Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions By Faculty and Staff

January to December, 2016

Morehead State University Division of Academic Affairs Research and Creative Productions Committee Morehead, KY



This Annual Report of Research and Creative Productions of Faculty and Staff represents a compilation of information electronically retrieved from individual Faculty 180 entries. The Research and Creative Productions (RCP) Committee does not attempt to assess the artistic or scholarly merit of the entries. The formatting of the entries follows discipline standards.

Only publications, professional meeting presentations, published abstracts, art exhibits, performances, compositions, and research and creative production grants awarded between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2016, were included in this Annual Report. References to entries forthcoming to be published, performed, or exhibited in 2016 were excluded.

As a publication of the Research and Creative Productions Committee, this report highlights faculty/staff scholarship and recognizes individuals receiving RCP committee grants, summer fellowships, and Distinguished Awards. In addition to these internal awards, MSU faculty and staff received over $14.9 million in grants and contracts from Federal, State, and other agencies in the past year to help support instruction, research, and service missions of the University. These external grant awards are listed throughout this publication under individual entries.

The Research and Creative Productions Committee is supported by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.



Research and Creative Productions Entries by Faculty and Staff

Caudill College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences ...... 1

College of Business and Technology ...... 41

College of Education ...... 53

College of Science ...... 70

Recipients of 2016 – 2017 Research and Creative Production Grants ...... 103 Funding Source: Research and Creative Productions Committee

Recipients of 2017 Summer Research and Creative Productions Fellowships ...... 104 Funding Source: Research and Creative Productions Committee

Recipients of the Distinguished Researcher Award ...... 105 Funding Source: Office of the President

Recipients of the Distinguished Creative Productions Award ...... 106 Funding Source: Office of the President

Research and Creative Productions Committee Members, 2016 – 2017 ...... 107

College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

McBride, M. Scott Dean, Caudill College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Other Completed/Published McBride, M. S. (2016). Adjudicator/Clinician. Washington, DC Band and Orchestra Heritage Festival, Worldstrides Onstage, Washington, DC, April 22-24, 2016. McBride, M. S. (2016). Adjudicator/Clinician. Orlando Band and Orchestra Heritage Festival, Worldstrides Onstage, Orlando, FL, 18-20, 2016. McBride, M. S. (2016). Adjudicator/Clinician. Boston Band and Orchestra Heritage Festival, Worldstrides Onstage, Boston, MA, April 1-3, 2016. McBride, M. S. (2016). Adjudicator/Clinician. Nashville Band and Orchestra Heritage Festival, Worldstrides Onstage, Orlando, FL, April 15-17, 2016.

Department of English

Adams, Annie Professor of English Journal Article Completed/Published Adams, A. (2016). Framing the Shot: The Sincerity of Pastiche in Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby. The Kentucky Philological Review.

Carlson, Katy Professor of English Presentation Completed/Published Harris, J. A., & Carlson, K. (2017, January). Association with focus for focus-sensitive particles: Differences between only and even in silent reading. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America. Austin, TX: Linguistic Society of America. Harris, J. A., & Carlson, K. (2016, June). Remnant seeks correlate for contrastive relationship. Locals preferred. Ellipsis Across Borders Conference. Sarajevo. Accepted Carlson, K. (2017, March). Comparatives are strongly affected by focus structure. Annual Conference of the German Linguistics Society, Prosody in syntactic encoding session. Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany. Journal Article. Completed/Published Harris, J. A., & Carlson, K. (2016). Keep it local (and final): Remnant preferences in “let alone” ellipsis. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1278–1301. Accepted Rohde, H., Tyler, J. C., & Carlson, K. (2016). Form and function: Optional complementizers reduce causal inferences. Glossa.


Poster Presentation Completed/Published Carlson, K., Lee, B., Nelson, S., & Clark, B. (2016, March). Comparative ellipsis has an object bias, though subjects are more frequent. Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Gainesville, FL. Harris, J. A., & Carlson, K. (2016, March). Correlate not optional: PP sprouting in “much less” ellipsis. Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Gainesville, FL. Grants Awarded Carlson, Katy (Other) Accents and Syntactic Attachment (R15 AREA grant), NIH (May 16, 2013), USD 285,000.00 Carlson, Katy (PI) Accents and Syntactic Attachment Bridge, KBRIN INBRE (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017) Awarded: March 1, 2016, USD 14,314.00. Carlson, Katy (Other) Accents and Syntactic Attachment (KBRIN-AREA grant), Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network (January 1, 2012), USD 50,000.00.

Colburn, C. Glen Associate Professor of English Presentation Completed/Published Colburn, C. G. (2015, April). Of Foreskins and Fossils: The Lust for Empirical Evidence. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association. New Orleans: PCA/ACA.

Eklund, George E. Instructor, English Creative Production Accepted Eklund, G. E. (2016, January 15). Waterbody. The Lindenwood Review. Lindenwood University.

Engle, F. Bruce Instructor of English Other Completed/Published Engle, F. B. (2014). "Pop Culture Universe" Online Database Contribution. ABC-CLIO’s "Pop Culture Universe" Database.

Gibbons, Scott P. Early College Instructor Grants Awarded Gibbons, Scott (Program Coordinator) Poetry Out Loud, National Endowment for the Arts (December 17, 2015) Awarded: November 6, 2015.


Graves, Mark A. Associate Professor of English Chapter Completed/Published Graves, M. A. (2016). Ellen Glasgow Gothic Heroes and Monsters. In The Palgrave Handbook of the Southern Gothic. Palgrave-Macmillan. Other Completed/Published Graves, M. A. (2016). VIRGINIA AT 100. A Special Issue of the ELLEN GLASGOW JOURNAL OF SOUTHERN WOMEN WRITERS. Graves, M. A. (2016). Ellen Glasgow across the Canon (an open forum on Ellen Glasgow). 27th American Literature Association Annual Meeting. Journal Article Completed/Published Graves, M. A. (2014). Introduction: VIRGINIA at 100. Ellen Glasgow Journal of Southern Women Writers, VI 2014- 2015, 11–20. Presentation Completed/Published Graves, M. A. (2016, May). Ellen Glasgow as Critic. 27th Annual American Literature Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco: American Literature Association. Graves, M. A. (2016, May). The Dual Consciousness of Walter Hines Pages’ THE SOUTHERNER. 44th Annual Louisville Conference on Literature since 1900. University of Louisville: Department of Literature and Languages. [Attachment]

Helphinstine, Frances L. Professor of English Presentation Completed/Published Helphinstine, F. L. (2016, March). Close Reading a Boon to Shakespearean Scholarship. Association of America. New Orleans Louisiana. Helphinstine, F. L. (2016, March). Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Sonnets. Kentucky Philological Association. Bowling Green, KY. [Attachment]

Henneberg, Sylvia B. Professor of English Journal Article Completed/Published Henneberg, S. B. (2016). "Rewriting the How-To of Parenting: What Is Really Modern about ABC’s Modern Family" Journal of Interdisciplinary Feminist Thought, 9(1), 1–38. Presentation Completed/Published Henneberg, S. B. (2016, Spring). "What about the Black Nipple? The Politics of the African-American Body and the Free the Nipple Movement" Free the Nipple Panel. Grants Awarded Henneberg, Sylvia (PI) "The Feminization of First-World Problems: Models of Resistance in the Poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks and Lucille Clifton", MSU Summer Grant (May 18, 2016).


Hruby, Alison H. Assistant Professor of English Presentation Completed/Published Hruby, A. H., Cornett, J., Mosley, K., & Vanderpool, B. (2016, November). Teacher Candidates as Online Writing Mentors: A Digital Field Experience in the Teaching of Writing. National Council of Teachers of English. Atlanta, Georgia. Hruby, A. H., & Johnson, L. E. (2016, November). Using Popular Psychology Myths to Teach High School Students about Character Analysis. National Council of Teachers of English. Atlanta, Georgia. Journal Article Completed/Published Hruby, A. H., Trent, B., & Stiles, L. (2016). Creating a Dynamic Classroom Library: A Visual-Media, Learning Commons Approach. Kentucky English Bulletin. Grants Awarded Hruby, Alison (PI), Trent, Brandie (Coinvestigator) The Effects of Frequent Reading on the Reading Comprehension Abilities of Tenth Grade Struggling Readers in Rural Kentucky, Dollar General (September 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015) Awarded: August 28, 2014, USD 2,000.00. Hruby, Alison (PI) The Potential for Using Small-Group, Peer-Led Discussions to Foster Literary Analysis Skills Among Struggling High School Readers, Morehead State University Faculty Research Grant (January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) Awarded: November 6, 2014, USD 1,425.00.

Mascle, Deanna M. Instructor of English Grants Awarded Mascle, Deanna (CoPI), Perkins, Emma (CoPI), Barber, Michelle (CoPI) Accelerating Developmental Education through Peer-to-Peer Support, Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education (September 11, 2014), USD 20,000.00. Mascle, Deanna (PI) Kentucky Writing Project, Kentucky Department of Education (August 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015), USD 40,000.00. Mascle, Deanna (Other) Title II Supporting Effective Educators Leadership Development Grant, National Writing Project (June 1, 2014 - August 31, 2015), USD 20,000.00. Mascle, Deanna (Other) Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) Professional Development in a High-Need School Grant, National Writing Project (May 16, 2012), USD 20,000.00.


Morrison, Ronald D. Professor of English SACS Fifth Year Committee Member Review Completed/Published Morrison, R. D. (2016). "Victorian Ecology" Review Essay on Victorian Literature, Energy, and the Ecological Imagination, by Allen MacDuffie, and Chaos and Cosmos: Literary Roots of Modern Ecology in the British Nineteenth Century, by Heidi M. Scott. Volume 43.1/2: Nineteenth- Century Prose. Morrison, R. D. (2016). Review of the Aesthetics of Care: On the Literary Treatment of Animals, by Josephine Donovan. Choice. Morrison, R. D. (2016). Review of The Supernatural Revamped, ed. Barbara Brodman and James E. Doan. Choice. Morrison, R. D. (2016). Rev. of Bandersnatch: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Creative Collaboration of the Inklings, by Diana Pavlac Glyer. Choice. Morrison, R. D. (2016). Rev. of _Colonialism/Postcolonialism, by Ania Loomba. Volume 53.6 (2015-16): Choice. Morrison, R. D. (2016). Rev. of Romantic Sustainability: Endurance and the Natural World, 1780-1830, ed. Ben P. Robertson. Choice. Morrison, R. D. (2015). Rev. of Theory at Yale: The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America, by Marc Redfield. Volume 53.8 (2015-16): Choice. Book Accepted Morrison, R. D., & Mazzeno, L. W. (2015). Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture: Contexts for Criticism. Palgrave/Macmillan. Morrison, R. D., & Mazzeno, L. W. (2016). Victorian Writers and the Environment: Ecocritical Perspectives. Routledge (Taylor and Francis purchased Ashgate. The collection will be published under the Routledge imprint).

Neeper, Layne Professor of English Presentation Completed/Published Neeper, L. (2016, Spring). George Saunders, Postmodern Satire and Empathy. College English Association. Denver Colorado: CEA.

Williams, Thomas Department Chair, English Creative Production Completed/Published Williams, T. (2016, Autumn). Chronicle of Higher Ed (short story). Los Angeles Review. Red Hen Press. Williams, T. (2016, Autumn). "Emergency Cash" (short story). Five Points. Georgia State University.


Creative Performance Completed/Published Williams, T. (2016). Mary Rolling Reading Series Presents Tom Williams. Reading. Paterno Library, Penn State University, State College PA: Penn State University Department of English. Williams, T. (2016). Tom Williams Reading. Fiction Reading. Chicago, IL: Roosevelt University.

Department of History, Philosophy, International & Legal Studies

Berglee, Royal Professor of Geography and International Studies Other Teaching Materials Completed/Published Berglee, R. (2016). Lessons in World Geography: An International Perspective. Morehead State University. Berglee, R. (2016). Directed CCSA Study Abroad Program to London and Dublin Dec 26, 2015-Jan 8, 2016 (50 students + 4 faculty). CCSA (Cooperative Center for Study Abroad.

Caric, Ric N. Professor of International and Interdisciplinary Studies Presentation Completed/Published Caric, R. N. (2016, March). American Conservatism without Authority, Order, or Tradition: Some Reflections on Trump’s Candidacy. Kentucky Political Science Association. Somerset, KY: KPSA. Caric, R. N. (2016, March). KPSA. KPSA. Somerset, KY: Kentucky Political Science Association.

Collinsworth, Kelly E. Associate Professor of Legal Studies Presentation Completed/Published Collinsworth, K. E., & Mitchell, K. (2016, October). Building Pedagogical Bridges with Pop Culture,. American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE) Conference. San Antonio, Texas: AAfPE. Collinsworth, K. E., & Murphy, D. D. (2016, October). Service Learning & Clinical Experience. American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE) Conference. San Antonio, TX: AAfPE. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Collinsworth, K. E. (2016, Spring). Service-Learning: Successful Class and Research Design. Morehead State University Service Learning Series. Morehead State University: Center for Regional Engagement. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Collinsworth, K. E. (2015, Autumn). Service-Learning: Successful Class and Research Design. Morehead State University Service Learning Series. Morehead State University: Center for Regional Engagement.


Conroy, Christina M. Associate Professor of Philosophy Other Completed/Published Conroy, C. M. (2015). Everettian Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Presentation Accepted Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Conroy, C. M. (2016, August). Risk taking and ethics in rock climbers. International Rock Climbing Research Association. Telluride, CO: International Rock Climbing Research Association. Grants Awarded Conroy, Christina (Program Coordinator) Philosophy Speaker Series, Kentucky Humanities Council (August 17, 2015 - May 30, 2016) Awarded: August 1, 2015, USD 1,500.00.

Craig, Verdie A. Associate Professor of Geography Poster Presentation Completed/Published Craig, V. A., & Jackson, E. J. (2016, November). Personal Transformation through Caregiving. Markesbery Symposium on Aging and Dementia. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging.

DuRocher, Kristina A. Associate Professor of History Book Completed/Published DuRocher, K. A. (2016). Ida B. Wells: Social Activist and Reformer. Routledge Press. Chapter Completed/Published DuRocher, K. A. (2016). Men who suck: Gender Anxieties and the Evolution of Vampire Men. In Gender in the Vampire Narrative. Boston: Sense Publishers. Presentation Accepted DuRocher, K. A. (2017). The Contested Legacy of Ida B. Wells. Nineteenth Century Studies Association.

Green, William C. Professor of Government Presentation Accepted Green, W. C. (2016, March). Boutique Wines Politics: A Constitutional and Policy Domain Analysis. Kentucky Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Somerset, KY: Kentucky Political Science Association.


Green, W. C. (2016, April). Developing New Courses/Classes. Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago: Midwest Political Science Association. Green, W. C. (2016, April). Teaching New Courses. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: Midwest Political Science Association.

Hail, Michael W. Professor of Government/Asst. Dean Economic Development/MPA Director Grants Awarded Hail, Michael (CoPI), Bessette, Murray (CoPI) Bluegrass State Intelligence Community Center of Academic Excellence, Defense Intelligence Agency of the U.S. Dept. of Defense (September 8, 2014) Awarded: September 8, 2014, USD 348,677.00. Hail, Michael (PI) Federalism Symposium, Federalism In Action - State Budget Solutions (June 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014), USD 750.00.

Holcomb, Jason P. Associate Professor of Geography Journal Article Completed/Published Holcomb, J. P. (2016). Great Plains harvest: evolution of the US public employment service, transnational labor, and nonimmigrant visas. Labor History, 57(5), 649–670. . Presentation Completed/Published Holcomb, J. P. (2016, October). Campbell Farming Corporation and the Contested Landscape of the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana. Invited Presentation. Oklahoma State University: Department of Geography. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Holcomb, J. P., & Long, E. (2016, April). A Contested Landscape Story Map: Campbell Farming Corporation and the Crow Indian Reservation in Big Horn County, Montana. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University: MSU Research and Sponsored Programs Office of Undergraduate Research. [Attachment] Other Accepted Holcomb, J. P. (2014). Custom Harvesting Oral History Project. Kansas State University Hale Library.


Kiffmeyer, Thomas J. Associate Professor of History Presentation Completed/Published Kiffmeyer, T. J. (2016, November). "Rights to Work: Kentucky Labor History" International union Of Operating Engineers Mid-States Conference. Louisville, KY: International union Of Operating Engineers Mid-States Conference. Kiffmeyer, T. J. (2016, March). It isn’t Pretty in Resurrection City: The 1968 Poor People's campaign. Appalachian Studies Association. Shepardstown, WV: Appalachian Studiea Association.

Lange, Christine E. Prof. Public Administrator Grants Awarded Hail, Michael (CoPI), Bessette, Murray (CoPI), Collier, Michael (CoPI), McFayden, E (CoPI), Emrich, Christine (Other) Bluegrass State Intelligence Studies Centers of Academic Excellence, Defense Intelligence Agency (August 1, 2014).

Mandzy, Adrian O. Associate Professor of History Presentation Completed/Published Mandzy, A. O. (2016, September). Between Duty and Hate: Assigning Meaning to the Improvised Munitions Recovered at the Battle of the Crater (30 July 1864). Ninth International Fields of Conflict Conference. Dublin, Ireland: Trinity College. Chapter Completed/Published Mandzy, A. O. (2015). Oral Testimony and Battlefield Archaeology: a multi- disciplinary study of a Ukrainian ambush from 1945. In National Park Service Public Orientation on Fields of Conflict and Battlefield Preservation (p. 5).Washington DC: National Park Service. Journal Article Completed/Published Mandzy, A. O. (2015). On The Frontiers of Europe, Not All Musket Balls were Round; Accuracy and Penetration of Various Types of Military Small Arms Munitions from the mid-17th century to the early 18th century. Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 10(3). Other Completed/Published Mandzy, A. O., Sivilich, M., Fitzpatrick, B. L., Sivilich, D., Davis, F. P., Becraft, K. P., Rucker, J. A. (2015). Hold the Line: A Preliminary Report of the Battle of the Crater. Report Filed for the National Park Service. Review Accepted Mandzy, A. O. (2016). Book Review of Stories of Khmelnytsky for Ukraine Moderna. Lviv, Ukraine.


Masterson, James R. Department Chair/History Philosophy International and Legal Studies Presentation Completed/Published Masterson, J. R. (2016, November). US-China Relations. Invited speaker by WKU to speak on US-China Relations for International Education Week event. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY: Project Pengyou WKU Chapter. Masterson, J. R., & Moore, T. G. (0, March). Does Politics Follow Economics? The Case of China’s Foreign Relations. International Studies Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA: ISA. Grants Awarded Masterson, James (PI) Chinese-American Reading Room Guangxi University, Department of State (May 1, 2012 - September 1, 2014) Awarded: September 20, 2012, USD 75,284.00.

McBrayer, Gregory A. Assistant Professor of Government Book Accepted McBrayer, G. A. (2016). Reason and Revelation: A Festschrift for Charles E. Butterworth. St. Augustine Press.

Murphy, Dianna D. Professor of Legal Studies Presentation Completed/Published Murphy, D. D. (2016, October). Ethical Issues Posed By Using Mobile Technology and Remote Access. Annual Conference of the American Association for Paralegal Educators (AAfPE). San Antonio, TX: AAfPE. Collinsworth, K. E., & Murphy, D. D. (2016, October). Service Learning & Clinical Experience. American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE) Conference. San Antonio, TX: AAfPE. Murphy, D. D. (2016, May). Trusts 101: Ethical Considerations. TRUSTS 101 (CLE). Lexington, Kentucky: National Business Institute.

O'Dell, Gary A. Professor of Geography Journal Article Completed/Published ODell, G. A., Zhu, J., Bogosian, G., Laudermilk, E. L., Currens, J. C., Webb, S. E., & Bogosian, P. (2016). Locating a Sealed Cave in Kentucky Using Electrical Resistivity Surveys. Aims Geosciences (special Issue on Geophysical Imaging in Karst Terrain), 2(1), 32–44. Accepted O’Dell, G. A. (2016). Kentucky and the Transformation of American Thoroughbred Racing 1865-1936. Register of Kentucky Historical Society.


Pidluzny, Jonathan W. Assistant Professor of Government Presentation Completed/Published Pidluzny, J. W. (2016, January). ISIS’s Western Recruits: Understanding Jihad's Appeal in Western Societies. Southern Political Science Association, Annual Meeting (SPSA). Puerto Rico: Southern Political Science Association. Book Accepted Pidluzny, J. W. (2016). The Five Faces of Resurgent Islam: The Intellectual Origins and Political Agendas of Contemporary Islamist Movements. New York: Edwin Mellen Press. Review Accepted Pidluzny, J. W. (2015). Review of Vicente Medina’s Terrorism Unjustified. Interpretation 43:1 (Fall, 2016): Rowan & Littlefield. Grants Awarded Pidluzny, Jonathan (PI) The Failure of Islamic Democracy: Regime Change in the Middle East After the Arab Spring, MSU, Research and Creative Productions Committee, Summer Research Fellowship (May 15, 2016 - August 15, 2016) Awarded: December 1, 2015, USD 5,000.00.

Scott, Alana C. Associate Professor of History Grants Awarded Scott, Alana (Other) Prime Time Reading Program, Kentucky Humanities Council (January 15, 2017 - July 30, 2017), USD 1,500.00.

Weir, Jack Professor of Philosophy Journal Article Accepted Weir, J. (2016). Abortion: A New Argument from Evolutionary Psychology. Philosophy in the Contemporary World.

School of the Arts Department of Art and Design

Field, Christopher K. Assistant Professor Art & Design Creative Production Completed/Published Field, C. K., & West, S. A. (2016, May). ArtPrize Featured Public Art. ArtPrize - Gillette Bridge. Grand Rapids, MI: ArtPrize. Field, C. K. (2016). Online Caribbean Stud. Bolivar Gallery, University of Kentucky. Lexington KY: University of Kentucky.


Chapter Accepted Field, C. K. (2016). Reflections of (The Way Life Used To Be) and Other Thoughts On Digital Communication, 1997-2016. In The Education of Dynamic Media (p. 12). Boston, MA: Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Grants Awarded Field, Christopher (PI) Three works on Message and Meaning, Morehead State University, Creative Production Grant (January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) Awarded: November 3, 2014, USD 4,285.00

Finch, Julia A. Assistant Professor of Art History Journal Article Completed/Published Finch, J. A. (2016). Medieval Manuscripts, Digital Users, and the University Classroom. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching. Presentation Completed/Published Finch, J. A. (2016, June). Saint Lubin’s Alphabet Belt and the Visual Culture of Reading at Chartres. Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University. Saint Louis University. Finch, J. A. (2016, February). Casting Medieval Monuments for Modern Audiences: Romanesque and Gothic Architectural Casts at Carnegie Museum of Art. Illinois Medieval Association Conference. Millikin University: Illinois Medieval Association. Accepted Finch, J. A. (2016, October). Casting Monuments for Modern Audiences: The Hall of Architecture at Carnegie Museum of Art. Mid-America College Art Association Conference. University of Cincinnati: MACAA. Chapter Accepted Finch, J. A. (2016). Audience, Authority, and the Reign of Jeanne II of Navarre: A Case Study of New York Public Library Spencer Collection MS 22. In Moving Women, Moving Objects.

Franzini, Robert J. Lecturer, Art & Design Creative Production Completed/Published Franzini, R. J. (2016, September). MSU Art and Design Faculty Show. Claypool- Young Art Gallery. Claypool- Young Art Building, MSU. Franzini, R. J. (2016). MSU Art and Design Faculty Show. Claypool-Young Art Gallery, MSU: Department of Art and Design. Other Completed/Published Franzini, R. J. (2016). Guest Instructor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Art School of International Art Education. Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Tianjin, China.


Gritton, Joy L. Professor of Art Presentation Completed/Published Gritton, J. L. (2016, March). “Goblins, Gardens, and the Grass Roots: Morehead State University’s Partnership with the Haldeman Community Center.” Appalachian Studies Association Annual Conference. Shepherdstown, West Virginia: Appalachian Studies Association. Gritton, J. L. (2016, March). "Allen Eaton and Olive Dame Campbell: Two Perspectives on Education and the Arts in the Region" Appalachian Studies Association conference. Shepherdstown, West Virginia: Appalachian Studies Association. Grants Awarded Gritton, Joy (Co-Investigator) NIPPI “Animal Studies" Development Grant, MSU (March 2, 2016 - August 15, 2016) Awarded: March 2, 2016, USD 6,000.00. Gritton, Joy (PI) “Beauty Behind Barbed Wire: Allen Eaton and the Arts of the WWII Japanese Relocation Camps”, MSU University-Funded Research Grants (December 1, 2016 - December 1, 2016) Awarded: November 9, 2015, USD 2,496.00. Gritton, Joy (Program Coordinator) Fulbright Scholar in Residence, Fulbright Foundation (January 1, 2016 - May 15, 2016), USD 14,070.00.

Li, Dongfeng Associate Professor of Art Creative Production Completed/Published Li, D. (2016, April). Deep Down Under. New York: American Watercolor Society. Li, D. (2016, February). Girls at the Date Setting. St. Louis, MO. Grants Awarded Li, Dongfeng (Other) Creative Production Grant, MSU (May 16, 2009), USD 5,000.00. Li, Dongfeng (Other) One-man Exhibition grant, Arts & Calligraphy Institution, Qingdao Newspaper Group Inc. China (May 31, 2017 - December 31, 2017) Awarded: August 10, 2016, USD 3,000.00. Li, Dongfeng (Other) MSU Creative production Grant, MSU (January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017) Awarded: October 28, 2016, USD 5,000.00.

Mesa-Gaido, Elizabeth Professor of Art Creative Production Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "2016 Fine Arts Exhibition," International Juried Exhibit. Agnes Scott College: Dalton Gallery. Decatur, GA: Decatur Arts Alliance.


Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "Faculty Exhibition" MSU Claypool-Young Art Gallery. Morehead, KY: MSU. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "Nowhere Everywhere," International Juried Exhibit. The Cambridge School of Weston. Weston, Massachusetts: The Cambridge School of Weston. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016, April 7–August 14). ¡Viva Appalachia!, Small Group Exhibit. William King Museum of Art. Abingdon, VA: William King Museum of Art. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "Chautauqua “What if”," National Juried Exhibition. Eastern Kentucky University: Giles Gallery. Richmond, KY: Eastern Kentucky University. [Attachment]. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "Faculty Exhibition" MSU Claypool-Young Art Gallery. Morehead, KY: MSU. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "Inhabitants: Creatures of Imagined World," National Juried Exhibition. ETSU: Slocumb Galleries. Johnson City, Tennessee: ETSU: Slocumb Galleries. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "The Engaged Object," International Juried Exhibition. Foothills Art Center. Golden, Colorado: Foothills Art Center. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). "This is 50," State-wide Juried Exhibition. Kentucky Crafted: The Market, Lexington Convention Center. Lexington, Kentucky: Kentucky Arts Council. Accepted Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016–2017). "58th Mid-States," Regional (6 States) Juried Exhibition. Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science. Evansville, Indiana: Evansville Museum of Arts, History and Science. Other Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). Artwork & Interview on representing diversity and addressing social change through artwork. Hear Me Roar: Diversity (People of Color), Live Television Show Produced by MSU Students. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). Published Artwork in "Nowhere Everywhere" highlights, an internationally juried exhibition. The Cambridge School of Weston. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). Published Interview, "Teacher Spotlights: Gary and Lisa Mesa-Gaido" The Trail Blazer, MSU. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). Merit Award. National Juried Exhibition, "Chautauqua “What If”," Eastern Kentucky University. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016). Published Artwork in online Decatur Arts Festival catalog, a nationally juried exhibition. Decatur Arts Festival, Agnes Scott College & the Decatur Arts Alliance. Presentation Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016, September). Presentation on displayed artwork. "Faculty Forum," part of "Faculty Exhibition" programming. Claypool-Young Art Gallery, Morehead, KY: MSU Department of Art & Design. Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016, June). Presentation on exhibited work, innovation and artistry. Homecoming Feastival: A Celebration of Appalachian Creativity. Abingdon, Virginia: William King Museum of Art.


Mesa-Gaido, E. (2016, February). Presentation on displayed artwork. "Faculty Forum," part of "Faculty Exhibition" programming. Claypool-Young Art Gallery, Morehead, KY: MSU Department of Art & Design. Grants Awarded Mesa-Gaido, Elizabeth (PI) Artist Professional Development Grant, Great Meadows Foundation (July 15, 2016 - March 1, 2017) Awarded: July 15, 2016, USD 2,200.00.

Mesa-Gaido, Gary C. Professor of Art Creative Production Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "Faculty Exhibition" MSU Claypool-Young Art Gallery. Morehead, KY: MSU. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "Take Ten: The Gallery celebrates a decade of contemporary art," National Invitational. Pennsylvania College of Technology. Williamsport, PA: Pennsylvania College of Technology. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "The Rockford Midwestern Biennial," Midwestern Juried Exhibition. Rockford Art Museum. Rockford, Illinois: Rockford Art Museum. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "Contemporary South," Regional South (11 state) Juried Exhibit. Visual Art Exchange. Raleigh, NC: Visual Art Exchange. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "Faculty Exhibition" MSU Claypool-Young Art Gallery. Morehead, KY: MSU. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "First LaGrange Southeast Regional," Regional Southeast (12 state) Juried Exhibit. LaGrange Art Museum. LaGrange, GA. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). "This is 50," State-wide Juried Exhibition. Kentucky Crafted: The Market, Lexington Convention Center. Lexington, Kentucky: Kentucky Arts Council. Other Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). Published Artwork & Biography in "Take Ten: The Gallery celebrates a decade of contemporary art" catalog, a national invitational exhibit. The Gallery, Pennsylvania College of Technology. Mesa- Gaido, G. C. (2016). Published Artwork & Interview, "Teacher Spotlights: Gary and Lisa Mesa-Gaido" The Trail Blazer, MSU. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). Published Artworks, on-line "Ways of Seeing" catalog, a statewide Juried, traveling exhibit. Kentucky Arts Council. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016). Published Artwork in ""First LaGrange Southeast Regional," catalog, a Regional Southeast (12 state) Juried exhibit. LaGrange Art Museum.


Presentation Completed/Published Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016, February). Presentation on displayed artwork. "Faculty Forum," part of "Faculty Exhibition" programming. Claypool-Young Art Gallery, Morehead, KY: MSU Department of Art & Design. Mesa-Gaido, G. C. (2016, April). "Should we Free the Nipple" Panel Discussion. Morehead, KY: Gender Studies/Women’s Studies, MSU.

Moore, Robyn H. Assistant Professor of Photography Creative Production Accepted Moore, R. H. (0, September 7). Annual MSU Art and Design Faculty Exhibition. Claypool-Young Art Gallery. Morehead State University. Moore, R. H. (2016, September 30–October 28). REAL-PHOTO, Fotofocus Biennial, Photography: the Undocument. Manifest Creative Research Gallery and Drawing Center. Cincinnati, OH.

Petsch, Jeanne M. Department Chair/Art & Design Grants Awarded Petsch, Jeanne (Other) MSU Center for Regional Engagement, MSU Center for Regional Engagement (August 19, 2013 - May 9, 2014) , USD 1,000.00. Petsch, Jeanne (Other), Julia, Finch (Other) New Program Proposal Initiative (NPPI), MSU - Provost's Office (May 1, 2016).

Reis, Jennifer Gallery Director Creative Production Completed/Published Reis, J. (2015). KY Visions/50. KY Capitol Building. Frankfort KY: Kentucky Arts Council.

Department of Communications, Media and Languages

Abell, Ritta R. Associate Professor for Speech Communication Presentation Accepted Abell, R. R., LaFluer, G., & Middleton, S. (2009). Hurricanes, Hot Air & Rhetorical Storms: The twisting Images in the Eye of a Storm. Southern States Communication Conference (SSCA). Norfolk, AV: SSCA.

Albert, Lawrence S. Professor of Speech Creative Production Completed/Published Albert, L. S. (2015, November 30). Critical Thinking Videos. Morehead, KY: QEP Portal and Public Distribution.


Albert, L. S., & Middleton, S. O. (2014, August). Critical Thinking Videos. QEP portal and public distribution. MSU QEP Portal: QEP/Critical Thinking Learning Community.

Andaloro, Ann M. Associate Professor of Mass Communication Presentation Completed/Published Andaloro Dr., A. M. (2016, March). Untold Stories from Rowan County: The Long Road to Marriage Equality. Appalachian Studies Conference. Shepardstown West Virginia: Appalachian Studies Association. Accepted Andaloro Dr., A. M. (2016, September). Changing Myself: Gender transition in Rowan County. Kentucky Communication Association. Bowling Green KY: Kentucky Communication Association. Andaloro Dr., A. M. (2016, October). I am Cait: A Postmodern Reality. Midwest Popular Culture Association. Chicago, IL: Midwest Popular Culture Association. Grants Awarded Andaloro Dr., Ann (Program Coordinator) Hopscotch House, Kentucky Foundation for Women (April 29, 2016 - May 1, 2016) Awarded: February 8, 2016. Andaloro Dr., Ann (PI) Hopscotch House Artist Retreat, Kentucky Foundation for Women (May 2, 2014 - May 4, 2014) Awarded: January 31, 2014.

Creekmore, Timothy L. Studio Supervisor/Mass Communication Lab Manager Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Creekmore, T. L. (2015, February). Faculty advisor for television program, ZBTV. Channel 85 on campus and Breckinridge Hall: Dept. of Communication, Media and Leadership Studies. Creekmore, T. L. (2013, September). Director, TV entertainment program, Art This. Channel 85 on campus, Breckinridge Hall: Dept. of Communication, Media and Leadership Studies.

Flavell, John S. Instructor of Journalism Creative Production Completed/Published Flavell, J. S. (2016, December 1). Hometown Holiday kicks off season in Morehead with music, community.


Lexington Herald-Leader. Morehead: Lexington Herald- Leader. est- news/article117750788.html Flavell, J. S. (2016, November 8). Kentucky Elections: Rocky Adkins. Associated Press. Morehead, KY: The Associated Press. query=Flavell&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=44&orderBy=Newest&sear chMediaType=allmedia. Flavell, J. S. (2016, March 26). NCAA Men’s Semifinal Basketball Tournament. Associated Press. Louisville, KY: The Associated Press. query=Flavell&ss=10&st=kw&entitysearch=&toItem=44&orderBy=Newest &searchMediaType=allmedia. Flavell, J. S. (2016, March 20). "I have to finish this song" The Daily Independent (Ashland, KY). Ashland, Kentucky: CNHI. Flavell, J. S. (2016, May 6). Stars come out for Derby Eve Party. The Lexington Herald-Leader. Kentucky: Lexington Herald-Leader. derby/article76254802.html Flavell, J. S. (2016, March 27). Villanova upsets top-seeded Kansas 64-59 in South final. The Associated Press. Louisville, Kentucky: NCAA. 59-south-final

Getchell, Morgan C. Assistant Professor of Communication Journal Article Completed/Published Getchell, M. C., & Sellnow, T. L. (2016). A network analysis of official Twitter accounts during the West Virginia water crisis. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 597–606. Accepted Getchell, M. C., Sellnow, T. L., & Herovic, E. (2017). An examination of the use of Twitter during the West Virginia water crisis. Electronic Journal of Communication. Presentation Completed/Published Herovic, E., Getchell, M. C., & Martin, J. (2016, November). Decreased Racist Discourse as Indicative of Renewal: The Michael Brown Crisis. National Communication Association Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: National Communication Assocation. Getchell, M. C., & Sellnow, T. L. (2016, April). Defying borders: The unparalleled spread of Ebola as a Mega Crisis. Central States Communication Association Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Central States Communication Association.


Getchell, M. C. (2016, November). Hashtag solidarity: Examining citizen groups’ use of social media in the Charleston, West Virginia and Flint, Michigan water crises. National Communication Association Conference. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: National Communication Association. Getchell, M. C. (2016, April). But it wasn’t our fault! A rhetorical criticism of West Virginia American Water Company’s response to the Elk River contamination. Central States Communication Association Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Central States Communication Association. Getchell, M. C. (2016, March). Mitigating the threat of porcine diseases and a mega- crisis in the pork industry. International Crisis and Risk Communication Conference. Orlando, Florida: University of Central Florida. Chapter Completed/Published Sellnow, T. L., Getchell, M. C., & Veil, S. R. (2013). Responding effectively to crises: Best practices in organizational crisis communication. In Workplace Communication for the 21st century Tools and Strategies that Impact the Bottom Line (pp. 235–252). Santa Barbara: Praeger.

Hill, Jeffrey J. Professor of Mass Communications Creative Production Completed/Published Hill, J. J. (2016, January 3). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #401. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, January 10). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #402. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, January 17). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #403. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, January 24). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #404. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, January 31). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #405. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, February 14). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #406. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, February 7). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #407. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, February 21). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #408. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, February 28). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #409. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, March 6). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #410. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, March 13). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #411. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, March 20). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #412. KET. Hill, J. J. (2016, March 27). The Video Vault Kentucky Edition #413. KET.

Krummrich, Philip E. Professor of Comparative Literature Presentation Completed/Published Krummrich, P. E., & Moure, T. (2016, March). A autora e o tradutor. Invited talk at Lilas Bookstore, Santiago, Spain. Santiago, Spain: Lilas Bookstore. Book Accepted Krummrich, P. E., Hutchinson, A., Perkins, J., McCleary, I., Fernandes, F., Willis, C., & Amado, T. (2016). Chronicle of King Fernando. Boydell and Brewer.


LaFleur, Gary B.P. Associate Professor of Speech Presentation Completed/Published LaFleur A.A., B.A., M.A., Ph.D., G. B. P. (2016, September). Retaining Academic Excellence: Coping with Budget Cuts. Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY: Western Kentucky University. LaFleur A.A., B.A., M.A., Ph.D., G. B. P. (2016, September). The Rhetoric of Donald J. Trump: The Triumph of Pathos as an Only Mode of Proof. Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Communication Association. Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY: Western Kentucky University.

Manis, Randy L. Instructor of Communication Presentation Completed/Published Manis, R. L. (2016). Leading through Service. Leadership 101 --- Learning to Lead. Morehead, KY: Student Activities, Inclusion and Leadership. Lennex, L., Ryan, P. A., Fernandez, J. A., Gabrielson, D. L., Manis, R. L., & McCoy, J. R. (2015, May). Adapting and Customizing Assignments for the Online Teaching Environment. Pedagogicon. Richmond, KY: CPE.

Middleton, Steven O. Instructor of Mass Communication Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O. (2016). Commonwealth Curiosities; An Ode to Kentucky’s Unique Attractions Volume Two. PBS Affiliate Kentucky Educational Television (KET). Kentucky Educational Television. Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Modaff, J. V., Creekmore, T. L., & Middleton, S. O. (2016). The Major Minute. MSU- TV. MSU-TV: Department of Communication, Media and Languages. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, February 24). Art this episode 19. Morehead State University television. MSUTV studios and off campus production facilities: MSU-TV. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, March 16). Art this episode 20. Morehead State University Television (msutv). MSUTV studio, Breck Hall, MSUMSU-TV.


Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, March 16). Art this episode 20. Morehead State University Television (msutv). MSUTV studio, Breck Hall, MSU: MSU-TV. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, April 13). Art this episode 21. Morehead State University television. MSUTV studio and off campus production facilities: MSU-TV.

Modaff, John V. Professor of Speech Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Modaff, J. V. (2016). Radio Commentary Series MSPR. Morehead State Public Radio. MSU: MSPR [Attachment]. Modaff, J. V., Creekmore, T. L., & Middleton, S. O. (2016). The Major Minute. MSU- TV. MSU-TV: Department of Communication, Media and Languages. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, February 24). Art this episode 19. Morehead State University television. MSUTV studios and off campus production facilities: MSU-TV. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, March 16). Art this episode 20. Morehead State University Television (msutv). MSUTV studio, Breck Hall, MSU:MSU-TV. Modaff, J. V., Middleton, S. O., & Creekmore, T. L. (2016, April 13). Art this episode 21. Morehead State University television. MSUTV studio and off campus production facilities: MSU-TV. Kttp://

Murray, Donell Instructor of Communications Presentation Completed/Published Murray, D. (2016, October). 3MT Competition. Association For Educational & Communications Technology. Las Vegas: AECT. Murray, D. (2016, October). Appshed Anyone: Collaboration in the Classroom. Association For Educational & Communications Technology. Las Vegas: AECT. Murray, D. (2016, November). International Peer Mentoring Implementation at Morehead State University. Kentucky Convergence. Bowling Green, Kentucky: KY Convergence.


Simeonova Pissarro, Marieta Angelova ESL Instructor/Program Director Journal Article Accepted Simeonova Pissarro Ed.D., M. A. (2016). Teacher Language and Teacher Attitude. TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.

Taylor, Karen J. Associate Professor of French Presentation Completed/Published Taylor, K. J., Fletcher, A., Slone, J. E., Wile, C., & Wilkerson, K. (2016, March). The Prison as Learning Space: Teaching the Honors Medieval World course through the Inside/Out Program. Kentucky Philological Association 43rd annual conference. WKU, Bowling Green, KY: KPA.

School of Music, Theatre & Dance

Baker, Stacy A. Professor of Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). Director, MSU Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. Oktoberfest. Buffalo Wild Wing, Morehead, KY: SMTD. Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). Director, MSU Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. Tubas on Broadway. Morehead, KY: SMTD. Baker Dr., S. A., Mason, B., & Callihan, K. (2016). Faculty Recital. Dr. Stacy Baker, Tuba. Morehead, KY: SMTD. Baker Dr., S. A., Robertson, G., Swoboda, D., & Curran, L. V. (2016). R.S.V.B. Tuba Euphonium Quartet. 2016 International Tuba Euphonium Conference. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN: The International Tuba Euphonium Conference. Baker Dr., S. A., Robertson, G., & Thio, A. (2016). SymbiosisDuo. The International Tuba Euphonium Conference. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN: The International Tuba Euphonium Conference. Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). Tubist in Concert with Monarch Brass. Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic. Chicago, IL: The International Women’s Brass Conference. Baker Dr., S. A., & Pendergast, Dr., R. (2016). Tubist in Duet. Studio Recital. Morehead, KY: SMTD. Accepted Baker Dr., S. A., & Eastwood, D. (2016). Director, MSU Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. Hometown Holiday. CoffeeTree Books, Morehead, KY: Morehead Tourism. Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). Tubist. Cantata Service. Lexington, KY: Tate Creek Presbyterian Church. Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). Tubist in Concert. Brass Band of Battle Creek. Battle Creek, MI: Brass Band of Battle Creek.


Creative Production Completed/Published Baker Dr., S. A. (2016). MSU Distinguished Creative Productions Award. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Baker, D.M.A., S. A., Swoboda, D.M.A., D., Robertson, D.M.A., G., & Veronie, L. (2015). Recording of Tuba and Euphonium Quartets Featuring Women Composers by Women Performers. CD recording. Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ: Arizona State University. Grants Awarded Baker Dr., Stacy (PI) MSU-Tubafest Guest Artist: SGM Donald Palmire, euphonium, MSU Arts and Humanities Council Special Events Mini-Grant ($1510) (September 29, 2016 - October 1, 2016).

Baruth, Lori E. Associate Professor of Music Grants Awarded Baruth, Lori (Other) Dalcroze Eurhythmics Worskshop/Residency with Dr. R. J. David Frego, MSU Arts and Humanities Council (January 1, 2012).

Biggs-Fleck, Octavia A. Little Company Director Grants Awarded Biggs-Fleck, Octavia (CoPI), O'Brien, Julia (CoPI) Art Meets Activism-"Page to Stage", Kentucky Foundation for Woman (December 2, 2013 - May 15, 2014) Awarded: September 15, 2013, USD 2,525.00.

Carlisle, Gregory J. Assistant Professor of Theatre Presentation Completed/Published Carlisle, G. J. (2016, July). It’ll Help Your Attitude to Look for Evidence of Design. David Foster Wallace Conference 2016. Normal, IL: Illinois State University. Carlisle, G. J. (2016, May). The Structure and Significance of Infinite Jest. Rowfant Club Invited Speaker. Cleveland: Rowfant Club.

Creasap, Susan D. Interim Director of Bands Creative Performance Completed/Published Creasap, S. D. (2016). Autumn Winds High School Honor Band. Honor Band Guest Conductor. Parker, PA: Allegheny-Clarion School District. Creasap, S. D. (2016). Illinois Superstate 2017 Screening Adjudicator. Illinois Superstate 2017. Illinois: University of Illinois.


Creasap, S. D. (2016). Illinois SuperState Band Festival. State Concert Band Competition - screening adjudicator. N/A: University of Illinois - Urbana/Champaign. Creasap, S. D. (2016). Rowan County High School Bands & Morehead State University Concert Bands Pops Concert. Pops Concert. Morehead, KY: Rowan county Schools/MSU School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Creasap, S. D. (2016). Virginia District 12 Middle School Band Assessment. District Concert Band Assessment Adjudicator. Vienna, VA: Virginia Music Educators Association. Creasap, S. D. (2016). West Virginia Bandmasters Association Region V Concert Band Assessment. West Virginia Bandmasters Association Region V Concert Band Assessment Adjudicator. Chapmanville, WV: West Virginia Bandmasters Association. Creasap, S. D. (2016). West Virginia District Concert Band Assessment. Adjudicator for District Band Festival. Logan, WV: West Virginia Music Educators Association. Creasap, S. D. (2015). KMEA District Band. KMEA District Band. Russell Springs, KY: Kentucky Music Educators Association.

Davis, Natasha L. Associate Professor of Dance Creative Performance Completed/Published Davis, N. L. (2016). Carrie the Musical. Musical. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre: Theatre and Dance department. Davis, N. L. (2016). Motown. Gala. Button Auditorium: Music, Theatre and Dance. Davis, N. L. (2016). Shifting Ground. Dance Concert. Button Auditorium: Music, Theatre and Dance Department.

Detweiler, Greg J. Professor of Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Chamber Singers Italy Tour. Italy Concert Tour: 7 concerts. Rome and Pompeii Italy: MSU. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Chamber Singers singing during Worship. First Baptist Church Worship Service. First Baptist Church, Morehead: First Baptist Church. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Fall Choral Showcase: Concert Choir and Chamber Singers. Chili Dinner and Fall Choral Showcase. First Baptist Church, Morehead: MSU Concert Choir. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Messiah. Messiah - . Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Vocal Solos. First Baptist Church Worship Service. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Ye Olde Madrigal Feaste. Ye Olde Madrigal Feaste. MSU: MSU. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Bon Voyage Concert. Italy Preparation Concert. First Baptist Church, Morehead: MSU Chamber Singers. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). MSU Concert Choir and Chamber Singers Spring Tour. Spring Tour: 6 Concerts. Kentucky and Ohio: MSU.


Detweiler, G. J. (2016). SATB High School Chorale. Jefferson County Public School District 2016 All-County Choral Music Festival. Louisville: Jefferson County. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Spring Tour Home Concert. Spring Choir Tour. First Baptist Church, Morehead: First Baptist Church. Detweiler, G. J. (2016). Winter Choral Showcase Concert. Italian Dinner and Winter Showcase Concert. Detweiler, G. J. (2015). Contemporary Music Festival Composer Chamber Concert. 2015 MSU Contemporary Music Festival. Baird Music Hall, MSU: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity. Detweiler, G. J. (2015). Contemporary Music Festival Composer Concert: Concert Choir and Chamber Singers. 2015 MSU Contemporary Music Festival. First Baptist Church, Morehead: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity. Grants Awarded Detweiler, Greg (Other) 56th Annual Choral Festival Directors Luncheon, Stanton's Sheet Music (November 10, 2015 - November 10, 2015) Awarded: November 1, 2015, USD 550.00. Detweiler, Greg (Program Coordinator) Stanton’s Sheet Music Grant, Stanton’s Sheet Music (November 14, 2016 - November 15, 2016) Awarded: November 15, 2016, USD 550.00.

Eastwood, Deborah A. Instructor of Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Eastwood, D. A. (2016). Collaborative Ensemble, MSU Horizon Brass Quintet Performance. Tates Creek Presbyterian Church Cantata, Lexington, KY. Creative Production Completed/Published Eastwood, D. A. (2016, November). Arranging for Strings. Arrangement. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, November). Beginning Composition for Solo Instruments. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, November). Greensleeves for String Quartet. Arrangement. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, November). Silent Night for String Quartet. Arrangement. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, Autumn). Studies in Textures for Winds. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, Autumn). Study in Textures for Orchestra. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, September). Study in Textures for Piano Four Hands. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, February). Theme and Variations. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, Autumn). Theme and Variations for Piano. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, Autumn). Theme and Variations for Strings. Compositions. Eastwood, D. A. (2016, Autumn). Theme and Variations Piccolo, Alto Flute, and Flute Ensemble. Compositions. Grants Awarded Eastwood, Deborah (CoPI), Baker, Stacy (Program Coordinator), Mason, Brian (CoPI), Ko, Eunbyol (CoPI), Robertson, Gail (CoPI) Recording of New Chamber Music Featuring Euphonium and Tuba Duo, MSU Research and Sponsored Programs (January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2014) Awarded: January 1, 2014.


Escalante, Roosevelt R. Assistant Director of Choral Activities Creative Performance Completed/Published Escalante Jr., R. R., & McGillicuddy, R. P. (2016). Escalante & Friends celebrating Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday. Escalante & Friends celebrating Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday. Gateway Regional Arts Center, Mt. Sterling, KY: Mt. Sterling Arts Council. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Jazz Vocal Ensemble and Black Gospel Ensemble. MSU Choral Festival. First Baptist Church, Morehead: MSU School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. Owensville 1st church of God revival. Owensville 1st Church of God. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. Pilgrim Baptist Church Concert. Lexington, KY: Pilgrim Baptist Church. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. BGE Tour. New Hope Baptist Church, Knoxville, TN: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. Montgomery County High School. Mt. Sterling, KY: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. Georgetown College Bishop Revival. Georgetown, KY: Georgetown College. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. MSU Basketball half-time show. Morehead State University, AAC: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. BGE Spring Concert. Duncan Recital Hall: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performance. Cadentown Baptist Church Concert. Lexington, KY: Cadentown Baptist Church. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Jazz Syndicate Performance. Shakespeare & Co., Lexington, KY. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). MSU Choirs Concert. MSU Choirs Concert. First Baptist Church, Morehead: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Performance with the MSU Horn Ensemble. MSU Prism Concert. Morehead State University, Button Auditorium: School of Music, Theater, and Dance. Other Completed/Published Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Black Gospel Ensemble performances. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016). Lift Every Voice and Sing. Musical Arts Indiana, Inc., Vesper Choral. Creative Production Completed/Published Escalante Jr., R. R. (2016, April 4). Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing, choral Arrangement. Musical Arts Indiana. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2026, February 25). Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School Gospel Music Festival. P. L. Dunbar high School. Lexington, KY: P. L. Dunbar High School. Escalante Jr., R. R. (2017, March 16). Raceland High School: Artist in residence. Raceland High School. Raceland, KY: Raceland High School Jazz Band.


Grice, June M. Associate Professor of Music Presentation Completed/Published Grice, J. M. (2016, April). Music Activities to Finish the School Year. KAKE spring workshop for Kentucky teachers. Lexington, KY: KAKE Kentucky Association of Kodaly Educators. Other Accepted Grice, J. M. (2016). KAKE report (Kentucky Association of Kodaly Educators) to MKMEA (Midwest Kodaly Music Education Association and OAKE (National Organization Association of Kodaly Educators). Reports as President of KAKE to Regional States Area for Kodaly and National Kodaly Organization OAKE. Grants Awarded Grice, June (Coinvestigator) PETLL, KVEC (August 1, 2014) Awarded: November 30, 2015.

Hsieh, Chia-Ling Faculty Accompanist Creative Performance Completed/Published Hsieh, C.-L. (2016). Duo Recital with Nathan Nabb. Nathan Nabb Faculty Recital. University of Cincinnati, College-Conservatory of Music. Hsieh, C.-L. (2016). Duo Recital with Nathan Nabb. 2016 North American Saxophone Alliance Biennial Conference. Texas Tech University. Hsieh, C.-L. (2016). Trifecta! Guest Recital. Chamber music guest recital. Ohio Southern University. Hsieh, C.-L. (2016). Trifecta! Performance. New music concert at Society of Composers, Inc. Region III Conference. Marshall University, WV. Creative Production Completed/Published Hsieh, C. (2014, March). Recording Project for Quintet after Schumann by David Canfield. Grants Awarded Hsieh, Chia-Ling (Program Coordinator) MSU Summer Fellowship Grant (May 1, 2015 - June 30, 2015), USD 5,000.00. Hsieh, Chia-Ling (Program Coordinator) Hsin-Chu Government Cultural Grant, Hsin Chu, Taiwan local government (May 1, 2015), USD 700.00. Hsieh, Chia-Ling (Program Coordinator) Chiayi Government Cultural Grant, Chiayi, Taiwan local government (May 1, 2015), USD 700.00. Hsieh, Chia-Ling (Other) Contemporary Music for Saxophone Quartet, Percussion, and Piano, Morehead State University (January 1, 2012), USD 4,911.00.


