II NN DD EE XX MM AA PP :: DETAILED LANDSLIDE AND FLOOD HAZARD MAP OF 125°40'0"E 125°45'0"E SIBAGAT, , ; 4118-IV-18 4118-IV-19 4118-IV-20 CITY (Capital) SIBAGAT AND LAS NIEVES, , 4118-IV-23 4118-IV-24 4118-IV-25


4118-IV-24 TAGLIBAS QUADRANGLE LAS NIEVES 8°45'0"N 125°39'0"E 125°40'0"E 125°41'0"E 125°42'0"E 8°45'0"N 4118-III-3 4118-III-4 4118-III-5

100 125°40'0"E 120 8°48'0"N

1 1

0 0

8°48'0"N 0 0 0 0 1 8 14 2 1 0 1 4 0

8 Purok II 0 40 0 1 (Ilihan)

6 0 1 #


1 1 8 140 0

0 4 1 60

120 Purok I 6 (Ilihan) ILIHAN μ 0 140 # P # 0120.5 1 Purok VII 6 0 Ilihan Elementary School (Ilihan)

1 4 (Ilihan) Kilometers 0 n 1 4


0 4

Purok VIII 1 (Sinai) 0 # 16

Purok I (Sinai) LL E G E N D : 1 # 6

0 0 6 1 Main road center location 0 P! 8 1 0 4 Purok III 180 1 So. Magaling (Ilihan)# (Poblacion) 0 Purok II Secondary road # Purok/ location (Barangay) 2 2 (Sinai) 2 0 0 6 # 0 1 Purok VI 0 (Sinai) 2 80 Track; trail n # 1 School 1 4

0 0 0 8 4 1 1 SINAIPurok III v® Hospital 8 River 0 0 P (Sinai) 2 # n 1 160 Sinai Elementary School (Sinai) Municipal boundary G Church

0 12 80 Contour (meter) Proposed relocation site 0 4 1 0 4 Purok IV 0 1

4 1 (Ilihan) 0 # Purok V 4 (Sinai)# 1 Purok V (Ilihan)# Landslide

1 4 40 0 1 8°47'0"N 8°47'0"N 140 Very high landslide susceptibility

1 16 40 0 Areas usually with steep to very steep slopes and underlain by weak materials. Recent landslides, escarpments and tension

80 0 2 1 0 cracks are present. Human initiated effects could be an 14 aggravating factor. 120 120

4 40 0 High landslide susceptibility 60

14 0 Purok VI Areas usually with steep to very steep slopes and underlain by (Ilihan)# weak materials. Areas with numerous old/inactive landslides.


8 200 0 Moderate landslide susceptibility 8 0 4 0 0 6 1 200 Areas with moderately steep slopes. Soil creep and other indications of possible landslide occurrence are present. 0 0 4 0 6 1 6 1 160

0 Low landslide susceptibility 6 0 16 0 6 0 Gently sloping areas with no identified landslide. 10 180

1 0 0 Debris flow / Possible accumulation zone

80 0 14 Areas that could be affected by landslide debris. 1 40 Purok III

120 (Taglibas) # >>>D 0 Active landslide Creep 8

0 8

0 1

0 0

1 0 2 Inactive landslide Tension crack

Taglibas Elementary School HHH (Taglibas) Landslide area with mitigating measure Gully 1 n 1 60 2 0 ///Rock fall/Rock slide prone area Riverbank erosion 0 80 10 TAGLIBAS Purok II 80 (Taglibas) 8 P 0 # Purok I Purok I Old landslide deposits (Bonifacio) (Taglibas)# 8°46'0"N

8°46'0"N # 10 BONIFACIOP 0 Recent landslide deposits n Purok II (Bonifacio)# Bonifacio Elementary School 0 (Bonifacio) Purok III 14 0 4 Areas susceptible to ground subsidence/sinkhole development (Bonifacio) 1 8 0 # 0 0 120

80 Flood

0 0 1 80 Very high flood susceptibility

0 10 Areas likely to experience flood heights of greater than 60 2 meters and/or flood duration of more than 3 days. Purok V These areas are immediately flooded during heavy rains (San Agustin)# 12 0 Purok III of several hours; include landforms of topographic lows (San Agustin) 1 such as active river channels, abandoned river channels 2 # 0 and area along river banks; also prone to flashfloods.

60 0 2 Purok I 1

(San Agustin) 1 1 # 0 4 # 0 0 High flood susceptibility Purok IV P Purok II (San Agustin) (San Agustin)# Areas likely to experience flood heights of greater than 1 up to

1 1 2 0 0 0 2 meters and/or flood duration of more than 3 days. 0 16 0 These areas are immediately flooded during heavy rains 0 0 0 1 1 0 6 of several hours; include landforms of topographic lows 1 0 San Agustin Elementary School 8 8 1 0 such as active river channels, abandoned river channels 8 (San Agustin) 0 n and area along river banks; also prone to flashfloods.

140 Moderate flood susceptibility 1 4 1 6 0 1 6 0 0 0 0 1 Areas likely to experience flood heights of greater than 0.5m up to 0 0 1 60 1 meter and/or flood duration of 1 to 3 days. These 80 areas are subject to widespread inundation during prolonged and

0 8 extensive heavy rainfall or extreme weather condition. Fluvial terraces, 6 0 0

0 1 alluvial fans, and infilled valleys are areas moderately subjected to flooding. 8°45'0"N 8°45'0"N 125°39'0"E 125°40'0"E 125°41'0"E 125°42'0"E Low flood susceptibility Areas likely to experience flood heights of 0.5 meter or less and/or flood duration of less than 1 day. These areas include Data Sources : Coordinate System : low hills and gentle slopes. They also have sparse to MGB Geohazard Assessment Team moderate drainage density. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Spheroid : ...... Clark 1866 Lands Geological Survey Division Projection : ...... Transverse Mercator Geosciences Division MGB Regional Office XIII MINES AND GEOSCIENCES BUREAU Datum : ...... Luzon 1911 Direction of 1.2 National Mapping and Resource Information Authority ? Flood depth (meter) North Avenue, Diliman, ? rising floodwater

Direction of ! Mapping scale 1:10,000 Flashflood exit point ? % ALL RIGHTS RESERVED GIS Processing : receding floodwater PUBLISHED DECEMBER 2015 Lands Geological Survey Division