Term Three: 3rd September 2018 Week Seven Phone: 871 2844 Fax: 871 2806 Mobile: 027 714 8819 (for student absence texts only) Email address:
[email protected] http://www.pokuru.school.nz Tēna koutou Tēna koutou Tēna koutou katoa! POKURU SCHOOL IS SMOKE FREE Whakahonore nga wa o mua, Hei tautoko nga wa e Important Dates for Term 3: I hope all the Fathers out there had a lovely ‘Fathers Day’. Congratula- 6th September—Te Awamutu Kapa Haka Festival tions to Bevan Gedye, we are pleased we could make your day just a little more special. I am imagining that outdoor celebrations were put on hold. 7th September—Navigators Assembly Mr 9 year old woke on Saturday morning to tell me it was the first day of 14th September—Explorers Assembly spring. My response to that was, that I’m pretty sure no one else got that 17th September—Rural and Roses Cross memo. It is hard to believe that we can actually have more rain. But down Country it comes!!! 21st September—Assembly We had a great week with the ASB Getwise facilitator, Callum 28th September—Term Three ends Braithwaite, in the school. The programme inspires and engages students to become Cash Clever Kiwis. It was great to hear our juniors Father’s Day Raffle Result singing the catchy tunes that Callum had introduced. Thank you to everyone for their support of our Father’s Day raffle. This week’s programme includes the annual Kapahaka festival. The time- The raffle was drawn at last table is 6th September 2018 8am—Pōwhiri.