Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in . Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

TABLE S2. Table of references for the 15 species (775 references).

(a) Propithecus tattersalli, N = 98 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriantompohavana et al. 2007, Birkinshaw and Colquhoun 2003, Birkinshaw et al. 2007, Cardiff and Befourouack 2003, Cardiff and Befourouack 2007, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Coffman 1989, Colquhoun 2006, Crottini et al. 2012, DelPero et al. 2001, Demes et al. 1999, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn 1992, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Godfrey and Irwin 2007, Godfrey and Jungers 2003, Godfrey et al. 1996, Goodman 2003a, Goodman 2003b, Goodman and Wilmé 2006, Goodman et al. 2003a, Goodman et al. 2007a, Gordon 2006, Groves 2005, Hemingway 1998, Horvath and Willard 2007, Horvath et al. 2008, Irwin 2006, Irwin et al. 2009, Jiménez and Vargas 2000, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Kappeler 1997, Karanth et al. 2005, Kirk 2006, Laakkonen and Goodman 2003, Lawler 2006, Lehman 2006a, Lehman 2007a, Lehman et al. 2005a, Lehman et al. 2007, Lindenfors 2002, Lindenfors and Tullberg 1998, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Martin 2000, Mayor et al. 2002, Mayor et al. 2004, Meyers 1993a, Meyers 1993b, Meyers and Ratsirarson 1989, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2006, Mittermeier et al. 2007a, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Montagnon et al. 2001, Orlando et al. 2008, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2003, Patel 2006, Patel and Andrianandrasana 2008, Pearson and Raxworthy 2009, Primack and Ratsirarson 2005, Quéméré et al. 2010a, Quéméré et al. 2010b, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Rakotondravony 2006, Rakotondravony 2007, Randrianarisoa et al. 1999, Ravosa et al. 1993, Razafindraibe et al. 1997, Razafindraibe et al. 2000, Razafindrakoto et al. 2007, Richard 2003, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler 2000, Rumpler et al. 2011, Rylands 2007, Shultz et al. 2011, Simons 1988, Stanger-Hall 1997, Andriamanaitra 2002, Tan et al. 2005, Tattersall 2007, Thalmann 2007, Vargas et al. 2002, Venditti et al. 2011, Wilmé and Callmander 2006, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wright 1999, Wyner et al. 2000, Yoder 1996, Yoder 2003, Yoder and Irwin 1999a, Yoder et al. 1996a, Yoder et al. 1996b, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011

(b) Varecia variegata rubra, N = 95 Albrecht et al. 1990, Balko and Underwood 2005, Bauert et al. 2007, Britt 2000, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Craul et al. 2008, Crottini et al. 2012, Dean et al. 2011, DelPero et al. 2006, Donati et al. 2011, Eleanor and Rakotoarison 1998, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Gardner 2009, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812, Godfrey and Irwin 2007, Golden 2005, Golden 2009, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004a, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004b, Grandidier 1867, Gray 1871a, Gray 1871b, Groves 2005, Hekkala et al. 2007, Holloway 1999, Horvath et al. 2008, Irwin and Raharison 2009, Jenkins 1987, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1993, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1994, Karanth et al. 2005, Kremen 1998, Kremen 2003, Kremen 2007, Kunstman et al. 2003, Lehman 2006a, Lehman et al. 2007, Lesson 1840, Lindsay and Simons 1986, Louis et al. 2005, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Montagnon et al. 2001, Ormsby and Kaplin 2005, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2003, Patel 2011, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Rakotodratsima and Kremen 2001, Rakotondratsima and Ratsisetraina 2000, Rakotondratsimba et al. 2008, Ransome 1889, Rasolofoson et al. 2007a, Razafindratsima et al. 2011, Razakamaharavo et al. 2010, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rigamonti 1996, Rylands 2007, Sauther and Cuozzo 2008, Shultz et al. 2011, Sibree 1895, Simons 1987, Ratsisetraina 2006, Razafindratsima 2009, Razakamaharavo 2006, Tan et al. 2005, Tattersall 2007, Tattersall and Schwartz 1991, Thalmann 2007, Vasey 1996, Vasey 1997a, Vasey 1997b,


