainstream. After intercepting certain let­ been dropped is correct and I am happy that ters, it has been found that they are tired of it has now been left to the people themselves the life of militancy and they are thinking in to elect proper representatives of their choice terms of returning to the normal life of citi­ to represent their State of Punjab. zens. Encouragement should be given to such youth who want to repin the normal Further on, I also urge upon the Govern­ political and social life of Punjab by giving up ment to use all the diplomatic channels to their terrorist activities. curtail the militant activities as far as Punjab is concerned. As far as nuclear programme If all such steps are taken, I believe that is concerned, attempts are being made for there will be peaceful electbns in Punjab persuading this country, to join the NPT and and its problem will be solved and there will also to deckJe in favour of creating a nuclear be no further Punjab Budgets to be placed weapon free zone in south Asia. In this before this House. connection, people like Bartholomew and Blix have been visiting us and they are SHRIINDRAJIT GUPTA (fvlidnapore): putting pressure upon this country. I urge Mr. Speaker. Sir, I share Mr. Dighe’s sense upon the Government that this opportunity of uncertainty as to whether the politbal 711 Dm tuids tor Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab). m i - 9 2 m

(Sh. Indrajit Gupta] know what is happening there, otherwise it will be very difficult to make an assessment aspttcU of this matt»r which are being de­ of the situatbn on the ground in Punjab with bated wHI be dealt with by the Finance Min- whidi this whole questk>n is intrk:ateiy linked isterornot. Of course, it is forthem to decide up. Newspapers are the only source of but certainly this is a matter which has very informatton and what we are reading there in much to do with the Ministry of Home Affairs, quite prominent headlines is that an opera- which is not represented here at this mo­ tk>n called Rakshak-ll has been launched. ment, becausethequest'ion of Punjab Budget Rakshak-I is already over and Rakshak-ll being debated here has a very relevant has been launched in whbh several thou­ bearing on the future of Presidential Rule in sands of army troops plus paramiiitary force that State. I do not know whether the Minis­ plus the Punjab poltee - altogether running ter is tn a position to at least declare here into thousands of people - have been de- confidently that this is the last time when the ptoyed and put under the State Govern­ Parlian^nt will be called upon to debate and ment’s authority to deploy them and use pass the Punjab Budget. If he can make that them as they want. I have nothing against stalement confidently, I wouki be very happy. that but why such a situatton has become necessary now. If the government does not THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE tell us an^hing then we are left to guess and MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI SHAN- to make conjectures. Does it mean that the TARAM POTDUKHE): The Minister has situation has worsen? Up to now out of 12 already saki that. distrk:ts in Punjab 9« districts have been declared disturbed areas under the Disturbed SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: Please re­ Areas Act. Only three districts have been left peat again what your Minister has said with out. Now I find that those three remaining cofwkXton. distrk:ts have also been covered under the Disturbed Areas Act. That does not surely Not very bng ago, I think in the last mean that the situation is improving. Rather Session itself, the House practk:ally unani­ A seems to imply that in the Governmenf s mously was of the view that despite all the assessment - it may be right or it may be risks and uncertainties we must go in for the wrong - the situation has deterbrated re­ earliest possible electbns In Punjab. There quiring to bring the entire State under Dis­ is no way out. The Prime Minister himself turbed Areas Act plus launching of this gave the assurance on the f k>or of the House RakshakJIOperatbn. So. we have not been that elections are definitely going to be held told anything. This sovereign House of the notlalerthanthelSthof February, today, we country whbh is called upon to det>ate a are now approaching the end of November. Budg^ of another State is not tob anything So, we have two-and-a-half month left in about the situatbn there, as to whbh way we hwnd, as per tiM time span whbh the Prime are moving now. Are we expected to have iyfinislerhadspeltout So, it depends on that oonfWence that V®s’ in two-and-a-half now whether the electbns are heki or not, months' time, that the government woub be whether the elected legislature comes into in a positbn to implement the assurance existence and K it does, then perhaps we will given by the Prime Minister? I had my own not time arid again be caAed upon to perform doubts at that time. When he was giving that thte unpleasitfit duty of discussing and assurance, at that time itself, Sir, I had said passktQ ^ Budget lor the State of Punjab in this House that it is very diflbult for us to ¥Mch is suffering under Preskienfs expect a firm date from an infirm Govern­ Ruie for such an Inordinately bng time. ment Anyway, a firm date was given. We were tob that they will stick to that. Sir, do t aisa shtfe Mr.Dighe's dissaltsf action you know the constitutbnal Implicatbns? If with the fact that we have not been provkJed for any reason, they do not stbk to the time, wM) any background material. We must thitf is, for any reason, if the electbns are not 713 DemarKisforCkants AGR AH AYAN A4,1913 (S>4K4) (Punjab), 199U92 714

held by the 15th February, a fresh have for so many years been tossed about Constitutionat Amendment wilt have to be between the terrorists* vtolence on the one made. I do not know whether the present hand and excesses committed by the police Government is in a position to risi^ the pas­ on the other hand are not people who can sage of a Constitutional Amendment In both easily be given confidence now. It is a very the Houses. very difficult task for whk;h we thought that the entire country, all the politk:al parties So. it is a very serious matter. I should should be mobilised by the government for say that the Government is really between an all-out effort to approach the people of the devil and the deep sea They have to the Punjab. But nothing is done. Nothing of decide. But what I am sorrowful about is, that kind is being done. We are left each to there is not a word about what I may call the himself to do whatever he likes. no law and order. One is law and order. Second »the questbn of security, that is the So. my impression last time, when the question of deployment of security forces. Prime Minister spoke was that leading upto AH that we understand. The other side of the the election there should be a process of strategy which we were assured about was creating an atmosphere of condliation and that there, the developmental work would be confidence among the pec^le not only of stepped up. Moreconfkienceshoukf beput conf rontatk>n. If I was wrong, well I beg to be on devek>pmental work. You have to isolate corrected. The strategy was aimed at Rotat­ the militants. You have to instil confklence in ing the militants. It was already there. I the minds of the people. You have to help to agree. Our Reports are also like that. The attract the youths and also to create more mass of people are fed up now. jobs, provkie more employment opportuni­ ties. But what have you been doing? Why They are fed up with all these killings have you not tokJ an^hing? Why shouW the and lootings and extortk>ns and butchery House be kept in the dark in all these mat­ whk:h are going on. They wouki also Ike ters? Please tell us. Since the beginning of normal conditk>ns to return when they can this year upto now. what are those devek)p- lead a normal Hfe. ment p ro j^ s whk;h you have been able to start and how many new jobs you have Then the questbn of negotiatbns a ^ created? I know that the Governor of Punjab anses. ft is the Govemment’s duty; whether had publbly announced with some good it be the Governor there in Chandigarh orthe intentbns, what he wants to do. It was just Centre or jointly they have to think of whbh now mentk>ned by Shrl Dighe. But that is not are those parties, those forces, whbh are the something as acoompfishing with the those healthy elements, whbh are those help of the Centre, the programmes which secular elements whbh are there present in we were told that they were going to be the Punjab with whom some kind oi ta»cs launched. How are you going to change the formal/informal must be held in orderto pave mood of the people? the way, to prepare the grourui for an elec­ tion. We are not told anything about ft. We were toki now that the Rakshak II is necessary in order to instil confkJence In the I was horrified to read a news afewdays people. Who told you that? I do not know. I ago in the paper that this fendng whbh is do not think that the government itself has being done on the border by us is of sub any oonfkience In these devebpment pro­ standard material. It is being discussed grammes and projects whk:h it ta^s about so many times; it is going on for a bng time. An much. It depends only on the gun and assurance was given that the entire border nothing else. I am not saying that you do not was going to be fenced; a big part of it had have to. You make security arrangement. been done; something was remaining and Obvbusly you have to. But what about the all that. There was a news in the Press that other sWe of the strategy? The people who it was found that much of this fencing. bart>ed 715 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab), 199t-92 716

