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abolitionist literature see also slave narratives women writers, 110 , 118 – 21 Address of Abraham Johnstone, A Black Alcott, Louisa May, 110 Man … To the People of Color , 31 Alfau, Felipe, 223 – 4 nativist rhetoric, 64 Alger, Horatio, 103 , 107 slave narratives and, 263 Ames, Levi, 21– 2 Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 58 , 63 antebellum crime fi ction see also city mystery abolitionists see also slavery novels ; urban crime fi ction accusations of slave stealing, 77 immigrants’ living conditions, 66 – 7 American Anti- Slavery Society (AASS), 72 , racial ambivalence of, 63 73 , 77 – 8 , 80 as social critique, 57 anti- slavery sentiments in Romanticism, 62 – 3 anthropometry, 141 incrimination of, 77 – 8 Appel, Benjamin, 184 slave testimonies at alternative Arendt, Hannah, 195 , 196 tribunals, 79 – 81 Auden, W. H. Acker, Kathy, 228 on the detective , 158 , 176 African- American detective fi ction see also “ Th e Guilty Vicarage”, 159 , 168 , 341 Himes, Chester New Year Letter , 163 – 5 absurd violence and representations of Auster, Paul, 94 , 229 racism, 269 authority, institutionalized Black Chicago Renaissance, 267 – 8 city mystery novels as challenge to, 51 – 2 black identity and ties with Africa, 265 – 6 individual autonomy vs. social authority in Th e Black Sleuth (Bruce), 265 – 6 gallows genre, 21 – 2 Th e Conjure Man Dies (Fisher), 266 – 7 liberal authority values in hard- boiled fi ction, contemporary, 271 – 2 182 , 237 – 8 critiques of Jim Crow era, 264 – 5 Pinkerton’s relationship with, 100 – 1 during the Harlem Renaissance, 266 – 7 autobiographies, criminal female novelists and detectives, 272 – 4 A Brief Narrative of the Life and Confession of Hagar’s Daughter (Hopkins), 264 – 5 Barnett Davenport , 35 Harlem Domestics (Himes), 186 – 8 , 268 – 9 A Narrative of the Life of William Beadle , 35 Holloway House school, 269 – 70 female malefactors, 32 – 4 Let Th at Be the Reason (Stringer), 274 of gallows genre, 21 – 2 links with slave narratives, 78 , 81 , 263 and the gothic, 34 – 6 literary criticism, 349 infl uence on novels of seduction, 33 – 4 “Mama” series (DeLoach), 272 – 3 Life and Confession of Johnson Green , 3 0 – 2 Native Son (Wright), 267 – 8 Th e Memoirs of Steven Burroughs , 2 9 – 3 0 Pimp: Th e Story of My Life (Beck), 270 postmodernist, 270 – 1 Bailey, Frankie Y., 349 street literature novels, 273 – 4 Barnard, Philip, 36 African Americans Beck, Robert “Iceberg Slim”, 270 Charlotte Justice (detective), 240 , 241 Belsey, Catherine, 128 Double- Victory strategy, 186 – 8 Benjamin, Walter, 160


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Berry, Jedediah, 232 Chintz, David, 154 Bester, Alfred, 224 – 5 Choi, Susan, 231 Betz, Phyllis M., 349 Christie, Agatha, 89 , 113 , 131 , 167 Biggers, Earl Derr, 175 – 6 Citizenfour , 306 – 9 Birchfi eld, D. L., 259 city mystery novels see also antebellum crime black minstrelsy, 63 fi ction ; urban crime ction fi Bloch, Robert, 215 – 16 African- American characters, 63 – 4 Borges, Jorge Luis anti- Catholicism, 64 infl uences of Poe, 91 – 2 authors of, 49 – 50 “La muerte y la brujula”, 91 – 2, 223 as challenge to moral authorities, 51 – 2 writing career, 91 City Crimes or Life in New York and Boston Browne, Ray B., 349 (Th ompson), 50 – 1 , 52 , 53 – 4 , 60 , 64 Bruce, John Edward, 265 – 6 class confl ict in, 52 – 3 , 57 , 58 – 60 , 62 Buntline, Ned criminality in, 52 Th e Mysteries and Miseries of New York , 50 , depictions of women, 53 – 4 51 , 60 , 139 gothic elements to, 50 – 1 sympathies for the working man, 52 , 56 industrial capitalism critiques, 44 , 57 , 58 – 9 , Burroughs, William S., 94 60 , 63 – 4 , 66 Th e Knights of the Seal (Duganne), 60 , 64 Cain, James M. Les Mysterès de Paris (Sue), 44 Double Indemnity , 193 , 195 , 202 , 210 – 11 , 314 , 316 Th e Mysteries and Miseries of New York Ossessione (fi lm), 186 (Buntline), 50 , 51 , 60 , 139 Th e Postman Always Rings Twice , 153 , 184 , 185 , nativist rhetoric in, 64 , 65 , 66 – 7 186 , 316 pornographic depictions, 53 writing style, 185 Quaker City: or, the Monks of Monk Hall Calweti, John, 343 (Lippard), 44 , 52 , 53 , 58 – 60 , 64 cant, 9 race in, 57 , 63 – 4 carceral gothic, 38 – 9 as secret histories, 44 Carey, John, 168 sensationalism of, 51 Carr, John Dickson, 168 , 171 , 173 – 4 urbanization and, 44 – 6 Carretta, Vincent, 69 – 70 , 71 women