First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 Copyright © 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

The day that the American nation was born was marked by the reptilian ascendant, ornithological heraldry and incipient Masonic Astrology. After centuries of blunder, today we have NASA showing us the real stars within our horoscopes. Contrary to the of precession, flat believers and pseudo-astrological mountebanks, Americans were never slave to superstition. Today we stand proud as backed up with 22 zodiacal stations that form the pillars of our Tarot initiation. While we observe 16 ascending experiences, we return a glance towards the year of the Illuminati, 1776, and Philadelphia ascendant.

The USA was never a unique country bearing a reptilian ascendant at all, as many others interlace, heads and tails, with the American snake. The American all-too-complex heraldry is centered on , Aquila and Lyra, besides all-present Ophiuchus. Mexico is but one of the countries expanding the Ophiuchus symbolism within its own heraldry.

As gigabytes of material were written about the original American ascendant, the reader has but to recollect the basic imprint as produced in the Philadelphian astral sphere before the American ascendant was recently shaken by the presence of Pluto in Serpens Cauda.

The American horoscope being based on the Galax, Killer and Axis of Evil, is undergoing a major, perhaps final test as primarily set by Pluto at the of Hell. “Will the FED hold?” we ask the southern Phœnix. “Should I not launch that missile?” retorts Eris from Pavo. As Atlantis has been found, so the ancient and true stars found US.