[Sh. Indrajit Gupta] ter. But how can w© discuss and debate anything when there is not a shred of paper wire fencing is of sub standard material. I do to^ive us any factual information at all? so, not know who the work was given - a con­ I think the Government is not serious about tractor or who is that fellow. But true to the this question at all. However, for the time tradition of the Indian contractors perhaps it being, there is no point in labouring on all is now said that part of this fencing has been this. I would like to know from the Govern­ found to be of sub standard; they will not ment whether they are prepared to assure stand any kind of strain or anything; and if the House again that, as the Prime Minister you pull them or push them, they crumble in has said, there will be no going back from the your hand. This is the way our security is date which was given here of 15th February being looking after. I cannot expect the for holding those elections; and secondly Finance Ministry to reply to these points; it is whether from now upto 15th February the impossible when the whole thing is unsatis­ reliance is going to be entirely on the Rakshak factory. When we discuss Punjab in the II or it may be followed by some Rakshak III House I demand that the Home Minister I do not know later on. That means holding must be present; otherwise, it shows an utter the whole State under Disturbed Areas Act lack of seriousness in this whole situation. and pouring more and more troops and Why are we not told what is the latest posi­ para-military forces in. How does the wind tion regarding Pakistan’s role in this whole go the otherside of the strategy of some Punjab affairs? Are they continuing to sup­ development work of attracting people, of ply arms in the sense that they would like to? giving them confidence, providing jobs for But is it a fact that arms are still freely being the young fellows and doing something? transported across the border? we are not There is nothing about that. Anyway, I am able to stop them or check them or have very much disturbed and worried by all this them checked to some extent or nothing has and 1 hope that the Finance Ministry will at been done. Why are we not told about it? least try to reply to these points; whatever they can reply to, they should reply or don’t There is much talk about the training want to reply to, they may kindly refer them camps situated inside Pakistan across the to the Government; and we should be told at border. Some of my friends have recently a suitable time what exactly is the situation been publicly demanding that, if necessary, on the ground. we shoukJ take action to finish off those camps. Well, that is a matter of high policy SHRIAJOY MUKHOPADHYAY (Krish- whfeh is not for me to determine. But, even nagar): Mr. Deputy-Speaker, with a deep if the training camps do not operate, I think, sense of anguish and resentment I rise to these militants in the Punjab, in so many speak on the Demands for Grants for the years, have been sufficiently well trained year 1991-92 in respect of Punjab. and experienced to operate provkied they have the necessary arms, explosives, gre­ Sir, the people of Punjab who stood In nade, detonators and all these things which the frontline of the struggle of Indian inde­ they are using, mines, Landmines they are pendence, whose patrbtism, vataur, sacri­ using with devastating effect. Does it mean fice and love tor the country are written in that actually the supply of weapons and golden letters in our history, and who have arms equipments coming across the border contributed a lot for the economic devebp- has rK>t diminished at all by our measures or ment in post-independent India have now what? become helpless and worst victims of the extremists. Their unflinching urge for na­ You are spending money and asking us tional unity and integrity is being suppressed to vote large sums of money. And one by the guns of extremists. In fact, the Indian aspect of that definitely is that security ar­ civilisation, its rich culture, and the noble rangements have to be properly looked af­ values, which are the products of the end­ 717 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (SAKA) (Punjab), 199t-9^ less sacrifices of our forefathers, are burning States begins. Ludhiana, the nerve centre o" altamo In the ho!y tend cf Bhagat Singh and smaU sca\e industries, has been seiected by Innumerable other martyrs. It is a shame for them as one of the centres to implement theit the entire country. evil designs. By now all the major industrial­ ists have shifted their industries in adjacent Everybody knows that it is the Congress States including Delhi. Many shop owners (I) Gtovernment at the Centre which is re­ belonging to the minority community In sponsible for the creation of such a danger­ Ludhiana area have migratedf rom the State. ous process which has led to the present The famous hosiery industry in Punjab is on disaster. But still, the peace-loving people the verge of collapse. The fate of three lakh of Punjab and that of the entire country workers attached with that industry be well expected that at least this time the Congress imagined. (I) Government, taking lessons from the past ten years, from the happenings of the past The extremists are executing their plains ten years, would come forward to meet the without the least resistance from the Gov­ challenge ot tne dark forces squarely and ernment. The Central Government also Is woukf take effective measures in the right not taking any notice of these dangerous directton. But unfortunately, that expecta­ games. But is it not true that the large scale tion has been totally belied. During the migration of the people belonging to the regime of the five-month old Narasimha minority community will not only cause Rao Government the situation has further enormous harm to the State alone but it may deteriorated very fast and now it has come to have serbus repercussions outsidethe State an alarming stage. The promulgation of the also? But who will answer these questbns? Disturbed Areas Act almost throughout the Only the State Minister of Finance is present State proves it. The deep sense of insecurity here. There is no Minister from the Home and demoralisation has engulfed the entire Department. Virtually there is no administra­ State. I woukl like to cite some revealing tion in Punjab and the government of India facts. has no Punjab policy. This is the state of affairs going on. Not only are innocent people irrespec­ tive of age being butcher^ daily, or Inci­ For all practical purposes Punjab is now dents of kidnapping, rapes, extortions, in- being ruled at the dictates of the extremists. timkiation etc.., are occurring regularly as The recruitment in the Government admini­ before but the number of killings etc., are stration and all the public sector industries Is also Increasing rapWly. And during October being made on the basis of the lists fur­ and the first week of November a record has nished by the extremists. There is no se­ been created in this respect. On November crecy in it. With the blessings of the extrem­ 4, one of our topmost valient leaders along ists a sect bn of the administr^bn Is harass­ with his five colleagues was gunned down ing the people and extorting money from the during daytime. 31 branches of nationalised like anything. Unholy nexus between the banks were burnt in one day. Since last extremists and a good number of bureau­ October many potbe officials along with their crats and polbe personnel Is quite c ^ n . family members have been killed and the weapons Including machineguns were taken But what the Central Government Is away. doing? Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi as Oppositfon Leader and other leading Members of the Beskies these, in order to create an congress (I) often used to blame the atmosphere in favour of Khalistan. extrem­ V.P.Singh Government that they had no ists are going ahead with their plan to force polby regarding Punjab State. But that th« people of the minority community to Government, though in a half-hearted way, migriBrte from that State - thus creating a took some Initiatives to start a politbal proc­ sltU8rtk>n where Sikh migratton from other ess, That was. of course, not pursued. Now, 719 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab). 1991-92 7 »

[Sh. Ajoy Mukhopadhyay] CITU were an^ested. A few days back eight workers were killed in polbe firing in Abohar may I ask the present Government what in Punjab. Is It the way to start a poKtbal polcy they are pursuing in regard to Punjab? process, a democratb process? They are not taking into confkience this House even not to speak of discussion with In the prevailing situatbn in Punjab the different politcal parties. Whatever might where the most essential thing is to start and have been said, the fact remains that during develop democratb process, it is unthink­ the last ten years ail the successive Govem- able that democratb movement of the work­ ments have treated the problem d Punjab ers will be suppressed in this way. So, I ak>ng with the problem of Kashmir and later wouW request the Government to come out on that of Assam as a problem of law and openly with what they want to do with the order. But the problem is much more bigger- Punjab problem. it fe the problem of the unity and integrity of the country upon which the future of India The net result wouki be that the he^>- depends. lessness among the people will go on ki- creasing and very soon an opportunity win The Government has committed to hold be created where the extremists will be able electbn in Punjab by February 15,1992. But to create Kashmir-like situatbn in Punjab, if the present state of affairs is albwed to in that case the hands of Pakistan and other contkiue and peace4s not restored then the foreign powers whk:h are frantbally trying to Govemment will have no other optbn but to destabilise India wouki be further strength­ approach this House again along with a ened. constitutbn amendment Bin for postponment of the electbn whbh will further encourage In this connectbn, I wouki like to pobt the extremists and demoralise the people out that there is a major difference between who have afi trough stood against the the situatbn in Kashmir and b Punjab, in anti-natbnalforces. There is nodoubt about Punjab the oven^helmbg majority the people it. Mere issuing statements and expressing is against the conce^ of Khalistan. Theyare pfous wishes cannot yIekJ any resuK. The against the extremists and their activities passivity of the present Govemment has and they are for natbnai unity. They are crossed all lim ^. Even the media, partk:u- secular in charsK^ter. Thai Is evbent from the fariy the alectronb media are not being prop­ fact that despite all out efforts, the extrem­ erty utBisad not to speak of any politbal als dki not succeed to communalise the actkm. ttisamalterofdeepooncernthatthe situatbn b Punjab. They ooub not disturb workers in Pur^ab who are consistently f ight- the communal harnK)ny the State. Nc^a ing i^ianst the extremist activities abng wfth single communal rbt took place in Pitfijab ttieir fight lor Itfe and livelihood are being during tNs perbd. I think that the Gcwem- subjected tp heavy poUce repressbn includ­ ment shoub take cognmance of this real^ ing frequent firir^. A few days back, the and come forward to take an aN out offen­ contradors* labourers of FCI in Sangrur in sive, both administrative and politbal, against Punjab were agitating for their bng standing the extremists. Simuttaneously.thegenuine demands for better servce conditbns and aspiratbns of the people of Punjab m i^ be regukuisalbninservbe. But the FCI author­ honoured and fulfilled, with no further ity refused to sk with the Workers' unbn for dilly-dallying. The Government is not read­ a negotiated settlement On the contrary, ing the serbusness of the situatbn. Through they p re y e d to change the contractor uni- their actbn it is not reflected. 1 w o M , there­ iaterafiy. Thereafter, polbe was called in fore, request the Government to r e a ^ the and firmg look place and 40 workers were serbusness of the situatbn and come for­ wiHinded. CcKnbbg operatbn was also ward, firstly, to streamline the administi's^bn conducted 'm the slums(^ the workers and a and to take determined steps by « n s u r ^ n u n ^ r of leaders and organisers of the people's support and coc^)eralbn for eetab- 721 Demands for Q rm s AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (Punjab), 199U92 722

Kdhkig peao 0 m d for saving the life and When the whole country and different states property of the people. are prepa* ing for the the next Budget, we are presenting ths Budget of the year of which Secondly, the process of Impiementa' eight mcnths have elapsed. tion of the Rajiv Longowal Accord is to be Parted forthwith and accordingly handing 16.03 hrs. over Chandigarh to Punjab and full compen­ sation to Haryana for that should be com­ §HR1MATI MALINI BHATTACHARAYAin pleted within a time limit. The issue of water tha chai^ dispute be immediately refen'ed to the su­ preme Court. The culprits of 1984 Delhi riots Small scale industries have contrib­ be p u t t e d immediately. The Punjabi lan­ uted a lot of to reduce unemployment, pro­ guage be given proper status. Above all, the vide employment opportunities and Centre^tate relations be restructured with strengthen the economy of the area. The a view to give more autonomy to the States, Despite adverse situatbn, the small scale ificfad.*ng Punjab. industrial sector of Punjab is contributing in a signif icant manner. \ was in Punjab yester­ 16.00 hrs. day and I met such several people and latxiurers. There aremany small kilns where Thirdly. I would urge upon all political labourers work. !t is unfortunate that there parties of the country, particularly the major is shortage of copper, coal also etc. There is political parties - including the Congress (I) a shortage of raw material whk:h is used by - to start and develop a political process in small scale industries. Prtor to me, senior the State with right earnest. Rnaliy, I would leader Shri Indrajit Gupta has drawn atten­ request the G o v^m e n t to spelt out their tion towards It that a small piece of paper poficy in regard to Punjab. They should relating to Budget has been given to us. Ifmd immediately start a dialogue with all the that the Government is making propoganda secular political parties of the country with a time and again that Punjab is marching ahead view to arrive ^ a consensus. I do believe in the field of industry and agriculture. It is that If we can go forward In solving the maintaining its earlier position. If you see P iin ^ problem by combining all the forces, item No. 13 which is earmarked for indus­ then It win be possible to open the doors to tries, only 10 crores, 51 lakhs and 38 thou­ tadde the Kashmir problem with less dlffi- sand of rupees have been allocated for in­ culry and the extremfets all over the country dustries in Punjab. What progress in the and ^ i r masters abroad wiH be demoral­ field of industries wilt be made there with this ised. amount by the Govemment. The first re­ quirement which is the concem of Central if the Govenment and aU the patriotic Govemment also, is that the raw material potttic^ parties to respond to the caH of should be supplied there sos that the people the situation and do not rise to the occasion engaged in small industries could get em­ to meet the challenge of the dark horses, ployment, and earn their livelihood. It wouW history will not forgive us. help to contain the problem of terrorism to some extent. The second problem is of V\^h these words Icondude my speech. banking facility which is linked with the Budget and the Central Government is also directly ITransMof^ concerned with it. In Punjab, small industri­ alists generate employment for themselves PFIOF. PFEMDHUMAL(Hamirpur): Mr. as well tor some other people by investing a Deputy Speaker, Sir. Prtor to me, many small capital and working hard. But you speal^is have cfa-awn attentbn to this fact. have imposed the same economic strictness The C ^ a l Govemn^nt nether sermus in Punjab too. Devaluation of rupee has abokJt Punjab problem nor Punjab Budget. reduced the banking limit from 30 to 40 723 Da/nands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab), t99UQ2 724

