Cofinality and Measurability of the First Three Uncountable Cardinals
COFINALITY AND MEASURABILITY OF THE FIRST THREE UNCOUNTABLE CARDINALS ARTHUR W. APTER, STEPHEN C. JACKSON, BENEDIKT LOWEÄ Abstract. This paper discusses models of set theory without the Axiom of Choice. We investigate all possible patterns of the co¯nality function and the distribution of measurability on the ¯rst three uncountable cardinals. The result relies heavily on a strengthening of an unpublished result of Kechris: we prove (under AD) that there is a cardinal · such that the triple (·; ·+;·++) satis¯es the strong polarized partition property. 1. Introduction In ZFC, small cardinals such as @1, @2, and @3 cannot be measurable, as mea- surability implies strong inaccessibility; they cannot be singular either, as successor cardinals are always regular. So, in ZFC, these three cardinals are non-measurable regular cardinals. But both of the mentioned results use the Axiom of Choice, and there are many known situations in set theory where these small cardinals are either singular or measurable: in the Feferman-L¶evymodel, @1 has countable co¯nality (cf. [Jec03, Example 15.57]), in the model constructed independently by Jech and Takeuti, @1 is measurable (cf. [Jec03, Theorem 21.16]), and in models of AD, both @1 and @2 are measurable and cf(@3) = @2 (cf. [Kan94, Theorem 28.2, Theorem 28.6, and Corollary 28.8]). Simple adaptations of the Feferman-L¶evyand Jech and Takeuti arguments show that one can also make @2 or @3 singular or measurable, but is it possible to control these properties simultaneously for the three cardinals @1, @2 and @3? In this paper, we investigate all possible patterns of measurability and co¯nality for the three mentioned cardinals.
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