Sh:757 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 142 (2004), 261-272 QUITE COMPLETE REAL CLOSED FIELDS BY SAHARON SHELAH* Institute of Mathematics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel and Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University New Brunswick, NJ 08854, USA e-mail:
[email protected] ABSTRACT We prove that any ordered field can be extended to one for which every decreasing sequence of bounded closed intervals, of any length, has a nonempty intersection; equivalently, there are no Dedekind cuts with equal cofinality from both sides. 1. Introduction Laszlo Csirmaz raised the question of the existence of nonarchimedean ordered fields with the following completeness property: any decreasing sequence of closed bounded intervals, of any ordinal length, has nonempty intersection. We will refer to such fields as symmetrically complete for reasons indicated below. THEOREM 1.1: Let K be an arbitrary ordered field. Then there is a symmetrically complete real dosed field containing K. The construction shows that there is even a "symmetric-closure" in a natural sense, and that the cardinality may be taken to be at most 2 IKl++sl . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I thank the referee for rewriting the paper. Research supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation. Publication 757. Received December 19, 2001 and in revised form August 25, 2003 261 Sh:757 262 S. SHELAH Isr. J. Math. 2. Real closed fields Any ordered field embeds in a real closed field, and in fact has a unique real closure. We will find it convenient to work mainly with real closed fields through- out.