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

Vasey 2000, Vasey 2002, Vasey 2003, Vasey 2005a, Vasey 2005b, Vasey 2006, Vasey and Tattersall 2002, Vences et al. 2009, Volampeno et al. 2011, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wright 1999, Wyner et al. 2000, Yoder 1996, Yoder 2003, Yoder and Irwin 1999a, Yoder and Irwin 1999b, Yoder and Yang 2004, Yoder et al. 1996a, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011

(c) Indri indri, N = 191 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriamasimanana 1994, Andriamasimanana et al. 2001, Andriantompohavana et al. 2007, Beaucent and Fayolle 2008, Beck 2009, Birkinshaw and Colquhoun 2003, Bosser 1954, Britt 2002, Britt 2002 (in litt.), Britt et al. 1999, Britt et al. 2002, Britt et al. 2003, Cardiff and Befourouack 2003, Cardiff and Befourouack 2007, Catat 1893, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Crottini et al. 2012, Day et al. 2009, DelPero et al. 2001, Demes et al. 1996, Dickinson and Berner 2010, Dolch 2003, Dolch et al. 2004, Dunham 2008, Evans et al. 1994, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn 1992, Ganzhorn 1998a, Ganzhorn and Eisenbeiß 2001, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2000, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Ganzhorn et al. 2009, Garreau and Manantsara 2003, Geissmann and Mutschler 2006, Giacoma et al. 2010, Glander and Powzyk 1998, Glessner and Britt 2005, Gmelin 1788, Godfrey and Irwin 2007, Godfrey and Jungers 2003, Godfrey et al. 1996, Godfrey et al. 2004a, Godfrey et al. 2004b, Godfrey et al. 2008, Golden 2005, Golden 2009, Goodman 2003a, Goodman 2003b, Goodman 2003c, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004a, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004b, Goodman and Schütz 2000, Goodman and Wilmé 2006, Goodman et al. 2003a, Goodman et al. 2003b, Goodman et al. 2007a, Goodman et al. 2007b, Grandidier 1867, Gray 1872a, Groves 2005, Hannah et al. 2003, Hart and Hart 2006, Hawkins et al. 2001, Horvath and Willard 2007, Humbert 1955, Irwin and Raharison 2009, Jenkins 1987, Jenkins and Albrecht 1991, Jenkins et al. 2011, Junge et al. 2011, Jungers et al. 1995, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Kappeler 1996, Kappeler 1997, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1993, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1994, Karanth et al. 2005, Kudo and Dunbar 2001, Lacépède 1799, Lang 1990, Lehman 2006a, Lehman 2007a, Lehman et al. 2005a, Lehman et al. 2005b, Lehman et al. 2007, Lemelin et al. 2008, Lesson 1840, Lindenfors 2002, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Martin 2000, Mass et al. 2010, Mass et al. 2011, McGuire et al. 2009, Milne Edwards 1881, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Montagnon et al. 2001, Muldoon 2010, Norscia and Palagi 2008, Norscia et al. 2012, Orlando et al. 2008, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Patel 2006, Patel 2011, Paulian 1955, Pearson and Raxworthy 2009, Peters 1871, Petter and Peyrieras 1974, Polasky Lyons 2011, Polk et al. 2010, Pollock 1979, Pollock 1986, Powzyk and Thalmann 2003, Projet ZICOMA 1999, Quinn and Wilson 2002, Rabelaza 2000, Rabenandrasana 1998a, Rabenandrasana 1998b, Rabenandrasana 1998c, Rabenandrasana 1998d, Rabenandrasana 1998e, Radespiel et al. 2008, Raharivololona et al. 2003, Rajaonson 1993, Rajaonson et al. 2009, Rakotoarison et al. 1996, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Rakotondraparany 2004, Rakotondratsimba et al. 2008, Rakotonirina et al. 2011, Rakotosamimanana 1992, Rakotosamimanana et al. 2004, Ralison 2006, Ralison 2007a, Ralison 2010, Ramanantsoa 1974, Ramanitra et al. 2006, Ransome 1889, Ransome 1890, Raselimanana and Goodman 2007, Rasolofoson et al. 2007a, Rasolofoson et al. 2007b, Rasoloharijaona 1999, Raxworthy 1986, Razafindraibe et al. 1997, Razafy Fara and Andriamarosolo 2011, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rigamonti et al. 2005, Roos et al. 2004, Rumpler et al. 2011, Rylands 2007, Sauther 1989, Sauther 1998, Schwartz et al. 2002, Shapiro et al. 2005, Shultz et al. 2011, Sibree 1893, Simmen et al. 2003, Simons 2011, Stanger-Hall 1997, Rabemananjara 2009, Rakotomahafaly 2004, Randriamandratonirina 2003, Randrianarimanana 2009, Zaonarivelo 2007, Tattersall 1973 (1975), Tattersall 1973a,


