BIRDING Valencia Region 2

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BIRDING Valencia Region 2 index BIRDING Valencia Region 2 ORNITHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY 5 in THE Region of Valencia Natura 2000 network in the Region of Valencia 9 privileged spaces for birdwatching Use of the guide and ethical behavior 12 100 species to discover the Region of Valencia 15 Natural Parks with visitor centers 67 SEO/BirdLife, birdwatching and bird conservation 69 Region of Valencia in numbers 71 Index and checklist of observed species 72 Birding Valencia Region The Region of Valencia has a great A wealth of cultural, historical, ar- natural richness and very attractive chitectural and gastronomical ele- landscape for birdwatching. ments can also be added to the na- tural attractions. As well as a good Different birding itineraries, as well connectivity, infrastructures and ac- as sighting points located in the cessible accomodation for all nature main protected nature areas of the lovers. All these make the Region of Region of Valencia where you can Valencia an awesome destination of practice this amazing activity. birdwatchers. 2 Furthemore, there is the possibility with other activities for all kinds of to contact with birding companies public. included in the “Birding Region of Valencia” programme, offering For further information, please, different high-quality birding pro- check at: ducts; such as guided tours, bes- poken tours, birding photographs, specialized accommodation; ex- Facebook: periences combining birdwatching Valencia Region Birding 3 ORNITHOLOGICAL DIVERSITY IN THE Region of Valencia The Region of Valencia is one of such as the Arctic, Greenland and the Mediterranean regions with Fennoscandia to winter or stopover the greatest diversity of birds. on their migration route, along with So much so, that regularly more birds coming from Siberia and Cen- than 300 species of birds can be tral Europe. observed every year, attracting the interest of a growing community of In this way, the rich and diverse ter- bird-watchers and nature tourists, rain allows the Region of Valencia along with naturists who dedicate to welcome a significant range of thousands of hours in total to the environments and habitats, from observation and study of our avi- the high mountains to the coastal fauna. However, what makes the wetlands, passing through rivers, Region of Valencia such an inter- Mediterranean coastal and conti- esting region for birds and, thus, nental forests, beaches, high seas for their observation? and islands. At the same time, an important part of its value comes Thanks to its geographical location, from the coastal Mediterranean the Region of Valencia is in an area climate which fosters the devel- in which two of the main bird migra- opment of a high variety of plant tion routes in Europe overlap, where formations on its terrain, and thus they move between their breeding allows the accommodation of a di- and winter locations: The East At- verse community of birds in need of lantic route and the Black Sea and a habitat and food. Mediterranean route. The overlap- ping of both routes encourages The sea is an environment in which migrating birds from distant areas the main source are fish, therefore 5 100 species to discover the Region of Valencia the most characteristic birds are in which significant populations of those which feed on fish, such as waterfowl seek refuge and food, Shearwaters, Gannets and Petrels, such as Ducks, Flamingos, Herons which can be observed from boats and Waders, highlighting the pres- or the coastline, especially in capes ence of birds threatened regionally such as Cullera in Valencia or San or internationally, such as the Red- Antonio and las Huertas in Alicante. knobbed Coot, the Marbled Teal, the The coastline and beaches are en- Ferruginous Duck, the White-Headed vironments which are very rich in Duck or the Eurasian Bittern. fish, molluscs, crabs, crustaceans and other invertebrates. Thanks Coastal pine forests and shrub- to this, we can observe the Scoter, lands are environments which of- European Shags or Great Crested fer a great variety of formations Grebes feeding within the first few depending on the dominance and metres of the coastline, especially density of the most common spe- in areas affected by the mouths of cies. In environments dominated the rivers Mijares, Palancia, Turia, by shrubland, generally in the pro- Júcar or Segura, as well as Sand- cess of recuperation from forest erlings or Kentish Plovers search- fires, birds of exclusively Mediter- ing for small invertebrates on the ranean distribution dominate, such shores of the beaches. as Warblers, as well as Larks and Wheatears. Due to the threats that they suffer, the wetlands have supposed the In forests and continental shrub- conservation flag on many occa- lands, linked to land at the foot- sions. They are very diverse spac- hills of the Bética mountain range es, such as coastal marshlands (mainly the Montdúver, Mariola and where freshwater dominates (Prat Font Roja