in, 53 – 4 Chabon, Michael, 230 class Chabrol, Claude, 317 and the Molly Maguire case, 101 Chandler, Raymond class confl ict in city mysteries, 52 – 3 , 57, Th e Big Sleep , 163 , 192 – 3 , 211 – 12 58 – 60 , 62 Farewell, My Lovely , 316 class confl ict in Th e House of the Seven Gables fi lm adaptations, 1970s, 320 (Hawthorne), 60 – 2 Fredric Jameson’s essays on, 346 – 7 class hierarchies, 140 Th e Long Goodbye , 238 cross- racial sympathies, 63 – 5 “ Th e Simple Art of Murder”, 89 – 90 , 174 , 176 , inheritance and marriage plots, 174 – 5 182 – 3 , 341 – 2 middle- class hypocrisies, 52 – 3 , 103 , 123 – 4 Chang, Henry middle- class private rooms as public crime exhaustion in, 247 scenes, 160 identity as trauma, 241 and race in Golden Age fi ction, 175 – 6 identity knowledge, 240 surveillance to counter class- based social institutional corruption, 242 threats, 137 as neoliberal texts, 245 – 6 , 247 working- class populism, 180 – 2 the resisting individual, 242 – 3 cliff hangers, 28 urban landscape knowledge, 239 Cohen, Daniel, 34 Chartier, Jean- Pierre, 315 – 16 Collins, Wilkie, 124 , 126 , 155 – 6 Chatman, Seymour, 342 – 3 Comstock, Anthony, 99 Chesnutt, Charles, 144 Conan Doyle, Arthur Chesterton, G. K. admiration for Anna Katharine Green, 126 “A Defense of Detective Stories”, 160 chain of inheritance with Poe/ Dupin, 85 – 6 “ Th e Blue Cross”, 88 – 9 dual nature of Holmes, 86 – 7

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detective (“A Scandal in defi ning features of, 83 , 102 – 3 Bohemia”), 125 , 127 – 9 , 130 – 1 “ Th e Murders in the Rue Morgue” as “ Th e Sign of Four”, 126 , 127 foundation for, 83 – 4 A Study in Scarlet , 250 women writers, 110 Watsonian amanuensis, 170 detectives see also Pinkerton National Detective writing schedule, 326 Agency ; women detectives Coulthard, Glen, 251 detective/ criminal similarities, 205 – 6 , 212 Crane, Stephen, 139 – 40 physical and mental condition of, 231 – 2 crime fi ction Dick, Philip K., 93 – 4 , 229 and canonical literature, 1 – 2 Dietrich, Marlene, 201 – 2 art of, 1 , 36 , 84 dime novels eighteenth- century characteristics of, 28 and genre fi ction, 99 in relation to American literary history, 2 – 4 , 9 mass readership, 180 – 1 crime fi ction criticism Molly Maguire Case, 101 – 2 crime fi ction in relation to American literary Pinkerton Agency, 97 – 8 , 105 – 7 history, 2 – 3 , 9 portrayals of detectives, 100 crime fi ction within canonical literature, 1 Ragged Dick novels (Alger), 103 , 107 high culture/ low culture wars, 340 – 2 vigilantism in, 145 ideological criticism, 346 – 7 women detectives in, 124 – 5 noir story, 350 domestic detective fi ction see also Green, Anna overview of, 339 – 40 Katharine pas de deux concept, 3 Th e Dead Letter (Victor), 110 , 125 poststructuralist and postmodernism, 347 – 8 genre of, 125 psychoanalysis, 343 – 6 “In a Cellar” (Spoff ord), 116 – 18 revisionist criticism, 348 – 50 scholarly criticism of, 110 – 11 structuralist criticism, 342 – 3 the transnational in the domestic criminal anthropology, 140 – 2 sphere, 115 – 21 criminality women’s perspectives and, 123 – 4 anthropometry, 141 Douglass, Frederick, 73 , 80 , 263 – 4 in city mystery novels, 52 Downing, Todd female criminality as abomination, 197 Th e Case of the Unconquered Sisters , 254 identifi cation of and realism, 147 Murder on the Tropic , 254 – 6 public interest in the narrative of, 19 – 22 , 28 – 9 Murder on Tour , 254 and race, 30 – 2 overview of, 251 – 2 criminology, 146 – 7 settler colonial crime in, 251 – 2 cultural determinism, 146 Dreiser, Th eodore, 145 – 7 , 229 – 30 Duganne, Augustine anti- slavery sentiments, 63 Daly, Carroll John Th e Knights of the Seal , 60 , 64 “Knights of the Open Palm”, 181 – 2 treatment of crime, 56 liberal autonomy values, 182 Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 144 – 5 De Goede, Marieke, 303 , 305 De Quincey, Th omas, 84 E ffi nger, George Alec, 229 death see also execution sermons ; gallows genre Eliot, T. S. in early New England theology, 13 codifi cation of detective rules, 154 , 169 entertaining deaths in gallows genre, 22 – 4 devotion to detective fi ction, 154 , 176 and femme fatales , 197 on , 155 – 6 , 158 – 9 as fulfi llment/ spiritual rebirth, 16 – 17 Th e Waste Land , 154 – 5 DeLillo, Don, 230 – 1 “Wilkie Collins and Dickens”, 155 – 6 DeLoach, Nora, 272 – 3 Ellroy, James, 198 DeLombard, Jeannine, 32 Enlightenment, 21 , 35 , 36 Denning, Michael, 62 , 98 , 101 , 102 , 183 , 184 Equiano, Olaudah Derrida, Jacques, 347 – 8 charges of literary fraud, 70 – 1 detective genre Th e Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah “20 Rules for Writing Detective Stories”, 89 Equiano , 69 , 70 , 74