Izlar, Tamera N. Assistant Professor of Theater Presentation Accepted Izlar, T. N. (2016, October). The Awakening: Reexamining, Marketing, and Introducing New Audiences to August Wilson’s Pulitzer-Prize Winning Play, Fences. An August Occasion: A National Conference on the Life and Legacy of August Wilson. Washington DC: August Wilson Society (Howard University).

Lane, Abigail Early College Instructor Creative Production Completed/Published Lane, A. (2016, April 16). Love in Quarantine (original script commissioned for OSH multimedia production). Owensboro High School - Drama, Band, Percussion, Steel Band Production of Multimedia Play. Owensboro, KY.

McGillicuddy, Ryan P. Visiting Assistant Professor Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Escalante Jr., R. R., & McGillicuddy, R. P. (2016). Escalante & Friends celebrating Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday. Escalante & Friends celebrating Frank Sinatra’s 100th birthday. Gateway Regional Arts Center, Mt. Sterling, KY: Mt. Sterling Arts Council. Grants Awarded McGillicuddy, Ryan (Program Coordinator) Jazz2U grant, Jazz Education Network (March 17, 2016 - March 17, 2016) Awarded: March 17, 2016, USD 300.00.

Oyen, David W. Professor of Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Oyen, D. W. (2016). Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Concert. "Hocus Pocus" Morehead Conference Center: Cave Run Symphony Orchestra. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Faculty Recital Series 21st Century Music Recital. Faculty Recital Series 21st Century Music Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Flute/Bassoon Guest Recital. Flute/Bassoon Guest Recital. University of Kentucky Niles Gallery: School of Music, University of Kentucky. Oyen, D. W. (2016). International Clarinet Association Clarinetfest! Performance. International Clarinet Association Clarinetfest! University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS: International Clarinet Association. Other Oyen, D. W. (2016). Joint Faculty Flute and Bassoon Recital. Joint Faculty Flute and Bassoon Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance.


Oyen, D. W. (2016). Joint Faculty Flute and Bassoon Recital. Joint Faculty Flute and Bassoon Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Noble Recital Hall - Luther College, Decorah, IA: Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Noble Recital Hall, Luther College, Decorah, IA: Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Noble Recital Hall - Luther College, Decorah, IA: Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Movere Wind Quintet Recital. Noble Recital Hall - Luther College, Decorah, IA: Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Lutheran Summer Music Faculty Artist Recital. Evening Prayer - Abendmusik. Noble Recital Hall - Luther College, Decorah, IA: Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. Oyen, D. W. (2016). MSU Double Reed Day Opening Recital. MSU Double Reed Day Opening Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). MSU Faculty Showcase Recital. MSU Faculty Showcase Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Performances at Pikeville High School - Baird Winds. Performances at Pikeville High School - Baird Winds. Pikeville High School, Pikeville, KY: Pikeville High School Band Boosters. Oyen, D. W. (2016). A Classical Bash. Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Concert. Morehead Conference Center: Cave Run Symphony Orchestra. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Bath County Middle School, Owingsville, KY: Bath County Middle and High School Bands. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Rowan County High School: Rowan County High School Band. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Rowan County Middle School: Rowan County Middle School Band. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Tilden Hogge Elementary School, Morehead, KY: Tilden Hogge Elementary School. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Eastern High School, Louisville KY: Eastern High School Bands. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Baird Winds Performance. Baird Winds Performance. Male High School, Louisville, KY: Louisville Male High School Band. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Huntington Symphony Orchestra Concert. Huntington Symphony Orchestra Concert. Keith Albee Theatre, Huntington, WV: Huntington Symphony Orchestra. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Huntington Symphony Pops Concert. Huntington Symphony Pops Concert. Huntington, WV: Huntington Symphony Orchestra.


Oyen, D. W. (2016). Celebration Concert. Mozart Celebration Concert. Duncan Recital Hall: Morehead State University School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). MSU Summer Arts Academy Faculty Artist Recital. MSU Summer Arts Academy Faculty Artist Recital. Duncan Recital Hall - Morehead State University: MSU School of Music, Theatre and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). "Let’s Dance" Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Concert. Morehead Conference Center: Cave Run Symphony Orchestra [Attachment]. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Themes for Brotherhood. Phi Mu Alpha Benefit Concert. Duncan Recital Hall, MSU: Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Theta Pi Chapter. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Trifecta! and friends Recital. Faculty Chamber Music Recital. Duncan Recital Hall, MSU: Morehead State University School of Music, Theatre, and Dance. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Trifecta Performance. SCI Region III conference. First Presbyterian Church, Huntington, WV: Marshall University. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Trifecta Recital. Trifecta! Recital. Ohio University-Southern, Ironton, OH: Ohio University-Southern, Ironton, OH. Completed/Published Oyen, D. W. (2016). KMEA District 8 Solo and Ensemble Contest Adjudication. Rowan County Middle School. Oyen, D. W. (2016). Speaker for Arts Entrepreneurship Course. MSU - Course for Jennifer Reis.

Prindle, Roma Associate Professor of Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Prindle, R. (2016). Faculty Showcase Recital. Faculty Showcase Recital. Duncan Recital Hall: MSU MTD. Prindle, R. (2016). Mélodies Françaises. Faculty Recital. Duncan Recital Hall: MTD. Prindle, R., & Sparks, J. (2016). Faculty Recital. Liederabend. Baird Music Hall: Department of Music. Prindle, R. (2016). Guest Artist. MSU Concert Band. Morehead Conference Center: Department of Music. Prindle, R., & Grant, D. R. (2016). Parto! Parto ben mio. Wolfgang Mozart. Mozart Celebration Week. Baird Music Hall: Department of Music. Prindle, R. (2015). Contemporary Music Festival. Concert. Baird Music Hall: Phi Mu Alpha. Creative Production Completed/Published Prindle, R. (2016). The Magic Flute. Duncan Recital Hall. Duncan Recital Hall: MSU MTD.

Small, Heather A. Assistant Professor of Music Presentation Accepted Small, H. A. (2016, October). Faculty Recital. MSU. Small, H. A. (2016, October). Faculty Recital. University of Kentucky - Niles Gallery.


Steva, Elizabeth R. Lecturer Creative Performance Completed/Published Steva, E. R. (2016). Horn Recital. Horn Trio. Lexington, KY.

Taylor, Paul Associate Professor of Music Creative Production Completed/Published Taylor, P. (2016, Spring). Cloud Dancing, Forwards and Backwards, Trump/Putin Waltz d’amour; Serious Resolution, Walking in the Sunshine, Second Thoughts, Mocking Imitation, Frolicking Gargoyles, Cloud Dancing, Quiet Moment, Can a Pear Annoy Ya' Ten Sad Fingers, Toxic Argument, Drifting, Fat Baby's Waltz. SheetMusic+ publishing. Emeryville, CA and available for purchase at Other Completed/Published Taylor, P. (2016). Judged Lexington, Ky. Piano Festival/Competition. Creative Performance Accepted Taylor, P. (2016). Performed with University chorus. Spring concert. Baird Hall: MSU. Poster Presentation Accepted Taylor, P. (2016, April). Judged MSU Academic Research Day. Academic poster competition. MSU campus: MSU. Grants Awarded Taylor, Paul (Other) Fuse the Muse grant, Fuse the Muse Morehead Arts Guild (January 1, 2010), USD 500.00

Watkins, Denise M. Associate Professor of Theatre Creative Production Completed/Published Watkins, D. M. (0, October 27). Costume Design for the Giver. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre. Morehead, KY: MSU MUTD. Watkins, D. M. (2015). Costume Design for Moby Dick-Rehearsed. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre and touring throughout KY: Morehead State University’s Little Company. Watkins, D. M. (2016, March 31–April 2). Costume Design for Crimes of the Heart. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre. Watkins, D. M. (2015). Costume Design for Cabaret. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre: Morehead State University Department of Theatre and Dance. Creative Performance Completed/Published


Watkins, D. M. (2016). Costume Design for Crimes of the Heart. Crimes of the Heart Theatrical Production. Lucille Caudill Little Theatre: MSU MUTD. Grants Awarded Watkins, Denise (PI) Travel Research Grant for Dissertation, University of Louisville Department of Humanities (May 1, 2016 - May 21, 2016) Awarded: May 1, 2016, USD 495.00.

Kentucky Center Traditional Music

Jeter, Stephanie C. Lecturer Creative Performance Completed/Published Jeter, S. C. (2016). Homecraft Days. Homecraft Days. Big Stone Gap, VA. Jeter, S. C. (2016). The Listening Room. The Listening Room House Concert Series. Wytheville, VA. Jeter, S. C. (2016). Empty Bottle String Band at the Carter Family Fold. Carter Family Fold. Hiltons, VA. Creative Production Completed/Published Jeter, S. C. (2016, September 16–18). Bristol Rhythm and Roots Reunion. Bristol, VA/TN.

Kiser, Nathan D. Operations Manager KCTM Creative Performance Completed/Published Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Fleming County Court Days. Flemingsburg, KY: Fleming County Rotary Club. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Woodsongs Song Farmers Gathering. Shaker Village at Pleasant Hill: Woodsongs Front Porch Association. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Concert at Meadowgreen Park. Clay City, KY: KY Friends of Bluegrass Music Club. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Sounds of Our Heritage Concert. Rowan County Arts Center: Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Browning Orchard Festival. Wallingford, KY: University Advancement. Kiser, N. D., Smith, R. M., Albert, T. G., & Wood, S. E. (2016). Music Performances. International Watercolor Salon and Lubang International Style Street Festival. Qingdao, China: Qingdao Newspaper Group. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Red Barn Radio Show. Arts Place, Lexington, KY: Red Barn Radio. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Years of Farming Bluegrass Show. Flemingsburg, KY: Double S Entertainment. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. All Ensembles Concert. Morehead, KY: KY Center for Traditional Music/Rowan County Arts Center.


Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Concert at Meadowgreen Park. Clay City, KY: KY Friends of Bluegrass Music Club. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Concert at Shepherdsville Music Barn. Shepherdsville, KY: Shepherdsville Music Barn. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Jared Davis Junior Recital. Baird Music Hall Morehead, KY. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Concert at Carter Family Fold. Hiltons, VA: Carter Family Fold. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. MSU Employee Appreciation Picnic. Morehead State University Campus: Office of Human Resources. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Sounds of Our Heritage Semester Finale Concert. Morehead Conference Center, Morehead, KY: Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. Kiser, N. D., & Smith, R. M. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Rajant Corporation training retreat. Wickenburg, AZ: Rajant Corporation. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Music Performance. Rowan County Railroad Museum Grand Opening. Morehead, KY: Rowan County Railroad Museum. Kiser, N. D. (2016). Music Performance. Red Cross Fundraiser. Morehead Conference Center, Morehead, KY: Red Cross. Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Kiser, N. D. (2016, July). Morehead Old Time Music Festival. Morehead, KY: Kentucky Old Time Music Inc. Presentation Completed/Published Kiser, N. D. (2016, April). Public School Traditional Music Presentation. Bullitt County Public Schools. Mt. Washington, KY: Pleasant Grove Elementary School.

McLain, Raymond W. Director KCTM Creative Performance Completed/Published McLain, R. W. (2016). Professional Activity. Professional Activity. Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University.


Miller, Leslie S. Lecturer Creative Performance Completed/Published Miller, L. S. (2016). Appalachian School of Music - Regional Music of Northeastern Kentucky and Appalachian Ohio. Jesse Stuart Weekend. Ashland, Kentucky: Jesse Stuart Foundation. Accepted Miller, L. S. (2016). Old Time Music Gathering. Minnesota.

Smith, Ruth McLain Lecturer Creative Performance Completed/Published Kiser, N. D., Smith, R. M., Albert, T. G., & Wood, S. E. (2016). Music Performances. International Watercolor Salon and Lubang International Style Street Festival. Qingdao, China: Qingdao Newspaper Group. Smith, R. M. (2016). Professional Activity. Concerts and Seminars. Various US and International. Kiser, N. D., & Smith, R. M. (2016). Ensemble Performance. Rajant Corporation training retreat. Wickenburg, AZ: Rajant Corporation. Smith, R. M. (2016). Professional Activity - Presentations. Listed Concerts, Performances and Seminars.

Wells, Jesse R. Music Archivist/Instructor of Traditional Music Creative Performance Completed/Published Wells, J. R. (2016). Cowan Creek Mountain Music School. Performances and Workshops. Cowan, KY. Wells, J. R. (2016). International Bluegrass Music Association Showcase Performance. Performance. Raleigh, NC: IBMA. Wells, J. R. (2016). RockyGrass Festival Performance. Performance. Bluegrass, Lyons, CO: Planet Bluegrass. Creative Production Completed/Published Middleton, S. O., Creekmore, T. L., Modaff, J. V., Ulrich, D. C., McLain, R. W., Kiser, N. D., & Wells, J. R. (2016). Far Above the Rolling Campus: A Documented History of Morehead State University. Documentary Film. Morehead State University. Wells, J. R. (2016, June 6–10). Hindman Family Folk Week. Performances and Workshops. Hindman Settlement School, Hindman, KY: Hindman Settlement School. Wells, J. R. (2016, July). Three Mile Creek by Becki Alfrey. Recording Project. Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. Wells, J. R. (2016, June). Watching Mars by The Woodsheep. Recording Project. Kentucky Center for Traditional Music.


Wells, J. R. (2014, September 23). Interview with Buck White. Skagg’s Family Records. Hendersonville, TN: Kentucky Center for Traditional Music. Presentation Completed/Published Wells, J. R. (2015, March). Oldtime Music Education in Higher Education. Appalachian Studies Association Conference. Johnson City, TN: East Tennessee State University.

Wood, Sarah E. Instructor (PT) KCTM Creative Performance Completed/Published Kiser, N. D., Smith, R. M., Albert, T. G., & Wood, S. E. (2016). Music Performances. International Watercolor Salon and Lubang International Style Street Festival. Qingdao, China: Qingdao Newspaper Group. Wood, S. E. (2016). Musical Performance. Multiple.

Department of Sociology, Social Work, Criminology

Barton, Bernadette C. Professor of Sociology Chapter Completed/Published Barton, B. (2010). Freedom from Sexism vs. Sexual Freedom: A Short History of the Feminist Sex Wars. In Provocations: A Transnational, Historical Reader in Feminist Thought. University of California Press. Journal Article Accepted Barton, B. C., & Mabry, H. (2016). Andro-privilege, Raunch Culture, and Stripping. Sexualities. Grants Awarded Barton, Bernadette (Other) How Technology, Raunch Culture and Internet Pornography are Re-Shaping Exotic Dancing (May 15, 2014 - August 15, 2014).

Davison, Rebecca K. Instructor of Social Work Presentation Completed/Published Davison, R. K., & Robinson-Phipps, D. L. (2016, November). Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work Placements in Rural Social Work Programs. Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. Grants Awarded Davison, Rebecca (Other) Girls Circle Training Grant, Center for Regional Engagement (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016), USD 800.00.


Geurin, D. Lynn Associate Professor of Social Work Grants Awarded Geurin, D. (Program Coordinator) Title IV E: Public Child Welfare Grants (Morehead and Mt. Sterling Campuses) (August 11, 2014). Geurin, D. (PI) Public Child Welfare Program, Title IV -E Child Welfare Certification Program Federal through EKU (January 18, 2016). Geurin, D. (PI) Title IV -E Child Welfare Certification Program, Federal through EKU (January 1, 2015). Geurin, D. (Other) Public Child Welfare Grant, Federal Grant via Eastern Kentucky University (May 16, 2012), USD 16,000.00. Geurin, D. (PI) Public Child Welfare Grant @ Morehead and Mt. Sterling Campuses, Title IV-E Funds through Eastern Kentucky University (August 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014) , USD 50,359.00. Geurin, D. (PI) Public Child Welfare Certification Program, Title IV -E Child Welfare Certification Program Federal through EKU (August 17, 2015). Geurin, D. (Other) Public Child Welfare Grant Mt. Sterling Campus, Title IV E Funds through Eastern Kentucky University (July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014) Awarded: August 1, 2013, USD 8,408.00. Geurin, D. (Other) Public Child Welfare Grants, Eastern Kentucky University: Title IV Funds (May 16, 2011), USD 16,500.00. Geurin, D. (PI) Public Child Welfare Grants, Federal Title IV E (August 15, 2016 - May 15, 2017).

Hare, Timothy S. Professor of Anthropology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Hart, Z., Cissell, M., & Hare, T. S. (2016, November). Mapping and 3D Modeling of a Terminal Postclassic Site in the Northern Yucatán. Kentucky Academy of Sciences Annual Conference. Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Sciences. Thomas Grothaus, M., Cissell, M., & Hare, T. S. (2016, November). Mapping and 3D Modeling of Excavations Using UAVs & Photogrammetry. Kentucky Academy of Sciences Annual Conference. Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Sciences. Presentation Completed/Published Hare, T. S., & Steele, P. D. (2016, October). Exploratory Space-Time Data Analysis of Child Abuse Cases, Albuquerque, NM 1999-2006. 39th Annual Applied Geography Conference. Louisville, KY: Applied Geography Conference. Hare, T. S. (2016, October). Mapping Archaeological Ruins and Environmental Features Using UAVs and Photogrammetry. Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals GIS Conference. Covington, KY: Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals. Hare, T. S. (2016, November). Reconstructing Mayapán’s Anthropogenic Landscape with UAV-Borne Sensors. Invited presentation for the University of Kentucky Anthropology Department. Lexington, KY: UK Department of Anthropology [Attachment].


Hare, T. S. (2016, October). The Kentucky ESRI Postsecondary Site License Program – 15 Years and Counting Success Stories: A Panel Presentation. Kentucky Association of Mapping Professionals GIS Conference. Covington, KY: Kentucky Association of Mapping Professions. Hare, T. S. (2016, April). Mapping Mayapán’s Archaeological Remains and Environmental Characteristics Using UAVs and Photogrammetric Software. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Orlando, FL: Society for American Archaeology. Hare, T. S. (2016, April). Presenting the Ancient Maya in 3D. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Orlando, FL: Society for American Archaeology. Masson, M., Peraza-Lope, C., Hare, T. S., & Russell, B. (2016, April). Rural Economies at Agrarian Houselots Before and After the Rise of Urban Mayapán. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Orlando, FL: Society for American Archaeology. Journal Article Completed/Published Masson, M., Pedraza Lope, C., Hare, T. S., Escamilla Ojeda, B., Paris, E., France, E., Cruz Alvarado, W. (2016). Household Production and the Pre-modern Urban Economy of Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Research. Masson, M. A., Hare, T. S., Peraza Lope, C., Escamilla Ojeda, B., Paris, E., France, E., Alvarado Cruz, W. (2014). Household Production and the Pre-modern Urban Economy of Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Research. Other Completed/Published Hare, T. S., & Steele, P. (2016). Mapping Community Data to Understand and Intervene with Neighborhood Influences in Child Sexual Abuse. 32nd International Symposium on Child Abuse. Grants Awarded Hare, Timothy (PI) Mayapan Highway Salavage Survey 2016, Curtiss T & Mary G. Brennan Foundation (June 15, 2016 - June 15, 2017) Awarded: June 16, 2016, USD 5,000.00. Haight, April (PI), Hare, Timothy (CoPI) Riparian Habitats and Streambank Stability (April 1, 2014 - April 1, 2014) Awarded: April 1, 2014, USD 9,423.08. Reeder, Brian (PI), Kerlin, Stan (PI), Hare, Timothy (CoInvestigator) Increasing the Number of Qualified STEM Educators Through the Use of the Interdisciplinary STEM Theme of the Environment, NASA (April 1, 2014 - April 1, 2014). Hare, Timothy (Other), Russell, Bradley (Other), Masson, Marilyn (Other) Mayapan LiDAR Mapping Project, National Science Foundation (January 1, 2012 - April 1, 2014) , USD 176,000.00.

Hesterberg, Latonya J. Department Chair/Sociology, Social Work and Criminology Grants Awarded Hesterberg, Latonya (CoPI), Logan, Tammy (CoPI) PI, US Dept of Health and Human Services via EKU (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017) Awarded: July 1, 2016, USD 134,690.00.


Himes, Monica L. Instructor Social Work/Facilitator Journal Article Completed/Published Himes, M. L. (2016). Clients and Students: Reflections on the Parallels Found Between Direct Social Work Practice and Social Work Education. Perspectives on Social Work, 12(2), 22–28.

Katz, Rebecca S. Professor of Sociology Presentation Completed/Published Katz, R. S., & Benitez, I. (2016, November). Police Consent Decrees and Black Lives Matter Movement. American Society of Criminology. New Orleans: American Society of Criminology. Chapter Completed/Published Katz, R. S., & Willis, H. M. (2016). Boys to offenders Damaging Masculinity and Traumatic Victimization. In Critical Victimology: Edited Collection (pp. 33–44). Reconceptualizing Critical Victimology Interventions and Possibilities Edited by Dale C. Spencer and Sandra Walkgate: Lexington Books An Imprint of Rowman and Littlefield. http:// Katz, R. S., & Willis, H. M. (2016). Boys to Offenders: Damaging Masculinity and Traumatic Victimization. In Reconceptualizing Critical Victimology: Interventions and Possibilities (pp. 33–44). Lexington. Katz, R. S. (2016). Boys to Offenders: Damaging Masculinity and Traumatic Victimization. In Reconceptualizing Critical Victimology: Interventions and Possibilities (pp. 33–44). Lexington Books. Katz, R. S., & Willis, H. M. (2016). BOYS TO OFFENDERS Damaging Masculinity and Traumatic Victimization. In RECONCEPTUALIZAING CRITICAL VICTMOLOGY INTERVENTIONS AND POSSIBILITIES (pp. 33–44). U.S. LEXINGTON BOOKS An Imprint of Rowman and Littlefield. Grants Awarded Katz, Rebecca (Other) Race in American Politics, Magellan Faculty Exchange and University of Tasmania (May 9, 2016 - May 30, 2016) Awarded: November 20, 2015, USD 500.00.

Nash, Shondrah T. Professor of Sociology Presentation Completed/Published Nash, S. T. (2016, October). Panel Presider and Organizer: The Sociology of Ministers’ Wives. Mid-South Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC.


Nash, S. T. (2016, October). Panel Presider and Organizer: The Sociology of Religion. Mid-South Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Charleston, SC. Chapter Accepted Nash, S. T. (2016). "Families" Chapter Update for Book, "Introduction to Sociology: A Collaborative Approach" In Ashbury Publications. Grants Awarded Shannon, Lisa (CoPI), Nash, Shondrah (CoPI) Project AWARE, Mountain Comprehensive Care Center (February 11, 2016 - September 29, 2016) Awarded: February 11, 2016, USD 12,500.00.

Perkins, Elizabeth B. Associate Professor of Criminology Journal Article Accepted Perkins, E. B., & Ruiz, C. (2016). Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in a Rural State: Interviews with Adjudicated Female Juveniles. Child and Adolescent Social Work. Perkins, E. B., & Shannon, L. M. (2015). Examining Differences in Heroin and Other Opiate Use among Enrollees in a Substance Abuse Treatment Program. Substance Use and Misuse. Shannon, L. M., & Perkins, E. B. (2015). Examining predictors of retention in treatment drug court. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation.

Shannon, Lisa M. Associate Professor of Social Work Journal Article Completed/Published Perkins, E. B., & Shannon, L. M. (2015). Examining Differences in Heroin and Other Opiate Use among Enrollees in a Substance Abuse Treatment Program. Substance Use and Misuse. Shannon, L. M., Jackson, A., & Payne, C. (2015). Factors Associated with Two-Year Recidivism Rates among Participants in a Community-based Treatment Program for Individuals with Criminal Justice Involvement. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Shannon, L. M., & Nash, S. T. (2014). Examining intimate partner violence and health factors among rural pregnant women in inpatient detoxification. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Accepted Shannon, L. M., & Perkins, E. B. (2015). Examining predictors of retention in treatment drug court. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Shannon, L. M., Jackson, A., Newell, J., & Neal, C. (2015). Examining the Impact of Drug Court on Two-Year Recidivism Rates: A Comparison of Program Participants and Referrals. Crime and Delinquency. Grants Awarded Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Volunteers of America Safe Havens Treatment for the Homeless Project, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (May 16, 2010 - April 3, 2014), USD 200,000.00.


Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Implementation of the Jefferson Veterans Treatment Court, Bureau of Justice Assistance (January 1, 2013 - April 3, 2014). Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Clark/Madison Drug Court Enhancement Project, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2016) Awarded: August 30, 2013, USD 195,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Statewide evaluation of Kentucky Drug Courts, Bureau of Justice Administration (May 16, 2011 - April 3, 2014), USD 200,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (PI) Evaluating the Floyd County BJA project, Bureau of Justice Assistance (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2015), USD 40,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (PI) VOALA- TCE HIV Evaluation, SAMHSA CSAT (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2018), USD 250,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the McCracken Drug Court Service Enhancement Project, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (January 1, 2013 - April 3, 2014), USD 195,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Implementation of the Hardin Veterans Treatment Court, Bureau of Justice Assistance (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2016) Awarded: October 2, 2013, USD 60,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Warren County Drug Court Service Enhancement, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (January 1, 2013 - April 3, 2014) , USD 195,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (PI) Evaluating the Perry County BJA project, Bureau of Justice Assistance (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2015), USD 40,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (PI) Evaluation of the Hardin County Veterans Treatment Court (October 1, 2013 - September 30, 2016), USD 60,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (PI) MCCC-ORP project, SAMHSA CSAT (August 1, 2013 - July 30, 2016), USD 240,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Fayette County Drug Court Service Enhancement Project, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (May 16, 2010 - September 30, 2016), USD 65,000.00. Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Hopkins Drug Court, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (September 30, 2013 - September 30, 2016). Shannon, Lisa (Other) Evaluating the Knott/Magoffin Drug Courts, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/Bureau of Justice Administration (May 16, 2011 - April 3, 2014).

Tallichet, Suzanne E. Professor of Sociology Presentation Accepted Tallichet, S. E. (2016, November). The Continuing Struggle: Stopping the NGL Pipeline in Rowan County, KY. Pipelines, Fracking & Kentucky’s Future Beyond Fossil Fuels. Locust Trace AgriScience Center, Lexington, KY. Chapter Accepted Hensley, C., & Tallichet, S. E. (2016). Animal Cruelty and Sexual Deviance. In Animal Cruelty: A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Understanding (Second Edition). Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.


