A Petition Regarding Abilene Christian University
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Vol. 15, No. 9 September 2004 A PETITION REGARDING ABILENE CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY o the honorable members of the the faith, worship or prac- organizers sought speakers who Board of Trustees for Abilene tice, as a part of the same or taught matters contrary to Scripture. TChristian University: Greet- as adjuncts thereto any sup- Simultaneously ACU announced ings. We hope this finds you in good plemental organization or their choice of the Outstanding health. We pray that the Lord will anything else not clearly and Alumnus of the year, choosing Max bless you and endow you with wis- directly authorized in the Lucado for that honor, a man who dom and good judgment in all things. New Testament either by has abandoned the use of the name We approach you in respect of precept or example. “Church of Christ,” and has aban- your positions, fully understanding doned the belief that baptism is nec- the burden you bear regarding the EVIDENCES FOR OUR CONCERN: essary and essential for salvation. salvation and instruction of students 2. ACU invited Katie Hays, a at Abilene Christian University There are numerous examples of radical feminist who is the preacher (ACU). We also approach you in con- departures from the founders’ char- for the West Islip “Church of Christ” fidence that you will hear our peti- ter and from the precept and exam- in West Islip, NY, and whose church tion, that you will evaluate its con- ple of the New Testament: ACU has has female shepherds, to critique the tents, and that you will take appro- changed to allow dancing and a rec- ACU advanced preaching students’ priate actions. ognized dance club. A Bible profes- sermons, and to deliver a sermon at sor was shown in the Abilene the Chapel. OUR CONCERN: Reporter News drinking wine. 3. ACU has invited Tony Cam- Instrumental music in worship polo, a Northern Baptist (the liberal Our concern is that the present has been made a non-fellowship wing of the Baptist church), to speak Board of Trustees of ACU have issue by many faculty members. Stu- at ACU in Chapel, where he recruit- allowed or in some cases encouraged dents who are members of denom- ed students to work in his evangelis- ACU to depart from the purposes inations have been allowed to tic ministry. Several denominations and values of its founders. As stated organize religious activities on cam- were allowed to use Moody Coliseum in the 1906 charter, the composition pus. The use of ACU facilities for for an inter-denominational joint and expectations of the Board of denominational activities has “revival” with Campolo as the evan- Directors are as follows: been authorized by the administra- gelist. Letters were sent out to tion. There has been the encourage- churches by “Habitat for Humanity” ...each of whom shall be a ment in chapel that students attend encouraging people to attend and member of a congregation of denominational worship activi- how glorious it was going to be when the church of Christ, which ties. There has been the advocating “Christians” of all the denominations takes the New Testament as and encouragement of women to raised their voices in fellowship and its only and sufficient rule of take on roles in worship and worship. faith, worship and practice, ministry of the church not per- 4. At least some ACU Bible pro- and rejects from its faith, mitted by Scripture. fessors have a functionally different worship and practice every- The following examples describe belief regarding baptism. One profes- thing not required by either briefly some particularly disturbing precept or example, and occurrences: (Continued on page 67) which does not introduce into 1. The 2004 ACU Lectureship Abilene Christian… 66 Seek The Old Paths – September 2004 claims (1 Thess. 5:21; 1 John 4:1). They must then heed the Scriptural commands of Ephesians 5:11 and Romans 16:17 to not fellowship them and avoid them. According to Isaiah, GOD’S WILL CONCERNING the responsibility of the watchman upon the walls of Jerusalem was to ALSE EACHERS IN THE HURCH “never hold their peace day or night,” F T C so that the inhabitants could be Dan Guy warned when necessary (Isa. 62:6). The analogy for elders, preach- ers, and all Christians (in con- onsider the following scenario: 2 Tim. 2:17)? Paul not only named text with Isaiah 62) is that we A young Gospel preacher was them but also named their sin (blas- have been set as watchmen to Cinvited to speak at a neighbor- phemy). In 2 Tim. 2:18, the false uphold, speak, and defend the ing congregation. Upon his arrival teaching of Hymenaeus