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Erickson, Todd, 320 – 1 Th e Long Weekend , 315 execution sermons and male protagonists, 315 – 16 After Souls by Death are Separated from their Th e Maltese Falcon , 314 , 317 Bodies (Campbell), 13 – 14 Murder, My Sweet , 314 , 315 , 316 , 317 the condemned as monuments, 14 , 15 resurgence in (neo- noir), 319 – 20 , 321 Th e Confession and Dying Warning of Hugh term “noir”, 314 – 16 , 321 – 2 Henderson , 13 – 14 , 18 fi lms see also gangster fi lms/ television ; neo Death the Certain Wages of Sin (Rogers), noir fi lms 15 – 16 , 18 Th e Big Lebowski , 179 fi ctive identities in, 14 Blade Runner , 229 identifi cation with the criminal, 14 competition with television, 1970s, 326 – 7 , 330 Impenitent Sinners Warned of Th eir Misery Jaws , 326 – 7 , 330 (Willard), 14 Ossessione (Visconti), 186 repentance in, 13 , 14 – 15 Star Wars , 326 – 7 , 330 unrepentance in, 17 – 18 Vertigo (Hitchcock), 225 – 6 Warnings to the Unclean (Williams), 14 Fisher, Rudolph, 266 – 7 Foucault, Michel Fearing, Kenneth, 189 – 90 carcel archipelago, 140 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 162 circular criminal justice system, 146 femme fatales murder as art, 36 the American femme fatale , 202 panopticism, 137 , 147 Bonnie and Clyde , 279 Frank, Lawrence, 144 Carmen and Vivian (Th e Big Sleep ), 192 , 193 , Frank, Nino, 314 – 15 194 , 211 – 12 Freud, Sigmund, 344 – 5 as dispossessed by the state and the law, An Account of the Behaviour and Last Dying 197 – 201 Speeches of Six Pirates , 17 Do Evil in Return (Millar), 200 Fatale (Manchette), 200 – 1 gallows genre as harbingers of death, 197 adaption to criminal confession genre, 27 Hester Prynne (Th e Scarlet Letter ), 196 – 7 Ames, Levi, 21– 2 imagery of, 201 – 2 appropriation of the criminal persona, 24 , 25 Irene Adler (“A Scandal in Bohemia”), 125 , A Brief Description of the Life and Abominable 127 – 9 , 130 – 1 Th efts of the Notorious Isaac Frasier , 19 – 20 Kill My Mother (graphic novel), 195 commercial viability, 18 , 27 Lilith Ritter (Nightmare Alley ), 193 – 5 Confessions of Nat Turner (Grey), 74 Marlene Dietrich as embodiment of, 201 – 2 Dying Declaration of James Buchanan, Ezra Medea, 195 – 6 Th e Ross, and William Brooks , 2 3 – 4 Phyllis Nirdlinger (Double Indemnity ), 193 , the entertaining death, 22 – 4 195 , 202 , 210 – 11 individual autonomy vs. social authority Fiedler, Leslie, 2 in, 21 – 2 fi lm gris, 188 – 9 individualized characterization, 19 – 21 fi lm noir see also neo noir fi lms infl uence on later American fi ction, 27 authorship, 316 – 17 A Journal of the Life and Travels of Joseph- Bill Th e Big Clock (Fearing), 189 – 90 Packer , 2 0 – 1 Chinatown (Polanski), 195 , 198 , 320 miraculous conversion theme, 16 – 17 cinematic style of, 317 – 18 narratives of persons of color, 30 – 2 , 74 criminal activity and psychic public experiences of, 18 dysfunction, 213 – 14 repentance in, 13 , 14 – 15 Double Indemnity , 314 , 315 , 316 , 317 secularization of, 19 , 24 in French literary culture, 316 A Short Account of John ********** Alias Owen genre of, 313 – 14 Syllavan , 19 , 20 growth out of hard- boiled fi ction, 188 Tremenda , 74 Laura , 314 , 317 unrepentance, 17 – 18 literary criticism, 350 Th e Vial Poured out upon the Sea as a locus of cultural meaning, 318 – 19 (Mather), 17 – 18

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Galton, Francis, 142 Amelia Butterworth novels, 125 , 129 – 31 , gangster fi lms/ television see also Th e Sopranos 132 , 133 beastly natures, 285 – 6 career of, 110 Bonnie and Clyde , 279 Th e Circular Study , 112 – 13 , 132 Breaking Bad , 284 , 285 , 286 , 334 , 336 – 7 Conan Doyle’s admiration for, 126 decadence and failure in, 282 – 3 domestic spaces in, 112 , 113 , 114 – 15 familial obligations, 278 Th e Golden Slipper and Other Problems for family concept, 276 – 7 , 286 – 7 Violet Strange , 113 – 15 , 123 , 124 , 125 , 134 gangster as tragic hero, 278 , 334 Th e Leavenworth Case , 112 , 115 , 125 , 126 – 7 gender relations, 279 – 80 the transnational in the domestic Th e Godfather saga, 279 – 80 sphere, 115 – 16 