College of Business and Technology

School of Business Administration

Chen, Steve Shih-Chia Professor of Sport Management Journal Article Completed/Published Chen, S. S.-C., Duncan, T., Street, E., & Hesterberg, B. (2016). Differences in Official Athletic Website Coverage and Social Media use Between Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams. The Sport Journal. website-coverage-and-social-media-use- between-mens-and-womens- basketball-teams/ Chen, S. S.-C., Magner, M. A., Leadingham, M., & Amardi, S. (2016). Mental illness and sports. KAHPERD Journal, 54(1), 25–35. Bruning, J. K., & Chen, S. S.-C. (2016). Trends in Funding Renovations and New Facilities for National Football League Team Venues. KAHPERD Journal, 53(2), 45–54. Smart, R., Chen, S. S.-C., & Henderson, K. V. (2015). Characteristics and motivations of die-hard sport fans. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Woods, A., Leadingham, M., McKenzie, N., Street, E., Chen, S. S.-C., & Carter, H. (2016, November). An analysis of race, playing position, rate of injuries, and salaries in NFL. 2016 Annual KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: KAHPERD. Henderson, K. V., Chen, S. S.-C., & Nissle, L. (2016, November). College Students’ Perception of Women’s Professional Soccer: Insights for Forming an Effective Marketing Plan. 14th Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Indianapolis, IN. Picucci, S., & Chen, S. S.-C. (2016, November). High school cross-country coaches’ perception of junior high school athletes competing at the varsity level. 2016 KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: KAHPERD. Nissle, L., Davis, T., Chen, S. S.-C., & Henderson, K. V. (2016, April). College students’ perception of women’s professional sports: Insights for forming an effective marketing plan. Wilma Grote Symposium for the Advancement of Women. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Davis, T., & Chen, S. S.-C. (2016, February). The Impact of Campus Recreation and Wellness Facility on Student Enrollment and Retention. Posters at the Capitol. Frankfort, KY. Jewell, M., Chen, S. S.-C., & Henderson, K. V. (2016, April). Understanding insights for building effective marketing strategies for women’s volleyball. Wilma Grote Symposium for the Advancement of Women. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University.


Presentation Completed/Published Chen, S. S.-C., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, November). About KAHPERD Journal. 2016 Annual KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: KAHPERD. Chen, S. S.-C., Street, E., Nissle, L., & Davis, T. (2016, April). College students’ perception of women’s professional soccer. 12th Annual Sport Psychology Forum. Bowling Green, KY: Western Kentucky University, Department of Psychology. Jewell, M., Chen, S. S.-C., & Henderson, K. V. (2016, April). Understanding insights for building effective marketing strategies for women’s volleyball. 12th Annual Sport Psychology Forum. Bowling Green, KY: Western Kentucky University, Department of Psychology. Proceedings Completed/Published Chen, S. S.-C., Davis, T., & Osborn, C. (2016). The impact of campus recreation and wellness facility on student enrollment and retention. In 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarships (Vol. 9, p. 42). Morehead, KY. Jewell, M., Chen, S. S.-C., & Henderson, K. V. (2016). Understanding insights for building effective marketing strategies for women’s volleyball. In 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarships (Vol. 9, p. 43). Morehead, KY.

Creahan, Thomas A. Associate Professor of Economics Presentation Completed/Published Creahan, T. A. (2016, October). Animating Graphs to Teach Microeconomics. Kentucky Economic Association 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Economic Association.

Garven, Sarah A. Assistant Professor of Accounting Journal Article Completed/Published Garven, S. A., & Taylor, G. (2016). Not Performing Up to Expectations? The Association between Big 4 Auditor Office Size and Client Earnings Management Behavior around Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. Garven, S. A., Hoffman, M. A., & McSwain, D. (2016). Playing the Numbers Game: Program Ratio Management in Nonprofit Organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership. Grants Awarded Garven, Sarah (Other) Kentucky Accounting Educators Conference Grant, KyCPA and KyCPA Educational Foundation Trustees (May 19, 2016 - May 20, 2016) Awarded: April 20, 2016, USD 1,000.00.


Hassan, Ahmad M. Associate Professor of Management Presentation Completed/Published Mohamed, F. A., & Hassan, A. M. (2016, April). Post-Purchase Decision Dissonance and Product Review. MBAA International. Chicago: MBAA.

Henderson, Kenneth V. Associate Professor of Marketing Presentation Accepted Henderson, K. V., Chen, S. S.-C., & Nissle, L. (2016, November). College Students’ Perception of Women’s Professional Soccer: Insights for Forming an Effective Marketing Plan. 14th Annual Conference of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA). Indianapolis, IN. Journal Article Accepted Henderson, K. V., & Chen, S. S.-C. (2016). Characteristics and motivations of die- hard sport fans. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory.

Hypes, Julia A. Associate Professor of Sport Management Book Completed/Published Hypes, J. A., Hypes, M. G., Sawyer, T. H., & Gimbert, T. (2016). Financing the Sport Enterprise (2nd edition). Sagamore Publishing Champaign, IL.

Hypes, Michael G. Associate Professor of Sports Management Book Completed/Published Hypes, J. A., Hypes, M. G., Sawyer, T. H., & Gimbert, T. (2016). Financing the Sport Enterprise (2nd edition). Sagamore Publishing Champaign, IL.

Kunz, Michelle B. Professor Marketing Journal Article Completed/Published Kunz, M. B. (2016). A Proposed Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting on Fortune 500 Corporate Websites. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 13(2). Kunz, M. B., & Cheek, R. G. (2016). How AACSB-Accredited Business Schools Assure Quality Online. Academy of Business Journal, 1, 105–115. Proceedings Completed/Published Kunz, M. B. (2016). Preparing for Tenure and Promotion, More than Just the Portfolio. In Marketing Management Association Fall Educators’ Conference (pp. 187–188). Marketing Management Association.


Cheek, R. G., Kunz, M. B., & Schwartz, C. (2016). Distance Learning-Based Strategic Marketing Plan for Non-Profits. In Academy of Business Research Conference. New Orleans: Academy of Business Research. Kunz, M. B. (2016). Examining the Role of Corporate Size, Industry and Location on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting of Fortune 500 Companies. In Academy of Business Research. New Orleans: Academy of Business Research. Presentation Completed/Published Kunz, M. B. (2016). A Proposed Investigation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting on Fortune 500 Corporate Websites. MBAA/MMA Spring International Conference. Chicago: Marketing Management Association.

McCormick, Bev H. Professor of Real Estate Grants Awarded McCormick, Bev (PI) Kentucky Real Estate Studies Grant, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015. McCormick, Bev (PI) Real Estate Education Grant, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 38,763.00. McCormick, Bev (PI) Kentucky Real Estate Commission Education Grant, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (August 23, 2013 - June 30, 2014) Awarded: August 23, 2013, USD 39,377.00. McCormick, Bev (Other) Morehead State University Real Estate Studies Program, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (May 16, 2012), USD 38,599.00. McCormick, Bev (PI) Real Estate Education Grant, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (August 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015) Awarded: August 1, 2014, USD 35,629.00. McCormick, Beverly (PI) Kentucky Real Estate Commission Real Estate Education Grant, Kentucky Real Estate Commission (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 38,673.00. McCormick, Bev (PI) Kentucky Real Estate Commission Education Real Estate Grant, KREC (July 15, 2016 - July 15, 2016) Awarded: July 15, 2016.

Mohamed, Fatma A. Associate Professor of Management SACS Fifth Year Committee Presentation Completed/Published Mohamed, F. A., & Hassan, A. M. (2016, April). Post Decision Dissonance and Product Review. MBAA International Conference. Chicago. Hassan, A. M. (2015, March). A Process Model of State Crimes against Democracy as Cultural Cognitive Dissonance Reduction. MBAA International Conference. Chicago.

Nehring, Daniel F. Instructor Management Review Completed/Published Nehring, D. F. (2016). Reviewed three McGraw-Hill textbooks.


Nelson, Johnathan K. Assistant Professor of Management Journal Article Completed/Published Nelson, J. K., & Gebka, S. (2016). Identifying new organizational practices by considering different perspectives: An ethics management example. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 9(1), 152– 157. Presentation Completed/Published Nelson, J. K. (2016, August). Promoting ethics: A qualitative study of ethics-centered communication. In E. Scott (Chair), Communication. Annual meeting of the Society for Business Ethics. Anaheim, CA. Stapleton, S. L., Becknell, A., & Nelson, J. K. (2016, May). Strategies for learning through social media: An example from management education. Poster to be presented at the 2016 Pedagogicon, an intense, one-day conference sponsored by the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education, Richmond, KY. Chapter Completed/Published Nelson, J. K. (2015). Ethics training. In In S. G. Rogelberg, K. M. Shockley, & S. Tonidandel (Eds.) Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Nelson, J. K. (2015). Promoting ethical decision making and behavior. In In S. G. Rogelberg, K. M. Shockley, & S. Tonidandel (Eds.) Encyclopedia of industrial and organizational psychology (2nd Edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Grants Awarded Nelson, Johnathan (PI), Neff, Mark (CoPI), Lambert, Sr. Judi (CoPI) Promoting ethical-decision making and behavior in healthcare settings, Morehead State University/Appalachian Health & Research Center (AHRC) Seed Grant (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016) Awarded: January 29, 2016.

Peng, Chien-Chih Associate Professor of Finance Presentation Completed/Published Peng, C.-C. (2016, April). State Ownership and Performance of Chinese Seasoned Equity Offerings. Academy of Finance Annual Meeting. Chicago: MBAA International.

Pierce, Karen J. Associate Professor of Accounting Journal Article Completed/Published Chiang, W.-C., Pierce, K., & Chu, X. (2016). Final Regulations on the Deductibility of Estate and Trust Costs. Practical Tax Strategies.


Ratliff, Janet M. Assistant Professor of Management/Entrepreneurship Poster Presentation Completed/Published Ratliff, J. M., & Coffey, W. (2015, April). What can be learned from students who are studying a targeted international curriculum and traveling abroad? Celebration of Student Scholarship at Morehead State University. Morehead, KY. Accepted Ratliff, J. M., & Coffey, W. (2016, April). Why study abroad? Ascertaining the value of study abroad experiences and effects of such on student knowledge and perceptions overall. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Journal Article Completed/Published Ratliff, J. M., & Kunz, M. B. (2014). A Profile of Social Media Use by Fortune 500 and Inc. 500 Corporations. Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ). Kunz, M. B., & Ratliff, J. M. (2014). The State of Online Sustainability Reporting Information of Fortune 500 Corporations. International Journal of Business Research and Information Technology, 1(1), 1–21. Ratliff, J. M., & Kunz, M. B. (2013). A Profile of Social media Use by Fortune 500 and Inc. 500 Corporations. Academy of Strategic Management Journal (ASMJ). Presentation Completed/Published Ratliff, J. M., & Harter, C. (2014, October). Entrepreneurship Is Doing Better? 53rd Annual Financial Literacy and Economic Education Conference. Dallas, Texas: Council on Economic Education. Ratliff, J. M., Chapman, O., & Little, J. (2014, August). Personal Finance: Money Smarts for You & Your Students. 3rd Annual All-Campus, All-Day Professional Development. Morehead, KY: Center for Leadership & Professional Development. Grants Awarded Ratliff, Janet (Other) Virtual Economics Teacher Training, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) (January 1, 2013 - December 1, 2013) , USD 1,500.00. Ratliff, Janet (Other) Virtual Economics Teacher Training, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) (January 1, 2013 - December 1, 2013) , USD 1,500.00.

Russell, Gregory R. Associate Dean School of Business Administration Presentation Completed/Published Russell, G. R., & Hesterberg, L. (2016, August). Achieving Tenure. Professional Development Day. Morehead State University: Center for Leadership & Development. Morehead State University: Morehead State University: Center for Leadership & Development.


Russell, G. R., & Hesterberg, L. (2016, August). Leadership Seminar for New MSU Department Chairs. MSU New Department Chair Workshop. Morehead State University: Office of the Provost. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University: Office of the Provost.

Shi, Bo Assistant Professor Finance Journal Article Completed/Published Brockett, P. L., Cox, S. H., MacMinn, R. D., & Shi, B. (2016). Best Bounds on Measures of Risk and Probability of Ruin for Alpha Unimodal Random Variables When There is Limited Moment Information. Applied Mathematics. Shi, B., Baranoff, E. G., & Sager, T. W. (2016). Product Diversification in Health Insurance with Comprehensive Coverage Benefits U.S. Health Insurers. Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research. Baranoff, E. G., Sager, T. W., & Shi, B. (2016). The Risk of Variable Annuity Guarantees and Life Insurer Capital. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance. Baranoff, E. G., Baranoff, D., Sager, T. W., Shi, B., & Clinger, H. (2016). What US Health Insurers’ Data Show for ACA “Repealers”? American Journal of Accountable Care.

Stapleton, Samuel L. Instructor of Management Poster Presentation Accepted Stapleton, S. L., & Nelson, J. K. (2016, May). Strategies for Learning through Social Media: An Example from Management Education. 2016 - Kentucky Pedagogical Conference. Richmond, Kentucky: Eastern Kentucky University.

School of Engineering & Information Systems

Department Engineering and Technology Management

Chapman, Hans Associate Professor of Engineering & Technology Management Journal Article Completed/Published Minix, J. S., Chapman, H., Joshi, N., & Zargari, A. (2016). An Investigation of Measurement Uncertainty of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM’s) by Comparative Analysis. Journal of Technology Studies (JOTS). Case, M. A., Chapman, H., Eason, T. N., Bennett, T. G., & Morrison, A.-J. S. (2016). Modelling the Atmospheric Impact on Photovoltaic Energy Output. Journal of Arts, Science, and Technology (JAST). Accepted Case, M., Chapman, H., Eason, T., Bennett, T., & Morrison, A. (2016). Towards a More User Friendly Methodology for Predicting Photovoltaic Energy Output. Journal of Technology Studies (JOTS).


Poster Presentation Completed/Published Rowlett, R., David, A. W., & Chapman, H. (2016, April). Design and Testing of a Scaled-Down Mechanical to Hydroelectric Energy Converter. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University: MSU Office of Sponsored Research. Rowlett, R., & Chapman, H. (2016, February). Mechanical to Electrical Energy Converter. Posters at the Capitol. Frankfort, KY: MSU Office of Sponsored Research. Presentation Completed/Published Joshi, N. N., Chapman, H., You, Y., & Ribera-Boigues, S. (2016, November). An Empirical Factor Analysis of Efficiency Ratios & Profitability Metrics of the U.S. Retail Industry. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., You, Y., & Ribera-Boigues, S. (2016, November). An Empirical Factor Analysis of Efficiency Ratios & Profitability Metrics of the U.S. Retail Industry. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Joshi, N. N., Chapman, H., You, Y., & Ribera-Boigues, S. (2016, November). An Empirical Factor Analysis of Efficiency Ratios & Profitability Metrics of the U.S. Retail Industry. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Joshi, N. N., Chapman, H., You, Y., & Ribera-Boigues, S. (2016, November). An Empirical Factor Analysis of Efficiency Ratios & Profitability Metrics of the U.S. Retail Industry. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Chapman, H., Zargari, A., Joshi, N. N., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., Zargari, A., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s Program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. The 2016 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, Florida: ATMAE National Organization. Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., Zargari, A., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s Program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. The 2016 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, Florida: ATMAE National Organization.


Chapman, H., Ribera-Boigues, S., Aghashahi, A., & Day, D. (2016, November). Total Quality Case Study of International Student Enrollment at Morehead State University. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Grants Awarded Chapman, Hans (Other) Equipment for Energy Systems and Sustainability Lab, Siemens Infrastructure and Cities Educational / MSU Administration (May 1, 2013 - August 31, 2018) Awarded: September 16, 2013, USD 41,839.00. Chapman, Hans (PI), Mason, Patrick (CoPI), Stepp, Jason (Program Coordinator) Enhancing the AET Manufacturing Lab with a High Performance Rapid Prototyping Machine, Pentair Foundation, Mount Sterling KY (September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2017) Awarded: June 25, 2014, USD 19,677.20. Chapman, Hans (CoPI), Stepp, Jason (CoPI) Enhancing the Rapid Prototyping at the AET Department, Pentair (September 1, 2014 - August 31, 2017) Awarded: March 28, 2015, USD 20,000.00. Chapman, Hans (CoPI), Stepp, Jason (CoPI) Enhancing the Rapid Prototyping at the AET Department (Additional), Pentair (September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2018), USD 20,000.00.

Grise, William R. Professor of Engineering & Technology Management Presentation Completed/Published Grise, W. R. (2015, November). Application of piezoelectric transducers in vibration suppression in flexible or micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). 2015 ATMAE Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: ATMAE. Grise, W. R. (2015, November). Bilayer Graphene Field-effect transistors - Analytical Modeling and Applications. 2015 ATMAE Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: ATMAE. Accepted Grise, W. R. (2016, November). Understanding the unusual electronic and thermal properties of graphene - their effect on graphene performance. 2016 ATMAE Annual Conference Orlando Florida. Orlando, FL: ATMAE - Association of Technology Management and Applied Engineering. Journal Article Accepted Ortega-, J. A., Sanchez-Alonso, R. E., & Grise, W. R. (2016). • LABORATORIO VIRTUAL DE ESCENARIOS INDUSTRIALES PARA ENTRENAMIENTO EN LAS ÁREAS DE AUTOMATIZACIÓN Y CONTROL. J.A. Ortega Moody, R.E. Sánchez-Alonso, William R. Grisé. Dyna, Spain.

Joshi, Nilesh N. Associate Professor of Engineering & Technology Management Journal Article Completed/Published Minix, J., Joshi, N. N., Chapman, H., & Zargari, A. (2016). An Investigation of Measurement Uncertainty of Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) by Comparative Analysis. The Journal of Technology Studies, XLII(1), 42–51.


Lambert, J. H., Joshi, N. N., & Thekdi, S. A. (2016). Multidimensional data and model uncertainties in comparing heterogeneous benefits of distributed transportation projects. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 22(2). Thekdi, S. A., & Joshi, N. N. (2016). Prioritization of capacity investment projects with stakeholder divergence criteria for coordinated infrastructure development. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 22(2). Thekdi, S. A., & Joshi, N. N. (2016). Risk-based vulnerability assessment for transportation infrastructure performance. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 12(3), 229–247. Ekanayake, N., Joshi, N., & Thekdi, S. (2016). Comparison of single- echelon vs. multi-echelon inventory systems using multi-objective stochastic modelling. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 23(2), 255–280. Presentation Completed/Published You, Y., & Joshi, N. N. (2016, November). An Automated Manufacturing Application with a Hydraulic System. 2016 ATMAE Conference. Orlando, FL. Joshi, N. N., Chapman, H., You, Y., & Ribera-Boigues, S. (2016, November). An Empirical Factor Analysis of Efficiency Ratios & Profitability Metrics of the U.S. Retail Industry. Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando FL: Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., Zargari, A., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s Program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. The 2016 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, Florida: ATMAE National Organization. Grants Awarded Joshi, Nilesh (PI), Shaw, James (CoPI), Zargari, Ahmad (CoPI), Highley, Mindy (CoPI), Mcneil, Roger (CoPI) Establishment of the 21st Century Center for Manufacturing Systems, James Graham Brown Foundation, Louisville, KY (January 19, 2015), USD 497,505.00.

Lee, Sanghyun Assistant Professor of Engineering & Technology Management Presentation Completed/Published You, Y., Wang, N., & Lee, S. (2015, November). Designing and Implementing LabVIEW & Arduino Control in a Solar Tracking System. ATMAE Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. You, Y., Wang, N., & Lee, S. (2015, November). Designing and Implementing LabVIEW & Arduino Control in a Solar Tracking System. ATMAE Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering.


You, Y., Wang, N., & Lee, S. (2015, November). Designing and Implementing LabVIEW & Arduino Control in a Solar Tracking System. ATMAE Annual Conference. Pittsburgh, PA: The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. Grants Awarded Lee, Sanghyun (PI) Evaluation of Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for developing 3-D printed solar cars and control systems (December 1, 2016 - November 30, 2017), USD 252,000.00.

Tavangarian, Fariborz Assistant Professor of Engineering & Technology Management Journal Article Accepted Mirhadi, S. m., Forghani, A., & Tavangarian, F. (2016). Low temperature synthesis, characterization and in vitro behavior of Mg2SiO4 nanopowder. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 42(7), 7974–7979. Grants Awarded Tavangarian, Fariborz (PI) Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Forsterite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering Application, Research and Creative Productions Committee (RCPC), Morehead State University, KY, USA (January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2017) Awarded: January 1, 2016, USD 5,000.00. Tavangarian, Fariborz (PI) Forsterite-bio-glass nanostructure composite scaffolds for bone tissue Engineering application, a pre-clinical study, Kimiya Darou (November 1, 2015 - November 1, 2016) Awarded: November 1, 2015, USD 25,000.00.

Zargari, Ahmad Associate Dean Engineering & Information Systems Presentation Completed/Published Zargari, A., & You, Y. (2016, November). ATMAE Alumni: A Trends Analysis and Demographics of 2010 ATMAE Accredited Programs Alumni. ATMAE 2016 Annual Conference. Orlando, CA: The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. Zargari, A., & Schild, K. (2016, November). ATMAE Demographics: A national study of ATMAE Accredited Faculty Trends, Salary, and Market Analysis. ATMAE 2016 Annual Conference. Orlando, FA: The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering. Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., Zargari, A., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s Program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. The 2016 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, Florida: ATMAE National Organization.


Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

Aly, Ashraf A. Assistant Professor of Computer Science Journal Article Completed/Published Aly, A. A. (2016). Cell Tracking Quality Comparison between Active Shape Model (ASM) and Active Appearance Models (AAM)-Based Tracking. (IJITCS), Vol.6, No.4. Aly, A. A. (2016). "An Efficient Algorithm to Calculate the Connectivity of Hyper-Rings Distributed Networks". (IJITCS), Vol.6, No.2/3. Aly, A. A. (2016). Research Review for Possible Relation between Mobile Phone Radiation and Brain Tumor. (IJITCS), Vol. 6(No.4) [Attachment]. Grants Awarded Aly, Ashraf (CoPI) SOAR/KARD grant RFP (November 15, 2016).

Hunt, Clifford S. Professor of Information Systems Presentation Completed/Published Chapman, H., Joshi, N. N., Zargari, A., & Hunt, C. S. (2016, November). Revision of the Master’s Program in Engineering and Technology Management (MSETM) at Morehead State University. The 2016 Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) Conference. Orlando, Florida: ATMAE National Organization.

Kizzier, Donna L. Associate Professor of Information Systems & Business Education Book Completed/Published Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). Casebook in Business, 2nd ed (p. tba (300?)). Little Rock AK: Delta Pi Epsilon Honorary Research Organization in Business affiliated with National Business Education Association. Chapter Completed/Published Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). Business Negotiations. In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance (p. 3). Reference book located in libraries: Cengage Publishing. Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). Cybercrime. In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance 4th ed (Vol. TBA, p. 4). Cengage. Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). Hardware. In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance 4th edition (Vol. to be updated with this info, p. 4). Cengage. Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). Project Management. In Encyclopedia of Business and Finance 4th ed (Vol. Cengage, p. 5). Cengage. Kizzier McAlister, D. L. (2014). TBA (chapter revision. In Encyclopedia of Business & Finance (p. 3). Cengage.


Nataraj, Sam Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems Journal Article Completed/Published Nataraj, S. (2016). Student Performance at College Level Introductory Computer Courses – Does Gender and Maturity Play a Role? International Journal of Management and Economic Research, 7(6), 788 – 792.

College of Education

DelliCarpini, Margo E. Dean, College of Education Chapter Accepted DelliCarpini, M. E. (2016). Preparing pre-service teachers to work with ELLs in the mainstream, ELA classroom through collaboration and Two-way CBI. In ELA Teachers and ELL Students: Preparing English Language Arts Teachers to Teach English Language Learners (p. 40). NCTE.

Haight, April D. Director of Environmental Center Grants Awarded Haight, April (PI) Triplett Creek Watershed Implementation, EPA via Kentucky Division of Water (February 1, 2016), USD 241,475.00. Haight, April (PI) Appalachian Teaching Project (August 11, 2014), USD 4,000.00. Haight, April (PI) EE Theme, Kentucky Environmental Education Council (September 15, 2015), USD 1,809.00. Haight, April (PI) NOAA Climate Steward Mini-grant, Carbon Pocket Park, NOAA (November 3, 2014), USD 2,700.00. Haight, April (PI) USFS Bioblitz (May 6, 2016), USD 4,357.00. Haight, April (PI) Carbon Pocket Park and Triplett Creek Park, LG&E (January 1, 2016), USD 4,250.00. Haight, April (PI) EPA Regional Models Program with Kentucky Environmental Education Association, EPA via Kentucky Association for Environmental Education (January 26, 2015 - September 30, 2017), USD 6,468.00. Haight, April (PI) Outdoor Classroom Development, East Kentucky PRIDE (January 1, 2016 - May 31, 2016), USD 500.00. Haight, April (PI), Reeder, Brian (CoPI) STEM Theme of the Environment, NASA Subgrant through NKU (January 15, 2014 - January 29, 2014), USD 39,996.00. Haight, April (PI) Preservice Service Teacher Environmental Education Training, East Kentucky PRIDE (December 1, 2016), USD 1,659.60. Haight, April (PI) EPA Regional Model Grant with Earth Force (July 1, 2016), USD 4,349.00.


Department of Early Childhood, Elementary & Special Education

Akers, Stephanie Director of Educational Services Unit for Child Care Services Grants Awarded Akers, Stephanie (Program Coordinator) Preparing Early Educators in Appalachian Kentucky, OSEP (January 12, 2015).

Decker, Martha M. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Accepted Decker, M. M. (2016, April). "What Can We Learn From Finland?" National Council for Exceptional Children. St. Louis, MO: Council for Exceptional Children.

Keadle, Amy S. Teacher in Residence SOAR STEM Initiative Grants Awarded Keadle, Amy (Other) Teacher Leader Master's Degree NB Initiative, CPE (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: March 10, 2015, USD 100,000.00. Keadle, Amy (Other) National Board Planning Year Grant, Appalachian Region Commission (July 31, 2014 - July 31, 2015) Awarded: July 31, 2014. Keadle, Amy (Program Coordinator) ARI Grant, KVEC (August 1, 2016 - September 3, 2016) Awarded: September 3, 2016, USD 55,000.00. Keadle, Amy (Other) ARC Grant for Teacher Leader Master's Degree NB Initiative, Appalachian Regional Commission (June 29, 2015 - May 11, 2018) Awarded: August 1, 2015.

Knoll, James A. Department Chair, Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Education Presentation Completed/Published Knoll, J. A. (2015, November). Researcher Roundtable. KY CEC Annual Conference. KY Council for Exceptional Children.

McLaren, Elizabeth M. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Michael, S., McLaren, E. M., Rooney-French, A., Hankins, S., & Stevens, S. (2016, October). Building Teacher Leadership and Instructional Excellence in Early Childhood Special Education: A Statewide Professional Learning Model. Division for Early Childhood International Conference. Louisville, KY: Division for Early Childhood.


