AUSTRALIAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY INC. Member of the JCA Family of Communal Organisations NEWSLETTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: 146 Darlinghurst Road Issue No 102. September 2014. Darlinghurst ISSN-0816-714-1 NSW 2008 Website: Telephone: (02) 9380-5145 Email address:
[email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Australian Jewish Historical Society is a member of the JCA family of organisation ROSH HASHANA GREETINGS The President and Committee of the Australian Jewish Historical Society extends to all its readers its best wishes, L’Shona Tova Tikatevu, and hope it will be a good and peaceful year for all Israel. Much of the Newsletter is about war, not to glorify war but showing what the community is doing to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Next year the country will be observing the centenary of Anzac. The Society is actively involved in the preparations being made by the Jewish community to show the contribution made by Australian Jews. Included in this Newsletter is the address given by Senator Michael Ronaldson, Minister for Veteran’s Affairs, on Sunday 31 August 2014, at the National War Memorial in Canberra, to the Australian Union of Jewish Students. Although our resident military historian, Russell Stern, has pointed out that the figures quoted for the numbers who served may not be strictly accurate (probably slightly less for WWI and more for WWII) the address, nevertheless, gives the students an insight into the contribution made by Australian Jewry and helps them to understand they have a proud tradition as Australian Jews. It also provides us with information on the preparations that are being carried out on a national scale.