Goodfellas , 280 – 1 Gresham, William Lindsay, 193 – 5 Th e Public Enemy , 277 , 278 Gruesser, John, 118 – 19 Th e Shield , 284 , 285 , 336 Grusin, Richard, 303 , 304 Sons of Anarchy , 284 , 285 , 286 Guest, David, 146 Gardner, Martin, 88 Gavin, Adrienne E., 131 “Had- I- But- Known” subgenre, 132 gender see also women detectives ; women Halttunen, Karen, 34 – 5 , 103 writers Hammett, Dashiel in gangster fi lms/ television, 279 – 80 Chandler’s praise for, 174 , 182 – 3 gender- based trauma, 240 – 1 Th e Dain Curse , 208 – 9 and hard- boiled fi ction readership, 181 , 237 as father of hard- boiled fi ction, 167 and identity politics, 236 – 7 hard- boiled style, 90 Gillman, Susan, 143 liberal autonomy values, 182 Golden Age murder mysteries see also V a n Th e Maltese Falcon , 90 , 223 , 226 , 314 Dine, S.S. populist admirers of, 180 British/ American of, 167 – 8 Red Harvest , 182 , 209 – 10 , 238 , 261 class and race, 175 – 6 hard- boiled detective fi ction see also Chandler, codifi cation of, 154 , 169 Raymond ; Hammett, Dashiel commercial mass market of, 168 adaptations for fi lm gris, 189 criticism of, 174 , 182 – 3 Th e Big Clock (Fearing), 189 – 90 era of, 167 “bigness” and, 179 fair play convention, 89 – 90 , 168 – 70 , 172 and continental populism, 186 – 8 Gaudy Night (Sayers), 172 – 3 cynicism over the New Deal, 185 – 6 inheritance and marriage plots, 174 – 6 fi lm noir’s growth out of, 188 literary legacy of, 176 – 7 French translations of, 316 originality in, 170 genre of, 90 pseudonymous authorship, 171 – 2 liberal autonomy values, 182 , 237 – 8 reader requirements, 172 – 4 and New Deal liberalism, 237 – 8 realistic aesthetic, 170 – 1 , 174 – 5 nineteenth- century infl uences, 100 – 1 Th e Roman Hat Mystery (Queen), 169 , 171 , as precursor to metaphysical detective 174 , 175 fi ction, 223 Th e Th ree Coffi ns (Carr), 173 – 4 as proletarian fi ction, 182 , 183 – 5 Watsonian amanuensis, 170 prose style, 90 , 154 – 5 , 182 – 3 gothic psychopathology in, 208 – 10 A Brief Narrative of the Life and rise of, 174 Confession of Barnett Davenport , 35 and U.S. populism, 179 – 80 carceral gothic, 38 – 9 working- class populism, 180 – 2 in city mystery novels, 50 – 1 Harnett, Stephen John, 31 criminal autobiographies, 34 – 6 Harris, Th omas, 205 parallels with gallows genre, 22 – 4 Harte, Bret, 138 prison exposés, 38 Hawthorne, Nathaniel Wieland (Brown), 36 – 7 “Hawthorne and His Moses” (Melville), 56 graphic novels, 195 Th e House of the Seven Gables , 6 0 – 2 Green, Anna Katharine Th e Scarlet Letter , 58 , 196 – 7

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Haycraft, Howard individualism of Romanticism, 58 “ Th e Art of the Mystery Story” , 1 individual- society relationship, 58 Murder for Pleasure , 167 – 8 liberalism and, 57 Haye, Terry, 300 , 301 public interest in the narrative of, 19 – 22 , 28 – 9 Hayne, Barrie, 126 vs. state authority, 21 – 2 , 29 – 30 Hennessy, Rosemary, 130 Irish Mob, 277 Higginson, Th omas Wentworth, 116 Irish, William (Cornel Woolrich), 198 – 9 Himes, Chester Irwin, John T., 348 Harlem Domestics, 186 – 8 , 268 – 9 political beliefs, 186 – 7 , 238 , 268 Jacobs, Harriet, 73 , 80 , 264 realism of, 217 Jacobsen, Karen J., 111 “Zoot Riots Are Race Riots”, 187 – 8 James, William, 157 Hirsch, Foster, 313 , 318 Jameson, Fredric, 346 – 7 A History of the Detection, Conviction, Life Jay, Gregory, 154 , 155 and Designs of John A. Murrell: Th e Great Johnson, Barbara, 347 – 8 Land Pirate , 75 – 7 , 79 journals Hitchcock, Alfred, 225 – 6 Th e Mechanic’s Free Press , 4 6 – 9 Hoganson, Kristin, 115 Th e White Banner , 56 Hoklotobbe, Sara Sue, 259 – 60 Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay, 199 – 200 Kaplan, Amy, 137 Homeland Kazin, Michael, 180 pre- and re- mediation of terrorism, 303 – 4 King, Th omas self/ other diff erentiation, 305 – 6 DreadfulWater Shows Up , 257 – 8 torture, 305 Th e Red Powers Murders , 258 – 9 Hopkins, Pauline, 110 , 118 – 21 , 264 – 5 Knight, Steven, 346 Hopper, Edward, 192 – 3 Knox, Ronald, 169 Horsley, Lee, 174 Korobkin, Laura, 36 HUAC investigations, 188 Krutnik, Frank, 213 – 14 Hutter, Albert D., 344 Lacan, Jacques, 345 , 347 – 8 I Am Pilgrim (Hayes) Laclau, Ernesto, 180 and the 9/ 11 attacks, 300 laFavor, Carole pre- and re- mediation of terrorism, 303 – 4 Along the Journey River , 257 self/ other diff erentiation, 301 , 305 Evil Dead Center , 258 – 9 torture, 304 – 5 