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

Tattersall 1973b, Tattersall 2007, Tattersall and Schwartz 1974, Thalmann 2007, Thalmann and Ganzhorn 2003, Thalmann et al. 1993, Thorén et al. 2006, Tombomiadana and Rakotondravony 2000, Turner et al. 2000, Venditti et al. 2011, Viguier and Tort 2000, Vinson 1862a, Vinson 1862b, Vinson 1865, Warter et al. 2000, Wilson et al. 1995, Wollenberg et al. 2011, Wright 1999, Zaonarivelo et al. 2007a, Zaonarivelo et al. 2007b, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011,

(d) Propithecus diadema edwardsi, N = 136 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriaholinirina et al. 2004, Andriantompohavana et al. 2007, Bailey et al. 2009, Bensch 1902, Britt et al. 2001, Buckland et al. 2010, Colquhoun 2006, Crottini et al. 2012, Dagosto and Yamashita 1998, Delmore et al. 2009, Deppe et al. 2007, Dolins et al. 2009, Dunham 2008, Dunham et al. 2008, Dunham et al. 2011, Erhart and Overdorff 1998, Erhart and Overdorff 1999, Fiorella et al. 2010, Foltz and Roeder 2008, Ganzhorn 1992, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2003, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Ganzhorn et al. 2009, Gardner 2009, Gerber et al. 2012, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004a, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004b, Goodman et al. 1997a, Grandidier 1871a, Grandidier 1871b, Grassi 2002, Grassi 2006, Gray 1872b, Gross 2006, Groves 2005, Günther 1875a, Günther 1875b, Hawkins 2003, Hayes et al. 2006, Hemingway 1998, Hemingway and Overdorff 1999, Horvath and Willard 2007, Irwin 2006, Irwin 2007, Irwin and Raharison 2009, Irwin et al. 2000, Irwin et al. 2005, Irwin et al. 2007, Irwin et al. 2009, Irwin et al. 2010, Jenkins 1987, Jolly 1998, Jones et al. 2008, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Kappeler 1996, King et al. 2005, King et al. 2011, Lehman 2006a, Lehman 2006b, Lehman 2007a, Lehman 2007b, Lehman and Ratsimbazafy 2001, Lehman and Wright 2000, Lehman et al. 2005a, Lehman et al. 2005b, Lehman et al. 2006a, Lehman et al. 2006b, Lehman et al. 2006c, Lehman et al. 2006d, Littlefield 2010, Louis et al. 2006, LU et al. 2001, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Martinez 2008, Mayor et al. 2002, Mayor et al. 2004, Meyers and Ratsirarson 1989, Mile and Rambeloarivony 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Moses and Semple 2011, Muldoon and Simons 2007, Norscia and Palagi 2008, O'Connor et al. 1986, Overdorff et al. 2005, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Patel 2005, Patel 2006, Patel 2007, Patel 2011, Patel and Andrianandrasana 2008, Paulian 1953, Paulian 1955, Pearson and Raxworthy 2009, Perrier de la Bâthie 1927, Pochron and Wright 2002, Pochron and Wright 2003, Pochron and Wright 2005, Pochron and Wright 2005a, Pochron et al. 2003, Pochron et al. 2004, Pochron et al. 2005, Pochron et al. 2005b, Putnam 1996, Rajaonson et al. 2009, Rajaonson et al. 2011, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Ravosa et al. 1993, Richard 2003, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler et al. 2011, Rylands 2007, Shultz et al. 2011, Sibree 1893, Simons 1988, Andriaholinirina 2006, Arrigo-Nelson 2006, Mihaminekena 2010, Randriamahaleo 2005, Tattersall 1986, Tattersall 2007, Tecot 2010, Thalmann 2007, Wilmé and Callmander 2006, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wright 1995, Wright 1998, Wright 1999, Wright et al. 1997, Wright et al. 2011, Yamashita 1996, Yamashita 2002, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011,

