Lebanon Syria Haifa Mediterranian Sea Tel-Aviv-YafoTel-Aviv-Yafo JerusalemJerusalem WestWest BBankank (Judea(Judea & SSamaria)amaria) za a GazaG I s r a e l Egypt Jordan Eilat Linking the Gaza Strip with the West Bank: Implications of a Palestinian Corridor Across Israel Justus Reid Weiner and Diane Morrison The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs ®¯¢Ú© ‰È„Ó ¯Â·Èˆ ÈÈÈÚÏ ÈÓÏ˘Â¯È‰ ÊίӉ Institute for Contemporary Affairs Founded jointly with the Wechsler Family Foundation © 2007 Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs 13 Tel Hai Street, Jerusalem, Israel 92107 Tel. 972-2-561-9281 Fax. 972-2-561-9112 Email:
[email protected] www.jcpa.org ISBN 965-218-058-0 Production Coordinator: Edna Weinstock-Gabay Graphic Design: Rami & Jacky / Efrat / Lenka Maps: Rami & Jacky Photos: AP Photo, Government Press Office Back cover photo: IDF Spokesman Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank their colleagues, Deborah Norris and Marie E. Yetsin, for their assistance. The authors appreciate the advice and assistance of Daniel Taub, Adv. Table of Contents Executive Summary 5 Introduction 9 I. The Doctrine of Statehood 11 A. The Traditional Criteria for Statehood as Enunciated by the Montevideo Convention of 1933 11 1. Criterion i: A Permanent Population 12 2. Criterion ii: A Defined Territory 12 3. Criterion iii: Government 13 4. Criterion iv: Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States 14 5. Independence 16 B. Additional Criteria for Statehood 16 C. Additional Criteria for Statehood Suggested as a Result of Modern Developments in International Law 17 1. The Rule of Legality 18 3 2.