Larimer, George, 72 – 3 , 75 identity politics see also Chang, Henry ; Paretsky, Larson, Nathan, 230 Sara ; Woods, Paula L. LaValle, Victor, 227 – 8 , 232 African- American women writers, 272 – 3 law clan consciousness, 181 – 2 , 238 , 243 – 4 abolitionists’ alternative tribunals, 79 – 81 of gender and race and crime fi ction, 236 – 7 exclusion of slave testimonies, 79 identity as trauma, 240 – 1 extralegal slavery- era activities, 78 – 9 identity knowledge, 240 incrimination of abolitionists, 77 – 8 identity theft of Native Americans, 260 legal codifi cation of psychopaths, 207 Klu Klux Klan, 181 – 2 , 238 and settler colonial crime, 252 , 253 in metaphysical detective stories, 224 LeConte, Joseph, 140 and neoliberalism, 238 – 9 , 244 – 8 Leovy, Jill, 292 – 3 , 298 place and identity categories, 239 – 40 Lethem, Jonathan, 94 , 230 , 231 – 2 and psychoanalysis, 246 Levenson, Michael, 162 racial identity/ mixed race, 264 –5 liberalism the resisting individual, 242 – 3 and the emergence of the middle- classes, 57 urban landscape knowledge, 239 – 40 liberal autonomy values in hard- boiled and uses of psychoanalysis, 246 fi ction, 182 , 237 – 8 individual neoliberalism, 244 assertion of personhood in gallows New Deal liberalism/ populism, 183 , 185 – 6 , literature, 32 187 , 237 – 8

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Lindsay, Jeff , 205 , 217 and hard- boiled fi ction, 223 Link, Kelly, 232 – 3 identity politics, 224 Lippard, George literary criticism, 348 anti- slavery sentiments, 63 Locos: A Comedy of Gestures (Alfau), 223 – 4 journalism career, 50 Lolita (Nabokov), 225 Memoirs of a Preacher , 63 Th e Maltese Falcon (Hammett), 223 , 226 New York: Its Upper Ten and Lower Million , Mumbo Jumbo (Reed), 227 60 , 63 , 64 as neuro- noir, 231 – 2 politics of, 48 , 56 Poe as precursor to, 222 – 3 Quaker City: or, the Monks of Monk Hall , 44 , and psychoanalysis, 224 – 6 52 , 53 , 58 – 60 , 64 race in, 227 – 8 Quaker City Weekly , 63 Th e Real Life of Sebastian Knight (Nabokov), Th e White Banner , 56 92 – 3 , 224 literary realism and the recent past, 230 – 1 on the causes of criminal behavior, 144 references to earlier texts, 229 and contemporary cultural tensions, 136 – 7 stage and screen adaptations, 228 and criminal anthropology, 140 – 2 Millar, Margaret, 200 criminal injustices of slavery, 142 – 4 Miller, D. A., 137 , 144 , 346 criticism, 136 Millhauser, Steven, 223 , 229 identifi cation of criminality, 147 modernism see also Eliot, T. S. ; Stein, Gertrude realistic aesthetic in Golden Age fi ction, and crime fi ction, 153 , 159 170 – 1 , 174 – 5 criminality of the modernist era, 163 – 5 representations of socially deviant defamiliarization through crime, 156 – 60 behavior, 138 – 9 detective’s solution as cultural work, 159 surveillance and social control, 136 – 7 and melodrama, 155 – 6 , 158 – 9 Lombroso, Cesare, 140 – 2 middle- class private rooms as public crime Lott, Eric, 63 scenes, 160 Lynch, David, 8 , 322 – 4 , 333 narrative and feelings of guilt, 162 – 3 self- identifi cation as criminal, 160 – 2 Mabbott, Th omas Ollive, 93 state criminalization of modernists, 162 MacDonald, Ross, 216 – 17 Mohan, Rajeswari, 130 magazines Morrison, Toni, 197 – 8 Th e American Bloody Register , 2 7 – 8 Mosley, Walter, 272 the “big slicks”, 180 – 1 mothers Black Mask , 90 , 181 – 2 , 237 – 8 , 316 Beloved (Morrison), 197 – 8 Blackwood’s Magazine , 84 Th e Black Dahlia (Ellroy), 198 Manchette, Jean- Patrick, 200 – 1 Th e Blank Wall (Holding), 199 – 200 Marsh, Ngaio, 167 in crime fi ction, 193 Mather, Cotton, 14 , 15 , 17 – 18 , 74 I Married a Dead Man (Irish), 198 – 9 Mather, Increase, 14 , 15 and the Oedipus complex, 194 McCann, Sean, 180 – 1 , 185 – 6 , 237 , 238 , 349 sexuality of, 193 Melville, Herman in stateless states, 196 , 197 – 8 “Hawthorne and His Moses”, 56 Mount, Th omas, 29 Redburn , 57 , 65 – 7 Merivale, Patricia, 224 Nabokov, Vladimir, 224 metaphysical detective stories see also Lolita , 225 Pynchon, Th omas Th e Real Life of Sebastian Knight , 92 – 3 , 224 as alternative histories, 226 – 7 Naremore, James, 183 , 188 , 315 , 319 , 350 comic stories, 228 Nash, Ogden, 132 crossover with cyberpunk, 229 – 30 Native American writing see also Downing, Th e Demolished Man (Bester), 224 – 5 Todd ; settler colonial crime Don DeLillo’s novels, 230 – 1 Along the Journey River (laFavor), 257 early texts of, 223 – 4 communitism, 261 – 2 feminist crime fi ction, 228 contexts of crime, 260 – 1 genre of, 221 , 223 , 232 – 3 cultural responses to crime, 259 – 60

