LOKSABHA DEBATES TENTH SERIES (VOL.VI No.3) NOVEMBER 25, 1991 SECOND SESSION TENTH LOK SABHA LOK SABHA SECRETARIA' NEW DELHI CONTENTS /Tenth Series, Vol. VI, Second Session, 1991/1913 (Saka)] No. 3, Monday, November 2 5 ,1991/Agrahayana 4,1913 (Saka) Columns Members Sworn 1 Obituary Reference 1-2 Oral Answers to Questions: 2-36 ‘ Starred Question Nos. 41 to 45 Written Answers to Questions: 37-655 Starred Question Nos. 46 to 60 37-70 Unstarred Question Nos. 432 to 502, 70-644 504 to 596, 598 to 660 Papers Laid on the Table 655 Calling Attention to matter of 655-688 urgent Public Importance Strike by Service Doctors Shri Rajnath Sonkar Shastri 655-656 668-673 Shri M.L. Fotedar 656-667 Shri Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri 673-674 Shri Dilip Singh Bhuria 674-675 Shri R. Surender Reddy 675-676 Shri Madan Lai Khurana 676-679 Statement by Minister 668-695 Cauvery Water Dispute *The sign -i- marked above the name of a Member Indicates that the questnn was actually asked on the fkwr of the House by that Member. (») Column^ Matters Under Rule 377 695-700 (i) Need to diagnose causes of falling 695-696 oil production in the country and take remedial measures to step up its production Shri Gopi Nath Gajapathi (It) Need to review the decision of 696-697 Government to deduct income- tax at source on interest of Rs. 2500/- and above Shri A. Charles (lii) Need to ensure adequate and 697 timely supply of LPG in hilly areas of Uttar Pradesh Shri Balraj Passi (iv) Need for dredging of Vatrak and 697-698 Shedhi rivers of Kaira district of Gujarat to avoid fk>od situation created by these rivers Dr. K.D. Jeswani (v) Need to early constructbn of proposed 698-099 bridge on river Yamuna in Allahabad Shrimaii Saroj Dut>ey (vi) Need to provide LPG deatorship to 699-700 co-operative Consumers* Society Ltd., Jaipaiguri Shri Jitendra Nalh Das Need to reconsider proposal to 700 deliver letters in mail boxes located on ground floors akme in high rise buydings in Bombay Shri Shmad Dighe (VM) Heed fm^ide r^ief to peoph 700 affected by fioodt tn TamH Nadu and Andtira Pradesh (iii) Column]^ 3b), 1991-92 Confd 701-758 Shri Hari Kishore Singh 701-707 Shri Sharad Dighe 707-710 Shri Indrajit Qupta 710-716 Shri Ajoy MiAhopadhyay 716-721 Prof. Prem Dhumai 721-729 Shri Oharampal Singh Malik 729-738 Shri Chitia Basu 736-741 Shri Ram Naiit 741-742 Shri Sribaliav Panigrahi 743-749 Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 749-752 Shri Basu Deb Acharia 752-754 Shri MuttuI Balkrishna Wasnik 754-758 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ades forthe welfare and upliftment of weaker sectk}ns of the society. Shri Parmai Lai passed away on 12 Monday November 25, 1991/4 Agrahay- November. 1991 at New Delhi. ana, 1913 (Saka) We deeply mourn the kiss of this friend and I am sure the House will join me in conveying our condolences to the bereaved The Lok Sabha met at family. Eleven of the Clock The House may now stand in silence for (MR. SPEAKER in the Chaii] a short while as a mark of respect to the deceased. MEMBER SWORN ( The Members then stood in silence for a short while.) Ra jasek ha r Red dyShri Y .S . Rajasekhar ReddyShri (Cuddapah). 11.03 hrs 11.01 hrs ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [English] [English] OBITUARY REFERENCE Power Projects In Madhya Pradesh MR.SPEAKER: Honourable Members, I have to inform the House of th»ead demise •41. SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH of one of our former colleagues, Shri Parmai THAKUR; Will the Minister of POWER Lai. AND NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES be pleased to state: Shri Parmai Lai was a Member of Sixth Lok Sabha during 1977-79 from Hardoi (a) the number of power projects ap­ constituency of Uttar Pradesh. In 1989 gen­ proved during the last three years in the eral Elections, he was simultaneously elected country; both to the Ninth Lok Sabha and the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly from Hardoi (b) whether the projects in Madhya district. He, however, chose to retain the Pradesh have been given priority whfo Assembly seat and resigned from the according approval; and membership of Lok Sabha. Earlier also he had been a Member of Uttar Pradesh Legis­ (c) if so, the details thereof? lative Assembly during 1962-67 and 1969- 74. [Translation] Shri Parmai Lai ably served on the State THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE Council of Ministers. MINISTRY OF POWER AND NON-CON­ VENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES (SHW An active social and political worker, he KALP NATH RAI) (a) to (c). A sttdemeni hi worked vigorously for more than two dec­ laM on the Table of the House. STATEMENT to projects submitted by a particular