McLaren, E. M. (2016, November). Rethinking Calendar Time: Making Group Activities Meaningful and Engaging for Children (and Teachers). KY CEC Exceptional Children’s Conference. Louisville, KY: KY Council for Exceptional Children. Grants Awarded McLaren, Elizabeth (PI), Rutland, Julie (CoPI) Preparing Early Educators in Appalachian Kentucky (PEEAK), Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (January 1, 2015) Awarded: October 22, 2014, USD 1,219,946.00. McLaren, Elizabeth (PI), Rutland, Julie (CoPI) Preparing Early Educators in Appalachian Kentucky (PEEAK), Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (January 1, 2015) Awarded: October 22, 2014, USD 1,219,946.00.

Miller, April D. Interim Department Chair, Early childhood, Elementary and Special Education SACS Fifth Year Report Committee Member Poster Presentation Completed/Published Miller, A. D., & Joseph, F. S. (2016, April). Saving Time in Transition. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Kallas, M. L., & Miller, A. D. (2016, September). SOS! My inattentive Student is disrupting the classroom. Kentucky Associate of Teacher Educators. Louisville, KY: KATE. Kallas, M. L., & Miller, A. D. (2016, April). SOS! My inattentive Student is disrupting the classroom. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Kallas, M. L., & Miller, A. D. (2016, February). SOS! My inattentive Student is disrupting the classroom. Posters at the Capitol. Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education. Kallas, M. L., & Miller, A. D. (2016, March). SOS! My inattentive Student is disrupting the classroom. National Association of Professional Development Schools National Conference. Washington D.C.: National Association of Professional Development Schools. Presentation Completed/Published Schack, E. O., Hawkins-Lear, S., Miller, A. D., Singh, D. K., & Decker, M. M. (2016, September). Early Numeracy: Multiple Means of Engagement. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. Louisville, KY: KATE.

Nettleton, Kimberely F. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Nettleton, K. F., & Lennex, L. (2016, April). Hit the Ground Running: Teaching in the 21st Century. Professional Development School Conference. Orlando, FL: Professional Development School Association.


Lennex, L., Nettleton, K. F., Perrin, A., & Elswick, J. (2016, May). Undergraduate Research Fellows in Education. Pedagogicon. Richmond, KY: Council on Postsecondary Education. Lennex, L., Nettleton, K. F., Perrin, A., & Elswick, J. (2016, May). Undergraduate Research Fellows in Education. Pedagogicon. Richmond, KY: Council on Postsecondary Education. Nettleton, K. F., Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., Christian, C., Ratliff, G., Ratliff, J., & Nelson, J. (2015, August). Gifted Education in Kentucky. KAGE. Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, March). But how do we know they are learning when they are out in the field? Documenting Growth through Co-teaching Experiences. National Association of Professional Development Schools. Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Gifted Education: Meeting the Needs of All Students. KY Education Association (KEA-SP) Winter Conference. Lexington, KY: KEA-SP. Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Meeting One of the Needs of Gifted Students. 36th Annual Conference Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lexington Kentucky: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Partnering with Parents. 36th Annual Conference Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lexington Kentucky: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lester, A., Glazer, C., Wingate, J., Templet, V., Mahar, D., Nettleton, K. F. Lefever- Davis, S. (2016, March). State Alliance Clinical Experience Design Panel. CAEP Conference. San Diego, CA: CAEP. Other Completed/Published Kessinger, M. W., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, April). The Nitty Gritty of Parenting Gifted Kids. LEX-KAGE Parent Super Saturday. Lexington, KY: LEX-KAGE. Nettleton, K. F. (2016, May). What do educators think or believe about gifted children? Symposium for Teacher Educators. Union, KY: Kentucky Advisory Council for Gifted and Talented Education. Kessinger, M. W., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, April). What Happened to my baby? LEX-KAGE Parent Super Saturday. Lexington, KY: LEX-KAGE. Nettleton, K. F., Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., Roach, R., Christian, C., Ratliff, G., Nelson, J. (2015). Gifted Education in Kentucky. KAGE. McIntyre, M., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). Co-teaching: Do School and University Partnerships Influence Behavior in the Classroom? Celebration of Student Scholarship. Helton, A., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). How playing Mozart music during spelling assessments improves test scores. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Oldfield, A., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). Implementation of a classroom timer. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Wilson, B., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). In the know: Classroom Teacher’s Knowledge of Gifted Student Characteristics. Posters at the Capitol.


Bingman, A., Hollin, A., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). The Influence of brain breaks on behavior in today’s classroom. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Porter, A., Mays, C., Moore, K., Johnson, T., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). The Mozart effect on elementary English language learners, special needs, and exceptional students. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Adkins, K., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016). The Relationship between Letter-Name and Letter-Sound Knowledge Correlation with Mnemonics Cards. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Chapter Completed/Published Nettleton, K. F., & Lennex, L. (2016). Technodiversity: lessons learned from diversity exchanges. In Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality (pp. 47–64). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Journal Article Completed/Published Nettleton, K. F., & Barnett, D. (2016). Gatekeeper or Lynchpin? The role of the principal in school-university partnerships. School University Partnerships. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Wilson, B., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, March). In the know: Classroom Teacher’s Knowledge of Gifted Student Characteristics. National Association of Professional Development School Conference Student Poster. Washington, D.C.: NAPDS. Wilson, B., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). In the know: Classroom Teacher’s Knowledge of Gifted Student Characteristics. KAGE Conference. Lexington, KY: KAGE.

Rutland, Julie H. Assistant Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Rutland, J. H. (2016, October). “Sibling Involvement in Early Intervention Strategies: Expanding Opportunities for Learning.” Annual International Conference on Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families. Louisville, KY: Division for Early Childhood. Rutland, J. H. (2016, July). “Supporting Families…what’s important to them?” ReadyKIDS Conference. Louisville, KY: Governor’s Office of Early Childhood. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Thompson, C., & Rutland, J. H. (2016, February). “Families Involving Siblings in Early Intervention.” Posters-at-the- Capitol. Frankfort, KY. Grants Awarded Rutland, Julie (Other), McLaren, Elizabeth (Other) Preparing Early Educators in Appalachian Kentucky, Office of Special Education (August 1, 2014 - April 4, 2014).


Schack, Edna O. Professor of Education Poster Presentation Completed/Published Fisher, M., Schack Ed.D., E. O., Thomas, J., & Jong, C. (2016, July). Changes in pre- service teachers’ attitudes toward mathematics: Differences in traditional and online approaches. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, Germany: International Congress on Mathematical Education. Presentation Completed/Published Schack, E. O., Hawkins-Lear, S., Miller, A. D., Singh, D. K., & Decker, M. M. (2016, September). Early Numeracy: Multiple Means of Engagement. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. Louisville, KY: KATE. Fisher, M. H., Jong, C., Thomas, J. N., & Schack Ed.D., E. O. (2016, January). Implementing an online professional noticing module and its influence on attitudes toward mathematics. Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Irvine, CA: Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators. Choy, B. H., Dindyal, J., Lee, M. Y., & Schack Ed.D., E. O. (2016, July). Mathematics teacher noticing: Expanding the terrains of this hidden skill of teaching. 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education. Hamburg, Germany: International Congress in Mathematical Education. Journal Article Accepted Thomas, J. N., Jong, C., Fisher, M. H., & Schack, E. O. (2015). Noticing and Knowledge: Exploring connection between professional noticing and mathematics knowledge for teaching among preservice elementary teachers. The Mathematics Educator. Grants Awarded Schack, Edna (PI), Fisher, Molly (PI), Jong, Cindy (CoPI), Thomas, Jonathan (CoPI) Collaborative Research: Technology-Centered Mathematical Noticing, National Science Foundation, IUSE (August 15, 2014) Awarded: August 15, 2014. Schack Ed.D., Edna (Other), Adams, Julie (Other) Mathematics Regional Coordinator contract, Kentucky Center for Mathematics (NKU) (January 1, 2013 - April 13, 2014) , USD 230,000.00.

Schack, Markham B. Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Schack, M. B. (2016, November). Computer science for kids: introduction to logo, the programming language for developing mathematical thinking. Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Schack, B. (2016, July). Kids can code: Introduction the logo programming language to develop conceptual thinking. National Science Teachers Association Annual STEM Conference, Denver, CO. Denver, CO: National Science Teachers Association.


Schack, M. B. (2016, March). Kids can code: Introduction to the logo programming language for learning mathematical thinking. Kentucky Center for Mathematics Annual Conference. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Center for Mathematics.

Shon, Mee-Ryoung Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Shon, M.-R. (2016, May). Early Childhood Teacher Education Program in KY. BK 21 (Brain Korea 21). Pusan National University: Pusan National University & Ministry of Korean Education. Accepted Shon, M.-R. (2016, May). Folding papers & unfolding possibilities. 2016 KY Head Start Association ANNUAL CONFERENCE. Louisville: KY Head Start Association. Grants Awarded Shon, Mee-Ryoung (PI) Enhancement of Best Practices in schools, Regional Engagement (January 12, 2015 - May 1, 2015) Awarded: December 12, 2014, USD 1,000.00. Shon, Mee-Ryoung (PI), Jenkins, Genevieve (Program Coordinator) Korean Language & Culture, Korean Foundation Fellowship (September 6, 2016 - May 5, 2017) Awarded: July 11, 2016, USD 5,000.00.

Singh, Delar K. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Singh, D. K. (2016, September). Early Numeracy: Multiple Means of Engagement. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators (KATE). Louisville, KY. Singh, D. K. (2016, November). Every Student Succeeds Act: Implications for Students with Disabilities. Annual Conference of the Teacher Education Division (TED) of the CEC. Lexington, KY: TED of the Council for Exceptional Children. Singh, D. K. (2016, November). Preparing Special Educators to Educate Homeless Children. Annual Conference of the TED of Council for Exceptional Children. Lexington, KY: TED of Council for Exceptional Children. Singh, D. K. (2016, April). Lives of Teachers: Preservice and Inservice Implications and Perspectives. Annual Meeting of AERA (I have been selected to chair above session via Blind Review). Washington, DC. Singh, D. K. (2016, April). Problem Solving in Complex Settings: Technologies, Teams, and Learning Environments. Annual Meeting of AERA-Via Blind Review, I have been selected to chair above session. Washington, DC: AERA. Accepted Singh, D. K. (2016, October). University Graduates with Disabilities. Annual Conference of DCDT of Council for Exceptional Children. Myrtle Beach, SC. Singh, D. K. (2016). Role of Clinical Practice in Teacher Preparation: An Investigation. Annual Conference of Association of Teacher Educators (ATE). Chicago: ATE.


Stultz, Sherry L. Assistant Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Stultz, S. L. (2016). A quantitative instructional study: How to test instructional practices with scientific integrity. Teacher Educator Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Lexington, Kentucky: Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Differentiated instruction: Coordinating all tiers. Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children’s Conference. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Meeting expectations: Teacher characteristics sought by public school superintendants. Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Lexington, Kentucky: Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Power Writing: A task sequence for teaching the writing form to students in K-12. Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children’s Conference. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Recipe for Reading: Integrating reading, spelling, and handwriting instruction for students with specific learning disability. Kentucky Council for Exceptional Children. Louisville, Kentucky. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Recipe for Reading: multisensory direct instruction approach for integrating reading, spelling and handwriting for students with specific learning disability. Kentucky Reading Association. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Reading Association. Stultz, S. L. (2016). Recipe for Reading: Reaching the literacy needs of students with special needs. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. University of Louisville, Shelbyville Campus: Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. Accepted Stultz, S. L. (2016). Characteristics sought of P-12 teacher candidates in the Commonwealth of Kentucky: A survey analysis. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. University of Louisville, Shelbyville Campus: Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. Stultz, S. L. (2016). How to conduct and analyze an experimental study in the classroom setting: An action-based research project to test the effectiveness of technology and teacher-directed activities. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. University of Louisville, Shelbyville Campus. Stultz, S. L. (2016). On-line instructional design and face to face instruction: Making time for applied activities. Kentucky Convergence Conference. Bowling Green, Kentucky: Western Kentucky University. Stultz, S. L., & McCain, J. C. (2016). Universal design for learning and differentiated lesson plans: Making tiers 1, 2, 3 and special education instruction seamless. Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators. University of Louisville, Shelbyville Campus: Kentucky Association of Teacher Educators.


Willis, Melinda R. Associate Professor of Education Grants Awarded Willis, Melinda (Other) Kentucky Reading Project, Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (January 1, 2009), USD 67,500.00. Willis, Melinda (PI) Kentucky Reading Project, Collaborative Center for Literacy Development (May 2, 2016).

Willis, G. Wayne Department Chair, Middle Grades & Secondary Education Grants Awarded Willis, G. (PI) Kentucky Child Assault Prevention, KDE (August 15, 2014 - August 15, 2016) Awarded: August 15, 2013, USD 96,000.00.

Department of Foundational & Graduate Studies in Education

Aagaard, Lola J. Professor of Education Poster Presentation Completed/Published Aagaard, L., Skidmore, R. L., & Conner, T. W. (2016, February). Cumulative Final Exam Performance With and Without a Cheat Sheet. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Presentation Completed/Published Aagaard, L. J., Roach, R. G., Stamm, V., & Wall, T. (2016, April). An evaluation of a math RTI training program in the primary grades. American Educational Research Association. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association. Aagaard, L. J., Roach, R. G., Wall, T., & Stamm, V. (2016, April). An Evaluation of a Math RTI Training Program in the Primary Grades. American Educational Research Association annual conference. Washington, DC: American Educational Research Association.

Bailey, Hargis R. Librarian IV/Head of Instructional Services Poster Presentation Completed/Published Bailey, H. R., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, May). It’s in the Syllabus! Etiquette Fails of College Students and how to Address Them. Pedagogicon. Eastern KY University, Richmond, KY: EKU.


Barnett, David Adjunct Professor Journal Article Accepted Nettleton, K. F., & Barnett, D. (2015). Gatekeeper or Lynchpin? The role of the principal in school-university partnerships. School University Partnerships.

Beckham, Leslie C. Assistant Professor of Education Journal Article Completed/Published Beckham, L. C. (2016). “A Man Unsatisfied By Little Things:” The Life and Times of Graves County Native Dr. Adron Doran. Jackson Purchase Historical Society. Presentation Completed/Published Beckham, L. C. (2016, Autumn). Exploring The Character of the Teacher Using Jesse Stuart’s The Thread That Runs So True. Kentucky Association for Teacher Education. Louisville, KY: KATE. Beckham, L. C. (2016, October). Nothing is More Mischievous than an Unreformed University. Ohio Valley History Conference. Cookeville, Tennessee: Ohio Valley History Conference. Beckham, L. C. (2016, October). Presentation on Charter Schools. Rowan County Retired Teachers Association. Morehead Kentucky: Rowan County Retired Teachers Association. Simpson, T. L., & Beckham, L. C. (2016, Spring). Great Books in Teacher Education: Developing Knowledge, Skills and Character. Critical Questions in Education. San Antonio, TX: Critical Questions in Education. Beckham, L. C. (2016, April).“ ‘No Rhetoric Can Cheat an Honest Conscience’: Educational Implications of Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will.” Association for Core Texts and Courses. Atlanta, GA: Association for Core Texts and Courses. Beckham, L. C. (2016, Spring).“ ‘No Rhetoric Can Cheat an Honest Conscience’: Educational Implications of Martin Luther’s The Bondage of the Will.” Association of Core Texts and Courses Annual Conference. Atlanta, Georgia: Association for Core Texts and Courses. Accepted Simpson, T. L., & Beckham, L. C. (2016, Spring). Great Books in Teacher Education: Developing Knowledge, Skills and Character. Critical Questions in Education. San Antonio, TX: Critical Questions in Education. Grants Awarded Beckham, Leslie (Coinvestigator), Simpson, Timothy (Program Coordinator) Institutional Membership for Association of Core Texts and Courses, Morehead State University (April 1, 2015 - April 1, 2016) Awarded: April 1, 2015, USD 1,000.00.


Conner, Timothy W. Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Aagaard, L., Skidmore, R. L., & Conner, T. W. (2016, February). Cumulative Final Exam Performance With and Without a Cheat Sheet. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Aagaard, L., Skidmore, R. L., & Conner, T. W. (2016, February). Cumulative Final Exam Performance With and Without a Cheat Sheet. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Aagaard, L., Skidmore, R. L., & Conner, T. W. (2016, February). Cumulative Final Exam Performance With and Without a Cheat Sheet. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Curry, John H. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Jones, M. G., Curry III, J. H., Rogers, S., Warren, S. J., & Lockee, B. (2016, October). Writing Techniques for Graduate Students & Selecting a Dissertation Topic. Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Las Vegas, NV. Other Completed/Published Curry III, J. H., & Whitney-Emberton, J. (2016). Review of Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching, 7th Edition by M.D. Roblyer. TechTrends.

Hooker, Steven D. Assistant Professor of Education Leadership Presentation Accepted Hooker, S. D., Christian, C. J., & Privott, D. R. (2016, May). The Faces of Diversity: Beyond Black and White. Pedagogicon. Richmond, Kentucky: Eastern Kentucky University.

Hughes, Amber N. Assistant Professor of Education Counseling Journal Article Completed/Published Hughes, A. N., & Gibbons, M. (2016). Understanding the Career Development of Underprepared College Students. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice. Presentation Completed/Published Hughes, A. N. (2016, June). Creativity in career counseling [Keynote speaker]. Tennessee Career Development Association. Nashville, TN.


Justice, Jeannie Assistant Professor of Education Chapter Completed/Published Justice, L. J., & Hooker, S. D. (2016). Creating Digital Safe Spaces for Gender Expression and Sexual Diversity. In Teacher Education for Ethical Professional Practice in the 21st Century. IGI Global. Presentation Completed/Published Proctor, D. L., & Justice, L. J. (2016, Autumn). A creative way to build confidence and preparedness for face-to-face interviews: An online interview simulation. AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) International Conference 2016. Las Vegas, Nevada: Association for Educational Communications & Technology. Ensmann, S. Y., & Justice, L. J. (2016, Autumn). Children have rights too: Using creative games and simulations to teach children’s rights. AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) International Conference 2016. Las Vegas, Nevada: Association for Educational Communications & Technology. Justice, L. J. (2016, Autumn). Creative solutions for preventing cyberbullying: Everyone deserves to feel safe in school. AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) International Conference 2016. Las Vegas, Nevada: Association for Educational Communications & Technology. Justice, L. J., & Hooker, S. D. (2016, Autumn). Creative ways to include LGBTQ students: Everyone deserves and education. AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) International Conference 2016. Las Vegas, Nevada: Association for Educational Communications & Technology. Justice, L. J. (2016, Autumn). The other side of flipped instruction: Creating interaction inside the classroom. NCPN (National Career Pathways Network) Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: CORD (Center for Occupational Research & Development). Justice, L. J. (2016, Autumn). Why schools and wearable technologies go together like peanut butter and chocolate. NCPN (National Career Pathways Network) Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: CORD (Center for Occupational Research & Development). Justice, L. J. (2016, Spring). Why schools need wearable technologies. KYSTE (Kentucky Society for Technology in Education) 2016 Conference. Louisville, KY: Kentucky Society for Technology in Education. Proceedings Completed/Published Justice Ed.D., L. J. (2015). Losing is Learning: Using Gaming Concepts to Teach Failure as Part of the Learning Process. In AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) 2015 Conference. Justice, L. J. (2015). Using a Backchannel to Build a Community of Practice in a Professional Development. In AECT (Association for Educational Communications & Technology) 2015 Conference.


Accepted Proctor, D. L., & Justice, L. J. (2016). A creative way to build confidence and preparedness for face-to-face interviews: An online interview simulation. In Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Ensmann, S. Y., & Justice, L. J. (2016). Children have rights too: Using creative games and simulations to teach children’s rights. In Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). [Attachment]. Justice, L. J., & Hooker, S. D. (2016). Creating ways to include LGBTQ students: Everyone deserves an education. In Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). Justice, L. J. (2016). Creative solutions for preventing cyberbullying: Everyone deserves to feel safe in school. In Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).

Kessinger, Michael W. Assistant Professor of Education Leadership Presentation Completed/Published Privott, D. R., Tan, F., & Kessinger, M. W. (2016, Autumn). Adult Theory and Communication in Teacher Preparation. AAACE 2016 Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Kessinger, M. W., Edwards, T. R., & Bostic, E. (2016, October). PIVOTT: Promoting an Innovation Vision for Outstanding Teachers with Technology. Title 1 Educational Conference. Pikeville: Pike County School System. Kessinger, M. W., Edwards, T. R., & Bostic, E. (2016, October). Resources, But We Have No Money! Title 1 Educational Conference. Pikeville: Pike County School System. Nettleton, K. F., Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., Christian, C., Ratliff, G., Ratliff, J., & Nelson, J. (2015, August). Gifted Education in Kentucky. KAGE. Nettleton, K. F., Kessinger, M. W., & Lennex, L. (2016, March). But How Do We Know They Are Learning When They Are Out In The Field? Documenting Growth through Co-Teaching Experiences. National Association Professional Development Schools. Washington, D.C.: NAPDS. Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Meeting One of the Needs of Gifted Students. 36th Annual Conference Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lexington Kentucky: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Partnering with Parents. 36th Annual Conference Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lexington Kentucky: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Kessinger, M. W., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, April). The Nitty Gritty of Parenting Gifted Kids. LEX-KAGE Parent Super Saturday. Lexington, KY: LEX-KAGE. Journal Article Accepted Hooker, S. D., & Kessinger, M. W. (2016). What prepares one to be a successful superintendent: Is there a pipeline to the superintendency? American School Board Journal.


Parton, Becky S. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Parton, B. S. (2016, October). Captioning Course Material: Current Issues and Creative Solutions. AECT - Association for Educational Communication and Technology. Las Vegas, Nevada: AECT. Journal Article Completed/Published Parton, B. S. (2016). Glass Vision 3D: Digital Discovery for the Deaf. Tech Trends, currently on–line; print to follow. Parton, B. S. (2016). Video Captions for On- line Courses: Do YouTube’s Auto Generated Subtitles Meet Deaf Students’ Needs? Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning, 20(1). Poster Presentation Completed/Published Parton, B. S. (2016, May). Auto-Captioning Strikes Out: Join the Subtitle Training Camp. United States Distance Learning Association National Conference (USDLA). St. Louis, Missouri: USDLA [Attachment]. Grants Awarded Parton, Becky (PI) Project L.E.A.D.S (Literacy in English and ASL for Deaf Students), Phi Kappa Phi (August 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017) Awarded: May 25, 2016, USD 2,110.00.

Privott, Daryl R. Assistant Professor of Adult & Higher Education Presentation Completed/Published Privott, D. R., Tan, F., & Kessinger, M. W. (2016, Autumn). Adult Theory and Communication in Teacher Preparation. AAACE 2016 Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. Privott, D. R., & Hornbuckle, J. (2016, Autumn). Six-Block Holler. Tri-State Conference on Diversity and Inclusion. Benton, J., Privott, D. R., & Phillips, C. (2016, Spring). Serving Ethnic Minority Students at PWI’s in the Age of Accountability. Kentucky Association of Blacks in Higher Education. Bowling Green, KY. Hooker, S., Christian, C. J., & Privott, D. R. (2016, Spring). The Faces of Diversity: Beyond Black and White. The 2016 Pedagogicon. Richmond, KY: Council on Postsecondary Education.

Shope, Shane C. Assistant Professor of Education Leadership Journal Article Completed/Published Johnson, J., Godwyll, F., & Shope, S. C. (2016). The influence of grade span on student achievement in Florida. International Journal of Education Reform, 25(4), 382–397.


Johnson, J. D., Godwyll, F., & Shope, S. C. (2015). The Influence of Grade Span on Student Achievement in Florida: A Quantitative Investigation. International Journal of Educational Reform. Presentation Completed/Published Shope, S. C., & Roush, J. R. (2016, July). Addressing Challenges to Postsecondary Transitions through K12/Higher Education Collaboration. Cross REL Event: Postsecondary Readiness in Rural Communities. Nashville, Tennessee: Cross- Regional Education Labs - Appalachia, Mid-Atlantic and Northwest. Shope, S. C., & Roush, J. R. (2016, September). Asset Mapping for community development: K12 perspective. Western Kentucky Education Cooperative Seminar. Eddyville, Kentucky: WKEC. Roush, J. R., Shope, S. C., & Johnson, J. D. (2015, August). Community Asset Mapping as a Tool for Educational Leaders. NCPEA Conference. Washington D.C.: NCPEA. Shope, S. C. (2015, August). Community Asset Mapping as a Tool for Educational Leaders. NCPEA 2015 Conference. Washington, D.C.: National Council of Professors of Educational Administration. Roush, J. R., & Shope, S. C. (2015, September). Community Asset Mapping: Education, Industry, and Partnerships. Southeast Region OMIC (Ohio Mean Internships and Coops). Chillicothe, OH: Southeast Region OMIC (Ohio Means Internships and Coops).

Simpson, Timothy L. Interim Department Chair, Foundational and Graduate Studies in Education Presentation Completed/Published Simpson, T. L., & Beckham, L. C. (2016, Spring). Great Books in Teacher Education: Developing Knowledge, Skills and Character. Critical Questions in Education. San Antonio, TX: Critical Questions in Education. Simpson, T. L. (2016, Spring). Isocrates against the Sophists: Tempering Excessive Promises. Association for Core Texts and Courses. Atlanta: Association for Core Texts and Courses. Simpson, T. L. (2016, Spring). The Public Square (Invited Presentation). Critical Questions in Education. San Antonio: Critical Questions in Education.

Skidmore, Ronald L. Professor of Educational Psychology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Aagaard, L., Skidmore, R. L., & Conner, T. W. (2016, February). Cumulative Final Exam Performance With and Without a Cheat Sheet. Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy. Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.


Spradlin, Kelly L. Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Spradlin, L. K. (2015, February). Expressive Therapy for Teaching Diversity Constructs. Eastern Educational Research Association (EERA). Sarasota, FL: EERA.

Department of Middle Grades & Secondary Education

Fernandez, Jody A. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Fernandez, J. A. (2016, Autumn). If Only I knew then what I know now. Association for Middle Level Education. Austin TX: AMLE. Fernandez, J. A. (2016, Spring). Ebedded Professional Development. National Youth at Risk Conference. Savannah, GA. Fernandez, J. A. (2016, Spring). Meeting the Challenges of Rural Education. National Youth at Risk Conference. Savannah, GA: NYAR. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Fernandez, J. A. (2016, Spring). Distinctive Challenges of First Generation Appalachian Students. National Youth at Risk Conference. Savannah, GA: NYAR.

