Dr. Ken Cukrowski

Dean, College of Biblical Studies Associate Professor, Graduate School of Theology

A native Californian, Dr. Ken Cukrowski did his undergraduate work in and French at Abilene Christian University. Later, he completed his M.Div. at Yale Divinity School, and his doctoral studies in at Yale University (1994). He taught at Bangor Theological Seminary in Maine for two years before a three-year tenure at Lubbock Christian University. He teaches Greek, New Testament, and New Testament ethics courses at Abilene Christian University (1999-present). He also is also the Dean of the College of Biblical Studies. In ministry contexts, he has served as an associate minister, education minister, and youth minister. He works with the university ministry in his local congregation (Minter Lane). He co-authored God’s Holy Fire (2002) with Dr. James Thompson and Dr. Mark Hamilton and authored The Mystery of Godliness: Great Themes from 1 Timothy (2004). His recent work has been in Luke-Acts, Greco-Roman backgrounds, and intertextuality. He and his wife Karen have two adult daughters, Katie and Krista. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, running, watching movies, visiting National Parks, and eating dark chocolate. Curriculum Vitae Rev. 4-21 Kenneth L. Cukrowski

Contact Information Email Address and Office Phone [email protected] 325-674-3700

Dissertation: Pagan Polemic and Lukan Apologetic: The Function of Acts 20:17-38 Advisor: Abraham J. Malherbe

Education Yale University Ph.D. 1994 Yale Divinity School S.T.M. 1988 Yale Divinity School M.Div. 1987 Abilene Christian University M.A. 1985 Abilene Christian University B.A. (Bible) 1984 Abilene Christian University B.A. (French) 1984

Professional Experience 2013-Present Dean, College of Biblical Studies 1999-Present Associate Professor of New Testament, College of Biblical Studies 2012-13 Interim Dean, College of Biblical Studies 2010-12 Vice Provost, Abilene Christian University 2004 (Fall) Interim Dean, College of Biblical Studies 1999-2010 Associate Dean of Academic Programs, College of Biblical Studies, Abilene Christian University 1996-99 Associate Professor of New Testament, Lubbock Christian University 1994-96 Assistant Professor of New Testament, Bangor Theological Seminary

Publications Books The Mystery of Godliness: Studies in 1 Timothy. Webb City, Mo.: Covenant, 2004. Cukrowski, Kenneth L., Mark W. Hamilton, and James W. Thompson. God's Holy Fire: The Nature and Function of Scripture. Abilene, Tex.: ACU Press, 2002.

Monograph-Length Publications (30,000 words) “Acts.” The Transforming Word: A One-Volume Bible Commentary. Mark Hamilton, General Editor. Abilene, Tex.: ACU Press (2009). “Luke.” The Transforming Word: A One-Volume Bible Commentary. Mark Hamilton, General Editor. Abilene, Tex.: ACU Press (2009).

Articles “’Even as the Law Says’ (1 Cor 14:34b): An Allusion to Miriam in Numbers 12?” Pages 19-28 in Ethics in Contexts: Essays in Honor of Wendell Lee Willis. Edited by James W. Thompson and Richard Wright. Pickwick: Eugene, OR, 2019. "Paul as Odysseus: An Exegetical Note on Luke's Depiction of Paul in Acts 27:1-28:10." Restoration Quarterly 55 (2013): 24-34. “Exegetical Note on the Ellipsis in 1 Timothy 2:9.” Pages 232-238 in Transmission and Reception: New Testament Text-Critical and Exegetical Studies. Texts and Studies: Contributions in Biblical and Patristic Literature. Third Series; Volume 4. Edited by J. W. Childers & D. C. Parker. Gorgias: Piscataway, N. J., 2006. "1 Corinthians 5: Discipline in Pauline Communities." Pages 367-368 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "1 Corinthians 10: Church and the City." Page 366 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "How to Write a Parable." Pages 303-304 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "Just Like Magic: Acts of the Apostles." Pages 338-339 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "Romans 13:1-7: Church and State." Pages 363-364 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "A Theology of Sexuality (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)." Pages 368-369 in Teaching the Bible: Practical Strategies for Classroom Instruction. Edited by Patrick Gray and Mark Roncace. SBL Resources for Biblical Study 49; Leiden: Brill, 2005. "Women and Wealth in 1 Timothy." Leaven 13.1 (2005): 33-45. "The Influence of the Emperor Cult on the Book of Revelation." Restoration Quarterly 45 (2003): 51-64. "Conversion in the Book of Acts." Pages 294-305 in Fanning the Flame: Probing the Issues in Acts. Edited by M. Moore. Joplin, Mo.: College Press, 2003. "Demons, Magic, and the Occult." Pages 80-92 in Fanning the Flame: Probing the Issues in Acts. Edited by M. Moore. Joplin, Mo.: College Press, 2003. "Hermeneutics of Historical Precedent." Pages 177-189 in Fanning the Flame: Probing the Issues in Acts. Edited by M. Moore. Joplin, Mo.: College Press, 2003. "Judaism: Literary Sources, Sectarian Groups, and Key Beliefs." Pages 61-79 in Fanning the Flame: Probing the Issues in Acts. Edited by M. Moore. Joplin, Mo.: College Press, 2003. "Prophets and Losses." Pages 271-278 (Case Study) in Crux of the Matter: Crisis, Tradition and the Future of the Churches of Christ. Revised Study Edition. Abilene, Tex.: ACU Press, 2002. "The Problem of Uncovered Prophets: Exploring 1 Cor 11:2-16." Leaven 9.3 (2001): 138-145. "What Does New Haven Have to Do with Lubbock? Texts, Techniques, and Sociology." Teaching Theology and Religion 3.2 (June 2000): 96-102. "Paul as Pastor in Acts." Leaven 5.2 (Spring 1997): 29-31. "'Blessed is the King': The Roman Triumph and ' Triumphal Entry in :37-40." Bulletin of the General Theological Library of Bangor Theological Seminary 87/3 (1996): 3-14.