State. The schemes submitted by States are ex­ (a) During the last three years viz. 1988- amined and approved by the Central Gov­ 89.1989-90 and 1990-91.36 powerprojects ernment on their techno-economic merits. in the country have been accorded Govern­ ment sanction. The details of projects sanctioned for (b) and (c). The Central Government Madhya Pradesh during the last three years does not accord any preferential treatment and during 1991-92 are as under:- * S.No. Name of Project Capacity (MW) 1. Sanjay Gandhi Extn. Unit-3 & 4 2X210 2. Pench Unit-1 « 2 2X210 3. Korba West UnH-5 & 6 2X210 Mr. Speaker, Sir, it has been said during as you have asked it, I would like to submit the last three years viz. 1988-89, 1989-90 that during 1988-89, 89-90^90-91 hydel and 1990-91^36 power projects have been projects of 4, 289 MW. 2327 MW. 14. 789 cleared and granted approval. This approval MW and 1240 MW capacity respectively is accorded after techno-economic daar- were approved. During the last three years ance is given by Central Electricity Authority 36 projects were accorded sanctions and through Planning Commission, hto discrimi­ among those 36 projects, three projects of nation is done to any state. Power projects 1260 MW capadty each were for Madhya can b* set up in those places where water, Pradesh k>ut due to financial constraints coal and other inputs are easfly available. implementatton of these projects couM not The Slate Governments are competent to be started. The Sanjay Gandhi expansion accord approval to the small projects involv- project of 2X210 M. Watts capacity Pench k\g expenditure upto Rs. 25 crore and the unit of 2X 210 Megawatt capacity and Korba Central Government approves the big proj­ west Unit of 2 X 210 Megawatts capacity are ects involving more than Rs. 25 crores. under consUeration in Madhya Pradesh but these schemes are lying pending due to SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH financial constraints. THAKUR; Mr. Speaker, Sir, as per my infor­ mation nearly 14 projects are pending with SHRI MAHENDRA KUMAR SINGH the SUtte GovL I would like to know form the T>IAKUR: Sir. the hon. Minister is requested hon. Minister wtiether they are adequate in to inform us about the time by whk;h the view of the population and area of Madhya remaining 14 projects will be completed. Pr»tosh and also whether any project is pending with the states Govt, and also the names of the projects which would be com­ SHRI KALPNATH RAI: Mr Speaker. Sir. pleted in 1992, the investment proposed to some schemes are implemented by the state be made on them and the action proposed to Governments and some projects are in the be taken on the pending power projects, Central Sector and for exension of those projects Central Government is responsble. SHRI KALPNATH RAI; Mr. Speaker. As such it is the responsibility of the State Sir, I have afreac^r^>lied to his question, but Government to compete the projects in their Ora! Answ&rs AGRAHAYANA 4.1913 {SAKA) Oral Answers 6 respective states after sanction has been [English] accorded to them. Varadan Committee on Electronic DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA: Mr. Media Speaker, Sir, the Hon Minister as has told that the three projects of Madhya Pradesh *42. SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA: are pending due to financial constraints. I SHRI LAL K. ADVANI: would like to know whether there is any proposal to provkie financial aki to the State Willthe Minister of INFORMATION AND by the Centra! Government and if so, the BROADCASTING be pleased to state: amount and time whk:h it will be made available. Is it afact that the Gk>vemment has (a) whether the Vardan Committee on approved a Gas based power project at electronic media has submitted its report to Bhander (Madhya Pradesh) and if so, the the Government; and latest position of this project? (b) if so. the main reoommendatk>ns of the Committee and the reaction of the Gov> SHRI KALPNATH RAI: Mr. speaker, emment thereto? Sir, some projects are entrusted to the Central sector and some to the State sector. Owing TH E D EPUTY MINISTER IN TH E to financial constraints the Private Sector MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND partfcipation had to be albwed and pench BROADCASTING (KUM ARIGIRU A VYAS): Projects is under private sector .The second (a) Yes. Sir. issue is regarding the Bhander Gas projects whk:h is still under conskieratbn of the (b) The main recommendatbns of the Government but it has not been accorded Committee are given in the Statement at­ techrK>-economk: clearance and Planning tached. The Report is being examined by Commission has also not cleared it because Government.
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