Lennex, Lesia Professor of Education Chapter Completed/Published Nettleton, K. F., & Lennex, L. (2016). Techno-diversity: lessons learned from diversity exchanges. In Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality (pp. 47–64). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Elswick, J., & Lennex, L. (2016, April). Technology Use in Secondary Chemistry and Physics Classrooms in Kentucky. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Research and Sponsored Programs. Presentation Completed/Published Nettleton, K. F., Kessinger, M. W., & Lennex, L. (2016, March). But How Do We Know They Are Learning When They Are Out In The Field? Documenting Growth through Co-Teaching Experiences. National Association Professional Development Schools. Washington, D.C.: NAPDS. McCoy, J., & Lennex, L. (2016, April). Engagement and Service Learning: Framing your work to support tenure and promotion. Center for Regional Engagement. Morehead, KY: Center for Regional Engagement; Center for Leadership and Professional Development.


Lennex, L., & McCoy, J. (2016, March). Engagement and Service Learning: Venues for presenting and publishing your work. Center for Regional Engagement. Morehead, KY: Center for Regional Engagement; Center for Leadership and Professional Development. Kessinger, M. W., Nettleton, K. F., & Lennex, L. (2016, April). Parenting Gifted Children. LexKage. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education, Lexington unit. Kessinger, M. W., Lennex, L., & Nettleton, K. F. (2016, February). Partnering with Parents. 36th Annual Conference Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lexington Kentucky: Kentucky Association for Gifted Education (KAGE). Lennex, L., & Perrin, A. (2016, April). Technology in Kentucky Social Studies Classrooms. Gulf South Summit. Savannah, GA: Campus Compact. Lennex, L., Nettleton, K. F., Perrin, A., & Elswick, J. (2016, May). Undergraduate Research Fellows in Education. Pedagogicon. Richmond, KY: Council on Postsecondary Education. Accepted Nettleton, K. F., & Lennex, L. (2016, April). Hit the Ground Running: Teaching in the 21st Century. Professional Development School Conference. Orlando, FL: Professional Development School Association. Lennex, L., & Perrin, A. (2016, March). Technology in Kentucky Social Studies Classrooms. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education. Savannah, GA: Association for Advancement in Computing Education. Proceedings Completed/Published Lennex, L., Nettleton, K. F., & Kessinger, M. W. (2016). Partnering with Parents of Gifted Children. In Kentucky Association for Gifted Education. KAGE. Lennex, L., & Perrin, A. (2016). Technology in Kentucky Social Studies Classrooms. In Gulf South Summit. Georgia Southern University. Perrin, A., & Lennex, L. (2016). Technology in Kentucky Social Studies Classrooms. In Gulf South Summit. Morehead State University.

Long, David Assistant Professor of Education Journal Article Completed/Published Long, D., Love, T., Grubbs, M., & Kittrell, D. (2016). Science Educators Teaching Engineering Design: An Examination across Science Professional Development Sites. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 4(11), 163– 178. Accepted Long, D., & Avery, L. (2016). Cultural Studies of Rural Science Education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, TBA(TBA), TBA.


Completed/Published Pachla, K., Keck, A., Luh, A., & Long, D. (2016, April). Elementary Teachers and Climate Change: Examining teacher beliefs in a Science Professional Development Program. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD: NARST. Long, D. (2016, February). Science and the Unearned Virtues of the “Really Religious People" Public Perceptions of Science and Religion. Birmingham, UK: The Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum project. [Attachment] Long, D. (2016, February). Science, Faith, and Disentanglement in the Public Sphere. Invited lecture. Birmingham, UK: Newman University, The Science and Religion: Exploring the Spectrum project. Luh, A., Poland, S., Kittrell, D., & Long, D. (2016, April). Teacher Knowledge about Climate Change in the Context of Problem-Based Learning Professional Development. AERA Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: AERA. Kittrell, D., Luh, A., Poland, S., & Long, D. (2016, April). Teaching climate change through PBL: Successes and failures at a multi-site professional development institute. National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD: NARST.

Riegle, Sandra E. Associate Professor of Education Presentation Completed/Published Lindsey, S. J., Riegle, S. E., Collins, K., Stephens, M., Marksberry, B., Evans, T., Snowden, E. (2015, December). Projects Birding and Civil Rights. The Appalachian Teaching Project. Washington D.C.: Appalachian Regional Commission.

College of Science

Department of Agricultural Sciences

Chappell, Duane E. Assistant Professor of Veterinary Technology Journal Article Completed/Published Pusterla, N., Mapes, S., Akana, N., Barnett, C., MacKenzie, C., Gaughan, E., Vaala, W. (2016). Prevalence factors associated with equine herpesvirus type 1 infection in equids with upper respiratory tract infection and/or acute onset of neurological signs from 2008 to 2014. The Veterinary Record, 178(3), 70.

Harrelson, Flint W. Assistant Professor of Animal Science Other Accepted Harrelson, P. L., & Harrelson, F. W. (2016). Changes in Student Perceptions Following Completion of an Introductory Animal Science Course at a Regional Public University. Abstract Accepted for the Southern Section Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science.


Harrelson, P. L., & Harrelson, F. W. (2016). Student Demographics in an Introductory Animal Science Course at a Regional Public University. Abstract for Meeting of the Southern Section of the American Society of Animal Science. Grants Awarded Harrelson, Flint (PI), Deller, Ashley (Other) Undergraduate Research Fellowship, MSU Research & Sponsored programs / Department of Agricultural Sciences (September 1, 2014 - March 1, 2016) , USD 1,800.00. Harrelson, Flint (PI), Seim, Lisa (CoInvestigator) Undergraduate Research Fellowship (September 15, 2016 - December 15, 2016) , USD 1,000.00.

Harrelson, Patricia L. Assistant Professor of Animal Science Other Accepted Harrelson, P. L., & Harrelson, F. W. (2016). Changes in Student Perceptions Following Completion of an Introductory Animal Science Course at a Regional Public University. Abstract Accepted for the Southern Section Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science. Harrelson, P. L., & Harrelson, F. W. (2016). Student Demographics in an Introductory Animal Science Course at a Regional Public University. Abstract for Meeting of the Southern Section of the American Society of Animal Science. Grants Awarded Harrelson, Patricia (CoPI) Effects of Two-Stage Weaning on Calf Vocalization and Growth, MSU (January 18, 2016) Awarded: January 18, 2016, USD 600.00. Harrelson, Patricia (CoPI) Effect of Two-Stage Weaning on Calf Vocalization and Growth, MSU (September 27, 2015) Awarded: September 27, 2015, USD 600.00. Harrelson, Patricia (CoPI), Harrelson, Flint (CoPI) Effects of Two-Stage Weaning on Calf Performance, Department of Agricultural Sciences (September 21, 2015 - December 12, 2015) Awarded: September 21, 2015, USD 600.00. Harrelson, Patricia (CoPI), Harrelson, Flint (CoPI) Effect of Two-Stage Weaning on Calf Growth and Behavior Parameters, MSU (September 1, 2016 - December 9, 2016) Awarded: September 1, 2016, USD 1,000.00.

Peterson, Kimberly M. Associate Professor of Veterinary Technology Journal Article Completed/Published Peterson DVM, K. M., & Staton, A. J. (2016). Special Care for Sight Hounds. North American Veterinary Technician Association Journal. Grants Awarded Peterson DVM, Kimberly (PI) Department of Juvenile Justice Greyhound Program, Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association Foundation (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016) Awarded: March 3, 2016, USD 2,300.00. Peterson DVM, Kimberly (PI) Morehead Youth Development Center Greyhound Program, Greyhound Pets of America, Inc. (April 19, 2016 - April 19, 2017) Awarded: April 19, 2016, USD 1,025.07.


Prater, Philip E. Co-Interim Dept. Chair/Director - Veterinary Technology Program Presentation Accepted Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, October). Use of Strip Mined Land to Expand the Cattle Herd in Eastern Kentucky. Center for Animal Health in Appalachia. Harrogate, Tenn.: CAHA - Lincoln Memorial University - CVM. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, July). Breeding Soundness in Bulls. AAEP Club. St. Kits, BWI: Ross University - School of Vet Medicine. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, July). Health Aspects for Heifer Development. AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. St. Kits, BWI: AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, February). Health Considerations for Heifer Development. Mid-South Stocker Conference. Cave City, KY: UK / UT Cooperative Extension Service. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, July). Health for Stocker Cattle. AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. St. Kits, BWI: AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, July). Heifer Development and the Veterinarian’s Role. AABP- Ross SVM. St. Kits, BWI: AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. Prater DVM, P. E. (2016, July). Practice Management Seminar. AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM. St. Kits, BWI: AABP Club - Ross Univ. SVM.

Rogers, C. Brent Associate Professor of Agriculture Other Completed/Published Rogers, C. B. (2015). Morehead State University Corn Variety Trial. Field Day and Participant plus Public Report. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Combs, T., Rogers, C. B., Graham, J., & Perry, D. (2016, April). Improving soil health with a multispecies cover cropping system: Preliminary data. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University: Morehead State University. Combs, T., Rogers, C. B., Graham, J., & Perry, D. (2016, February). Improving soil health with a multispecies cover cropping system: Preliminary data. Posters at the Capitol. State Capitol, Frankfort, KY: Posters-at-the Capitol Organizing Committee, State Universities in KY.

Staton, Amy J. Assistant Professor of Veterinary Technology Journal Article Completed/Published Staton, A. J., & Peterson DVM, K. M. (2016). Special Care for Sight Hounds. North American Veterinary Technician Association Journal, 14–18. Other Completed/Published Staton, A. J., Lewis, B. I., Chappell, D. E., Prater, P. E., & Peterson, K. M. (2014). Perioperative Anesthetic Complications in Heartworm Positive Dogs. Submitted to The American Heartworm Society Triennial Symposium.


Presentation Completed/Published Staton, A. J. (2016, June). All Wrapped Up: Small Animal Bandaging Techniques Including Wet Lab. BTVMA - Morehead Clinic Days. Morehead, KY: BTVMA. Staton, A. J. (2016, March). Enhancing the Adoptability of Shelter Animals. UK Animal Shelter Operations Training. Morehead, KY: University of Kentucky. Staton, A. J. (2016, April). Enhancing the Adoptability of Shelter Animals. UK Animal Shelters Operation Training. Morehead State University Derrickson Agricultural Complex: University of Kentucky.

Stubbs, Joyce A. Department Chair, Agricultural Sciences Grants Awarded Stubbs, Joyce (PI) Professional Development for Teacher Educators, KY Dept. of Ed (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 6,000.00. Stubbs, Joyce (PI) Field-based Teacher Education, KY Dept. of Ed (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 20,250.00. Stubbs, Joyce (Program Coordinator), Howell, Teresa (Program Coordinator), Prater, Philip (Program Coordinator), Wright, Donna (Program Coordinator) Perkins Basic Funding, KY Dept. of Ed (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 30,919.00. Stubbs, Joyce (CoPI), Blackwell, Rachel (CoPI) Building Math in CTE: Computational Thinking and Construction, CPE (January 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018) Awarded: November 18, 2016, USD 130,000.00.

Department of Biological & Chemistry

Blankenbuehler, Mark T. Associate Professor of Chemistry Poster Presentation Completed/Published Cornwell, B., & Blankenbuehler, M. T. (2016, April). Separation of identification of Pyrazoline Compounds Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University.

Cottingham, Christopher M. Assistant Professor of Biology Grants Awarded Cottingham, Christopher (PI) Antipsychotic drug targeting of alpha2A adrenergic receptors in adipogenesis, KBRIN IDeA (May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2017) Awarded: May 1, 2015, USD 80,000.00.


Dennis, Douglas E. Professor of Biology Grants Awarded Dennis, Douglas (Program Coordinator) Kentucky Biomedical Research Infrastructure Network - National Institutes of Health, NIH (May 1, 2014 - December 30, 2016) Awarded: May 1, 2014, USD 117,500.00.

Eisenhour, David J. Professor of Biology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Goble, A., & Eisenhour, D. J. (2016, April). Brain morphology of madtom catfishes (Noturus) reflects their ecology. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, Kentucky: Morehead State University. Yates, B., Compton, M., & Eisenhour, D. J. (2016, April). Comparison of Detection probabilities of Blackside Dace (Chrosomus cumberlandensis) in streams in Kentucky and Tennessee. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, Kentucky: Morehead State University. Presentation Completed/Published Yates, B., Eisenhour, D. J., & Compton, M. (2016, November). Occupancy modeling of Blackside Dace (Chrosomus cumberlandensis) and Cumberland Arrow Darter (Etheostoma sagitta) using conductivity as a covariate. Kentucky Academy of Science and Southeastern Fishes Council. Louisville, KY and Jackson, MS: Kentucky Academy of Science and Southeastern Fishes Council. Book Completed/Published Hickman, C. p., Roberts, L. S., Keen, S. L., Larson, A., I’Anson, H., & Eisenhour, D. J. (2015). Integrated Principles of Zoology, 17th ed. McGraw-Hill. Journal Article Accepted Eisenhour, D. J., & Washburn, B. A. (2015). Water-column position and movements of six darters (Teleostei- Percidae) in an eastern Kentucky stream. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Sciences. Grants Awarded Eisenhour, David (CoPI), Compton, Mike (CoPI) Comparison of detection probabilities of Blackside Dace (Chrosomus cumberlandensis) in streams in Kentucky and Tennessee, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (July 1, 2015 - September 1, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 22,000.00.


Gearner, Geoffrey W. Professor of Biology Grants Awarded Gearner, Geoffrey (PI), Brown, Rachel (CoPI) The Use of eDNA to Detect Bacterial Genetic Markers Associated with fecal contamination in the Triplett Creek Watershed, Rowan County, KY, Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute through the U.S. Geological Survey (May 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017) Awarded: December 1, 2015, USD 4,836.00. Gearner, Geoffrey (PI) State Principal Microbiology Laboratory, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency via Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet (July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017) Awarded: May 1, 2016, USD 29,531.00.

Gibbs, Kurt M. Assistant Professor of Biology Journal Article Completed/Published Theis, T., Yoo, M., Park, C. S., Chen, J., Kügler, S., Gibbs, K. M., & Schachner, M. (2016). Lentiviral Delivery of miR-133b Improves Functional Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury in Mice. Molecular Neurobiology. Grants Awarded Gibbs, Kurt (PI) miRNA Expression after spinal cord injury in Xenopus laevis, National Institutes of Health (August 18, 2014 - June 30, 2017) Awarded: November 14, 2014, USD 319,348.00. Gibbs, Kurt (PI) miRNA Expression after spinal cord injury in Xenopus laevis, National Institutes of Health (August 18, 2014 - June 30, 2017) Awarded: November 14, 2014, USD 319,348.00.

Hare, Janelle M. Professor of Biology Journal Article Completed/Published Witkowski, T. A., Grice, A. N., Stinnett, D. B., Wells, W. K., Peterson, M. A., & Hare, J. M. (2016). UmuDAb: An Error-Prone Polymerase Accessory Homolog Whose N- Terminal Domain Is Required for Repression of DNA Damage Inducible Gene Expression in Acinetobacter baylyi. PloS One, 11(3), e0152013. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Wright, A., Cook, B., Baldridge, K., & Hare, J. M. (2016, November). Discovery, Purification, Isolation, and Analysis of Mycobacteriophages Kalb97, Stanley, and Eurydice. Kentucky Academy of Sciences General Meeting. Louisville, KY. Anderson, R., Frommeyer, J., & Hare, J. M. (2016, November). Isolation and analysis of field collected Mycobacterium smegmatis bacteriophages Princess Harper, CelerMors, and Tapioca. Kentucky Academy of Sciences General Meeting. Louisville, KY. Cyrus, K., & Hare, J. M. (2016, November). Seabastian the SEA-Phage: Road to Discovery. Kentucky Academy of Sciences General Meeting. Louisville, KY.


Hare, J. M., & Carter, T. S. (2016, November). Stress-Induced Filamentation of Acinetobacter baylyi. Kentucky Academy of Sciences General Meeting. Louisville, KY. Witkowski, T., Peterson, M. A., Grice, A. N., Stinnett, D., Wells, W. K., & Hare, J. M. (2016, November). UmuDAb in Acinetobacter Functions as a LexA-Like Repressor. Kentucky Academy of Sciences General Meeting. Louisville, KY. Grice, A. N., Witkowski, T., Peterson, M. A., Stinnett, D., Hare, J. M., & Wells, W. K. (2016, February). The N- terminus of a DNA polymerase manager is required for repression of DNA damage-inducible genes in Acinetobacter. 2nd Dynamic DNA and RNA Structures in Damage Responses and Cancer. Cancun, Mexico: Fusion Conferences. Grants Awarded Hare, Janelle (PI) KBRIN Bridge Funding for NIH Rl5 grant: Mechanisms of action of UmuD, National Institutes of Health via University of Louisville Research Foundation (May 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017) Awarded: May 1, 2016, USD 27,685.00. Hare, Janelle (PI) KBRIN-MSU Lead Faculty, National Institutes of Health (May 1, 2016), USD 20,600.00.

Lydeard, Charles Department Chair, Biology and Chemistry Chapter Completed/Published Lydeard, C., & Bonnan, M. F. (2016). Exercise 9: Systematics and Cladistics. In Zoology 200 Introduction to Animal Biology 2016-2017 Laboratory Manual (p. Pp. 173–192). Macmillan Learning Curriculum Solutions, Plymouth, MI. Journal Article Accepted Lydeard, C., Campbell, D., & Golz, M. (2016). Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 should be treated as a native of North America, not Europe. Malacologia, 59.

O'Keefe, Sean T. Associate Professor of Biology Poster Presentation Completed/Published OKeefe, S. T., & Brown, R. (2016, April). Investigating Rowan County Lepidoptera biodiversity, part five: Nymphalidae and Riodinidae. MSU Celebration for Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University.

Reeder, Brian C. Professor of Biology Presentation Completed/Published Reeder Ph.D., B. C. (2016, Autumn). Assessment of Large-scale Wetland Restoration in Kentucky (USA) Watersheds. EcoSummit. Montpelier, France: National Science Foundation support.


Reeder Ph.D., B. C., & Yates, B. L. (2016, Autumn). Effects of Temperature and Macronutrient Ratio (TN:TP) on Microcystin Production by Microcystis aeruginosa. Annual Meeting of the Ohio River Basin Consortium for Research and Education. Youngstown State University. Reeder Ph.D., B. C. (2016, Autumn). Status of the Licking River Basin. Licking River Watershed Watch Annual Meeting. Blue Licks State Resort Park, KY: LRWW. Grants Awarded Reeder Ph.D., Brian (PI) Greenbriar Reservoir Harmful Algal Bloom Analysis, Kentucky Division of Water (September 30, 2015 - April 30, 2016) Awarded: September 30, 2015, USD 2,500.00. Haight, April (CoPI), Reeder, Brian (CoPI) NASA Space Grant Consortium Innovative STEM Education, NASA through Northern Kentucky University (September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2015), USD 61,582.00.

VanNess, Brandon G. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Grants Awarded VanNess, Brandon (PI) Studying the MacMillan’s enantioselective cross- aldol reaction for LMA-P2, Biology and Chemistry Faculty Research Endowment, Department of Biology and Chemistry, Morehead State University (September 5, 2016) Awarded: September 2, 2016, USD 966.14.

Department of Earth & Space Sciences

Chapman, Marshall Associate Professor of Geology Presentation Completed/Published Whitman, M. L., Seaman, S. J., & Chapman, M. (2015, March). Eruptive History and Geochemistry of the Isle au Haut Volcanic Series, Coastal Maine. Northeastern Section of the Geological Society of America.

Grupe, Dirk Assistant Professor Astrophysics & Space Science Journal Article Completed/Published Parker, M., Komossa, S., Kollatschny, W., Walton, D., Schartel, N., Santos Lleo, M., al., et. (2016). The Detection and X-ray View of the Changing Look AGN HE 1136- 2304. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 461, 1927. Dong, S., Shappee, B., Prieto, J. l., Jha, S. w., Stanek, K., Hughes, T., Grupe, D. (2016). ASASSN-15lh: A highly super-luminous supernova. Science, 351(6270), 257.


Dong, S., al., et, Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). ASASSN-15lh: A highly super- luminous supernova. Science, 351, 257. Holoien, T., Kochanek, C., Pieto, J., Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). ASASSN-15oi: A Rapidly Evolving, Luminous Tidal Disruption Event at 216 Mpc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 463, 3913. Holoien, T., Prieto, J., Pejcha, O., Stanek, K., Kochanek, C., Shappee, B., al., et. (2016). Discovery and Observations of the Unusually Luminous Type-defying II-P/II-L Supernova ASASSN-13co. Acta Astronomica, 66, 219. Wehrle, A., Grupe, D., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., Gurwell, M., Balokovic, M., Stern, D. (2016). Erratic Flaring of BL Lac in 2012-2013: multiwavelength Observations. Astrophysical Journal, 816, 53. 637X/816/2/53/meta;jsessionid=E820B5A322E74D36D27ADBCD3F0E3994. Wehrle, A., Grupe, D., Jorstad, S., Marscher, A., & al., et. (2016). Erratic Flaring of BL Lac in 2012-2013: Multiwavelength Observations. Astrophysical Journal, 816, 53. Holoien, T., Kochanek, C., Prieto, J. l., Stanek, K., Dong, S., Shappee, B., & Grupe, D. (2016). Six months of multi-wavelength follow-up of the tidal disruption candidate ASASSN-14li and implied TDE rates from ASAS-SN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455, 2918. Holoien, T., Kochanek, C., Prieto, J., Stanek, K., Dong, S., Shappee, B., al, et. (2016). Six months of multi-wavelength follow-up of the tidal disruption candidate ASASSN-14li and implied TDE rates from ASAS-SN. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 455, 2918. Fausnaugh, M., Denney, K., al., et, Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 821, 56. Goad, M., Korista, K., De Rosa, G., al., et, Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). Space Telescope and optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IV. Anomalous Behavior of the Broad Ultraviolet Emission Lines in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal, 824, 11. Fausnaugh, M., & Grupe, D. (2015). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. III. Optical Continuum Emission and Broadband Time Delays in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal. Accepted Giustini, M., Constantini, E., De Marco, B., Svoboda, J., Motta, S., Proga, D., al., et. (2016). Direct Probe of the Inner Accretion Flow around the Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 2617. Astronomy and Astrophysics. Starkey, D., Horne, K., al., et, Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VI. Reverberating Disk Models for NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal. Goad, M., & Grupe, D. (2016). Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. IV. Anomalous behavior of the broad ultraviolet emission lines in NGC 5548. Astrophysical Journal.


Other Completed/Published Grupe, D., Komossa, S., & Gomez, J. (2016). Correction in X-ray Flux in OJ 287. Astronomer’s Telegram, ATEL 9632. Grupe, D., Komossa, S., & Gomez, J. (2016). OJ 287: Discovery of an X-ray and UV Flare with Swift. Astronomer’s Telegram ATEL 9629. Shappee, B., Piro, A., Holoien, T., Prieto, J., Contreras, C., Itagaki, K., al., et. (2016). The Young and Bright Supernova ASASSN-14lp: Discovery of Early-time Observations, First Light Time, Distance to NGC 4666, and Prgenitor Constraints. Astrophysical Journal. Grupe, D., Longinotti, A.-L., Kriss, G., Komossa, S., Gallo, L., & Wilkes, D. (2015). Discovery of the NLS1 Mkn 335 in an extremely low UV flux state with Swift. The Astronomer’s Telegram, #8477. Komossa, S., Myserlis, I., Angelakis, E., Bach, U., Krichbaum, T. p., & Grupe, D. (2015). Effelsberg radio follow-up observations of the optical outburst of the blazar OJ 287: flux density and polarization. The Astronomer’s Telegram #8411. Grupe, D., & Lackey-Stewart, A. (2015). Swift confirms flare in BL Lacertae in the Optical/UV. The Astronomer’s Telegram, #8317. Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). Discovery of X-rays from the Type IIP supernova ASASSN 16at with Swift. Astronomer’s Telegram. Grupe, D., Dong, S., Shappee, B., Holoien, T., Stanek, K., Kochanek, C., Margutti, R. (2016). Discovery of X-rays from the Type IIP Supernova ASASSN 16at with Swift. The Astronomer’s Telegram, #8588. Grupe, D., & al., et. (2016). X-ray and UV Detection of the supernova candidate ASASSN 16fp (AT 2016coi) with Swift. Astronomer’s Telegram, ATEL 9088. Presentation Completed/Published Grupe, D. (2016, September). Evidence for new relations between GRB prompt and afterglow emission in 12 years of Swift. Colloquium talk at WKU. Bowling Green, KY. Grupe, D. (2016, November). RX J2317-4422: A Large Variable Amplitude Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy. Kentucky Academy of Science Meeting 2016. Louisville, KY. Grupe, D. (2016, February). Cubesat development at the Space Science Center in Morehead, KY. Colloquium talk. Goettingen, Germany. Grupe, D. (2016, April). RX J2317--4422: A large Amplitude Variable Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy. AAS Kentucky Area Meeting. Richmond, KY: AAS. Grupe, D. (2016, April). RX J2317-4422: A Large Variable Amplitude Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy. AAS Kentucky Area Meeting. Richmond, KY. Proceedings Completed/Published Komossa, S., Myserlis, I., Fuhrmann, L., Xu, D., & Grupe, D. (2016). Multi- wavelength observations of the narrow- line Seyfert 1 galaxy RX J2314.9+2243. In International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium (Vol. 312, p. 61).


Yao, S., Yuan, W., Komossa, S., Grupe, D., Fuhrmann, L., & Liu, B. (2016). Swift -ray detected narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy 1H 0323+342. In International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposiummonitoring (Vol.and Suzaku 312, p. spectroscopy61). of the γ Foschini, L., al., et, Grupe, D., & al., et. (2015). Broadband properties of flat- spectrum radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. In 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva (Switzerland). Grants Awarded Grupe, Dirk (PI) The Young Type IIP Supernova ASASSN-16at, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory/NASAS (May 16, 2016 - May 15, 2017) Awarded: February 19, 2016, USD 11,472.00. Grupe, Dirk (PI) RX J2317-4422: An Active Galactic Nucleus with massive outflows from the central super-massive Black Hole., Morehead State University (May 1, 2016 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: December 16, 2015, USD 5,000.00. Grupe, Dirk (CoPI) Catching AGN in Deep Minimum States to Unveil Their Core Environment, NASA/STScI (December 1, 2016) Awarded: October 24, 2016, USD 12,902.00. Grupe, Dirk (PI) The underlying X-ray spectrum of the X-ray transient NLS1 WPVS 007, NASA (December 1, 2016) Awarded: October 6, 2016, USD 44,794.00.

