March 2, 1978

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March 2, 1978 IHE IHURSDA y IIEPORT CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY • MONTREAL • VOLUME 1, NUMBER 22 • MARCH 2, 1978 Senate approves,two 'colleges' Concordia Senate voted last Friday to establish a women's institute and a centre for mature students at an approximate cost of $68,000 a year each. Tomorrow (Friday, March 3), Senate is scheduled to meet at 10 am for a day-long session to debate and perhaps vote on the creation of a liberal arts college . and a religious college. The Senate vote recommends that the Concordia Board of Governors adopt the two resolutions which passed with over­ whelming majorities. If the Board passes the two resolutions when it meets 1 pm on March 9 then work can begin on the creation of "small units such as colleges" for this September. At last Friday's meeting, Senate officially received University Provost Robert Wall's report on "small units such More on Soviets at Loyo/,a, p. 4 as colleges". · Senate quickly passed over the Priori­ ties and Resource Allocation Committee Report, when Rector John O'Brien, Senate Resident fees to drop 20°/o chairman, suggested Senators keep the Residence fees will drop by 20% next that the 1977-78 budget was pre ared report in mind when discussing colleges. year as part of a campaign to attract more before he became residence director. Before Senate were proposals for four students to Loyola's Hingston and Langley Concordia residences operate on a "small units such as colleges". Dr. Wall Halls, residence airector David Chanter balanced budget. Operating funds must acted as chief spokesman, with proponents announced last week. equal · fees received from students. In of specific proposals answering Senate's A fee hike of 46% which took effect in lowering next year's fees, Chanter is questions when required. September has been blamed for this year's gambling: his budget is based on an First discussed was the women's occupancy rate of 66%, down from 75% in occupancy rate of 90%. In spite of the risk, institute. Throughout the women's report, the fall. "Cost seemed to be the single Chanter is optimistic and feels that what is the phrase women's college is used, but in an biggest complaint students had," said needed is a little more publicity. "We're in eleventh hour preface to their report, they Chanter, adding that he knew of many a position now where we have to sell the opted for the word institute, because students who either did not apply or who idea of residence," he explained. To that "college" connotes pre-university studies withdrew their residence applications end he has printed an illustrated brochure in Quebec. because of this year's high fees. outlining the advantages of residence life. The women's institute brief said ·statis­ Chanter hopes that by reducing the cost The brochure is being sent to prospective tics show · that there has been a higher of a single room from $1,247 to $1,000 and students and to current students living off nu.mber of· achievers among women that of a· double from $1,136 to }900, the island of Montreal. He also · plans to ontinued on page 2 Concordia residences will be "competitive push Concordia residences at Sir George - with the outside housing market". Al- "these are Concordia residences not just though · he continues to stress that it Loyola residences" - and will be "shouldn't only be a matter of dollars and advertising the benefits of living at Loyola cents", he admits that "we have to be closer in.upcoming issues of The Georgian. to the outside market" or there is a risk "I think we've turned a corner," says that only wealthy students will be able to· Chanter. "If we haven't turned a corner, if afford the "social advantages" of residence occupancy rates are still low next year, we life. will have to look at the question of "We started with a zero budget." said residences." Chanter of his and ancillary services The only bad news in all this is for director Doug De'{enne's attempts to cut current residence tenants. There is "little the residence budget. "Every item was likelihood" of that fee rebate mentioned at looked at and had to be justified." Chanter the height of the controversy S,tp'rounding assured TTR that the budget cuts would September's fee hike. Chanter cited the not result in any decrease in service but residence mandate to break even and the .wouldn't comment Qn the merit of a budget lower than anticipated occupancy as the that could be so easily trimmed, stating reasons. -Mark Gerson Provost Robert Wall from page 1 , In summary the brief said the centre would have two major aims: a) to provide graduating ftom all-women's colleges than •mature students with a first rate Collectivity has among womeh graduating from co-educa­ introduction to university studies and to tionaJ institutions. integrate them into the life of the Christine Allen, speaking for the university and - b) to maintain Concor­ power-Soviet women's committee which drafted the dia's tradition and recognized leadership in proposal, said that the institute would be the field of adult education and develop its open to men and was particularly ability to meet the challenges of growth in interested in attracting men interested in this sector in the coming decades. "role changing". Before the vote was called Maria Brown, Prof. Allen, speaking from the audience, senator representing the Loyola Evening said that the institute would also be a Students' Association, said she could not support structure for women entering into vote for the proposal. the large university. "I'm in favor of it personally," she said. Prof. Wall explained that bleak as the "But I've talked to my·group and they are enrollment picture was, women constitut­ against it. They say it would alienate ed the one bright spot, as statistics showed _them." · women returning to university in greater Asked what she meant by being rtumbers than men. "alienated," Miss Brown said that evening Enrollment seemed to be the main issue students did not want to be separated from behind the college debate.. The idea the -mainstream of university life. mentioned again and again was that "small Fui:thermore, she did not have any input units such as colleges" would provide a . on the committee drafting the mature more personal atmosphere thart a large student centre report. impersonal "mega-versity". "But we invited you to meetings," said When Tom Gray suggested that enroll' Dr. Wall. ments were merely shrinking back to "But they were held during the day," norms before the "artificially inflated said Miss Brown. numbers of students we had in the '60s and "The Sir George group managed to early '70s," he was told that government attend the meetings," said Dr. Wall. grants depend on enrollments and that this Janice Lowenstein, from the Sir George was the reality faced by the university. evening students, ~aid that she had not Dean Stan French called the question, attended all the meetings, but she was in but Jack Borda,n, Vice-Rector Academic, favor of the motion and would vote for it . Alexander Maslin, member of the social protested that the debate had gone too When the vote was called, again Jack sciences section of the' Praesidium of the quickly. Bordan, Vice-Rector Academic, protested Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., told Dr. O'Brien, chairman, called for a vote the haste with which such serious matters a group attending the Utopia or Oblivion to close debate and it passed: Then there had been dealt. conference at Concordia £his week that was the vote on whether there should be a After the vote (29'-2) passed the collective action can ch~nge the course of women's institute. resolution on the creation of a mature history. · Before voting, Dr. O'Brien said that by students centre, Senate turned its atten­ Maslin, a futurologist, said that in­ voting for the motion, s~nate was not tion to the liberal arts college proposal. dividuals in the past from ancient to approving every detail of the proposal This was discussed for some time, but the modern times had changed the course of , which was almost 50 pages in length. matter was put off until the next meeting history and that in this century collective The vote was called and the women's of Senate when the hour became late. action had done the same and will continue institute was approved 25 votes to 2. Prof. -Christy McCormick to be the major force in the future. Charles Bertrand asked that abstentions be recorded. Nine were. Dr. Wall immediately pressed on to the 8uilding music . propos'al to establish a centre for mature Food Day students. Aline and Harold Westover are a New He pointed out that the drop out rate "Food for Thought: culture, nutrition, Jlampshire couple who teach instrument among mature students was· high and that politics and you!" is the title and theme of a building. The· Westovers will be at something had to be done about it. program which will be presented next Concordia next week giving a workshop The proposal said: "The centre will play week by community nursing and health on the building of treble and tenor viola da a social-supportive role in the life of the education students at Loyola. gambas, medieval harps, vielles and older student entering university. It will What is the world food situation? Is rebecs. "No previous experience is thus foster a sense of place and a sense of there really a food crisis? What's the necessary," reads the publicity, but belonging in the older student who tends to relation between the-Canadian farmer and ''Persons with less experience in wood­ feel isolated and ill at ease in a huge, what is now called "agribusiness"? What working are asked.
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