(e) Eulemur fulvus cinereiceps, N =82 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriamaharoa et al. 2010, Arnold and Meyer 2006, Birkinshaw et al. 2007, Brenneman et al. 2011, Brun et al. 1989, Buckland et al. 2010, Caine et al. 2011, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Colquhoun 2006, Crottini et al. 2012, Delmore et al. 2009, Delmore et al. 2011, DelPero et al. 2006, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Godfrey and Irwin 2007, Godfrey and Jungers 2003, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004a, Goodman and Ganzhorn


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

2004b, Gordon 2006, Groves 2005, Hobinjatovo et al. 2007, Horvath and Willard 2007, Irwin et al. 2005, Jenkins 1987, Jenkins and Albrecht 1991, Johnson 2006, Johnson and Overdorff 1999, Johnson and Wyner 2000, Johnson et al. 2005, Johnson et al. 2008, Johnson et al. 2011, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Lehman 2006a, Lehman et al. 2005b, Lehman et al. 2007, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2005, Mittermeier et al. 2006, Mittermeier et al. 2007a, Mittermeier et al. 2007b, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2009, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Moses and Semple 2011, Overdorff and Johnson 2003, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2000, Pastorini et al. 2009, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Ralainasolo et al. 2005, Ralainasolo et al. 2008, Ranaivoarisoa et al. 2010, Rasolonandrasana and Grenfell 2003, Rasolonandrasana and Grenfell 2007, Ratsimbazafy et al. 2002, Ravoahangy et al. 2008, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler 1975, Rylands 2007, Shultz et al. 2011, Delmore 2009, Hobinjatovo 2009, Ingraldi 2010, Rakotoarivelo 2009, Rued 2009, Tattersall 2007, Tattersall and Schwartz 1991, Tecot 2010, Thalmann 2007, Tokiniaina et al. 2009, Vences et al. 2009, Viguier 2002, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wright 1999, Wyner et al. 1999, Wyner et al. 2000, Wyner et al. 2002, Yoder 2003, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011

(f) Eulemur fulvus collaris, N = 108 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andrianarimisa et al. 2009, Arnold and Meyer 2006, Birkinshaw and Colquhoun 2003, Bollen and Donati 2006, Bollen et al. 2004a, Bollen et al. 2004b, Bollen et al. 2005, Buettner-Janusch et al. 1966, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Crottini et al. 2012, Curtis and Rasmussen 2006, DelPero et al. 2006, Donati and Borgognini-Tarli 2006, Donati et al. 2007, Donati et al. 2008, Donati et al. 2009, Donati et al. 2011, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn 1998b, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Ganzhorn et al. 2009, Gardner et al. 2009a, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire 1812, Godfrey and Irwin 2007, Godfrey and Jungers 2003, Godfrey et al. 2004a, Godfrey et al. 2008, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004a, Goodman and Ganzhorn 2004b, Goodman and Ramanamanjato 2008, Grandidier 1867, Gray 1871a, Groves 2005, Hart and Hart 2006, Horvath and Willard 2007, Horvath et al. 2008, Irwin et al. 2001, Irwin et al. 2005, Jekielek and Strobeck 1999, Jenkins and Albrecht 1991, Johnson 2006, Johnson and Overdorff 1999, Johnson et al. 2011, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Karanth et al. 2005, Kesch 2009, Kirk 2006, Lahann and Dausmann 2011, Lehman 2006a, Lehman et al. 2007, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2006, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Norscia and Palagi 2008, Norscia and Palagi 2010, Norscia et al. 2006, O'Connor 1996, O'Connor et al. 1986, Ossi and Kamilar 2006, Overdorff and Johnson 2003, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2000, Pastorini et al. 2009, Paulian 1955, Rabeson et al. 2006, Raharivololona and Ranaivosoa 2000, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Rakotonirina 2004, Ralavanirina 2011, Ralison et al. 2006, Ramanamanjato et al. 2002, Ranaivoarisoa et al. 2010, Rasoarimanana 2005, Rasoarivelo Day and Randria 2006, Ravoahangy et al. 2008, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler and Albignac 1969a, Rylands 2007, Shultz et al. 2011, Simmen et al. 2010, Day 2004, Kesch 2008, Rakotondranary 2004, Ranaivoarisoa 2007, Randrianasolo 2004, Ravoahangy 2005, Razafindramanana 2005, Tanaka 2007, Tattersall 2007, Tattersall and Schwartz 1991, Thalmann 2007, Vences et al. 2009, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wright 1999, Wyner et al. 1999, Wyner et al. 2000, Yoder 1996, Yoder 2003, Yoder and Irwin 1999a, Yoder and Irwin 1999b, Yoder and Yang 2004, Yoder et al. 1996a, Yoder et al. 1996b, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011,