Malphrus, Benjamin K. Executive Director, Space Science Center Presentation Completed/Published Malphrus, B. K. (2016, Spring). Lunar IceCube- A New Era of Planetary Exploration with Small Satellite Platforms. 2nd Latin American SmallSat Conference. Flioronopolis, Brazil: AIAA. Malphrus, B. K. (2016, January). The Aerospace Economy in Kentucky and Entrepreneurship at Kentucky Space and Morehead State University. Briefing for Meta Economic Development Organization (MEDO) of South Africa. Capetown, South Africa: Meta Economic Development Organization. Proceedings. Accepted Malphrus, B. K., Wyatt, J. E., & Abraham, D. (2016). Emerging Techniques for Deep SpaceCubeSat Operations. In Emerging Techniques for Deep SpaceCubeSat Operations. Journal Article Accepted Malphrus, B. K., & Cheung, K.-M. (2016). Architecture and Concept of Operation of Next-Generation Ground Network for Communications and Tracking of Interplanetary Smallsats. AIAA Space Ops. Malphrus, B. K., Cheung, K.-M., Abraham, D., Arroyo, B., Babuscia, A., Duncan, C., Puig-Suari, J. (2015). Architecture and Concept of Operation of Next-Generation Ground Network for Communications and Tracking of Interplanetary Smallsats. IAA Space Ops.


Grants Awarded Malphrus, Benjamin (PI), Brown, Kevin (CoInvestigator), Twiggs, Robert (CoInvestigator), Clark, Pamela (CoPI), Tsay, Mike (CoPI), Hurford, Terry (CoPI), Folta, Dave (CoPI) Lunar IceCube, NASA (October 1, 2015) Awarded: October 1, 2015, USD 8,790,860.00. Malphrus, Benjamin (PI), Brown, Kevin (CoPI), Kruth, Jeffrey (CoPI), Combs, Michael (CoPI) Mission Support for JPL ASTERIA Mission, JPL (July 4, 2016) Awarded: May 16, 2016, USD 57,486.00. Malphrus, Benjamin (PI), Brown, Kevin (CoInvestigator), Twiggs, Robert (CoInvestigator), Tsay, Michael (CoPI) Lunar Cube- RF Ion Propulsion System for Small Spacecraft, NASA (October 1, 2015) Awarded: September 30, 2015, USD 449,000.00. Malphrus, Benjamin (CoPI), Brown, Kevin (Program Coordinator), Samson, John (PI) DM Payload Processor TRL7 Validation Flight Experiment, NASA CASIS (September 15, 2014 - March 15, 2016) Awarded: September 15, 2014, USD 200,001.00.

O'Keefe, Jennifer M.K. Associate Professor of Geology & Science Education Journal Article Completed/Published O’Keefe, J. M. K., & Wymer, C. L. (2017). An alternative to acetolysis: application of an enzyme-based method for pollen preparation to fresh pollen, honey samples, and bee pellets. Palynology, 41(1), 117–120. 1?journalCode=tpal20 Book Completed/Published OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016). Houston 2016: A Joint Meeting of TSOP - The society for Organic Petrology, ICCP - The International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology, AASP - The Palynological Society Magnolia Hotel Houston, TX USA, September 18-23, 2016 Program with Abstracts (p. 133). Houston, TX: AASP - The Palynological Society ISSN: 0732- 6041. Denison, C., Demchuk, T., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016). Paleocene - Eocene Stratigraphy and Paleontology of East- Central Texas: Wilcox Group - Claiborne Group - Jackson Group Guidebook (p. 40). Houston, TX: AASP - The Palynological Society. Presentation Completed/Published Demchuk, T. D., Ruckwied, K., Jackett, S.-J., Prince, I., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, September). A Proposal for an AASP-TPS Working Group on U.S. Gulf coast Pollen/Spore Nomenclature and Synonymy. Houston 2016: A Joint Meeting of TSOP-ICCP-AASP. Houston, TX: The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), and AASP-The Palynological Society (AASP).


OKeefe, J. M. K., Brooke, S. J., Chance, E. M., & Lenz, A. P. (2016, September). Comparison of feral and managed honeybee diet among three hives in Northeastern Kentucky: preliminary implications for improving bee health. Houston 2016: A Joint Meeting of TSOP-ICCP-AASP. Houston, TX: The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), and AASP-The Palynological Society (AASP). Pound, M., Riding, J., Vane, C., OKeefe, J. M. K., & Lim, M. (2016, October). Oceanic environments, vegetation and climate from the Middle to Late Miocene Brassington Formation, UK. XIV IPC / X IOPC: Palaeobotany and Palynology: towards new frontiers. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: IPC/IOPC. content/uploads/2016/09/IPC_IOP_Program_Friday.pdf Jiang, Y., Dai, S., Zhao, L., Hower, J. C., OKeefe, J. M. K., Zhou, G., Xu, X. (2016, September). Petrology, palynology, and geochemistry of Pliocene lignite in Jinsuo mine, eastern Yunnan, China. Houston 2016: A Joint Meeting of TSOP-ICCP-AASP. Houston, TX: The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), and AASP-The Palynological Society (AASP). Black, M. K., Brooke, S. J., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, September). Plant Ecosystem Change from the 1380’s through 1930’s in Eastern Kentucky: Results from the BEPSUR Project. Houston 2016: A Joint Meeting of TSOP- ICCP-AASP. Houston, TX: The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), the International Committee for Coal and Organic Petrology (ICCP), and AASP-The Palynological Society (AASP). Other Black, M. K., OKeefe, J. M. K., Brooke, S. J., & Mason, C. E. (2016, March). Fungi in Wetland Environments: Occurrence on and Alteration of Leaves and Wood from the “Boudreaux Bend” Bed. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Ohio Valley Organic Petrographers Meeting. Henderson, KY: Kentucky Geological Survey. Black, M. K., Brooke, S. J., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, April). Fungi in Wetland Environments: Occurrence on and Alteration of Leaves and Wood from the “Boudreaux Bend” Bed. 2015 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Brooke, S. J., Black, M. K., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, April). Palynology of Select Samples from Terrace Deposits in Rowan County Kentucky: Implications for Changing Ecosystems in the Greater Triplett Creek Drainage Basin. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Caudill, J. S., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, April). Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of Holocene Terrace Deposits in Rowan County, Kentucky. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, March). Vitrinite Reflectance Methods: a critical comparison. Ohio Valley Organic Petrographers Meeting. Henderson, KY: Kentucky Geological Survey.


Completed/Published OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016). AASP-TPS Newsletter 49-1. 1.pdf. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Eisenhour, J. D., Mollett, A. S., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, April). Introduction to Paleontology Research through the Boudreaux Bend Project. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Brooke, S. J., Black, M. K., & OKeefe, J. M. K. (2016, April). Plant Ecosystem Change from the Little Ice Age through the Modern Era in Eastern Kentucky: Results from the BEPSUR Project. 2016 NCUR. Asheville, NC: Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR). Grants Awarded OKeefe, Jennifer (PI), Black, Morgan (Coinvestigator), Brooke, Sharon (Coinvestigator) Before Europeans: Paleoecology of Surficial Units in Rowan County, Kentucky NSF-EPSCoR (October 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016), USD 8,970.00. OKeefe, Jennifer (PI), Black, Morgan (Coinvestigator) SOSS: Study of the Sunbury Shale, KY NSF EPSCOR (August 15, 2016 - May 31, 2017) Awarded: August 15, 2016, USD 11,200.00.

Pannuti, Thomas G. Associate Professor of Astrophysics & Space Science Poster Presentation Completed/Published Rush, D. M., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, November). An Analysis of a Chandra Observation of the Galactic Supernova Remnant G353.6-0.7. 102nd Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science. Louisville, KY: University of Louisville and Kentucky Academy of Science. Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, January). Characterizing the X-ray Emitting Plasma of the Galactic Supernova Remnant Kesteven 69 (G21.8-0.6). 227th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. Kissimmee, FL: American Astronomical Society. Hughes, A., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, April). Measuring the Spin-Down Rate of Pulsars with Swift. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, April). XMM-Newon and Suzaku Observations of the Galactic Supernova Remnant Kesteven 69 (G21.8-0.9). American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Presentation Completed/Published Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, June). A Chandra Observation of the Luminous Northeastern Rim of the Galactic Supernova Remnant W28 (G6.4-0.1). 228th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society. San Diego, California: American Astronomical Society.


Payne, C., Schmidt, K., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, October). Out of this World Innovation: Morehead State University Department of Earth and Space Sciences. Next Lives Here Innovation Summit. Cincinnati, OH: University of Cincinnati. Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, November). XMM-Newton and Suzaku Observations of the Galactic Supernova Remnant Kesteven 69 (G21.8-0.9). 102nd Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Academy of Science. Louisville, KY: University of Louisville and Kentucky Academy of Science. Mahaffey, B. J., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, April). An Original Chandra Data Reduction Script Do_It_all Applied to An Observation of the Nearby Spiral Galaxy IC 342. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Pannuti Dr., T. G., Allen, G. E., Iwanicki, A., & Tan, W. (2016, April). G156.2+5.7: SN 1006’s Older Cousin. 15th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society High Energy Astrophysics Division. Naples, FL: American Astronomical Society. Pannuti Dr., T. G., & Greene, A. C. (2016, April). Measuring the Spin-Down Rate of Pulsars with Swift. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Greene, A. C., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, April). Spatially-Resolved X-ray Spectroscopy of the Galactic Supernova Remnant 3C 397. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Payne, C., & Pannuti Dr., T. G. (2016, April). Spectral and Data Analysis of the Supernova Remnant G27.4+0.0. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Pannuti Dr., T. G., & Robbins, M. S. (2016, April). The Morehead State University Fast Pulsar Data Acquisition System. American Astronomical Society Kentucky Area Meeting. Eastern Kentucky University: American Astronomical Society. Grants Awarded Pannuti Dr., Thomas (PI) New Chandra Observations of the Archetypical Mixed-Morphology Galactic Supernova Remnant W28 (G6.4-0.1), Chandra X-ray Observatory (July 1, 2014 - April 10, 2014).

Department of Kinesiology, Health & Imaging Sciences

Cooper, Marcia J. Associate Professor of Imaging Sciences Chapter Accepted Cooper Ms., M. J. (2016). Sonography: Introduction to Normal Structure and Function; 4th edition. In Elsevier Publishing. Review Accepted Cooper Ms., M. J. (2016). Introduction to Normal Sonographic Anatomy and Function; 4th edition. Elsevier Saunders.


Dearden, Jennifer S. Associate Professor of Health & Wellness Presentation Completed/Published Dearden, J. S., & Castelvecchi, D. C. (2016, November). Whats in it for me? Making the Most of your Professional Membership. Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (KAHPERD). Lexington, KY: KAHPERD [Attachment].

Gibbs, Cynthia Y. Associate Professor of Imaging Sciences Presentation Completed/Published Gibbs, C. Y. (2016, April). Student Engagement in the Classroom. Kentucky Society of Radiologic Technologists Student Seminar. Georgetown, Kentucky: Kentucky Society of Radiologic Technologists. Accepted Gibbs, C. Y. (2016, May). Medical Imaging of Pediatric Cancers. Kentucky Society of Radiologic Technologists, 2nd Annual Jackie Darling Memorial Spring Seminar. Prestonsburg, Kentucky: Kentucky Society of Radiologic Technologists.

Gonzalez, Gina H.B. Associate Professor of Kinesiology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Hull, A., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, Autumn). Dietary supplement attitudes and behaviors in the personal training profession. KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Bailey, H. R., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, May). It’s in the Syllabus! Etiquette Fails of College Students and how to Address Them. Pedagogicon. Eastern KY University, Richmond, KY: EKU. Guerrant, J. M., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, Spring). Motor Development and Skill Acquisition in Elementary Aged Students: A Proposal. KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Foster, A., Crum, K., Humphreys, L., Rich, D., Pickering, C., Probst, M. M., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, Spring). The Effect of Increased Hip Rotation on Lower Body Anaerobic Power and Fatigue Inex during the Wingate Anaerobic Power Test. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Guerrant, J. M., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, Spring). The effects of feedback on mastery of a new motor skill: a pilot test. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Presentation Completed/Published Chen, S. S.-C., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, November). About KAHPERD Journal. 2016 Annual KAHPERD Convention. Lexington, KY: KAHPERD.


Hewitt, K., France, T., Gonzalez, G. H. B., Probst, M. M., Winter, C. R., & Paolone, V. (2016, August). Effect of hypohydration on climbing to failure on a treadwall. 3rd Rock Climbing Research Congress. Telluride, CO: International Rock Climbing Research Association. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Conroy, C. M. (2016, August). Risk taking and ethics in rock climbers. International Rock Climbing Research Association. Telluride, CO: International Rock Climbing Research Association. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Dietary supplements and liability. Protecting yourself and your clients. SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Magner, M. A., Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Do We Have Fat Bias In Our HPE Preparation Programs? SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, February). Genetic Testing and Treatment: Impacts for your Future Wellness Choices. SHAPE Southern District. Williamsburg, VA: SHAPE. Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, April). Guidelines for Adolescent Resistance Training; Risks and Benefits. SHAPE Society of Health and Physical Education National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Collinsworth, K. E. (2016, Spring). Service-Learning: Successful Class and Research Design. Morehead State University Service Learning Series. Morehead State University: Center for Regional Engagement. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Supplement Counseling: Adolescents and their Parents. SHAPE America Southern District Conference. Williamsburg, VA: SHAPE America Southern District. Journal Article Completed/Published Draper, N., Giles, D., Schoffl, V., Fuss, F., Watts, P., Wolf, P., Abreu, E. (2016). Comparative grading scales, statistical analyses, climber descriptors and ability grouping: International rock climbing research association position statement. Sport Technology, DOI 10.1080/19346182.2015.1107081.

Magner, Monica A. Professor of Health Presentation Completed/Published Magner, M. A., Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Do We Have Fat Bias In Our HPE Preparation Programs? SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Magner, M. A. (2016, April). Get Ready for Generation Z on our Teacher Preparation Programs. SHAPE National Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Society of Health and Physical Educators.

Probst, Manuel M. Associate Professor of Kinesiology Journal Article Completed/Published Newsom, J., & Probst, M. (2016). Relationship between Performance Tests and Yards per Carry Average in Collegiate Running Backs. KAHPERD.


Grants Awarded Probst, Manuel (PI) Effects of Hip Rotation on Leg Cycling Power, RCPC (January 1, 2017) Awarded: November 1, 2016, USD 3,610.00.

Seelig, Dayna S. Professor of Kinesiology Presentation Completed/Published Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. (2016, April). Adolescent Resistance Training: Risks and Benefits. SHAPE America National Conference. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Dietary supplements and liability. Protecting yourself and your clients. SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Magner, M. A., Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Do We Have Fat Bias In Our HPE Preparation Programs? SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Magner, M. A., Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Do We Have Fat Bias In Our HPE Preparation Programs? SHAPE America National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE America. Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. (2016, February). Genetic Testing and Treatment: Impact for your health. Southern District SHAPE. Williamsburg, VA: SHAPE. Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, February). Genetic Testing and Treatment: Impacts for your Future Wellness Choices. SHAPE Southern District. Williamsburg, VA: SHAPE. Seelig, D. S., & Gonzalez, G. H. B. (2016, April). Guidelines for Adolescent Resistance Training; Risks and Benefits. SHAPE Society of Health and Physical Education National Convention. Minneapolis, MN: SHAPE. Gonzalez, G. H. B., & Seelig, D. S. (2016, Spring). Supplement Counseling: Adolescents and their Parents. SHAPE America Southern District Conference. Williamsburg, VA: SHAPE America Southern District.

Department of Mathematics & Physics.

Beck, Genell S. Instructor of Mathematics Presentation Completed/Published Beck, G. S. (2016). Organizing, Motivating and Connecting with Hawkes Learning Systems. RTIME. Charleston, SC: HLS. Beck, G. S. (2015). Diverse Learning Styles with Hawkes Learning Systems. Webinar. Madisonville Community College: HLS. Beck, G. S. (2016, March). Connecting and Motivating Students in Developmental Math Classes. RTIME. Charleston, SC: Hawkes Learning Systems. Beck, G. S. (2016, March). Connecting with Students Using HLS Software. RTiME 2016. Charleston, SC: Hawkes Learning System.


Birriel, Ignacio Professor of Physics Presentation Completed/Published Allen, J., & Birriel, I. (2016). The Measurement of the Radioactivity in Outcrops of Ohio and Sunbury Shale in Rowan County, KY. Kentucky Academy of Science 2016 Annual Meeting. University of Louisville. Birriel, I., & Keele, T. (2016). Things Are Not As They "Seam" Kentucky Academy of Science 2016 Annual Meeting. University of Louisville. Grants Awarded Birriel, Ignacio (PI) Radiation Measurement of Black Organic Shale Outcrops in Rowan County, Kentucky, Kentucky Academy of Science (January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) , USD 4,499.00.

Birriel, Jennifer J. Professor of Physics Journal Article Completed/Published Birriel Dr., J. J. (2016). Period and pulse duration with "strobe" lights. The Physics Teacher. Birriel Dr., J. J. (2016). Sampling discretization can lead to strange shapes of data curves. The Physics Teacher.

Boram, Robert D. Professor of Physics & Science Education Presentation Completed/Published Boram, R. D. (2016, May). Using Effective Question Formulation Techniques to Engage Students. Pedagogicon 2016. Eastern Kentucky University-Noel Studio for Academic Creativity: EKU and CPE.

Chatham, Richard D. Associate Professor of Mathematics Journal Article Completed/Published Chatham, D. (2016). The maximum queen’s problem with pawns. Recreational Mathematics Magazine, 3(6), 95–102.

Gonzalez-Espada, Wilson J. Associate Professor of Physics & Science Education Other Completed/Published Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016). Newspaper Science Articles 2016. Various Newspapers, Both in Paper and Online.


Presentation Completed/Published Gonzalez-Espada, W. J., Perez, R., & Sarasola, M. (2016, July). College students’ perceptions of STS concepts: Implications for scientific literacy. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Investigación en la Didáctica de las Ciencias. Laboratorio Tecnológico del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay.: Red Latinoamericana de Investigadores en Didáctica de las Ciencias. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J., Perez, R., & Sarasola, M. (2016, November). Implementation of a Project-Based Learning approach in Uruguay’s middle schools: Preliminary findings. Annual Meeting of Kentucky Academy of Science. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, November). Minty engineering with Mint-Mobiles. Annual Meeting of the Kentucky Science Teachers Association. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Science Teachers Association. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J., Perez, R., & Sarasola, M. (2016, November). Perception of Science-Technology-Society (STS) topics among Uruguayan college students: Implications for high school curricular reform. Annual Meeting of Kentucky Academy of Science. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J., Lacues, E., Otheguy, G., Pagano, M., Perez, R., Pollio, A., & Sarasola, M. (2016, November). Validation of a mathematics diagnostic test to identify academically at-risk freshmen enrolled in a Uruguayan private university. Annual Meeting of Kentucky Academy of Science. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, March). Applying science processes to the concept of form/function in two different habitats. International Latin American Science Camp. Minas, Uruguay: Department of Scientific Culture (Education Directorate, Ministry of Education and Culture) and Fulbright Uruguay. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, January). Cybernetic girls can be pinky: An empowering program to allure biology majors into computational sciences. Puerto Rico Project Kaleidoscope Regional Network Meeting. University of Puerto Rico, Humacao, PR.: Project Kaleidoscope. Fugate, J. Z., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Evidence of climate change in Eastern Kentucky? Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Kentucky Section (KYMAA). Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY.: KYMAA. Fugate, J. Z., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, March). Evidence of climate change in Eastern Kentucky? Oral presentation at the Spring Meeting of the Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers. Centre College, Danville, KY.: KAPT. Book Knell, J. L., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Evidence of climate change in Western Kentucky? Oral presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America Kentucky Section (KYMAA). Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY.: KYMAA. Knell, J. L., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, March). Evidence of climate change in Western Kentucky? Oral presentation at the Spring Meeting of the Kentucky Association of Physics Teachers (KAPT). Centre College, Danville, KY.: KAPT.


Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, February). Innovative approaches on science teaching. Workshop for middle and high school teachers, and pre-service secondary educators. Catholic University of Uruguay, Punta del Este Campus: Catholic University of Uruguay and Fulbright Uruguay. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Innovative approaches on science teaching. Workshop for middle and high school teachers, and pre-service secondary educators. Catholic University of Uruguay, Salto Campus: Catholic University of Uruguay and Fulbright Uruguay. Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Innovative approaches on science teaching. Workshop for middle and high school teachers, and pre-service secondary educators. Catholic University of Uruguay, Main Campus (Bauzá Hall): Catholic University of Uruguay and Fulbright Uruguay. Fugate, J. Z., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Mesoscale meteorological data identifies possible effects of climate change in Eastern Kentucky. Oral presentation at the 11th annual Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY.: Morehead State University, Morehead, KY. Knell, J. L., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Mesoscale meteorological data identifies possible effects of climate change in Western Kentucky. Oral presentation at the 11th annual Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY.: Morehead State University, Morehead, KY. Completed/Published Mendez, A., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016). Searching for Habitable Worlds: An Introduction. 40 Oak Drive, San Rafael, CA, 94903, USA: A Morgan & Claypool publication as part of IOP Concise Physics. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Knell, J. L., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, April). Undergraduate Research Fellowships: A strategic investment to reduce women underrepresentation in the mathematical sciences. Poster presented at The Wilma Grote Symposium for the Advancement of Women. Morehead State University, KY.: Morehead State University, KY. Knell, J. L., Fugate, J. Z., & Gonzalez-Espada, W. J. (2016, February). Using mesoscale meteorological data to identify possible local effects of global climate change. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Posters-at-the-Capitol. Frankfort, KY.: Kentucky Legislature.

Jaisingh, Lloyd R. Professor of Mathematics Book Completed/Published Jaisingh, L. R. (2015). e-Book: Essential Business Statistics.


May, Russell J. Associate Professor of Mathematics Journal Article Completed/Published May, R. J. (2016). Dice problems with generating function solutions. The Mathematical Gazette, 100(547), 131–137. May, R. J., & Littleton, L. (2016). Simplified expectations in the birthday problem. College Mathematics Journal, 47(1), 50–55. Presentation Completed/Published May, R. J. (2016, April). The art of stippling. state meeting of Mathematical Association of America. Northern Kentucky University. 16.shtml. Grants Awarded May, Russell (CoPI), Schroeder, Christopher (PI), O'Brien, Timothy (CoPI) New Program Proposal Initiative in Actuarial Mathematics, Morehead State University (April 22, 2016) Awarded: April 22, 2016, USD 2,000.00.

Price, Kent J. Associate Professor of Physics Presentation Completed/Published Price, K. J. (2016, January). Peer Instruction in Online Introductory Physics. American Association of Physics Teachers Winter Meeting. New Orleans, LA: American Association of Physics Teachers.

Department of Nursing

Ferguson, Teresa R. Associate Professor of Nursing Presentation Completed/Published Ferguson, T. R. (2016, October). Associate Degree Nursing Program Update, Mt. Sterling. Department of Nursing Advisory Board Meeting. Center for Health, Education and Research: Morehead State University. Ferguson, T. R. (2016, April). Profession of Nursing and Programs Available at Morehead State (ADNP, BSN, RN- BSN). Department of Nursing. Morehead State University, Center for Health Education and Research: Morehead State University. Accepted Ferguson, T. R., & Howell, T. L. (2016, May). Incorporating QSEN Competencies into Associate Degree Nursing Education. Kentucky League for Nursing, 12th Annual Nurse Educator Conference. Louisville, KY.


Poster Presentation Completed/Published Ferguson, T. R., & Howell, T. L. (2016, Spring). Incorporating QSEN Competencies into Associate Degree Nursing Education through Service Learning. Kentucky League for Nursing Annual Conference. Louisville: Kentucky League for Nursing. Accepted Ferguson, T. R., & Howell, T. L. (2016, May). Incorporating QSEN Competencies into Associate Degree Nursing Education through Service Learning. Kentucky League for Nursing, 12th Annual Nurse Educator Conference. Louisville, KY. Grants Awarded Ferguson, Teresa (Program Coordinator) Perkins Grant, Kentucky Department of Education (February 19, 2016 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: February 19, 2016, USD 1,100.00.

Flannery, Vanessa L. Associate Professor of Nursing Chapter Completed/Published Flannery, V. L. (2016). Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Pediatric Nursing. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). Newborn Feeding. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). Nursing Care during Obstetrical Procedures. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). Postpartum Adaptations. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). The Childbearing and Child- Rearing Family. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). The Normal Newborn: Nursing Care. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). The Nurse’s Role in Maternity, Women's Health, and Pediatric Nursing. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Flannery, V. L. (2016). Women’s Health Care. In Maternal-Child Nursing. Other Teaching Materials. Completed/Published Flannery, V. L. (2016). Sherpath Maternity Subject Matter Expert. Elsevier. Review Completed/Published Flannery, V. L. (2016). Sherpath for Pediatric Nursing.


Howell, Teresa L. Professor of Nursing Poster Presentation Completed/Published James, T. R., & Howell, T. L. (2013, November). Community Service Learning: An Alternative Pediatric Clinical Experience. National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing 13th Annual Conference. Reno, NV: NOADN. Howell, T. L., & Ferguson, T. R. (2016, Spring). Incorporating QSEN Competencies into Associate Degree Nursing Education through Service Learning. Kentucky League for Nursing Annual Conference. Louisville: Kentucky League for Nursing. Howell, T. L., & James, T. R. (2013, Spring). Innovative Instructional Design to Alleviate the Shortage of Clinical Practice Sites for Education through the Use of a Simulated OB Experience. 13th Annual Nurse Educator Institute. Branson, Missouri: North Arkansas Partnership for Health Education. Chapter Completed/Published Howell, T. L. (2016). Adaptations to Pregnancy. In Maternal Child Nursing 4th Edition (pp. 234–278). St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc. Howell, T. L. (2016). Nutrition for Childbearing. In Maternal Child Nursing 4th Edition (pp. 279–300). St. Louis: Elsevier, Inc. Journal Article Completed/Published Ferguson, T. R., Howell, T. L., & Parsons, L. C. (2014). The Birth Experience: Learning through Clinical Simulation. International Journal of Childbirth Education. Presentation Accepted Howell, T. L., & Ferguson, T. R. (2016, May). Incorporating QSEN Competencies into Associate Degree Nursing Education through Service Learning. Kentucky League for Nursing Annual Conference. Louisville: KLN. Grants Awarded Howell, Teresa (Program Coordinator) Carl D. Perkins , Perkins Act Federal Funds for Vocational/Technical Programs (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2015, USD 9,791.00. Howell, Teresa (Program Coordinator) Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act Grant (August 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016) Awarded: July 1, 2016, USD 9,741.00.

Johnson, Stephanie J. Associate Professor of Nursing Presentation Accepted Johnson, S. J. (2016, Autumn). Pharmacology in the Heart Failure Patient and NCLEX Strategies for Success. Hawaii Nursing Conferences 2016. Honolulu, Hawaii: Deanne Blach Productions.