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Native American writing (cont.) Oates, Joyce Carol, 228 Dreadful Water Shows Up (King), 257 – 8 O’Connell, Jack, 229 Evil Dead Center (laFavor), 258 – 9 Oskison, John Milton, 252 – 3 gaming and crime, 257 – 8 identity theft, 260 Paine, Th omas, 36 Th e Life and Adventures of Joaquín Murieta, Paretsky, Sara the Celebrated California Bandit (Ridge), exhaustion in, 247 251 , 252 , 254 identity as trauma, 241 literary criticism, 349 identity knowledge, 239 , 240 Native activism, 258 – 9 institutional corruption, 242 Th e Red Powers Murders (King), 258 – 9 as neoliberal texts, 244 – 5 , 247 Sadie Walela mysteries (Hoklotobbe), psychoanalysis in, 246 259 – 60 the resisting individual, 242 – 3 settler colonial crime, 250 – 1 , 261 – 2 urban landscape knowledge, 239 – 40 theft of land and property, 257 Patterson, Louise, 190 Native Americans Pederson- Krag, Geraldine, 344 Osage Indian Murders, 253 – 4 penitentiaries, 37 in A Study in Scarlet (Conan Doyle), 250 , 251 Perec, George, 94 Neely, Barbara, 227 , 272 photography, 142 neo noir fi lms see also fi lm noir Pinkerton National Detective Agency Blade Runner , 229 detectives in dime novels, 105 – 7 Blue Velvet , 322 Eye emblem, 100 , 102 David Lynch fi lms, 322 – 4 overview of, 98 emergence of, 319 – 20 , 321 professionalization of the detective profession, genre of, 320 – 1 99 – 100 , 101 – 2 , 103 , 138 Gilda , 323 surveillance function, 98 , 103 Lost Highway , 322 – 3 Pinkerton, Allan term, 321 – 2 Bucholz and the Detectives , 104 – 5 Wild at Heart , 322 memoirs, 98 , 99 , 100 , 103 – 4 New Deal liberalism/ populism, 183 , 185 – 6 , Th e Molly Maguires and the Detectives , 101 – 2 187 , 237 – 8 relationship with institutionalized New England authority, 100 – 1 early theology of, 13 , 14 and the rise of the dime novel, 97 – 8 evangelicalism in, 15 – 16 Th e Somnambulist and the Detective , 99 print trade, 18 – 19 Strikers, Communists, Tramps and newspapers Detectives , 138 Alabama Beacon , 72 – 3 , 75 , 78 Th irty Years a Detective , 99 – 100 Chicago Tribune , 327 – 8 place early forms of, 49 domestic spaces, 112 , 113 , 114 – 15 growth in and urbanization, 49 physical thresholds, 192 – 3 National Police Gazette , 139 place and identity categories, 239 – 40 San Francisco Examiner , 142 ports as permeable places, 192 Nickerson, Catherine Ross, 110 – 11 , 112 , 123 , 125 , Poe, Edgar Allan 130 , 133 , 349 chain of inheritance with Doyle/ 9/ 11 Holmes, 85 – 6 and renewed relevance of the spy infl uence on Borges, 91 – 2 narrative, 300 “ Th e Man of the Crowd”, 222 Bleeding Edge (Pynchon), 227 “ Th e Murders in the Rue Morgue”, 83 – 5 , nocturnal picaresque 124 , 222 – 3 Th e Devil on Two Sticks (Le Sage), 47 Th e Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym , 59 “ Th e Night Hawk” (Mechanic’s Free “ Th e Purloined Letter”, 85 , 91 , 345 , 347 – 8 Press ) , 4 6 – 9 twentieth- century inheritance of, 93 – 4 Th e Night- Walker: or, Evening Rambles in Poitras, Laura, 306 – 9 Search after Lewd Women , 46 police forces Nordau, Max, 140 – 1 Pinkerton National Detective Agency as, 98 Norris, Frank, 140 – 2 policing and race, 292 – 3 novels of seduction, 33 – 4 professionalization of, 48

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populism Inherent Vice , 227 black cosmopolitanism, 186 – 8 V. , 226 continental populism, 186 – 8 McCarthyite populism, 188 Queen, Ellery nativist populism, 181 – 2 authorial anonymity, 171 , 172 pulp populism, 181 – 2 Th e Roman Hat Mystery , 169 , 171 , 174 , 175 U.S. populism, 179 – 80 Porter, David, 346 race see also abolitionist literature ; African- postmodernism see also metaphysical detective American detective fi ction ; slave narratives stories in antebellum culture, 63 African- American detective fi ction, 270 – 1 black malefactors, 30 – 2 literary criticism, 347 – 8 categorization of black prisoners as Pound, Ezra, 161 psychopaths, 212 – 13 Preminger, Otto, 314 , 317 – 18 in city mystery novels, 57 , 63 – 4 print trade and class in Golden Age fi ction, 175 – 6 commercialization of gallows genre, 18 , 27 criminal injustices of slavery, realist crime and the emerging readership, 27 fi ction, 142 – 4 Revolution period, 23 cross- racial sympathies, 63 – 5 prison exposés Th e Garies and