Book Reviews Review of Jesus Darkly: Remembering Jesus with the New Testament. By Rafael Rodriguez. Stone-Campbell Journal (forthcoming) Review of ‘All of You Are One:’ The Social Vision of Galatians 3.28, 1 Corinthians 12.13 and Colossians 3.11. By Bruce Hansen. Religious Studies Review (forthcoming). Review of Paul's Rhetoric in Its Contexts: The Argument of Romans, by Thomas H. Tobin. Religious Studies Review (forthcoming). Review of Televised Morality: The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, by Gregory Stevenson. Restoration Quarterly 47 (2005): 131-132. Review of The Obedience of Faith, the Eschatological People of God, and the Purpose of Romans, by James C. Miller. Religious Studies Review 29.2 (2003): 200. Review of Leadership and Lifestyle: The Portrait of Paul in the Miletus Speech and 1 Thessalonians, by Steve Walton. Religious Studies Review 28.1 (2002): 77. Review of The Theology of the First Christians, by Walter Schmithals. Restoration Quarterly 41 (1999): 186-187. Review of Paul and Empire: Religion and Power in Roman Imperial Society, ed. by Richard A. Horsley. Religious Studies Review 25 (1999): 195. Review of A Body Broken for a Broken People: Eucharist in the New Testament, rev. ed. by Francis Moloney. Religious Studies Review 24 (1998): 102. Review of The Eucharist in the New Testament and the Early Church, by Eugene LaVerdiere. Religious Studies Review 24 (1998): 102. Review of Gospel and Mission in the Writings of Paul: An Exegetical and Theological Analysis, by P. T. O'Brien. Religious Studies Review 24 (1998): 91. Review of Noyau et enjeux de l'eschatologie paulinienne: De l'apocalyptique juive et de l'eschatologie hellénistique dans quelques argumentations de l'apôtre Paul: Etude rhétorico-exégétique de 1 Co 15,35-58; 2 Co 5,1-10 et Rm 8,18-30, by Jean-Bosco Matand Bulembat. Religious Studies Review 24 (1998): 200. Review of Acts, by William J. Larkin, Jr. Religious Studies Review 23 (1997): 184. Review of First and Second Thessalonians, by Earl J. Richard. Religious Studies Review 23 (1997): 186. Review of Free to Love: Paul's Defense of Christian Liberty in Galatia, by John Buckel. Religious Studies Review 23 (1997): 74. Review of Interpreting the Book of Acts, by Walter L. Liefeld. Religious Studies Review 23 (1997): 184. Review of Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament, ed. by Richard N. Longenecker. Restoration Quarterly 39 (1997): 255-257. Review of Luke and Scripture: The Function of Sacred Tradition in Luke-Acts, by Craig A. Evans and James A. Sanders. Restoration Quarterly 38 (1996): 127. Review of Antifeminismus bei Paulus?, by Norbert Baumert. Religious Studies Review 21 (1995): 237. Review of Luke's Portrait of Paul, by John Clayton Lentz, Jr. Religious Studies Review 21 (1995): 145. Review of Paul in His Hellenistic Context, ed. by Troels Engberg-Pedersen. Horizons 1 (1995): 93-95. Review of The Theology of Paul's Letter to the Galatians, by James D. G. Dunn. Religious Studies Review 21 (1995): 54.