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

(g) Dypsis decaryi, N = 5 Dransfield and Beentje 1995, Dransfield and Beentje 2003, Gardner et al. 2008, O'Connor et al. 1986, Ratsirarson 2003

(h) Coua verreauxi, N = 120 Andrianarimisa 1993, Andrianarimisa and Goodman 1998, Andriatsimietry et al. 2009, Anonyme 1996, Antilahimena et al. 1998, Appert 1966, Appert 1967, Appert 1970a, Appert 1972, Appert 1980, Appert 1996, Appert 1997, Babbington 1995, Bangs 1918, Bartlett 1875, Benson et al. 1976, Berkelman 1993, Blanc and Paulian 1996, Blüntschli 1935, Blüntschli 1939, Bru 1996, Cauvin 1998, Charles-Dominique 1976, Chouteau 1997a, Chouteau 1997b, Collin and Collin 1996, Delacour 1930a, Delacour 1930b, Delacour 1931, Delacour 1932a, Delacour 1932b, Domergue 1983, Eguchi et al. 1993, Gardner 1992, Goodman and Hawkins 2007, Goodman and Parrillo 1997, Goodman and Wilmé 2003, Goodman et al. 1994, Goodman et al. 1996, Goodman et al. 1997b, Goodman et al. 2000, Goodman et al. 2002, Grandidier 1867a, Grandidier 1867b, Grandidier 1867c, Grandidier 1867d, Grandidier 1871a, Gray 1870, Griveaud 1960, Hawkins 1994a, Hawkins 1994b, Hawkins and De Valois 1993, Hawkins and Goodman 1999, Hawkins and Goodman 2003, Hawkins and Wilmé 1996, Hawkins et al. 1995, Hawkins et al. 1998a, Johnson et al. 2000, Koenig 1993, Komen and Myer 1991, Krüger et al. 2004, Langrand 1990, Langrand and Goodman 1997, Langrand and Le Normand 1988, Lavauden 1937, Le Normand 1988, Lee and Jetz 2011, Masuda and Ramanampamonjy 1996, Ménégaux 1907, Milon 1950, Milon 1952, Milon et al. 1973, Moreau 1966, Mustoe et al. 1998, Nield et al. 2000, Paulian 1961, Payne 1997, Payne 2005, Peters 1940, Projet ZICOMA 1999, Rabenandrasana and Virginie 1998, Raherilalao and Wilmé 2008, Ramanitra 1995, Rand 1932, Rand 1936, Randrianasolo 1973a, Randrianasolo 1973b, Randrianasolo 1973c, Randrianasolo 1973d, Raselimanana et al. 2005, Ratsirarson 1996, Ravokatra 1998, Razafimahaimodison 1993, Richard et al. 1988, Richmond 1897, Safford 1990, Safford and Duckworth 1990, Safford and Wilkinson 1990, Schlegel 1866, Schuurman 1996, Sharpe 1870, Sibree 1889, Sorensen and Payne 2005, Steinbacher 1972, Stresemann 1952, The Seing Sam 1998, Thompson and Buisson 1988, Thorstrom and Watson 1994, Urano et al. 1992, Urano et al. 1994, van Someren 1947, Walters 1998, Watson and Strzakowska 1993, Welch and Katz 1992, Wilmé 1996, Wilmé and Goodman 2003, Wilmé et al. 1997, Young and Safford 1995, Zicoma 1998a, Zicoma 1998b