[Prof. Pfw i Dhumal] have a^^»edbefo re you. They aresMpply- ing weapons to them. The youths who used percent Hence the Banking limit fixed in to defend the country are attacking it now. banks for small industrialist should be en­ You have to adopt a certain poKcy in this hanced from 30 to 40 percent automatically. respect and increase the number in the The Government has to take the initiative recruitment for miliary and para-mHitary from its own side otherwise if the small forces. industries are ck>sed due to Jack of money and raw material, it will increase unemploy­ Madam Chairman, I wouki like to cit an ment as well as other problems also. example of discrimination by the Central Government against Punjab. During the la^ Small units are showing good results. sessbn of Rajya Sabha K was a^ced in So I hopethatthe Central Government would questbn No. 60 as to what oompensatbn is realise its responsibility. That is directly paid to the next of the kin of the persons killed linked with their administrative responsibil­ by ten'orists. In reply to it, the hon. Minister ity. Thus, it will solve the problem of small has stated in the Rajya Sabha that Hs, one industrialists. lakh is paid to the tamily of deceased who has been killed by the terrorists, in Jammu The third suggestbn is relating to small and Kashmir and Assam. But in case of industdes. There is a shortage of raw mate­ Punjab, only Rs. 50,000/- is paid. Has the life rial and it is costly also. You will prepare the of man in Punjab become cheaper? new year’s budget. Once I had suggested to revise the limit of Central Excise duty im­ Our Hon. Prime Minister has already posed by the Central Government There are declared and the speakers who spoke be­ a number of small industries in Punjab. fore me have also said that electbns ^louki These cani bear the burden of Centra Excise be heki th^e on or before tSth February duty for hng. The people are tired of bifur- definitely. catingtheirunhs. There is a large number of small units. The whole productbn is going to They didn’t get time to visit P u r ^ . Both be cbsed owing to devaluatbn of rupee and the Urnon Ministry of Home Affairs and the keeping the exemptbn limit same. It will Minister of State for Horne Affairs have not increase unempbyment. visited Puj^ab so far. Yes. tl^ Government has depbyed Army there. Shri IndrajitGupta, People are recruited in Military and para­ has said that the silu^bn is improving. I am military forces on the basis of population of coming to that also. The situatbn has tm*' the States. Punjab, Haryana, Himachal proved to the extent that while only 9 districts Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir are small were declared disturbed earlier, now three States. ThewpopulatbnoftheseStates is more have been added to the distributed less* but if you see the past history you will dbubts. Some former legislators from Punjab find that a large number of people bebnging met me on f rkSay. They were ^y in g that the to these States have been working in military B.J.P. doesn't support the kiea of hokiing and para-military forces to defend the coun­ elections any more. I toki them that the try. The change in law has increased unem- B.J.P. had always supported the idea of ptaymer\t there. The youths of, Himachal hobu^ electbns and the Party had always Pradesh, Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir maintained that before holding elections, the are gettir^ less opportunity to get them­ Government shoub create conditiorm con­ selves recruited in military. The results are ducive for hobing free and fair polls. Another before you. The youth of Punjab loves questk^ that is put belore us s re g a rc ^ our weaporw. ff you don't give weapons in their de ct^n lo partic^te In the ehdtiona aii- you doni recruit them in para-niili- nouncedaafflier. inlMsregard, I woiddMceto tary forces, other recruiting forces will ap­ submit M issues like tMs, eve- pear to rtfcruft then. The reavHing forces r^Hie shmtki ftse 2dx)ve lines. T to 725 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (Punjab), 1991-92 726 e l»:to is announced earlidr would have preferred to maintain a discreet silence when certar^ t ^ n place but for the Congress an hon’ble Member belonging to his Party dectsion to boycott it When that party took choseto shake hands with Simranjeet Singh this decision, pressure groups within the Mann, about whom Shri Singh made a refer­ party insisted that the party would be thrown ence in his speech. Simranjeet Singh Mann out of the State’s poiiticai scene if it boy< is the person who wanted to enter the Parlia­ cotted the polls. Then, some friends who had ment House with a three feet bng sword, he filed nomination papers, decided to with­ did not attend either the Parliament session draw from the contest. We said at that time or the N.I.C. meeting. that the situation was not conducive. While on the one hand, the Government had an> SHRI HARI KISHORE SINGH: Madam nounced holding of elections, on the other, Chairperson, \ had said that it is wrong. The some political parties were boycotting it. Did importance of religion cannot be measured they Intend to hand over the State to the by the length of the sword. With regard to the Militants? Despite ail this, sc^e parties had certificate issue, I had just said that Shri the courage to contest the elections. Not­ Advani could have recalled at least those withstanding the influences between the people who had a great deal of respect for State Unit and the Central leadership, the him. C.P.I. put up Its candidates. If not in hun­ dreds at least 38 candidates were killed. As PROF. PREM DHUMAL: Madam, you Shri Indrajit Gupta mentioned, the militants might have observed that even in his clarifi- are rraw in possession of the latest weap­ catbn Shri Singh has not expressed any ons. Acco/ding to reports they have ac­ regret about an hon’ble Memt>er d his party quired the technique to manufacture remote sharing a platform with a person indulging in control exf^osives in the country itself. This communal politics in the name of religion was demonstrated in their attack on Dr. (Interruptions) ...... Bhogendra Jhaji, you BaWev Prakash, the national Vrce-President have also said what he has said. He did say of the B.J.P. Hence, the Government should that it was wrong on the part of Shri Mann to keep an ^ m a l vigil in this regard. bring the sword along with him but he dkinl condemn Syed Shahabuddin associating Although I did not wish to aitk:ize any himself with suchaperson ...... (intmuf^hns) indivkJual personally, I would like to make certain things clear in view of the repeated SHRI BHOGENDRA JH A (Madhubani): references to my party and certain objec­ After you had referred to that issue, he did tions raised by Shri Hari Kishore Singh, in condemn the people involved. some context, our party’s leader and Leader of the Oppositbn. Shri Lai Krishna Advani [English] ssud that s^er Shri Lai Bahadur Shastri India has got a Prime Minister who deserves our MR. CHAIRMAN: There should not be respect. Shri Singh did not relish that praise. any cross talk. Mr. Dhumad, have you He saki that Shri Advani should have said yielded? the same of Shri Morarji Desai and other leaders, f^ow if one mentbns the name of {tnten'uptbns) one’s father or Grandfatho', k doesn’t mean that one has forgotten the mme of one’s [Transiation] great grandfather, Accorcjir^ to Shri Hari Kbhore Sk\gh» some positive enervations PROF. PREM DHUMAL: No. Madam. made about a certain individualtantamounts Apart from this, an allegation was also re­ to giving that person actea^ chit. My friend peatedly levelled that the electbns could not a Utlie disturbed when the Leader of the be held earRerbecause of B. J.P’s opposftk>n Opposition says som^hfng positive ^ u t to it. When in 1989, e ^ io n s to the Lok Minister oi the country, but he Sabha were heW *m Punjab, the Congr^s 727 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 iPm jat), 1991-92 72B