International, National, and Regional Papers “Our Experiences Teaching about the Bible and Women” Group: Biblical Teaching on Women. 20th Annual Stone-Campbell Journal Conference. Lincoln, IL (Virtual). April 16, 2021. “A Conversation about the Historical Jesus: A Review of Rafael Rodriguez’ Jesus Darkly: Remembering Jesus with the New Testament. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2018.” SBL Annual Meeting. Boston, MA (Virtual). November 30, 2020. “Blind Justice: A Possible Allusion to Euripides’ Cyclops in :2, 4.” Unit: Allusions in the Gospels and Acts. SBL International Meeting. Rome, Italy. July 1- 5, 2019. “’The Other Disciple Outran Peter’ (John 20:4): Theological Reflection on the Body, Spiritual Formation, and Endurance Exercise.” Panel: Perspectives on Endurance Running: Body, Mind, and Spirit. Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 5-7, 2019. “An Ethnography of Virtue in Luke’s Gospel.” SBL International Meeting. Helsinki, Finland. July 30-August 3, 2018. “The Grammar of Lukan Emotions.” SBL International Meeting. Helsinki, Finland. July 30-August 3, 2018. “Thinking Theologically about Same Sex Attraction: Ten Hermeneutical Lenses.” Christian Scholars Conference. June 5-8, 2018. “A Theology of Transgender: The Role of Scripture.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 7-9, 2017. “’Even As the Law Says’ (1 Cor 14:34b): An Allusion to Miriam in Numbers 12?” SBL International Meeting. Seoul, South Korea. July 2-7, 2016. “Who Is My Sister? The Challenges and Significance of a Theology of Gender.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 7-10, 2016. “Negotiating Scripture and Culture.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 4, 2015. “The Activity of God, Christ, and the Spirit: A Proposed Foundation for a Theology of Gender.” SBL International Meeting. Vienna, Austria. July 6-10, 2014. “A Proposed Allusion to Euripides’ Ion in Luke’s Infancy Narrative.” SBL International Meeting. Vienna, Austria. July 6-10, 2014. “Promoting Women as Theological Leaders: What Do We Need to Know and Do?” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 6, 2014. “Major Book Review: Marcan Priority Without Q, John C. Poirier and Jeffrey Peterson, Eds. (Bloomsbury T & T Clark, 2015).” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 5, 2014. “’He Shall Rule Over You” (Gen 3:16): Living for the Curse or Living for the Cross? ACU Peace Conference. Abilene, TX. March 3, 2014. “Jesus’ View of Women in the Gospels.” Isus Iz Nazareta: Tragom Biblijskih Tradicija I Tekstova (Jesus of Nazareth: Traces from Biblical Traditions and Texts). International Conference at the University of Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia). January 23- 25, 2014. Response to “Church of Christ Disaffiliates: An Investigation of Reasons for Disaffiliation and Subsequent Affiliation.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 4- 8, 2013. “Review of Three New Testament Introductions in the Stone-Campbell Movement.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 4-8, 2013. Response to "Messianic Meals in the Parables of Enoch and the ." Eucharist and Ecclesiology: An Academic Colloquy, Abilene, TX. March 21-23, 2013. Session: Reconciling Church Gender Roles and Miroslav Volf’s Theology of Gender Identity. “A Theology of Gender: What Can Scripture Tell Us.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 8, 2012. “Including Women in Worship, Teaching, and Leadership: Changing Times among Some Churches of Christ.” Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 17, 2011. “The Significance of Galen's 'On the Avoidance of Distress' for the Interpretation of the New Testament?” Southwest Commission on Religious Studies. Dallas, TX. March 6, 2011 “Women Speaking: Theological Reflections on the Experiences of Women in Churches of Christ” (Moderator). Christian Scholars’ Conference. June 2010. "Prophets and Losses: Using Cases to Enhance Theological Reflection." Association of Doctor of Ministry Education. April, 2002. "The Apologetic Function of Luke-Acts." SBL Southwest Regional Meeting. March, 1999. "From 'Fundamentalists' to 'Scholars': Texts, Techniques, and Sociology." SBL Annual Meeting. November, 1998. "Paul as Odysseus: Luke's Depiction of Paul in Acts 27:1-28:15." SBL Southwest Regional Meeting. March, 1998. "In the Beginning Was the Author/Text/Reader?" Response to J. Ramsay Michaels. Domanada Lecture Series. April 1996. "'Blessed is the King': The Roman Triumph and Jesus' Triumphal Entry in Luke 19:37-40." SBL Annual Meeting. November 1995. "Veiling Practices in the Early Church." SBL New England Regional Meeting. March 1990.