(i) Monias benschi, N = 80 Anonyme 1904, Appert 1968a, Appert 1968b, Appert 1970b, Appert 1972, Appert 1985a, Appert 1985b, Appert 1995, Appert 1997, Appert 2011, Babbington 1995, Bangs 1918, Bartlett 1877, Blanc and Paulian 1996, Collar et al. 1987, Delacour 1930a, Delacour 1932a, Delacour 1932b, Domergue 1983, Ericson et al. 2006, Evans et al. 1996, Fenn 2003, Frontier- Madagascar 2006, Gardner 1992, Gardner 2009, Gardner et al. 2009a, Gardner et al. 2009b, Glenny and Friedmann 1954, Goodman and Hawkins 2007, Goodman and Soarimalala 2004, Goodman et al. 2004, Goodman et al. 2005, Greenway 1937, Griveaud 1960, Hartert 1912, Hawkins and Goodman 2003, Hawkins and Seddon 2003, Komen and Myer 1991, Langrand 1990, Langrand and von Bechtolsheim 2009, Lavauden 1931, Lavauden 1932, Lavauden 1934, Lavauden 1937, Lavauden and Poisson 1929, Lee and Jetz 2011, Mey 1993, Miller 1924, Millot 1952, Milon et al. 1973, Oustalet and Grandidier 1903, Peters 1934, Projet


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

ZICOMA 1999, Putnam 1992, Raherilalao and Wilmé 2008, Raherilalao et al. 2004, Rand 1932, Rand 1936, Raselimanana 2008, Raselimanana et al. 2004, Raselimanana et al. 2005, Safford 1990, Schuurman 1996, Seddon 2001, Seddon 2002, Seddon and Tobias 2003, Seddon and Tobias 2007, Seddon et al. 2000, Seddon et al. 2002, Seddon et al. 2003, Seddon et al. 2004, Seddon et al. 2005, Tobias and Seddon 2002a, Tobias and Seddon 2002b, Turner 1981, Walters 1998, Werding 1970, Wilmé 1996, Wilmé and Goodman 2003, Wilmé et al. 1997

(j) Hypogeomys antimena, N = 71 Amori and Gippoliti 2003, Amori et al. 2008, Anonyme 2007, Burney et al. 2004, Carleton and Goodman 2003, Carleton et al. 2001, Cook et al. 1991, Crottini et al. 2012, Dausmann et al. 2008, Dewar and Richard 2007, Du Puy 1996, Duchemin et al. 2003, Ellerman 1941, Fichtel and Kappeler 2006, Ganzhorn et al. 1996, Ganzhorn et al. 1999, Ganzhorn et al. 2001, Ganzhorn et al. 2003, Glaw and Vences 2007, Goodman 2003a, Goodman and Rakotondravony 1996, Goodman and Ramanamanjato 2008, Goodman and Raselimanana 2008, Goodman and Soarimalala 2002, Goodman et al. 2003a, Goodman et al. 2006, Goodman et al. 2008, Grandidier 1869, Grandidier 1871a, Hawkins and Racey 2008, Irwin et al. 2010, Jansa and Carleton 2003, Jansa et al. 1999, Klompen 2003, Laakkonen and Goodman 2003, Lamberton 1949, Metcalfe et al. 2007, Muldoon 2010, Muldoon et al. 2009, Musser and Carleton 2005, Piertney and Oliver 2006, Raherilalao and Wilmé 2008, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Rakotondravony 1996, Randrianantoandro et al. 2010, Raselimanana 2008, Rasoloarison et al. 1995, Raxworthy 2003, Razafimanantsoa 2003, Sargent and Anderson 2003, Scharfe and Schlund 1996, Schülke and Kappeler 2003, Smith et al. 1997, Soarimalala 2008, Sommer 1996, Sommer 1997, Sommer 2000, Sommer 2001, Sommer 2003a, Sommer 2003b, Sommer and Hommen 2000, Sommer and Tichy 1999, Sommer et al. 2002a, Sommer et al. 2002b, Sorg et al. 2003, Sorg et al. 2007, van Vuuren et al. 2011, Venditti et al. 2011, Wright et al. 2003, Young et al. 2008a, Young et al. 2008b