eirTh Friends (Webb), 57 , 67 early, 37 – 8 inter- racial relationships, 53 – 4 Inside Out (Coff ey), 38 intra- racial identity traumas, 240 – 1 Th e Narrative of Patrick Lyon , 37 Klu Klux Klan, 181 – 2 , 238 prison reformers, 35 literary criticism, 349 psychoanalysis in the metaphysical detective genre, 227 – 8 in crime fi ction criticism, 343 – 6 Murrell’s “negro war”, 75 – 6 , 78 – 9 and the detective genre, 114 nativist rhetoric in city mysteries, 64 , and Green’s female detective, 114 – 15 65 , 66 – 7 and identity politics, 246 “Nigger Jeff ” (Dreiser), 145 – 7 and the metaphysical detective novel, 224 – 6 Paul Dunbar’s novels, 144 – 5 Oedipus complex, 194 , 344 – 5 and policing, 292 – 3 psychopathology, 205 – 6 , 212 racial oppression and US imperialism, 120 , 121 psychopaths racially motivated lynchings, 145 – 6 and categorization of black criminals, 212 – 13 slave stealing, 76 – 7 concept of, 207 – 8 , 216 surveillance to counter race- based social Darkly Dreaming Dexter (Lindsay), 205 , 217 threats, 137 – 8 de- sensationalization of, 216 – 17 and true crime narratives, 292 – 3 , 297 – 9 developmental/ environmental theories, 207 , urban landscape knowledge, 239 – 40 209 – 10 , 212 urban racism, 184 female promiscuity and sexual irregularities, Reed, Ishmael, 227 , 270 – 1 207 , 210 – 11 reform movements, 57 hereditarian theories, 207 , 208 – 9 , 210 reform societies, 37 , 51 I, Th e Jury (Spillane), 213 – 15 Reynolds, David S., 65 Th e Killer inside Me (Th ompson), 214 – 15 Ridge, John Rollin, 251 , 252 , 254 legal codifi cation of, 207 Riis, Jacob, 139 and narrative shift in crime genre, 206 – 7 , 208 Roberts Rinehart, Mary Psycho (Bloch), 215 – 16 Th e Circular Staircase , 125 , 132 – 3 psychoanalytic explanations for, 213 – 16 Th e Door , 174 Red Dragon (Harris), 205 Roberts, Joan Warthling, 131 representations in hard-boiled fi ction, 208 – 10 Rodriguez, Ralph, 349 sexualization of psychopathy, 210 – 12 Roman Noir (black novels), 316 and social spaces, 217 Romanticism see also antebellum crime fi ction ; split subjects, 215 – 16 Hawthorne, Nathaniel ; Lippard, George ; term, 206 Melville, Herman Pynchon, Th omas carceral gothic, 38 – 9 Against the Day , 226 – 7 and social critique, 57 – 8 Bleeding Edge , 227 , 311 treatments of race, 62 – 3 Th e Crying of Lot 49 , 93 , 226 , 229 Rzepka, Charles, 252

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362 Index

Sallis, James, 310 – 11 the Cold War frame, 301 Salomon, Charlotte, 201 Death Will Have Your Eyes (Sallis), 310 – 11 Sayers, Dorothy, 172 – 3 , 341 in a post- 9/ 11 world, 300 Scharnhorst, Gary, 147 pre- and re-mediation of terrorism, 303 – 4 Schrader, Paul, 319 – 20 premeditated catastrophes, 303 Seitler, Dana, 141 self/ other diff erentiation, 305 – 6 settler colonial crime torture, 304 – 5 in A Study in Scarlet (Conan Doyle), 250 , 251 Th e Tourist (Steinhaure), 300 , 301 in detective fi ction, 251 – 2 Stabile, Susan M., 111 dispossession and development, 254 – 6 Stein, Gertrude and the legal system, 252 , 253 Blood on the Dining Room Floor , 84 , 160 in Native American writing, 250 – 1 , 261 – 2 as criminal modernist, 161 theft of land and property, 252 – 3 , 257 as detective fi ction afi cionado, 176 trade in Indigenous remains and artifacts, 254 on the detective genre, 84 , 156 – 60 Shapiro, Stephen, 36 Steinhaure, Olen, 300 , 301 Sheehan, Paul, 161 – 2 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 58 , 63 slave narratives Stringer, Vickie, 274 and abolitionism, 263 surveillance see also Pinkerton National as alternative tribunals, 79 – 81 Detective Agency Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (Jacobs), contemporary interconnected forms of, 73 , 80 , 264 307 – 8 , 309 Th e Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah to counter class- and race- based social Equiano , 69 , 70 , 74 threats, 137 – 8 Narrative of James Williams , 71 – 4 , 75 , 80 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 162 Th e Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass , and individual freedoms, 308 – 9 73 , 80 , 263 – 4 and social control in realism, 136 – 7 relationships with crime fi ction, 78 , 81 , 263 Sussex, Lucy, 111 , 124 – 5 , 134 veracity claims of, 69 – 71 , 72 – 4 , 75 Sweeney, Susan, 174 slavery see also abolitionists anti- slavery sentiments in Romanticism, 62 – 3 Tallack, Douglas, 192 criminal injustices of in literary realism, 