Professional Organizations and Work Society of Biblical Literature (1985-present) Restoration Quarterly Board (2000-present) Editorial Board, The Transforming Word (2003-2008) Texas Classical Association (2002-2003)

Honors L. R. Wilson, Sr. Award for Teaching Excellence, 1997-98 Academic Year, Lubbock Christian University, May 9, 1998

National Endowment for the Humanities 1997 Summer Seminar "Roman Culture in the Age of Augustus" June 16-August 1, 1997 at the University of Texas

Yale University Yale University Dissertation Fellowship Christian Scholarship Foundation Fellowship Yale University Fellowship

Yale Divinity School Two Brothers Fellowship

Abilene Christian University Lucile Walls Lewis Memorial Scholarship Alonzo Rutherford Bible Scholarship Schug-Treat Foreign Language Scholarship Women for ACU Scholarship

Teaching Interests I enjoy teaching courses related to the literature, language, and background of the New Testament. Both the theological and the historical dimensions of scholarship in these areas interest me.

Popular Lectures “Workshop: Women in Worship.” Two Lectures. ElderLink Greensboro, NC. November 16-17, 2018. “Workshop: Women in Worship.” Two Lectures. ElderLink San Antonio. October 27, 2018. "The Prodigal Son: Four Surprises That Americans Miss.” Pepperdine Bible Lectureship. May 3, 2017. “Workshop: Women in Worship: Gender and Leadership in the New Testament.” Six Lectures. ElderLink Dallas. November 10-11, 2016. “But Scripture Is Very Clear. Isn’t It?” (Two Panels). Center Peace (e3) Conference. October 27-29, 2016. “Working Through the Text: Homosexuality in Scripture.” (Two Panels). Center Peace (e3) Conference. October 27-29, 2016. “Philadelphia to Carol: LGBTQ Portrayal in Film.” Center Peace (e3) Conference. October 27-29, 2016. “Women in Worship” (Three Lectures). 110th Annual Summit at ACU. September 18-21, 2016. "Women in Worship" (Two Lectures). Pepperdine Bible Lectureship. May 6-7, 2015. “Workshop: Women in Worship.” Five Lectures. ElderLink Atlanta. March 20, 2015. “Reel Christians: Thinking Critically about Film.” Lecture 1: “Finding God in Film.” Lubbock Christian University. September 2, 2014. “Reel Christians: Thinking Critically about Film.” Lecture 2: “How to Think Theologically about Art and Film.” Lubbock Christian University. September 2, 2014. “Reel Christians: Thinking Critically about Film.” Lecture 3 “What I Learned While Watching 1000 Movies.” Lubbock Christian University. September 2, 2014. “A Fly on the Wall: What Elders Are Thinking at Gender-Inclusive Churches (Thinking Pastorally).” Tulsa Workshop, Tulsa, OK. March 22, 2014. “A Fly on the Wall: What Elders Are Thinking at Gender-Inclusive Churches (Thinking Theologically).” Tulsa Workshop, Tulsa, OK. March 21, 2014. “A Fly on the Wall: What Elders Are Thinking at Gender-Inclusive Churches (Thinking Textually).” Tulsa Workshop, Tulsa, OK. March 21, 2014. “Seminar on Women’s Roles in the Church” Five Lectures. ElderLink: Dallas. November 1-2, 2013. “The Prodigal Son: The Real Star.” 107th Annual Summit at ACU. September 25, 2013. “The Prodigal Son: What You Don’t See.” 107th Annual Summit at ACU. September 24, 2013. “What about Women in Worship? Practical and Pastoral Considerations.” 106th Annual Summit at ACU. September 18, 2012. “What about Women in Ministry and Worship? Question-and-Answer Session.” 106th Annual Summit at ACU. September 17, 2012. “What about Women in Worship? New Testament Texts.” 106th Annual Summit at ACU. September 17, 2012. “Speaking Out about Silence: Women in 1 Corinthians 14.” ElderLink: Dallas. November 3, 2011. “Speaking Out about Silence: Three Ways to Read 1 Timothy 1.” ElderLink: Dallas. November 3, 2011. “Speaking Out about Silence: Three Ways to Read 1 Timothy 2?” 105th Annual Summit at ACU. September 21, 2011. “Speaking Out about Silence: Women in 1 Corinthians 14?” 105th Annual Summit at ACU. September 20, 2011. “The Women of the New Testament: What Are They Doing?” ElderLink: Atlanta. March 23, 2011. “Diving into the Text: How Should We Understand 1 Corinthians 14 and 1 Timothy 2?” ElderLink: Atlanta. March 23, 2011. “How Do We Think Theologically about This Topic: Interpreting Galatians 3:28.” ElderLink: Atlanta. March 23, 2011. “Three Objections: What About Creation? God? Jesus?” ElderLink: Atlanta. March 23, 2011. “What Now? Reflections on How to Move Forward.” ElderLink: Atlanta. March 23, 2011. “A Fly on the Wall: What Elders Are Thinking at Gender-Inclusive Churches.” 104th Annual Summit at ACU. September 2010. “Our Story: Experiences of Women in Churches of Christ” (Moderator). 104th Annual Summit at ACU. September 2010. “The Hero of the Story: An Expository Study of Acts” (Three Lectures). Pepperdine Bible Lectureship. May 2010. “How to Spot a Deacon” (Two Hours). ElderLink: Dallas. November 7-8, 2008. “How to Spot a Deacon” (Two Hours). ElderLink: Portland. October 10-11, 2008. "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Rome." "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Corinth." ElderLink: Portland. October 5-6, 2007. "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Rome." "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Corinth." ElderLink: Houston. April 16, 2005 "The Mystery of Godliness Is Great: An Expository Study of 1 Timothy" (Three Lectures). Pepperdine Bible Lectureship. May 2004. "What Does the New Testament Say about Divorce?" "'What about when ...' Case Studies on Divorce." ElderLink: Dallas. November 8, 2003. "Gospel and Culture Coffee House: Faith and Film." ACU Lectureship. February 23, 2003. "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Rome." "Women's Roles in the New Testament: A Visit to the Church at Corinth." ElderLink: Dallas. November 9, 2002. "Reading the OT as Scripture." "Learning to Think Theologically." "The Role of Silence in Interpretation." Rochester College: IMPACT. October 18-20, 2002. "God's Holy Fire" (Three Lectures). Conversation 2002. Burlington, Massachusetts. May, 2002. "God's Holy Fire: The Nature and Function of Scripture" (Three Lectures). Pepperdine Bible Lectures. May 2002. "Living and Active: The Ancient Book for Postmodern Times" (Three Lectures). ACU Lectureship. February 20, 2002. "Watched by an Angel: An Explanation of 'Because of the Angels' (and Beyond) in 1 Corinthians 11:10." Pepperdine Bible Lectures. May, 2001. "Ph.D.s and Pews: The Christian Mind" (Four Lectures). Willson-Morris Lectures. Lubbock Christian University. March, 2000. "Mark: The Mysterious Gospel" (Three Lectures). ACU Lectureship. February, 2000. "Numismatics and the New Testament." Pepperdine Bible Lectures. April 1993.