(k) Propithecus verreauxi deckeni, N = 65 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriantompohavana et al. 2007, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Crottini et al. 2012, Curtis et al. 1998, Dammhahn et al. 2009, Durbin et al. 2003, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, Groves 2005, Hawkins et al. 1998b, Irwin and Raharison 2009, Jenkins 1987, Junge and Louis 2005, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Lehman 2006a, Lei et al. 2008, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Mayor et al. 2002, Mayor et al. 2004, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Muldoon and Goodman 2010, Muldoon and Simons 2007, Müller et al. 2000, Mutschler and Thalmann 1990, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2003, Pearson and Raxworthy 2009, Peters 1870, Rabearivony et al. 2008, Rabearivony et al. 2010, Rabenandrasana 2007, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Ralison 2007b, Ralison 2008, Randrianarisoa and Rakotonomenjanahary 1999, Randrianarisoa et al. 2000, Randrianarisoa et al. 2001a, Randrianarisoa et al. 2001b, Rasamison et al. 2005, Ravoahangy et al. 2008, Razafindramanana and Rasamimanana 2011, Richard 2003, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler et al. 2011, Rylands 2007, Sibree 1893, Simons 1988, Sterling 1998, Andrianirina 2006, Sussman 1977, Tattersall 2007, Thalmann 2007, Thalmann et al. 1999, Thalmann et al. 2002, Wilmé and Callmander 2006, Wilmé et al. 2006, Yoder 2003, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011, Zicoma 1998c, Zicoma 1998d, Zicoma 1998e


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

(l) Propithecus verreauxi coquereli, N = 78 Albignac 1969, Albrecht et al. 1990, Andriantompohavana et al. 2006, Andriantompohavana et al. 2007, Brockman et al. 2003, Burney 2002, Chatterjee et al. 2009, Coffman 1989, Crottini et al. 2012, Dunham 2008, Fichtel and Kappeler 2011, Fichtel and van Schaik 2006, Fiorella et al. 2010, Ganzhorn 1992, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2006, García and Goodman 2003, Glaw and Vences 2007, Goodman and Wilmé 2006, Grandidier 1867, Grandidier 1867a, Gray 1871a, Groves 2005, Hayes et al. 2006, Horvath and Willard 2007, Horvath et al. 2008, Irwin and Raharison 2009, Jenkins 1987, Jenkins and Albrecht 1991, Kamilar and Muldoon 2010, Koenig 2005, Koenig and Zavasoa 2006, Laakkonen and Goodman 2003, Lehman 2006a, Lehman 2007a, Lehman et al. 2005a, Lei et al. 2010, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Matsui et al. 2007, Mayor et al. 2002, Mayor et al. 2004, Milne Edwards 1867, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Muldoon and Simons 2007, Olivieri 2007, Olivieri et al. 2005, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2003, Paulian 1955, Petter and Andriatsarafana 1987, Poorman-Allen and Izard 1990, Quéméré et al. 2010a, Radespiel and Raveloson 2001, Rakotoarisoa et al. 2006, Rakotoarivelo et al. 2011, Ralison 2008, Randrianambinina et al. 2003, Ravoahangy et al. 2008, Ravosa et al. 1993, Richard 2003, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler et al. 2011, Rylands 2007, Schmid and Rasoloarison 2002, Schwartz et al. 2002, Shultz et al. 2011, Sibree 1893, Simons 1988, Sussman 1977, Tan et al. 2005, Tattersall 2007, Tattersall and Sussman 1975, Thalmann 2007, Wilmé and Callmander 2006, Yoder 2003, Zaonarivelo et al. 2011

