10 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1957-58. II. THE HUMAN HEAD IN INSULAR PAGAN CELTIC RELIGION. BY ANNE BOSS, PH.D., F.S.A.ScoT. INTRODUCTION. A Scottish Tricephalos said to come from Sutherland. Throug generosite hth Trusteee th Dice f yo th f kso Institute , Kilmarnock, importann a t carved hea kina t hithertf do dno o recorded from Scotlans dha been addeNationae th o dt lonlr g d beeha nt I exhibite1 e th n di Institute's museu earln a onle s mya th yfontd recor s provenancan , it f do e is '' Sutherlandshire.'' This head, 4-7 ins. high and 5-4 by 5 ins. broad, is shaped like a ball, truncated top and bottom. The top is hollowed into a conical cup about 3 ins. across and 2-6 ins. deep. The base is slightly concave. Three faces have been carved roun e sidesdth . Rounded incisions about J—. widin J e d abou an deptn i t. h^in outline three pair f eyeso s , chin droopingd san , triangular moustaches, whil lina e e continuous roun e stondth e indicates mouthse th . Broader lines -were use indicato dt innee eth r curvee th f o s cheeks and the sides of the drop-shaped noses. Between the faces there are similarly incised crosses, equal-armed, abou ins2 t . overall excep r onefo t , now damaged, abou. higin h1 t wit verha y uncertain horizontal strokt eno more than \ in. long. The ston granites ei , speckled black, whit pinkd ean . Mis . MacDonalsH d of the Geological Survey and Museum, South Kensington, has kindly examined it.
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