Popular Articles “Yes, THAT’S the Book for Me!” Charis @ http://char.is/2015/06/01/yes-thats-the-book-for- me/ (June, 2015). “Five Questions to Jumpstart Your Bible Study.” Wineskins 17.11 (November, 2014). “Five Practices to Refresh Your Devotional Reading.” Wineskins 17.11 (November, 2014). “Malherbe Was a Beloved Scholar, Professor, and Churchman.” ACU Today (Spring-Summer, 2013): 78.

Television, Newspaper, and Radio Interviews; Podcasts “SBL International Meeting” (Helsinki, Finland). @https://www.kotimaa24.fi/artikkeli/historiaa-on-tutkittava-ilman-teologisia- silmalaseja-totesivat-raamatuntutkijat-helsingissa/. August 11, 2018. “Gender and Media Talk: The Theology of Gender.” @http://jennifershewmaker.com/2015/06/11/gender-and-media-talk-the-theology- of-gender/. June 8, 2015. “The Jesus Conference.” Croatian National Television. January 24, 2014. “The James Ossuary.” KRBC Abilene. Fall 2003. "The Mission of Bangor Theological Seminary," WMSJ 91.9 FM. Freeport, ME. December 1994. "The History and Meaning of Easter," WMSJ 91.9 FM. Freeport, ME. April 1995.

Service (Retreats and Consultations in Churches): 50+ Opportunities, usually on women’s roles in churches

Service: Blurbs Janet Kellogg Ray. Baby Dinosaurs on the Ark? The Bible and Modern Science and the Trouble of Making It All Fit. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021. Jack R. Reese. At the Blue Hole: Elegy for a Church on the Edge. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021.