[Prof. Prem Dhumal] it taler on. Please think about Punjab objec- tivefy. You always talk about natk^srf inter­ Party was at the heim of affairs at the Centre. est. Then kK>k at this problem w i^ the na- The Chandra Shekhar Government was in ttonal interest in mind, took vvtwther the power at the centre, when elections were situatton in the State is conducive to hokling held to the Municipal Corporatbns of Ludhi­ elections. If so, let the electbns be heki. ana. Jalandhar and Amritsar. Our party put irrespective of who wins. The Indian elector­ pressure on your Government only with ate has become mature enough and they regard to the Punjab elections. Apart from wotikJ throw out any Government found this your Government did many things for incompetent Therefore, I wouW Itoto humbly which you alone are responstole and you appeal to one and all that the discussk>n on accuse the B.J.P. for your failures. Tomor­ the Punj€^ Budget should rtot be utSised for row if there is any problem in your house, you pofitto^ harangue. Every Member ut^ised wm say that you didn’t solve it because of such oppoitunities to put forth his judgment. pressure from the B.J.P. There is a sayirilg in Here. I would request the hon. Prkne Minis­ Punjabi "Nanga Put. Vich Khele*. The Janata ter and Minister of Home Affairs to visit Dal has no stake in Punjab. The parties Punjab in order to instil a sense of confi­ whk:h have a stake in the State are aware of dence in the mmds of the people of Punjab its tragedy. Only by taking the name of that the Unbn Government stands by them K.P.S. Gill... {Interruptions) through thick and thin. As the hon. Member betonging to the C.P.I., who spoke before SHRI CHANDRAJEET YADAV me observed, it s the only way out. The one (Azamgarh^: The entire natbn. not the par­ silver lining amkist these dark ctouds hover­ ties has a stake in the State. ing over Punjab is that despite afi these vtolence and bloodshed, the prc^em has PROF. PREM DHUMAL: I agree to that. not assumed a communal tinge. Both the Isaid that the parties are involved. If you k>ok Hindus and Sikhs inihe ^ e are united and back, you will find that K.P.S. GUI, the pres­ both the communities are fed up ^ h the ent Director-General of Punjab Police, to militants. The peo^e are prepared to sup­ whom you made a reference, was holding port any positive step of the Government. the same post, when your party was in power Therefore, the Government shouk) msd^e a at the Centre. But now that the Congress has sincere effort to solve the Punjab tangle by re-appointed him. you say that is worse making use of this opportunity. If the situ­ than General Dyer, So. during your tenure ation is coruiudve to holding free and fair he was a very good person but with the polls, then elections diouhi be hekl without change of power he has ceased to be a good thinking over matters like who the victor person. Therefore, I request you not to raise wouki be. If ^f v ^ io r ^ properly, the people such issues to gain political mileage. Please would supportit and If not, the peopka KVdukf visit Punjab and study the situation there and change It acquaint yourself with the ground realities. J hope that the friends coming from that area L a ^ , I woukf like to si4?mit to the will throw light on that and tell you about the Union Government th ^ every issue has ils ground realities. The Punjab problem cannot own importance t»it the Government ^)0idd be solved by giving sermons and issuing give importance to Uw P u n j^ and Kashmir edk:ts from here. You were not able to solve issues and a mjly representative meeMng of it even when you were in the Government. the National In^ratton Council can be hekI You couldn’t do it because it has been ob­ only ¥ ^ n more wid nu>repeo|^liom Punjab served that more prc^lems emerge when partcipate in In fact, Ihe people are polltcal parties give pHority to their v ^ e d M ng In f^injab wad are facing untold suffer- Ir^erests. This happened in 1976 also when Ings h iM first tend informatton about the the Congress extemJed 1^ support to theDal actual H atton inf’ur^th a nlho se leaders Khaisa. However, they darted condemning who give long lectures h m aUm ^qmg 729 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) (Purest). 1991-92 730 through newspaper reports. As my friend the problem. I feel that our political parties Shri Harl KIshore Singh correctly observed and leaders are to be blamed for the Punjab just now when a person went on a long problem. If one kx)ks at the history of Punjab, journey, his near and dear ones used to one will find that during the preparation days perform the ‘Shradh" ceremony for they were Shri Khizar Hyat Khan was the premier of the not sure whether the person would return province. Sir, Sikandar Hyat Khan was the home safely or not. Today, a similar situation Premier till 1946. In 1946 the Congress is there in Punjab. Many people from Uttar fonrted the Government and Shri Gopi Chand Pradesh and Bihar work in that state as Bhargava was elected Chief Minister. After labourers. Today, when a person goes out of that Shri Bhimsen Sachar became the Chief his house in Punjab, the family members Minister, and the first and last Sikh Chief keep their fingers crossed till he returns in Minister of joint Punjab was Shri Pratap the evening. Under the circumstances, the Singh Kairon. What I want to say is that Government should initiate a dialogue with Punjab has had many non-Sikh Chief Minis­ the nationalist forces within Punjab, even if ters. In pre • partitbn Punjab, all the Chief they are not affiliated to any party, in order to Ministers were Muslims and in Joint Punjab, bring about a solution to the Punjab problem. out of the four Chief Ministers. Shri Pratap Singh Kairon was the only Sikh Chief Minis­ Very little time is left and the Govern­ ter. After Kairon. Comrade Ram Kishan ment will have to take appropriate step at the assumed office in 1965 and he continued in earliest. I wouW like to appeal once again to off be till November 1. 1966. the day when one and all that instead of levelling allega­ the State of Haryana was formed. Politbal tions against each other, they should place leaders partitbned the State to promote their before the House whatever concrete sug- politbal interests. They thought on commu­ gesttons they have in their mind. I sincerely nal lines to gain politbal mileage and ex- hope that we won't have the misfortune to pbited the sentiments of the masses. People pass the Punjab Budget once again in this got swayed by the hysteria created by these Parliament after eight months. If the Govern­ people. In my view, separation of Sikhs and ment Is sincere and takes appropriate steps. non-Sikhs was the only basis on which I am confident that free and fair polls coukJ be Punjab was partitbned. heki in the state and the problem can be solved because the common man in the Madam, when property is partitioned state wants nothing but peace. between two brothers, certain things remain disputed. Similarly when Punjab was divbed SHRI DHARAMPAL SINGH MALIK and Haryana was created, some disputes (Sonepat): Madam Chairperson. I have stood like Chandigarh, Abohar Fazilka and waters up to support the Punjab Budget. Madam, of the SYL Canal came to the fore. The very little has been sakj about the Punjab dispute over Sharing of waters among Har­ Budget and the hon. Members have cor­ yana. Punjab and Rajasthan has acquired rectly observed that much cannot be said an international dimensbn over the years. about the Budget, since very little details The politicians are to be squarely blamed for have been given. Only the amount of expen­ these disputes. The Shah Commissbn was diture has been given against each depart­ appointed to resolve these disputes. The ment. Shah Commissbn in its award staled that Chandigarh should be given to Haryana, 4.8 Madam. I wouki like to say that we MAP water from SYL shouki be given to cannot eradiate any disease unless we Haryana and Abohar and Fazlica shouki reach its roots. The hon. Member who spoke also be given to Haryana. At that time. before me made two or three very important Chowdhury Devi Lai was the Leader of the points and I support them. First of all. this Opposition. He opposed the recommenda­ issue should not be politk:ised and secondly tions of the Commissbn looth and nail on the concrete sugge^bn shouki be given to solve ground that the Commissbn was appointed 731 Demands^for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab), 1991-92 732

[Sh. Dharampal Singh Matik] the Sikhs. The Muslims represent the Hin­ dus and the Hindus represent the Muslims. by Shrimati Indira Gandhi. Thus, the dis­ If we do not think on these lines, we are putes continued to pester. Then in 1971 worsening the situation. It has no meaning if Indira Ji Xock some decisions which came to I represent myself. be known as the Indira Gandhi Award of 1971. These people opposed that as well I would only like to submit in this regard and called for the implementation of the that if we start considering this issue in a non­ Shah Commission. While Chandigarh was political way, it can be solved just in two given, the water allocated to it was reduced minutes. While giving our lectures we give and even some villages of Abohar Fazilka answers also in our lectures. At one time we were taken away from Haryana. This aggra­ ourselves say that the Congress Party is vated the situation and an agitation was responsible for it and the Government is not launched in 1971 in which many students able to solve this problem and after a short- were shot dead in Rewari. Many people while add that arms are being supplied from including Choudhary Devi Lai courted arrest outside and Pakistan is imparting training to In protest against the Indira Gandhi Award the terrorists. Has the Congress Party asked and these people refused to accept the them to go to Pakistan and take training? Award. Everyone wants to solve this problem and it can be solved. But it will be better if with the After that , Shrimati Indira Gandhi solution of this problem one’s chair is also launched the work on this Canal in 1982. saved. This issue is not taken very seriously. After Shrimati Gandhi’s assasination, Shri Rajiv Gandhi took the initiative to solve the I would like to submit here two or three problem and underthe 1985 Rajiv-Longowal points on which my state has dispute with Accord, Chandigarh was taken away from Punjab. They are related with Budget too. us in lieu of some villages. Even Aix>har and Unless allocations are made for these things Fazilka were taken away from us and even in the next Budget, we are not going to get our share of water was considerably re­ anything till then. The major dispute is over duced underthe Eradi Commission Report. the canal on which the Bhakra Dam has Now, the Opposition including Choudhury been constructed and whbh comes to Har- Devi Lai said about five days back that they yanathrough Punjab and Haryana gets water are ready to accept all this only when the from it. Near about 10 days ago, that canal 1971 Indira Gandhi Award is implemented. has been damaged through bomb expto- They leave the latest Award and start talking sion. This is the dispute. Some mbhevious about the prevbus Award. What was the elements are try ing to vitiate the atmosphere reason for dispute. The leaders of Haryana there and political leaders and political par­ exploited the feelings of the people to win ties fan sentiments there for their own vested el^ions and the same is done by the lead­ interests. In this Budget, there is no mention ers In Punjab. Actually, every party was about the allocation for minor irrigation or responsible for it. But if the Congress Party irrigation and power. Specially, funds should is 10 per cent responsible, the opposition be allocated for the digging of S. Y.L. canal. parties are 90 per cent responsible. Be­ Those funds are given from the centre but no cause, most of time, the Congress Party was mention has been made in the Budget in this in power. When any party is in power, it never regard. Unless these funds are albcated, wants to destabilise its Government. But the work cannot be completed on this canal. oppositbn parties talk of expbitatbn for their Thousands of crores of rupees have already selfish ends. I know that today there is no been spent in Haryana and Punjab both, for representative from Punjab in this House. If digging of this SYL canal. 93 per cent of work we represent Punjab, what objection we has already been compleated only 17 per­ may have. It will be better if the Sikhs repre­ cent remains in which work on brklges and sent the Hindus and the Hindus represent lining are included. Due to the non-comple­ 733 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S>4/C4) (Punjab), 199U92 734