mountain ranges) and de Cabanes-Torreblanca, Marjal Sistema Ibérico and the Maestrazgo, de Almenara, Marjal dels Moros, allow the presence of very localised l’Albufera de València, Marjal de breeding birds, such as the Pied Pego-Oliva, El Hondo de Elche), or flycatcher, Red-Backed Shrike, Tree the Calp, Santa Pola or La Mata- Pipit, Garden Warbler, Common Torrevieja saltmarshes which sup- White Throat and the Common Red- pose a wide group of ecosystems start. Moreover, during wintering 6 they shelter species that feed on the along with stretches which rep- fleshy fruit and juniper berries such resent groves with poplars and as Ring Ouzels and Hawfinches. willows in their margins, suppose unique places in which we can en- Landscapes shaped by rivers over joy Owls, Blackbirds, Nightingales millions of years in inland Valèn- and Eurasian Golden Orioles who cia and Castellón suppose the create a truly precious sound land- main environments in which you scape with their songs. can find breeding territories for birds of prey, as well as the small, Lastly, the Ayora, Fontanares and Vil- abundant mountain ranges in the lena steppes and their surroundings centre and south of Alicante. The are privileged areas where you can Bonelli’s Eagle, Golden Eagle or observe Great and Little Bustards, Peregrine Falcon, as well as scav- Pin-tailed and Black-bellied Sand- enger birds such as the Griffon grouses or the endangered Lesser Vulture, accompany smaller birds Kestrel. Moreover, in sandier and pre- such as Rufous-tailed rock thrush desert environments of the southern and Blue Rock-thrush, the Red- third of Alicante you can find true billed Chough or the Eurasian Crag gems of the Valencian avifauna such Martin, who are joined by the Al- as the Trumpeter Finch, European pine Accentor and the Wallcreeper Rollers or the Black wheatear. in winter. For all of the aforementioned rea- Although they have altered through- sons, it is certainly worth explor- out history, there are still some ing the land and getting to know it stretches of well conserved rivers more, using the birds as an excuse where the scarce White-throated to discover your natural heritage, its Dipper can be spotted, and that, villages, its people and its culture. 7 Natura 2000 network in the Region of Valencia privileged spaces for birdwatching The Natura 2000 is a network of the hectares of protected marine sur- most important spaces for the con- face area due to its value for the servation of biodiversity in Europe. conservation of seabirds. This fact The network includes both spaces highlights the high importance of designated to the conservation the Region of Valencia and the huge of birds (SPAs, Special Protection potential for the development of Areas) as well as spaces for the sustainable nature tourism activi- conservation of habitats, flora and ties, such as ornithological tourism. other fauna (SCIs, Sites of Commu- nity Importance). The Natura 2000 Among the 40 SPAs declared for network model promotes that con- conservation due to their or- serving nature goes hand in hand nithological values, some spaces with benefits for citizens and for which are home to a greater land- the economy in general, offering scape and ornithological diversi- opportunities for the development ty stand out, and therefore they of productive traditional activities, suppose better destinations to recreative activities and, especially, promote and develop nature tour- sustainable nature tourism. ism as a socioeconomically com- patible means for the conservation With regard to bird conservation, of the biodiversity: the Columbretes 31.1% of the Region of Valencia’s Islands; coastal wetlands such as surface area (724,112 hectares) L’Albufera de València, the Santa is protected due to ornithological Pola saltmarshes, the La Mata-Tor- values, as well as a total of 55,878 revieja lagoons or El Hondo in 9 100 species to discover the Region of Valencia PN Tinença de Benifassà PN Penyagolosa PN Sierra de Irta PN Desert PN Prat de de les Palmes Cabanes-Torreblanca PN Puebla de San Miguel PN Serra PN Illes Espadán Columbretes PN Chera-Sot de Chera PN Sierra Calderona PN Turia PN Albufera PN Hoces del Cabriel PN Marjal Pego-Oliva PN Montgó PN Font Roja i Serra de Mariola PN Penyal d’Ifac PN Sierra Gelada PN El Fondo PN Salines de Santa Pola Arboreous formations and continental shrubland PN Lagunas de la Mata y Torrevieja Sea and coastline Steppes and pre-desert environments Arboreous formations Coastal wetlands and continental shrubland Pine forests and coastal shrubland Sea and coastline Summits and cliffs Coastal wetlands Pine forests and coastal shrubland 10 Rivers PN Tinença de Benifassà PN Penyagolosa PN Sierra de Irta PN Desert PN Prat de de les Palmes Cabanes-Torreblanca PN Puebla de San Miguel PN Serra PN Illes Espadán Columbretes PN Chera-Sot de Chera PN Sierra Calderona PN Turia PN Albufera Elche; steppe PNenvironments Hoces such and rivers in a favourable conserva- as Los Alhorinesdel Cabriel and Meca-Mu- tion status.
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