142 – 4 technologies exclusion of slave testimonies, 79 fi ngerprinting, 143 extralegal violence against slaves, 78 – 9 forensic technology in crime fi ction, 137 Slotkin, Richard, 100 – 1 , 343 photography, 142 Smith, Caleb, 38 television see also gangster fi lms/ television ;Th e Snowden, Edward, 306 – 9 Sopranos ; true crime narratives Th e Sopranos Arrest and Trial , 330 beastly natures, 285 – 6 Th e Chicagoland Mystery Players , 327 – 8 cultural impact of, 334 – 6 Columbo , 330 – 1 fear of failure, 283 competition with the movies, 326 – 7 , 330 formal features of the program, 281 – 2 , 333 crime genre on, 326 – 7 , 337 – 8 Godfather saga and, 281 Dragnet , 326 , 328 – 9 Goodfellas and, 281 Fargo , 337 identity and family, 283 – 5 Th e Fugitive , 329 – 30 opening titles, 282 Hill Street Blues , 331 – 2 Th e Public Enemy and, 277 Homeland , 300 , 303 – 4 , 305 – 6 strapline for, 276 Homicide: Life on the Street , 334 Stout, Rex, 170 Justifi ed , 337 Spillane, Mickey, 213 – 15 Law and Order , 330 Spoff ord, Harriet Prescott, 110 , 116 – 18 Miami Vice , 332 spy narratives see also Homeland ; I Am Pilgrim new Golden Age of, 8 (Hayes) NYPD Blue , 333 – 4 and American sovereignty and security, Oz , 334 301 – 2 , 309 – 11 Th e Rockford Files , 331 Citizenfour as, 306 – 9 True Detective , 337

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Twin Peaks , 323 – 4 , 333 Webb, Frank J., 57 , 67 Th e Wire , 336 Webb, Jack, 328 – 9 Wiseguy , 332 – 3 Webb, John, 16 Th omas, Ronald R., 128 , 137 Wilder, Billy, 316 , 317 – 18 Th ompson, George Wilentz, Sean, 59 City Crimes, or Life in New York and Boston , Wilson, Barbara, 228 50 – 1 , 52 , 53 – 4 , 60 , 64 Wilson, Edmund, 1 , 340 – 1 journalism career, 50 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 36 treatment of crime, 56 women detectives Venus in Boston , 51 African- American detective fi ction, 272 – 4 Th ompson, Jim, 214 – 15 Amelia Butterworth novels (Green), 125 , Th ompson, Jon, 163 129 – 31 , 132 , 133 Trent, Hank, 69 – 70 , 71 – 2 , 73 autonomy of, 133 – 4 Trilling, Lionel, 213 Blanche White (Neely), 272 true crime narratives Charlotte Justice, 240 , 241 contemporary, 288 – 9 in dime novels, 124 – 5 and crime rates, 290 in the domestic sphere, 123 – 4 , 133 and the criminal justice system, 298 early forms of, 124 – 5 fascination with murder, 291 Grace Covington (DeLoach), 272 – 3 Th e First 48 , 290 , 293 Irene Adler (Conan Doyle), 125 , 127 – 9 , 130 – 1 “ Th e Fourth State of Matter”, 290 – 1 literary criticism, 349 Ghettoside , 293 Miss Marple (Christie), 113 , 131 Th e Jinx: Th e Life and Deaths of Robert Durst , Rachel Innes (Rinehart), 125 , 132 – 3 288 , 296 – 7 , 299 recontainment in marriage, 123 , 124 , 131 Making a Murderer , 288 , 295 – 6 , 299 Rip- Off Red, Girl Detective (Acker), 228 narrative techniques, 289 – 90 Sadie Walela (Hoklotobbe), 259 – 60 Th e People vs. O.J. Simpson , 297 – 8 spinster detectives, 124 , 125 – 6 , 129 – 30 , 131 – 3 Picking Cotton: Our Memoir Talma Gordon (Hopkins), 110 , 118 – 21 , 264 – 5 of Injustice and Redemption , trajectory of, 124 , 125 – 6 288 , 293 – 5 V. I. Warshawski, 240 and race, 292 – 3 , 297 – 9 Violet Strange (Green), 113 – 15 , 123 , 124 , 125 , 134 Serial podcast, 288 , 296 , 299 women’s liberation, 123 , 129 , 130 – 1 Strange Piece of Paradise , 290 women see also mothers Th e Th in Blue Line , 292 African- American detective fi ction, 272 – 4 wrongful conviction stories, 293 – 6 in city mystery novels, 53 – 4 Twain, Mark, 138 – 9 , 143 – 4 and criminal autobiography, 32 – 4 detective fi ction writers, 110 urban crime fi ction see also and gallows genre, 15 – 16 , 18 , 23 – 4 city mystery novels ; Woods, Paula L. nocturnal picaresque exhaustion in, 247 as exposés of urban criminality, 139 – 40 identity as trauma, 241 ghetto pastoral, 184 identity knowledge, 240 urbanization, 44 – 6 , 51 identity politics, 239 institutional corruption, 242 Van Dine, S. S. as neoliberal texts, 244 – 5 authorial anonymity, 171 , 172 psychoanalysis in, 246 as Golden Age author, 167 – 8 the resisting individual, 242 – 3 Philo Vance series, 170 , 171 , 174 urban landscape knowledge, 239 , 240 “Twenty Rules for Writing Detective Woolf, Virginia, 154 , 161 Stories”, 169 Wright, Richard, 184 , 212 – 13 , 267 – 8 Victor, Meta Fuller, 110 , 125 Visconti, Luchino, 186 Žižek, Slavoj, 345 – 6

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