tion of work, the water we would have got in ever held since then. They fight over water 1966, is still out of our reach after 25 years. dispute. Ask them what is the reason of their ' If Haryana or Rajasthan today gets water dispute. They won’t be able to tell why there from the canal, the production of Haryana is terrorism in Punjab. Not a single political will increase by one and a half fold. If the leader supporters those terrorists. They don’t saving of the farmer is Rs. 100 today, it will say that we are supporters of Khalistan or we rise to Rs. 150, if he starts getting water from support it. But they give importance to news­ SYL canal. Therefore, I would request that papers. The number of incident which take funds should be allocated in this Budget for place in Bihar is much more than that take the completion of S.Y.L. canal. It is not so place in Punjab. But in Bihar it is called that Punjab is getting that water. That water personal enmity whereas in Punjab the goes to Pakistan. The water, which gives incident of enimity are also described as greenery to our Rajasthan and Haryana, terrorism. You can find the ratio of incidents goes to Pakistan. Under the Indo-Pak Water in Punjab and Bihar. Some people loot Treaty of 1955 India has purchased that others in the name of old enmity and it has no water for a sum of Rs. 110 crore. But we are concern with terrorism. Unless this disease not getting that water. The Thein dam project is cured permanently, these political leaders is lying pending. But no mention is made will continue to misled the terrorists by their about it in any Budget. As nothing has been speeches. Sometimes, they say that the done on this project the water of Ravi is not dispute is over SYL canal and also say that going into Beas. When Beas is able to get they will not hand over Chandigarh to Har­ water from Ravi, it will discharge that water yana, even every child of Punjab will scari- into Sutlej. Water of Ravi and Sutlej goes to fice his life for Chandigarh and they will not Pakistan. But no provision has been made in let water be discharged into SYL canal be­ the Budget. It should have been done. I cause it will destroy them. Such excuses are would like to make some suggestions. Some being made by these leaders but their inten­ people think that this situation in Punjab has tion behind it is something different. I woukJ arisen due to unemployment. Some jobless request that the 7 per cent work remaining youths are indulging in such terrorist activi­ on the SYL canal should be completed. ties. But it is not so. On the one hand, we say Several times the workers are killed and that Punjab has the highest per-capita in­ even the Chief Engineer has* been killed come in the country. On the other hand, we there. The funds allocated from the Centre just comment by reading newspapers. Many are spent entirely on the administrative set­ people do not know the situation there or had up. The officers use their cars for unoffk:ial never visited Amritsar. It is easy to make purpose and the entire allocated funds are tong speeches and write a book but it cannot spent on the upkeep of their bungabws. make anyone’s life. If poverty and unem- Since the machineries are lying unused, ptoyment were the only reasons lor terror­ they are getting spoiled and rusted I wouki ism, it could have happened in Bihar and request that the completion of the 7 per cent Uttar Pradesh first. The youths in Punjab work left should be given to the Border Road have been misled and there is no problem of Organisation, whbh is a semi-military de­ unemployment. In the same of securing live­ partment. The day, work on this canal is lihood for them, the political leaders serve completed, fifty per cent of the problem will their own interests. Suggestions are made be solved. that a political solution should be found when Shri V.P. Singh came to power, he visited Now remains the questbn of Chandi­ Punjab. A 'saropa' was presented to him. He garh, Abohar and Fazilka Four Awards have was of the view that the Congress Party was already been given. The Government can not working properly. Although, he himself implement any of the Awards. It will satisfy was In the Congress Party once and had the people. They have nothing to do with never accepted 'saropa* then. But later on he Chandigarh. They might be concerned with went there all of a sudden and no talks were the water of SYL which will go into the fieWs 735 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjab), 1991-92 736

[Sh. Dharampai Singh Malik] With these words. I conclude and sup­ port this Budget. of farmers. The masses are not cx)ncerned whether their capital is Rohtak. Chandigarh [Engf/sh] or Delhi. These issues are only riased by the leaders for their own interests. SHRICHITTABASU (Barasat): Madam Chairperson. I expected the Government to Today, the isituation there is worsening make a statement about the assessment of a tot. When the general elections were held, the situatton in Punjab and also about the the elections in that State were also sched­ plan of actbn, the Government want to fol- uled to be hekJ on 20th or 22nd of June with tow to solve the Punjab problem. Madam. I them but due to the killing of several candi­ think you will agree with me when I say that dates the etectbns were either postponed or there has been no assessment and that cancelled. They also know it that the law and there has been no indication as to the plan of order situatbn should be disturbed anyhow actton to meet the situatton in Punjab. and to frustrate the legal process. Many non- serious candkiates also stand in the elec- My assessment of the situatton is that tk>n. The secttons of our Representation of there is no possibility of decline in Punjab Peoples Act are such that any person who militancy in the near future. On the other has attained the specified age and who is a hand, the situation in Punjab has deterto- citizen of this country, can stand In the elec- rated; incidents of insurgency have in­ tk>n. Some people knowingly get the nomi- creased. And this has increased after the natton filed by a 90 year-old person so that assumptton of Offtoe by the Congress, after the electton is postponed in case he dies. the electton in June. Therefore, I would request that to lessen the number of non-serious candidates, a provi- During the pertod when the Congress ston shouki be made by amending the was functtoning as an oppositton party in this Representation of Peoples Act. House, all atong they have been claiming - parttoularly Mr. Chidambaram and some The issues regarding issuing of kientlty others who adorn the Treasury Benches cards and fencing of border are also raised. today - that the Nattonal Front Government If these kientlty cards are made in targe has no perspective of the Punjab problem quar^ity, the expenditure will not be more and has no policy regarding Punjab. You than Rs. 5 to Rs. 7 per card. If they are issued might have witnessed that in this House. to all the citizens of Punjab, who are above Madam, I was interested to see in their 18 years, they can properly vote. The presid- election manifesto, as to whether they have mg officer should sign the klentity cards of any policy regarding Punjab. Fortunately I the voters. Electronto voting machines should saw it. It is for the benefit of the House to be installed there. K elections are held there, know the approach of the Congress regard­ tiiere will be a State Assembly and there will ing the Punjab problem whtoh has found a be no need to pass the State Budget from place in the electton manifesto of May last. I here. The issue of installing these machines may quote only a few lines. was raised during the electtons in 1989 also. Already a tot of money has been spent on It says: them. The Government has said that they can be installed In 150 constituencies but no "The writ of the Congress has actton has yet been taken In this regard. I ceased to run in large parts of the wouki request you not to see this problem State". polfttoally. Everyone shouto feel the distress of Punjab as his own distress and it is not In May. the election Manifesto says this. concerned with any political party. Only then, This is the direct and inevitable outcome of we can solve this problem. there being no policy on Punjab except 737 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA4,1913 (S4/C4) (Punjab), 1991-92 738 appeasement and gimmickry. May I know as eign Khalistan because of internatbnal situ­ to what is their policy now? Do they have any ation that has of late taken place because of policy other than appeasement and gim> encouragement being provided by the forces mickry? Is the writ of the Government run­ outside the country. ning in all parts of Punjab today? Does the Government exist there? The Government Now again I want to draw your attentbn dkJ not exist in May last, because it was Shri to other kind of subversive activities. I have Chandra Shekhar’s Governent whk;h was got with me a newsitem published in the your ally. But, does the Government exist Telegraph a few weeks ago wherein it is today in Punjab? Tha natton wants an an­ stated: swer for it. “The Punjab polby is repressive, I have got the figures from the Govern­ says Asia Watch: ment sources also, to show what has hap­ pened. The total killings in 1990 was 3,787. There is that 'Asia Watch. I do not know The sources say that in 1991 till now, 1,667 what does it mean. It is naturally based in civilians, 374 security men and 1,641 mili­ New York. They have produced a volumi­ tants have lost their lives. nous report. I only want to mention some of the paragraphs in that only in order to stress The inckJents have increased; the vol­ upon the fact that politically the Punjab prob­ ume has increased. Not only the volume has lem has become all the more serbus arxJ increased, but there has been a qualitative assumed an alarming proportion not only change of the terrorist attack which has to be from the point of view of the domestb situ­ taken note of. The concentration of attack is ation but also from external devebpments. one the security personnel, on the security And the Government has got no assessment staff. I feel that is a part of the total strategy of the situatbn, the Government has got no of Pakistan. They want to demoralise our action plan, and the Government still contin­ security forces. Therefore, attacks are not ues to pursue a polby of drift and procrasti- only on the security personnel but also on natbn - that too in the case of a problem like their relatives so that our security personnel Punjab. This 138-page report charges a big cannotmeetthesituatbnwithalltheirstrength thing: and vigour. This is the strategy externally. Internally, your writ does not run. Politk:ally, "It claims that the Punjab polbe, Mann has been outspoken. He was speak­ paramilitary troops and the Border ing something earlier but never has spoken Security Force have engaged in about the Khalistan in so many unmistak­ ‘widespread summary executions’ able terms. Let me quote. He says th*^' it is of civilians and suspected militants. their experience: Many executions are of people who were first detained in police cus­ "One thing is clear now. Notning tody and then sab to have been short of separate killed in ‘encounters* by security sovereign Sikh State will satisfy polbe. the Sikhs.- These killings ‘ are not aberratbns This is a devebpment on politteal as­ but rather'the product of a deliber­ pect of the problem. During Natbnal Front’s ate policy known to high-ranking time, this kind of statement was never made security personnel and members by the Khalistanis or had not the courage to of civil administratbns and New make this kind qf statement, whatever may Delhi’.- be your assessment of the situation. Why is he in a positbn to make the statement in I think, it is not necessary to quote more categorbal terms? There must be a sover­ because the intentbn is clear that external 739 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25,1991 (Punjab), 199U92 740

