Notice of Environment Act Proposal Conservation and Water Stewardship has received a proposal pursuant to The Environment Act from the following operation and invites public participation in the review process: MANITOBA FLOODWAY AND EAST SIDE ROAD AUTHORITY - ALL SEASON ROAD CONNECTING PAUINGASSI FIRST NATION AND LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS FIRST NATION TO THE LITTLE GRAND RAPIDS AIRPORT - FILE: 5733.00 The Manitoba Floodway and East Side Road Authority has filed an Environment Act Proposal, Project Description and draft Scoping Document for an all-season road connecting Pauingassi First Nation, Little Grand Rapids First Nation and Little Grand Rapids Airport. The project involves a 36.7 km road along the east side of Family Lake and the west side of Fishing Lake. The proposed all-season road will be located on provincial crown land and will cross two major watercourses at Root Creek and at an unnamed creek between Family and Fishing lakes. The anticipated in-service date for the project is 2019. A separate notice will be published following receipt of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in support of the project, targeted for July 2014. The EIS will also be made available for a 30-day public review period following the filing date. Anyone likely to be affected by the above operation and who wishes to make a representation either for or against the proposal should contact the Department, in writing or by e-mail (
[email protected]), not later than OCTOBER 4, 2014. Further information is available from the Public Registries located at: Legislative Library, 200 Vaughan St., Winnipeg; Millennium Public Library, 4th Floor, 251 Donald St., Winnipeg; Online registry http.// or by contacting Darrell Ouimet, Environment Officer at 204-803-1389.