(m) Eulemur macaco flavifrons, N = 79 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andreone et al. 2001, Brun and Rumpler 1987, Brun et al. 1989, Caine et al. 2011, Crottini et al. 2012, DelPero et al. 2006, Digby 1999, Donati et al. 2011, Fausser et al. 2000, Ganzhorn et al. 1997, Ganzhorn et al. 2009, Gerson 1995, Goodman and Raselimanana 2008, Goodman and Schütz 2000, Gray 1867, Gray 1871a, Groves 2005, Horvath and Willard 2007, Horvath et al. 2008, Jekielek and Strobeck 1999, Jenkins 1987, Katz and Welch 2003, Kirk 2006, Koenders 1985, Koenders et al. 1985, Lehman 2006a, Lehman et al. 2007, Leigh and Terranova 1998, Lernould 2002, Magnuson-Ford et al. 2010, Meyers et al. 1989, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Mittermeier et al. 2008, Mittermeier et al. 2009, Mittermeier et al. 2010, Moisson et al. 1999, Olivieri 2007, Olivieri et al. 2005, Overdorff and Johnson 2003, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2000, Pastorini et al. 2003, Pastorini et al. 2009, Pearson and Raxworthy 2009, Petter and Andriatsarafana 1987, Polowinsky and Schwitzer 2005, Rabarivola et al. 1991, Ralison 2008, Ramanantsoa 1974, Randrianambinina et al. 2003, Randriatahina and Rabarivola 2004, Rasambainarivo and Junge 2010, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rumpler et al. 1996, Rylands 2007, Scheffrahn et al. 2000, Schwitzer and Lork 2004, Schwitzer and Randriatahina 2009, Schwitzer et al. 2005, Schwitzer et al. 2006, Schwitzer et al. 2007, Seiler et al. 2011, Shultz et al. 2011, Sibree 1895, Polowinsky 2009, Volampeno 2004, Tattersall and Schwartz 1991, Thalmann 2007, Volampeno and Downs 2009, Volampeno et al. 2010a, Volampeno et al. 2010b, Volampeno et al. 2011, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wyner et al. 2000, Yoder 2003, Yoder and Irwin 1999a, Yoder and Irwin 1999b, Yoder and Yang 2004


Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

(n) Eulemur m. macaco, N = 70 Albrecht et al. 1990, Andrews 1998, Andrews and Birkinshaw 1998, Bayart and Simmen 2005, Birkinshaw 2001, Birkinshaw 2003, Birkinshaw et al. 2000, Chu and Swomley 1961, Clough et al. 2009, Colquhoun 1996, Colquhoun 1998a, Colquhoun 1998b, Colquhoun 2006, DelPero et al. 2006, Duckworth et al. 1995, Gardner 2009, Gerson 1995, Goodman and Schütz 2000, Grandidier 1867, Groves 2005, Horvath and Willard 2007, Horvath et al. 2008, Jekielek and Strobeck 1999, Jenkins 1987, Junge and Louis 2007, Kappeler 1996, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1993, Kappeler and Ganzhorn 1994, Karanth et al. 2005, Katz and Welch 2003, Kirk 2006, Koenders 1985, Laakkonen and Goodman 2003, Lehman et al. 2007, Leigh and Terranova 1998, Linnaeus 1766, Matsui et al. 2009, Meyers et al. 1989, Mittermeier et al. 2003, Müller et al. 1999, Overdorff and Johnson 2003, Pardi and Goldman 2007, Pastorini et al. 2000, Pastorini et al. 2003, Pastorini et al. 2009, Petter and Andriatsarafana 1987, Pyritz and Andrianjanahary 2011, Rabarivola et al. 1991, Rabarivola et al. 1996, Rabarivola et al. 1998, Ramanantsoa 1974, Randrianambinina et al. 2003, Rasoloharijaona et al. 2005, Richard and Dewar 1991, Rigamonti et al. 2005, Rumpler and Albignac 1969a, Rumpler and Albignac 1969b, Scheffrahn et al. 2000, Shultz et al. 2011, Simons 1986, Tattersall 1976, Tattersall and Schwartz 1974, Tattersall and Schwartz 1991, Thalmann 2007, Wilmé et al. 2006, Wyner et al. 2000, Yoder 2003, Yoder and Irwin 1999a, Yoder and Irwin 1999b, Yoder and Yang 2004

(o) Adansonia perrieri, N = 3 Baum 1995a, Baum 1995b, Baum et al. 1998


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Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

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Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

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Wilmé, L., Ravokatra, M., Dolch, R., Schuurman, D., Mathieu, E., Schuetz, H. and Waeber P. O. 2012. Toponyms for centers of endemism in Madagascar. Madagascar Conservation & Development 7, 1: 30– 40. Supplementary Material. (doi:10.4314/mcd.v7i1.6)

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