[Sh. Chitta Basu] end of a process and more at the end of the campaign constitute a political process. You agencies are working round-the-clock to have not started that process. You have not destabilise our country and create a condi­ started the campaign and you have not done tion of destabilisation within Punjab. In this any political campaign in order to isolate situation, I am really very surprised to find militants and insurgents from the broad and shocked also that the Government has masses. How can free and fair elections be got no policy to pursue and no well-thought- held unless the masses are involved? You out integrated plan of action to meet the have got no plan to involve the masses. On situation in the country today. It appears to the other hand, as has been rightly pointed me that the Government has taken to the out, according to the Government’s assur­ polkjy of military solution and the question of ance, elections are to be held before the 15th political solution has been ruled out. February. Political campaign has not yet started. Political parties have not started Why I say so is because the entire their political campaign and military actions Punjab is declared as a disturbed area. That are being encouraged increasingly thereby means you want to meet the situation by feeding on the militants and insurgents. deployment of Army and security personnel. Basically, the problem is not a military one; I would, therefore, ask the Government the problem is a political one and a political whether or not they are serious in holding the solution is to be worked out and not a military elections before the 15th of February. If they solution. I feel that this is a point on which the are serious, political process should start Central Government must arrive at a conclu­ immediately. Some of the items have al­ sion on whether they have decided to have ready been mentioned that Rajiv-Longowal a military solution to the problem. Our friends Agreement constitute the basic framework are very much out-spoken and they say for a democratic political solution of the ‘Demolish all the camps which might be Punjab problem. Of course, the situation has existing within Pakistan’. There is a way out changed. There have been new develop­ to have a solution other than a military solu­ ments also. Nuances may be changed but it tion to the problem. You do not want it, as far provides the basic political, democratic and as your statements are concerned. But what secular framework for a solution to this prob­ you are doing is creating a condition which lem. But they have not yet started any pro­ helps indirectly and directly the insurgents, gramme; they do not want that Rajiv-Lon- the militants, the Khalistanis, the separatists gowal Agreement should be implemented. and you are alienating increasingly the broad Unless that political framework is worked out patriotic masses of Punjab, be a Hindu or a and improved upon, I think, there is no pos­ Sikh. Therefore, politbal solution suggests sibility for a solution to this problem. I would, that there should be increasing political ac­ therefore, say not to rely on the militant path. tivities to isolate the militants from the broad patrbtic, democrats and secular masses. It 17.00 hrs. appears to me, as per the developments today, that you have given up that idea of Rely exclusively on the democratic and meeting the situation politically and you are secular path that allows politbal forces to harping in the dark to find out a military play their due role and create conditions for solution to the problem. This is not going to free and fair elections so that the Punjab bring the desired result. problem can be solved with the basic in­ volvement of the patriotic, democratic and Elections must be held. Election is a secular people of Punjab and that too with polltteal process. It is admitted that election the active assistancaand cooperation of the is a culminatbn of a political process. Hold­ patriotic masses of the country as a whole. ing polls in a particular day cannot be con­ strued as a political process. Election at the Politically, there should be two broad 741 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4. 1913 (S>A/OA) (Punjab), 1991-92 742 camps. Those who are for the unity and Shankarrao Chavan has appeared stating integrity of the nation should be in one camp that one of his relatives has been abducted and those who are against the unity and and the abductors are demanding release of integrity of the country should belong to the the people who had been arrested under' other camp. If ths broadening of the ap­ TADA’ in Rajasthan, in returm. The Govern­ proach is not there, if the Congress Party ment of India should make efforts to get his and this Government have not changed their relative released. In response to that the political attitude and if they do not abandon Home Minister has written a letter to the their narrow partisan interests, Punjab can­ Chief Minister of Rajasthan to consider the not be saved. It can be saved only through case of their release. Now the Home Minister the broadening of the approach and only by is asking the Chief Minister of Rajasthan to this path, the people of Punjab can meet the consider the release of such persons who onslaught of the militants and insurgents have been arrested for indulging in disrup­ effectively and safeguard the unity, integrity tive activities in the Stale and had been jailed and sovereignty of our nation. under TA D A ’ in order to get an abducted relative of an hon. leader freed from abduc­ [Translation] tors. 1 would like to know whether the Gov­ ernment is really serious about the Punjab SHRI RAM NAIK (Bombay North): problem? You may recollect that during the Madam, Chairperson, I would like to submit Janata Dal regime, there was a compromise my views on two points. First the total provi­ to release the daughter of the then Home sion made in this Budget for vigilance is only Minister, Shri Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. of the order of Rs. 59 lakh. But in view of the What were the views of your party at that vastness of the State and its various prob­ time and what are you saying now. You were lems. this provision is negligible. 1 would like blaming them but now practically you are to know the steps you are going to take in doing the same thing. I would like to know regard to vigilance? what does the Government want to do? The Government is answerable for the same. Secondly, there is constant increase in Will the hon. Minister say while replying to the terrorist activities in Punjab. You are the Budget as to what are the plans of the aware that besides killing people, they are Government to deal with the activities of indulging in large scale bank dacoities and militants. are demanding ransom. What action is being taken in this regard? It is learnt that Shri Buta Singh has written a letter to the Home Minister and the At the same time, I would also like to Union Home Minister has written a letter to suggest that upward revision of the ceiling of the Chief Minister of Rajasthan to release small scale units should be done in Punjab. the militants. How long such things will con­ Once Punjab was quite developed in the tinue in the country? Will the Government area of small scale units but today it is fight the terrorists in this manner and should lagging behind for which the people of Punjab the Parliament allocate funds for this work? are not responsible. It is happening due to May I know what the Government is doing in the present political situation there. There­ this regard. I would also like to warn that it will fore, I would request you to revise the limit for not help the Government any way to f ight the small scale industries upto 40 to 50 per cent terrorists. They cannot also maintain the so that those who are coming forward to set unity of the country. The hon. Minister should up small scale industries may reap some reply my point. benefit.

in the end. I would like to submit that in With these words, I conclude my speech the today’s issue of the Indian Express Shri as I had said that I would conclude within 3- Buta Singh’s letter to the Home Minister Shri 4 minutes. 743 Demands h r Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjabi 1991-92 744

[English] Let us not forget that Punjab Is not the problem of any partbular party or the Gov­ SHR ISRIBALUV PANIGRAHI (Deog- ernment alone. Admittedly, this is the na­ arh): Madam» Chairperson, t rise to support tional problem. This is a national crisis. Who the Punjab Budget. This is the Budget of the denies that Punjab is not the natbnal crisis? richest State of our country. It is an irony that When there is a national crisis, there has to the Budget of the richest State of the largest be national endeavour to find out a happy democracy of the world has to be passed In solution. Naturally, that calls for a consen­ the Parliament the Lok Sabha, It is not the sus. consensus of political parties. first time that we are passing the Punjab Budget In the Parliament, earlier also we had I was hearing painfully the criticism, passed the Punjab Budget. I wish that after levelled by some JD Members. They were the firm declaration that the election for the citing the visit of Shri V.P. Singh as a historb State Legislature of Punjab will be held in the visit, the then Prime Minister to Amritsar - the month of February this will be the last Budget GokJen Temple. I would say emphatbally for Punjab to be passed in the Parliament. that Shri. V.P. Singh has been the greatest political actor not only in India, but probably Madam, at the outset I pay my tributes one of the greatest Actors in the workJ. He to the people of Punjab for their heroic role dramatise things to take political mileage both during the freedom struggle and in the only. post-Independence period in the green revo­ lution. I pay my tributes to the common MR. CHAIRMAI^ I think the comments people of Punjab who are playing a heroic should be avoided on some one who is not in role In these days of turbulence. I must say the House. that the people of Punjab have heroism Inherent In them and they are brave people. (Interruptions) Even today amidst such disturbing situatbn Punjab enjoys the fruits of a vibrant econ­ [Translation] omy. Our friends from the Opposite side have criticfeed that the economy in Punjab is PROF. PREM DHUMAL: Mr. Chairman. dwindling. I do not agree with h. Had there I am on a Point of Order, the name of Shri been normal situation in Punjab, there would Mukul Wasnik is coming in the cbse circuit have been much better performance, but still T.V. outskie. It may please be got corrected. under such a d^urbing situatbn the econ­ omy Is quite vft>rant. Madam last year it [English] exceeded the agricultural production target. The target for foodgrains was 192 lakh ton­ MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. nes. which was exceeded. Compared to prevbus year’s productbn figures, it is five [Translation] lakh tonnes higher. It is not a Point of Order. Punjab has become an agrbulturally pbneer State, industries by the Oswal Agro (Interruptions) Group of companies. Thappar Group of J C T MBIs, Pepsi cola and so on, 17.14 hrs. have been set up even in such a disturbed situatbn. (MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER in the Chaii]

So, intotrlaay and agriculturally. Punjab [English] is going ahead in the cun^ent year, for which we are paamng the Budget here. It is not that SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: I know the Government is not aware of the situation. that the point of order has no force. 745 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S/A/C4) (Punjab), 1991-92 746

Madam Chairperson, since this is a should be free and fair. The situation prevail­ political problem and this Is a national crisis, ing at that time in Punjab could not have therefore, no political party should politicise facilitated holding free and fair elections. this issue. I do not want to bring any refer­ Can anybody placing his hands on his chest ence to any Leader personally, thereby only say that the situation was favourable to hokJ undermining the gravity of the situation. How free and fair electbns at that time? How to solve It? As I told you this is the Budget many candidates were shot dead? Even the where there are some welcome features. candidates had to take shelter in poFice sta­ The plan outlay fixed for Punjab in this Budget tions. Was it not a fact? Therefore, we shoukJ is Rs. 1010 crore. In addition to the normal create such a situatbn today, all the political Central assistance of Rs. 207 crore, the parties together, where free and fair elec­ Centre has provided in this Budget a special tions coukJ be held. Of course, the Govern­ assistance of Rs. 600 crore. Naturally, the ment shoukf take an initiative in this direction Government of India is aware of the eco­ in this matter. I would request the hon. Min­ nomic needs of Punjab and therefore it has ister to take note of it. Of course, the Prime gone all out to give central assistance of this Minister is aware of it. That initiative has to be magnitude. There is again a redeeming taken by the Government that all the political feature. parties will associate themselves wholeheart­ edly with this so that an atmosphere Is cre­ Out of this, Rs. 284 crores has been ated for holding free and fair electbns. It is a placed or is being placed at the disposal of question of confidence among the people. the District Planning Boards in view of de- Without such an atmosphere, without such a centralisatfon of planning; the planning proc­ congenial climate if elections are held, who ess in Punjab has been decentralised and will go to the polling booths? Only a limited such a huge amount of Rs. 284 crores is numberof militants will go there. What will be being placed at the disposal of the District the result? To hold electbns in such a Planning Boards, naturally, to look after or to situatbn will turn to be worse than what we cater to the local needs in the rural areas. want. Our hopes will be shattered and irrepa­ rable damage will be done to the States and There are several welcome features in the natbn; this is what I apprehend. this budget. But, at the same time, the prob­ lem of terrorism continues to be there un­ What happened in the past? Now, the abated. Naturally, there is a point of anxiety foremost task before everybody, before the for everyone. All efforts should be made for nation, before all the political parties is to a consensus on this political process to apply our mind together and jointly address settle the crisis there. Of course, the long ourselves to this problem and create a situ­ spell of President’s Rule creates vested inter­ ation which will be favourable to hokJing ests; it has done so in the Punjab; and the elections where common voters will turn up earlier the President’s Rule is given a fare­ in large numbers, in good numbers to elect well it is better for the nation and for Punjab their representatives. also. At the same time, I would like to put a question. There is always some criticism Therefore, I contragulate the Govern­ that the Congress Government backed out ment of India for having changed the Gover­ of hokiing elections; the largest political party nor. In the meantime, the new Governor has dki rK3t support for holding elections. But taken certain initiative in this directbn. He is they are forgetting that even some other going round and holding people’s darbars-, politk:al parties were also associated with it; he is listening to the grievances of the people. the Left Parties were also associated with it. In addition to that, there shoub be commit­ To hold elections there definitely is upper­ tees of people formed at different levels, most in our mind and is a very fundamental district level, and down below at bbck and necessity; but. at the same time, it is equally panchayat levels. Together with other politi­ important that elections which are held cal parlies, associating the representatives 747 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25,1991 (Punjab), 1991-92 748