and Philetus truth. his attention was drawn to an apos- is described to be as deadly as gan- Some brethren become upset tate preacher in the audience. He grene. Paul defines false teachers as when false teachers are publicly had been marked (Rom. 16:17) some those who “err from the truth,” and marked. The mind-set of such years earlier by the young Gospel will “overthrow the faith of some” (2 brethren is that any dealings with preacher’s home congregation for Tim. 2:18; Titus 1:11). Once the can- marked false teachers is to be done teaching false doctrine. Letters of his cerous nature of false teaching is privately (behind the scenes) accord- marking were sent to all local con- planted, it influences and afflicts oth- ing to Matthew 18:15-17. This is a gregations. During the song service ers by slowly eating away at the faith flagrant abuse of Scripture. This pas- the song leader called upon the apos- of Christians just as gangrene cuts sage, in context, tells how to handle tate preacher to lead in prayer. This off the blood supply and destroys the private conflicts between individuals. young Gospel preacher refused to tissue of the human body. False It does not address public false teach- partake in the prayer of the false teaching strangles the blood supply ing. Misrepresenting this passage is teacher. Concerned not only with this of truth that flows to the hearts of an attempt by false teachers and apostate preacher’s presence but also Christians. Because it is so deadly their supporters to undermine the his partaking in the service, the and so insidious in nature, the faith- Scriptures and to argue against any young preacher considers this as an ful should be stirred up to expose it, attempt at exposing their false posi- opportunity and exercises his respon- denounce it, and refuse to tolerate it tions as well as those with whom sibilities as a preacher of the Gospel. being motivated by love and concern they associate. Stepping behind the pulpit, he sin- for the souls that have been afflicted For Scriptural examples of the gles out the apostate and addresses by it. need and responsibility to rebuke the congregation, concerning the The primary responsibility to sharply false teachers (Titus 1:13), error of allowing the apostate shut the mouths of false teachers lies consider the following: preacher to participate in the service. with the elders in local congregations John the Baptist rebuked Herod He then continued with his sermon. (Titus 1:9). Yet, preachers by the very for living in adultery (Matt. 4:1-12). Did he err in his handling of the nature of their work will also be Christ rebuked the Pharisees by situation or did he follow God’s will? directly involved. Paul’s charge to telling them to their face that Satan In Titus 1:11, the will of God is Timothy in 2 Tim. 4:1-4 was to was their father (John 8:12-59). revealed to us concerning false teach- “Preach the word; be instant in sea- Peter rebuked Simon for desiring ers in the church. God made it clear son and out of season; reprove, to buy the ability of “laying on of he wants their mouths to be stopped! rebuke, exhort with all long suffering hands” to impart miraculous gifts of Their teaching must be exposed and and doctrine.” the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:13-23). refuted in order to preserve the doc- All Christians, likewise, have a Paul’s rebuke to the Judaizers trinal purity of the Lord’s church and responsibility to reject false teachers (whose intent was to bind circumci- to save the innocent in Christ. False by marking, exposing, and withdraw- sion on the Gentiles) was that he teachers mouths must be stopped in ing fellowship from them that they, would not tolerate such men and order to obey God who commanded it as well as others, will not be partners their false teachings for even an hour to be done (Titus 1:11; John 14:15). It of their evil deeds (Rom. 16:17; Eph. (Gal. 2:4-5). must be done lovingly and coura- 5:11; 2 Thess. 3:6; 2 John 9-11). Paul rebuked Peter “to the face geously so that false teachers become Christians serving under faithful before them all” (Gal. 2:11-14). When aware of their sin, repent and be elders must uphold the efforts of the Peter and others separated them- sound in the faith (Titus 1:13). elders and their preacher to correct selves from the Gentiles and refused Contrary to the irrationality and or reject false teachers (Titus 3:10; 2 to eat with them upon the arrival of ignorance of the Bible by some, it is Thess. 3:6; Heb. 13:7,17). When the Jews sent from James, Paul Scriptural to mark (name) false Christians in local congregations are knew they failed in living up to the teachers.