Mays, Lucy Coordinator of Online Nursing Programs Presentation Completed/Published Mays Dr., L. (2016, April). Small Talks: Lessons from the Field-Frenchburg- Implementation of Tobacco Free Policy. Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy Spring Conference. Lexington, KY: Kentucky Center for Smoke-Free Policy. Mays Dr., L. (2016, May). The Use of Evolving Case Studies to Develop Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Necessary to Improve Client Outcomes. Kentucky League for Nursing 12th Annual Nurse Educator Conference. Louisville, KY: Kentucky League for Nursing. Grants Awarded Mays Dr., Lucy (Coinvestigator) Gateway Wellness Coalition Pediatric Obesity Initiative, Sisters of Notre Dame Ministry Fund Grant (August 1, 2015 - August 1, 2016) Awarded: April 20, 2015.

McClave, Ladonna M. Associate Professor of Nursing Poster Presentation Completed/Published McClave, L. M. (2016, September). Reflecting on Reflections to Discover Myself as a Leader. Sigma Theta Tau Leadership Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana: Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing. Other Completed/Published McClave, L. M. (2016). Online, on-demand, Competency-based RN-BSN Modules. Proquest.

McDavid, Lisa A. Assistant Professor of Nursing Poster Presentation Completed/Published McDavid, L. A., & Walters, M. A. (2016, May). Encouraging Mentoring Across the Curriculum. KLN 12th Annual Nurse Educator Conference and Meeting. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky League for Nursing.

Myers, Jodi R. Assistant Professor of Nursing Poster Presentation Completed/Published Myers, J. R. (2015, April). “A Connection of Education and Practice: Incorporating Practice Guidelines in a BSN Program to Assist with Meeting Center for Excellence Requirements” St. Claire Regional Medical Center 2nd Annual Research Day.


Presentation Completed/Published Jerde, E. A., Mays, L., Myers, J. R., McClave, L. M., & Ahmadi, D. R. (2015, May). Shining the Spotlight on Students, Course Design and Faculty in Online STEM Courses. Kentucky Pedigogicon. Richmond, KY. McClave MSN, RN, L. M., Ryan, P. A., Myers, J. R., Mays, L., Seelig, D. S., & Smith, C. D. (2015, May). Two Sides of the “Flipped” Coin: Strategies for Inside and Outside the Classroom. Kentucky Pedagogicon 2015 Conference. Eastern Kentucky University.

Parsons, Lynn C. Chair, Department of Nursing Other Completed/Published Parsons, L. C. (2013). Nursing Education Committee (NEC) National Association of Orthopedic Nurses. Journal Article Completed/Published Parsons, L. C. (2015). Addressing Tobacco Dependence through a Nurse Driven Tobacco Intervention Protocol. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 27(4), 12. Parsons, L. C. (2015). Clinical Updates in Pathophysiology and Care Protocols for Nursing Management. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 27(4), 2. Parsons, L. C. (2015). Orthopedic Injuries: Protocols to Prevent and Manage Fractures. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America, 27(4), 12. Review Accepted Parsons, L. C. (2016). Western Carolina University - CCNE Team Leader. Cullowhee, NC and Ashville, NC: CCNE. Grants Awarded Parsons, Lynn (PI) Haiti Missions [2] – Children’s Lifeline International, Regional Engagement (March 28, 2016 - March 28, 2016) Awarded: December 1, 2015, USD 1,000.00.

Rogers, Charles D. Assistant Professor of Nursing Poster Presentation Completed/Published Rogers, C. D. (2016, May). Using Celly to Improve Communication with Students. KLN Annual Nurse Educators Conference. Louisville, KY: Kentucky League for Nursing. Presentation Completed/Published Rogers, C. D., & McDavid, L. A. (2014, May). Using Technology to Increase Communication among Faculty and Students. 10th Annual Kentucky League for Nursing Nurse Educator Conference. Louisville.


Rogers, C. D. (2015, Spring). The Use of Prezi to Replace Powerpoint. Kentucky League for Nursing 10th Annual Nurse Educator Conference. Journal Article Completed/Published Rogers, C. D., & Bush, N. A. (2015). Heart Failure: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Medical Treatment Guidelines, and Nursing Management. Nursing Clinics of North America.

White, Mary S. Associate Professor of Nursing Other Completed/Published White, M. S. (2016). Nursing Diagnosis Handbook: An Evidence Based Guide to Planning Care. Poster Presentation Completed/Published White, M. S. (2016, April). Bullying Survey Results From A Rural Kentucky High School. Kentucky Public Health Association. Owensboro, Kentucky. Presentation Completed/Published White, M. S. (2016, April). Bullied Into Silence. Kentucky Public Health Association. Owensboro, Kentucky. Review Completed/Published White, M. S. (2016). International Journal of Childbirth Education.

Department of Psychology

Corso, Gregory M. Chair, Department of Psychology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Becerra, Z., & Corso, G. M. (2016, November). Rated Complexity and Latency. Kentucky Academy of Science. University of Louisville: Kentucky Academy of Science. Accepted Shaw, A. F., Bae, J., Corso, G. M., Rogers, M., & Hunter, M. (2017, January). Assessment time for rating perceived roadway complexity. Transportation Research Board (TRB) - 96th Annual Meeting. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences. Shaw, A., Park, S., Bae, J., Becerra, Z., Corso, G. M., Rogers, M., & Hunter, M. (2017, January). Effects of Roadside Distractors on Performance of Drivers with and Without Attention Deficit Disorders. Transportation Research Board (TRB) - 96th Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. Journal Article Accepted Xu, Y., Greenwood, A., Corso, G. M., Hunter, M., & Rogers, M. O. (2016). Safety effects of freeway work zone delineation methods: response time as a surrogate measure. Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue 1, 1(1), 113–126.


Couch, Laurie L. Interim Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs/Academic Programs Journal Article Completed/Published Couch, L. L., & Olson, D. R. (2015). Loss through betrayal: An analysis of social provision changes and psychological reactions. Journal of Loss and Trauma. Couch, L. L., Baughman, K. R., & Derow, M. R. (2015). The aftermath of romantic betrayal: What’s love got to do with it? Current Psychology. Poster Presentation Completed/Published Profitt, C. N., & Couch, L. L. (2016, April). An exploratory analysis of help seeking after romantic breakup. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting (and the 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship). New Orleans, LA: Southeastern Psychological Association. Kootz, M. T., & Couch, L. L. (2016, March). An investigation of relationship- contingent self-esteem and post-breakup psychological growth. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting (and the 2016 MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship). New Orleans, LA: Southeastern Psychological Association. Whitaker, S. F., & Couch, L. L. (2016, April). Does the type of betrayal matter? Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Academic Conference (and the 2016 MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship). Georgetown, KY: Kentucky Psychological Association. Couch, L. L. (2016, March). Finding the silver lining: An investigation of relational self-efficacy and perceived benefits after romantic breakup. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA: Southeastern Psychological Association [Attachment]. Obermayer, K. M., & Couch, L. L. (2016, March). Getting over breakup: An investigation of coping and relationship- contingent self-esteem. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting (and the 2016 MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship). New Orleans, LA: Southeastern Psychological Association [Attachment]. Hanes, K. S., & Couch, L. L. (2016, March). Lets’ be friends: An investigation of ex- partner friendships and adjustment after romantic breakup. Southeastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting (and the 2016 MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship). New Orleans, LA: Southeastern Psychological Association. [Attachment] Johnson, T. E., & Couch, L. L. (2016, April). Personality characteristics associated with tendencies to betray close others. Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Academic Conference (and the 2016 MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship). Georgetown, KY: Kentucky Psychological Association. Chapter Accepted Couch, L. L., & Koeninger, A. L. (2016). Attraction: The many factors that draw us to like, lust, and love. In Social Psychology: How other people influence our thoughts and actions.


Kidwell, Shari L. Associate Professor of Psychology Poster Presentation Completed/Published Shepherd, J., Kidwell, S. L., Hamm, A., Morris, A., Greene, D., & Deaton, M. (2016, April). Associations between children’s attachment and parenting at age 4 and 12 years. MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship. Hamm, A., Kidwell, S. L., Shepherd, J., Morris, A., Alshafie, G., & Ramos, W. (2016, April). Children’s attachment, coping strategies, and socioemotional functioning. MSU Celebration of Student Scholarship. Kidwell, S. L., Morris, A., Sizemore, K., Deaton, M., & Ramos, W. (2016, December). Identifying Risk in a Play Task: Application of the Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation. Zero to Three. Grants Awarded Kidwell, Shari (PI), Merritt, Frances (CoPI) Attachment and Parenting among At- Risk Mothers and Babies: A Group and Individual Treatment Demonstration Project, Appalachian Health Research and Research Center/MSU (July 1, 2016), USD 5,000.00.

Olson, David R. Associate Professor of Psychology Journal Article Accepted Couch, L. L., & Olson, D. R. (2015). Loss through betrayal: An analysis of social provision changes and psychological reactions. Journal of Loss and Trauma. Kidwell, Shari (PI) Attachment and Family Functioning as Influences on Adolescent Adjustment, MSU RCPC (January 1, 2016), USD 5,000.00.

Thornberry, Timothy S. Assistant Professor of Psychology Chapter Completed/Published Brestan-Knight, E., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016). Group parent-child interaction therapy: Community based research with a family focus. In Creating Citizens: Liberal Arts, Civic Engagement, and the Land-Grant Tradition. University of Alabama Press. Journal Article Completed/Published Cherry, A., Blucker, R., Thornberry Jr., T. S., Hetherington, C., McCaffree, M., & Gillaspy, S. (2016). Postpartum depression screening in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Program development, implementation, and lessons learned. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Accepted Thornberry Jr., T. S., Han, J., & Thomas, L. (2016). Implementing community baby showers to address infant mortality in Oklahoma. Journal of the Oklahoma State Medical Association.


Poster Presentation Completed/Published Bocook, A., Davis, S., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Analyzing differences in observed child externalizing behaviors across states. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Zumwalt, T., Bocook, A., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Analyzing relationships between anxiety and GPA in first-generation college students. Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Academic Conference. Georgetown, KY. Bocook, A., Zumwalt, T., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Analyzing the effect of center-based childcare enrollment on externalizing behaviors. Kentucky Psychological Association Spring Academic Conference. Georgetown, KY. Blanton, M., Davis, S., Bocook, A., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Analyzing the relationship between body image, depression, and anxiety in college students. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Alshafie, G., Anwar, Z., Holaday, T., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Body image implications on mental and health well-being. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Ball, A., Monn, B., Bocook, A., & Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). The impact of poor sleep on academic performance and mental health in college students. Celebration of Student Scholarship. Presentation Completed/Published Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Collaborative Research. St. Claire Medical Center Research Day. Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Pediatric obesity. 28th Regional Advance Practice Nurse Conference. Louisville, KY. Thornberry Jr., T. S. (2016, April). Pediatric Obesity. 28th Regional Advance Practice Nurse Conference. Louisville, KY. Grants Awarded Thornberry Jr., Timothy (PI), Reynolds, Brady (CoPI) Examining Parent Smoking, Trauma, Reactivity, and Observed Parent-Child Interactions, Appalachian Health and Research Center (November 22, 2016) Awarded: December 10, 2015, USD 4,036.00.

White, Ilsun M. Professor of Psychology Journal Article Completed/Published White, W. O., & White, I. M. (2016). Amphetamine and morphine may produce acute-withdrawal related hypoactivity by initially activating a common dopamine pathway. Physiology & Behavior, 165, 187–194. White, W., Beyer, J. D., & White, I. M. (2015). Acute withdrawal-related hypophagia elicited by amphetamine is attenuated by pretreatment with selective dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 151, 345–354.


White, W., Beyer, J., & White, I. M. (2014). Acute withdrawal-related hypophagia elicited by amphetamine is attenuated by pretreatment with selective dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists in rats. Physiology & Behavior. Poster Presentation Completed/Published White, I. M., Hudson, R., Riggs, T., & White, W. (2016, November). 2016 regional brain awareness program in eastern Kentucky. 2016 Society for Neuroscience Conference. San Diego, California: Society for Neuroscience. Ward, B. K., Case, S. L., Henderson, T. M., White, I. M., & White, W. (2016, November). A method for assessing the capacity of amphetamine to produce an acute-withdrawal related negative state in rats. 2016 Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS). White, I. M., Howard, H. L., Abbott, Z. S., & White, W. O. (2016, October). Differential involvement of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in motivation. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego: Society for Neuroscience. Hudson, R., White, W., & White, I. M. (2016, November). Involvement of Amygdala in METH-induced Behavior: Differential modulation by D1 and D2. 2016 Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Conference. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science. Case, S. L., Riggs, T. E., Carey, B. C., White, I. M., & White, W. (2016, November). Nicotine may produce an acute- withdrawal related longer-term reduction in activity through a dopaminergic pathway in rats. 2016 Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS). University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: Kentucky Academy of Science. Dennie, T., Abbott, Z., Howard, H., Hudson, R., Riggs, T., Hammons, M., White, I. M. (2016, April). 2016 Regional brain drawing contest. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Abbott, Z., Crisp, K., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Amygdala damage worsens scopolamine-induced deficits in simple tasks. Kentucky Chapter, Society for Neuroscience. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY.: Neuroscience, University of Louisville. Hager, K., Field, L., Abbott, Z., Lee, J., Foreman, J. D., Crisp, K., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Cultural Differences in Recognition of Emotion. Wilma Grote Symposium. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. White, I. M., Howard, H., Abbott, Z., & White, W. (2016, May). Do Stress Types Alter Memory Function? Association for Psychological Science (APS) Conference. Chicago, IL: Association for Psychological Science (APS). Cash, T., Everman, K., McClurg, J., White, W., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Effects of Stress on Learning: Sex Differences. Wilma Grote Symposium. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Crisp, K., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Ethnic difference in the perception of negative emotion. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship (CSS). Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University.


White, I. M. (2016, April). Frequent Drug Abuse Impairs the Ability to Discriminate Negative Emotion. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Howard, H., & White, I. M. (2016, May). Involvement of the Prefrontal Cortex in Motivation. Association for Psychological Science (APS) Conference. Chicago, IL: Association for Psychological Science (APS). Abbott, Z., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Is amygdala critical for a successful performance on simple tasks? 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship (CSS). Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Howard, H., Abbott, Z., White, W., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Muscarinic receptor modulates prefrontal involvement in motivation. Kentucky Chapter Society for Neuroscience. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: University of Louisville. McCloud, M., Howard, H., Hammons, M., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Brief exposure to ecstasy in adolescence produces social withdrawal in rats. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University. Proceedings Completed/Published White, I. M., Howard, H. L., Abbott, Z. S., & White, W. O. (2016). Differential involvement of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in motivation. In Society for Neuroscience. San Diego: Society for Neuroscience. White, W. O., Howard, H. L., Abbott, Z. S., Hager, K. M., Everman, K. L., & White, I. M. (2016). Medial prefrontal cortex is not required for amphetamine to produce acute-withdrawal related hypoactivity in rats. In Society for Neuroscience. San Diego. Chapter Completed/Published White, I. M., & McAlister Kizzier, D. L. (2015). The Case of Drug Abuse/Addiction at the Work Place. In DPE CASEBOOK, 2ND EDITION. Presentation Completed/Published Howard, H., & White, I. M. (2016, April). Sustained motivation requires an intact prefrontal cortex. 2016 Celebration of Student Scholarship. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY: Morehead State University.

White, Wesley O. Professor of Psychology Journal Article Completed/Published White, W. O., & White, I. M. (2016). Amphetamine and morphine may produce acute-withdrawal related hypoactivity by initially activating a common dopamine pathway. Physiology & Behavior, 165, 187–194. White, W., Beyer, J., & White, I. M. (2014). Acute withdrawal-related hypophagia elicited by amphetamine is attenuated by pretreatment with selective dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonists in rats. Physiology & Behavior.


Poster Presentation Completed/Published Ward, B. K., Case, S. L., Henderson, T. M., White, I. M., & White, W. O. (2016, November). A method for assessing the capacity of amphetamine to produce an acute-withdrawal related negative state in rats. Kentucky Academy of Science. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Academy of Science. White, I. M., Howard, H. L., Abbott, Z. S., & White, W. O. (2016, October). Differential involvement of the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala in motivation. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego: Society for Neuroscience. Hudson, R., White, W. O., & White, I. M. (2016, October). Involvement of amygdala in METH-induced behavior: differential modulation by D1 and D2. Kentucky Academy of Science. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Academy of Science. White, W. O., Howard, H. L., Abbott, Z. S., Hager, K. M., Everman, K. L., & White, I. M. (2016, October). Medial prefrontal cortex is not required for amphetamine to produce acute-withdrawal related hypoactivity in rats. Society for Neuroscience. San Diego. Case, S. L., Riggs, T. E., Carey, B. C., White, I. M., & White, W. O. (2016, November). Nicotine may produce an acute-withdrawal related longer- term reduction in activity through a dopaminergic pathway in rats. Kentucky Academy of Science. Louisville, Kentucky: Kentucky Academy of Science. Grants Awarded White, Wesley (Other) Mechanisms of amphetamine withdrawal and recovery, NIH/ NIDA (May 16, 2010 - May 31, 2016), USD 300,000.00.

Student Success Early College Program

Lane, Abigail Early College Instructor Creative Production Completed/Published Lane, A. (2016, April 16). Love in Quarantine (original script commissioned for OSH multimedia production). Owensboro High School - Drama, Band, Percussion, Steel Band Production of Multimedia Play. Owensboro, KY.





TIMOTHY HARE, PROFESSOR OF ANTHROPOLOGY “Mapping Mayapan by UAV & Remote Sensors Pilot Project”


DONGFENG LI, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ART “Share the Common & Retain the Difference – East Meet West”

JOHNATHAN NELSON, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MANAGEMENT “Practices and Beliefs for Promoting Ethical Behavior in Others and Ourselves”


BRANDON VANNESS, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY “Synthesis of the Novel Anti-Cancer Natural Product LMA-P2”





NATHAN DISHMAN, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MUSIC “Recorded Hybrid Genre Compositions for Solo Trombone”

JULIA FINCH, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF ART HISTORY “They are Data Mechanically Reproduced…: Plaster Casts, Digital Surrogates, and the Culture of the Copy”




















College of Science and Technology Caudill College of Arts, Humanities, Flint Harrelson and Social Sciences Shari Kidwell Lori Baruth Elizabeth Perkins

College of Business and Public Affairs College of Education Ken Henderson Lesia Lennex Jonathan Pidluzny Chris Beckham

Librarian Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Pamela Colyer Michael Henson

Administrative Committee Support Brenda DeHart, Administrative Assistant Office of Research and Sponsored Programs


Index Aagaard, Lola J...... 61 Abell, Ritta R...... 16 Adams, Annie ...... 1 Akers, Stephanie ...... 54 Albert, Lawrence S...... 16 Aly, Ashraf A...... 52 Andaloro, Ann M...... 17 Bailey, Hargis R. J...... 61 Baker, Stacy A...... 22 Barnett, David...... 62 Barton, Bernadette C...... 35 Baruth, Lori E...... 23 Beck, Gennell S...... 87 Beckham, Leslie C...... 62 Berglee, Royal ...... 6 Biggs-Fleck, Octavia A...... 23 Birriel, Ignacio ...... 88 Birriel, Jennifer J...... 88 Blankenbuehler, Mark T...... 73 Boram, Robert D...... 88 Caric, Ric N...... 6 Carlisle, Gregory J...... 23 Carlson, Katy ...... 1 Chapman, Hans ...... 47 Chapman, Marshall ...... 77 Chappell, Duane E...... 70 Chatham, Richard D...... 88 Chen, Steve Shih-Chia ...... 41 Colburn, C. Glen ...... 2 Collinsworth, Kelly E...... 6 Connor, Timothy W...... 63 Conroy, Christina M...... 7 Cooper, Marcia J...... 84 Corso, Gregory M...... 96 Cottingham, Christopher M...... 73 Couch, Laurie L...... 97 Craig, Verdie A...... 7 Creahan, Thomas A...... 42 Creasap, Susan D...... 23 Creekmore, Timothy L...... 17 Curry, John H...... 63 Davis, Natasha L...... 24 Davison, Rebecca K...... 35 Dearden, Jennifer S...... 85 Decker, Martha M...... 54 DelliCarpini, Margo E...... 53 Dennis, Douglas E...... 74 Detweiler, Greg J...... 24 DuRocher, Kristina A...... 7 Eastwood, Deborah A...... 25 Eisenhour, David J...... 1 Eklund, George E...... 2 Engle, F. Bruce ...... 2 Escalante, Roosevelt R...... 26


Ferguson, Teresa R...... 91 Fernandez, Jody A...... 68 Field, Christopher ...... 11 Finch, Julia A...... 12 Flannery, Vanessa L...... 92 Flavell, John S...... 17 Franzini, Robert J...... 12 Garven, Sarah A...... 42 Gearner, Geoffrey W...... 75 Getchell, Morgan C...... 18 Geurin, D. Lynn...... 36 Gibbons, Scott P...... 2 Gibbs, Kurt M...... 75 Gibbs, Cynthia Y...... 85 Gonzalez, Gina H.B...... 85 Gonzalez-Espada, Wilson J...... 88 Graves, Mark A...... 3 Green, William C...... 7 Grice, June M...... 27 Grise, William R...... 49 Gritton, Joy L...... 13 Grupe, Dirk ...... 77 Haight, April D...... 53 Hail, Michael W...... 8 Hare, Timothy S...... 36 Hare, Janelle M...... 75 Harrelson, Flint W...... 70 Harrison, Patricia L...... 71 Hassan, Ahmad M...... 43 Helphinstine, Frances L...... 3 Henderson, Kenneth V...... 43 Henneberg, Sylvia B...... 3 Hesterberg, Latonya J...... 37 Hill, Jeffrey J...... 19 Himes, Monica L...... 38 Holcomb, Jason P...... 8 Hooker, Steven D...... 63 Howell, Teresa L...... 93 Hruby, Alison H...... 4 Hsieh, Chia-Ling ...... 27 Hughes, Amber N...... 63 Hunt, Clifford S...... 52 Hypes, Julia A...... 43 Hypes, Michael G...... 43 Izlar, Tamera N...... 28 Jaisingh, Lloyd R...... 90 Jeter, Stephanie C...... 32 Johnson, Stephanie J...... 93 Joshi, Nilesh N...... 49 Justice, Jeannie ...... 64 Katz, Rebecca S...... 38 Keadle, Amy S...... 54 Kessinger, Michael W...... 65 Kidwell, Shari L...... 98 Kiffmeyer, Thomas J...... 9 Kiser, Nathan D...... 32 109

Kizzier, Donna L...... 52 Knoll, James A...... 54 Krummrich, Philip E...... 19 Kunz, Michelle B...... 43 LaFleur, Gary B.P...... 20 Lane, Abigail ...... 28 Lane, Abigail ...... 102 , Christine E...... 9 Lee, Sanghyun ...... 50 Lennex, Lesia ...... 68 Li, Dongfeng ...... 13 Long, David ...... 69 Lydeard, Charles ...... 76 Magner, Monica A...... 86 Malphrus, Benjamin K...... 80 Mandzy, Adrian O...... 9 Manis, Randy L...... 20 Mascle, Deanna M...... 4 Masterson, James R ...... 10 May, Russell J...... 91 Mays, Lucy ...... 94 McBrayer, Gregory A...... 10 McBride, M. Scott ...... 1 McClave, Ladonna M...... 94 McCormick, Bev H ...... 44 McDavid, Lisa A...... 94 McGillicuddy, Ryan P...... 28 McLain, Raymond W...... 33 McLaren, Elizabeth M...... 54 Mesa-Gaido, Elizabeth ...... 13 Mesa-Gaido, Gary C...... 15 Middleton, Steven O...... 20 Miller, Leslie S...... 34 Miller, April D...... 55 Modaff, John V...... 21 Mohamed, Fatma A...... 44 Moore, Robyn H...... 16 Morrison, Ronald D...... 5 Murphy, Dianna D...... 10 Murray, Donnell ...... 21 Myers, Jodi R...... 94 Nash, Shondrah T...... 38 Nataraj, Sam ...... 53 Neeper, Layne ...... 5 Nehring, Daniel F...... 44 Nelson, Johnathan K...... 45 Nettleton, Kimberely F...... 55 O’Dell, Gary A...... 10 O’Keefe, Sean T...... 76 O’Keefe, Jennifer M.K...... 81 Olson, David R...... 98 Oyen, David W...... 28 Pannuti, Thomas G...... 83 Parsons, Lynn C...... 95 Parton, Becky S...... 66 Peng, Chien-Chih ...... 45 110

Perkins, Elizabeth B...... 39 Peterson, Kimberly M...... 71 Petsch, Jeanne M...... 16 Pidluzny, Jonathan W...... 11 Pierce, Karen J...... 45 Prater, Philip E...... 72 Price, Kent J...... 1 Prindle, Roma ...... 30 Privott, Daryl R...... 66 Probst, Manuel M...... 86 Ratliff, Janet M...... 46 Reeder, Brian C...... 76 Reis, Jennifer ...... 16 Riegle, Sandra E...... 70 Rogers, C. Brent ...... 72 Rogers, Charles D ...... 95 Russell, Gregory R...... 46 Rutland, Julie H...... 57 Schack, Edna O...... 58 Schack, Markham B...... 58 Scott, Alana C...... 11 Seelig, Dayna S...... 87 Shannon, Lisa M...... 39 Shi, Bo ...... 47 Shon, Mee-Ryoung ...... 59 Shope, Shane C...... 66 Simeonova Pissarro, Marieta Angelova ...... 22 Simpson, Timothy L...... 67 Singh, Delar K...... 59 Skidmore, Ronald L ...... 67 Small, Heather A...... 30 Smith, Ruth McLain ...... 34 Spradlin, Kelly L...... 68 Stapleton, Samuel L...... 47 Staton, Amy J...... 72 Steva, Elizabeth R...... 31 Stubbs, Joyce A...... 73 Stultz, Sherry L...... 60 Tallichet, Suzanne E...... 40 Tavangarian, Fariborz ...... 51 Taylor, Karen J...... 22 Taylor, Paul ...... 31 Thornberry, Timothy S...... 98 VanNess, Brandon G...... 77 Watkins, Denise M...... 31 Weir, Jack ...... 11 Wells, Jesse R ...... 34 White, Mary S...... 96 White, Ilsun M...... 99 White, Wesley O...... 101 Williams, Thomas ...... 5 Willis, Melinda R...... 61 Willis, G. Wayne ...... 61 Wood, Sarah E...... 35 Zargari, Ahmad ...... 51


Morehead State University

Office of Research and Sponsored Programs

Research and Creative Productions Committee 901 Ginger Hall Morehead, KY 40351 (606)-783-2010