[Sh. Sriballav Panlgrahi] tude for the common man, for the boldness shown by them. The militants have tried to create disunity, communal riots and commu­ of different political parties, political parties, nal tension. Having failed there they have major political parties who do not want to now gone to Uttar Pradesh and other areas. shirk the responsibility, of course those who They are trying to create trouble there. want to come forward to face the situation Therefore, all the political parties and the meetings should be held. There are quite a Government of India should reach the people. large number of patriotic political workers So, I say that the Rajiv-Longowal Accord coming forward and in the process they are should be implemented in its entirety. sacriffcing their lives. We pay our tributes to them. Therefore, with such people commit­ Again the border problem and the water tees should be formed and leaders of politi­ disputes should be solved. There is another cal parties should visit Punjab and different question the Centre State relationship which areas of the State, and hold meetings. is agitating the minds of different political parties and those who are at the helm of Then, the Rajiv-Longowal Accord should affairs in the States. Commission recom­ be implemented. Some of our hon. Members mendations are there. Of course there is from Bengal while participating in this de­ also a Cabinet sub-Committee working on it, bate were critical of the Government of In­ looking into it. But it is also time that there is dia’s role and saying that there is no govern­ a fresh debate or"a national debate on this ment worth the name there. I would only ask issue, looking into the chanted situation in them what was happening in Darjeeling Hills India. The situation abroad is also changing some years back? How was that problem these days. We should see how things have solved? Who took the initiative? Was it not changed. Swift changes are taking place. resolved by the Centre? The initiative was Therefore, the Centre-State relationship in taken by the Government of India, from the context of the vexed Punjab problem Delhi, not by the States. should be discussed. I would suggest that an all-party meeting or a meeting of the National SHRIBASU DEB ACHARIA ^ankura): Integration Council should be convened as The Stale Government took the initiative and early as possible, exclusively for Punjab and that problem was solved. Kashmir. ULFA may also come up. When elections were held all over the country there SHRI SRIBALLAB PANIGRAHI: The were demands to exclude Punjab and Ka­ Govemment of India took the initiative. The shmir; only Kashmir was excluded, but not credit, by and large, went to Rajivji. The Punjab. Now that matter is not raised. But Rajiv-Longoval Accord, the Assam Accord different political parties are trying to find and the Darjeeling Accord, were the out­ fault with the Centre saying that at the in­ come of Congress initiatives. Therefore, it is stance of the Congress Party the Punjab no use critidsing since we know the depth of elections were postponed. I do not say the problems. anything on it but the first and foremost task Is to create a situation conducive for holding SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: All these elections. Naturally it is a slur on our democ­ accords only created discord. racy, the largest democracy in the world that one State is kept under the President’s rule SHRI SRIBALLAV PANIGRAHI: It is not indefinitely and that too the State of Punjab the handiwork of any single political party whk:h is the richest State which is having a and since It is a major natbnal crisis threate- very straight record, brilliant record of hero­ aning our integrity all out joint efforts should ism and sacrifices and as I said it is a State be made to solve the problem. Had the whrch has played a great role at the Time of masses been with the militants things would the Indo-Pak war also. Every time when have been different. My heart is full of grati­ there is any trouble, any war in the country, 749 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) (Punjab), 1991-92 750 it is the heroic people of Punjab who stood Sir. you would like to know that when­ like a rock behind our nation. ever Shri Mann, hon. Member from Punjab spoke on Punjab he linked it with his demand With these words, I support the Budget. for Khalistan. Hon. Home Minister is pres­ I also say that it is not the time for any political ent. DkJ he ever read his statement? Is there party or any leader to make allegations or any point in his statement whkih calls for our raise finger at anybody else that he is re­ serious consideration. What are your views? sponsible and ail that. It is the time for jointly I take it granted that the Government has not taking sl»ck of the situation without trying to so far formed any view on that. Perhaps they take any political advantage of the situation. feel that there is no substance in his state­ It is our national task, patriotic task to sit ment. There standard is going down. It is together and work together to solve this such a supreme institution. It is the tower of problem. When there will be unity of pur­ democracy. But I feel that it has no solutbn pose. sincerity of purpose and sincere ef­ to the problem. forts are made in this direction, I am sure, those wilt bear fruits and will not go waste. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, one may be­ lieve it or not, but it remains a fact that earlier [Translation] allocation in Punjab Budget and the prog­ ress that used to take place there is not there SHRI SURYA NARAYAN YADAV now. In Punjab I have observed that an (Saharasa): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, with a agriculturist who possessed 4tractors, pump- heavy heart we are discussing the Budget of set and other machinery is forced to sell out Punjab once again in the Lok Sabha. I have his land. It is the duty of the Government to availed of 4-5 opportunities to speak on the take stock of the situation on the spot. Punjab Budget. Whichever party may be in power, every time It has been promised that My friend was just now saying that if elections would be held in Punjab but till now extremism in Punjab is attributed to unem­ nothing concrete has been done for the ployment and poverty. There shoukJ have same. been maximum extremism, in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, from where the labourer are Just now. my friend was saying that we going to Punjab in search of emptoyment. should consider the Punjab problem on an The Government is still under the false all fDarty basis and most of our friends must impression. I want to say clearly that there is have had the experience that all these points Pakistan’s hand behind all such activities, are being raised whenever the Budget is because Pakistan has clearly said that it presented and thereafter everything is for­ would help the extremists, and the Govern­ gotten after the discussbn on Budget is ment is trying to suppress ail these facts. Our over. Government should take up this problem seriously with Pakistan. Three months ago I Sir, the Punjab issue has not remained had said in this very House that if a situatbn confined to the State or to the country alone. arises where war cani be averted we should Punjab has acquired internattonal signifi­ not hesitate. Now-a-days so many people cance. You are aware that the problem is are being killed and so many are kkinapp^. raised on all international platforms. What is A leader like Shri Rajiv was assassinated. all this? If peace talks are held in this country The Government is making a mockery of this the Sikhs come to participate in the talks with problem as if it was a very minor thing. It will their daggers. If they are not allowed to not last tong. Today or tomorrow we will have partfcipate abng with their daggers, the is­ to wage a war. If necessary it should be sue is being internatbnalised. What is all raised in the United Natbns. We shouki this? We should consider this problem seri­ present our clear stand in the U.N. Now-a- ously and take a decisbn accordingly. days Pakistan Is indulging in bombardment 751 Demands h r Grants NOVEMBER 25.1991 (Punjst), 1991-92 752

ISh. Surya Narayan Yadav] rived at may be implemented serbusly. Thef should be no laxity. I believe that every par on the borders, and it is warning us time and is ready to render help for the welfare of tr again. Pakistan has clearly said that it would country. With these words, I conclude. .' help the extremists. Why should we hesi­ tate? Now-a-days we are passing through a [English] financial crisis. You want to strengthen the financial situation of the country, but Is it SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA: Mr. Dep­ possible to do so In this manner? Therefore, uty Speaker, Sir, we do not see any indica­ the Government should invest as much tion that the electbns will be held in Punjab money in Punjab as is possible. Though in near future. When the Resolutbn regard­ much money is being spent on armed Forces ing extension of President’s rule in Punjab but the border cannot sealed. Due to this the was being discussed here in this House In extremists are sneaking into our territory the last session when the Lok Sabha was with ease. During the Natbnal Front Gov- extended for a day, we were assured by the emment the work of sealing up the border Prime Minister that electbns would be hekJ was started. The Government says that the in Punjab by February next year but no border has been sealed. K it Is so from where partbular date was mentbned. Already two do the extremists enter into our territory? Is months have elapsed since this announce­ our army on the border so weak that it can*t ment was made by the Prime Minister but no watch the borders? During the Natbnal Front concrete steps have been taken by the Government also there was a proposal to Central Government to create a favourable this effect. But I opposed. The Government situatbh to have a peaceful electbn peace­ will have to take concrete steps. These days, ful poll in Punjab. Almost all the politba! we will have to help the agrbuHure labourers parties have demanded elections in Punjab. and small Industries, and the people who We want that elections shoub be held bk, have suffered k>ss at the hand of the extrem­ cause we want that some politbal initiative ists or for some other reason. We will have to should be started. But during these tw. provkie security and help the Industrial units months, what has this Government done' for their devetopment. Then ak>ne we can do They have only changed the Governor an max^um good to Punjab. they have appointed new Advisors. Thesi two steps they have taken. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I won’t take much time of the House, i woukl only say So many suggestions were put forwarc that there is a need that the Government by the Members during that debate, such as shouki adhere to promises It made in the last formation of distrbt level and taluka leve Budget Sessbn that electbns in Punjab committees, but no steps have been taken if wouki be held in March 1992. Just yester­ this regard. The situatbn has been furthei^ day. there was a newspaper report that deteriorated since October, 1991 when e l^ b n s wouki be held by February 1992. hundreds of rural branches of banks were What I mean to say is that whatever be the burnt down by the extremists. One of the circumstances, electbns shoub be held in important leaders of our party, the Secretary Punjab. The vobe of the masses of Punjab of our Kisan Sabha, Comrade. Cheema was shouki reach the Lok Sabha and the Local killed abng with his family members. Huri- Legslathre Assembly. Please do not post­ dreds of our party workers were killed by thit pone the electbns. extremists during these years for fighting against these divisive and extremist forces Secondly, the Government wants to The situation has been further deterbrated. improve the sHuatbn in Punjab. The Gov­ The Government has not come out with any ernment shouki take consensus of ail the clear -cut policy in these five months penod. parties and views of all of our hon. friends. 1 want to know how they want to ho\6 the This is very essential. The concensus ar­ elections? For hokJing the elecfbn a situ- 753 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4,1913 {SAKA) (Punjab), 1991-92 ISA

^ion has to be created. Some steps like away all the oki workers who have been ^plementation of the Punjab Accx>rd have there for years together, and there was ^\be taken to create a suitable situatbn, to demonstratbn and there was polbe firing, assuage the feeiingsof the people of Punjab. and one worker, Shri Jagdev Singh, was Vhy is the Government silent in this regard? killed by police firing and several of them were injured, hundreds of workers were They have their Government in Har­ arrested in the month of October, in Abohar yana. Punjab is under President's rule. I 8 workers were killed by polbe firing. But think there is no difficulty In implementing the workers of Punjab, particularly the working Punjab Accord. Where is the difficulty in class, are fighting for unity and integrity of a cc^in g at least some of the important the country. When they are fighting against demands of the people of Punjab like trans­ the Khalistani forces, extremist forces, fer of Chandigarh, referring the river water against the divisive forces, what the Govem­ dispute to the Supreme Ck)urt, transferring ment is doing? How are they dealing with some area to Haryana, punishing the people these workers? These workers are being responsible for the rbts after the assassina* killed by the police. So, what I suggest is that tbn of Shrimati Indira Gandhi in 1984? Why if the Government is sincere enough to hob the Government coukf not take any steps in election as the Prime Minister assured the this regard? All these steps couki have House that electbn woub be heb by 15th of assuagedthefeelingsof the people of Punjab. February 1992, then a peaceful situatbn has All these steps couki have created a favour­ to be created and for creating this peceful able situatbn in Punjab for holding the elec- situatbn, certain concrete steps have to be tk>n. I do not know whether the Government taken. So, the Minister must telljhls House propose to hoki electbn with the help of today what concrete steps Govemment militants. Or will it t>e by applying TADA or propose to take to create a peaceful situ­ ^ther black Acts? I do not know. ation. Now, migratbn is taking place. Indus­ trialists are shifting their industrial units from ^ My colleague Shri Ajoy Mukhopadhyay Punjab to other States. So, what will happen |as also mentbned about another a s p ^ , to Punjab after a few years if this migratbn yarding the workers of Punjab. In 1986 takes place, if industrial units are shifted Ihen I was on a short visit of a day or two to from Punjab to other States? So, the Minister ^unjab, I went to Chandigarh. should tell the House the concrete steps that the Government proposes to take to create In that sHuatbn they could organise a a favourable situatbn in Punjab to hold elec­ Sadayatra in 1986 against these Khalistani tions by 15th February, 1992. ^c e s, against these extremist forces. But ^ w the Govemment of Punjab, how they 17^1 hrs- |re behaving with these workers? Thou­ sands of workers of the Food Corporatbn of SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA WASNIK M ia are on strike, I mean the contract (Buldana): Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, once mrkers, the handling workers. They work again we are deliberating upon the Punjab bnly in Punjab. I do not know why this Budget and once again all the speakers who discfiminatbn is there in Punjab when in the have expressed their views on this coub not neighbouring State in Haryana this contr 2K:t deliberate much upon the Budget provisbns, system has been totally abolished. Why in but rather have expressed their concern Punjab this system is still continuing? Against about the prevailing situation in Punjab. ^Is system, against this expbitatbn. the mrfcers of the Food Corporatbn of India in Sir, for the last several years repeatedly f unJab are struggling. They are on strike In this House has been taking up the Punjab a godown in Sangrur. When there was a Budget; the House has been discussing the change of contractor, when a new contractor Punjab problem; many a time it has t>en felt was appointed, this new contractor threw that there has to be a firm polby In tackling 755 Demands for Grants NOVEMBER 25,1991 (Punjab), 1991-92 756

[Sh. Mukui Baikrishna Wasnik] concern. This is the situation in Punjab, in the last Budget Session, we announced that the situatbn in Punjab and many a time, the elections would be held by the 15th of Feb­ Government had announced thatthey would ruary. But what have we done till date in this be shortly announcing a policy to bring back regard. What steps the Government has normalcy in Punjab. This has been happen­ initiated to see that elections in Punjab are ing repeatedly for such a long time and it now held in a free and fair and peaceful atmos­ seems that this serious issue for which the phere so that the voters turn out in large whole nation is concerned, we are all taking numbers. That will be the democracy in the this issue in a very casual manner. The real sense of the term. We do not want Government has announced that it is com­ elections just of the sake of elections. mitted to hold the Punjab elections before the 15th of February, 1992. The elections In the last elections held in Punjab, the whk:h were to be held in July this year were Barnala Government assumed power. But postponed and had rightly been postponed. the Barnala Government failed ultimately. During the election campaign we witnessed The Union Government at that time had that 22 candidates for the Assembly elec­ extended all possible support but because tions and 2 candidates for Parliament elec­ the Barnala Government, could not come tions were shot dead. We want elections in out with a political strategy, that Government Punjab, but not at the cost of the people of failed. The state of emergency was therefore Punjab. We want that Punjab should be to be imposed then. brought back to normalcy;thal Punjabshould have a democralk: form of Govemment and Since the time the hon. Home Minister, we also want that Punjab which has been a in the last session had announced that elec­ prosperous State should continue to pros­ tions had been postponed but were not per. postponed indefinitely, the people have heaved a sign of relief. They thought that Sir. whenever there was an attack on elections would be held sometime soon. The the unity and integrity of India, whenever Govt, have deployed the Army; they have there was a thereat from Pakistan on the changed the Director General of Police and Indian borders the people of Punjab fought brought back Mr. Gill. But whenever we tried bravely; they have shed their b\oo6 for the to revive the police personnel and whenever unity of this land they have toiled to keep this Army was deptoyed in Punjab. But time and natton together, united. Integrated and to­ again when we have taken such initiative day, the natk>n owes its responsibility to see from the other side, the militants have in­ that it jointly works towards evolving a strat­ creased their attacks. The killings have in­ egy to solve the Punjab problem. As the Hon. creased. I have been told just two days back Member Shri Dharampal Singh Malik was in Bengal, four Punjab terrorists were ar­ saying, we had been talking on Punjab for a rested. Such is the situatbn that Punjab tong time, but what is the rootcause of Punjab terrorists are spreading in varbus corners of problem? Why have we been failing for such the country. Sometimes they are arrested in a tong time? Frequently we have been an­ Maharashtra, sometimes in Madhya nouncing that the Govt, is committed to solve Pradesh. They attack at various points of the Punjab problem, but everyday, the time in Delhi, in Uttar Pradesh and In Har­ newspapers are full with headlines that 25, yana. These things are going to increase. 30. 40 or 50 people have been killed in Punjab. Now*a-days It seems that If we read We are all aware that Pakistan Is con­ a report that 25 people have been killed In tinuously supporting Punjab militants through Punjab many of us will just turn the page. It their training camps, their weapons, their does rxjt attract our attentbn unless and until finances and all possible politteal support 50 or 100 people get killed; 25 or 30 people Pakistan has been doing this all throughtout getting killed In Punjab is no more a matter of including their support In the propaganda 757 Demands for Grants AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 (S/4/C4) (Punjab), 1991-92 758 campaign of the militants on the interna­ In 1990, the number of people kidnapped tional level. But Sir, during the lastfew months, was 411. except one meeting of the hon. Prime Minis­ ter with Nawaz Sharief on and meeting be­ In 1990-91 up to October, 304 people tween the Foreign Secretaries of the two have been kidnapped and out of them, 107 countries, there have been no major initia­ persons have been killed. tives to have a dialogue, and to tell Pakistan that they should stop meddling in Punjab affairs or else they will have to face it. How I would request that Government shoukJ bng are we going to tolerate Pakistan’s have afirm and uniform policy in dealing with interference? We will have to intensify our such incidents. dialogue with Pakistan and ensure that in some way or the other, we stop them from MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: Please con­ continuing their operation in Punjab. clude.

Recently the cases of abduction have ,SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA WASNIK; also increased. This is a recent trend and Are you adjourning the House? has started when the daughter of the then Home Minister. Mr. Mufti Mohammed Say- eed was kidnapped in Kashmir. It was SHRI P.M. SAYEED (Lakshadweep): demanded that certain hard core terrorists He can continue tomorrow. should be released for the exchange of the Sayeed’s daughter. Certain hard core terror­ SHRI MUKUL BALKRISHNA WASNIK: ists were released and that boosted the I will continue tomorrow. morale of these militant organisations. From that day onwards, everywhere, in Assam, in MR. DEPUTY SPEAKER: The House is Punjab and in Kashmir, several hundreds of adjourned to meet again tomorrow Tuesday, people were kidnapped. the 26th November at 11.00 AM.

In Punjab alone, these are the figures 18.01 hrs. given by the State Government of Punjab.

1|.00 hrs. The Lok Sabha then adjourned till Eleven In 1989, the number of persons kid­ of the Clock on Tuesday, November 26, napped was 59. 1991/AgrahayanaS, 1913 (Saka)

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